Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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fll ICAOO , VKOll [ A A : ST. LOUS
in \ \ \ - \ or
Conncrting In t'nlmi l > rwils | tit Knnuiitl Ml
( iiimhinml PctiM-ruitli thmuuli IIUJHH Im
And nil jxiliils In the ( iicnt Wi t
( iinml I'nlon Iii' | it nt ( lili agi
\vltli tliroiiKli trains lur
A"i : ir i'o itc , Jt o N row ,
Anil all l > 'f TH ( itirs
At I'porli with Hutu * ' .trains fur .nillntm ;
nil * . C'lnclnniiU , L'nliintttU , l"1 " puli'ls ' '
tlii" > niith.insl. : At SfJill * with tlnmij ;
tmlns lor nil points Syyn.
l.lrfpuit D.iy ( 'oirln-s , Pmlin ( 'urn , vltli lc !
rltnliiK < hairs ( Hi-ats li < ! ) , Mnnkliiir CIU-M u II
li ( > vulIng < 'lull's , rullin.ui I'al.irr Sli i-iiiu
I'nrs nml tliu Imiinus C. II. & ( ) . Dining Cm
ninimily toaml from rlili-nipi nml Kansas CltA
( Iilnu'oiiiiil Ciniiirll Illullrt Chlcnpi nnil DC
.MiilnrH , riilciiiro , M. JiiMt-pli , Ati lilmm inn
Tiijiokii Hltliinit chniiKf Only tlnoiitfh lln
ruiinl IR their nun truliiH In t\MIMI rhlinuf ;
I.luccilii nnil l ) < 'ii\c-r. nml Clilt-nRo , Kiinsu
ritv mill DiMivcr TliitiUKli ciu-s li-t i-i-n
liiiliuiiiH : | > lls mid Council IliiiirH , via I'uorlii
Solid 'I mini of iiimit : D.iy Conuhei run
rulliiiiin riilucr.SlccjiliiK' curs mn run iliilly ti
nnil ft pin si. Louis , via llmnilbul , uuliirx
Kcokuk , Iluillnpion , f-nliir ItunUlH iiiiirAlliuti
l.mKiSt. l-iiiil nml MliiiiuiKills | , I'nrloi fan
with KrciIiiliiK 'hulin lo nnil fioin St. I.oul'
unil rcfirln. Only niio chuntro of care \n ULCI
hi. Ixinhanil Den Molnos , loua , Lincoln , Nu
liniska , and Denver , Colomilo
U Is nlio the ( inly TliroitKli Mno bfat ecu
It Is known as tlio Krrat TIIItOITt.H OAI
l.IM. of Ainerlca , nnil Is universally admit
' -il lo ho tlio
linost Equippoi Hailroad In the World fo ;
all clacsG : of Travel.
TliroiiKh Tlclcoiw via this line for unto ntnj
U. K. LOUDon ticket ollltcs in the UiiitudStuto : ranada.
: . lce-Irr . . 1'KKOEVALI.OWKLI , .
TO THE J , M. 1J , & 11 CO. ]
Tlio moit intensive manufacturer ) of
John Hockslra.isor Oonoral Airont or Nebraska and
Wutitorn lo a.
609 S. Tenth Street ! . . . . OMAHA , NKI1
37Trlco nf Illlllnril nnd Tool Tublei and materials
luiiilthed on application.
1111 Donglu fit Omihi , Neb.
Qalvanizoa iron Cornices
/HTDormor / Wlmlowi , Tiiitalu , Tin , Iron and Male ,
KoolUiK , 8 | cent's I'.Ucnt Metallic HkjlUlit , 1'utuiit
nJjUHUd Ilacbett liar and llraokot SlmUliitf I nin
tliu Kunrral tonl for thuahoto line of ( 'oodH Iron
n , renting , Hiliistroiltj , Vcrauilns , Iron liar
Otncr.ur CIMI-K ( JiiAUTriiUANTi'it [
OMAHA , NI-II. , Kupkinliur Ibtli , 18.SI )
Scaled pro ] > ufial In trlillrulv | , subject tolhu ninal
conilitloiin , III bo t-il at this JnlllPo until II a ;
in. Butiirdaj , Octolicr IStli , IbSI , utwlilrli tlino anil
l.lucotln' ) will liuujiinul In ] irii4inru of bIkilcrM for
fiuiiUblnK the matt riuN and co-mlrui tins In areor-
ilanco Hitli pl.niH , icclllc.itloim ) an I ilr.mlnifH , , ttio
JollonliiK dch ( rlhcd liiilldln 9 , \lz ;
OCoinptn ) llarr.'ickH.
6 NOII I'ommlniliirii'd ( Juarttri ) .
1 StU 1'kM Ollktrii On irltra
8 Sctn Cuitalnn | Otnrhrn.
1 ( jiurttrnia
Kill Hoiiku.
. c , and
1 llake IloUHUtu IHI of briik. Ainu , till ) folluuln ) ;
of wood
1 llulliiln fur Workntionn , and
1 Itu lloime.
llicio bulldluii lolHilncAtnloimltcii tii bo tUmpm
tixl an Fort 1) . A , Itlliiell , WsmiiliiK' . Tlio work tu
be cotnmcnrod by Ottobcri6tli ! , r at nm > u theruiftu
an oontractiiare onuplitt'il IHII nU llirrarku , ami
two lit * Ouptalin ( Quartern lo be ciiiuiililut liy
Ike 3Ut , lbi ( , and the reiiululni ; bullilliiir * lo June
.10 , lbS6 If jiructlcablc
j'ro | > oiuUiiia ) boiuado foriitlivrorall nf the build-
DK , the prlai ol each to l > u fctotcil uqiarutU ) .
liicli pro | ' ul mti > t IH ) tocnmiuiilid b ) a Kuarnntv
In thu Mimof f 5,000 , executed In arrorilamu ulth
furnm funiUhid bj thla ollli-e Prifcriiice itlun in
artlcltn uf doiuutlo pii lucll"u and manufacture
condition * of price am ) imahty IwiiiK tijual , and MK h
prcfvnncu tluii toartkU'Sol Amirlcuii prixhu tlon
und manufactureprHluccd on the Pacific iunht to thu
ttUnt of the C9ii > uiii | > tluii rtiulrvdb | tliu public nr-
\\cc \ tin re
'IhoUouriinunt rci-crsiti IberlKbt tortjirtam or
alllildior purt tlurtof. Plain and tpicllluilloinj
liu ni in and vsamliud at IliUolllcu.
lilauk prujioiiaU and ii > tructlumi ua to
Uniiibf umtract , pajmunt , andclrcular K full
Information to blddern , Kill bu furuUliul on
lion til thU ollloo.
KiHclojun contalnlii ) , ' | irO | > o a' ' to be marked
' | iroio ; iU for niimtructlun at Kurt I ) . A , ltUHni.ll ,
WimnliiUTirritory , " and addrtuuil to tlio untie
tl'utd , ( I 11. DANDY ,
Clikf ( juartirmaa
teptSO eltlmlt
Practice Limited to Discuses of tlio
Eye and Ear.
nou loi-thccxpicuipurpono
oflvineImmediate ; icllcllr.
vate dl * v
s coinplicucd forum , ulso gl' '
cf the bkln und
per mancr ty ! cured by leme-
_ ifijiedi'iJ'rurtlrf , bcinlnul
. . . . . lii I.o tcol > y Dr'jink.rinipltson
tv Fa&e.Lou Manhood. i/onlMivO/rmrif ifare
innimt.Hrlnii-iutiiil. The approj--ialc K.-fy
I . .toncc iitedln ruclicate. C niultationf.pcr-
( wnial or bv letter , sacredly cunlidentUI. Med.
"i i i r t iiv ti'vil and Kxprcei. No mark * on
I uie to indluite content * or tender. Addrcki
ljn.MMCS.Wo.2UWaJli'nfllonSI.ChIti'goll' .
-s WMMsabbic M iaaKr ryur wi rr1
rr ctmnn vnira * notion. Tt li B into ,
ALL OTIIKR MEDI t aurt ) nnd pf vly euro
C1NK11'AJI , , mi It n n il h u n
iwui inncTiy Jtlrrdn Imvo
nnil AT ONOI5 on rbern cured
Uin K1D1JKYH. ) by it when
JJVEn and 11OW-
T.W , rcmorliiR frloniln h n d
tlicm to n healthy given them up
' 'to die.
and a "SECIFIC. "
It rirUnSnllDNranrn ofllic Itl.lnrjd ,
I.lvir , Itlnililrr nnil I'rliinr ) OrKiinnt
Jrntmy , < j ravel , lllnliclrn , llrl lu'M
JlH ) n r , I'M Inn In I lie Iliirlt , I.ulnH ,
or Slilr , Krirnlliin or Nuti.Uc-
Iriiilnn ii r 1'rlnr , Ntrtnim
DlMriiMrN , IVniiiln \\'riiluir-nc ,
lIxrcM-im , .Inmiillrr , llllluuintfi * ) ,
Ilrnilnrlir , Sour Stotiincli , l > > nirp-
Bin , lu MH 1 1 pu 1 1 nn nnil riluN.
fl nil for llliuitmted IMmplilct of Oolld Tm-
tlrnonlalu of Abnolula Cure .
HUNT'S HK.IIDDV ' ( ) . ,
I'rotlilrnrr , K. T.
And Uadlspniel in tbe BROAD GLA I M K bemgifi
liver o Her oil to ( ho jmbllc.
tirl\oa on llnrllok'i IVioil. " wrlto liiiwlmlil of
iM-atiful imthurn Mother's milk contains no
nUrcli. All artllltlal IIKH ! for Infautu rlunild
wutiim no ntnrcli. 'Iho bcjt uud mout iiutrUlouo
fmhl In builth
or i tckni > fiH lop
tin IM Htitli t Inr
lVHI1l'.l > 'llCHi
Kr * W Htiirohiiml HHHilruiliiii
Iti'iiininidiiUil liy I'lUHlclniiii
HlKhly iMiicllcliO to NiirBliiir
MotlH rw iis a ilrliik Prim 10
' 9J > 'y ' n MJ id nnd 7Aa > utK 11 } a lilruitKli'tH.
ndlor Hook on llioTrmitmi-ntof Uhlldreu , fmx
l illi ilUc.iM.n.l iiu. uloui tt H' liatlti/ ,
tl II HUntlitlH X 1
' Kind It nil llulcoiitl b Jellrfd ITUJ ( ,
Stllion , Kanwi.
No tirituni-j In rronnunrlnu U nip'rlor to cnj.
Ihlui tiUnl / .V Caturn V H 7Yu , N. > '
V , 111 Iw ni < nt lij null on n ci Ipt of prim In nUnipi
, iril > I'OOD CO. , HnrlnrVN. .
lluiu.icK'H Day I'.sriuaT or SULT'kt
Till ! MILDPp\yEtt OURES. .
l li o.1)cirH. I'.aoli iiilinlior Ilio i-pri-liil tiro-
rlillon | tit nn iMiiliu-ia plunli'lnn lhi > only
Implit , hiiCii nml hurn Mi'ilicliio for tliu pd > | ilo
I , 1'i'rrri. ( niiKe tlonImlnmntloiK , . in
itorins , \ \ nrm 1 ot orVorm l iilli-
I , I'rvllU ( ' ( illi * . or Ici thln orinrunt *
I. Illnrrhrn < > f l hllilrtn or Adults ! !
, lk\Hi-nliirvt ( lrll > lntf , lIlllUiiiM.oik * ,
I , I'lioli-rn Aliirliui.nnilllnK , ? ' *
I < iiuulH , t'util , Hriinclilil , .
s , iV-iirnUli , liiothiirhii. 1 nci'iidio.
I llnnilniliri , hick lloudnilii > \ITIIKD ! i ! %
D. lli > i > iniiilii , lillilnim Miininih ,
I. Hiil"iri-m'd | ur I'nlnliil IVrloiN , .3s
J. \\lillr-i , tno Prnfiiiiii Irrluil.s ,
I liriinii. CiiiiKli , DiniiMiU llri-nlhlnt ; , .
I "nil Illii-iiiii , J rjHlpUim , 1 iujlmu | ,
( V llhriiiiiiiihin , UliiMMMHllo 1'alim ,
II I i-tnr nml Amip.dilll.liittr , AKIIPI Alt
7 film , llllndiirJIUcilliiK.
II I'liinrrli. iioiitoortliiiinlii liilliiciii' * nil
II Uliiiiipliii ; ( 'iinuli. ilnlontc-oiiKliH .to
I ( Ji'iMTiil llclillllv , riiynlcaluakncH , no
7 lit.Inuy mine
t rvi'i-nnn llrhllili t IMI
II llrliuirv WrnliiH'-w. \\illliinlliolKHl .fto
t lllMinaiiul Ilin lltinrl , I'uli llatlun. 1 IIO
KiM liy ilniKKlmx nrHuniliy ( Im limnornlii-
lo Mil , frcn of ihnrKO , on rici-lpt of nrlcti
ml forllr lliiiiiilirr | > n'lloiilioii ll-ci > . . , t o.
sliiU ( , | liMlr ( i-.l CalHliiuiii-l'niW.
, Iliiiniilirrtii' lliinii-niiiilhli-
< 1(1(1 Ifiillnn Hin-ui IVi-w Vorh
laulx Awuriuco Ou. , ot on , Otab " "
iMotj IJ.BM.KM.I
c tcfiojterN. Y. , Cipttal .OOO.OOC.
wkloroliknta , of Kow.ik. N. ) . , CaplUl 1,271,000.
rtrd fire , IMdltddlihU , plt J. . . . 1.5CU , CCO ,
G i t l , i .11S.J1J ,
r. 10th and Capitol Avenue , treati all cues. Crip
) > lxlor Utluimid , aluodUtnaoo uf the I
r r *
fervous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organs ,
All caeoa ct Cuitature of the Rplne , Crookul Keet
giandAnu * . AUoClirnnloillictloundltliu Ll > er ,
muuuttaui , r r l ) lj , PIU , V\tn \ , Cat4iih , Attlf
k and llionchltli are all treated bv IICH and > uc-
itful m thodii All < ci of tne lllooa and Urlu-
r Orgaan , lucludliiKtluuu rimultliiK fioui IniUrie-
u or t > | > otuie , are iialul ) and iiuocunfully ticaUd
darurugunraiituiJ Young men , inlmllv gvd ,
d all min nutleiliik' from Wtakiu > r < and Noivoui
httutloii , prixluUiig IndlKt'itiou , Palpitation of Ih.
iart , Detpuudeoc ) Itluliiuu. I-o of Woinorack
Kourgy an I AuiMtion , ron bv rutornj to health
1lgiir , If uie In nut too long iiftUctid ; ,
0 Kurgvou lu iliaru'i ) l < pudukto uf Jcfltir-
1 Uudlral Oollijfe ( Ibfli ) atd hat ttudlud hll
jfeulun lu J/inJou , 1'uiU and Ilirlln If allllttfil ,
lor write lull dtiTrlpti'ui of your COM , and medl-
may leiuutou. Uoniullatiuu free. Addieii
uhk I > I < ( n ary , trouu.u' . Illix.k , Ouuha , Neb.
1-el.turilOUa.ii , Mwid7 'p u > nJa ) ,
B m ,
How a Coimeclicnl Clinrcli Pillar wi
Swindled ,
lie Moris ' 'Mr. HIIIIIIOIIH llUlno" !
tlin Crowd tlint Welcomed Mio
Caiitllclnlo nt KcwLIIatcii.
Ni w York Timr * .
Nn11A \ EN , .September 21 Amen
the many \lsitors who came to No1
Haven on Thursday to got n ( jllmpso c
Mr. ] ! lalnovero some business men nn
substantial farmora from up Nnugatuc
vtny. Most of thorn had business c
purchases to mnko in town , and utai
over till evening to sco the rcpublica
candidate on his tour. Aa the numbc
of picked pockets shows , there weroothc
travelers in Mr. Dliuno'a company tha
the distinguisliod atntcnmcn whoao name
were published , and who made their
solves conspicuous at every gathering c
the people , lint it was not supposed
until to-day , Unit any money had boo
feloniously taken away except in unwi !
lingly abstracted pocket-books. The :
an inkling camu to the Times' represent
atho that somp confidence men hu
been In the distinguished company o
Mr lilaino and the common pickpockote
and that they reaped a heavier harves
than their humbler brethren in the pouk
ot-lightoning art. Investigation showc
that several persona had been taken i
and lost sums varying from $50 to § L5C
It was noticeable that no cases were n
potted to the police , or , if they wore
the public have not hoard about It , an
the gnino must have boon worked wit
great skill. The only victim whoso mun
has boon found out is a prominent churc
member , whoso motive for desired cor
ccalmcnt was fear that the knowledge <
his gambling would cauno his downfall i
the church. If the others who lost b
their greediness were in the position 1 :
occupies it is no trondor that a sonao c
shame has made them keep quiet.
William Berry is the owner of a rathe
small but fertile farm in the Nnugatuc
Valley. II is wife wanted a silk dres :
and by much saving had accumulate
about fifty dollars , which she intrusto
to her husband. Mr. Lorry had som
business in Now Haven , and his wii
asked him to got a dross pattern like th
sample one gave him. Were it not tin
Mr. llorry returned without the dret
pattern or the money it would not b
known how the gang operated. MH
llko ho was ho forgot to got the dree
pattern in the afternoon , but console
himself by thinking it would bo an oj
CUBO to atay over till the next day am
see Mr. lihiino'a reception. IIo wont t
the station , hoard the choora , chcorei
norno himself and felt happy Koncrally
When the train pulled out Mr. Burr1
waa nearer the west end of the platform'
a few foot from the rest of the crowd
As the last car had dashed around tin
curve a youug man whom Mr. Berry describes
scribes na very well dressed , in a choclicc
gray suit , very high collar , striped necktie
tie , and black pot hat , ran hurriedly intt
him , BtumLlod , and fell , IIo scramblct
to his feet and otartcd to run on , but the
train waa gone.
"What can 1 dot" said ho , na ho turn
ed around appeallngly to Mr. Berry.
"What's the matter ? "
"Father wont oil' and he'll wondoi
what became of mo. I wont into the
station to got a lunch and when I ciimc
out the train had nUrtod. When dooa
the train west leave ? "
"Is your father Mr. Ulaino ? " excitedly
luoried Mr. Berry , who had hoard that
) no of Mr. Blaino's BOIIS was with
"Vos , " answered the young man , "I
im Kmmoiis Blaino. "
"If there la anything I can do for
fou , " said the kind-hearted Mr. Berry ,
'lot mo know. "
Mr. Berry felt a little exalted to bo in
ho company of the son of such n dlatin-
; uiahod gentleman.
"Will you direct mo to a hotel ? " said
'oung Mr. Blaino.
"Certainly , " and Mr. Berry started oil' .
VB they were walking up from the ata-
ion the young man asked Mr. Berry to
top Into a tobacco utpro anil have a cigar.
Jo accepted. Behind the cigar atoro
vas a bar. "Como in and have a drink , "
luoth the young man. Aa a rule , Mr.
Jerry does not drink. At homo , ho
teora clear of all intoxicating bovoragea ,
xcopt cider , but now ho hated to dlao-
iligo and ho assented. The bartender
nust have given him something very
iard < nMr. . Berry must have poured a
irolty big drink out of the bottle , for ho
olt , as ho now expressed it , "a little
lostratcd. " It chanced that there waa a
oiiplo of men playing cards at a little
able near the bar. They mid the bar-
omlor wcro the only men in the room ,
I'ho young man from Maine looked over
ho men's shoulders and began to look
ntoreatod. In a few seconds ho leaned
ivor und whispered to ono of the men
nd slipped n dollar upon the table. That
iand was played out , mid the man handed
> 2 to young Mr. Blaino.
Mr. Berry's dollar was wagered. Mr.
Maine put up ono of his own too , and
lie player over whoso uhouldoru they
Joked handed four back. Mr. Berry
jlt jubilant. IIo treated younp Mr.
Maine and eagerly bet again. IIo won
gain. Laying utidohis natural caution ,
o oll'ercd to treat the crowd. Young
Ir. Blaine told him ho waa getting
jcklcss and should subside , but ho
ould not. IIo kept on , and began bet-
ng on his own account , when young
Ir. Blaine quit and tried to got him out
t the saloon. Ho got ahead about § 20.
'okor was the gamu and the man whoso
ick was currying Mr. Berry through
ot a full hand , Queens up. To Mr.
lurry's avaricious eyes this seemed to bo
"Wlmt'll you sell that hand for ? " ho
hispurcd , hoarsely.
"Play it yourself , if you want to , " relied -
lied the innocent player ,
Mr. Berry played. Down wont the
ivonty dollar winnings on the table. Ilia
pponent raised him $50.
"You can't do that. " said Mr. Borry.
This gimo had no limit , and the player
ho had dropped out explained n few
ichnicalitica that the green farmer had
over dreamed of.
"Better lot him keep the $20 , " said
Jung Mr. Blaino.
"Dashed if 1 do , " said the pillar of the
uirch , and ho pulled two twenty-dollar
ills and ouo ton dollar from the wife's
ro8 money , The other man hail four
vos. Mr. Berry was indignant. He
mrgcd fraud.
" 1 told vou not to bet , said young Mr.
loine , Yon would do it thougli. "
"This wan to much. Mr. Berry wei.t
it. II.i took the lint Derby train the
ixt morning , Mrs. Burry mot him at
10 door. "Where's my dress1 * But
VIH thtro was none. She stormed ,
Ilia it all came out haw n pillar uf the
lurch hud gambled. Mr. Hjrry tried to
top It quiet , but curtain lectures are
ova'liearl , at 1 t'cio ' is u
delightful church scandal to intcrc
village goMips. There is a rumor th
Mr , Berry's friend was not young M
Alirn Dinner \um n Failure.
The very best dinner is of no acaoir
to a man who his no nppntita for fooi
Mr. Idgar ] W. Young , of Point Kastmr
Va. , was troubled with lack of appeti
and loss of energy. He tried mat
medicines and several physicians. A
were in vain until n t > l > y'c'X11 ' ' told hi
to try Brown's Iron Bitters. Thin lit
tha desired effect and he can now 01
heartily and do his work with vlgo
Take the hint , if yon want to enjoy yet
Tlio Trndo Doll HP.
LINCOLN , Isob , .Sept. 27th.
To tlio Editor of THE UM
In your issue of the 2"th you state i
regard to the trade dollar : 1. That
was coined for circulation in foroig
countries. 2. That it was given an oxti
quantity of silver in order to induce II
circulation for the purposes of trado. . '
That it was never a legal tender , an i
waa not intended for circulation in th :
1 cannot believe that Tun BF.K wouli
willingly misstate facia of history , an
would therefore suggest the following coi
roctions :
1. Section ID nf the actof February 1
187. ! , provides "That the silver coins c
the United States shall bo a trade dollai
a half-dollar , Ac. , * * and said coin
shall bo n legal tender at their nomine
value for any amount not exceeding fiv
dollnrH in any ono payment. "
Section 0080 of the revised statutes re
poala this provision.
2. Section 2 of a joint resolution c
congress , July 22 , 1870 , provides "The
the trade dollar shall not hereafter bo
legal tender. "
Now please note that the party claim
ing to bo in favor of "honest money
made the trade dollar a legal tender fo
small amounts , and that , when abou
$35,000,000 had boon issued and n larg
portion thereof paid to the class uauall
recipients of small amounts , this a am
party of "honest money" demonetize
the trade dollar and loft its victims t
suffer the Ions occasioned.
Also plcaso note that Tun BEE take
ground dangerously near the "groonbacl
lunatics" when it states that "they are n
a discount because they aru not a logo
tender , although they are of moro actuu
value in silver than the standard dollar ,
which is another way of saying that th
fiat of the government makes money.
CLINTON Fumiusii.
, t < zOet ) Ilio Host Dyow. The Diamom
Dyes for family use IiaMEO equals. All pop
nlar colors I'.isily dyed fast und beautiful
Only lUo. a i > acltaKo at druggists. Wells
] tiUiard on il Co. , .Burlington , Vt. Sainpli
Card , Hi ! colors , and book of direction1) for 1'c
Itcmainhii ; uncalled for at the Omaha \ > - > H
ulheo uti to September 27tli , 1881.
Afsprung W J Abbott E N
AiiderHcm A Anlntnuii K P
AdaniB K K -AlbtTt K
iXnonwi 11 Allen .1 J5
Uioolcs W W IJiadloy lj
llycd .1 C - Jiurko.l i :
IJimlottu G 11 , , Ul nk W II
Hell 1' UriggsCG
Iliro A * * " Bowman it Co
Dullard tr Bellinger C U
lladjer J G lieloucii J
liruwn H Iturson li
ISarty.I Jl lieruson J
Dh.isu S M C.msloy T W
Coyle T
joniier T Connor .T .T
Joolc A Couraoit A W
'oloinan A Connor C J C
Cross G
Craighoad C W
Jamion C T Cumpboll .1
JolliHim J Drake V U
) oylo J Donaldson > T 8
JWP Dillon A C
Doolittlo C J
) row S Klliott T T
Kills W T
England D C. Klliott J
Iranklln C L Plt/gerald C
' 'raiikllu W Pruuoii A C
I'lciuing A Pans P
'urrerio 11 2 PiaylorH'-
' 'rank C CJoo W A
! i ay WC Givill WW |
lurloy ] j Garating W
iiittor 1) Golf U C
Inndrna P CirillW-hs P
'nr.ui P Gates P
lalu .1 Garoy JJ
leniHon K ( < GuillSN
Irablll I Giumell > r
iiHtafuou A lloelcity ,1
tllllll ( i HixoiiK
lasUliiH T M ] IOUBOU A
I en itt J } llultonll D
111 ! A Hart. I W
lines I ! V liarvuy JUU
Illusion C A HallJ
ones T P JOJ-LO W
olmsmi W Jonuj P li
ohiiBon C 2 .lollllBOII C I1
nines ,1 Kulin IS \
: \v W KyloH
llmmvl a P Kiiplingor Jj
lUraou 1' ' A LtitchT
, i\oW LaOlalrCDli
.nnnh A ] < ohr P
t C
Murphy G II 2
] [ jMcAlplno A
lllllL'olll A ( i McCimu } \
lillui D A M INIcKoover 1)
lojcrl < I' McUlntock J W
Iclit'ir .1 JMoUrulo .1 M
luny P Mayfield G
lomo & Co Mullin
lOonon A Nolun J
AV Nelson J
null J Ovouon A
.1 T Purks J T
mimiiian A T Vcirry A It
.itau ,1 PillDOW ] j
owollPO Potta (1 ( W
Inor ) Ituot J L
Kuiliium 11 V
licoll Uoilgcra Ii J > 1
oed 1A Korboy Ij
ouiulH J KnntliH K
cott J Hhannun J T
tehly II bomman B
nfuri H Scott D
liuldon G W Siplo } ,
tonns J 1) Spocheii J
rjuire , T Kouier J
tuck .T Slioll P
urvoy > f S'-ottCQ
litoldn.f A Blmii-ly D
to\er Oil Bponlcr L
Lrp H Tail 1)
hrupn J I ( Vinoy J
P Wyett h L
Wliitehvad J
. 'ooker J Wljoaki J
. 'Illt-s I Wntson J
'itinaii K L Woodnmnl K
' .itorliouao T P Wellington h
'ooluy .1 W Wilson P
'Ittib 1C Wngener J
'right ] , M V den 0 T
ittoiirntw M liamlnun B Co
rather4 N Borkefoldt O
out P Corner 11
Vreulty O
long P ] > 'raul > u P
SIlCB'Ml 1 *
Jclfrey I , P
ruuka A Kuwou M
illxlon M A LflLIKli. Ci H
McEnoro P
lllor L' C PU
nvM U
cUeilttWP Maddun W
uimliii W ,1 MMOII T H
liurort T J Nwvali V
cult U Otternum P
dum 1 Peterson P
irulmS Plctro
rkiiin .Mill D i T 1.
itaell U
Jk > ! > W
Snnkey OP Co
Slmnnsen M Shncarman S
Shcnihn W W Smith W
Swurthout W A 2 Shnfcr B A
TulItuUH Tlmmfts M t
Thomson M T 7lynrvlW
Tlpton.T W Voorlus AV D
Vnlpntlno W A Wollgast C
Woolloy S Wright W M
Allen MM J A Archer Mri K T
Atulln Miss C Andrws Mrs W C
Anderson Mfn M Brayzcll Mrs K
Bitting Mrs W Bench Mrs A p
Uakrr Mrs V. Mis * M
lincbiicr Mri Q Bentley Mri A L
CoclirRii A Clarke Miu B
Calm Mi' K.1 Ollftoa Mra J 3
Dev\cite-Mrs M
K\ons Mrs J P Potman Mra G
Fueol I. Gahcn Mrs V
GrflfyMtssA Gordon MM , T
Green Mil ] H Gordon Mies K
Grcllo M I * Gmil Mrs T
HojfurdNM HaloyMriA.T.
I Fall Mrs 1. D HonsonMIsaO
Herbert MraT Harold Mrs H
Hunter II Ilosford Mrs 02
Hull Mrs ML 2 J lull Mrs 1JC
Hoo\or MUi K Turno Mrs J.
Helm Mi A
Jack-mil J iTamerion Mra 12
.Tollmen Mrs J W Kellogg Mrs JI L
Ksllor Mrs U J Ivcoiion M rs lj
Kaiser Miss K Keith Mrs C H
Lamms M Longlionry L
Luther Mrs K Lcco Mr ] j
LcoO helhin Mrs M A
l.owronce Mrs G II McClamo Mrs W
Matthuwa Mrs W M asan Mrs I 'J
May Mrs ] J Mettcs Mra 13
Miller Miss K Miller Miss 1.
Morkol Mien U Magow Mrs C C
McCartyMI s.T McLaupliHn Mrs M
Marten , f 1) ) Mottor N
MatterHon Mrs M 11 Nychlrom M ias N
Nlven Miss X Ov 01 foot A U
Orbing A Gahurn Miss F
Pound Mi s L I'iorsonMrsC P
I'ottcr Miss ] , 1'cilorson 3
lingers Misi J5 Kacing Mrs A II
KeiweitMrs H Hogers Mrs TJ
Itogm Mrs , J , C Itenoiif Mrs C
Schmidt Miss 0 Scncttu Miss A
Stctfen Mrs Mra K B Stewart Miss S
Simmons Miss L SackottMrsFi :
Sshueider 1 ] StClnlrMissfl
Sullivan Mrs L Tnylw Mrs J W
Taylor Miss J Taylor Miss M
Kkborg G Bornuth II V
Spit7tiagcl J
Persons calling for the above will plans
say advertised. C. 1C. CooiiTANr , P. M
Frnnuo and Clilna ,
I'AUIS , September 20. Admiral Courbe
will not recommence operations in Chines
waters until the first of October.
TIKN TSINO , September 29. It is roiwrtei
that the empress of China has decided to con
elude peace with Franco.
LONDON , September 2 ! ) . The Times' Hon |
Kong dfpatch says : The Pronch stopped am
Bcarclied the English regular trading Btnamo
at Pranklin and Hal l oong in the channel o
Formosa ! There is n great irritation in con
sequence of this high handed proceeding. Tin
neutral steamers conveying soldiers and muni
lions of wni to the various quarters of tht <
section of the world , are alarmed at the !
prospects if this shall not bo rerouted , and i
Is regarded ns likely to bo a source of probab ! <
complication with foreign powers.
10,000 bushola Choice Winter Apples
for sale in car lots or less. Your bual
ncs3 solicited.
s27-lm Nebraska City , Neb.
CnnndUin Canal Scare.
WKLLANP , Ont. , September > . It ia stated the Chicago k Ogdensburg line will withdraw -
draw their boats from tha canil trade and
other American boats will do the same. The
delays at the aqniduct hero i t assigned as
reasons. The delay is cansod by low water.
This ia the cause of inueh alarm to the canal
authorities , at the danger of losing BO much
KLTIckets only 85 , Shares in Proportional
Lonisiaaa State Lottery
"H'e do hereby certify nat ue evpervtst tha tu-
nngcmcnti for all the Monthly ami Sctni-Annuet
Otaunnyi o/ tie Jjtuitiana State Lottery Company ,
indinvcnon manage ani control ths Vrauinfi
'tetnaelvei ' , and that the same are conducted wjlJ
umest > ifa\n\ts . and in good faith toward all par
'tes ' , and ue authtmte the cotnpany to use thii tin
Wcate , vith/ac-sim\ltt of our ( tjrtaturet atlvileil
n in atlvertuementt , "
Inooipfinted In J8C8 for S5 yoirs by h letfloUJcn
it educational and charltabls purposes with a o < ip
iMcffl,000,000 to which a reserve luad of owi
SCO.OOO haa xhica boon added.
Uyano\or htlinliii ) : jiopulrr ioe lii frscehlee
-uapirtof the preasnl itato oanclitnlloc
IJoccmbor 2J. A. b. 1S7D
? hu only Lottery over voted on and en
dorsed by the people of any State.
It never smloa or postpone ]
Ita jjrcnd nlnglo unmbor drawlugn taki
inco monthly.
A Bplondid opportunity lo win n Fortune
Vnth Grand lrawinp ; Clasa 1C , lu the Acad-
my of M unio , Now Orleans , Tuesday. Octo-
ur llth , 1884 173d Monthly drawW.
00,000 Tickoti nt Five Dollars Each ,
tlons , in Kiftlis In proportion ,
CAPITAL 1'HIZK _ . . . . JT8.MI
J 3 ° 4 ° SBOOI
1 do do in not
a i-nizh-a oy ? aooo. . . . . . . . . . . laSS
do KOOO 10.00C
3D do 1000 1. ) looot
33 600 io,03t
ICO ! ° 0 20.0CC
BOO ICO 80.00C
(00 ' 0 Zfi OOC
9 Approximation prlios of | 7tO . BTM
do do too . . .BOt
_ do do ItO . IS5 (
f(7 1'rltei amounting to , . . . , . fJM.tM
Appllontlon for rites to clube thoald bo tuvlo eel ;
} tha offloo of the Oomp ny la Mew Orloann.
For further Infornutlon wrlto clearly glvlnir rat
ddrora. Uakel1. 0. Money Olden pajable Ui (
idicei Uegletered Letters to
New Orloins , L * .
PotUl Not a nd ordinary lettori by Uall or Bx
roes ( all jumi of li uid upwtrdi by iprcaa at oni
ipen ) to
t,17 Hovunth Ht. , Wuhlnirton I ) U
c /v- . Dr IHrker. of the
% , > ) ;
rood ricmhloi Iho
a * inotlur'a milk
> InfanU are
rrarril.itml will R'artd
- xch Uclj upon If
\notliir pli > > klan , at
tlielii-.ul nf an orphan
is.liu , nvfc "Iliaxo
fun usli > K thlnprtpa
rftti n for the team or
iuro , an. I h nu the
m t uuluniiidid 1C u ndiet i fanti up to
> ) > iiehu > ii iiiiKitf * oil. " In cans , fniir ui > i ) <
> c . * l i ami tl 75 Sold l drU--l t uud cru
n.SOOLItlt Hv lO.oitUlxL
( faculty Price lleuical uoucgo ct Ofclo.
And otbcr Dlscisos of the ADUI and Hectum. i
20 S. 14th St , Cor. Douglas I
tcd wtl '
Tiii mcdlrlnc , combining Iron with pnr
V -ffi-iaMo tnnlr , ntilrkly nml romnlrlcl
I iirri l | ir | " < lii. InillKcxIloiiii'nunp '
utiil Nruntluln.
ll Is nn nnralllnir rpmcily for Dl"ca. csoftli
Hlilni M unil I.IMT.
It Is Invaluable for Jhon c < pocnllnr t
Women , anil nil \ \ ho lenil tcilentnry IK cs.
It docs not Injure the tcuth , cnu < c lienilaolio.o
proiluep roiistlpatlon O/IT ( 7rnii mcdtctnti tit
Itctirli-licsninl purlHcs tliplilooiletlmulati
the appetite , nlils the -Iinilntlon of food , re
Him s Ucnrtbiirn and liclclilng , mid strcngtli
ci : tlip mu'clos nml ncnes.
I or Intennlttetit 1'evers , Ijxssltudo , Ijicko
LIILTR' . , A.C , It has no equal. t.
CBTlio ppiiultic 1ms ubm o trade mark am
cri K CI ! reil lines on u rnpper. Take no othci
Science of Lite , Qnlv $1.01
Exh nstod Vitality , Nerrotn nd Physloia Dobllltj
Prom tnre Decline In Man , Ktronol Yonth , n tb
untold mlwilea osnltlug from Indlacrotlons or 01
aoasog. A book for every m n , younp , mlddloged
and old. It contains 126 proscriptions (01 all acnt
and nhronlc dlse&aoa each ono ot which la Invnlnabli
So found by tha Author , whoso experience for 2 ;
yeira Is snob aapiobably novcr bctoro toll to the eel
ol any phjelon 800 p goa , bound In boantth
Fieach mnslln m > > os8od covers , full gilt , guarantor
to bo a finer work n every eanao , mechanical , lit
erary and professional , tlmn any other work sold Ir
thlg country ( or V2.60 , or the money will bo rolandec
ID every Instance. Price only tl.OO by mail , poet
paid. Illustrative sample B cents. Send now. dole
modal awarded the antbor by the National Uedtca
Association , to the office ro oi which ho rotors.
ThoSclensool Life should be read br the yours
( or Instruction , and by tha afflicted lor relief.
It will benefit alL London Lancet.
There la no member of society to whom The Bel
enco ot Life will not bo UEeful , whether youth , parent
ont , guardian , Instructoror oIorKjinsn. Argonaut.
Address the Peabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W ,
rlicr , No. t Street , Beaten Mass. , whc
o oonsnltoil on til dlscnuca rcqulr'i flklll and
enco. Ohronlc andobstlnatodlitcai jsthat hav <
tha kill ol all other rhya-Mr I cbni
alkyi Snob treated euc cog-ilCHI , ftilh
alc lfnco ( allure. TIIVCCJ C
- " Sis
Will euro N"or\nn ncs ) , I.tiinbii o Itt piini ttlnni 1'arah't ,
Souril ln , M-lntliti , Klilnit - < i li mil ll\ i ill IH is ,
li at AMhtnu , Hi trtillm is , 111 j ps ] i.n-n i I i 1- > \
ilpi lui futarrh I'lli , - | ! > Inni i n v I i l > \
I'rnlilpslll 1 I , rl eti Ol l\ s i , nl i I l > c i i 11 1 i i Ann I
eu tlmt 1-ttinlM the > tci IrU llunil iiiiiLlieiisui II i uul tlio
wiljr , uud cau bu rochurgoil lu an lubluin by tbo luulent.
Winter Iscomlnfr , the season of the jcir for aclica
ind pains In view ol Ihiu fact wo say buy one of
'r. Homo's BIcctrlo Belts By so doing jouwill
i\oid Hhoumatlam , Kldnej Troubles and ottier Ills
bit fleth la belr to. Do not delay , but oill at our
HHco andexamluo belts , No. 142J Douglas Btieet , rr
3. F Qoodman's , 1110 FarnamSt.Oinaha1Ncb. Or-
lors filled O. O. D.
3E * , ols.ot ; C7o2aa.j3n.xxy.
The etoamshlps of this well-known line are built _ ,
on , In water-tight compartments , and are furnish
.lvlth c\ory requlsito to make tbo jiassage boll
ifo and agreeable. They carry the United State ;
nd European malls , and Icavo Now Yorks Tluira
aya and Saturdays for IMj mouth ( LONDON ) Cher
ourK , ( I'AIUS ) oud IIAMIJUIIO.
Uatcs : I'lrst Cabin , ? 55 , f 6 nnd ? 76. Htcerairo2i
HenryI'undt , Mark Hanson , K .E. Moorcs.M. Toll
rentsln Omaha , Oronowlee & Sclioentgen , agents li
uuncll Illu0s. C. 13UICUAnD ft CO. , Don. 1'aai
Irta , 01 Broadway , N. Y. Cbaa. Kozmlnskl & Co
oncral Westoin Atjanta , 107 Washington St. , Ohio
( M7 St. Charles S . , SJ. Louis , Ho ,
4 ngulnr ginluatcof two liillr IP II > ; M limilf n loiig
inciCPil ill O'o .pcciii trtuimtD I CIIHONII > in ) L , Bhiil
lail lu > iiii DiNKitKnth m ID oihvriijr > lilaniu Ht.
M ltvioi n si ow all a I u > j i < idralM kDow
Nervous Piostr.illon , Debility , Mental end
Physical Weakness , Mcicurlal and other AHeC' '
lions ol Throat , Skin or Cones , Dlood Poisoning
ild Sores and Ulcers , ur. > um , i vuii nnr miicioj
Mtfffii liilii'iitnlllie | rliico . ha tlr I'rUatfrlj.
Diseases Arislny ( rum Indiscretion Excess ,
exposure or Indulgence , vbirii i iro.l , co ' .me . or tin
allimlni ; illirli uirviniu , , - , ih I Ilitjr , | 111 | of lljlll
mil difirilv , inimnry , , llu racii lijiil dccaj.
i\rt.lnut.illio .urlny o I li n alp. ti.ufii 111 o r Idrn. I , ct < % ,
pnilorlnp Mnrrlnro improper unhappy , ra
cTmui.rmli tun J 1 utlplilrl ( Si , | ge. ) u Ilio aboif.neu
n ir li.l ! 1,1,10 ! t. , fi , , 10 nnrajlr. . . 1. 11 nil illou ito
l o or Ij mnll frt-e auilliiTllc < l Urllo for iiui tloD .
Positive Wrirren Guarantee
Klri > tn > Ucurliloeni , II i . ! ! clnn > LDl cMTjuIiere.
Pnmphlctg , rnclluli or clornmn , 01 pncon. d .
icriblug above tltaeaioa , in tnalo or female , l-'HEii
fj ) jngcfi , tlnp i lotcn. HIuitr&tc < l ID etotliand jlltblndlo
0 , n oii < jjtr ptl E * latin l j r fnvirjac. . Tbli bol
outalui * 11 Itie ruriouk , tluui iful ur ImitUUlTe vnot
mow. A tooK of great Inicrr.i to nil , lUilitj. IkautJ
T AY men "Poisoned with Potash. " Thh lu th
' 1 case with hundreds who have been unwlso
ough to take Sareaparillas , 1'otasli inlxturcs , etc.
itll dlTC8ton ( ! li almost fatally Impurcd. Hnlft
leclflo \ a vegetable remedy , and reetorca the oy -
m to health and bullda up the wiato made by thesi
"I is eufferine with Dlood Poison , anil treated
vcra ! months with Mercury and I'otaili , only to
ike me wone. The 1'otaih tpokanay myap ) > ctite
i d game dj Btiemta , and both k'Memo rhcuma.
im. I then took Sanaparllla , etc. ' All these made
urse , oa It drove tlio'polnon farther Into my
Btciu. A f riond Intlstod I Miould tale hwlft'e Spocf.
! , and It cured Keel the IJlood 1'olaon , drove the
; rcury and Potath out of my 9) stem , and to day I
j aa ell aa I eurwoi. " OEO , O.WKLLMAN , Jr ,
fbalum , Mass
John A , Smith , the largest merchant In UaliiL-sUlle.
i-.tmys : " ! sttfered for jears from the combined
'ects of Erj ilpclas anj Kczema , I oontinueil to
ow wrso under mollcal treatment tnd by taking
sdlclne containing Potash. 8 , 8 H cured me th"r.
( thlj andalwiiluttlj. .My ap | > ctlto , utrunrtli and
ah returned I waa cur cJ with It "
ur TrcatlM on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed fret
pllcauta to
Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Oa.
W. Y. Office. 169 W. 22d St. , bctwein 6ih and 7th
tuues. 1'hlUJcli'hU office 100 Cheotnut t.
ijlRlau Bojal mid U.H , Mnll Htoxmer.
\eR\int \ , Germany , Italy , UMand a ti Franct
Steerage OutwardJO , Prepaid from Antwerp , He ,
cui.lun , in , Including bedding , etc , Sd Cabin , ? f 0 ,
uud Trip , fX ) CO ; i.n.ur lou , $100 ; Saloou from JSC
t.0 ; l'.ici.r lou liatoilCO.
{ TJ'tU'r Wright a Som , Oen Azenti. Ci Dread
f a. T.
laUwclL Hamilton & Co. , Omaha. P. E. Fled
Dili su-iN ISthS'-e t Cnuha D , K. Klra
, J- - \ run o-l l )
Owing to the increase
in our business we'v ©
admitted to the firm
is well and favorably
blown in 0maha.Thig
Z7ill enable us to ban-
lie an increased list
> f property. We ask
; hose who' have desi *
able property for
ale , to place the same
7ith us. The new firm
13 South 14th St ,
\ ;