Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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    1 I
DAILtf BFJDI FJUDAtf , OOTOi LJk 10 1834 *
ron Works
\ U. P. 11AILWAY. 7TH & 18TH SiTEBElS
ill and Orain Elevator iachinerv
Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Oloti
are prepared to furnish plans and estimates , and will contract foi
the erection o Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing
Flouring Mills , from Stona to the Roller System.
QaiT'Especial attention given to furnishing Powder Plants for any pur
po ° e , and estimates made for some General machinery repairs attended
promptly. Aadress
ICahn Brothers , }
1813 Farnam Stfee OMAHA. NEBRASKA.
Dormer Window B , Flolall , Window Cups , Iron Creating , Metallic Sky-Ilghta , Ac. Tin. Ircn and Elite Roe
er < 810 Soutn 12th Street Oumhn Nebruk .
Railway Time Table.
Ihe following are the times of the nnd de
parture ol trains by central standard time , at
locil depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten mln
0.01 earlier and arrhe ten mlnutca later.
tHivm. ABKIVI.
6:35 : om Chicago Express 9:00 : * in
9:44 : a m Font Mail. 7:00 : p IT
5:45 : a in I'Uall and KxproM , 71'3pin
12:20 : p m Accommodation. 2tO : p in
"At local depot only.
10'0i5 a m jllall and Kxpross , J7:05 p m
3:05 : p m raclflc ISxpresa , 6:60 : p m
5:26 : p ra Kxprcss , 0:05 : a m
D.14 m Express , 0:65 : p m
6:30 : p ra AtUntlo Uxpross , 0:05 : a m
9 25 a m Day Express , 8:61 : p m
7:20 : a m "Des Uolnoa Accommodation , 0:06 : p m
"At local depot only.
1:20 : am Mall , 4:15 : p m
6.10pm AccoiDinoJat.on U.00 a in
At Transfer only
5.30 p m Express , 0:50 : p m
Si5am ; PaclUa Express 0.05am
7:40 : p ra St. I'aul Kxprvsa , 6:60 : a m
7 20 a m Day Kxpresg 0.50 p m
raio.v nemo.
4.00pm . Western Exprcej , 835am
ll.OOara Paelllo KxpreMj 1:40 : p m
7:40 : urn Local Express , 8:64 : a m
13:10 : am Lincoln Express ,
At Trontfar only , *
Leava 7:20-8:30-0:30-10.30-11:40 : : : : a. m. 1:80-2:3 : :
S 30-4SO-B:30-iSO-ll:05 : : ( : : p. m Sunday 9.20-11:10 :
m. I30 8:30-6:30-0:30-ll05 : : : ; p. ra. Antvo 10 mln
( u Vluro Uavlu tlran
I'nc'.Ieo In Htate an < i rVdcr.l Courts.
Collections promptly attended to ,
Room 10'Shugatt'f Uulldiiif ? ,
corxcir , Bum's IOWA
rooa. OFfioea , u. u. POUT.
Council Bluffi . la.
Established - - 1856
Dealers la Foreign and omestlo Kxchaniro an
Attorneys-at-Law ,
Office , Main Street , Rooms 1 and 2 Shujiut k Me-
Mahon't Block. Will practice In State and Federal
; j. J. STEWART ,
I'ractlces In Federal and State Court * . COl Broad ,
way , over Savings Hank
Justice of tlie Peace ,
Omaha nnd Council Blnffr.
[ leal osUto collection agency , Odd Fcllowi Block
aver HavlmrsBink
Rice M
E , , B.
or ritlicr tumors removed wlthoal In
knllo or drawing o tlood ,
CHRONIC DISEASES " ' " " p y. '
Over hlrty yean i > r ctlcal oiptrlanoe Offce Ho.
I'eirl troti. Council liluCs '
farCoaeullatlon Irca
, *
- -
McGonteai1 Dies from the Effects of the
Receded Here.
Art-out or one of iltC Suspect wl Sln } or * .
' 'oodbino thnt
The news comes from
McGonigal who was so raystoi.01" ' ' ?
bruUHy slugged in this city hud
lis homo In Woodbine and was b ' 'rlcd
yesterday. The police hnvo been for
some time on the cnso. There were fen
eluoa to work upon , the man's condition
vhon found being such that ho could not
; ire any information. It is learned ,
lowovor , that ho was soon at n Into hour
n company with two colored men. Mo
onigal had boon drinking heavily , and
was nbout to take the two darkles in to
rent them. Other information has
> eon gained pointing to thcso
, wo colored men nrc at least knowing
nero nbout the affair than hns yet come
out , and yesterday ollicor O'Brien arrcs-
, cd Cuu" Johnson on suspicion , it being
supposed that ho is the ono who struck
, ho deadly blows. McGonigal was rob
bed of a § 20 gold piece , also gold watch
and chain , and if the clues now obtained
iirovo ns rollablo as they oppoar , there
will bo a network of evidence which will
surround the guilty inou and bring them
.o justice. It is understood that ono
witness is ready to testify that Johnson
struck the blows to his personal knowl
edge. It is hoped that the guilty party
may bo caught and punished , for the
deed was ft most brutal and cowardly one ,
md ono in rrhich there seem no possi
ble extenuating circumstances.
Wrought iron ranges at reduced prices.
DoVol & Wright , 501 Broadway.
Railway Disasters.
A gentleman who arrived from St.
Louis over the Wab.ash yesterday says that
ho onglno which wont through the
> rldgo between Marysvillo and Stansbury
was still in the water , and that passen
gers had to bo transferred , the bridge not
> oing In condition for trains. The body
of the engineer , Harvey Cornish , was re
covered and taken to Stansbury , whore
his wife and family lived. Oornlsh formerly -
morly lived in St. Joe , and was a man of
considerable property ,
George Chamberlain , the engineer
tilled in the collision on the Union Pa
cific , as narrated in yesterday's BEE ,
'ormorly lived here , and was switching in
; ho Onicacjo & Hock Island yards. Ho
, hon wont on na engineer , and from there
: o the Kansas City road , and then to the
Union Pacific as night engineer on the
pridgo division , a position which ho hold
'or about two years. Ho was then trans-
'erred ' to the main line of the Union Pa
Closing Our.
To close the business I oiler my stock
of miscellaneous books , pictures , fancy
; oods , notions , fire screens , easehnil -
low and cano high chairs and children's
rockers , at prices never known before in
the west. H. E. Seaman , paper , books
and stationery , 405 Broadway , Council
Ronl Estate TrAnai'ors.
The following are the real estate trans
fora filed for October 0 and reported to
THE BEE by P. J. McMahon.
T. AT. Corbaly to Francis Gross , lot 10 ,
block 8 , Mynstor's addition. § 1,800.
Anna Maria Helena Anquos Siovors to
Olaus J. Sieuers no ] 9 , 77 , 40. SL'-
000.Egbert Starr to Catharine Keenan , lot
2 in Douglas' sub division , lot 1 , block
18 , in Grimo's add. § 000.
W. R. Cole and wife to E. C. Cole ,
lot 3 , block 10 , in Mills' add. $000.
Robert Porcival to Stephen Dunnpart
lot 3 , block C , Curtis & Ramsey's add.
§ 300.W. .
W. F. Pierce and wife to John J. Rod-
onbaugh , so ] , so | , 19 , 74,39. § 100.
Edna Kdgar to Samuel M. Davenport ,
.Ksw { , 30 , 75 , 39. § 100.
Ihoro are 050 creameries in Iowa.
Missouri Valley hangs up § 1COO for
running races on the 14th and Ifith.
An Indian burial place has boon dis
covered within the corporate limits of
The State Teachers' association will bo
bold at Dos Moines on the 22cl , 23d and
24th of December.
Bishop Honncssy dedicated a now
Outholio church at Worthington , Dubuqo
County , on the second.
The now Methodist church and par
sonage at Sioux City , which wore dedi
cated last Sunday , cost § 25,000 ,
The east side of Dos Moinea contains
moro wickedness to the square inch than
any district of similar size in the state.
In prospecting for coal at Peterson a
10-foot vein was struck of what is pro
nounced the host quality of potter's
The independent school district of
[ owa City , according to the census just
taken , has 1,970 boys and 2,250 girls of
school ago.
Saloon raids are frequent in Dos
Moinos. Although prohibition is strict-
enforced , there were 40 arrests for drunk * ,
enness during September.
Mrs. Jacob Shawvor , for nearly forty
i > ears a much-esteemed resident of Cedar
county , committgd suicide on the 30th
ult. by severing the juglar vein with a
lion Michael Donohuo , who was may
or if Davenport in 1807-8 , and for many
years a prominent citizen of that city ,
lied suddenly of dropsy on the 2d , in his
C9th year.
During the five months beginning with
May and ending with September , the
little town of Springvillo , Linn county ,
aln'ppoi 093,000 pounds ot Butter , and n
122,000 pounds of clioeso.
A Des Moinea man , said ( o bo worth
§ 50,000 , was recently detected stealing a
mechanic's tools. Thu size of his pile
kept his immn out of the papern. 11 is
potty thefts are dubbed "kleptomania. "
Bloux City is trying to put ou Metro
politan airs by stirring up the coachman's
sruze. The daughter of John Swart/
skipped out last week and took § 1,000 of
the old nun's money with them. They
were married at a neighboring town.
In Clay county last week , as two
brothers , Win. L. and John Karl , wore
In a boat hunting ducks , William , who
sat In the slein of the boat took aim at a
Hock of ducks nnd just n no shot John
who wn > in the bow of the boat rote up
suddenly intending to fire at the same
ducku , and received the full charge from
William's gr.n in the Wk part of Ida
i'oad , causing inatant death.
WnJ. JVjoro , of Williams , Hamilton
county , svTicHtjd on the night of the L7th
ult , by hnnptojgIZ ° nm ° an excuse to
his wife to go ( o the ? " to look nf'or '
the horao , fthu "J ho did not u ? ' " ° "ack
ns soon as she thought ho should , icaiw
wan made for him. Ho had tied a rope
to ono of the rafters , adjusted U to his
nock , nnd jumped off the hayloft ,
A Itoninrknblu lleeovory ,
The Xow York
papers recount a case
of the most marvelous recovery from the
verge of death to activity that lias over
boon recorded in the annals of that city.
On the evening of August lUh houlsa
llullzman wns turned out of homo by
kher father. She wandered about the
ah'oots of Harlem nil night. At day-
broa-t aho staggered on the veranda in
front of John W. Funk's house , and ho
seeing the shadow of her hat upon the
window JKMIO , mistook her for n burglar
nnd fired two shots from n thirty-two
calibro , nvolvcr , both of which took of-
feet in her head. Bho was picked up by
nn otttcor , who found her lying in the
street quito n distance from Mr.
Funk's house and convoyed to the OlHh
street hospitnl. Ono bullet
had struck hoc just behind the left oar ,
shattered the skull and took n slanting
course , upward through the brain sub
stance , nnd finally lodged , it is presumed
against the inner pinto of the skull nt the
top of the back part of the hond. The
pthor ball struck her forehead nbout two
inches above the outer extremity of the
left eye , took n slanting courao down
ward nnd lodged in the base of the brain.
Wliilo attended nt the hospitnl she was
for two days in n comatose state. On
ono occasion her breath and heart boats
stoppdo for so long n period that she
was believed to bo dead , but on the
third day , to the surprise of every ono ,
she rallied. Her right aide was found
to bo pnrnylzodnnd she had lost the power
of speech. Still she continued to im
prove. The manner of her treatment
and the ell'octo which attended it , nro
further described :
Liquid nourishment was injected into
her stomach , but she retained llttlo food.
At the end of ton days her condition rapIdly -
Idly improved. Her paralysis disapponrod
about September 1st. Her power of
speech bognn to return in about fifteen
dnya after her Injury , until nt present
tboro is only n alight impediment in her
speech. The external wounds hnvo en
tirely healed. There has boon , since her
convnlosconco , no disturbance of mental
functions , ns is usual in cases where re
covery has followed brain injury. If nny-
thing is noticeable that her intellect is
brighter nnd disposition bettor now thnn
it was before she wns injured.
This is termed a remarkable case , nnd
the reader will admit that it is so , nnd
ono worthy of investigation for the benefit
fit of medical science.
Telephoned Oporn In
Under this head wo recorded last week
the BUcroBsful transmission of instrumen
tal music from Brussels to Antwerp. In
telligence now roaches us of an opera
played in Brussels being hoard by the
king and queen of thn Belgians at Oatond.
Six microphones on the Van Rysaolborgho
systems had boon placed in front of the
footlights , facing the performers. Two
similar instruments wore also fitted , ono
on either side of the conductor's desk , at
the height of the musical instruments in
the orchestra ; and for future occasions il
is determined to add a double microphone
in the prompter's box. All those trans
mitters wore actuated by a single Fauro
accumulator placed under the at ego with
the microphone coils , the latter being all
mounted in quantity , and really forming
but ono and the same transmitting instru
ment. As in the case of the experiments
recorded lost weektho circuit was formed
by ono of the overhead wires of the
Bell Telephone company , loading from
the central ofiico to the northern termi
nus , whore it joined the state telegraph
line to the Oatond station , which was in
direct communication with two Hell re
ceiving instruments , fixed in the drawing
room of the royal chalet. M. Berlinen
gineer , who had directed the installation
with M. Van Ryssolborgho , remained at ,
Oitond , while the latter gentleman wont
backward and forward from the Monnaio
theater ( the Brussels opera housn'to the
telegram oflico at the northern terminus
watching how the instruments work
od. Thcso had been placed in the thea
ter during the day by M. Mouriou'a men
in charge of the foreman , Hobo. The
experiment is reported to have again suc
ceeded beyond expectation , and on the
following day M. Van Ryssolborgho had
the honorof being received by the Queen
who is known to bo an assiduous opera
goer as well as an accomplished musician.
Her Majesty spoke or having hoard per
fectly all the details of the first and last
nets of "Faust , " and made some valuable
suggestions for a permanent installation.
Advice to VOUIIK Spoilsmen.
St. Nicholas for October ,
Always boar in mind that it is the muz
zle of n gun thnt is dangerous ; therefore ,
never allow the muzzle to point toward
yourself of nny other person.
Never put your hand over tho' muzzle
of a gun , nor allow another person to
handle your gun while it is loaded.
Use a brooch-loading gun with re
bounding hnmmors. A niuiv.lo loading
gun is both Inconvenient and dangerous
to load.
IlmnmorloBB guns are beautiful and
convenient weapons , but they nro not fit
for boys to use , especially boys who nro
just beginning to hoot.
If you nro limiting in company with
others , bo careful and courteous , always
refraining from shooting at birds that
are flushed nearer to your companion
than you , and do not allow your gun ,
under nny circumstances , to point at , erin
in the direction of , any human being.
Open your gun at the breech and tnko
out both shells before climbing ever n
fence getting into a wagon going into a
house , or handing the gun to a person
not used to fire arms ,
Never drag a gun toward you muz/.lo
Treat an unloaded gun with the aaino
cnro that you would use in u loaded ono.
"I did not know It was loaded" has
caused many terrible accidents.
It is best to thoroughly clvan and dry
gun after it has boon used all day , nnd
when not in use it should bo kept in a
woollon or leather case ,
Novur shoot at harmless and worthless
birds , "juat to try your hand " Moat
small birds are pretty , seine cf them sing
sweetly und nearly nil of them nro useful
as insect dostroyurs , It is brutal to kill
them for any other than scientific or art
tistia purpoHes.
When out hunting observe everything
BO na to roinombor the minutoat details of
visible nature. Knowledge thus gathered
is invaluable.
Boyu out hunting together should bo
very cautious in thick covert , na there ,
one may bo quite near another and not
see him ,
Mnynr VnuKhnnTcllH How
Clly Gets Uexcnuo Ventn 8ft.
loons NpKoilniitiK Oily
Itonds AHpHptiiont
lit ( arm * ,
Sioux City ,
Ono of the conspicuous figures nt tin )
Knights of IMhins encampment is Mayor
, 'ighnn , of Council Binds. The chief
executive ? f the Bin Us cijy Is not nslmmod
of his rnnk ns ni > olllcinl nor his posi
tion in n number of secret societies , ns is
shown by the huge gold biulgo which ap
pears prominently on the bosom of his
dross coat. This badge was presented to
him on his recent return from Now York ,
whore ho successfully negotiated some
§ 175,000 of Council Blurts paving nnd
sewer bonds , nftor other financiers had
given up the job In despair. The body of
the bndao is comprised of the emblems of
the different orders of which hois n mem
ber. Suspended to it is n pendant bear
ing the word "Mayor The circle around
the pondnnt Is et witn diamonds , rubies
nnd ponrls. Thnt is the kind of n man
.ho mayor of Council Blull' * is.
A reporter intorvinwod him yesterday
with the hope of getting points on mun-
cipal business , and was not disappointed.
Pho note book man first naked whether
Council BlutTs got n revenue from
"Yes , Council Bluffc goto100 n year
rom each ol its fifty saloons , L do not
ind the saloon men opposed to paying.
. am informed that two or throe nro not
> aying , nnd have sent word by the police
hat if the money Is not in when I return
hey must clow. Iho ordinances licenses
ho selling of beverages not prohibited by
aw. The state supreme court has not
yet passed on the constitutionality of the
tow prohibition law , nnd wo do not
tssumo to say what bovoragoa aroprohib-
ted. The saloon men know that while
, hey pay public sentiment in the city is
> n their side , nnd so generally hnvo pnid
ICOIIBO just as before July 4. They pro-
or to pay rnthor than got in n quarrel
with the city. Pottawattamio county
; nvo a Inrgo majority against the prohi
bition amendment I understand Wood-
jury county is that wny and our grand
juries do not indict liquor sellers. "
Docs Council Blull's * debt exceed the
ivo per cent constitutional limit ?
"Yes , nnd no. Our valuation is § 1-
)00,000 ) on property really worth
§ 10,000,000 , and wo have a bonded
municipal debt proper of § 160,000. The
water-works nro owned by n company ,
not by the city. The now Issue of some
thing ever § 200,000 sewer nnd paving
bonds , part of which are not yet 'sold be
cause we do not need the money , would
exceed the constitutional limit. But I
liavo the opinion of the attorney-general
and members of the supreme court that
thcso bonds nro not n city debt within
the meaning of the constitutional limit.
The city hns n lion on the lots abutting
on the streets thnt are sewered and
paved , and the city , in cll'ect , only guar
nntoo the bonds issued to pay for the
work , which , in the end , will bo paid by
the owners of the lots that are Improved
by paving nnd sewering. "
How did you find the market for city
bonds in Now York ?
"I had to go outside the dealers and
bankers to sell them. When I found the
men who had their own money to put in
I made sales. Ono man took § 90,000.
The trouble with Iowa bonds is this : The
assessment only shows about one-quarter
of the real value of the property in n
townin many cases not that. The capi
talists nsk what is the assessed value ol
property in the city offering bonds , nnd
what the present bonded indebtedness is.
Every city in Iowa Is bonded beyond the
legal limit , directly or Indirectly , and it
is because the assessed value does not
show the roa ! valup of the property in n
town. So much must bo raised by tax ,
and if there is n low assessment there
must bo n high levy. The capitalist will
look at the city's ability to pay , and the
high tax levy looks bad. It is had to
convince him thnt the assessment is only
25 or 30 per cent of the real valuo. All
this hurts the sale of Iowa securities.
\Vhilo Now York cities sell their securi
ties bearing 3A and 4 per cent , Iowa cities
nro glad to sell nt 7 per cent , Yet Iowa
stands high in the favor of eastern capi
talist. Ono thing that would help would
bo a law requiring lown insurance compa
nies to invest in Iowa securities. Other
states do that way , and it mnkos n market
for homo securities.
Tattooing among Aln k Indians.
A man who had paisoil much time
trapping and hunting in Alaska says :
Although the Yukon Indians have ubin-
donod many of their old customs , under
the teaching of occasional missionaries ,
nil of them still keep to the queer habit
of tattooing. The way they do this is
different from any I ever saw or hoard
of. Instead of pricking the stuff in
with sharpened bones or noodles , they
make a paste out of charcoal and grease ,
soak n thread in It , punch a noodle
through the flesh HO that it comes
out at a different hole from the ono where
it entered , and then draw the thread
through under the skin. The operation
Is painful lor the llesh swells up nnd
looks very much inflamed. Men ta'.too
only their hands and wrists with pictures
of the nobler animals or fish , but the wo
men tattoo their faces also. These latter
begin the process when they nro quito
young , making birds , turtles or some
other insignificant things on their hands
nnd wrists , while they draw lines of dif
ferent kinds on their chins and the lower
part of their cheeks. As a rule this tattooing
teeing is done entirely in blue , but now
and then there is an Indian who has dotted -
ted rod spots through the blue.
AVliy Ho AVxnt Into HnlooiiH ,
From the Meiclmnt Tnuoler.
"My , my , " said u temperance advo
cate to n friend of his , whom ho mot
coming out of a saloon. "I didn't know
you wont into such places. "
"Ah , indeed ? Then you have learned
something this morning. "
"Yes , and J iun sorry I have learned
It. "
"I don't think it very wrong "
"Ah , my friend , that's where the harm
is. Your liner senses are blunted by
such associations , nnd the demon dritu
is changed In your sight to a beautiful
siren , whose song transforms you into a
boast. Why , dear friend , oh , why , do
you go into thoio places ? "
"Why , really , old friend , I can't ' say ,
unless It is that the durnud saloon-keepers
have become so aristocratic they won't
bring it out to n customer and let him
drink it on Iho street. I'm bound to
have it , so you see 1'vo got to go in
after it. "
Win. liurhmnstor , a young carpenter ol
Burlington , 21 years of age , wns swinging -
ing at the poor farm on thu 2nd with a
daughter of the steward. The swing was
hung on a heavy timber between two
trees , The timber snapped in two , and
the jagged und of one piece struck the
youtiK man on thu top of thu head , crush
ing the kull and producing death soon
after. The young girl wan thrown in an
opposite direction and was not injured ,
Ono of thoBos-fc and Urgoat Stacks fait to United .Sfc
to fjoioct from.
* I
' H
Whore They Can Enjoy Pure Air & Waterl
And all o the good mm ploasnul things that Ego to make up a corr-
ploto and happy oxistouco.
The town o South Omahn ii tiumted south o the city , 'of Omaha
ou the line of the U. P. Railway , nud it is less th&u 2 miles from the
Omtihu post oflico to the north line c i the town site.
South Omahn is nearly 11 miles north and south by 2J east and
west , nud covers nu nrea of nearly foursquare miles , * & *
The stock yards are at the extreme southern limit. < f >
Nearly 150 lots have been sold and the demand is on 4he increasa
The yards are being rapidly pushed to completion.
The 500,000 beef packing house is progressing finely.
The $30,000 Water Works nro finished and furnish an nbundaok
supply of
The B. & M. and Belt Line Railways have a largo force o men at
work and will , in connection with the U. P. Railway , have a union depof
near the park at the north end of the town. Soitable grounds will bo
furnished for Church and School purposes.
Now is the time to buy lota in this growing'city. They will neve *
be"cheaper than they are to-day. * "
§ 2F Apply at the Company's office , nt the Union Stocks Ynrds. | ' *
Assistant Secretary ,
They Are Without A Rival.
Have been Awarded One Hundred aLdjjj eighteen Priz
Medals at all the prominent expositions of the
World for the Last Fifty Years.a And
Lira's ' Pianists
Most Perfect Piano
Au examination of tlieBQ magnificent Pianos is politely requested
before purchasing any other instrument.
General Western Representatives.
P. S.-Also Gen'l Agt's for KNABE , VOSE & SONS
B08TONUarch lei , IBS } .
K1TKHSON 1'IANO CO OmrHMM Your Instruments. GrindSquareancl'.Uiirlght . , ar really colbj
tulrunieotj and curivallod lot Iwauty ol touo and tlulali. Allow mo to.oongratulat yjo.u o y pur Bterllnj
. " " " " * " " " " " " " ,
( iruvrui * dUBTAVK SATTEK
7H CI P > JE3 * . H j ainio Dodge Street , Onuili * , Neb.
T i lS