1 ! THE DAILV BEE-FRIDAY OCTOBER 10 , 1881. NEBRASKA \ OMAHA , NEBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL 82 0,000 8UKPLUS MAY 1,1884 , .20,000 lUKCTOIlS ! H. W TATE3 , A. K. TOUZAUN , Prwldent. Vloo President . V. MOORE , JNO. 8. COM.ISS , LKWI3S. RKKD. Kent K. Ilaydcu , Aaslatnnt unc" Acting Ciohlor , i omcii The Iron Btank. ( JOB , 12TH ANDFAENAM STS A GENERAL JiAKKING BUSINESi TRANSACTED. INTEREST allowed on tlino depoelta upon fftvornblo torma and upon ncconuta of bunk Nnd brtnkoro. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Govornmon' ' Bonds and County and Olty tocnrltioi bough end Bold. In its treatment of cuBtomora the moat llby crr.l policy ia pursued consistent with aafotd- nnd Bound banking , and wo invite corroaponc * cnca or iieraonnl inquiry in connection there with FINANCE AND COMMERCE. N w YOBK , Oct. 9. Money Knsy at li@2 ; closed offered 1J. Prime paper C@G. Sterling Bills Dull at 4 8U ; demand 81.f Governments Lower. Hailwaya Strong , Stocks , Even and loss actl\o than yentor thy , nlthouirli the market continued strong1. Compared with yesterday , Union FuciGc is 8 and I'ncifio Mail J higher , while Lake Slier ia J , Missouri Pacific § , Now Jersey Centra 1 § per cent lower. Other changes are iniim portant. COUPONS. 3's 100 4Vs Coupons 1121 tl.S. new4'a 110 Pacific 6'a of ' 93 125 STOCKS AND BONDS. Central Pacific 41J Chicago & Alton 130j do do pfd 145 Chicago , Burlington. & Quincy 123 Delaware , Lacknwanna & Western. . . . 10GJ Denver & lUo Grande 10 ; Etie 148 do pfd 27 Illinois Central 123 Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western 10 Kansas & Texas : 18 Lake Shore & Michigan Southern 7(5 ( J Louisville & Nashville 28J Michigan Central 62 Missouri Pacific 93j Northern Pacific 10 do do pfd 44 Northwestern 91 do do pfd 128 ! Now York Central 9o Oregon Trans-Continental 13 , Pacific Moil 55 Pullman Palace Car Company 114 J Rock Island 115 St. Louis & San Francisco 21 do do pfd 40 Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 85 do do do pfd 105 St. Paul is Omaha 31 do do pfd 9 'jj Texas Pacific 119 Union Pacific 5G Wahash , St. Louis & Pacific do do do pfd 12 Western Union Telegraph G4 O. K. &N 71i Kx-div. tasked. GttiUN AND PKOVIS10NS. CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHIOAQO Ootobei 9.Flour Steady and un- Unchanged.1 Wheat Moderate ; specwlativo bu inesa opened weak nt J@J lower , rallied 4@8i declined - clined jj , fluctuated nud closed 1 under yes terday ; 7 i77 cabh : 70J October ; 784 < 5783 ! November. 80@80i December ; 80Ja80f Jan uary ; No. 2 , red , 7'JJ ; No. 3 , red , 07 ; rejected , red. 69. Coru Active , unrettleil and irregular ; fluctuations rapid nnd severe ; oncnod lower for October , rallied tf , declined 2J , aud closed 1J under yesterday ; November declined 4 , rallied 1J , declined 2 , nnd closed 1JS under yoaterday ; year , advanced 1 , declined $ j , and closed tlio same aa yesterday ; May advanced 14 , declined 1 , anJ closed iCsl higher ; 5l@544 cash and October ; 51J November ; 42f year ; 33J January ; 40g@41 May ; rejected 47@47J. O.\ta Kirm nnd higher ; 271@27j ) oaah nnd ctober ; 274-i7S November ; 27 @li7i Decom- 271 year ; aflifisUO. } May. Kye Steady at 51i@55. Uwloy Quiet ; C2jt024. ( Timothy Firm ; prime , 12-l@l 25. Elax Sofld Steady at 135. Pork Irregular ; higher for deferred de liveries ; near optionn Rteady ; 1 ( > 50 cash and October ; 12 G74@12 70 year ; 12 70@12 724 January ; 12 80@12 824 February. Lard Stronger and 10@20 higher ; 7 75 ca h and October : 7 CO November ; 7 35@7 S74 year ; 7 70@7 724 January ; 7 83Q7 8' Feb ruary. Bulk Meata-Shouldors C 50G 51 ; uhort- clear 10 25@10 30 : abort ribs U25@9 73. Whlaky-Stoadyatll3. Butter Quiet and unchanged , Cheeao I'inn and unchatgod. EVga-Stoadler at 17@17i. Hidra UnchaDgod. Tallow Unchanged. Itcceipts. Bhip'ts. Flour , bbla 2l(00 ( 23,000 Whoat. bushels. . . . , 112,000 31,000 Corn , bushola 133,000 Wi.OOO Oata , buahola 139,000 131,000 Kyti , buehela 10,000 3,000 Bnrloy , buflhela 121,000 lO.OjO ( IINCINNATI , OlnoiNSAVf. October 9 Vheall Strong and hlghor ; fo , 2 rod , 82 83o. Corn StroiiKor ; No. 3 mixed 50e. O.iti Firmer ; 28J@29e. Kye Active nnd farm at 5c , Barley -Firmer ; extra 3 fall 70@72. Pork t ulet at 1(150. ( Lard Active , firm and higher at 7 874. Bull ; MeaW ( iuiet. ShoiiUlers OJ ; abort ribs 10. 10.Whlalcy - Steady at 111 , KAXSAH CITr. KANHAH CITY , October 9. Wheat-Steady ; cosh fiGJ bid. Gl asked ; November .riSnS4 ; December 5JIJ. Corn Weaker ; cash 43 ; October firat half , 42 bid , 42J asked ; October , -IOJ bid , 10 | asked ; NovemlxT. 3lj bid ; May ! ) bid. Oata Entirely nominal. ST. LODIH PIIODUCE. ST. LOUIH , Oct. 8. Whoat-j3 Inwerj for May. Corn Unsettled and Jrrecular and alow ; nt 19 ; cash 50J ; October-IOJ@II , clo ing at 402 : November3t'S30JIcloiliiijatSCi ' ; ! fertile ) t'nr , Oats Finner ; G@2G3 cash and year ; 29 @ ? 0 M. y. Jtye , Dull , 62. Barloy. Slow , C0@77j. 1'orJc.10J. . I ard. Quiet , 65@fiO , Butter. Uncliaii god. liggs. Lower at IS , Flax Seed. Steady. Hay. Jlnll ; praltla , ! lf-0)000. ) Bran. Hri > ady at5)@Vi ) Corn Meal -Firm at 2 65(5 ( 2 00. Whieky.-Steady. CALL BOAKD Wheat Higher ; 78Jf Octo. her ; 81 November } 83@83J December ; 92 © S 2J May. Corn Higher ; BOS October ; filj November ! Ml ye r ; IU@418 .inninry ; 471 May. Oflta-HlRhcr ; 273 December ; 30J Miy , NEW TOUK rnoovo. NKW YonK , October H. Wheat Spot srmdo lower ; options ste dj ; receipts , 172- 000 ; exporti. S7.0CO ; No. 3 spring , 83 ; do. crop in field Stiffs' " ! ungraded ted. 117 ® 944 ; do , cron In field , 7@UL ; No , 3 red h2 ; No. 2 rod , 87J@f8J ; December closing 89-j. Corn Spot 1 and optioui 4@l lower ! re ceipts , 121,003 ; cxpjtts 01,000 ! ungraded f G@ 69 : No. 2 G2 ; December cloMng t f2J. O. t JcWg hlghsr : receipts , 169,000 ; experts - ports 120 ; mixed \\cttorn H3@3I ; white , 331 ® "r.W Western frc-ih firm ; 214@22. 1'ork Firm ; new mesa 17J L td Strnngjwo > tcrn steam spot 8 00. Butter -QuUt and firm for choice. LtVKIU-OOt. . LtvxnrooL , October 9. Ureadslufls 1'asicr Wheat Winter Gi 8tl@7n ; Sprlng-Cs 8d@ CsKd , Coru 03 104d. TOt.Sl)0. ) TOI.KIX ) , 'Ohio , Octnb'r 9. Wheat-Quiet ; firm ; No. 2 rod cash ( ! G4 bid- Corn Kasler ; No. 2 61. Oata Quiet and steady ; No. 2 cash nnd October 17 asked , NKW ORLEANS. NEW OIU.TAXS , October 9. Corn Fair demand and higher ; In sacks , mixed 09c , Oats Western , In fair demand : choice 35 ® 30. 30.Corn Corn Meal Moderate demand nt S2 G5 ® 270. 270.Pork Pork Fair demand at 1700. Lard Steady ; tierce retiuod 7 75 ; keg 812J. 812J.Whisky Whisky Firm ; western rectified , .1 05 ® 125. I1ALTIMOUK. IlALTiMORG , October I ) . Wheat Western easier nnd closiug dull ; No , 2 , winter rod spot Corn Western dull ; mixed spot f > 5@5Gc. Oats Steady ; western wlitto , 3J@3Ic ; mixed , 31@32. Bye Quiet ; G2@G5. Egoa Steady , at 2n@21. Whisky Quiet nt Si 18@1 19. MILWAUKEE. MiLWAUKKn , October 9. Wheat-Firmer ; No , 2 Milwaukee , and October , 75J ; No vember , 77g : December , 791. Coru Quiet ; rejected on track , 53c. Oats Demand active : No. 2 white , nomi nally at 29@294c. Ityo Inactive nnd nominal ; No , 2 52c. Barley Dull and lower ; No. 2 spriug cash and October 6Gc. KST. LOUIS. St. Louis , Mo , October 8. Cattle Re ceipts , 1,201) head ; good demand at strong prices ; supply light ; quality poor ; exports U 40(9G ( 75 ; common to choice shipping 4 50 @ 6tO. Sheep Receipts 1,100 ; dull except for top grndo ; common to choice 2 09@3 7o ; lambs 2 03 ® 100. Hoga Kocoipta , 1,900 ; active ; firm ; York : ora,5 00 5 23 ; 'packinir , 4 S0@5 15 ; butchers 5 05@5 60. UIVE STOCK. CHICARO LIVK STOCIC , CHICAGO , October 9 , The Drovers' Journal reports : Hogs Iloceipta,14r > 00 ; brisk : good grades 6c h-Rher ; rough packing 4 U0@5 30 ; packing and shipping 5 40f 5 9J ; liRht 5 00@G CO ; skips and grasses 4 005 00. Cattle Receipts , 7,700 ; steadier and good Kradoj firm ; exports G 80 a7 25 ; common to choice 4 005 75 ; inferior to good cow * 2 00@ 375 ; atockers 3 00@4 00 ; feeders 3 75 ® 140 ; range firm ; Wyoming 3 GO < r5 40. Slicop - Heceipts 4OOJ ; dull , except on beat ; Inferior to choice 1 fiO@4 30. Lambs 3 23@3 75. KANSAS crrr KANSAS CITV , JIo. , October 9. Cattle Roeeipt-i , 3,000 head ; steady ; exporta G' OaG 25 ; common to choice shipping , 5 00 ® 585. 585.Hoga Receipts , 2,903 ; firmer at 5@10c higher B 15(85 ( 45. Sheep Receipts , 310 ; fair to good steady at 3 25 ; others dull , OM.VI1A MATIICEXS. AVIiolcsalo 1'rlces. OFFIOR OP TUB OMAHA BEK , ) 1 1 Tuesday Evening , October 7. ill The following prices ore charged retailers by Jobbers , wholesalers nnd commission mer chants with the exception of grain , which is quoted at the prices furnished by the elevators ind other local buyers : Grain. Whoat-Cnsh No. 2"ri9c. Barle Ca h No. Z , 4 li'c. ' Rye Cash No. 3 , 42a Corn No. 2 , 413@l'4c ; on atraet 32c. Oats No. 2 , 21i Wool. Light fine 13@l c. Heavy fine 12g)14c. ) Medium 15@lGc. off. off.Market Market firm. Hides , Steady ; green butchers' fi ; preen salted idry ; illnt 12 : dry salt 10@11 ; damaged lido1 ? , two-thirds price. Sheep l > oita-2d@ 00. Flour anil MIIlBtuBa AVinter Wheat Best quality , patent at 25 33 00. Second quality 2 202 50. Spring Wheat Best quality , patent , 300 ® )1B. ) Second Quality 2 15@2 50. Bran Clio pur cwt. Chopped Food Per 100 Ibi. , OOc. Corn iloil 1 00(31 ( 10 per cwt. Screening G5@75o tier cwt. Go nornl Produce SIApples Dull , and receipts continue heavy , inly choice stock saleable at $2.25@2.50. Beans Receipts light and demand good i cad picked navy , per bu. 32.50 ; medium , 2 00 , Beeswax In good demand. Choice bright wr Ib. 2G@28c ; common to good dark per Ib. .5@20c. Butter Shows a remarkable improvement , ilecoipta have boon i ery light arid pricet ) ad vancing rapidly. Chcico table butter waa lold OB high na 20 n 22c ; fair to good 12 a 1 EC ; nferior graded 8 a lOc ; fresh creamery Belling it 27. Cider "Ohio" per bbl. S7.00 ; "York Hate" per bbl..88.00 ; per 4 bbl. $1.75 ; con lenscd par la. 85c ; crab npplo , per gal. Mo. Cheese Full cream , western , 12c ; Wiscon- m now 12\c \ ; young American , 12 a 13c. ] ) gjn [ lluvo been auarco for a law daya and iricoa highc'r ; to-day'a imloa , 17c. Gama Prairie chickeuu alow at $200a 250 ; nlpe , § 1.00 n 1.20. Hay Baled § 7.QO@8.00 loose , $5.00 a i.OO. Jolly In 20 and 30 pound puila , G n 7 ; in 2 b. jara , par do8.60 ; msortod tumblcr-i pu r loz. § 1 'JO ; achoonerj , per doz. Si.OO. Maple Sugar Pure , in bricka , per Ib. IGc ] ) hio , 13c ; amnll cakei IL'Jc. SHALL FIIUITH Michigan peacbea porcratti OALIIOIISIA Fiiuirrf 1'earo , 5u-lb , boxes , 00 ; 20-lb boxes , 2 25 , Oranoa per crate ( I io\CH)2BO. ) ONIONS Choice per Barrel 2 00 , Porcous In goojj demand at 232 0 , per b. POUI.THY In llbf ral supply and prices we.ik' print , ? chickens , 2 i 2 75 ; old chickens , 3 00 i fit . 1'lovisiovH Ham , 1 Ic ; B. bacon , 124c ; 1) , I. aides , 1 ' { c : C S. bacon , VJjjaliouldorn , H > o ; neasuoil ; , OfO ; lard , 9@10e. POTATOES In libiral supply at 335i or lushel , OrncerH IJH ! ( , CANNED Goonn OvdtersHtanUardper ( ) caw , ; 90 ; strawimried , 2 Ib , per c.tio , 2 20 ; ranp- terns * , 2 ll ( , tier cn e , 2 7C ; Bartlett pei r , per 2660. 21 RorK Siial 4 > nch and larger , 9o , § inch , 4c ; 1 inch , lOc. 2 < a , 40 Jbs , ICa , Uc ; 8 , lie ; oxcs 40 lb , 1C oz. , Ca , He. ' N MATCHKS Per coddio , 33c ; ronnd , cnses. 2 55 ; qunre , ca o , I 70. StMAns Povvderel , Sfc ; cut loaf , Sjos grnnulnlrd , 7c ; confecUosiPtu' A , 7cs Stand- ntd oxtia C , ( ijc ; nxtra C , die ; medium yellow - low fnfoj dark jollow. e. Ordliury ctnilr , 12@12lc ; f I7e ; Atbucklo'a routed , I5jo , Mci.nu hlln'a XXXX roasted , 15Jc ; inltntlon Ja\n , iU''i' @ 181 ; Clark's Aurora , lotfc. ItlCE Louisiana prime to choice , " © lie ; fair , I'.Jc ; I'atms , GJc. FISH No. 1 mackerel halt brK , 700 ; No. 1 , 6 ; Inmlly mackcrol , kits , OOc ; No. 1 uhlto fish , half brh , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits , O..e. SHUP Standard Com. 32 < ? , bbls ; Standard do , 4J gallon kegs , 1 83 ; Stmulnrj do1 gallon kcifi , 1 60. SODA Inlbpapera , 3 S0perca c ; keg per It' ' , S 11. PIUKI.M Medium , in b rrol , 8 OOs do In half barrel ; , t 50. small , In barrels , U 00 ; do in half barrola , C 00 ; gherkins In barroU ID 00 ; do in half barrel * , 5 60 , TKAS Gunpowder , good , 4Ca55o ; choice , GO n75c ; good Imperial , 4hl3cj ( choice , tiOaGSc ; Young Hyson , good , 3GA60o ; choice , G5.il 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , Sflc ; Jnpin , choice , t OA'OC ; Oolong , good , : V5fl40c ; Oolong , choice , 40a55c ; Souchong , good , 85ilCc : choice , 35alOc. WOODKNWAUK Two hoop palls , 1 85 ; thro hoop pail * . 2 10. Tubs No. 1 , ! ) 00 ; pionei washboard * , 1 85 ; Double Crown , 2 NO ; Wol bucket' , 3 85. SOAVH Klrk'a Savon Imperial , 3 13 ; Kirk satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk'a standard , 375 ; Kirk While Kusaian 6S9 ! ; Klrk'a cutoea , 215 Kirk'a .Praiiio Queen , (100 ( cakes ) 40c ; Kirk magnolia , doz. POTASH Pomnylvnnm cma , 4 casnln case 3 35 ; Babbltt'a ball , 2 doIn case , 190 ; . ' chor ball , 2 doz In ci e , 1 60. CANDY Mixed , 12.il3c ; atlck , lie ; twit stick , lOjc. VINKOAU Now York npplo , IGc ; Ohio tip pie. 13c. SALT Drav load ? , per bbl , 1 70 ; Ashton , ii sacks , 3 60 ; bbls dairy , GO. ( JM , 3 3D , STAHCH Pearl 4 c : Silver Gloss So ; Corn Starch , 805 Excelsior Gloss , 7c , Cora 74c , St'icis Pepper 17c ; spice , 15c ; clovoi 23c cassia , 15c. LYK American , 310 ; Greenwich 3 40 Wratern , 2 76 : North Star , 200 ; Lowly lye 4.G5 , JowoH'lyo. ' Pry Ooorts. BUOWN SIIKKTINOH Atlantic A , 7jc ; Allan tie P , Uc ; Atlantic LL , 64c ; Brunswick , 74c Ueavcr Dam LL. Gc ; Lnwrtnco LL , fije ; Pac : Ho H , 7ia ; Itoynl Standard , 7ic ; Indian Hca A , 80 ; Wnuchusett A , 7c. ] ( FINK HIIOWN SHKKTINOS Argyle , 7ic ; Per perollK , 7c ; Salisbury 11 , Gfc. BLEACHKD Corross Ballon 4-4 , GJc ; Ba1 Ion , 7 8 , 5io ; Cumberland 4-1 , 8c ; Davoll DD 34e ; Fairmount , 44c ; Fruit of the Loom 4 Da ; Glory of the West , 8Jc : Golden Gale , Stfc Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4 , 7Jc ; Lonadalo , 84c ; Nn\ York Mills , ll cj Wamsutta , lOio. DUCKS ( Colored ) IJoston , 8 oz. , Hie ; B a ton , 10 oz. , 14Jo ; Boston , 9 oz. , lie ; Fnl Kivcr , 8jc. DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ; Won Point , 10 oz. , 14c ; Point Bear , 8 or. , lie. TICKINGS Amoakeag , He ; Continent. ! Fancy , 3e ; Cordia , lO c ; Pearl Ilivcr , l 4c York , 12jc ; Hnmloton Awninga , l4c. DKNIKS Amoskeag , 14e : Beaver Creek AA , 12a : Beaver Creek BB , Hot Beavo Greek CO. lOc ; FTnymakera , 8c ; Jalfroy D k r , ltfo ! ; Jaffrov XXX , IV c ; Pearl Kivor I3e ; Var en AXA ( brown ) , Ko ; Warren BU jrown ) , lie : Warren CO ( brown ) , lOc. CAVIIBUM Fifth avomio glove finish , 6c Soyatono glove finish , EJc. O lisErJKAK.s Amory , 74 ; Hancock , 8c Ivcaraayor 8e ; Kockport , 7e. PIUNTS Allona , 64 ° , American fijc : Am ilds , fc ; Cocheca , Gc ; Harmony , 44c ; Indigo r4 ; Indigo 7-8. 114c : Indigo 4-4 , 12ic ; Stee lUvor , 5ic ; Charter Oak , -140. PKINTS SHIIITINCS AmcricaD , He : Co : heeo , 5e , Gloucester 6c ; Houthbrldge , 4\c \ kVaverlya , 4 c ; Koaodalc , 4Jo. ; GINQHASIS Amoskeag staples , 8Je : Batei itaplcs , 8tc- Lancaster ataplea , 8c : Plunket ilvula , 9c ; Hudson check * , ajc ; Amoskoag Persians , 9io , . . . . v.w . . ? Atlantic Alpaccu , 9ic : Per ; iano cashmere , 23Jc ; Hnmleton caslimere .540 ; Hamilton Kaucua , 114c ; Hnmleto bro lades , luc ; Arlington broculo , ISc. Tolacco. Pi.ua TOBACCO Cliinix 4So ; Bullion 4 ! > c Horseshoe , 44c ; Star , 4Gc ; Kudy , 15c : Her ley'a , 40c ; Black , 3t'S4Uc ' ; Spearhead , JGc Dur Kopo18c : Pijier HeidHieck , ( Uc. FINK CUT Common , Modium4Ce good 15 ; 0e Hard to Beat70 c ; moorltcGJC ; Dinmoiu > own , Sic ; Sweet Sixteen , 5JTc. SMOKING O. H. , 22c ; Meerschaum , 30e Durham , 8 07. , 65c : Dinham 4 o ? . , Ze ; Dur lam ) oz. , GOc ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 o/ . ISc ; Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , 5 c ; Seal o tfcrth Carolina 2o52c : 0. K. Durham , \ iz. , 28c : O. K. Durham , 2 o30c ; ; Uncle ( Jed , | 'a 25c ; Tom and Jerry , 23c , FalntH Ollrt and OILH 110 carbon , per gallon. 12al4c ; 160 ° loadlight , per gallon , 12 | e ; 175Q headlight , ) er gallon , lG4c ; 150 * water white , 15Jc ; lin- oed ntw , per gallon , 65c ; linsocd boiled , per rallon , 5Sc Lard , winter str'd , nor gillon , 70u ; \To. 1 , GOc ; No. 2 , 50 ; cvtor XXX , pur gnl on , 1 GOe. No. 3 , 1 40 ; Bwoet , per gallon. 1 00 perm W. B. , per gallon , 1 00 ; fish W. B , ter gallon , CD ; neatufoiitoxtra , per gallon , 90c ; STO. 1 , 75c : lubricating , zero , per gallon , 3Jc ; ummer , 15c : ( golden machine , No. 1. pur gul in , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; aperni , signal , per gallon Oc ; turpentine , pet gallon , 4-c ; nnptha , 74 ° , ior gallon , IGc. PAINTS iNgOiL White lead , Omaha P , P. , c ; white lead , St. LouU , pure , ( ! } c ; Mnrseil- jj , green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc , roon seal , 12c ; French zinc , red Real , lie ; 'rcnch zinc , in vnruish na t , 20c ; Frencli ? Inu , i oil us.ft , 15c ; raw and biunt iimbor , 1 Hi ans , lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; Vandyke rown , 13c : refined lampblack , 12c ; coach lack and ivory block , llic ; drop black , IGc ; Yus'slnn blue , 40 : ; ultramarlno blue , 18c ; lir-.ino green , L. M , fc D , , IGc ; blind and Imttor green , L. M. & D. , IGs ; Paris green , to ; Indian rod , 15c ; Venetian rod , 9c ; TUB- in red , 22c ; American vermillion , L & P. , 3c ; yellow ochre , 9c } L. M. , O. & D. O. , ISc ; allow ochre , 9c ; gildou povre , IGc ; patent ryer , 8c ; Draining colors , light oak , d.irlc.oak , alnut , chestnut nnd noli , 15 : . DRDOS AND I IIKMICALH Acid , Carbolio Do ; ncid , taitario , 53c ; baham capabla , inrllii jc ; bark , sassafras , per lu. 12c ; calo-nol , per j. 75c ; clnohonldir , per oz. , 50 G5 ; chloroform , ur Ib. 81 10 ; Dovero powders , per Ih , 51 2r ; peom salts , per Ib. 3Jc ; glycerine , pure , per j. 2."ic ; lead ucotate , per Ib. 22c ; ml castor , ! < > . 1 per gal , 1 GO ; oil castor , No. 3 , per gal , , I 40 ; oil , olive , per gnl , $1 40 ; oil origanum , te ; opium , S 50 ; quinine , P , & W ; and R. & . , per oz. , SI 20 ; potassium , ; iodine , per ) . , 31 , r > 0 ; Balicin , r < ! f c > / . , 40c { Hulthf , pour , lorphiiui , per oz , § .t GO ; aulphur attiold , per > . , 4c ; strjchnine , ] ior oz , $1 35 , AtOOHOL IBS proot itlcohol , 2 20 per trlno llon extra California xplrlt ? , 1RH proot , IS par proof gallon ; trfplo refined Hplrita 37 proof , 1 17 per proof gallon ; ro-dlutilloj hlokiM 1 00@1 60 ; nee hliindod , 1 rx2 50 ; : ontucky bourbons , 200f,700 ; JContncky ni PooaeylvHiiI. * ryen ( 2 00@7 00. JiHAKDirs Imported , fionwiHIVIi rJomeitlo GlNH Imporwrl , 4 60U UUj cioraceuo , 1 40 JH 00. RUMB Importoil , 4 ft@l ) ! OD : New i'u M@4 00 ; doinoatlc , 1 Xt3 50. 1'KiCU AN APPLE BUANDT 1 75 ( ? 1 00. GlUlirAdNRB Irajjortod per ease , 23 00@ per C-mn , 12 CXJffilfi 00. Oak tola , BSc iZc ; hemlock eolol3c,33 ! ( ; | ouilock kid , 80c ; nmnor 05a to 753) ) ham- itk cnl ( , 85o to 1 00 ; hemlock upper , 22o )2i : o k iipp-.T , 21c ; alligator. 4 00 to C 50 ; M kid , 82fp.j ; GroUon lafl. V K ) iu 2 75 ; onk 'bblo ' 0 , D , Morocco 85c ; ulmou , ' 2 D0@3 00 HAHNKSI. No , 1 tir onk , 3ic ( ; No. 2 31c | Jot No. 1 Ohio oal : , < 53o ; ixo , zuo. Vlci No , Milwaukee aic ; No 2 do lift. No IPHtiook hnr , fi ( : ; No , 1) PUU n her or , I'll W1IOLKAAL8 We quota luiubor. j it III and tihluglei on can t Omaha at the following price * ; JOIBT AND SOANTIIHQ 1C It ftnd uodor j ( X ) TIMBIBH 16 feat fend nndor , 20 W. TIUBCU AND Jomr 20 it , ; aO ) ; 24 It. i'OO , FINOIKO Ko , 1 , 4 and 6 la , , 24 00 ; No , 2 , BKJtrnna No , 1 (24 ( common boards ) , 20 OOi 0,2,1800 , STOCK BOARDS A , 45 00 ; 11 , 10 00 ; 0 , 85 00 , FLOORtNd No. 1,4000) ) No. 2 , S500 | No. 3 , 2500 SIDINO , clonr 27 00 ; No , 2 25 00) ) No , 8 , 2000. OKILINO-J , 87 00) ) B , 25 SHINOHS , boat I 60 ; standard , 3 60 , LATH 3 25 per M. LlUK Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk tx r bushel , JW * ! oaaiont , bbl , 2 26 1 lown plwtor. bbl , 2 Ml hnlf per bn. 60c | T rrod loll , 100 few , 8 50 | irww bord 810,0 Itexvy Hnnlwaro Tilst , Iron , rates , 2 30 : plow tcll i > ocial ca > t. fie ; cniciblo , 7c ; special or Gorman , 60 ; east too ; do , IDn'W ; wagon apoko. ' , < t , 2 2R 3 00 ; liuba per sot. 1 25 ; felloca , aawwl thy , 1 40 ; tongue * , i-ncli , 70n8Cc ; nxlos , each , 75o ; npinro nuta per ll > , "allc ; waohew , t or 1I > , SalSos thcU , porlb , llcscoilchnin'lM"1" ' ! Gal2ct malloiblo , So : iron wedges , Gc : crowb r < , Gc- harrow teeth , 4c ; opring toel , 7 8c : Burili-n'a honetluw , 4 40 : Iturdcn'i mulosliocs n 70. BAIUIKD WIRK Inorlolo , 1 ( OiierlOO , NAlLS-llates , 10 to GO , 2 40. SlIOT-Shot , 1 85 : buck ihot , 2 10 : oriental l > owder , ki'ga , G 40 : ilo , half kegs , 3 18 : do , quarter ke s , 1 88 : blasting , kiys , 3 35 : fuse , per 100 foot , 60o. LKAII M r 1 < > " . COAL- Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 : Mor- ri * run Hlo'sburg , 10 00 : Whllobroa t lump , 5 00 : Whltebrontt nut , 5 OOs Iowa lump , 500 : Iowa nut , 6 00 : Hock Spring , 7 OOi Anthra cite , 11 25all 60 : Canon City , 7 00 per ton. Irr 1'nlnts. Whlto lend. Set French tine. 10i | PA whiting. 24o ; whiting glhlora , IJc ; whiting com'l Uc ; lampblack , Oormantown , He ; lampblack , ordinarytOcj Pruulau blue , f6c mitramnrine\8c ; vaudyko , brjwt , 8c ; umber , burnt , Ic ; umber , raw , 4c ; clonn * bur At , 4c ilonna , rkvr , 4c ; Pftria preen , gcnuiua. 25c Purla p onooinmon,20cchromofrecn ; N.Y. 2Co ; ciiioinoproon. K , , 12oi vcnnillion , Bug , 7Cc | Tcrmllllon. American. 18c ; Indian , rotl , lOoj rose pink , 14c ; Venetian rod , Ooolcson's , 2i'c ; Venetian rod , Aauorican , IJci rod load , 74o ; chroma yellow , gonulno , 20c ; chroma yellow low , K. , 12c : ochre rooliollo , 3o ; ochro. French 2o ; ochre , Arnorloan , 2c : Wlntor'n raluornl , 2 to ; lohlgh brown , 24c ; Spanish brown , 24o Prlnce'a mineral. So , VABNlBUKa Barrola. piw gnllont Furnl turo , extra , $1 10 ; f urnlturo , No. 1 , 1 ; coach extra , $1 40) ) coach , No. 1 , 91 20 ; Damnr extra , 81 75.Tnpnn ; , 70o ; Mrhnltum , oxb , 860 aliollao , 83 60 : hard oil jnlnh 160. DENVKll JUAltKBT , LIVB STOCK Bee ! Cattle , gra a , 100 Ib. 3 00 @ 3 76 ; ahoop , shonrd , live , 2 00@2 60 ; drcaaod 6 00@0 00 ; calvoa G 50@7 76 ; hogs , live , G 60 @G 75 ; droasod 8 r > 0@9 00. Hides. Dry Flint , 10@12o. ! green 4@5o. green calf 8@10 : ; ahoopaklus , dry , 8@10o. Tallow. 6@Ga Wool , Colorndo 14@15a ; Colorado heavy , 12o)13c ( ) ; Now Mexican 7@10c , FLOUB Colorndo , 100 Iba , ; i 76@2 CO ; pat ent , 100 Ibs. , 276@300 ; Graham , 100 Tbs , 176 ; rye , ' 100 Ibe. , 225 ; buckwheat , bb 10 00@10 50 ; bran , ton , 12 00@13 00 ; corn meal , 100 Ibs. 1 45(31 ( G5. GRAIN Wheat , 100 Iba , OOc ; corn , In ajv 100 Iba , 1 ! 51 20 ; oata , Neb. mixed , 100 Iba. 1 20 1 25 ; barley 100 Ibs , 1 S0@l 35. HAT Baled , upland , 14 00@1G 00 ; bottom tom 11 00@13 00 ; Btraw. 9 00@11 00. BUTTKB Fiuost , 32@33 ; Nebraska dairy 14 © lee : common , G@8o. Eoas Froih , 2.23 ; ranch , do roah25 @ 2G. 2G.OIIKKSS Full cream , 1415o ; Llmbnrgor , 18c ; Swiss , Imported , S2a. POULTRT Llvo , chickens old , doz,6 60@G 00 turkey , per Ib. , 14'lGc ) ; iprlng chickens , 8 50 ® 4 60 ; dressed lb,19' ' 20a. POTATOES 100 Ibs , now , 1 25@1 SO ; sweet , rer Ib. , 4c. VBOETAOLIB Onions , now , 100 Ibs , 1 Go ; cabbage , now , 100 Iba , 90 ; new boots , 1 00. FBUITB Lamons , choice Messina. 6 00 ® R 60 ; apples , bbl , 3 75@4 03 ; poaches per box. 2 00 ; watermelons , per doz , 50fa)7G ) pears , per box , 3 00@3 60 ; plums , per box , 2 ( JO ; California graped , 1 75@2 50 per box. box.MKATB Hams , Ib , 14114J ; bacon , break- fust , 141@114c ; lard , in three , ( Ib , 104 amoked aides , 124@13. Flan Mackerel , No.l , 1 10 , Idt , moss 1 752 25 ; California salmon , half bbl , 10 60 Holland herring , kocr , 1 60@1 75 ; trout , per Ib. 17@18o Tims Table. In Effect Oct. lat , 1884. The attention ot tlio travclllnir public is called to thu ( act taat this U tliooulycnmluts nnil nl Mut ly c.oiroct 11 mo table rmijllgliod In tlio city , All trains arrlio nt and depart from Omiliit by Central Stamltuil Time. Trr.ins of lliu 0 Kt. 1' , M. ct 0. arrive nt nirl < 1o part from tliclr depot , corner n ( illh an \Vobattr htro-.ts ; trains o. tlio U. & M. , 0. B & < lanil K , 0 , Kt. J. fcO. U. Iromtlio D. & if. depot , all otliera from the Union I'uinc depot. , Dally ; b , except SaturJaj ; c , except Sunday ; < 1 , except Jlonday. OMAHA BRIDGE TRAINS Dummy Trains I-eivo Omalm at 0 10,8 I 0 > , IU 00,1. 16 a in , 1 0) , 2 ( W , 3 W , 4 00 , fi 00 , C 00 , U30 pin. On BiiniUyatliu Hinnnil 10 OJ n in aim 'CO ' nnd 4 00 p mlralnsdci not run. Arrive at trans- ur depot IB minute. ) later : liroa lu ay depot SO mln nua later , Letnu Council IllulTa ( Brooilwkv iluiiot ) at 7 W , 830 ISO , 1030,11 a in ; 1 art , 230 , 3 SO. 480 , 080 , OS6 , ml 11 05 ji in. On bundtya thu it 30 arid 10 3U a in tnd 3 80 and 6 3911 m I mi in will not run. Arrive at i'rarihfer 7 mlnutei lot-r. Uintlia "U minute * liter. Trnn8forTrnlno-i a\oOiiiaiiaatB is , 863 0 05 a 111 , 4 'i'j , 0 iu ami U 65 p in , dally ArrhuatO-iDand II16a in , li Si , 7 35 nnd 8 15 p n. AtONO THK LINK Of THK liilcap , St. . Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The now oitomlun of thl line fiom Wkkoocld up 1KAUTIFUL VALLEY of the QAN through UonuurU and Uolorldgo . ; achoi tlio bun portlo-i of the btte , fii.ccUl c nralou rituu for loud looker * over thlt Hue t , Notfalic and lluitluidoii , ad vli to t , the SIOUX OITY & PAOIFIO RAILROAD Twtuioror tlitO. . St. P , M. A 0 , Hillwiy to Oov iKtoii , dloux Utjr , 1'oua , Ilutingtop , Wayao nd < Oox-i.xi.oot mt 331jr lar I Fleuout , Oibd .o , Nell b , * ndthiou < h to VI- catlue , trtot r te § nod lllnforuutlon cU on if f. wa inon AND 8T4 r. noomio. 0 , SPEGHT , PEOP 1111 DoaglM SI. Om > it , Nib. ANUrAOTUllKll or Galvanizoa Iron Cornices X TDirmer Window * , TinHN , Tin , Iron urnl Slate tlnoflnfr , 8p Mt'a I'.vtont Mttalib HVjHjlit , 1'itcn djmted lucliott lltrwul Hwkot ShoMntt. I nn tlio tfon'rnl n eit far tlioatnro line of u'oo.li. Iroi * , Kvnclne.lUliMtradej , Vfiandnn , Iron Ihr FHE BRUNSWICK , BAIKE , COL- LENDER COMPANY , (8UOOKSSOR8 ( TO THK J. M. 11. fc B. CO.JM''I The Uio4l oxtonsho mftnulacturort at IN THK WOULD. John Uockatrasscr Ooncral A sent or Nebraska ami Western Iowa. SO 8. Tenth Street ! . . . . OMAHA , NEU tfri'rlfloi of Ullllanl and Tout Tables and tn tcrlal utnljticil ( in application CS-OXIKTG- PRINCIPAL LINE ritoM CHICAGO , PEOIIIA & ST. LOUIS , iiv WAV or OMAHA AND LINCOLN TO DENVER , Oil VIA KANSAS CITY AND ATCHISON to DENVER Coiim'clliijr In Union Depots nt Knnsi < iOlty , Oiniiliiuuul Denver with through trains lor And nil points In the Gi.cnt West . Ci'iiiiectliijfln Cmml Union Depot nt Chicago with through truln.s for AM3 W YOKK , BOSTON , And nil ICty-Tii Ollica. Atl'oorla with llnotA trtlim lor Ynillntmp elK Olneliiniitl , Colunfc ! , nml all points li thuSoulli.Enst. At 'li.VtJUls with tluotit'l truing for all points iicKnntlay : ) Coaohefl , 1'urlor Care , \\lthlto. cllnliiK Chiilre ( scats lieu ) , Smoking Caia \ \ ill Uuvolvlnit Chillis , I'lillniuu 1'alacu Sleciilnu U.ire nml the Imnoim C. If. & ( J. Dining Unn nindiilly toiuul fixnii Chicago mid Knnsus City ChlcuKoaiKl Council llhu-.a : Cliic.iigo nml lr Molnrs , ClllciiKO , St. Joseph , Atohlson nni Topol.ii without chaiiKo. Only IhroiiKh llni lunnl iff thnlr own trains liptwuen Olilca o l.incoln ami Denver , am ) Chicago , KIIIIBIM City nnd Denver. Through cam between Indianapolis and Council lihiirs , vlu 1'cuilii OO1NO rVOKTII ANI ) SOUTK. Solid Tialns ol iio nnt Day Coaches am I'nllman J'alauiiSU'uiiiiurCaia ui 01 mi dully K and fiom fat. I.onla ; via llannlbnl ; Oiilnoy ICeolciik , Huilliinlon , Cvdiirltapldsnml Allicil LcatoSt. I'liiil and Mlnnnipolls ; IMrlorUai-H with ItcellniiiK Chalis to iind fiom St. Louis ami I'eoria. Only ono clningoof cara bcUen St. J.oulH and Dett Molncs , Iowa. Mncoln , No. urasUii.nml Denver , Colomdo. It IH also the only Thiougli Line between ST. LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL. Itl known as the ireat T1IUOUGII OAll MM ! ol America , ami is unlvcisally admit ted to bo tlio Finest EqaippoJ Railroad In the World foi all chcco : of Travel. Throngli Tlcketa via this linn { or sale ntai' il. U.coiiDoa ticket olllcci.,1 the UnitcdStatci l.id Canada. V. J. I'OTTKK ' , 1'RIIOEVAL I.OWELL. ' "Sa Tbe nlg ot tbo term " Rho y Lino" In connection with tb 3 corporate nama of k great ro J H COIIVOJBBI1 IdokOt U8t Wbll rpqulroil by the travolliiK rub- He Short Line , Quick llmi " " " ' " ' " ' * ' ° ' ccoramod ' D lions il ol whlcb tie lain- beJ liy the Ktoatoet i llw y In Ameilcs. HKEGAGO , And Si Paul. II owns icd opcriteg ever 1WO miles of orthem Illlnoln , Wlscounln , lllnnoaoU , low * kot ; nj M la inalu linoe , brancbos and oonuto oni reach all the ercat bualrioei coutreg at Ibl NortUuimbanil Far West , It naturally atuwors tin doiorlptlou n ( Short Line , and Dent Ilouta between Ohloaco , Milwaukee , Kt. I'anl and Minneapolis OlilcaKOMllwunkce , IA Cromo and Wlnona. Chicago , Mllwanktio , Abonlocn and Kllrndala ChlonKO , Mlhvaiilioo , Kau Claim nml Htlllwatoi * Chlmxo. llllwiukco , Wuunau and Jlerrlll. Chicago , Mllwuukeo , Heater Dam and OshVoib. Chicago , Milwaukee , Wauknnha and Oonnomowoe. Oliicntto , Milwaukee , Madison and I'ralrlodu Oh ! < n ChkuKo , Mllwaukoo , O atnnna and Falrlbault. ( 'lilcjno , Ikliilt JincivlHe and Mineral I'olnl. Chicago , Kl/tn , Kockfonl anil UubiKtio. | Uhlcaffo , Clinton , Hnck Inland and Cedar Rapldi , CblckKO , Council llludfl anil Omaha. Chicago , Slnux City , filiini Kallsand Tanktoo Chlcait" , Mlltvnukvo , Mitchell md Chamberlain. Hook Inland , llubuque , St. Paul and Mlnneipolll. Davonpnit "almar , St. 1'aul and lllnnc | iolli. I'ullrnan H topers and the ( Intel Dlnlnir Carl In the Hcrldarnnin nn the nmlnllnt nl thoCHIOAOO , MILWAUKKKANDST. PAUL HAIMYAY.anilcverv attentionlu paid to pannonKcra by oouitcoutcmployoi ol tlio Company. 6. 8. MKKIULL. Ocn'l Monger. A. V II. OAltl'KNTEH , Qen1 I'llt. Agl. J.I' . Or.AUK.Ocil'lH.Mit. OKO. II. IIKAKKOIID , Awi't Otnl , Pa Axt. OMAETA Chemical Dyeing 0. T. PAULSON , Pionrlelor. Gi ntumuni' ! Clolli'ni ' ; Cleaned , Dyoil and lUiialrtnL Laillcn * Drciweii Cleaned und led , without IlliiliiK. | | I'luincb CltaiKil or Coloroil any nhadu , to Minjilu. Bilks , Velvet * auc Laixu Cleancl , Dyed mid Uc-tlQ- luhcd. 1212 Douglas Street , OMAHA , NKB. TlfttKEN ePRINffVEHICLeei > Rulnl rldlaf " ViClfl lido M tuf rlta ou ii i % on MWlthlwo - The Nprlni " emlUeii undtboi kOMTdlB. 10 Ik. W el.lfl'S" arry. Kqutllr well < upu4 to rouch courilr ? uad > * iofcllloi. kf rmf.cturiJ.ni oldliy UlliBlrs4laC' rrUeB en. ll nry TlmU n. V 1 H PKOISNTLV FROM FREMONT , NEB. WHOLESAE LEATHER , SADDLERY , SADDLERY HARDWARE , HIDES , PELTS , FURS , TALLOW , WOOL. WE PAY THE TffTTT S 'B"TTRiCMB l TftfiT A TFtoTPyTrniBTa TBHks Trt 'lPTitf1 a HIGHEST MARKET PRISES For Iliilos , Wool , Polls , Etc , , ami oonsfgnmonla mndo to ua will receive Jprompt attention , for Trhich immodlnto loturnn will bo made. 13th Street , Bet. Dodge and Capitol Ave , OMAHA , NEB. KOT10K TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE GALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground OH Cake. a 1 It ia the boat nnd chcnpoat food for stock of any kind. One pound is equal to three pounds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gako In the Fall and Winter I , instead of running down , will increase in weight nnd bo In good marketable condl tlon in the spring. Dairymen , ns well vs others , who uno it , can testify to its met Ua. Try it nnd judge for yourselves. Price 825.00 nor ton. No charge for sacks Address WOODMAN LINSEED OIL COMPANY , Omaha , Nob. , DEALERS IN Hall's -'Safe and Lock FIRE AND BUBGLAEPBOOF SAFES VAULTS 'LOCKS ' , , , / / i XOflO STEELE , JOHR8&0N & CO , JJ. B. I OOKWOOD , ( formerly of Lookwood & Draper , Ohicago , Manager of the Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full line of all grades of the nboxo ; alao Fipca nnd Smokers' carried in atock. Prices and ennipk's furnished on application. Open orders intrusted to UB oil all receive our careful attention. Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGEWSFGR BENWOOD NAILS fiND\LAFLIN \ & RAND POWDER CO v. I i. . Milwaukee. Wis. GOTTflER & CO , , Sole Bottlers , C.'F. GOODMAN , Druggist is , * OMAUA , NEB. M. H1LLMAN ' * * 1301 AND 11)03 ) FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH , BEASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED 1118 FARLAfll STREET , OMAHA , NEB. A. L. ST.UANG & CO. , Double and Sing/o Acting Power ana Hand Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Belting , HOBO , Brass and Iron Flttlncs , at wholeualo end retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHDROE Corner 10th Parnam St. , Omaha Neb. HE LEADING CA FAl snrt I/i I ! nmp ! St. . { ( SUC015BSUII TO FOSTEU & GRAY ) , i i \ 9 LIME AND CEItiENT , Mlico and Yard Oth and Douglas Strcote , . OMAEA.SEB