Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1884, Page 6, Image 6

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Friday Morning Ootobor 10.
No. 7 Pearl Btmt.'Kour Broadway.
See J. Roller's now fall stock of cloths.
The city council moot next Monday
Governor Sherman ia expected to upoak
hero November 1.
Call at n. Friedman's net ? cloak
rooms , 341 Broadway.
The annual bll of the Regal Arcanum
lakes place this evening.
Special Bale of cloaku at B. Priodcaan'e
now cloak store , 341 Broadway.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians wil
give a ball at the Masonic temple Octo
Mel Gregory is corving as mail carrioi
on Si Parker' * route during the latter1 *
Subscribers to the piano concert nro requested -
quested to select their seats at Bush-
noil's to-day.
The boor Bnt on case M eon Post"
ponod two wooks. In the meantime ,
shall the dsnco go on ?
Ladies you can save 25 per cent on
cloaks by calling at the now cloak storoof
H. Friedman , 341 Broadway.
Tony Gorspachor has boon appointed
pound-master for fifteen days , and the
raid on stray cows has commenced.
The cleaning off the mud from Main
street is a great improvement , and now
that the street is cleaned it should bo
kept BO.
L. B. Gannon , the democratic candi
date for attorney general , is to bo here
on the 18th inst. , the same day on which
Mr. Carlisle * will apeak horo.
Mrs. E. Dorland , who foil down stairs
at her homo on Vine street n few days
ago , is suffering greatly , her injuries being
more serious than at first appeared.
The man McErvain , who lost a log in
the 0. B. & Q. yards , Is recovering so
rapidly that ho will aoon bo able to bo
able to bo removed to his homo In Ne
The democrats made qulto n showing
of enthusiasm last night , and had a largo
crowd out to hoar D. O. Finch , ono of
the the democratic candidates for election-
at-Iargo , and D. F. Miller , of Eookuk.
0. L. Pollord , who was arrested for
stoalign a pair of shoos from 7. M. Phil
lips' store , was yesterday aontoncod by
Justice Vaughan to twenty days in jail.
and ton days moro for jumping his board
bill at the Ogden house. His compan
ion , "W. H. Barnes , was acquitted of the
charge of larceny , and sentenced to ton
days in jail for beating his board.
A largo number of Orescent folks wore
here yesterday attending Justice Abbott's
court in the case of Abel vs. Thompson.
Twenty-six witnesses were examined yes
terday and the caao not concluded. It is
a caao of landlord's writ of attachment ,
the claim b'oingthat the crops on a rented
farm have boon neglected and ruinod.
The Now York "Musical Items" aays :
"It gives ua pleasure to record the suc
cessful appearance of another of Ameri
ca's young pianistos in the piano recital
given by Misa Nelly Stovona. Most
worthy of mention nro her excellent
technique and brilliancy in rapid octave
passages , her adequate power and the
earnest study displayed in her interpre
tations. "
O. J. King , th superintendent of the
now government building , ia having hie
oilico fixed up on the inaido so as to bo
moro comfortable. The water , which has
accumulated in the excavation for the
foundation of the government building ,
was being pumped out yesterday. There
will bo no work done at present , there
being a necessary wait for the bida on the
foundation to como in. They are to bo
opened October 18tb.
The prohibitionists hold a conference
in Malvorn recently. The moiubors
were divided as to tbo propriety nnd ad *
visibility of placing an oloctotal atato and
congreeutonal ticket in the field , nnd no
definite action waa taken at this point.
It was unanimously agreed , however , to
put speakers at work showing up the
course of prohibition in aa strong a light
as possible.
The second grand annual opening ol
the roller skating rink will take placi
next Monday evening. During the after
noon the rink will bo open for the admis
sion ot ladles free. The rink has beer
thoroughly refitted , and floor smoolhoi
and polished. The rink will continue
under the proprietorship of n. II. Martens
tons , who baa secured aa manager , A. F
Schanck , of Peoria , III.
A fellow giving his name aa Hill wac
yesterday trying to pawn an ovorcoal
for fifty conta. Detective Clatterbuck
arrested him on suspicion of stealing the
coat , and aa ho was taking him to jail ,
Henry McCampboll , a porter at the
Pacific house , noticed the fellow and roo-
ognlzcd the overcoat as ono stolen from
him , and made him take it off and give
it back. An information charging lar
ceny has boon filed against him in Jus
tice Schurz's court.
There were special services at the Oath-
lic church yesterday In memorial of Ilov.
Father Mulholland , who died just ono
month ago yesterday. The rorvloo waa
what in known as "Tho Month's Mind , "
" ' " Besides the
or , "Month's Memory.
pailor , Rev , Father MoMonomy , and hla
assistant , Rev. Father Haley , a rjUmbor
> f visiting clergymen participr , tcd. In
ho mass Rev. Father Moran , < , { Missouri
Valley was celebrant , Ilov. F nthor Haley
deacon , Rov. Fi thor McAUtCa0i Of Corn-
ng , sub-doncon , Rov. J Ames Foley , of
Stowarl , maslor of corr monies , and Rov.
Father Clark , of Shr ji ndoah , preached
ho sermon , on the merits and virtues of
the deceased. 1' sv. Father Dollard , of
Walnut , and P.ov. Father Emblan , of
Omaha , also participated In the services.
Mr. J. A. Garham , the photographer ,
arrived In this city yesterday and will at
once pro ceod to fit up Iho rooma which ho
haa procured over 31 Main alroot. Mr.
Gorlumhaahad galleries In Milwaukee
and Detroit , Michigan , where ho had the
regulation of being ono of the boat artiats
in the stato.
A Fatal Accident at the Railway Gross
ing on Vatican Aycnnc ,
A Train KunH Into n Homo nnd IliiKKr.
Killing llio Driver.
A fatal accident occurred at the Chica
go & Rock Island railroad crossing and
Vaughan avenue , the victim of which
was J. W. Downey , of Chicago , who has
boon stopping at Kiel's hotel since the
latter part of August. Downey's busi
ness was peddling silks and cloths , and
ho started out yesterday morning with a
horao and buggy from Dr. Patten's livery
stable. In crossing the railway Irack and
Vaughan avenue a freight train from the
east run into the rig , killing the horse
and throwing the man backward out of
buggy , causing Injuries which led to
death -within a few hours. The train
was freight No. 17 , with
S. 0. Burohard conduclor , and
Ohas. Travor engineer. The head
brakesman , S. Wiley , was In Iho cab of
the engine at the lime , ringing Iho boll ,
whtlo the fireman was busy pulling in
coal. All the trainmen declare that the
whistle waa blown fully 300 foot woat of
the crossing , and the boll waa rung. At
that crossing the view ia very much ob
structed , anyone driving along the road
being uimblo to BOO a train approaching
from the east , and the trainmen not being
able to BOO the crossing. The train was
only about forty foot from the crossing
when Iho engineer first saw Iho man in
the buggy , who waa then about fifteen
foot from the track. The engineer re
versed his engine , but it was too lato.
The horao was struck , and thrown
free from the harness and buggy ,
qulto a distance to the south of
the track. The buggy was at the same
time lifted off the ground , and the man
fell put backward , while the harness
catching on some part of the engine
dropped the buggy a little ways before it
broke looio. The man was picked up in
an unconscious condition but still olive ,
and waa at once taken lo his boarding
place , Kiel's hotel. An examination
showed that the man waa seriously hurt ,
ho Buffering from congestion of the brain
and internal injuries. Thor only frac
ture discovered waa that of ono rib.
The man lingered along
for about two hours and then death
ensued. But litllo ia known of Ihe deceased -
ceased beyond the facts stated. Ho had
on his person a letter headed "Grand
Lodge of Oalododiana , " dated at Edin-
bnrg and signed by John Downly , and
several bills from Gilmartin & Doyle ,
Chicago , from whom ho had evidently
boon buying goods.
Coroner Council hold an inquest , the
jury conaisling of F. W. Spotman , Ed
Sohickontunz and D. Jorman. The
toatimony showing that the train
waa at the time of the
accident , running at the rate of sixteen
miles or so an hour , Iho question arose
as lo whether Iho crossing ia within Iho
oily limits , and it was doomed best not
to render a verdict until this could bo
Among the papers in the possession of
the deceased was a letter from Wyan-
dotlo , signed Mrs. S. E. Fay , ulso sev
eral letters signed William Hunt. Ho
had also some printed cards reading "J.
M. Downey , late of the firm of A. T.
Stewart , Satin Department , [ 103 Broad
way , Now York. "
Uxrioaltlon ,
Fall and winter millinery goods at J.
J. Auworda & Co.'s , Friday and Satur
day of this week.
Notcn From the Institution ,
The institution for Iho deaf and -dumb
has onlcrod upon another year , which
promises to bo a prosperous and success
ful ono. There have boon a few changes
in the corps of teachers. Professor
Downing haa gone to Austin , Texas , lo
loach articulation in lhat city. Professor
Roberts , of Oskaloosa , haa taken his
place horo. Ho ia an experienced in
structor , and haa boon connected with
the Institution at Olatho , Kansas. Mies
Shaw has resigned , and ia now living in
the eastern part of the atato , caring for a
school of ouo. Miss Cramer , of Dunlap ,
haa also resigned , her health being too
poor for her to continue her work.
The building improvements are progressing -
grossing nicely. The now school house
building is now up to the cornice , and
the now chapel ia ready for the alato on
the roof. The buildings will soon bo so
that the work on the Interior will bo
started on.
The printing oilico , an excellent ono by
the way , ia Una year under the charge of
Mr. George S , Lnndis , Mr. Richardson ,
who waa in charge last year , having gene
to Little Rock , Ark. , lo lake an impor
tant and lucrative position in the Gazette -
zetto oilico at that place , Mr. Landis ia
a good workman , nnd learned his trade
in the Lancaster , Pa , , Intelligencer , and
has Iwo years' experience in teach mules.
Full nnd winter millinury goods at J.
J. .Auworda & Co.'s , Friday and Satur
day of tliis vrook.
Toolc a Tumulo.
Yesterday morning Ernest Strokor , a
bricklayer employed by Chris Straub on
the now buildings at the institution for
the deaf and dumb , fell from a ladder a
distance of several feet , receiving quite
serioua injuries , His loft thumb waa
broken , his back hurt and ono leg bruised ,
lie was brought to the Creston house ,
wher ho has been boarding for some time
past. j
. " Krnect I * . Smith h off for a trip into Mis-
konti ,
Mlw Xetllo Klneald hat accepted a position
with II. 1'ricdmnn ,
J. H. JJumuglu linn Keno to Wmikoiha ,
WIs. , to lock better health nt tlio springs
there ,
Term A. Graham , the business manager of
the .lollltleo , wan hero yesterday arranging
( or the ftpjwaranco of the company on the llth
and 13th.
.Tobn Whltely , the business agent of Llt-
UO'B "World , " was In tlio city yesterday ar
ranging for the company to bo here on the
10th. Mr. Whitcly in ono of the best known
and bent liked advance agents In the land , and
lit a "rusher. "
Kov. W. T. Smith , the newly appointed
presiding elder of thin district of the Mctho-
dint conference , has decided to move from his
present homo in Indianola to Mnlvcrn , which
ho will make his headquarters. This will bo n
disappointment to his Council Bluffs friends
who expected him to locate hero.
From the Malvorn Loader are learned
the following particulara of Mr. Norrls *
loss of atock : Wm. Norris , Esq. , had
Iho mmforluno lo lose five head of valua
ble horses in Iho following manner : A
quantily of rye had boon threshed and
placed in a bin on his farm just west of
town. The cracks In the granary had
been stuffed with hay to keep the grain
from running out. A hoard of horses
lhat had boon turned into the field to
browse collected about the rye bin , ate
the hay from Iho cracka and lot the rye
out In sufficient quantity to founder and
kill five of their number aa atatod abovo.
Two moro of the animalo are In a precar
ious condition- The total loss will
amount to several hundred dollars. Mr.
Norrls was in Nebraska at the time and
know nolhing of his loss until ho re-
Wheat-No. 1 milling , CO@G5j No. 3 , 60 ®
GO ; rojoctod'IC.
Corn Local purposes , 35 ® 40.
Oats For local purposes , 85@10.
Hey S10 00@12 00 per ton ; baled , DO@GO
Kyo 40@45o.
Corn Meal 1 30 per 100 pounds.
Wood Good supply ; prlcoa at yards , 0 00 ®
700.Coal Delivered , hard , 11 60 per ton ; soft
5JOO per ton
Lard Falrbank's , wholesaling at Ofc.
Flour City flour , 1 00@8.80.
Brooms 2 9G@3 00 per doz.
Oattlo Butcher cows 3 003 25 , Butcher
stoora1 00(34 ( 25.
Sheep 3.50.
rnonccE AND rnuiTS.
Poultry LI vo old bens , 7c ; spring chickens ,
2 25@2 50 per doz.
reaches J bus. box , 1 00.
Lomona 1 60@5 00 per box.
Butter Creamery , 18@20o ; choice country
Ifc.Kgga 1C per dozen.
vegetables Potatoes , 3040o per bushel ;
onions , 40@60o per bu ; npploa , cheico cooking
or eating , 15 50 ; beans , 1 75@U CO per
bushel ; Sweet uotatoos , 4 00oar bbl.
Now hats , now styles , and now Domor-
esl's patterns at A. W. Arbuthnot's.
NOTIOK. Bpoolal a veitlaementa , euo M test ,
Found , To Loan , For Sals , To Rent , Want * , BoardIng -
Ing , oto. , will bo Inserted In this column at the low
rate of TEN CENTS FEU LINK for the Drst Insertion
and KIVK CENTS 1'Ell LINE for oaoh euboequont n-
eertlon. Loavn advertisement ) at our office , No.
Pearl Street , near Broadwar
vllors on coits ,
pants nndesto Joa. Holtcr , 810 Droadwrny
Council BIullB.
\\7ANTED Local and district agents for tne MilT -
T T tual lieu no Fund Life Association , Now York.
The leading Ufa association of America. Ono htin-
drod millions business , 65,000 members , $703,000
paid In losses , 8100,000 deposited with Insurance
commission of Now York. Insurance at less than
BO-calloil "old t'mo"
ono-half Iho rates charged by -
companies. Address U. H. Uann , Department Man
ager , Council llluffs , Io a.
COAL Anms , Capital Centcrvillo and other soft
lonacoalkcptatOeorgo Heatons , 623 llroail-
way. Telephone No. 110.
T3EABONAI1U' THICKS Fair weight and meas-
JLli uro at Ueorgo lloaton's coal and \\ooU jarJ
078 llroaduay. Telephone No. 110.
77011 SALK-A fine blooded stallion. S. dold-
X1 s'cln , 40 Uroadnay , Council lllulls.
SAI.IJ UIUSONAIIU : . Coffee roosting ,
union and grocery business. Only ono in limn.
Hcuhon , 111 health. Address U. L. Williams , 18 North
Main M , , Council HlnDTa.
HKNT Furnished room , 6CD Washington
BALK Oil KINT : The Orvu I'nckluK ho
and machinery , located In this city. Capai
IRQ hogs IIP' day. Udell & Day.
' K\ery bixlym Council JUluOa to tan
WAJN'IKU . Delivered by carrier at only twenty
cents a week.
FOll 8ALK My residence , corner 7th avenue and
10th street If taken soon will sell lor * 2,000
below value. Will alia tell furniture , carjtetu , &a ,
all or In part. It not sold at once will rent promi
ses , with house liunUhi-d or unfurnlihed , at
moderate rent. Any one thinking of making
their home in Council liluila will do well to investi
gate thin offer. It U the best bargain over ottered
in the city. M A. Ul'TON.
OLD 1'APKIlS-For sale at U office , at 25 cent *
a hundred
Mrs , HJ , Hilton. HJ , ,
332 Middle Bro dw y. Council BluOa.
Monday Evening
A. F , SCIIANOK , 11.11. MAHTEKB ,
Manager. 1'roprietor ,
3DDB. O. O.
Dr , "W. H. Shorradon
Masonic -Temple ,
Council IMufla - Iowa.
-p AT. A..QTH
Music Hall
Council Bluffs , - - - Iowa
Musical Instruments of Every Description
I claim to have the best selected stock and largest variety of any
no about here. I can duplicate New York and Chicago prices every
ime ; and that I sell low those wno are and have been my customers w1
bear me out.
My line of Plush 'Goods is especially fine , such as Albums , Odor
Cnses , Toilet Sets , Ladies' Arm Bags , Purses , etc.
I have the largest stock and best variety in Cups and Saucers ,
Toilet Sets , Tin Toys , Dolls , Doll C-xrriages , Wagons , Sleds. Carts ahd so
on without an end.
As my traveling agent may not get around to see you in timeI will allow
ou 5 per cent on any bill for traveling expanses if you will call at my
ore and make your selections. My samples will bs ready by October
st , 1884. I guarantee low prices.
Assortments of Toysfrom 8100 to 55.00 put upjready ship.
Both new and second hand , ranging in prices from § 3.50 to
$25 each. Take advantage and call early to obtain
the best bargains. I am making a big reduction in
As I need the room to display my stock ol stoves.
Counc Blutr" '
To close out our stock of Summer Goobs , we are ofleeiug them remark
ably low.
Present price 50c , former price 75c. Next quality has been reduced
from 40c to 25c.
Reduced 25 per cent.
1 [ J. J. AUWERDA & CO. , 317 Broad-way ,
No3. 217 and 219 S. Main St. . - COUNCILBLUFFS
Latest Styles IVIillinery.
Having opened in a now atoro I invite the inspection of ladion.
fllUB. 8. J. NOUKI9 , S10 ! Ilroatlway , - - - Council llluffj
A. F. CrATTEiuiuaic , G. EDO An , O. J ? . BESWIOK ,
Manager. Assistant. Secretary.
Council Bluffs Detective Association
Will do all kinds or ilotcctho work for Hanks , Esprota , Telegraph and Hallway companies , Merchant * ,
Manufactories , Corporatism , 1'uhllo and Private Institutions and District Attornoj * . Stolen property recovered -
covered Collections nude , Mining frlonds louiid. DUorccs procured. J500 reward ollorod for the itrrcst
and coin let Ion cl any person or person * fraudulently rcprowntlm thin Association All communications
strictly confidential , Olllce : Maionlo Temtile , Council Illullj , Iowa. 1' . O , Box 1203.
% nd 344 ITroadway. _ OOirjNOIL HLDFF8 IOWA
Waves , Switches , Whatnots , Langt.'y asd Pompadour
Frizzes ,
rain 1
Wee ofte Peace. BOOGE'S ' SIOUX CITY HAMS.
. J. Y. FULLER ,
OmOK OVEU AWKIUCAN KII'HKS3. Commission Merchant
COUNCILBLUFFS. IOWA V ) Pearl c EluO , owa.
H , H. EOENE & CO. ,
ne ars
Wo make a specialty , at our EASTERN fact < . , y , of FINE HAVANA and
TJAHA CIGARS. All Cigars sold by us are of onr owu manufacture and warranted
oa represented.
OPERA HOUSE CIGAR HOUSE , I 552 Broadway , "
Boots , Shoes and Rubbers
All new rind clean. T.OWHST WICKS and shown In PLAIN FltlUIUa. Solid gotdt. No
shoddy. All work warranted. Wo are bound to net acquainted , II poods and nrloal
will do It. No trouble to show goods. Mull orders solicited. Qoodl sent to all
parts0. 0.1) . subject to approval , Call and look over our stock at
Boston Boot and Shoe tore.
417 Broadway , Council Bluffs. E. E. ADAMS & CO.
Fall Goods Ready. Suits Made to Order in Latest Style
on Short Notice and n Reasonale Prices.
205 Mam Street , Council Blufls.
0.000 Electric Belts fold for the llonth of Sept , by us.
References Any of the business houses In Council Bluffs. JUDD & SMITH Proprietors.
Salesrooms 319 , Broadway. Manufactory 30. Fourth St. COUNCIL BLUFFS-
Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand which
wo will sell in retail or wholesale lots.
All Stock Warranted as Represented.
Wholesale and retail dealers in Grain and Baled liar. Prices rca
Bonalilo. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
In Iowa and Nebraska , and aold for the least money at 337 Broadway , Conucll
Binds , Iowa.
MRS , D , A , BENEDICT , Manufacturer ,
nrtalcs , in lace , Elit , Turcoman , Etc.j oilcloths , Mattings , Linoleums Etc
hoicest and Bes Selected STOCK in the WEST.
Dmo and bo convinced that wo are hoadqnartora for all goods In our line ,
hoapost place to buy CARPETS , Curtains and House Furnishings In the
City. Upholstering and Bedding Supplies.
Mail Orders Filled PromptlyCardano
201 Upper Broadway Cor. Stutsman St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS.
Orders in the city or country solicited. Promptnttentioa nnd satisfaction
. Guaranteed. Plans and specifications furnished free.
IB better prepared than over before to fill all demands for washing. Wo call your
attention especially to our capacity for doing family washing. Very low rates. All
kinds of work done in first-class order. Special pains will bo taken with flannels.
Orders sent by mail or otherwise receive prompt attention.
ALBERT P. JOHNSON , Proprietor.
Metalic Caskets and Wooden Coffins of all Kinds.
: 3ST. HVCnliQL Ett *
W. P ,
Frame HnuBemnoied on Hie LlTl'lK GIANT trucks and any distance and over any kind got groun
UllICK IIOUSKS raised. All work guaranteed.
W. P. AVLSWOHTn , 1010 Ninth street.
Endorsed by FRANZ Ijarr ,
Unrivalled or Tone or Kinlshi
Heat Modern Price to Buy.
The IGmball Organ , to long and favorably known In the west , rficoinmenda itself.
J. STKWAKT , Bole Ageut for abova lliipd of Goods. WarorooiuB , [ 329J ; Brcftdw y
Council Blutla Correspondence Solicited , AgeaU Wanted ,