OMAHA DALI .BftE WJSDNSDAlfOCTOLEli - 0 io'84 TgE DAILY BEE Omalm Oflioo , No. t lO Famam 8f. Council Bin Its Offlco , No 7 1'cnrl S fitrccr , Ncnr Brojitlway. New York Office , lloom 05 Trlbnno Building. _ PnMlnhod Tory rroranir , Tt only Monday Darning dally. ntri BT HAIL. Oat Yt r . ? 10. 00 1 Three Months . 13.00 Kit Uoutni , . . . . . . . B.OO j One Month . 1.CO Per W 1c , 25 Oonts. ros TiretT in , rutusaiD ITMT 82.001 Three Uonlhl. . . I t Six Months. . 1.00 I On e Month . „ . . S ATT.C rlwm N w > Company , Sola Agentr , Newodeal eti In lh United State * . con&sarOKDUtci. At Ocmmooloatlone teliitlnif to Now and Edllorlil ut rnhenldb addressed to the KDITO or Tni Bu itnnKisa trmus. All Bnalnos * Letter * Knd IlemtUanooa should be Uddrwisod to Tni Bin runusmna OOKPAST , niuni , Drifts , Checks and roetofflco orderi to b madepay. . able to the order o ( the company. SHE BEE PUBLISHING CO , , PROPS' ' B. IIOSBWATBR , 1 or. . A , II , Fitch , Manager Dally Circulation , F O. Box , 483 Omaha , Neb , IF Church Howe decides to locate in Tonncossoo ho might eventually repre sent that state in the Unites States sen ate. It would bo a question of time and a little "aoap. " THE man who macla those estimates of the result of the coming election for the Lincoln Journal ought to soak his head. f Do estimates the total vote of Nebraska on the 4th of November at 04,000 , when at the last election , in an "off year , " it was 100,000. Tun Missouri river commission is now at work in examining the plans proposed for. the protection of the banks of the river at certain pointn. The commission- era are at Kansas Oity , and will probably visit Omaha on Saturday next , TUB prosecution of Sunday ball-players does not meet with much encouragement in a city where saloons run on Sunday , whore "floored concerts" are given in variety dives on Sunday evening , and whore there are a dozen violations of the Sun day law ton times worse than ball playing. Tins Chicago Daily News having referred - forrod to the editor of the Tribune aa "tho rascalMedill , " the Zr/iune / colla the editor of the News "a disreputable black guard named Stono. " The editorial amenities of Chicago iournalism would loadono to suppose that some cowboys from "tho rowdy -west" are now doing the heavy writing In that city. Mil. WEAVER is traveling around in this district explaining his congressional record. Will Mr. Weaver explain why ho ignored the time-honored custom of giving all the young men in the district a chance to compote for the West Point oadptshlp appointment 1 Appointments to the military and naval academies have 'Hover been regarded aa public patronage to be given as personal rewards to favor ites for services , Two years ago Mr. Laird publicly pledged hla word every where in his dis trict that ho would out loose from the . railroads and servo the people. Thous ands took him upon honor and gave him their support. Their trust has boon be trayed , and every pledge has been ruth lessly broken. Now Mr. Liird is asking for a renewal of confidence. If a man fools you once it Is not your fault , but if ho does it a second time you are to blame. GBNEUAL HAZKN , the signal service chief , who refused to penult Howard Green , a colored man , to bo examined for admission into the signal service , and was promptly sat down upon by Secretary Lincoln , has just mot with another ro- Ibuke , as Green has passed his examina tion and boon assigned to duty. It is said that his high-toned white associates propose to persecute him , but wo venture the opinion that they will be as promptly squelched as was Bazon. Tim notion of .Secretary Lincoln in regard to Green Is commendable , and is heartily approved by the public , Piurv platforms proralsonoarly | | every- "thing , but the promises are hardly over carried out. All sorts of promises are made in order to catch votes , and when the election ia over the platform having served its purpose is shelved as a thing of the past. It ia not taken up as a guide lot the future action of the party , as it should bo , and for which purpose it is apparently constructed "Jeoiily romo- 1 * dy that the voters really have is to elect good congressmen , for It is to congress that wo must look for legislation , and not to the president. The people should pay but little attention to the glittering m generalities and promises of party plat o' forms , but should exact definite declara o'a : tions from congressional candidates on all d important issues and measures. dsi si.b .b ia about to upend $43- 592,500 for public improvements. Tbo Philadolphiana are nlive to the fact that public improvements add materially to the general prosperity and wealth of the city. No better illustration of this can ba found enywhoro than in Omaha , wlicro our navomouts olono have done moro to advertise the city as an enter prising , progreasire and prosperous plaoo than any one thing , and when the etranger learno upon inquiry that vro have a complete oyttim nt waterworku and Borrerago ho ia atill more convinced that there are but fov placeu , if any , that arc better equipped irith public improve- moula and gpnvonioncer. What Omnlm must do is to keep up adding to her im provements each yo > r , and to keep those that wu Jmvo in good con Jitioii , The J t tlua spent IB well invested. j i JUDQK DAMER'S DECISION. Wo have bonn asked to tay what we think of the recent decision of Judge Uamor on the Keith county school land frauds. Wo hare also boon supplied with a copy of the decision by the friends of Judge Ilamor , and requested to ex onerate him from any suspicion of sympathy with the perpetrators of those fraud a. In our opinion thla decision partakes very much of the nature of tha famous decisions delivered by Judge Dillon on the Union Pacific terminus , and Judge Pundy on the forfeiture of the Union Pacific lands. Judge Dillon it will bo remembered held that the Omaha bridge was a part of the main line of the Union Pacific and had to bo operated aa such , but it was not a part of the main line for purposes of rev enue , and the ownois could charge a spec ial rate over that part of the road because it was a bridge on which congress had au thorized the company to issue a mortgage in addition to the bonded debt of the road. In the jug-handle Platt case , where the Union Pacific furnished the lawyers on both sides , Judge Dundy hold that the railroad company by mortgaging Its land grant had disposed ot it , and therefore the lands wore not subject to forfeiture , although the charter - tor did provide that th lands unsold within five years after thread road waa finished should become Eubjoo to homestead and pro-omption entry , Although the court in this decision hold that the lands belonged to the Union Pacific , it also hold that they did not bo eng to it sufficiently to become subject ; o taxation like the lands belonging to mybody else. Now , Judge Hamor finds that the tea .imony establishes the fact that Dorn was indoavoring by corrupt means to procure in appraisement of the land far below its ictual value , for the purpose of leasing t , and that if Dorn had succeeded the ichool fund would have suffered is 'cor ; ain , but for all this Mr. Kendal md the school board have not been proven guilty of conspiracy. It is difii- : ult , says the judge , to BOO any reason or disregarding the plain provisions of ho statutes which say that the lands nust first bo offered for sale and not sold 'or want of bidders before they may be oloasod. For all that Judge Hamcr onoludcs that Kendall and the board are lot chargeable with criminal intent , but aildly suggests that they made souio mis ako in tranaaoting this business , t strikes ua that the judge j trylng very hard to straddle bis whole question. Ho ia anxious B shield Governor Danes nnd bo board from public censure and at the itmo time ho darea not disregard the ublic sentiment in a matter of such rave concern. Ho makes the injunction ormanont , thereby confirming all that as charged concerning the lawloaa man or in which the leasing of the Keith aunty lands had boon carried on by the oard. Ho is very severe on Dorn , a rivato oitizan , who waa engaged in a > ocnlativo enterprise , but ho is very indor towards Kendall and his asso- ates , who wore criminally culpable in at- impting to dispose of the lands in open oGancoof the law , which the judge imsolf quotes in his decision. LAND-GRABBING IN DAKOTA. The republican party of Dakota , in invention assembled , passed a roaolu- on to the effect that "as there has boon ready a liberal appropriation made for 10 survey of thoMiflaouri river , with the ) joot of its improvement , wo ask of ingress for prompt legislation for the nrposo of such improvement , not only i the end that our natural advantages- r commerce may bo beneficial , but that iluablo lands , timber and othorwino , ay bo preserved from destruction.1' ho convention also passed n resolution that as the demand for homes upon the iiblio domain Is greater than can bo imp lied from lands which can possibly bo- irvoyod with the present funds allowed , 0 ask that an appropriation sufficiently rgo to survey lands to moot the demand r homesteads , pre-emptions and timber aims , " and the convention , in another solution "deprecated any swooping edification of the present public laud WB. " The so-called ropublicanconvention of akota must have boon largely made up that class of highwaymen who prey ) ou thu public domain and are engaged robbing the government by systematic homos of plunder and spoils-hunting rough the surveying department. ticso plunderers do not want the pre- nption and timber-culture laws repeal- 1 simply because they nuvo organized mgs of laud-sharks , after the Stinking rntcrplan , for the purpose of gobbling i vast tracts of land and depriving the : tual settlers of any ahow whatever to itaiu homos without paying to thorn jy speculative price they may BOO fit to omand. Wo thought the land-grabbing ihomcs in Nebraska were bad enough , ut those In Dakota are ton times worse. lOwhoro iu the country has tha ubllo domain bacu so boldly and oxton voly gobbled up fraudulently as it has DWI in Dakota through the pre-emption nd timb-jr culture laws , The latter os ocially ia a villainous fraud , It provides tat by the payment of it nominal sum of lonoy , and the planting of a certain umber of trees each year for a certain orlod , land may bo secured. Everybody news that all the treo-plonting in D.iko i is a glgantio swindle. It has boon done y syndicates , tor whom a lot of cotton oed sprouta have baen stuck in the round by contractors , who certify under nth that the pruvlsipns of the law ave boon oatnpUud with. Whilit 10 claims are apparently planlaJ i thu namoj of ditlereut Individual ) , luy are really owned by syndicates , and i thia way the greater portion of the public domain of Dakota has passed in'o kho hands of a comparatively fovr speculator later ! ) . And now these aharkaj through the republican convention , which they controlled , and ot which they were a part , ask for moro appropriations for public surveys , when in fact there are already moro lands surveyed in Dakota than are now neodcdjfor actual settlement. Had not the surveyed lands been gobbled up by land sharks the people would have plenty of land. These land-gobblers are a great detriment to Dakota , and the sooner they are checked in their plunder ing schemes the hotter It will bo for that territory. SEKATOU MANDEUSON has received a dispatch from Mr. Droatch , of the Mis * souri river commission , stating that the commission will bo in Omaha on Satur day. There haaboonan inclination on the part of Major Suter and other members of the commission to confine all the im provements to that part of the river below - low Kansas City , and progress from year to year up the river. Thia certainly seems oolfiih , and while it may bo gooi engineering it does not meet the nocoa sity of the situation at Omaha , whoa river front , for the protection of whicl nearly $200,000 has boon expended might meantime bo ruined , It is esscn tial that what has been done should nebo bo lost by neglect or failure to construe further works to keep the river in chock So far the work done at Omah remains in position , while at points below it has been moro or less cut out by th river. There is acme danger , however , that the river at Omaha will cut in above the Union Pacific shops and take out tin rip-rap unices additional walls are buil to protect the bank. If any such serious break should occurs it miqht do an im mcnso amount of damage to the railroad shops , the smelting works , the lumber yards and other industries , aod also iso late the waterworks , pumping house and settling basins and cut off our water sup ply. The lovco has now become too val uable to bo loft unprotected at any point , and in view of those facts Senator Man- dorson suggests that a mooting of the board of trade , the board of public works , and representatives of the Union Pacific and B. & M. railroads bo hold to discuss this important matter and ngreo upon some tangible plan for the improvement of our river front and present the same to the river commis sioners on Saturday , and at the same convince them of the necessity of the ex poudituro of some money for improvements monts at this point. THE average voter in Omaha will have t perplexing job before him on election lay. In the first place ho Is asked to . 'oto for presidential electors , otato iflicors and congressmen. Then next in the ticket come the members of the egislaturo , county commissioner , justices ) f the peace , and other small fry. Then ; here are two constitutional amendments , > no to raise the pay of the legislature to p300 for a seaaion of sixty days , and the ithor to create a railroad commission and a create any other sot of state officers hey may see fit. Besides these , there is t proposition from the county to bo al- owed to sell the old court house prop- irty ; also a proposition from the city to rote ? 50,000 paving bonds , and a reposition to grant a right of ray and franchises to the cable ar company. Finally the board ot iducation brings up the roar with a ( reposition to vote bonds for additional chool houses and sites. The 'candidates or olttco will occupy one ticket , each of ho amendments another , and each of ho propoaitiona of the city and of the loard o ? education another , , making t loaot six different tickets rhlch will have to bo stuffed nto separate ballot boxoov In i rdor to cave time on election day , wo dviso every voter to niako up'hia mind ho 'lay before just what tiokata ho rants to vote , and then got up early the text morning and fix them acccording to o the way ho has decided. The variety > f tickota certainly will bo puzzling to ho ordinary voter , and It will tuko some ittlo time to work out the puzdo to a atisfactory conclusion. Tun citj council has paesod an ordl- lance regulating the running of tha street ' ars , whieh will bo appreciated by the mblio. The ordinance requires that the ara ahall bo run as often as ton minutes m every line between the hours of G a. n. and 6 p. m. , and aa-often as every wonty minutes from 7 p. m. until mid- light , The ordinance gooa into- effect on November -ith , and it willi bea big im- irovomont over the old order of things. ? ho street car travel has increased very opidly during the last yoarand the com- iany lias not kept pace with it. The ao- iommodatlons are insufficient at certain lours of the day , particularly at loon and between C and 7 p. m. riio now regulation is intended o remedy thia matter. The running of .ho . oars until midnight Li another im irovomont that will not .only bo appro slated by a largo number of persons , bub will bo a benefit to the street car compa- ly , as the increased business that it will ; am will uiorothan compensate it for tbo ate runs , Omaha it no longer a country allago , and rro are surprised thnt the itrcot car company did not long a o do what it ia now compelled to do by ordi- nauco. Councilman Behm , who intro- lunodtho ordinance and worked hard for its pauago , doborvoa the thanks of the people for hia elfirta in their behalf , TUB city ut St. Louis la now reveling. la Us ammU holiday pageantry , tl-.o "Veiled Prophets , " a rUal attraction x > t the tiuioui Now Orloaua Mardl-Qrus. fes tival. Vast sums t f money and a. great Joal of time ere spent caoh yeut upon thiB fit , Loula maiquerado , nd U is about ] the only thing that attracts visitors t < that sleepy old city.Vhethor It is n paying investment ia nil open qutaliori. It deems to ua that if St. Louis would devote - vote as much money nnd time to the de velopment of its commercial interests and various industrial enterprises ns aho ox- ponda on thia holiday mummery she would bo moro sensible and reap an incalculable benefit from the invcatmont. Why St. Louis , which hi immense re- aourcca and the command of a vast extent of territory , should dcsiro to imitate the laiy , southern holiday city of Now Orleans - leans ia something wo cannot understand. Such mnsquoradcB aa the "Veiled Pro- phot" and "Mardi Graa Festival" are well enough for such old nouthcrn cities as NoWjOrleans , but St. Louis ia too far north to indulge in such tomfoolery. It ia about time that aho waa taking advan tage of the many opportunities afforded her of building up her busineso interests , and becoming a really great city. St. Louia it is true ia an old city , but aho should wake up and infuse nome now life into har system. TUB Nebraska legislature might profit by the example sot by the Omaha city council , which has passed an ordinance regulating the running of street railways. The council 1ms required nothing but what ia reasonable and demanded for the public convenience , and the requirements while bonofitting the public will work no hardship upon the street car company. This ia juat what the public demands of the legislature in the regulation of rail roads throughout the state. The people demand only such legislation na ia fair and juat to all parties , and laws that will glvo to the people their just dues would work no injustice upon the railroads. Bottled foreo ia what the campaign calls for , Benjamin F. Bunting is the way they apell it now , A tricky politician should never quarrel with his tools. Hendrlcks is sixtyfi TO years old , and ough to liavo known better. 5'Jolm Kelly ia said to keep a set of plumes loskod up In a secret drawer. General Butler knows n hoe from n hand organ when the wind ia southerly. The political barbobuo is now ripe , and the peripatetic tramp has n regular loast. Elizabeth Cody Stenton favors Blaino. Slio like * women , but not as presidents. It [ 3 totally unnecessary to 611 a. man with load lo make him solid for a party ticket. Wntermnn , the nominee for vice president of the American Political Alliance , la a born fishor. 25 i Wall atreot brokers have como out for Cleveland. They evidently think ho is a "lauib " No barrel in the republican party only n Imnjjliolo and zircus lemonado. [ Waterloo Observer. No woman can bo president while bustles remain in fashion. The presidential chair is not big enough. The sugar Interest in politics IB very treat now. AH the boya want homo. [ Now Or leans 1'lcayuuo. This is a free country. If n candidate has no money to hire a hall with ho can open hii inouih in the open air. [ Now Orleans Picny uno. ti n. Tho-pooplo of Ohio are in imminent danger uf being talked todeath. . Does the army of itmnp orators know that dead men cast no rotea ? . Trying to convinae ft politician that ho h wrong U like trying to maks a woman think icr shoes are too small for her. [ OH City Blizzard. Candidate Bolvn I/ockwood ii / very confi- lent of rucccas. She has already called nt the IVhito Kouso to see if it has closets onouch. Philadelphia Call , The republicans ot the Eighteenth district if Illinom have nominated Needles for ! ongro38and in the Eighth district of Missouri hey have put up Pins. Mr. lloudticka sat on a stool at the station n Buffalo the other day , nnd , without mur- nur or complaint , nto a railroad sandwich , lore is true patriotism and simplicity. [ Gin- linnatl Enquirsr. i M Cleveland la now alluded to by democratic wparsas "tho new Moses. " It will bo re- nembered that n the end of Moses' cam- lalgn hn was buried ao duep that "no man : now where ho lay. ' " When a drummer runa nearly a Pijuaro to eo a torchlight procession pass nnd arrives here nil out of breath only to find that the nlorod troops nromarchi up , ha doesn't aweir lor Binlio , but roianrfcs "sold again" nnd sneaks way. Man died In Delaware of lockjaw. Warn- ng to stump speakers. [ Philadolpliia Proas. \ot much. Ths slump rpenkors horokaop heir jaws going BO fast It's i inpo'usblo to o itsh hem shut long to lock thorn , [ WI1- alngtjn Star. The St. Patrick's Soclnty , of Brooklyn , do lot propose t6 allow politics to interfere with ho pleasures of n clara bnko. They settled ha vexed question , of the day by giving three heors for "Jamas G.-Grov r-St. John-Bolva- Jutl-r-St. Patrick forovcr. " "Wo urs perfectly willing to let thojgroat \merican poopln decide whether liluiuo or 31ovolind or Butler or even tit .John , for the nutter of that. w > H make the beat president , " nya the New VWJc Journal. After thii lib- 'ml concession what is tliero to hinder thereat ; roat Amoric n people from going nhend. Mr. HciidricliJaajB ho would rather have ho second pluue on thu ticket. Oil , undoubt- dly. Man enters the railway station hur- ledly , and nut'Aes to the Pullmanwindow. "I wnnt a Ibwur bsrth on the NVnshiugtoa leepor. " "Can't llav H. sir ; lower bortlla nil froce. ) nly ouo.upp r left light ever the forwrxj rucks , worst place in thu car. Give ; iou hat. " ' ' Oh. mrjiy thanks. That h the oaa I witodl I'urufertho uppur liorth over the onvnnltrucks. " [ Burlington Hawkoyo. Dlsnonsutlunu ot g i'r.ivlrtoncri , . Dotrcibl'jto Proas. "Wo hov summer"said , the orator nyi 10 pulled down hia veat , "in order dat .volormvllyona . may ripea , an * vr hev .viiitnr dat1 possums niayv fatten up. Wo lov 16,450 chrmges of weather in do. : oursp of a y'ar , in ordca to nccosoraodat ? ill minda as fur as pauiblo , Wu hov moonlight nights fur slob pusaoas ai am bohiudhand 1)1 ) hoein'born or Bavrin'wocd n * wp huv dark and iloudy nighta fur au benefit of burglars , cats an'pn \ ] ootupa * uieo. Natur" didn't inaku do kontrp nil mountains nor nil prairie , kooo she vaal- izzd dat do scenery would bo moaoto nuus. Had do nile been all sau < l could have raise J uuflin bub awoet tore ( lad ib ben nil clay wo ahsuld hoi run largely to whmt , an * crouded de price down to 10 cojito per bushel. Do oooaii wan made salty BO dat dt corpses of bora. oj , cow * , dogs a V catsVlumpod into it oft Oompy Island wouldn't interfere wld de r.eatidu hotel bizuw , Do likes win imvlo frcih in orderdat Ohicaqo an' Buf fal i might once in awhito change deiv drinka. Fmknni , my heureiH , man tun ( t mishly Bllinsy grain of ottnl when coin- pircd to itatur' . While she has undo uburytliin * fur do bos' an" in do bw * w y , da wi. < u t man on uirth had ho boon gibcn de job of inakin'nysllor do ( ; would hov guo dn fore ns' liiud Ifgs * U mixed up au' fft do tail off nl'ogptlcr. " THE FIRST DISTRICT , . About the OongroBEion al Campaign r Ro Ucmliicnil , Nebraska City Noire , Two yenra ago , w'icn ' the railroad ram pany priucntcil each member of the lt < jia laturo with paesf3 , Oharlea H. Brown vn the first tnombor to return his. IIo wil not accept or use a pass , preferring to pay his faro. An Adnilrnlito Nomination , Nebraska Watchman. The Hon. Chaa. U. Brown for congress from this district is nn admirable notnina tion and eminently worthy of support. Caimo for Dlaaflicotlon. Gaga County. , Kagle. The causes of this disaffection towards Weaver , among the republicans , are numerous. The appointment of Riley CrooK ns postmaster at Fallo Oity and of Dare Stephonaon , an illiterate corrup- tiouiat , as surveyor general of this dis trict , and his falsehoods to the Widow Dailoy in regard to her interests , are facts thnt are hurting Ajar wonderfully among the republicans. The procurement mont of enormous pensions and back pay to the amount of thousands of del lara , to able bodied political favorites , is not helping him any among the pooplo. But the main cause of dissatisfaction among the republicans against Wearer is his Bullishness , dishonesty and falsehood. Old life-long republicans when naked why they could not support Weaver , re plied , because ho was totally unreliable , a traitor to his party and his friends , a lolfiah bigot , the god of his idolatry was A. J Weaver. Never Bctruycd a Trusr. iVphon Indcpeddcnt. Never won a man nominated for any petition that has so mot the unanimous approval of the people aa has the nomi nation of Oharlea H. Brown for congress. His record aa a public man stands open for inspection by his oasmics , and while nil of them have boon unable to lind the first Instance where ho has betrayed a public trust. The workingmen of this district need no urging to vote for Ohar- lie Brown. His record for fighting the convict contract labor fraud and in favor of prohibiting the employment of omall children in work chops and factories is so forcibly imprceaad upon > their minds that they will give him their undivided support. Wo have hoard assertion * from hun dreds of republicans that they were going to vote for Brown for con- press. This gentleman needs no intro duction at our hands. Ho ia too well known. Ono thing the republicans can put down as a nettled fact , ho will got JJ,600 majority in Douglas countjt and at least 1,000 majority in the district. Some of oar readers have asked for the appearance of the republican ticket at the head of this paper nnd it appears this week in full with the exception of the name for congressman. As Weaver was about as near a blank in congress as any man couM be , wo leave a blaiui line in the ticket in order that republicans in the exercise of their tree judgment may write in the nameof some houoat repub lican and so rebuke the arrogance of 4 the "machine" in this dis trict aa run by the office holders' brigade. _ Wo .deliberately ailirm that the nomination of this man Weaver by fed eral ofUco holders mainly , who depend upon him for official pap , is a disgrace to the party which can only be properly mot by scratching his name froma true republican ticket. The beat thing , fer a party sometimes is to boat a bad nomina tion. Such a coarse may save tho-party when nothing else will. Thisis our judgment as to Weaver and while other good republicans may work for him if they cheese , wo do not propose to do either. IN THE PASTRY' IF TJS-EOD. . 'Vnnllltt.Uemon.Ornnitc , etc. , Rnvor Cnlcc , C'ic m > , l iidJliii ! , . { : c.ii > tlrlluritolyuiul lint- irnllynitUotVult from \vhlcli thovni-uiniide , t'Oll STJIESGTJI ANI ) TRUE FIIU1T JJJAT < m THEY OTAND.AilOiNL' . rtXPARCD BY THI Price Baking Powder Co. , Chlco 0.l < l. ot. Louis , Mo. uiK t or Dr. Prics's Crea-ji Baking Powder 1KD Dr. Pt'ico's Iiipiilin , Yeast Gcma , Hot ltr-jt Iloit Rcxut. WE IIAUK OJ/AUTY. QUIKTN1G1VT8 Vnd Ji'.rovis Ifof -hoonhniry | of tour growing fluid t i lah' , change tallldge's Food U will tully laurlsh , c nrot caus icklltv or wiuil , and ll ) bring quint anil rott tu the llllle nneis I dee ) i nt tax the ill- citi\ocrt'aoii. A hap ,1V , Joyous "Mldhood li awuied by the UMI t f Kliive'lt rood , i'o ia lici 3fo. Diwll 7 So'dbyAlldiujgi&rnaud ' many grn ontuu to WDOLUlCH \ . Cu.t.l'cfmer , 1U J. , f > r twmimle' twmimle'U U K PFK'JFJT8 Aiturtutu ( Ju. , ol ba , C U , M , T. . Orn , t auiiturmtiitt , of NtwtiV , K.3. , C pUJ 1,171,1)1 lrilptiUuitihX ( , . . . . 1.M3 , ( ( t-Jftd < l r ' , "el' ( SUOOE330R3 TO JOUH O. JJLCOH3) ) UNDERTAKERS ! At the old ttarid ) 1417 Farnarn Street Ordr/s t , . tut'gr ! nh < ildt ) d &c rrou'J'tlr ' wttmded to , ' 1'bcni ) t\a. V. & , SPECIAL NOTICES . rrspoclalo vcfll Pojltlvoly noS bo Imjcrtocl unlcod paid in advance// TO tOATr-M/l v OMIY loaned 01 chst'tH. Uillro d llckets M RiiJ gold. A ParttrAD , 213 8 , 19th 7 Hf ] VfOH7 TO LOAN I r. nutns of WOO. nu ni > w ir 1VJL 0 , F furls and Co. , Uotl toil 1,3 151 ! F rnam St. 332- DMAHA FLNAMUlAli KXGJlANOK L rjr or small lc 3 tn i ] on upprovcd serurHy , 1617 Doiiglaa Itroet. 812lm WAHTBL WANTED-A ysoil , rnpH i-cnraan , ho fcM Mr kno Icilgo U dni ( , U'rnp In conipouml tltnplo. prwrrfiillont nnd do trcncrnl wrltlntt ftiiJ A > sp In n olRce. WwftsffTtytlollars tier month. Aiftrcss- "riiy Un"BcneraJdclltery , Omaha. 02-10 WATKp-3 girl * at tha Ma rn Hotel , .SouVH' 101 * t. WANT'D Oneflr t-claii cobb'er , full | ' T for 6A necks In tliojcar. Jltnt beK > l > cr , etcailyinin. Also a stcaiV m > n competent to take charg * or heat- IIL' bullillntr. Inquire nloncoat th"oldrcllabloono [ irlce shoo t e , " Fourteenth and tarnatn St. WI-0 A. I ) . MOnSE. CAUl'l'.N'Tn : AND lUIMEU-IIenry ! CadJclln. No. 034 loiMilTth street boh\e n JacVsor. an " ( Oatonuortli , ilcrire.i to Intronr the puldlo that ho I low jitcparcd to do all kind of Carjwntcr ork , mid a lioubcg , barns , ellcwalks &c , on nhort notice am reasonable tirico , Oidcrs by mrJl.wllI rcceho iironip uttcntlon. 1M4 \1TANTK1I A boy Irom fifteen to eighteen jca TT old , must understand the ciro of horses an know how to milk a cow. Sucdish orUernran | ir f rrcd. Immlroat Jlb lm& ErickBonroppo Ito 1 0. D15-1 A solicitor , none but first clwa xltl WANTKD references need ap)4y ) at J. F , Van Sickle , IM Douglas , up-sUln. 614.3 \lJA.Tni > Immediately , a competent hired T T at South-east corner 23d and Cosa Stu WANTKD Sewing machine hands at Omah Ehlrt Factory. 619 I WA.N1iil An assistant adtanco apcntat J llth ojraph hanger lor ttareUn ; Uramatlo com puny Address " .ABont"bGx 702 , dty. " WANTKD Olrl for general housework. Appl ; at 2 U Douglas. 487-tt VyANTKD A second girl , 1817 Capitol avenue. 40i-8 ! ] WANrED-Shovelcrs , wages St.Oi ) per day. Cal at 7 In tVo morning , Fouth 17th street , betwcc : .caieuwotth aud Jac&son streets , llrlcg thovuls. W/JTIKD Cook and second gliL Applv 181 : Farnam Jttcct. 4SO 8p WANTKD A good girl tn general housework I email fitully. Apply 420 N. IB'.h St. 81S-8 WAXTF.D alrl for general house-work In smal fanitiy , M15 north Ihtli St. 4 i-tt rAMKU Nurse girl 110 south 25th St. 47S-8p L\7AN"TKD olrl a good ok , washer and ironer t > 28J4 DodRo ttraet. Good wagep. 470-H WANTKD-A barber , 700S. 10th street. T\7ANTED A clerk at Edholm& Krlckson'8.-Mu < Bivo Rood icforoncea. J A'girl for general houeenorx. Appl nt Edholrn & , KrickponV , 16th and Dodco. 40J-S WANTIJD Immediately , a girl * o do dining room work at'Nebraska Uouso , North Piattc , Neb aaodw.ges. II. OboHt , propiletcr. 460-lOp WANTED Laborers to-work on Lincoln \Vae : worUg. Wag > 8 $1.EO ner day. Apply to Mao lichie k N-ehoIs , Lincoln Nrb , 447-10 TlJANTLTJ A Kood'Klrs't ' ' 1621 Capitol aio. jl/ANTED Travtlicg salesmen to carry cample : r of s'anla goods In connection with their rci uia no to cell on commislon through the west am orthwest. Address "E. D. ? . " this oillce , 43018 WANTHJ- Gorman Irl U or \oiraold to learn the hair'trade at'y-thinson'e , 16th street Creighton Block , near rostoJ'co 431-tf T17ANTF.D Clcrman- girl for general housework n 1322 raumm street. S03-tf Til ANTED Agtntfi to sell Kately'o Universal Edu Vr catnrcimioothly payments Call on nr ad rets W. D. P. Lonrj , icoai t , 119 noitli 10th kt. maha. 371-lm WAN'IKD UflJJIliS uH OKNTLEMhN In city or country , to take nlci. light and pleasant ork at their OH n borne ? ; $9 to $5 per day easily and iilUIy madefnork icntby snail : no canvassing ; no amp for roplv. PJoaso addosa licllablo Matifg Co. , hlladolpbia , 1'ju 803-lm I'iUAV.OKB VtMVltD. -ft ANTED A' eltuation by an expert operator vV ou tpcwriterBest city icfcieucoghen. Ad- ress "is. V. II. " care of Ilbe. 518-10 .JtTA . TfiD By a machinist , a nituatlon cither in VV manufactory or to take thargcof engine or icating npiiaratus. HcfcrenetB gitiu Address Kngincer , Ileo office , COO-llp iTtTANTED Kltuatlon in adlnlng roomina hole ! VV or ) > ri > ute boarding liount , or to do general louse work In a email family. S'all at No. 1010 Mason t. M5 8p Bj a gentleman , a lady withemal ircansas partner In the Notion and Novelty u < slne i Address with pmlculars , "II. " Bee office , 490 Oj ) WAITED By a sober Industrious young man , a famllt jiUco or aiy ithcr where no can make Imiclf gcncially useful. AdUkcea "J. K " Bee olllce , 4S5 8p HITANTED Situation In a drug store by an expo' VV rlencert druggin. littfr cf gl/eu , Adilrt'si "SI " Beu offioc. 431-9ii ITU ANTLD-y ] ) ayouiigananof pleasins addre n , T Mtiiatlon. llaahcuiexpencnco niclukln ilr > goods nnd grocery storot Addeces "A " Ike otHce. 4bOOj ' ) lly a joun and well educated tna'i , ( German ) ogca 0 > wj and of pleasant address ia acqualr.ianco of an luttlll ent and woaltliy jcunif ad ) , tu praci'co f cur handed piano , and to en t r into o-rctimndentcorjectckontually , matrimony ttrict ifcretlon guaranteed. AdJress "A. B. " care Bee < eo 8p VS7AhTt D Situation by a lady ae booh-koqier or TT uiihler. City refojouiej.11.11. . " Bee ofhce. 481-U L , mMblJ A ixjblnon by a ladr to rio clJMnber T > work , towing or tuVe euro of n child , or do icmcworlc In a tinall family. Apply at ttiolllgh " riool . lA/oN'lEO / A j'UR man 21 3 cars of oge , with D TT juiro expcritncuin Oti'gliunntBswarisn po tion. Ailflie < stt A. lisulo , WCO Oiruid 'hiladolphlo. WANTIIU I'ositlon In blorebv a jounomtn wll lifiKtovtork. "A. X. Iloo olllco. 4IUHl > A out.gii airi aui n wants situation ia nook i. keeper , In whoknolo tfiUbllohmcnt In Omaha"n. . . " rare riee. S3-tf WA.MM u M 11,1 ul > lurnl > lira roois. in prlvAte l mll.Addio'iiW . P.O. , th'tfiller. ' D Kilty ton si w ilcll\uiul at the Bari. r e\i \ . IiKiiuo | of.Joieph Kcaiun , jcthand r.rlbt.tq- . 6IMlp WAMTD-VlOOfcronojittr. Qj dfepurijy. Ir - tercfct 1'J peri'dBl. Aildriks I' . 0. Uox 468 rlty. TAhTLD Abajlierihop In vlivc tov < n. Any T one having a tbnp for tale. Addrchs ltl | inr ' " 'art ' ) , "iwln-r , " JM8 Farium clrcct , Oiualin , t ell 'XrANTPD Armall hou c < tt part cl ojje ) far V > nVJiclcr. nnluinWicdtr. UamilvcJ-tw. . . Ad. reM.-p. A. j' . " 213 south IMft St. 11-jLrcjKei 1 lu' ' ( " 1 a nlcrotlx wanvwttazo with- , , . are Kta ollic * . 453 70811 J J BV-acun , ! . t n loto. 6,0 IU frout r.omyK. I6ls UudK' 71011 ItKNT I'uriils ! ( d loom U'fl ti crd 5 OJ 1 ' M ntr wee' " , Vtrjbixtloca'Un. 4gj , OU UFNT ftle tntleoltoomj furnhlieil or tin F lur<hed , rtfnitniolor ! o411 noithUthSt . llVJ 'T-fJ30ilfilie ! t tf > M rr > Drn. rornirfith 1.10K 1 flicki'in lArrttj. Alco tll rurmihcd r-cin atNo 7 9N W corner 1Mb ami It-arennoith St < , AfV'J on prcmljes. J. \VifI.SHAN3. . 49Mf : \ llEJi'T riino and or , - * * from two dnllurl T\fjjj A. Hfjpe , 1610 Dodio. 439-lm T70II RKflT A iit < e now cotUTn ( south 10th Sk. i ? tot ill. r rnion li. Ati'ly ' t I' , t. JCllch , at llenwtts Orocery toro. KKWT 'I o 'o\ miJ cly fiirilM.-d , location ttKNT FnrnMieil parlor ncl be ) rowi In Foil > > orth c'lcrniart | cf the cltr. "Mth bcnnli pro\li ! < il Alfnlhr eiinfumMirilrooiinls tftilldlng : N E. corii/r 10th and Imcrport S ! InqUrBatlal- ter pHc , lJTtwc n 12JO anil fJOp m. < 4t-tl _ "I710II -Tworoonsfnrmsheif for light bouts * J ? kotplEff , Btomor's bltck , Sth riid How rJ Meet , Hilt -KUiNT ; : AhouBOnJh elgWiooinj. Wawon JT 3KUiNT ' J4th Jtntt. 3-3 \OR \ KKNT A itw olpht isom hoetoInnulro > i < Mrs , K. hoddls 25th , lolnrtn J reDpon AbiU ChlB [ r > streets. 400-fl T fix noj hurte , tor. 2U1 nil Web- J' sterttiect , $3i.6upermonth. Inquliwiail Cast Mot. 403-tt TpOlt-KIUiT HotisoaMtatn , tn > l < er mc-nth. ID- JD iiulre 1518 r rnam. 333-U J ' IttlllT Half of iVjblo hovUfl , fbur TOOIM , FOIl' bhlln' * id addition , ( U. ft month. AYptyroom 21 , Ouiana National Dank. K81 KENT HanJsointt.'tonlslied rJWM 3)Si ) 3 FOR Rt ! art. JI y Hpejcer. 372-tt Oil KENT Pleasant furaWhed'rooms ' 1707 Cxi F 312-10 ? FF FE 10R HKVA-Hlccly furnUhrdeultc otTTrooms ; 310 E . 13th 8M 07i..K\ > F Ion IlKNT A inrnlshed room -looa-ramm Stt- S07-U F OR UEmt Ona gnnd erjuaro piano. Inqulrn ofEdholm and' Erlokson. 44Cr-tt FOB SALE. SALE A tnvr typo-writer afa dftcoutjJ. Also- FOR all kinds of Tjpo-WTiter and CtVifjraph DUpplfes. Stripe &Invl > , Hboni 10 , Union Blocx , opposite' Opera Ilouee. 6U tf F > OH hALE Cheapwrcetaurant li.'gooJ MiScatlo nt 220 north 10th st , C07-a3p- FOU HALE Compl'to ' Innndry nutSJ suitable for hand laundry 411 norUi 14th St. 403 Op T7IO11 BALK Guod horse for ( Jcllvcrr wagon"2H(7 : Jf CalllornUBt. 485-0' FOIl SALE Furniture on J fixtures r.t a bargain,1- Commercial Hctclgood home , three fkdrlcs higli , everything t or. On nccountof health of'proprletOr. Will icll but dtntrlf dcsfrrd Call at hoteV cr address * I'rnuk r.lllott , llanogt r , Falls City , Neb. 4S5-21p 170B RENT Bed room.-tO * rr.ou'11,1016Chicago. . J ? 454.8p FOil SAliB Good cow. aim of en buEgyhOr80tiiid liarniis Inquire J. Mlchalj Mall Curler. 4CMC FOR3ALK Second hand loitllsr scat top plnrton also four spring do'i\cry ' wtjan , cheap. W. J WuHhiM & Co. , Cl y JIllls. 274-tf TT'Olt ' HAL" > A good team of matched ponies , har- J1 nesoaml dclherr wigou. Abe grororycountird , shelvlni ; and general fixtures.- Inquire 1717 Cats street S S-p TjlOH SALIC 100 pianos and organs , boxes sultiblo JL } lor coal or feed boxes. A. Hospe. 883.1m FOR BALE A good frame house , 5 roons , all In good order. Must l > o moved atoace Appl } to the iVi torn Newspaper Union , cor. 12th and How ard streets. 3H-tl" UK SAXE A good tide bar bujgy 217 13th street. i 20J-tf TOH SAiK Wholcsa'o notion wagoi , horses , har- J ? iicsn , alicomrleto , Itli established route In wes tern Iowa. Will bo eoldcheip. Satisfactory reasons for tolllntf. Imiuiie Bee oltloe. KTS-lOp FOll'SALu Drug stock in Southern Nebraska , in < good-town with good trade. Will Invoice about 1 6 Q'doll ri > . For particulars aJclrcsa L. L " care of the Deo. 231-Sp FCU SAliH Chctp a Bccnna hand high lop buggy. Inquire at Simpeon'a Carrlairo Inctoiy , DoJge , between 14th and 15th. 2SO tf T7 OIl'SAijE 620 acres land on Middio-Bcavcr , in V JT1 Smith- county Kansas , 260 aero ii > lcr fence , plenty-of Hv ! ! . „ water for stock. Good frkmo house 10x20 , with kitilicn 12x20. 200 acrca in cultl\atiori , price $1,000. Terms i cash , balance on tiaio to suit purchaEers. Will also fell 00 head cattle ifpurclmfccr ileslrci. AdJre Thomas Jlitcheli , Smith Centre , KansasorKuton & ; Gro\e , lllterton , Neb. ' 267-liu FOH SAL3 A ftock of general merchsndlse , ami store-fiSr r/ast in a thriving Nebraska town For Particulars , address "Q. IL" Bee olllcc , Omxha.247tf 247-tf Ti'OIl1 SAKJ-ieo.OW brick on cars at Bolk TOO. II. 17 T. Claiko. zis-tf FOlt SALH Nellgh House , brick , three stories , only hotel Iu town , tOrooms. to leaf o forS orb } eara. 1 he nraprtctor of the Ntllgh House wishes to ; cll the frjrmtuiD and fixtures of thU hotel on easy time ami terms , and lease tha hotel for time stated ibo\o Also would sell hotel outright , If * [ jjecablo , for pirticulure Inquire of Jolm J. Klrjg , Ageat. West Point , Nebraska , -n..e P OU BALE Loosa hay delivered In larga cr small quantltlea. A new line side bar top buggy anda wholesale notion or peddlers wagon. U , 1 , Cnnao& ' J ° - 176-lm _ FOR SALE A whole stock of clothing , Jjoctsond shoo ) ; arui'jlings at cost , retiring from liarinei * 3II. . I'etenon , 804 south Tenth street. 116 2m. FOR SALE Two second hand planoe , at Edholrn & Erlckson'd Mnslo Store on Iflth St. 8M-tf FOR SALE Boiler and engine. I havainearly new boiler and engine aud Knowle'a puap 49 sopov.-dr , fer ea'.o cheap. T. S. ClarksonCeJiuy - FOR DAIiE Northeast corner 20th tnj. r.uii itrcoiOi F. Davb & Co. , 16C5 rornain 8.i et , EfiOR HALB-Chup , a nlco oottiRO. fall In' , city wa r B oJork from to court hou e IK Leu rocer/jad acd Lcavonwortn. -lmo TjlOIUJALE-Enginos ne v and oecond huid 10 h. u. , , 5 n'p' , find : o " portable and EtaUnnarj : also JOilcrs of any size and etyle. RIchRrd H Clarku. U , P 11. Y. bet 17tn and 18th Ma. OmMiit , nA rf TT OU HALh A prtrtlng oHlco HUitnbiu lor foial W" Bo11 tot " ! > " erty. Address " 3. i n" OB-tf fj\OR BALE Two open lououd-oand buzglc tu i JisStf WS * ° n' Ch"tp > * ' J819 " " " "j1 ' " , i VKU f0'1' " ' thr" ' 8i ttni1 ° "o Jrod ltn whltdiicck. ' F'ador will n > MB return eco , ct7thand Jones street. Acton Tlmme" . " _ _ _ OoT-On Friday ocsiing , OotsbwSd , palrtt Cper Ehwen Tno fuder will be icwar ed by . uhe /72-8p lOU.NU-Ajdlowhojse.had been hitched to e ard , rC.l' ? ' "iascn' . " ' "ol'aiKoubi , brick. strett ncur dty liaJts. . JI. llaasen , lIB-luwiiw > * tho' ' l taj taij > ct t I2 i 9dtermar ' iio. 478-lip J"raa"l7afcla om ° ° "n-lreil. a. oojOMlStt fcnd Uu curtl 102-1 m , cof P ° ol oleaneJ with , -sffl 252-lp , J. T.-.ARftlSTnONG , M. D. rncttco Limited to Difceases oil the % o and Unr , 03 Fatnm Street , . .OMAHA k * l