Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1884, Image 4

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Omnhrv omoo , No. OKI Furtiixm St.
Oouncunttinviomco , NO 7 o r st
Direct , Notxr Bronilwfty.
New York Ofilco , lloom 05 Xrllmno
Building. _
rnbUfhed every rrpmtnir. , eictpt Snndy < Tb
oal > UoadAjr morning dally.
One T if . fIO.00 I Three Monthl . fS.03
BIcUoDlbl . 1.00 | One Month . 1.00
for Week , SS Cents.
ran wmr B I , roi - nio ITMT ;
Cc T r . HCO I Three Months . I CO
UxMonths. . : .00 | Ono Month. . , . SO
Atcerlun Noni Company , Solo Agentf , Ntwideal-
it la the United SUtos.
A , OommtinlMtlotin rotating to Newt And JMIlorlil
cutlet ! should be addressed to tbe KoirOR or Tni
BtmtHKss urrma.
All Bn ! n n tetters and Romlttanocl ihonld be
nJdrcoscxl to Tni Cm POTIUBITIRO OOUMHT , oxini.
Pratt * , Checks and Pottofflce orderi to b made pay-
bl to tbe order ol the company.
E/nOSEWATBR. dltor.
A. ir. Fitch , Manajror Bally Circulation , P.
O. Box , 488 Omahn , Neb.
THE King of Siatn , who ia credited
with 2C3 children , ought to make a good :
Mormon. .
likanosa appears in
iho Chicago Sunday Telegram. The oc.
companyiug political pon-portrait ia nol
ao complimentary aa the poor wood-cut
of his excellency. tiW
THE latest reports from Ohio are of the P
most encouraging chnractor for the re. d
publicans , and the prospects now are that dQ
they will carry that State next Tuesday
by over 10,000 majority. iccc
IF the law is enforced a largo number th
of ponsons who have wagered money on Is
the election will bo prevented from pr
voting. However , there ia'nt much fear wi
of the law being enforced , P'
ONE of'the ' latest tricks of John Chin miBi
aman to evade the United States restric roj
tion laws , Is to go to Cuba , got himself coi
naturalized there , then invade this coun JU
try as a Spanish subject , and boldly say , ag ;
"What are you going to do about it ? " W
crt '
Ex SENATOK TAIIOII , of Colorado , is agi ;
aaid to liavo lost heavily during the past ho
.year through the depreciation of hia min in
ing property , and cotno important specu bn
lations , among which may bo mentioned la i
the inveatmont in the campaign for the
.gubernatorial shoos. ;
JUDGE TOUHOEB , author of "A Pool's agi
lErrand , " who was opposcdto | the nomina agi
tion of Blaine , now cornea out heartily in tht
Lis support. Ono of his rcasona for sup crc
porting the republican nominee ia that eraser
the association of "silent "
spectators" of ser
the war for the union with the zealoua the
and active copperhead makes it his prc
patriotic duty to do ao. ecu
THE Chicago Sunday Telegram pays wa
its respects to a distinguished citizen of goc
Omaha , as follows : of
Dr. Qaorgo L Miller , of the Omaha ant
Jlcrald , has lately boqn to Now York , bac :
and while there vibitod some of the
leaders of Tammany and. the county
democracy , at which Interviews ho was
pleased to make weather
some predictions Kill
and ether prophesies. Dr. George L.
Miller , it will bo noted , ia an obese man , the )
who invariably bases his conclusions on don
what ho thinks the party with whom ho nov >
is conversing wants him to say.
\ , PREPARED gum-wood is being given a fen
i fair trial as a pavement in St. Louis. In
speaking of pavements the St. Louis Re low
publican says :
" 1'ho west end of the city now o flora '
to the public four parallel streets con
structed with great care , and for the
present In excellent order. Locust Is r
laid in asphalt , a composition resembling \ >
, stone , and presenting at smooth a surface Ind
aa a brick pavement. Olive is paved
with granite , and is as clean and hard aa A r ?
flint , as streets thus paved aro. Pine , Inn
like Locust , is made of asphalt without
joint or break , after the manner of the 1
streets of Washington city , and isctnooth elm
as a polished iluor. And Chestnut is . A
being now complotcd with gum-wood as issi
above described. Thono are tha most
used streets south of Washington avenue , 1
loading to the western part of the ctty. tticA
A few years' time will enable the people of
"to judge of the relative merits of the
several methods followed in their con 3
struction. " vai
TUB word "dudo" has at last found its
way into court. A young man in Mon
treal has made complaint agaimtt another coi
for insulting him by calling him "a coi
dudo. " The plaintiffs appearance in orl
-court satisfied the spectators that no far sti
.as ha was concerned the defendant had pr
not curiously maligned him oven if ho applied - pace
U plied the epithet in question. The legal co
joint at iflsue , however , was whether an grmi
insult , punishable by fine or imprisonment - mice
ment , had been offered in public. For a coOi
long time , in the amusing turn which the Oi
case took , the real issue was lost eight of. In t
Both sldos were represented by able tliSi
counsel , and a largo number of witnesses Si
had boon summoned chiefly , it seems , tl
with a view to discovering the exact meaning - ftEC
ing of the word "dudo. " To this end ECu
a multitude of questions were u
asked and a bewildering variety n
of definitions were elicited , as may bo o'a
Pi imagined when it Is mentioned that the a
witnesses Included lawyers , civil norvico
employes , policemen , well known young
flirolle , tailorj , merchants , theatrical
agente , Riid journalists. The court room
was packed during the trial , and the as
eeiublago included sorao of the leadiug
people. In the end the court stated tha
it wo thoroughly bovrildored ai to what
a "dudo" actually wa , but os it was no
proved that the alleged Insult had taken
place In the public atreat ho would die- 1
miss tbe case , The plainllff declares that
ho will carry the case to a higher court ,
We would eupgett that if he Isn't a dude
to should chajlougo his iiinultor to mortal
h ) V combat.
The republican convention yesterday
for tlio nomination of a candidate for con
gress in the Ninth Dietrict was probably
the most disgraceful gathering of thnt
kind that 1ms over been known in St.
Louis. There UR not even a pretense of
dignity , or order , or of propriety in the
proceedings. The bosses were in the
saddle from the atari , and pushed things
in their own peculiar way , nnd with ft determination -
termination to compass the object which
they hud barpainod to accomplish at any
cost to the interests of the parly. A
nomination forced by such irregular and
offensive methods Is , of course , no nom
ination at all , in the eyes of reputable
and proper-minded citizens. No man
who cares for public opinion or/ has n
reasonable regard for the common decen
cies of politics can nflord to accept such a
nomination ; and certainly no sincere and
self-respecting republican voter can
afford to indorse it or bo bound by it.
There is an excellent opportunity pre
sented for some honest and capable man
to enter the field as an independent can
didate. That is porhups the only solu
tion of the matter. The bosoos have got
t technical control of the party machin
ery. By corruption , intrigue and bull-
lozing they have succeeded In placing
their man before the people , and the only
.hing loft the people to do is to
ind another man for whom they
an vote without forfeiting their ,
irinciples and their manhood. The
.itno has como when St. Louis ropubli-
ana of the true and honest sort should
issort themselves in rebuke of the ocan-
lalous work by which the party nnmo in
his city has boon oatragod and the party
volfaro given over to mockery. A point ;
tas boon reached where something posl-
ivo nnd determined must bo done in the
ray of correction and purification , or the
larty organization may as well bo aband- ;
nod ] and everything surrendered to the
oraocrats < fully and finally. St. Louis
Hobo Democrat.
Such an emphatic rebuke to the polit-
ial bosses "who have got a technical
sntrol of the party machinery" from
10 loading republican paper of Missouri
very significant nnd affords aufliciont
roof that it is high time for reform
b. >
ithin the party. The Globe-Democrat's
retests is in full accord with the sonli-
.cuts that have bcon uttered by TUG
EC for years. Down in Missouri the
ipublican party is In tha minority , nnd Dl
irtainly the party press would bo more Dln
istiGablo ! in suppressing its indignation ol
ainst ; the convention packers and rings , olU
'lion such the Qlobc-Dcmo-
a paper as - -
( it makes Buoh a vigorous protest frne
ainst bossism it certainly ought to bo tli
lodod by every republican who has the tlitl
itorcst of his party at heart. In No- tlnt
ask n advantage is take of the fact that
a presidential year to use the false ,1.
guinont that every republican who votes
ainst a local republican candidate is a
liter that a republican who votes
ainst Weaver and Laird is voting
alnst Blaine and Logan. The truth is
at whoever docs vote for ft bad con-
cssman , bo ho republican or demo- th
\t , is n traitor to his country , and troa-
ti to the country is moro reprehensible *
in treason to party. The best of
to !
csidonts cannot make laws for the
untry. Congress alone represents the ha
islativo power , and if the republicans
nt to rule , the party roust nominate '
od mon , who will serve the interests
the people , and the political bosses
1 [ corporation cappers must take a
k seat.
OMAHA , Oct. Gth. coi
itor Dally BEK. joi
you ploauo inform mo through aci
columns of the Bun how
many preei- als
itial candidates and tickets there are
v iu the field ? pr
EDWAUD SiiUEit. tin
Chore are six presidential tickets , of 801
ding to the discriminating : voter a
at variety of choice. They are as fol- bo
rs : no >
'resident Jamoa G. liluino , of Slaino.
A. Logan , of Illinois. . .
'resident Orovor Cleveland , of Now York , uo
fico-l'rcsldcnt Thomas A. Hondricks , of
roaidont John P. St. John , of ICaiisns. it , . :
" ' - * ' -William Daniel , o * Mary-
nl. wt
'resident Benjamin F , Butler , of Mnsta-
lrico-l'realdout Amoa M. West , of Miaa- In i
PI' ! . stc
L'rcHldnnt Uulva A. Lock wood , of the DIs- po
ct of Columbia. ,00
Vico-1'rpsltlont Sirs. Dr. Glomonco Lozlur ,
Kuw ; Yorlc. pa
I'rojIdcnt-W. L. Ellsworth , of IVnnsyl.
Vlcn-rrosldent Oharloa II , Waterman , of
aw York. ca
Tin ; proposition made by the county
mmisslonors to the yotors of Douglns
unty to soil the old court-houso prop-
ty nnd devote the proceeds to tlio con-
ruction of retaining nnd
aj > al :
roaches to the now courfc-houno and to
ty for the necessary grading , does not
intomplato the absolute disposal of the
ound. As wo understand it , the com-
iftslonors propose to transfer tha old
mrt-houso property to the city of
maha , which has a partial title already ,
exchange for the englno house lot at
10 southwest corner of Faruam aud
ixteonth streetsmid it is proposed to sell >
ills latter lot to the Omaha board of trade
jra alto for chamber of commerce. The
aonoy derived from this source is to bo
isod , as wo have already said , upon the
tow court house and grounds. This ox-
ihango appears to us to ba very desir
able , and the proposition of the county :
lommisslonors ought to bo carried , as it
rill probably will bo. There always
would bu some question as to the title of
the old court housojgrouuds if sold by the
aounty to private parties. It ia held by
lomo of our'.bcst lawyers tliatthoproporty ,
when abandoned by the county , would ro
vjrtjo the city , but by the proposed ox-
obango'tho city will como into possession
ot a valuable picco of propertywhich maybe
bo used temporarily for a olty lull , and
eventually it can bo im
proved by the . erection ol
a rul'slantiul city building thoroon. I
the olty should decide to null these
grounds and build elsewhere it
rc&lizo in a few years from the sale of
the property almost enough money to
build n first-class city hnll building , On
the other hind the ground occupied by
engine homo No. 3 ought to bo Im
proved , nnd o chamber of commerce
could not bo located moro centrally than
at the southwest corner of Sixteenth and
Karnam streets. The wooden shanties
that now occupy that lot are unsightly
structures , and no special advantage Is
derived by the city in having such val
uable property used for an engine house
location. '
IT is rather a surprising fact that the
method of electing the president of the
United States scorns to bo not fully un
derstood by a great many persons , and an
explanation may provo interesting to a
largo number of our readers at this timo.
The people of every sUto vote for as
many presidential electors as there are
congressmen and senators representing
the stato. Nebraska has three congress
men and two senators , making the num
ber of her electoral votes fivo. The
doctors chosen by each state moot at the
rcspcclivo state capitals in Decem
ber , and their votes are returned to
the president of the sonata and are for-
ivardcd under seal to Washington. There
they are opened in February and counted
n the presence of the two housns of con-
rcss in joint convention , Some people
rory foolishly entertain the idea that the
non Trho are now candidates for con-
rcss will take part in these proceedings.
Such is not the case , as the present house
if congress , which moots in Docsmbor ,
rill canvas the electoral vote in
i'obruary , and If no candidate
las received a majority of the
otcs in the electoral college , the present
IOU90 of representatives will elect the
resident. In that event thuy will vote
y state ? , each state casting ono vote.
? ho majority in each state rules and
asts the voto. For instance , in Nobraa-
a Weaver , Laird nnd Valentino , being all
cpublicans , will cast the vote of this
tate for Blaino. Tlio next congress has
lathing whatever to do with the election
f the president , and consequently if
Jrowr. and Stickol are elected to congress
rom Nebraska , they will have no voice
s to the presidency. They will iiottako
lioir seats until after the inauguration of
ho next president , on the 4th of March
cxt. In the event of iho election of
resident by the house of representatives
10 collate will elect tlio vice-president.
TUB Philadelphia Record , having boon 8I
iticisod because it has bought a largo f [
lantity of coal at a big discount and is c
lling ! it to poor people at a price much
slorr the retailor's rates , in order to fight
10 coal monopoly , says that "groat news- ;
ipors in those latter days have become
ere than moro purveyors of current in-
lligcnco. " This is berne outby the various
iportant enterprises and'reforms that
ivo boon accomplished by some ol our
oat newspapers , and notoJily by the
'ccord. It was this paper thnt snp-
rossed the Philadelphia bogus medical
illogo ! , and exposed and put an end to
ath-bod insurance and numerous other
auds and abuses. The Jtccord' in tak-
g unto itself a little w oil-earned praise ,
rroctly says that a widely circulated
urual has great opportunities for the
complishmont of good ends , and has o
so great responsibilities that It cannot
operly shirk. "Tho now journalism Bl
at has lot daylight into Central .A'f ' rlcar
nt out polar exploring expeditions , " '
73 the "Record , "and pushed almost
ijond the limit of fancy the business of
wa-gathoring , will no longer be tied
wn to old methods. The people hava
arncd to expect advantage as wolll aa M
otruqtlou from trained and perfected d
iwapaper enterprise. "
THAT eloquent editorial entitled' "Lot
r *
.Die , " referring to the democratic party , fir
liich appeared in the Chicago
lout four years ago , will live long after
ID democratic party has ceased to oziat.
the present campaign it-is beingcon-
antly raproducod in the republican pa-
irennd is continually glaring the dora-
irats iu the faco. It is a powerful cam-
ugn document for the republicansand
is no vroudor that the democratic pa
irs nro now overhauling the ZifJit'8 ,
ho Chicago Telegram says that the Chi-
igo Tin < ss has long outlived its useful v >
ass , " and "in the language of ita.
liocy : 'Lot it dlo' . "
Tiisuis is uo question but what politico
ntors largely into the conditions ofitrade ,
ad it is generally an admitted fact that
uriag the presidential' year , portlc-
larly i there is any probability of a
liango iu the administration , business is
ull and unsettled. Uowovor , the fall
rado b picking up in a very encouraging
innnor throughout the east , and ohould
ho election in Ohio on Tuesday next ro-
ult in favor of the republicans aud the
ikdications now point that way there will
e an additional revival in business " 'as
in evidence of the faith of the
mblio in continued ropublioan ad-
ninistratlon , " aa iv loading eastern
ournnl is led to observe.
THK now gaa company in San Frauds-
o has boon consolidated with the old
jorporation , aud compotltion In prices
las coma to an end of courso. The price
af gnu has ouddonly jumped from § 1.50
to $2GO. It h thu samo.old jtory o <
corporate greed aud robbery over again
The prcu of that city recommends that
the people return to the use of. lamps and
OctoborC. 1'ive uiaakrd men
uutflred thu houio of Jolm Sherry , Saturday ,
wliilo the family were eating supper nnd coin.
iiiuiuled nil to hold up thilr lumls. TUry
iraggdl antl buuutl thu party nnd comiwlleil
Hhurry to open Ids tnjr , from which they took
9200 be lde which theyaUuatolo $ l,001 ! > which
M as concealed In Ibu Uumu , Nu clue Vi ( bo
Cabinets Tlial LODJJ to Astonish tiie
Coimlry ,
Tlio Men Kolcotcd by tlio rrosiilontlttl
Candidates to Assist In Hulli > K
tlio Nat ion ,
Now York Journal.
According to the best opinions to bo
obtained yesterday Mr. llainoif elected ,
will give the country a cabinet thnt will
bo truly representative of the talent of the
party lie loads.
For secretary of stale The lion. Wil
liam M. Evarta , of Now York.
For secretary of war The Hon. Thos.
Dayuo , of Pennsylvania , now n member
of congress from that state.
For secretary of the navy Mr. Wil
liam E. Chandler , the present incum
For secretary of the treasury William
B. Allison , of Iowa , or William Windom ,
of Minnesota , both of whom nro known
as export financiers.
For secretary of the interior J. 13.
ChalTop , ox-senator from Colorado , and
an acting member of the republican na
tional committee.
For Attorney-General Judge A. L.
Forakor , of Ohio , a famous western
For Postmaster-General Joseph IT.
Ilawloy , senator of Connecticut , an old
journalist and hard worker in the cam
Should Mr. Cleveland provo the victor
in the great fight in November his friends
predict the following cabinet :
For Scctotary of State Thomaa F.
Bayard , senator from Delaware.
For Secretary of War General George
B. McOlollan , of Now Jersey , who organ
ized and formed the Army of the Pete
mac.For Secretary of the Navy B. F.
Jonas , eonator from Louisiana , n work
ing mpmbjr of the democratic national
committee , or Mr. Leopold Morse , a
lending merchant of Boston , Mass.
For Secretary of the Treasury Sam
uel J. Randall , of Pennsylvania , or
Ilonrv G. Davis , of Weat Virginia.
For Secretary of the Interior Allen
G. Thurman.
For postmaster-general Francio Kor-
nan , ox-senator from JSow York.
For Trum-
attorney-general Lyman -
bull , ex-senator from Illinois.
The statesmen soy that uoithor Gcorgo
William Curtis nor Carl Schurz , who en
gineered the independent ropubfitan :
movement in favor of Cleveland , has a
ahanco lor a place in the cabinet. They
may got first class foreign micaions , how-
General Butler's cabinet , should ho at
tain the position Lo sayi ho ia fighting
for , will contain :
Mr , Plimpton , of Massachusetts , as
jccretary of state ; secretary of war , Col- :
3110 ! French , of Massachusetts , Governor
Butler's right-hand man in his campaigner
or the govorahip ; secretary of the navy ,
jharlea A. Dana ; secretary of the inter
ior , John F. Henry , of New York , a deal-
jr in drugs and medicines and the presi-
lent of the anti-monopolists ; secretary of
ho treasury. Lee Crandall , of Alabama ;
lostmoster-goneral , General Begolo of '
Michigan ; attorney-general , General
Parsons of Maryland.
Mr. F. BJ Thurber and other anti-
nonopoliats illibo rewarded for their
lervicos by custom house positions or
Candidate St. .Jojjjtiof the prohibltion-
ists , has not gi oh jyJiint , as yet , of his
ntentions , but'it ia thought that his cabi- >
ict , should ho bo lucky enough to bo
sloctod , would be about aa follows :
Secretary of statoNoal Dow , of Maine ;
ocrotary of war ; Senator Gibbs , of Now
fork ; secretary of the navy , John B.
3ough , the groat' temperance lecturer ;
ocretary of the treasury , 3 > . L. Moody ,
if Massachusetts , the revivalist ; secretary
if : the interior , Wands-Murphy , of Now
foraoy , the blue ribbon temperance crui-
For other Important places Mr. St.
fohn might draw upon the party for any
uantity of talent. Billie McGlory , a
econt convert , is open , to' ' any induce- >
aont , and thora- are other prohibilion-
ats who would not ref use nay reasonable
The cabinet of Mrs. B lva A. Lock- .
rood , should she become tb > prosi- _
tentcsB of thos United States , ia likely
obo made up aa follows :
For Secretary of State Mis * Susan B.
For Secretary of War Miaa Phrobo
Jozzons. Thia lady is futnoua for her ;
inn determination of character nnd ia
lonorally regarded by the woman's
ightera as an eminently fit solostion.
For Secretary of the N'avy Miss Koto
Field. This selection was mods becauao
rlra. Field is an experienced ocean trav- .
Her , and Is n stranger to thoco qualms
fhieh caused , a formeir-aacretary of the ' i
lavy to koopif BtudlouIynwoy from the
For Socrotnry of th a-Treasury John.
For Sooroiory of the" Intoitor Hanul-
on Wilcox. This Roatlomaa. having do-
'otod his lita to the oauso , it ii deeniodi
ut juat tliat ho rocoi7a somoi reward foa
its sorvicco. In this depastment , if IJD
san do but little good , it io not likely
tmt ho can-do much harm.
For Postmiatresa. ( < Buerali Miss LiUy.
For Attorney Goreral Br. Walker , , of
GOlil ) IN
Ininoa. IVIIao araJiaM , Who
Ifoiuid GolOs In CaHlorn „
To Jnmoa Wilacn Marahfcll the world
Is intioktod for a discovery which a tar ted.
the natcuiflhtng proapor&y of Ualifornia ,
atip mudo an epochin modem history ; . .
Iliu. natao will llvo la history , Mid bjs
potLy is a repxoach which the. citizens
of tha great nnd ilpuriahing state in
which ho resldiia ough promptly to ro-
inovo. The fouiiciivli n of Oahforlia's
wealth was laid by hla intelligence and
sagacity. Inlcssthau throo. years , after
the. Umo at which ho discolored olcl ,
what had been previously to his finding
the preciousinotal , a wildornosa country ,
KUS received into , thu sisterhood o the
sUtoai Sicraiauato has boon commem
orating the "admission , day "of 1850 ,
with Doing and onthuaiara , and the proa-
nnco of tha Rovoruor and other eminent
poraonc. What was said on that occasion
of tlio value of MaraluOl'a discovery , and
the honor given his lurno , will , we trust ,
bp supplemented by tbo subataxttial rccog-
uitiou of tha olaimi of n public benefactor
or , uow in old ago and poverty after i
worthy life , not uiily to freedom front ,
aiuiaty , but to plenty.
J unit a Witooji Manhall was bora Ir
llnpo township , Now Jersey , in 1912
After receiving a plain education ho
learned the trade of a coaoh and uagon
builder. Ho was smitten with th ;
"weatatw fever" whoa about 21 years old
and htviug traveled In ludiada and lli- ! { <
nois , I'QUght n factu ou the Platte l'ur-
chase , ntnr Ft. Loavenworth , Kan ' f.
II b- health was poor throughout the
period of hla rosidoncu nt that place , nnd
when hi'i doctor said ho must either die
or seek n change of air , ho packed up
nnd loft. It was on the 1st of May ,
18 M , when htf joined a train of 100
wagons bound let that ( at that time ) al
most unknown l nd , California. The
party reached its destination in Juno ,
1845 , and camped nt-Cacho Crcck.about
forty miles from when Sacramento now
stands. Frosn that point Iti members
took their several ways. Marahall nnd a
few others wont to Sutler's Fort , Sacra
mento county , irhoro ho entered the aor-
vice of General Suttor. About n year
after this , and after Marshall had begun
lifo in the stork buiiuoss on alarm of two
leagues in area , the Mexicans made nu
attempt to ptovcnt a- body of American
emigrants from entering California , This
led to the Boar Flap war , in which Gen.
Sutler , Marshall nnd others assisted as
volunteers , Gen , Fremont , of the United
States military post nt Suttor Bultoa , in
the defense of their countrymen. Fight
ing was frequent and severe. Marshall
took part in all the engagements of the
campaign , which reunited in n treaty ,
signed March , 1847 , recognising the in
dependence of California. Marshall then
procured his discharge and returned to
Suttor'n fort. Upon his arrival ho found
that moat of the cattle ho had loft on his
farm had boon stolen or atrayod during
hit absence. Ho therefore gave up his
farm , nnd began arrangements to atari in
the lumber business at Coloma , Amndor
county , as active partner with Gen. Sut
tor , who undertook to furnish the neces
sary capital. Work waa begun on the
mill In August , 1847.
On the 18th of January following ,
Marshall waa superintending the building
of the mill raco. After abutting oil the
water at the head of the rnco ho walked
down the ditch to see what Baud nnd
gravel had boon removed during the pre
vious night. Ho strolled to the end of
the race and stood looking at the mass of
debris. At this juncture his eye caught
the glitter of Bomothiup that Jay
lodged in n crevice on a rifilo of soft gran
ite , Ho stooped and picked up the sub-
atanco. It waa heavy , of n peculiar color ,
nud different from anything ho had aeon
in the atrcara before. Ho reflected as to
what kind of mineral the specimen could
be , and finally concluded that it was
oilher mica , Bulphurotoa of copper or
gold. It waa to 3 heavy for mica , was not
brittle , as are sulphurates , and remem
bering that gold was malleable , ho placed
the iiuggot on a tlat stone nnd bagan
itriklng it with another. The aubstanco
lid not crack or fiakooif , but simply flit- .
onod under the blows , and Marshall was
latiafied that he had indeed made an
important discorcry. In several
lays he collected a few ounces
if the precious metal , and as
10 had occasion to visit Suitor's
tart in n short time , ho took the speci
mens with him. Ho informed Suttor of
lia discovoiy , but the general wag in-
redulou3 , and it waa not until- chemical
ixporimonta had aottlcd the question bo-
rend any doubt that ho would admit the
nineral waa gold. At iast all doubt fad- .
id , nnd the ozcitement began to spread.
f Jio news ilaw over the country liho wild-
ire , nnd thoao whiles who were then in
California wontr- into the quest for gold
vith great ardor and energy ; Additional
'evolutions were made daily , tvsd the
lows oft the diacoveriea waa spread. . Then
lame iho mad rusbfrom ths East and the
) ld World. It WM a furious rase for
vcallh. In 1849 every sailing vesoal'and '
itoamor landing ab San Francisco- was
crowded with advenlurHrs. They know
gol&had first been found nt Coloma
md many. went thither. Without inquiry
r negotiation they squatted upon Mar-
shall' about the mill } adzed hia
? ork oxen. for food , cimfigcatedhiohoiaes ,
md marked the land off into town lots
md distributed them among themselves.
Thus robbed of h property , he por-
drco became a prospector , but-novorauc-
loedod in finding muck gold. The noigh-
tors who had dospoilbd his possessions
iddoi insult 'to injury by presuming that
10 know the whereabouts of rich deposits
ijgold and refused to filvo information
if them , and persecuted him' on these
olio suppositions. To add to hia troubles ,
lis title to the land he had purchased
nior to bis grent dissovery wna quos-
ionod , and ho lost it all. Poor Mar-
hail atill liveo afc Coloraa. The state baa
lolpcd bhua little , in his bard fight
pinst p > 7esty , nil the more sovor& by
of tdvnnccd nge.
gentbmnn gave n beggar ton cents
at tlio ospreseod purpoao of buying n
Irtnl. of whisky. A little later ho saw
ho beggar emerging from n bcko shop
s-ith a leah under hla arm.
"You told mo you wanted thab money
or i-vhiaby , " said tlio gentleman.
"I knew I did , " the bosgnr jepliod.
'If I hail told you I wanted it for broacl
rou wouldn't have given it to mo. The "
.yrjpathy dodge in plavod out and frank-
is haa taken ita place. People admire
'n nkiieca. Could you give mo ton ccnta
. "
a.ore ?
nsrPi rtc * ( fluTor Ciiket ,
, Ln llliiK > lt.ictti : * tU'llciilulyiiml nut *
urally ttttho fruit n uii u Iilch they r iuinlu
nnrnHio BV TMI
PHce Baking Powder Co. ,
Clllcjso , III. 6t. Loula , Mo.
Dr. Price's ' Cream Baking Powder
lir. Price's Luiuilin Yeast Gems ,
Jlc.t Dry Unit Vea.l.
C.A.X.X : xjr oiaoc
{ sccocsaoRa TO JOHN o.
At tha eld etand417 ] Faraam Htrcat. OrdfU br )
ph ulUltcd aaU prguptly Lttcudol to , T .l
P isiifl No. US5.
will Positively not b
inserted unless pnlti In ndvnnco.
- T.C Atf-
MONl.T losnod on ehttfcti. fcAllroad 'neltit
botigli * and cold. A Foreman , 213 H. lit
7 tf
MOHKT TO toAtf , n HEM ( , l V.0. tn < ! osmur
0. F DAVC ( ual ( ) o. , Itett KWnto * nd tn
Agsnts IMS Ftrnaw El. in
iinull loans mad ! on approtod security. 161
Dougla street. 812-lm
U Kur a Blrl'llfr louth Si i'Sf '
\\-ANTKD-A mm to jt-nlsrt In houw clcintnB
V > 1B17 Capital meniio
WANTED Olrl a ( food onk , wiwlicr attl'ironfr '
1324 r > ed < ro Mrcct ( Ion Pware * . 47(1-8 (
WASTKD-A barber , 708i.tl0tli llrcct.
"TTl/'ANTED Acorrpetfnt BlrtTor xcnoral lous
t work. Two in family , Apnly 7C08. IBtl/St.
WANTKD-Glrl to wait on taufci.1318 Jones S *
WANTED A clerk nt Edhclmi/Brlckson's. M.wt
giro good rcfcronrea. 4C9-a
VA > TK1) Aclrl forftcncnl housrwrk. Arpij
IT att.Uholm& KrlclnonV , UthanJ'DoJgo. ' tOl--i
"Vl ANTKD Immcillttcly , n girl to ufetllnlne room
Tl work nt Nebraska llouso. North Platto. Nob.
Oocd wRcs. M. Obent , prcpilotcr. 450-lOp
WANTHD-Laborers to work on tlilnVVor :
work * Wif-ps Jl 60 per day. ApfJy to Slao
Itlchlo & Nichols , Mncoiti iVb , 147-10
WANTED House keeper , by lilo er with email
family anil very plcatnnt hotrc. An into llxent
\\orMntfliou8c-kecpor. In answeringgi\o fit 1 var-
tlculus , nddresi "W. J. L. " Jleo oflleo. 8 Op
W IANTKD ulrl ( or dlnlug room , Scnnditaviat :
Hotel. 4(4 Cp
TTf7 ANTED-LniiKlrj K''l ' at Omaha Hoino. Har
ney street , bit , 12th and 13th ,
\VANTED-A R * l Kl'I nt 1021 Capitol nxe.
V > 421-3y
" \17ANTED Olrlfor pcncral house-work In B
> V family , 1415 north ISth St. 42 5 4
WANTED Travi llrtft salesmen to carry panipl s
of s'nolo cooda In connection with their regular
line to tell on comml'Blon throucn the wort nnd
northweat. AdJrcsj "E.M. r. " thfil olDcc , 43018
WAN'TfU-A German girl 11 or \oirsoM to
learn the hair trade al/tklnsou'o , 15th fl'tctt.
Crcluhton Block , near postoffica 431-tf
Wt NTED Iinmedlat ly , ( ford girl at the Carey
House , N. W. oor. of llth and Davenport St.
WANTr.D flcinun girl for general housework ,
1322 ft in am street. 03-tf
\T7ANT1D ! Immediately , 3 good Rahantzed Iron
rV cornice makers. Tlio highest wegca Kill bo
pnlJ. Thoo. Huetto&SonFxcmont , Nob. SIDOp
WANTED-Agent to sell Cately's Unhcrsal Edu-
catoronroquthly psjmmts Call on nr ad-
.IrcfsV. . 1) . P. Lowry , room t , HOnoith ] 0th St. ,
Umahn. 371-lm
- ' to solicit crdera for the Trea .
urycl cnnir nnd flno albumin Hold on rcontlily
pamcnts. W. D. P. LOWIJ , ruoraff , 119north ICth
itrcet 370-8p
WANTKD TSvoglrls.miut'bs ( rood cookSjWashors
nndiiouers. Mra UowenJS1B Loavenworth.
[ 307-Op
VV or couutiy , to take nlco Ihjht and pleasant
vori atthclr onn homes ; 32 to So-yyc day cully and
piletly made ; work tent by mall no cnn aeainir ; no
tamp for roplv. Please addrceaRcHablollaufir Co. ,
'hlladelptaln. PA. 803-lm
IT7ANTEO By a young and wcH'oducatcd man ,
? V ( aerraan > igeil 20ea s and of pleasant n-Ureas
ho acquaintance of an Intelligent end wealthyyonng
ijyto practlcofour handed piano , nnd to cn'tr Into
oirc pondcnccor ject eventually , matil'nony strict
Ipcrctloncuarantecd. Address "A. B. " car * Bee
fllco. .
A position by a lailr to do chamber
WANTED or take euro of n child , or do
loroonork In r-'tmill family. Apply nt tnoHIgh
chool bulldlnr.
IT17ANTED A. y ungmnn 21 j CMS of ego , with 6
VV jeam' cxpcrfracotn drug business.ants' * po-
llion. AddrosB-C. A. Hurley , 400 Uirald oxonuo ,
hlladolphia. OT'-Bp.
1T7ANTED Situation In a drug stor by an cxpe-
VVrlonccrt druggl-t. Utst of reforenocsgivon. .
Address "M "Bjooffioo. 4 I'Gp
7ANTnD Po : Uon In store bv joung nwavil -
YV ling to work. "A. E. Bee oCco. 413.3p
A i oung married man wants situation aa Dock.
CO. keeper , in Hiolesilo establishment In Omaha.
Vddresa " 0. " care Bee 893-tf
\Tt7ANTKD T i > nt , n small fcnilsbcd liooww 3
or 4 roomaalcrlv furnished ijt houeokeaplug ,
a good locatlonj > y n prompt pajlog carefal tenant.
< o children. Addrcw "JL S.1 tnta olllce. 4I 7p
lo rent , n nlco si : jioom cottapo with
in 8 Hockcof Opera llouto. Address "I. T. "
nro Bco office. 453-8
TJtTANTED Unfurnished rooan for light house-
VV keepinz bj ; gentleman and w o. RcferonceB ex-
ihangeiL Adclic.B 117 S. 17th ttrcct. 35 Op
TTfANTKI ) A furnishedroo.t in pihat * ftimily.
V > Would btanl with family if dtsired. Addrexa
r. F. Warren , C o lluo. 12'i8p
1 / ANIED.BOABDEIta-QMKl board an&iomlort-
VV kblorooDi at SJ 63 per eck , 1212 Cr.pltol avo-
QUO , lut. 12tti nnd 13th Btrccto. 234 Bp
WANTED K.OOO on first-class city occ-.ulty.lor 5
yean , nt 0 per cent. Address Box 0"0 1'ost-
DlhTO 708-tf
Tn'OTCifcST Oiio or'tivo"uV ly fiiral8 > .uii front
i ; rooms la n new lioupo , conveniently anl pliasant-
iylocatid , Inquire of I'iolson it Co. , 1M3 Farnam
btnet. 47u-0p
"T OIl HUM' Two rojm .iili.cly furnished , location
JC t\cellent. 141S Ilounrd atrctt. 71-8p
JtOK HVNt Thrco larco rooms at < llO/pur month.
I1 Ir.q-tlru ol Patrick 1'otd. 4128. 10th Bt. 473 Op
FOH BKST House of lour rooms , oed cistern
nnd ttcil , 1813 Harnay , cppojlto German fachool
T-NIca tuipUhcd rooms , wtthornlth
ont board , 10J81'iniain Btroet. ilia. 111 , . ltoi > B
HUNT Hou > o ol seven rooms , aouth nvenuo
I7MJK Lca\oiiwoitb ttitcts. Juciuifu at Western
Cornice Works , MO Dougliyetrcer. 4U 7
FOUIICNT Two rromb in Tnuinir's block , 10th
and IkxIgoBtrcet' , second Iloor , lu < | Ulro tif Anny
lloidon. llth and I aruam etrccts. 411-7
FOH KENT FurnU-hcd parlor end led room In
IhfLorth eItcrq-nrt ] of the city , with board
provided Alrolhr e uufurijlshej rooms In bulld'ni ' ;
N K. corner 18 hand DavenportSl . Inqulruatlit
ter pl re , bct emi 12:30 : and lSOp : in. 442 tl
OH KENT TwornoaBfutnuhcd for light home.
ln > i > > rir , ncoivr' * tlnrk , bth t.J Howard street ,
i/ . . , . . u lurnl'i > nl ninl iiiidirnlslicJ
± 1 rooms HUM bili.klil ck modem vniprounients ,
SCO N , mbbtrcit , near Hurt. 428 U
FOHTIENT A houiewlth tlghtroomi. Warren
Snltzler , 213 Kouth 14th etrcit , < 13 tt
FOR RENT lloom , with board , f or tvto gentle men ,
U prhate family , 1013 C'jp.tolavtnuo , 414 bp
fnil llEKI-Dctlrable lainUhed rnomi , blick
block , modern Imiroveintiits , ono block rorth
of lo.toil'ce.cor. HtlmcdCapltuliucmic. 4000
I7 011 KiNT : A niw eight room house. Inqulra cl
' l\n \ , K , liodills , 2ttb , bttnten Davenport aud
fhliugo utrcets. 400-B
3JOll ( RKNT Htx room hcuso , cor. Bill aad Web.
1 t r blrttt , { SJ.tuperaonth. Inrmlic Ull Cns9
ttrrct. 403tf
FOIt llhNT HCIHO and laru , < 15 per mouth In
HUlrol31U Tarnain. S33-tf
FOR ItK.NT 1 ! < &saut lurcUUd room at 1 3 Ciii
Itol aunuo. S707p
FOU HKNT Hooui , Hllh licard at rcatoutblu
ratdb atblO 1'ao.lluttrtct , Aivly&toum. SSI-tip
FOU RKHt-Nloily luruttliwl front rcom 2:00
li \f \ tt. iWOp
iiUvT Ha f ol doul ! hou'C , lour rooms ,
HhJun'i fil addition , U. ft month. An'lr'0lni
2 , Oiiiim National Haul : . U70-U
7\0ll KKNl'-furnkbcd rocui with board , 1SU
1 I oJb'9. sajflj
linNT-II n.nnofur ! lshcd roonu 3 < 0l B ,
Utlibt iI .JJiyHincur. | , Kliitl
Ji > OH KNl' l'Uunirnuii , lurni'hi'l ' or ] uiilur
1 iitihcd , with lojiU )8li ) Ducujort itr > t
l/Oll liKSf feu'iiroomunUKt witli ctlur uuj
JH cldtcti , ZUtttrtct , 0410 UAk twill U toa\c-n-
woilh , # , g'S.5 |
RENT-Fl < a > antfuruUhcJ HODS 1707 C M.
WU HF/fT . " 'w'J' ' ' 'umlsheUinlto ol 2 rosrcc , 310
' .l8lha .
11ENT-A 1603 Fdtnam fet.
I OK HKV1 Nl.Viy room loio
( JlOrt llENT-Ono givxl sqwifl piano. I ° 3 J
JU oEdholm Mid Kr ; -
? OK
T7TonSAIS-Knr lliiro nnd fUtirtj t a bftrcalff ,
i1 Ccmterclnl llnt lgood lieu , three I lories ( ugh ,
c\otr-.1ilnirto * . On account ol Nillhef pionlytor.
Will'i airbill dlnu'lf drtrfil Calf * t hotel traddrcss
Frank tllittt , JI i. B , ' 1 ! Clti , fltb. 455-21p
T\OU \ RENT Hod roou , $8 ft BOD hlOI5 Chlcs O.
S VEB A good iMHT ml drii Ina ftiiy nt tha
IpOB ' , > tm rkot , f < i Mrcct , between _ Jatk
ton nnd Joint. 4i < 40p
T7 OR SAISo < il cow , also open buffTJ'ho | ff nd
J' lumen. Ifaginre J. Mlclif ' | Mull Cincr. iiMf
nW coal Base- Burner , 117 S. llh
JP trc8t.
J > n > JlSAbi : if txotiA htnil JAso ourner for $3'
JLf Wilt , " Bee otlieov 830-tr
Ml SALE Sevttil h nd lo tlior3r C < ip phaeton'
F afso four ijirntulolhmy wagrf ; < l ji. W. f
& Co. , CUj-Jllflfc 274-tf
| | 7AOH SALf A R ( C < 1 tcan ol rnateS tl ponies , har-
Jl1 ncF9 nd delixcrr wagon. Alw grocery < ountirs ,
itheltln ? and geucrrJ > lictunB. ln < n/r-1717 ( 'MI
etrcct. irD-Sp
TTtOIt 8/jLtt tTOl | ncfl anc } organs , bettstxriUblo
JU ( or or ( cod hoxva. A , llospo. 2K5-lui
FOK BALE A Rood Irtnro h-roso , 5 rooicsi nil In i
poodortitr. Must In rnovc * at once. Apply lo
" " " ' "
tcr. ISth antl irjw-
ard streets. SU'tC
OK SAtE-A good v'.At bap luggy 2irh 134 * *
ttr < * t. _' .
FOU SAI/K Wholcra'o notlnnnraRon , hortM ,
ness , &H'ooinrIoto , ulth ottiblithcd route 'jt
crnlown. Will bo sold clioapi Siiislactory roasonc *
ortolllni ; . Inquire BcooIDsff.
oil SALK Hotel. The > WJrd Souse , thebca >
F location In this voiiop city , for further parti
culars , call on or ldrc s P. .ft' Kleth , propibtor'
Oxford House , Oxford , Neb. S03 rp
FDR SALE 1CO.OCO lirlok a 'Honace , J5.BO par'
thousMidfct'Itiln. R. W. Ccwun , 31S-7p
Foil SAIjK Vtnf itrck in yo-jthcrn Nebraska , In
good town with uoodtrailo. Will InTOloo ubCtiVJ
fi'O dollars ; 1V > particulars uldros * "Ik L " care'
( thn Bco. 231-8p
Oil HAI.K Cheapn eccond li&Uvhblth top bupgy.
Inquire at Siinpson'a Carrla/o't" actviy , DoilRo , .
ctu con 14th and 16th. _ 2Sptl _ _ ,
S ALII620 acres land on KHdlo Bca\or , In. >
Smith county Kansas , . 250 ncro1 urwlcr fence , .
ilenty of livlnj ? watdr for stock. Coed fr mo house
0x20 , with kitel'en 12x20. 200 acres In cultlxatioii ,
< rlcol,000. Terrnrf cish , balance on-tlmo to suit
mrchasers. Will also fell CO cattl'lf purchaser
osircs. Address Thomas Jlltchcl1 , Smith Centre ,
vRnsas , or I'uiton & Qroie , Ithcrton , Neb. 257-lui
SAUA ttock ol Koncral metohandlso , and
F0 store for rcr.tln n tnrhlrR Nebraska town For
'articulars , addriw "Q. 11. " Bco olllce , On ha.
[ iiOR SALE ISO.CO1) brick on cars at Edllsrno. n.
r T. Clarke. 21S-U
G103 SALE NeJljh House , brick , three Btorlcs ,
D only hotel In town , 10 rooms , to leaio tfor 3 or D
oars. 1 he proprietor of the Nrllgh House wishes to
ell the furniture aadtixturcs of tbU hotel on easy
mo and terms , ana lease tha hotel for time stated
bo\o Also \\onld ocll hotel outright , if JRrucablo ,
or particulars Inquire of John J. lilag , ARoat , West
olut. Ifebraika. _ 20-15
71011 SALE Loose hay delivered In largo c smal
J quantities. A now line side bar top tu ty anda
holcaalonotion or pcJIdlcri wapon. ; O. J. Uaoan &
o. . 17B-lm
SALE A ho ! ftock o ( clothing , bocfcj and
shoes , , bulldinffs accost , retiring Irora husiucsa.
3. II. Peterson , 801 south Tenth street US-Cm
rpOU SALE Two tocnnd hand pianos , at Edholm
C ii F.rlokson's Jlr.Uo Store oil loth St. SfO-tl
7(011 SALS Boiler und engine. I have nsarly
1 new nollcr nnd engine and Knowlo'n pump , 49
orsoponor , forsalo clicky. T.S. Clarkson , Sdiuy-
r , Neb. 0221m
7IOK SALE Northoart corner 20th and Curnlng
: street IA F. Davis & Co. , 1605 Farnuin sireot ,
875 tt
7 > OB BALK Cheap , ft nlco cottage , full lot , city
? water S Iflocka from the court house. M. Leo
ocor , 2M autlLeavenwortn. 857-1 = 10
7 < 01l SALK-Engincs new and second hand 10 h. p.
1 15 h. p. ami 20 b. p. portaUo and stationary ; also
oilers of any elzo and stylo. Illohard & Clarke , U , P
. Y. bet. 17tn nod 18tb St-i. Omaha. 649-tf
710R SALE A printing offlco suitable lor a final
' newspaper cr job offlce. Wll soli for cash or ex-
hange for Ort ha City property. Address "X. Z. Q" /H 1
ioo offlco. 38-tf /
7IOR DALE Two open eeoond-naad bugglos iud
" ono delivery wagon , cheap , kt 1819 Hunny 1.
J mil hou'O cbaulng done with despatch anl on
eaionahlo terms. Order tlate at CrosBley's , 210 south
4th , and at 207 north 1 Oth street. 137-7p
OST On Zrlday ov on Ing , O-tobcr Sd , p.iur tf
jOpera glasses. The finder will be rewar"etl by
a\ lug them nt 2201 California street. 472-8p
- OST A shawl , on the road between the Deaf and
Uuinb institute and Tort Omaha The flndar will
o sultihly rewarded by returning the same to.Wnu
entleinan's grucory store. _ 471-7)1 )
BOARD Two gentlemen can li\a pleasant room
with cxceleiit ! < loan ) In n privde family , bl.
Iary'8a e.uiar20lhSt. "Q / . " Ike oHlcti
4 < 3-7p
TAKfN -Twodark gray horses at Dr. Mcrcei'a
pa'.tnro. II , Hanben. 4 < 5 > lcutw
Good table board at 113 N. 10th Btroet.
BOARD ' block , { 3.60 per \cel > . 4SSOp
mOUND A yi-llow Jiorie , had ( icon hitched to a
L1 grocery wagon Inquire of FO. Koutz , brlck-
nrd , south Uth street ucur city limits.
OTRAYKD OH bTO lKN-Sept. 15th light bay more. ,
J near three j oars old , lirondtd on lefc flank aid ,
if' cheek nd'a awhllutpctin ( oicliiid ; 0)30 ) on
eft eo ball. Shod all arcund. Had on ueb still.
5 00 reward loshir rtturn to Frank Spauldlr.g , 23d <
nd Cumlng Btrcet , Ouaha , Nob. 415 7p
N No conibls the bo a cavct-
1210 2heiuian avo. 470-llp
D It. II. P. Jonscn hi3re-no\ed hla offlco end resi
dence to the N. U. corner 18th and Lcavenworth
PUIVY vaults , eluks and cefspools cleaned with
unitary cleaner. Patltfactlun guaranteed by P.
O Abclsuceossorto J. JI. Smith , ) box 83 8. 072-lm
HURRAY haa goofl paavurlng. Spring water.
rPAKEN Hy the sulscrlcr on his enclosed land
I about 4 milts north of MilHrd In Douglas county
tabraika on the tils ) day of J'flly. 1834 , a rorrol pou v-
br ndcd "H. A. 0 " on the rlglit hind flank , sup.
posed tobouboutSjoireoId. 11ENRY 110 ' 'M.
September ZCth , It8 < 233.J
rartloa huln ? abandoned borne.
stetdi In Koithwett Xaneas , pUa > e corrcspontl
with mo by let cr at once , Inaao llulholland , lto l
Kslato and Financial ageat , Norton , Kanoas.
842.1SP |
_ _ _
r1KNTIUL HOSl'lTAL-Cor. 14th and Jonci , re.
U cclvcaiatlcnta iuffrring from any discoid Dot
contagious. Alto aduu In a dvllcato condition
j ho r IiUn any ono who \vlll fold a
ot Uircury , Potash , ItJlno , Arseulo , or any Pol.
eonouu BUbstaLco la
"Ih&yn currd IllooJ Taint ty thu use of Swift's
BpcM * bfler I hiul nu t U'iiilly faltcilnlth the Mer
cury and I'Dtaeli Trcktmeni.
F. A. lOOMCK , it. D. IVrry , Oa ,
"Hwl't'a Fptclflo > ai euul no of B roltilaof 12
cars etandliii ; , Had tore I M hr u an my linml , and
e\try o-o thought I waa iluouiul , Huift'n Speclilo
urml mo Kltet i itIcUnt tuil all other mdllclno had
Ud ' II. L. 111(111 , Lcnoku , Ark.
& | A Anft ' " 1'1'1 " < ' 1 1'iwhart ' from no hat
( Is 1 U UUU hwlll'ii ri | clao ha. italic for mj , JU
udru m ot JlhimauUini n uk J by inataita. "
AUUIli ; TJOMA ! , Hprlitrfltld , Tvnu.
Our Trutlao on Hl&cd aud SlLla llbcaatu rualU J ffvj
Drawer S , Atbnta , U %
K. Y. OlSM , U9 W , 82 J St. , Iwtnocu flih mid 7h (
I'hllwlrlpU * o01i ICO Cbwtuut t ,