Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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Science of Lite , Only $1.00
rN min nd rhjrslcU DebUlly
rronmtnre Decline In lltn. Kiron of Yonth , n the
onloldmtsetlM esnlltng from Indkcretlont or cx <
OMtv * . Abooklorererynun , yonnjr , mlddls-igod ,
nd old. It oonUIni lift proMtlpltoni lor Ml cnl
nd chronic dlMMo ) each one ot whloh la Invilntble
83 foond by the Anther , whoee experience ( of S3
rean li ffuoh mr > tob bly never before ( ell la the ot
ol niv phyilctn EDO pigea , bound In bonnllto
French rmutln maonedooTon , fall KlltrturAntee | < t
t9 ba * finer wotk n every lense , tnooh nlo 1 , lit
erary ftnd prolw lon l , than any other work sold In
this country for f 1,80 , or the money will bo refunded
In every IniUnoe. Prtoo only $1.00 by null , pott-
paid. Ulnnlrntlve tample t cent * . Send now. Gold
medal a warded the author by the National Hedlcal
Anoolatlon , to the office rg ol which he refers.
The Bclcnra ol Life should be read by the younger
( or Instruction , and by the afuloted (01 relief.
It will benefit all London Lancet.
There line member ol eoclcty to whom ThoSd-
cnoo ol Life will not be literal , whether youth , par
ent , guardian , ( natrnctoror clergyman. Argonaut.
Aridresa the FcaboJy Uedloal Institute , or Dr. W.
II .I'atker.No. 4 BulOnch Street , Dotton Ua a.who
may bo contaltod on Ml dltcuea roqnlr'TR skill and
experience. Chronloandobstlnaiedlaoatjathat hare
batted the tUll of all other phya-UCn I eUnl
K rpocUUy : Bnch treated noocM-lltHL ( ally
without anlnilanco ( allure. TUVQCI C
Cor. 18th and Capitol Avenue , treats all CUM Crip
pled or Deformed , alaodlioasoa ol tbo
Nervous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organs.
" All caaca ol Curvature ot the Splno , Crooked Feet
IjCpa and Anna , AlsoChronlo ufTcctlonaottho Liver ,
Ilhoutnatlsm , Paralyelj , Plica , Ulcers , Catarrh , Aith
ma and Bronchitis are all treated by now and silo-
cossful method ! . All diseases ol the Wood and Urin
\i \ ary Organs , Including thoas resulting ( rom Ini Iscro-
tlon.or exposure , are ealoli and successfully treated
and a euro ipitrantcod. Young mon , mlaulo aged ,
and all men suflcrlnc" rom Weakness nnd Nervous
exhaustion , produclm , indigestion , Palpitation ol the
Heart , Despondency Dizziness , Loss of lIomory.Lack
ot Energy nn 1 Ambition , can bo rcatorod to health
And % Ik-or , 11 caeo Is not too loner ncttloctcd.
Tlio Surgeon In charge li n ( rraduate ot Jeffor-
on Medical College (1885) ( ) nnd boa studied hia
profcaslon In London , ParU andllorlln. II alllletoU ,
call or write lull description of your coso , and modl-
clnO may ho sent you. Consultation froo. Addrota
Omaha ulapensary , Crounao'a Block , Onuha , Neb.
Office bbara 10-12 a. m.l-B and 7-8 p. m Sundays.
9-10 a m.
tC3X.Send ( or trcatlaa cither on mala diseases or
del > rmltlca.
Boyal anil U.8. Mall Stoninora
fhtlthine , Germany , Italy , Holland and France
8toerago Outward$20 ; Prepaid ( rom Antwerp , tig ;
Itxcuralon , (30 , Including boddlug , cto , 2d Cabin , 8SO ;
Jlouud Trip , $70.00 ; Excunlon , tioo ; Saloon ( rom S50
to $30 ; Szcurslon 110 to 8160.
CVPoter Wright ft Song , Don Agenti. C5 Broad.
CildifelL Ilamllton A Co. , Omaha. [ P. K. Flo
man & Co. , 293 N. 10th Street , Omaha ; O. K. Klio
all. OmahoA nta. od-ly
Erlanger , . Uavaria
Calmbachor , . . - Envana
Pilsner * . . Bohemian ,
Kaiser . . * .Brnruon.
Bacl oisor St , Louis ,
Anhausor. . . . .St. Louis.
Best's. . . . „ _ . _ _ _ Milwaukee.
Schlitz-PilBner _ > _ Milwaukee.
Krucfs Omaha.
Ale , Porter , Domestic nnd Rhine
0. F. DAVTS &
suooEsaoi ; TO DAVIS fe BHTDKB.J
Oener l EeaJeri In
Hav for aalo W0,900 Miel oarelally aolooted land !
a Xutora Habraika , at low price and on euy lorm&
Impioioa larmi lor tale In DoagUl , Dodge , Collai
latU , Bait , training , Baxpy , Wunlngton , tftrloi
ondon , and Duller Oountlos.
l xei raid So all parti ol the Stal * , ;
Uonoy loaned ou reproved turns.
Notary 1'nbllo altrars In offloo Conegiondo
* 5gJS
TTUlcuro H.rtoa.neM , Luraliago. IllieumalUm l'ar.lj ti
( lout. Alum * . ll. > rtdla > iiM , > OUl' l l.Cou > ll | ll"li. l-r )
liwlu. Catarrh , I'll" . Kplloii.J. Jiu | t.ncf , liunib Afu
. l.ltclric Ui In Aliicr
I'ruUpaua L'lerl tie. Unlr tcUntldi I
lea tli.tKLiJ.lht. Elrclrlclly and , umiudUin llin.imliilh
todaud ia" b ntclimrgttd la an l&iuiit vy w * puuouU
Wiator l oninlng , tbo iwatoa of the year for ache *
ami pilot. Inilewcf thli fictwurwy buy ono o
fr. Untie'f Hootrlo L'olU lly fco doing louwll
> old Ilhoumitlim , Kidney Trouble * and other III
tltat floili U hrlrto. 1)0 not delay , but wll at ou
otlr an < irxAuuoboU : ! ! , Ko. U'i VoujlAf ttrect.ri
U. If O din a' , tllO FarnamBt-,0ml.a , Neb. Or
don CL' d 0. O. D
Vltnl Qitcstloiifl lit
Aikthtmott eminent phynclan.
Of Miy aohool , what is the boal Ihln
in the world for quieting nntl allaying ft
irritation of the nerves , and curing ft
forms of nervous complaint * , giving nut
urnl , childlike refreshing sleep always ?
And they will toll you unhesitatingly
"Some farm of JfopiM"
Askauy or all of the most eminentphy
slcians :
"What is the best and only remedy
that Cftti bo relied on to euro nil disease
of the kldnoya and urinary organs ; such
as Bright'a disease , diabetes , rotontiono
inability to retain urine , rnd nil the diseases
oases nnd ailments peculiar to Women"
"And they will toll you explicitly ant
emphatically "Jltichu/t/ "
Ask the snrno physicians
"What is the moat reliable nnd unros
euro for nil liver diseases or dyspepsia
constipation , indigestion , billlousucss
malaria , fovcr , ague , &o."nnd they wil
toll you :
Mantlrake\ \ DanMion\\\\ \ \ \ \ "
lien to , when three rctnodlej are combined nit
others equally \nltmblo
And compounded Into Hop Hitter * filch a won
ilerfiil and mystcrlotn curatlvo powder li developed
which l < scuarled In Its operations that no disease o
111 health can possible xl t or roalit lt power , an
yet It 1.1
Harmless for tlio most fiall woman , weakest Inva
Id or omallest child to u > o ,
"Almost dead or nearly dying" _
For years , nnd given up by pnyaiciann
of Bright'a nnd other kidney disonaoa
liver complaints , severe coughs , callcc
consumption , have boon cured.
Women gone nearly enuj/llll !
From ngony of nuuralgla , nervousness
wnkofulnoss , nnd various diseases peculiar
liar to women.
Peoptoilrann on tot iihape from oxcniclatlnyping
of rheumatlim , Inflamatory and chronic , of tulloring
rom * crofula.
Krj nlpolM I
"Saltrheum blood po.onlnKdyipensta | , Indigestion
and , In fact , almost all dlgeatoi frail'1
Nature 1) heir to
Have been cured by Hop lllttcrJ , proof of whlcl
can bo found In e > ory neighborhood In the known
world ,
/HTNono / genuine without a hunnli of green Hop
on tno whlto label. Shim all the vllo , poisonousatuff
with " " " " la their .
"Hop" or "Hops" name.
Aa .
jaal. vorM. evr.i I > jp.vil Pf.nb t.m u.4 Aru. . aa 1 all
< Uoril.rt.rtb. > , . Or .oi A f w drurM Imrtrt a tf.llcluoi 0.T ]
o tlMlof th ni | . i4 , kai I. all iumtn.r Jrlaki Trj It. and
fc war. .r .onulrAilt Ak jrur rtoftr erdnirflttrur U.
ITIUK , muiuTutunl tit UU. f 0. tt BILOr.IlTft 60 8.
; . w. VTvrpzcu&nu , coin Aaru
Protoctlon. No such
protective against
chilli and fovcr and
other dlMoaos ofn
malarial ijpn exists-
ai II Btottor'a Stomach
ach Bittern. Itro-
llotca constipation
II vcr disorders rhcu-
inatlsmkldnoy and
bliddor nil n entf.
with certainty and
rrompt 11 uilo. A
cbnnio at RratltJ'l"K
an 11 Ii complete noon
takoiplaco in tlio ap
pcaranoo , as well M
tlio Bonaatlon of the
wan and haggard In
valid , who uacs this
standard promoter
ot health and
strength For Bale-
> j all dm Istt and dealers cncrallr
017 St. Charles S' . , St. Louis Mo.
A rrxuUr traluatoof two edlcalCollcgoitbai liepn longer
njraKtJ lu the iiieo ai treatment of CnuoNir , > > Kvot.Bifi >
ADU lltanD DIIMAIBI than tui othrr I'hrilclin la Bt * LoBla.
w city I Mn thow ami nil uid rratd oukttow.
Nervous Prostration. Dchlilty , Mental and
Physical Weakness , Mercurial and other Artec *
lions ol Throat. Skin or Dones , Blood Poisoning ,
Old SorOS and UlCOrS * ro treated wlih nnrarmllelm )
tuereii.ou UtiitieleQilllo prlnclr'.oi. P ff1yPrlT t lj.
Diseases Arlslnj from Indiscretion. Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , which produce * ym of th
roltowlnf cdcodt uorvoiitueti , tltbllUr. dltt1 ofitcbl
ftnddefvetlrfl lueinorf * I'ltnplfa ' a the fiM.iH/tletl dpcaj ,
kTcriloulotb * locUt ; uf Jrn liroufuiU rUrat. eUx ,
rcndorin/r / Marrl 1130 improper or unuftppy , "
t rroDt ttrcured , rnnphlft(3i ( ( | tccionltia ) * bov . eo *
aieateJ urrloe. ( frcola nny Jilrroi. Cooiuttatlonatvf
Dee or tij mall free , ftititlnvlietl.ilio \ for tueiUoni.
A Positive Wrinen Guarantee
Circa In all cnrabln oaiei. Urdlolneiacnl rcrjwher .
I'ninphlfH , Enpllsii or Qerraan , ai pagr . d -
orlblnc above lil.ensos. In male or fornol. , PIUJJ4
WO pigei. Hue l > l tc . llluitrtte < l ID cloth anj tilt tloJInc
epu'ului all tb curloui , doubtlul ur lo'iuKltlfa want M
know. . . . A too of crrnt Inicreit to nlU Ucaltti. flwuiix ,
n.t. > tn * | 4\ro { irouoivu IJT * * ' * * " * ' "
\VIII purity Ilin BLOOD.'rcen.
Ute tlin LIVER nnil KIDNCYO ,
nit ItiCHiiiim THIS IIKAJjTlI
iul VIOOU of YOUT1I. Iy * .
pi'inln , Wnnt or Aliiictlto , In-
tllKCiilluii , l.uck i > l Hlri'liKth ,
' ' ly
il. Hones , luutclcs anil
nerves recclvu ncwiorcu ,
r.llM'im tlio iiilixl anil
miillL'3 | | llrulu I'IIWIT.
, BuirurliiHiroiiicoiiipluliita
2l iiociillartii Ihnlrei'X will
Hod In UK. 1 1' .ua-EH'S IKON TONIO it Ufa and
rjiwctly euro , ( ulrcs u ilcar , liealtliy complexion.
Frciiuant ktrempti t o""n Tfi'illiiK , only odd
tollioiiopularltyuriliuorlvliml. Duilut cipcrl-
Homl TournddroiitoTliaDr. IliirtnrMiHi Oo.V I
St.I uU. Mo. , ( or our"llUSAM 1JOO1C. "
lruUof Btrunuoond uwful.liilarmatioiiiinii. J
Tbo nio ol the term " Hho
Uno" In connection with th
corporate nuno of a Kroatraaj
convoy * an ( do * ot tut what
rrxjulrod by the tr vcHnffJ > uh
LINE Ilo a Short IJuo , Quick Itmi
and the belt uf accommodi
, lions all of which aio Irur
ih < 1 t' the irrcatoit r llw y In America.
And St. Paul.
II own ! and operatei over 4,600 mllei ot
ortbcru Illinois , WUconulu , Mlnnosou , Iowa
akota ; and ai ta inalu lliius , broucbvi ami conuec
eng reach all tbo eritt buimena contrei ol thi
Northwest and Far Wcgl , It naturally miswert lh <
dojcrlptlon of Bhort Line , and Host Uouto bctwetn
ChlcaKO , MtlwauVeo , fit. Paul and Mlnnoapolli.
Otilcago , Milwaukee , TJ Crowe and Wluona ,
CJhlcAgo , Ullwwikee , Aberdeen and Ellondolt
Ohlcago , Ullwaukoe , Kau Clalro and Btlllwattr
Otilcago , SIllwaukpo/WauMiii and Merrill.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Ileavcr Dam and O.hLooh.
Chicago , Uilwaukee , Wauketha and Oconoir.owoo.
Chicago , MllwauVoo , MadUion and PralrloduChicn
OhloaKO , Ullwaukee , Owatonna and KaltlUult.
, Chicago , Jlelolt Janeiit'le ' aud MmcralPolul.
Chicago , Elzlu , llockl ord and Dubuijue.
Chicago , Clluton , Uock Iiland and 0 du Kaplda.
OhlcaKO , Council Ulufft and Omaha.
Oblcago , BlouxOtty , Bloux Falliand Yanaton
OblcaKO , UllMaukuoUltchell and Chamberlain.
Book laland , Ilubuquo , 8L Paul and illnneapolll ,
Davenport , almar , St. Paul and Mlnntapolu.
Pullman S tx > n and the Klmot Ulnliii : Can In
the : rld are run on tbornalnllnoaof theClIlOAOO.
attention U paid to pauMnKcrgby oourtccuieuif loye *
of the Company.
6. B. UKIUULL , Oenl Maiuurer.
A.V II. OAUl'KNTEB , Oca' Piu. AK
i.t. OLAUK , OeoT 8-ipt.
QUO. II. UBAFFOUD , Aai'L Otn'l. Pa AK >
mm AND
Some Northsm Ideas of Southern De
Over Several
eral Southern Mates ,
Mississippi and Alabama Ownet
by New Orleans Value
.of Virginia Farms.
flontlicr Mining Interest * nnil tlio
bcr Tmdo A took At Utah *
inonil anil Mbby Prison.
rrespondence Cleveland Loader
An Ohio man in business in the south
who has just returned from an oitondoc
lour throughout the southern atatoB ,
gives mo noino interesting facts concernIng -
Ing thorn. Hays ho : "Tho business of the
south is fast going into the hands o
northern capitalists. Throughout Ken
tucky and Virginia , and in fact in every
other ( state , northern money and northern
brains control everything in which money
is to bo made. The south has not the
educated business brains of the north. II
has no capital , and its young men are
brought up with the idea that their blue
blood requires some t.enn , nice business ,
Even when they have money they do nol
HBO it to niftko moro , nnd I am convinced
that the only hope the south has is from
the north. "
"What is the condition of Misslssipp
and Alabama ? " I asked.
"Very bad indeed , " was the roply.
"Doth states are covered with mortgages
From ono end to the other , and they are
both practically owned by the merchants
of NuwaOrloans. The planters of these
states have a custom of mortgaging their
crops before they are grown. The crops
fail , and they secure their notes by a
mortgage on their plantations. They
grow deeper and deeper in debt and the
result is that their estates have fallen
into the handa of their Now Orleans
brokers. Land is very cheap in Alabama
nnd Missisaipl now. Some good tim
bered property can bo gotten as low as
fifty conla an acre.
"Thero io a great amount of cheap
land in both of Ithoso states , but that ol
the Blue Grass Region of Kentucky is as
high , or higher , than land of the same
quality in Ohio or New York. Virginia
land Is on an average very cheap , and I
was perfectly surprised nt the prices of
: hat , within a radius of fifty miloa from
Richmond. Good looking land with fine
improvements will soil for loss than the
coat of the buildings on it. Thousands
ipon thousands of acres can bo bought
'or from two to ton dollars nn 'aero.
Some of this land is worn out , but it is
all cheap , and I doubt not it will bo very
valuable within a few years. Our lands
n the west are being rapidly tnkou up ,
nd there must soon bo a change in the
iroctlon of emigration. What the south
weds is now blood. A crossing of stock
s ns good in men as in horses , and the
> rcodlng in of the great families of the
outh is one of the secrets of her
oooy. ThroughoutVirginlnyoucanhardly
nd tire old settlers who nro not in
omo way rolntod. In the north it is
iflbrout. The ontorprisa of the old
ountrios has boon infused Into thot veins
) f its children , and wo have some of the
> est blood of Germany , Franco and Eng-
and continuously pouring into that
nado by American surroundings. If
Virginia had some ploobian blood mixed
i her old patrician families , inciting
lam to economy , thrift aed business
ntorpriso , the state would soon recover
rom the disasters of the war. As to the
irlco of land , look nt some of these prices
rhich I have taken from a real estate list
Eyou go among farmora themselves you
an buy the land at one-half theao
> riccs. Hero are two hundred acres in
hestorfiold county within ton miles of
lichmond , put down at $1,800 and the
dvortisomont states that the land Is well
watered , contains good orchards and good
ramo buildings , 100 acres of it is oak and
) ino , but the remainder is cleared and
illnblo. "
"I suppose tboro is
n the market. '
"Yea. No man wants to buy land in
10 south without knowing very well
what it is. Heal estate agents ever the
lorth got hold of largo tracts of worth-
ess lands nnd trade in it. Tqoro nro in
Kentucky , Virginia , West Virginia ,
Northern Georgia and Tennessee millions
f acres of mountain land worth nothing
xcopt for the timber that ia on thornand
his costs as much as it is worth to gut it
olf. I was offered , the other day , 400
acres of mountain land for $25. I told
ho man I would not nivo him twenty-nix
cents , 1 had nn oiler of 40,000 acres in
vcntucky nt $2 nn acre not long ago. I
rode seventy miles in a buggy to look at
t. It was not worth twenty-five cents
in acre , and never would have paid its
axes , I know of n number of instances
of turn being taken in by such trades ,
ind there nro men who do nothing olsu
) ut try to sell and trade such lauds. If a
nan wants to buy southern lands ho had
letter visit the south himself and buy di
rectly of the farmers. Then ho will got
ow prices nnd good titles. "
"Thoro is a largo amount of this in
ho southern states , and they are now
( respecting for coal oil in many local- !
iea. They have found some in Tennes
see , and I understand they have several
ifty-barrols-n-day wells. There is a
argo amount of fine coal throughout
Ponnosioo , Western North Carolina ,
Virginia , and West Virginia. There IB
good iron in Eistorn Tennessee. The
nining interests of the south will go a
qroat ways toward its development
uook at Chattanooga , the Pittsburg of
.ho south. There nro also a number of
ittlo iron towns springing up in North-
> rn Georgia. IHrmlngbatn ia ono of
lieao and it fairly booms with furnaces.
"Tho farmers in Virginia and in fact
ever the whole aouth are laud poor. I
was olforod.EOO acres of land , which was
certainly fine laud puce , with a good
irick resid uco on it , for $600 cash ,
tiuoh of this Virginia land is worn out ,
) ut n few years of proper farming will
nako it as good as row , nnd it has all the
advantages of railroada , and good soci
ety. "
"Aro the northern men who do bus-
ness in the south going there to live ? "
"Not many of them. Moat of them
are Itke myself. They go south to make
a fortune and intend io spend it at tlu
north. This Is ono ot the inlluencos that
nilltatca against southern development
Many of the northern capitalists are
deeding the south and taking the money
hey make to the north. I do not want
: o live in the south , and I am almost
afraid to dobutineia thoro. "
"Why ? " I asked. "
"Bocauio " replied friend "I
, my , am
afraid of the influences ( surrounding nip ,
and the climate. Ho who goon noulh
tins to llvo upon inn own business vital
ity , to draw entirely upon himself for
his ideas and pitah , ovt'rythinj ; around
him moves at a si copy , inanimate pace ,
and ho is clogged at ovciy stop. If the
man has not considerable push his cir
cumstances overpower him , and before
ho knows it , ho is just as lazy and worthless -
loss as the southerners themselves. In
the north , nil around you is life nnd
buttle , and you absorb business activity ,
and got now idoitn from your competitors
at every stop. You have no chance to
sloop during the daytime , and every
muscle of you tingles and grows with
your everyday llfo. It is not so south.
It will bo different , however , when the
tide of emigration turns , and the south
begins to boom. "
"I BOO that considerable southern lum
ber is being shipped to the north ? "
"Yes. There is no finer poplar in the
country than the yellow poplar lumber of
Kentucky. It la straight and free from
knots , and you got boards from two to
four foot wide , without a ihw , Great
quantities of it nro now being used for
building and finishing lumber , and it is
being shipped all ever the north. The
Georgia pine ia another kind of lumber
which has lately come into use , and thia
makes a rich and beautiful finish , There
ia n great amount of it in the south nnd
It brings good prices , It is as hard as oak
and takes a beautiful polish. "
"How did you find Richmond ? " I
"A beautiful city , " was the roply. "It
lias many of the aspects of a northern
town as far ns business is concerned , nnd
I found that northern mon nnd northern
capital control its trado. It has n n tim
ber of good banks and money on fair se
curity ia worth from 10 to 12 per cent.
The city has good scores , very fair hotels
and has grown steadily since the war. At
the census of 18GO it had nbout 48,000 ;
at 1870 its population was 62,000 ; and in
1880 it was ever 89,000. It is nt present
I suppose 100,000. It does the business
of a largo part of the south , and that of
Virginia radiates from it. You will find
Richmond drummers in Kentucky , Ten-
dosseo and Georgia. "
"Has the city recovered from the ef
fects of the war1' ?
"Yes , largely , BO far ns outward ovi-
doncon are concerned. "
LIIJDV ntisoir
itill stands , and it smells as badly now as
n the daya when our northern soldiers
voro herded together in it. It is as n
'ortlllzing factory. Libby prison is a largo
'our story brick building with many windows
dews , which were originally covered with
; reon wooden window shutters. There
were iron bara behind these nnd they
still stand. The shutters have boon torn
away , and cut up as relics by the thou
ianda of travelers who have visited the
) laco. "
"Tho atato house in Richmond , " con
tinued this gentleman , "is a line old
building with great cplumna in its front.
It is on a hill which rises straight up
from the iron fence surrounding the
etnto honso ynrd. This yard makes n
fine park. It contains twelve acres beau
tifully laid out , and has three fountains ,
besiJos n number of statues. On ? of
these latter is a largo bronze statute of
Stonewall Jackson , which was given by
nn Englishman , and another is Craw
ford's equestrian atdtuo of Washington ,
which is , I think , more boautifol than
anything you have hero at Washington.
The cost of it was $260,000. "
"What do you think of Richmond's
future. "
"It will always bo a great city , " was
the roply. "It has cheap coal , good rail
road facilities and everything to makeit
a manufacturing and business conter.
Near it are immense quarries of line granite -
ito for building and ita situation is such
that it cannot help continuing to bo ono
of the greatest cities of the south. "
Michigan , offer to send their celebrated KLEO
PLIANCES on trial for thirty days , to mon
( younjf or old ) atllictod with nervous debility ,
IOBB of vitality and manhood , and all kindred
troubles. Also for rheumatism , neuralgia ,
paralysis , nnd many other diseases. Complete
restoration to health , vigor and manhood
guaranteed. No risk incurred , aa thirty days'
trial Is allowed. Write thorn at once for illus
trated pamphlet , free. ,
Now Capitol
liamarck Tribune.
riio capitol building is practically ( in-
alicd , except as to the heating and light-
ng apparatus. These who have not vis-
; od the structure lately cannot conceive
10 magnitude of the work done ainco
uly. The plastered walls are perfect ,
lot n crack showing itself in any part of
ho building , from basement to domo.
'ho legislative chamber , with ita thirty-
oot coiling , ia a model. A gallery ex-
ends the entire length of the hall , on-
ranco to which ia gained from the third
tory. The representative hall is in the
ocond story , occupying the entire west
ialf of the present building , which ia
50 foot long. The sonata chamber ia in
lie third atory , and la spacious and well
ghtod. In fact , this may bo aaid of every
pom in the building , f t'l'hoy nro all well
ightod and well ventilated. The present
io"hnto chamber nnd legislative hull are
> ut temporary. When the south nddi-
ion ia completed next season , which ad
dition will bo 100 by KSO foot , it will bo
used for the legislative hall. The present
onato chamber will then bo used by the
upromo court , nud 'the present repro-
ontntivo clumber trill thou bo used for
ho permanent sonata chamber. The
; ovornor's ollices occupy the southwest
ornor of the first iloor. The view af ,
orded is fine. Across the ball ia the tor-
itorial secretary's oflico , the finish and
> rrangoment of which cannot but ploaao
Secretary Toiler , who will have the honor
> f first occupying them. Treasurer Mo.
Vay will have equally well arranged
oomt , and the auditor and attorney gun-
irnl are also well provided for. The
luildinq throughout is much Uner than
ho Minnesota atato capitol , and ns espe
cial attention has boon given the founds-
ions and .i-rtltkm walla , there is
10 possibility of aorioua or even alight
> roaka in any portions of the atructuro.
Ono is impressed wit'll the masaivoncaa of
he building throughout. Although do.
lated absolutely by the citizens of Bis
marck to the territory , the work through
out lias boon done just as olliciontly as
hough the territory wna paying the cost ,
.t has not boon built for the purpose of
looming Bismarck property , but na a
nonumvnt to the libornhty and onorpy of
ho people of the capital city. They point
to it with prido. It is a master-piece of
work , built under dilHcuUlus. Much of
the brick work wna ilonu in the coldest
A-in tor months of the coldest winter
ivoathor ever experienced in this region ,
I'ho building ia now nearly completed ,
ind will > > o turned ever to the sixteenth
asinmbly with the compliments of the city
of Bismarck.
Uotitli la lUil-llu.
EBUIN- , October 8. Kdwin Booth , the
Ymericnu trtgedian , will commence a series of
presentations in this city In February ,
ANftwDrnnoh of Detcoltvo Btinlncs
with SoinoHnlntnry FcMurrp ,
A certain city constnblo who haa ac
quired seine reputation as n detective ha
iasuod a circular , which ho mails only to
wealthier members of society in the citic
This circular asks among other things , i
the poraon to whom it ia addressed di <
not fool the nocd of aorao confidontia
agent who can ferret out the "acts o
their prodigal sons , " or "famlliea doair
0113 of knowing the habita of any of their
number. "
Said the manager of the achomo when
asked in regard to it , "I am doing n big
business in this lino. I have n number
of 'operatives' who do nothing but shad
ow young mon. Lot ono of the latter go
out in the evening to the theater , or to
aoo a friend , his footsteps are dogged. "
"But what is the object of the persons
employing you ? "
"As an illustration , I will say that last
month I had n man on the heels of the
jon of ono of the wealthiest raon in town.
The young man waa juat homo from col
lege , and , having boon away for aomo
time , his pasonta wanted to find out his
personal habits. After shadowing him
for two weeks I sent the father a report
to the effect that the only indiscretion ho
was guilty of was that of amoking cigar-
ottos. "
"And what effect did that information
have on thia old man ? "
"Ho waa ao overjoyed to find that his
son waa a moral young man that ho im
mediately sent ma n ohotk for § 290. "
"Where did you got the idea of the
echorao from ? "
' It waa by picking up a French novel ,
where the work of a detective of thia
character waa fully described. I road
and re-road the book , and saw there waa
money to bo made in the buainoaa. "
"But ia there not the auapiclon of black
mail about it ? "
"It cortninly could ba handled in that
nanner , but 1 find that 'honesty is thn
beat policy , ' in thia aa well aa in other
matters. "
"You probibly find that sorao of the
young mon who are shadowed are
crooked ? "
"Yoa , many of them , and there are
icoroa who are now running nbout who
tavo no idea that they are being
watched. When rro catch them in any
irregularities they are brought to the
) Dice , confronted with the ovidonoo wo
lavo. na well as by their paronta or em
ployers , and in niuo cases out of ton the
cases nro settled privately and nn ox-
ooauro in the courts avoided. Our buai-
less ia not confined to looking after
roung mon , either. Wo hnvo suspicious
msbands who employ ua to watch their
wlvoo , nnd very often wo find the BUS-
> icions juat ones.
"Ono of the moat peculiar caaea which
wo wcro employed on waa that of a young
man who had fallen inlovo with a girl who
worked in a reataurant. Ho wanted to
marry the girl , but alao wanted to find out
f she was perfectly correct In her habits.
) ur investigations proved that she was
straight , ' and to-day the couple are mar-
iod nnd living together happily. Queer
business , is it not ? "
"Cross Oia Patch. "
"Grandma , " said n spry five year old ,
'You'ro n cross old patch. " Grandma
ookod as if aho would bite the boy'a head
off forthis , ; and BO the boy dodged her ,
and got out of the way. It waa thought
hat grandma's case was one of dyspepsia ,
otal and long continued. For oven such
a tough old case Brown's Iron Bitters
works wonders. Mrs. I. I. Gavins , Din-
widdio , Va. , writes , "Brown's Iron Bit-
era made mo well of apinal disease and
lyspopaia of 20 years' standing. "
A Boulder Pioneer Who \Vnn Picked
"Up lor a Snckor.
) enver Tribune.
Marino Smith , of Boulder , is one of
, ho old pioneers and a well known citizen
f the nourishing town by the foothills.
foara ago ho waa "one of the boys , " nnd
earned nbout all the tricks that are
worked by crooks of high and low degree.
Io ia ono of the laat men that his no-
ualntances would pick out for a auckor ,
.hough hia appearance would not indicate
hat ho was pasted. Ho waa in Denver a
ouplo of daya ago , walking the streets
ike nn unsophisticated countryman who
wants to BOO the eights. Some of those
ccommodnting gentlemen who are nlwaya
watching for countryman to show the
ighta , caught on to him na a promising
Ictlm. They wanted to know if
10 was from Quincy , Illinois. Of course
10 was , and ot course ho know all the
; ontlomonwhoso names were mentioned ;
nd aomo of thorn were hia dear friends.
Io was awfully glad to find any ono from
iuincy , and to all appearances ho waa the
ankest and moat cordial sucker that had
alien Into the handa of Doc Bagg'a cap-
icra for years. Thuy treated , and Ma
ine drank nnd wanted to sot up n bottle
limself. "Darn the expense , " aaid ho ,
Iiaow friends wouldn't allow him to
rent , not n bit of it , ho was thuir guoat ,
nd they aat up the botdea. And they
umiahod theater tickets , and oponcd
moro bottlea. and finally fell into a place
where n nice clerical follow waa running
omo kind of a dice lottery game
Us now found friends won n lot of
uonoy , nnd Marine stood by aa nn
ntoroated spectator. Finally they
skod him to take a turn in their good for-
uuo. Than the old pioneer showed him
olf. "Gontlomoii , " aaid ho , "I am
cry glad you have won BO much from
hia sinful man , because you have boon
cry liberal und hoapitiihlo to mo. But
eng years ngo 1 promised my mother ,
liat 1 would never , never , never gamble
ud I cannot break my promise. I am
ory grateful to you , gontlomou , for your
llur to let mo ahnrp m your marvelous
uck nud your hospitality , nud if you ever
omo to Boulder , where 1 have lived for
ho pa t twonty-fivo years , I will try to
reciprocate your kindness , " and politely
ouching hia tiut ho bid thuiii good oven-
IIR and left them. Marino saya hia
voning'a entertainment coat him just
0 cents , nnd ho had "moro fun thuu a
> ox of monkojs , "
Nothing .TUtuo inv'nli ) ,
Wo are told that nothing waa made in
ain ; but what can bo said of the fashion-
bio cirl of the period ? IB n't uho maiden
ain ? Hood's Sarsaparilla ia made in
jnwell , Mass. , where there ere moro bet
los of it sold than of any other aaraapi-
ilia or blood purifier. And it ia never
akun in vain. It purifies the blood ,
trongthona the ayatem , and givoa now
ifo and vigor to the entire body. 100
dosoa 81 _ _
Ho Must llung.
October 8. The supreme
court bai refusud to respite Charles W. Butler ,
condumncd to linns for ifo murder , on tlio
ground that It lias not the pouer to interfere
ti Kuch case * , the Roveraor haviiiR declined to
medicine , combining Iron with pura
V'Rctablo tonics , niilrkly nnd completely
CHI-PR I > T | > rMln | , ImllRrMlnii , Wrnlmea * .
liipnrt : > ltlonil.lIiiliirlaClillUniiill'CTcr ,
unit NriirnlRln.
It Is nn unfaiiincr remedy for Dlscnses of the
KMncy * niul llvrr.
It h invnlunblo for nison ci pcc'iHnr to
Women , nnd nil who lend fcdelitnry lUos.
It docs not Injure the tctlh , cnttse licndachc.or
Iirmliico constlpntlon nthtr Iron mcdicinei < lo.
Itcnrlchcsnnd purifies the blood , stimulates
Ilio nppctltc , nlds tlio imlmllntlou of food , ro-
Hcvei Hcnitburn nnd llelchhig , mid strength-
cm HIP muscles nnd nerves.
1'or Intermittent rovers , Lassitude , Lnckof
Kiicrn' , > c. , It lias no equal. v
frsTlio Rcnulno 1ms nbovo trmlo mnrk nnd
crossed red lines on wrapper. Tnko no other.
* ad mlbr IlilOWlC UIKHICAL CO , IlitTlnOllE. BO ,
M nailspntei la tne BROAD OLA IM ol WDtte
liver ofTcrcd to tlio public.
The Btoamshlpa ol this well-known line are built ol
ran , In water-tight compartments , and are furnhh
cd with every requisite to make the passage both
ate and agreeable. Thor carry the United States
nd European malls , and leave Now York Thuro
aya and aturd > 9 for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cher
ourg , ( PAU1S ) and HAMBUUQ.
Rites : Steerage ( rom Enropo only (18. First
Cabin , 855 , $6G and 876. Steerage , txp ,
Ilenry Pundt , Mark Hanson , F .V. MooroaU. Toft.
gents In Omaha , Oroncwcz & Schoentgcn , agents In
Council Blufla. 0. B : RICUARD & CO. , Don. Pass
kgts. , fll Uroadway , N. Y. Cbaa. Kozrnlnskl & Co-
General Weetarn Atgnata , 170 Washington St. , Chloa
(50,111. (
Chartered by theStatcof 111'
nou foptheexprcss purpose
ofBlvineimmBdUte rclietin
complicated forms ,
( iificnccs of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
permancntlycured by reme.
dies.tesf.din nJJor//lVrtr
_ Apccff ll'raetice. Seminal
rlit Lossesby Dreams , Pimples on
[ annrTp rf tc > iiifTh = appropriate rt.r.
ictoncc uied In each case. Consultationo , per
sonal or bv letter , sacredly confidential. Wed-
cloes cent bv Mall and Express. No marks on
laucase to indicate contents or sender. Address
lit..JAMESlNo.204Wa3hInrjlonSi.ChicagolI !
liolckr nn n.nteiir
Vlctimsof jouthfullmprudenco.causmKNorvousDc-
illity. Premature Decay , ami alldifoidors brought na
ly indiscretion orezceaHwill team of a simple remed
I InuroSOjoiTB bpocial ITcecriptionaot
nn eminent Physician. Siliililo. K fo and Sure.
jj ToprniKciPAriioi. cuiir.8.
, j , InilAmm tlons. . J1&
AVorms.purm 1 uvcr. worm I'olic. . . .Ui
Crytl ! > Colic.orToetlilnKodnfoJitJ . i5
DluriJioaofuhfldren or Adults 'i"
] ) launtery. Griping , llilloua Colic 'i"
Cliolnra Inrbiis , Vomiting aj
( 'ouulia. O'ol'l. Uronchltls .
Woiiral Ili , Tooth che. r coacho. . . Jfn
I londiiclliM , Hick Headache. Vcrtlfio
tiutipressrd. arl'ulnfull' oiled * . 4
% Vllltetool'rofuioP < ! rIoda -K-i
Croup. Coash. DittlcultlJreathln ; ; as
ilttoiiui . , SJ
Knit -.l. . . . .Jl. . _ , . Krysipelas.llruptions . . . < * . n _ > .r ;
t IIT1UTI1. aCUIO or ruriuuc , AuiiucM&a
AVJjooprneCoiiKli.VlolentConislis .no
Oericrul I > bllltyI'hjra'lWcaknees JiO
ICIiIiioy Dl . . , -
Norvoii llelilllty. . . . . . . . . . . . : l. O
Urinary \VfnItticss. Wettinir Hcd Jill
Dliuiigesioftlio Hcart.I'alpltatlon 1.011
Health is Wealth !
( runr ntidl ! eiiocltto let Ilyeterla Diilnufe , ConMil-
ona , Klti , Jienous Neuralgia Headache , Nenous
'rdatraiioii caticd by tlio uni iiIK.ouhol or tobbacco ,
Vakctulncsd , Mental tlciircralrn , SolteulnR of the
rain , rosultliitf lu insnn ty and leaping to misery ,
eca ; and death , 1'rcmature Old age , Uaroaom , loan
ol power in either BOX , Iinoluntary Lotneaand Spur-
uatorbora caused by otcruxcrtlontcf the brain , ocK.
abuae or ever Indulgence , Kach IHIX , oontalng one
month' * tie&trnent. ? 1.10 a boxer elx bottlea for
fi.OO , leut by tnal ] ) > re ] > ald on rcoolpt ot price.
To cure my awe. With each order received by ui
( or six bottles , acoompllrhtd wltli ? 5 00 , we will gend
lha purchteer our written guartnteo to refund the
mcui'y It the irratnientdocd not effect a cure. Quar-
uiteci ) leuuul only by JOHN C : WEST & CO. ,
Wl Hadlann Bt. . Chicago. 111.
" \Varrunleii tibsulittelu
Cncnit , from wlilcli tlio
OH has been rcrnou'd. JtliaaMr
ttmti the itreiiyth of Cocoa mixed
AIlli filnrn.i , Aiowroot or Bugar ,
and la therefore far moro ccououU
cal. It U ikllctou. , nourlnlilng ,
trfugtliculnf , cosily dlgcatcd , and
admirably adapted for Imalljj u
Vi < M on for pvrtoui In biulth.
Bold of ( Iroceri eiorrnherA.
f. BAKER ft PQ , . Dorcliester. Mast
noildonoo No. HOT Jones St. OOK o , No. 1503 Far.
tm d ; OiUoj hours m m , to I p , m. and rom X ta
P.DI. Wvfltat lit ollcocT , residenceia
The remarkable growth of Omaha
during the last few years is a matter of
great astonishment to thoao who pay an
occasional visit to this growing city. The
development of the Stock Yards the
necessity of the Bolt Line Road the
finely paved streets the hundreds of now
residences and costly business blocks ,
with the population of our city moro than
doubled in the laat five years. All this
is n great surprise to visitors nnd ia the
admiration of our citizens. This rapid
growth , the business activity , nnd the
many substantial improvements made n
lively demand for Omaha real estate , and
every investor has made a handsome
Since the Wnll Street panic last May ,
with the subsequent cry of hard times ,
there has boon loss domaud from specula-
torn , but n fair demand from investors
seeking homos. Thia latter class are
taking ndvantago of low prices in build
ing material nnd nro securing their homes
at much loss cost than will bo possible n
year honco. Speculators , too , can buy
real estate cheaper now and ought tj tnko
advantage of present prices for future
The next foyr yoara promises greater
developments in Omaha than the past
five years , which have been as good aa
wo could reasonably desire. .Now man
ufacturing establishments nnd largo job
bing houses are added nlmost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many in Omaha and through
out the State , who have their money In
the banks drawing n nominal rate of n-
torest , which , if judiciously invested in
Omaha real estate , would bring thorn
much greater roturna. Wo have many
bargains -which wo are confident will
bring the purchaser largo profita in the
near future.
We have for sa'e ' tbc finesb rtsi-
dence property in the north and
western parts of the city.
North we have fine lots nfc reason
able prices on Sherman avenue.l 7th ,
18th , l th nnd 20th streets.
West on Farnam. Davenport , k
Gaming , and all the leading streets
\ \
in that direction. '
The grading of Farnam , Califor j
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible Borne of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Farnam , the pro
perty in the western part of the city
will increase in value.
Wo nlso have the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper
ty iu the south part of the city. The
developments made in tins section
by the Stock Yards Company and
the railroads will certainly double
the price m a short time.
We also have some fine business
I ots and some elegaur inside resi
dence ? for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
some good barg ains bj colling on u
213 South 14th St ,
Between Fnrnhnin nnil Douglas.
P. S. We nsk these who have
property 1'or sale ntabargoiu to give
IIH u callWe want only bargains.
We wi'l ' positively not handle prop
erty at n ere than its real value.