Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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Oinntm Office , No. O10 Furrmm Bf.
Council Bluffs onice. No 7 1'carl St
Otr rtMcnr Uroartway.
Ivetv York omuc. H om CR TrJlintio
Snndiy' Tin
fjacfl I Thrw Month * . S.
: . . . i th . °
rr Week ; , It Otnta.
nm miiwv , rmumn ifiar iwi tir.
nin rtwrrAiB.
tln T . U.OB I ThrM Month . 6 W
UM rth , . 1.wonM | ith .
InftUM ! f w Oompftny , Solo Aentf , Kovsdmt-
1 Cc > i > lo tkrMrsl tlncto Trs n < cri
ritttririieuld boMdnmed to ( ha KDITOR or Tni
All BoriBMW t ttfM anj nomlttanecs nhouU bo
Jilrm ltoTn nrin I'oMiiiniKa OoxrANTi OMAHA.
i'rklt * . Checks nnd 1'oetolflco orders to bo tn do pay
able to the order of the company.
. BOSEWATBR , Eiltor.
A. 11. l-'ilcli , Jrnnaper Dally Circulation , 0.
O ] Box , 483 Orrmlm , Neb.
BLAIM : grows up with the country na
ho cornea vrcst. : IB ono prcaidontinl candidate nt
least who has escaped the touguo of ncan-
dal , and her nnmo is Kclva Lockwood.
Tin : Jlcruld thinks Bolva Lockwood
is bonton. On the morning of the 5th of
Novcmbor it will think that Cleveland is
beaten , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A wnr which threatens to Bond up the
price of tea , flilk nnd 'false liulr , is not
likely to bo popular with women , and it
is said that in Franco the wives of the
deputies and senators arc urging their
husbands to a sottloraont with China.
BKKOIU ; another year passes around
thocroasings on F < trnnm ntroot , which
ere now very rough , will have to bo ro-
laid with otono slabs BO as to make
comfortable cross-walks. The nharp
pointed granite blocks are a torture to
IK ono respect at least John W. Gar-
rottwaa a model railroad president. IIo
nlwayo refused to nccopt from the Baltt-
more & Ohio anything more than Ida or
iginal salary of S 1,000 per year. Seine
railnad presidents take everything they
can lay their hands on.
TIIK bunko thlcvoa continue to flourish
in Denver. They recently robbed n rich
ranchman of StO,000. , It Bcoins rather
singular that the authorities of the Queen
City of the Plains permit those HCOUII-
drols to make thnt place their headquar
ters. It looks very much as if the bun-
koista were paying a liberal percentage
to some ono for the privilege of robbing
OAIT. J. Stlcklo will contest ngainst
Tames Laird for the congressional mho
in the 2d district. Mr. Stickle is a
Jarinor , and n man of acknowladgod
ability ; but the mnn who boats Jim.
Laird will have to got up in the morn
ing. Kunoo County Journal.
A farmer generally gets up in the
morning n litilo earlier than a railroad
lawyer , and when ho gets up ho dooon't
have the hoitdacho.
DK.MILI.KR has put in an appearance at
democratic national headquarters in Now
York , where ho brought the cheering
nowa that liin observations in the west led
him to believe that Cleveland would carry
moro than ouo woatorn state. Judging
from the enthusiastic ovations which
IMaiuo in receiving on his way west , the
western states which Cleveland is going
to carry ia all in Dr. Miller's eye.
Ci.KJt. CIIAHK will have to copyright
his Jtecclaior in order to keep the pi-
ratoa from bodily appropriating Its con-
touts without credit. The Jtcjnibltcan
on Sunday morning rupublishcd , with
out credit , nearly two columns of per
sonals from the JJ.rccMor , without
changing them in the olightoat dcgroo ,
and not oven correcting typographical
errors. The Jtcjiubllcan may call this
enterprise , but others will bo more
likely to call it piracy.
As order has been issued by Comman
der KountzofUio Grand Army of tiio Re
public , calling attention to the fact that
the law of the Grand Army prohibits
that body from being used in any way
for partisan purposes. 01 course this
does not prevent individual members
from exercising thor political rights. At
tempts are at times tnado by unscrupu
lous politicians to use this organization
to farther their own ends , and it is to
put a atop to such work that this order
has boon issued.
Wo can't remember ono single instance
during the Hvo years that wo have boon
hero of seeing Mr. Morton at the capital
building during the session of the legisla
ture , nnd only once do wo know that ho
was in Lincoln during the session , and
tlmt was two years ago during a aonato-
rial light. If J there is any thing
that Mr. Morton dliptsoo it ia the idea
that railroad cappers or any ether cap.
pora should interfere with stutu legisla
tion , nnd to our knowlodpo wo have very
often hoard him express himself on
the subject in language- more forci
ble than elegant. Mr. Koto-
water is present at ull sessions of the leg
islature ; has ho over seen Mr. Morton
there ? HUJ ho over come in contact with
legislators who stated that Morton had
attempted to influence theniJ Wo vent
ure to ray that ho has not. Mr. Morton
ian't a John M , Thurston kind of a man.
Fremont Jfcrahl ,
TvuTavo never charged Mr. Morton
with hanging around Nebraska Icglsln
tures. IIo is of tor nobler game , llohu
put in hia work In the lobby at Washing
ton. But why has not Mr. Morton attended -
tended the eeetioiia of the Ncbrmka leg
islature to urge the enactment cf laws tt
rogulfl'o-failroa ' Js nnd prohibit extortion-
ji.lo tolls ?
A puper in the Republican Valley IIM
teen fit to challenge the Bnn to produce
proofs from the record * to nuntain its ob
jections to the re-election of Sonntor J.
W. lol n on the ground that ho is a
pliant tool of monopoly nnd su unnafo
man to triutwith the affairs cf this etntc.
In response vro willsteto that our opinion
of Mr. Dolnn wwi mainly baaed upon the
editnr'a perwmul recollection of hia con
duct during the session of the legislature.
The journals of the lout legislature are
very voluminous , nnd the aonnto jour
nal ia not indexed in a manner tilat
would enable us to find the record of
osch senator without n vastnmountof
labor. Wo will cite four or five points
merely to provo that our opinion of Mr.
Uolan is well founded.
At the very outset when the senate was
organized it became a question whether
the lieutenant governor , who waa a noto-
riioua monopolist , should appoint the
committees , and thus block nil nnti-mo-
nopoly legislation , or whether the com
mittees aho uld bo organized by the nen-
ale itself. Mr. Dolan was ono of the
senators that voted ngainst the organiza
tion of the senate standing committees
by the Bcnatp. .
On a bill to puni.ih usury introduced
by Senator Charles II. Brown , of Douglas -
las , whereby the party compelled to pay
usurious rates of interest could recover
three times the amount paid , Mr. Dolnn
voted no , thus showing himself in sym
pathy with money sharks that exact from
two to five per cent n month from farm
ers nnd worklngmon. Mr. Dolan voted
to postpone indefinitely , which means to
cill , the bill to provide for depositing the
public funds of counties nnd cities with
a view of giving the countlea nnd cillea
the benefit of the interest. In ether
words , Mr. Dolnn favored the present
system whereby the treasurers and bank
ers can speculate In public funda nt the
expense of Iho tax-payers. The bill to
levy a npccial tar for n
Btato capitol had n warm supporter in
Mr. Dolnn , who fought for the Lincoln
ring nt nil BtnstCB. On its final passage ,
it wnn developed that the bill had boon
fraudulently enrolled and engrossed be
fore the amendments thereto had boon
printed no required by the constitution.
Upon the motion that the committee on
enrolled nnd engrossed bills should bo
permitted to spread on the journal their
explanation in respect to the report of
B id committee on the illegal onrjrosaing
of the amendments to the capitol bill
Mr. Dolan voted no. In ether words
ho waa anxious to cover up the frnud per
petrated in forcing the passage of the
bill. In view of thcso facts wo aubmit
whether Mr. Dolnn ia a a fo man to trust
with the nfl'airs of this otnto. Ia ho not
liable , now that ho has learned the ropes ,
to do n , teed ; deal woroo in the nocond
term than in the first ?
President Adamaand General Manager
Galloway , of the Union Pacific , have , as
wo are assured , expressed n doalro to es
tablish cordial relations with the people
of Nebraska and especially to uecuro the
good will of the citizens of Omaha. The
popular disfavor in which the Union Pa
cific is hold all nlong the line is said to bo
regarded by the now managers na a
serious barrier to its prosperity.
This change of popular sentiment , so
much doairod by the now management ,
can bo effected provided the policy ia
abandoned that haa mndo the road un
popular and ita mnnngora odloun. Oma
ha has treated the Union Pacific with
princely liberality , but ita mnnngora have
not only failed to reciprocate but they
have in violation of sacred obligations
uaed their power in ovoty cancelvnblo
way to cripple Omaha nnd retard her
growth. Omaha has voted to the Union
Pacific moro than ono milllondollnrs worth
of grounds , which are occupied by
depots , shops , nnd tracks , and ulio hna
iivon ; awny whole streets to that com
pany ostensibly for right of way purposes ,
but which ita ofllcors have leased out to
smelting works , elevators , nnd vnrlous
concerns thnt can in no way bo regarded
as pnrt of the railway plant. Thoao donations -
nations were originally nmdo on the con
dition tlmt n depot coating not less than
$100,000 should bo erected on the
grounds donated for depot purposes , nnd
further thnt the entire transfer between
the Union Pacific nnd con
necting roiuls uhould bo carried on
in Omaha. Through the devilish mnchi-
nationa of Sidney Dillon , who had con
ceived the achomo to build up a rival
town on the Missouri flats , between
Omaha nnd Council Blulls proper , the
compact between Omaha nnd the com
pany was never carried out. A deci
sion advorto to Omaha was procured by
Sidney Dillon , through hia nephew , John
F. Dillon , then judge of the United
States circuit court , and now the chief
counsellor of the Union Pacific. The
$250,000 in bonds , which Omaha donated
townrdi the construction of the bridge
woro'divortcd to the construction of a do-
Dot and hotel buiding at Dillonvillo near
Spoon Lakonnd Omaha uu to this day ban
nothing to ahow for her liberal contribu
tions except n magnificent cowshed , on
the wrong side of the railroad tracks. To
cap the climax the vast tracts of valua
ble grounds , which thy Union Pacific
now occupies in Omaha , are vir
tually exempt from taxation by being
umpod with the milcngo nnd right of
way of the road at an average valuation
of § 10,000 per milo. This villainous
tax-shirking , by which the burden , tlmt
should bo enured by nil clossca of prop
erty , is transferred from the railroad cor
poration to the shoulders of the honest
tix-payervof Omaha , ia very exasperat
Add to this the fuvorititm of political
henchmen in and out of butjuuas , the
wretched accommodations in creasing the
Missouii , and Iho ovaction of exorbi
tant tolls , nnd the now managers can
'orm aomo idea wh ; Omaha does not feel
friendly ts Iho Union Pacific.
In tpilo of nil fuiverno influences of
the Union Pacific Omaha hna grown and
prospered , nnd wo believe thnt nlio could
have been farnheid of Kansas City to-day
but for the obstacles thrown in her way
by Dillon nnd hia management.
So much on that ecoro.
Another nnd oven more nggravnting
cau o of discontent among our citizens
and tax-payers liM been the policy of the
Union Pacific mnnagnrs to tnvndo our
political conventions with employes and
hirelings for the purpose of forcing into
the city and county offices men who are
entirely under corporation control.
A Blnndinrr premium haa been offered
to railroad clorka nnd shopmen to bccomo
members of the city council , county
commissioners nnd legislator ! ) . Tlicno
nmployoa instead of nerving the people
nro dimply menials who do the bidding
of the railroad mnnggora , to the detri
ment of the public interest. A striking
instance ia furnished in Councilman
Woodworth , who haa prostituted his pcv
aition for the purpoao of foisting Colorado
rado Randstono upon our city where It
snould not have been used , nnd who haa
incidentally boon a dealer in ether paving
materials on his own account becauao ho
onjoycd spocitt advantages in rates over
other patrons of the road. Now the
question ia , how can Messrs , Adams nud
Galloway expect to obtain the good will
of Omaha BO long an they and their sub
ordinate ofliccra allow uuch manifest cor
ruption and lawlosancas ?
In iiaiot aggravating enough that the
Union Pacific under the aomblanco cf
unjust laws , can evade ita local taxation
while enjoying the benefits and protec
tion of our municipal government ?
Must it use its powerful political ma
chinery through avaricious employes to
aubvort our city government nnd impose
needless additional burdens upon our
tax payers by exacting blackmail out of
contractors ? Thcao are questions over
which Mr. Galloway ought to ponder.
THE laut issue of Bradstreet taking up
the per cent of failures for the aamo
period in 1882 nnd 1883 estimates that
the total for the year will exceed 11,500.
For the first nine months the number is
put at 8,200 , aa against 7,350 fur the
auno : period in 1830. A careful discuss
ion of the question na to the extent to
which fraud on tors into bank failures ro-
suit In the conclusion that fewer failures
are duo to thia cauao than haa been com
monly supposed. Out of 117 bank fail-
uron in thirty-eight weeks , sixteen are
only found to bo duo to frauds and to em
bezzlement seven of national , five of
otnto and four of private banking institu
IN November there are to bo hold two
national contentions of cattlemen ono at
Chicago on the lothand ono ntSt. Louis
on the 17th. J t acoina that a quarrel haa
arisen between the cattle Interests of the
two cities. St. Louis claims that its call
for n national convention hna boon recog
nized by nil the loading ranch owners and
broodora throughout the country , and
that the Illinois board of ngriculturo has
boon induced by Chicago "kickora" to
isatio a call for n convention in Chicago
In advance of the St. Louis mooting. The
St. Louis folka , however , maintain that
they will draw the crowd , nnd that the
Chicago convention will adjourn to that
city. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
HON. NATHAN BLAKKLY ha1 } announced
himself as tin independent candidate for
the otnto senate from Oago county. Mr.
Blakoly is ouo of the oldest rcsidcuta
in Nebraska , and is n man of ability
nnd unblemished character. If elected
to the oonato ho will bo n credit to
that body. IIo ia n man whom the
jobbers nnd monopolists cannot use.
Nebraska noedo moro such men in the
ONI : of M. Weaver1 mudswlvols at Wa-
lioo hna made an uncalled assault on his
competitor , Mr. Brown , which is likely
to act as n boomerang If Mr. Weaver
wants to innko thia n personal campaign
lie will doubtless bo accommodated.
Mu. WOOWVOKTH , the clingstone
councilman can't understand why it is
an ybody'a business what his doala are
with the paving contractors.
Ir Councilman Wood worth loses his
salary as councilman ho can fall back
on his aand-bank and Hvo on the sand
wiches thoro.
OutrajicoiiH Freight lint CH.
Dawsoii County Ho raid ,
The freight on our job press , weight
150 pounds , via the 0. B. & Q. , from
Chicago to Council Bluffa , a distance of
180 miles , was $5.85 ; from Council
Binds to Plum Greek , a distance of 231
miles , by the U. P. the freight was
$0,20 Such a wide range of difforouco
showu extortion of the meanest sort and
calls for vigorous public condemnation.
This is no isolated case , but a very com
mon oxnmplo of the moans employed
by the U. P. to rob the people of their
Imrd earnings and fill ita exchequer with
the wherewith to financially fatten its
chief otliccrs , and control the nomination
of candidates for ollico in Nebraska.
Merchants frequently toll us of eimilar
acts of extortion upon them but invari
ably remark : "If you mention the mat
ter don't name our house , " showing still
further the monarchial power and influ
ence possessed by thia road over the wel
fare and oven destiny of our citizens.
Consumers of the goods sold by mer
chants are the ones who pay these enor
mous freight bills , , Labor pays it all.
And yet , labor , fleeced of it sweet , and
doapollcd of ita substancecoirorsliko n
cringing slave before the dictatorship of
thU creature of the people for all corpo
rations are created by the people nnd
blinded by questions of twenty years
ago , vote cs itsoprr.'asors dictate.
There is no rcdrvas save in legislation
upon Iho legislature to compel the com
mon carriers todcaint from their extortion
and transport farm products nnd goods at
rewondblo rates , yet the party which has
hold control of the fiUto ever since it wai
admitted to the Union , hnn steadfastly
failed and refused to relieve the people
The same parly haa hold the reins of the
general government for twenty-four
years , ami notwithstanding the federal
constitution snya "congress shall have
power to regulate commerce between
stated , " that party hni sat down npnu
every measure presented to regulate com
merce in simple justice to botli corpora
tion nnd people.
Wo ask honest , fair-minded republicans
If the democracy or the devil could make
matters worse ) Are the men who honor
ed Abraham Lincoln , the statesman who
declorod in favor of "a government of
the people , for the people and by the
people , " willing to contintio the present
of % 'a of the
system government corpora
tion , for the corporation and by the cor
poration ? "
"What was the reason that
Freight Auditor Tnylor , of the Union
Pacific , roaigncdl" was the question
naked of a well-known baao-ballist , who
replied : "I think it waa too much base
ball. You see General Auditor Young is
down on the national game. When ho
came hero ho sat down on the Union
Pacific club which waa composed of rail
road clerks and managed and encouraged
by some of the hoada of the departments ,
among whom waa Tnylor. The boys
then made war on Mr. Young and criti
cised him rather severely on the streets
and through the newspapers. Mr. Young
has not forgotten it , and ho now evident
ly proposes to got hia work in. Hero ia
nn extract from a dispatch to the St.
Louia Globe-Democrat which briefly
aums up the situation :
"Taylor haa been offered a position in
the general traffic department , and will
probably accept , unlesa the pressure from
Boston ia Btrong enough to deter him. It
is understood thnt Taylor'a reaignation
ia a forced ono. Last summer Auditor
Young made war on the Union Pacific
base ball club , of which Taylor waa a
director , and succeeded in killing it.
Taylor and ether Union Pacific attachoa
resuscitated the club na an independent
organization , and have maintained it ever
since. When the Beaten stockholders
gained control of the road Young , who
ia n Boston man , wont scalp-hunting.
Taylor la hia first victim , and there is n
fooling about hoadqnartora that ho may
not bo the last. "
* *
"Tho death of Captain W. P.
Clark removes a brilliant and useful offi
cer from the army , " remarked a promi
nent military officer. "Ho had passed
moat of hia life on the frontier , and had
been through many a hafd Indian cam
paign , and had participated in many a
hard-fought battle , Ho possessed scho
larly attainments and devoted much of
hia time to the study of the various In
dian Kuiguagca and Indian ethnology.
In thia ha waa encouraged by General
Sheridan , with whom ho waa a great fa
vorite , and at the end of the Sitting Bull
campaign General Sheridan relieved him
from active duty , and gave him a
position on his own stall'so
that ho could continue hia
strikes without interruption and prepare
an exhaustive work upon the subject of
Indian ethonology nnd etymology. For
the past two years Captain Clark dovotcd
all his spare time to this work , which
waa completed n abort time before hia
death. It consists of 1,500 , pagoa of
closely written manuscript and ho had
made arrangements for its publication.
Ilia death will not probably interfere
with its publication. It haa been truly
say by a Wnahington correspondent of
the St. Paul Pioneer Press thnt ho com
bined military skill and scholarly attain
ments , nnd that ho could lead a column
of cavalry in battle ono day , nnd would
devote the next to studying the use of
n diphthong in the Indian tongue , thnt
ho could drive n mule team as skilfully aa
ho could write an essay , and his taste
was as wide ns his versatility. "
* *
"Another nrmy officer who haa
for years studied the languages , the CUH-
toma nnd the traditions of the Indiana ,
ia Lieutenant Bonrko , " said the aamo
Hontlomnn. "Many of the people of
Omaha will remember his splendid col
lection of Indian curiosities from nearly
every part of the Indian country which
ho exhibited at military headquarters
while ho waa vin Omaha. Bourke always
kupt a diary and haa a trunk full * of
note-books. Ho , too , proposes to pub
lish n work on the Indians , nnd I believe
ho hna made arrangements with n Lou-
don publisher. lie has been nt work
on the manuscript for some time , nnd it
must now bo approaching Its completion.
Bourke ia n fine ccholnr and a smooth
writer , and hia forthcoming book will ,
no doubt , bo exceedingly interesting. "
* *
"Joo Jcfforson is the richest actor
in America , " said n gentleman at the
Hip Van Winkle performance , "IIo is n
millioiulronnd has made his money out
of 'Rip. ' IIo has invested n largo
amount of money in nu orange planta
tion in Florida , which is proving quito
profitable. Jefferson , 1 am told , as a
painter is quite an artist. lie takes lifo
comfortably , making his aoaspna short ,
and traveling in his own private car. Ho
is also accompanied in the same car by
all of his company , and they all sloop
and eat in the car and do not go to the
hotels. Mr. Jefferson is now G8 years
of ago , but ia na halo and hearty ns
over. When ho dies I would suggest
that this epitaph bo placed upon hia
tombstone : ' 11. 1. P. Real in pence. ' "
The Northern 1'nolllo Itofrlorntor
Company ivltli $ lnouOOU
Capital HtooU ,
St. Paul 1'resi ,
Tno Northern P.icifio Refrigerator
company , of which Munjuis do Morca ia
manager , haa nearly completed the im-
monoo system undertaken n year nio to
provide iho northweat with tm outlet for
dressed and refrigerated beef. The sys
tem includes packing houses at every
beef market along the Northern I'acifb
from Helena , Montana , to Duluth nud
St. Paul and Minneapolis. A largo
slaughter house in to bo built nt the
Minnesota transfer aa teen ts prelimina
ries connected with the purchaeo at a
site are concluded. The house
at the trantfor will bo ono of the
largest in the system , as it will bo the
depot for all winter shipments , nnd n
large abide of those during the summer.
The slaughter house at Medora is to bo
enlarged thia month and next to 00x200 ,
which will make it the largest packing
house west i f Chicac" , nud gives it n
cnpncily for cooling 700 beeves a day.
Marquis do Mores leaves St. Paul Satur
day to superintend this reconstruction.
Ho K"03 over the road personally inspect
ing every house twice each month , and
returned yeslcrdiiy from Duluth , where
ho ha * beun arranging winter operations
fnr the company's terminal housna there.
The company wai originally capitalized
for 8200,000 , nnd the investments by
Marquln do Mores and his father-in-law ,
Louia Von Hoffman , the noted Now
York banker , have exceeded
thia capital by $200,000 moro.
Thus far the enterprise has been chiefly
ono of investment and preparation , and
Iho work hns been emb.-irrnsscd by the
moro than expected success of the whole
plan. Saloa are averaging 50,000 a day
this month , and points where facilities
were two months ngo regarded ample nro
now handling double and treble the busi
ness expected. At Duluth chipmonta
have been three times that calculated
upon. The company ia slaughtering for
ty boovea a day at Minnesota Transfer ,
and soils 100 bcovon daily nt Minneapolis
and St. Paul. Duluth nhipa 120 boevvs
n week , and facilities are being
secured for n shipment of 1,000 a
month. In order to meet this sxccHslvu
dovolopcmcnt it hna been decided to re
organize the Northern Pacific Refriger
ator company. The company in practi
cally Marquis do Moron nnd Mr. Von
Hoffman , whoso interests are identical.
They will capitalize the now company at
about § 1,500,000 , oxpccling thin figure
to cover the ultimate investment neces
sary to place the completed system in tull
and perfect working order. Mr. Von
Hoffman and bis son-in-law recently
journeyed together over the Northern
Pacific , inspecting their proportion , nnd
they were thoroughly gratified nt their
prosperous condition , which warrants
the reorganization at a higher amount of
capital stock.
rirnndi adrcrtlacd us nluolutoly ptiro
PlflcoacAn top down on a hot steve until heated , then
MIMOTO tliecovurand mncll. A clu'inM will uot t > re
quired to Uotoct the presence of ntnmonla.
In a million homos for a quarter of a century tt u2
itood the consumers * reliable test.
_ _
DP , PricG's ' SDGcial Flavoring Extracts ,
Tb9ttronKittiUit ) < lttlcIoHi andoftturklfl * or knonnand
Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Hems
1'or Llcht , Healthy Bread , The nest Dry Hop
Yeast In the World.
tfarSpeelal eire Ia taken In Dyelcg , Cleaning and
Curling of Plumes and lips.
12th and Farnam.tundcr Nebraska National
Sherman Avenue Ball Park
Five Hours Go-As-You I'loaso , open to 11 amateurs
tours ;
Throe pilzoi. Kntranco , ? ! . Kntranco cl-sses Sop
tcmborTth. First prize , a Hold Modal ; bocoud prize ,
Silver Cup ; third prlzo , Silver Jfedal. A GoHSoarf
pin will also bo given by Chas. Hill , I'.3i | . , toeash
compttltor who covers the dctanco of 25 miles.
fjTSpocInln will Positively not bo
noortocl unless paid In advance.
TO Monov.
fONKY Joined oa chattels , llallroad Tickets
L bought aud cold. A. Foreman , 213 S. 18th
Ti/rONICY TO LOAN Ineum of tSu'J. nu npw rd
1VJL 0. V Dnvi9 nl Co. , Uetl KiMa and Lo
Agents 1535 Ftrntru f.t. : CiE-t
OUAHA loans made on approved s.curlty. 1017
Douglas ttretit. 812-lra
A rclieblo mlddlo-ajed woirai ) , fond
of children , to iimko homo In iimtly of thico
( lood wages totho right person. Address "L. A Vf. "
Uoo offlco. 11-20
RANTED Ajoungplrl to nurse and do light
l housework. Apply to Mrs. alllUpaugb , tt ,
JIary-s avenue and 20ih ttrcet. 00 27
TTfANTFI ) A good girl for homework , None but
V t tint-class need apply. Inquire at 101 south Uth
Iticct. 316-80
T\7ANTiD : A competent girl for general houcc.
IT work. Gtrraan preferred. 'Mrs. ' Milton Ilogerr ,
cor. 19th and Leavcnworth. 321 30
WANTKD A good nun to Hick staves and do
general work , also itrong boy , Omaha Stove
Repair Works. Ill south UtliSt. 288-27
W -A girl S. W. cor19th and St. ilary'i
avenue. SS7-27
17\ANTKD-A dining room girl at 1303 Capitol ave.
t nuo , 2487p
TXrANTED-Glil for gene l housework In small
V V family , HIS north 18th street 285 > 27p
: i-loiKl girl at 171S Casa St.
ANTED llnt-duM woman cook and dining
; room girl ut Atlantio Hotel , 255-27p
l A German girl fsr gtncral hou ovvork ,
817 U. ISth ktii'et , 4th lot tocithof Leaven
worth. 2CO tf
" \ X7ASTKIllrl > for general homo work tmall fain-
V lly , 2115 Ca'lforil a ht. 271-27p
IfANTED A good girl , cither German or Scan-
I JInavlaii , at 103 corner Capitol Ave. 270-lp
\17ANTED-StonerutlorK , Attentlon-Tliree thou-
II sandmen wonlol to work on Irtuetouo in New
York rity. ( Icoa | ay. Eight hour * . W rk lure.
Cocao at onco. Apply at any jar I In Ilia city , lly
ord. ref the ilasicr Stonu Oattor * ' Ai o litloa.
\TITANTED A goml coat-maker. Btoady work at
11 i o > J prlcot Will lay fare. AdJn-ea IriuniJl-
atiij , J. W. Ueinlcl > , IUatrico , Neb. lOi Wp
I'.lt A good l.vimlry cltl at the Emmet
\ > Home , lllliltrcft , between rirniui rd Mar-
coy. 187 2'p
\\7ANTKH-A re < iion lbt nun as tr 3 uririora
T i dranu'.lo coiapaiiy. Apply A , J. Ticluar , city.
VANTED-GIrl for eererat honso work at ' 39
I Convent St. Mis. U. E. Mtyrc. 816-tt
11 or countito take nice llgr t and pleasant
work attl.clr own home * ; t to$6per day einlly nd
ipiletly mitlo ; work rent by moll nn canrit ring ; no
"tump tnrroirlr. l'Ie 9 address Reliable Jlanf'e Co. ,
Philadelphia , Pi. 803-1m
" \VANTKD-Uundre-H at 9V. . cor. 18th tnd
> Harney. Wages itttt \ we k. JlB-S.p
WANTKD Man nl wl'e , mm toworkMnul pro-
rn MS , J6 awk. . Wife to io ch mlier work ,
| nr week. Reference ) rcmilrcd. 012 Douglas
treet. 310-11
\\7ANTED Situation m clerk In drug store. 1'lvo
v ears' vspeil-iioa. Inferences the best. " ( ( .
D , " bo4B , Ornahi. 3fl5-0p
\\7ANTED-A sltuatbn at eork ! In ft good lioicl by
V an oxperl nc l young m n. Oood rolorcneo
furnished. Address " 0. .N. " Ilto office. 301-Cflp
7 ANTiD : WuMlon M book-keeper , assistant
1 boik Koeicr or any klndot otllco work. Have
rcvcral years experience and can give the best ofrcf-
ctencis. Wuulil go to any point In the state of Neb ,
or Western Address D. II , llorae , S02 lOib St.
Council DlulTs , I own. 501-lp
WANTED A tlliiatlon ns driver ol n ilollvery
wagon Can furnish ifcol city rcfcrnncrs. Ad
dress " 0. II. " 1012 Capitol avo. 307-SCp
" \\TANTED lly a widow , tl uallon oa housd. Keep.
IT cr. AilJrcMA.W. uoo olllce , Coucll liluffs.
VTTANTKD Mnntlon 03 book-l-ccpcr , ujcfcrlcnco
It 0 years,4 yearn In ho banking bii'lnws In the
cast. Address "Iluskln" Minneapolis , Minn. 23S-p
YXTANTKD A situation a ) hou rke per or position
TV In store. OcoJ references given. 217 N. 10th
street. 270-27p
WANTKD Situation as hotifcko-pcr , or to do
general housework. Address Mrs. "M. D " Heo
olllce. 2o7-l"p
A situation by n machinist In the ro-
pilrlngoffecwlng machines , Has had twelve
years experience. llcfcrcncui given. Apply at Farmer -
mer s houso. 205-27p
WANTED AnvKlndnt olllco work or would bo
bonk keeper or assistant book Keeper. Address
" \V. M."llcoollkc. 2702Sp
WANTKD A position as tlcrk In Hinlwaroor
\Yholosalo hou > c , hav o bail ten } cars experience
an proprietor , llcforonccs given. Address < 4C. A. '
thl3Cllloo. EOS-tf
A ioung married man wants situation as book
keeper , In wholesale cotabllehmcnt In Omaha.
Address " 0. " care Boo. E3fl-t !
7"ANTED Alurnlihcd room. Call or addrcu
Wilt Young , 1SCO Farnim St. 203-20p
WANKED About Oct. Mb , a competent and
thorough title abstractor. Address , with rcf
orcnccs , stating experience , ngc , salary expected , &c.
'J. " 1' . O. box 14\Vilber , Nob. 302-29
WANTKD 2 or 3 furnished or unfurnished rooms
in desirable locality. References exchanged
Address "D. tt. T. " lice offlco. 320-20
TI/'ANTED Uy a lady , a handsomely furnished
? T room , where no questions will bo aikcd , within
six blockd of the poitollice. Address "A. S " Bco
offica. 310 2Dp
" \17"ANTED A home fora young girl of 15 in the
t T country where die can make hoisclf useful
without oxpenro toono n ho Interests hlmstlf In hci
welfare till she pro\c3 unworthy. Addic.-u "U. '
Bco ollico. 324-27
"ANTKD Board in private family. References
given. Address "F. S. " Bco ollbc. 279 27p
"Ti/ANTKD A good horse for delivery wagon. Ap
W ply after Oo'clocl ; p. at. , 1411 Douglas btrcct.
ANTED 1 wmit purchase a printing ofllcc loca
ted In toniuyoung nnd gruuln- ; town in Soutli
urn Nebrafckn , or Northern Kansas. Cjn pay asmal
payment dim n , balance in paj mcnts of W. monthly.
Addicss ' Lang , " care Omaha lice. 2M-2p
Tt/'ANTKD / Drcssmaliingat Jlr . A Illce's 117 N.
15th bt. 4 snirt trimmers , 4 waist malicrs , 2
sleeve makers , 2 machine hands for White machines ,
2 tailore&cs for work on tailor ma de drcb&e& None
but llrit-clasa help need apply. 253-lp
r\7"ANTiD Oately'a universal educator , DO.OOD
VT nold since January fust. Agents wanted ii
Dakota , Iowa , and > ebraska. For term call on or
nddrcas "W D. P. Lovvry , roem 6,110 north 18th St
Omaha , Nob. 171-27p
WANTED-J2.000 on flret-clasa city Bccurity.for G
years , ut 9 per cent. Address Box 020 1'oat-
offlco 706-tf
rue. iir tiotlj-oj a 11.i ta\ti.
1011 UENT Furnisoed room for ono or two gen
F tleiceu , at 1018 Capitol avenue. 325-tf
1011 KENT Seven room bouse , cor21st am
F Webster ctreet , $30.50 per month. Inijulro 1811
Cats street. 323-SOp
F Il IlKNT Pleasant furnished roomsJ1707 Cass
, 312-lOp
IllIftT A now neatly Mulshed cottage of five
1 rooms , within two blocltd from atorea on St
Mary's avenue. Apply at Wjman College. 313-2D
RENT Nicely furnished front and bed room
FOH or 312 per mouth , 1318 Jones street , bet. TM
and llth. 20-J7p
TTlOll IIFJJT Furnished room , 117 south 17th St.
JD 208 30p
T OIlllKN'f A nicely furjiahcd front room , Btilta
JL1 bio for ono or two gentlemen. No. 317 north 10th
street. ? B5 3p
I poll 1IIENT-A furnished room at 161B ; Chlrao
1 street. 29I-30 [ >
\ IlKNT llandcomo furnished romns 310 S
J7\0ll street. Jlrs. May Kpcnccr , 1 block from
from Ronl's ojiora house , 3rd Door. 310-tf
FOIl UKNT A ftoro , also half of another etoro ,
SCO north 10th stn-ct. 310-27p
, < 01l ItENT Nicily lurnlahe'dsuite of 2 rooms , 310
F N. 13th St. 076-lliJ
IlKNT-A nicely furnished double south front
room , will board two if desired 1011 Calllornii St.
IlKNT Neatly furnished rooms at U04 Howard -
FOIl street. 210 27p
dlMlEXT Largo furnished front room on kcconil
lloor bUlUblo for ono or tw gentlemen 1S11 Cass
St. 231-27p
, KENT A new store and live rootm overhead.
1 Northeast corner cf 17th und Nicholas ttroots ,
near oil works. SOi-tp
KENT -Two furnished rooms , bed room and
FOIl room , 21 , corner Davenport and 13th St.
III.NT--Two room * handy for otllco In the
FOR brick block , corner 12th and Capitol ave.
RKNT-TodcnlUt of attorney , half of double
FOIt , loc.Ucil within ono block of I'.ixton Hotel.
Address "Rex. " llco ollico. S60 35p
RKNT-Afurnlbbed front room ut 028 South
FOR St f i'W-'l '
RKST-Nlc-elvfurnisheil front room for gen
tleman 413Soutlil5th St. , oppoblto Herald olllce.
RENT Furnished eoulh front room.'lOOl
FOIl street. 283-29u
IlKNT Large house In good location for
boarding bouse. Dallou llrod. 317 a. 13th ht.
RENT -A house with eight rooms. Warren
FOU , 213 eoutb 14th St 280-tf
IlKNT FurnMinl cottage offlvo rooms to
voungluarrlcdrouple wlthuut children , 25 per
month. IncUlrob31 | South 24th ht. 271-tf
TTMlll HKNT Handsomely furnished rooms 2 single
I.1 an J ono mite o ! t HO. llrunnci'd bloolr , 8 W ,
cor. lethand Dodge. 217-27p
llENT-An ! elegant brick basement S. W.
corner 16th an.l Dodge Sts , one Wort from / it
olllce ; ii5. ! per mouth. Jlorsa & Urunner , HOI ,
Farnam tit. $31-20
[ ,10R RENT Furnished room 1810 Dodge St.
D 228-SOp
OIl HENT Pleasant room * , furnished or unfur
1 nliheil , ciuulte orslujlo , 1SH Davenport street
FOR IIFNT Klccly furnlebed front room 2209
Dodge ttrcet. 208-iOp
FOIl RENT Furnlihod room' , modern Improve-
mcnts , | bilc < < block , cor llth aad ( 'r.pltol ave ,
llcfortnccj csriiL'iil.
( , 20J-J7
poll HUNT Kurnlfhixl front room bultaWo for
1 mil wife or tuogentlcmon , iOlS Harrcvbt
RENT Tores lioutesof tlx rooms each.
1 Three Mo < vt on Ciiinlnt : utrcet-
ThrcecKgant flats , Ilrfaronctx required.
180-27 0 | > | 0 Ho rottolllco.
. ; . . HEM' 'l u v ry il lr um lurnuhul rooms
JL' near tlre t car Hue , tl/ht mUuteti walk from I1
O. , and convenient fur two or thrio gentlemen , can
bahadby nppbln to B. E. cor , tflth and IbKagu
ttreoU , or 1 * . 1' . U Cu't office. 101-J7p
OR IlENT A furnished loom 1000 Farnam SI.
-17011 IlKNT-Fumldittl or unfnrnl'hfil with or
J without board , t o rooms In find tielghbnrh > od
con\ctiicntto Street oar , 2017 Charles St. 1S9-1
RENT Tnonowly furnlthod suits of rooms
for gtntltrotn , at 3. W. ooiner SOUi nd Rurt ,
onZflth. U5-J7J
OU REST Furnl hed rooms. Inquire 806 north
F l h St. 000 If
TT < OR IlKNT 1/itxo coml rtorv room nlt Mo for
m natictiulng. Apply 1113 llynoy 3t. PM-J8
I7IOR RENT Fmul h ( I rooms 1908 Farrmm St.
[ < 77 < J-tf
KENT A two itor > tnm.i hulldlun uit b
IjiOtt business. Largo c U , nr tlrj sulUblo lor
residence. luqulr * on i > r < mil i , corner 20th uncl
KKtfT-NIeelr farnlshwl Iront room Iflltr
DoJie ; street. MM
IJlOUUSNT-SIx room ooitnes , fine toeiUon , by 3.
J ? T. 1'aterwn , 3. K. oor. 15t i and UougUi. 61MI
IinNT-nooms In Crounfe'a Block. 0. M
F Hitchcock. 518-tf
fil U KENT Ono Rr na dqu.iro piano. Inquire
JL1 olClliolmauJKrlckton. 40- "
T7 > OH HKNT On roixl Blx room honao fib. psr mo.
I'O.M.llltehcock. ' SS.UI
_ _ _ _
1" "fioiC's'AU : A cooa lUo b r"liUKgy "ilT rs"lSlh
_ otroct. _ iiil _
| 7OU SALU 75 yarill of Bead llnisfeldcsrrct , lie * .
_ C Aluo onoett of parlor furniture , sc\en i locos , or
willtrailc for a horse. Henry Brown , 23 J anil .Mich-
ig n avenue. SP3 U
TOU HALE Wholcsa'o notion wagon , horsrs , har-
JL' ness , all complete , uitli established rovito In wc -
tcrnloun. Will bomldchoip. Satisfactory reasons
for telling. Inquire Dee olBco. SC3-10p
17011 SALE Hotel. The Oxford house , the bc l
JJ location in this v oung city. * or further parti
culars , call on or address F. If. Kloth , proprietor
Oxford House , Oxford , Neb. 3uO-7p
TTlOIt SALE CHEAP-3 lots In W. A. Rcdlck's addl- * * T :
1. ' tlon. Inquire Of Cha ) . Doughctty , U. P. freight
house. 317-25p
7710U SALK 1CO.OCO trick at Florence , ? 5.EO fct
JL1 thoueand at kiln. U. W. Oow n. 3l-Tp
ITlOll SALK OK THAOt ! Hardware store for Neb
L1 landa. W. E. tpurrlerMotaIowa. .
ICOt-sat o w itp
SAIiB Drus etock in Southern Nebraska , Id
Foil town nlth good tra to. Will Involco about
16'OilolUra Tor particulars address "L 1J. " care
of the Deo. 23I-Ep
FOR SALE-Cheip n second html high top buggy.
Imiulreat Simpson's Carriage Factoiy , Dodge ,
between Uth ami 16th. 2SO-tf
FOIt SALE s good paddle pony joung and very
gentle. Apply at 015 Douglas bt. 23o-27 | >
FINE tube roses and dutch bulbs , go to J. W.
FOU K. E. Arnold , No. 1210 north ISthKt. 253-27p
HALE 520 acres land on Xllddlo neavcr , in
FOR county Kansas , 250 aero under fence ,
plenty of living water for stock. Oood frame hcuso
10\20 , with kitchen 12\20. 203 acres In cultivation ,
price $1,000. Terms 1 ciMi , balance on time to suit
purchasers. Will also till 00 bead cattle If purchaser
desires , /dtlrcsg Thonru Jlltchel' , Smith Centre ,
Kansas , or I'uiton & Grov c , Rlv crton , Neb , 257-lui
SALE A stock of general merchandise , and
store for rent In u thriving Nebraska town. I'cr
Particulars , addrcts "O. It. " Dee olllce , Omaha ,
T10R SALE Nellgh House , brick , three stories ,
JJ only hotel In town , lOroorps , to Irate for 3 orD
years. Hie proprietor of the Ndlgh H uise wishes to
sell the furnltuio nnil flxturcs of thU hotel on easy
time and terms and lease the hottl fur time stated
abnvo. Also wonld sell hotel outright , If Jagreeablo ,
Kor pirtleulurs Inquire of Jehu J. King , Agent , West
Point. Nebraska. 213-15
Oll SALE A fresh imlk cow. Apply to W. Boer \ -
er , 1020 rarnam St 281-tf
FOH SALE Second hand leither scat top phaeton ,
also four fpringileli\Lry wagon , cheap. W. J.
WcUluns & Co. , City Mills. 271-tf
Ij'Oll SALE lOU.OU'Jbrltk oa cusatUelleMio. II.
' T. OlarKo. 218-tf
SALK Furniture ami I xturis of a hoatdltig
homo doing a coed bnjlneas. Best location In
town Apply N. W , cor 17thtnd Capitol avenue.
FOR SALE Fresh rulloh cons at my yards In
North viiuha , near lUaor'n Lrickynrd , J. W.
1'enny. 10019p
OllsAI/E Iho Chestnut gelUiug Cllvo , lira
1 old , sired by Dorfcy's Sturn , ( record 2:23) : ) . At
four years old Cllve , trotted a full ullcln 2GSattho :
Nebraska State Fair , and can now show much faster
gait. Is well broken , kind and gentle. May bo seen
at Council BluuV Driving park. Inquire at the
Park of 1' . MeEvoy. A J. I'opploton. 183-5p
FOU SALE Stock , fixtures , horse and wagon ,
of first-class grocery store , a bargain. Applv"A.
B. C. " Bee olllce. 150-tf
SAL.K Mvjtovn , two horaoi , wagon and
I1O11 . Fred Moohlo , S. E. cor. llth and Far-
nam streets. 160 tt
T710K SALE Loose hay delivered In largo or small
JL1 quantities. A new ling side bai top tuggy anil a
wholesale notion or peddlers wagon. ' U. J.Uanan&
Co. 175-lm
TTiOIl bALK A fine large carriage or coach horse.
X1 Inquire at Blue Barn , 18th St. , between Dodge
and Capitol avo. 125-tf
FOIl SALE A small , but complete stock ol fresh
groceries , with a good trade , in a good locality In
city. Address " 0 " lice ollia ; . 100-lp
J70R SALE A wholottock of clothing , boots and
V shoes , buildings at cost , retiring from business.
G. II. Peterson , 801 south Tenth street. 113-3m
IpOR SALE Cheap lots , $5 00 down J5.00 per
1 month , and ossUtlng worthy ] > ercons to build
nice little homes , 11. C. Patterson A Co. . cor 13th
and Farnam. 637-tf
F OH SALK Two second hand pianos , at Kilho.m
& Erlckton'n Mr.rlo Store on 16th St. SIO-tf (
Tj OIl SALK Corner 8th and Tarnam , 08x132 feet
X1 now occupied by City Mills. Apply on premises
977-tf W. J.
I OIl SALE Boiler and engine. I have ncarlv
X1 new holler and englno and Knowle'a pumj , A
norsepovver , lor sale cheap. T.S. Clarkson , Sobuy-
Iir , Neb. 022-lm
[ 7011 SALE Northeast corner 20th and Curalne ;
1 ? street. O. P. Davis & Co. , 1606 Farnam street ,
876 tf
FOR SALK Cl.cap , a nice cottage , full lot , city
water 5 blocks from the court houso. 11. Lee
roccr , 22d and Leaveimortn 857-lmo
FOH SALK-Knglues now and scond hand 10 h. p.
U h. p. end 0 Ii. p. portable and stationary : aUo
boIlcH of any size and stylo. Richard & Clarke , U , P
H. Y. bet. 17tu anil 16th Stj. Oiuaba. W8-tf
FOH fJAtiO A printing o'llce suitable lor a omal
nenvpaper or job otllw.Vil neil for ea h or ei-
change for Omaha City properly. Addieaj ' 'X. 2. O"1
Boo office.
FOR SALE Two open seoond-nand liar-flea olid
onoi doUrery vvoeon , cheip , tt IBID Darncy SI.
STOLI.N Ono dark bay horsi and platform wagon
at the circus grounds. A liberal reward will be
paid for hlsrccouryTiuimsJt Co. , 13th end Davcri.
port Ms.
FOUND-A ladles wrap was found In the circus
ttnt Friday afternoon , The owner can hear
of Ita whcroibouUliy appljlngat this olllce , describing -
scribing sjmu and paj Ing for this dvertl oaiont.
DIl. H. P. Jensen hasromoved his office nd resi
dence to the N. E. corner 18th and Lcavenworth
102-lu >
M RS. SCHIIODEU. Magnetic Healerli now ucuted
at 1621 , Cass ltr < ct. Diagnoses diseases free.
PltlVV vaults , elnki and co spool cleaned with ,
unitary cleaner. Satisfaction guaranteed by F.
O Abel , ( uccoijsor to J. M. Smith , ) box 378. 072.1m
flH Ca8h Hlbuy a jplcndld side-bar burn/
tJ.VJU at 1810 Farnam etnet. DM tf
S 00 c8 > 1" , " ' u y w excellent riding or drl-
PiJiJ.UU ving ( double horeo. at 1SI8 Ftruam.
HAY Forprlmo baled bay at lowest prices , id-
J" " " T. H. OLAHKSON ,
fl9n' Hchujlcr , Neb.
T MURRAY bu good pasturing. Spring water.
fMAKKN By the itirwrrlbrr oa his tnclonod land
I about 4 mllomiorihof Millird In Duuzlu countv
S'ebm'Uonthofliii d > of July , 1SS4 , u sorrel nour
br-l el" . A. C" ontho
- mlit hind flank. > uii.
> o d t < JboubimtSo rsoid HI'.MIY KOLFd
iiiptombur Uh , 1 8 < --3-k\v5w
It 1ST A book containing valuuMo Taiiern lie-
turn to P. M. Ilurton , No. iffil north 13tli fit. A ! 1 1. ward will bencn. . 2JS-1i7p
PiU : 0.\AL- nioi luving ubtnuoncd l.on c-
ktetililn Noithweit Kamai , rl < a < o oorrwiiond
> lth me b } let tr at uuoo. l ao llulholland , llel
fklatotiid Financial aa' ut , Noitoa , Kansas ,
nKNTll\t.ll03WTAL-Cor. Hth am Jonoa. iv
V > ccl.enratl QU mtt.rln , } from any UHKOSU not
conurious. Al o a liej lu i dcllo to condition
SJi Im