Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1884, Image 1

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    i * * *
Ovations anil Brilliant Re
ceptloiis to Blnioo in Ohio ,
At Oborlin , tbo ' ' Underground
Tosinimis ,
At Other/Boiiits in tk& WostQrn
At Fremont ' Great
, Hayes' Poultry
Fnnii ,
I ! Unbounded Enthusiasm and
Hearty Greeting Every where
JL I'lio Dnj'fl llhloToriulimtliifiiitToledo
aKCiuilry , Oratlonu and
l.oyul DuiiieiiiBtratlonu ,
Ulatnu In Ohio.
O , , September20. Several bun
drcd pcoplo vvcro in the Lake Shore depot
this morning to see libino. When ho an heel
at thd elepot ho was heartily cheered nnd
called upjii for a speech , lie said n few
w01 Ji relative to the pleasure it gave him to
iio In nivrin anil review old nnd make new
fiioudshlps. The train vvaa gaily decorated
: md left at nine with the same party as came
to Clov eland Friday evening , with the ndih-
tiemof ex-fc'ecrotary Wlndemi and the recep
tion comnnttoa from Xoruallc. As the tram
loft vvoikingnicli in the freight depot ran out
juul cheered lilaine , vvhobonod his ackiiowl *
OiiKltnx , Oliia , Sept. 21) ) . The arrangements
hero excelled nil others BO far in Ohio. The
passage way from tha train to tlio stand was
carpeted and beautifully decorated , and
sruaided by uniformed clubs drawn up m line.
The crowd was very largo and onthusiiutic ,
competed largely of people from the country.
Mi. Atemroo introduced Ulame , who said that
he know of no better place for n republican
candidate to visit than Obcitin , where icpub-
bean principles were oiigiually planted , ma
tured and developed nud strengthened on to
full glowth , llo then tpoke in high terms i > f
the college hero , nud thanked the assemblage
for its hearty welcome.
Noitvv U.K , Ohio , September 2 ! ) . Maine
. ami party were _ met by
a largo body of uniformeel clubs , and es
corted in procession through the town and tea
a stand in front of the court house , orouiid
which were thouin < l jieople. Kx-
President Hayes vvelcumed him on the htand ,
Mr. Gardener introduced bun , who spoke in
hi h terms of Hayes and tlnnkcd the people
for the cordial greeting. Hon. W. W. 'ienney
was then introduced aud made n upaech
which tiiorougbly'aroubeel the audience. Aftei
Mr. Tenney'nnd 'Wiudom had bpokcn Mr.
ttlaino introduced Mr. Hajes , who thanked
Ulaiuo foi the work he had demo for him.
TOIKDO , O. , September 20-In , g&udusky ,
liliino was received with great _ cheering , llo
> Hid : ' 'Ibis is my third visit to tbls city and
I canneit but recall my bret. It was in the
jtar ) hlb , _ thirty-fcix. years ago. There was
out ono railroad line in Ohio , extending from
beie ) to Cincinnati with a gap in the iraddlo
that you had to travel by etago nnd this cud
uf the load was what was in these c'ays term
ed the old JNlad Kiver line with strap.rails
and a lively chance for anako head through
t be can an onu traveled at fifteen miles an
hour. ( Laughter ) 1 lecall this because' it
images to my mind inert ! than anything else I
know of , the gigantic progress of this gieat
stvte and if you hero rreseut , the iniejor-
\ , itv of you many years my junior ,
\ could see Ohio as it thui was contrasted with
Ohio as it now is , you would' thauk'Goel that
you live under free government and have had
the opportunity tovvoikout these pi eat re-
HulU , and you would not think me , trenching
on partisan ground if I should lemind you that
by tar tlio larger part of thej preigress in these
intervening ; twenty-bit your ; his been made
sice e this government of the United Hfati'.j
came under the control of the republican pir-
ty , aud the country has been blessed with
l > i election to American Inbeu and American
capital. ( ApplauTo ) mo the con-
tiast of the Keene ot this Iioui with what
I recall of the past is n les-om which
I never can forget and which I am fliuro vem
have loainod aheady. " Mr. Kiug of Sandm-
Uysaid. The people having beaid thu man
who was to be the next provident of the Unl
ted State" , he woulel next introduce emo who
h el occupied that high ullie-e , Kx 1'icsidciit
J laves. ( Applniisp )
Hayes m ido a brief sHech | un the tariff H-
niie at mesent. l > x 1'retidenc Hayes escorted
Hloino to the [ platfonn and introduced him to
his friends and neighbor * , uskini' for him a
cordial recoptior as nil old friend ami a
-taudaid beater of the Krpubllum party
u In HO success , he beliaveel , v\as eatential to
the prosperity < f the countrv. lilaino was 10
ceivod with great demonstrations of apphtUEi ,
and spoke , as follows : ' -It gltes mo gieat
pleasmo tu ho thus welcomed te ) Kremont and
Introduced by ex-1'iesldent Hayes to his
neighbors and friends. I am glad tu have an
opportunity tos.iy hero that it vv as the env lable
fortune ot yemr distinguished fellow -utirfn as
piendent of the United btalts lei leave the
pi ijilo of the country m a far mcio piospur-
eius condition , at tin close of his administra
tion than that In which ho found them on the
day of his inauguration , anel that ho ste-aehly
gamed in public ualoom throughout his whole -
te-im of office. I thank him nml I thank you
foi this personal compliment and for its pub
lie significance , and I ask of you thu considerate -
ate judgment which I know you will giva to
the weight and meaning of Ohio's volco It.
Oe teiln'i. ( Enlhutiastio jijiplauao. )
Immediately upon arrivingnt Toledo , lilaine
was escorted by the local committee to the
le.igu jiarlc on the outjknts of the city where
n meeting was in progress. AH soon as It was
know tlmt lilamu hail come , the peoplociowd-
eel into thu p.nk In inrgo numbers so that in a
short tune them were probably ten thoveanel (
in and around the e nclosure. Jilaine'a appear-
unco mi the stand \\as the fclguut feir the most
etthiiBiastlc choc meg , llo naiel "I sliould at
any tonio deem it unprofitable tei speak disro-
npietfully of my peilitictl e > ppe nauts. I should
in my preMir.t potitiou deem it altogether ini-
preipe i. 1 eliGuld rather ba thu victim of elan
eler than the author of it , ( great cheering ) hut
there ) are some things which 1 do not deem it
unbecoming in me , holding the po.-i
tion I do * to call > oiir title nltem lei the
fact that the lepublican party has govornuel .
the cuuntrv for twenty four years into hpint
anel - to tliu of broad
accorc-mg mcnfciires n na
tionally , Tlio jirogrJis nudcr our cuvcrn-
nient in that fcpml has far traiucemlud all
progress nude in all previoiH years of the na
tion's history , [ Applnme. ] to remanel the
gov ernment now to tliu control of onr eippoii-
outs who do not bohuvo in the constitutionali $
ty of measures which have given thin progress
would bo to step back into tlio elark. ( enthu-
iajlie applaiifo and shouts of ' cor
rect' ' correct' ' " When wo argue ) "
the epiestion of protective tarilf
\ve are not permitted to regard it me rely an
one to bo ecttled on a basis of expediency.
The largo majopity of our opponents heild
proU'ctuo t vrllf to ee unconstitutional. There
is not onn great measurer that the republican
party has adopted , nor life great e-tep tlmt the
patty has taken since ) the ) inauguration eif
Abraham Lincoln in ISiil tint thu dernocrotic
party has noteippexeel and has not coiividereul
imceinstitutiunal ( criei of ' thut'ei so' ) no that
te > ay to remand the governme nt of the I'nl
ted t tales tei the control of the elomocrae y n
not inriely an ordinary change of parties , it
a total reversal of thu entire policy
that has di'tliigiiuhei'l the geiv-
rument e.f tlie3/c I'jiltciel Htat
iioeelNil 'Ueneweel.i ' > ] i'aii ' e ) ltiLUng
t the iinrrMwing d gu , c.f iito light' t'ie ' > u ihat grand mat h will h lu
been maele , hiiel vvhith eemld onlv 1 e midi
uiul'-r the burner i f n broad natlennlitv
iCrie-s of that'll light ard cheers ) It Is < u
IhatKieat plrine tiiat the IJopubhcail putty
bus de > ne me tbo lumento vre-cnt mo ns its
enndhlfttP bcforoycu. ( Applause ) Iti em
tlmt plmio with all that it Implies ( list I am
bifeire von nnel befoie nil the people eif thr
United Statesl < i-dft > , ' ' ( l'ntlm m ticcheering )
Jiulgo West folleivvcd Hlalne His ramniks
were loudly nplaudcd. | 'lha nu'eliug thru
neljotimed and lllitno was driven to the hotel.
Many houses ilorg the way were detoratfd
v.-ith republican lUes and lmnncr . linmo-
dlntelv after dinner Itleiino was watted upon
by the le > e l coinmltte-o nnd t to the hunJ
ejuart is of the liojs of 1'lue1 , vv-hete he was
very w-atinly received nml made a few In
formal remarks nnel then went te ) thn ren ins of
"Tho Silver Gi.ijs/'an eirpnui/allon of gre\-
hnlrcd republicans , where the IT was n Kimilnr
scene. Then ho wns driven to the grnnel stand
from which bo rovlowed Iho gioat lerehlight
procession. Many of llio eignniations com
ing fiom the mtjnce ut county nud some
from quite dMtint to\vns. ThN re.
publican demonstration was te ) have
taken place on Saturday evening ,
and its postponement till Monday brought it
on some evening with pro arrangeeld ) irocr.itic
parade which also was very largo. The rival
proce iiiiia between ! them ncemeel to have ta
ken .1 pussossion of the entire- city , but everything
thing passeel off peacibly. The piogramma is
to leave ) Toledo nt ! l n , m. Tuoselayaud reach
Dav ton in tha evening making brief
stops vt intervening places ,
ou-r TUK u a
I'liu CoacIunKu'rt ' Itrldn Apptmla to
the Iiaw to Secure Her Olotlics
mill .Ic\vul ,
Special Telegiam to TIIK DKK. ,
YOIIK , September 29. The Morning
Journal say : "When Victoria Meiroalni
eloped , she literally loft the paternal roof ,
tree with her only clothes on bet back. At
Troy her husband bought her a handsome
black cashmere dross. Ibis she were on her
return. When she saw her mother in Iho ele
gant homo at Yonkoia she deserted , no en-
trc.vtioi could prevail upon the father , still
smarting under the mortification of thu elope
ment , tei permit her to replenish her ward *
iobo from tlio many elegant dresses eho
owned. The mandate was oven more severe ,
ha piohibited her fiom taking tbo Biiiallost ,
incinonto , and the was compelled to giv o up
the oneloiivor to secure by moral suasion any
e > f tlio costly presents her father heaped on her
wherewith to begin a i.ow life as n caacbinan's
wifo. Diamonds , ami they are said to bo
rare and piice'Ioas gems , were icfused , il is said
She is now abemt te > begin suit for the recov
ery of llioaluo of Iho property In dispute ,
saul to amount to $7 < " > ,00d. She ba us her
claim to it on theSgrouiid that costly dreaees ,
diamonds and articles of vortu were given her
absolutely by bur father , and the title lo them
rostt in her al mo. She has given up all hopu
of leconciluif her father to the ill-assorted
union , although she has mrcceded in winmcg
over every either inembeu of the family. Two
brothers vim ted her anil her husband and assure -
sure the pair they inn t icly upon the love and
frionelliness of every ono except the obdurate
fathei. Victoria bays his love foi her has
turned to hate , nud as she has given up all
hope of appeasing his wrath oho proposes to
compel him to rektoie lici property , The
case may como up during the vvock.
" \Vnupim'n I * rent bciinntiem.
MILAV V.DKE , September 29.A sensation was
created n year Jigo by tl o announcement that
two women living in Wnupuu , Wi . , hael been
married nud living together as man and wife.
An investigation hhovvcel that Mr. ) , J.L. Hud
son had dot > eitcd her family doiiiiiug male
atliro , She callcel herself Frank Dubois , ftf-
tor avvhilo uho inirrioel Gertie Fuller. Vil-
Ingo gossip began to hint that Frank Duboia
was a woman. The couple denioel it but final
ly Hudson apuearoel anil made bis wife go
homo. Last fall Gertio Filler became a
mother and asserted that Dubois was the
child's futhor. The case never has been ex
plained. 'I ho last chapter was enacted ycx-
tordoy whenGe'rtio Fuler Duboiaat Shocton
became the wife of a man named Lehman ,
A Flood in Ohio.
DAVTOV , Ohio , September 29. A wind
btorm uf unus'unl violence swept across Iho
country twenty-five miles north of Dayton
Saturday. A cloud burst , giving a fall of
live inches of lain in three quarters of an
hour. The water poured down the valley like )
a tidal wave , raising the Miami river
at Da } ton 5 feet in a e-hort time and at Swift
Jinn two miles iioith eif I'uma'tho banks of tlio
lake connected with Virpia water supply gav o
way and the Hood washed into thu canal ,
breaking the banks. There mo two breaks
m the- hydraulic at that place.
Tlio 1'rico nl
Nl.vv YOIIK , September 29 Levi Parsons
obtained n preliminary injunction lestriiiuiiig ]
Isieloi V. Simon from disposing of xhuros e > (
steck valued at upwards of 5300,000 and 07-
OOOacicsof lanel in Texas. It was claimed
that the transfer eif land and Kharos has been
made under a special ai'reonieiit by which the
defemlauts claiu > ed tliey wore deposited us
n curily for margins on steiuk tiansactiems.
Judge Doiieihue , of the Bupromu court chain
bors to-day made n dceUion denying the mo
tion to continue the injunction.
"Wltli A aval Honors.
w Yoiik , September 29 , The funeral
i-orvlcea of the Into Cuinmodnro Fillebrown ,
of thei Ilroeiklvn navy y.irel , vve-ro conducted
by Itov. Dr. Hall , of Trinity chinch. Many
pron incut gentlemen nnd ladies , as well iia
brother olhcer , were present , Tha remains i
were taken charge of by a battdlon of
inirineK , wlio were followed by sailors fiom :
Iho voxels of this pnrt. Tiio bed ) will bo
interred ut Washington.
GrackHiiiun 111 tliu Tolls.
Si. Louis , September 28. Jainus Homer ,
Frank Homer and James Munay who have
en blowing open and robbing safes along
the line of the Waliaeh railroad wcru arrested
yesterday by olhcera of the secret service of
the road , A complete set of burglars le > i > ! s ,
was found in their poises-ion * They are tlia
party who blew the eafo at the station house
at Delphi , link , on tlio 2Glh lust.
ClonrnnccH J f\ \ * ,
Itowo.v , September 29. Special dispatches
from leading clearing houses of the United
.States show that the clearance's for the week
ending September i9 , weioS.70S,801,29L . "do-
createof 30.01 per cent compared with cor \
responding week of labt yoar.
Hurt Tlicliltdorino ,
CHKUOKKK , la , September 29. The Franz
lirowiug company biought suit to-day for .
$5,000 , nnd O. 0 Treadway for § 2,000 in
the ) district court against Kubort Hall , 0 , L' .
Jlolurt , . J. V. Dickey and K. W. Nelson for
consi imcy to injure their projierty known as
"Lagonno. "
Up u Htrlkc.
, September 29 , Steve moulders
who have be en on a strike feir several mouths
hold a line-ting to-night to apjwlnt a commit
tee to make terms wlthllhtir ciiipli.j ers. )
Cooling 'llin ( ' 'uriiucoH. :
DIMIAII I'.v , , Keptsmber 29. The employe * , .
of thoDuibar furnace Co. will not accept thu
ten pc i u nl reduction of wa o * and thu fur
iiate will shut ' "
I tu HK Hall Veihierelny.
Ar St. I idiM'iiKjim Hs. 1 , nils 12 , Haiti
more l
At M i\v u. I id u Uelwaulvio J , Na
tiun Is u
His Mother's ' Obsequies ,
The National Hangman's ' Oold-
Honrted Brutality ,
Drinkine and Oarousinc with Oon-
vivial Friends
Before the Earth Had Covered the
Oofliu Lid ,
The Outlook in the Great Pivotal
States ,
Now York , Ohio , \ViHeeitiHln nml lovvn
Aeaurud totliallcpiiiiltunii Arum
rile ? German DlHSiii'ectloii
Special Ttlegrnm to the Bi.K :
Clllc-v.uo , September 29. Senator I'liilolus
Sawyer , of Wisconsin , Kuimons lllntnc , n son
of the Presidential candidate ,
f. 1 ! . Giinnoll , of Iowa , anil D. K. Anthon } ' ,
of Lovaauworth , Kansas , biothor of c\ Gov
ernor Anthony of that state , formed the nu
cleus of n party of politicians at the ) Granel
Pacific this morning. They met by chanci
Senator Sawyer , with his son , was just r
turning from Texas , where ho has a cattle
ranch , lllaino was on his way homo aftei a
visit to liU father in Ohio. Auolhy had been
lo Now York and in Ohio cauvasbing the titu
alien , in orderttoget at the prospects for his
personal nud irofeasional satisfaction , K\ "
Congressman Grinnull hid just nnivcel from
Iowa. It was only necessary to have live
minutes with the different members eif
the poity to hear reports from Now York ,
Ohio , Iowa anil Wisconsin. Senator Sawyer
had not been in Oshkosh for two weeks , that
being the period eif his Texas visit , befoio ho
left Wisconsin. However , ho embraced every
opportunity to learn the feeling there. The
Democratic chanccH eif carrying the utato np-
piarod veiv hopeless fiom Sawyer's represen
tations , ami the Republican chances , from the
emphasis with which the senator speiko , appear
to be as ge > od as the maiiagorsdcsilo. Sawyer
said that the Demociats made their calcula
tions chiefly on the Geimnn defection from
the Kepubhcaus. ' Why , " said ho , "anyman
who known anything nt all about Wisconsin.
Geimans well know that with the exception
of Milwaukee 75 per cent of Ihu Gorman vote
lias alvvajs bean democratic. It is no loss
to the republicans tei have the Germans eon-
Untie-te ) vote tlio democratic ticket. In Mil
waukee the Gciirans have been elomoer.Uie
now and lepiibhcan then. Their politics is
a weather vane , veering with Iho wind.
Thcio ate- some republican Germans in Mil
waukee who will vote the democratic ticket ,
and eoiiio who will not vote at all ; but tinea
the population uf Milwaukee is only a mnali
proportion uf that in thu state , 1 fail lo ecu
liow tbo democrats can liguru on carijing the
fctato. The majority for the republicans in
Wisconsin will ba mimcu hat cut deivvii , but it
will bentill largo enough to reach 20,000 ,
e-ve-n .thuiild thu Ohio election result unf.iv > i
ubly to the republicans. If the republicans
should lie entirely successful in Ohio , I themlel
expect toeeo Wiaconsin go 28,000 for Blalno.
Seiiuteir S iwyer thought that nil the majoii
ties depended on Olile ) , but Blaino's election
is inti.icd bcyoiid dciibt. .
Anthony brougnt word that Now Yoilc
wou'd ' bo carried bylilaino m his judgment ,
but by what majoiity ho could tot nidge ,
lie met Mr , Blalnu in Ohio nnd tha canuidjto
was in the best of spirits and felt sauguino
himself of a grail republican majoiity in Ohio.
Anthony brought information in addition
to this which ho gave only to ills private
friends ; tins was that the ) lopublicans wore
holding in reset vo a campaign scandal reflect
ing on Clov eland which they preipenei to pub
lish on thooyoof tlia Ohio election. The pen t
eif it Is that after attending bis mother's
funeral , nnd before her body had been covered
MIth earth , Cleveland invited a party of
friends t < > join him and "setup the chinks
at n public bin. Anthony hinted at other 10-
lulions regarding CJovclauds moists ami con
duct of ovoii greater import. Jilninu .vas
asked whether Inn fathei wemhl bo in
Chicago Ho saw ami talked with him.
nnd a candidate told him tlmt ln course after
Wednesday had not been mappeel out. He )
thercfoiu did not know whether lilaliia woulel
come le > Chi -ago , but ho thiiugl't ' ho would. e
Whan o\-CeiigrenRiiiari Grinnell had given
IIH testimony to the niter impossibility effusion
fusion in Iowa producing f.ivenablo results to
tlio democrats , and bad made claim that
) ldiiic > woulel cnrry luwa nnd nil hades rould
notfcteiphim , the ii.irty adjourned , much re
freshed by Ihu dial.
on to tlio Coiulltion of
Vamlorlillt'H Wealth.
Special dispatch to TIIK BKK ,
Nhvv YOIIK , September 29. Tlio World
siys : llrokcrs nt the Windsor hotel lnnt evening -
ing profuraed not to know unj thing about
William K , and Cornelius Yandurhilt's losses
In stock f peculations , " 1'ooplo can only make
eiiess about that"saiel ono broker , "and each
3iio guussoa the way itsulta him. 'I'ha el o pro
iationB in value of William K. Vandenblll'n
itocks can easily uo determined. It is known
lie had 200,000 shares of Lake Shore and tbo
leisses on that stock alone must bo several mil
lions , His holdings in the Grand Central nnel
Michigan Cuntial are larger than supposed and
mil that block has greatly de-puciatod uinui
llio panic. The issuing of dobemlure bunds
ivillelopreeinto it still morei , Vanelerbllt In
pilu ot all that has been said holds the upper
luiiel uf tha board of directors of thu Grand
Central , nnd they mint do what
lie orders thorn te > do , The west shore I
waiting for the puper momc-nl to como to
buy it in. That moment will ba when the
load will bo feireclojcd , This cannot bo done
until elofaulti * made in Iho lujmoiitof in
terest on bonds , but I pre-eiict before two
vcnis has elapsed Vnnderbilt will own the [
\Voit bhore mad. As evidence of how ho was
pushed for inejney his hejldlng in the United
bt.itiis rtguteiud four per cents dwindled
ilovvn freun < > " ) tei 30 millions. That fact can bo
easily ascertained by writing te > the ) tre-amny
department , Washington. Hu has boon
.bliged te > sell 30,000.000 bonds to ruiso thu
money to bolster np his railroad te > cuntion.
Tlio New York Htoeik . , , . _ . .fc , . .
Special Telegram to the IJn' . I
Nuu Ynith , flopli mber 29. Tin week opono
ivilh a repetition of what has gene before for
tin ) whoh market , except that
IIIOIUH > . Money Is plentiful at thu low rates ,
f 14 anil 2 per cent per annum , and loans
uok plaua. Jiurrowiitg rates for clocks are
oirospundlng by easy , yet the plentitiielo of
.uh doen n t induce aelelitlonal opeoulation
fur the dimple reason that theio ore no eiut
ndeis whei are willing to rntk ventures with 1
thu iiurchaHo or ealu of uny line of stocks , tlmt
would put market up or down , tlia mnnlpii 'J
lateiM have things w ll In liaud an |
ueiiddat emeei te piuiuut any Inter
ferenco wi'li their " .oneipeily. Thu beiard cf
Hcalpoia u.uilo A daoli t'jcenrr , t the < ipniui { , I 1
whith g vo Btieiigth tuht , l'4ui e/wl t urij | . i
o tern nml New Yotl < ' tnd. ,1iinc , < mo
"f the bi ffrxt tiarfpts in the floor , stand
in the l.aku Slioro MtliluM ii > ip t any ovl-
drnefl of nttick , bill t.v i v n very liltlp
( lock Hint changed liHiniiAn tlloit 1 Ix-lng
niHile to indues coal i' < mos to ngrca to
the * n | ) pn ! on ef coil itvi , i t r the remain *
ing three month' Of tbo . i , Imt it Is Kttib
bornlv njiposed by the I -v-t > inn nnd Hiad-
ing wsoiiatloiiB. 1'licei 11 iilinue 1 iwcr , but
the two emiipitule * cpnUtd tint it ! K l > eciiu < e
tha Miml er poinpunioa MO > in ! K nt rtummsl )
low figmt's nnd tlmt n olini t-i. , for the better
limit come soon without tim u poufioii of
iiiliinu ; . It n oald that tli Ohio and Mliw < -
slppi utockholdpin' c in'init' | m\e obtninpd
fUliicicnt proxies to can J tin rleitioii nifUnst
the \ltlnioro 1 ! and Otim Intirrit , nml that
they w ill elect to the dlmi1 rx a roprocontn-
tivnof thn inti'c t of lUnm llrm. nnd two
other lepro. entatlvoJ of . 't UK home interest * .
Thla will glvo them n in ijm.ti of the bonid ,
ns the six American ( iuttots and Kngllrh
reprcflentntitoi will M to mid ait together.
Corn Triulo.
I.OMK > V , Scplombor i' . The Mark Line
Kxpicsa in its weekly roi \ of the corn trade
Biya ; The nutumnal wiathcr Ins been iulei-
mittant with rain falls , whuh havobcennn
f.ivir.iblo for threshing. 1MIerics hu ; o con *
Bcqucntly boon loslritlpi' In iialine. The
Kales of Knghsh wheat t i the past week1
77i ( ! ) ' . ) ( ( tixrlcia at S3 | r quitter , against
7-,8ll quirters nt II pi i < | iititir , foi thncor-
lesponding wtok Inttjem , Unrloy ia tend
ing downward aud tliO'Crop of M la below
mediocrity , Benna nndpai are toudlug in
favoi of btijcrj. Tliu n irltet for foielgn
who it is unimproved , and the mpply apples-
sivoly large. The market f n Hour is nKAinit
eellerj ) . Wai/o is xwiikci throiiKliout the
country. D.irloy Is selltJiK nt very low prices.
Oats are dull. OIT CP-\WI i nrgoo * nro quiet ,
lilghtnrrniilM fur the wn . , HUVGU Bnio- nix
eatgoes withdrnwnuuo ; ii uu d. sixteen car-
good 1110 duo foi the oniliig ucck.
Ijuor | | Iitattb to Itlood.
DAMO.V , O. , September * 'i Henry Stupoy
was murdered nt Middlulnw n , Sunday after
noon nt half past four , by Rniuly Jackson , a
tough of the town. .TnoVnun WHH drunk. A
young fellow named Johh n hi'ity wan nr-
tested , accused with complicity in the mur-
tier , with Jackson. At midnight n crowd was
surrounding the jail nnd making nngiy
At a.HO n. in. o eifjnil for lynching took
plao by put ing out the electric light When
this was douo the mob 4 ] > pronchod the jail
with ropes nnd weapons to force nil entrance.
but some one turned on the electric light ami
tlio mob having no mask * retreated fora wliilo
but Hnon returned nnd st curing .Inckson
lynched him ,
Opening Ui > m Sinuton.
Special Telwram to Till Iteh. ,
STAMOV , Xin. : , SoptSubcr i'l. ' The cam
paign was op ° ned hcto t Light by iron. Geo.
\V. Doreoy , who inado Ul amo nml lengthy
cpoccb difcnssing thotariO 'inntioii and other
issues , llo was followed b J , G. Tale , who
made an eloquent nddnv tliat was received
with great npplauso. 'lli rcnotlng was a sue
cts3. All piesenl W'oroantMfied.
1il.OOMI.NOTO : ? , 111. , Sell1 Irtber 2S , AVldtOH
pUuinir null burned this V * 'fling. Loss , 87-
000 ; lusurance , 82703. ' - * ! * /
I'oi.TiANi ) , Oregon , Ser' ' ntor ' 'S. A tlia-
patch from Rathdrun , In ho , BIJS the ontn
hmincHs pint of the toun is binned. No pai
tieulurf ,
A Ferry Ilont Oapsi/cii.
Mitmn\N Cm , Ind , September 28. A
f 01 ry bout loaded with iioikingmun capsi/ed
H-iturday night nnd nil ere thrown into the
water. It was Bupponod all were rocwvored ,
but _ the channel has b L'II dragged nnd the
bodies ot Chnilc's llolibik and an unknown
joutli vvoro found. Tin search is Htill in pro-
Alfiritiiiio I'olloo ,
Ki.vosro.v , Ont. , Soptinbur 2' ! . Oflicers of
the levonuo cutter liili boarded schoonei
Annie Falconer , and risked to BOO thoe.iptam'ti
wny-bills and mnnifoBts. The captain did not
then have the manifest , and the eano was ro-
petted to Washington , fho vensel is liable tea
a line of $500 , ami tliu ofheers intend to enforce -
force the law , which has not been applied for
twenty jearj.
Katnl itoilnt UxploHlon ,
lir.\insviii.l , i'n , Snplembnr 29. The
beiiler in Iho engnii r.smi uf the Millwood
end shaft exploded Ia4 e ve-ulng , killing .Mm
Haiinn , fiieman , inttu.tly. Hovoial olhi-rs
weio injiiroel , nndpuMU f them will probably
elio. The boiler house VIA.S domollshoel by the
oxploMcm , the cause eif which is nnknovn.
Lois tei tlio company , ? > 000 ,
"Wlio IVliiidor and
Sr. Lm IH , Soplemb" , 8. Trod Schult/
a hard dnnkinyimn , n\\ \ \ > t his wlfu at taeir
homo in Jorsoyvillo , llhnoH , Saturday oven-
ing. Ho then nhiit nml killed himself. The
vyifo received the bill ju IIMI head and is bo-
liavedtobo morta'ly ' wounded. Domestic-
mfclidty nnd wbisliy vvirn the cnuscs.
" \Vontlior To-Day ,
WAHHI.NC.TON' , Saptembor 'M. Upper Mis
sissippi partly cloudy urij local rains ; vuiiabh
winds bc'cominO westerly ! lownr temperature
and hijjhor barometer , Missouri , paitly
cloudy and local laiimj north to west vviuds
higher b irometiir and louor temporutnie.
Itlnlno and liOKiin at Ulnclnnntl.
CIMINVATI , Repteml. r 29. Leigan has
cancelled liix Chllllceitlie ) ( Ohio ) e-iiKagernent
feir Thiiradny , nnd vvl'l ' bei hoio Thiirsehiv
ovcnmir. lllalno will aiii bo in Cincinnati em
lhat evening.
' iiKoiii\i'ti : NOTKS.
The colored MiumiiH < > ' WaHhington cole
lirn' ( d voHteiday , the 30 llh annivorn.iry ftf tlio
foundation uf tl'O ' IIt colored loifgii in
America ,
At the di.lly ( ixchingo at Klgin , 111. , the foi
owing quotations weic iiitBil ; Chetso.ictlvo ,
legului HHS | , l.KHO bixun , fi'tjllej Imttpr ,
regular sah N , IN.OOO puundu , 'M\fa \ ; > M .
I'rivnto sales , 2,1500 IMNC-H cheese , Idd.OOO .
Kjiindd buttei ,
A Inmdrnd workmitn < n the Missouri Pacific
nt Ht. Louis were dinH rgod youtorday foi
lack uf work to k < ep tin m employed.
Ha Trench pa se/ < from Cochin , China ,
on the stcumei "Abdel Kor , " which put In nt
Dona. Algiers for iiuar ntinu , died of cholpia
after having bean lundid ami placed in the
A cloud bmst In Central America , spreadIng -
Ing death and desolation through a largo ills
tnct jejterduy.
Inclination in ju t i o ! ved that on Ilii
IMh lust , the schooner ' Wulea" nnd the brig
"Leonard Myeiit"iolliited in n gala nnd tlo
Ijrlg sank. The captain' wife ami two seamen
were lout.
Chief .Instico Waite mudo Itlalnu it friindly
call at the latter'rt hoU.1 m 1'olodo the other
1'ostorduy nftornoon , near WhooHng , W
Ytt. , the p.msciiKer and fant fielglit collided-
reuniting in the ahno.t total di tructlon o' '
both truins. and the killing of four trainnn-n.
At 1'oint of I'nufd , M a , ; yesterday ,
.Ttemerheat Wnllacti lt > o In a King o t-eull
riiMi , ( Ivo iiiihiD , . IIIKH. Tluio , 35 ndn-
utts vMniimg murgiu ' 'feet.
Thcra iru y.OOO * kinsmen in LHII < !
runce , out of onu U y t and tturmy
nigi tire Irun'i. ut ,
Renewal of ihc Slar Roiiic
InytsligatiPii ,
The Report of llio Oomniittoo ou
A Pungent Review of tko Wholesale -
sale Tbofts ,
Tbo Brnzon Oondnot of Dishonest
The Impossibility of Fraud With
out Urixdy's Oonnivanco.
Government Iidlmrgy ITnpiinlnliod
s Some li'ouil for Cou-
lory Order.
The IMiimloicd
os , I ) . C. , Sept. i ! ! ) . Tha com
mlttco on o\iHiulUuics ! In the dopiitment of
justice' , which during the last mwston uf con.
gioss ! uve tigatod the star route pionecutionc ,
has uomplotod its lepurt foi subudsiion to the
houio on its icassombbng , 'Clio rerun I is
nigued by 2\lessrs. \ Sprimrcr , ( clmiiinnnran )
Alttyno , llmnphlll , Plan and Ciiop , democratic -
cratic inombers of tlui committee , it details
at lent tli the history of tha nlar nnitn frauds
fiom ilnves' ndministi.ituui do\\n to the time
of tha commencement of n-utn , and divlares
that the frauds upon the norvico could not
have been committed without the knowledge ,
ro-opciatlou and -issistanco of Thomas ,1 ,
lirady , nnd that not only the conliactors , but
ninny other persons in high olhcial positions
in the government were cumimdly ivuni/aiil
of the frauds or guilty ns participants thciciu
It dcclaros that the amount out of which
llio government was defrauded in the star
roiitomail service dm iiigllajGs'adininliitriition
oxcoooils 81.000,000. At 0110 tlmitho govern-
moiit was paying 8150,000 per youi foi carry
ing mails to olliu's that yielded leas tlmn
$1',000 rovenup. The etory of the attempt to
ntbilrata the Hnlisbuiy nnd 1'arkcr cnnei is
told nt some length. The leportsavHit ap
pears from llio ovldenco Hint two of the most
poerfnl combinations of the post route con-
trnctora vveiu known as tha Saliebury nnd
1'arker comtiinatioiiB. All ollorta nt procur
ing imlietinents ngniuat thexo paitics failed ,
Thomas McDovitt , nominal euntinctor for
principals , who had n largo amount in tliu
expedited service , was n witness icliod upon
to break Into the Salisbury combination and
BIOW their method of doing biminens nml was
the only witness urcensibla ] to make proof
ngainst this powerful combination , but the
irmeminent took that witnoai and seat linn to
Lht ) penitentiary ,
McU'Jvitt , though given the piomtso of 1m
munily , t-o ! force of which wnn recognl/od
by Jnmes nnd MuoVnigh failed to receive
e\i'cnti\o cloiuancy , nutwithfituii'iiug ' this
protOKt to the incaideiit and attorney ,
The mannci of i roctiriug uxpodition WIIH ru-
diieod to a ecience. Thu nliidavits , contracts
nnd ni'ai-ru , were the HOO Inunilatinu upon
vvldeh the e\pendituro and incie-.ieed service ,
c-o4ing thogoveriime'iit liumliedsof thouHiiids
of ilullurs , were alhmed , I'oi hra/en elfr < ntry
nnd perjury those iillul ivit makers are without
pir i Icl in the histoiy of criminal prosecution.
Affidavit * ) , signed mid sworn to in blank woia
kept 011 hand by the cnntrnctois just n.s tlley
laid up grain foi their horses. A considerable
portion of the report to the subject of llio am
plojmetit and composition of tha atlomojH.
The amount paid for this pin posn as far as
ascertained is 8111,817 , of which G'eorgo 151isn
lecehod ? 57 , " . ! . ' . While thoevldenco ngainst
the star louto eontrnclois and public official' ,
the report sajswuHstrong and couclnsivo as to
their guilt and tlmt tlio government vv u
di fiaiidoil of largo Hums of money , and tint
largo sums vvc'io alspnudod to ec'curo the
indictments end conviction * , vet no person
was convicted or punished , ami no civil anils
hayo as yet boon Instituted to recover the
vust sums illegally and fraudulently obtained
from the public trcisury.
HI l OHM l u\s \
Chief Inspectoi Kharpe , of the post ofllco
department , IHSIIOI ! older to nil inspectors
specters ihiectmg them in coses wheio a de-
fui ucy is fimiid t exist in tliu nccoimt-i of
post ofhcer , to an out the pontm istei and Im-
iiieoiately begin legal prncae llngs at'.iinHt
him through ttiu dn-ti let utturniiy. Thu prac
tice lieretufoio lias been to allow n dollnipient
] ioslimistor to supply the deficiency if email ,
amount * from his personal me insTill -
Till I'WICfcvl 01 UKIVlill.
Suit on llio ntar route con tract VVAH fih d to-
du by tim distiict attorney to recover .Sll ,
' . ' 01 VMth tliu interest from Sept > mber in , 1KSO ,
fioin A 11. 1'roun , who was a coiitrActoi on
tlio route fioin Miiiiumuntto l.ako lioml , Col
orado , liclwien I'Vbriuiry , Ih7' ' ' , and ,111110 ,
iss. . It is charged that lirowii obtained the
sum sued for by fraud. The dinliictattotnoy
! HO entered ; nlt to recover SI-fXD ) , sureties
on tliu bond of JJjugate , llio Into ( Imb
officer of the United Htnten signal corps ,
Gordon'H Ijllo nl Klinrloiini ,
LONDON , Eept. 2'J. The Times Khaituinn
advices , daled April W , report" ( Joidon lay
ing mines in all dlicctlons , Food was dlfli.
cult to oljtiin nnd commanded very high
puces , liordon had lusiied u paper currency ,
hlt treasury department being establUhed at
Iturber , The soldiers were paid in currency ,
The reports state that llio town was quiet ,
Half the popuhitiou had , however , juintd the
icbc In previous to the siego. Thoru had been
no nous from the Ilrltiuh govcimnont. Lntar
toporU untilInly 30 , ay ( loidun hnu been
fivu months noveiely boHiecrod and won only
able to hold out two month * leiij i r ,
Aluich | iiJ liiiswu aud Hoyido were executed
cuted to-day for treachery in tbo buttle of the
llith iiidt , when wo lost HOD killed and
wounded ,
April Hi to 'JO The rclxils have attacked UK
between the ubovn dnt'S , but leist heavily
from llio effects uf Cordon'd imiiej : ,
May 1 A painful uccidcnt occiirns ] to-day.
One of our olhcern lied upon u mined picui of
gioiind , cuiiHiugiittirllio oxploiioii. idis men
werei lllleel ,
Muy ! -liojiort l lias ronclied ns that the
Knghrh army will boat liurbor nbont ihn end
uf Muy. Tlio leiboU have made xuvorjl at
tacks Imlhnvi ! IH-CII repulsed owing to the elo-
utrnctivo epialitieM of our iniuvs.
During./nni ) there ) wore daily expodlliems
nittdo under Stiiti lioy , The Josteii of thei
Egyptians have , hovvoyer , been elleht. Many
cjttlo liftvo be e n captured.
.lime ) 2ri M. Cu//i , lnglih ) cbiisul , lias in-
forme d us of tbo Ions of Jierbor. M , Cum
will 1)0 went to Kardofur vn the Wllli to take
care of the governmoiit Interests tliero.
.luly 10 diuti Uuv has burned Jvalakla
with three village * . Ulati r iilUckuel Oalainb.
llo WM de fcateel Hoatl and his uflicoin vveio
killeel , Colonel Steuart hiul u nariow o capu ,
Juno i'J lii'nt the rubola out of Mum on
liluo Nilu , killed many eif them und captured
a iiiantih | of war muteiial , Ourutoanieralime
advanced to l.tpau , clearing thlition rebel
forts elnoe tlio MI ge began , Oni IMHIM \ boon
under " < M.
July 'II The me'Ko has Imon veiy chiso
Arab i ulltnurt ) falling into tl | . > pduco frum
all fclelew , I'ood IH piroaclnnj | { u pi lea nt
vvlnrh it cunnot bu available. Kince our but
elupatehud all hopu of ro l ( finni tha I'mthnh
Kotcrnmnul is go o , \V < cm unlv depend
Uniii | nut H" m on it U impiis'dile In cut
tine iigb vvnh llimunoe'a ( . { wiuueii nnd ( hi ) '
dun , Uuo Aialjoavftitmaii tn uulliuunt to
frighten nd put hyrs do cejinoat aw uf our
men. The < lnv Pugli V/M . .IIP killed. I'.ipht
relxls rlnr fil 200 uf our men
IV mnit1' ril'fl ' < ftlul dipj tml
limn. Thr < onh mini VNO ate ftblo
t" dHnd | uixin nr. ) tlm
e n .g. .liy , , . . . ( i Mnhcnict Alii
ncti.m . jestirday was very Micresilul. Viyo
aimed Me uu > M fter clenung tlnrlocti foils
fimmlRttlate-fTtvvoitroiff ferts end ogngnel
them for eight hemi * tmdi r n terrific flu- . The
forte nre dismilt-,1 , , Hpr , Rmi dlsmounlod nnd
the em-my wcredrl\en out. Our loss vvns only
tliroo lidlod mid eighteen vvomuled. tlordeMi
win unnu urtid two stomnnrs townrdii Scnnaai.
Iliev will try to iveapture the. Hfamew Inkun
ireiu SaUh Hey , ( iordeni is well.
AI.Evvnm v. Hept. n - M. llmcrhn * gum.
meinml nil the rmich olluinls in the * Kgiptian
sol v ice te. return hctimm odiitnly.
Tnnunniiy'H Ticket ,
XKVVoiiK , .Seplcmhor -Tatnmaiiy llnll
inn Jo llio following '
jimiunalioiis todav : 1'or
innjor , Aldciman llut-h .1. ( Jrnntj fur eeimp-
triillor , ov COIIRI csMiian I1 , llonry Dingrei ; for
dlstrlclnltorney , ex senator ( Jeorgo 11 , Pors-
le'ufor president e > f the ) bmtd of nldermnn ,
( on .lolin Coehranei fore minor , .1. 1) ) . Mes-
timer for juelges of Ihu e-emtt of eommoii
pleas , Itirhnrd I. I.eirrlmern , .loceph S. Daly ,
toiieimiimtions , and Hugh I , . ( A > le . Allthe
candid itec , I'spociillv Aldei man ( iiant , v\oru
heaililj clicoicd. .loliii Kelly , in n fpeoch nt
theiopdiiing i f the convention , mid : "We be
hoved that the neiiiuniitlon at Cliieife ) was an
unwito one , but ( Jreivor Clovelnnd is thoiinmi-
nee eif thn ilemocintic party , and wu will not
nopirato from the jurty wo h > vo nil knoun
an I h.v ed so long. We shall give Cleveland
nnd llendrleks our full , fair and honorable
Htipporl ,
A communication from the o\ocutlvo leun-
miltoo of the L'ooplu'rt party , nuggeiting cei-
tun c.mdldntos , vvius Ignoieel.
Tlio AVoHlom Pee > lH ,
CHIP vi.o , September -Owing ' tei llio nb.
nemo of the1 icprcseiitnlivcs of seuno of the
lines in the inlciesl , the meeting of the Mil
Bouii liver pa'songor agreement ngents to day
to consieler the not'co of w ithdraWAl by tha
Milwaukee A , Kt. 1'aul load , no notion was
taken mill llio uotieo was oxtomloel pending
another meeting. An announcement was ro
ccivud hero that ComniHsnner I'mk bus
anpeiinted .ludgo Coeiloy , of Michigan , to till
llio vacancy in the beurdof mbltrntiem on the
lolntivu latos on dics.sed beef nnd llvn cattle
tei the seaboard , occasioned by the resignation
of Cliirh's I'rancis Aelains , , Ir. Cee ! > rgo ( !
Swift for thoduwod beef intorual , nud tjam'l
W. Alli'rton for the cattle Interest , am eithoi
momburs of Ihu bemid. lleuf now pa\s l3 !
put cent , metre ) than cattlo. Cemnmsslouer
I'inkrecomnieiulH it bo made h , * .
in her l-'olly.
Si. Lous , Hopt. ' . ' ! > . Miss Clara llntchin-
son , who tvvo vicoks ngei elopeel fiom Itoitou
wilh Wilbur Mclnl > ro , nud has been tiavel-
mg with hin ovur nlm o us W. T. Mmdeick
nnd w If owas arrested help to-day by detect-
Hoi' . Mist llntclilnieni will bo taken back lo
lioflteinby ollhe'rs anil Mclntyro who is t5 !
yearn of ago. n book-kce per for the Atlantic
works and has n wife anel child in Wulden ,
will b > allowed to acceimpiuy tliom. Alias
llulchiimon Is about - ' - ' . Slio is enid to bo
highly cuiiie-cte < d and to have n liuiidxomu
bank Account eif bar own.
Tlio Nnttonnl LicnKiin In Irnlnnd.
I5Dl iil.I.N , September 2'J. ' Suvmal IheHisand
purHoii ! ) joined In n demonstration at Nc.d
county , Mvo , Saturday , fnveiniigtho establish
ment ot a branch o ! the league. I'reiminuiit
luouibsrs eif the housa eif commons u lelremeel
tin meoling. Mr. Dornuy , of. Chicago , nluo
pie'sontfd bin viuH to the' vast rlsvcmblngof * ' '
Iliitlorln Now Vorlc.
AIIIAN , Hetomber | 2't. ( lenoi.d llutlor is
e'xpcctud tonnivu hero nt2-i9 : p. m. to-day.
It In said ho will niiiko n speech in Capital
park in full MOW of the o\ocutivo chamber
windenvs , ( iiady HiiealcH in U'toy thin after
noon. Uoth Hutler nnd Grndy will ho at a
mass meeting in the Hudson nvenuo tout this
evening ,
ALIIANV , N. Y , . Soptombei J ! > Aiming the
callers on ( lov. Cleveland lo day were .bishop
Ciallehcr , of Lomtiana , accompanied by liov.
Walter A. It.itlcrxhalf , of Albany , and J.
Holelnch , of N. Y. , .1" . ] { . Itoelfield of Chica
go , nud Jmncd W. Hldgowny , of Jiiooklyn ,
IIiifl' ] ' > i l'H Knply ( otlio I'owcrN.
LO.MKIV , September 2' ) . A njiecial to the
Times from Vienna .isseits the ) cabinet eif
( iroal Hi itain informed llio jiotveis tliat in its
tipiniem the suHponfioii of lha sinking fund by
l > Xpt is justifiable in the pie-Hunt cuiidltlun of
UH finances ,
Deatli nl a l < 'lro Chief.
Cl.NclNSAri.Septeiubei UD. .ieiseph Itunkei ,
fe > i twe'iity-cight connected wilh thu lire
dupnttmont uf t inn city , anil lor the InstHi .
cine f , die-el to ( Uy fion , injmicH n ceivod while
eliivmg le > u fire ouueluy. He was f > .r > years eild.
l''ar ' AVcHiern KnilvvnyH.
Nl.vv Yoiuc , Sept. i'J. I'resieloiit Smith of
the Oregon Navigation Co , sayH no arrange
ment for trnllic agreement bctVM'i'n thu Ke > rlh
mil I'aclhe , I iiiuii 1'acihc anel ( ) i ge > u Navi
gation has been made 01 IH pending.
Spain and llio Unllud Hlnlrw ,
MIIIIIP. . Septi-iuber 2 ! ) . A dlspiitc.Ii to llio
KtiiMlaiil elechres lhoSiim | h nnd Amerleaii
govcriiineiils ate not , as has be m ilaimed ,
negeitmtiiig feu the establishment of u treaty
eif coniinoico between Spain Uself ami Ihu
I'mli-d '
GIlldHHiiiei'H Ire ) ,
1 O.NIIOV , Sept. 2 ! ) . CJIadBtono's attention
was called to a statement pnblinhe d in an
aiiemymoiis pnmphlot which ncciues him of
hupporting tlio Keinmu Catholiu church , which
ho mijs IH nn trim and demands the immo of
llio author.
iin old AVoiiiiui Ureinatcd ,
LOIMVII.II , Ky , , Sept 2 ! ) . Mrs. Itnibnra
A. Itothl , an old woman , was Iniinoj lei dealh
tei day. lltr cleithas caught freun : \ grate liio
and she wax a e-risp when foiinel. She was
nleinu tu the lioune.
C'liolera In Italy ,
JtOJIU , Boteinbor2i | ) ) The ) report uf eholeiii
in Italy t ) o pa > > t twenty.four huiiiu blieiuw 'Xti
p n i h caiWK | 'Jl'J deaths , of which 117 caiflx
und 1UO deaths wuro in Nuplc j 1)5 ) CJKOS and
55 eleatht at ( ienoa.
September 2i. ! Thelloiqli-
erolh vvj3 opened tu-iluy by JCmneror J'rancin
Joseph , His iniijooly oxpretseel u hi > i j that
Lure.pean conlldgifttion would not eiccur ,
Jlunllnu tlio OyimniltcrH.
! i\llHlitmv , Hopt. t'l. A lowarel f two
hundioel poiuela u olferod for the nrroat of
liersems who attempted lo blow up the council
house heio yosteiday ,
Indian boliool ,
WAMHI.MJION , HoptumUrSll 1-Mliuates for
tlio next fiscal year Btibmittud by Impnctor
Jliunorth tu thu coniimsslon of Indian alfalru
muku nu allovvanco uf ? , ll,7r'0 for thoiiiainten.
atica of thu Indian buhuol ut ( jouoa , Nobiaska ,
loiiriinllHtlo Jollllloitilon ,
Venn , , SeptomlHr 23-Tho World
celebiutid its incroAsu in circulation to over
0110 hundred thousand ceiplrs to-day by flung
u salute of n bundled punx in city lull paik ,
ItllHhlllll I'llllllUU ,
Hi. I'lTKUsiiim , Sept. 2 ! ) . Tlio tiibunal of
KchlUiiclbiirg foitievs santencoel fourteen fo-
litlcul iirwjuors to hard labor , Winakow was
( .uudciunoit to deuth aud w
Yts'erflay al Ilifi Cbicep SlocK Yarils
acd On
The Oattlo Market Under Depress"
ing Influenooat
Hogs Fairly Active nt Last
Week's ' Figu. .
Largo Trading and Si sr Prices
in Wboat
Tbo Squeezers Aai ( , Work
on Corn ,
PilucH Hrncli Kite , with Inellontloim
Hull Iliclior ni-unnl Ontloclc
for "Slieirlu" I'rovlBionH ,
t'AITt K.
Special Telegram to the HKK.
Clllc'ao , Sept. 29. Ott ing to a big run mi
top of heavy receipts list week anil the Ilo-
brow holiday , the market lulctl rather elull.
Among the fresh lerelpU were nearly 301)
cars of Texan nnd westein raiigeri , leaving
only n Hin.ill per cant e > f natives mining thu
flesh nrii\nli > . Getod natives woru ociiconud
about as high as at the close of last week : me-
Hum aral common native ste-era were slow ,
riioro were many pruuo hits of cattla among
the rangers but the excessive supply knocked
llio unrket ilonn again ami the aveneo sales
of range cattle nheiw a dcrhnn of ten cents.
Good to choieo 1 ( , OC I3r > ( ) Ibs , 85.8 % li 50 ;
common to modimii , 1000@12i10 lln. , SI.BOfei1
550. Kales. 251 Tc-xniix , b'Jfl ' Uu , 8J.85 : Iti'l
Toxnns , lYilb ( ) , SI.10 ; SWi Wyomings ; llO'l
Ibs , § 1.30 ; 78 WiomioRs , 1UJI Ihs , tfl.7i ; 191) )
Wyomlngs , UU Ibs. SI 02 ; 112 hilf broods ,
1252 Iln , $1 fiOj 111 Wyoming , 1001 lh < e , $1 25 ;
271 Wyomlngs , 1070 Ibs , $1.35 ; 395 Wye )
luiugs , III ! ) lb , $1.2. " ) .
The market was generally ; fairly nctivo with
little ) or nei vnrl.iti n in prices a compared
with the close of last wook. Kouphand com-
nu.ii pickeus sold at abemt SI.UOW5.10 ; fair to
geioel mixiel at SB.'JIfei 5.50. Hulk packing-
rsiles sohl nt S5 IOV5 ( fiO. A few loads uf
inverted heavy polel at S3. < ! 0e ( > 5.90 and a hit of
Philadelphia ) ! nt Si ! 05. Packing and 'hip
ping , IHUG ian llu , V.3o@il 05 ; llKht , 150e < 200
bs. M Ii5ji)3.fi5. ( )
Trading in wheat to dij was on rather
a hugo scale , but with thu rein tiem In
juices there appeared te ) ba moro deiiro to re-
ab/o , in nddiliein to which the opuintors np-
paired lo mitielpatu larger receipts to-innrrovv
and nn increase in the visible ) supply. In the
face ) e > f favorable feireign aelvicos , tlio market
nolel oft steadily , nnd uloseel on the regulai
bimiel at 1J under Saturday. On the ufternoon
heiarel more ) stieiiRth was chovvn , nnd an nel
vaneo ef ) ( fail eicrurroJ , the market closim ;
7Sajj | ( for Oct. , .SU feir Ne > v , 81 for Dec.
e OKN.
As the close of tbo September corner
in win nppronchea noaitr , greater iuU-iest IH
exhibited in the market. The receipts to-day
excBodcel by fifteen huiielreel cars , nearly .1
thousand of winch wore giadoei to contracten *
Top prices were maintained , hoivovor , nndnfto"
drop to " 5 ecu's in tlio early trading , price
10-0 t > 81 ! which fixure > s were e-mtuneel to
the close with prospect eif ovrn higher prices
to morrow , le la claime-d that the shorts may
yet bu compelled to nettle em the basis of a.
dollar a buehel. Other futures were harellv *
KO active ) anel chiHcel at 57g for Octeiber ; ! ( >
foi Neiv ember ; I0i fci the year , and 39J for
ruled dull with slight change in price *
prices , closing nt "oj tor Hoptomber and Oc
teiber , lit ! feir Neivombe-r , 29 feir May ,
Kulcel dull , closing at Ki.T.'i'S 17.00 for
Octeiboi , 11.70 feutliu year , ll,97i for Janu
Kasleir nt 7.iO ! for Se-ptombor and Oc
tober anil 12.50 feir Ne > v ember.
South American ConinilHNioliorH ,
NKW YOIIK , September 2'I. ' The Serath
Ame rican Comnnesion met in tbo custom
house to-day , to hear tlio views of gonl'emon '
interested in trade as to the best means of m-
cicailng it. Tliero was .1 gooel attendance.
A. 1) . AiulrowH , Spanish-AniPrican Ceimnns-
moji r to thu New Orleans exhibition , re.iel n
paper exprefsing bin vieivn. Hintem U. Hel
in'r em thu HCeipu of the coimmsMen.ors laboi-s ,
Thet consul ge > m ral of Peru themght the dlfli-
eidty oli-triicting ti.ielo beitvieen this country
vuis hirgely duo tei heights anel creehts. Thu ! eif Itni il aiel butter is shippeel
freun this conntiy to lliiglaud and re-shlppod
tin ii' , , LS I'nglish eir Dutch butter , 10 lira ? ! ! .
I'criivian ItovollH ,
I'AS.VV v VIA ( ! vivKsro.v , Seplember 21) ) .
It is iiimeiicel thai ( Huies has started ,
a revolt ngainst the Genera government.
That movement is suppoited by a number of.
armeil men wliei have been g.itheied teigether
eulsieh ) of thu city , nnel that It has nupiireel
sue h strength it cannot bo disposed of without
a larnei force1. A bulletin issued by his party ,
uills the attention uf the clti/ena to the fact
that the national government is neit bound to
de-fend Ihu aition of tl o ttnto authorities.
A. Itloniiinuntal Suundiil.
Mass. , Hopt. 2U.-Hov. Frank
It. Sleeper , pastor of the Daptiht church of
( iitidnor , was arrrignod before Judge I-'ield , of
thut town , this nioinllig nu the chlige of ns-
Hiiult nreforred by Mis , Kllcn llult. The offense -
fonso is allegud to have been committee ! Jmio
1K82. Inloiiso oxcltemont exists in tlio tijwu
on account of thu social standing of thu l > ai-
iA & < w ' <
® lvM > ' mv *
r L rM
IL\'J \ ' { {
" CREAM At ?
ir alum , > r any inju 1 us nibaume-e ji-an l > o Jo
nAnelrovvrj1 i'oi iaklnic J jwdor. Is
v'lyPURE' . } K-lll tlielory I , Ulel KtllU10I
n'W'fvedlroiusiirlielitinli't.susS. Dana llav .lia& .
ion : .M li/iioiilaine / , ei"0iicaie ! ; > ; , , n < l uasU > v.v4
( loilo , Mllu nkie. Never bold lu bi.i .