Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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8UKPLUS MAY 1,1881 .20,000
Prrsldonl. Vloo President
. V. MOOUK , JNO. 8. COU.IN9,1KWI93. UKKU ,
Kent K. lUydcn , AssltUnt and Acting Cashier.
RAKXRO omen :
The Iron Bank ,
INTEREST allowed on tlmo deposits upon
favorablu terms and opou ncoonnta ot bank *
and bankers ,
Bonds nnd County and Olty securities bought
and cold.
In its treatment of customers the most liby
cral policy is pursued consistent with enfold-
and sound banking , nnd wo invite corrwponcfl
encn or personal inquiry in connection there
NBW YOBK , Sept. 20 , Money Easy ad
vanced 2i@3s ; closed 22ic.
Trimo paper 5J@Ci ,
Sterling Bills-Steady ; 4 82 ? ; demand , 1 81 ? .
Governments Steady and higher ,
Jtailxvaya A fraction lower.
Stocks Opened stronp on the imprmed
outlook for a settlement of the railway dilli-
culttos , Pricca advanced to 2&c. In the
afternoon the market way quiet and , firm but
between two and three o'clock n weaker feel
ing prevailed on largo sales of St , Paul , said
to bo for the western account. Keports wore
again current regarding the issue of debenture
bonds by the New York Central. The mar
ket closed weak. Compared with last-night
the closing prices are Jc to Ic higher , except
on St. Paul , Lackawanna , Missouri Pacific ,
Jersey Central , Union Pacific and Pacific
Mail , which are jo to jjc lower.
coni'ONS ,
3's 1001
IVa Coupons 112 }
U.S. new4's 120 |
Pacific C's of'03 12G
Central Pacific 39
Chicago & Alton 130J
do do pfd 115
Chicago , Burlington & Quincy 121
Delaware , Lackawanna & Western. . . . 1081
Denver & Kio Grande lOj
Erie 1 1
do pfd 25
Illinois Central 123J
Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western 15
Kansas & Texas 1" |
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern 75j
Louis villa & Nashville 27j
Michigan Central C2
Missouri Pacific 91&
Northern Pacific 18J
do do pfd t43j
Northwestern S'J/ /
do do pfd 1234
New York Central Ul |
Oregon Trans-Continental 124
P.icific Mail 50g
Pullman Palace Car Company 113
llocklsland 11-tV
St. Louis & San Francisco 20
do do pfd 40
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul . . . . 7J ! )
do do do pfd. . . . 107
St. Paul & Omaha 30j ;
do do pfd M.
TexasPacific 10J
ITnion Pacific DOj }
Wnhasli , St. Louis & Pacific 4
do do do pfd 11'i '
Western Union Telegraph C3 $
O. K.&N 09
* J2x-div. Usked.
CIIICACO , September 2t5. Flour Quiet and
Wheat Unsettled ; fairly active ; opened 3
@Jo higher , advanced trifle , declined go , re
covered § c , closed easy at c over yesterday ;
77 cash and September ; 77V$77g October ; 7 ! > i
@ 7'J3 November ; 81l@81t December ; 81Z.Jan
uary ; No , 2 , red , 70 $ ; No. 3 , red , 05@ < iDi ; re
jected , red , 54.
Corn Quiet ; fluctuations less marked ; Sep
tember opened , ' ! c lower , declined 2c , rallied
2c , closed 3c under yesterday ; October ad
vanced ? c , ruled steady , closed Jo under yes
terday ; the year and Slay about unchanged ;
73 cash and September ; CGJ October ; 4G > j ( < g 10 $
November ; -JOJS)10i ( ) year ; 37J January ;
Oftts Dull and steady ; 25j25J | caslf arid
September-254 258 October 25i@25 | Nov
ember ; 25J@259 year ; 29@2'J1 May.
Ilye Dull ; 55.
Jiarley-QutotG2i@Gl. ;
Timothy Finn ; 2o higher ; pilmo 1J1
Flax Firm : No. 1 , 1 ,33.
1'ork Quiet and easier ; 10 25@1G 50 cash ;
10 50 September ; 17 00 October ; 11 83 year ;
12 07A@12 10 January.
Lard Irregular ; 2025c lower for near and
r @ 10c for deferred deliveries 7 52J@7 55
c.tsh , September nnd October ; 7 20@22S Nov
ember ; 7174S720 December ; 7 22J@7 25
Bulk Moats-Shoulder * G 75li 80 ; short
cloarl050@1055fmort ribs 10 10.
Whisky Steady nt 113.
Butter Quiet and easier ; fair to cholco
creamery 2l@27J ; good to choice dairy 38@
Cheese Firm for full creams : oklum in bet
ter demand ; low grades dull ; choddara , 7 ®
KPTZS Hosier ; 17@185.
lliclcs Fair demand ; green salted bull nt
i ; damaged 6i ; light 8i ; heavy , . 8 ; calf 12 ®
Tallow Quiet ; No. 1 county at 7.
Keceipts and.slitpmonte :
Itcceipts. Sliip'ts.
Flour , bbls 5(00 ( 15,000
Wheat , bushels 100,000 51,000
Corn , bushels 317,000 141,000
Oats , bushels 11)2,000 ) 110,0'JO '
Jtye , bushels 22,000 1 ! ,000
Barley , bushels -10,000 27,0,0
AiTEn.vooN BoAHi ) Wheat JOiJc higher.
Corn-i'"io hiffher.
Oal jl@Jc ; higlier.
1'ork IJncuanged to 2Jo higher.
Lard 2tc higher.
CINCINNATI , Sejitornber W. Wheat
J-'irim-r ; No. 2 red , 7'J.
Corn fabler ; not qnotably lower ; No. 2
Oats I''im ' cr ; No. " mixed 28.
Jlyo I'Jrnii No. 2 67.
Hurley In fair demand ; extra No , 3 fall
OS to 70 ,
1'ork-Qciet nt 17 00.
Lnnl In good demand ; lower ; nt 7 75.
Bulk Meata Katier but notcjuotnbly lower
shoulders GA ; fcliort ribi 10 ] ,
Whisky Active and firm ut 111 ,
1C.VNSAS Cirr. fieptomber 20. Wheat-
Steady ! C h 6Si bid , 59 ankcd ; October 60
Noember GOJ bid , G0 a k d ,
Corn Steady ; cash 13 , Sejitembor I2J , Oc
oberas , May 284 bid.
( Jatu - ' . ' 2 bid , 23 anked.
HT. I/DUIH ruonucz.
ST. LOUH , Septembjr 2G. Wheat hid
cr ; uiiButtledj No , 8 , TO I , 7'.l78o | tor fjsh
70i@80Jo for Hepterabcr ; t2K 82fc for Nov
ember ; 8l ® 8l o for JJecember ; i > 3@ii | ) ]
for May.
Coin Higher but alow ; B8@58Jo for cash
COoatked (5r ( September ; 48Jo for November
35g@35 c I > r the year ; 3CJ@30o for May.
Oats T/owcr and slow2li'S2Co ; for Novcm *
XT ! 25(2i ( 25Jo for year.
1 { yo-Better nt file.
Jarloy Stnndyjj'ilino to fancy GOfflsJc.
Butter Unchanged ; dairy , 18ff25cj ( cream-
rr , a
Kegs . . .
Flaxjeod Steady nt 1 21) ) .
Hay Unchanged.
Bran Steady nt 55@6Gc.
Corn Meal Firm nl2M.
OAI.I. UOAIUI. Wheat Active , firm and
ighor , SOJ for October , S2J for November , S\l \
5S5 for December , nnd 115 for May.
Corn-Firmer ; K < \ bid for September , 4Sf
or October , 39 for November , S5J@35J for the
oar , nnd Slja87 ! ( for May.
Oats Nothing done.
BAI.TIMOIIK , September 2G. Wheat About
teady ; No. 2 western winter red spot SIJ
Corn Western nominal ; mixed year , I ! ) ®
Oats Easier ; western while , 337 ] ; inKed ,
( © 35.
Kyo Higher nnd firm at 00(705.
Kggs Firmer ; active demand ; 20@21.
1'orlc-Quiot but steady ; old , 1724 ; now
Lard Uefinod , 8 00.
Bulk Meats Weaker ; shoulders , U 37i ;
hortribs , 825.
Butter Steady ; western packed , 10@20 ;
rcntnury , lf > @ 38.
Whisky Finn nt 118@110.
MII.WAUKIIK , Soploinbcr 20. Wheat Firm ;
Co. 2 Milvvaukce,751 ; September 75l0ctobor ; ,
( ! ; November , TS\ .
Corn Imctivo ; No. 2 scarce and nominal.
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 white , 20.
Kyo Inactive ; No , 1 ncnrco and wantoJ nt
( Barley Dull ; No. t ! cash , 57 .
Butter 17@21.
F.ggs Scarce at 1G@17.
Lard Tiarco refined , 7 35.
1 lidos Unchanged.
Tnllovv 1ominal. .
NKW 01II.KAX- ' ,
NKW OIILKAN-J , September 20. Coin Dull
n sacks ; mixed , 01.
Oats Western , dull and scarce ; choice , 3Sj. ]
Corn Meal Moderate demand at 2 7003
Pork Steady ; tierce icfined , 7 7SJ@7 78 *
Whisky Steady ; western rectified , 1 05 ©
I'RITS Western fresh , demand nnd [ the
market firm.
Butter Demand fair and prices from 20@
Bulk Moats In fair demand ; shoulders
acked lower nt 7 37i.
NKW YOIIK. Sept 20. Wheat Spot and op.
Ions - @ 3 higher , Closing firm , Itpcclpts
00,00 ° ; exports 20,000 ; No. 2 spring 85un
graded red 80J ; No. 3 led 83J ; No. 2reJ8S ®
'i ; November closing 89jj ,
Corn Spot firm ; options shade lower ; re-
eipts UO.OOO ; exports 18,000 ; ungraded 51@59 ;
No. 2 , GO@G1J ; November closing 5SJ.
Oats Shade lower ; receipts 1)3,000 ) ; exports
O.OCO ; mixed western 31@33 ; white 34@4l.
KKKS Western fresh , demand fair and firm.
Pork Firm ; moderate demand.
Lard Unsettled ; 10@25 ; points lower ;
vostern steam spot 7 DO.
Butter-Stronger ; 10@30.
TOLKDO , September 20. Wheat Opened
dull , closed active ; No. 2 red cash and Sept.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 cash and'Sept. 50 asked.
Oats D.all ; No. 2 , 2GJ asked.
LIVEHPOOL , September 20. Wheat Win-
BroadstulFa Firm , not quotaqly higher.
, er lisgGa Sd.
Corn 4s lid.
CHICAGO , III. , September 20. The Drovers
Tournal reports :
Hogs Itoceipts , 13,000 head ; weak , and
steady on choice grades ; rough packing J > 00
5j5 45 ; packing and shipping , " ) 50@G 00 ; Iteht.
i 10@5 75 ; skips and graspers 4 00@
Cattle llecoipts 8,000 head ; goods grades
irm ; common grades dull ; exporto , 0 50@
7 00 ; common to cboico , 1 75C'10 50 ; COWB
'CO@325 ; stockou , 3 23d'1 20 ; feedeis ,
4 yOg ( > 4 75 ; best range cattle firm ; Wyom
upf , 1 ! ) J@5 20.
Sheep Kecoipta , 3,000 hpad ; dull ,
25c. lower ; medium to choice , 3 00 ®
1 10.
Larnb Per head , 4 00@4 450.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , September 2i' . . C.tttlo
Receipt' , 3,000 head ; exports , GOO ®
! ! ! 0 ; common to choice shipping 5 00 ®
5 SO , cows , 3 00@3 50.
Hogs-Kecfliptj , 5,503 ; weak ; 10@20c
ewer ; 5 305 05.
Shoops lleceipts ; 130 ; quiet ; fair to good ,
i 25 ,
hr. LOUIS.
St. Louis , Mo , September 2(5 ( , Cattle
Receipts , 500 liouj ; demand light , dull ;
3\ports , -0@0 ! 75 ; common to choice ship-
ling , 4 r.O@G 30.
Snoep Kcceipts 000 ; dull ; inferior-
oed , 2 25@ ? 40 ; cholco to extra 3 50@
Lambs Per head , 3 00@4 50.
Uofts-IJoceipts , 2,200 ; active ; Yorkers ,
5 2o@5 50 ; packing , D 20@5 50 ; butchers ,
5 50@5 75.
' ' " r qm ij- .
Friday Evening , September 20. J
The following prices , are charged retailers
ly jobbers , wholesalers nnd commission mer
cbnnta with the exception of grain , which is
quoted at the prices furnMiod bythoelevators
and other local buyers :
Grain ,
Wheat-Cash No. 2 , SOJWJjc.
Barley-Cash No. 2 , ! 8SOc.
Hyo Cash No. 3. 40c.
Coin No. 2 , 53f@54c ; on htreijt , lOo.
Oats-No. 2 , 211@23.
Light fine 13@Uc.
Heavy flno 121 ic ,
Medium 15@10c.
] iurry 2 to 60 olf.Market
Market firm.
Steady ; green butchers' ( i ; green baited ( !
iJ ! : dry Hint 12 : dry salt 10@11 ; damaged
Iudo9 , twu-thtrdn pricti ,
Tallow D@fiJ.
Sheet ) Pelts 25@1 00.
Steer -3502i 75.
Hogs 1 25 )4 ) 5U.
Calves 5 007 tO ,
Flour rind MlllstuHH.
Winter Wheat-Best quality , patent nt 200
@ 3 25.
Second finality 2 15@3 00.
Spring Wheat Beat quality , patent , . -00 ®
315.Hecond Quality 2 15@2 60.
Urnn Itto iwrcwt.
Chopped Foed-i'er 100 Iba. , OOc.
Corn Meal 1 OO'aJl 10 per cwt.
Screening G5S,75o ( per cwt.
Oonouil I'roduco ,
Apples Dull , and receiptcontinue heavy ,
only choice stock saleable at 82.25@2f > 0 ,
Bouns BccoIptH light and demand good
head picked navy , i > cr bu. $2.50 ; medium , 2 00
@ 2 25.
Beeswax -In good demand. Cholco bright
per Ib. 20&28cjcommon to good daik per Ib ,
15a20c. (
Butter Show * a remarkable improvement
Receipts have boon very light and prices ad-
Vftnciup rapidly. Choice table butter was
Bold as hlRh a 20 a 22c ; fair to good 12ul6c
inferior grades 8 a lOc ; frenh creamery uelliiif ,
- " " per bbl. S7.00 ; "York
State" per bbl , ? S,00 ; .per i bbl , § 1,75 ; con
don ed per li . W > c ; crab apple , i > or gal. SFc.
Cheese Full cream , western , I''o ; Wlsoon-
iin now I'-Hc ; young American , 12 n 13c.
ICjfgi Have been sjArco for n tow days and
trices higher ; to diy' ale * , l"c.
0AM4 - 1'rnirlo cbickons slow nt $2 00 a 2 SO ;
snipe , § 1.00 n 1 20.
Hay-Haled S7.00@S.OO loov , " " .00 a
G.OJ.Jelly In 20 and 30 pound p-til" , 0 a 7 $ in 3
, b. jars , per dor , S.60 : nssortod tumblers per
doz. St 20 ; schooner * . JIT do2.00. .
Msplo Sugar 1'nre , In Inicl ; ? , ptr IK lOe ,
Jhio , 13c ; small cakes 12Jc ,
IjKiiors. |
Atoouot 188 proot nlcoJiol , 2 20 t r wlcs
t llon oilrn Callforuln spirits , IBS proof ,
L17 per proof gnllou ; triple refined splrlti
187 proof , 11C per t roof gallon ) ro-dlatlllotl
whldkloa 100@1 50 ; tiuo blended , 1 W2 ) M |
Kentucky bourbonf , 200700j Kon'.noVy
nnd PonnsylvanU rytw , 2 0007 00.
BBANnua Imported,6OOoJlCOOj domeitlo
QiNa luipoitetl , \ 60fl 00 ; domestic , 1 40
@ 800.
HOMS Imported , 4 W > @ 6 001 NowItnglMid ,
1 933-1 00 ; domestic , 1 BtK Jl tO ,
1'Kion AND Arru : BiiANut 17B@ 100.
CtmifAUNEa Imported per case , 28 00 ®
31 00 ; LuiOTlcau , per CMS , 12 OC16 00.
Date iolo , S8cJ42oi (
unlock kid , SOc ; runner We to 75sj hem' '
ctk oali , 65a to 100 ; hemlock xippcr , 22b
to21o oak nppor. 24c ; ftlllgntor , 4 00 to 5 50) )
o U kid , S2@S5 ; Grutnuo kid , 2 in ) io 2 75 ; oak
Wp , 80o to 1 00 : oak c lf , 1 ZQ to 1 80 ; l onch
kip , 110 to 1 E5j French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; njs-
seta , D 60 to 7 50 ; things , C CO to 8 50 top-
35ot No. 1 Ohio oalt , die ; INo. a Uo , S2c ) No ,
IMllwnukeo Sic ; No 2 do S3c.
No. 1 Pitta oak har , 87c ; No. B LMlts oak
Wo quolo lumber , iath and ehlnflltu on cnri
at Omaha nt the following prices !
JOIBT AND SCANTLING 10 it nd under
:200. :
TIMBRRS 10 feet nnd under , 20 00 ,
TisuiKii AND Joisr IX ) ft , BUOJj 21ft ,
25 00.
FiNoma No , 1 , 4 nnd 0 In , , 24 00 ; No. ? ,
SflETTlRa No , l(2d ( common boards ) , 20 00) )
No. 2,18 00 ,
STOCK BOAHD3 A , 45 00 ; B.-JO 00 ; 0 , 35 00.
FLOOUINO. No. 1,40 00 ; No. 2 , 85 00 ; No.
3 , 2500
SIDINO , oloar 27 00 ; No. 2 25 00 ; No. 3 ,
CwiiNa J , 37 00 ; 8. 25
SHINGLES , best 150 ; standard , 3 50 ,
LATH 3 25 per M.
LIHJS POP barrel , 125 ; hnlk per bnshel , SSoj
oamont , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaater , bbl , 2 50 ; hair
nor bu. 50o ; Tarred felt , 100 fro , 3 50 | straw
board 8E0.3
Dry Painu.
Whlto lead , 8c | French zinc , ? | tOo | Perls
whiting , 2io ; whiting gildore , lj > c | whiting
com'l Ho ; lampblack , Qormantown , 14c ;
lampblack , ordinary.lOc ; PruBsian blue , SSc ;
untramarino,18c ; Vandyke , browi , Be ; umber ,
burnt , 4c ; umbor. raw , 4c ; piennn , burat , 4c ;
olonua , ru < , 4o ; Paris green , genuine , 25c ;
Paris green , common,20cchromo ; preen NY.t
SCc ; cnromo croon , K , , 12ci vonnillion , Eng. ,
7Cc ; vernllllon. American , 18c ; Indian , rod ,
lUc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian rod , Oookaon's ,
2c ; Venetian red , American. IJJc : rod load ,
7jo ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c : chromo yel
low , K. , 12cochre rochello. Soochro. ; French ,
2c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's mlnornl ,
2c ; lohigh brown , 21o Spanish brown , 21o ;
Prince's mineral , He.
VAENISHB" } Barrels , pev gnlloni Fn
ture , extra , 5110 ; furniture , No. 1 , 91 ; coach ,
extra , SI 40 : coach , No. 1 , § 1 20 ; Damar
extra , ? 1 75.Tnpan ; , 70onarhaltnm ; , extra , 85o ;
Bhollnc. 03 50 : hard nil finish SI CO ,
LIVB STOCK Beef Oattlo , grass , 100 Ib. 3 00
@ 3 7fi ; sheep , sheard. live , 2 00@3 50 ; dressed
5 006 00 ; calves (560(01775 ( ( ; hogs , llvo , CEO
@G 75 ; dressed 8 50@l ) 00.
Hides. Dry Flint , 10@12c. ; green 4@5c.
green calf 8@10 : ; sheepHklus , dry , 8@10o.
Tallow. 5@Cc.
Wool. Colorado 14@15c. : Colorado heavy
12@13c ; Now JMoxlcan 7@10c.
Ftonn Colorado. 100 Ibn , ; i 7fi@2 CO ; pat
ent , lOOlbs. , 2 7o@300 ; Graham , 100 Ibc
1 7fi ; rye , K100 Ibs. , 2 25 ; buckwheat , bbl
10 00@10 CO ; bran , ton. 12 00@13 00 ; con
ejjl , 100 Ibs. 1 4501 05.
( iBAlN Wheat , 100 Iba , 9.1c ; corn , In sacks
100 Iba , 1 )5@1 20 ; oats , Neb. inked , 100
Ibn. 1,20-211 25 ; barley 100 Ibs , 181 ( ) 35.
HAY Baled , upland , 14 OOO10 00 ; bet
torn 11 Q013 00 ; straw. 900@11 00.
BDTTEB IHnotit , 32@33 ; Nebraska dairy 14
@t5c ; common , C@Rc.
Eoaa Froah , 2 © 2.'t ; ranch , doz , fresh 25
OHCIISE Full cream , ll@15o ; lilmburgor ,
18c ; Swiss , imported , 32c <
PODLTBY Live , chickens old , dor,5 , BO@G 00
turkey , per Ib , , ll'&lGc ; spring chickens
3 50(2)4 ( ) 60 ; droseed Ib , l J20o.
POTATOES 100 Ibs , now , 1 251 30 ; sweet
fer Ib. , 4c.
VKaifTABLEfl Oniono , now , 100 Ibn
103 ; cabbage , new , 100 Iba , 00 ; now
boots , 1 00.
Fuoira Lemons , choice Moesinn , C 00(2 (
8 50 ; apples , bbl , 3 75@4 09 ; peaches 'poi
bor , 2 00 ; wntermelonR , per doz , * B0@7r
pears , per box , 300@350 ; plums , per box
2 CO ; California grapes , 1 75@2 50 per
MEATS Hams , Ib , 141@14J ; bacon , break
fast. 14Jrt914 ic ; lard , m tlueo , . Ib , 10J
Imoked eldea , 12J@13. ' ,
, Fian Mnokerel , No.l , 140 , Jdt. moan
17C2 25 ; California salmon , half bbl , 10 50
Holland herringkw-1 60l 75 : trout , po
11) . 17@18n
SI. . Paul , . Minneapolis and
The now extension ol tula line from WnlcfielJ np
through Conconl and Colorldi
Ilenchoa the hosi portion ol the fjtnte , Special ex
curslon rates ( or land ttoLora over thin lltio t
Wayiid , Norfolk nnd ItartlnKtnn , ' and via Blair tu a
principal points on tlio
Trains over tht 0. , St. 1' . M. It 0 , Hallw.iv to Oov
iifrton , Bloux Ulty , 1'ouc-a , Hartlnntoti , Wayne and
Norfolk ,
< E9oz 30.00 * < * * 3SX .li-
or Fremont , Oakda.c , Noltgb , aud through to Vl
cn i U > and all Information call on
V I' . WJIITNKV. llencir *
cblclo nitlr.
wlib ouonrr-
Frn l enBfriiihorteiia ordlnlathoniililirlihey
carry. Equally wulfiuiapuia to ruii-b country
roadsnfllinedrlveiofcitlei. Manufaclurrdnrji
, Sceon
Measure , Wcieher
1) t e d is o r , K i c e
Wither , 'i omalo
1' , btarch
Wine and 1'rul
Strainer. Twclvo
articles lii one ,
Otei' : : ' . Catl.
ttcra ol I thin al
btherbievci an < l blflrr
llkcillieul Wo make
ft liaoa an 1 power
( or catalogue ,
Co , Cincinnati , O. , 41
C n ISl.Nc Vuk.
Azcnts wanted for ou
Xltclien Sxclaltl i am
Gor , 15tli & Dodge Sts ,
Do Not Forgot the Plnpc to 13uv
Improved or Unimproved
AcrflVTOpctly , f tmi > , ta lc o ftloMnrcnlikhouio
.1x0 lieu o ronieil , to buy n hou o , Ml the ono sou
iiue , liiuotliatltlo looked l'i licf(1f limchiMliiK ,
he p per tn ilo after ton hvo | nircM eil , or MI )
otnthl work ilono. The plaoo to go U to SCATS AWe
Wo hixvfl li m lns In > cry putt of the city nn < l If
rro fell to tliul plkoe to suit ) on , j on imittito nut
! Jo of r\cbr ein to find Olio , M wo ( ill on caty tcriM ,
And In
jtio mile west of the High School , wo will
ell loU from fSM to ? 000 ft lot , nil on monthly
iijraonta or will discount , for all oath , ami
no miles tiotth of the Posllofllco wo soli lots
torn J.'OO to J350 small vmjmont down aiul ton or
.noiit } ' dollars per month , or for a mml ! jiajnivnt.
Ao will pdljtmnlot nud build JOUA homo ami jwi
can pajr for tt by the mouth , so itcp pajirK 'cnt
anil anil jouronii house ami get tin ) aihauURo of
to rise Inpiopctty.
south an J west from the Post onico. Lots In this
KiMltlon sell from S476to JitOh | ll c th ami tno
curs on bnlanco.
Ml In the north r rt of the olty.
* on Sherman oxonuo the popular ilrho to Fort
milm. Lots In this addition are { OoJ to (060 oil
ituty terms , Lots In
on the rovl to the p&rk are sold enl cwy lornis , nnd
Bonswouay WOCAII Boll Jon In any putt of thoclt )
, nd on easy terms as ono could wish.
s no think the nicest aero property on the market
nly t\\o miles fiom the city and for 8125 an
a nearly all sold , hut wo still liavo ten acres in this
addition for nalo andean makogood tirins. Oood
'or September
No. 478 Sl.DOOj 2 lots on doorRlnavonuo a corner ,
n Ilanscom place $300 cash and Xjcars tlmo. A bar
rain.No. . 480 81,000 ; Lot 66x180 on Sherman arcnua ,
onoblock from Car line , tno frum school east
rent , choice.
No , 220-$25M , 2 nlccjrcsldonco lot 1 in Shlnn'a add ,
ono on corner , terms \eiy easy and cheap.
$2,200 100x140 In Terrace add. corner , and near
car llno.bargaln.
$1,200 44x132 on Chicago St. , between ! 4th and
22th ntco place to bufld a cottnRO.
Acre property In Park place from 1,600 to S2.COO ,
and nn easy terms.
No. 222 $2,600 , Two lota and house of 4 rooms In
BoHcrv'i Hill addition , KOOilBhatlo and fruit trees &a
small pa > incut down and tlmo.
No. 100-J4.000 , Ono lot and tuohouteion Jackson
troot between 17th and 18th St. , and i block from
St Man's car lino.
No. 102 $2 , COO llousoof 0 rooms In T/wca add. on
nil lot ono block from car line , a nlco place and sold
cheap on easy terms.
$10.000 takes a two story house nnd two acres o
ornamental grounds and ono of Omaha nicest places ,
and sold oil easy terms , satl.faotory to thohujcr ,
Nice huMncss lot on Dodge street to tell.
Nlco business lot on Hurt street to sell orleaao.
Thcso are a few bargains from our cxtensUe il ti
ml by calling at our olllco or writing us o will gho
any Information In our lino. Wo are taking charge
ot property for non-residents , asollm transacting
lie business for our own ton tinman and any business
ntrusted to our care nlll bo done to } our satisfaction
no think.
Cor. 1 5th aud Dodge Streets.
f. Gleet andSyphilisin nil their
'complicated forms , nlso al' '
' the Skin nnd
- - . . .vy ' y -v/inj > tctt. Seminal
Weakness. Kifht Losses ty Dreams ! , Pimples on.
> : c race.Lost Manhood. jKW/Mi'o/wciireil.T/.tTd /
.siincxrerlinititintt * 'Ills appropriate re.r.rrty
, nt once used In cacilcasi ; . Consultations , per-
onal or bv letter , LScredly confidential. Ivied-
-uti sent bv Mall and Express. Nomarkuon
Lit-aEC to indic.ttzcontentu or tender. Address
jiv.lAirtES.No. 2U4Washinfl5on SL.Ciiicago.lll ,
* iis\ m&M
y ihoenrol put lion of Itn line , connoctn tlio
' * ! and the Wi 4i I , , < lit > iiliorlortroulcnnitcr.r-
, u r > iurciiKoi . * ttiout i-tunao of earn , bt-tvnoii
1 i i mi > nil' ) Kan < i Uny , Council Oliilln , f.tnvon
w rin AtiMiuin , Allunca [ > eli nnil III. .I'.uil. I"
-on n-lnin Uu'on ' Dci > rU tvllh ml tun pllntlniil
m. aof raid lie worn ill i All.mug nail Ilia J'acmu
Ji. 111 Ha uiju prii i i in "in vnloU miu rinr.iiin.
i nt. krinit caiipoti-'t ul Won UuinlortAbiu nnil
i t I'lul ' Day Cvjaclici , Alaunilloont Ilorton lie-
jln nic Clialr I'JM Vu.Inn n' . oiliest J'nlncc
jfi > , u > n Ctrl , unit iir lli , t ' " < " ( Illnmi : Cnri
it Hi" WoiU' VlirroVromi . . f o l
, Ij.lotirl ( Fuel3'oint TW" - - - * - - M n ( ; ) > N
i o ajcl 7JiuncjiollD | and SI. * , rn * .Mu "Mauu
A UcwnnU IJiiort LIUB.iitOcncca nml Knnlin
< . < . . . HIM rrtoully licinii oi'cooil Lctweir ' ,
Jcilol.Kuwi ! > oii Iffuu. ( lliiinaniOf'a , AtaiU-.Ati.
ui ! , KaiihvilK-Iotiliivilli.-li''XiiMiionUlniliinatl
Iiidiiiimpnll i u-iil 1 , 1 1. in , c , mirt Oiuuna , illiintap-
olirt nnil Ht I'aul ami imcrnu'tilnti } poiiilu.
All aiirouch iJccra'i'rJivil on 1 uu
Tic , -In tar Kile n , nil rrineipalTloXot OlUcci In
tlio United Ulr.l < t nnd Uauadu.
OrfflKO eli l il'r.ili . unit rnio of faro
way * at low at t J otltr 1 ( 3
e'er rictallcit I Jluruiatlon.cet Iho Mu | t aud Volt ! *
re of the
t your i'f ' arti.t 'Ii'.Xcl O'llco.or urldroiu
, f ? . OAULf. , : . OT. JOHN ,
'fill ; . Old 1 ft. UiBlTtl Afui. t.
0 , T. PAII.HON , I'joprli-tor.
Rcntcmonb' ! Cloth'n ' Cltanod , IJtd tint lUpilreil
lAdion' DriiMOn U.canfil and I > ) cd , wlthuiit Illp'l | i {
I'luiiiii CUuntil or ColoriM any nhailu , to caujilu
' -llku , Vthctnanc Lucca ClcinuJ , l > 'td and Ito-llu
1212 Douglas Street , - OMAJIA , NKD
MILLS i < ° >
- Write forKrr
404 Farjiam St.OMAHA
Liimls , Improved Farms and
Stock Farms in Douglas , Cais , Codnr
Knnco , Tlmyor , und Howard
For Sale ftSxM feet on 18th drect , near liar
noy , room tor nhrlok block , of fonrstorcs nhlch
ould rent readily. If not sold within CO Oius
It nlllbonltlulrann and built upon. South
44 ft , corner alloy MtOO. Inside 44 ft. , $5,250.
43 for Sale A bargain , bSxlSZ tt on 14lh St , , neat
Jones St. Call and sea us In regard to this prop
rrty wo hao n liargaln for on ,
11- For Halo Oood husliiots lot on Ctnulng 8t ,
0013' ! feet (0,000.
04 For Halo lmiiro\cd Farnam streetpropcrtneat
12th street , 817,000.
17 For Salo-40xl3i | foot , splemlld brick lmpro > 0'
incut , M gixxl Imnliicoa HR Is In the city 810,000.
23 For Sale Klegant corner on street car line , 33i
00 store , tn o story , and basement 1S > 40. Qood
location , fO.Ctfl.
IS Fur Solo Splendid business corner on 13th 8t ,
lot 00x125 , Btoro building and tarn bargain
7 For Sale A buslnCM property for ? i3,500 yield-
Ingn ilih Inoomoof 15 per cent , not on Inxuut-
53 For Sale On California , close to Holt line lot
84x132 , two story housoandbarn , (3.500.
'or Sale withiMilo n Ilalf-of Poatoflioo
No. .
45 Honsaandlot . . ,9 0,000
S33 - House and lot 3,500
J32 House and lot 2,800
J32 | House aud lot 2,600
100Houso ami lot 2,000
289 HOUBO and lot 8,200
02 Housoand lot 12,000
01 Two Houses 12.COQ
03 House and lot 3,503
83 Hoiiso and lot 2,200
79 House and lot 4,000
72. House and lot 8800
38 Uousoand lot 4,500
33 House and lot 2,500
' > 9 House ami lot [ 0,500
57 House and lot 0,500
68 House and lot 4,600
35 House and lot 0,000
mt-Housoand lot ' . 3,800
55 House and lot 5,000
NSl-Houso and loj 3,000
40 Housoand lot 12,000
33 llouso ami lot 0,600
Icaidoncoa for aalo within n milo clrcloof
Poatollico and outside of Half Milo.
339 Hoiifonndlot 82,800
07 HoiuoandSIota 0,000
33 House and lot 3.600
J33House and lot 3,000
30 llouso and lot 2,600
31 House and lot 2,600
30 House and lot 2,100
23 House and lot 1,700
IS House and lot 2,260
70 House mul lot 8,5 0
303 House and lot 1,560
308 House and lot 3,004
8001 House ami lot -.000
176 House and lot 2,800
130 lloiuaandlot ,3V )
203 House and 2 It'tl 3.10U
291 HousiJ and lot 1,700
273 llouso and lot 2,500
283 House and 1st 4,000
281 Homo and lot 2nflO
ftrUcmdenco lots In all parts of the city and al
idditbuH. Aero properly near the city. I'rlciaat'il
Warranted 5 Years.
1'2H. IMli Onmli .Street ,
men "Poisoned with 1'otanh. " Tills (9 ( tlio
MAY with liundrcdH who Imvo boon unwise
enough to taku H rsaiarlllan | , 1'otoidi mixtures , eta ,
until illirvstlon U almost fatally linpircd , Nnllta
) | Kclflo la a vkKotablo remedy , and ro torc8 thu ) it
em to health and builds up tlio wastu made by thtso
"I HID BiilTrrlnc wllh Illood Poison , and treated
tovcral months with Mercury and 1'otai-li , oily tu
irevko ni vvorac. The 1'ot.wh tnnlmnay my apjiotlto
and Kavn int > dHicwla | | , and liuth vavoinu rlicium-
iltui. I then lee ) ; > > ar | > arllla , elc. All tlicHo made
no still \uiruo. tu It droru tlio'poltiiin far tin r Inlo inv
system' A frlond ln i ted 1 should take Bu If I'D Hpccl.
( c , anil It cun l u.nol tlio Ilload 1'olnon , druvo tlio
Hurcury and I'otaxli out of my jstcni , mid tn day I
un as well us I mdrttiu " QUO. O. WKI.I.MAN , Jr. ,
t&lcni , lla
Jolin A.HnilUi.llm larK tincrchnnt In tlilnentlllo.
Oa uvji : " 1 sem-rod for > oaru from the combined
ilfoUsof KrjBlpUaa anJ Kc/cma. I continued to
flow WHO untlt r trcatinont and by taking
uiilirltio iiontalnliiK I'utaih. H. H. H cured mo tlior-
oiiKlilyandHliKiilntcly. .My aiipotlto , utroiiKth and
loth returned I naa cur ul with It , "
Our TroatUa on Ulood and Bkln Dleeasea mailed fioe
annllcanta to
Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Oa.
.7. f. ODlro , 1(9 W. 22d Kt. , lictwuon Dili and 7th
AvcuiicH. rhlladolulila olllco loa ( 'histniit t.
a fill UU < TiVdV ! Ub i5 !
uuooaasoit TO UAVIB ft i
Connr lit
toms& M
iii at
Jlnf lor e l' < 00,000 rjiMr r ( Qlly EdeotcJ lind
ri liMturu N bnulr , t low inleo nil on tmj tarm .
Itoiiruvea itrutq icr ctlo In Doutjln , UoJiro , Colin
PUtto , Hurt , tuuiInK , Bum , WnatUcKtoo , lloilcl
uiidora , tnl llutlor Jounilua.
T4X91 juld In nil l it9 u ( tbu BUI *
Money la iixl ( en luijirovoU ( * nna.
Notiry i > utiiioa'WB ' > 1 ' " offict > Correnpoudcnc
Dr. . Amelia ; Burroughs
OFfflOB AND IlE8ltKNOK' ) '
1617 Dodgei St , , f Omaha
1515 Farn it.
11011 191 SAMKlccant ! residence On FarnnmSt ,
11on blocVi frrm | iostolllc < > , ccrncr lot , 07J feet
south front , Jmtpn now grade ; house 11 room * , with
c\ery modern lm | > ro\omcnt , fJ.COO cosh , liilanco on
four j cart' time , IUnnln.
1'OITKIl & COlin , 1615 Karimm St.
ITlOIl'SAt.K 101 Tlirce flno brick resiliences on
I1 14th street , between Doilgn and KArnam. All
modern Imrrincmonts , ciut front , and ts ln\cstme&t
will pay 10 | > crc nt net Ono hill tnsh , balance on
long tlmo.
TOTTKll & COIJII , 1515 K-vrniun Ht.
FOU SAl.K 105-Klno rc'ldonoa on ML I'lcasant
n\oniio , 1 | blocks on 1'Atk axonuo , It room. , all
modern lini > ro\cincntii. Uit bO feet south front.
ItArgaln. rrlro # 7,000.
rormi & COllI ) , ICIS t'arnam St.
SAt.K 180 IIou o and lot On OoorRh are-
line , one.lull block south of HI. U-xrj's avenue
Hi root car line , full lot. house now , 8 roomj. Chciii ,
( u.eoo
t'OTTKIl &CODI1,1MB I'MirtmSt.
SAIi-172-lMxI3J : feet Mil front , on llth
1 street , near Arbor , with house G room * , stable ,
out buildings , aliado and fruit trees Will 1 > sold at
al > arialn. rOTTKIl&COUll , 1515 Karnam St.
FOU 8AT.K 10) South and cut corner 65x130 ,
wlthnlx room homo , now , sludaanil fruit trccH ,
frirdcti , tlnncra , oto. , on CharlcD street , Slilim's SrJ
vldltlon , 82.600 , llArRnln.
rOlTKIt A UOlin , 1515 F nam 3 > u.
[ 7 0118AI.E 139 House 0 roomn , nlco lot on C6th
I ; utreet one-halt block north ot SU Marj's a\emio.
rlco { 3,400. Kasy terms.
POTTKll & COUU , 1515 Farnam St.
710H SALE 140 House 7 rooms In flno repair , on
J full lot , eouth front , on Douglas street , near
5th. Price | 4000. ; Vaiy terms.
P01Tiil : & COUI1,1515 Karnam SI.
[ j ORSALK 144 rino house , 10 rooms on 21st' ,
( nil lot , corner nontli and east fronts , ono block ( ill
trectcnr line , nlco Kroumls. Prlco 87,500. Kagy
eriug. 1'OITKH k CO 111) ) . 1515 Faruam St.
F OR BAIK-l < H-lIalf lot , goo
IIOUBO , bain , etc. 1'rlco $1,000 , one-hall cosh
rorrnii & couu , IDIB
Tpoil aAt.K 183 Two houses , 7 room ; , unJ loU In
1 llorlmch'a tut adilltton , compiratlvolynow nJ In
goal ( linpo. 1'rlrci J2.300 , S2.700 ,
1'orreuft conn , IBIS Fflmam St.
FOH SAt.BOooil < hnuno , lot 45xl3S on ll m.
llton etrcct. birn , outbulMlnKn , K,000 ) Easv
terms. I'OTTKIl & COUn , 1516 F rn m St.
IiMMSAT.K 171 Lot south front 00x183,5 room
' eoltnijo , l Bld n clouds and bath room , many
kinds ot frulU , nhado trof , cUi , 33,200. Kasy tcnos.
rOTTKIU : COUU , 1515 Farnam St.
I poll SAT.K-T/its tn llllldJo aodltloni , best tn the
1 city tor residences.
I'OTTEU & COD11,1515 Faioam St.
I7 > OH SALK tots , vftoant nj Improved , In
1 pitta ot the city. Call on
l-yrriil : , t COIUI , IBIS Farnam St
F ; Oil SAtjl * Ijotn at Intersection of Farnam street
and Ixiwa a\enue , at from $100 to (500 each , $25
cash and Jlo per month.
POTTKU & C011U , IMS FarnaraSt.
EOIl SAI.B 590 acres 1 | mile ) south of Union
stork janK Will sell 80 , ICO , 240 or 320 acres In
iKxly. I.aml ImproTcd , homes , barns , orchards , cto. ,
eto. llargaln ntfroml,1 to $55 per acre. Termi
\ cry easy. 1OTTEU & GOBI ) , 1516 Farnam St.
FOU SAI.E 50000 acres of land In Choyonnocoun *
ty , Nebraska , at $3.00 per aero.
POTTKU &COQU , 1515 rarnamCt.
I | OH 'BAU' 6,000 acres of good land In doepot
1 county , att9.60 per acre.
POTTER &COUD.1515 Farnam ctrcer.
T710H SALR Several sections In Dawson county at
J ? (0.50 per acre.
acre.POTTKU & C01ID , 1615 Fatntm St.
fTtOR HALK 10.000 acres ot dcslroblo land In Don.
J ? glas. Harpy , Cumlng , Nance , Morrlck , UuOJalo ,
Kearney , Iliajer and Lincoln counties.
POTTEH & COUU 1516 Farnan St.
1515 Farnam St.
Proprietors. Superiunndent
letfvated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth
fS. ii * . mmi- y . . . . .
S. ffrt'l - ! ! * Ut'fJ.l'll * " ! MiJ& *
"We are prepared to furnish planB aud estimates , nudwill contract for
the erection o Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing *
Flouring Mills , from Stoua to tlio Roller System ,
Qd Especial attention given to furnishing Powder Plants for any pur
pose , and estiiuaiesmado for some General machinery ret/airs / attended
promptly. Aadrofis
® CLARKE , Omaha.Neb