TTTE DAILV BEE-SATITRDAY OCTOBER 4 , 18 4. 3 PRINCIPAL LINE itv WAY or OMAHA AND LINCOLN TO DENVSB , Oil VIA KANSAS CITY AND ATOHISON to DENVER CounrcHiiK in Union Depots nt Cliy , Onmlm nnd Denver with tluoiiKli ti-ilns for .And sill points In the Grcnt A Vest. CS-OIDKTGi- ! SDC1. . ConncolliiB In nrniut Union Depot ut Chlnigo with through truing lor NEW YORK , 11 OS WON , And nil npiAtn Cltlw. AtPcorln with tliroiR "Atmln < > lor Indiana ; ! , nils , Cincinnati , Colum , .13 , nnd nil points in tlioSonlh.Kiist. At Sv' ,1,01113 , wltli throtisli tmlns lor nil points S ( tv\t. \ iicBiint : Diy : Catchci , 1'nrlor Cnrs , with Ho. cllnlni ; Clmli-H ( scuts lioo ) , Smoking Curs with Itovolvlng Olnili" " , Pulltimu Pnlnco Sleeping Unrs nnd the tiinions C. It. &CJ. Dining Curs run dully to nnd from Chicago nnd KnnsiH Olty , Chicago nnd Council lllulls : ChlciiRO nnd DCS Molnuii , Chicago , St , Josuph , Atulilson uiul Topclta without change. Only through line nmnl.lg tliclr own trnlns between OlilciiKo , Lincoln nnd Denver , nnd ChlenRO , Kansas City mid Denver. Throupli cms between IndlnnapolH and Council llliills , via 1'eorlii. GOING KOKTIt AKI > SOUTH. Solid Tmlns of Klcpint Day Couches nnd I'ullinan I'nlncoSlcoplnK Cars nro run daily to nnd from St. Louis ; via Hannibal ; Qulncv , KcoUnlc , lliirlliipton , Ccdnr Itnpidannd Albeit Lea to St. I'nnl nnd Minneapolis ; Parlor Cars with Itccllnlni , ' Chaii-a to nnd from Bt. Louis nnd 1'corta. OnlyonochaiiRoof cars between St. Lonia and Dc Alolncs , lown , Lincoln , No. liraskn , nnd Denver , Colorado. It Is also the only Through Line between ST. LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL. It Is known as the creat T1IUOUGII OAll LINK of America , and Is universally admit i < -d to bo the Finest Equipped Railroad in the World for all classes of Travel. Through Tickets via this Hno for sale utai * | { . U. C-OUDOU ticket olllces In the UiiitcdS tutcs < iad Canada. I1. J. POTTER , PERCEVAL LOWELL , Vlcf-l'rci. iO n.Jan ! ccr. OmJ > ut. ' THE BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COL- LENDER COMPANY , [ SUCCESSORS TO THE J. M. B. & B. CO. ] J , Tha most extensive manufacturers ot IN TUB WOULD. John Ilockstrasser General ARcnt or Nebraska and Wcstvrn Iowa. 10 S. Tenth Strootl . . . . OMAHA , NED larPricca of Billlanl and Foal Tables and materials fuidlshccl on appllcatiun. \ M. D. J. LiARMSTRONG. . . Practice Limited to Diseases of the Eye and Ear. 1503 FARNAM ST. , - - 0 SI AHA OMAFA Chemical C. T. PAULSON , I'roprietori Gciitoijons' ! Cloth'rtR Cleaned , Djod and Ilcpilrcd. I/ulloi' Dresses Cieaiml and Dyed , without UlpplnR. riuinca dialled or Colored any ahado , to eainplo. Silks , Velvets anc LACOJ Clcauoil , Dyed and Ite-tln- IshoJ. 1212 Douglaa Street , . OMAHA , NEB. A LAND AGENCY > Uf I 1&06 FAUNAM ST. . OMULS. I nvv ) ( or < ilo U'.iflta tcrsa v rotaIy ! balsctad Urdi n Kutarn Nobrniki , nt loir piloo and on o.My tciiio. Improve ! larcu lor tula In DouijUa , DoJgo , Oollax FUtto , Ilnrt , LnmtuK , EHrny , Wtibmxion , rfo.'loli &uadorj , and Dutlar Jountlss. T4X09 paid In ll r rtsol thoStttc , Uonov loinodcn mproved Urmi. Nciaiy 1'ubllo alwtvB In office Concoponilonca tdt Tbeataol the term" Hba 5 n Line" la coanectloa with th J u corporate name of * KroittunJ 1 convoj san Idea ol utt what required by the traveling pub lie Bhart Line , Quick Tlmi and the best ol accommod * tli tlouB kll of which tro lain hod by the greatest rfcllwar In Amerlc * . § HIOAG-0 , ffjIL WATOUE And-St. Paul. Hewn ] and operates over iC03 mlleflct ortbern Illiuolj , Wlsconsta , MlnncxoU , low * nkoU ; end as t * mo\u \ lines , brinchea and counts ona reach all the great busluees centres cl the Northwest and Far Woat , K naturally answer ! Iht description ot Short Line , and Uoit Ilouto botweou Cbloago , lUw ! ukoo , Ht. Paul and Minneapolis Chicago , Milwaukee , Ia CroaBO and Wlnona. Chicago , tlllvraukue , Aberdeen and Kllondlia Oblcago , Milwaukee , Eau Claire and Htlllwitcj- ChljiK'o , Milwaukee , \7auaau and Merrill. Ohlui o , Milwaukee , Bcivcr Dam aud Oalikoeh , Chicago , MiUaukee , Wauknsha and Oconoraowoi Uhlcago , Milwaukee , MtJUou and 1'ralrledu Chlen Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and F&lrlbault , Chicago , llelolt Janeavillu aud Mmeitl Point Chicago , Kljfln , llucklord and Dubuquo. OblcaKO , Clinton , Ilock Inland And Ccdjr lUpldl. Chicago , Council lilutf J and Omihn. Chicago , Sioux City , Bioui Fillsand Yank ton Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell uid Chamberlain , llook IcUnd , Dubuque , St. Paul and Mlnucanolll. Davonpoil , almar , St. Paul and Mlnncapolii. imllman & M | > on and the Flnent Dlnlne Can In the HCtM ara run on the miln lines of thoCUIOAaO , MILWAUKEKANUKT. PAUL IlAItWAY , and even attention Is paid to passenger ? by courteous omployei of the Company. b. B. UBKR1LL. Goal lf nii ; r. A. V H. CAUPK.ST&R , Den1 Pass. Agt. J.T. CLARK , Gon'IB.ipt. OKO. U. lIKAKrOUD , Aw't. Ocnl ft Agi NEBRASKA OMAHA , NEBKASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL . ? 2f > 0,000 3UUPLU3 MAY 1 , lbS . 20,000 IRKCT011S1 H. W YAir.3. A. E. TOUZAUK , President , Vlco Vroaldrtit. . V. MOOUK , JNO. S. COLLINS , I.KW138. IlKKD Kent K. Haydcii , Assistant and Actlufi Cashier. The iron Bank , OOE , 12TH ANDFAENAM STS , A. GENERAL HANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED , iINTKHEST nllowcJ on Umo dopoolts upon ( AVtunblo terms nnd upon noaounla of bunks act ! liankorn. rOREIGN EXOUANGE Government Honda nud County and City fflcnritioi bought < cd nold. In ita treatment of customers Iho.niMt liby srnl policy ia pursued coiuletout with unfold- and Eouml banking , nnd wo invite correspond. ; nco or paraonid inquiry iu conuoction tlioro lth FINANCE AND COMMERCE. BWANOIAJj NBW YOBK , Oct. 3 , Money Eai Prime paper G@li. StorlingBills Weak nt 4IS2 ; demand , 481. Governments Steady. Railways Quiet. Stocks Dull nnd steady. Closed firm. Compared with last night prices nro J to J higher for Burlington & Quincy , St. Paul , Lake Shore , Missouri Pacific , Now York Cen tral nnd Union Pacific , nnd j to 1J lower for Texas Pacific , Omaha , [ Oregon , Trans-Conti ncntal , Northern [ Pacific , Kansas and Texas , nnd Central Pacific , Northwest , Lacknwanna , Louiavillo & Nashville , nnd Western Union are unchanged. COUPONS. 3'a 100 4J's Coupons H2i U.S. now4'a 110 ? Pacific G's of ' 93 125 STOCKS AND UONDS. Central Pacific " > 9J Uhicago & Alton 130J do do pfd 145 Chicago , Burlington & Quincy 123 Delaware , Lackawanna & Western. . . . 10GJ Denver & Ilio Gran Jo 94 Erie- ISg do pfd 27 Illinois Central 123 Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western ItiJ Kansas & Texas 17 ? LakeShore & Michigan Southern 7 < i Louisville & Nashville 20J Michigan Central G2 Missouri Pacific ! H4 Northern Pacific 19 J do do pfd 43j Morthwostorn 91A do do pfd 127 Now York Central 943 Drecron Trans-Continental 138 Pacific Mail ' Mi Pullman Palace Car Company 114 j lloclt Island 114 3t. Louis & San Francisco 19 do do pfd 40. Chicago , MilwauUeu & St. Paul 78 do do do pfd 105 3t. Paul & Omaha 31 ; do do pfd 93 fexas Pacific 11 Union Pacific 53J Wabash , St. Louis & Pacific 4V do do do pfd 11-3 Western Union Telegraph Gig D. H. &N 70J * Ex-div. tasked. GUtVIN AND I'KOVISIONS. CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO , October 3. Flour Quiet and itoady. Wheat Quiet nnd steady ; opened strong at @ & higher , declined J , advanced § , weakened ! , fluctuated nnd closed J over yesterday ; 7'J : ash ; 7979J October ; SO@SOS November ; 32\Sjj : ! December ; 83i January ; No. 2 , red , SlJNo.3. ; red , 7ii@71i ; rejected , 5'J@GO Corn Active , ktroui ; nnd higher ; October advanced J , closed & over yesterday ; Novem ber 11 , closed lg higher ; year advanced 2 , cloicd 1J higher ; May closed J liigher ; 5SJ cash and October ; 50 November ; 48 J year ; Mi January ; 10g May ; rejected 5'4@fi3. O tH Firm and about unchanged ; 2d cash ; 2G1@201 October ; 2Gg November ; 2GJ year ; 2'Jl May. Jlyo Firmer ; J higher at 5. Barley Quiet ; G2. Timothy Quiet ; prime 1 L'G. Flax Seed Quint and a trillo lower at 1 32J @ 1 32J. Pork Steadier ; newdelivoricH unchanged , deferred ; lft@20 higher ; 10 00 cash ; 10 OJ October ; 12 10 year ; 12 30@12 32J Jan nary. Lard Active and ntoady:7 : 25 cash and October ; 725(37274 ( November ; 725i@72G Uecembar ; 7 27iCi7 30 January. Bulk Meats-Shoulders 0 50@G ED ; short clear 1025@10 30 : short ribs 'J 85. Whisky-Steady at 112. Butter Quiet ; choice to fancy creamery 23 @ 29 ; choicy to fancy dairies 20@2j. Cheese Quiet ; full cream cboddara 10i@ll ; skimmed chuddars 2i47. KtB ( Weak at 17@18. Hides Steady ; ( frecn salted bull at GJ ; damaged Gi ; light 8J ; heavy 8 ; calf 12@12J. Tallow Steady ; No. 1 county at 7. lleceipts and shipments : - ' u Kcceipts. Shlp'tn. Flour , bbls . . . 9.100 10,000 Wheat. busheU . 90,000 70,000 Corn , bushels . 177,000 327,000 Oats , bushels . 203,000 1 17,000 Hyo , bushels . 22,000 3,030 Barley , bushels . 01,000 37,0,0 PKOHIA , October 3. Corn firm ; high mixed D3@53i ; No. 2 mixed nominal ut02@52i ; re jected liriu at CO@50V , Oat -Active ; linn ; No. 2 Whlto 2'J@29Jj No. 2 Mixed 2C@201. Ilvo Finn and scurco at C2@fi21. 'i.Whlaliy-1 11. NKW VOHK I'llODUCB , NKW YOIIK. October 3. Wheat Spot trille better ; optioux c osed barely steady ; receipt ? . 212,0-0 : experts , 53.0CO . ; No. 2 Milwaukee 85g ; ungraded red , G7&90J ; do uroji in lid.J , fc'JfgiOO ; No. 3 icd , 8li@85 ; do ciop in li ld,80id'JJ@91J ; , November , at OOiJ. Corn Spot l@14a and options Lor , cloning firm ; receipts , 20,00'J ; oxpittn , 3,003 ; uiiBraded , Cl03 ! ; No. 2 , 01 ; Novem ber closing at GOjj. OaU Khadu higher ; receipts , 42,000 ; experts - ports , nune ; mixed woatern , 'tj@33vlilto ; , IJ9 , J/tr Wdstorn fresh quiet and unchanged , Pork Firm. Lurd Weak ; western steam spot , 7 77 } . Butter ulet anil barely steady , TOLEDO. TOLKDO , October 3. Wheat Kanler ; No , 2 re < l , 7'J. Corn Quiet ; No. 2 cash and October , 53 bid , Gate Dull ; No. 2 , 2GJ. I.lVKIIl'OOU Livnii'OOL , October 3. Breadstuff * De mand fuir and firm , Wheat Winter Gj 8d@7 j Hpring-Cg 10J , Corn 5s. JIILWAUKKI : . MILWAUKEK , October 3 Wheat - Steady ; No. 2 Milwaukee , and October , 70 j No- veiuber , 7 i ; December , 80 ? . Corn Firmer , icarce ; rejected , 4i@48 , OaU tjniot ; No. 2 While , M.\ \ ' Ityn Viimcrs No. 2 , li2C < M2& & . ] Jnrlt < y Quiet ; No. 2 sptlng pSJ.j lutter-17C ! 21. ! ? ? Stereo at 10 117. Lnrd Tiercn rdmed , 7 3.'i. Kulwi I'liclmrRcd. Tallow romiual. . NKW oiu.RAN's. Nnw Om.TANt , October 3 , Oats West , rrti , dull1 prime SJ. Corn-julot ! White inixod 02. Corn Mrnl Modor.ito dpimtulj $2 " 0. Pork Fair demand nt 17 5 ! . " > . Lnrd Firm : tierce lotiiiod 7j Itrg 8 3SJ , Whisky Finn ; unchanged ; wostmi rcctr lied , 105IM20. KRUS Western fresh , demand nnd the market firm Butter Uemaud fnir and prices : from 20 ® 21. 21.Bulk Moats In fair demand ; 8110111(101 ? sacked lower at 7 37.J. 1IA1.TUIOHK. BALTIMOIIK , October 3. Whont-Stoadyj inactive ; No , 2 , winter red spot 86J@8oJ. Corn Western ; nominal. Oats Steady ; western whlto , 4l@lfij mixed , IWfa-SIIj rpjpcted C2@05. Uyo-Quiet ; 02@"i. ( Eggs-Quiet , easy at 20ffl21 , Whisky Steady at 18ll ) . KANSAS C1TV. KANSAR Cirv. lOctobcr 3. Wheat Lower ; cash CyHf CO ; November COMOOJ ; locombei C2J. C2J.Corn Corn Higher ; cash 4 If bid and f.2J asked ; October , first half , 45 ; October , 13 ; Novem ber , 31 bid , 34 asked ; May 29V bidDO.asked. Oats-Dull and nominal ; 2iJ bid , 2lj | asked , BT. Loom rnonucE. Sr. Louis , Oct. 3. Wheat opened lower , SOJj October ; 82i ; Nou'inbor ; 4."j ! lccoin. hor91ijCfUli May. Corn Ciifhi higher ; for OctoborandNcvem- her ; lower for year and May ; 01 October ; 413 November ; 371 joar37j ; May. Data Dull 20 year : L'ltf May. Barloy. Hot we.xthcr suspended market. Lard. StoAdy. Butter. Unchanged. Kggs. Unchanged. Flax Seed. 1 30. Hay. Unchanged. Bran. Unchanged. Corn Meal. Steady , 2 55. Call : Wheat higher 80JJ October ; 82 } November - vomber ; S-lj } , December ; 9jj ! M'ay. Corn. Firm. 50J , October ; 40J , Novem ber ; 'Mi , year ; 373 , Slay. Oats. Dull. Lower to Bell ; no sales. MVJB STOCIC. CHICAGO MVJS STOCK. CHICAGO , 111. , October 3. The lro\eru Journal reports : Hops Koceipts , 13,000 head ; inforlot slow , best active and firm. Kongh packing450 (34 ( 90 ; light 4 C0@0 30 ; skips and grassere 3 23@4 50. Cattle Receipts , 8,000 head ; fat cattle scarce. Loan aud rough very dull. .Exports , G G0@7 25 ; common to choice 3SO@0 05 ; cows inferior to good 125@3 50 ; stackers 3@ 3 75 ; feeders , 390 ® 150 ; range slow moss : Wyoming 3 90@3 95. Sheen Kecoipts , 2.700 : steady ; for good weak ; for common inferior to good ] 50@4 OD Lamba-3 00@4 25. KANSAS CUT KANSAS CITT , Mo. , October 3. Cattla Receipts 1800 head ; steadier , unchanged. Hogs Recnlpts , 3,90J ; mixed steady , good higher , 4 C4@5J25. Sheep Receipts , GGO ; weak and irregular sr. LOUIS. St. Louis , Mo. , October 3. Cattle Re ceipts , 800 head ; scarce ; supply exceed de mand , weak ; exports 0 40@0 75 ; common to choice shippiugj 4 CO@G 30. HShoop Receipts 1,700 ; steadycoodrradea wanted ; common to choice 2 25@3 75. Lambs 2 CO4 00. Hogs Receipts , 1,800 ; nclivo and higher , yorkers 4 90 5 00 ; packing 4 70@5 00 ; butch- era' 5 15@0 40. OMAHA MAUKET9. AVhoIcsalo Prleca. OKKICK OF THE OMAHA BEE , 1 Friday Evening , October 3. J The following prices are charged retailers by jobborc , wholesalers nnd commission iuui > chants with the exception of grain , which is quoted nt the prices furnished by the elevators and other local buyers : Wool. Light fine 13ltc. Heavy fine 12g)14c. ) M'edittm I5@10i , . Burry Oc off.Mukot Mukot firm. Hides. Steady ; green butchers' 0 ; green salted 7Jl'5i jdty ; Hint 12 : dry salt 10@11 ; damaged lidos , two-thirds price. Tallow-D@5/ ! / . Sheep Polts-2j@l 00. Flour anil Mlllstufls Winter Wheat Best ( pmlity , patent at 250 @ 3 00. Second quality 2 20@2 50. Spring Wheat Best quality , patent , 300@ Second Quality-2 1D@2 50. Bran CUe pur cwt. Chopped Feed Per 100 Iba. , OOc. Com M oal 1 OOfall 10 per cwt. Screening C5@75c per cwt. Grain. Wheat-Cash No. 2 , GIZc. Barley Cash No. 1 ! , 50Jc. Rye Cash No. 3. 43c. Com No , 2 , C0\51c ; on strcet/SGc. Oats No. 2 , 20 . lilvo. Scouk SteorK 3 K05-4 76. Fat Cows 2 75@3 50. ] Hogs 425@I6'J. ' Shoep-3 C0rf,3 ; TX ) . Calves 5 00fe7 00 , Gcnoral Produce , Apjilea Bull , and receipts continue heavy , only choice stock saleable at $2.2i5@2,50. Beans JlccelptH light and demand good head picked navy , per bu. $2,50 ; medium , 2 00 @ 2 25. Beeswax In good demand. Choice bright per 11) ) . 2G@28c ; common to good dark per Ib , 1520c. Butter Show * a remiirkablo improvement , RecoipU havu boon very light and prices ad vancing rapidly. Choito table butter wai sold as high in 20 a 22c ; fair to good 12 a lc ; lufei lor grades SalOc ; fresh creumory Belllns at 27. Cldnr-0hio" per bbl. § 7.00 ; "York Stato" per bbl. 88.00 ; per 4 bbl. 81 70 ; con donned par la , 85c ; crab tipple , pur g l. Xtic. Cheese Full crt'am , woijtern , 12o ; Wlscon- em now 1-ic ; young Amarican , 12 a 13c. Egg < llavo been Hsarca for a few daya nnd prices higher ; to day'n aide' , 17c. Garni Prairie chickens slow nt § 2 00 a 2 CO ; snlpo , $1.00 a 1.20. Hay Baled 87.00@8.00 loose , $ ,5,00 , a 6.00. 6.00.Jolly In 23 and 39 pound puils , 0 a 7 ; in 2 Ib. jars , par do , § .50 ; u ortod tumbler * per deL 20 ; schooner/ , per doz. 82.00. J Msplo Sugar Pure , in bricks , per Ib. ICe ] Ohio , Kc ; smull cakoi ll' c. AlOOnOL 168 proot alcohol , 2 20 per v/Ino < allou extra C&llforulii aplrtta , 188 proof , 1 18 per proof gallon ; triple reQiiod 187 proof , 1 17 nor proof gallon ) nj whlaklM 1 00@l 50 ; tluo blended , 1 Kantuoky bourbonr , " Ofld47 OOj KoatucJcy anil Pennsylvania ryoa , 2 00 7 00 , NDItl ImBortaiJ. 0 00r )10 liOi dotnontla a IraportO'l , t V6 UOj domcdtlti , 1 40 R-jui-ImportoJ. - 4 505)8 OOj Niw Kngland , 1 99'cl 00 ; tlomestlo , 1 50/S3 / BO. PKICH AND APPI.B BSANOT 1 7B@-J 00. CiUMPAatJtw Importid par cuan , 2-i - 00@ 31 00 ; itn-stlcan , par c * i , 13 03t6 CO. liuather. Otic cole , B3o@-ll'o ) heraJosk olo28c83o ; ItoiiJock kid , 60o ; runner 65a to 769 ; horn- Icik calf. 86c to 1 00 ; hamlook upper , 22o to 24s oak upper , 2lo ; nlllgator , 4 00 to 6 50 ; calf kid , 82 ( 35 ; Grattea Ua. 2 CO to 2 76 ; oak Up , BOo to 1 00 ; oak culf , 1 20 to 1 80 ; French Up , 1 10 to 1 65 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ran- ets , 660 to 760 ; luinic * , 600 to 8 CO Urn. piogs 9 00 to 10 60 ; B L. Morocco , 80o to 35c. pebbln O. D. Morocco 85c ; ulnioo , 2 & 0@3 00 HAHSKM. No. 1 star o k , 3Fc ; No. 2 3tc ; SRo : No , 1 Ohio oak , < ! 3jj INP. a do , ale ) No. I XniwauVoo 84oi No 2 do Me. No. I Pitts o U hftr , 1C : ; Nr , B Pltti onk hnr.Mv Xitunnor TrtOLX ! < < At > ) Wo anoto lumber , i < Uh ntiiUilcgl : ; oncxtt at OmnlJi nt Uia tollowHiiR prloesi JotbT AND SoANTtnta 16 ( t aud under Z200. I'niBKTiG 10 fcot nnd nndor , 20 00. TIMBSH AND JOIST 20 it , xaoi ) 2Ut , VKNOltm No. 1 , 4 Mid G In. , Z00 ; No. S , 20 CO. Blir-tTiSa No. l(2d common bowdi ) , 20 00 ; B'TO'OK lk nns A , 45 00 ; 11,40 00:0 : , 33 00. FtoontNQ No. 1,40 00 ; No. ? , 35 00 ; No. 3,2500 BiDlKO , clear 27 00 ; No , 8 25 00 ; No. S , " OmiNO-iJ , 37 00 ; 8 , 2.J BHINOLKM , boat 1 60 ; lUmlard , 3 50. LATH 3 25 per M. LIMB Per barrel , 12Bbnlk ; per bnnhol , S5e ; comcnt , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa piaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hrJr ixir bu. 50flj IVrrod fo\t \ , 100 it. . , 3 SO ; ttraw bourcl C60.j Drv I'Alwta. Whlto lend , 801 Kronen tlnc..BlOa ; Purls whltliiR. 21oj whltlnp gllilers , lcwhiting \ com'l lie ; Inmpblack , ( icrmnntown , Me ; lampblack , ordinarylOct I'mulw blue , tfio ; untramarinol8o ; vnndyko , bravt , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; tlonn * bur jttc ; sienna , rk > , 4c ; Paris prcou , Kenuino , 2Tic ; Paris greencommon.20ocliromo ; prten N.Y. , 2Cc ; chiomocreen. K. , 12e > vonuillimi , Kng , , 7Cc ; toriellllon. American. 18c ; Indian , rod , 10o ; rose pink , 14cs Venetian rod , Oookpon'a , 2Sc ; Venetian rod , American , IJc ; rod lead , 7c ; chrome yellow , gonulna , 20c ; chrome jnl- ijo ; loniRU uruwu , < . ; Prlnco's mineral , Bo. VAliNiaiita Barrels , pov Rnllon : Fnrnl ture , oatrn , Cl 10 ; ftirnltaro , No. 1 , ( Jl ; conch , 01 tin , 81 40 ; coach , No. 1 , SI 20 ; D.tmnr ostrn , Cl 7C ; Japan , 70oMrhaltum ; , extra , 8 > c ; ehollac , C3 DOl hard oil fininh 0160 , DENVBll AIAUK.RT. LlVH STOCK Boot Cattle , grass , 100 Ib. 8 00 @ 3 75 ; sheep , ahennl. live , 2 00@2 60 ; dressed 600@GOO ; cahca 060@776 ; hogs. Hvo , 050 @G 75 ; dressed 8 BO@S ) 00. Illdoa. Dry Flint , 10@12c. ; green 4@5o. green calf 8@10c ; sheepskins , dry , 8@10c. Tallow. 6@Gc. Wool. Colorado 14@lCc. ; Colorado heavy , 12@13c ; Now Mexican 7@10c. IfLOon-Colorndo , 100 Ibs , Jl 76@2 CO ; pat ent , 100 lira. , 2 76@3 00 ; Graham , 100 Ibs , 1 75 ; ryo. B100 Ibe. , 2 2.1 ; buclcwhont , bbl. 10 00@10 CO ; bran , ton , 12 00@13 00 ; corn meal , 100 Iba. 145(31 ( 05. GBAIN Wheat , 100 Ibn , OOc ; corn , In Back * 100 Ibs , 1J5@l 20 ; oats , Nub. mixed , 10 ! ) Ibs. 1 201 25 ; bnrloy 100 Ibs , 1 80@1 85. HAY-Bnlod , upland , 14 OOO1G 00 ; bottom tom 11 00@13 00 ; straw. 3 00@11 00. BtJTiKn Flnost. 32@3 ; Nebraska dairy 14 @TCc ; common , G@8c. Eaaii Fresh , 22@23 ; ranch , do rosh25 @ 2G. 2G.CHEE3K Full cream , K 15o ; Limburger , 18c ; Swiss , Imported , S2c. PoDLTOY Live , cliickonaold , dozG , 50@G 00 ; turkey , per Ib. , 14@lGc ; spring chickens , 8 504 60 ; drosaodlb,1920c. POTATOEB 100 Ibs , now , 123@1 SO ; sweet , for Ib. , 4e. VEOKTABLIES Onions , now , 100 Ibs , 105 : cabbage , now , 100 Ibc , SO ; new boots , 1 00. FRUITS Lomona , ehoico Mosslnn. GOO ® 8 50 ; apple * , bbl , 3 754 0) ; ] ) oaches per box , 2 00 ; watermelons , per doz , 50C070 pears , per box , 3 00@3 50 ; plums , per box , 200 ; California grapes , 1 75@2 50 per box. box.AIlATS Hnma , Ib , 14J@14J ; bacon , break , fast , 14J@14c } ; lard , m tliroo , . Jb , 10& & ; smoked sides , 12J@13. FISH Mnckorol , No.l , 140 , hit. mess , 1 76@2 25 ; California Balznon , half bbl , 10 50 ; Holland horrinff , kop , 1 C0@l 75 ; trout , per Ib. 17@18o rliosuU Awinuno Co. , ol on.Ciali C ' 85,5.'ibJ , . r , . . , Oipit&l 0)J,03 ? . nts , ol Kowut , N. / . , OipllM 1,176,053. Olratd Fire , Phll&aolf hi * , * v\M \ 1.S03 , tCC Ircmon'n Vni'l n r' ' . . 1 .t B. 1 * ( Faculty 1'rlzo Medical Collcfo ol Ohio. Sl'ECIAUTY Sl'ECIAUTY'i 'i ' And other Dlaeoscs ol the Anua and Rectum. 120 S. 14th St. Cor. Douglas OUAUA , NEB. ere ed and wtl James Helical Inslife j5TOChnrtercdbytheStatcofIllS. noi3fortheexpresspurposo ofcivinKlmmcdlatc rcllcliD al' ' chronicurinor"ana prl- fvale dUcacc . OonottlXT" : K'GItetDndSypliillcinnll their Wcikn s. ifli'lH Losses by Dreams , Pimples on iUoKars.I est Manhood , ) mtllviliicinnl ! 'I'licrt \jii' > cricriii''t > iiin/ . The appropriate ic.r.i'rt' ' . , utoncc ti'icdln each case. Conbultatlons.pcr- : unal or liy letter , Eccrcdly confidential. Med- cinci Bent bv Mall end Uxprens. No rr.arhu on j&cxufzi ; to indicate contcnu or tender. Address 'Jn.MMESMo. ' 2u4W23hlnfllon Si.CliIc3goll > thrlvca on Horllcli'i rood , " wriU ) liundrcdH ol imteful mothara. riotlict'B milk coutaliw no FtarcU. An artificial Kx l tar Iufant thould no Btarch. Tlio Uat nud uioi-t nutrltlouu " " " : nv lUc'iiiiiuciu.i. " . MJ.-.V Highly bi'Jielldnl to NiirBlut Mctlicra lu a drtiilt. l'rk < i III J i auiliOrrutn. llyulllrnw tn , ' * ' ft * > 'ar vj icnil forllookoiltliuTrcatiuuitot Ulilldrcn , free. ( "K Mr ! < llelr < l uuil liuL'Uloui. " U.H" , llallif , V. ll..lltlalitliJf.J . . . . . . . . „ . „ , , " Xlod It ! ! lii l could U deitltd. " IP. W. IMd , ill/uil , A'unirn. "NatiMlturjIn | ronnimrliiBll iu | riot lo " ; ii.inj tii.ui. ' ; . .y Mum , a , u , TWI.N. ) Will Iw nontIT \ m il on r a-lrt of i rli In ( "Urni'8. 1 llflllMIIK'H IIHV i : T tT ! Or MAl.T'feC An ] undisputed in tue BROAD GLAIMclteiczite VERY BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING AND liver offered to the jiubllc. A FINE LINK -AT- IN OMAHA , N1IU. SIDEWALK NOTICE. Notlco Ulicrttiy iilMMi to the owner or owner * cf ilio lollonlntf ilcicribodrenl p Ute In t ha city ntOntv lit , to construct * lilcnaU In Iront c ( nnd adjolnlnc Skino within llltomiift ) d ) from the 7th ilay ot Delator , A. l > , ItSI , nidi ldowi IU tu bo hlil In nr nmlitteo with phn Btul tprrincatlont nn nio In tlui oillcoof Iho Hoard o ( rulil'aWoiks nndliioompllanoa \\Uhri90lutloii9nihiitvilliytlia city council ot tn'tl cl'yMt : lxitslllV.M7SO ( , 37 , M , 13 , ( IS. 0) , 81 , K. IS , tcunlloof DUUIoii ttroit In Ntliun't addition tu city i > f Oniitlm , anil l t 7 , TO. St , 83,70 , 07 , M , 81,3' , 3S , 18. 1C , ! , vittaldoot MonUiipttoet ! , In Mclton'ii audition to hocitynf Unuhaamt Lot ! a , 14 , 11 , ill , SO , CO , IH , CO. 71 , 82. ST. OS , 101 , MutnUlool Montana street , In Ju'lson'9 addition to lie city of Omaha , and Lots 104 , P7 , fcS , Ml , 7 ! ! , 63. CO , 40 , 10.33 , S } , 13. 4 , tt BlJo ol LVntcr street , In Nulsoii'a addition , to the city 11 Onmlm , vnd l.ot li , 1 ,2li a. , 41 , 49 , 67 , 04 , 73 , SO , S3 , (10. ( And 05 , w t slilooiI Center street , In Nu ] . on'j addition otlioclt } ot Onulia , nil tj lie laid 4 fret In width Wi tlialfollot ! > .3l,8 { , V , 28,34 , and nt 143 cctot lot 33 , In Hollok'ii ifcuml ndditlon , o st Bldo of Uoloriitoetrcct , 4 feet nldo. Lota 2 niul 11 , catt ulilo of Colorado itrcet In Jolin * non'n addition , 4 feet wile. Lot ! * , < iorth feldo cf CumlnR street , In block 01 S cctwklo. Lots 1 , 2 , .1 , and I Bouth lido ot California street , n block 37 , Ofcot wide , rtlilted. Lots 1 kiul 23south sldo of Imlliim street , In blcck , , AriustroiiK'a addition. 4 loot wlito. LoU 1 mid 31 , iiirlh Ma ot Indiana itroot , In ilock 2 , Armstrong's Addition , 4 feet wide. Lotus , 3,4 , B anilfl , noith ililaof Indiana street , n block Kl , Bhlnn'iiuldltloii 4 feet wldo. l.ota 2,3 nnd 0 and cast Mfeot o [ loUnorth slda In dium strett , In block 14 , olilun'd nddltlo.i , i feet w I Jo. fcaet Jot t 12 , south eldo rirnau street 111 blook 130 , 20 lout wldo. \Vestlofloti south sldo Farnamstreet In block 1S5resulted nltli stone on li'th ttrci'trlda Most j ot lot 4,11011111 side Parn.m street In block 135 , repaired with ttono on Carnain street sido. Loti 1 and 2 , eolith side rumam utrcct 111 block 18G now walk , 10 icclidr. . Lota 0 nnd 7 , noith ldo Varnam street , In block 123 , now \\alk , 20 feotnUo. I < oti 7 and 8 , north aldo Katnam lroctlnbloek 124 low \\alk , 20foctuldc. Lot 7 , noith sldo f arnim street , In block 122 , ucn * Nalk,2ifect ) wldo. \Vi8t3oflot6 north nldo Fnrnttn , and \\cstslilo ,3th etreotin block 121 , repaired wltlntutio. Lotfiand cst3 old , north s'do Karunm ttroct u block 120to ho lepilted nlth etono. Koun'ralot ' 2 , noith slao St. llarj'd nvo. , botnooa 17th end 20th itroot , 8 feet wldo. Lota 0 and 8 north ttdo of lUmoy itroot In block 133 , M [ ret \\iilc. LoU 1 , - 7 nnd 8 , vest lido ot Dill street , la block 133,21) ) feet w Ido. K 8t j ot lot 1 , wottBldo of 14th streetIn block 110 new ualk , 0icot wldo. Katt i of lot 8 , west el do ot 14th Btrcct In block 1C5 now walk , iO to t wldo. East i of lot S.north sldo of Douglas strict In block ICfi , r ) ialrid. ! llaat i of lot7 , north tldo of Dou lag utroet , In jlock Iu5 , now \\alk , 10 ftetlJo. . Lots 4 nnd 6 , weatsldoof lith street In block 83 , new walk. Lot 4 south sldo Capitol nvo. , In block 88 repaired o 20 foot Hide. Lot 1 , eouth lido Capitol no , In block 83 now walk 20foot wldo. Lot 2 , south Bldo Capitol nvo , In blook 83 , now unlk , 10 feet wldo. Lull 1 , 3 , 4 , 6 and 0 , south lido Clinics etrtct In block 7 , tihlnn'8 addition , 4 fcot wldo. Lots : ) , 4 , 0 , and 0 , eouth ( Ido Charlca btrect in ilock8Hhlrm'd addition , 4 foot wldo. Loti 1 nnd 2 , west sldo 1'lor street , In block 2' Shhm's addition , 4 toot uldu. LoU 0 and 7 oist Bldo Tier street In bbclc 7 Khlnn'd addition , I feet wldo , Lotd U and ? cut tllo 1'lcratrcot In block 0 , Shlnn'a nddlllou , 4 feet wldo. Lot 0 , oiat elJol'lor street , In block 1 Bhlnna ad Jttlon,4f.etwldo. ( Lota 2,3 , G and fl north wldo ol Bowaril struct In jlock lSlilnii'H nJdltlon , 4 feet uldo. Knst 4 ot lot 2 , and all of lota 3 , 4 , fi nnd 0 , north aldo Howard street , In block 2 , Shlnn'a addition I teat tldo. LoU 1,3 , 4 , fiand 0 sjntli elila Eonard struct , In block 0tfhlnn'M addition , > foot wldo. Lots 1 < nd 0 , south tldo Howard struct , In block S , Shhm'e addition , 4 foot uldo. Lot 0 , east ulilo of 1'lur street. In block 13,1'arkcr'n addition , 4 kctw Ido. Lota 1 , 8 , 4 , 6 andO , sauthsldo Ucluwaro otruct In bli ck 13,1'arker'o addition. 4 foot wldo. Lets 1 , 3 , 4 , Daud 0 , south eldo Delowarostreet In dock 14,1'arkoi'u addition , 4 fcot wldo. Lots 1 , 3,4 , 6 nnd 0 , south Bldo Dclowaru s'rcet In block in , Parker's ndditl 4 feet wldo. LoU21aml2i ! , cut tldo Baui ders Btrcot , In God- troy's addition , U feet wldo. Lotn 3,4 , nnd G , cast Bldo Enundcra street , In 12 V. Smlth'u addition , B wcot wide. I.utu 1 nnd 2 , wott sldo King streetIn b'ocklS , 1'Ar- .cr'u addition , C foot wide. Lot 4 , Bldo of Oth street , ill block 100,20 feet Lots 4 and 6 , east ( Ido of OtliBtrcot , In blook 178 , * Lots 4 nnd D cast Bldo ot Oth atroat , in block "I. " 29 f < 0t wldo. Lot G east eldo of Oth Btrcet.ln block "II , " 20 feet Lot 7 , weet side of Oth ktrcet , in block 1C3 , 20 feet vide. Lot 8 , west side of Oth street , In block 103,20 feet Lot 1 , west eldo of Oth street , in block 103 , 20 feet Lots G nnd tlx northsldo of Luivenworth street , In lock 101 , 0 feet wldo. Omttbn , hept. 29. JAMFb CltKIOIITON , Chairman Board vf 1'ubllaVorK , oetl.St City of Oiniha. CIHCJIGO , ROCK 1SLAHD& PACIFIC by * ' ) rcnrrni pojltion of its line , nonnoctn tht * a1 urt the V. ' * .t 1 4 tl.o Hliorlrot routt ? , find our. i , i or ttUKt ri , Without ( jhrftit'O if o r \ Ijotw 'on ( M ; u'0 a l tv. < MuutfU B ! * JU. J.CfWd ( vorth ' lo.iioi'U , Minuo ijiojjrt And hi. Jiwi. ( I * o r'o tn C'iMon JJ. njlf * uilh u.i titr * \ liut-'tui u nut r'jurt tc'woo ith-j AUautii utid il.ti lanHk ( > . sn , I u t | tttui. * at in mui\i'l < * ut * 1 .uu , > iu * n t nt ! to np' iHl * J WoI t" jtni i i-ilo una d u * i l * ) ay < . ' > ac'luti Jl.i/nUtctMtt loi'ou lie * ' ' " , J'tlii'c . t'ln lr faru , I'ulliiiJirj cltunr 3J T > "M. t''i' . 1 u"til < ' ' " ' ( ' fit DmiiiK t'irr in'MWoili1. ai * toTrrti ii , . ' . -MO . . inn Jlivar l-oiunf. 'lw * - * - * r hl- . ' uoil bt , . * . .tm tufmti Mtuub.'ifoJlj * t r w * * * 4. "AUOERV I.EA i > f > ir. " / New onrj In r ret Line , vJu H UOCM ami JCnriKU \n \ . . . . "i t-mily ivim opcittU bi twttn Jlinuu : id .01 1 > i . New tort NdAn.C ariOMT4. tliun , AMt - t , i . Huf-liviiJo. JfOuiiti'illo , JjCj.niKtuC.iH''itnat. ' > .Jtiuuuolttaiu. | ) Uttjyattc. end Unialia. JVunuvap u itt nnd Hi Puul quit laini'CM'itlulo jioin' ! * . / i. VhrouL'U JJad Vravt.1 uu i-i-L i' , oU't3 for fallft nil [ Tincijul TicUoi OlJlCCU U UuiUti tit ULN nul Oa .i'l * . cli'uk. J imouyli antt rntcM af Inxe al it fid tuw t\kfa cui ptutujri lliu * oilur Ku4 atlvaij- lvr cd lutorinHUou.L'tt tlic JJu wftiul Void * CRE/r ROOK ttAND ROUTS- t your I'earral'JK'hf lO'lu.'c , ijrur.Jrcaj z , a. rftour , r. . or. JOHK. nn i Uio 1 1 j r Ixullu * . t'Ki Ut t * It. , PEABODY M , U. PHYBIOIAK & StJEGEON , pr UwWenoe No. HOT Junes St , Office , No. 1COO Far ' am B I OUloo bouu lii in. to 1 p , in. and rout 2 tc P KOI5NTLY FROM PREM 3NT , NEB. SADDLBKY HIDES , FELTS , FUKS , TALLOW , WOOL. - WE PAY T11E For Hides , Wool , Pplta , Ktc. , ami consignments mndo to us will rocoivo'prompt attention , for which immoilinto loturnsvill bo made1. 13th Street , Bet. Dodge and Capitol Ave , - OMAHA , NE8. ' , ' ' Sl'KUlAL iSUi'lOE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO . - * - -a - M > ! * * - n ar * * fm - * ] - > Vi l kl * ar m * It ia the beat nnd cheapest food for stock of nny kind. Ono pound ia equal to hroo pounda of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Oako In the Pall nnd Winter natcnd of running down , will increase in weight and bo in good marketable condi Ion in the opring. Dairyman , us well w others , who uao it , cnn toatify to ita mor ta. Try it nnd judge for youraolvoa. Price § 23.00 per ton. No charge for anck . \ddroaa WOODMAN LINSEED OIL COMPANY , Omaha , Neb. [ DEALERS IN iafe wA FIEE AND BUBGLABPKOOF iFES , VAOLTS , IOGKS , ETG. K.OS2O IBJtr-oet. STEELE , JOH Ofl & CO H. B. LOOKWOOD , ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper , Chicago , Manager of the Tea , and Tobacco Departments. A full line of all grades of the aboxo ; alao Pipou nnd Smokora' carried in stock. Prices and samples fnrnlshod on application. Open orders intruatod to ua ahull receive our careful attention. Satisfaction Guaranteed. MEWS FOR BEN WOOD NAILS AND LA FUN & RAND POWDER CO Rftilwaukee. Wis. GTJNTHER & 00 , , Sole Bottlers , C'iF OMAHA. NEB. 1301 AND l.'tOS FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH , Y JOBBER OP EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED 1118 FAHNAC1 STIIEET , . OMAHA , NEB. fis BOLTS , MANUFAOTUUKItS OIT-T. Doimor Windows , Flnlalt , Window Cups , Iron Creating , Metalllo Sky-llghts , &o. Tin Ircn and Elate Boo - tr HID Bouth 12th Ktruot Omaha Nnhriuika Blossom Flour AVHOLESALE BY 1013 Jones Street , * RED onoss. { 'OMAHA A. L. STRANG & CO. , Double and Singh Acting Power ana Hand Jinglno Trimminga , Mining Machinery , Bolting , HOBO , Braaa and Iron Flttlnim at wliolotalo and retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS. AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam St. . Omaha Neb. XSUCOEbSUR TO FOSTER & GRAY ) . , LIME AND.CEmENT. Olllco aud Yard Cth and Douglas [ Strcetr , g. | OMAHA , NEB