OMAHA D Alb FmDAY QCTOBKK 101884 , ! THE DESERT OITY , An Interesting Iinttcr from Sntt City Mormon \ SALT LAKE City , Oct , i ) , 1831. To the Kditorof THE BKK. This has boon a very quiet year for Utah , no rush of trade , little railroad building , no raining excitements , but everything moving at a jog-trot rate that neither excites comment or induces Immi gration. Indeed it is generally believed that there arc fewer non-Mormons in the territory than there were a few year's ago ; and so far as the Latter Day Saints are concerned , It is thought that moro have loft thia territory to settle in southern Idaho and eastern Arizona than have come in from abroad , No doubt the natural growth by births linn incrcas od the population , that by this time wo number about 170,000 , but this is a slow development compared with some of our neighbors , but luckily not like our next door friend , Nevada , which is steadily decreasing. But while this territory grows with this comparative lack of speed wo.have the satisfaction of knowing wo are filling the surrounding districts , and immaginary political Hues or boundaries are of little import , so that the country at largo is dovojopod. Salt Like City is the mother city of hundreds of settle- jr.onta , whoso citizens were previously residents in this chief city of the Wasatch , but who are not to bo found scattered through this mountain region from Mexico to Montana. Whilst things commercially have been thus quiet , there has been one or two ripples on our placid surface iu religious and judicial matters. Of course the murder of the Mormon aiders in Tennes see caused n thrill of excitement among their co-religionists , but it was only mo mentarily , the leaders of the church inti mating that it nould hare no olToct upon the missionary operations. Then there was the dedication of the Logan temple , which ecclesiastically was quito an epoch iu the territorial annals , as it shows the growth of the power by which these buildings are reared. Temple building is a leading industry in those pirts , and financially is a happy idea , for it increases material wealth , gives employment , de velops homo talent and circulates moans , all of which inter-acting ono on the ether keeps matters from stagnating , where otherwise there would bo little accom plished. There is a breer.o in judicial matters. Chief Justice Xino has gene boyoud the record and so arranged his jurists that they will bo purely non-Mormon. The Mormons stoutly claim this is illegal , tyranical and simply packing juries to convict thorn. The fooling Is intense , but will surely manifest Itself in strong editorials in the local newspapers , and the appealing of every ciao indicted by theao grand juries or tried by these petit juries to the higher court , giving much labor for the judges and ample emolu ments for the lawyers. As our November election for delegate to congress approaches there are strong indications of three candidates , the gen tile and a straight democratic ono. None of the parties have yet made their se lections , but it is generally understood that the representative of the out and out gentiles will be Captain Ramsford Smith , of Ogdon. The Mormons will undoubted ly ro-nomlnato the setting member , Hon John T. Oaine , and the rumor is that , Iame3 S. Rawlings , Esq , of the Salt Lake bar will bo presented by the non- Mormon democrats. The harvests throughout the length and breadth of the territory have been very abundant , but there is no market for grain. Wheat is soiling in some places for as low as 40 cants per bushel in store goods. Our farmers raise too much wheat. If they would raise abroad acre- T\ \ : igo of oata and barley it would prove moro profitable. Our fruit crop is great ly injured by worms , except in the southern portions whore these pasts have not yet made their appearance. Orchards In Salt Lake City that 'a few years ago brought in to their owners as much as a thousand dollars yearly are for this cause utterly ruined. The indictment for polygamy against John W. Young , second living son of the late Briglmm Young , has been thrown out of court. His attorneys domurron to the indictment on the ground that ho was charged with offenses in ono count , which demurrer was sustained by the court. JOiTlNGS. The O'Neill state bank , with a capital of 550,000 , has boon incorporated * Thirteen cars of live stock were shipped from Haitington in ono day last week , The Bcatrica Democrat thinks a pork pack- ery would bo more profitable them a suluiern' homo. Another Indiana colony arrived nt Valen tine rtueutly to eottlo iu the Antelope country. The town of Stauton , failing to soil its lionds nt par , has stopped woik on the nwv t-choolhoiise. The Catholic * of PJattainouth have been stirred up by a report that Father Madden will bo moved from there , The wild grape crop is largo this year along the Miisouri river , aud the fruit ia buintf gath- eied by the wagon-loads , A fourteen year old boy named McVcy , einplojoJ in the Beatrice canning factory , iliodMt \ week of load i-olaon , euueiinduced by thuiving solder. A horao thief Bailing under the name of 1'redoilek Krnuse , waa captured with bin four-Uvtfod boodle , a few days ago nnd lodgea in jail at Fremont. Aia Stewart , a Lancaster county farmer , the imfortuiiftto victim of pnralynis which alfectod Jiis brain , has become a raving maniac. Ho was Bent to the a. ylmn. The governor ha * autliorl/.ed the organiza tion of Garlield county. It will bu lorinuil from a portion of what has heretofore been kinwn is Wheeler county , _ - _ „ Three little children , tha youngest four yearn nnd the olduat amen , have traveled nil alone from Now York to Albion , whcro they aio to Uud u bonio with an uncle. Perry Dutton , n youth confine-J In the Val outiiio jail for horse stiialing , cut IIM way out with puoVat knife la t week and escaped , but was rucapturod shortly aftorwnriH. Fremont has an old comutary which is moro centrally located than Is desirable , nud therein a proposition to soil it to thu city for u public park. The prlco asked ia St 200- A man named J , 0 Laughlin died nn tlio outbound jmwngor train nt North I'latto Just Mondny. Ho wai on his way to Hnni burg , Iowa , The remains were tent there , The little daughter of J. B. Moore , near I , yon * , pot hold of a botllo of carbolic ndc and dronlc a poitlun of the contents The child , after four days of grent euiltriDg , diud on the tilth ult. Chis. Moor , a Saunders county groom o IOM tliun trn dayj , IH under nrr t churulncr ivith thcoting u > oy nninwl Olwon , Tlio l.ittf r wai ona of n crowd of b > ys win v.'huiped it up fnuMopio and d'aturbtd th penes of his wadding night. Moore rcfuhcd t put up to thu crowd mul tent a charge of but hot into jt , winging Ole.ion. "Oh , dem watonimllluni , " "A farmi'r a Victonu , Uiurf county , writes : " 1 cue in III -JKK ! of t-'eptorubtr l'-lth u ataUincnt that .Mr. Manning , cf Grind IH and , raimd watermelon thin year weighing ( uty-rovo L iuaoX I wi b to say that my neighbor , > n'c t"ro * i > ottniiuiti'r at V'ttclft. C < I county , rawed n lot of largo melons < h Cuban Quci'ti variety , tpMTnl weirhlng fifty pound" , nnd the largest ono filty-titsht tmtmdt. lie drew the prize at the Vieplng Water fnlr. The Nuckolls county Her.ild relates that Mr. D.inki bad n lis.y tide on the held nnd liorna of a fnt two-year-old , Monday last , which ho hud larieted nnd wna endeavoring to I'ring to town , As the nniinnl \ \ s Jmt in fiout of him it rrnlo a sudden dnsh for h'm ' nud , not giving him time to dodge or ou-n lecido which horn of the dilemma hoouM .nke , ho adzed both horns nnd lit on the nn- Hints ho vl nnd neck , his feet piotrudlng in 'rent of the animal ns It ran. It was paiU n nilicroiH sight to the borders , but tint o to Miuspp.i , who finally frottl himself nnd ulti- nalely bt-caino master of ceremonies nnd ncught the animal to town. The whirligig of time bring nbout surpris- ng changes nnd rovcngoi. Speaking of the downfall of ex-Polico Judge Cobb , of l.iu- oln , the Journal snys : "Last winter while Cobb wns police Judge , Alvln McQuIru. a dcsiiernto chnrnctcr who in well-known It this city , wns prosecuted for wlfo boating nnd sen- encod to jail. Ho O'cnped nnd having re cently been recaptured Is now i cr\lng out his inoxplred term. It IB n singular coincidence hat the priioner , the attorney who proio- cuted him Will IJaird nnd the jiulgo who aontoncod him nto now nil in durnnco vile to- rother , Mnjor Davls'e V.VLrAHAihO , NEIL , October I ) . To the editor of Tint UKK , Major Davis spoke here last night to a very respectable audience in the Chris- ian church. Ilis speech was received with marked attention ; and his arraign ment of Weaver waa convincing and con- lusivo. Ho spoke at some length about ho corrupt ion of both state and national dminlstration , and wound up eloquent- y , urging the election of honest and ca pable men to oflico and predicted the lection of not only Brown but the entire usion ticket. Below find a now scries of iutorroga- ions propounded by him for Weaver's igestion , but thpy look to mo that they may produce indigestion , Yours truly , J. 11. VANDEMAHK. Intorogatorios submitted to Hon. A , ' . Weaver : First AVcro you not in 1875 a judge f the judicial district qf Nebraska / Second Were you not during the sos- ion of the Nebraska legislature for 1875 losoted in a room at Lincoln with Church IIowo , of Nomaha county , and thors , and were not negotiations , in which you were interested , then and there ntored into and in your preHonce , to ransfcr for a valuable consideration cor- , ain votes in the Nebraska legislature iu ) ohalf of a candidate for the United tr-tes senate , not a member of the ro- lubllcan party ? Third Waa not ten thousand dollars § 10,000) ) in cash paid _ over in your pro- cnco and for this specific purpose last bovo recited ? Fourth In 1877 was ono Webb Eaton , f Buffalo county , under an indictment or the publication of matters herein ro- crred to , and were you not summoned s a material witness for the defendant Satori to establish the truth of the charges ef erred to iu interrogatory No. 2 ? Did you on the day sot for trial of the aton indictment and when under pro- BBS of the court , leave Kearney t > t 0 'clock a. m. and if so , who stood at nn pen window of the hotel screaming to ho conductor of the train to await your rri\al ; ? Did you not leave Kearney to avoid qiyicg evidence in behalf of the dcfond- nt Eaton , and if so will you state to the oters of the first congressional district at whoso instance and request you made uch hasty and sudden exit from Kear ney ? Will you publish a certificate of Judge leavin , of Richardson county , that mat- era referred to In last interrogatory are not true , aud was not Judge Reavis ono of the counsel for Church Howe of Somalia county. NEWSPAPEU EARNINGS. Estimates of the 'Wealth of the Pub lishers of New Vork. s'ew York Cor. Philadelphia Record , The Philadelphia papers must certainly iay bettor than Now York papers , for ho Philadelphia proprietors are a much wealthier set of men than the Now York iroprietors. James Gordon Bennett is ho only millionaire among our nowspa- ier men so far aa ho can discover , and rot millionaire newspaper proprietors in ? hlladelphia are as thick as huckleber ries on a bush. Mr. Bennett's income is said to bo $1,000,000 , and I should not DO surprised if it is more. It Is fabulous , and I dent believe that oven ho knows what it is. Of courao , there have been some inroads upon it since his fight with the newsdealers , which baa cost him , in round figures , about $300,000. But if ho wins , as ho seems likely to , ho will soon > ot his money back. Mr. Dina , of the Sun , is a rich man , out not a millionaire , lis income , taking his Hilary and hia dividends from the paper , which is owned by a stock company , may roacn a larger figure than the interest on a million or two ; but his fortune can not bo esti mated at as much capital. Still , he is rich enough , und it must cost him a great deal to live In the style that ho docs. Mr. 1 oorgo Jones , of the Times , is a wealthy man , aud his income is also larger than that of some millionaires ; but 1 do not jolinvo that when ho dies he will leave a . roporty running into the millions. If Whitolaw Reid inherits any money from iis father-in-law ho may bo a millionaire n time , but ho is not now , though ho has jlonty of money. If I am not mistaken iis wife is the only daughter of D. O. Mills , and Mr. Mills' fortune is estimated at $30,000,000. Mr. Reid lives In the BAiuo house that ho occupied as a bachelor - lor , and it is quito good enough for anyone ono , no matter what his moans. It is largo and comfortable , without any pre tensions to style , and is on the corner of Lexington Avenup and Thirty-fourth street. Mr. Pulitzer , of the Worlu , is not a wealthy man at all , though ho makes a good deal of money by his papers , both the World rnd the St. Louis Post- Dispatch. Ho lives very nicely in a house 311 the Gramorcy park , but if his income should stop to day I do not be- hove that his capital would bu found to bo very largo. His brother , Mr. Albert Pulitzer , the proprietor of the Morning Journal , has probably a few thousands invested in elevated railroad stock , and draws a good aajary from the Morning Journal , but ho is tar from being a rich man , though the chances are that ho will bo ono ut no distant day. The richest newspaper proprietor in Now York , after Mr. James Gordon Bennett , is Mr , Cyrus W. Field , proprietor of The Mail and Express , but ho did not make his money out of his paper , 1 do not know what MrField's fortune ia , but it runs pretty high up into the millions. Ht > , however , cinnit bo called a newspaper man in the ordinary tenso.Ho owim Tha Mail and Kxprcsi , but he haa no more to do with the running of it than Jay Gould had with the run unit ! of the Tribune when ho owned the .controlling stock in that concern. Johi Kelly , who is tl'e proprietor of the Star , , 1' ' m a rich man , bu' I hsvo rover heard I that ho was n millionaro. I don" , ] that ho makes a proat deal ot inonry d -colly out of the Star , thoUch indirect ] i iiiy bo worth hia whilo. Slauric it ii. 's said to bo the holder of the Ini Flynn . it of atock in Truth , nnd ho i gost amotu * * for ft young man , though very well ou ho has n very cxtonslvi do not BUprxMb - qrcatdosl of money capital. llomakojwv on the way IH however , nnd if ho keoi > o n very rich has begun , will one day . -ofThoo man. lie married the daughter Mlinp doro Moss , a man who began by . . * j tickets in the box oflico of Wallack's ou. theatre , nnd who now owns the theatre and Mr. Wallack lee , nnd is reputed to bo worth millions. The Evening 1'oit , as is well known , is owned by n syndi cate , which was first composed of three men E. L. Godkiu , Her- ace White and Carl Schurzj but Mr. Schurz dropped out some time ago , nnd now the paper is owned between Mr. White nnd Mr. Godkiu , neither of whom is a man of great wealth. Mr. Godkin , by the way , has boon n bachelor up to within a few weeks , when ho imitated the example of another bach elor journalist , Mr. M. II. llurlbut , and married n young lady of mc ns nnd no- complishmonU. Mr. Parka Godwin , irho owns the controlling interest in The Com mercial Advertiser , is n wealthy man , but I do not believe ho is worth moro than § 500,000 ; $250,000 of this ho put in a largo building on the corner of Liberty nnd Nassau ntrootaj which is called the Bryant building , nnd which brings him iu nbout 10 per cout on his money , nnd the other 8250,000 ho put in The Com- morclal Advertiser. Tils son , Harold Godwin , who is with him , nnd ou whoso account ho purchased The Commercial , Is married to n young lady who is worth $200,000 in her own right. Tlw Eve ning Telegram is owned by Mr. Bennett , nnd ia said to pay him S7fi,000 a year clear profit. Thia la owing to the 'act that it costs him very little to run It , Tno Herald plays into its hands , nud it sometimes plays into the hands of the Llorald , but it ia often the ether way. The Evening News is owned by n very wealthy man , Mr. Benjamin Wood , the brother of the well-known Fernando Wood , nnd n man of largo moans. I think it very likely thnt ho is a million aire , nnd I know that ho makes a very landsomo thing out of The Evening iews , which is a penny paper , with n cir- illation of 150,000 copies. The now ivoning paper , The Extra , hardly dc- ervcs mention among the established > npora of Now York , because it is run limply for campaipn purposes , nnd will irobably die a natural death after _ the ininpnlgn , nnd then it ia only a side issue of The Tribune , nnd it is not likely that after the campaign funds give out The " "ribuno " people will care to run the paper at a loss. A. SENSATIONAL CHIME. 'ho Desperate Deed of Masked Moll In the Oil llcglong. Ono of the most daring and successful robberies over perpetrated in the oil regions has just boon made public , and .ho people of the surrounding neighbor- lood are cgog with excitement at the nstounding developments , says au Oil Jity , ( Pa. ) special to The Philadelphia Press. 1'or a week detectives have boon searching for clews , but so well have ihoy kept their counsel that the people tiereabouts have beou kept in ignorance of an adventure which , iu skillful con ception and the coolness with which the plans were carriad out , would have done credit to many of the boldest essays of Jack Shcppard. Edcnton is the name of a little hamlet of a few hundred inhabitants , located near the burough of Edenburg , right in the very heart of the Clarion county petroleum - troloum Cold. John Sherry is a well-to- do citizen , who , by thrift and industry , tiad accumulated a few thousand dollars , which ho kept stored in various places about the house , having a mistrust of banks. It was shortly after dark on Tuesday night of last week when Hhorry and his family , consisting of two men named Mi chael Koim and George Best , a half- ; rown girl who acted as a sort of house keeper and maid ot oil work , and ayoung boy , the son of one of Shorry'a boarders , cat down at the supper table. The meal liad not progressed far when the clatter of , the knives and forks was drowned by a sharp rap upon the door , with a grulF demand for admission. Sherry dropped liis knife , and , peering out of the win- iow , discerned in the dim half light of the evening what appeared to bo the fig ures of four men crondod around the stop. Fearing mischief of some kind , Sherry declined to open the door. Scarce ly had ho spoken when the visitors forced thu lock and stood in the room. There were four of them. They were masks and each hold a cocked revolver in liis hand. The firl's involuntary scream was checked by nn angrygosturo from the leader of the band , who were a heavy slouch hat pulled wall down over his oycs , Very quietly ho then turned to Sherry and told him ho had como for monoy. Sherry looked in vain at his companions but they were quailing before - fore the grim muzzles of the pistols [ lev eled at their hoads. "But I've got no money , " Sherry final ly declared. "Como , we'll BOO about that , " retorted the robbpr. In a few words ho directed two of his companions to oind , gig and blindfold tlio ether mornbors of the par ty , and blovr their brains out if they of fered the slightest resistance. This was quickly done , ind then the robber de manded that Sherry open hisanfo , threat ening to kill him if ha refused. Trie man , trembling , obeyed , and Ird his captor to an up-stairs room , whore ho kept his ho rd , In the safe there was but $200 , but the robber waa evidently acquainted with Shorry'a hablto , for ho told him ho knew there was a great deal moro money than that on the promieoa , nn ominous click of the revolver enforced his demand that it bo given up. Half dead with fright , Sherry then unlocked suveral bureau drawers , from which $0,000 waa obtained. Other places were ransacked , but the amount mentioned constituted the bulk of the plunder. Having acoimpliehcd the work appa rently to his satisfaction , the robber conducted - ducted his victim down stairs , and Sherry was then put through the blindfolding , binding and gagging process to which the ether members of the household had been aubjectrd , Tlio thtovos then jocu larly wished the parly good night and loft the homo. A carriage in waiting out- eido buro them rapidly from the Hcuno. The house is located in a Jonusomu nnd unfrequented spot , and it wai not until soinu noun later that neighbors happened to drop in and found the Sherrya in their plight and released thorn. Search wua at uncu instituted , but for a week no clue was necuroil. To-night a report prevails thut two of tlio robbnrs have boon cap tured , but particulars cannot bo obtained. . TIIK IIJBAI. corTBB rot Another large invoice juul received by J. B. French i $ Co , No article meeta with so much nni I voreal favor as the "Idoal , " and ita ju an 2ft > d for T'.a aa for C ! ilov , I'J 2 U r DUEL IN AJRAWING-ROOW Hoslile MccliDg Beta Jealous Lov crs at Mount carmel , Pa , 'lio Word of Oommnnil ( Jlven Uy tin Imily wlih AVtiom Tlio5 Knatnorcd , Mr , CAUMKI , Tn. , October 0. llosiu , rigo Is the beautiful lJ.ycar-old ( uuug'tau of . " * wealthy Northumberland coal oporatoi * . " " Andrlgo came from Poland about twcn ty-two years ago. Ho was n poor man nt th.M time , but by his ndustiy nnd skill has nruacscd great wealth. Some five years ngu ho built _ H mporb rcsidonco on the outskirts of this own nnd supplied his beloved daughter with every thing that wealth and cultivat ed taste could provide. Miss Rosio , whoso ocial position wns much bettor than that of the ether daughters of Polish families iving in this vicinity , grow up quite a polled beauty. Naturally a nroat many young poeplo living in Mt. Carmel paid lor attention , but she accepted their jfl'ors of love with the greatest ndilloronco. Two months ago Count jtidwls Annapuski paid n vlalt to Mt. Carmol. Ho is the son of a wealthy lussian , nnrt came to this country as a ravolor. Ho brought with him loiters jf introduction to Mr. Andrigo , who vhou they were presented , invited him o spend some time at his residence in Jt , Carmol. Count Ludwig at once fell desperately in love with his host's daugh- or , and apparently his alluctlon was ro- urnod , nt lonst it wns reported that Miss losio was engaged to the young scion of n Russian aristocratic family. Among .ho girl's admirers is Frank Budman , look-keeper nt a colliery. Ho became very jealous of the cultivated Russian gentleman , and on several occasions in- iultod him grossly before others. Count judwlg , however , refused to take any no- ice of these insults , claiming that his ) osltion ns a nobleman's son would not How of his engaging in a dispute with n > ook-koopor. SEl'AKATJNO TUB tOVKllS , On Sunday last Budman mot Miss Ro le as she was returning homo from the Catholic chapel. Joining her ho declared hat ho had information that Count Lud. vig was going to Chicago to-morrow , and hat ho had boasted 4hat ho only won the jirl's love for sport nnd intended to Juow her over. The girl was startled jy this communication from that her awoathoart wna recreant , but upon Bud- nan's ' affirmation that ho had positive evidence of the Russian's fickleness , de clared that aho would refuse to speaK to liim during the few days that ho would DO her father's guest. Of courao Count Ludwig noticed the sudden change in her manner to him and asked for an explana tion. This at first she rofuaod to tjivo , but upon further demands from Count Ludwig , confessed all that Frank Bud- man had told hor. TIIK CHALLENGE. The noblaman'a son nt once sent n chnllengo to Budman by Mr. William Butler , an American gentleman living liere , aud the summons , to combat was readily accepted. Arrangements were made for the dunl to take place on Wed- nuaday , in a rotlrod spot three miles from Mount Carmel. Budman , whoso cour age is greater than his discretion , drank heavily today and spoki of the contem plated duel to several of his friends. They pursuadod him to go to Mr. Andri- go's residence and shoot the young RUB- ssian without riking the danger of a face- to-faco encounter. Tonight , while Miss Rosio and Ludwig were sitting in the Andrigo drawing-room , Budman burst in on them with a revolver in his hand. "I have come to kill you , " ho cried out to the Russian , at the same time discharg ing his weapon. .Tho bullet took effect on a Sevres vase , shattering it completely. DUKi IN A J > KA\Tl.NCMtOM , Count Ludwig , ns quick as thought , rushed up stairs to his bed-room and seized a revolver from his dresaing-caao , Ho was back again in the parlor almost before Miss Rosio know what had hap pened. Leveling the revolver at Bud- man's head ho culled upon him to place himself at the opposite end of the apart ment. "Couut throe , " the Russian shrieked to the trembling girl , ns Bud man took his place by a balcony window. Terrified nnd not knowing what she did , the lass obeyed the order , and an the word "throo" fell from her lips , cho ro- reports of two revolvers rang simultane ously on the stilled air of the drawing room. The ball from Count Ludwig's weapon struck Budman's shoulders. The latter foil to the ( looms thobullot of his pistol tel whizzed over the young nobleman's liead. Mr. Andrigo's servants rushed in to the room. A hasty explanation fol lowed , and Budman wns carried to the bed chamber , whore Mies Rosid is active ly engaged to-night attending to the suf fering patient thus suddenly brought into the Andrigo household. TIIK WAITER'S AUT. Tlio ItoaulBltcs of the Kcstauraiit Hoivc'rw The AlIvantUKCH of Mon nnd Women , Chicago News. "Many people think the vuuition of a waiter ia one that can bo acquired by half an hour's observation und by simply slipping on an apron and a jacket , " remarked - marked the manager of a large restaurant the other day to a Daily Novro represen tative. "Now the fact Is , " ho continued , "that the trade of a waiter ia a very dilli- cult ono , The man who serves at a pub- llotablohas from 25 to 150 difTuront in dividuals to please every day ho is on duty. Each of these persons lias his or her distinctive caprices and tunica , which they expect to bo gratified exactly. They are intolerant of the slightest fail ure on the part of the waiter to do so. Further , ho goto the abuno that should fall to the buyer and the cook for any deficiency in the quality or the cooking of the food. The waiter works on an average from ton to fifteen hours , accord ing to the length of time the house whore ho Is employed ia kept open at night. In the afternoon , between 2 and 0 o'clock' the majority are oft' duty. Usually they live too fur t way to go homo during this time. They huve no place to go to aluop. Accordingly , too many of thorn eotigrcgatu together in saloons or gamb ling placoa to paaa their time. But an a whole tiioy are aa sober and industrious a class of moil as alinont any other. " 11 What is the average pay oftn waitei } ' was ankcd. "From § 7 to 310 u week and board , The German waiters , who mcally aervc lit German restaurants or for tialoomt , an the most Havirjf , Other waiters do no save money us a rule. The services o competent waiter * ore always in demand and knowing this they are without tin incentive to lay up ( something for a rain ; day period of no work. The majority o the hoys , too , are on the outlook fo something butter to do , and regard thoi [ > r.3''Zit v.'S'vation wrrtli M uvnJtL/1 / till mote lucrative employment turns up "Do they always find it ? " "Not always. Part go into semi small business as thny Rrow older Some become stewards. A few becomi successful hold or restaurant proprio tow. Ono OhicAgo citizen in particuUi who oven so hto as since the greal ire occupied the position of waiter , ha ; icquircd wealth as hotel-keeper , nnd al hough ho is not now in the business hit ifttno is a familiar one in the tlty. " U"lo the same men usually remain with no house continuous } ! ? " "Xoj they are as a julo , a fluctuating Inss. There ia little Incentive for thorn a remain in ono place XMIR a t a time , ml nmny things to ditconrngo them fret * o doing. Tl ere is scarcely n chance of > romoUon. In the house 1 miximgo wo invo made and folloivatf rule of ad- anciiifi the most capable mtn from the alters corps to positions of tnist. There ia not n position in this honso bo. low my own which has not been tilled by taking some ono from elF the lloor. AM the men know this nnd that i rociolions will bo made just aa fast na vacancies oc cur or the increase of business domandi moro assistance. Aa n result wo have the very boat service in thia homo in tlio whole country , osat or west. " many houra n day do you. ; work ? " asked the reporter of"iv plump , black-eyed girl in the cafe whore girls instead - stead of men are employed to wait ou the patrons , "Fifteen , " said the girl. "You see , when wo got oil * table duty there is the butter to stamp , silver to clean , glass to polish , and n lot of ether things to do. NVo ( tot here at ( i o'clock in the morning nnd go olT nt ! l o'clock in the ovonlni ; . Our wages ? From -i 50 to $7 a week. Wo do just the same work that men do and more , but girls can't got got as largo wages as men. They don't in stores erIn In anything else. " "Is the work easier than housework ? " "Woll , I should say not. But I would rather do it than housework because 1 nm not goine : to go out and in back-doors. Girls who work in rosturants got lots bpttor chances to marry than kitchen girls. 'Fellers' don't like sneakfn' in the back way. If your feller wants to 'scort you homo here all he's got to do in to wait on the corner till you como out. " "Would you rather wait on men than on women ? " "Yes , I would. Women , they treat us jtst as If wo wasn't fit for anything butte to wait on 'em , but men are mostly right down sociable liko. " In passing out the reporter mot a lady . "I do not acquaintance. patronize res taurants where girls servo the table , " oald this lady. "In my experience , wherever girls are employed for that pur. pose , either iu Chicago , Now York erin in Europe , it is impossible for a lady to got good service or any sometimes if any man are to bo attended , Not long ago I ventured into n newly opened and show ily appointed restaurant on the north side. After entering I observed that the waiters wore girls. Ono finally conde scended to ask for my ordor. In the middle of it she broke away to receive that of a gentleman who had just como in. I waited for three-quartern of an hour. Gentlemen came in and seated themselves all about mo nnd were served. At the end of that time I arose and passed out without elicit ing attention or inquiry. No , Indeed , the girl is not a success as a waiter. " Borsiord H Actil Phosphate. AS A UEFUIOEHANT DH1NR IN FEVfiUS. Dr. 0. H. S. DAVIS , Meriden , Conn. , says : "I have used it as a pleasant and cooling drink in fevers , nnd have been very much pleased with it. " COURTING IN CIIUilOH. 1'ronuIicr'H Method of Treating jjovc-Stck Iiailu anil Luaslca , Washington Star The preacher sat tilting back in hia chair , gazing in an obstructed manner at a Star reporter , who was on the opposite side of the clonk in the pastor's study , writing out some religious information for the columns of the Star. Aa the re porter fiiniahod his work and was gather ing together the papers , ho glanced across at the preacher and noticed the pro-occupied expression of hia faco. An ticipating that ho might have something moro to say of interest , the reporter Bottled tled back in his Boat , nnd without Inter rupting thejsilonco awaited dovclopmonta. The reporter gazad at the preacher .uid the preacher gn/.ad at the reporter , but the tilunco remained unbroken. PrcBontly the reverend gentleman re marked aa if thinking aloud : "I shall have to begin ahortly another serioa of Back Seat Sermons. ' ' "Ah , indeed 1" observed the listener , entirely in the dark na to the moaning of the reverend gentleman , and then the reporter hastened to add on a venture : Doctrinal Bormona I suppose ? " "Dactrlual Bormouu ? " echoed the preacher , in nlmont a shout , ns ho brough his chair down with a crash that threat ened the springs. "Whataroyou tilking about ? " "Well" , 1 thought that isto asy. I ouppoacd " Rtniiunorod the reporter considerably abasnod. / "Do you pretend that you don't know what I mean ? " naked the preacher , with an appearance of astonishment. _ The reporter confessed without a blush to this alarming ignoranco. "Well , concluded the preacher , chari tably , "I suppose that you have been married nomu time , and have forgotten about your courting days. Now , let mo ask you ono question. How do you and your sweetheart generally spoiid Sunday evenings ? " "Lot mo ano , " refleotod the reporter , somewhat astonished at thia turn in the conversation. "I think that wo usual ! wont to church if it wasn't too cold or too dot. She was rather delicate , and had to 'bo careful about going out at night you know , " ho added , half apologetically. "Oh ! certainly , of course , " said the preacher , aa he loaned back and looked ut the reporter with ono eye shut , very uuggoativo of a worldly wink. "Now when you wont to church you invariably Hat an fur back a you could get. Of couro you did. Now why did you do that ? " The listener pondered that question , nnd us the ovonta of the huppy period paisod in review before his mental viniun ho Brniled and laughed out loud. "You BOO , " at last Biild the reporter ; aiming to make a sensible explanation"sho wanted to sue the bonnuta cf the other girkt , aa ia natural with women when they go to church or any other public place , and I wai.tcd to H.CU her , and no of courwu wu cjuldn't go way up front , " uud the re porter paused. The preacher nodded his head approv ingly during hu explanation as it wan jutit. what he exported , and then BuiJ "Your ruauoim 1 suppose are just a coot : \B could bu given , At miy rate all youiif eoupluH on Sunday nights make for tlu back aeata , und they won't take an ; other. An usher may alart on ahead am they will let him go and then drop int % ' .ugl jut1 , vu.U wJicu in iur.w . .rvuu. with a * wile to ahow tliom into a goot front po\r , ho finds that no ono is bn hind him. That thing 1ms deprived tin church of many nn uahcr. They cnn'l Ufiml the lioniilition ; , of ushering U | the nislo NolMng , ami then walkinu back to face n si.Mllug congregation , li breaks them all upi no to apeak , "Now trnat Is Iho remit of thin sort ol thing ? " continued the preacher , nrgutucn- tativoly. "When 1 ri > o in my pulpit on Sunday evening nnd lee k over the con gregation , what do 1 set1' ' In the pewe innr the front are tha oldcr. and ilcacona , good men with tnoir shining bald heads and attentive facus. Thoirwu'oa are with hciu , nnd here and there is mnldon ndy. Then in the ccntrr Is a br. nd des- srt of empty pows , and way back in the rear , nmiaed around the doors , as you mightsty , nToyoungpooploalwnysinpalrs. nm glad to ceo them. I always pron ch xiltcr to the young , and T plunge int , ' ) ny sermon with onorpj nnd animation. . Utorn particularly tolling pomt , nilnod irjht at these young people , I look up to nforco with gwsturo , uid poraon l glance vlmt 11 have to-sny , and hiatcad of find- ig Mio eyes f my back-soil congregation urnsd upon mo in attentive intercnt they ro not paying Mio cllghtoit attention to to. liut thorn the ? git looking into acb othur'n ovoa like young , calvia , or 'porlm ' ui , " ho added , , with bitter anrsasm , "as t.So poet osprctsea it , 'Soft rvoa Jookod lee to eyoa that spoko'agam. ' f > "Tliat's Byrcm" roMonatrntudi U 10- core if it Is , " said the preach er , roohlosaly ; "i6 ia the mnjor purt of any. congregation Sunday night , too.1 "L gut tired of that acrt of thin ) ; Inot winter , 'Mio roautiod nftsr a briaf pause , "and Ussndo up my miad that 1 ? would have thuir attention for little while at "How did you manage it I" aaliod the listener , with eager euritwity , "In this way,1" replied the preacher. "I began a aoriaa of what I call Back Seat Sermoim. They don't diflor mates- ially from my other aarmons. eicopt at ortaln intorvala , whicL E mark. I , shout ut with great fores , 'Young nmnVf iidiihon pause aa if-fo * rhetorical' ' clFoct. 'ho ' effect ia rhutorical , merely on the rout scat congrcgatiou , but olootrical on Ii9 b.ick ooak congregation. The young nen who hnvo boon , devoting their intiro attention to exploring iho Iquid doptha of their swoothcnrla' iyos , give a start , nnd thuir air companions do the name , nnd every 'ace on the back Boats is turned to was da no. In their guilty solf-coQsciousucaa of ising the church to do their courting in , .hoy . think that they are being personally obukod from the pulpit. While I have heir attention I improve the opportunity yy pouring out some gospel hot-shots. However , as soon as the iirat shock is ivor , and they have glanced around and bund everything qaiot , they fall to ourting againwith renewed vigor. Thou como at them again , nnd suddenly fiout out , 'Young Woman ! ' with the fleet as before and the same pouring out f gospel truth. 8 > , you BOO , in thia ray 1 gain the attention of my audlcnco or a brief few mlnutoa nt any rate. " The reporter gazed with admiration pen a man who had contrived such an iigonloua device , but then n thought oc- urrcd and ho naid : " 1 ahould think hat the young people , after a few such hocks as you describe , would prefer to ; o to some other church. " "No , they don't , " ho replied , with a satisfied smile. "They aoom to like it. It gives a spice of danger and advontnro o their courtship , as if some ono waa try- ng to separate thorn. Since I began thcao sermons this clement in the even- ng congregations has actually increased. You see , they are obliged to hoar nonio of the sermon , and , their attention being irouscd so suddenly , what they hoar is impressed on their mindo , and they remember - member it. From thia circumstance , which is entirely novel in their oxpor- "onco , they got the idea that I am a very powerful and eloquent proachcr , and my 'anio hae very considerably increased. " "Do you Announce your sermons ns ho 'back-seat course ? ' " inquired the reporter , na ho arose to go , " " the "I call " , replied preacher ; them 'talks to the young , ' or something of that Dort. You must como around and hoar mo some evening. " And the reporter promised that ho would. A CAICU , To nil ho are undcrlni from orron nil ImHrcrctlonfl ut youth , ncr\oua woakncua , earl ; lecay , Inns ol nianliood , etc. , I will HOIK ! a roclpc .hat will euro you , FIIKK Olf ClIAHGl ! . This rtat emuily wan dlcoorcrod liy a mlBalouory In Houth America. HouJ lolf-aililruBeed onvolo | > o toltnv. Jo- iKrii T. INIUN , Htatlnn U Now York. iVNTI-BiONOl'OiaSTS , ATl'jiNTION ! Flrwt , UiRtrlct , Hon. Charles II. Brown waa appointed .o addrcaa niootings in the First congress ional diatriot , at the places named below aa follows : lirownvlllo , Saturday , October llth , 3 TucimiHuli , Mmiilfiy , October llitb , 7. n , in. HmnljoliU , WodnuHiluy , October 15Ui. I'uwnco City , ] ' 'rlduy , October 17tli , 7p. in. lieutiici" , Mninlity , OctnlmriiOth. 7 p. in. Lincoln , Thursday , Octulwr 523rd , 7 m. Nebraska City , HiiturJay , October 5i.rtb , 7 i. m. m.Diktat for Omalia nnd other places in the llntrict will bo duly unuuuiicoJ , C. H. Montgomery , Kan , , anti-monopoly candidate for iilluruuy general , will speak pur- umiib tu appointment , ut thu following Union WaliouIrlclay ovonlntr , October 10. ColuuibiiH Bntiirdny onhiK , October 11. Tlio Onnipalcii In the Hccond DlHtrict. Captain J , II. Stlclcol'a niipointmoiiU : Hutton , Kridny , Octol ) rlO , i ! p. m-is-SCZ - ! ] IjHthiK ; Saturday' ' October 11 , 12 p , in , I'Viouds will ploaKii niratit'o for hall nt each , iluct' . hadluK especially Invited to gruco occoulon by their prcKfiicc. By order of Commlttco. Unptaln y. II. titlcklo'H AppnliiimnntB Uapt. .T. H. BticUlo , of Timycr county , otiti- noiiojioly ciiiidldulu for coireKa ) in thu M din- , rict , will ( lUuiits tlio political HBIICH of thu duy at tliu following ; pomtH in Bouthweutoru No- briiBJta on the dattn heru named ; Mlnilun Alondny , October 13th , in the TtiOHday , October llth , ovoniiiK. < Jxf d WodmudnY , October 15th , lit 7 , t i. in. Jfoinorvillo ThnrBday , October 10th at 1 i , in , Arapiihoo I'ridoy , October 17th , nt 7.3C i in. * Indlaiiola Satmday , Ootolx-r IHtb , Ciilln-rtson Monduy , October 'JOtb , McUook Tuesday , October ilst. Ahnr-Wcdiionltty , October SUd. Iloouiiiitoti ! ) 'I'Uuisdny , October " 3d , ui 7.tOp : m , Itwl Cloud-Friday , October 21th , at 7 G < [ > , m will pleato prraiiKQ for hall am uhm not heiem H tcd , an well r npt > i > lntiiiunt thoroughly ut uacl placo. 1/auio t-Kptiiidly lavlluu to Kraco citcl occasion by their proifiiu. ' . DyorJurif Con Coiiitnlttio , 8. 8 , KUINOI.IJS , Clmlrmau , Hun , Jaium W , Duvlu v/ill address th u on thu political itoiua of thu duy at th following | ilac i | H'Oilo | wlthour rtforoiica party iw4Mchilly | invited , At Clean Cret-k , October 10 , 7 p. iu , At 1'itlh ' Octubcr 13 , 7 p , m , At , lllno Spilnffpi October ID , 7 p. m. .it iJv..t..i,1,0.uUwi o , ' . p. u , At Cortlnml , Octo "io'i1 ' ' mAt - At Sterling , Oclobsr . ° U ] ! ' " ' At Tccuimch , October . . \ ' ' ' ln- At Tnb'o Uock , October 2 , ? " " ' At I'nwnoo Cily , October 21 , * P. W. At Hnrcli.ini , October 23 , 7 p. tni- % At Ilimibnldt , October i7. 7 p. in , At Kails Cily , October 28 , 7 p. in. AtStfllla , October , ill , 7 p. in. At Autmin , October SO , 7 p. in. At Nomftltn City , October . ' 11 , 7 p. in. At Nrbrivlrn City , November J , 7 p. in. At I'lattMnotlth. November 3 , 7 p. m. lion. Win. Neville , anti-monopoly can'lf into for congrc-1 In the Third district , will ml d r of s thn people us f " Scotln , WiilnemUy e\rnlng , Octobers. J'lillerlon ' , F.lclay evening , October 10. Albiou , Saturday evening , October 11. Humphrey , Monday afternoon , October 13 , Oakdalo , Monday in onlng , October 13. O'Meill. TncwUy evening , October 1-1. Iiong rhio , Wednesday evening. October i , Thnmrlny evening , October 10. Valentine , Sntnrdny evening , October 18. l CrciRliton , Monday OTenlng , October 20. Niobrnra , Tiimilny evening , October 21. Ht. Helena , Wednwdnj oToning , October ! * 1'onca , Tlinrndny evening , October 173 * Jivckflon , Friditr oironlnar , October 5l , Itnttlngtrm , Hatunlny nvoning , OctolxT25 , Wnyno , Mnmlny oieuing , Oetolior 1:7. : Norfolk , TTitddnjovflnlnp. . October 28. Htanton , WodncjcluyoiciilDR , October 2f > . \Vipii ( < r , Tlnwudny 2 rin. . , October 30. West Point , Thursday nvcnltig , October 301. OAkliuul , Frldny evening ; OctoliorSl. Ul ir Siitnrdn evening , Nomuborl. ItKl'DIJMOAN AI'PO1NTMI5NTS. < \l > ltomtmcntH ! lop Oon. CMarlon Jb\ Mniitlorwm , Senator Miuulcraon nml otnor spsnkora wilt ildrasB the pnuiilont'tlio following ? lace on. 10 dates nuincd : Wocplsi ? Wivtor , October HUi. . Dnvid t'lty , October 13th. Mncob. Ottrbcr 1-Ull. A liUnl , October Kith. O in nl in , October UHli. Nubrnftkn City , October 17tli. llrowiiTillo , October JKtli. J'alls Cltv , Octolmr SOlh. 1'ixwitBo City , Octobnr lilnf Vnlrlmry. , October 'J2 < h IfCil Uloud , October Vtil. ! Arnpnlioi > , October 'Jllh , York , Oitobor 27th. ContTnl Cty. ; October 28th. ( Jriiul IrJnnd , October SUtli , Kearney , October HOtlu r , November lut. mill Apiiolntiucutw Jn Thlrit OoimrcsHlonal DUtrlct. Schuylur Jj. W. < ? slvinio nn.'i H. C iroino. 1'ililny ovouinp1 , Octolicr 10kb. North riiitto M. A. llnrtlgnn nmlW. A. loll , ] 'rilny : ovenlng , Culobar 10th. Cliirk-k J. W. Tucker nnd II. (5. Mngoon , 'rldny ovonliir ( , October 10th. NorthUond M. A. Hortigan and T. S. larlcRon , Hutnnlny evening , October llth. Arlington J. W. Tucker and II. G. Ala- eon , Saturday livening , October Uth. , f Oixliilale .T W. Tucker nnd II. C. Brpino , lomlny o\onliif , ' , October 13th. ' " AtltiiiKon-.l. W. Tucker nnAJI.,0. Uromo , 'uo ] ny evening , October 1'ljljx ' * ' Ewlng 3.V. . Tucker nm ) If. ,0. Uroino , Veibicailay ovenlnjr , ( Jctobor 15th. Sciibuor , T. W. Tucker nnd H. C. JJromo , 'huimlny o\oniug , October ICtli. 0. B. YOST , . Chairman State Central Cormnittw. , W. T.OVK , Chaiiitmu Congrewfional Con- tnil Committee , Third DIstuct. VlipolnlmontH for Gcorgo AV. Dorsoy nnil J , O , Talo. Aiimwortb Tuo'day evening , October 7. NellRli Wednesday , October 8. I'iorco Tlmrnilay , October 9. Cruightou Friday , October 10. 'OU ' OKO W. K. DOHHKV AND OKN. A. 11. CONN01U Or l Mouilay ovonlng , October 13. i Broken Bow Tuesday evening , October 14 ; Loup City \VodncBday evening , October . ID. ID.St. St. Paul Thursday evening , October 1C. Scotln 3'Viday afternoon , October 17. Grand Island Friday evening , October 17 | Central City Saturday evening , October- 8. 8.Fullorton Fullerton rimday evening , October 20. Columbim Tunfday evening , October 21. North 1'latto Wwlncstlay evening , October 1'lnin Crook Thuraclay evening , October1 13. Kearney Friday evening , October 21. Schuyler Saturday evening , October 2.1. OHO. W. K. DOIIHBV AND OT1IKU RPKAKKIIS , Albion Monday evening , October 27. Blair Tuesday evening , October 28. Dakota City \Vednendny evening , Octo * lor 29. Tokainah TlmrHdny ovoning. October 30. Wi t 1'oint Hildav evening , October 31. Mr. Dorhoy will bo noconip.uilcd by canili- latca forstato oificca. 0. J2. YOST , J. W. I.OVE , Ch'n SUto Con. Cora. Ch'n Cong. Com. ( SUCCEHSOIIS TO JOHN O. JACOBS ) UNDERTAKERS 1 At tlio olJ Btaml 1117 Fnrnam Street. OrJora by clfgroph u.ilioltcj auu promptly attended tu. Ids iliouo No. 225 , J. ARMSTRONG , M. D. Practice Limited to Diseases of the Eye and Ear. 503 Farnam StreetOMAHA. . To CoiitracKirB ami llulldors. Wanted , rrojuienlH ( orthobiillillni ; ol Countvschool lomeilliUlit ,17 , UiiUKba rrecluct , rianaunUptn- llcatloijH fat wlilchmay 1 neon on npi llcallon toUio nJorHlfc'ncd , to whom all | iroponil : § muat tc addrciH- il on ir bcfuiu thu Vlid Instant , thu oiininlttoo to- onlii ) ; the right to rvjict tliuljucat or anv tunjer. I.T. F.VANS , Chtlrtnan of ( 'onialttcc , oct 10,11,13rro : 1517 Douglai Bt. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY CKOUNSK'S RLOCK , Cor. 10th and Capitol Avenue , truata nil ca Clip- lilt-dor IMormcd , ildodiseases ot tha Nervous System , ' Blood , and Urinary Organs , All oaow of Curveturo of th Bplne , Croikdl Foei LegtBiulAriiK. AUo Chronic aflectlona of tlio Liver , Ithouutttlimi , I'araljDlu , I'llcn , Ulwr * , OUrrb , A&Ui- ma and Dionchltli are all treated by now and euo- coafclnl ruitUodd. All dlwaHcn of tno Wood and Uiln- try OrrfatiP , Including thoai > rmiKlnif fiom luc lucre- thu or exposure , aru wfeh anil eucouofnlly treated Mid a ruru guaranteed. Young men , mlaJlo aged , aud all ruin tuta-ilnf rnin Wi'aknem and Nervous cxhauotlon , i > rouuc ! < ik indirectionI'alpltatlonot tha llcutt , DvBuondcnoy Dlzzlreu. Loai cf Meinory.tack of Koortfy anl Ambition , can b ristored to he ltli and vigor , If ctte U not too lon < Dedicated , Tlie Huriroou In churgo i * a grtdulto of Jtfler * tun Mwllcat Colle o (1831) ( ) aid 1)04 itudltid hit prolgfulcn | u London , I'arU oiui Ucr'ln. If IHIcteil , eallor rile full do crlptlon of i our ca * , and luedl- clna taw | o eent > ou. Consnllattou fre . Addiei * dm > h ulipxincary , Crotnibs's block , Omaha , Nub. Olflixt tiuur 10-18 a. ro. , 1-B nJ 7-fl p. tu .Ijundiy * . 9-10 a m , U RCIV.I fr 'rtatlfO either on xru'.o UlieaMJ oc VCl .w . . . ,