Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1884, Image 8

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Tuesday Morning October 7 ,
Invltftthn * to tlio wotldinjf ot Vi-s Hoi-
tie Spleglo to Sir. Ii nc LoU were limed
David F. Meek Mid MiesA ndf nan wore
married nt tlio First M. K. church on SnlAuth
craning , October Gib , by the parlor , Kov. 0.
W. SavidRe.
B3 A complaint \VM filed l'.l filioo court yci
tonlay by Bd. Clark * against John | May
charging him with nu ul t with Intent to mur
dcr. The ca'o will com o up for lioannp to
Officer Nightingale , vho has boon rounds *
tnan slnco Sir. ditnmin § was sppointcd
marshal ! liai bem put upon ft beat and Officer
Michael Whftlon will now officiata as rounds-
Kcgular monthly moating Hook * , THOI
day , October ? , 8 p. re. Kvory tneinbor both
nctho and honorary - taust)3 \ preaont. tLast
call for dolin.iuonU , 1'or order of ths com
pany. 13. G , Utter , Sec.
" " " r ow wn * brought to this city by ft travel
ing mnn yesterday that nn Omulm man had
'been ' found his bed in the railroad ho
tel at livllmm , -little Nilla o in lown on the
Nortliwoitcrn rond. The dead inan'a n mo
could cot bo loomed.
I ? SvndaylnlghtW , .T. Ueher n gentleman In
the employ of Paxton < fc Gallagher , was at
tacked by roblcrs nt the corner of Twelfth
nnd Jackson streets. Mr. Uglier made it
decidedly Interesting for ono of them for a
few moments , but they finally [ made their cs.
capo ,
The beautiful Storms farm in Saline coun
ty cold at foreclosure sale In the United States
Court by social comminionor and purchased
: f or 51 , 100 , WM paid for yesterday by Mrs j
Storms by money received on a policy on the
Ufa of her husband who < lied only u short
time ogo.
It H stated that at the democratic pow
wow in the First ward Saturday night n num
ber of ke gJ of boor wore on tap and n largo
crowd [ of small boys got beastly biunk off of
the stuff. After that they shouldered torches
nnd marched ns best they could in the pro-
. The transcript in the notodcaso of Little
in the United Statos'.Circuit Court against Giles
nvolvmg n largo amount of bath builtiosi and
rOBidonco property in Lincoln has just been
completed at a cost of over 8300. It will bo
filed In the Unkop State1) ) Supreme Court in pi
tlmo to como up nt the October term.
The Second ward Blalno nnd Logan club pr
will hold a meeting In Cunningham's hall , thi
corner of Thirteenth and Jackson , next Sat foi
urday nvcning , The A. O. II. band will fur * it
nish musio for the occasion. W. J. Connell , SCI
Esq. , will bo the principal speaker of the
evening ,
In the game of ball played Sunday nf gO' ;
ornoon , nt the barracks , between the soldiers ain
and the Sherman Avenues , the score stood 21 pin
to 13 in fayor of the soldiers. The visiting th
club enjoyed themselves immensely nnd Bay dot
hey were novcr bettor treated than during Ho
this gnmo nt Fort Omaha yesterday. wit
The bones of the Chinaman , who died gui ;
hero sovornl years ago , were exhumed yester the
day and shipped back to China for final inter act
ment. Tlio Ceremony was pcrfqnnod by n stn
score of almond eyed celestials nnd n grand hai
war dance was hold around the bones after ait
they hid boon losurroctod. Tlio bones wore fro
wrapped in canvass and then placed in a losi
valieo and shipped in that manner. uic
Go to the
Omaha Nuraorios for film
ehudo nnd ornamental trees. Also Binal as
itsc ;
fruit and strawberry plants. Now h the tim
time to plant all such trees nnd plants. This woi
nursery was established early n 1882 , nnd has doc
n. fmo stock of hardy two nnd three yoni trees.
Nursery located two mlloi northwest of post- dut
office near Ittnor'a brick kiln. Office N. W. jail
13th nnd Farnain streets , R. W. DAY , Trop. y
Planting fruit , nhada nnd ornamental trees %
a specialty. oct l-lOt-m&e-eod. aftc
Yesterday afternoon , as Mr * . Peter Cham od
bers nnd Mrs. Judge LIpptncott wore riding
together down Thirteenth street , their horse caai
became frightened nnd started to run. The 9:3 :
buggy collided witn n coal wagon , nnd both
adios w ro thrown out. Mrs. Lippiucct escaped DI )
with slight injuries , while MM. Chambers
was quite seriously hurt , Dr. Novlllo wns Tin
called In , who Btntod it would bo eovcral
weeks before the last-montionid lady would
fully recover.
Seal of North Carolina Smoking tobac fen
co is the host.
Saratoga Notes. foil
Mr. S. Avery has just returned homo
after an extended visit east. , T
Mr. dole , of Champaign , is lioro on n , T
vist and will remain the guest of Mr. V
Avery during hia stay. 11li
On Saturday last a Band of IIopo was liJ
organized In this precinct. About twenty .r.
members were enrolled. 3V
, C
Credit b duo Master Calvin Page for CL
the part ho took in enlisting BO many in L
the cause. This little baud will shortly pret
bo incorporated with temperance organi K ,1J.
zations in this state , when they will bo 1'
flupplied with banner * , oto. 1'V
1'A 1'T
10,000 bushels Oiioico Winter Apple J.
for sain in car lota or loss. Your busi .T.
ness solicited. ' IIT
J. G. WILLIAMS & Co. Kn. T
, s27-lra Nebraska City , Nob. 0
CO. Sjioko Sialof North Oarolim Tobro 11H 11S
Tlio Well-Known House of Slirove ,
& On. guupondH. W
Yesterday afternoon the well-known Jll
wholesale firm of Shrove , Jarvls & Co. ,
dealers in men's furnishing goods , nnd
doing business at 1107 Ilarnoy street ,
failed , and assigned to David N. Miller , 1
aheriff of Douglas under the
county , now
assignment law paiaud at the laiit session
Oc )
of th legislature. Their aseols will
probably amount to § 30,000 and their
liabilities to $33,000. A great many of sga
their creditors
are eastern houses ,
but largo amounts are owing by them tea del
a couple of business houses in this city. pel
It Is said upon good authority that tlit-y plu
are the debtors of the Omaha National
bank in a sum exceeding 910,000. The
members of thss firm were James K In
Bhrovo and William R. Jarvis , and liave est
been doing buiinosi iu thin city slnco poi
July 1880. They rated
, were at between
,000 and $7,000 , with moderate credits pla
Thu xau a of their fuiluro was their poi
nibilUy to luake lliuir outaido collections inc
and a too email capital for the business incI
The ] October Ten BeEins with Jnilgc
Watoley on the Bench ,
The Grand .lury Instructed nnd the
First -OO Cases Called ,
The district court for Iho October term
convened yesterday morning with Judge
Wftkoley on the bench , lion. James
Neville , his associate , having boon called
east the latter part of lost week wns not
The forenoon iras spout ia disposing of
ox-parto maltorn and the delivering of
the opinion , by iho court , in the case of
Birkott against the city of Omaha.
In the afternoon , the clerk railed the
grand jurors choqon for the present
torm'a panel. For good cause shown
Fred Subondorf , II. T. Clark , Thomaa
Collins , 0.V. . Kitchen and Albert Foil
were excused from serving ana their
places were filled by James O. Magoath ,
H. D. Shull , William J. Mount. William
II. Shields and John Droxol. The court
appointed James 0. Magoath foreman
after which Judge Wakoloy proceeded to
them upon their duties.
Ho first atatcdof the different ways in
which they should prosecute their inves
tigations. Ho also enjoined secrecy _ upon
them , and admonished them to divulge
nothing of their deliberations except in
a court of justice. They should make
presentments " against no ono threugh
hatred or illwill , but If a crime has boon
committed to prosecute it impartially
and allow no guilty ono tooscapo through
fear , favor or hope of reward.
lie had often congratulated grand
jurors in the rural ouuuljes upon the
observance- law in their jurisdictions.
Biwl it is the misfortune in this county
where there Is a largo and growing western -
orn city , that crime is constantly being
committed and jurioa in Douglas county
liavo , always In later years , find
DffbnseB to investigate and make present P
ments against.
Of late the crime against the lives of
persons has constantly boon increasing
not only in this county and atato but olso-
whoro. A morning paper can scarcely
bode road now , ono day in a year , that
iocs not contain the details of ono or
inoro murders. The cause of this Is the
growing tendency of men to carry the
deadly revolver by which means are
placed , In the hands of ruffians to com
mit crimes , compared with these against
property sink Into insignificance. But
this is moro a matter of legislative inter
ference , but all infractions of the law as
now is should bo investigated with
Much has been said of late about thoi
natlagoment of municipal affairs , and
vitn respect to this ho had but ono aug-
aition to oiler. If these rumors are W
imply public clamor , they should find no
ilaco in the panel. If found to bo true
hose committing the offenses should bo
lealt with the aamo as in other cases.
lo admonished them to aoaaon justice
lth mercy , and to presume no man to bo 01
The Court then turned hia remarks to
ho subject of gambling , which ho char do
ctomod as the most ruinous and do- nni
tructlvo of vices. Although experience nnime
laa shown there la a deep-rooted propon- Cli
ily in man to gamble , it should bo ch
rownod upon and prosecuted , novortho-
oss. Of all vices , there is none so per-
liclous as this ono , and ho would say to At
young men to shun the gambling table- AtHi
they I would the gates of death or hell
solf. These remarks , the Court con
inuod , might not bo called for , bub ho
ould leave that matter for the jurora to
Ho then instructed them upon their
utioa respecting ferries and the county
, duties nspocially enjoined on them
The jury than retired to its room and
ftor a half hour's deliberation adjourn- ed
for the day. edwa
The court then called the first 200 wa -
Mea on the docket and adjourned to sec
:30 o'clock this' morning Til
'lie A. M , 10. Conference Blnkcs Its on
Anpolntiuontu anil Acfjourns , blc
The annual session of the Kansas con- th
Bronco of the A. M. ,15. church con- sot
ludcd Its labors last evening with the lof
flowing appointments. api
.Tnmoa II. Htibbnnl. Prodding KUor. pin >
T. N. Triplott , Uonvor. Col. the
J. 1' . Howard , Wyamlotto , Kan ther
Win. Hnrwoll , Nortli lawroucn , Knn.
H. H. Lucas , North Topokn , Knu. wh
K. M. Dnlo , Manhattan , Kim. un
, JnckBon , BonUlor , Col. ap
A. K. Jackson , Lcadvlllo , Col. on
. K Wulr , Junction City , Knn. vai
Mntthuw Jones , Tonznnonlo , Kon.
ChaH. II. Lowia , Tililon , Knn. thi
. W. IJyrd. Cheyeimo , Wyo. clfl
Lcavonworlh distiict Jninua W. Jiranton , the
residlog older , Lonvenworth. do'
. ) . 1' . Wfttfon , J. It. Origgsby , Atchinon , or
T. A. Hubbsrd , Onmlm , Nob. HOI
W. A. Moore fes
, Lincdlu , Nob.
. . . , . . . , .
A.W. i > XT i t s-t *
Itftmsny , Nt-lirnHkii City , Nob.
. If. Wnltnn , Whlto IJuud. ] v . mil
. U. Wallace , Hiawntlia , Ks. dot
Henry W. King , Hollon. Ks.
To bo supp led Troy , KB , Blue Rapids , clur
. H. Drown , Miff Bond , KB. da
Uunl. Cyrds , Odlcnloiua , ICs.
Ht. .In opli , lllrl Mitchell.
. Itice , trauafcrrod to tlioMieeouri confer- gai ;
uco.ObidiMi Sonunera tramfurrcd to Cnllforni *
John Spenca tranaferrod to the South Knn- Sin '
confcreuco. Vu
AVulcoW l/eoldoa tlio Onso of
lllrkott AKalnat tlm City In
Favor of Dofoiiilant.
Tlon. Judge Wakoloy yi-storday morn- TliMu
upon iho convening of court for the Mu
ctobor term rendered his decision in Oo
celebrated case of Mary A. Birkott Hi
gainst the city ot Omaha.
The cult was Ot J
nstiluted to recover damages against the Bat
lefondaut in the sum of $0,283. The
seta up in the first count that the
is the owner of lot G iu block
in this city , fronting on Pierce street. Un Kvi
1878 thu grade of this street was 1
stablished and in 1883 the plau as pro- ' & 1
losod W B carried out , ho fill in front of M. i
ilaintiff'e properly , caused by the pro- Ml
losed grade being cloven foot nine vill
tichca. l'
To this count a general demurrer was t
interposed , on the ground that t1 cjly
is not liable , under the presojt chartcr
where there is n chr
except ngtj of graje >
The followng is the conc'
ion of Jalgo
Wakeloy's somewhat rolamminus , and
very able decision
"Tho TotuU.of my rcfloctions and study
of the authorities is that my mind rests
EAtUficd with the conclusion , that this
cU.y by obtaining in whatever lawful
' .nimnor the fee or oatomont in its streets
acquired , as incident thereto , and in.
separable therefrom the right to grade
them and fit them for the municipal uses
for which they were designed. If this
bo so the damage sustained by plaintiff ,
unless from the dofcndant's trrospaso or
ncgllgonco was , under the present , ru
under its former constitution , daranum
abuqui injuria.
It is needless , except to avoid possible
erroneous inferences to say that this con
clusion in no way applies to cases of
change of grade provided for In our present -
ont charter and in which changes are al
lowed , This provision is _ based on an
underlying principle of justice often
recognized by courts when powerless to
enforce it that ho who has improved his
property oe expended his money on the
faith of a qrado once established has a
peculiar equity to bo indemnified against
changes , oven if there bo a lawful right
to make them , Nor is it intended to say
that there may not bo a remedy in the
courts for a spoliation of property or
abuses of discretion in the exercise of
the grading power by municipal author- !
If I am mistaken and this action can
jo maintained on its full extent the con
sequences are startling. Ibis , and every
city in Nebraska , besides the great and
enormous expenses of bringing its streets
tcw grade , must virtually grade all the lots
within it. Between doing this and payJo
ing verdicts for the cost of doing it by
the owners there is no practical differm
once , Upon this condition it would noa
copt the dedication of streets in every
plat of outlying broken and uneven
ground . put upon the market for specula-
tion. Whether It has oven the privilege
under present laws of refusing so
disastrous a gift would become a
momentous question. As , however , the
petition contains allegations which I think
allow a trespass , and from which , perth
ha , negligence should bo inferred , I
th it proper to overrule the demurrer ,
And I think it bolter , also , that the case
bowl finally determined upon all the facts ,
which in respect to some matters that
may bo material are not shown.
Dedication nt Bellcvne.
0n Thursday morning , October Oth ,
Dlarko Ball , al Bellevue college , Bella-
vuo"wlll bo formally dedicated. On
that occasion will bo observed the follow-
moan AM HE :
Address nnd delivering of the keys , by Hon.
U. T. C/nrko / , of Omaha T
acceptance of the keys , by Hov. UiM
. J , Ilnrshn , D. 1) . , president of the college. M
Music. iy
Dedicatory prayer by Chaplain Writrht ,
I'lattsmouth. anwe
Music , we
Address by JJov. Hcrrlck Johnson , D. D , , thi ;
Mi DM chairman board of aid for colleges , ha
Chicago. : sic
At 2 o'clock . . It Is
p. m. expected that a largo
jolcgation of Omaha Indians will bo present
md ro-Intor thu remains of tliolr ancestors for bn
merly burled on the si to now occupied by thi ;
Clarke llall. Thcso ceremonies will bo iu pri
ihargo of the llov. W. Hamilton , who , for
about bnlf a century , has been missionary
tin Indians.
N. B.-A special floopor will leave liollovuo or
0:31 : p. in . , for the meeting of the synod at as
Hastings. yean
L'lio Thlra Evixnsvlllo Onmo
of the
Present ] SorlcH and Another Homo ko
Victory , Score J > to a tin :
Yesterday's game was a brilliantly play- Ev ovi
one ana the defeat of the Evanavlllca dli
-vaa the fruit of the hard luck , which
loomed to cripple their every effort.
Cimo and again they filled the bases but To
mro as fate aomo ill-atarrod slugger
ivould fnco Salisbury and fan out. In
ho field their work was faultless , the
irrors charged to Ilafl'orty boinR oxous-
lo , Ilillory changed with Marr in
ho fifth inning and his playing behind
ho ( bat , was thorough. Thompson made :
omo excellent ono-liand catchea in the )
field , ono in particular winning the
of the audience. Ooldaby dla-
inguishod himself at center by his fine )
laying. The work of the U. P'a was ot 10
uaunl aplondid character ; o
The attendance was ridlculoutly small ,
rhich is but final proof that Omaha is ho
inworthy of a peed ball club. Further
ippoala ] to the jiublio to support this , the
inly ! summer pleasure oflorod hero , are
rain and useless. With the diabandmnnt ho
his fall the existence of the Union I\\-
ilfio base ball club doubtless ends. All mt
so of its tnombnrahip who are not tied
lown in Omaha by inseparable business
family ties will sign for the next sea.
with clubs abroad , where their pro- or
cssional skill entitles them to play.
5von if Omaha moots its pronont pro-
iilaca of future growth , it will bo a full
locado before she will support as good a
lub as the Union Pacific ) of the past. t
The Evnnavlllo games are continued to- ID
lay. ]
Following ] is the oflicial score for the irst
amo yesterday :
n In ro A E
2b . 1 0 4 1 g sir
todr f . str
fisncr , 1. f , . . , . ,
Mini ; hoiisor , c. t. , . a a 2 1 o as
JWVJT , 1U . 1 1 10 0 0 iiid
iVwI.h n , e . o ,2 1 1 0 pi >
iVItitnoy , 3b. . . . . . 1 1 U 0 0 PCI
Juvanuugh , o . 2 2 0 4 II Pe
, p o 0 0 U .
0 11 VI 17 2 n
, , , u lb ro A K
louden , lb 0 1 13 1 u
flioinpuoii , 1. f 0 0 i ! 1 1
tlurr , c nnd 3b , . , , . . . . 2 0 1 ! 0
lo.iru. B. H , , . . , . . , , I ) 1 C ,1 j
lOhUliy c , f , . . . , 0 200 jud
lillery ! , Sbniidc. . , . , 0 500
Ulfwty , lib " ' ' ' 0 2 4 JJ itv t
oivelf'j ; J ) , , , . , , , , , , U 0 2 C 2 to
launders , r. f 0 0 0 0 1 the
Total * . hey
2 0 27 10 8 ]
ilT INNIWOB. froi
1 'J 3 1 5 C 7 8 0 for
Tnlon 1'acifies. . , 0
ivnuitvillon. OOOlOOUl 0 2 HOT
Throu-baso hit Heard. (
Two baaa hill Punklmuier , Sowdera.
Struck out Vltner , Howders , Thoiniwon , ack
rr , Oolthby , Hillcry , Orowell , Bnundera. got
° " bl803 Ull' ' > ) n i'aclfio C ; -
3 cou
Wild pltcliBB-Sali'bury 1 , Crowell 8. nd !
' n , d balls-Jfurr 2. | . , ,
Umpire Itoekwell , Ibm
Tluio of gomo-1 Lour and 40 minutes. J to (
The Convention of Ijocomotlvo Firemen -
men nt Toronto ,
The western delegates to the conven
tion of the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Firemen , held at Toronto from Septem
ber 23d to the 20th , have returned homo.
Mr. T. D. Kinney , the delegate of the
Omaha lodge , and Mr. Casey , visiting
member , arrived last Friday night. The
convention was successful in every re
spect and the visitors speak highly of
their reception by the Canadians.
The brotherhood was organized eleven
years ago at Port Jervis , N. J. , with
nine members. Now it has a member ,
ship of 12,000 , represented by 238
lodges. Sixty now lodges were organized
during the past year. Considering its
ago it ia ono of the strongest and best
managed labor organizations in the Unit
ed Statca. And the secret of its strength
and success lies in the fact that disreput
able and dishonest persons finds no shel
ter under its folds. Men who bring dis
credit upon themselves or their employ
ers by neglect of duty ordurkonnnso , are
driven from the organization and cannot
again become members until thoroughly
reformed. The matural result of such a
standard rigorously maintained is shown
in the growth of the organization. A
certificate of membership is n certificate
of good character , and is recognized and
honored aa such by all the railroad mana
gers in the country.
Ono of the principle results of the la p
convention was the increase of the in
surance from $1,000 to § 1,500. An in
teresting caao Involving the insurance of
a deceased member of the Los Angeles
lodge , came up for adjudication , The
facts showed that the wife of the do-
mured conspired with a paramour to
ancdor ; him to obtain the $1,000 insur-
ccao. Ono night aa the fireman stopped
from his engine at a station near Loa
Angolco ho was shot twice and instantly
killed. The wlfo and her siaior , dressed
in men's clothes , with their male assist
ant : did the bloody work. They were
arrested , tried and convicted. The man
was sentenced to state's prison for life ,
the wife got five years and the sister got
free. The claim for the insurance then
fell into the hands of a lawyer but the
brotherhood refused to honor the claim ,
but appropriated § 1,000 for the support
of the dead brother's children.
The name of the organization has boon
changed to "Tho Brotherhood of Loco
motive lircmtm of North America , " to
CO lodges which will soon bo organized
in Old Mexico. The failure of the state
department to secure the triil or release
of a member of the brotherhood impris
oned in Mexico"was vigorously denounc
ed About a year ago a train-crow of
four--onginoor , fireman , brakeman and
conductor were arrested for running
over a man on the Mexican Central.
< vo of the crow were citizens of the
United States , one Canadian and ono
Mexican , The British minister prompt
demanded the release of the Canadian
\nd had him liberated in less than two
weeks , the Mexican was also releasedbut
ho other two were not given a trial and
iave been kept in a filthy prison over
liiice , eleven months. The train man Be
running | into town where they are im
prisoned j bring them food to keep them
Tom starvation. The officers of the
3rotherhood have personally presented
hcso tacts to the secretary of atato , who
promised "to look into the matter. "
The election of officers resulted : S. M.
Stevens , ofVurro Haute , Indiana , grand
organizer | The following were elected
executive committee for the ensuing
pear : S. Vaugn , Burns , Dyer , Mayo and
Wilson , and the Messrs. Cripps , Ilynea
md Tucker were elected as a board of
trustees. The next business was to lo- S3
ate the next place of meeting , and aa al tb
npst every city seamed anxious to enter BM
tain the brotherhood , the contest was a Clt
coon one , but finally narrowed down to tic
ho cities of Now York , Now Orleans frc
md Philadelphia. The latter cicy was
wuntually chosen for next year's session.
Sugono Y. Doba , of Terre Haute , lu-
llana , has boon re-elected secretary.
North Omnhn.
the Editor of THE BEE.
For the period of nearly a year a largo
iroportion of the residents of North
Jmnha have boon constantly striving to
lave the north branch of North Omaha lot Co
ircok bridged sufltclontly to make it pas- BU nc
lablo at reasonable distances along its ncnrc
ourso. Petitions almost without num- Ch
)0r have boon presented to the council ,
md both members from the Sixth
vard have boon importuned and
egged again and again with
other result than to refer the matter
committees rrhoso utter disregard of
ho interests of this locality is proven by
fact that not n-thing has boon done
awards affording roliof. About three
nontlu ago a petition was presented to
council for a brldgo at Twenty-first
treot. The council granted the petition The
that tras as far as they wont toward tor
mild ing the bridgo. A resolution was lion
ntroduojd by Mr. Anderson , and tin
lassod at the last council mooting tinT
a bridge nt the aamo place , Im
leaven knows when that will bp heard Fr
roni again. But if the question bo , FrPi
rhothor should bo laid
n brldi'o at
twenty-first and Twouty-socond streets ,
soomo.plain that Twenty-second should Hate
the selection , for the reason that to i
hould the bridge bo built on Twenty the
, it would ail'ord but little [ Improve-
uent upon the present condition of those
llvo further up the crook. The
rholo distance between the Saundors'
trout bridge nnd the Clark
treot bridge would bo left almost
bad as it is now. Whnt is absolutely
< urgently needed for the relief of this
rt nf the city is a bridge nt Twenty-
econd street , and ono at Mraco street ,
'orhaps a dozen persons a day on an
.vornge , may bo soon struggling around
bewilderment to got out of or into this
aol&ted , God-forsaken locality.
Polloo Court.
At tills court yesterday morning the
udgo was kept busy filing complaints and
was os much ns a bargain to find time
try I the regular grist * of prisoners as
wore marched into the dock.
Bill Nugent was the first man to the
rout and ho was nsaossod $5 and costs
having indulged too freely in the
owing bowl.
Owen Connolly , poor old ' Whisky
, " could not stand it any longer and
on & rip roaring drunk Saturday. In
ourt his plea as usual was for leniency
ho said if the judge would only lot
go up to the county jail long enough
got thoroughly labored up ho would 18A
try once to keep sober. Ho was
given seven days.
Chas. Fisher was n hard looking fellow
who _ -was charged with assaulting and
boating his poor old mother. Ho wni
held until such time as his mother would
bo nblo to appear.
Three disturbers of the pcaco were
fined $5 each and coats.
On complaint of n man who han s
around the Tivoli garden , whoso name is
"Fred Oeize , " n young girl named Dolly
Murphy was arrested nnd charged with
stealing two rings , IIo s.iya that ho lot
her ( have the rings nnd that when ho
wanted them she returned ono but kept
a diamond ring that she knows nothing
about it. JQo was drunk tt the time and
his diamond ring was probably nil in his
mind , upon her examination she was
Army Urdcrn.
Assistant Surgeon Arthur W. Taylor ,
U. S. A , having reported at these head
quarters in compliance with paragraph 1 ,
special orders 215 , current series from
the headquarters of the army , is assigned
to duty at Fort Omaha , Nob.
The leave of absence for seven (7) ( ) days
granted Lieutenant D. L. Ilowoll ,
Seventh infantry , in orders No. 184 ,
dated Fort Laramie , Wyo , , September
(10,1881 ( , is extended twonty-throo (23) ( )
dnys , with permission to apply tu head
quarters division of the Missouri , for an
extension of ono month.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder ncn or varies. A. marvel ol purely ,
strength and wholcsomoncsg. Moio economical tlmn
the ordinary kindsand cannot bo guld In competition
with the multitude ot low teat , ehort weight Mum'.or
phosphate powdora. Sold nnW In C.IDB , ROYAL
BAKING POWDER CO. , lOQWall street. , N. Y.
, Ai
Besides the advantag ot n solid Engljib. and Classi
cal education , epacl care will bo devoted to tbo
Practical Surveying
Book-Keeping , Banting ana Commercial
Flvo i nowproesscrsha\o been added to the faculty
for this purpose.
S3T Vocal Music , German and French , optional. JET
NEW : STUDENTS must present themselves during
tbo week ending August 31 , between 0 and 12 a. m. ,
nd they trust bo runly to etand examination to Jo-
clde their rank In the course.
Prof. Lamhort will give duo notlco for the resump
tlon of the ovenliu ; course In Chemistry. Tuition thi ;
frco. No distinction on account of creed.
nutf. 19 tu thurs sat Ot a \
TO ONK AND ALL. Are jou Buffering Iron n
Congli , Cold , Atthnn , UronchltlJ , or anj of the \ar-
Ions ( ml > ouary troublet tint 10 alien ciul In Con
sumption ? If so , use "Wllbor'a 1'uro Cod Liver 01 1C
accl time , " a Bale and nuru remedy. This la no quacli
preparation , but Is iCKiiIaily prcicrlbeil by tlio mcil-
lea faculty Manuficturd only by A , B. WILUOK ,
Chemist , Bcston. told li }
Tbo Bcnolutlo year coumcncce on tn
First in Seuleilicr ,
courao ol Instruction embraces all tbo Eleraca
toryand higher branrfios of a finished education
Olaeronco of Ilellfrfon la no obetado to the nlmla-
ol youn ; ladles I'uiilli are received it any
time of the > ear.
Including lloirJ , Wailing , Tuition In KnglUh ud
t'renou < , iua ol booku. Vluio , i > er eosulou ot
Five. Mouths , § 150.00
EXTIU CIIAHOK3-nrnwlnir , 1'alntlD ? , Gcrinj
Harp , Violin , Otiltur and Voukl Mu Ic.
lletaronoeu nra loqulred from til persona unknow
the I Institution. For further lutormatinn apply
BlTMirer , Sccop ,
Measure , \\'ciiricr ,
Uredcer , Rico
Waiher , Tomato ,
lumpUn , Starch ,
Wine and I'ruit
Strainer. Twelve
article ! In one.
ettl :
Morn loll thin til
other Sltvei ana SIAtii
combined I liver > bodr ]
Ilkci them I Wo nuke
Uree blftert and MUert
lot titad tn I | M > % cr.
V , rite fur tiulopic ,
Co. , Cincinnati. O. , >
C > lSt.Ne V ik.
Aerntf w ete < l lor ur
Kltcnea Epcctftltiti ted
ItuaUl Slnct C k levk
LAfEJn'iIA.No/IiCiy. } ? ' ! / RS
rosin.KiNinor FINE'WORKIM
* ' ' ' ' '
PIAN2s''on01AN8'nt'R. CARSV'&C.
Trr EpaMg tvRYrTURM * r CnMtfu/
OLAS8 , CHINA , dc. , iO.
I j \r HJ"9 JjtCf ttuH. J > iJm , IflM.
RUSSIA CIiI ! iTCO.Gloncester , as3.
Himebaugh & Taylor ,
Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home top
less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it.
Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Neuraaska.
Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track ,
Orders for Hie Indiau Department given for Buffalo Scales ex
clusively. Scale
Ii05 Douglas Street. OMAHA. NEBRASKA
Visitors to the Stale and others in need of Men's , Boys' and Children's
Clothing , will do well to call on
The Strictly One Price House in the City
\.nd examine their goods and prices. They carry the largest stock , ancJ
sell lo\ver than any other house in the city. Merchant Tailors
don't fail to call at
L216. 1216
The largest Stock in OmahagntiWes the lowest Prices
Just reoolved an aaaortment far surpaselng anything in fchla market , coajjniSn [ \
ho latest and moat tasty designs mannfaotnrod for thin aorlng'a trade r nd oovarl A
range of prices from the Cheapest to the moat Expensive.
ovr ready for theinapeotion of CUB- Complete stock of all the latesb
tomers , the newest noveltips in styles in Turcoman , M djasjmd
Suits and Odd Pieces. Lace Curtains , Etc. , Etc.
Elegant Passengsi ? SSlevato * to all floors.
ISOO , 1808 and 1210 Farnarn Street , - - - - ( MAEA NEB
II. MILLARD , President. WM. WALLACE. Uasliier ,
Capital and 8umb@B S5OO.OOO.
Flro nntl Bnrlar Proof Safes for Kent at f r m 55 to 850 per annum
li i
KAHUJMl'AHUUS 0703 n' UC L7 ? IOLV.Ct& 3
'nnri '
CtUJorai < uin < ibid lite aeon appliestlor.
OT 03
w" S w" § S rf .
H § S W § a i
20TH STS , , OMAHA , NEB ,