THE DAILY BEE FRIDAY OCTOBER 3 , 18d4 THE DAILY BEE. Friday Morning October 3. LOOAL BKEVITIE3 , -Next Sunday Is Hnrvwt Homo nt Ttlnltj cUhwlrixl nnd there h also a inu fiorvlco in tlio o vcning. A woman named Mr * . M. J. ( Julnn wa- upon the street yostordny looking for lict iratband , who she chimed had deserted her nl Ht. Pnul. Last evening two fellows , \vlio wore e little the worse oil for liquor , \\OTO tip'ot upon Sherman street. Lucidly they sltue * in the mud nnd vcro not injured. The industrial school opens in the room beneath Trinity cathodralcorncrof Kightcontli and Cnpltol Avenue on Saturday next nt 10 n , in. The children \\lll como early. The boyn had a little rnlllo at Kd. Maur IT'S place last evening nnd Matthias Now wiw fortunate enough to win n S180 mtuic box. II IB n fine ono and was impelled from Kurow , Thcro will bo ft ( Dccial mooting of Hull llebeknh Degree Lodge No. 1 , In Odd I'ol IOW'B hall , nt 7:30 : Saturday uvoning , Ocjoboi * 4,1881. A full attendance onrnestly requested quested , as there Is business of Importance. The county Cleveland Vnd Hendricki club nro making nrrangomcnts for n limn mooting lit the club rooms Saturday evening .TudRoSavngo.ParkoGodwin , Oeo. W. Hhioldfl , Gco. W. Ucrtrand nnd others are niinoimcci ! to ppeak. IJ. B. Lowcnsloln , the Insurance ng-nt , who Is charged with Belling n horne nml buggy belonging to the Nebraska and lown Insurance company , has waived oxnmlnation nnd has Ixicti taken back to Uuming county by tlw sheriff of that place. There will b3 n meeting of the Blnlno nnd Logan club of the second ward , Saturday evening , in Cuuningham'H hall , cornet of Thirteenth nnd Jackson streets. All republi cans nro invited to bo present. By Order of the Ward Commlttoo. The Gate City Council of the Northwestern - western Legion of Honor will complete its or ganization nt the Knights of Honor hall this ( Friday ) evening. They have nboul one hundred enrolled char members , nnd expect a largo turn out. The millennium is at hand for sure. Not a single ancst had been made by the police for the past twenty-four hours , ending at 11 o'clock yesterday. In police court yesterday - terday Judge Uoneko looked silent nnd sad as no criminals wcro brought before him foi trial. TllK BKK wns mistaken In stating that Miss Kllzaboth Popplcton Is the superintend' ontof the industrial art department of the Now Orleans exposition , Shu was appointed without her knowledge nnd she has not iiC' copied the oilier , as she Is nimble to attend tc the duties of the position. The little "Missionary Helpers , " under the direction of Miss C. lloss und Miss II. Collier , will gl\o n concert followed by the sale ol fnncy articles prepared by themselves nnd refreshments freshments , nt the ] ) edge at. I'rosbytorlan chinch , on 1'riday evening , the exercises t < commence at piecisoly half past BOY on , Henry Hitler , a gentleman well-known Ii northwest Omnhn , will start with hii famll ; today for St Louis , After flpondlng n foi weeks in the Missouri metropolis ho will vial tlio World'H Imposition nt Now Orloan and thence willgo to Cincinnati Ohio nnd No\ York city , returning homo in nbont thre months. Mrs , Clara ( Jrowman , assisted by twc ieachorp , will open a Kindergarten on tin I'roobol system , on Wednesday , the 8tli da ; of October. The hours will bo from 10 to ! o'clock. Children takan from three nnj-a half years to cloven yearn of ago. For par tlculars apply 3i9 ( North Seventeenth street Private lessons in music , German nnd fauoj work on Saturdays , for Indies nnd chil dron. rKKSONALi. Mr. Jcfijio Grant , wife nnd child paseoi through thli city wcat yeilerday , N. L. Tnylor , one of Madleon'H promlnun UornoyB , was in the city jesterdayon Icgn Mrs. 1' . II. Carey hai roturnoil nftor ho extended visit with Iior lolatlvoa nud friend In Milwaukee. Mrs. S. H. Cullaway and childien arrive in Omaha Wcdnenday from Chicago. The are at the Mlllard. MnNSholtonarrhcd in this city ycnterda monilng from Now York City. She took th noon train for Grand Island. The many friends of Mrs , Andrew IJordoi will rejoice to learn that she is improving ii health and will doubtless recover in a uhor time , B. II. Itoblnson , Teknmnh ; 0. Duvnl , Crete K. K. Valentino. West 1'olnt ; L > iu Condon Columbusj DrM. . W. St no , Wnhoo , w ro the Millard yesterday. Mr. A. L , Johnson , one of f ho most popu lar engineers on the Union 1'acifio road , Jol yesterday for n trip through Michigan , Indl n nnd Ohio. Ho will return In about on month. N. 8. Harwood , W. W. W. .Tone * , M. I Welch , T. Kwiugnnd T. H. Lcmitt , Li. coin ; 0. W. Thomas , Grand Inland ; T. Ii Llddlo , ( iottcnburgi A. Cusleller , wife an Wins Muy Caslellar , Blair ; 0. II. KUisej 1'awnccj 0. A. Von Warmer , Orund Islanf roglslorod at the Paxliyi yi-steiday. A1C. . Marsh , Button ; A. U. Hltchcod I'itrco ; Andy Uodon , ColuniLus ; J. I ) . Hvon Sutton ; Geo. Gilinnn , Ncbmikn City ; W. 1 'JJeckham , Valontlnoj J. McOalleiter , Oa ! landj A. 1C. Caffroy , Btronikbiirff ; O. 1 Wallace , Springfield , Vt. ; II. 1' . Mathew llellow Full * , Vt , nro at the Metropolitan , Mr. Jn , Levy , ndvnncoagontfor I.anrnnc Barrett , Is at the I'axton. Hoii makiug t rangemonta for the appearance in thin city that eminent tragedian. I.auruuco Bacrett now America' * foremost tragedian , Bootli under the weather nnd McCulloiiKii lm totn ) y fal'ed. The palm now lies between Bam and Tom Kttno. Mr. Vr. Melz , who has been visiting Gornany for Home time relumed homo yetU , day morning via Wabwh U. H. HO Wtt , , „ In Kow York by hit wifa. Th * 1'lattdimtcli Vereln , of which he Is A inf mbur , mot him the depot with tin Muiical Union ban which Mcotted him to hit liome. The beau ful i.oHrbuimer uf the Veielu w uned , f thla Deflation ( or tha Cr t time , SPLENDID OIIANOP- , ! C-r residence properly , Lot , 200 by 1 tvpt , rnut front , < m Parir Avonuino IK Urjirnperly jn Oaiaka : fenced , and tru J'l Mitcd. 2Ji ( DEU , & I AT UST 'IIS DONE. kB , &M , Cut Through Seventeenth Street in the Dead of Night , 'ho IVnpIo In Hint NciKlilorhoou ) Aw.ikcn tills Mornlntftoljook Upon n Ontml , For ecvornl wooka n policoniftn hna con atntioncd near the Tenth stccet rosslug to BCD tlmt the 1) ) . itI. ] \ . folka id not take advantage of the dnrknoss f night nnd cut through the street at iiat point nnd by BO doing loivvo n canal cross tlmt thoroughfare. While the polica have boon guarding nd watching at this point the company rith n largo gang of men hnvn been pro * aring to make n cut across Seventeenth Lrcet , to enable thorn to lay liclr track. Wednesday pvoningwhon | Iho Dmbro nhadca of night enveloped lie earth there was no sign of railroad track ncrosa Seventeenth street thor than that of the Union Pacific , but when the gray dawn of * ho early morn roclnimcd the approach of the coming ay , beheld , a canal eight foot deep had icon cut across the struct , and in thobot- om of this canal nero the tica nnd iron ails of the U. it II. railroad company , 'ho company had not made any bluster bout the matter , but while tlio enemy tvcio watching at ono point they had iado an attack upon an unguarded point nd had carried the battle without n ; rugglo. Jt now remains to bo soon what will boone ono by the city in regard to the matter. AN INJUNCTION ( IllANTKn. The Omaha & Southwestern railroad ompany Wednesday began suit in the ialrict court against the city of Omaha nd Patrick Hears nnd naked for ft torn- orary injunction to rcatrain the defend- nts from grading Seventeenth street rom the south line of the Union PaciHb racks to the south line of the Omaha & outhwcstorn tracks. Judge Neville ranted the injunction. A OH AFTER ON BOILS , V Prominent Man AVrltcH to a Frioiul ontlio Huhjcctot Uolls. As a great many people in this city are ow troubled with boila they can appro- late thn following iottor which was writ- on by a prominent gentlemen , at ono mo a resident of this city and a govern ment director of the Union Pacific road , o a personal friend in Omaha , who , at 10 present time ia nursing a pot upon ia right hand ; THE LETTKU. ly Dear I'ullow Co-Stillorcr : I loam with regret that you are laid p with ono of Job's comforters. 7 sym- athi/.o with you because I have boon aid up hero for three weeks with a car uncle on my neck , that weighed at its worst over ISOO pounds but it is now on ho mend and only weighs -10 pounds. ? hey weigh the moat at nlghta. I also during that time have had live bolls on mj ; right hand. Treatment , while the } oil is on the make up , you inuet not iwoar at It as ic does no good , but talk cindly to it and make it believe you nro rionclly with it. After it is done lak- ng up and ready to open , you can * then > egin to fool a little independent and laucy , but bo sure tlure are no others liding around. I fool sorry for Job oven now , but probably the boils were the making of Job. No doubt you recollect the sweet iromiso that you find some place in the iiblo that roads something like this , 'Blessed are UIOHO that have boila for will feel so good after they quit uirting. " I may not have the oxaot Ian- ; uago of the good book , but you can hook n'to the moaning. I hope vou are on the Improve and earn hereafter that there is but ono good ikca to have a boil , and that is on the thor follow , or hired man ; recollect this. lave lots of patience , ( that is what kept Job in business ) , poultice with Ihxsood neal , say your prayers regular , and I hink you will bo able to smash moro bag- gngo. With these few thoughts I close and remain , A Fiai.ow SUFI-JUIKH. P/S. I have sent up for my wife and nay remain hero a couple of weeks yot. . have missed having the care of my wife nnd having ono around that you are not afraid to scold when the boil hurts. Jell , You Are Oalioil , " "Show Down. ' OMAHA , September 30. To t/ta Miler - or : There is ono 0. D. Boll ( colored ] who lias written two articles to tlio IloraUi charging the republican parly with faults and failure to keep promises to the col ored pooplo. While 1 admit that the ro ; publican party luwo erred , I desire to say that they have done nil that has boon done for us , while the democrats have opposed everything that they have tried to do for us. If Mr. Boll wants to bo a democrat , lot him define his position and not insinuate it to the people. If ho is n democrat , I will challenge him for a dis- mesial ! at any time or place ho may ties- gnato by giving ample notice. But if ho a n republican ho should como out and show his colors. ' A. II. Bliot In tlio llaml. Wednesday as George llinos a teamster in the employ of Milton Kogors it Sons was cleaning his revolver Iho weapon wat accidentally discharged and the ball entered tored his left hand and lodged among the cords in his wrist. A doctor was called und tried to fmd the ball but was unsuo cestful. The wound Is c. painful ono and will probably lay lliucs up for spmo littli timo. In cleaning a revolver it is alwave the best and the safest plan to roinovi Iho chambers of the weapon. This doc away with nil chances ot an acctdonta shooting scrape , llonl KHtuto . The following transfers were filed Ir the county clerk's ollico yesterday and reported for TUB BEE by Amos' ro l es tate agency , October 1 : S. D. Mercer and wife to A. D. Pholti ot al , w d , loU 10 and 20 , block 24 , Wul uut nill-87D. J. JJoev | and wife to J. T. Anderson w d , lot 10 , block 1 , Kounlz's 4th add- ? COO. Mr. Taylor' * , The new freight auditor of the Unio Pacific roud arrived in Una city yeetrr day and auumcd the duties of that oflls this morning. Ills uatao is D. D. Davis nd lib h llcd from Detroit , Michigan , Io has been cur accountant of the Can- da Southern road for sometime nnd will oubtloss fill his position to the satitfAO- ion of all parties concerned. _ Ho is a ) lcasant gentlemanly appealing man and s well calculated to make many friends n this city , Smoke S oal of North Carolina Tobrc CO. CO.CLIPPINGslROM COURTS , The Carry Property the Cause of Fonr Arrests , V Now AVny ot Collecting City liy Mr , Buck. I'OUCE COUUT. A couple of weeks ago Cornelia Oil- ) crt brought suit against n man named landow , the lessee of the plaintiff , to isposscns him of the property formerly ccupiod by Hiehard Curry for saloon urposos , near the corner of Tenth and ) ouglas. The suit was decided in fever f the plaintiff nnU the writ of rcstitu- on issued to give her possession of the iremisos , It appears that Randow had sub-lot 10 property to the wife of Curry , when n turn had sub-lot it to a man named ampson. The writ to dispos.Hoss llan- ow was placed in the hands of Deputy- lioriff Crowoll for execution. Upon oing to the promises Bandow was not ) und but ho was afterward enticed into 10 place and ejected from the promises > y virtue of the order of ho court then n the hands of the executive officer. Sampson was placed aa a guard ! over 10 promioos but was subsequently on- cod away by n conatablo who was _ act- ng for Mrs. Curry. She was then given ) osaossion by the oflicor , and has boon ) ccupying the place over since through 'atrick her sublease. It seems that Sampson enraged by lose proceedings on the part of Mrs. urry , aided by a man named Johnson > roko open n dncr and did some damage o the walls. For this a complaint was iod ! in police court ] by Mra. Curry gainst them charging them with mallei- us destruction of property , Sampson n return filed a complaint against Ira. diary , and a man named George 'iiddock , charging them with trespass. Varrants troro issued on both com- > lainta and the casoj are sot down for tearing on Saturdaynoxt. COUNT v COUUT. In the county court tbo caao of Moran - ; an against Chapman , involving the pos- ossion of the store building at 1213 ' "iirnam , was decided in favor of plain- Iff. Iff.It It appeared from the testimony ucon ho trial of the caao that the parties to ho suit had formerly boon partners in fie store whoso possession was in dispute. Jpon their dissolution it was mutually greed that the defendant should pay the obts of the concern , among which was no owing to the city amounting to S150 or taxes. Mr. Morgan , who was paying S1CO per month for the store , refused to iay the whole amount , but paid mo-half which ho claimed was all ho was lound to pay. City Treasurer Buck bo ng unable to find personal property upon which to levy to make the second half was told by Chapman that ho would put Morgan's rental where ho could roach it > y a treasurer's execution. It was ac- ordingly done and ninety-six dollars waa nkon from * the amount by the city iflicial. Morgan's refused to receive the mlanco as payment of the month's rent and accordingly Instituted suit against ho defendant who , ho alleged , waa in arrears of rent , the result being as above stated. 10,000 bushels Choice Winter Apple for sale in car lots or lean. Your bus ! ness solicited. J. Q. WILLIAMS & Co. s27-lm Nebraska City , Nob. THE A , M , E , CONFERENCE. Ilio Second Dny'H SoHslnu Crnniiilt- ICCH Ai > | ) oiatcfl l > y Iho Oliulr. The morning session of the second day of the Ninth Annual Kansas Conference > egan at 10 a. in. yesterday at the A. M. E. church on E ghteonth street. The session was opened by devotional exer cises conducted by llov. [ J. L. Griggsby. When the services had boon concluded the conference again took up its reguiai work , with Bishop John M. Brown pre siding. Committees on publication department and general conference delegate money were appointed by the chair. The conference then wont Into a com- initteo of the whole upon the matter ol nissions , circuits nnd stations. Attor c 'ull discussion of the questions presented , the committee arose and reported pro. ; ross to the conference. iV committee to confer with the Soutli Nebraska conference , consisting of Kovs , P. A. Ilubbard , J. W. Broxton , J. H , [ lubbard , A , W. llamsay and 1. II. Lu cas , was also appointed by the presiding olllcor. At tlio afternoon session no business was done by the conference , but reli ou ! exercises wcro hold , tha sermon boiiif coched by llov. A. K. Jackson. In the evening , ut 8 o'clock , service ! worn again hold , at which the rcgulai educational sermon of the conference wai preached by IloV. J , W. Braxton , o Wyandotto. \Vnn Ar.jbody Killed ? Vostordoyinorniiig about ! ) o'clock person : living in the vicinity of Eighteenth am Leavonworth streets heard two shots liret from a revolver , and the roporti were fol lowodby cries of "Ohl" Some of the par ties arose from their beds and skirmishec around a little but were unable to fiiu the parties doing the shooting , or UK party supposed to have boon shot What it was or who it was is unexplaiua bio. A Noxv The Ileos Friating company is a nov corporation that has been formed ii 0 in ah a , by the consolidation of Samuo Ilecs' printing oflico and bindery nut Mr. J. F. Fairlio'a biudery. The nctivi stockholders in the now company an Samuel Hues , J. F. Fairllo. A. F. Ram euy and Olmrlca E. Reynolds , making i strong team , every nno of whom is i worker , and wo predict for the inititu 'Jtion a success from the ntart , grcatei Moron thin that which has attended th < , I individual raombera herctofojo , A BEAUTIFUL GIFT , The First Wnnl niftlno nnil IioRnn Oluli Presented "vVltli a FlftR ljr tlio IiailleB. WedncsdayniRht n largo crowd gathered around the aland erected nt the corner of Seventh nnd Pierce atrcota by the Firat Ward Blaine and Login club. Mr. Jcnkinaon introduced Miss EmmaGoorpo nmodoatnnd retiring young lady , who represented the young Indies of the First wnrd , nnd presented to the Blnino nnd Lognn club a beautiful flag which the young ladies had prepared. Miss George apoko na follows : Mr. President , and Members of the First Ward Maine and Lwjnn Cntb : The ladiea of this ward have selected mo ns their humble instrument to express to you how sincerely wo sympathize with you in the purpose to which you have devoted - voted tliis club. Although it ia hardly to bo expected of us to enter into the details nnd turmoil of n political campaign , wo must bo permit ted to participate aufllciontly to snow that wo appreciate the noble principles of this grand parly which has so glorioiia- ly administered the ailairs of the government - mont for the past two decodes ; which has guided us through the dork and troublous times of civil strife , to this era of pence and prosperity. Wo , the ladies of Iho First ward , fool proud to show our admiration of the orilliant statesman , Blaine , and the great warrior , Logan , nnd that you may bo en couraged to march on to victory and elect those noble men , wo beg leave to present you with this Hag. " At the olosd of thia beautiful little aponch the crowd broke forlh in loud and prolonged cheers , and a largo number of ladies in the assembly waved their hana- kerchiefs and smiled in approbation. * The flag was Ihon raised to the lop of the polo nnd Iho next speaker , Judge Mo- Oulloch , was introduced , Ho spoke of Iho beautiful flag nnd paid n glowing tnb- ulo to the fire nnd patriotism , which ia kindled in the heart of every American woman. Ho aald the proud line ; floating in the evening breeze reminded him ot nn nddrnas ho had learned while nt school nud of which ho would repent a passage. It ia na follows : "Tho atarry emblem of hia country's sovereignty ia to him radiant with n di viner glory , than that which moots hia mortal vision. It epitomizes the splen did rosulta of dreary ngea of experiment nnd fniluro in human government ; nnd , ns ho gazes upon ita Blurry folds , undu lating reaponsivo to the whispering winds of upper air , it sometimes scorns to his wrapt spirit to recede farther nnd farther into the aoft blue aky , till the hoavona open nnd nmzol hands place it upon the battlements" paradise. Wherever that ensign floats , on the land or ever the sea , it is to him the very aheki-iah of his political love and faith , luminous wilh the presence of that God who conducted our 'athors through the fires of the rovolulion o the Piegah heights of civil androligious Iborty its atara seem real , Us lines , whlto symboli/.o Iho purity of his hooric irea ; those of red their patriot blood jhod in defense of the right. To defend that flag Is to him something moro than a duty ; it is a joy , a coveted privilege , nkin to that which nerves the irm nnd directs Iho blow in defense of wife or child. To insult it ia worse thnn nfamy ; to make war upon it is moro than treason. " Ho then apoko nt some length upon the tariff question , which evoked consid erable applause. Mr. D. F. Gurloy , C.R. Kyle nnd Mr. Jcnkinson each mnup short speeches , nf- ; or which three rousing cheers for Elaine nnd Lognn were given nnd the mooting adjourned. Stock Yards Busincns. As the Union Stock Ynrds the following - ing business was transacted to-day. in-CKirrri. Swan Land and Cattle Company , ' i can for Adams , Ellis & Co , Chicago , by way o : 15. & M. Carey Cnttlo Company , 20 cars to Gcorgn , i\dnms ; & 1'rench , Chicago , y way of C. & Dtuhin Land and Cattle Company , 5 cars , to Durbin Lund and Cattle Company , Omaha ; and 11 earn to Uo enbaum Bros. , Chicago , bv way ot 0. It N. W. Howling , Hush & Co. , 14 cars to II. P. Bell , Omalm. It. 1' . Connors , 15 cars to J. IT. Wood & Co. , Chicago , by way of tha B. & M. NHII'MKNIH. Barrett , 27 cars to KaufTinan & BrownChi' ' ; atfo , by \ ny of the Ituck Island , \V. K Miller card to Palmer & Kichard son , Cliicugo , by wuy Chicago , Milwaukee A St. Paul. Archibald , 15 cars of hnraca to foempbis Tennessee , Thompson. Mr. Domntm Thompson appeared nl the opera house last evening in "Joslun Whit comb , " A good sized audience wai present to grcot the eminent actor. Tin play has lost nothing in the years whicl it has boon handled by Mr. Thompsot nnd ho ia surrounded this season bj first-class support. The play , na hna often boon said ij ol the real old Yankee typo. For mon than two generations the American atngi had boon over-run with Yankee's of UK Solon Shlnglo Brother Jonathan style but the real article never appeared unti Mr. Thompson brought him down fron his native How Hampshire hills. Mr Thompson has met with unbounded sue cess in Ilia play. Ho does not pretend t ( bo a literary man , but for nil that , ho ii n practical dramatist , and has fitted him aolf perfectly wilh u vehicle for the ox plotting of hia peculiarities. Gamp Meeting Notes. Elder Starr , of Chicago , arrived on th camp ground last night nt 10 o'clock am will remain during the remainder of th mooting. Yesterday nt 10 Elder Butler , president idont of the general conference arrived and Mrs. E. O. White is expected thi evening. To our surprise and gratifies tiouwohavo learned that Uriah Smith editor of the Review and Herald will at riyo hero this evening and the meotin will have the benefit of hia vnluabl labors during the remainder of the moot ing. Many other important arrivals ar daily expected. * 1)1 IOO. CONKLIN. At St. Jowph'd Hwpltal , ut u. m. , October , U. F. Couklm , ugud 2 years. Itemalna wcra taken to Burkett' * and on : bilmed to await tlio arrival of frluada. lit ceased waa an artlit in the employ of Georg Ileyn. Cauie of death delirium treniotia. Seal of North Carolina Smoking tobic oo is the best. A 1'olltlcal lllot. POINT , L. I. , Oct. 2. While the ndciwndcnt republicans were raising n Clove < and banner nt Blitivillp last night n number f rowdlos , led hy et-Policeinan Straflord , mads an attack with clubs nnd stones , Injuring overal. Btrafford drew a pistol ntul hot inco , but was disarmed by the polico. Tin1 > inner wan cut down during the night and carried oif , Absolutely Pure. his powilcr never varlca. A nmtvcl rl purely , length anil Vvholcsamoncss. lloio cooaomlcal than 10 ordinary klnds.nndcannotbo s.ld In compel I tlort with the umllltiulo o ! low test , short weight nlmnlor hospliato powdors. OolJ onlr In canii. ROYAL JAKINO VOWDEIl CO. , 108 Wall street. . N. Y. the changes tnal , In a tow years , have taken place in the manufacture of mprovcraont after Improvement hat boon made , until to-day the clothing offered by Schlank & Prince , 1210 Farttam street , ia nqual in every roapoct to the beat Custom Work ! While at the oamo time the lowness of price of the fine grade of clothing they handle la no lesa astonish- Irur than the Perfection of Fit ! AND THE QUALITY OF MATERIAL AND MAKE 1210 Fcrnam Street. 1210 The Pioneer , and Still Ahead. 100,000 NOW IN USE. Fast puporsedlng the larResl old faihloncJ toio and raiiu4. | It Ins tlio slmplcnt and mmt clllclcnt otcnoburnerH In the world , and with law Improto incutB tlioeosltBt to opcr-ito Absolutely gate with its patent rcBervilr , now in USD the uucond dcosoc IIlimit a elnglo accident. 2TS nd for Catalogue. Price List , " HULL VAl'OK STOVE CO. . mLo cod CLUVKLANU , Onto. CBE1GHTON COLLEGE , CLASSES HE-OPEN ON MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 1 licildea tbo ml van UK ol a lolld English and Classi cal education , epccl oaro will bo devoted to the O O 33L O AND TO Practical Surveying AND ALSO TO , Banking anil Commercial Viva nowprofosBOrahavo been added to the faculty for thlspurpoiio. C3T Vocal Uuslo , German and French , optional. JSJ NEW 8TUDKNTS mutt proicnt themselvea during the week enillni ; Aujjuat 81 , between 9 and 12 a. in. , nd they ii'unt IMJ reuly to stand cxainlnatlou to do- clde their rank In the oourno Pro ! . Lambcit will glvo iluo notice for the rosump tton of tbo evening coureo In Chrinlslry. Tuition free. No distinction on recount of treed , RUK , 19 tu thurs ut 6t , OMAHA NEBIIASKA. Tbo Bcnolwtlo ycu oouuuencei on tne First WeflnoSuay in SenleniDor , The oourea o Instruction embraoea all tha Klsunen tary and hlghor braaihei ol k Onlihod ( duration DlSercnco ot llelielon U no obttacla to tb ulinlj. lion ol youn ; ladle * . IMplU are reoolrwl at anj time ot the > ear. TERMS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Including Hoard , \Yashlntr , Tuition In Kngllih aud r'rencb , u ot booki. 1'laao , pci euttlon of Fiva Months , - - $150.00 EXTllA OlIAUOirS-IHiwtrur , P Harp , Violin , Uuiui and VouarXtuic. Kelerenoen we toqund from all iienon * uuVnow to th * Institution. Vor tuttLtr Inl armtlloa apply ] y ll. Booths' Oval Brand T D , B. BEEMBR , Agent , OMAHA , NEB tflimebaugh & Taylor , LARGEST STObK OF 5 -w-l IB I Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraaska ONE HUNDEED VARIETIES lUBUinnunuu uunLLUj Oountor , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track. ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Orders for Hie Indian Department given for Buffalo Scales ex clusively. Scale zaioip , 1405 Douglas Street. OMAHA. NEBRASKA 1 AND WINTER. GREAT BARGAINS AND Visitors to the State and others in need of Men's , Boys' and Children'3 Clothing , will do well to call on X > .d 'M ' The Strictly One Price House in the City And examine their goods and prices. Ttay carry the largest stock , ancJ sell lower th&n any other house in the city. Merchant Tailors don't fail to call at 191R . 19JR / The largest Stock in Omaha anti/jIMes the ! owest Prices " tara tews I "IP Tl DRAPERIES AND MIRRORS , Just received ail assortmunt Car aurpanolng anything In thla mnrkot , oomprlMlu he latest nnd raoat tnaty doalgris uianufaotnrod for this apriuq'a tr/idn / nd oovorJn , t range of prices from the Cheapest to the uioat Kxponaivo. Parlor Goods Oraoerles. Now ready for the inspection of ens- , Complete stock of all the latest tomers , the newest novel foe in styles in Turconien , M dj aJ nn Suits and Odd Pieceri. Lace Curtains , Etc. , Etc. Passenger JSlovator to all Floors. B SHI E3 12(16,1208 and 1810Fnrnnm St OMAHA U , S. DEPOSITOKY. J. II. MILLARD , President. WM. WALLACE L'ashiet , Capital and Surplus. S5OO.OOO. Flro and Barvlar Proof Kafon fr > r Unnfc nt te m Sfi to 950 per annum. filT ' ? Hfl1 J idAdi , 13 } AND OAB1-S. 1MB and 1850 U ru y Sticol ind t , CaUltino la/n'ibid liti otcn trpllciUar. } Omaha ,