Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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Health is Wealth
guaranteed tpeclflo for llj-sterla. D Ezlnes * , Oonm
Blons , Fits , Nervous Ncuralfrla , Headache , Nftrot
rrostrttlon caurod by the use ot alcohol or tobbacot
TVakefuInc * * . Mental dcprowlon. Softening of tb
brain , resulting In Insanity and loaplns to mlfwrj
decay Mill death , Premature Old ago , IJ roncs < , los
ofpoffcrln cither fox , Involuntary LOMO and 8p i
tnatorhora caused by over cxfrtlentcf the brain , sell
abuse or over Indulgence , Each boxcontains on
month's tiratment. tl.00 a box.or ! x bottles fo
95.00 , tent by mall prepaid on receipt of price.
To onre snv cue. With each order received by n
for six bottles , ccomplUh d with fS.00 , we will stni
the purchaser our written guarantee to refund tb
tneney If the treatment does not effort a euro. Ou i
untees Issued only by JOHN 0 : WEST & CO. ,
Jr SS-rn&o-rv M2 Madison ( U. . Chicago , III.
\Vlllpnrirythn ULOOD.Tcim.
Into the LI VCR nnd KIDNEYS ,
and Jlr.sToiiK TUB IlKAI/MI
nnd VJOOTl of YOUTll. trs-
pcpsla , WantofAppclltc , In-
1 digestion , fiick or btreiiRtru
ami i Irei'cclliiK absolutely
cured. Hones , niiuclcsnnil
nnrvci rccclvo new force.
a Enlivens the nilml nnd
I A B * % H E ? O Snrrcrl'ng ' rom complnlnti
E4U HKOpoctillnrto their sux will
nd InDK.IlJiRTEn'SirWN TONIO n rnto nnd
f needy euro , ( rijtcs n clear , lioaltliy complexion.
Frequent attempts at orrnjVTfpitlnK only ailil
lothopopiilarltyoflhoorlirln-il. Oouotcipcrl-
mcnt-ICtthoOIIIOINAt.ANUllF.ST. .
Send ( roar nildrp toThy Dr. ' ' r'rM"l.foV ; I
su Louis , Wo.forour"BnEAM BOOK. " ! I
H'ollot Btrocgo and u cfoJ.tnfonaaUonfroe. J
Erlangor , IJavnrin
Calmbacner , Bnvnria.
Filauer Bohemian.
Kaiser . . .Brnmen ,
Bndweiser St. Louis.
Anliauser St. Louis.
Best's. . . . . ' .Milwaukee
Sehlitz-Pilsner Milwaukoo.
Erne's Omaha.
Ale. Porter , Domestic aud Rhine
Wino. i ED. MAURBR ,
1213 Farnam Sfc
Ofllco Chief Quartermaster . J.
OMAIU , Nxn , , October 2nd , 1831. )
Scaled proposals , n triplicate , subject to the usual
conditions , will ho received at this olllco until II a.
in. November 3rd , 1831 , at which tlmo and place
they w 111 bo opened In presence of bidders for fur-
nlshlni ; nnil dclUcrlng at Omaha Quartermasters
Depot or at Stations nn main line U. V. Hy.nt and
east of North Plat'c , Neb. 90.000 pounds corn and
600.010 pounds oats. Also , for 300.003 pounds corn
-and 200.000 pounds oats at stations on Vrcmont and
r.lUiorn Valley It. It , , between Fremont nnd Valentino
tine Neb.
Preference will ho ghcn to articles of domestic pro
duction nnd mnnuf.icttiro , conditions of nrlco and
quality being equal and such preference " 111 bo U'lven
to articles of Anicrlcnn production and nnnufncturo
produced on the Paclflo Coast to the extent of the
consumption required by the public service there.
The Got eminent rcscncs the rlfrbt to reject any or
all bids. I'nll particulars as to biailiiiblank proposals
and bidders guaranty can bo obtained on application
to this oDIcc.
Envo'oiwslcontainln ) ; iironosah , to bo marked ,
'projKuaU ( < 5r grain , " anil addressed to the under *
synod. O. B. DANDY ,
Chief Quartermaster.
oct -2 niicSt
Genera Dealeri to
Huve lor oalo 00,000 acroi otrefnlly eoleoted hndi
o Eutorn Nebraska , at low prlca and on euy torraa
Improvea itrms tor ntlo In Doujlin/Dodge , Qolfax
FUtte , Bart , CumlnR , Sarpy , Washlogton , Uerlck
aanders , and Dutlsr oonntleg.
Taxes paid in all parta of the SttUi *
Money loaned on mpiovoj f ami.
Notary Ilibllo alwavi In olllco Correspondence
lilm iKjriecuy. "
\MlU-H n moth
er. II undrulH of
. ' ' ' * - . ' - - - elinllartmUmo-
jiiujB. iw well as those trmn rorutable phyniclaim
Ihrniiirlinnt thowlmlnll.H .tmtlfy to the worth of
lU-iiulruH no TOoJilnic. Ik-jit food In health or Kick.
JIMIII.10 anil 76 eta. llyiillilriiirttlutH. liooknenttnxj.
iimchiCK'ri I'Ouii c F. , uiit-ipt , uiH.
* -Bent by laoll ou receipt ofjulco In Bf iiuin.-ia (
VIII cure NerronnnCK , Lnmbairo , Illioumatlam r ralrili ,
J. ur lsli , BcUllcs , Kldnej , Bplno nnil Uior dltunM-i
Uout , Aithrna. llonrtdlaonio , [ ) l > i ii > la , Conillialliui , Kry.
Ipelm , Catarrh , l-llei , K.IUi. | . j. lmoicnry | , , liumb AKIIU ,
frulipaui Uteri , etc. Only n-loMtliia Kiictrlc Holt In AIMCT.
leu tUat eml tie | Electricity Mna iiiaEiintlmn lliriniKli the
Iwlj , uud cau U rocbargixi la no Iniluiit by tii jiAtlouU
Winter Is cotnlntr , the season of the year for aches
and pains. In view of this fict wo say buy one of
Dr. Homo's Electric Bolts. Ily so doing you will
avoid llheurnatlsm , Kidney Troubles and otlier Ills
that flesh Is heir to. Do not delay , but call at our
office and examine bcltsf No. 112/ Douglas street , rr
C. F quoilmataX 1110 ramauiBt.Omaha , Nob. Or-
tlcra fll' d 0. 0 , U
The mo ot the term " Bho
SHORT Un " la connection with th
corporate cams of a great road
conveje an Idea of ust what
required by the traveling pub-
llo-a Short Line , Quick TUni
I I IB I _ Kn < 1 tbo I * * * ° ' ccoremoJa
sillllliaB tlons-all of which MO furn
shed by the greatest rail way to America.
And St. Paul.
II oiroi and operates over 1,100 mile * of
oribern IlUnole , Wisconsin , MUinesoU , Iowa
akota ; and M Is main lines , branches aud oonnce-
ODS roach all the great busmoes centres of the
Korthwctt and Far West , It naturally answcn Ihi
dc > erpton ! | of Short Lint , and IJest lloute between
Chicago , Milwaukee fit Paul and MlnueapollL
Ohlcago. Milwaukee , IA Croue and Wlnon * .
Ohleago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Elleudalt
Ohica o , Milwaukee , Kau Claire and Btlllwatci *
Chicago , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Beaver Dam and Oshkoeh.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukesha and Oooaomowoe.
Chicago , MUwaukco , Madison and Pralrlodu Chlsn
Chicago , Mllnaukce , Owatonn * and Kalilbault ,
Chlccgo , Eeiolt JanesvlUe and Mineral Point.
Chicago , Klirln , llockf ord and Dubuquo.
Chicago , Clinton , llctlr Island and Cedar lUpIdl ,
Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Chicago , Bloux City. Hloui Palls aud Yaokton
nbtcifo , Hllwaukto , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
Hock liUcd , Dubuque , Bt. Paul and Minneapolis.
Davenport , 'almar , Bt. Paul and Minneapolis.
Pulluau ti wper * and the Finest Dliilnsr Can In
the * rid are run on th uialu lines of thoCIUOAOO ,
111I.\VAUK KK AND 8T. I'AUL JIAILWAY , and everr
attention li paid to | ja i ngcii by courteous employe !
ol tie Cjiapauy.
b. & UCimiLL. Oenl Manaeer.
A. V H. CAItmiTEB , Oen' VMS. Agt
J.'f CtAKK.aeiTBopt.
OtO. If imWOBD , Aw't Qeol , P Agt
Vltnl Questions til
Atkthtmotl tmintnt pfiyttctan ,
Of ( vny Bcltool , whnt Is the boat thin
in the world for quieting and nllaylng nl
irritation of the nerves , and curing ai
forms of nervous complalnta , giving nnt
ural , childlike refreshing loop always ?
And they will toll you unhesitatingly
"Some form of 7/opilll"
ciiArrrn i.
Ask any or all of the moat eminent phy
siclans :
"What is the boat and only remedy
that can bo relied on to euro nil disoaaoi
of the kidneys and urinary organs ; suet
as Bright's diioaao , diabetes , retention,01
Inability to retain urine , and all the dU
onsoa and ailments peculiar to Women"
"And they will toll you oipllcitlv and
emphatically " /nc/iM / / / "
Ask the same physicians
"What Is the moat reliable nnd unreal
euro for all liver discuses or dyspepsia ;
constipation , indigestion , billiousncss ,
malaria , fever , nguo , it o. , "and they wilj
toll you :
MamlraU 1 or Dandtllon 1111"
Hence , when tncso remedies are combined with
others equally valuable.
And compounded into Hop lilt for * such ft won-
Icrful and mvitcrlou * curative powder is developed ,
blch li BO varied In Its operations that no disease or
II health can possible axlst or resist lt poncr , and
ret It Is
Harmless for the most flail woman , weakeit Inva
d or smallest child to uso.
"Almost dead or nearly dying"
For years , nnd given up by physicians ,
if Brlght'n nnd other kidney aiaoasca ,
Ivor complaints , severe coughs , called
onsumption , have been cured.
Vomtn gone nearly crazylttll
From agony of neuralgia , norvonsnoas ,
rakofulnoaa , and various diacnsoj pocu-
iar to women.
I'coplodrawn outof shape from cxcruclatlmMiangi
I rhcumatltm , InMnmatory nnd chronic , of suaortnf
Erysipelas I
"aaltrhoum.lilooil poI"onlnKilyspcpsla , Indigestion
id , In fact , almost all diseases frail- '
Nature Is heir to
Have been cured by Hop Bitters , proof of which
in bo found In every neighborhood In the known
iirNono genuine without n bunch of Rrcon Hops
i tho-uhlto label. Shun all Iho vile , poisonous stuff
Ith " " " " In their .
"Hop" or "Hops" name.
Aa tiHllHt cfunlilu BiTor.noTUt&emlia
( nxUiloiktii
A l vetU. cur. . Hj.f.p , ! . . Dlinliox , ) , , , r u Ari * . > M | all
lford ri cf tbt Mpu * . OritnL A f. dfovf Imptn a d.lklum B T3T
ao a llaii ef cL . mptijt , kail to all lumn.r drlnli. Trv It. aa4
fcrvtrc reounU.Mtik Tfrur nowr or dnicrlil for Utfltautas
J. V. WUPFEmm ? , COLB AQS1T7.
'Y If. ST.
Protection. No su :
I protcctlvo agalnit
. chills and lover and
I otbor iliwibos ofn
malarial tvpe exists-
oi Hi stettor's Stomach
ach Hitters. Hro.
liovea constipation
liver disorders rhcu-
inatlsm.kldnoy and
bltdder ail'nent- ' ,
Avlth certainty and
trompt Itude. A
change -rat'lying (
as It is complete soon
taken place In the P
pcaranco , at well as
the sensation ot the
wan and.haggard In
Valid , who us t this
standard promoter
of health and
strength For sale
all druggists and dealers generally
r , IDth and Capitol Avenue , treats all cases Crip
pled or Deformed , alto diseases of the
fervous System.
Blood , and
Urinary Organs ,
Ml cased of Cuivaturo ol the Spine , Crooked Foot
is and Arms , AlnoChronloaIoctlonsotho ( ! Liver ,
leunmtlsin , 1'aralytls , Piles , Ulcers , Cttarrh , Asth-
, anil Ilronchltlj are all treated by new and suo-
isful methods. All diseases of the Dlood and Urln-
r Organs , Including these rcsultlni ; from IMC Ucre-
nor exposure , are eafoli and successfully treated
1 a euro RUtrauteod. Yoiini ; men , nilndlo aged ,
1 all men Buflcrlm- ' rom Weaknos and Nervous
ijustlon , produriin. indlRoatlou , Palpitation ol the
art , Despondency Dlzzlnusa , Ix > ss of MemoryLaok
ICnerny and Ambition , can be restored to health
1 rigor , If case Is not too lonir neulectcd.
9 Surceon In charge U a graduate of JcHor-
i Medical ColleKO (1805) ( ) and hag studied hli
tension in Iondon , Paris and llcriln. If ullllrtwl ,
lor write full description ot your caao , and mcdl-
i ) may bo , ont you. Consultation free. Address
aha Dispensary , Crounso'a Block , Omaha , Neb.
oo hours 10-12 a. m. , 1-3 and 7-8 p. m .Sundays.
) a m ,
'iLEcnd for treatlsa cither ou mala cllieasss or
IB DE01D 11Y
loyal Havana Lottery I
awn at Havana , Cuba , Every 12
to 14 Days.
KKTS , 12.00 , HALVES. 1.00
ubject to no manipulation , uot controlled by th
tics In Interest. It Is the fairest thug In th
ure of chance In existence.
or Information aud particulars apply toBIIlSEY.
.Qen.AKents , ISIS Uroadway. NY. city.
< AUU & CO. , il7Walnut street , St. Louis' , Mo
'rank Lobrano , U U , , 0 Wyaudotto , Kau.
il-mie & w lv.
James Meal Institute
Chartered by UicStotcoflllU
noli for thcexprctspurpoEO
orulvinglmmedlate rrliciln
all chronic , urinnry ana pri
vate dlsccqs . "onwrrhcw ,
Gleet andSyphllli In all their
complicated forms , also all
diseases of the tikln end
Uloodpromptly relieved and
pcrmcncntlycured by rerne
' '
b ] > ietaU'rarnre. Seminal
Lor.iculiy Dreams , I'linples on
Face. Itnt Manhood , ) ' Jl < li-//rirril Tliert
Kn'j-.fc/iiK-imiK / ; . Thr appropriate rc.r.edi
tonco need In each caso. Consultations , per-
tl cr by letter , tccredly confidential. Med.
ei bv Mill and Express. No rnarku on
nuce 13 Indicate content * or tender. Address
, lAMtSfJo.204WailnoonSI.CliIcPOOlll ! !
aniiood Restored ,
ctiaiof { > outhultmprudeDCtf.cAU itigNi > nouiDfl *
Ti I'rauiBturfi Jlecay. And nil ui wtij rn brought enid
id Ucre ( ion or rxceuLwill learn of u ihuule ruui * ur.
Koayery anil Rascalily Applanflefl li
Parly Spoils Hnnters ,
And Dishonest and Enibeoilo Of
floors Endorsed for Eo-
A Torrifio Arraignment of th
School Land Eing by Senator
Van Wyok ,
The Defense of Kendall , Dawes &
Go , , Dissected by the Otoo
The Investment of State Funds
_ j and Disposition of the
Proceeds ,
How American Labor la I'rotoctod
with 1'niipor Imhornnd Starva
Senator Van Wyok delivered nn ad
iross nt the Knos county fair at Orofgh-
ton , Thursday October 2d. After dis-
juuslng the comparntlro productions oi
) ur own and other nations , the elevation
if labor , the grout advancement thereof ,
ncroasod production , increased coat , and
rhat should bo Increased proQt , and the
ubjocts of markets and transportation ,
10 said :
A discovnry which should Increase the
'iold ' of wheat or corn flvo bnshola p or
, cro would bo hailed with joy ; but you
an do bettor ; you can increase the price
if your land by a reduction of taxation ,
ly an efficient and honest administration
f your
An apology for free opoech nn this ce
ssion cannot bo necessary. Wo oil rn-
orstand the despotism of certain loaders ,
class of tnon who bolioro their party
MI do no wrong , and the opposite party
o no right ; who believe that brethren in
loir own party must obey the regulation
Dgmas and receive anathemas In caao
icy dare question or dissent.
Unfortunately all parties possess a few
nail soulcd men sometimes filling high
asitlons , desiring to bo considered the
riosthood ministering at Its altars , par *
cularly if there bo any fruits of the sac-
ifico to excite their devotion men who
vo creed * but spoils more.
o plways fearful lest opinions in antag-
liam to their creed , and the hierarchy
ill unsettle platforms , and the donunci-
: lens of fraud in officials will overwhelm
lu party , forgetting that error can do
D harm where truth is loft free to corn-
it it. Some weeks ago I criticised the
induct of the state school board , when I
as charged with hostility to Governor
awes. Strange conclusion , in view of
to statement afterward mada that the
wcrnor had voted against leasing the
heel lands in Keith county. Suppos-
g that his vote of "no" meant wbat it
id , afterword I aa publicly returned
tanks that ho and the state treasurer
id censured the lousing by mildly voting
) and ixrguod that Governor Dawea had
LUS protested against the wrong. Why
at If The people had a light to expect
om him an explanation , if ho was op-
Dsod to the leasing. Why did ho not
itorpoBo such obstacles as would defeat
10 scheme ? Why ho did uot
y a mandamus and not leave it for cltl-
3ns of a distant county , to save the
: heel lands and the reputation of the
tate ?
I was utrlking at the ofTonco , and 110 *
lie ofTondors. Lot each member of the
oard show his Innoconcn. When the
lovcrnor Eoomod to * bo exonerated by
is vote from actual participation it was
ccoptod as a quiet admission of the guilt
f his colleagues on the board. That
ould Boom a shadowy illusion if the pub-
shod report is true that ho had under-
ikon a dofoueo of the criminals. If the
aard was right why did the governor
ate against the leasing ?
Pardon a few more suggestions. Un-
jubtodly some , who fool and have theme
, mo sort of title deed as the devil on the
ountaln , claim ownership of the ropub-
ran pnrty and all the good things of the
rth , will bo ready to denounce. But
3 ore not to bo terrorized by any party
y. Wo hiwo always professed to punish
ir own criminals , and now is it treason
party to denounce crime and criminals ?
iis is a good tlrno to look after
Nothing , not oven stealing one quarter
one-half the school landswould uhango
o result on the electoral ticket. That
11 take care of Itself.
The atato hoard have grouped all their
fences and the statu committee have
iblishod them. Nowhere , however , is
y allusion to , or explanation of the of.
ices charged. The people ere only
lling in question the doings of the last
o or three years. This long arroy of
urcs from the establishment of the
tto government furnishes no excuse ,
to efficient and honest management of
mor stata boards is no shield for the
bnccs of the present. The inquiry is
t how many acres have boon sold from
D beginning , but how many have boon
Id and lonod by this board , when , and
what terms. Other parties interposed
tl uavod the lands In Keith county from
3 raid of the present board , and the
> ndorful plea is made that because that
s done the board should bo acquitted.
jidoa Keith whore the fraud wna con- d
nniatod , and lands , at a nominal valu-
on , were leased in violation of the law.
ill they please furnish a statement of
ilar , Lincoln and others ?
Jltizons of Cedar and Lincoln wore
: lontly awaiting a notion ot when they
lid obtain the school lands in those
tnties. but the first information was
, t nil had boon leased , without public
rortlsomont and without competition ,
what way do they propose to redress
i wrongs in thoao counties ? Komom-
1 Keith was no worse than ether couu-
i whore the fraud was consummated ,
ntato olllcial stopped the fraud. They
not desist until a mandamus was
vud upon them , when they knew the
omo must fail , the crime bo exposed
1 disgrace follow ,
iVhy were BO many lauds leased during
i last two yean ? Kundnll eays compo-
on increased during that timo. Yea ;
whom ? For whom ? And that wub
i reason the law was violated and all iis
oguards trampled under foot. Natu-
ly thoao wanting school lands for occu- o <
ion would npply to the state officers ,
oy were created and paid for that pur-
IB ; but under this board have grown n
up middle-men , or brokers , who boldl ;
flaunt their signs at Lincoln and otho
cities ,
To-day if citizens of Cedar , Lincoli
and many ether counties desire to loasi
they can only do it through rings whc
have manipulated the board. It is difli
cult to believe the school board wonlc
bear this stigma without in some mnnnoi
sharing the advantages.
ia equal to the original guilt. They saj
they could not help it , the law was dofoc-
tiro. No law could bo more plain , sinv
pie , and straightforward ; it only needed
honest men to execute it. The npolojj
of the state committee seeks to mystify
the reader by quoting section 4 of the
statute , whereas section 10 is the one
which provides the duty of the board ,
after appraisement , how they shall pre
pare a book with a complete list of the
lands , with the appraised value , which
book shall bo sent to the county treasur
er ; then the lands publicly advertised for
sale , and after these things hr vo boon
done they can bo offered for lease. The
only authority to lease is in section 17
"when lands offered for sale and not sold
may bo lea od. "
This board say they only execute the
law , not make it. This law which they
brand as defective gives not the least
warrant to lease except in section seven
teen. When they act beyond that it is
usurpation. They pretend to bo re
strained by this law from being honest
and protecting the people ; very conscien
tious to obey , yotdaro to act without the
least justification so as to lease at whole
sale tno school lands at the instigation ,
and for the benefit of a few syndicates ,
and the state committee attempt to en
dorse this criminal defense. The Jour
nal , a paper printed at the atato capltol ,
previously admitted the action of the
board was wrong , and in its iasu of
September 20th speaks of the Keith
county business aa
How delicate and pathetic ! "The
blunder the board made , " probably
claiming sympathy for the sweet inno
cents. Dare the Journal arraign party
jfllcials , then why not you and 1 ?
If it bo a blunder , it is more and
ivorso. It cannot bo on accident , an in-
locont blunder. If a blunder , it is of
: 'malice aforethought" and criminal , and
vhy should not you and I say so ?
A thief breaks your outer door , cracks
rour safe , and is about escaping with the
) lundor when the strong arm of the Jaw
olzoa the wretch and says "drop it , " and
t drops. And as the officers are taking
ho robber to justice , the squeaking , pip.
ng voice of the Journal is heard through-
ut the land "hold , spare themspojk
; ot harshly ; who is injured , no wrong
one. " They dropped bonds , bank bills ,
old dollars , when ordered to do ao.
'rue they committed a blunder , "pound
way at that , " in the elegant language of
ho name paper , but r-.ll it not a crimo.
o the board _ when caught in the rvt
roppod the Keith county plunder when
rdorod by the court to do so. Hero < ue
arollol ceases. In c ny other r < untes :
10 lands are lost to the Bottlers
irough brokers' offices.
iis crime has assumed such proportions
lat it will not down at the biddiifg of
no or two party organs. A wise , mys-
jrlouo look , a wink , or oven a whisper
: om a governor will not satisfy the
This board are alao charged with in-
Now mark they are so anxious to ob-
kin revenue that they have land hastily
ppraised at fifty cents per acre , then
> aso at six per cent , making throe cents
or aero free from taxaction. Then they
oop from § 130,000 to § 300,000 unln-
Bstod because they cannot invest It.
Vhy are they so desirous to rent land for
ireo cents per aero , when they claim
icy cannot Invoat after obtaining it ?
hey pretend to hide behind the opinion
f the attorney general in getting rid of
10 laud , and hiding behind the opinion
f the courts in holding on the hundreds
I thousands. The subterfuges and
edges to escape an honest discharge of
uty is equal to sleight of hand. All
> rts of pretences at first are adopted to
rovontinvestlngas the law plainly directs.
'hen ' to make their violation of the
atuto apparently respectable they frame
irtain questions and ask the opinion of
10 court. When , much to the chagrin
: the board , the court answers differ-
itly than they hoped , making it easy to
joy the law and protect the fraud. If
iis board owned in their own ripht
any hundreds of thousands , you do not
( Hove they would have found any "lions
the way , " Oh , nol They could not
r a long tlmo Invest in Lancaster county
mds that were known to bo good , but
uld invest § 50,000 in bonds which the
unty probably can never bo compelled
pay , Again they higgle about bonds
mmanding a premium , claiming they
unot pay the premium from the per- fl
inont fund and as the legislature has flg
ido no appropriation for such purpose flI
o bouds could not bo purchased , but I
o court shattered that miserable pro- n
ice. fi
True the rate of interest would bo small P
t would not oven throe per cent fore y
o years bo better than nothing ? They CiBl
vo shown they DO managed much of the BlP
moy received that the atato obtained P
riioy were diligent in leasing land at
roe cents pur aero , but were BO broad Pai
; uod they scorned the Idea of investing aiw
) people's money at throe cents on the T
But where the thousands were doposl- vlII
1 is the question often asked and not
t answered. The board has opened its tlfc
uth long enough and loud enough to fcT
' "that at this time most of it is invea. , ,
I. " But when was it invested give
) dates. When public- attention was
acted to this inquiry they thought it
idont no longer to defy the law. The
vrd has had a rest. Let them now an-
or the questions where the hundreds
thousands were deposited ? Is it poasi-
there is no record in the capitolf Lot
i in glvo the people the amount , in what
ika deposited ? What rate of interest
I to whom paid on suoh deposits ?
'ho law gives the board the tight to ot
iroiso laud and requires them to bo at
cliod the uppraismcnt Is just. Lands
Dtoo and Lancaster counties were ap <
IsodinlSOS This board within two dc
ra hero , sold land in Otoo for7 , when ta
ry ono knows it was worth § 20 , and uv
Lancaster for § 11 , known to bo worth la
I. You can't ' believe such conduct fair th
I thoao men honest. You don't believe
governor or any member of the board
M sell his own lands for § 7 , worth
I. Tnlsselling is really uioru outrag- ly
is than the leasing. th
'hcso men cannot loatp lands honestly th
auto the law is dofeotivo. They can- ov
invest the school fund because thu lit
law ia defective. Their defence is a cot
fcsflion of guilt but the excuse is such t
no rogues ever before sought to justify
crime. You wonder why ?
is so often disregarded ? There is rorll ,
but ono sentiment ns to the control o
rail roc da and ether property the simo n
Individuals ; that lands devoted to corpo
rations and not earned should bo rostoroi
to the public domain ; that lands shouli
not bo illegally fenced by cattle syndicates
catos ; that foreign corporations or indl
viduals should not bo owners of real es
tate ; that the tatiff should bo so tnodifioc
that nrtlclr3 of n prime nocoasity , liki
lumber and sugar , bo placed on the frci
list. Yet none of these things are don-
If the voice of the people Is honestly ex
pressed in party platforms , their ropro
Bontativos'fail to crystalizoitin legislation. .
Combined corporate capital to a great ex
tent controls the legislation of the nation ,
They scorn content to bo told they arc
sovereigns. The go to the ballot box and
elect men who are used against their in-
cs'i. Duty is laid down where il
' -mid bo liken up. They think thoii
responsibility ouds when the ballot bos
la closed.
Follow your representatives nnd BOO
tind by what jugglery they are corralled
in the service of corporations. That em
inent financier , philosopher and patriot ,
Jay Gould , said ho had ceased to pur-
shaso conventions and party loaders and
elections , that it was loss expensive to
purchr-o men after they were elected.
llesults at Washington nnd Lincoln
3sibllsh ono rule , that the people cannot
ixpoct n representative for their interest
n a person who is n railroad attorney ,
[ t is true enough for an axiom , once a
ailroad attorney , always n i-illroad at-
: ornoy. People muat expect that when
hey elect ono. As well expect
ifou put him where ho can do the corpo-
ations the most good. Such attorneys
n Lincoln and Washington never forgot
ho corporation which has furnished
hem with buard and votes. The proba-
jility is that ho continues on the payroll
if the company ana after his short term
ifservico _ in congress and expects to ro-
eivo a larger sala/ from the corpora-
ion by roraon of the nalstanco ho ran-
lored the in the national legislature. You
iavo the power to elect mnn
? ry that ct the first remedy.
Ono ether fact ia apparent in congress.
L.n attorney for ono company is an nttor-
oy for all. When the question is ba-
ivoon railroads and the pooploovon their
isuos are pooled. It is all vo./ well to
ilk about the conflict of capital and labor
utwhich ia generally the aggressor !
| o you for a moment believe that
ither Jay Gould or Vanderbilt , have
onestly earned so much as to each own ,
lore than the assessed value of the real
ad personal property of Kansas and No-
raska combined. These states have
iror 100,000 acres of land , Nobrka n-
( saed at $90,000,000 , Kansas S1CO(00-
30 ; Nebraska has 500,000 population ,
lansas over a 1,000,000 , nearly all toil-
: a. Yet Vanderbilt , worth more than
TO state , and 1,500,000 prosperous peo-
lo , you can easily see the magnitude of
10 robbery from watered stocks. There
aver was such colossal robbery in any
; o of the world , Capital would siezo
10 public domain , would law govern-
ent bonds and if possible avoid pay-
ent ; shirk by all devices the payment
: taxes ; manufacturers will demand the
ghost tariff duties , and then seek to
ivo , .tho raw material admitted free ,
hey want free trade in wool , but not in
aolen goods ; thoyjwantfreotrado in iron
es , but not in iron manufactures. Thc.i
hen an attempt is made to restrain f ho
; ression and injustice of capital , is rals-
1 the cry of demagogue , and the con-
ct of labor against capital
To illustrate , two years ago a majority
tbo people evidently desired not free
ado but
Then commenced the old tacHcu.of how
it to do it. A commission composed o
otoctionista recommended a reductio
about 25 per cent , Congress wrestle
th the subject for months. Pardon m
r saying of myself that I was willing fo
reduction of duty on the raw mote la
a corresponding reduction could bo hai
the manufactured product , but in th
d It was apparent that the manufactur
s desired a reduction on the raw mate
1 and not on the manufacturer there
> m. They talked lend and long of pro
itlon to American labor ; but was onl-
3 labor that brought money to tbi
3 purse of combined capital
0 need a genuine protection to Ameri
1 labor , which is the thing least pro
ited by our r-.riff , the only thine in
lich free trade is tolerated. The Pa
io coast cannot protect iholf agains
incso coolies. The operatives in the
it cannot protect themselves against
m the continent. The American wool.
> wer cannot bo suitably protected
linst the pauper labor of Australia and
rope. The glass-blower and iron ,
rkor when demanding wages that will
nlsh broad for hia children is "locked
; , " and agonh are cent to import pau-
a and criminals under contract. Call
this protection to Amnrican labor ? T
i well bear the criticism of the phari-
a , the holier than those portion of the
ty , when I know the republican party
national convention has sustained the
0 I gave against the tarifl of 1882 , by
dgmg itself to correct ono great oiror
1 they actually reduced the tariff on
ol and continued it on woolen goods , o
it waa not the entertainment I was In-
) d to , and I voted against the tariff of
2 , Had nlow more republicans voted
aamo way it would have boon bettor
the wool-growers of the United States.
3 wool-growors became dissatisfied , ai
y had n right to bo. There was no
essity to reduce it and apply free trade
.bora. Except manufacturers demand-
It , they were willing the tariff should
reduced if the wool-grovrora should
r the loaa.
Tow mark , the simo influence which
ick down Iho duty will keep it down ,
jongrosa wo depress the wool induatiy
a few months later throw a sop to it
n resolution in national convention
fc wo will use our efforts to restore it ,
m it is evident our master , capital ,
not allow it to bo restored. Yet
so little fellows who are proud to be
led by corporate capital ore very much
oycd at my
'ho ' last national republican convention
lared that -"inequalities in the
ff should bo corrected , " That is all 1
r sought : that all Interests , including
> r , should bo fairly treated , "Only
and nothing more. "
; further justifies myfvoto by solemn-
proclaiming there uru inequalities in
present tariff and promUiuj ; to correct
n. The present tariff is unj us t AS our
i puty has boldly declared. Will the
a feltoTfa who sneeze when corpora * '
lions and capital take snuff please mak
a note of this ?
Wo proudly boast of our benefits as
nation but this republic will bo freer an
bettor when each citizen sVall dlscharg
his full measure of duty. T/ioro is muc
yet to bo done in the field of laboi
There are wrongs yet to bo rodrcsacd-
there are etlll gleaning Ruths in the hai
vests of toil. The grand bard of Scotlan
WAS not oven by Kngland'a lawn charge
as a demagogue or inciting labor again ;
capital when the bitter lamentation c
his soul wont out in pee try :
"The son that overhangs yon moor ,
Outspreading fnr and wide
Whore hundreds labor to support
A haughty lordling's pride.
"Seo yonder poor o'erlftborcd wight ,
So abject , mcnn and vile ,
Who begs n brother of the earth
To give Mm leave to toll ;
And sco his lordly follow-man
The poor petition spurn ,
Unmindful though n wcoping
And hopeless offspring mourn. "
The same sentiments 'could bo writtoi
in this ago of [ the world and bo stornlj
truo. The workers in iron and glasi
know it too well. The owners of coa
mines will stop work unless minors trll
accept wages that moan boggnry , am
the unfortunates of the cast must anffoi
from cold ao that the lords may rotalr
the prlco of production.
ThH medicine , combining Iron with pure
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L'urca J > .vHi > oi lii , IniHscMlmiVrnkiicns ,
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It enriches nnd purifies the blood , stimulates
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For Intermittent Fevers , Lassitude , Lack of
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/ * 1
.1 '
Owing to the increase
in our business we've
admitted to the firm
is well and favorably
mown in Omaha.This
\ ( <
dll enable us to ban-
lie an increased list
f property. We ask * I v i
hose who' have desi-
able property for
ale , to place the same
rith us. The new firm
7ill be
L3 South Mth St ,