Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1884, Image 8

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Saturday Morning October 4
The remain ! of Daniel Allen were trAns.
Icmd yesterday from the gra\o thryhiwo
T > cwpiod since interment to n utono mausoleum
jn a private lot In I'rojpact Hill cemetery
The iocmblo of the Third CoJinrcR.-xtlonal
church Thursday night was a picas ant affair n
who attended hnd good timo.M they always
do at the r sldcnco of Mra. J , T. Brown ,
Dr. John P. Newman is still in the city
and will appak t U > o " * M. 13. church on
Sunday morning. Dr. Kmbory , of l'Mlodcl <
t > hi , will occupy the pulpit In the evening.
S20.09 reward nirl no ijucBttons if the writ
of clothes stolen from my atoro Snturdny.Scp'
tembor 27th , is returned. John W. Bell ,
Druggist , 820 Tenth street. s'JO-m&cCt
AH Indies fljxl ecnllemon interested In the
bazar for the benefit of the Gorninn-Awcrican
school wo requested to meet t Gcrmantn hull
Sunday afternoon at 3:3'J : o'clock. A full at
tendance is ilcsirod.
The oounty commissioners have- let lliocoz
tract for supplying coal to the Omaha Coal
-Coko & Lima Company nt the following
prices : Kurd conL , S3.CO per ton ; soft coal
Sl.OOj lump coal for poor farm , § 4,25.
Word was ecnt.back to this clty.tlmt a vets
was Uken upon the excursion train of loco
jnotivo engineers on their way to San Francisco
-co with the following result : For JJInlno , "C ;
Cleveland , CO ; UutlorLj3 ; St , John , 4.
In poltco court y etonlty una dlstur
ber of the pcaco was fined 95 and costs. Ono
man charged with being n suspicious person
was discharged na was nlso ono man charged
with disturbance of the peace by fightln ? .
The "Harvest Homo" sociable andsuppor
at St. Mary's Avcnuo Congregational church
Thursday night was npiighly enjoyable affair
the ladles in charge of the entertainment found
that their treasury had boon considerably
swelled by the receipts of the evening ,
Thcro will bo a mooting of the Blatno and
Logan club of the eocwul word , Saturday
evening , in Cunningham's ball , corner of
Thirteenth and Jackson Rlrocts. All republi
cans are invited to bo present ,
Uy Urder ol the Word Committee.
A colorod.anan named John JJrown was nr' '
rested this morning while in the Act of tapping
a till in n bakery on Sixteenth ntroat. IIo was
taken to police court and charged with being
.1 Auspicious pcruon and won fiuoil $20 and sen
toncoJ to thirty < iays imprisonment in the
county jail.
IJ. C. Whltmoro , ft carpenter living at
1G1C Cass street , wai severely wounded on
Wednesday afternoon by the falling of a
board from which n nail projected , the nail
piercing his chin. There Is nome danger of
lock-jaw , but the attending physician bollovcs
tha case qulto favorable ,
There will bo n grand rally nnd torchlight
procession of the First Ward Cleveland nnd of
Uondrlcks club on Saturday evening , October
1th , starting from their headquarters at Tenth
and Pacific streets. All ether ward clubs are
Invited to participate. Good music , good
speakers. U. K. Mndson , president. Will H ,
Spauldlog , secretary.
llr. O. Borgatrom and Miga Klitnbolh A
Ahlander were married at the Millard hotel
by Judge Gustavo Anderson , on Wednesday
evening. Mr. J. N. Woitborg , of Wiig &
I Westbergj wns the best man , Mr. and Mrs.
Uorgstrom loft on the 8:15 train for their future >
home , Gothenberg , Nub , IJoth parties have
the well-wishes of many friends In the city
for Ion/ lifo and prosperity. u
Go to the Omaha Nurseries for furnl
ehado and ornamental trees. Also small
fruit imd strawberry plants , Now Is the
time tu plant all such trees and plants. This
nursery was established early In 1632 , and has .
a fine stock of hardy two nnd thrco year trees.
Nursery located two inlloj northwest of post- $
office near Ittner's brick kiln. OlHco N. W.
13th and Karnnm stroots. It , W , DAY , 1'rop. [
Planting fruit , slmdo nnd ornamental trees
a specialty , oct l-lOt-m&o-cod , tie
N. W. Aynrx t Son's Ameilcnn News
paper Annual for 1881 is tha moat complete
work of that kind ever published. It contains
n list of nil newspapers nnd periodic Us in the
United States and Canada , It gives the loca
tions , seat nnd
county population of every
county In the United States. It gives the it
political majority of every state , territory nnd
county , and the number of votes polled by the
Greenback party nt the presidential election
In 1880. In fa = t It Is filled with general Infor-
million nnd is a book which everybody needs i > y
upon their oflico desk or in their library. It so
Is published nt I'll ladelphla , and only costs
$3,00 postaRO paid.
Wannntnaker , the "con. " man who tried
to work Woods , succeeded in gutting 810 from
n barkeeper nt the Millnrd , 810 from Fntty and
Glenn , 810 from IJob Green , 835 from Jim
Stephemon , 55 from Knstmnn , the night
clerk at the Millard , and 825 from Cashier
Waite nt the Transfer hotel. Wnimnmakcr's days
dodpe Is to borrow
money from coaliding ac
quaintances , or iuduco them to cash checks on non
eastern bunks. Ho was leaving town Thursday - their
day with his plunder , when Cashier Hulelt of and
tbo Millard , caught him t the depot , and [
madohlmeivoupSSS which appeared to bo ho
ull ho hnd loft.
San ko Seal of North Carolina Tobro .0
Heal Kstuto XrAiiiferB. lhat
The following transfers were filed In The
the county clerk's oflico yesterday and at
reported for TUB BISK '
by Amos' rosl es the
tate agency , October 2 :
T. J. Lowry and wife to 0. Gentle
man , w d , part lot 0 , in florbach'a odd ,
4100. were
K. Grifo to S , I. Benedict , w d , part A
lot 2 , block 0 , in Parker's add , 81500.
J. 0. Swobo and wife to J. Oultra , w nish
d , lot 8 , in block 15 , Credit Fonoior ,
82000. '
E. IL McOJuro and wife to E. Mo- : lmt
Cluro , w d , w 3 of lot ! 1 in block 151 ,
T. Gentleman and wife to T. J. Lowry ,
w d , part lot 0 Jn Jlorbaoh's add , 8-1000 ,
T , J. Lowry end wife to 0. Gentleman - der
man , w d , part lot 0 , in Horbach's add.
It is not our custom to make any men
tion of Articles advertised in our columns , shot
y but wo do not hesitate to speak in high
t" ' terms of tha "GarUnd Stove and Han-
V ges.1 ' The manufaoturo/h aim tr produce VOb
the very beat that can possibly bo made , VOd
which accounts for the high reputation
which they have obtained as the beat in I
the world.
. o
10,000 bushels Ohoisa Wilier Apple citi
for sale in car bio or leu. Your bus !
' ness Nolle ] ted.J. At
J. G. WjLtuua & Co. she
27-lm Nebrwko Oily , Keb. j chi
A HiuW Wo , Child and Friend
Halted in Nanoc County ,
Their Bodies Found Two Days Af
ter the Tragedy ,
Tlio MollroTlioiiRlitJo Bo Plunder
The rnrtleitlnrs Olvon IJclow ,
W. < ? Horn , B gentleman who resides
in FuKorlon , Nance county , in this state ,
and who left that beautiful little village
yosfarday morning , was BOOH by a BEE
reporter laat night. This gentleman re-
latesd the particulars of the horrible
quadruple tragedy which took place
about twelve inilco went of Fullerton ,
and which WRO diaeovord about 12 o'clock
Wednesday night.
About three years ago quite a number
of Englishman came into that county
and Bottled upon the source of HOMO
Crook , a email atroam which hoadc in
woatorn Nanco county. This aoction of
country is considerably broken ,
and consequently is fit only for grazing
purposes , and ns most of thoao men had
moans , they turned their
Othora continually kept coming ever to
this country and Bottling in that part of
the county until a small colony eras es
tablished thoro. Among thorn were four
men named Porcival , Baird , Furnovnl
and Maro. Porcival waa a middlo-agod
man , with n wife and ono child. Mare
was a bachelor. The ether two lived on
separata ranches , and were engaged in a
small omall way in the cattle business ,
owning the land upon which they resided.
The two first named were at onp time
partners , but lately dissolved their rela
tions. Mare being single lived about ft-
mong bis neighbors as convenience suited
and for some time past had stopped with
Porcival. The house of Porcival waa in
seldom visited by anyone , except those
going directly to his place ,
Thomas Miller Esq. , ono of the cattle
kings of that county , had occasion to go
up to Perceval's homo on Wednesday
evening last. Ho wont to the door ,
knocked but no response was given him
and ho loft without sooinganyono. Upon
Inquiring of the neighbors ho learned
about the promises for a couple of days
and it was presumed by thorn that they
had gone off on a visit. Thursday night
ho wont back again. IIo burst open the
locked door and by the pale light of the
moon saw
Porcival's wife , child and Marc. The
bodies of tho'first ' two were lying on the
bed and that of Mare upon the floor , an
The corpse of Mare had no marks of via-
once upon it , but an examination of the
jody revealed the fact that ho had boon ho
smothered to death. The wife and child
mot their deaths from pistol shot wounds
search was then instituted for Porcival
whoso lifeless body was found in the
corral under a hay stack
y hogs and coyotes. 8
Mr Miller returned homo after finding
ho bodies , and yesterday morning , just
joforo the train loft for Omaha , arrived enl
Fullerton , IIo com
had gone there to retort -
tort the tragedy to the authorities and
old the above story.
Upon inquiry as to the motive which
night load to the crime it was learned city
.lint n short' time ago Porcival had re
ceived a check from the old country for
$1,000. Monday morning ho wont to aorl
Pullorton , the county sent , to transact
some business and have his check cashed. plaj
Jo wont to the bank , deposited his Kva
jraft , and wns advanced $500 upon it
also bought a lariat rope , and Into in this
the afternoon started for homo , arriving
It is said his team had boon unhitched
and turned out to pasture. Close by the
lido of his dead body was the rope just as sot
had boon wrapped up at the sturo in
Fullerton , which fact furnished the un-
diaputablo presumption that Porcival had
mot liia death before ho had entered his
dwelling on his return homo Monday
evening from Fullorton. It is thought
the people acquainted with the facts ,
far as they ere known , that Mare and
Porcival's wife and child mot their fate
before Porcival had returned from the
village , The murderers then
shot him while on his way from the
corrall to the house.
The men , Furnovnl and Baird , are also
niflsing , not having boon soon for severn
past. It ia not known that any difficulty - poll
ficulty or trouble existed among these Sop
who all have boon looked upon byl Lnn
neighbors as industrious , peaceable
lawabiding citizens. No trace of City
"urnoval and Baird has boon found , but Coa Mai
country is being scoured to find their Ami
remains or to discover some clue that
explain their departure.
Various conjectures nro being made as Ink
who may have 0 Inn
nothing has bo.m brought to light Disc
will in the least solve the mystery. 1'ern
finger of suspicion as yet has boon
raised against no one and these who are Hob
work upon the matter are groping in i ? ' (
thickest darkness. Mai
Upon his arrival in Fullerton , Mr. Viol
Miller no sooner had told of the terrible Viol
tragedy than nearly all able bodied men Curt Prod
on their way to the scone of death. ] ) efi
coroner's inquest will bo hold upon the Olwl [
bodies and if the examination should fur.
sulllciont proof against tRom to Viol
warrant their arrests , U is thought , Dint
Judge Lynch will hold a short session
will dispense with all need of legal
It has since hoon learned that the mur Tot
was committed for pluudur as almost TotI
everything of value was taken from the
lioiiia. It is St.
no * thought that Furnoval
Baird the was
mitsing men are the mur
derers , It is also rumored that Mare was bo
instead of being smothered to death. Tenth
In Moinorliuu ,
1'OGG Karly on Sabbath morning , Septem oycl
bar'JStli , Mr * . Jennie K. i'ogg , of hear iati
aisessu. Aged t5 ! years. ton
Mrs. Fogg wns the wife of Charles N. Maty
g , of the claim department , D. it M. 0.'J
railway , and daughter of our well known us c
citizens , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. V. Doolittle , would
whose home , on North Eighteenth this
diod. She grow up from her early work
childhood b thia city , attended its
eehools ' , and mingled In iUsociety } whcro
her jaubslantial qualitieo , of both mind
and heart , gained her general respect ,
nnd won for her many Wonda. Mrs.
FOUR was domostio in her habito , wJiolly
devoted to her family nnd her homo.jllor
last Blckncss , which extended through
three months , was attended with peculiar
trials. While herself helpless , shrj was
obliged to watch her infant non 'ivoop nnd
suffer and die , and then see iiis form car-
rled nwny to burial. 8ho nlso endured
protracted nnd very aovoro sufFoi-ing day
and night , from which there was but
Hltlo relief. It cost her a great strugg o
to civo up her devoted husband nnd little
girl | of two years , nnd her home , in
which : they were very pleasantly sot *
tied. ' Hut no ono ever board
n word of complaint or murmur pass her
lips. "God always does right , " was her
constant romnrk. Her BOUI grow strong
nnd spiritual vision clearer , as she ( ol
death slowly npproaching. She often re
pooled the 23d psalm with apodal ompha
ah upon the wordo "Tho1 I walk throug ]
Iho valley of the ohadow of death I wil
fear no evil , for Thou art with mo" . Sh
cheered md comforted nil who wori
about her and strengthened their faith b ;
her testimony and patience she remembered
od distant members of the family spok (
of them and prayed for them most oar
nnatly. She was conscious to the OIK
and enjoyed , in an unusual degree , tha
peace " which only Christ gives to these
whoso eins ho has forglvon. Her last ail
diblo word wns "peace. " Her funora
was largely attended by sympathizing
friends. The department of the B. t M
railway , in which Mr. Fogg holds a po
sition , and whore eighteen or twont ;
clerks nro employed , was closed. Ilymui
which had boon her favorites during hoi
sickness vroro sang at the house nm
grave. Ono tender feature of the service
was the baptism af her little daughter
Lillian Buahnoll.
"Our duty down hero is to do not to
know. "
Three modern style residences for sal
St Mary's Av. Pork Av
Apply Omaha Financial Exchange , 1517
Douglas. s30-Ct
A Stolen ' Watch Returned From Bin
ryavillo , Missouri.
On the 20th day of August , E. B. Cal
lahan was robbed of his watch in a place
at the corner of Eleventh and Homo ;
streets. The follow who snapped it from
his vest made good his escape and Mr
Callahen gave up all hope of ever recovering
oring the lost timepiece. About the mid
jQ | of last month ho received a letter
dated nt Harysvillo , Missouri , stating
upon n certain day his rratch would bo
returned by the Pacific express.
On the day stipulated by the letter a
package was taken to Mr. Callahan's
house and ho paid the charges upon the
same. Upon opening it ho found thai
instead of its containing the watch which
had boon stolen from him It contained
old i watch which was almost valueless.
This paekago was received by Mr. Callahan -
han on the 2uth day of September and
hoi has kept the watch sinco.
Thursday ho thought ho saw his own
watch In a Farnam street pawnshop and I
swore out a search warrant for the piece
but wns unnblo to find his lost property.
.Tho whole proceeding is n rjuoor ono
and Mr. Cnllnhan it nt a loss to under
stand it.
Beauty , that transitory flower , can
only bo had by using Pozzoui'a medicated
complexion powder.
Yesterday's train brought into this
the Evansville ball club , of Evansville
villc , Indiana. They are hero to play a
series of siv games with the Union Pacifies
ciflc , which games will end the ball
playing in Omaha for this season. The
Evansville boys have boon hero before
season , and fought several hard bat
with our boys and as the clubs are
very evenly matched the coming games
looked forward to by the lovers of
ball with a great deal of interest.
The series was to have commenced
yesterday afternoon , but the shower that
in at about 4 o'clock precluded the
possibility of a gamo. This attornoon ,
weather permitting , a game will bo elF
played , the two tennis occupying the
following positions :
Union 1'aclfics. Kvansvllle.
llandlo Catcher Murr
Hockwoll 1'ltchor Crowcll
UWVCT First base Smvdora
McKolvey Second base Itafferty
Wbltnoy Third base lllllcry
Walsh Short ttop Board :
Vianor Loft Hold Thompson
J''unkhauicr. . . . . .Contor finlil Goldiby
Snocd Itlght Hold Sauntluru
Orlmliml Calendar.
The following Is the report of the
police court for the month ending [
September . * )0,188 ) i : to
Larceny 21
> oilicor intorcstuil In city contracts. . . . 1
Conversion by baileo , . 3 A
Making tin oats 12
Assault and battery , Sfi
nnd auspicious characters 80
olllcur . 1
Intoxication . , . I'll
tlrearins . 4
! driving . 1
Disorderly poraonij . 4
1'erBonating nu oilicor . 1
Kmbezzlement . 1 ms
Obtaining momty umlar fftleo proteases , . . . I !
Kobbory . 7 lot
Kiijltl\c i from justice . 1
Maintaining nuiianco . fi
Violation of hack ordinance , , . . . . . . 1
Violation of newer ordinance . 1
Prostitution . 00
Durrylnir concealed weapon . ; 1
lefrniidlng partner . , . 1
lHtructItig street , , . . , . , . 4
Receiving Btoleti property . 1
Violation of lire lliniU or , Jiiiuuco. . . . . 1 itself
Diuttirbauco of the peace . ( i'J
Total . 608
F rancid AVillurtl Coming. after
OMAHA , Octobers , 1881. the
the Kdltor of TUB IKK. !
snw an item headed "Thoy were for
John , , " In last evening's paper , which
good. I wish to say that there will
oyor forty ladies hero to attend the
annual state convention of the W.
T. U. , next week , beginning on the
evening of the Oth , and lasting until the
, who are just as earnest and persis
) in their united ellorU to reform as
was. Wo shall have thu talented
earnest national president of the W.
T. U. , Miss Fraiicis Willnrd , address
on Sabbath evening , the 12th. Wo
invite every ono to BOO and hear o'clock
lovely lady , who is giving her life
to the cauio of temperance ,
Preiident W. 0. T , U. co
J..O , Tnylor'fl Former Kniploy * Vrc-
sent IIIm With a Handsome
Memento ,
Ono of the moat popular men in the
Union Pacific headquarters was Mr.T
G. Taylor , the resigned freight nu''utOT ,
Thcro wns no man at the head
partmont in the whole bulW'wl,0 wn
more popular with his " 'jorfinatos thai
, sMr. Taylor.
In view of th ( M the Oicrjja jn j , }
department , Vhou it became known Urn
Mr. Ta ior tras about to leave them
made preparation ! ) to give to him a test !
menial of their kindly feeling and rospcc
for him and also as a mark of npprecia
tion for his many little kindnesses to
thorn. A committee was appointed t <
select something in the wny a proson
aud purchased a most beautifully carvoi
black walnut sideboard with plato glaa
mirror , the board being of rich Italiai
marble ; a triple , solid , hammered silver
water service , upon n shield on the latter
being engraved in old English , the letter
T. ; a lompnado sat consisting o
a tray , pitcher , and a dozot
glacaes of unique shape , all of boautifu
irridosceiit glass. These articles were
sent to Mr. Taylor's residence Ihursday
evening , They were presented to the
gentleman in the presence of the follow
ing friends and former employes of Mr.
Taylor. Miss Mamio Adams , Miss Ad
dle Wittit , Miss Cypher and Miss Mag
gie McOheano , Messrs , 0. V. Gallagher ,
J. C. Wesley , S. J. Cutler , George W.
Lyndon , J. H. Daniels , J. A. Lewis , T.
P. Mahoney , W. L , Anderson , S. II.
Lichtoborgor , Wm. Campbell , J. II.
Foad , 0. P. Goodham , Gen. E. F. Tost.
J. C. Iloltorf , F.E. Winning nnd A. J.
Mr. 0. V. Gallagher made the pre
sentation speech. Ho said that himsoll
and associates deeply regrr.tod that their
relations with Mr. Taylor must bo sev
ered but that they desired to testify tc
him their past and future friendship , and
ilso to testify that ho had always boon
kind and considerate to them as em
ployes. Mr. Gallagher said that Mr.
Taylor's qualifications were such that ho
could always secure a position which
would ( bo satisfactory to him. Ho
closed by saying : "You have always dis
played that kindness and generosity
yhich oo cannotbut appreciate , and wo
herewith present you with the testimony
of > our appreciation for what you have
joon to us , and what we have bcon and
always ' will bo to you. Wo trust that
our future pathway may bo strewn
vith roses and that your llfo may bo ono
of prosperity.
Mr. Taylor responded by saying "I
hardlyknow what to say in reply to the
kind expressions made through your
chairman ! , but I feel that they como
straight from the heart. During the
time that I have boon in charge of the
freight auditing department. I have al
ways found each and ovpry ono prompt
and ready , willing and glad to respond to
anything ; that I might ask. „ I fool that
the standard of the office has boon raised
within the last two years : that the credit ,
ifi any be duo , is as much or moro to the
clerks that have stayed nobly by mo since
have boon in my recent position , and J
doubt if it will bo possible , over in the
Future , for mo to occupy a position where
itl has bcon so much , of a pleasure to pro-
aide ever a force of like iron. " He said
that ho did not know yet whether ho
should remain in the city or not. Ho
thanked the donors very kindly after
which a social time was had.
An rivclilns Olinso anil Subsequent
Capture of a Sncnlc Tilled
About 9 o'clock this morning a lively
chase took place in the center of town
and created a great deal of excitement. or
On Tuesday last a man named George 3T
Howard wont to the Star Manufactory's be
works , on Capital avcnuo , and inquired clde and
about some bed springs which ho said a Ion
ady on Tenth street wished to buy. The rcu.
iropriotor of the place stopped out and
Bo ward stole a clothes wringer and made
with it. A lady who was in the next
tore identified him and said that she
saw him taking it oft" .
Yesterday morning the proprietor of the
ilnco mot Howard upon the street and
accused him of the theft. Ho denied it
ind nlibrod to go with him to BOO the
lady who had said she saw him
arry ell' the wringor. Upon reaching
the place the lady was not at homo and
the proprietor took Howard down town
the purpose of having him arrested.
Wnon they had reached the corner of Tbo
Fifteenth and Douglas strcoto , Howard ory
asked to stop into the saloon at that Dine Ion
mint , for a moment. IIo was allotted line
do so but was followed by the pro TE
prietor , Aa soon as Howard got into the
mloon ho threw oil' his coat and run
through the back door and into an alloy.
lively clmso ensued , police whisios Five
were blown and a crowd joined in thu
chase , The follow ran through several larp
alluys aud finally rushed up into Roes' o
printing oflico , and hid under a table ho
vlioro ho was captured and taken to
ail. A crowd of seventy-live or n hund
followed him to the jail.
Howard is n confirmed sneak thief and
just served out a thirty days' sen
tence on broad and water for stealing n
of cigars. Ho was taken to police
court and was aontoncod to 20 days on
bread and water.
honour iluuro.
The following order , which has bcon
issued by the postmastor-gonoral explains nglo \
WAHHINUTO.V , D. 0. , Sent. * 27 , 1884. ; oni
"No. r 2. 0 Jeraf : That on 'and loini
October 1 , 1881 , all postoflicos of CACI )
first claes nnd their utations and lilrty
branch offices , shall bo kept open to the lie
public for the i uo and payment of hoe IUO
money orders , and for the receipt ot moi
matter intended for registration and the ikud
delivery of registered mattur , until 0 B
o'clock p. m. every day except Sunday
legal holidays. FUANK UATTO.V ,
Postmaster , Omaha , Nob.
QUlNQLKV-In this city , October 2. nt 11 P
o'clock p , m , Junuu AV. , eou of William
anil IJIlen Qiiingley , aged 2 years and 10
QKunorftl will take place to , day at 0
a , m. front the residence , Hurt street , TO
between Thirteenth anil Fourteenth ajreota. hoi
Seal of North Carolina Smoking tobac DliUlierla
is the heit. 00 ranu
Fruni "tiiiiiny Unly. "
There are two young ladies at the PAXton -
ton , who arrived yesterday morning from
"Sunny Italy. " The young ladies who re
quested the reporter to keep their namea
out of the paper , have with thorn the
hooks used in climbing the Alps , as well
as their spiked shoos. They give grand
and glowing accounts of their pleasure
trip to Italy , but say they are glad to
got back to America. The young ladion
reside in San Francisco for which place
they leave to-day.
Absolutely Pure
This powder never varies. A marvel ol porety ,
itreo th and wliolcuomenosfl. More eoocomlcal tlian
ho ordinary kin Jsnnd cannot bo Bold In competition
with the multitude ot low toot , short weight alum or
phosphate powders. Sold nnlv In CIUIR , ROYAL
IIAKINO POWDEll CO. , 108 Wall street. , N. Y.
Besides the ndvnntag ot a eolld English and Classi
cal education , sped euro will bo devoted to the
O Of
Practical Surveying
BuoK-Keepg , BanMopBu Coinmercial k
Five nowprofoscrshivo been added to the ( acuity
thia purpoBO.
Vocal Music , German and French , optional. JSJ
NEW STUDENTa must present themselves dut Ing
week cndln ? August 31 , between 0 anil 12 a. in. ,
they must bo ready to stand oxainlnatlon to Jo-
their rank In tha coureo.
1'rof. Lambert will give duo notice I or the rosump
ol thcxncnlni ; course In Chemistry. Tuition
. No dlatlnctlon nn account ot creed ,
au ; . 13 tu thurs eat Ot
The scnoli6ta ! year commences on tne
First Weflnesflay in Sentemlier ,
coureo ol Instruction embrooea all the KIcmon
aryand higher braurJioa ol a Onlahed education
MOcrcuco of Itcllicion la no obstacle to the admin-
ot young ladlea. Puplla are rocoHeJ at any
of tni ) year ,
' Uoard , Washing , Tuition In English aud
Frcucli , use of bookB. i'lftno , per ecoslon of
Months , - - $1 50.00
EXTIU CtlAKdES-Drawlng. Palntlns , derma
, Violin , ( Jultar and Vocal Music.
llvferenocii are roiulrod from all persons unknow
the Inntltutlon. For furtnor Information apply
Oman * KplirasVn , In which Ii taught douhle on
entry Iloolfkoopln , Commercial Law , Civil
o\eminent , Uuslnow I'raoUoo , reaumnthlp , Kng *
Oramuar , Ailthuiotlo , Healln ( ; , hpvlllug , Cur-
gpondcucc , and Short Hand Writing ,
omplelo Course , one year , ( thort band ex
ccptod , , $00 0
| > lcteCount' , ono month . , . . . , , , . 8 no
Icto Oourne two months IS CO
touiplUe Coume , three uioutlis , SO 00
month thereafter , , . , , 60 ]
, Ixi4 na In IVmu&nalilp 6 00
nlm\o coursebook-Lcui'lnguxccptod ( ) one
month , 6 00
beabo\e oouno , ( book-kccti.rir excepted S
months . . .V 12 00
lor circular , Addrcsn
(1KO. 11 11ATHI1UN , Prn.
S3Uthnc < t corner 15th aud Faruau B U. , Oiniha
TOCONSUMlTIVEd-Uuiy have t en h m > y to
Iliolr li ntunour In faror ol Ilia uio or ' Wllbor *
MreCoiMJm O'louJ ' Lima. " Ex | ritnro bn rrotcU
Ui > luib'e noiwly ( or Coiiivinptluo , Aitbini ,
, toJ all iiUeawi ol the Throat and Lurm.
Tanulacturetl oulr by A. B. Vi'lltor , Chomltt , llo -
SuM l > / all
& Taylor ,
Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for
less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it.
Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Neuraask
isuiumiiumiu UUHLLU ;
Counter , Hay , Stock and Kailroad Track ,
Orders for * he Indian Department given for Buffalo Scales ex
clusively. Scale
1405 Douglas Street. OMAHA. NEBRASKA.
Visitors to the State and others in need oi : Men's , Boys' and Children's-
Clothing , will dowell to call on
, I *
The Strictly One Price House in the City
Am examine their goods and prices. They carry the largest stock , and
sell lower than any other house in the city. Merchant Tailors
don't fail to call at
1216. FABNAM ST. 1216
Hie Largest Stock in Omaha : andPMes the fewest Prices'
& J
Just received an assortment far surpassing Anything la this market , comprialn
latest ! nud moat tasty designs manufactured for this oprlng'a trade and covering
range : of prices from the Cheapest to the most Espomlvo.
Parlor Goods
Wow ready for the in3pection of ens- , Complete stock of all the latest
tomera , the newest noveltips in styles in Turcoman , M dias ! nd
Suits nnd Odd Pieces. Lace Curtains , Etc , , Etc.
Sleeant Passenger Blevataa ? to all Floors.
1206,1208 nnd ISlOFarnam Street , - OMAHA NEK
H. MILLARD , President. WM. WALLACE. Cashier.
Capital and Surplus. S5OO.OOO.
Flro and Bandar Proof Safea for Kent at fr m 95 to 850 per annum.
J2jj. < sfj 3j na j y ; 5.z. iimie. BS III
IMS . tnd IBID lliruor Sit Ml nC3 if. HHbiBlf | I ffc _ lo
. fc .4
CiUlaju. ( uro'ibtd fret nroo PP CJUor , f IWV JTBUlUC I