OMAHA DALIT K&EITESDAY , SEPTEMBER HO 1881 1HE I > 'APA BEE Omivlm omco , No. 01(1 Farnntn St. Council UlulTM Oilier , No 7 Pearl SI BtrcetNcnr Mrontlwny. Now York Oflleo , Itoom 05 Trltmno mblifhed frtrr trorolne , eictpt Snndtj1 Tl > enl ) llondnjtnomtriR dally. On T r . $10.00 I Thit Months rirlloruta . R.oo j Ono Month . 1.00 Pet Week , tt Cents. rnn mttT * * , rmutmD JTIUT Dot Year . tl.00 I ThtM Month . t tt RUUonttn. . 1.CO | On Month . SO American NewsCompnny. Sole Acsntf , N w > dc l- tnln the United Stated. A Oomrannlontlorm reUtlne to Now § ami KdllcfUl nklteti oboulil be ddn cd to the KDITUB or Tin Dll. All DunlncM ttt r and ncmlttanrvM should 1 o ddrcMcdtoTHBllrii inroLismva COMPART , OMAHA. Drtttfl , Ch * < * 8 and PmtofTlcc orders to bo m ao payAble - Able to the onlcr of the company. THE BEE PUBLISHING CO , , PROPS' ' B.rROSBWATER. Kdltor. A. H. 1'itcli , Mnnn < ; or Dally Circulation , O. OT IJos , < S8 Om.ilm , Ni-b. Bt TLKK , like n bull in n china fihop , continues nmnnhing political crockery wherever ho goes. UTICA is represented by the Now York Tinn * as being a city that boasts of bo. ing the homo of Iloacoo Conkling and burns incense under the nose of Join : Kulloy wlionovor ho comes that way. II is no pent-up Uticn. A 1.1. the railroad organs in the slate are harmoniously in favor of the pro posed amendment creating a railroad commission. It is always well for the people to do just what the railroad organists do not want thorn to do. THE Now York Times' traveling correspondent spondont has discovorcd more doubtful states than any ono had any idea of. After having placed Iowa among the number of doubtful states wo should not Lo surprised to BOO him class Illinoia in the enmo category. JOHN F. FINKHTV , "ol Chicago , who ha been a lifo-long democrat , is now dolivorini ; campaign speeches in Ohio for Blaine and Logan , and ho is doing some excellent work , lie is an excellent orator mid his visit to Ohio will tnako thousands of votes nmong Irish-Amoricana for the republican ticket , loth atato and national. JOHN On IN AM AN certainly has a hard road to travel in California. lion.V. . T. Wolkor , state oupurintortdont of public schools , has recently docidcd that OhincBO children cannot bocuino pupilu of the public schools , public education being In tended under the constitution of the atato only for these who can become citizens. There are nearly 1,500 Chinese children In San Francisco alouo. IN accordance with the BKK'H suggos' tion , the Nebraska republican state central tral committee is making an effort to in. duce .fames 0. Blaine to visit Omaha and address the republicans of tills city and vicinity. It is hoped that the committee will sucsood. Mr. Blame's presence in Omaha would draw an immense crowd from all parts of the atato , and would have an enthusiastic effect. If Mr. Blaine cornea as far west as Iowa ho cer tainly ought to visit the metropolis of Nebraska which has always boon such n warm supportorof the "Plumed Knipht. " THK Indiana are buginning to learn that they have some righto which white men are bound to respect. The Fort Hall Indians have demanded compensa tion for the proposed right of way of the Utah Northern railroad through their reservation. They want only 500 head of cattle for the privilege , and they will probably got them , as the secretary of the Interior stands by the Indians , ho having refused to sanction the attempt of the railroad company to ride rough-shod through the reservation without any re gard to the rights of the rod men. TIIK project of a railway tunnel under the straits of Dover , connecting Franco and Kiinlrmd , Imu long been dlicueaod , nnd while Captain Ends was in England ho was consulted as to its feasibility. Captain Eads pronounces the onterpriuu entirely piacticablo as the bearings in the earth show no great obstacle to the con- atruction of the tunnel. It would cer tainly bo a great enterprise , and would 1)0 appreciated by the multitudes who dolly cross the rough seas of the English channel. The main obstacle , however , to the proposed tunnel is England's hostility to the project , on the ground that it might bo uiod advantageously against England in case of hostility. This fear is certaJnly absurd , for England and Franco could stop up the enda'of .tko tunnel in case of war , and lot It remain unused during hostilities.-t TJIK result of the Ohio oloo- turn depends a good deal upon the amount of aslo-groaso mod by either party. Republican advices from Ohio are to the efloct that the democratic managers are flooding the atato with money , and are determined to buy it up at any price ; nevortholeas the republican - can managers are confident of carrying it by a handsome tntjority. Senator Slier- man is said to feel atsurcd of a victory , and so is the chairman of the republican state central committee. Democratic advices - vices are to the effect that the ropubli. cans ore spending money like water with the intention of buying a majority if it cost a half.willion dollars : novorthelcsi , the democratic managers are cojiguine of victory , and Chairman Barnutn thinks they will liavo 10,000 majority in Oslo- ber. OHAHLES H. KUOWN'S TUA Dl'CliHS. When ; iho congressional cu'npfttgn opened in thia district , wo had \\o\wA \ \ that it would bo fraught out entirely on the merits and record of the candidates and without personalities. 'L'M oourso has been pursued up to the present by lion. Charles II. Brown , thoanti-monop ely candidate , and , so fur M wo Inovc , hy his supporters in the presn nnd on the stump , NVo are nmaxad , however , that Mr. vVenvcr's friends IIRVO been no in discreet ns to resort to personal abum that in as uncalled for ns it in malignant , A cruel and dastardly assault is mvlc by lha Saunders County Tribune in lie l. < Ml iss\/o , which bears upon HH fftco the oar-marks of a deep donigntoprcjudlcolhc votera of the district against Mr. Brown , not only in Satmdcrs county but through the entire district by ropubllcalion in thoWonvororgana. The article in question represents h im an being a common drunkard , After citing MI untruthful and cxiJggcsatod account of the trial of Dr. St. Louis , nt which Mr. Brown acted as ono of the thrco attorneys for the do- fount ) , the article concludes ns follows ; Wo do not believe that the people of this district will dishonor themselves , their district and their state , by electing a man of such dissipated habits to rep resent them in the cougrcsn of the United States. Wo do not boliovp they will elect n man ns their representative , who is n ulavo to liis nppotitu and passion , and who will surrender his judgment , sense and honor to their gratification , regardless of the sacred duties ho owes to others. Wo ad mit that naturally Chas. II. * Brown lias one of the keenest , most brilliant and finest minds of Nebraska , and hod ho improved , cultivated and used thoao tal ents ns it was his duty to have done , ho might to-day have stood at the head of his profession in this ntato , and been a man whom the people of Nebraska would have delighted to honor. But instead of no doing ho has abused his talents by strong drink and debauchery , until to day his passions and appetite rule and control him nnd render him unfit , mentally and morally , to represent the state of JNobraska in the councils of the nation. The people of this district cannot afford to elect such n man ns 0. II. Brown to congrem , over a man like Hon. J. A. Weaver , who though not brilliant is brainy. A man of solid com mon sense nnd good judgment ; n man , who as an attorney , judge or congress man , has not disregarded his sacred du ties to clients or constituency ; a man who obeys the dictates of n sound , clear judg ment , rather than the crnvlnga of n do- proved appetite. Saying nothing of the differences of the parties , those two men represent ; the wide difference in the pri vate and profonsioiml character of the two men is sufliclunt to entitle Weaver to a handsome majority over n man of Brown's stump. Now , the only possible excuse for nuch an article is that yearn ngo Mr. Brown had been ovor-indulgont In the use of liquor. For tlio past throe years , however - over , ho lias abstained entirely , nnd wi venture to say that there is not n more tompornto man in Nebraska to-day than Charles U. Brown. In view of this fact the attack on Mr. Brown is the more cruel nnd cowardly. Even prohibition Ists cannot consistently countenance niicl nn attack on n man who has thoroughly reformed and is to-day In the mor idimi of manly activity and mental vigor. In Omaha , where Mr. Brown is boal known , such a charge has no woighl whatever. Ho was elected two years ngr from thia county to the state aonato bj over 2,000 majority. The people ol Douglas county are not so depraved ns tc elect to the state senate by any sucn nm jority a man who is a wreck. Mr. Browr served with 1(2 ( other members In tht state Donate two years ago , nnd no mar In that body will dare to nrralgi Mr. Brown for intemperance ii drink or oven in speech. The aonato two years ngo was mnUo np of some very nblo men , nnd it was acknowl edged that Mr. Brown was the moat in dustrious nnd Indefatigable legislator in that body. Every jingo of the sonnte journal boars testimony to his active interest in legislation nnd his rucord on every issue that came before the body is unassailable. If .ludgo \ \ caver's frioude have no bolter argument In his f.woi than their coirso nnd cownrdly personal assaults on Charles II. Brown wo apprehend - hond Mr. Weaver must bo a very weal ; nun. A I'KTITIO.V is now being circulated requesting - questing the county commissioners tc submit to the voters nt the coming elec tion the proposition to authorize them to sell the county poor farm , excepting about 20 acres upon which the poor honao is situated. The object of the pe titioners evidently Is to extend the city limits nnd have this land divided into Iota nnd laid out into an addition. On the other hand it is proposed to invest the proceeds in a now county farm some four or live miles from the city. There may como a time when the proposed sale of the county farm would bo desirable , but wo bellevo that now it 'fa altogether premature. The present monetary depression and the btmsequont dullness in ' .ho real estate markobwould not justify a sale at the present-time , an the farm would not bring within ono hundred per cent as much as it will sell for four or five yoara houco. The commissioners would rognrd them selves as bound to Bell if the people vote them the authority. The farm would fall into the hands of some land syndi- oito at a price that would promlao them mmunio returns , and the only poasi- jlo benefit from an immediate sale of the lands would , bo their taxn. ; ion for city nnd county purpose Tliopluathat wo want to buy another poor farm , whllo laud is ohoap , four or Qve miles out , Is all mooiuhino. What do wo want with a poor form nnyhow ? The paupers do not work , and if it is cul tivated the crops will cost us moro than they are worth. Uouglna county docs not need to engage in-farming ns a bmi- UOIB , and a tract of 25 * or S3 acres , ii nil the land wo need for n garden patch to ruiso tno vegetables consumed by the paupers. The snlo of the poor farm is all right nt the proper lime , when there in a rttl cs late boom , but wo object to a reinvest ment of the proceeds in another farm , because it is not In the interest of the Uxpnyers , THE ladies of Douglas county ought to tnko a special Interest in Nebraska's ex hibit nt the world's exposition at new Or leans. Mrs. Dinamoor , of this cily , is vicopresidentot "tho sloto association for the exhibition of woman's work at the world's exposition. " Miss Elizabeth I'opploton is superintendent of the in dustrial art department. It is their dc- Biro that tholadios of Omaha should make such contributions to the various depart ments an will bo of interest to the visi tors nt t ! . . exposition , nnd at the oamo time reflect credit upon our city. The department of fine nrta is ono lo which many ladies in Omaha could makn valuable contributions. It includes painting in water colors , oil , and paitollo , drawings , pottery , painted porcelain , sculpture , etching , engravings , etc. Mrs. S. C. Klliott , of Lincoln , is the superin tendent of this department , The indus trial nrt department includes carpets , tapestries , embroideries , nrasono , Ken sington in gold or silver thread , bead ; In fact , every kind of embroidery , lacoo of every kind , plain knitting , crochet work , nolUng , quiltingfino sowing. All kinds of work that industry produces are wanted represented. The culinary department , in charge of Mrs. S. C. Smith , of Beatrice - trice , nfforda abundant opportunity for nn elegant display , as it includes n host of articles that can bo elaborately deco rated , giving a very artistic appearance , greatly to the credit of the maker. These are the principal depart ments in which the ladies of Omaha are expected to excel. Omaha Is the largest and wealthiest city in the state , and con sequently its resources are moro ox- tonslvo and varied than these of any other flaco. It in hoped that if this city is represented in the exposition it will Siavo nn exhibit that will bo creditable , otherwise it weuld be bettor to have no exhibit nt nil. TIIK coroporation counsel of Now York City has made n suggestion which will apply equally na well to Omaha. It that in all cases of accidents for which the city may incur any liability , the police shall make careful investigation of all the circumstances , and this should bo done immediately as the facts are canicr to bo obtained while they are fresh and the witnesses nro ncccsaiblo. The evidence - donco thus obtained would bo valuable to the counsel In defending the case , and having it decided upon its merits. If this couroo were pursued in Omaha much costly litigation might bo avoided. It has boon followed in Boston for years very Bystomalically nnd with great suc cess. The proper way for our city counsel to do is to make a similar sug gestion , and see that it is carried out. Omaha has paid out considerable money for damages to person nnd property by nc- cidonts , nnd had the evidence boon obtained immediately and recorded for future use , the results might have boon much loss expensive. Tin : llov J. P. Newman , D. D , , who in visiting in Omaha , Is ono of the most distinguished divines in this country. lie was for many years the pastor of the Metropolitan Methodist church in Wash ington nnd is now in charge of ono of the largest churches In Now York. Hie lecture upon "Tho Typical American"on Fridny evening nt the First Congrega tional church , will no doubt bo very en tertaining , as it is a timely topic. Dr. Newman has had abundant opportunity lo study the typical American ns ho has boon thrown in constant contact with the various prominent typos of our cituons in the national capital nnd in the great metropolis for years. It in to bo hoped that the mnyor mil council will nt once fill nil the vacancies in the ollico of registrar , if there nro nuy , with competent men. This is n presidential year , and every voter ought to bo registered in order to avoid confu sion. The registrars ought to make n thorough revision of the lists. Wo have now nearly 10,000 voters in Omaha , nnd it will bo n big job to got them all prop erly registered. TEST YOUR BAKINGJW1M TO-DAY ! llrniuli nilvoi llnnl n < iilmolnlrlpura THE TE TS ipo a run lop do n on a hot ftoro until hcatMl.tnn ITMIIIVU tlinroiurunil > m li. A ehrmlit will uut INI rv iwl tu ilBioct tun pruteuoo of animonlo. IOiS ) : NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. Tit II1ULTIIH-LM.S4 HIS NEVER Ml SI ( JII.I > TIO > EP. In n million homo for A qtutrtrr of a century It li i ituvil mo vonvuniuiV rvllablo ttst , THE TESTOFTHE OVEH , _ _ L'KTCK 1IAK1NG 1'OWDEll CO. , UiKrni or DP-Price's ' Special Flavoring Eilracts , Tl o Dr. Price's Lupulln Yeast Gems IVr Ui-bl , llfilthr llrraj. Tbn lloit l > rr Hop Yvut lu Ilio World. FOR SALE DY GROCERS. CHICAGO. . 6T. LOUISA I SPECIAL NOTICES / will Positively not bo I Inserted unless palu in advance. TO [ OSKV lo nf l on chkttiK llilrr id TlplCt i 1 boiiKht nd Kid. A. t'oreiran , 213 8. 13th 7tf C.'l'.Y TO U > ANn mm . > fSOO. and ntwora M 0. K D T ! < sol Co. , Ketl K'Uto mil Lo " A rnvm 84. 3iM \UIfA MKAttCfAh EXC'IIANOK-t.rge or O mall Inftti ) Uiftilo on rrro > < * 1 s-curHy. 1M7 tfnt. B12-ltn watr \\fANrKD-OooitOottiiin u'rl ' for ement IIMHO- work &t N. W cir. 17th ana lnui < lMitKcH. 311 30 \v ANTKD-Nurso RliUlSaUDotiulij ttrcct , near I JcfTtrKin. 313 30p A\TANrKI-S6 tUM. AlHy 0 ? South IHh St. \ > 842 SOp KI ) A female cook w.d a dining room Ctrl , Api'ly ' ixt Ilroweill lull. 837-30 trotxiirer for n WAN company , Apt ly A. J. Trclour , rlty. "llT'ANT ji ; > fllil far Rcncral homo work rit 43D ConiontBt. Mrs U. U M > nc. 810 tf irAN'TIJU-SccondRlrl. Inquire 016 south IRth etrcot. 8i7-23y \\7ANTIin A rollcblo mld < IIcKcd worcm , fond V T of malm homo In Mmlly of thicc. Good wain to the right iiarscn. Addrcii"Ij A W. " lleo office. Sll-m \TANTI > AKooil Irl for hou cwork. Nnnobiit > flrst-clais need npnly. Imiulre at 101 south 15lh Etirct. 310-30 \7ANTUD Oooil girl at 171SCam ht. A ( Icrnian clrl f r general hou e or WANTKD 15th ttruct , ( th lot aouth o f Leave worth. 260-tf 7ANTKU A good gltl. elfier German or Scan- \v dlna\ Ian , at IDS corner Capitol Avo. 270-Ip ) - , OK OKNTLKUEN-In city WANTEI-IADIKS nice , light and pleasant work at their own homes ; $1 to 25 | nr day easily Mid itiietly | made ; work rent by inall norantafslnir ; no xtainu fnrronlv. 1'icaso address KtliaWo 11 ant's Co. , 1'hlladeljihla , 1'i. 803-lra I-aundresj at 8 W. cor. 18th and WANTED Harncy. Wages 91 per week. 318-Stp Sfan an J wife , mtn towork about promises WANTED mises , M a week. Wlto to do chamber work , $1 per week. Hcfercncoa required. 012 Douglas . tl A plioo by a jouni ? man to work WANTED and evenings , fur board , whllo at- tindlng the telegraph collcgo Adilrosn lllchcio , 1110 Karuam street , room 2 , up stairs. 333-39p Situation In ttoro or ollico by an errjo WANTED man. City icltrenco. AddrcBi "O. " 317 S. 13th street , city. 310-1 IlK.N'l' Homo and turn , vUth ana llarney. 17WH . I , . Monroe , Gth and Douglas. Telephone 391. 3 rt 4p Mil HUNT Iloom with or without board , at 172 * F Douglas street. 310-HOp " \\7"ANTED A homofnr ayoungglrl of 15 In the IT country.where she can make herself useful , withoutoxp'n o tuono who Interests himself in her welfare till she pro\cs unworthy. Addieis " 0. " Deonlllco. "Itiulloa by a comuctent vounir lady as nurse clrl. Itcfercncoi exchanged. Address 'll. \ , " lleo olllce. 83lp "IV'ANTBD llv ix Kentlcraan , room and board In i private firmly , where tli-iro arc no oticr boar.1- crs AddliSJ-C. U."IJco olllcj. 32S-28p WANTED Sltintlon asfclcrkin drug storo. H\o years' expcrl-uca. Itcferouecs the best. "U , D , " b-.xE45 , Oni.ilia. 3fl5-SOp rANTllD A Hlliutlon aj clerk iiiji goal hotel by V t an oxpcrirnccd young m n. Oocd efcrtnce furniahcil. Address "U. M. " Ike ol'lco. 314-3jp : i : WANT KB Sittntion 0.1 book-keeper , nssiUant book Kcci cr or any kind of ollico we rk. line several years e\perienco anil can nho the licit of rcf- cicnrcH WutilU go to any pnint in the state ol Neb , or Western ion.i. Address U. II. Morse , bC2 10th St. Council llluirs , Iowa. 30l-lp WANTED A fltuatlin as driver of a delivery wagon ( 'an furnish gcoi city references. Ad- dries " 0. H. " 1012 Capitol ave. 307 35p. ' ' Sltuitloii M book Vtcper , experience S years , 4 years In the banking hmincfs in the east. Address "Iluskin" Minneapolis , Minn 24S-p WANTIID Any klndof otllcc work or would lo book keeper or assibt.uit book kceiier. Addrcus "W. M. " lice olllce. 2702Sp situation aa bookkeeper - keeper , in w bolcsalo catabllshment In Omaha. Address'0. ' " euro lieu. 858-tt MIEOBLLAHEOUa V7AHT3. ll/ANThU / Hy gentlcnnn and wile , two or thno Tt farnishdltnom * , sultJiblo for light houtekcep- Ing. Address llo76. . ' , city. ti3d-lp : 7ANTIID K lurnl'hed room. C'ill or adilreis W \VII1 Young , I3CO Far mm St. 2i'3 29i AN EED About Oct. Uh , a competent and W tliorough title abstractor. Address , witii ref erences , stating experience , age , fiaiary expected , &c J. " P. 0. box ll.Wllbor , Neb. 302-29 \ ' 7ANTKU 2 or 3 furnished or unfurnished rooms i > In desirable locality. Koferencoa exchanged. Addrces'M ) . 11 T. " Boo olllco. 320-29 V\7"ANTED Hy a lady , a handiomily fiirnlihcd It room , where no iniotion ) will heaikcd , lthln six bloeki of the po.Ullice. Address "L. H " Bee o'fei. 3iO 20i | ' ) - I want purch : u a printing olllce located WAN'TIU- ted In some Doling and grow Ing town In South uni Nebraska , or Nortlieru Kansin. Oun pay n small pavinent down , balance inpayments of (50. monthly. Aililiusa "Ijing , " care Unuir.i Bee. 2ril-2p \l'AM"ii : ) DrcssnmklngatMrJ. A lllce's 117 N. > > 16th ht. 4 Hlnrt trimmers , 4 waist makers. 2 Hlrmo InaliirN , 2machine hands for Wldtu liurlilncB , 2 ( .illoietcs for work on tailor ma do drives Nnno but llrstalaxs help lienl .ippl ) . 'J.3-ip \\7"ANTiD : f,000 uii Ilrst-clasj cltv sccurltj.for 6 > T yiars , at 0 per cent. Address Box 020 I'ust- ollim 708-tf FOK nilKV-KonoeD rnfl Lots. iriOll UKNT Neatly lurulshod rooms ut 1201 How- L1 ard struct. 'J10-lp poll HI.NT Two rooms handy for otlleu In the 1 new .nick blok , lorner J-tli and Capitol u\o. 245 3p JAOll ur.NT Fun.Uhed moruforone or two gen- 1 , at 101H Ci | Itolau'liue. S2J-tf - , > 0l ! UKNT Se\cn room homo , cor 2U4 and ] 'Webster btrcet , J30 501 el month. lniiilro | 1811 Cats street. 323-30p lj > 01t UE.NT I'lc.ijant furnished rooms.1707 Cass. I1 312-10i > iriUlt Ui : . > T A new neatly ( limited rolUgool five _ l } roomi , within two lilroin from stores on M Jlarj'acr.iiB. . Apply at W ) man College. 111320 < 0ll UKNT Kurulshed loom , 117 south 17th St. 17 1 SM SOp fTiOlt HUNT A nicely ( ur.n hcd front mom suita- 1" bie for oue or two gintlemeu. No , 317 north 10th street , W53p .Vm 1 | IUN : T-A lumUhcd room at 1816 ; chlrajo ; treet. IIK.NT A toro , aUo half of anotlur store , 171011 north If.lh htrrol. 310 27p 71011 UKNT Mccly fui llbod uiU of 2 roams , 316 ' W. ISth St. B76.lp ] iiMilt nr.M - Anuu moiuamt live rooms oterhvad. I1 Northcait corner cf 17th mil Nicholas itireli , nrar oil workr , 92'4p KENT-To drn'Nt of attorney , half of double 1 iifllee , loo.itnl wltliln one block of I'axton Hotel Addicts "Ilex. " lU'U olllce. VOO 3 p 1T > 011 lliXT-Afurnl : hcil liont room , > t OJS South I1 SCthht. SOO-lo KENT luulh front toom/lOU FOU fctrett. 283 2p 171)11 ) HUNT AluiUHi with ul.'lit looms. Warn 1 HwlUler , 213 Miutli 14thM. 290-tf 1710U UK.STAn tluiiant buck btnouient H. V. 1 corner lath an.l Iojk-o ) fits , one block from / it oilier ; 'J5. p.r mouth , Uorsj & lliunner , 1134 , Karnani bt. i.1l0 171011 HENT rurnlihed room ISIUUod.-eSt. 1 SM-SCp lll'Nr 1'leaiant room , furnUhad or unfnr 1710H 1 nlihid , vn tulta ortluglu , Ih'U lU > eupoit street T7IOH It Kl'-NlcoU lurnUlud front room 1K09 1 IXxigo ttr t. OU"llTNT : r-urTiT Tit4 i > r uufurnUIm.1 uitiTor 1 ' ulthpiit Liciid , two roiiuu In it line iitljjbborluuJ cc HH Jilc-nt t > Strict oar , 2817 Clark * Bt. 139-1 Fort TIENT A farnlthfd room ItOO Farnam St. 7-tf Iji > ll HK.ST Jnre woontl story rotim St.fuitablo ( Ar innnufirturlng , Apih 1113 ( Urnrv St. 'S ' > ' KENT Furnished rooms 190S K rnmU J | rre-v KiH K1-.V1 Xiceljr luianheU Irout room l lf 1 Dodge street. 110-tf f pOltHKST Six tnom oo4U ? , flu * location , hy 3 J' T. 1'ettrwn , 8. K. car. 15th and DOH | M. 617-ti 1011 RtXT : Rootr.9 In Crounw'a Block , n. M F M3-U I7OK IIK.VT Oui grtn'l ' * 'iuiro piano. Inqulr , 1 } olBdholm and Krlotaon. 440-tl ' One rood six rom house * H6p r mo 6-tf FOK SALE. I7 0It HAI..K A zoo < ] frame house , 5 roorci , ! lls in 1 pooil order Mint lx > moved at once. Aj > rly to Ilic Wcitirn Nawepapcr ULIOII , cor. lith and flow- Mil ItlCCtl. 311 If . Two IjcJstenJn with unltrtnw * . Al > - FU1U.ALB | > ly No. 1118 N. 17th streetMl * Joneon. 315 lo JMHSAIjK TwoiLcoml lutid ttoits , ? S inch , nr 1 both $ 6. ' Hilt , " Dee o.1eo. ! 330-tl I roils \t.E A KOOiI lot 23il ana Chrt ttcet. Also n liouiuot D moms to rent , orucr ISth anil Clraco A | > | ily on prcmlsoj. 335-4p TJlOlt SAI.B C'llKAl' A Rood laundry bti'lnem for JUntnan ulthasmall family. Kent only f 12.10. Uill 7I8S. Oth street. ; : BMp Jr > Oll8A > * K Very chinp liulMliiRR and lettehoM , 1 1CS S llth st.tct , below Douglas and Dodge. J7 < Jit SAI.U A good side bar buggy 217 H. ISth 1 street. SM-tl J"llOU SALK 76 jards ol RODd Ilmsselscarpet , now. 1 Also ono fit of parlor furniture , scvon I lccc § , or ulll trido for n horse. Henry Drown , 23J and Mich igan aenuc. . 11)3 tf I7 > OH SALE Wholcsa'o notion waffon , horsoi , hir- ' ness , all complete , nith established route In ncs- tern Iowa. WlU bo suldchcip. Satlslactory reasons for tollluf. Incjulte lice ollico. SPS-lOp poll SAM : Hotel The Oxford hoiiso , the best I ' location In thlsi emir ( city , for further ) artl- culars , call on or address 1' . Jr. Kleth , proprietor Oxford House , Oxford , Neb 3uO-7p T70H8AI.KCHEAP 3 lot In W. A llcdlik'i nddl- i1 tlori. Inquire Of Chan. Uoughcity , U. J' . freight house. 317--JH' T10U 8ALK 1CO.OCO brick tt Florence , 86. ro per ? thoiiBand at kiln. It , W. Cowan. 317p T70lt SALK OR TRADE Hardwnro store for Neb JL1 landa. W. G. Spurrier , WlotaIowa. lOOi-eat o w 4tp SALS lruu ) stock in Southern Nebraska , In IpOll 1 town with Rood trado. Will Imolco about 16'OdolUra For particulars address "L. L. " care of the Bee. 231-Sji ? Ull .SAl.i ; Chop a second hand hl n 1 Inqulro at Simpson's Catrlairo Facton , DoJ e , between llth and 16th , 230 tf SALU 520 acron land on .Middle Pcatur , In FOIl ginltli county Krtns.1950 acre under fence , plenty of lit Ing water for stock. Gooil frame linnio 10x23 , with kitchen 12x20. 200 acres In culthatlon , price81,000 , Terms 4 cish , balance on time to suit [ lurtliascra. Will aUo fill 00 head cattle If purchaecr IcilrcH. Address Thoiu.ts Mitchell , Kmltli Centre , Kansas , orl'uiton k Qro\c , HUcrfxi , Neb. 257-lm FOR SAL1 > A stock ol ttcncral merchandise , nnd Btore for rent In a thrhlnn Nobraskfi town. Kcr I'articulars , address "Q. U. " Bee olllce , Omaha.247'tf 247'tf EtOlt SALi ; XillKl ) House , brick , thrco ntorlcn , only hotel in town , 0 rooms , to lea'o for3 or n r'cire. The jiroprlotor of the N'tllu'li House wishes to > ell the furniture and fixtures of thU hotel on cisy : lmo and terms and lesno the hotfl f or tljio state J above Alaouonld sell hotel outright , ItJaRrccablc , h'or inrtlculnrs Inquire of John J , King , Agent , Wcat Point. Nebra < ka. 2490 ! 1011 SALi : A fresh milk cow. Apply to W. Hoy- F er , 1020 r.irn.un St Ml-tf Ij-OR SALE 16U.OOJ brick ou cats at licllotuc. II. L1 T. Clarke. 2l . SAIK Furniture nnl fixtures ol n boarding 1 house dnlntr a good business. Best location In town Apidy N. W. cor. 17th > nd Capitol a\cnuo. ° .t1-30p FOIl SAIU Fiosh iniUh cons at rny yards In North cmaha , near Ittncr's tricl.yaul. J. W. Penny. 198 EOp FUH HALE Stock , llxturcK , horse and wagon , nt first-class grocery store , a bargain. Apply "A , 11 , C. " Bee olllco. IDB-tf ITtOlt S A 1,12 Loose hay dclHcrcd in largo or small 1 quantities. A new line aide bar top buggy anda wholesale notion or peddlers wagon. ; C. J. Canan& Co. 176-1 m FOlt SAM : A small , hut complcto stock ol frcs-h groccrlej , ith n ijood tindo , m a good locality In city. Addrc8s"0"IcoolIio. 100-lp tJ SALE A wholetock of clothing , boots and 1 shoufl , buildings at cost , retiring Irani business. U. H , Petcrion , 801 south Tenth street. 113.3m FOIl SALK Cheap lots , $5 00 down > .00 per month , and assisting worthy pcriona to build nice little homes. 11. C. Patterson i Co. , cor 13th and Farnaui. TfOU HALE Two second hand pianos , at Kdho w I1 & Krlckenn' * Mimlo Store ou Ifth St ? l OU SALE Corner 8th r.nd Firnam , 00x132 feet i1 now occupied by City Mills. Apply on prcmi ca 077-tf W. \ViLaIlAI : > S. Ij'lOIl HALi : Bailer and cnglno. I have nearly now tjollur and engine and Knowlo'd pump , 40 norsopower , for bile chtap. T. S. Clarkson , Hcliuy- ler , Nib 022-lm I7IOH SALK Northeint corner 20th and Cuming V street O. F , Da > is & Co. , 1595 Farnam street , 875 tf FOH SALK Cheap , ft nice cottage , full lot , cltj water 5 li'ocks f roai the court lioiue. M. Lee , roocr , 22.1 and Loavonwortn. S.r.7-1mn FOlt S ALE-Englnos now arid second hand 10 h. p. 15 h , p. and 20 h. p. portable- and stationary ; also boilers of any nlzo aud style. Hlchard & Clarke , U , I' U Y. bit. 17tn and 18th Ht * . Omalm. 613-tf FOR BALI ? A printing oflico suitable lor a oinal ncwxpapor or job ollico. Wll eell for cash or ox. chungolor Omaha City property. Addrces' X. Z. ( > ' Bee olllco. 488 tf FOH tIALK Two open nooom.iiar | < 1 lug-tgs | in oce delivery wagon , cheap , t I31U Dmney t. 553-tf MISCELLANEOUS. STUAYUD \ toJ milch cow , 3 years olJ , with a * hlt Hpot In bhape cf a heirt , In the lace , anil rope on her horns. Kewardof $5 will baal > l Urlau i Sclavsnli , Ilo9 Dauglai street. 331 30p QTIIVYKD OR STOLEN A largo red cow about 0 Kjycnrs old. one ear split and ono rut off. Kinder will return to Cba ttot , tth and Harcy street. O311 A Knight Templar Witch Charm , going M < am south 20th street and St. Marj'uaunuo to U 1' . depot , nr on 14th , lUth Douglas nr How ard H reels A liberal reward Mill bj paid to finder , If rcturlle > to olllci of Nebraska Implement Co. , 4U 3,14th street. 3IS-2p ! ) STOLUN One i4nrk bay horst and platform wagon at the circus grounds. A liberal reward will be paid for his recoveryTlmnnJk Co. , ISth and Datcn. portStB. 322-29p IfiOHND A ladles wrap wu found In the circus 1 tent Friday afternoon. The owner can hear of Its whereabouts I.v applying at I his olllco , de scribing mine and.pajlng for thij advertltomont. D . H. 1' . Jensen hasr mo\ed his ofllee ami resi dence to the N , K. corner 16th and Lca\cnworth ID'Mm IV TUB. SCIIHODKU. Magnetic HealerK now ocated 111 at 1821Cusetrtet. Uiagnosci diseases free , PHIVV vaults , links and cesspoolJ cleaned with tanlUry cleaner , HAtlsfictlon guaranteed by V. U Abcliucociisorto ( J. M. Smith , ) box 378. 97i-lm K f\f\ \ Cash will buy ( plcndldlldo-b rbu ( ri U.UU at U10 Farnam street , 000 tf S r. A A Cash ill buyancxcollcntrlJInirordrl. JiJ.UU ( logdouble buna , at 13101'ariiam. HAY for prime baled hay at lowest prices , ad- die's T , S. OI.AHKSON , e:0-lin Schujlor , Neb , MUIIHAY hasgooa putiirmg. Spring water. fl MKUN Hi the tubscrller on hi * enclosed land I about 4 mlloj north of MilUrd in Honshu county N'elri < l > aon the His tUy of July , IS , a sorrel pony br.ii''oJ "II. A. C" on the light hind Hank , tup- posed to IM ) ub.iitSOvr old Hi.SRV : ll'H. IM Bcpterr.bor ! 0th , leSt V-3-ltw5w . 1'artlei htvlnc abtnuoncd home- PKIfONAI. utiMililn Noithwo-it Kan o * , | linu corre iK > ud uithmo by lt er t once. I'nao Jlulliolland , lleil Entatt ) uij Financial agint.oilou , Kansas. /"IKNTIULHOai'JTlli-Cor. 14th * nd Jones , re- W rclviM | atlt'nU tuHering from any Uucaiu cot contagious. A ) o div Ui a delicate con lltlon 18J 1m SOLE AGENTS FOJl IP 6 bxw ; WEBEK , L'AYNES AND HARDMAN j& AND SMITH. AMERICAN AND PACKARD ORGANS. Wo have the largest and best stock of Shoot Muslo In the city , O3inprising Ber lin , Vienna , Peters' "Leipzig" Cheap Edition , Brosluu , Mayonco editions. Small Goods and General Music Merolmndiso of all Kinds , 101 AND 103 1BT11 STREET , OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. EDHOLM a ERICKSON , ITaTTlT Til J owolry of a designs made to order. Largo stock of Diamonds and Fine Gold Jewelry. AGENTS FORJGORIIAM MANUFAOT'NG GO'S STERLING SILVERWARE TAUGB STOOK OF HowardWaltliam , Elgin , Lancaster and Columbus Watches SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED A , SCHNEIDER WATOH , DRESDEN. Cor. 15th nnd Dodqe , opposite Postoflice. 55 \ iJU . VELVETEEN ! VELVETEEN ! VELVETEEN ! Sold Ly - L. B. WILLIAMS & SON , S. P. MORSE & CO. , - Omaha , Neb Fine Silverware. iante ! Clocks COIIPLETEASSORTMENTIOF Walnu Clocks at Bottom Fdces. NSPECTION INVITED. S. K COR. DOUGLAS AND 15TH STREETS , FIWE REPABRIMG A 8PECBALTY U , S. DEPOSITORY. J. n. MILLARD , President. WM. WALLACE , Cashier , Capital and Surplus. S5OO.OOO. Flro and Barf/lar Proof Safes for Kent at f m 85 to $50 per nnnuin. LEADING- T T X X Finest Stock of Real Bronze and Builders' \ , Hardware in the State. Largest Assortment of General Hardware and Mechanic's Tools m the City. FIVE KINDS OF ROLLER SKATES , 250 jmgo Illustrated Catalogue Free. 1405..DouDlas ? street , OMAHA