Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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lew Matthews , he Mayer of Noouan
\ in 1856 , Still
Ills WlicrcAlioutfl Known Ho May Bo
UroiiRlitUnek for T
Infor."wa 011 lately received in thla city
by a cork Am omo'n revives an event in
the history of Dou8lna county which took
place at "irh oroof lho moalory ot mm
runneth not U'thocontrftry- "
Jn the aprlng o 185t } mV two y ° nri
attar Nebraska h ad boon made "rntory ,
-a murder , which . waa thought by some to
att ocious , waa comin ted
have been moat ,
'h ° * thahul ° vlllnS °
about four rutloa norx
. , „ _ niin,4 tnnat pK { 'iIn Sarpy county ,
now called j < iij
At that time "rtiunix or 80Voroi8n ?
ruled aupromo in Jfo&rnttk. " * ' , , . ,
which a man could acquirw by P j '
cou °
ppasossion were Iho kiuhoat'ntf
tain to land. When a squatter .w *
tract of land ho wished to own ho * LD. .
open it a small shanty and' waited for
such a time as the government might * ace
fit to give him a good and perfect title.
At the place above mentioned a great
brawny and ignorant man named Low
Matthew squatted upon a line piece of
land , part of which waa a bottom tract
covered with a growth of timber , and the
remaining a fine atrolch of rolling prairie.
Matthews built a house npon the uplands
but had loft no evidence that ho Intend
ed to poaaoaa the bottom.
Ono day Matthews discovered that a
man named Noonan from thia city had
entered upon his bottom tract and built
a log hut evidently Intending to hold it
under the law of aquattor's right. Matthews -
thews explained to him the foot that ho
waa holding it under the same law , but
'Noonan refused to recognize hia rights.
The harch end rigorous law of claim
jumping waa resorted to by Matthews.
'Those days the sentiment that a claim
jumper's lifo waa not worthy of being
prolocted by law had grown into a cus
tom , and the old settlor's aay had boon
verified by several practical demonstra
tions. A written notice waa served by
Matthews upon Nonan warning him to
leave the tract or suffer the paina and
penalties of claim jumping.Noonan still
staid upon the premises , and ono night
Matthews , a man known in thoeo days as
"Ranger" Jones , aj man named llevos
and several others wont to the place to
execute their soutonco. They were moot
at the door by Noonan. Ho was told ho
would bo given a last chance , and when
ho refused to accceds to their demands
ho was shot dead by Matthews.
At thia time Sarpy and Douglas were
ono county. The citizens in that vicin
ity of the murder brought the nowa to
the authorities at Omaha. The death of
Noonan , who waa an Irishman , raised a
great furore among them. They started
for Forest City with the firm deter
mination that Judge Lynch should hold
a session of court. They were accom
panied by Joseph 0. lleevea , then
sheriff , who went with them for the pur
pose of arresting and protecting Matthews
from the violence of the mob. When
they arrived there they found him wait
ing for them , with his house strongly
guarded by thq neighbors. They were
foiled in their attempt to make him
atone for his act , and returned homo
without accomplishing their purpose
Beeves , who feared the mob , sent word
if ho wanted to be protected ho should
como to his house before dayj
light the following morning ,
which ho did. Matthews was
placed under arrest , charged with
murder and kept in confinement until
the next term of court. Sarpy in the
moan time had become separated from
Douglas. The prlaonor waa taken down
to BeUovuo , the county seat of Sarpy
county. Here ho waa confined In a small
frame houao converted into a jail and
only a abort time before his caao was
called broke out and was never soon af
terwards by the authoritiea. It waa af
terward learned that ho had creased the
Missouri river on the ice and had nearly
frozen to death in hia wandorlnga.
No very strenuous efforts wore made
to capture Matthews , but a constant
watch has boon kept up for him ever
.since. A very short time ago an official
who livoa in the city received a letter
dated from a largo city in a southern
stale , in which an offer was made lo deliver
liver up Matthews to the proper authori
ties in case a reward would bo paid for
his apprehension. The officer to whom
the letter waa sent , knowing that this
county had no jurisdiction of
the offense , turned the letter
over to sheriff Spearman of Sarpy. It
has not boon determined as yet what will
bo done in the matter. It ia aaid to bo
probable that an effort will bo made to
recapture him. His wife , who waa
witness of the murder , is known to bo
in a small city in Iowa. Several others
who wore oyq witnesses of lho aftUir can
bo obtained if needed , but it is thought
that the circumstances attending the
murder would render any action on the
part of the state almoat futile.
llo Makes NiRht Hideous AVItH His
Yells and is Jjocked up In Jail ,
Yesterday morning about ; 12:30 : people
living in the vicinity of Sixteenth and
Webster streets , were awakened from
their slumbers by the yells and cursings
of a drunken bum who is known by the
name of Jim McGuiro. McGuire and a
man named Manix got into a fight on
Sixteenth/street between Izard and Cum-
ing Directs. Officer Oormick , who ia on
Sixteenth street boat , came up and in
trying to stop the fracas waa sot upon by
both the men and had a regular rough
and tumble fight with the two fellows
until the arriva of Officer Whitmack ,
who is otationcd on Cuming street. Manix
waa hustled off to jail and then
the two officers attempted to
take McGuiro. They got him
aa far aa the corner of Webster street
when ho lay down upon the sidewalk and
rofuaod to go or bo taken any farther.
The officers dispatched a messenger for a
wngon , and while lie was gene McGuire
lay upon the sidewalk yelling at the lop
N of his voice and using all lho profane
and obiceno language known in the vo
cabulary. Ho also kicked right and loft
and succeeded a number of times in kicking -
\ing the officers quite eovotely. During all
ijhia time , the officers refrained from using
brutal means to subdue him.
* { is cries awakened the neighbors for
blocVj around , and many of them got up
and djossod and hastened to the scone ,
oxpectlnji ; to aeo several men half dead ,
Una we < ) considerably indignant when
they found only a drunken man. lip
wai loaded Into a wagon and taken to jail
and this morning wna sentenced to ton
days on bread and water.
It is time that somoof those follows cot
n doao of aomo kind to loach them lhat
the policemen of Omaha are not footballs
lo bo kicked by all the old vagrants and
rJruii'1 ' bums in town whenever it be
comes nocca ry to arrest thorn for viola
tion of the law. ! W pollcomC" * pu
have atood the abuao and pnnishmontjn
fllctod McGuire aa did Cormick
and Whitmack. The proper thing
to have done would have boon
lo buck and gag him and Ihon put
the comoalongs upon his wriala and turn
them up on Ihom until ho waa ready and
willing to walk along peaceably.
An Kiitcrtnlnmont to bo Given by tlio
Saratoga Union Sunday School.
.Tho Saratoga Union Sunday school
have made all lho necessary arrangements
for a "Harvest" concert on Sunday
evening , October 5th , at thn Saratoga
school houso. The following programmo
which Is a fine ono , promises to bo very
'utorcsting :
1. S s ' Miss llusttn and School.
2. rilAYKU.
S. Song- .
1. Itccitatioif.
3. Duet , Whoro'hh. 't i10"01'J ; , ' to-day ?
Misa llustin ana IrChristie. .
5. llecitationMaster
Master Wilton
7. Song. When t ° say "Yes , "
Band of Hope.
8. llocitation. Joy
Miss Maggie McKay.
J. Quartet. Bringing In the BUOAVOSJ
Misses Itustln and Smith , Mosdrs Hustin and
10' llecitation , Peace
Misa M ary Gruonlg.
11. llocitation , Gentleness
MissLIzzio McKonzio.
12. Song , No 174- School.
13. Address Kov. Mr. Polton.
14. Duett. Autumn Leaves
Miss Hustiu and Mr. Smith.
15. llocitation Temperance
Misa'Nottio McKay.
1C. llecitation , Goodness
Miss Callio Hair.
17. Sang , School.
18. llocitation. Long Suffering
Misa Gertie Luce.
19. Eecitatien Faith
Miss Annie Crelg.
20. Kecitation Meekness
Miss Ellen Gruonig.
21. Song Arlso and Shine Chorus
A. Valuable Olilll Tonic Kctul this
NEW ALBANY , Miss. , Juno 9 , 1881.
Mess. B , A. Robinson & Co.
DODBYVILLE , ARK. Oct. 25 , 1882.
Mess , It. A. Jtobinson & Co.
Louisville , Kg ,
Gents YomHiiffhcs Tonio having boon
highly lecommonded to mo , I ordered ,
short time since , 1 doz. bottles , soon
sold every bottle , and have yet to hear
of a single instance of ita failing to effect
a speedy euro of Chills and Fever. Will
you please give mo your loweat cash
price for thoTonicand in what quantitioa
I will have to buy it in order to got bottom
tom figures , and oblige , Respectfully
youra , ( Signed ) WM. PAISLBY.
Prepared by R. A. Robinson & Co. ,
Wholesale Druggists , Louis villo , Ky. ,
and at retail by Schrotor &
Bocht , Druggists , Omaha. Retails
at $1.00 per bottle , six bottles
for § 5.00.
Miss Alice withnoll has returned from Chicago
cage , where she has been visiting friends.
Several members of Florence's "Mighty
Dollar" company arc at the Gees hotel ,
Mrs. J. E. House and MissLibbio Withnoll
bavo returned from a pleasure trip through
Colorado ,
Will Siseo , one of C. S. Raymond's gentle
manly clerks , left to-day for a few days' visit
with his parents In Clinton , Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Florence , who have gained a
wide reputation in their great play of the
"Mighty Dollar , " are at the Millard hotel.
Miss Agnes Proctor , Miss Nellie Fitzpatrick -
rick and W. T. Elliott , of the "Mighty Del
lar" company , are at the Millard hotel.
Mr. Babcock , mineral agent of the C. & N.
W. road , "returned homo yesterday from a
business trip to Chicago , accompanied by hia
The llov. Mr. Corbert and family , of Chi-
eogo , arrived in this city yesterday , onroute
to Denver. Mrs. Corbort is the mother of the
mother of the genial and well-known general
manager of lho Chicago & Northwestern road ,
Marvin Hughitt.
Billy Shull and wlfo have returned from
Now York state , where they have been npcnd-
Ing the past four months , They are much Im
proved in health by the change , and their
hosts of friends in this city lejolco at their safe
return home.
W. G. Hora , Fullerton ; B. Carroll , Wahoo ;
J. P. Hyinor , Holdrege ; J. Y Illppoy and
wlfo , Hasting * ! Ed Hlsaliernor , O'Neill Cityf
Mrs. S. 0. Brooks , Syracuse , N , Y. ; Chester
Morton , Fort Collins ; J. D. Spauldlng and
\vijo , Spaulding , Iowa , are at the Metropol !
tan ,
Mention was made yesterday that Al , John
son , a Union Pacific engineer , had gene east
to bo nbjont a month. For years Al , has trav
eled the rugged and thorny path of life alone ,
and it is now rumored among his moat Inti
mate friends that when ho returns It will not
bo nlone , but with a Ufa partner who will
strew hia path with rose ; , from which every
thorn will ba removed , Thu boys are duly
notified to get ready for the cignrft.
By using Dr. Frazier's Throat and Lung Bal
sam the only sure euro for Coughs. Colds ,
Hoarseness and Sere Throat , and all diseasoa
of the throat and lungd. Do not neglect a
cough. It may prove fatal. Scores and
hundredof grateful pcoplo ewe their lives to
Dr. Frazicr't Throat and Limp Balsam , and
no family will ever bo without It after once
using it , nnd discovering Its marvelous power.
It in put up in largo family bottlon and Hold
for the small prlco of 75 cents per bottle. Sold
I , Kuhn & Co. and 0. F. Goodman.
AtUckctl In tlio Dark.
A man named James Morris laid in
formation at police headquarters last
night that while standing on the corner
of Sixteenth and Dodge stroota at about
midnight , during the heavy shower which
fill at the time , ho waa suddenly pounced
upon from out the darknoaa of the night
by a man who drew a murderous dirk
upon him. Morria produced hii gun and
ropollcd his assailant , who then fled up
an alloy. Several policemen made a
search of lho locality , but no trace of lho
nasaulling parly was found. Mr. Morris
is compluloly ignorant of the cause of
Local and General Politics Are Righl
Lively ,
Iiocnl Monr.tbllcfl Nursed T > y the U ,
PiSidney's Itnpld Growth
General Items.
Special Correspondence to Tun BEK.
SIDNEY , NKII , , Oct. 2. lho political
cauldron is beginning to boil now that the
various calls have boon made by the pri
maries by thq republicans and democrats ,
for the purpose of electing delegates to
the representative and county conven
tion * Among those mentioned upon the
republican side for representative are ox-
postmaster John W. Hara and a so-called
"Doctor"\Virrott. \ Neither of thcSo men
haVe Any claims upon lho patty , especial
ly the former , who has Bold out his bust-
incas interests hero and intonda residing
shortly in the eastern prot of the state.
Damo.Ruinor has it , however , that ho
will got the nomination and that Wir >
rott will got badly loft in the convention
which moots oil the ICth iust. The
democrats have milled upon John M.
Adania , a very popular young muii who is
identified aa one of the largo cattle men
of western Nebraska. Air. Adams will
make it very interesting for his opponent.
Par county commhsionor the present in
cumbent , Hon. Norit ? Urbach , will no
doubt receive the hearty support of both
parties. Ho is a very conscientious and
upright citizen , and has shown his ability
to discharge his honorable trust. Minor
other office : * will bo filled , so that togeth
er with the national ticket , Ohoycuuo
county will have an exciting campaign.
The Blaiue and Logan club , consisting
of fifty members , is progressing nicely.
Fho Cleveland and Hondricks clubis
about on equal footing , and they keep
gathering strength as the campaign rolls
> n. Hon. Win. Neville addressed the
alter club a week ago. He is a very
eloquent speaker and handles his quos-
, ions carefully. His denouncement of
; ho Keith county school land frauds , and
lia scathing rebuke to Dawcs , lloggon &
Co. , elicited hearty and frequent ap-
jlauso. Mr. Neville will no doubt got
uany republican votes from this county ,
w many hero believe G. W. E. Dorsoy to
30 a rampant monopolist. The Third
congressional district is nearly four times
argor than either of the other two , there
joing thirty-five counties , and lots of
ground must bo covered to make a thor-
) ugh canvass. Dorsoy is likely to glvo
Sidney the "go by , " as ho has not yet
ixcd any date for appearing hero.
The 21st Infantry band has boon prac-
icing many campaign airs lately and
; hey are always ready for an engagement
: rom either party to help the good cauao
The land excitement continues una-
jated and each day brings in a new sup-
) ly of pilgrims. Major Olarksou of
3chuylor floats around with the air of a
) loated monopolist , and can talk land to
rour hearts content.
The prospects of the town wore never
letter. The merchants have their hands
ull to say their sales have increased
25 per cent , over last year. A great
many buildings are in process of erection
and carpenters had to bo imported hero
: rom Choycnno and Denver. Our amia
ble county clerk , I. I. Mclntoah , has
built a lovely addition to his residence
iand helps to beautify the surrounding
dwellings. Ho Is always making im
provements and his efforts are appre
Tom Ivano is erecting a fine atone
house on his ranch , six miles west of
town. Morltz Urbach has also con
tracted for the building of a water dam
on his rancho near Bronson Siding , and
will bo able to Hood his land for many
At the coming election the people will
vote $25,000 bonds to build a court
houso. It is very essential to have the
bonds carry , as the old rickety building
now occupied won t last much longer , aa
it la rapidly falling to pieces.
Ono of the gigantic monopolists of this
section is A. T. Clark , who runs a gene
ral .store at Coots Clarko. Its an open
secret that the Union Pacific Railway
discriminates in freight with him , and
'ivca him a 30 cent rate to Sidney. Ho
las injured Sidney very much , and it is
imo for Tin : BEH to ventilate this no-
'arious work. Another thing Clark does
s to prepay his freight in Omaha , so as
.0 conceal the fact of this "little special
'avor of the U. P. Rajlway.1
M. M. Goad left for an extensive trip
on the Pacific coast.
_ Vic Biorbowor , the gentleman from
Sioux , has loft this camp , and is now
looking up a location in the far weat.
G. H. Jowott returned from Pine Ridge
igoncy a few days ago , whither ho has
boon loking after the school building ho
ia erecting at that placo. Ligo Tuulor ,
J. M. Adams , D. Shody , W. H. Parker ,
Goo. F. Koolior all well known cattle-
raisers voro in town this wnok. Judge
Shuman plants his Blaine & Logan Hag
upon his housetop with all the dignity ot
his profession. Weather very cold at
present and atmosphere bracing. There
is acarcorly any sickness In town , so our
leading physician , Dr. 0. H. Field , in-
forma mo. His letter in last week's '
Plalndealor regarding the cleaning of the
ditches and streets was timely and will
avert any possible spread of an opidomy ,
By Dr , I'Vai'Ior'n MeRle Ointment. Cures as
If by magic : I'lmples , Black Heads or Grubs ,
Botclion ! and Eruptions on the face , ] cvlng
the ekln clear and beautiful. Also cures Itch ,
Salt lUieuin. Sere Nipples , Koroipo and old ,
Obstlnnto UlciTD , Hold by drugghtH , or
mailed an receipt of price. CO cents. Bold by
Kuhn & Co. and O , F. Goodman.
Bailer GolldiH of the Hinux City Tiiiioa
Urulally Ashaiiltcd ,
Sioux City Journal.
Charlie Collins , editor of the Tinier , wan
was waylaid at his door last night by .Tamos
Kennedy , a gambler , knocked down with a
rock and beaten. Mr , Collins had just comedown
down Blairs with Ills wlfo to go to the Knights
of J'ythiaa ball. Kennedy had boon neon fur
fioino little time walking back and forth In
trout of the Time * olliio Mr. Colllni' rooms
nru over the oflico with a rock In Iiia hand ,
As Mr. Collins flopped out on the tidownlk
Kennedy t truck liim on the load with the
stone which ho hold In his hand. Mr. Collins
wai knocked ol [ the walk mid foil on lho
Btreet , The gtono fell as tlio blow was struck ,
and thU dpubtloui prevented murder , Mr.
Jailing cried for help m ho foil , Kunuody fol
lowing up the first blow with
after JiU man was down. Mrs , Collins1 crien
liioujiht help within a minute or two from the
time thu IirBt blow wan struck. Maralml
fcoloa arrested the would-bo-muidoro-
continuing his awivult after the officer hid
collared him. lie was taken to the cola-
boo o nixi when his victim U Milllclontly re-
corned. tonDixm in court. vbo \ \ brought
in to answer for a aull with intent to
Mr. Collins was taken to his rooms ntul Dr.
( iityton. jr. , called In. After lho wounda
were droned a reporter called on the doctor ,
Hosnld : "Wo can never lull about thwo
head hurts. I should iy Mr. Collins was
very badly Injured may bo dead by mormnp.
I have ordered that ho ito not leave 1m bed
for a week. There l ft , cut to lho skull oa the
aldo of his head , Mid his Inco H nil beaten up.
ThobriilRO cf hisnoso api > o.iri to la broken. "
The doctor then went on to ute , In emphatic
laiiRungo , what ho thnticht of the cowardly
waylaying ot n manftt bis o\\n door when ac
ed by
Mr. Collins was seen , but wai in no condi
tion to talk much. Ho knew the man , ho raid ,
but had never spoken to him but ouci > , and
know no reason why ho tlmulj nssanlt him ,
WHO Tit tnrci 10.
Tliomall , James Kennedy , I the son of a
hotel keeper at Valparaiso , Ind , , and cann to
this city about a year ago. l-'or a tow ilnys ho
had employment from the city ns watchman
over the prisoners from the police court who
were c'oanlng the flutters. Ho WAI put on M
special policeman , but dlioliwged for drunken
ness. After Bomo months' abienco from the
city ho returned lalt spring and was employed
as track layer on the street car hue. Since ho
haa busied himself inoUly at lleoclng the ver
dant at cards a tln-liorn Rambler.
Glovolnml nt Home.
HuiTAU ) Uctobar 3. { Joy. Cleveland
the ( ieuo o house ro-
iponttha mottling nv
colving old friends. Many , , /lopondont re
publicans wcro ommipf the callrni ab > ' n
number of ladies woio presented to hiiii.
city Is ( till thronged with Usltorn. The Gov.
Ii-avcs for Albany at Ih30 tu-ni ht , arriving
thsro tomorrow morning. An Informal recep
tion will bo hold In the parlors o ! Mio Uonesoo
houre this forenoon.
Huno , October ! ) . ifcrtirly o\tAybody In
BulTalo to-day is talking about the great
demonstration last night In honor of Governor
Clovoluml. The weather cleared oil beauti
fully after the yesterday' * ilorm and largo
number * of vlsitnig organizations remained for
the purpoioof paying their roxpecU to Gov
ernor Clovoland. AT IB lilshablt , the Govern
or roao oirly : notwithstanding f.itiguo incident
to the reception last night and nftor breakfast
ut his rooms with his Albany friends received
hit first c.illcr at USO : n. in. 1'rom that hour
up til luncheon , which he also took in
his rooms nt 2:30 : p. n % thcro was nu
uninterrupted stream ofisilorn In
cluding persons In nil conditions of lifo ,
from the bnmblo laboring IMXII to the mil
lionaire. l < "or each ho hail hearty hamhslmko
ami : i pleasant wonl. Among the o who visited
the governor WCNJ many of hia old friends
and iicnuuintivncos in 1'ulTalo , who hail known
him when ho came hero n poor and almost
frlondli p boy , who had watched hii progress
In bra chosen profession , and who now united
in honoring him. ycry frequently the gov
ernor called up reminiscences , llo was in ux-
cellcnt spirits. * ? This afternoon the governor
drove about the city visiting old friondi ,
many of whom he had not Been since his
election to the gubernatorial cluir.This evening
the Governor was gi\on n dinner at the rcai-
dencn of Mrs. Walter Gary , .lustico I'lold , of
the United Stitoa Supreme Court , was ono of
the Riieats. Bishop llynn and Father Crouln
called on Governor Cleveland to-day. A
pleasant chat was had in whlih the Goornor
took occasion to resent in the most emphatic
manner the charge that ho had o\cr , directly or
indirectly influenced any niembsr of IheJIogiH-
laturo regarding the disposition of the "Ireo-
( loin of worfihii ) bill , " so ns to relieve himself
from any embarrassment in iti considera
tion , Father Cronln will make this statement
In the noit week's issno of the Catholic
Union and Times.
Governor Cleveland returned to thoGcnoseo
house from dinner at 10:30 : p. in. and made
preparations for his departure. A largo num
ber of citizens and'thp Cleveland Legion In a
body called upon him and hade him "God
speed. " The governor's departure was quiet
in accordance with hia doeirc , and there was
no demonstration. At olc\en the governor
drove to the depot with bin Albany friends
and boarded the Cincinnati oxpronn leaving
hero at 11:30 : p. m , A largo crowd congre
gated at the depot and as the train moved out ,
hearty cheers were given. y *
A New AVoy to Pay Old Dcbto ,
Shakespeare tolls how this can bo ac
complished in ono of his Immortal plays ;
but debts to nature must ho paid on de
mand unloaa days of grace bo obtained
through the uao of Dr. Piorco'a "Golden
Medical Discovery , " It ia not a "cure-
all" but invaluable for sere throat , bron
chitis , asthma , catarrh , consumption and
all diseases of the pulmonary and other
organs , caused by scrofula or "bad
blood. " Scrofulous ulcers , swellings and
tumors are cured by its wonderful altera
tive action. By druggists.
Private JIonry'H Will.
CAlOAOO. October 3. The will of the late
Private Charles 13 , Henry , of the G reel v ex
pedition , who was ehot for etualing provisions
was filed in thu probate court to-day. It is
written Ia pencil on scraps of paper , about the
f/.o ! of a postal card , torn from n blank need
in the navy. It Is dated , Camp Clay , Kilos-
meres Laud , MavU , 1881 , and ix ns follows :
4 1 , Charles 15. Henry , beinff of sound mind
and health , do hereby dccl.iro thin to bo my
last will and testament. All my proi > orty.
pay duo , nnd that which may bocoino dno , I
lciioath | to my parents , brother , and uistera
now a'ivc , to bo equally divided among them.
V/m. Helms , of No. ' 'J South Wntor sticct ,
Chicago , I apjwint as my executor. Cliarle
It. Henry , private Dth cavalry , U. S. army. "
TltH will is witnessed by Lieut. V , N. Hluling-
bury and Piivnto Joel J'nrJen. A postal card
to Mr. Holmu ttlU of the condition of the
command , Baying that seven had already diet
and the remainder ax [ < ected death ,
Special Telegram to
, October 3. The postal card nc
companyincc the will leads an follows : "Win
1 feline , Esq. Only six moro days provision !
aio left , Seven have died of uta.'v'ntion , nnc
uo are ul ! ready to follow. Wo are living on
eight ounces per day , and If wo do' not go
game before the ICth , you cm conclude all o
us to bo dead. My respects and love to all the
few friend * 1 met In Chicago , I remain , yo'irs
Charles B. Henry. "
Helms m Henry's brother-in-law.
The IMaii With u Cross
This man may have high ambition am
noble aspirations , yet ho cannot bo expected
pectod to enjoy very good health , capecl
ally If the lady scolds him while at meals
Tb.ii is enough to give any man chronlo
dyspepsia. If ho takes Brown's Iron Bittern
torn ho has a splendid ohuico for recov
ery. Mr. G. A. Wightman , Thomaston
Conn. , saya , "I used Brown'a Iron Bitters
tors for dyspepsia and have bowi greatly
bonofittod by it. "
The Army Illllo Contest.
LKAVKNWOHTH , Ks. , October 3 , The army
contest closed , the division of Mtmunir
winning five out of six inodnk. The Knginoor
corps one , and the division of the Atlantic
and Pad lie none. Lieut. Morrlan , Lieut
Clay and Corporal Watford received wldmed
U , and Bargt'g liarrett , Chaplain , and Capt ,
lingers , silver medals The Htandurd of the
pri/o wlniiorn In expressed by the order ii
which they nro nainoJ , The mcdala were
DroHentud to day with congratulatory Hpccches
by Gpnerul Khoridan ] > erdonally. In the < li
vision team , long dlntanco inatchoq eight and
iiliiohundniJ yardx , Misauourl led with 1012
points , 1'acllio W , and Atlantlo 83.
That tired fooling" from which you
suffer eo much , particularly in lho morn *
ing , onliroly llirown off by Hood's fiar-
fiapurilla ,
TlioimiwaulcooiVrSt. 1'juil
CHICAGO , October 3. The Inter Ocean' *
MniJiton , Wi [ ) , , special naya ; "TJtu ropoit of
lho Chicago , Milwankoo & St. 1'aul road for
the year ending Juno SOth last , was filed here
tu-day. Income , 32j.B3'JOaO ; | ( jixirating ex-
Ion8i ( SlUJJOO.J37 , Icnvinif SlO.O(8C'Ja. : ( Tax.
os , 800,1085 intmiat 83,802,13 , : : dlvldonda ,
fi.3 1,1157 , Total , SIJBO.-IS ? , Hurpltw , * ! ,
HU.lvO ,
MonRton" Itcatnilin Itronrd In the
I'honoinoiinl Time of ! 2O : II. I.
October 3. The trotters' nnd
pacers' fall meeting Ix-gAn today. The
weather w i bright , warm and calm. The
track fant mid the betting extremely light.
The first oxent wai the race of Tanny Wither-
spoon , trotter , record ' 'sir , ngalnst 1'lt ? ,
pacer , record 9il8. Fanny won easily. In
the last hw Mio wai pulled up iusiilo of the
nd , lint novcrtbolois lowered her
r.flcor.1. Time , isl81U1.1I1J. ! / . Thootontof
the day. was the successful Attempt of Commo
dore Kltt m'ii pacer , tlohnaon , to over his
record. 2:10. : The conditions were lno < t
favorable and the tpood and marV sot proininea
to tlnntl nt the head of the bolt for a long time.
Ha was brought out nnd given n warming
Up heat In 2:10j : , Then ho and Itichball woru
brought out and the judges announced that
they would bo started About four lengths
apart , not' to pace aqMiut each other , but each
In an attempt to boat bis own record , Kich-
btlls being ilJ. : J. They wcro given the word ,
both going fast nnd level. .ToiinHon reached
the first ( purler In : ! 2 seconds at n 2:08 : gait.
Soon nftor poking the quarter post lilchball
made n very bad break anil wai jogged the
rest of the way without nny attempt to make
time , Johnston increased his speed rllghtly ,
reaching the half mile post at n rate of 2:07 for
the record of the quarter being carried in 31) )
seconds. Along the third quartjr the saino
terrific ( light was kept u pniul the sKctntors ) !
beganltocry , "Ho will boat It. " The throe
quarters post wai roathotl in 1 130 ; and the
rry waj ' 'dee him go , ho will beat 2,00. "
Down the homo stretch ho c rae uven faster
but without n tailor , steady as clockwork.
Those ) holding wntdiea could ecircoly credit
his lagging Kccomlfl and nt the distnuco stand ,
the Pry was "ho will beat 2:08. " There
was llo laciti'B of speed to thq
v.lpo And tha miiO wiw coiilplotcd
n thi ? improceclonled time of 2:0f : > i , the last
juarter in-Tiff paced in 31J seconds , or at the
rate of ! ! : & ; . The homo and hia driver
Tohn Splan worfl Joiully cheered , and
tVoodmnnsoe , the irlancxcr for Commodore
vitUon , wai heartily congratulated.
lilchball then attempted to bent bis
ocord , but only succoodocl iti' making 311 ,
Thu cloning event of the dny ivas tha.nt
empt of the pacing mare , Minnie It. hitelvbd
to n wngoti with running _ mate , to boat Itbr
iwn reconl of 2:03 : , In tins she was HUCCCSI-
ul , the first quarter biing paced In IHJ not ! '
onus , the luvll In 1:01V : , three quarters in l:3li : , <
ho mile in 2:03.1. The bout time at this war
> f going ia WostmouutV ) , 2.01 j1 ,
COVINIITO.V , Ky. , October 3. Track trillo
ough. Mile , Modesty \\on , Mora occonil ,
and Tom Martin third ; time , 1:1IJ. : J.aldcn
takes , throo-qiiarter.i of a mile , maiden two-
oar-olds ; Goldbnn won , ATIgilauco second ,
Ultimatum third ; timo. 1:174. : MorchanU'
takes , milo and an eighth , : ul npes ; Borlln
von , Miitined tocoml , Wood\vard tlilril ; time ,
:5K | . JMilonnd throo-clghths , IStnctto won ,
ilattio Jtapturo HCCOIU ) , Athlono third ; time ,
" : L'7i , Seven and a iialf furlongs , Gahvzy
von. Silvio Hocoud , Whlspurln third ; time ,
, ! O J Jt
UuiniiTON UEAUII. Oct. 3. The quarter
nile , beaten hoisen , mrnoy Aaron won , J nugh
h liallapli gucond , Daltledoro third. Time ,
l:21J. : MIlo soiling. Weasel won , Charley
iCempland second , lan K. third. Time , 1:47.
vliloandnquarterall ages , NVavoO'Light won ,
la/.ard second , Monk third. Time , 2:17. :
\ltio \ and nn olghlh. Wood Flower won , Flor
ence M. second , Nitot third. Time , 2U1.
A Mnrylniul Town IJurnliiR1.
iLsiiNOTON DKU , October 3. A telegram
mi been rocelvod reporting a serious fire in
> regress inPrincipio , Md. , nndasklngnld from
the fire department horo. The Every Hvoning
special reports the furnaro of the George P.
Whittakor Iron works Prlucimo. Md. burn-
ng , and Bays it will 'jo continued with § 100,000
worth of charcoal ,
liALTiMoii , October 3. The nlied * attached
to the iron works of George P. Whittakor ,
Principio , have boon-on lire elnco 4 o'clock thlt
morning , The lire onginu from Port Deposil
is playing upon the lira with little EUCCO.IB.
Ono hundred thousand dollars will bo the
probable JOBS.
351IADDOCK , Pa. , CoSobor 3. A fire startot ]
this morning nt 3 o'clock , burning nn entire
block. It was thought at ono time that the
whole town would bo burned , but the fireman
and citizens succeeded in subduing the flames.
It was probably tha work of incendiaries. A
bunch of paper , 'saturated with keroaono was
discovered on the promises. An attempt was
iniido a week ago , but it was not micceesful.
LOBH , 325,000.
Mormon Jurisprudence.
SALT LABK CITY , October 3. In the case
of Clauaou , indicted for polygamy in the dis
trict court , Judge /ano to-day rendered a
decision that n man who believes It is right to
commit the crime that ho ia called npon to try
cannot bo an Impartial juror , no matter
whether the cffoiiHO in question is murder ,
robbery , bigamy or polygamy nnd that rule
applies to grand jurors as well iu petit jurors.
The custom In Utah hiw been simply to apply
the law to petit juricH not to graud juries ) and
the practical effect haa been to present thu
indictment for polygamy.
The proof of the pudding fa not in chowiu'y
the string , but In lmIng an opporlunit tog
test tin ) article direct. Hchrotor & ISocht the
UruggiitB , have n free trial bottle of Lr. ) Do
Siinkofl Cough and Lung Byrup for each am
every ono who Is nllllctctl with Coughs , Colds
Aiithma , Consumption or any Luntr Alfectiui
From the Now York Herald.
Its QL'lcturcHiiuo Capital A. nutorlc
Bpo ( . by lhottKyrn BrUlfjo.
Poath ia undoubtedly pretty on a line
summer morning , writoa a aorrcspondon
to the Now York Tiincn , with its broai
whlto pavemonta aim smart houaes o
hewn etono , its leafy boulevards anc
brightly painted signs , and jingling tram
cars ( which have first and second clase
compartmonta like tlioir railway broth
Ton ) , and the grand old Danube swoopinq
through the midst of it in all the fullncst
oTlta might. But it loaca much , like St
Petersburg , by its utter flatness and in
teiieoly modeat aspect , and is , in fact
morolan abridged copy of Vienna
I5t ; the older town of Budu , on the oppo
situ bnnk' , built along the ores
of n stcop , rocky heigh
( up the side of which a charming
little shady path winda through a brigh
croon maze of trees' and shrubs to the
pretty public' garden on the top ) ia un
doubtcdly , aa the tramp said of the mode
prison , its a nibo place to spend a quioi
day in as any gentleman could wish. '
Little now Is true , of thoston
fortreea from whoco ramparts the Korot
Bonyla and Karolyio of 'tho sixteenth con
ttiry watohcd , with kindling eyes , the
flash of Turkish stool and the lluttor o
Turkish b-imierH treading' through roll
ing dust clouds along lho surrounding
lillla. But memories of war and blood
shed still gather around the gloomy
pillar of broiiEothatatnnda on the higheai
point of the ridgp inscribed' with the
names of the Austrian aoldiora who foil
heroin the fatal Btruuglo of 18i'J ,
Modern though it is however , thu Hun
garian capital is a pleasant , sight , if only
for the universal pro valence ( if that grand
old Magyar tonguu which is now triumph
ant whuro it WQH lately nutlawceX. J could
wish , however , that a Gorman traiiula-
lion were occationally appended for the
benefit of thi ) outer barbarians who know
not Petpfi and .Jokai. When Mr. Llew
ellyn mistook a man' named Bull for ono
named Scragf-a , ho was assured that "ho
must have been mialod by the romarka *
bio Bimilarity between the names. " Bui
even ho could scarcely have disoovoroi
much similarity botwuun Nogy-Szoboi
and IL-rnjMistadt , or have RU.sjcd thai t
Nngy.Varad is another name for Gross
Wardoin , that Kronatadt is lho name
plnco as Brajso , nnd KlanBOtiburgai Kol-
O7.jvar. Many of the namca are atartllng
enough oven in their normal state. My
landlord ia called Daniel Fishbone , and
ono of hia neighbors John Serpent , a
irotly fair parallel to lho Kngliah frlgato
Sepulchre , whoso captain was llonry
Death , her first olllcor William Devil ,
and her surgeon John Ghost.
To got from 1'oslh to Szolnok the
icono of Damjanlo's wonderful victory In
181 ! ) is no easy mattortho local railway
company having apparently done its beat
o prevent anyone from getting there at
all. Not till 10 at night do wo finally
'oacn Szolnok , and after being attacked
> y two rival hotel runners , who aeoni In-
slinod to repeat Solomon's judgment by
lalving us between them , wo find our-
elves rumbling alomr a dark road bo-
ween two shadowy files of trees , lurch-
ng and pitching to and fro aa if wo were
at sea. On , 011 , 011 wo go , catching at
it times a passing glimpse of white
lotiaoa glimmering spectrally through the
mrrounding gloom. At length wo swoop
round a corner into a wide , desolate
narket place , and pull up suddenly in
'ront of a long , low , atrngglinc !
jullding. At sunrise next morning
wo are awakened by a clainwr of voices
outaido our opened and uncurtained win
dow , and I jumped out of bed and find ,
myself face to faoowilh about a. aundrod
market-women who have ample leisure
lo lake slock of my apparanco while I
striiRglo with the Gordian knot into which
the cord of our promr.ilvo blind haa un-
liappily twisted itself. The "dosolato"
market place ia now buzzing like a hiyo ,
and contains not a few groups which
would bo invaluable to a painter. Hero
go two or three poasunta with the gonu-
10 ruaty tan on the puszui prairie npoa
heir woathnrbaaton faces , and wearing
ho traditional sheep-skirt bundit jackota ,
itltliough their fair skin , broad , hoary
eaturoa , and thick , straight mass of
Ight hair are nero augi'oalirp of Wai-
nohian slaves from Transylvania thnn of
rue Magyars. There a stripping young
armor , in a felt wido-awako and a brand
low vest glittering with
iiillet shaped metal buttons , is making
pon'tflovoMto a protly girl in a
hortbluo skirt with a fat goose under
icr arm , who , by her mischovious smile
nd her frequent pointing from him to
ho bird , appears to bo drawing n Iron-
ihant historical parrollol between the
wo. Further on , a buxom market-
voinan , whoso ruddy face it framed in a
mart yellow kerchief , the ends of which
lang down her back like drooping ilaga ,
lilating volubly upon lho morils of lho
licco of colored calico which she ia
lolding temptingly bofoto the eyes of a
leaitatlng customer. See how eagerly
hose two children , whoso bare brown
irms are fully displayed by their sleeve-
, eaa frocks , are eyeing the pllod-up sweet
meats of yonder ntall. And here cornea
a woman who haa adopted the fashion of
divided okirta , but which ia really a slim ,
smooth-faced lad from the plains , in the
loose white drawers of lho Hungarian
csikos ( herdsman ) .
The first glimpse of Szolnok , which
lies on a low clayey peninsula at the
junction of the Theisa and the Xagyva ,
sullicoa to show that wo are passing
From the east of Europe. The broad ,
straight , unpaved streets , the enormous
ditches that flank them , bridged with
charitable planks here and tlforo , lho
ill-prevailing dust and Illoa , the quaint ,
lialf Oriental costumes , the muddy river
with ita rude wooden bridges , the
"corduroyed" road through the
swamps outside the town , the
happy-go-lucky arrangement of the
houses which look like raw recruits
vainly trying to form In line would all
bo quito at homo in any country land
scape of Iloumania or southern Russia.
But , primitive aa it ia , tlio quiet little
town has won un imperishable name in
Hungarian hiatory , and no ono need
wonder why who haa road the full de
tails of the splendid tragedy so briefly
summed up on the monument boaido the
Zagyva bridge : "In memory of the
heroes who were slain at Szolnok for the
freedom of their fatherland on the Cth
March , 1810. _
A maiden can hurt a masher moro by
making faces" at him than she can by club *
binghim with her parasol.
First Dietrict ,
lion. Charles II. Brown was appointee
to addroao meetings in the Firat congress
ionnl district , at the places named bolcn
as follows !
Weeping Water , Monday , October ] Cth ,
p. u.Q
Auburn , Tuesday , October 7th , 7 p. in.
l alls City , Thuruday , October Uth , 7 p. in
lirownvllle , Haturday. October llth , 'J p.m
TocmnHoh , Monday , October 13th , 7.1) , m
Humboldt. Wednesday. October 10th.
Pawnpo City , Friday , October 17th , 7 p. in
Ueatrico , Monday , October l0th. ! 7 p. in.
Lincoln , Thursday , October 23rd , 7 m.
Nebraska City , Saturday , October i0h ! ( , 7
p. m.
m.D.Uoa for Oinalm and other places In th
district will bo duly announce J ,
C. 8. Montgomery , Ksq , , antl-monopol ;
candidate for attorney general , will speak pur
Bimnt to appointment , nt the following time
and places i
Fremont , Saturday , October -HIi , 7:30 p. in
And nt other places to bo announced in du
time ,
York Tuesday evening , October 7 ,
Seward Wodimsday evening , October 8.
David City Tlnu-Hday evening , October ! )
WahooIrlday ovonlnr , October ] 0 ,
Columbus-Saturday evening , October 11
Tlio Campaign In the Hcconcl District
Captain J. II. Stlckol's appointments :
( ieiiova , Saturday , Ootohor-l , 7:30 : , p. m ,
1'iilrbury , Wednesday , October 8 , a p. in ,
Alexandria , Wednesday , Oct. 8 , 7:30 : ] i , in
Kilgar , Thursday , October 9 , 2 p , in.
Fnlrfiold , Thurnday , October U , U p. m ,
Hi it ton , Friday , October 'J , 2 p. in.
Hasttngu ; Saturday' October 11. 2 p. m.
KriomlH will please nrrango for hall at cacl
place. LnJIod especially io\itod to grac
occasion by their presence.
By order of Committee ,
If on. .Tamos W. Davis will address th
pooplu on the political items of tha day at th
following placen-pooplowlthour reference t
party especially Invited ,
At Syracuse October 4 , 7 p. m ,
At lionuott October ( ! , 7 p. m.
At Valparaiso October 8 , 7 p. in ,
At Wahoo October ! ) , 7 p. in.
At Cloon Creek , October 10 , 7 p. in.
At Firth October 13 , 7 p. in !
At liluo Springs October Jfi , 7 p. in ,
At JJentrlcp , October 1t > , 2in. \ .
At Cortland , October 17 , 7 p. m.
At Storllug , October 18 , 7 jv. m.
AtTctum eh , October W , 7 p , m.
AtTablo llouo , October U' , 7 p , in ,
At 1'uwnoi City , October a I , 7 n. in.
At Huchaid , October I'D , 7 p. m.
At Humboldt , October ii7 , 7 p. m.
At Fulls City , October ' 'H , 7 p. m.
At Stella , October , ill. 7 p. m.
At Aubiiin , October 80. 7 p. m.
At Notnaka City , October 31 , 7 p. m.
At Nebraska City. " November 1 , 7 p. in.
At Plnttumouth. November 3 , 7 p , m.
Hon. Wm. KNovillo , anti-monopoly cand
date for congress in the Third dmtiict , wil
nddrona tha ituopla an follows ;
ft1',1'1,1.1' M ° l' ' y uvoulnir , October 0 ,
Ord Tuesday ovcninir , October 7 ,
Hcotlu , Wednesday o\onlng , October H.
I'ullurton , F/lday o\onin ? , October 10 ,
Albioa , SrtturUay evouliig , Octgbcr 11 ,
Humph'Vi ifonday afternoon , October 13 ,
Ojvkdalo , A.'ondny evening October 13.
O'Acill , Tucs/lAy rVenlng , October U
I/ong I'ltio , AN wlnesdny ovcnln/r / , October
Alniworlh , Thursday ovrnlnp , Oc'oli'r ' 10.
Valentino , Satonlay ofsnlng , October 1H.
Crolghton , Monday ovonfup , October 20.
Niobrara , TuiMlay ovoning1 , October 21.
St , Helena , Wednesday evening , October
" *
1'onca , Thnwelay o\pning , October 23.
iTaekflon , Friday nvcnln ? , October Ul.
llnrtlngtnn , SAturday evening , October 25.
AVnynn , Monday ovoninpr , October 27.
Norfolk , Tucdday ovenlnA October 28.
atanton , Wodnouhy ovonlng , October 29.
Winner , Thursday 2 p. in. , October 30 ,
We t Point , Tlmrcday ovonlng. October 33.
Oflklnnd , Friday t\cnlng , October 31 ,
lilair , Saturday ovonlng , November 1 ,
IppoIntinontA lop OOOPRO AV. Dorsoy
nnrt J. O. Tiito.
O'Xelll Monday evening. October 0.
Aitmvorth Tuesday evening , October" ,
Nellgh Wednesday , October 8.
Pierce Thursday , October 9.
Croighton Friday , October 10.
Ord Monday o\onlng , October 13.
Drokonltow Tuesday ovcnlnfr , Octoborl4.
Ixjup City Wednesday evening , October
St. Paul Thursday evening , October 1C.
Scotia Friday afternoon , October 17.
Orand Island Friday ovonlng , October 17.
Central City Saturday evening , October
8. I
Fullorlon Monday evening , October 20 ,
Columbus Tun lay oven biff , October 21.
North Platte Wednesday evening , October
Plum Creek Thursday evening , October
Kearney-Friday ovcnlny , October 21.
Schuyler Saturday evening , October 23.
Albjon otlday evening , October 2" .
Blair Tuesday o\cnlng , October 28.
Dakota City Wodtusday ovonlng , Octo > ;
tier 29.
Tekamal ; Thursday ovonlng. October 30.
West Point Friday evening , October 31.
Mr. Dortoy will bo accompiulod by candl-
atcs for state olliccs , O. K. YOST ,
J. W. LOVK , Ch'n State Con. Comf
Ch'n Cong. Com.
IpcakorB nml Appointments In Third
Congressional District ,
Albion L. W. Osborno and 11. C. Brome ,
rtoiuUy o ening. October Cth.
.Tnckeon M. A. Hartigan nnd N. A. Ilnin-
K > lt , Monday evening. October Uth-
Battle Creek .T. W. Tucker and D. A ,
ilriltnes- Monday evening , October Cth.
Blair M. A. JIartigan and N. A. Kainbolt ,
Tuesday ovontoR , October 7th.
Fullcrton 1. , . W. Osborno nnd U. C.
[ Irome , Tuesday ovonlng , October 7th.
Madison ,1 , W. Tucker nnd II. G. Ma-
KOOII , Tues < loy evening , October 7th.
Central Oity L. W. Oaborno nnd H. C.
Uromo , WednPsdny ovcning , October 8th.
Genoa J. W. Tucker and II. G. Mngoon ,
Wednesday evening , October 8th.
Columbim M. A , Hartigan and N. A.
Itainbolt , Wednesday ovcning. October 8th.
Gibbon L. W. Osbort e and U. 0. Brome ,
Thursday ovcninp. October Uth.
Grand Islana M. A. Hartigan nnd W , A.
Boll. Thursday evening , October Uth.
Wood Ulver J , W. Tucker ard II. G. Ma-
goon , Thursday evening , October Uth.
Schuyler Iv. W. Osborno nnd IT. C.
Brome , Friday ovonlnp , Octibcr 10th.
North Platte M. A. Hartigan nnd W. A.
Boll , Friday evening , Oetobar 10th.
ClurkH J. W. Tucker and II. G. Magoou ,
Friday ovonlng , October 10th.
North Bend M. A. Hartigan and T. S.
Chirknon , Saturday evening , October llth.
ArlingtonW. . Tucker nnd H. G. Ma-
goon , Saturday ovcning , October llth.
Oakdnlc J W. Tucker and 11. C. Brome ,
Monday ovonlng , October 13th.
AtkInnon-,7. W. Tucker and II. 0. Brome ,
Tuesday evening , October 1-Hli.
Kwlng .T. W. Tucker nnd II. 0. Brome ,
Wednesday evening , October 10th.
Scribuor J. W. Tucker nnd H. C. Brome ,
Thursday ovonlng , October IGtti.
O. E. YOST ,
Chairman State Central Committee.
J. W. LOVK , Chairman Congressional Cen
tral Committee , Third Dlstuct.
lho Greatest "Medical Triumph of thoAgel
0 H Vh H B K4M M W B M m
Iiomofntipclllc , UoweUcoitlvo , 1'ntn In
tba head , with a dull icnsatlon In tha
back part , 1'nln under tbo Blioulder-
blade , Vullnoii nftcr eating , with a dis
inclination to exertion of body or mind ,
Irritability of temper , I.ovrnplrlli , vrltu ;
a fooling oflinvlnffncBlcctcd lama dutr.
WearlncBi , DIzzlncBi , I'luttcrlne nt the
Heart , Data before the eyes , Keadacho
over tbo right eye. Itestlcsunois , with
fitful drcnmR , Highly colored Urine , ana
ir , ,
TBTT'H IUIAS are especially adapted
to such aaca , ooo dose offccta auoh o-
clmnBooffceHiKrasioaStdillJllthoaufforor ,
They Iiicrenio tJio Ai > t > etUeand cnade tncT
body to TnUo on l'le li , tlun tbo T tcm la
nourliheil.Biiil by their Tonic Action on
, llcKUlarStooUnro
tholMKeitlveOrgitu lirnilucril. . 4 * BlurrnV ht..Hf.Y.
GlUY mm or WHI8KEU8 changed to n.
Otossr BLACK by a Blnulo application of
this DTK. It Imparts n natural color , acts
Instantaneously , gold by Druggists , or
cent by oxprcsn on receipt of 91. s
Offloo , 44 Murray St. , Now York.
II fft Inu > o39ycarn tiprcial I' i-tcrlptlonsof
cminontWijelcian. blniple , Hufo and Hiiro.
iTorvniNcirAi.1103. _ cuiwa. JUICED
Fiiviirn , Unncontlon , Inllniuinatlons , , MTr
IVorinil , Worm lover , JVorm Oollo. . . .MR
Orylnij Collo. orToothlnnoflnUnU .MS
IllurrioitoUhHd n or Adult * .
loolliaclio , I'aceoclie. . , .
i filcIclloidaclio.Vertlso
> y | ) clllllitllllniuKUnnch ! j.f >
> u | > | ir4 ! uua orPulnfiill'orlodi MS
\Vlilo < . too 1'rodno Tori o < l . .
Clcl *
Non'oi i Slriiintyii--- ; ! !
UrliiuryAVcnknou , WettlDRlled .5(1
iu r lie Jlcurt. t'ilpitationl.OO
IVr bold by DructrlitJi , or ennt postpaid on
il't of price. Uonil lor Dr. Iluiaiiliruyk *
Ibaiiu ? n- - o.0AJitrwai. . lIUWl'iniiaV8"
M wUclno Co. , SOU FiUtou tit. , Nuw VotU.
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RDSSIA CEMNTCO. , GlonefsltrMa t