Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1884, Image 1

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    1C -\-p
E iE ,
"TuOPresiflciit-EclGci's" ' Coifed Tour
of luB Uncle-Eye state.
Immense Gatherings vjf Enthusi
astic Peopla Evorywhera ,
At Mansfield , the Home of Sona-
4 or Sherman ,
Through. Other Small Towns of
Central Ohio-
The Day Terminating at the State
Capital ,
lilalnr'a Eloiiiunt AdtlrCKHCH on the
of ilio CnmpuiK" and
tu Ohio.
October 9. Short stops wcro
5najo at Shrove aui Porrysvillo. Blaine
uoko a few woida at each placs , thankiDg the
people for ( heir kind recaption and projentiu
the taritf as the issue. At 1:30 : the
train arrived at Mansfield , the home of Sena
tor Sherman.
Cot.UMlifM , October 9. There were but few
people at the depot nt Mansfield , but there
were several thousand asfomblodin the square
in the heart of the town , to which Blame wai
escorted in the usual manner. Hedges , the
republican candidate for congress , having In
troduced him as the next president of the
United States , Ulaino said : "I object to my
friend Introducing mo la that way. We will
talk about that alter Tuo'day next. ( Cheers. )
But I see good auguries for Tuesday In the
fact that the people of Ohio seem to be thor
oughly aroused. ( Cheers. ) In oil iny politi
cal experience 1 have never seen people appa
rently more thoroughly av/ako to their duty
than the people of Ohio leeni to be at this
timo. Your duty in this caniuuign
is exceptionally important. You h vo
bolh your own immediate duty anil a
vicarious duty. You are to vote on next Tuesday -
day ; not only for yourselves but for the whole
United States. You are to set the mark for
tha republican high tide. [ Cheers. ] I confess
I have great confid/mco in the vote of Ohio ,
for since the election of
Salmon P. Chase as
governor of your state in 1855 , I have never
known a year when Ohio was aroused that she
did not give a republic u majority. [ Cheers. ]
You have never hud before you mora distinct
issues than you have this year. There 1ms
never been u more e'oan cut division between
the parties. .u.t the beginning of political
campaigns a great many iisues are in peoples'
minus , but as the contest grows Beiious
incidental points are eliminutod as
mrtifs conve/go aud coma together.
There is alwuys eno great overshadowing issue
that control i vho multitude of voters. I as
sume that the issue the present year is pro
tective tariff , nud I am sure there is not a
state in the union that has profited more un
der the protective syUera , or tbat is more
c'eeply interested in its maintenance , than
Ohio. [ Che-M ] That being the eiso and
with the further condition that Ohio ranks ns
high in intelligence as auy state in the Union ,
it cannot be doubted that you will BOO your
way clear to protect and maintain your own
iutiresti. I do not stop to argue other que.i-
tious. I do nut stop to dwell even for
moment on the achievements of tlw repub
lican party , on what it him done
for l ho Uoiou , for the cause of free govern
ment , for the cause cf human liberty. I do
not dwell on thodo , because I do not choose to
divert your minds , oven for a moment from
the ono overpowering and overwhelming issue
that should eugngj your attention until .uter
Tuesday next , [ Cheers. ] nnd especially honl-J
it engage your attention In your congressional
\ districts. Colonel ioyntou used to say In
argument , when he got very close to the point ,
thut ho bad hU "knife "
on the nerve. When
you vote for representatives in cougrea' , your
votes are reaching to the very nerve of all
jpjcsttons relating to our industrial system ,
including protective tarilf , because it is through
your representatives in congress that
you make your will primarily , distinctly iind
impressively understood and felt. This is n
town which I Imvo long dejired to visit. I
have enjoyed a friendship that goes back al
most into boyhood daya with your distin
guished follow citizen , Senator Sherman , and
I have lor desired to stand before hii neigh
bor * , constituents and fliemls. I thank you
for thij kind reception and bid jou good
byo. "
At Crcstlino there wm a largo crowd
around the depot. B.'amo ' apoko bnellv from
the platform built out from the Second story
of a building. Ho spoke of the great import
ance of the state election in October because
of iti boirifg upon the national election , and
upon tariff legislation in the next qongresx.
At Mount Uileail , Governor Foster juined
the party again. Hero Blaine loft the tr.iin
to attend the Morrow county fair to which
he has been invited by the managers. There
were fully 15,000 people around the fairgrounds
grounds- Governor Foster introduced Blaine ,
ho bpoko briefly from the judge * ' stand.
Blaine was followed to the tlopot by great
crowds , who cheered him repeatedly ai they
ran along thu streets , and at the departure of
tlio train.
Df-lawaro was reached just baforo dark , nnd
considering the bi/j ) of the plactt , the reception
was phenomenal. Tto streets were crowded
und the enthuslesm of the people was remark-
jibloas their munburs , Blaluo wua Introduced
by Judge .Touts and when tlio storm of cheer
ing and shouting with which ho received ,
hod sub Ided , ha returned thunk * for tha kiuU
reception given him and cald : "I have no ; cr
seen a population in motion as the population
of Ohio so1 m to-day. [ Cheers. ] From that
fact , I anticipate republican vote on
Tuesday next. [ Gieat cheering. ] I want Ohio
to feel and know that the vote of Tuesday
no\t Is an important one , and that
lesponBiblllty rest * upon Iho repub
licans of this state. The rnnubllean
p.irty is fortunate in having the
support of the young1 men of tliu
country , [ CheeiH ] As I Imvo said befoie ,
there IH no instance in the political history of
this cation of aay j arty being bentou that
had in a laiga dcgrca the sympathy mid sup
port of the jouug men , [ Kenuwod chocrlng , ]
I see befora mo a large num or of > ouog men
who are cello Uns , and who add to thu power
of youth tha power of education aud ulturo ,
To them and to their f Hews wo look us the
great Hourc'i of btrengtliintha pendingcanvasa
[ prolonged cheering ] At this point
Hon. C , B , Farwell , of Cnicigo , joined the
No htop was made until the train reach
ed Columbus. In view of the great demon
stration lieiolastweek , the understanding was
that there uhonld be nunoou this occasion , but
was finite a largo erowd in the depot , await
ing the arrival of tha triin , who pressed nroun J
Blaine Mid c-rerecl him ui ho pasaal out. Ho
entered u c irriaep and tried to drive quietly
to the house of his cousin , Mr. Miller , but a
body of young republican1) bearing torches
insistnl on escorting him iu the mual noisy
manner. Blaine epfnds the night at Mi
cousin'tf lioupfl end goes to-morrow through
Hcioto v il ! y ' .a Lancaster.
CnHfnrnia'ri ra
Special Talegram to the Bo : . , ] ) . C. , Ociober 0. The Grit-
is this afternoon publishes the following extract -
tract of n letter wiitten by Senator John I1.
Miller , of California , to a gentleman here :
The ca paun is going on well In the Ktuto
and Blaliinwilleiiry it by a tmndnoma ma
jority. The chuncei now are that Henley ,
the democratic candidate ) for cnngretH in the
fust dhtrlcl will bo beaten , HIH veto on the
Morrison bill , his land manipulations , and his
connection uitb the MaxIiniJlInn government
in Mexico during the wnr nro
him. Ho is frantio rd lo lug Rtound every
dav. Thfiro l strong hopes uf carrying the
legl'latnto , and of electing n reUliiic.ui |
l States senator tw mccoed Farley ,
Tito Kti-Ht O ii nt. Kroiiiout.
Special Telegram to thoUKC.
VRKUONT ! Neb. , OctoV > er 1' . The republican
campaign was formally opened at the opera
IIOUBS to-night. U. M. Hitchcock and ilohn
Hush , of Omaha , were the speaker ? . The
house was filled to lu utmost capacity , nnd an
Immanaol crowd remained outside , not being
nblo to gain nilintttnnca , The speakers were
hoartl'y ' applauded , as they well dfservid. A
cr. ml totchllKht ) ) rocessiou paraded tlio etreetJ
befuro the entcrtalnmont nt the hall. The
Ulalno nnd l.oga'.i glee club rondctod ougj ,
which were highly appreciateil by tre nu-
dlonco , 'I'llro u no doubt but tint the ml-
drossrs of JSlessru. Hitchcock nnd Uuah made
ninny votes for the ropulillcan ticket.
Morton nnd lititlui'inKiu nt Frloiul.
Social telegram to TUB UKK.
KiiiEND , Nun , Oct. 0. .T. Sterling Morton
is greeted at Friend with n largo nnd cnthu i-
astlu audlcnco. A grand procession of 150
torches , headed by the brass be id porado 1
the streets , Over 000 people Hstaned with
wrapt attention for two hours to Mr. Morton's
moatorlv presentation of our national and
nt.ito-olltccB. The ( school laud itoil was pit
before the people In unmistakably pbiln
tonne. A few mora rallies Hko this through
out the fttato and the ring me put on the top
shelf to keep.
Prohibition Vote lor Ulnlnc.
Special to TIIK DKE.
NmvYonK , October U. The Now York
atato temperance assembly adopted an address
to ba sent to prohibitionists throughout the
country , requesting the prohibitionists not to
vote for St. John , but to support the republi
can ticket. It gives reasons why such action
should bo taken. The principal is , if spnernl
support is given St. John , the democratic
candidate will V elected thereby , all the good
accomplished by the republican party In the
matter of morality nnd temperance will bo de
stroyed. The nddreds earnestly requests St.
John to withdraw , and will be presented to
that cindidato.
Tliurstoii on tlio Stump ,
Special Telegram to Tin : DEI ; :
CKNTIIAI- CITY , October D. Hon. .Tolm M.
Thurston , of Omaha , addressed the Urges t and
most enthusiastic audience of voters of all par
ties last night.nt the opera house , that has gath
ered this season. He rpoko for over two hours ,
briefly and pointedly handling the issues of
the campaign , keeping thn audience in good
spirits , nnd all went awny satisfied Unit it was
the best speech of the campaign. The occa
sion of the gathering wni the appointment tor
Messrs. Obcrno and Brown to speak , but oiv-
ing to thu train being late they failed to kcp
the appointment.
Turf ,
COVINGTON , Ky. , October 0. Track good.
Six furlongs sailing Banana won , Ed. ] 3utti
second , Bill Owens third. Time , 1:17. :
Mile und sixteenth , threo-yoar-olds nnd up-
wmds Kerg Kyle won , Billy ( jiilmoro second ,
Klohba third. Time , 1:50 : \ .
Cincinnati hotel stakes , two mtlcu and
eighth , all ages Binnetto won , Tom Martin
seci.nd , Athljno third. Time , 3:55 : } .
Milo and throe-sixteenths Blast nnd Burr
Oak run a , dead heat for lir-it placa , Idle 1'at
sccnnd. Time , 2:0i. : (
Milo nnd quarter , five hurdles Tomahawk
won , P. Line second , Katie Creel third.
Time , 2:22
CHICAGO , III. , October 9. Track slow. 2:20 :
pacing , Bulldozer won , Silver Tail second ,
Mike Wilkes third , best time 2:1GJ. : 2:2 : !
trotting , Albert Franco won , Leo W. second ,
Wcstmont third , Florence AI. fourth , beat
time 23. :
.lEnoME PAIIK , Octo'cor 0. Mile and a fur
long all njfcs , Wood Flower won , fj&tlo
Mack so-olid , Bella third. Time , 2:00 : Throa-
< iuartors mile , two yai\r olds. Parciee won ,
i''achus Hecond , Elgin third. Time ,
1:18 Jtile and throe furlong , three
year olds. Katnplan won , Tornado second ,
TJio Mexican Veterans.
Sr. Louis , October 9. The Mexican veter
ans met again to-day , two hundred and fifty
being present , After roll-c'dl the follow
ing letter from General Diaz of Mexico was
road :
Om' OP MEXICO , September U , 18S5. To
John F. Cahill : With your favor of 115th of
the cur cut month I received thn invitation
which the veterans of thu war of ' 1(5 ( 7 of your
country sent to those of our own nriny. I
placed it nt oncoiu the hands of the prcuident
of the republic , who , I do not doubt , will fee
that it is attended to as it should bo , by dic
tating proper arrangements for tint purpose.
[ .Signed. ] Poni'io DIAZ.
The following telegram was alee read :
OITV or MEXICO. October 9 , To CAHILL It
is not possible for the Mexican oflicera to nt
tend a reunion on the Uth inst. Will write by
mail. ( Signed ) NAKANCO ,
Secretary of War.
The election of oflicsrs for the year resulted :
President , , ! . W. Denver ; vice president , M.
D. Mnnfton , Indiana ; secretary , A. M. Ken
nedy , District of Columbia.
Tlio Ijaw In
Ciac.UiO , October 9. Chief Supervisor
Sherman , of this district , in making up his
list of supervisors of elections to servo Novem
ber llth , chose , lu the second congressional
district , one republican and ono independent
democrat , or Finorty man , for each voting
piocinct. An appeal from this action was
taken on behalf of the democratic party t't-
day , before Judge Bloclgctt , of the federal
court The Judga quoted tru law , which
provides that tlio ttvo supervisors for each
polling place shall bo of ' 'different political
parties , " and held that thn plain inference )
wan that they should bo of the leading politi
cal parties. Hetheieloro ruled that thn list
of suier\I ors must bo ni'ulo up exclusively
f 1 0111 rupublicans and democrat ; .
for 1'VlonUIesH Neln-ttHkunH.
Special telegram t > > the BKK.
LINCOLN , Neb , October 9. The state
hociety of The Homo for the Friendless met
in thii city to-day. Itepresentatives were
present from Omaha , Crete , Sutton , Umadllla ,
i cnnott , Valparaiso , York , Lincoln and
Greenwond , There have been nine auxiliary
organiiiatioiis created during the past three
months , nndthesa , together with the old homo ,
nro in prospoious condition ,
Another Political Iill > el Suit ,
CINCINNATI , 0. , October 9. Mayor James
Morgan , chairman of tin Kepubllcan county
executive committee , has filed suit agaicut the
Cincinnati Kmpilrer to-day to recover 625,000
dainagps for libel. TJio article charged Mor
gan with brinqing negroes heie for the purpo"0
of Illegil voting , iwd rJrillinfc them tonnswir
questions prupmly. The trtlclo stated that
Mr. Morgan dared uot dnny the HtatemunU
OHICAI.O , OclobcT 9. AdvlccB from northern -
ern Illinois , northern Indiana and oantern
Michigan report heavy frosts last night. No
danger to crops so far aa heard from ,
"U'outlmr To.I ) y.
WAHHl.vaTON , October 10. For tha upper
Mistieilpplnnd Missouri valleys : Fair weather ,
froch eouthneaterly vvlndu , liigtier temperature
end lower barouieter ,
TDG Acceptation of tlic proWbilion
Vicc-PresiuCiitail GanfliilatOi
Daniel Proniulgatoo His Accept
ance of the Honor ,
Eo-eohoing the Oospol Acoordinc
to St , Johh ,
Fearlessly Boarding the Lions of
Existing Evils ,
And Unfurling the Banner of
Moral Eeforni ,
A 8cror < l of Purely Glirlnllnn Clmriic-
tcr ; and Knlrly Accoitiiblo
Ulioiorlc ,
BAMMIOIIK , October 0. Win. Daniels ,
nominated for vice-president on the prohibi
tion ticket , in his letter of acceptance pub
lished to-dny , says : Necessity of prohibition
of liquor trallic is based tipan the well oitab
11-hed and conceded facts that this traflic Is
tlio producing cau'o of ft largo part of nil the
crime , poverty , insanity , suicides and diseases
that oxUts in the land. That It Is a great di - -
tmber of.tbo public peace ns well as a destroy
er of domestic pcneo and happiness.
That it renders ife , liberty nnd
property Insecure , and imposes upon tlio coin-
uiiinity heavy burdens of taxation , without
equivalent or consent upon the ground of Its
legitimate tendency being to produce idle
ness , vice and debauchery , and to create nui-
nances. The supreme bourt of the United
States and highest courti of tlio state decided
that Jam * entirely prohibiting it , are constitu
tional ; that idleness ; vice and debauchery ,
being cankers on the body politic endangering
its very life , there must of n necessity bo the
inherent power in it to remove it , in order to
prevent Hi own destruction. In such decis
ion ; ' , thtpo highest courts have also held that
these laws are for thu protection of
society and not for the regulation
o' control of the conduct of
the individual and wore in no house partak
ing of the character of sumptuary laws , tvithey
nro no often falsely , and knowingly , styled by
liquor leaguers und the politicians of ono of
the great political parties and that neither are
they restrictive ot uersonal liberty except in
BO fa : aa they restrain the individual from in
flicting injury on otbera or society. In all
such cases the public safety must be supremo.
The writer dia-.tissos at much length the
growth and extOLt of the prohibitory sentiment
which ho claims has not been properly util
ized. Ho sUtcs that thu demoralization
drink is on the increase and thaiuufnithfulofli- { |
cittls fail to enforce the laws regulating tlio
sulr of liquor. Ho Bays that the policy of
both the national government and the gieat
majority of thu states is that of licensing and
fostsiiug this tarilf. To change the
policy auil governmental policy
espo.ially is the imperative duty of the hour ,
and to effect it requires tlw agency of political
orenmzation or party , just as the other great
reforms are neceseitaturt alike for their accom
plishment. It , therefore , becomes a national
issue of nnpremo importance , nud cannot bJ
relegated to states alone , at tlio blddliii ? of any
political leader or lu.ders , no matter how dis-
turr ing thin clement may bo to parties or pol
iticians. Both existing political paities op-
pohed , or ignored , this Is-sue , and their
candidates lor president or vice president did
likewise. Necessity , conscience loyalty to
God nnd humanity , theioforc" , compel tis to
assume the position wo have nssurnod. Last
ly , the movement oilers a grand opportunity
of burying forever the sad memories und bit
ter hatred of tliu war and uniting
all .frictions.
Tlio little Town of Alum , Nnbrnnlta ,
AlniDHt Klotted Our I > y Flio
J08P , $ ! 5OOO. (
Special telegram to Tliu BKK.
ALMA , Nob. , October ! ) . A fire broke out in
Shafftr'n lUciy barn at 5:30 : this evening. In
a few minutes the entire building was in
llamo-s. The fire burned very rapidly burning
north to Alain street then \vc8t _ to Mussel-
inuti'x store. Tlio latter building ig brick and
was the moans of saving the whale western
cad of thofctrcet. The following la a list of
the buildings burned : Kiikpatrick's barber
ehop , Brudlord & Bupr'tf otlicen , Swa/.o'u Im
plement housa , Wilcox j oincoSalamaniler drug
store , Xorbo'fl meat inaruot and dwelling ,
Graves' building and the bank building ,
The IOJH in estimated at about S3),000. par
tially covered by insurance. Three horses ,
ono very valuable , were consumed in the
livery barn. The v'ault in tlio bank ii con
sidered lire-proof , and H thought to bo in
good condition , Tba fire is supposed to have
originated from a lighted cigar stub. If it
had not been perfectly calm tlu whole town
would have burned us there is no lire depart
ment or water worki.
Tonomciit ; HIIIIHU Cij.arn.
New York Special.
The general term of the supreme court to
day gave a decision holding that the law
passed In May prohibiting in cities of more
than fifty thousand inhabitants the manufa'-
Uiro of cigars in tenement houses is unconsti
tutional. Peter .Tacobj , who carried on the
businesB of munufactiiring cigars on the first
llonr of u tpiiament-bouso In thlu city. In
which ho resided , was arrested two ilaya after
tbt > pasHngo of the net and committed in default -
fault of bail. A writ of Irihnas cor
pus fmcil out on his behalf was dismissed
lit the npcciu1 term , Jiieob'it appeal wui
argued bofoio the general term by William M ,
Kvarts and Judge Dlttu'jhoefcr , Thu only
question picsonteil was ai to the uonslitution-
ajlty of the luw. The decision of the cour > it
given by _ 1'reniding Judpo Ja\in , auil i-t ROU-
ourrod in by trudges Brady nnd DutiiolH.
Judge Davis , after citing aavcral authorltiei > ,
said : | 'It may by utatud ai n lural und politi
cal axiom that muco tlio great laboring masses
of the country have little or no property but
their labor , and the frco light to employ it to
their own bit InterestH and advantage , It
miut bo considered that the constitutional In
hibition ugalnsS all iavntions of projierty without -
out duo process of law wai M fully Intended to
ombracd and protect tlut property an any of
the accumulation ! ! It may have giiiiiod. It is
not constitutionally uotnpulonl , therefore , for
the legislntuie to deptlvo by any nibltrary
ennctmont a laborer In nny lawful avosutlanof
his right to wi rr and enjoy the fruits of his
work in hU own losidcuco and 'n ' his own way ,
eicent for the purposoi of police or health
regulations Tlio cunrt lt satisfied that the
aim of tlio law was not tu Improve tint public
health , ns It bet forth , but for the purpose of
preventing tuecouful coinpctlliun , Injurioui to
other mode * of mauufacturiiig the same ar
tlclo. "
Tud.o Danloli , In concurring , nddu as a fur
ther reason for bupuortliiK the conclusion that
the act was not ueslgnudto promote hoahh ;
that It nnplliuonly to New York and Brook-
lyu , making it criminal to < lo in tUoBo cities
what is lawfully done in most or ull of the
other cities of tha state ,
ituulc to Nettie ,
INDIANAPOLIS , October 9. W. W. Cottorell
the mlsNliiK ox.audltor of Henry county , * nd
who wan $5,000 short in his accounts , box
been board from. Ho went to Uakota to visit
a brother-in-law to get the money to make
good thu deficit. He lays he will meet the
commitnloneni to uettlo with them ,
Nuw YonK , October 9. The ticket nealpct *
arc selling first class ticket * to Chteigo , \ in
Krio , Licknwnnnn , NVcst Slioro or H. ft O nt
$10 , pecond elms SM" A tcalper i < ld to-day
the cutting is between Chicago nnd Mfaoml
river points. His ootvo'pondont In Cliicico is
issuing tickets for Oinalm nntl Kansas Citv nt
§ . " > below yesterday' * rales.
W. W. Firth , rcprotcntnthoof tlmllutllng.
ton lines , ascerts that tlioy have net cut r.Ue * ,
but a re prepared , however , to meet any rates
tmulu by oilier iondft >
It 1ms been ( repeatedly demonstrated that
the railroad coinpnnie * operating llnis bfl-
tvvcen Chicago and thn Mliwutl river cannot
maintain mi ogrcemEiit on pAtsciigor tr.-illlo ,
As Rconioquoncn fflvonun Is now being most
recklfwly tncrifitvd/ Tuesday , ni nnnounccil
Ycnt rdny In The Timw , a r.iy of light pone-
trnted tlio gloom , when the scalpels , with the
Interests of BtuJc holders nt bout , cvno g.U -
Inntly to tlio rescue anil nctmlly cdvaiicod
rates fiO cent' , General pofienpor
ngonts hid tbolr heads in hhiuno nt
this denal rvbukc. and the brokers wcro recip
ients of many good words for their uimolfiah
phllantlnopy , The brokers not only advanced
tliu into * , but signed an agreement to tnntnUln
them. This compact. ns far an could bo ascer
tained , was religioiSfly observed during the
night. At the opitiuiR of bnsino'B , IKHVOMT ,
yesterday inorning. ho ' 'knlghtR of the scalp
manifested nyinptouiJ of uneiincB' . They
wcro parlies to nl > agreement , their free-
doin was restrained , , Mid they felt uncomfort-
bio In the now oxporionco. After an hour of
mental agony , one of Iho converts Mai n back-
slider. The nowH liruad Hko wildliro up and
down Clark street , and in I'no minutes nil liad
fallen. All I nlong the line Missouri river pas
senger rates dropped back to Sf'.5D , and the
Chicago fcalpora" reform movement liai pa n
t-d into hlstrry. [
The railroads prt nptly mot the brokers
cut , mid rate * nro again on tlio dowuwnrd
roa'l. *
o. & it. JtuvriON' .
CINCINNATI , O. , October a. In tlio election
of director * for the Ohio & Ml issipni railroad
the poll ) closed nt 11.30 to-night. UnolliciiO ,
bnt oirofully-kopt ta'jlns , fhow 183,000 votoi
cant for the Unltlmoro & Ohio interest , nud
UOCOO for Now Yrtrk and Knglisli piirtles.
The hlRhost possible voto.could bo Bl.S.OOO. . Inspectors
specters of election f retired Immcdltcly ta
count the votu nnd trtko action on questions in
dispute , - . ,
PORTLAND , Oregon , October U. Judge
Dealy of the United States District court , de
livered nn important , decision yesterday In the
cisfl affecting the Oregon Hallway k Nnvlgn-
lion Company. Villaid , representing the
Northern 1'acitir , tookrn 93 years' lease of the
O. 11. Co.'s road nt 54 10,000 a yaar. Villard's
aucci'siorH endeavored to repndiato the louse ,
but the judge decided that the loaeo holds
THE MAUD cosancss.
CitiCAno , October 0. Tlio fodcratton of
trade and labor unions consumed all of the
forouoon session , in diicussing the varlouM
planks in tbelr declaration of principles , with
out ranching any doGnito result. The folio w-
f resolutions wcro nduptod :
Ilosolved , Tint owinsf to the powerful cir-
cumetancea in comiecUon with existing trou
bles between intornation l and projrespivo ;
cigar makers union w.o.iustruct the legislative
commlttco r.t tlio close cf congress to open
cimmmuicationa with the principal officers of
the obovii uuiong , ami offer heir Bervicoi rs
mcdiatora with n view to bringing about har
mony between these bodies. The committee on
resolutions recommended the adoption of r
loaolution askinjf I'lfatdaat Arthur to awn-ln' '
August Donald for ojrt alBBionor t > t labor
ttallaticy. This provokciVu heated discussion
Ono delegate sugec ted th t criticIsiDK.l'iefli
dent Arthur ore dny and asking a favor of hin
the next plnces the convention in npeaul !
ar position. The fact Jsyas developed that
certain of the delosntoiffavorod other men for
the podition , nnd tin resolution was finally
voted down. Adjourned till - o'clock.
At tlio third dn > 'd w.M > ion of tba federation
of trudo and labor unions , resolutions to to-
euro n showing of the numerical and financial
utruugth of the labor or anizatinns of the
country uus tabled na likely to furnish Iho
employers with valuable information. The
committee on Uauding orders reported favor
ably on a large number of subjects for incor
poration In tlio platform of that body , nu ( ]
they vrorq laid aside pending Its completion.
A resolution for the establishment of Intolli-
geucu oIKceH under thu direction of the unions
m rnrioaft clllcj was adopted. The question
o ! tin abolition of child labor was discussed
and referral to n ottimiittoo.
ICesolutioa for the appointment of a commit
tee to mediate between the warring cijar-
raakori' unions was adnjited. On the subject
of lecommonding am.m for chief of the bureau
of labor Rtntistlcs the . [ invention was nnablo to
agios. It was decide i that instead , of a union
of building trades , t ado leagues ba formed
tin oughoiit the country. A resolution asking
congrosH to pis the 1'oran bill for the better
protection of lifo ( irl ( labor on Inkoi wits
r.Bseod. A resolution .felting apart the first
Monday in each yonr ai n a national working-
man's holiday wan p.vxcd. A portion of the
platform of the body was then by the
It declared for the I'.niricatlon'of alhirganl/a-
ttoiH in the federation luuBsist in Ciwo of striker
or lockouts. Kor a letjiflitlvo'coinmlttco to
miperviio and rcgulato all fltrikes , levy an ns-
Hessment of two cunts weekly on all members ,
with power to iucruito it to three dollar/ / " .
ICoferrcd to a uuimnitttd. A resolution unk
ing congre&s to Uko early action on the bill
prohibiting the importation of foreign lal or
was adopted. Adjourned till tomorrow.
The mumbeiH of the convention tonight \viiio
bttnquutUxl by local tfado and labor orgam/.a
tious ,
Tin : SANTA KE Divr.
Nnw YOIIK , October 0. Tha Atchtjon ,
Topeka & Snnti Va hm declared a onartorly
dividend of 1J percent , payable November
IIUlN-WOllKIin'ri WAGES HESTOnitl ) .
riiTHiiuito , October 9. A reduction of 12) )
per cent in tlio waf.'cs of the employe * o
Oliver liios , and I'/iillips wai wlthdrav/u ,
Worlc will bo rCHiiinBiI at the old wa es.
N'lriink-i ] Good
Special Telegram to TIIK
Lmcout. iNob. , Oct. 0 , The grand lodge
of Nebraska closed its nineteenth annual cs
H'OII ' today. The following officers were chos
en for the oasning ynar ; G.V. . V. I , , Anna
Unadillftj G. W. 8. L , B. WH-
of Beatrice ; G. Vf. I , , Ly-
man JOhvocd of Clay county
G. S. of I. T , JIM. Uollo G. JJigolow , of
( ionovn. Thu HeBtioujiau boeit one yl profit
nnd the rupoituof tha ofllcors show thb ordiii
throughout the otuto to bo in better ehnpo
than over beforu , The mjeion wound jp with
nddrpsnpB this uvoniiig &t thg city hall by J n
U , I'liH.'h and others.
ISoiiovftlonl. 1'orkorH.
CINCINNATI , October Oj Jtet n Springer
and David Sinton have caeh uffercd 525,000
t } the Cincinnati nmieuin ussociatlon to pay
for the romivul nod no-erection of the .present
pOHtoftico tmllding to the grounds of tlio ' 6o
elation In J'/lciii park , an a eainplo of pure Gro
CoiiHiiinpiioii ot Wnll 1'njicr ,
CINCINNATI , ( ) ctobr 'J. Thomson's wall pa.
per inanufactury burned last night. Low ,
76,000 ; inxurancp , SCS.OOO.
Stnalliiox In Dakota ,
llKOOKi.voi , Dakota/OctoberO.-What lu
been tupponed to bo chickenpox prevailing hdro
in now pronounced bycompetentphytilclaim to
bu genuine smallpox , And thodUuatn it Bjiread.
ing rapidly through the county. It in tup'
wswl tu Imvo been brought by t-mlgrauta. So
ar four persons have dl xl ,
AFatalShootii'E ' AfffajinaFLRoliIn-
son Saloon ,
Tbo Village of Alma Swept by
Fire ,
The Business Oonter of tlio Town
in Ruins ,
A Soldier Shot in a Brawl at Au
gusta , Mo ,
.Icolilontd TlioKs hululilos
AfBon DUastot1 mill CrlniCH ot
All ICIllllR.
Special Telegram to Tint BKK.
FT. KoniNHO.v , Nob. , Oct. 0 A shooting
nITray occurred la t , night nt , the saloon of
AndyTitbor or "Fronch Andy , " which ro-
culled In the death of I'd AVIIliamg , a butcher
nt tins post. Willlama had boon ( [ uarrollii ) ;
with lhn barkeeper but finally ipiieted down
after diccbarging his pistol through the roof
of the building. A f aw moments later ho was
approached by Joe Crane , n young
man of about twenty-six yours , who ,
making the remark , " Are
you going to stop that shooting ! " Pulled a
Colin ruvohor and phot Williams through the
left uroast , directly ubo\o Iho heart. Crane
then escaped , Williams lived barely ten min
utes after the that wrs tiled. Crauo is a tall ,
lank , ( lurk-complected man who has locently
taken ill ) n claim on Ash Creek , and whoiu
parent ] Imvo just reached hero from the cast.
Owing to the lack of county organization no
efforts can bo made for his capture.
lUrw. Houmlfr I'rciKcnnicnt.
Boston Special to Chicago Tribune ,
It is claimed by the friends of Mrs. Goor-
glana Houetis , who Is under nircat for the
allowed larceny of S2\000 * worth of diamonds
from Thoroea Lynch , of Now York , that the
is the victim of an attempt , to extort money ,
It. in claimed that her Into hutbaud , J. Fred
Hountls , wan a man of property , though
it is ndml.tted ho was living , bu <
yoml hU means , and was at timoa
pressed for money. Still , It is claimed'that
the proceeds of Ins estate which is now in the
li.'imls of an executor , will ba sufficient to pay
his debt ? . The rotations exietiup between the
Lynches ! , mother and BOH , and Mr. and Mis.
Houetls appear , nccordltg to loiter ) ard bills
in existence , to have been Intimate- both
business and social ir.itrn , Theiu nro receipt
ed bill-i which show largo business trach-
actions for largo Biimi. Thera Is n letter from
Mr. Lynch in which ho informs Mr. Heustts
that ho ha ? taken up a note of Ids for S300 ,
and makes an urgent though fiiondly rcqueKC
for payment , nnd etlll another letter wiitten
to MM. 11 oust is , thru a widow , by Mr , Lynch ,
loss than two months nga , contains iirolTern ol
advice and aiustanco couched in the friend
liest terms , and written on a bxMiof : _ such in
timacy as warranted the n-Ulroseintr of MM.
Hcuxtis by her chrhliau lining. It in claimed
that the diamonds and jovrolry to tlio
of $20,000 , upon Iho alleged larceny of whicl
Iho criminal indictment is based , wen.
bought on credit by Air. Hcustis am
presented by him to Mrs. Heuitta. The
rogiilatity Jof the purchase in apparnntl ;
proved by a bill in proper form amounting ti
about SJd , 01 , but reduced by several th'iua '
anddollais by pavmonts on account , whicl
are properly cioditcd. Some of tliOHO pay-
monti are for specific pm-chuses , which nuvor
thelesa appear among the items in the erlini
nal charro. | It Is not denied that Mrs. Heus
tii Inn raised money upon the dlanioudH anil
jewoliy , but her right to do so Is based npoi
their presentation to her by her husband
whose citato h held to bo liable for the aimmu
of thu bill. Conned ( or Mr ? . Hcuitls to-diij
applied for a writ of habeas cornua , and i
heating was postponed until Friday. Mrs
llouatta ha ? been paying G JKT cent a inoutl
for largo loans here , amply tecnrcd by jowelf
A BrnUen ScnIVoId ,
Special Telegram to THE But.
NOUTII BEND , Nun. , October 9. Aboni
half past ton to-day as Charles D , Tlinyor am !
Cliurlos Wo d , of Dunlap , Iowa and J. W ,
Woodruff , of Wositbr.iiich , Iowa , tnasonc , were
at work on tlio corner store building , the
fold gavexvay , iireclpitating thorn to the side
walk , eighteen feet below , nnd to ribly if not
fatally mjuiinc Wood and Woodruff and bad
ly brulsliif ? Tluyor. They were at once re
moved to Brown's drug fctoro , where physi
cians nnd the people nro doing everything in
their power for their assistance and relief.
Great exeitoni3iit prevails.
A Mill riiirnotl.
FT. lJoiuiIa ) : | , Octoboc ( ( . Thik morning
the steam flouring mill of L. Blandcu & Co.
burned , The cnclno room of the mill was
saved. Two thousand sacks of flour and 10-
0 .0 butihols of wheat wcro consumed. The
flour hail been sold and wax awaiting ship
ment , Total loan on bulhlinmnclilncry ,
stock , etc. , S"5OOU ; insurance , $30,000 ,
Clawed by a
llAUTi'Oiu > , Conn , , October 8. A circus
inhibited at Watcrbury to-ilay , and the train a
carrying the animal vans were late In nnlvlng
from Nuw Britain. The lir t thing dona after
the tiger cage arrived was to open it ventilat
ing window near the top to adtnitair. Richard
Clark , of Caledonia , Canada , who had had
charge of the tigers fincu Juno , opened the
window nnd then fat down on the roof uf the
cage near the oponlng , letting bin lent ImiiH
down. An old aad BJ\ ago tiger known UN "Itoo"
sprang at Clark and , puttlDg hm clawu in
his trousers , endeavored to draw him
Inside the ( ago. The man shrieked for ho p.
nn I the employes of the clrcui > an to hii ulil
in foroi' , u r null with iron lar ; und olubs. They
beat oil HID tiger , but the rent-no was not ol-
ftcled until Clniko had bean tenlbly mutila
te : ! . One of his legH was badly lacerated and
a hand wasbittun nenilyolfat the wrist , Tliu
wi.unded man was tarried to a phyhian'u ollicn
whetu twosiugooiiH sp < ! ut ne.irly four hourH
In drci'ing the wound. . ) . Claik showed won
derful nerve , refusing to bo plaood under the
inlliitnco of an uiurstlu-tio ( luring the ilrem-
Ing of hla woinulB. The leg win torn iron
thn thigh to tin ) knee , and largo piocen ol
flesh were tain off by the tigcr'd claws Clark
will have to remain in V/utnrLurv several
weeks Uoforo ho LMII ba luuioved , llowiiuin-
tending ; to lenvo the show on Haturd.iy.
I''at ' l I'Jntorouinciir ol ilio Iilijuor
I/u\v ,
Auoi'SiA ' , Jre. , October 0 , Thomas Malloy ,
Borgeant of tlio National Holillem" homo ul
KOJJIH , wa'i fatally slrjt at ! ) p. in , , by Charles
Morgan Wallace. Mulloy and Stephen Cobb ,
of Chulxoa , who had been ajipointcd special
sncillfs for the enforcement of the liquor law ,
mrt Wallace amnvilo in a wagon , In which
WAX apparently packed gooiM and othei
nrticlof. The nheiilf ordered Walhieu to halt ,
but refused , Cobb cmi/ht / ; lil-i hoibo by the
bit , andMalloy pioccedod ti'tho rear of the
wogoti to seurcfi for liquor. Wallace pulled
a ptitol , itiinod at Cobb , who dodged in front
of the horfo , and at tlio rumo time ordered bin
brother ollicor to arrest Wallace. Malloy
c nght Wallace by llm nnn. The latter
turned around ami linrl nt him , The bullet
took ulfect in Malhiy'H left lireant. The mur
derer wna arrested by Cobb and taken to tlw
guard houxo. The inmateit uf the homo guth
ered Around , and had not the governor ap
> o rd ! lynch law would probably hi\\o prc-
ailed. Mnlloy was tnken to the hospital and
lied a fear mlnutoi later.
Dcotmotlvo Kiro Rt Alum.
AUIA , Nob. , October ! > . A fire originating
u n livery tiblo lo-iilght burned half of the
own , including four stores , : i bank and ov-
ral dwellings. Loss undetermined ,
In Olilnn ,
TAIUS , October 9. General Bilerodo l.lnlo
! mi telesraphod the government confirming
the rejiort from Hniioa yesterday of nn onsago-
nont between Iho I'rcuch and Chinese in the
valley of Lee Chiiiiu river , Tonquln , The en
counter took place Monday. The Chinese
wcro attempting to execute anolfomito move
ment on the upper 1-to Chuim rlvsr. They
lust 1OM men. Cii ; > Ulii Ucynct t f the French
foreign legion wat killed , and I.tnutcnant IHr-
tello woundwl. ( icnerU Negrler's column has
onu up thu I'uttlnii river to cut elf the retreat -
treat of the Cliinore.
RllAXnil.M , October ! ! . Frnneh crnisers
Imvo stopped nod boarded Knglisli merchant
learners plying bctwotn Amoy nnd the IB
land of Founosa.
A. ( IU p.i Uli f nun Hanal gays that General
Nrgriers Onlunui hr.d an ongngcmont at the
\illagoof Kep ilhlrOJ ! Chineio regulars.
who occiiplod ontronehmcn a round n ecntrnl
redoubt. The Chlnesocoiumonced tha attack
t U n. m , . by trying t ) surround tlio French ,
I'iphUng lasted until ! t p. in. , when the Chi-
leio rctrcaiod toward the Interior of China
Iveys carri. ou defended tholr position bravely
compo Hug the French to surround thoiodoubt
and carry It at the point of thu bivynnot. The
Chinoio IIKS In the vlllsga Is MX hundred
killed. _ Th3 French troopi fought with spirit
and decision. They captured all the enemy's
wnr material , nmloH nud hone * . Tha French
ctptnln and twenty men wcro killed , Gen ,
Untir Dol.Ulo stinted for Koyn to na-nstNe-
filer's forces ,
Hnril TlincH In Ciila.
HAVANA , October 7. The oliicinl paper
states the situation of the army , owing to the
suspension of monthly p.iy , is really pitiable
It must lm\o nn early solution , fiixi months
have passed since the soldiers wcro paid. The
troops are obliged to take food by force. Forty
tilif , rctiorted by the City of Washington as
containing lard , wcro seized ynitorday. They
were found to contain opium. Tha transactioi
involves n heavy fine.
jMTnlrs lu
WADDV UAI.KA , October 9. The Wolsoloy
troops who take part In the Nile expedition
to-day , as m uiitod infantry , managed ( heir
carrels perfectly. The tirjt of row
bontt of thu expedition passed the fust cnla
ract n strong current The heavy ill
vinlon of thn c.itncl oarps will encamp at tin
pyrumi R till ordered to nilviuico ,
CAIUO , October 1) ) . Advicaa from Dongola
confirm the report that a steamer from Kbar
touni waa wrecked after leaving Abul Hamad
AH on board landed and triad to hire camels
The natives invited thorn to their dwellings
where they mamcrecl them.
Tlio ItoirH ItfiiHt On.
LoNnoi : , October 9. The Timvs under
Btandd'tlut the English council cabinet whicl
meets to-day has caiicluuoil t > adopt measurea
to stop tbo encroachments of the boerK , in
Afiica. Thii deciblon It inya Is iinprovod wit
untUfnctjou byjtho KngliiililpcniiUi'anil wlllivlp
out tha insults heapa : ! upon thn JCngheh llu
by n people whoso nibiguificanco is tholr hcj
protection ,
hj.Nnov , October U. At the South Africai
conference licltf hero to consider thu viohitioi
df the treaty by the Boers , .1 firm and dects
ivo poliov was ndvooatod. A resolution wr.H
piused anklm ; the coveramcut to euforcu the
tr nty.
MADIill ) , October U. There nro rotipwnli o
the rjpc.rt that the health of Alfou/.j in In an
alarming nUto. Dilfuront political groups ar
already disumslni ; the question of a repcncy
aud are divided inp rtxnslilp ! between Qucci
Isabella nnd the Countnsj of Girgonti , ov
1'rincoji of Astmins The moderate and con parties , headed by Honor Sagasta
ndvoc.ito leabella ,
( A Itlnwlmnl Ahroad.
Houi : , October ! ' . The detaiN of the cy
clone in Catania Island , Sicily , yestordny
are roroived. Txventy-soven wnro killed an
n huiidfcil injured. Grant distress among th
pour. Jluiuhcilj of housea were dcnioliBhei
In Bongo , Toudo and given cpiartorrf at Clbo !
and On'nln' > , nuburbi of the city. Many sum
iner repiil'.ucc.s are in mini ) , Tha ( lamai-
amounts to two niilllonH Hie ,
Ilovi : , Ootober'J. Later reports say there
were four hundred Injurnd by tha cyclone am
tlio da-nagft amounts to fcur millicn Hros ,
ICiIiicallou MaltoH Nllilllutfl.
Ur. 1'KrKlisnuna , October ! ) . Thoinilvomit ;
at Kielf was closed by the authorities ani
will not ro open until January. Ono hundroi
and sixty-eight fitudontu bivn been'Htei
for alleged connection with tha nihilists
Tinea soci.ilist journals , suspended Homo lim
ago , nru about to continue.
Trnln "vVrookorii hi Cnnndu.
TOBO.NTO , October ! ) . AII niiHUCcesHfnl nt
tempt was made yesterday to wreck the
Muthodiat nxcuruiun train containing 500
people. I'liiiro was great oxcitoinonl , Non
Injured ,
Ofl * for tlio K tat OH.
LONDON , October ! ) . Henry AinMIe , secretary
tary i nit nianngur of the Huron < t Middlesex
Fire Inbiiruiicn company , N missing. Thr
books are tald to bo In a mixed c.nditlon.
Hr , JOHN , October ! > . Orange disturbance
are developing at Harbor ( Jraoi. The gate
of the oonvent have been torn elf and thrown
into tin ) Hoa Ono Itivcr-hcad man was mos
brutally biiaten to death ,
U'llO CIlOllTII ,
MADUID , October U. There wiiro two death
from cholera at Alccanto during the pa
U cnty-f on r ho iirtt. Si ncu September 11 ther
have been fourteen death ) und ( tivcntflon case
In the province of lU'cu.'ona ' , Durielonu pa
pora deny the statement.
Ho MB. Octolwr n. The cholera record i
Italy the 21 liourB , hhowm M5 fre *
fiiHox , 77 deatlH against 107 case * , 07 death
the preceding 21 hours.
United HlatohSuiiroino Courl ,
WASWNaTO.v , October 'J.-Tho Suprem
court of thu United States will meet Moudn
next for the October term , Bix Junticoa an
already In the city , and all mo expected t
tauo seats whan court reassembles. The nun
bor of CIIKH on the docket ate 1,020 , or 61 lee
than the corresponding time last year.
i , A-,9'1.coll ty fanner named Sherman , wh
medln Hlciill crock precinct , has been mUsin
flncoaoptombor j7. 11 went to Lincoln for
load of coal on that ilay and has not bio
heard of ulncu. JIo was know ) to his nttigl
bora usii sober oml iuduatrloui mnn , his du
mestio rolationu aro'mippoaed to have been o
n pleasant and peaceful character , nnd in vlow
of these facts IIH prolongBd ( ibicucofroin horn
Is accomiianloil with alarm to family nn
friendi. The miming mnn sottltid in Cas
county about 0110 year ago , having move
there from near Mendota , Illinois. Ha in tie
Kcribud of medium height , heavy not an
wel lilng about 180 pounds , and chl
wlnikcr * of liffbt color. Forehead high an
nto dined baldaese , Kyrs blue ,
3 ccolalioc on
Soorot Heavy Oper § s Progress
ing in
No Trading W < ror in the
OoriF >
Jrokers "in Dancer of Starving
to Death , "
Provisions Soar to an Appallintc
An Uneventful Dny In tlio Cattle Mar *
kot Ho 8 Aotlvo nntl Briskly
Special tolefiram to TUB Biii :
JCllICAGO , October 0. A good is.iny broker.- )
oing business on'cbangoclaimto bo in danger
f starving to death. A quite prominent ono
vnl hoard to remark to-day that for n weak
> .i t ho had filled but two order * and that the
uus total of.hls earnings would barely amount
o & 25. Ho spoka of this to illustrate the In
activity of the speculative markets. The fact
s generally commented upon that seldom has
.hero boon such n dearth of speculation in
train in the market * . Just now ccrn is Jccui.
il n rlaky thing to handle and wheat is pursn-
ng n very peculiar eourjo , Under clrcum-
HtacccR which have ordlnurlly made xcaloeni
very cautious in their buying and ready nt
any time to unload all their lioldiugx , they
now favor the long sidu systematically and
nro not scared when the plainest outlonces oE
weakneHi are to bu obitrved , Hutchlnson ia
said to bo n largo purchaser of wheat , ami is
credited by some with the possession of Biilll-
ciont quantity of the nrticlo to ontitla hi a tune
no little dlatliKtion iu consequence. Such a
table example may account for the apparent
recklessness of the small fry.
Altogether the amount of wheat nluorbcil
ivory dny lends operators to keep a nirlcus
look out for thu disposition made of it It is a
common icmnrkinthon loy'thnt there iinoth
ing but price wheat to make it n purchaio , and
even the present low price iil upiurantlyitoi
low to export it. There was a sjlght sttength
exhibited to-day. Novemberopened jo off at
j.SJ , but advanced to 78 } , < alit ] cloao.l tolerably
line at jo lower : December .ndwaccd from
71)4' ) to S0\ , und cloned nt KQ ,
COI1N. .
The principal liroker amployod by a leadinff
liouso ia authority for thu statement that not
a bushel of corn changed hands In-day. At
any r.ito , the amount was too trifling to deserve -
servo notice. November and the year wen )
wnak , tha farmer declining lo aud closing at
C'S , and the latter following about the sainu
coursoi > olllngdownto39 } . Cash wai stronger
ami advanced fromO&AloCG , but eubsaimauUy
fell pff to 51 J , where ft clojoJ.
Wcro as dear as they could wall be and still
be quoted. Jann.iry pork advanced train
Sli ! fiO to 312 70 and ribs from 57 37J to $7 4 J.
ClllCAiio , Ootobor 9. Westerna and Texas
made up tba bulk receipts , sny about 3CO caru ,
over 200 of which were westerns There wai
no now feature of notti In the market to-day.
Natives were Bixirco and sold at etrong priced.
The best at from SO 50 to 87 25. One ear ot M
big , old fashioned but fat Nebraskans maklif *
the imtuidi ) price. Anything iu the nativa
line that would suit thu uhippiuiror dressed
beef trade sold quick nnd at big figures. Com
mon and medium natives that have to com *
pete with excellent Montana and Wyominft
htock had to sell on its meriti and the demand
wasjg generally against the natives ,
they Belling proportionately lower
than Westerns. Some state range
Stock iiolil late yesterday afternoon nt tha
lowest figures for a week , but to-day choice ,
suitable fresh stock sold a shade higher.
Stockers and feeders weio in fair demand and
steady as compared with the previous days of
the week. Texans wcro rather scarce and
stoady. Nntivo butchon * stock w s' steady.
Feeders and stock calves wanted. The general
market closed otoady. Good to choice UOD to
150 llm. , SO.CO@i.75. ( Hango cattle sales :
108 Wyoming. 1200 llu. , S3.IO2JO Wyomloff.
1200 Ibs. . S5.37J : \Vyomlng-Texans , OCO
Jh/i / , , H.i ( ! ! ; 371 Wyoming-Texans , 974 11)8. ,
SJ.CQi 102 Monatana , 125 llu. , S5.05 ; 27B Colorado
rado , 1150 Ibs , , S .IC ; 172 Montana , 1220 Iba. ,
There wai a brisk demand nnd prices were
otrong at Oc higher all round , the market clon I
ing firm with about all eold. Ilough nd com
mon puckers sold at S1.90@0.1U , and good
patkers nt SO.'JOS'S.'J.CO ' Best heavy at 55 CO
( < 7)$0,80. ) and I'liiladelphlas at $0.00. Light ;
sorts cold at SI 70@S-1 80 for skips , and 85.00 ©
55.25 for Yorker . Packers nnd shipping- ,
230 to 315 Ibs. , S5.-10@S5.90Jlghr , 100 to 210
lbs.S5.00cjS5.GO. (
River CommlssiloiierB Coining ,
1CAN8AH CITV , Oct. 9. Tha members of the
Missouil river commission arrived this morn *
tig from St. Louis , inndu examination of tha'
'liver ' banks and channels in thla vicinity nnd
left this evening for St. Joe and Oicnha.
Boiaiera1 Hounlon
Pn. , October 9. There will bo
a rouolon of the Second cavahy division and
Ouster's brigade , Third division , army of the
J'otomao hero on Oct. 16th.
S'3Op ) C5y&n
lialuniorr.iiyiiijnrJoustubsUnctawu , ,
Lo foui i
J Androv/aT'eiJ. Oaklns Powder. 1 r *
livtly P5JRE , JivingcmlcrMM , unit lutlmontiv *
-row tucli clicmltIs auB. Dima lluj s ,
kinj JI. IH'Isfuntulno. ofChlcatjoj onS
( lode ,