Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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    Science of Lite , Only $1.00
KxhMated Vitality , Nervoni and FhTOleiJ Debility
Premature Decline In Uan. Kirorsot Youth , an the
trotoU miseries eraltlnR from Indiscretions ot ei
eeon A book Ini every man , yonnft , middle-aped ,
and old. It contain ! US proMrlptloni for all acnt
and rhronlo dlteatei each one ol which Is Invaluable
Bo foanJ by the Anther , whoso experience lor 2
y tr It inch u probably never before tell to the ct
ot any physla an 500 page ) , bound In boantlfo
rrenDh muslin maoModoovers , tail RHtguaranteed
t ) be a finer work n every tento , mechanical , lit
erary and professional , than any other work told In
thli conntry for tl.50 , or tbo money will be refunded
In every InsUnoo. I'rtoeonly 11.00 by mall , poit-
t > tld. Illustrative earorle I oonU. Bend now. Gold
medal awarded the author by the National J/oJIcal
AnoeUtlon , Io the officers ol which he relers.
The Sclented Life should be readbr the young
for Instruction , and by the amiotcd lor toilet ,
It will beocOl til. London Lancet.
There It no member of society to whom Tha 8d-
race ol Lite will not ba metal , whether yonth , pat
ent , guardian , Ini tractor or o'erfryman. Arjronant.
Addresi the Feabody Medical Institute , or Dr , W.
TI , rarkerNo. 4 BulOnch Street , Boston Mann. , who
may bo coninltod on all dlseuoi reqult'i skill and
experience. Ohronlo andobeilnatodtaeatjithat hare
bamed the ixlll ol all other pbyi-UCI. I dang
a npectalty : Saoa treated inooMa-nLHl , Icily
without an luitince tallore. TUYSFI P
Qonsra Detlers Io
Hare lot la 2CODCO acre ) carefully RcJoclod land
n ICietcrn Kobratlu , at low price and on cujy terma
Improvoa itrmg tor Io In DotiglaB , Doiljo , Oolfax
PUtto , Bnrt , Dnralnj , Barry , WajhlnztOB , tfotlok
aonden , uid Butler Jountloe.
Taiei paid In all ptrti ol tbo Btil . ;
iloncv loaned on mprorod farm *
Notary 1'ubllo always In office CorrcsponI
Erlonger , Havaria
Culmbaclior , Bavaria
Pilsner . . - > . Bohemian.
Kaisor. . . . . . . . - . . . . . . * * .Brnmen ,
Bud { reiser St , Louis.
Anhauser .St. Louis ,
Beab a. . . . MiHaukep.
Schlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee.
Krucj'u Omaha
Ale , Porter , Domestic and Rhine
Wine. | ] ED. MAU11ER.Rt
\VlllpurliVtIio BLOOD.-rcfra.
late tliu LIVER nuTi KIDNEYS.
und JtKHTOius TMK -
nna viaou or YOBXII. uv -
. \Vnnt of Appetite , 111-
, J.uck if Htrcngtli ,
cured , lionss , luugclcsaiul
nerves receive noirforco.
Knllveiia tlio in I ml und
etipnllua llralii 1'nwcr.
BnlTurliiKlroiii complaints
Sjiouiilliirto their BOX will
flnd InDIl. H ! < aTnK'S 1JVON TONIO n rah nod
nmedy euro. ttJHcs a clear , healthy complexion.
1'rciiuont AticmptB at oo-ni < rlittiif ; ) onlyudd
to the popularity of tliu orlKlnnl. Uu uulvxpcrl-
mcnt-KottlioOiiioiNArAM IlK8T.
-ourmlilrcMtoU'bnDr. HnrtnrMM * Oo.V I
. " BOOK.-l
ulB , Mo.for our"DRHAM
of ulrtujuo and useful.InlormaUou.lroo. J
( ! 17 St. Charles S' . , St. I.ouls , Mo , '
A retul.r [ r > duit oficJItnl CMttci , li i liecn lonw
topfed In tle.rH-t .ltrt.ciuciilot CHKOHIC , N.oc. . , Hm
aoa IIU > OD Di.i..Mtbaa itn ctlur 1'bj.lclxQ la Bl , Loul
w tltr | ' . | " ' . > h < w end ill oil tr.lilcnl. loow.
Nervous Piostratlon , Debliltjr , Mental nnd
Physical Weakness , Mercurial and other Affec
tions ol Throat , Skin or Doncs , Dlood Pollening ,
old Sores and Ulcers , urn ircucJ * iih unr.nii.iuJ
uer ( > .l , o Utc.t tlrnltUo | irloclr. > . K'rlr , Trlrtttt ; ,
Diseases ArUInu ( rum Indiscretion Encest ,
. . , . . _ . _ , . . . .
Rx Maiii > A ni > tnniil/Ani A vi.i. f..i * § tt
0e0 or ttaUl frt . and luTlUJ. VV f Ho fur queiUom.
A Positive Writren Guarantee .
Hrem lo all arbl CMM. U'dlolnci irot frcr/wberv.
Patnphleti , or Herman , 04 pmei , de
scribing obovo dueatei , la male or fgrnalt , t'HEtt
ti , fine pUUi. JlUitr.leJ In cloth ami ( III tladloc
iu r r l-oiUjft ue , mltt cotrr. , > & . Tbti btbl
11 til Uc curlou , , iloullful or In uUltltt .ol u
\ir \ IU ailrtca
A. BERG , M.
Office , 211 South Hth troet , over Bchrotcr &
Vtchl't Apothecary ( oruicrly Dr. Orot > maii's tei
Ideuoe , 1U9 NotthlOth Bt ,
\f \ If
Will care Vmraincii. Lumbago. llhramatUm Varaljtrfi
o L * lii lUMrtmMa V'DUwil .VWrtN"atluii"
liwlai , CkUrrbIMIM , rpU i j > Iiui-onucir , l' i'ti ' ; * ( ' "
frulnp iii I'wrl etc. Oulr cl ntlll t IfClrlc Belt Iu Amtr
lea ( tut M > ad lb Klcctrlcliyau < l luanuvtUui ttiruutilttu
botlj , ftttl cau W r&cbar tfd to Ka lutluit btha Bailout.
Winter U corning , tl xaioa ol tbo yuar lor acliei
andt < alai. In i level tliU UotMouy buy ouu o
1'r. Ui'-.e' rifdrio BcIU. By H > Joins jou ll
avoid Kheuuutltn ) , Kidney Trouble * and other ill
tint Iloh It lirlr to. Do uut delay , but otll at ou
oiEcoaadexai/JuQ bc'U , Ho , 1122 Doufflat atreet , r
UK Ooodmao't , 1110y tuatatlt.0tt hiUcti. Or
dcnDi'tJU 0 U
Trickery in CoiiTGntion an § Treachery
in Congress Mnsl Be MM ,
A Vigorous Address by Senator
Van Wyok at the Fairmont
District Fair ,
Laird's ' Record in Congress
Succession of Betrayals of
the Peoploi
The Cry of Pixrty Mndo to Cover n
Multitude ol'SltiB OlABtorH Be-
cnmo Blnvcs to Tliclr
Special to THE BEE.
FAIRMONT , Nob. , October 0. Quito n
largo gathering of people from Fillmore ,
Clay and Sallno county have boon in nt-
tendance nt ilio district fair , hold In this
city. Much interest was felt in the upooc ;
of Senator Van Wyck , which was dolivorc
to n largo audience this evening. Th
senator was very warmly received and th
principal points in his speech on
thutiaitically applauded. After cornpl
monting the pooclo on the general !
prosperous condition of the slate , as ov ;
doncod by the display of agricultural pro
ducts , the senator said :
Parties arc only strong when they rep
resent principles which the masses pro
foss. And the glamour of regular nom
inations should only assist candidatoi
who will execute what the people demand
mand , and whoso character , social an
moral , and whoso daily lifo can bo points
to as an example worthy of imitation.
Wo need rnoro than the past , howovo
Riorloui. A Btorn , living , progronelv
present with a future full of liopo fo :
still other achievement ! ) , requires rnon
than feasting our noula upon victoric
others achieved. Lot us do our part
they do theirs.
"Act , net In tin livine prcnant ,
Heart within and God o'orhcnd. "
Painted pictured of the dopds
Monroe , JolForson , and Jackson will no
furnish votes for the democratic party ,
The glories of the late war , the establishment
mont of the principle of univoran
brotherhood , und universal suffrage , will
not alouo provide subsistence for a
healthy or long lifo for the republican
There are other questions as impor
taut to as even as that of a free ballot and
honest count in the southern states. Wo
havo'boou twenty years engaged in securing
curing honest elections to the freedman ,
The temporary und halting policy of our
own party has placed dangers in the way
than a decision of the supreme couri
worthy to bo placed by the side of the
Drod Scott decitlon. It is well wo
should attend to these matters , not to
the extent of making it an excuse to neg
lect others of vital importance.
for its lessons and warnings , enabling us
to reach a higher plain of usefulness and
glory. .
In the past was a reckless and some
times corrupt granting of the public do
main to corporations , which is now ex
citing discussion as to what party Is
most responsible , but the important ques
tion above and beyond parties is the rescue
of 100,000,000 acres of laud donated and
not earned , but claimed by greedy corpo
rations to which they hnvo no right. So
in our own state has boon for a few
peers past a most shameful , if not corrupt
management of the school lands , which
in many counties have boon illegally
leased to benefit a few rings organized to
tnako thorn a matter of profitable specula
So plainly fraudolont have boon the ac
tion of the state board , that their warm
est friends cannot justify the act and a
friendly court condemns by granting n
perpetual injunction.
But in many counties the board sue
seeded in its trauds. Take for instance
Oodar , the lands were actually advertised
For sale as the law provides , when the
board a few days before the time fixed
lot the sale sent notice that the lands
nroro withdrawn from sale nndall of them
bad boon leased , when the citizens of that .
county vroro watching and waiting pa
tiently an opportunity to bid for the
samo. Such conduct should receive the
condemnation of the party which hai
bcon scandalized by offbiala of its own
election , but if not then they should bo
ibovo and beyond party election. You
lioar much of the
HOVK11E10NTY 01' TUB 1'EOl'LE ,
that they are masters mid thoao whom
they elect servants. All this is told in
lulcot strains until the ballot box is
loBed , when occasionally the scone
ihaugos. The servant suddenly plays
nasterund tyrant , oven snapping his whip
vor the backs of the sovereigns whom ho
issumes are ignorant and unable to com
prehend. If you elect a man who abuses
lia trust , who disregards your wishes , it
yould seem the height of presumption
'or him to ask to bo clothed again with a
Ittlo brief authority to start upon the
itago as your master. To illustrate : No (
natter about the merits of the Fitz John
? ortor coso ; by the judgement of the
Vmorican people , of its greatest and pur
ist mon , by Lincoln , Garflold , tttanton
ind the gallant Logan whoso standard wa
.his day follow , ho was adjudged guilty ,
'n that verdict the nation has acquiesced ,
ind the great majority of this district bo-
iovod it just. You elect a roprosonta.
.ivo in congress. It is not fair to pro-
mine ho knows more than a largo majori
ty of his constituents. Ho no doubt
thinks you do not. You have entertained .
but ono opinion for over twenty yearn.
But your representative claims that when
in the service at the ago of sixteen , he
know more of the plans of the president , ,
the secretary of war , of distinguished gen
erals , fighting battles and organizing cam
paigns than they did themselves. NO
matter if ho did think so. Ho was in
congress to vote your Irishes and judg .
ment , not his own. Your known desires
should bo law to him. But when you
murmur , ho arrogantly tolls you , at the
ago of sweet sixteen ho was in the army ,
that ho was there and saw and know and
with the imperious neil worthy the de
scendant of Jove , ho bids you bo silent.
Then ho graciously unbends so far as to
ask votes from the snubbed and subdued
sovereigns whoso instructions hospurnod ,
toroolccthim ; to reonapt thojaamo betray
al of trust , boldly defying you. And the
eovorigns are called upon to elect him ,
that ho may again defy and despise them.
But your wishes were more signally dia
regarded in matters relating to your rna
torlal Interest. lie know the people of
all parties in this district were thoroughly -
ly nd consistently Anti-Monopoly ; de
sired the regulation of railroads ; desired
that lands not earned as required by the
grants should bo restored to the public
domain. Thcso are some of the living
issues. They will never ba successfully
mot by generously electing men to con
gress who have and will misrepresent
them. The foundation and creation of
the republican party was
First , a stern protest against monopo
Hats in human flesh and labor , then a
bloody conflict to prevent their rending
the union of states. Lot us BOO to It
that the final result shall bo more than a
more change of masters from the lords of
the south to corporations and combined
capital of the north.
lo not bo driven by party cry , by par-
tizin dictation , to vote against your own
conscience , your own judgement , to forgo
the chains to bind you to theories and
practices that will sacrifice your interests.
When you know that wrong is being done
and injustice sought to bo established by
your votes , then assert your manhood.
Teach loaders , machine managers to re
aped your demands , Toll thorn thst you
will in
"Tho world's broad liold of battle
In the bivouac of lifo
lo ? not llko dumb driven cittlo
But bo horocs in the strife. "
People wonder why their demands arose
so often disregarded by loaders and ofll-
cials , who act as if they owned party and
voters. Who has not noticed that the
people Doom easily deceived and resent
not being betrayed ; that they are expect
ed to reward a contempt of their wishes
by meekly re-electing tha mon who dare
disobey them. There would bo scarcely a
dissenting voice to a Ian
In states adjoining Iowa , Kansas and
Missouri the legislatures fix passenger
rates at thrco cents a mile. Yon demand
the same in Nebraska , That cannot bo
dono. Why ? Because YOU elect these
who are owned by and servo other inter-
ostn than yours.
You are working your farms on &harcn ,
and when you ask to regulate the share
you shall receive , the men who generous
ly direct county and state and congrea-
aienal conventions , nominate your ticket
and direct for whom you shall vote ,
merely give you the privilege of boiug
your own executioners at the ballot box.
A few political attorneys for railroads , a
few editors of railroad organs , well paid
for betraying your interest , will not allow
it. Ho who argues against the fraud is
stigmatised an a demagogue , and ho who
hesitates to take the nauseating dose is
denounced as a boltor. And so your
is to bo used for your own enslavement to
the power of corporations which like the
horso-loach is over crying give , and can
never bo satisfied.
Onn thing is evident the republican
party of this state must correct their
wrongs or the people will take it in their
own hands.
An apparent concession is made to the
determined advance in public sentiment
by the railroads directing their attorneys
and editors to admit there must bo con
trol , but to see to it that they control in
the appointment or election of a commis
sion. Then through state officials or con
ventions , which they usually controlreg
ulation will bo regulated in the interest
of the railroads and not the pooplo.
You can BOO this fraud from the be
ginning. You know how and why you
are deceived and betrayed. The question
now is , hhnll there bo any punishment
for this kind of political transgression ?
Will you pardon mo for illustrating by
your own oxporionco. Two years ago
you elected a man to represent you in
congress. You know whether ho has
done so. You know ho had boon a rail
road attorney , yet you and I believed ho
had hoiiosty enough to transfer his alle
giance to you after his election. You
know whether ho did so.
In all departments and congress in
Washington , It appears , once a railroad
attorney always n railroad attorney.
Every ono there is only temporarily so.
They seem to bo Booking now opportnni
ties to servo the old masters , with
the certainty of a larger salary ,
by reason of the sorvivlco they render
while exorcising an office to which yon
elected them. Ho know your wishes on
the Porter matter ; ho spurned thorn bo-
causa ho said ho had convictions and
courage and would vote to suit himself ,
not you , and ho asks you to re-elect him
10 ho can again do the same thing , and
igain misrepresent you. Ho know you ; '
L'o gratify himself or his former om-
iloyeos ho voted against the considora-
.ion of the Regan bill and then gave
reasons which showed ho would always
ind some pretense for voting against it.
Ho said Regan was sick. Waat of that ?
10 was not sick of his bill and his friends
roro urging its consideration.
Next ho stated ho wanted the bill for [
ho relief of the Denver and St. Joe
lufferora , when ho know such a thing waa
mpossiblo at that time for the relief bill
ras not y.ot reported from the housooom-
nittoo , and this report was made only a
ow days before the final adjournment of
songress. Ho know you wanted land
louatod , but not earned by railroads ,
hould bo restored to the public domain ,
fhoro were BO mo bills like uno in Oregon
iiid the Texas Pacific , so strong imoquity
hat they passed almost unanimously.
Jut thojo was ono over which the great
lattlo waa to bo fought , and all tactics BO
roll known to railroad attorneys were
doptod to prevent ad verso notion. That
ras the oldNowOrloau9Batonlltmgo | and
Tioksburg , afterwards the Now Orleans
nd Pacific , usually called the backbone
outo , Forfeiture was recommended by
h < public lands committee , Then the [
natter was referred to the judiciary com-
nlttoo , which reported against ) forfeiture ,
f tor xuany days the great struggle was
cached. Everyone in and'out of con
fess know its importance , it was the
iis on tno n
ho i railroads loft 1 not n ntono unturned ,
? ho ally of every road in the honso was
ixpocted to assist by rating with them ,
.lid where that was too Laru and bald a.
hing to do , by withholding his voto.
finally the vote cnmo. Judge NYoavcr
rotnd for the forfeiture , Judge Valentino
-otod against it , Major Laird withheld
ils voto. In that action you know <
vhothor ho represented the- people of till i ?
The action of your representative ? is p
.ho less excusable for it was after the ] j
itrong resolution you adopted at the ren
niblican convoutiou in May , when , you f
lodged yourselves and the party , to [
itrong anti-monopoly doctrines.
Are you content to nciid a man to con
; ross to work nnd vote ngainat you ? Aud
ivliun you ask the reason why , the only S
uiswor is to ronomluato the man who hai c :
ieflod you , aud then reward his beir.iyal ' ;
of you by his ru-olootion , When unro .
bukod ho can repeat another act of ;
treachery and betrayal.
iTTmiat bo tafo for a man to talk antimonopoly - [
monopoly in this district. It BBWUS the. .
leaders are willing you should bo amused
and consent you may have WJoUUiGUi
speaking your sentiments if you will al
low the monopoly branch to
make the nominations nnd thou
order you to vote the regular
ticket under fear of anathemas nnd de
nunciations. Gftpt. Stickles served in
the war , ho waa a bravo soldier , WAS
wounded , but whether ho draws n pen
sion 1 am not advised. Ho seems
to bo sufficiently strong , robust and no
tire to bo on the pension roll.
I BOO Capt.Sticklos isloudly denounced.
\Vhy ? Being a soldier ho has earned n
right to bo independent. It is all very
well to bo n Boldlor , but then with your
loaders and masters it makes much differ
ence whoso soldier you aro. If you will
attend reunions , surround the camp fires
and then swear by , live and die for , the
privileged few , then lisp their ahiboloth ,
then vote always a straight ticker , as
made by the leaders , however nauseating
may bo the dose , then you are entitled to
the distinction of soldier.
It was claimed that in this county a
largo number of republicans were opposei
to his ronomination , but in the convention
vontion you were recorded as asking fo
it , and then yon nro ordered to stibmi
to consent to bo misrepresented in con
vontlons , in legislature and in congress
How long do you suppose such per
formanccs can keep the republican part
in healthy lifo ? If such things are tolerated
rated the party will not bo worth saving
Save the party by principles irhlo' * ca
make 11 strong and prosperous ; save ;
by striking down trickery in convention
and treachery in congress ,
A sure euro for Blind , Bleeding , Itching am
Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Ur
Williams ( an Indian Remedy , ) called Dr
William's Indian Pllo Ointment , A ulngl
box liao cured the worst chronic owes of 25 o
30 years standing. Ks ono need suffer fiv
minutes after applying this wonderful Rootl
ing medicine. L.ittonfl , Instruments and eloc
tuariea do inoro harm than good. William'
Indian I'llo Ointment abtorbx the turners , a
lays tha Intense itching , ( particularly nt nigh
after getting warm In bed , ) acts ns a poultice
gives instant relief , and is prepared only fo
i'ilcs , Hclilng of the private parts , and fo
nothlno oleo.
Head what the Hon. J. M. Coffinbcrry , c
Cleveland , snya about Dr , William's India ]
I'llo Oointmcnt : "I have used scores of Pil
Cures , aud It affords mo pleasure to say that
hnvo never found anything which gave BUC !
Immediate and permanent relief as Dr. Wil
Ham's Indian Ointment. For sale by nil drug
gists and mailed on receipt of price. COo an '
§ 1. Sold at retail by Kulm k Co.
Wholesale Agent ,
A. Pennsylvania. Farmer's Desperate
ivltu a Panther.
Special Dltpatch to the Globo-Domocrat ,
PHILADELPHIA , October 5. Peter
Boar , who reaidoa at Boonp's Mountain
about four miloa from Dubois , Cloarfielc
county , was awakened shortly after day
light on Friday morning last by a iioiso
in his barn. Hastily seizing an ax ho
rau to the place and discovered a large
mountain panther dragging off a cal
which the animal had just killed. Mr.
Boar shouted , when the panther drop
ying the calf , turned upon him. Ho
struck it with the as , inflicting only a
slight wound , which scorned to enrage
the boast. It sprang upon him nut
fastened its tooth in his right
shoulder , but ho succeeded in
freeing himself from it , and dealt It a
terrible blow with an ax , compelling the
ferocious boast to rotiro. A largo and
powerful bloodhound belonging to Mr.
Boar ran from its kennel and attackec
the cougar. While its attention was en
gaged by the hound Mr. Bear split its
skull with a blow from the ax , stretching
It dead at his foot. The puma -was ar
old ono and bore-marks of a number ol
oullot and knifofwouuds. It measured 8
foot 10 } inches from its nose to the end
of its tail , Mr. Bear received a number
of scratches.but appeared none the worms
for his tussle. Dr. Bolliott , the taxider
mist , has prepared the akin for stuffing
and mounting. In the stomach of the
carnivorous quadruped was found a large
bunting knife , with the following on the
blade : "Oha s Font r. " The inter
mediate letters are indistinct.
Some time early in September a
iuntpr by the came of Charles Foster ,
irho is supposed to have resided in ICon-
tinkton , Philadelphia , and who had been
imployod In a cotton and woolen mill
manufacturing : establishment , visited
Boone'a Mountain on a hunting oxpodi
ion. Some distance from Mr. Bear's
'arm has stood for many years a lodge
.hat had boon erected by lumbermen
vho operated in that district some years
igo. The hickory timber is now all
alien out , but the ancient cabin is still
hero and iuhabitablo , also somewhat di-
apidatod. Some boys , while passing
tear the hut yesterday , found por-
ions of human bones. These they carried
tome , and the curiosity aroused by thu
iscovery induced an old woodsman ,
"ohnny Miller , to make further iuvosti-
ation. Ho visited the spot where tliu
loys reported to have found the bones ,
nd in traveling in the direction of the
Ddgo found additional bones that had all
ho appearance of being a portion of a
luman body. Millar was by this time
rithin sight of the old erbin , and seeing
ho old wooden-hinged door partly ajar ,
urioaity prompted lu'ci to enter the
lace. Fragments of men's clothing
roro scattered all urottnd the promises ,
Soaidos the shreds of clothing which
roro considerably blood-stained , ho found
ovoral letters aud a postal card , ad-
ressed to "Charloa Footer. " Ono of
lie loiters was addressed to the man at
ultonn , Pa. , one at Dubois , Pa. , and the
ostal card at Gonnoltovillo , Pa. Further
nd inoro careful investigation settles iu
to minds o I-thoso who visited the scone
ftor the matter became generally known
hat a man named Charles Foster either
iod or waa murdered in that vicinity ,
nd his body was subsequently devoured
y wild boasts , or that he was killed by
9ino forooious animal. The knife found
i the stomach of the panther killed by ,
Ir. Boa ? aud the letters found near the
abin , bear similar names. It is not iu
lie least improbable that the panther
illod this man Poster and subsequently
lovoupod his body.
Turn Tha YnirrnutH Out ! .
The weak stomach is said to bo the
odglag-houao of many vagrant diseases
htoo can bo turned out by strengthening , [
ho stomach , aud the digestive organs in
mrtnorship. There is no atrongthonor
iko Brovrn'a Iron Bitters. SsJo , speedy .
inil sure. Mrs. Henry Corning , Jrlart-
'cd , Conn , , says , "Brown's Iron Bii-
ara roliorod mo of general waaknoos. and
lyspopsia , and made mo strong , "
Hemy Jnmieson , n buokkognor in Dyxr'a
trocerv store ia Glenwoud , iluliberutoly ui-
iJod hist 0fttunlay , Ho walked to UH > rear
if th store , i ylng "good bye" tea fellow
lorlr , and ileUbvratoly that himself throuch
.lie head and killed liims&U instantly. Ho
oi tin ) mitti'u from LU girl nnd could not
wear It.
JHiqht If , TTawloy , n young biuinou man
in Mainland , CUM county , otfura 3 > 00 reward
or the arrest of an unknown man who liw
.logKixl his footsteps for two years and ut
ituilted hint < ni ono occasion.
Loss ! paprra ujse'rt that the hoilzon ol
Shermiu county in Illumined with ptJitica'
C.tmp llro > of both patties ,
Full appltu In Otoe county ntu rold in tlto
orchards tuv guner8 at thirty-live cents per
Imlifl ,
The Knormoutf Wiilta JJcnrs for tKo
Now York Ocntrnl lrlr. .
New York Mall and
Two great wh.tlo-oil barrels on the
main deck of the steamer Portia , Capt.
Sharp , from St. Johns , Newfoundland ,
now lying at Pier No. 17 , liast river ,
were carefully avoided by the "longshore
men working on the vessel this morning.
Ono end of each of the btrroh was un-
headed , but covered by a network of Iron
bands. Inside the barrels were two polar
boars. They had originally boon
white , but their long voyage had
resulted in their appearing
to bo of . a dirty yellow
color. Mr. Donald Burnsto whom they
had been consigned , came to tha duck to
take thorn away , and said to a Mail and
Express reporter : "Those bears were
found on an ice lloo off the coast of
Greenland by the sealing atoamor Anson
O. Horrlck , and captured by moans of
nets and ropes. How many miles they
had drifted south before that of course
no ono can toll. They are male and
fomslo , about eight foot long , and stand
about four foot high. On being caught
Herrick brought them to St. John , where
my agent , Mr. Guthrie , purchased them.
There are only two other white polar
bears in this country , which are owned
by Mr. P. T. Barnum and the Sells
Bros. I intend to take these directly t
the Central Park Museum , and they wl. '
bp nice and white by Sunday morning.
The work of unloading the boars wai
then begun. Slings were placed arouni
the barrels and attached , by means of
block and fall , to the rope of the steam
windlass. A guy rope was then passoi"
through the body of the truck and th
end manned by a number of laborers
ono of whom remained on the truck t
guido the barrel , But on thu opproacl
of the boar this workman abandoned hi ,
post , jumped over the side rails of thi
truck and could not bo induced to re
turn. The boars were finally secured on
the truck and started for Central Park
Their deep growls attracted the attention
tion of people on the street who wondered
dorod where the sounds came from , aud
at Thirty-sourth street and Third avonu
an over-vigilant policeman stopped th
truck , but on catching sight of the "con
tents of the barrels ho promptly decided
not to take them to the station house. .
Superintendent Conklin received th
boars at Central Park , and they wore
lafely placed in iron cages to the right o :
ho lion house.
Pile tumors cured in ten days , ruptun
[ n four weeks. Address , World's Dia
pousary Medical Association , Buffalo ,
N. Y.
'Death of a Famous JU&wyor.
tJnltimoro Exchange :
Marshall Smvrtznroldor , vrho for
quarter ot n century has bcon the leading
criminal lawyer of Pennsylvania , died on
Tuesday at his residence near Pittsburgh
from brain fever , resulting from an ncci
dental fracture of his leg. Mr. Svrartz
welder was born in Hagoratown , Md. , in
L819 , His father was an itinerant minis
; cr , but shortly after Marshall's birth
removed to Pittsburgh and engaged in
) usincss. YoungSwartzfrelderfmlshedhis
preparatory courae in Hagoratown. He
ittondod Dickinson college at Carlisle
Pa. , nnd wont a short time to George
; own college. Ho read law in Hagers
; own , and was admitted to the bar there ,
as well ns at Baltimore. At the latter
dace ho practiced but a short time
Moving to Pittsburg ho entered into i
aw partnership with Hon. Walter Per
ward , who vras secretary of the treasury
under Pierce , and served as justice o
listrict courts for the western district ol
Pennsylvania. Ho served two terms in
.he . state legislature , and wainstruments'
n the passage of an act making the
udiciary elective. His first criminal case
ireatod tv sensation , ending as it did in
ho conviction of Groatrako for seduction
after ono of the hardest-fought legal bat-
lea. In n single bound ho became a fa
mous criminal attorney , developing a fac
ilty which afterward saved many necks
join the gallows. The only man he ever
iefonded who was hanged was Ortweim ,
? ho murdered a family of eight persona
3o did not undertake the ease voluntarily
iivt wa appointed by the court. Truth-
ully it can bo said that not a client of
lis waa over hanged. Mr , Swautaqroldor
ran nn eloquent talker , and prepared
lis oaueo with remarkable caro. Upon
ono occasion ho quoted nearly the wholo-
f Hawthorce'a "Scarlet Letter , " and
sani'ho used "King Lear" with great
tt\jst with the jury. Ha waa handsome ,
alentod. and had n belle lottro educa-
ion. His couvoraation was as Plequont
13 his spcech-oa. Ha will bo lon remem *
> erod.
HEAT HAUCB for all kinds of naiads , fish ,
cgotables , nud cold inoatn. Cheaper
nd better than home-made. lo sauce
qpali to it was over offered.
Willing to Ohanco Ills , Anyhow.
an VsoiicieccChronicle. .
They wore-sitting on the Geary street
ar. ilia arm had fallen gundy on the
/indow-sill xud slipped down quietly and
coidontly around her waist. She did
ot look as W aha know it , und ho pre-
ondcdto bo doing nothing out of the
ivay. The conversation waa not vmy co-
oront , however , nnd they , hadi lapsed i
ito blissful silence , when at a crossing
ig the conductor put his head ia aud-
enly and called out :
Ho jumped and she started.
"I bog your pardon. I "
"Stroot , " added the conductor und
tinged the door. She told him nho
ould only change her name if'hochang-
d his. She naid she doapisccl a muu
ho was named after a otroot.
Tins VOLTAIC UKLT Gom-AHE , of Marshall
Michigan. olTur to send their colubra'od 1C LEO
ciuu VOI.TAIO JiKLT nnd other KLKOTKIO Ar-
HJANt'KH uu trial for thirty days , to men
young or old ) nttlicted with nervous debility ,
ouu of vitality and manhood , nnd M kindred
roubles. Awe for riiouvintlsm , neuralgia ,
arnlynis , and many other dteeaam. Cummeto
restoration io hcrJtlilRor truj manhood
} uarnutiud. No mk incuiivd , M thirty days * '
.rial in allov/od , Wilto them r.t once for illua-
Lrated pair ililet , frco ,
A I'dhtonil Call.
Parsun Blodeo , of the Austin Blue
Light Tabovnaolu , m&do a pastoral call
un ths Webster family , his object being
to rcjootistrato with Jim Wobitor for eat
ing peanuts during divine worship. Jim
hill behind n ourtm , and Mrs. Webster
laid that ho kid gene out hunUng , Un.
fortunately the curtain did not roach the
door , and Jim's largo foot protruded ,
"Ho you sol Joams has gouo out hunt.
"Yea , niiraon , und ho 'spools ter bo
gone nil day. "
"Toll Jeoms for mo dat do nex * time
ho goes out huntin * ho had better take
his foot along wid him , " said Parson
IHedso , punching James' toes with his
cano until ho roared like a bull ,
M *
= r
Tlii * medicine , combining Iron with jiuro
V'retnblo tonics quickly nnd completely
Cnrrn llyHprimln , InillRotlnn , Wrnluiri' . ' * ,
Iiiipnrulilnnil , JInIarittClilllNnnilFcicrn ,
mill Ncurnlnln.
Ills an unmlllnc rcmcily for Diseases of tbo
KlilnrjH n ml l.lvrr.
It Is Inrnlunblo for Dlson < ci pectillnr to
Women , nml nil vho lend fcdontnry lives.
It docs not Injure the teeth , cnuo licmlncho.or
produce constipation ofAcr Iron medicines tlo.
It enriches nnd purifies the blood , stimulates
Hie nppctlto , atili the a lmllntlon of food , re-
llovi-i Heartburn nnd Helcnlng , and strength
en1 ! the muscles nnd nerves.
Kor Intermittent Fevers , Lassitude , Lack ol
KticrRX , itc. , it lioa no equal.
Ka The Rcnnlno has nt > eve trndomnrk nnd
crossed red lines on u rapper. Take no other.
flitaontrbr IWOH.VllIEStCAI , IO. . IULTIJIOI1K , MB.
M Unilsptei la ( He BROAD GLAIM o ! beligtlii ;
liver oflcrcd to the public.
The steamships ol this well-known line are built ol
Iron , In water-tight compartments , and are tarnish
ed with every requisite to make the passage both
iafo and agreeable. They carry the United States
.nd . European malls , and leave New York Thurs-
lays and aaturdays ( or Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cher
bourg , ( PARIS ) and UAMBUUQ.
nates : Stcerigo from Europe only (18. First
? abin , $55 , $65 ana S75. 8U rai < u , $ ! C ,
llenry Pundt , Mark Iltnson , F , K. Toll ,
.gentsID Omaha , Qroncweg li Schoentgen , agents In
Council Blufls. 0. B : RIOUAHD k CO. , Gen. Pass
Apt ! , 01 Broadway , N. Y. Cbas. Kormlnski & Co-
General Western Aginta , 170 Washington St. , Chic ft
, Chartered by theStatcof 111'
Blood promptly relieved end
pcrmanentlycured by reme-
- - „ . . - , ; . * „ „ : . tipcclaiJ'ractlce , Seminal
W/enkness. flipht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the Face , Uost Manhood , Tios/r'ir//cii re < J , 17i r *
Isnncxnei-liiii'itihiii. The appropriate tc.r.cdy
t fit once used in each case * Consultaiions , per
sonal or bv letter , , cacredly confidential. Med
icines tent bv Mai } and Express. No marks on
to indicate contents or sender. Address
Un.JAMESNo.2U4Wa3hinglonSi.ChIcagoll ! ,
Quick. iar f 4f * . Book ffM
VIGOR * ' / , IftO Fultoa SL.New Yort ,
SB 1,000.00 i
TT7II.Ii bo paid to any cne who will find
V ol Mercury , Potashv-Iodlne , Arsenic , or any Pol
gonoua substance In
"I have cured Blood Talot by the use ol Swltt'a
Specific alter I had most eignaBy failed with tbo Mer
cury and 1'otaah Treatment.
F. A. TOOoIEK , SL D. Terry , Oa ,
"Swl't'a Specific haa cured mo ot Scrofula of 12
years standing. Hail soroa t ixrgo as my hand , and
every ono thought I waadoomed. . Smft'n Spoclflo
cnrcd mo alter physicians uid al ) other mcdlclno had
Jailed. ' K. L. IIIQII , Lonoko , Ark.
< S'-t ArtAwouU not nurch.t30 from uo what
dPllvUU Sivllt'fl Hjiocillo has douo lor mo. It
cudro mo ot Ithcuumtltm aau d by malaria. " ;
AUU1IIU TU01L1S , SjirlD-flold , Tcnn.
Onr Tro tloo on Blood aud Skrn Diseases mailed free
applicants to
Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ol.
N. T. Ofnoo , 169 W. 2 d Sb between Oih and 7th
Avcnneg. PhlladelDhU ofDre lOd Chentaut r.
lUi > RB3KNT3
Pbcenlx Atrartaoo Co , , ui ou , Oun
AM t 85 ,
sestcnMtor.II. Y. , Ck ltol 033oaj.
At ) Mc/cnuits , of Huv-uk. 17 , J. , CiplitI 1,376,030.
Jlrard 71ro , PhUkOefhl ) , ult 3 1.V03 , C(0.
R , M ll 8to mon >
thttthint , Oennantft Italy , Jlollanl and Franet
Stoorigo Outward , tao ; Prepaid Iron Antwerp , 91s ;
Siomslon , S30 , luoIiUtosbcddluif , et , 2d Cabli , $ SU ;
Rouad TripJO.OOJ Kicuralon , 8100 ; Haloon from ( (0 I
la HO ; Uiuunlon 110 to 1180.
CVPotor Wright O Sons , Gen AenU. C& lirotul-
ty N. y.
C&ldwoll. lUuintou h Oa. , Omirn. ( P. K. Fk >
ran 4 Co. , IDS S. 19tb Street , Cuiha ; D. B. KUo
Ul. Omua& rnt od-lf
Da. E , 0. WIJT'H NSRIH jyo UHAU TnaASKtsT , a
incrlHo for Ilymoila , O izlnou , Convul-
alous , K1U , Korvous NeurrJla | , Headache , Nervout
Prostration trnuved by the ute of alcohol or toblacco ,
WikefuloCHii , dervefslon. Sot ( nk4 { ol the
bialu , raaJkliiElii luoanl'jy and leaping to misery ,
decay and dttth , I'rumatarc Old ig , Uuonea , loat
of poworki either lox , I jvcluntiiy Looeg and Sper-
matorhora cauevd by rexcriloatof tlio brain , mill-
abuse txoer Indulgence , Kicb box , ccntaliin one
month' * treatment 41. CO * > loi.or six bottles for
J6.CO , mat by ruallrrtpald on receipt ol prlc * .
To cure i ny case. Wlthuch order received by ni
for lx bvttlet , acoomidlilwd with fJ.00 , we will send
t lie purchurr our written ( { Uiriutoo to rcluud tht
oicnsy If the trtiktuiontdoen not eOect cure. Outr-
tutwiu Uiuud only by JOHN 0 : WEST & CO. ,
Jy ! tl-tn&e-rr 2 Uadlson St. , Chicago , 111.
JASflPEAB01)X m , It ,
Iloildenca No. 1107 Jonea St. Office , No. 1603 Far.
md Odloo houri 12 m. to 1 p , in. aj rora t t
' . ' ' lir o'Jci s *
p.Q , Tj's.i'ine ,
The remarkable growth of Omaha
during the last few years is n matter of
great astonishment to thoao who pay nn
occasional visit to this growing city. The
development of the Stock Yards the
necessity of the Bolt Line Road the
finely paved streets the hundreds of now
residences and costly business blocks ,
with the population of our city more than
doubled in the last five years. All this
is n great surprise to visitors and is tbp
admiration of our citizens. This rapid
growth , the business activity , and the
many substantial improvements made a
lively demand for Omaha real estate , and
every investor has made a handsome
Since the Wall Street panic last May ,
with the subsequent cry of hard times ,
there has boon lees'demaud from specula
tors , but a fair demand from investors
Booking homes. This latter class are
taking advantage of low prices in build
ing material and are securing their homos
at much less cost than will ba possible a
year hones. Speculator : ) , too , can buy
real estate cheaper now and ought tj take
advantage of present prices for future
The next few years promises greater
developments in Omaha than the past
five years , which have bcon as good as
wo could reasonably desire. Now man
ufacturing establishment ! ! and largo job
bing houses are added almost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many in Omaha and through
out the State , who have their money In
the banks drawing a nominal rate of n-
torost , which , if judiciously invested in
Omaha real estate , would bring thorn
much greater returns. Wo have many
bargains which wo are confident will
bring the purchaser largo profits in the
near futuro.
Wo have for sale the finest resi
dence property in the north and
western parts of the city.
North -we have fine lots at reason
able prices on Sherman avenue , 17th ,
18th , 1'Jth and 20th streets.
West on Faruam. Davenport ,
Cuming , and all the leading streets
in that direction.
The grading o Faraam , California -
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible eonie of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
aity , and with the building of the
street car line out Farnam , the pro
perty in the -western part of the city
ivill increase iu value.
Wo also have the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper
ty in the south part of the city. The
levelopments made in this section
yy the Stock Yards Company and
he railroads will certainly double
he price m a short time.
Wo also have some fine business
ots and some elegant inside resi-
leucep for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
ome good bar nius by calling on u
213 South 14th St ,
Between Faruhaai niicl
P. S. Wo as'c those \vlio have
iroporty i'or sale at a bargain to give
R it eallWo want only bargains ,
Yo will positiroly not humllo prop-
rty at more than its real valua.