Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1884, Image 4

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- , ,
i , No. 010 Funiftm St.
Comic ) ! DlufTa omcc , No 7 Tear ! St
IBItcct , Netxr Bronclwny. '
Now York Ofllcc , llooiu OS Trllmtio
BiiHdlrtf ; . _
I'obUitiod CTtrr rrrrnlnRi c rl SnnJ y' The
cut ) Monday momlog dillr.
n s rr tun.
On Trar fio.00 I Thw Mentta W.OO
.THoniru. . . . . . . . B.W | One Month 1.00
Per tt'ook , 25 Cents.
rnii wxtKiiT icx , rutusniio mar WIDKUDIT.
Ore Tear . , . . .ft03 | Thrcolfonthl . I 61
81 * Months. . . 1.00 | One Month . . SO
American News Company , Bol Agonlr , Kowidoal
ni : n tb * United suios.
A Communications relating to News and Edltorl *
* ttcr should bo addressed lo the KDITOK or Tni
Vl t.
lirmnu ,
Alt BuiilcnM Letters and Remittances ( honld bo
ftidrcMod to Tni linn rmvMstnHO OovrAXT , QMni ,
Praltf , Chocks and PrwtoITlce ordcri to lx > made pay.
able to the order of the company.
B.-noanwATBR. Editor.
A , II. Fitch , Mnnwr Dally Circulation , O.
01 Nor , 483 Omaha , Neb.
First Dintrlct.
lion. Chnrloa II. Brown wan nppointod
to address meetings In the Firat congress
lonal diatrict , at the placoa named below
as follows :
Valparaiso , Friday , September 2fHli,7 p. tn.
Wuhoo , Saturday , September 27th , 1 p. in.
1'lattsmoutli , Monday , September 2'Jth
-Anliltmd , WodntBday. October 1st , 7 p. m.
Wnvcrly , Thursday , October 2nd , I ! p , m.
I'.ilmyra , Friday , October 3d , 2 p. in ,
Weeping Water , Monday , October , Cth , 2
p. in. 3
Auburn , Ttinsday. October 7lb , 7 p. m.
'Falls City , Thursday , October tlth , 7 p. in.
Brownvlflo , Saturday , October lltli , 2 p.m.
Tecumseh , Monday , October 13th. 7. l ) . in.
Humboldt , Wednesday. October loth.
1'awnco City , Friday , October 17th , 7 p. m.
Ueatrico , Monday , October 20th. 7 p. m.
Lincoln , Thursday , October 23rd , 7 n m.
Nebraska City , Saturday , October 25th , 7
ji. m.
Dales for Omaha nnd other places in the
diatrict will bo duly announced.
Tlio Campaign In tlio ticcoml District
Captain J. II. Sticlcol'a appointments :
September JJ7 Aurora , Hamilton county , 2
o'clock , p , m.
September29 York , Yorkcounty , 2o'clock ,
p. m.
September 30 Seward , Sewnrd county , 2
o'clock , p. tn.
Soptcmbor 30 UlysscBO , Butler county , 7:30 :
o'clock , p. in.
October 1 David City , Butler county , 2
o'clock , p. m.
October 1 Ilisinff , Butler county , 7:30
o'clock. ) ) . in.
October 2 Oaceola , Tolk county , 2 o'clock ,
p. in.
October 2 Stromsburjr , Polk county , 7:30 :
o'clock , p. m.
October 3 Friend , Sallno county , 2 o'clock ,
p. tn.
DAVID Cur , Nob. , September 22,1881.
Topllio elector in tlio Second congressional
district : Who nro tk'siroiw of nitiating In the
election of Cnpt. J. II. St'cklo , the Anlii-mo-
noiwly candldato for conffroHS. You are moat
rwnoctfully requested to correspond with mo
lo the end , that wo may arranjjo Urn work
Ryitcmatlcally nud tniilto pvory cllort clTi < ctivo
and harmonious. In union and organization
is Btrciigth. Ilnyito your united assistance.
Very Itojpoctfully ,
„ . . . S. S. KKTNOLIW.
Ch'ra1 Anti-Monopoly Conp. Cent. Com.
. 0. 8. Montgomery , Kxj. . anti-monopoly
candidate for attorney general , will apeak pur-
suaiil to appointment , at the following times
nud placoa ;
Nebraska City , Friday , September 20th 7:30
t' to ,
Crete , Monday , September 20th , 7 p. m.
Button , Tuesday , September 30th , 7 p. in.
llastinjra , WcdnosJay. October 1st , 7 p. in.
Kearney , Thursday , October SM , 7i30i ) . in.
North I'latto , Friday. October 3d , 7 p in.
Fremont , Saturday , October 4th. 7:30 : p. in ,
And at other placoa to bo announced in duo
Central Oominlttoo Mooting.
A mooting Jot the Anti-monopoly State
Central committuo will bo hold nt the Com-
norcial hotel , in Lincoln , at 7:30 p. in. , on
Monday , October C. A full attendance ) IB
earnestly desired. II. M. WKI.LH.
„ . . . . , Ch'm State Con. Coin.
Crete , Nob. , Sept. 81 , 1B81.
GIIOVEU OLBVELANK'H nddroaa U utill nt
the old stand at Albany.
WOULD Ihoro have boon any consisten
cy in antimonopolisls fusing wlht Ilo-
publican * on Jim Laird ?
A ii. good democrats should aond their
bxtrn ono-cont poalngo atampa to the
domocratio national committee.
LKAVKNWOKTII has boua aolootod an
tbo place for the now soldiers' homo.
That town needs somotbing to bralco
it up.
IT is very eingulur tbat every paper
that advocalca tbo railroad commissioner
amendment snoozes whenever the Union
1'aciGo organ in Omaha takes anuir.
Mn , DAWE.S auks to bo oxcuaod bocauao
ho voted no on the Keith county school
land frauds , but where does Soorotary
lloggen stand ] Ho voted yes all the
Tuer.E has boon a good deal of taffy
wasted on Beatrice by Congressman
Weaver , but the visit of the board of
managers of the soldiers' homo was amore
moro matter of form. Loavoimorth had
been virtually selected in advance.
Jut LAJUD Is shocked at tlio Incousis
toncy of antimonopollsts iu combining .
with democrats. Will Mr. Laird toll us
Low autiinonapolists could [ consistently
Lave fused with republicans uflor their
priaiarios aud convontlous wore paskod
by the railroad bosses and candidates
wcro dictated by John M. Thuraton and
Oaptain PliilllpaT
Orloaua making arraugomonU for No
braska's exhibit at the world's exposition.
Ho will return to Nebraska in a few days
nnd will then collect all the articles that
are to bo exhibited. It is hoped that our
people all over the state will respond liberally
orally and promptly with contributions.
This will boa eplondid mlvertUcmont o
Nebraska , and the opportunity ought not
to bo neglected , The exhibits mint nl
J > o in place by November Iflh ; BO it nil
bo seen that there Is tot vo y n.nch tiai
to flparo.
Wo publish Councilman Woodworlh's
card in this issue , without being asked to
do to , in order that ho may have no
ground for charging us with partiality
Mr. Wood worth's card in on Its face
confession of judgment. Barring n few
trivial points that hnvo no bearing upon
the qnoRUon of his Interest in contracts
with the city , Mr. Woodworth ha
shown by his own admissions that ho I
unfit to remain a member of the clb
council , oven if ho had not already com
mittcd misdemeanors for which ho i
llablo t o impeachment and removal from
ofllccQ with such penalties at may bo im
posed by the courts.
The law expressly prohibits city officers
and members of the council from being
directly or indirectly interested it
any contract with the city , Mr. Wood
worth denies that ho is so Interested , bu
ho admits that ho is acting as agent foi
the Union Pacific railroad in supplying
Colorado sandstone for which agency hi
draws a salary , nnd ho also ndmita thai
ho is the owner of aand-banka near tin
Platte river , and has boon am
is still selling sand to the pavinf ,
contractors. In other words Mr ,
Woodworth ndmita his illegal relations
to the stone contractors , who for a stipu
lated salary , use him as Uioir agent on
the ono hand , while as councilman ho is
the agent of the city of Omaha , and as
such is voting to award contracts for Ool
orado oandstouo to hia employers , Could
Mr. Woodworth truthfully say that
lie is a diaintorcatod party in awarding
these contracts as the law requires ? II
bo can act as agent for tlio stone withoul
laying himself liable to the penalties ol
the law , why cannot the chief engineer
of the fire department act as
agent of the liono manufacturers and
builders of hose carts , fire engines , and
Tire escapes ? Why cannot other coun-
oilmen act as ngonta for grading con
Lractora , for bridge buildow , and for
nowcr-pipo manufacturers , whom they
could aorvo in n double capacity , to the
manifest detriment of the tax-payers ?
But Mr. Woodworth shows his insolent
stupidity when ho boastfully admits
that ho is soiling sand to contractors
and at the numo time denies that ho is
interested in the contracts. Nobody
knows bettor than ho how this
sand t radio hua boon carried on
and how the contractors have boon black
mailed and the taxpayers robbod. We
propose to establish in the courts , if wo
got an opportunity , that Mr , Wood
worth has pocketed a bonus of not loss
than ton contu for every yard of sand
in paving our utroota this your. Wo
mvo no means of computing the vast
quantity of sand , but wo venture the as
sertion that it runs into the thousands upon
.housands of yards. Mr. Woodworth
never could have coerced con
tractors to buy his material
at n higher price than
that for which they could purchase ao
good or bettor material , if ho was not
1 member of the city council and as such
tils vote nndlnflUonco could bo used for or
against them. When wo have mndo a
; ull exposure of Woodworth's operation
as a sand-bank speculator the tax-payers
and citizens will bo astounded at the
reckless audacity which ho ha * displayed
ii hia tgrood for money. Woodworth's
irotonso that our charges are
spired by malice because ho
voted against the BKB on the city print-
ng is moro chad' . Even if true it would
afford no possible oxcuao for his flagrant
violations of the law. Five other coun-
Union have voted with Woodworth on
ho printing matter , but the BEE has cold
nothing about them ono way or the
other. Tlio simple fact is that Wood-
worth has no right to remain in the
ouncll while bo is acting as stone ngoni
or the Union Pacific , nnd selling sand to
> aving contraotora. Had ho resigned
ast spring when ho wont into this busi . ;
ness nobody would have objected to his
[ rawing as much salary as the company
was willing to pay and pocketing ns much
money as the contractors were willing to
; ivo him. >
Special to tlio Omaha llopublican.
LINCOLN , Nob. , September U5 ; This of
was the biggest day for the Lancaster
county republicans by all odds. The
icono of activity was in n grove near
Dennett , where extensive arrangements
md boon made for n grand republican
rally , basket picnic and a roast ox bar bo-
cuo. Special trains were run from this
city and other points , and fully 2,000
icrsons were in attendance , among them
ho "Plumed Kni hta , " of this cityj'.forty '
strong , who helped to entertain' the
crowd by a prairie and fireworks display n
at night. This is a handsomely uniform
ed club nnd was organized with a view to
making it the banner marching club of
ho stnto. Speeches were made by Sena-
or Thuroton , Gov. Dawos , Col. Itudd , of
[ owa , and other political luminaries of
ossor magnitude.
FIUHT WITCH. All hull , Macbetht hail to
thee , thane of Ulixmls !
SHCONI > WITCH. All hail , Macbeth , hail to
.hoc , thane of Oawdor !
Tumi ) WITCH , All hail , Macbeth , than
halt bu king horonfter !
Senator Thurstoul Was this n moro
slip of the pen , or have coming events
cast their shadows before ?
Senator Thurtton ! How glorious that
vrjuld sound ] But , most worthy thane ,
is not that title just n little too previous !
Whoso senatorial brogans is John M. fit
ting his political hoofs forl Dooa ho
intend to locate south of the Platte to
ompoto with Van \Vyck two years hence ,
or does ho propoao to nhelvo Mr. Man-
dorsou ? Perhaps , however , ho is not
alining quite BO high. Possibly his ambi
tioa is to represent Douglni and Sarpy
counties in the otato senate 'next winter.
In the language of the witches , { ' 'All
hail , John M , thou ehalt be senator
hereafter , " but wo cannot conceive tha
U will ba uutil after Jay Gould has boon
c jwnod emperor of the United Statcn ol
THE Philadelphia Iforlh American ,
the first dnlly newspaper in America , cel
ebrated its ono hundredth anniversary
the other day by issuing an historic * '
supplement , containing among other
thing : , n fac-nimilo of its firat issuo. At
the eamo time it announced its intention
of hereafter appearing na n four page in
gload of an eight page sheet , with tlio
price reduced from three cents to ono
cent. The 2furlh American had its
origin in n smtll weekly called the Penn
sylvania 2'acltct and General Adi'crtia
cr in 1771. This aoon bccamo a hi
weekly , nnd finally n doily under tlio
name of the Pennsylvania I'ackct ant
American Daily Advertiser then the
North American , when U consolidated
with a paper of that name in 1830 , then
the Aarlh American and United Mates
Gazelle from auothar consolidation in
1848 , ana finally simply the North Amer
ican again.
IT is stated upon credible authority
that , while General Butler was visiting
in Nebraska recently , ho "foil nmonp
shysters and fishy politicians. " General
Butler cannot bo too strongly wnrncc
that ho should not , in traveling about
habitually with fifteen hundred thousand
votes on his person , go much into the
company of men of the class described.
They will rob him , if ho does not look
out , of nvery vote no has. Jloston Ad-
Whom docs our baked bean contemporary
rary refer to ? Surely not to Colonel
Smytho , who introduced the general at
the ntato fair , or Colonel Pace , who
pointed out to him the oito upon which
the dome of Nebraska's now atato capitol
will loom to the skies in the near bye and
bye ?
Tin : Colorado campaign will bo very
profitable to the follows that ride on the
fonco. The contestants for the United
Stntos sonata are nearly all tnlllionniroa ,
and the republican candidate for povurn
or is the wealthiest ranchman in the
state. . Hon. G. G. Symos , the republican
can nominee for congress , is a citizen of
Denver , and ono of the boat fixed men in
the party. The judge is worth about
$500,000 , the greater portion of which ho
accumulated by fighting the minors of
Londvillo , aud iu his attempt to oust the
honest cottiers of the carbonate camp
from their little homes , The judge can
afford $100,000 for the position.
TOM Ilr.Nnuic'K.H keeps ohoutiiig that
the time has arrived for a change. The
democratic national committee has also
appealed to the country for change. It is
willing to take anything from a ton-cent
ploco down to a onu-cont postage stamp.
"No contribution will bo accounted too
small , , " says the committee in its appeal
for campaign funds.
OMAHA , contractors think thuy have
been sand-bagged about long enough.
Europe is moro than over mystified
about conclusions arrived at by the three
omporora. All that is known np to the
present ia that Austria , Russia and Ger
many have agreed to act in concert not
only against anarchists but upon every
other question where their Intoreota do
not clash. The European policy of the
three omporora will continue to bo
peaceful 03 long as the present order of
things can bo maintained. Acting1 in
concert the three emperors repre
sent a power that can only
30 overthrown by revolution ; The now
alliance only binds them to maintain tbo
order of thlapp.
Either nation may make war againok
mother power , but the other two mom-
jora oi the alliance will only bcjrequirod
p interfere if such nation should bo cot-
ting tha worst of it. For example , Gor-
nany raijjlit make war against Prance ,
nit Russia and Austria would bo bound
o aualst their ally only when franco was
.nking posaoaeioa of Gorman territory.
Uho alliance is doubtless directed qulto as
nuch against domestic as against foreign
enemies. The Hussion Nihilist , if
10 continues to' conspire , will con- *
piro against of the three Em-
crora as well us egninst the Russian em-
loror. There ia a certain monaco to the
oat of Kuropo in the fact that the three
imporors take a different viowrfrom either i
franco or England as to the obligations
ono government to surrender political
ollbndcra against , another govarnmmit.
With the understanding that the three
great military , nations of Europe nt in
onoort on ouch questions , a dercund from
DUO upon any other nation for the aur- )
ender of a political offender' would bo
quivulent to < a demand from nil ;
General Gordon's victory , over the
Mahdl's fomaa , boalocing Khuerouw has
tot only made him the hero of the hour
Kngland , but wrought a complete 3
change in the aspect of Egyptian affairs.
Wolsoloy'a ' preparations for the uacont of
ho river continue , and art.tho subject of
sharp debate in England. Ho proposes
o tnlto the bulk of the army up the it
stream in long rowboats carrying twenty
mou with stores put away In flat
jaaoa on the bottom , fitted with awn
ings , and only drawing fifteen Imhce
of water. They nro to bohadcdor poled-
over the cataracts , or if pcoalblo , t ow
ed by stoaatora , ono OT two ataru-whoolcra
having been sent out from England for
that purpose. The opinion of the older
explorers , like Sir Samuel Baker , is gen
erally against the scheme on the ground
that the Nile will bo too low for it ; but
they were nil or nearly all previously
committed to another route generally
the Suakim-Borbtir route. The advan
tage which all concede to tbo V/olsloy
pUn ia that it supplies what ia the great
desideratum of all military operations in
Upper Egvpt , and that ia , water f ormau and
boast. It is the want of this , and this
only , and not the climate , which makei
marches across the deeert forlarjo bodies
of man inapoaMblo. By clicking to the
river , oven if progress lo slow , this is
done owny with. But thaprobabilill'i
pro now that Gordon will moot the expedition
dition half way down , draws boati.ig and
colors flyinj ? " , uulusi. Indeed , ho sticks to
his origami" n'kbf aUfing iuKhnrtoivu
to sot up another jjovermnont such na ho
approves of.
At the coming ; nowlon of parliament
tlm Varnollitos. iwill join the Tories iu
opposition lo the franchise bill. It is
well enough known that the motive is
not hostility to the measaro , but n deter
mination to force the government to
giro nttontion onca moro to the wrongs
of Ireland. The immediate object ia to
get rid of Earl Spencer , the present lord
lieutenant , nnd Mr. Trovolyan , the under -
dor oocrotary , and the inciting cause is
the recent revolution of an outrageous
miscarriage of justice in the Maainlrasnn
murder case. Nothing has dccurrcd
in Ireland in recent years
so calculated to renew the exasperation
of feeling against the castle authorities
nnd the spirit of British rule in that un
happy ialo. There seems to bo little room
for doubt that the execution of Miles
Joyce was a judicial murder perpetrated
for the purpose of terrorizing the Maam-
traann section into submission to law.
While the murder of the Joyce family
was the result of n feud , there had boon
agrarian outrages in the vicinity , nnd the
occasion was seized to give an exhibition
of the stern enforcement of the law which
would strike terror into the peasantry.
Mr. Gladstone , in his recent Midlothian
speech , claimed that the administration
of the Land act had the effect of _ "in
ducing the people for the first time to
place confidence in the courts of justice , "
but nn instance like that in Maamtrasna
will undo the work in this direction of
all the land acts that the government can
frame or parliament enact , The strong-
oat kind of representations were made at
the time to induce Lord Spencer to interpose
torposo between Miles Joyce and the execution
ecution of the sentence against him , aud
einco the confession of Uaaoy
ho hni been asked to in-
voatigato the facts. Ho refused
to interpose and ho has refused to make
further inquiry on the ground that It is
nocoaaary. Ho has boon compelled to
make an explanation , the gist of which is
that Joyce was not convicted as a result
of Coney and Philbin'a testimony , but
though this is nccoptod as conclusive by
the Tory press it has no effect in satisfy
ing or quieting the feelings of the Irish
people or their loaders. They believe ,
and apparently with good reason , that n
judicial outrage was committodnt Gal way ,
and they are determined that Lord Spoil
cor must go. This it is that loads the
Parnollitea in the face of the Franchise
The report that the Prince of Wales
intends to depart from the constitutional
restraint of his position , and to vote for
the franchise bill at the autumn mooting
of parliament , are altogether likely to
have 1 their foundation in in fact ; this not
so much because of the habitual tendency
of hoira-apparont to cspouso the libcra
cause na from aincoro and sound convict
ions. 1 The accession of Albert Edward
1t 1t the throne cannot bo long delayed in
the present state of his mother's physical
and mental health , and BO far as human
foresight can road the future , England
will probably sco ono Conserva
tive t administration followed by
the radical llood-tido. For the future
king ] i of England to antagonize deliber
ately the element which must bo omni-
potnnt iu politics during his reign would
bo to jeopard hta throne and hia dynasty.
Of his wisdom in declining to identify
the crown with the hopeless cause of the
lorda there can bo no doubt. The peers
are doomed , and lost their laat opportun
ity of falling with dignity when they con
sented to the passage of the reform
measures of half a century ago , and made
the : upper chamber merely a bureau to
register the edicts of the house of com
Wo have French authority for saying
that it.ia inn "state of reprisal"not a war ,
which exists in China , though the difference -
once ia curiously difficult to mahn out
when studying the ovonta as they occur.
Accepting the definition , however , wo
observe thai the la teat manifestation of
the state of reprisal is ono which very
icriuualy thieatona the trade of noufr ala.
The Chinese'aro blockading the river of
Shanghai. They , like the French , make
line distinctions , nnd declare the blockade -
ado is only against th French , but the
merchants of other nations fool its influ
ence upon thcib tradoand nro reported to
be mach alarmed at the consequences
The blocking of the bar at the mouthiof
the Wooaung river lias boon ordered by
the Chinese authorities , although a pass
age for the ships of neutrals la to bu loft ,
A veritable pnnis prevails in Shanghai ,
ind merchants1 of- the neutral powers
liavo tis'jod the naval commanders of :
tlieao powers to take some * action. The
British Consul has advised the Chin
ese nuthorltica to obtion akillod foreign
ABaiatanco nnd kcop traSic opon. The
Russia Consuls have boon ordered
to protect Prenoh interoata
wherever French Consuls leave. The
Ruaaiau dcot in Chinese waters comprises
ono ironclad , three cruisers , two corvettes
nnd six gunboats. Three other ironclad *
ro expected to arrive. This atrongih ,
n view of'tho amalluoaa of Russian in-
turuats in China , considered algnlfii
cant. The Ohincsa are beginning to ro-
: iao to discriminate between the French
ml other foreign residents , and the ds >
* ko grown daily. In tlio event of an
Hitbroak the nnti7o Christiana will belie
lie first to suffer , , and after them , the
The fpav that Belgium In on the verge
! 'a civilew r ia but n&turnl in view of
io violent ; displays of factional bitter- ,
whih of Jato have boon BO common.
excitement which io.boing displayed
by a usually quloi poopla ia certainly ro-
narknblo , and the now ministry and '
King .Leopold mijht woli have hesitated 1
fore attempting to cram an obnoxious
iiioasura down the throats of the pooplo.
The kiufi'B wnrront for signing the now
3ducaUi > nal bill , oft courao is that
joiug a constitutional covorolgu }
woa his plain , duty not to
thwari the will ot tha people. But it is
doubtful if tbo bill itself does not do this ,
for under the heavy properly qualifica
tion about 12 out of svory 13 at the adult
males of Buljium.xro deprived ol the
right of suffrage. This state of things
jilulaly shown too way out of the trouble ;
despite the unhappy factlounl Bpiiit now
manifest there iinot likely to bo any
bfjioua appml to aruis. Though the people
ple so largely and ; loudly rotosl against
the reactionary legislation of the cleric-
ula , It should bo born in raind that
of the populAtion of nearly 5,600,000
all but 20,000 or loss profess the Roman
Catholic.religion ; they raay protest noisi-
Ivagalnit a le al measure , but outside of
tno cities , where radu.ilisni ia rampant ,
there Vs. little
danger of a resistanc *
which , would Inevitably tnVo on the com
plexion of a war against the church. The
remedy U the axtovalon of the franchise ,
aud itoxmld not bo ourprisiug if this
should bo a resuli of Uio present ulrifo.
Moauwhilo the liberals 0211 cfl'jrd to act
oalmly , They have already weakened the.
now government to such a dogrcrc thnt a
dissolution ol parliament and. another
election may not bo far ait' .
At Ilia opening of the Mexican Congress - l
gross President Gonzilea in his mosaago |
expressed his belief in the immediate ]
continuation of the reciprocity treaty' '
with the United States. The mosoafc
is almost exclusively devoted to comtncr
cial mattcn. Goozalos felicitates th
action upon tlio preliminary tep takei
for the restoration of diplomatic relation
with England , speaks of a co.nnalssioi
about to start for China nnd Japan in thi
interests of Mexican commerce and refer
to a now tariff bill which is to bo submit
ted lo Congress. President Gonziles , wJio
is about retiring from hia high po
aition in favor of the newly elected General
oral piazloavcs the country in a peaceful
condition for Mexico. Ilia policy will bo
continued in the next administration , as
the three or four men now holding Mox-
ictn politics in their pockets nro able to
divide the honors among themselves
with little opposition. Election day is
now of little Importance beyond a fosta
ratification of the government candidate ? .
An American In the city of Mexico lasl
spring had aomo difficulty oven in find
ing the polling place in hia district , ant
when ho did find it it was as empty as
as the library room of a fashionable
club ,
That French intrigues in Morocco are
at present under restraint is probably
duo solely to the fact that the campaigns
in China and Madagascar are moro than
enough to keep M , Ferry's government
busy. As soon ns these complications
allow , n resumption of diplomatic hostili
ties may bo expected , Nor should they
bo viewed with alarm , for , aa wo have
nnid moro than once , the opening ol
Morocco to European trade would bo a
boon neb only to the misruled Moors , nnd
to the nation which secured no valuable o
dependency , but also to commerce at
The truth ia that the isjuo at atako in
the government of Morocco , or what it ia
the fashion of the time to call suzerainty
over it , are of great general importanca.
Full reports oxhiat made long ago by
French merchants as to the extraordi
nary supply of cereals which the ports of
Morocco might furnish to the markets of
tlio world. It ia the control of this food
which ia , as wo muat ] suppose , the real
object of tha French diplomacy in Mo <
rocco to-day.
The recriminations in which the French
and English prccs are ir.utually indulging ,
and the cooluosa which has grown up bo-
twcon thn two countries separated by the
Strait of Dover , cannot fail to bo highly
pleasing to the thrcn emperors who rule
the many millions of Central and Eastern
Europo. If Franco and England should
openly quarrel there ia nothing to pre
vent Ilussiu and Austria from laying their
hands on all that remains of Turkey.
fiToro than this , sinca Italy is a devoted
adherent of Bismarck , and Spain ia a
nonentity , open rupture between Franco
and England may pave the way to n now
irruption of imperialism in Woatorn Eu
rope , may put nn end to the French re
public , and confine England to her nar
row sea-girt Isle.
Cliolora in Spain ,
MADHID , September 20. Duringtha past
: wonty-four hours there has been a total of
right fresh cases of cholera and eo\en deaths
n the provinces of Barcelona and Alicante.
Ulrncleo or Honllng Unparallclcil in
Medical History.
"I have bean afflicted for twenty years with an
obstinate Bklndlioaac , called byeoiuoM. D.s Pdcr-
iaela , and others , leprosy , commencing on my scalp ,
and In spite ot all I could do , with the help of the -
most Bkflltul aootors , It slowly but surely extended ; "
Uitll a jcar ago this winter It covered m\- entire per-
bon in form of dry scales. For the last three joaio-I
haAO been unnMo to do nny labor , aud Buttering In
tensely all the time Every morning there could bo
nearly a dustpanful of fccalca taken train the sheet on
my bed , some of them half aa luge as the envelope
contnlnng this letter. In the latter part of winter ,
my dikn commerced cracking open , I tried every-
thingl almost , that could bo thought of without any
relief. The 12th of Juno I started Wc t , In hopes I
csuld reach the Hot Springs. Breached Detroit and )
wai eo low * thouht \ 1 should have to go to the hos
pital but finally got as far aa lituielng , lli'-h. ' , where
had a ulster living. Ono Dr. trcaltol mo abort
two vvecka , but did mono good. Al thought I had
but a short time telive. . I earnestly prayed to die.
Cracked through the skin nil over my back , acroes
my ribs , aaais , biuidi , llmba , ( cot badly swollen , toenails -
nails caino off , fingernails dead and hard asbono.hali
dead , dry , and llfehsjas old straw. O , my God ! bow
did suiter.
, , My sinter hod a small part of % box of Cutlcnra In
: ho house. She wouldcn't glvo up ; Bald , 'wo will
try Cutlcura. Soma was applied ou one hand and
( inn. Kurekal there was relief : stopped the terrible
turning sensation Ijom the won'-'o. They Immed-
at ly got the Cutlcura He lolvcnt Cutlcura and Cutl
cura Soap I commenced by tak'njrouo tat > k'8 | > oon-
nil of Re olv ntthjce ; times a dayafter meals ; had
a bath once a day , uatcrabout blond heat , used Cutl
cura Sotp frcclj ; apjil ! d Lutlcunmorning and even-
ng. Itcsult , roturrixl to my hoiaoln lust elx weeks
om time I left , and my skin a smooth as this sheet
lie oiulerson , Jeff rcon County , I ! V ,
'Sworn to before mo thU idneUenth day of Jan >
my , 1830. "A , II. LKPFlNOWElit ,
Justice ol tbe Peace. "
Cutlcura Ilesohcn- ; nnw-Uood purlfler , lutcr-
nnlly.and Cutlcura. oi < l Cutlcura Soap , the grunt
skill cures , externally , clear theComrleilon , cleans *
the Skin ami S lp , and purity Mio Blood of every
t-peclcs of Itching , Scaly , rimpI Scrotulous , Mercr.i
ital , nnd Canctroai llu'iois , nnd a I ; in Torture *
< hun physlciaiiN , hnspltali , and M other means tall.
1'ottcr Druirnnd Chemical Co. , Boston.
Ur-Ull ) IIV
Royal Havana Lottery I
Drawn at Hiwnna , uba , Every 12
to 14 : Days.
TICKETS , 12.03 , . . nALVE3.Jl.CO
Uubject to no manipulation , not contro'Jod hy t'j
pArtlualn Inti'jeafc. It Is tbo fairest tiring lath
nature of chance In exlit cu .
ForInlormrilAnand iiuMculun apply toSHISEY ,
CO..Oon.\R ntJf ( 1S12 llrondvr&y , N Y. city.
K. KAUH & CO. , 417Wtlnnt streetHt. Louis' , Mo
or Frank Ix > bruio , L , I ) , , 20 Wyandotte , Kan.
y 21'tofta a v Iv.
, "
Italic Coses , CoQns , Carets , Si/ouils ] ,
nro. , ETC. ,
100OFvnsraSt. , - OMAHA , NEB
Telegraphla ordtin promptly fttUnded to. Tdephon
No SVl
will Positively not be. .
fnsorted unless pulci In nclvanco.
TO LOAtf-Moaov.
TO LOAN-Oii lUai Sitits by Ila'Jou
MONEY outhitJ > ttrcot.
. Ip.Micd na ohittel ) . a\ OVLets J
MO.SKY ttiid Bold. A , Fctoaian , 213 S. llth .
TJU-tf . .
MOKEV TO UAN IQIUCM ot tSvO. icd nvvr < ird
O , IT Uuvij Co. , Rt l EjUU eud Lo
Ak-vat 1525 Firaatu bt. tiS- >
mall loam undo ou approved mturity , 1417
etroct , 812-lm
\\7ANTii-Scvml more mlllwilghts at old Horn-
> > lay IL | | > , oornor 7lli and J < iof itrocU. J , K.
U XJray ii Co , 9)-23)
-A ccodmiiito link ittrix acd do
ttcncrtl neil > , lM ttronir tor. Omiha H eve -
, UttCUthUth 8t. 2fl- ' ,
\-A STI.D-A girl B. W crUth anil Bt Mm 4
ATANTr.A crnlngrcoin girl at 1808 capftMavc
T ? lua. 24 ! > i7p
tamlli , HIS north 18th tttcit 2f5 27p
( ioodflrlnfl71SCa ( sSt.
J _ 243-1
rUA.VTKH FIr < tc ! m * < ni a cook and dlnlmr
T T room girl nt AlUotio Hotel 2M 27p
WANTED A German girl fr Kfmt hou'ework ,
S17 S. ISth eticct , 4th lot eouthol Uavcii
werth. MOtf
- A chambermaid nt 012 DsUjfl.vs St.
TX7A.VTii-llrl : for general house work small fam-
T > ll.i , 211H Ca'iforn n St. 271-27p
VyANTKlJ Kx pel fenced girl for genera ! houjc-
T T ork,3rd house on 17th ttrcct , northeait corner
fromLeavcnworth. L. Heller. 277-I9p
W ANTED A fjood girl , cither German or Sc
Olna\lan , &t 193 corner Capitol A\c. 276-Ip
TVT'ANTEn-A salesman tM. F. Jfattln's
Y > ment House , 310 S. 16th ttrcct. 223.It
TlfANlED Uundry girls wanted ntSlaicn's Ho-
V tcl.B. 10th street. 22S-28p
WANTED A nurse plrl not under 15 ye .
Inquire at Id door north of Cor , Shcrmin tit ,
and Georgia avenue , Itcdltlc'n addition. 23S-20P
TT7ANTED Oirl ( or general house work. Inquire
TT at 020 south 20th ht. near St. Mart 'a Me.
\T7ANTKU Btouo Cutters , Attention Three thou-
VV eandrucn anted to work on frco ttone In Now
Ycrk city. Oooct pay. Eight hours. Work sure.
Comoatonco. Apply ftt any jard In Iho city. By
order ol the Jliatcr Stone Cutters' Association ,
WANTED A Rood coatmaker , Steady work nt
( oed prices. Will pay fare. Address Immedi
ately , J. W.lleanlck.Bcatrlco , Neb. 102 27p
\\7A TIU ) A good laundry girl nt the Kmmct
TT Housellthttrcctbetween Faroam and Har
tley. 187.27p
\T7ANTED A ro > iK > nsiblo man us treasurer fora
drimatlo company. Apply A , J. Ticloor , city.
i Girl for Eetcrnt house work at 439
Convent St. Mrs. C. E. Mav-r/o. / 816 tf
l \ , ANTED-t.ADIE3 Oil OENTIEUEN-In city
or countiy , to take nice , light and pleasant
worl at their own homes ; $1 to $5 per day cislly and
juicily made ; work rent by mall : no cama'slng ; no
stamp for rcplv. 1'lcase address Reliable Maat'i ; Co. ,
1'hlladclphla. 1U. S03-lm
\X7ANIED Affcuta to iiancuc tno ll Pat'nt
T V rt'oatlier ttrlps. Address or call on Oco. W.
Bell , 1120 Haniey street , Omaha , Nob. C30-lnip
By a widow , Htuatloii 68 house. Keep-
WANTED . . lice olllco , Coucil Bluffs. l
\TTANTED-SIluitIon as book-keeper , experience
VV G years , 4 years In the banklnir bii'lnets In the
east. Address ' 'Huskln" Minneapolis , Minn. 2 3-p
A situation ns bouiikc per or position
WANTED Oco.1 icferoncos given. 'J17 N. IBtli
trect. 270-27p
WANTED Situation as hnuieke'per , or to do
general housowork. Address Jlrs. "if. B " Bco
tlicc. 207-57p
A situation by a nuu.ilni ) < it in the re-
WANTED ] ( ; feulni-in.ieliiiiC' * . Iliisliad tuehc
cars o\pcricnco. Rcfcrtncesgiitn. App'yntl'iir-
icr s house. 205-27p
WANTED Any kind of ofllce w ork or would bo
book 1 ecpcr or assistant book keeper. Address
W. 31. " Bee olllcc. 2702Sp J
- politlon to do housework by n
young Danish woman with a child 10 months 1
Id. A4drce 1'etcr Chilatalnson , 1820 Ssuuders 13t.
ANTKD A position as clerk hi Hardware or
W Wholesale house , have had ten } ears experiences Cato "
s proprietor. IlcforenccsgUen. Addrjts''C. A. " CaI
htfomco. E93-tf I
t Youug married man wants situation na nook-
/X hcepor. In wholesale establishment in Omaha. to\ ;
ddrcsa"0. " care Beo. 603-tf
TTTANTKD Board In private fimilv llof erences
VV given. Addreeo "F. S. " Bco ollicc. 270-27p I1
foi '
WANTED A good horse for delivery wagon. Ap No
ply after 0 o'clock p. m. , 1411 ga
20.-27 at
WAI1TES-1 vvant purchase a printing oilce loon-
ted in fcoma jouiiif nnil grovv\ng \ town iiv South
L-rn Nelirasl : , or Northern Knlisia. Can pay nsinall
liavmcnt ilovv n , balance In inynicnts of t50. ironthly. B.
" > Inn l"c.iroOnuhaIec. ! 214-2p
TANTKIlrc siuaIiiiR nt MM. A Rice's 117 X.
W Uthhti 4 nhlrt trimmers , 4 wai t makers. Mr
ccvc makers , 2 machine hands for White maeWnes ,
tailoicscsfor vtrk on tailor ma do drtbsca None
ut llrt-clabs hJp iicul apply- 'i5Mn
WANTED Qdtely'a universal educator , 50,003
sold since January fiist. Agents wantjd In
akota , Iowa , and nebraska. For term call ou or wh
wldress "W. D. V. towry , ro m 6 , 1J9 north ICth St. Co
maha , Neb. 171-27p
[ X7ANTED J2.0JO on first-class city Becurity.for E D
V T years , at 0 per cent. Address Box C20 I'ost-
ffico 7CJ-tf
70U UENT Nlxly furnished suite of 2
J . 13th St. G76.11p
F OH RENT-A nicely fnrnljhcd double south' front a.
room , will Itoard two If desired 1814 California St.
jiOH REKT Neatly furnished rooms at 1201 How- nlc
J ard strcer. 218 3Tp am
7011 RENT Largo furm-ntil front riiom rii
. lloor bultul.le for one or twu gentlemen 1811 GIBS
t. 251-2Tu D
TiOU HENT A new utoro and lire moms overilead.
JtNorthcatt rorucr of 171.V and Nicholas elr ct8 , L1
tar oil vvorkr. 202-lp
" * O IIFNT J' * 'nftcoHdollaroiiso of iivu ritniiS L'
on Johnson bt. Iiiiiiilrant2110 lliirncySti hoi
OIl llKNT-TvvofiirnlsliciIrooiu' ) , lied room nnd IcrI
nittlns ; room , 22J , cornuc U.ivcnport and IJjh St. I
UI.NTTvio rooms handy for ollicc In tlio
FOK brick UlOik , icriior lith anil C.ipitol ve.
2l5-27p r
FOll IlKST A four rorm home (0. per unmth TT
IniUilro nb 2 d and Poppletonavc. 210 20p
; > OU Itljvr Tn den' Ub of attorney , half oi doulilu
1 nllico , loc-itoil within ono Mock of l'a\ton Jlottl. II.
Address Mlus. " Heo olllcc. 5S9-33p
HUNT Afurnl hcd fioiit room nt KS South
F '
! 0th ht i f'.l SW-lp CD
HUNT Nlci. > y f'unlsheil front room for gon-
FOR 413Soutlil th St. , opposite Ili/nldnlllcc ,
TJ1OR RENT Furnished south front room.10l)4 )
I ? Farnam Btrett , 2es-29p
REN r Large house In good Itxiatlou foi.
FOlt : house , Killou llros. U17 d. 13th St. I
RUNT- house with eight roonrt.
hvtltiUr , 213 B < ) Uth 14th St. 200-tf
OH RKNT Furulthwl cottage of fiv rooms & >
ouple without UiUlron , $26 pu J.
nonth. Inqiilre 831 South 24th bt.
[ 7011 RENT Handsomely furnished rooms 2 8b jlo
L' and ono biilto ot two. BrunncrV block , SV ,
cor. ICtlmiul Dodge. 217-2Tp
"IT'OR ' IlENT In the northern part of the city , a \
JL' ( uniinhod bed room and parlor with hoard urovl1 <
ed. ) L'oininQril&l traveler and wife pro'crratl. For
lartlculars Injure N , K. corner IWh and Divcnport
tf , between 8.30 and 4 11. in. l020n
FOll RENT Furnished rooms at. 611 KoiKn 17lh U
ht. 225 28p
F Oil HUNT I'leaaint rooms furnlthiu\ unfur- $
nlshcd , new hcuio , bal ! * room , hct and cold
viter. leriDi ivasonable. llofcrcncca txcbarged ,
SOT N , 17tft St. , near Burt. 224 20p
FOll RRNT An elegant brick btitincnt B , W.
cotuor 10th and Dodgb Sta. , oua Lloc'i from ' it
ullco ; tfA per mouth. Mono i Brunner , 1104.
Faruaai lit. 231-29
HENT Furnished room ISlCDoJgoSt.
U RbNT HOU.B with a roonu , Inipilro on
rcm'BM , IS25s3utli 14th street. 210 ! fl
17011 Itt'NT I'lcount rcumi , furuUheil or tiufur Ni
| nlilird , vniulta orslnglo , 1S11 Davuuport ttteit
FOR IUNT Slcely larnUhcd front item 2SOO
Iode tract. 28 COji
) Il 1SKNT A fumlthcd loom 1 JU Faruaui ei ,
Fui , turnuneii rooinf , inojern improia-
uiouti , ( kilck blotk , cor Uth and Capitol are ,
btivrcuccn cxrhaigcd. 209-27
T70H KENT Furnlehed front rocm lultxbla tor c
-L1 tun ted wllo or toeeDtUtn n , IQ13 JUrr.ey St
- J > OU REST Thresh u csnl K teen eaih . . *
Three bto'ci ' on Cuml'S itictt
, . . . , .pvV Two very ilwlrable furnl-hrd rooms
T < i./tiWf i 'Inc. ' light tnlautcs wall from 1'
or three gentlemen , can A
' "
TVn'n'uV\ Fiirnl hcJ or unhttnl'licil fli or
1 without I * fj. 'tt ° f ° ° " " ' " n n" ° nolli
Sniotalt to fc trcetcar.MlTCImUsSt. 130-1
furnished suits o I rooms
-r \T to newly
tt 3. W. corner 20th nd B'JJ'i '
furnished room 105
" > ' " > ro > room' , 23 < 1 ftnil
1011 niNT-Furr.fBbedroom InquireMSnoilh
F ow ti
ieth st.
sjconJ room * ululjl ° ' ? '
llEHT-Largo story
Fen nuf eturlng. Aprty 1113 IU W st8"'M
T7IOU llENT-rurnlohea rooms 100 , FirnamPt.
1J > 0 UKNT-Atwo itorv r mo bulk Ua5Jllt , * { > . ,
r for business. Law ccnr , upstairs ; ula.ViIo' ° t
residence. Inquire on promises , corne ' wnaafa "r
' ° S8'tt
I'lerco St. _ _ _ _ _ _
T70H nKNT-Nlooly furnlchtd front re t ° "ln1tV5
Jb l > edge street.
TJIORUKNT Six room oottoffo , flno locatloi. ' .
J ? T. Peterson , S. E. cor. 16th and UouglM.
F 1011 UENT Rooms In Crouaoe's Block. ' 3u ; ,
Hitchcock. 818 _ _
fjiOll IIENT Onogrand _ square puna.
ofEdholm and Erlokson. 440-tl
T7\OIl \ RENT Ono ? oed elx room honae 2B. ptr mo.
J ? O.M. Illtohcock. g85-tt *
* * 5 9i'
SALK Druif stock m Southern 3Tcbracka , In
FOR ! town with good trade. Will Involoo about ; > > '
15rOdoll > r9 For partlcuIarH addrcss'-Ii. ! < . " care
ol the Deo. 231-8) ) )
FOR SAI.E-Choap a second hindhlRU tct > huy. (
Innulro nt Simpson's Carrlazo Factory , Uodco ,
between 14th and 16th. 230 tf
F IOIl SAtiK A. Rood suldlo pony youugsnd > cry
jjcntlo. Apply nt 01C UoiiRlaa tit. 5Uo-27 [ >
_ _
FIXE tube rove ? and dutch bulbi , to l J. W.
FOR II K. Arnold , No. 1210 north ISth ht. iij8-27p
SALU G20 nrrci latul on Jllddlo B r , in
Smith county Knnsai" , 230 ncro under Icncc ,
plentj ] ot IMnj ; water for block , ( lood framc-liouvj
10V20 , with kitchen 12x20. 100 ! acres 111 cultlMitlon ,
price ' $1,000. Terms J c sh , liolanco on time 16 tult
purcliascrs. Will also tell fiO head cattle If imrchapcr
desires. Adilrcsi Thnmis Jlltchcli , Smith Centre ,
Kansas , or Hilton .t Gro c , Hlcrton , Neb. 257-lm
OR SAtl > A flock o ( pcncral
store for rent In n tlirMtiK Nebraska tow n. 1'cr
Tartlculai-s , address " 0. R. " Boo olllcc , Omaha.
247 It
TJtOR SALE Kcllgli House , brick , three storicv
JU only hotel In town , lOrooms , to Iftt'o for 3 or 5
yc r8. The proprietor of the Nrllgh House lshcs trt-
sell the furniture and ( Mures of tbli hotel ou easy
tluoand terms and ICBBO tha hoti-lfor tlaio stattd
iboto Also \\nnld sell hotel outright , if agreeablo. .
For particulars inquire of John J. King , Agent , West-
Point , Nebraska. 219-15
FOR SALE A fresh milk cow. Apply to W. Ito ) - -
cr , 1020 Farnain St. 201-tf
TJIOIl SALE Second hand loitlierccattop phaeton ,
? also four spring do'hiry wagon , cheap. W J.
\Vcfch.uis Si Co. , City Jlills. 274-tf
1i > OR SALE 150,00 J brick on cars at Bcllet uc. II.
* T. Clarke , 218-tf
FOR SALE Boarding houEc , [ with furniture and
crtrj thing couiplctu for business , located at 1212
Capitol atemio For tuithcr Inforicatlon address
"B. H. " Bee offlco. 223-20p
T7IOK &ALE Furniture nn-l Dxturen sf a boarding
JL1 h9U'c doing1 n gooil business Best location la
own Apply N. W. cor. 17th nd Capitol avenue.
FOI ! SALE Fresh milch cows ivS my j arils hi
North utnaha , near Ittncr's brickyard. J. W.
I'enny. i 100 29p
TT'Oll&ALE ' The Chestnut gelding CIlTd , Dvo yatii
old , Blrcd by Donoy's S .turn , ( record 2:23) : ) . At
'our years old Cm o , trotted a full mile ln'2.50 nt tha
S'obroaka State Fair , nnd can cow show much faster
jait. ! Ihwell broken , kind and gcntls. Slay bo seen
Council Bluffs' Driving park. Inqulro at the
ark of 1 * . McEvoy. A J" Poppletou. 183-2p
FOR SALT. Stock , fixtures , honso and wagon ,
ot first-class grocery store , a bargain , Applv"A.
C. " Boo olHco. 1-WJ-tf
Oil BALE A good , substantial borso1 power.
Sincaputting In steam have no further u c-for it.
Jre. J. Bauinan , at Columbia Brewery. 15S-20p
SAuK Jly team , two horaos , vragcn and
harnctB Fred Moohle , S , E. cor. llth ahtfi Far-
mm etTocts. 150 tt
FOH SALK Loose hay.dellvered In largo onmall
quantities. A new hnu tide bai topbMggy anda
vholcsalonotlon or peddlers wagon. ; C. J.Canan&
o. 17Clm
7 > OH BALK A line larga rorrmc or coaoh iibrsc.
Inquire atUluo Barn , 18th St. , bctvrCcn Dadge
md Capitol are. 122-41
FOlt SALE A small , hut complete stock ol fresh
groceries , with a good trade , ma good localityIn
dty. ; Address " 0 " Bco offl3 100-lp
I710K SALE A whole stocltfcf clothing , boots and
? shc i , buildings at cost , retiring from Im3in .
II. 1'cterson , SOI south Tenth street 113-3ra
ITlOn CAtE-Cheap lots , ? 00 down J5.00 par
? month. &nd osslatlng worttly persons to butt i
ilco little homos. 11 , C. Fattnaon t Co. , cor ISth
.nd Fari-am. 637-tf
IJOK SALE Two second hand pianos , at Kdho'm
& Krlcfcson'a Jtlinlo SterR on Iflth St. RRO-tf
I710K S/AB Corner 8th and Zivrnam , 60x132 foot
now c Jf led by City Mills. Apply on premises
077-tf W ? J. WKLallAhS.
I7\OU mr.u'- " > o-arf uua engine. I have neSfrf ;
' nev boUor nnc ! sngino aud itnowlo's pumo , O
lorMi o'.ves , for s.i' > cheap. T. 3. Clarkson , Schu > >
, Xaa 022-lin
FoatBAI.K Northeast oornw.SOth and Cum'-w
Bt.-att. O. F. r > Is & Co. , I60J Farnam sireeti
87B .1
Fca SAM' Chtap , n nice -oitijzc. lull lot , city
\Ater blocbi from tbe cwil liouco. M. Lee ,
occi1,22d and Lsivcnwortn. 857-l-jjo
ailSALE-Krglnes now and.pcoond hand 10 h. p.
' lrj h. p. and 0 u. p. portlUa and utatlonaryt also
jollwsof any uijo and style. H.'chard & Clarke , U , P
Y. bot. 17tn uid 18th IStJ. Omaha. Ut-tf
FOll SALE A printing cCoo suitable lori\smal
newspaper or Job oflloo. NVil soil for canJvor ox-
biuigo for Omaha City prcporty. Address "JL. Z. Q"
Roe otllco. 408-tf
FOll BALE Two open eeoonil-naod bujjleo and
ono delivery wagon , cheap , < tt 1B19 nardey 81.
FOUND A ladles wrap was found In , the circm
tent Prldav attcrnuonv The owner can hear
Its w horcabouta by. &pplyllng t tlili.otllce de
scribing eamu paj Ing fcr tils dtcrttement. !
P Two ru'l cswi , one abint two vcars.
. the other about IV years old. Isaac Jackson ,
3lio's dJHion. 232-200 ' r
D R. Iii I * . Jonsenwmuinoved hli offloe and rcsl-
deuce to the N , E. oorntr 18th rad Learenworth t
IWlm ,
MRS.SCIIUODKIkMagneUe Heaitrli now
ni 1821 , Caa3 etrctt. Ulagnodo dleoascs fjt o ,
627.1m <
PldVV vaulti , slnlsand cenpoola clcaoed wlUi
tanitiry cl'iiner. BatUlactloU guarantied. by F.
Abcl(8UccessartoJ. ( SI. Smith , ) box 373 ,
flA Cash will l.uj an excollcntrldlnsojdrl-
.U \ JCash ( double lwre . at 1 ?
HAY J'or prime baled ! > v at lovteet pttc i , d-
die/i T. B. ULAHKBON ,
828-lm Sciiujlcr , Neb.
TMQH11AY hu good pmnurlng , Bprlag water.
858. tf
N By the ult > serlvcr oa hli enclosed land \
about 4 mllcjiiorib rt Jlillird In Doa.'lia cjunty
Notraika on the UIK d y of Julv , 18 4 , a sorrel porr -.i J f/
briiL'tJ "II. A. C " on the light hind tiauk. suiv ,
posed tsbouboutBjo rsolJ JIK.MtY KOLTd.
Meptember Itith , 1-S4 2-,1-UwBw
LOST -Alxiolc contalnin ? valiut.lo . puiicn , lie-
turn to 1' . JI. HarUon , No. 221 north lath St. A
EU > > ( 'NAtr rkrtl i luvlu *
( tHilil't NuithHtU Kauiai , plia'u terre > j.cinl
with rue ty let ir at once. 1-aao llulhoiUnd ,
nd Fla nci l agint , \
tfNlllM. H03Vn' l-Cor. liki and Jonn , !
ctiuii jttlcutJ tuQcring from any diat tc not