DAILY BJbiJfl-OOTJNCjLL BLUFFS THURSDAYSEPTEMBER 27 THE DAILY BEE OOUNCIL BLUFFS Saturday Morning Sept. 27 SUBSCRIPTION IUTES. . . . mbi week Br Carrier - - - - SO per . . . . . . . . nr Mall - - 110.00 p r yea OFFICE : Ho. 7 Fearl Btre tNear Broadway. MINOB MENTION , See J. Roller's now fall stock of cloth The driving of piles for the government mont building has boon completed. The ladies of tho'congrogational churcl gave an entertainment at Masonic hal last evening. August Peterson was brought n yesterday torday being drunk and using the aide walk for n bunk. Permit to wed was yesterday granted W. M. Brock and Clara M. Ilnlllday both of Hancock , Mayor's Yaughan is to deliver the an nual address at the Sarpy county fair to bo held at Papillon , Nob. A goodly delegation from hero oxpcc to attend the grand lodge of the Knights of Pythias which inoota in Sioux City next Tuesday. Rev. George 8. Polton , of Omaha , wil preach at the Congregational churcl to-morrow , morning and evening. Al are welcome. An attempt will bo mode to-night to organize a Cleveland and Hondricka club at Shelby , and Colonel Koatloy is expected od to furnish the oratory , A game of ball will take place this afternoon on the old ball grounds bo twcen the second nine of the D. & D Institute , and a picked nino. The Y. X. K club , an organization o the young ladiea of the Congrogatlona church , gave a pleasant social and enjoy able supper at the church parlors las evening. William Ilockyfollowof Hastings , who waa found In the alloy back of Bokom pors saloon , with hia face bruised , am sleeping off a drunk , was yesterday fincc byJudgo Aylcsworth. Charles Tutloy , a railway boy , was brought in drunk and a sling shot fount on him , so that ho was booked on two charges , but the judge Int him of wltl $9.00 for being drunk. James B. Largo , the Glonwood watch maker , who fell In a fit on the street on circus duy , and who was later in the day found drunk , was yesterday fined the usual amount and sent name. A. L. Hondricka , who is a cousin o ! Governor Hondricka , is able to got on ! again after amonth'a ' illness. His friends are talking of urging him as ono of the nominees for justice of the peace this fall. fall.Mrs. Mrs. J. Hinsloy died suddenly 01 Thursday at her homo corner of Sixteenth toonth street and avenue G , appoploxy being tbo cause. Undertaker Connol took charge of the remains , which wore aont yesterday to Dow City for intonnon thoro. The Avoca Herald , with all IU demo cratic enthusiasm , gives the republics ! candidate for recorder ; H. J. Chambers a neighborly Boiid-ofT , saying : "If elected od ho will make an able officer , and ono who will attend strictly to the business o the oflico , " "All tuo boundless universe is lifo there is no death. Spiritual cirelo to morrow ( Sunday ) afternoon at S3 o'clock evening 7:30 : o'clock in spiritual hall Shugart & Bono's block. Entrance 01 Alain and Pearl streets , stairs two door south of the postodico. E. S. Hunter , hailing from Clinton Iowa , was yesterday taxed for makinu too dashing a show with a pair of bras knuckles. AIox Jenkins , a coloroc youth , wai also found drunk , and having a pair of knuckles but his were stool End ; was fined S'J.CO. The rumor has boon spread that the man who usually does the roller akatinj act at Barnum'a show , being taken sick nnd Chief Sktnnor , of the police court taking his place for the entertainment. TUB Br.B wishes to deny it. The figure on skates was altogether too tall for Tom. Tom.Tho The man Evans , who was released from jail hero , where ho has been hold on charge of keeping a boot-leg saloon , seeina to have had bad luck across the river. Ho reports that near the depot ho was slugged by two men with whom ho was going to got a drink , and that they robbed him of $9.00 , all ho had with him. A false alarm of fire from box 27 caused the department to turn outyostur day morning about 8 o'clock. The alarm seems to have been caused by repairers at work on the wires. The streets are in a very bad condition for a opeody turning out of the department , Broadway being torn up BO that it is impossible in mosl places to cross. The two fellows who claimed to have been robbed at the Cay house the other night do not find many to believe their statements about the affair. The Cay house is no managed that the guests and boarders are pretty well protected from enoak tlriovos , and the reputation of theto two who claim to have boon robbed leads many to bcliovo that they were drunk , and either lost or apont their money or olio did not have any aucn amount to loao. loao.Mr. Mr. W. M. Jones , thn liveryman of flarlau , met with a peculiar accident lost Friday. He was uu-tyiug a horse in n stall , when inadvertently ho entangled hi * finger in a loop of the rope. The Jioria became excited and jerking back pulled the rope through a hole ! the manger. The force nith which Mr Jones' finger was pulled against the manger gor was so great the rope cut it ontirol off , The job was ns clean as if it ha ( boon done with a knifo. [ llarlan Tribune. The scone of the late fierce onconnto between the Wild Steer and "Dandy Dunn , has been well pictured out bj some ingenious artist on the wall of po lice headquarters. Some who recently visited the battlo-fiold , say the grounc still boars marks of the conflict , bolng torn up as if by a plough hitched on runaway horses. The owner of the lots whoso turi has boon thus torn up Is In vostlgating to find out whether It wa Dandy or the bull that caused the dam ago. ago.Mrs. Mrs. C. J. Athorton showed pluck th night before last. Early in the ovonin a man entered the house , and with evidently dontly whisky enough inside of him t make him willing to insult a woman commenced some very rude talk. Sh ordered him to leave , and as ho did no propose to go in any hurry , she atoppc into another room , got a revolver , on gave him ono nhot , the ball taking oflbc in the man'a log. Ho limped out fasto than ho walked in , It Is said the nann follow had visited two or more otho houses in that vicinity before , using in suiting language and conducting himsol in such a manner as to terrify tin women. L. 0. Taylor , who was arrested for assaulting a Mr. Boyington , had his ex amination yesterday , * nd the toatlmony showed that , if guilty of anything , no must bo guilty of attoihptod robbery rather or than assault. Boy ing tons statement waa that while Bleeping up stairs in Wisnor'i barn , ho having charge of the stable , h was awakened by Taylor hitting him , am as ho jumped up Taylor followed the firs blow with several others. Boyington In quiring what it meant was told by Taylo that ho wanted what money ho had Boy Ington said ho had nonobut finally admit ted ho had some down otalra. Taylo then started down warning Boyington not to follow him. Taylor made goo < his oacapo but was afterward arrested Ho claimed yesterday an alibi and wanted od several other witnesses called In to provo the alibi. KEJEOTED BIDS , The Aldorinon Think Contractors Want Too Much Money for Im proving Indian Creole. A apodal mooting of the city counoi was hold last evening , called for the pur pose of opening the bids for the Improve ment of Indian crook. Before that business was taken up , Al derman James suggested that if the one- fifth of the paving assessment , duo on completion of the work , conic bo collected once of property owners , thld money could bo paid to contractors and loss bonds woulc have to bti sold. The clerk was instructed od to publish a notice to property owners notifying them that the assessment books were ready , atid they could save interosl by paying the one-fifth at onco. The bonds and bids were then opened , und were as follows : II. S. Gallagher , for excavating sec tions A , B , 0 , D , E , F , and G , 35 cents a yard ; sections 1 , 2 , 0 , 4 , and fi , inclu sive , 2 ! ) cento a yard ; sections G to 1C in- elusive , 21 cents ; sections 17 to 23 , in clusive , 27 cents ; floodgates at cost. M. A. Mopro , excavation , sections If to 23 , inclusive , 05 cents a yard ; sections 5 to 15 , inclusive , 28 cents ; sections 1 to i , inclusive , 35 cents ; sections A to G , In clusive , -18 cents ; 12 inch inlets , 52 cents a foot ; 18 inch inlets , 85 cents a foot ; 21 inch inlets , $1.25 a foot. The bids were referred to the committee - too on sewerage and the engineer. The committp , after a brief consulta tion , reported in favor of rejecting the bids. The report was adopted. Alderman Siodpntopf stated their was evidently a misunderstanding among builders as to how they would bo paid. It was the intention to issue uoworago bonds , soil them and pay cash. It was ridiculous to think of paying such prices uu these in the bids , if paid in cash. Alderman Siodontopf moved that tbo city attorney , engineer and sewerage committee present an ordinance nox Monday evening , providing for isnuin ( , of these bunds , and that the engineer readvortiso for bids , to bo received unti 2 o'clock Tuesday ovoning. Adopted. Adjourned until Monday evening at 7 o'clock. HELD UP AND BOBBED , Kx.l'olluoiniiu Dnrliyto the Victim of Three Humans. Shortly before 8 o'clock Thursday evening John Barhyto , who was ono ol the moat cillcient and reliable of the old > olico force , while walking along Oak and avenue was nssnuUe'd nnd robbed by } \roo \ men. Aa ho was passing along ho simply noticed the muii , and hoard ono remark , "I guess it is ton late to go down nnd BOO Charlie. " The reply made ay ono of the others was "Yes , 1 guess so , " when Mr. Barhyto was seized , and ono grabbing hold of ono of his arms and the other fellow grabbing the other , they liold him pinioned while the third ono grasped him by the throat Imd choked him so that ho fell insonaiblo upon the walk. When ho came to ho found that his watch and chain were gone and what little money 10 had his pocket , about § 1,50. Thu watch was ono which his father had owned , and was more valued on account of family associations than Its intrinsic vorth. Mr. Barhyto was tumble to give a very clear description of hia assailants , is the attack was 10 sudden and the ocality dark. Jioit'C 'ion no ir Don't auiler any longer with the pains nd ucliea of Rheumatism , which make ifo a burden to you. Kolicf , speedy and lormanont can bo procured at the nearest Irug store , \n \ the form of Kidney Wort. Abridge Malcolm , of West Bath , Maine , aya ; I was completely prostrated with luoumatttm and Kidney troubles and ot expooted to recover. The fimt dose f KidneyWort helped me. Six doses nit mo on my foot , it now entirely cured mo and I have had no trouble since , " i WERE THEY FALSE ? TtG Pretenses Under Which a Country Merchant Obtained Goods , Ills Arrest Hero Yesterday. Yesterday William Gottbrocht , a merchant chant doing business at Crodclyvillo , lo w , was In the city and was arrested on a warrant issued by Justice .Schurz , basoc on ft complaintmadoby John Schoontgon of the firm of Gronowcg it Schoontgon charging Gottbrocht with obtaining good under false pretenses. It was clalmoc Hint Gottbrecht a few wccka ago wrote to Gronowog & Hchoonleon ordering semi goods , That firm , instead o sending the goods wrote him , asking for & property statement This was anon received , and in this Gottbrcclit claimed to bo worth between $ M.OOO and $10,000. On the strength of these representations the firm aoh him about $000 worth of goods. After wards they had their Hunpiciona aroused nnd being satisfied by the result of furth er inquires that ho was not worth any such amount as rnprosontod , they askct him yesterday , lie chancing to bo in the city , to settle his account. Ho naid ho was not prepared to do ao , and the firm WAS sot for October ( Hli , and the ball fixed at $1,500. Last evening ho loft for homo in custody of George Edgar , the understanding being that ho could furnish bail on reaching homo , and if so will bo released. COMMEHOIAIj. COUNCILBLurra HAIIKET. COUNCIL UH.TFS , IOWA , Sept. 2(5 ( , 1884 , Wheat No. 1 inllHnff , CO@G5 ; No. 3 , E0@ COrojcctocMO. : Corn Local purpoaoa , 35 ® 40. Data For local purposes , 35@40. liny 810 00@12 00 per ton } baled , GO@CO llyo 10@45o. Corn Monl 130 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 0 00 ® 700. 700.Goal Goal Delivered , hard , 11 GO per Ion ; eof 1 G.OO per ton Lard I'ftlrbnnk's. wholesaling at OJc. Jflour City Dour , 1 C0@3 80. Brooms 2 95@3 00 per dor. LIVE BTOOK. Cattle Butcher cows 3 00@3 25 , Butcher atoora OOffll 25. Sheep 3.50. Uoffs 125@4 05. rnoDUOE AND Qaotatlona by J. M. St. John & ; .0o , , com mission morchantn , 538 Broadway , Poultry Live old hong , 7c ; spring chickens , 2 25@2 CO per dor. I'eachos J bus. bor , 100. Lemons 4 50@5 00 per box. Butter Creamery , 18@20c ; choice country 16c. 16c.Eflfffl 1(5 ( per doron. Vegetables Potatoes , 30@40o per bushel , onions , < tO@COo per bu ; apples , clioico cooking or eating , 2 CO ; beans , 1 75@2 00 per btuhol ; Swcot uotatoos , 4 00 t > or bbl. Hho llu.il OanKlit a IMtchcr. From the Hatchet. "Oh , Penelope , " said a brown eyed Fairy to her bluo-pyod chum , "I'm just the happiest girl in the world. I'm go ing to bo married. " "Oh , my ; isn't that nice. [ 01 course it's Olmrloy Croonoy ? " "No , indeed ; it's Will Ilondoboy. Ho'a ; ho dearest fellow in the world. " "Why , who is ho : I never hoard of him ? " "Novor hoard of him ? Oh , Penelope ; : io's ' the pitcher of the Bungtown Batters and ho pitches seven did'eront curves. " ' 'Oh , you arovtho luckiest girl in the world , " shrieked Penelope , and then then they Itugged each other nnd giggled in chorus. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICK. Special A vortlseinents , BUS ne Lost , Found , To Iioan , For Bale , To Kent , Wants , BoardIng - Ing , oto. , will lie Inserted In thla column at the low tate of TEN CKNTS PER LINK ( or the first Insertion and FIVK CENTS I'Kll LINK ( or each subsequent n sortlon. Leave advertisements at our office , No. 1'oail Street , near Uroadwav WANTB. FOH 11KOT Double parlors , suitable for man am wife , aim a nice front roam In now homo In a Hood location ; or will rent ontlro homo to tmltablo turtles. ICnimlru of Frank Cook , room 0 Bhujarl & lleuo'sblock. t'onncll Ululls. fl KIISFAN ANI ) FUKNCII-Tlioso clearing private VT lemons In cither lancmiiro ihoiiU call upon or ndilroitf Mm.V ttcott , Uil Main struct. Ucetof ro forutuTS. , REMOVAL MM. A. K. Whlttakjr has removed from 31 Main street to 231 Vlnostrbct. FOH IlKNT I'urnlshojoin , 230 Washington avonno. | T > Oil UKN I1 Furnished room , 610 Waahlogton JU avenue , T7(0ll BAI.K Oil HUNT Thu Orvu 1'acklusr ho X1 and machinery , located In thU city. Canao 1M hogs | iuday. . Udell & Day. WANl'KU Kvory bouym Council Ululls to ( am Timllis. Delivered by carrier at only twenty cents a week. 1 \/"ANTKl > Dltiliic rouni ( tlrl Immediately. Wage 11 | 1 ( per month , apply of Htonard , Ogdei IIOUHO. ITiUll BALK-My reni.lonoo , corner 7th avenue and JL1 10th street If taken noon will sell ( or f'.OOO below valiio. Will silo tell furniture , carpet ) , &o. , all or In part. If not said at unco will rent premi um ) , with house furnlthad or unfurnished , at moderate rent. Any ono thinking of nuklni ; their homo In Council llluHn will do well to Invcstl- Kale thin offer. It Is thu best bargain ever ottered in the city , jr. A. U1TON. . " \I.U 1'Al'KHS For eala at U oilloo. at U cenU a hundred. R. Eice M. D. or other tumors removed without th knife or drawing o blood. CHRONIC DISEASES o'k"'p ' y. Over hlrty years practical exporlonoo Office He. I'eirl treci , Council Uludi trCoi > cultatlon tree W. R. YAUCHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Ulatfr. l J estate collection agency , Odd Fellows Block o Mir BuUuKB limit . O. O. DENTIST. 100 MAIN STREET , OUN'CIL IIUJFKS - - . IOWA DANCING ACADEMY , Prof Scluioor will introduce the ' ] uropcnn tourist dmu'os during the ourso. Franciiise , Tnlonalli , Eldo- ndo , Yillutto , Spanish , Vandnngo , ud American standard dances , and .ho . latest reverse waitstep. . Holler Skating Rink. Roller skating Wednesdays aud uturdiiys. [ I. if. MARTENS , Proprietor. Music Hall 103 MAIN STREET , Council Bluffs , Iowa J. IMPORTER ND DEALER IN ZPI-AJSTOS , OIRGK AND- Musical Instruments of Every Description I claim to havn the best selected slock and largest variety of any ne about here. I can duplicate New York and Chicago prices every imo ; and that I sell low those wno are and have been my customers wiil bear me out. Mylino o Plush'Goods is especially fine , such as Albums , Odor Cases , ' .Toilet Sets , Ladies1 Arm Bags , Purses , etc. I have the largest stock nnd best variety in Cups and Saucers , Vases , Toilet Sets , Tin Toys , Dolls , Doll Carriages , Wagons , Sleds. Carts and so on without an end. As my traveling agent may not get around to see you in time , ! will allow ou 5 per cent on any bill i'or traveling expanses if you will call at my tore and make your selections. My samples will be ready by October 1st , 1884. I guarantee low prices. Assortments of Toys from 8100 to § 5.00 put up'ready to ship. COOKING AND HEATING STOVES Both new and second hand , ranging in prices from $3.50 to § 25 each. Take advantage and call early to obtain the best bargains. I am making n big reduction in Aa I nceil the room to display my stock ol atovcs. MB On Monday , Sept. 8 , we begin to make a large reduction in the prices of HOSIEEY and LADIES' UNDERWEAR , A Full Line of NOTIONS always on Hand J. J. AUWSRDA & CO. , 317 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. EVKllYTllINa1KSTCLASS. . Nos. 217 and 219 S. Main St. , - COTJNCILBLUFFS Has Enlarged and Eo-iiltcd Jlis Store , and Oilers Extra Inducements to Purchasers of DRY GOODS , FANCY GOODS , LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. 734 Broadway , . . . . Council Bluffs , MRS. S. J. NORRIS , Having opened in n now store I invite the inspection of ladion. Its. H. .7. NOltUTH. iH Uronilway. . . Conn RluiTri. A. F. CLA.T T K unuoic , G. BUOAH , O.K. BKSWIOK , Mnunger. Assistant. Secietory. DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION OF , COUNGIL BLUFFS. All kinds of Detective service furnished in nnd out of the city on short notico. ALL COMMUNICATIONS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. ° " ' " ' " ' " " ' ' " . ' ! oif"x'"uMT' { oquKcir. IILIIFM. IOWA. AVHOLKSALl ! DKALEUS IN ? & 7 9J Waves , Switches , Whatnots , Langi.-y'asd Pompadour Frizzes , ALL KINDS OF MAIN STREET , OUNOIL BLUFF E. HOENE < & G0.3 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Wo make n specialty , at our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA unrt Y ABA 010ARS. All Oigara Bold by us are of our own manufacture and warranted aa represented. OPERA HOUSE 01GAR HOUSE , I 5D2 Broadway , " . H. H. HORNE&CO. , | COUNCIL BLUFFS , - ; IOWA. A COMPLETE LINE OF Boots , Shoes and Rubbers All new and clean. LOWEST HUCr.S and shown In PLAIN FIGURES. Solid goods. No shoddy. All work warranted. Wo are bound togct acquainted , If poodfl and prices nllldolt. No trouble to show poods. Mall orders solicited. Goods Bent to nil parts a 0. D. subject to approval. Call and look over our ( lock at Boston Boot and Shoe Store. 417 Broadway , Council Bluffs. E. E. ADAMS & CO. NASH BROTHERS Wo can turn out more horse shoes than any two meii ill Iowa or Nebraska , for love or moiioy. All Shoes are Hand Made and NO MACHINE SHOES USED. All Work Guaranteed. 719 Broadway . . . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS ' Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand which wo will soil in retail or wholesale lota. All Stock Warranted as Represented. Wlioleinlo and retail dealers in Grain unit Baled Hay. Prices tea * sonablo. Satisfaction Guirantccd. & ; BOLE'S" Corner Fifth Avo. & 4th St. , Council Bluffs. SMITH & TOLLER , Agts. , LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS 7 and 9 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. A Complete Line of Fall Goods to Selec'c ' From. LARGEST ANDBEST STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF In Iowa and Nebraska , and aold for the least money at 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. MRS , D , A , BENEDICT Manufacturer , urtalns , In Lace , BHte , Turcoman , Etc. i oil cloths , Blattlntra , Linoleums Etc hoicest and Best Selected STOOK in the WEST , jomo and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods In our line , [ heapest place to buy CARPETS , Curtains and House Furnishings in the Ctv. ; Upholstering and Bedding Supplies. Noa. 5 , 7 and 9 MASONIC TEMPLE - - COUNCIL BLUFFS Mail Orders Filled ProuiptlyCardr.no MANDBMAKERS & V.N , STAIR BUILDING A SPECIALTY , 201 Upper Broadway Cor. Stutsmau St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Orders in the city or country solicited. Prompt atteiitioa and satisfaction Guaranteed. THE MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY la bettor prepared than over before to fill nil demands for washing. Wo call your attention especially to our capacity for doing family washing. Very low ratea. All lands of work done in first-class ordor. Special pains will bo taken with flannels. Ordora sent by mall or otherwise receive prompt attention. ALBERT P. JOHNSON , Proprietor. 712 BROADWAY . . . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS 3 E. OQttT&JSMJLjJLji Metalic Caskets and Wooden Collins of all Kinds. ELEGRAPH ORI/ERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT JXTo. 3.S2 OXT. 3VOCl30L ( St. . . P , ALYSWQETE. Frarce Housea mo\ed on tlio LITTLE CIANT trucks and any dlstaneo and Over any kind' of grounl IlllICK HOUSES raised. All work futrauteod. Vf.'r. AYLSWOimi , lOlO Ninth street. COUNUILBLUFFS. HALLETT , DAVIS AND COMPANY PIANOS Endorsed by FaiM LISZT , EMERSON PIANOS. Unrivalled or Tone or Kinluhi KIMBALL PIANOS Kcet iloJern I'rlco to Buy. The Kimttill Divan. BO long and favorably known In tLo west , racominoada lUnlf. J. L.8TKWAKT , Solo Agent for above linen of Goods. Wardroom * , 1829 Jlr o ceil BluiTo , Iowa , _ , Corruapondeuce Solicited , Agents \VantaJ.