* fc.fi * * - < kf FOURTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA , NEB. , WEDNESDAY MORNING , OCTOBER 8 , 1884L NO. 93 THE CANVASS. Elaine's ' ConiinnGil Tonr of Ohio acfl lost Viratoia,1 "Brilliant Popular Demonstrations at all Points , The Bitter Looal Campaign at Olevoland , "Standard Oil" Payne the Work ing-man's Enemy , Straightout Missouri Republi cans Cleveland's next Trip , Tlio Pocte autl Hcnlcj Squnbbla Tlio Situation In New York ana Ohio. BD MNE'S TOUK. ST. MAHTS , W.Yu.j October 7. After re- Tiowing the procctslon nt 1'nrltersburg last night , Blalno went by special train to Mariet ta to nttend a meeting thoro. Ilo made n ihorl speech in which ho midu au Intcrtm'.iug Jkllunon to thuorUin a 11 uirly hilt try of thu place. Ilo rein lined ull ulghc ut NTnrrion and woo ferried ncrosj the Onio at AVilliiimstown. C NTON , O. , October 7. About noon the train arrived at Whoallng. There were about 1,000 people nt nnd around the depot , who cheered Blaine rs he came out of his car. There was n large mooting In front of the state house , and Blaine win oscortul to the stand by the local committee aud by a body of "Plumed Knights. " The chairman of the meeting WM Mr. II. Heard , who has been until quite.recently n democrat. Tlioro were a great many ladies in the audience. Blniuo was very warmly received , Uu madu a short speech , in which ho again presented protective tariff as the leading itsuo in the campaign , and declared that no state in tha union was more interested in maintaining it than wns West Virginia. Ho was loudly uud repeated ly cheered. From the meutinir his carriage wai again escorted through Wheeling nud across the rirur to Bridgeport ou the Ohio iido , hs ! private car having been transferred in the meantime. All 13ridg port was out to sea him. After a few \rords of thanks and ent couragcmont the young min of the clubs tha- Lad escorted him , ho bowed to the crowd nnd entered his car , whereupon the train started ( or Canton. Stops were made at Wayward , Flushing , Freepjrt. Urichsvillo , Now Philadelphia , Canal , Dover uud Massdlon. Attach of these places there was n wildly enthusiastic crovvrt und at each , Blnino appeared on the rear platform and fpoko briefly acknowledg ing the compliment piid him aud urging the importance of the tariff question. Thu tcheer- ing , yelling and general d monstr tion wore energetic uud Bus.aiuad nil nlnng the route tliU afternoon than on any previous pat t of Ulaino'u tour. About eight o'clock the train arrived ut Canton , the end o the day' * jour- usyi .A .Uigo torchlight proc'stion ot 'plfcrnfdknfghtB'Jpand ) bhiine aud LOKUU clues escorted Mr. Blame to the hou-o of Mr. Aultman , 0119 of the load in , ' busiura-i mnn of the city , whore he tuok tea. Ho then went down to the pe.ikor'd stand , n'ind uhich several thousand iicoplo wcra ussernbled. When ho nppeared upon the stnid there WAS great checiing. Hu mviou-ed thn procoebion , and in response to the itlla of the people made a very brief speech , in which he cn.o- pized McVintey , the piesent republican rei.- rcsontativo of th i district in congress , nud rargtd hts ro election. To-morrow ho will Tisit Mnsjilon and o'.h r neighboring places , \ returr in ? to Canton in tin evening. During Iiis stay here ho will ba the guest of Me Yin- toy. Pi'JOK'a 1UIO. A Qeml-Pohtlcal-Porsoiinl Row In tlio UtiG Dopnrtmcnt , AI.DANI , N. Y. , October 7. Darid Ilenly , thief clerk of the buraau of labor statibtics , to-day wns removed from office by Commis sioner Peck. The reason assigned by I'eck for hia action is thnt his subordinate has violated lated his oath of office aud had been guilty cf malfeasance in office , tha latter charge con- albting n his telegraphing pome fortyix me1- ! rugaj amounting to ubuiit $10 nnd charging thu same to the depirtment , Ifealy indig nantly denies the fhurgo i nd will daniaud in- vcstl > ; ntion. Healy'sfnendi claim that ho re cently presided at I'ntler meetiik' against the udvico of commit'Bloiisr Peck. Kollowing m the letter of diamiestd : You arj hereby notibed I liat on nnd after tliH date your sorvicn will not hu required in thii dennrtment. Under ordinary circum stances I hhnuld feel willing and indeed justi fied In allowing you tu resign , but conscious as I nm , nut only of jour baio and unwarranta ble treachert to mo pon-onal y , but of your litter lack of manhood , decency and honor In thu performance "f your sworn duty , I am Im pelled by sense of my official oath ti > remote yon for groas and dishonest practices und de nounce as unworthy of thu confidence of any man. ( Signed. ) Charles F. l'eclt _ , roinmls- sfonor of labor statistic * . Peck , it seems , Imd told Healv ho had no desire or wish to inllu- once his ( llealy's ) politicd a'-tlon in any way. Ho thought ho ought to see the propriety of not ( residing at a Butler mooting which how ever , Ilealy did. Silica then commissioner Peck obtaino I copies of dispatches sent by Ilealy and charged tothndepjrtrnont Betwemi April 29 and August C , forty-six di-pitclies WTO diecovcred , many of thorn eignud by Htnly or "Damon , " hla nom do pi me , nnd all ou private bit-lnces or in connection with political Jalior muroinent- ' . They had been jmld for by the department , 'Iho custom ha. ) been to pay the tcKfjraph hills montlily , tliono that vsoro privatn being paid for by die parties f-onding them , Tills in the custom In all state departments , fany of the forty-nix dis- r patches we/e In ciplmr. Peck etatis that the bills wore presented to Hettly nnd ho certified they were on department bu < iocts. Ilenly denies ti.a charge , and declares thit hin re moval was for political rei sons Peck states thnt nritber Governor Clevrlird nor any other itato officer knew of or uivUed the r.i- mo\il : which ho made on hia own p and official responsibility. Crnslicd and ! Maiiflcl. HOCK IHLANW , III. , October 7. Osc-ar WIckman , a section hand , was killed In the CIl. 1. &P. yard this afterhoon. Ho was un a flat car egainut which other cars were suddenly thrown and ho fell down ou the track. Fivaiara paused orer hh head , crush ing the ekull and scattering the brains. The coroner's jury cen.uted tha company for iiegllgoucuin not having a man on thu cars that caused thu mUchief , Ni\v York nnd Olilo. Special Telegram to Tliu BKI : : CHICAGO , October 7. Gen. ACBOII G , Mo- Cook , of Now York , clerk of the United States Senate , who is at the Grand Pacific ho tel , spoke very confidently thla morning of tha ruccus of the republican ticket in Ohio. Whether we roll up a l 3 majority In that itatoor not. " eaid ho , "ivo will cirry New York. If Ohio g'ouldgo democratic , Irliould undoubtedly feel preat doubts about the re mit in Niw York , hut knowing Ohio will do iiothlnz of Iho sort , I am eutUUud about New York. Oar majority in New York liowovir doptndf , I leliovo , on the majority In Ohio. I am to picMdo nt n republican mnM m-otiiiff nt Stenbonvillo in Ohio next week , iiiforo 1 left Now York 1 told .Inmus 1) . War- nn , chairman of thoitfito commlttur , thnt I was coming west , I nskod him what I rhould e.iy to Ohlo.vis. "Toll them , ' ' said Wnrrmi. "that if they will pivo ns . Gl ) 0 lunjnrlty Oc tober 1-lth wo will gunrAiiUo to miry New York for lilalno by n majority of 100,000 , but If Uoy can't glxnislifi.OlA ) , nnything Milliter will do , though Ntw York's majority depend In u great iiioaMito on the rcpult thero. " ( ! on , McCook Eald that the repMblicAiii would losd some votes in N w York city , hut the et to nt 1 irgo would pivo five democrats In leturn lur every disatfccted rcpublicMi in the city. n JOY. An Open Iicttcr Conocrnlii ; ; lllnlno's Hnmln. Speclnl dlspitch to THE Uin. NEW YoitK , October 7. In U. 12. Joy's de nial thnt Blaine over offered n commit tco to suit him , Henry Ward Doccher comes to the front with nn open latter to Gen , Alper , in which ho says .Toy evaded the point in Ida answer which his been published. Bceclier says hi dlnod with Joy in September , 1877. Toward the clojo of tha dinner political mat ters were introduced , rmd among other things , Blaiuo'd failure to receive- the nom- nation that wont to llayei. Joy sroko with contemptuous severity of Blaine nnd gave this statement : ' ' When the difficulty occurred in regard to certain lamia in the eouthnost lu which I was interested , n committee was about to bo appointed by con gress to examine the matter. Blaine being pponker of the house , through n friend I risked Mr. Blaine tolia\o ono Hound lawyer appointed on that committed. I did not cara of what party. I simply wanted a sound lawyer. In n day or two Blaine sent me word through a friend that he had certain depreciated bond ) and that if I would enable. him to place them utpar I could hn\o my committee o.a I wanted it , " nnd I cannot for get , c.iys Beecher , with what cutting scorn Mr. , Toy leaned back in his chair and snid , ' That ia the man Blftino is , " aud ho added , "I refused the offer" nnd na the courts soon settled the matter , no committee was ap pointed. Tlio Oonuiiuticuc Election , llAOTfonn , October 7. The majority for the constitutional amendment ia likely to reach 15,000. The vote against it five years ago was over 2-1 , COD. The railroad Interests worked for the amendment , nnd ether cor porate interests have favored it , ai they dceiro to bo less frequently exposed to hostile legisla tion. 'Hi ere waa no organised effort to de feat the amendment. The compensation of the members of the legislature will be $300 und one mileage nf 25 ceuta per mile. There is no party sicrnificanco in tha vote on the amendment. In the ( .lections for town officers the republicans fully hold their own in the btato geutrally , compared with la t your. In Hattford the Kepublie.in- Democrats united on candidates fur town clerk unci ipgls- : er. The democrats elect the majority of BO- ectmon which , with the town clerk , comprise , ho board of registration of electors. The vote in this city in about n two-thirds regia- , ercd vote , nnd thnt will probibly 1)3 abjiit the ratio throughout the st'ite. _ Hartford voted for liquor license by a majority of 1C3 Dities generally vote for license , while many smaller towiHota against it. These will iiobably number considerably more than half : ha towns of the state. In Hartford the women were to all the palla distributing "No license voted. " titrnifjIit-OiUf. MACO.V. Ma. , October 7 , The republican Btite convention in opposition to fusion mot and orgnuizod by electing John JouVy , of iioone couuty" chairman , anil Win. T. Beech- at , of Mccon county , secretary. The follow- ng state ticket was nominated : Governor , Ador Guitar , Boone ; Lieutenant ; Governor , Thcordoro Bruce , St. Charles ; Secretary of State , N. 0. Burch , Cole ; State Auditor , Benj. M. Pock , Hamsor ; Stale Treasurer. Slias. K. Hanrood , Greene ; Kecorder of hands , Benj. F. Heinz , Adnir ; Attorney pteno.al , Ji'mea Y. C , Jackson ; Judga of thu Supreme Court , ,1. 15 , Hender-on , St. Loufa ; Itul'road Commissioner , J. Milton Turver , St. houia , Tha republican .1 lectors chos en nt the Scdtdia convention were reinstated and the f union with green- backers repudiated. Thu last reso lution of thu platform is as follows : "With charity for all. with malice toward none , and firm in the belief of n successful future for tha republican party in Alitsourl , wo present a htu'.e ticket competed of dUtinguUhed , honor able nnd capable men , for Iho suffrages of those repub icauti who rofusa to follow tlio recent cent fusion loaders donn Into the dark va'ley ' of humiliation , wheiu Ignomluoiun defeat awaits them , [ Cleveland's Ulit * r Campaign. Special dsratth ! to Tin : BKI : . CI.KVKLAND , October 7. The local political fight here is more bitter thin has ever before been known In the history of tha city. Senator Payne , ono of the stockholders of the Cleveland - land rolling mills , was charged with being a party to the reduction in wages of 2,000 men. Ilodenles it iu n card published this morning. IntTviews with William U CheBholrn , who is I'ayriu's partner in the rolling mills , show that Payne was the first one to propouu the reduc tion of wages. Thi ) Loader thin morimif charges--eiidtorPa > ne wl.h being a falsifier , The editor cftha Loader lust night received an unonyomous lottsr In which tnreats were made that both the Leader und Herald build ings would be burned became thpapjrs were opposed to Tovan , the democratic candidate for congrusu , Fleiirn-l'/icuiiKjiilii In Illinois. Sl'RlNGKiELD , October 7. Gov. Hamilton lield a consultation with Stain Veterinarian Puarson to-day on the subject of plcuro- pneumonia. It was decided to accept the proposition of the Chicago Live Stoik 1'x- change , refused by Dr. Solomon , chief of thu United Status bureau of anlmil Industry , to expose ton head of tiealthy caUlu to Infec tion by pkura-pnournonia , in order to decide whether er not It ia contagious , quarantine in thu meantime to ba strictly malnt-dticd , Tha aotcraur also Instructed the vetoriuar an to lodge complaints u'uimt all periuim who have Hold cattln from in'ectod heidnand refute to exhibit their tales book a , whereby such in fected cattle may bu tructd. Polltkml Dobnto. FT. WATNK , Ind. , October 7-Tio first of a series of joint discussions upon the political issuej of tha day between Culkhu , candidate for fiovernor of Indiana on the republican ticket , nnd Gray , democratio candidate for the amo oflicB , wni held here this afternoon , A vott crowd assembled at and around the court houieyard. Both candidates hold on informal levee upon the platform , shaking hand * , etc. , after tha close of the debate , An Editorial Nominee. Special telegram to TJIU BKK , WEST POINT , Neb. , Ooiober 7. P , T. O1. Sullivan , editor of the Pro/rens , wan nomi nated to day for the loxlilature by tha democrat - crat . Thu dUtrlcC is ut prudent ruprossnted b. M , Frarue. SOUTH IlKTiir.EiiKW , } ' . , October 7. The opna home at thU p'aca ' and u row of brick buildlriRii Hiljoiulci ; it burned thiu morning , LOB7 , § llfi,000. THE SAGE OF GRAMEROY , Hen's ' Reply to the Democratic Con- ycnlioii's ' Resolutions. A Sample ot tlio Old Man's ' Rhetoric , Shocking Fallacies Couolied in Exquisit Diotiou , Illogical Bon-Bons of Bourbon Braggadocio , His Old Howl of Ecpublioan Oorrnptioih Citing tlio Nollo Sires ot ! 7c > : incrno J't'iuaorncy Tlio Argument of Dcntl IBBUPB , ' 1'IIiDKN'S Ii NKwYoiu ; , October 7. Tlio following is Mr. Tilduu'a response to tlio committuo of the national democratic convention , comcying to him tlio resolutions of that body : UttA\STO.NK , October C , 1SS-1. Mr. Cluir- mnu Mid Gentlemen of tliu Committee : I thank jou for kind terms in which you havu communicated the re elution coucoroiug niu nduptod by the la.ii' democratic national con vention. I that o your conviction that reform in the administration of tliu fodcrr.l govern ment , which IB our great national want , mid Is , indeed , otsontiiU to the restoration mid preservation of the government Itself , can only ba achieved through the ngoncyi f the democratic party and installing iu represent- ntivo in the chief magistracy of tlio United States. Tlio uoblo historical tr.iditioua of the democratic party , tlio principle ; in which it was educated and to which it ban ever boon in the main faithful , its frooilom from corruption which grows tip in prolonged pos sess on of power r.nd the nature of the element ) which constitute it , all contribute to qualify it for that mission , The opposite charr.ctcrlstlcs and conuitioua which attach to the republican party makes it hopeless to ox- poet that party will bo able to give better gov- eminent than the debasing system of abuses which , during its twceuilency lias infected the jjllicinl and political life of this country. The democratic party had its origin in the efforts of the inoro advanced patriot ! of thurovolu- lion to resist the pel version of ourRovuinmout from tlw ideal contemplated by the people. Among its conspicuous founders are Benjamin I'nuiklin and Thomas Jefferson Samuel Adams and Jchn Hancock , of Mv pachuictt- , Jeorgo Clinton nud Ilohort Li\ngstono ! , of Vow York , and George Wvtho nud Tames Mudlson , of Virginia. Fiom tlie election of Mr. Jefferson , is president , in IbOl ror fixty yenia the democratic party mainly dhectud uur national puhcy. Ir extended the JoumhritB of the republic and laid tlio foun dations of all riatloiud greatness. While It iirtBented the liinitutipna imposed by the con- titution aud maintained a eimplu und puio system of democratio ndjnlnUtrntion , On the other hand , the lopublican party ha * alwnyj lioon nominated by priticiplea.whichffavor leg islation for the bundle of partieidnr classc3 at the expense body of thoJpSJplolt ha bo. come deeply tainted with the nbu'es vhich naturally grow dming tlio long possession of unchecked power especially in the period of the civil war and tlm establishment of fa'so finance. Tha politic and virtuous elements in it are now unable to emancipate it from the sway of soltuh inter- fsts , which subordinate public duty to "per" sonal greed. The mctt hopeiul of the bust citizens it contains despair of iU amendment except through its tempoiary expulsion from power. Itluabcon boottinply umrte'd by a modern Massachusetts statesman , utrncgliug to reconcile ) himsfllf and Ids followers to their presidential candidate , that the republican paity contains a disproportionate eliaio of the wealth , the c Ituro , and the intelligence of iho country. The unprincipled Grafton when taunted by James II. with his per sona ! want of conscience , onswernd , ' 'That is true but I belong to a pnrty that hns a great ddul of conscience. " Such rcasonors lorget that the t-ania claim has I een made in all ag H and countries by defenders of old wrotgs against new ri-formi. It wan alleged by the Toiirg of the American [ evolution ng.iinst the pitrloti of tint day [ was jeportud againet Jtffuison and aftyi- wurds against Jucucon nnd It is al cgod by ; hu torisurvntiicsngiiinst thoio wlio , in Kng- land nro now endeavoring to i nlurgj tlio pop ular eudiazo. All history chows that reform in government must not he expected front ; hose who tit s rtnoly on the social mountain tojn enjoying the benefits of the existing or der of thing * . Even the Divil o author of our rolLrion Irnnd Ilia follower n t among thu elf-complaciint Pharisees , but among the low- ly-minded lUlinrmtn. The rei.iiblican party is largely made up tf those who live by their wit > and who .vpiro in politics to ad- \antugnof tin lest of iiunkind , fimilar to those which thtir daily lives nro dovetail to miming in private tusinei-H. The democratic party cniii-lstB largely of IhoBU who livn by thu work of their handd , and wliouo political ac tion Id governed by their sentiments or imafii nation. If. resul'H that tlio democratic party , more readily than the republican party , can bo moulded to the support of reform iiioumrcs which involve a mciilico of selfish intcrubt , The indispensable mcei'Blty of our Units i * a change of udminiutrution in the great exccu- tUo 'jllicoi of the country. This , in my judg ment , can only bo accomplished by the elec tion of the democratio candidates for presi dent and vice president , SAMUEL J. TILDUK. To II. II. Henry , chairman , li. li. Omalley andothers of the special committee of the democr.isic national convention , TBLESCOl'HD TIIAINS. A Hcrloua ColllHNlMii on tlio ilnolc IB- Ifind in lotvn. Council lilufTd Kvenlng Globe. Train Iso , 4 ; catt bjund from this city , col lided with a freight train near Commerce , I own , ten milts west of Ii s Mointjs. The pitBsui gir did not utjp ( it Commerce ) , hut ouly BUclctiied tpecxl in older to ullow th'j wctt bound train tu sidetrack , and then j asecd on at u rapid late of spued. On a curve a quar ter of u mile from the station it struck the freight. A difference ) of opinion i-murig r.iil- \\uymcnexleUastu tlio time. The licight men say that the | ia 8origer train wiia two mluutea uhoad of time , while the unglueer and otuera on tlio pmsengur uuy that they weiu exactly on time. I he freight conductor says that when he lett the junction , three milcn thin itido of thu collision , Hi ) wu.i jubt ou time , but on cccount of u Blip- l > ery truck , from the ruin , ho lout three or four minuted. This freight is u regular train , and Bido-tracked at Commeico for the pawenger It roenifi as though Homo one ml ht have known that eoinethlug wus wrong when the frtight wa Vnowu to to oil time. No word of this kind was givou the paBaeimer conductor at Coinmera * , and he pulled on fur le Molncs , The trelght wan doing i.s best to make Commerce knowing that it was very nearly if not quite uu the time of the pai > iougtr , Tin ) iliapatth- er at. U a Mnino * had Btirted ill's freight , and knowing that Hi regular time got it to Com merce , and tmppodlng it to ba there , tent no orders for thu pumenger to w.dt. No danger being untluput.ud , tha two tiuina went llyin/ / < on tlibir way und in two minuUs front thu time the ( .assenger lift Commi-rco there win an uw/ul cmeh ami a tcniblu wifm , tliough f j tunuttly uo pBoigeni were hurt. As soon uj : thu PJI-Bng'T engineer , J&mes Sheenan , KUW thu freight , ho icvrmcd hiu i n- ( jine uud did all hu could to check hi ) timn , i but Rcolng that ft collision w s Iiin > it' Mo him- elf and airman , John KHly. r ch iumpnl from the iiriRino and cscaiunl injury , TIiotMin ran nn until the two engines ttuck. None of the coichci l ft the trnck. Tim Uo inon in Ihn mail cor , Mr. .T. K. AVilli.MiH of Pea Moinci , end Mr. J. M. llolton , of Atlanli- , wtrohoth In the front end of tln-Ir ou , atul bcln t busy did not tu.llco the > heckmg of the train fo that llmywrro not In llm li > a t pro- H nil for danger The tender of thucngiiu was drixen buck into the car imd caught both inon m such n wav an to hurt tliom imtt' ] cori- ooitly. i lr. Willinitis had liia Ml firm cvioht between the doiir and ono uf ttio ho vy tablo-t , and it wai b.idly inifiiliml. Mr. Unltou rocilvod two cut * on the lioul Tiioy wrrfl ntti-ndi-d by Jts. U co tivl Cum- mnrco , Lncv of thN city nn J Hninw.ilt of Uo * Moincs , The fro'pht uiiRlnP < > r Joint .1 , hnson , anil fltcmnn John Woodward , jutnp d , M did a brakeman and were not injured , lllght cits Moro wrecked and both ucoinotlu'i bally damaged. Conductor Cnroy was in cliargo of the p.wsenenr and conductor \Viulnco of thu frciKht 'Ilia passenger duo nt U o'clock nr- rlcd at 11:1C. THE II. & 0 , YTKU , ' Uctoboi : T. Tha onlor of the IVnniylvania Hallroad company , rcfmlup ; through business to thU city nud Now York , 01 if-inntlnij with the Baltimore Uliio , ap- plio3 for the present only to pasionger buii- lias. Through freight ia not Uilcrfurod with , and it l-i stated that the clasp bu.iincm coming from the 11. A O. is of urn-ill' amount. The ] > emi ylvUii.i ! rnvt Invn hoard nothing on thu Mibjoct from tha It. & 0. managers. IIALTIUOIIE , October 7. In .n nnl to ( ho order of the Pennsylvania railuay , Hubert Garrutt and hisastint'intH paid tlioro wasnnth- ing for them la state. ThoysMd no reply hud been made to the Peiiuajlvauiiconipany. The matter will probably como up t the board meeting to-morrow , TUB I.OtUSVILLK & NXSHVILLT. NEW YOIIK , Oclobcr 7. A njiulic.Uo in Amsterdam and London has taken $3,000,000 in stock and $5,000,000 in bonds of tin Louis ville & 3iVhvillo railroad at twenty doU.ua n share. The company reserved the right to of. fer the bonds und stock nt given prices to its s-ockhohlorH , the syndicate tiklnir whatever tlm stockholders do not tuko. Tlio proceeds will li. ulilato tlio unttro flnatinir debt. 53Tho directors of the Louisville k Nashtillo huvo decided to issue now recuritUa. CANADA ItAILWAVs. OTTAWA , October 7. The Dominion gnv eminent granted subsidies of C 400 ucicm per mile to the Manitoba and Northwestern and and Manitoba and Southwestern , THE SCAT.VKR3 AID THE CUT , CHICAGO , October 7 Hallroad ticket scalp ers have become frightened at the rapidity with which pnpsonger rates to Mi ourl river points have been c-omg dawn and fearing that the cut would be BO low nn to leave them no margin for profit held u moating to-day and decided to clinr o fix dollara to t' ' ma points. They were soiling jetterday at five fifty. Thu pricu over rni way counters to day waj tix. Theio la no open cut in ra'tcK to Si , Louu nud ocaipers ate Hulling ut two fifty. " MoLnMinHealovrdcllnir , WABIIINCTON , October 7k John H. Mc Lean , editor and proprietor of thu Cincinnati Knquiror , and Miss Kmily T.'iBealo , daughter of General KJward T. BailO , were married this mornirg at ths residence' of the brldo'o father , Lafayette place. , fhfiCerenoiiy ) took place nt 9 , o'clock , Hev. Dr Leduord officiat- iq < ? . - No rd-'f-ondino iViKiSlfiwflnt. * The ceremony was witnessed \ty. \ iutimato"TFnends only. Thabridu word a travelingdi > c3D , nud Immediately after tlio cersnr-myMr. and MM. MoLoauJelt for Philadeljiliia , whciico tbny RO ty tha gtoom's home in ( 'incinmiti , which will > tba their residence henceforth. The mother of General Horde , ind nunt , Mm. Ueal" , aged 87 and 81 year * . witiiMtcd the ceremony. The others were General and MM , Uealu , parents of the bridt' , Mr. Wa-hicgtun McLean and wife , parents of groom , General and Mrs. _ IIii7.on , Captain and Mrs. A. II. Huyhcr , Cincinnati. Tlio loft two ludic ? : uo bifiteraof the gioum. Mr. Beak' , brother of thu biide , anil brothers of lUr lleale. ' 1'wo old colored crvaiits whohnvo boon with Gen eral Uo tie's family over forly yearn , nluo wit nessed the curomony. TJia marriage was u turjirito to tha fiionds of bjth jcrtieH , ns the cngagemont was not known. Miss Koalu wan one of the most popular belles in social circles hero. hero.General General John A. Logan rrrivml hero from White Sulphur Spring * , \Vett Vlrr-inia , this morning. lie will leniain in WnHhington dining the dny and loato for 1'hiladeliihia to morrow morning. itliiliio , NKW Yoitt , October 7. Julm 1) , Warren , of the republican state- committee , received the following yesterday : "jSir : I wish to tender my icslgnation us n republican elector in this etn'e. ' I am sorry to nay that I cannot conscientiously support the republican candidate for president , Jamca G. Blaino. I nmain , Yours tesppctfullv , ( Signed ) \V. K. I'oitltKHT. Forrest id n prominent doctor in thU city , Ilo rediji-a to Miy anything beyond the con tents of lliu letter. TEIjKOK/VlMl / NOl'JSS. All the employes of thu Oliver liroH. and ' ' mills ' havu decided I'liillipn' at 1'ittiibiirg to strike. This thiowd it.OJU men out of employ ment. lien Butler spoke at Kalanmoo , Mich , , Monday night. Itcfcmog to ( ho agricultural criUs in Kur- opo , which has arisen Irom computltion with tlid produce of America , the 1'ain Hupubliiuu | Francaleu says that thu na iom of Kuropo will not allow tln-mjeivcH to ba devoured by thu far went , but will r. 8crt tl.eniH'jlves , und Krancu will load thu way. Loon Kay provided ut thu mouthy banquet of the Societa de.-i JCcouiiiiiHti)9. ) Kpeeches worn delivered denunciatory to > roucli protection toiidun. clrs , and claiming that the only remedy for the agricultural distress of the country Is in lirerty and reduction of all clulieo upon food , Dr. Clnir , of Calcutta , h ronvincud that thu bacllius discovered by Dr Koch in cholera n t- tii'iits in liannleiH , lie bwallowtd sovcral microbe himself. ' The lioilin corrd pendent of the "Lou-Ion Dully Nnwu nvy i that tliu German colotii/.ing fevir is dying i tit. All hopes that tliu acqui sition of largo tracta In A f lien _ would divert emigration tu America hava vaiiislied , The twenty-fourth unmnl fair of the Kt Louis mechanicjl nud neriiultural umociatiun opened Monday with MI mm-nally lurgu at- tundnnco. The utriot ilhiiniiiitlou was tented Monday n'ght ' und proved hUccoFsfu ) . Over thirty-Mx tbiniHiud g < m jets in various cnlorfd t-hjlwc , boiides hundred * of eloctrlo lightu were burning. Htrlkoiit PJTTBIIUIIO , Octoltcr 7. The lockout of the Oliver liros , k Phlllip'a tolling mills began this morning and threa thousand men wmo added to thu already Urge number out of em ployment in this city , Tha mou positively rufuxbd to accept I''i per cent , reduction and tha linn gave orders to not lifht thu firen u > > that lnUud of a nrlke it is u lockout. Thu afternoon there will be u conference uf anial- gamstsd olliclals uud the linn , when the for mer will endeavor to Ii \o the licatem anil rollers' htilpor , wluinow ur < ] inchi-Jed In the reduction , classed mnoov thu ukillucl ecilu laborerM. If Hiicontitful the mill can tenurne at once without the im llllcd laborura. Limit. ( Jrerl'H Hrultli , N H. , Oct bur 7. Lieut , ly lo > en for \Vf > * lilngtoii Nmun.btr fith. I lili health M tluwly iuiproifini ; , THE MYSTfROUS ! HORROR. Latest Atolces frwn tlio SCSDO of Nance Ccniity forriblo Mystery of the Horse Oreok Murdorsi Six Human Lives Saorifiocd in tlio Orimo. NTo Oluo to the Wrotohod Oriini- unl's ' WhareaboutSi Unauthontio Evidonoo that ho Loft Fullortoui Coroncr'H tlary Holil Secret liitcrustln Kvlilcnuc Tlio Ijntcst IMIiuito 1'urtluiilnrn. TllK NANOK OOUNTY IIOllllOK INVOLVKll IN Spnclnl to THUKK. } \ . The deep mystery Unit involves the "llorso 'reck" ' tragedy his lifted but little since i IB ditcovcry , n week ago , although every clfoit s been put forth by the ollicisls , BBCUUT Jl'llT HlyslON. The crronor'a jury , c imposed of I. A. lion- o , OrHluney , K 1) . Gould , George Kojr.erH. ngo Vojln und S. II. I'eunoy. foreman , hohl n hocret bcwion nil day Monday , examining \\itiiPuFUJ. Jjtttlo UJiild bo learned M to the developments nmilo but thu following avidoiice ngaliiKt Kurnival .was tlitcloicd. IKIKUKSTIKO KV1IIKKCK. Monday , Al , lijrd , an Insurance tigcnt from L'dar Itipida , visited tin kccuu and dellvorod .o I'uriiival , at hti n Idence , nn insur nco tollcy. KunHval stated to Jlird that ' Malr md gene tx ) Fullerton with Porclval , " ( u do- .iborato falsehood ) , and contrary to his habit did not invitu Jilrd into tha house urnivid expected ICd. Clarke on Tuesday ,0 gi > t a mow er , and wruto n note on the hack uf 11 novel B.iyiuir "Von can tnko the mower uul welcome , but buwaru thn tongue , lictsy [ a nlcknauio tor Mnlr , his partner ) , and I aru jomg after duur. Youra. G. li1. " The til fit supposition was that I'urnivnl and Malr had on Monday gone deer hunting ; thn : Muir had returned iind 1'unmnl gene on and iiospltily been killed in thu hills , but an invus- Ligation Sunday ditclosed Kurnlval'H Win chester under hU matrtss where ho no doubt lid it. Thr coroner's jury is In scHjton to-day examining wltnesius and investigating ItltH. rKHClVAl.'il IIHTIKIUISIIKI ) ) CATHE11. The father and brother of Mrs Porcivnl arrived Sunday and Monday respectively from Minuesota. Mr. Tanner Is n brother of the celebrated Dr. Tanner , and n man of high etandn g. Deing nskcd by THE llii : ; corrcs- londunt , if ho know of any estutu cominir to uiy of the \icti m , ho said : "Harry P .r- cival's parents are living , and us far an I know .here wiis'nb estate , that could have influo cfd ; ho murder , coming to. any of tliem'y" llo telegraphed Sunday rrrght to Mlnnosnta to lave Kurnivul's t.ioturu obtained , if iiossiblo , and sent to ShfrilT Zihbol nt.QmnhaTitvlbi gf - f , FUnHlVAt'BjlTMaHT' ' MKH KTnrlw Jlogoon siyt thftttoa.Tiie8day.morn- ing'lie nw n mftn'"driwod 5n'"jrlont ' co t [ uviaently a rubber coa'y belonging to Ualrd ) uul n white hat ( Malrs ] ) , .running across the iirairio to tha depot , lie Joniarkod at the nno that ho would mtu tha train. This It bo- iioved to Imro been li'urnivul. A horse belonging - longing toPcrcival was left nt Itob ° rti' livery stable by a man annwcrlug to I'lirnlval'ii ilu- Bciiption. Several dtftettlvea nru m fcivin pot ting what evidence is pobibn ! in thu case. The rouanl proclumatiou w\-t published in yester day's Biut. KDIINIVAL'S rKitsoNrx , 1'urniv.il'd friends say .Unit ho was an intoli- nt young man of ono of tlio first families of I' ngland They iiiBibt tint ho could not have committed the crlmu and some still beliuyo lilm murdered at Horse Creek or in that vi cinity , and are elill eearchlng for hiu body. iioimiiu.K DLTAII.S A miflscarrlago occurred after Mr < . Pcrcivnl's death making nt victims to the remnn of boll lli.it worked etich doxtiuctiun in these two uoautlful hnppy Lomcn. A loving iotter written by Hugh Mair to liix mother in England wai found on the table end mailed to her with the sad umvu. TllK VICTIMS. arry Percival W.IB U > yoira of ato. ( Mr . I'crcivjil B 1.8 jeaiH of I'ge , and their child 8 months old. Huph M.nir ayud 11) ) . liaird nged ! - . All except Mr . Pmciwd ( who is an American ) nro of KnglUh birth. roi-ui.AU jaciTuiiuNT. The excitement in still iutiin u. Sunday , over fiOO people vhitod the nceno of thu mur der. Gioupx of men may hu uuun uavurly dis- ui blng the development on uvury conuir. TUB kHHTKIUOUH 1'Ultl'OMC. Mrs. Percival hud not been ravluhrd ns first stated , and thu object of the wholesale butch ery ia etlll unknown. POLITICAL FANATICISM. Tliu Prohibition Executive Committee ) Ucureo u Day of Cnic'iao , October 7. The following will bo Issued to-morrow from the headquarters of tin national prohibition party : Chloigo , October ? , 18H1 To the people of the United States : In view of thu mliery uud crime resulting from alcoholism , and of thaguilt fattened upon the people by Government , municipal , state and national laws permitting and uvon licens ing thu trallic In poison drinks , thu .exocutlvu committee of tha prohibition party call upoi thu people of this country tu obiorvo Wednes day , October 2'J , 18/il , us a day of fautlng , hu mlliatlon und u.mfeiielon , tnd In view of thu fact that many all over the country nro arousei to rrah/.n tlu > eriorrnUv of thu liijuor crime um iiru willing to ba at thu cost and jiaini to put I tiwuy , wo call on nil Christian hulluvrr/i l < iinlcu In praierto Almighty God that Ills aii may bu Kiven to thoxo mt'onureu which will re milt-In the upuadv putting away of tbU guil and thu kiipprecuion of thu truUlc in blcoholiu drinliM. Ou hf'hulf of thu caininltten , Hlgnod , JOHN I ) . I'lKUII , Chairman A. J. JurxiNH , Cor. Hoc. \u\v Oliurcli. WAHIIIMIIO.V , October 7. Work will bu begun to-morrow on tha handsome now Pres byterian church on Connecticut avonuu for which , Hubicrlptlons were made nyear and n half ago uud ara now in progiua * of collection. Au.ong the principal Miutcnbura are JiHtico Stanley Matthews , of thu supreme court , K .Instico Stti > iir | , $501)0 ) ; Jumes G liluinvJl'SOOj Suimtnr .1 Dnnal 1 Cameron. 31010 ; Samuel licllubjr er , 8100) ) and euvurul niiu'reuiduiiti $10 0 ojch including thu wid ow n { thu latj Govcnuir Murgiin. of New York. Culfbtllll HIU'lilVllllONH , HAN l'iiANOHOO , Octolur 7. A largo niim bur of Chinoio paHJcngeij by tbo steamer City of 1'clcliiflately nrri\e < lurn tukliutdvuutagi of .lustii'o 1'nld'rt rnUmr tbut Cliluuvu born li tliu Uulr. d Stalux art ) ciilxeni and imlltlml ti laud. Tinny wiitH li.vn Iron taken mil li the hut few duy * by Chluoeo who claim tu beef of Amc-ilcuu birth , K011KION NIJWS. > f Trnilf M , CIIIL-.MIO , Illinoli October 7. Tha f > dcrn- ton of trades and labor unions cunmllng of eire | < ciiUUvo < from varlotti labor organizu- Inn uf tlm Unite I Slatu and Cann In , bcfian o inn here at noon to-diy. P. II. MoLoizan , if ChKngo calhvl the meeting to order , nnd , he niMru'R ol welcome wan delivered by the ity attorney Grinm-ll , on behalf of the city n the nbseneo of the mayor , The object of ho numial assembly Is to dUcitfH ipieiiionn at f < um botvuvm capltil nnd labor , nnd to dls- emltmtu such view < among organize ! work- ni { i > ciiplu of the country an will recrlvo rocog- ilH.pii . for tht'in. The delegates numbcrod fifty nnd claim to oprcwnt nearly n million wngo worker * . Pulltlci will form no put of their deliberation although Its probable there will bo omo dlv ciiwinn cane unlng thn tnrlli , Tha nnmlgx- nati-d IMMK latinii of iron utid steel worker * wa loiincrlyiDprosmited in the fedurution , nit withdraw owliut to the rnlnml of the lat ter t" retain in Its declaiMtloii of iU princi- pirn n high tariff plank. After Hiu nddrcM by the chnirnun , recess ivas tikcn in order to givu an oppor unity for thu c.immltteo on cr < denttaU tu make up its ex | > rt. On reconvening the report wai madrt. IvoprwrntntlvtHof Iho nation il ciir ( { makers mum objcctid to the ndiilH < ! im of roprosen- jitlves ot the progrefcsho cigar makers nnd ho inattct wui leferrod b.ick to thu commit- OP. The following < IlicoiH wore ulcutnil : Prtnido it , W. J , ll.vnin ml of Now Or- oannsioo ; pro > ident Hiehnrd Poworn of Chlc.ig ; secretary , \\r. 1) . Oji nelly of Cln- iimitliiwlstint ; tocratarv , KniH Lny of { \ntiH villa lud. ! aujitorn , .1 W. Wnto boil o of Cincinnati and .1. 1) . Smith of Spriimlluld IU A motion to consider A nyntom by which ono tradocan ai'l nnothur liuiitoially when In roublo T H roferrort to the committee. Ad- ourncd till tomorrow. ItnllniiH Allotlllood , TAMUIIIT.II , Out. , October 7. Yostenlay n ontractor on tha Napanoo , Tnmworth k Juebeo railway notitlnd forty Itillnnn that ' .ley would not bu required longer anil to pro- tare to move to another contract on the CingHtun k Pembroke railroad. Tha Italians efusod to go until paid nnd with clubs , reveler - er * and knives drove away n ( inall gang of vorkmeu who remained , nho attacked John Vltrlcn. brother or ono of the contractors , h.islng him about the \ lllngo , threatening his ife. The county council , In cession nt tha hue , camu to O'lirlon's roscuo. Villagms , dl armed with club. ' , guns , RivonU nnd lire- nuns , joined in thu rescue , nnd n lively fiuht iisued. O'Erienvai nlightly Injured. Two tnliiitiH wnro badly Injured with clubs und .wo with gunshot wounds. Several others llKhlly. Of thu vilingcM savor.il woru in urod. Ito\v 111 Mrxlco. NUEVA LAUISDO , Mexico , October 7. A .ell pouted party ariivod from the interior nt- rlbntos thu rent cnniu of the icceut bloody riot In thu town of Sabinus to thu high state of pillticul fuollkg exUtiog between Tre\ino and Nnrargo parties , both of which have can dldatos in the field for thu governorship of tha state of Nuova Loon. Thu Alcidu Santos uul ! > H father were prominent ndhnronts of liu Ucneral Truvimi party. It is thought HI Joyntu the bandit ; , was Incited to lead tha ill ick by tha adherents of General Nnrurgos autlnii. AlcnVln wai killed in the presence of ih wife and uged nn/tlu'r. ' AH Into ai SuiKJny October 7. At a corporation of Dublin , Monday , the diecnsalou was renewed to substltuto the Irish national 'or thu prcHtmt I ngllsh mid foreign names ol streets in tha city. Liberal and Conservative member. " of the corioratlon [ oppoicd thu prop- ositioi , "an absurd , Irritating and unneceH nary. " It was pointed out by on'speaker thai "Americans when they achieved their inde [ lendenco did not descend to any Biich nucril ity , " It was areertud that thu people of Dub in would rise bodily in their indignation i such n motion wni c irried. Thu m.ijority o the bii'ird being uutlonnllnts , ultimately piitsei a leialntion Instructinga committee to picpan u plan fur ru-iiuinlng the streets. In K/yi / > r. CAIKO , October 7 , Lord Northbrook , Urit ish Higli CoinmiNiioner , jiroposcs to abolish the ICgyptian army , and t-ubitituto. nlno thou sand police. The J pyptlun minietry oppoflo Lhu plan. October 7. The cnmol corp whkh talcoH part in the Gordon relief cxpudi Lion baa urilvod hero. CAIUO , October 7. M. 13arreri' , 1renc' ' . diplomatic ) ngunt , reccivud n tulugratn statlni tliutM. Heibin , 3'iench onnul at Khartoum VMS killed nt thoxumu time with Col. Stewart Hid party woru iiiiutmcrHl by Arabs. Train ItohhurH Ksiroitu , ] Cs , , Octobar 7 , Karly Eunday morning , ten miku west of hero , an nttsmp was mn'Ju to rob thu Santa 1'V patuongor trail The robbers evidently intended to ditch th train , Two tails were uimpiltoj , but not ru moved when the passenger train c.imo nlong running ut nuch npcod that it postal safely over the tails. When thu robbers Haw th train Hying by with rich booty they evidently became enraged , fired n volley afto. ' it , th bulliits striking thu curs in several places. M ono was hint. Following the paiBunger cam a freinht which wui ditched. The lireme vnsi killed and llieongineer seriously injurei Mitlnu Uutlorltes , PoiiiXANn , JIo , , Oetobor7. The state con vontlon of the people's party met thla mori ing , 311 delegates present , It was callci to order by Jowott , of Portland , George \V McGregor was mudo chairman. After op pointim ; committees Jolm M , Todd mldreiHut tlio convention. All IllhlirilllCt ) HllHpOMHldll , SrniNnriKui , JIais. . October 7. The oil cers of the Hampton Mutual ] 'iro liiBiiranc ( jinpuny havu decldud to COHU uj > buslneHS PolUIis nru cilled In which nuinbor uven o eight hundred , The policy holders will ru ciivu their return premium * . Olovolaiul Qolnf ; to Nuiv York. AUJANV , October 7 Cloviland poss t New Yoik in pr vuta btulo > ss Wcdnenda noit. JIo will niiiuiu until Thurdday after noon , and has promised to bo present at th demonstration in Brooklyn , The Itiiiiib I'liroworn , LIONB. October 7 > A bomb wax malicious ly exploded Uut uvenlng whllu six gen d'urrnu were In thu barracks at thu liallcnur ijuartor in this city , WinduwH were broken out u ono was hurt , It , ot U U. SAN I'ltANCIHi'O , October 7. At to-days session of the Brotherhood of Locomotivu ICnBlnoiru , ] 2. 8 , Ingraham was rueluoted tlibt , gniud engineer und J , II , Spraggd of Toronto second grand- IrcliiniPH IjoiU Ijluiiloiiant. October 7 , The lord lioiitenant ol Iruland left the queen ut Italmoral. It ia rumored that hu lutuuds to olfer hid reuigua tlon. _ /ry QuixU MrtrUot , Nmv Yoitic Oet 'her ' 7. Dry ( JotnU Tlu re bun been u fair y ucttvo iliitriuut'on of goodi vt Jubbing liuuUn bat the dtmiuid o ( agents is JiKht , MONRAYte te at tliG s Yarfls and ou GiiaiG , -Woathor and a Poor Oattlo Day , A. Generally Dull and Daj Hog Market , Wheat Drops Under thof / Supply , ) orn Options Ilule Unsofy / and Weak , / Tlio Oolil AV.-xvo t'orous Selling Oats Firmer I > > rU Wcnkor Ijard Stondy. CHICAGO MAKKI3TS , OATTLB. pocinl Telegram to TUB HKK. ( Jilli wo , October 7. Tnu receipts of west- TII cattlu and Texuus continue heavy , roach- ng U30 uara to-d ly. On eupoly , natvp < ) seem .0 grow lesi each week , thwto being tcircoly 000 to-day out of receipts of about 10,000. 'lie general market WAI rather quiet nnd out oor tmsinctm win Hnmowlmt inlorfurod with n account of the ruin , A few unlives tint vi ro clasaltled n ) goid ) Hold ready ut xtroug iriccs nnd thu best may bo quoted at 6 75 ® 10. but there wurn nuno of that class ou the nnrlcct . I'Vur and medium to-day. ' socond- lass natives , 0 75ftf t ! ! ? nnd common nt 4 80 ar > i5. ! Cows and bulls nru felling nt2 fX ) @ 1 50 ; stockerj nt 8 00 > : t 7C ; feeders nt 3 tD(4 ) 00. Thorn were eijjht uars of stock calvci > n sale , among which wore tome iliolcu lots rom western Now York. Good lots nro mak- ng 13 70(12)14 ( ) CO and finu assorted lots 10 00 ® 7 fiO ) > sr head ; export graded , 13 50@1000 lt > 3 , > 70@7 00 ; puor to fancy shippers , 10 00t > a I 5j ll > , 4 t)0 ® ( ! GO ; wcutom cattle , 37o'o ) ili5. The s ilui ronortcd wore 141 Montana , 1,318 lb , Oifi ; IBS Montana , 1,103 Ibi.O'.T ) ; 80 Montana , 1,127 U" , 4 05 , 1M. > Montana , ixport , 1,1110 HM. 4 15i i > 37 Wjoming , 1,120 1.3 , 3 00 ; 100 Wjoming , 1,101 UM1 11 ; 70 Webrnskn ToxatiH , 93-1 Itu , 4 10 ; 417 Wyomiog IVxauB , 995 Ilu , 3 75 ; 377 Montana , 1 L'uO Iba , ( ij. lioa.H , There was little or nothing now In this mar- lot and no change of any importance. Ku- .cipti are about tnu same as last week so far. 'ackiiii ; sorts sold equally ni well at jester- lay , but light wore r ithur nt-glectod nnd dull. iTorkuM wore slowat-5.)0&S. ( ) ) 40 lioss heavy S'LVV Knglnnd sorts Huld nt $ . " ) .5.8).CJ. and 'hiladelphias at 63.70. Fair to good mixed lackott at ? j.20'aSj.-iO. Skip * , scalawags d graziers at SI 00 al 80. Heavy , averag- ng LMO to JiulJ Hu. , § r .40g95 ( I * . J-ight , Itil ) o lU ! ) Ilu. St.8'JiiS. ( > .r.O. Mixed , UJo to 300 bs. WHEAT. There was n wrnk toiu : in thu wheat nnd : orn market to-day. Tha vniblo supply of vliuut hhowed an incrolKe of nearly twn und n fmUll < mr'durbgvtliopi5ti'W ! < 5ck' ' and' thla : > er ut SO'January" "VVnn imaettlfd nnd ufejik"antl closed 4 nwor. In early trading the -rnrkot was Hrm , S'ovembor advitniing'tu f > 5Je , but during the list half of thu session thera was free idling nnd pi ices shaded rapidly. On thn nftetnoon jopril a steadier" feeling wan prevalent und n slight rally occurred , Thq novrs of a coming cold wave was thu moving" muse of free tell- , ing. LattBt.figuroH wera57ofor October , 5-o ) | : ur Kovcmbor , 43o for thu year , nndlUju forrr May ; * ; t SA" ' " y \ OATH Itu'led fii-tnur , ticking nt 2C o for October , "or'Novomber , 2Do for thu year and Z'J'xc tor. Woskcr.'clotlnK'nt ' $10 50 for October , S12 50 for the j-ear-aVM 512 52J lor May. ' U4I11) Advanced nhirply for ( 'ctobrr , with other oj ? Lions lit in nnd cloilngat$7Ci ! for October , and S7 SO for Novomber. Onnumli > u Orniory n.t O'Neill. : Special toTiiEBKi ! . * O'Nllir.r. , Nob. , October 7. Congressman. Dorauy , Itobertji.n , of Madison , and Colonel Johnson , of lotvn , ppnku hoio last night to ft crnwdi'd honsu , evoking much enthusiasm. lnri < oy mudo miny friunds hero , who will do good uork for him tliia fall. Our people nrnt . x thoroughly urousPil , anil can assure you of , guod reports in November. * Auollicr DolaullLT. NEW OAHTJ.U , October 7. N. W. Cotteral , of Henry county , had arranged to meet thu cnmmlealonerj to pay § 3,700 , School fund overdue - duo on settlement ol account. Ho was uiiabto to make tha pajment and has lied. AV. o. r. jr. PKOIIIA , 111. , October 7. The state conven tion of thu Woman'H Chrlntiau Temperance Union opened hero this evening. Over thren hundrrd delegated were present. The o , en- ing nddresi ui mudo by Mies Frances E. willunl , pre idiint of tbo National Woman's Christian Temperance Union. The conven tion will bo Insert-ion three diiys. A l-lbcfiil Call. LosroN , October 7. Earl Granvills , Secro- taiy of statn for foreign affairs issued a circu lar to the libuiuls , urging thtni to attend th opening of parliament. KiUir.iiiruiyI'ijuriu.is ' tuM.sy .1- i > Vn"to foui.ft laj * iJrovr , jpci Jiilttn . T .yi/iiov. li i > v j'i yt > UnI [ < luinutnar.b ! jiiulitetl7iionia.i . . ' t- .v- I > n ; M. IKt-jlPiitiiiniN a' Chli itfo ; iV'irt ui lluilu. UJlMiuil-fO. N'er . : bold iu bu. .