2 OMAHA JMII/V JBliJJI - FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 26. PRINCIPAL LINE rnoM CHICAGO , FEOIII A. & ST. LOUIS , nv WAY OP OlIAHA AND LINCOLN TO DENVER , Oil VIA KANSAS CITY AND ATOHICON to DENVER. | fr Connecting In Union Depots nt Kansas City , I Omaha nnd Denver with through trains Tor if' , And nil points in the ( Ircat Wcit. Connecting in Gmml Union Depot nt Chicago with through U-nlnn for I'- ! NEW YOUK , And all ClHc * . ; AtPcorla with th trnlni lor Indlnnnp. oils , Cincinnati , e , nnd nil points in the South.Kast. At xiuU with throuijh trains for nil points Day ( Joanhos , 1'nrlor Cnrs , with Ilo. . ( seats tree ) , Smoking Cnrs with lltovolvlng Chain ) , Pullman 1'alaeo Sleeping iUnrs nnd the famous C. II. > Vj. Dlnlim Curx run dally to nml from Chicago nnd Knnnoa City , Chlcnfroand Council IllulU : Chicago nnd De ? Jlolnex , Chicago , HU Joseph , Atuhlson nnd \v \ Topclm without change. Only through line runnl.iB thulr own Inilni between Chicago , Lincoln and Denver , nnd Chicago , Knntmi Oltv nnd Denver. Tlirouph cnrs between Indianapolis nnd Council Hunt's , via 1'corln , OOINO 2VOUTII AND SOUTH. Solid Tmlns of Klegnnt Day Conches nnd I'nlliimn 1'nlaco Sleeping Cnrs uro run dally to ' nnd from St. Louis ; via JIannllml ; Ouliicy , $ Kcokuk , Ilurllngtou , Cedar ItnpidH nnd Albert " J.reitoSt. Paul nnd MlnncaiMills ; 1'nrlor Cnrs , It" with Ilccllnintr. Clmlra to nnd from Ht. I.oul nnd 1'corlo. uiilyonnchnn oof can between Ht. Louis nnd DC * Molncs , lown , Lincoln , Mo. liraskn , nnd Denver , Colorado. It Is nlso the only Through Line btlwcon JST. LOPIS , MINNEAPOLIB and ST. PAUL , Ills known ns the jrrcnt TIlltOUUK OA1I IjINK of America , nnd Is uulvers.dly ndmlt ed to bo the 'lincst Ejulppoa Eailroaa In the World foi all classes of Travel. Through Tickets via tills line for wile nt ni' ll.lt. coupon ticket olllcoa Intuo UnltodSlnto ! ftndCnnada. T. J. rOTTBR , PEUOEVAL I.OWKI.L , Vlot-1'rca.jLOtn.lltuactr. Otn.J' .1 NEBRASKA o ox OK BIUTIUCE , NE1IIIABKA. The Pioneer Mutual Benefit Association In the State of Nebraska. It Is co-operative In Its working and all members havoavolooln the management by vote at the an. Its aim Is to benefit Its own members , their widows , . and orphans , In cato of death , accident , sickness or I. total permanent disability of & member , at Actual ooet with economical managcmint. Arcllilrfo homo assoclttlon. Active and reliable aconts wanted to canvass for members In NobroaUa , Kansas and Colorado. Address , S. MoDOWALL , Secretary and General Uanagcr , * i \TRIUB , - - - NEB. HON. U. W. 8 , a SSIITir , President. Treasurer 1 rpni ? nil ! BPTTAUTl ? iiHi ULIJ MLlADLli ! THE BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COL- LENDER COMPANY , ( SUCCESSORS TO THE J. M. B , e B. 00. ) The mod extensive manulacturen ot IN TUB WOULD. John Hocketrasscr General Agent or Nebraska aud Western Iowa. f 6088. Tenth Street 1 . . . . OMAIIA , NED eSTtlcoi of Billiard and Pool Tables and materials lurnlshed on application. U Western Cornice-Works , AND BL b " d , SPEGHT , PROP , till Dooglu Bt. Onuba , Nib. UAHUrAOTUBKU OF Galvamzoa Iron Cornices tSTDormcr Windows , TitiUlu , Tin , Iron and Slate , noonni ; . Bneont's 1'atent Mctalilo Hkyllght , 1'atont adjusUid Itochott liar ami llraoket HhuHIng. I am the ( -enrral icunt ( or the above lluo cl coodi. Iron Cretilngl , F nclnlUluitnuli | ) , Veraodon , Iron l ! r. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OP POST OP PORT D. A. RUSSELL-WYOMING. I I'LATTII , r QUlnTKIlUAHTKIU OMAIIA , Nrn. , Kcptcmbvr IBtli , 1831. Scaledpropound , In triplicate , lubjoct to the illual condition ) , will buroceUud at tmijollleo until U a ; ni. Saturday. October 18th , 1831 , at which tlmo and place they w 111 bo opened In prviciico ol blkdvrsfor lumUhliiL- material * and coottructlng In accor dance with plain , Bpoclflcatloin and drawings , , tbo follow Ing described building , viz ; 0 Oompany lliuracka , B Beta Non-oominUiloned Odlccri Quarter * . 1 S U Held OHlccn Quarter * 0 Hot * Captain * Quirier * . 1 Ooiumlwury llul'dlniiR. ' . 1 Quartc-rinaiitcr lu.U Uit' 1011 Howw. \ Kimliio llouto , and 1 liikc Ilou to bo ol brick. Altu , the following olwocd. 1 Uulliiuig for Workihopi , and 1 Ion House. Thc o bulldln ) ! tolw locatul on bltei to IKI tul M i'ort 1) . A , lluiui.ll , Wj oiuliiK , Tim work tu Ixj comuienuod by Octolr 2Cth. ur ni 10011 thorvaftu M CODtractaare cornilitixl. | Two K'U IlarracLi , and two rein dtiitalni Ovurton to lie o > iii-ic-t | | l liy lice. 31 t , Ib9l , and the tviiuliilng hulldluiri by Junv 30 , Ib85 U practicable. IVopukalaiiiaybenuidoforfiUicrorall of the build- CK , ' the jirlco of cuch to bo UUil ( ojiaratcly , 1 jick jiroiKual inuit IKJ accoimuiilod by R guaranty In the vumof 1 5OCO , executed In accordance with fnnua furnUhod bythUcjttloo. I'rdvruicu k'ltcn * ° siilcloi uf domotlo pioductlnn and inanutacturu rouJILIoiui o ( price and quality bvliiK txual | , and until jiftlcrtncotjlifu tourtlUco ( American production undnuiiiufiicture produced OI1 the 1'jcllin coast to the titout of the cii > uuij > tloi < rixjulridbtlioputllont - \lw tbcrc- Ttic Uovtrnmtut rv criat the rlgV.t to reject any or all l'lil vt | < arU tlitrtol. I'loim and tjKdIlrutlouii liny bo HH.II and cxanilucd at tlilaolllfc. liliiiU prciotoiU and liutructloni at to biddin g , tenui vi luintract , payment , and circular gttliiK ull iufDriuation ki blddi-rii , will | )0 furuUhed on tloii to thU ulllca. . , . KtmlojH * containing proj > oxa'a to l < o inurkvd 'uropcwaU for cotutructlun at l-'urt 1 > .A. lluwcll , IrywuIuK Territory , " and oddruutod to the iude flijuBa. aiJ. IMN1JV , Chlif Ouirtvnuutcr , A FZNE LINE OF 0. flum ( I . . AT Tin : ONLY KXOLUSIVI : IN OMAHA , NKB. C.A.WILSON.M.D. ( Faculty 1'rlto Medial College of Ohio. BrBCIAtTT PILES , FISTULA , And other Dboatot o ( the Anas and Rectum. 120 S. 14th St. Cor. Douglas OMAIIA , NKB. ere ediuid wtf HAMBTJKG-AMEBIOAN IRECT LINK FOR ENGLAND , rilANOK AND ( JElUiANY. The itcamahlni of t.Mi well-known line are built o Iron , In water-tight compartments , and are furnlih ed with every requisite to make the passage both lalo nnd agreeable. They carry the United State and European malls , and leave Now Yorks Tlmra days and baturdaj-B for I'lymoiith ( LONDON ) Cher bourfC , ( PAUIS ) and 0AU11UMO. Rates : First Cabin , 9.15 , (06 and $76. Steerage , t2 < Henry Punilt , Mark Hanson , K .E. Mooros.il. Toft agontaln Omaha , Oronowlcn a 8cioontgcnaffcnt ) lr Council Bluff. . 0. ] ) : RI01IARD & CO. , Oou. 1'ag ARU. , 01 BroaJwav , H. Y. Cbas. Kotmlnnkl & Oo Qencral Weitein Aginta , 107 Washington 8U , Cbloi BO.I11. Anil Uodlspntcd In the BROAD CLAIM ol Wcgtle VERY BEST OPERATINa , QUICKEST SELLING AND Ever ofTcrcil to the public. THE OHLY TRUE IRON TONIC Wlllpnrliytlio DLOOD.'rcira. lulo the LIVER mill KIDNEYS , and IIKHTIHIC Till' UKAiTJt and VIGOR of YOUTH. Uyi- ant of Appcllto , In * ii , I.uck or Btrcimth. and Tiref ellHK absolutely curud. Hones , muscles ana nerves rccclva nuwforco. JJi.Mvrns tlio mind and Snlfcrlnglrom coinplulnu 9 pciuiillnrto their BPX will Ind InDK.IiSiatTEH'fllJ'.ON TONIO nrnta nnd pocdy euro. < lilvca u clour , liuolthy comiilvxlon. 1'roqiiont attempts at on''Wrfi'UInK only add o tlio popularity of the original. Uouotoxpcrl- UOIIt guttho OltHIINAI. ANIllllCST. f Hcndyournddr aitoTbfllr. ] Iartn IStIx > tili , Mo. , for our"DIUA I I1OOIE. " llof BUtuyjornjdUBoIul.lnlonnatJon.freo. , Boyal nnilTT.B , Mall Btoamors SAILING EVERY SATURDAY , HEW YORK AND ANTWERP TheltMnt , Oermtny , Italy , Holland and Franct Steerage Outward$20 ; Prepaid from Antwerp , Us ; excursion , 930 , Including bedding , ete.Jd Cabin , $60 ; llound Trip , { 00.00 ; Excursion , 8100 ; Saloon from JSO lo (90 ; Exourslou 110 to 8100. VPetor Wright ft Sons , ( Jon Agents. BO Broad' nay N. Y. Caldwell. Hamilton ft Co. , Omaha. P. K. Fled nan it Co. , S03 N , 10th Street , Omaha ; D , K. Klin all , OinahaA nnts. od-ly Horlloi' . roe < l tor Iifaatt htl tared tuaav llfei , " wrllil .v.lip erju . , , . " ' ii n. " and Jlccnli. Bent - btuall fur amount lu ampa. Ilorllla' > li > i > dl'o.Ilaflai.)1U. OMAHA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY CKOUNSE'S BLOCK , Cor , IDth and Capitol Avenue , treats all cases Crip pled or Detormcd , altodUeasos ot the Nervous System , Blood , and Urinary Organs , All casca of Cumturo ot the Spine , Crooked Feet begl audArms , AUoChrnnlaafTtctlonsofthe IJter , Hheurnatltm , 1'araljili , riles , Ul i , Catarrh , Abth- uia and Bionohltli are all treated by new and suo- cesiful inetbodi. All illaoaBes of tno lllocxl and Urin ary Ortfauf , Including thomi rimuHIut from Int Iscro- tlon.or exposure , are aleli aud suocoutully tieattd anil a euro guaranteed , Youni ; men , uiludle agml , aud all men suBorlnir from Weakness and Norton * exhaustion , producing IndlKotlon , Palpitation ol the Ifcait , Dvipondeucy r > ltzli\esi , Ixin of UeuieryLack ol Kncruy and Ambition , can be [ ( stored to health and vigor , If cato Is not too IOUK ncjloctol. Tlio Huruton In cbaiu'o l H graduate of Jcffor * ton Medical College ( IBBi ) atj bas studied hli profctjjlon In I nJun , Paris and llcrllu. II alllUtod , call or rite full description cf j our ooae , and medi cine may t o sent ) ou. Consultation free. Addreis Onuha Uliiionsary , Crounso's Hlock , Omaha , Neb. Ottlco bourn 10-1S a. m.,1-3 aoid 7-8 1 > , m .Sundays. 9-10 a m. irOxdvn llouto , Council Bluffi , 6aturda > i to 7 p. m M , U , PHYBIOIAK STTEGEOH , Ilosldenea No. 1107 JOOM St , Ofllw , No. IUX > Par am 8 .OffiM hour * IS m. to I p , m. and rout S to p.m. 7 lcpba lit o2c V7 , r el'lenc , 1-6 Tlio Xcst ot Fitness. Decjily Icnrncd , fresh from ncliool , Cdintd mynll-nccomiill'licrl daughter ! Newly freed from booll li nilf , Kny , u-lint wtrdnm have they taught hot ? 'Olopiw I cnro not for , Myftio tciunce , clfi'Mc lore , Ko flio It but ftkillcd tuotigli in Homely nrts to bnl < e my inullin. Knows i > lie , ni lior mother knew , Ittclpcs nnd quaint tllrccUons ; How to Imkc , to boil , tu flew , Dainty foods nnd nice confections ? Or , nn others of her PCX , Jiorn nnd nurtured but to vex , Scarcely known thn of nidi ntulf In Nixturn nn unbnkcd mndin ? Hnvo they Irainod her to pursue 1'iutimcs merely ornnmenlaU And , with jirinccly rotlnnc , To oxpnnd n KoUichild'a rental ? Can the nothinf ? do but dnnco. 1'nint on china , dream romance ? Well , perhaps I grow too rough in Expectation of my mullin. Came , thon'pretty maid , nt once I'rovo my jealous fears unfounded , JInkn mo own myself the dunce , All my RlboA on envy groundo/l , Yet ono warning word believe , Mind of man can naught conceive So unconqnerablQ tough in Human ken , as half-cooked inullin , [ Philadelphia Journal HONEY FOH UK The Rcnlnkln eacquo approaches , All shades of brown are in liign favor , The iongpclliso.slyllshlymado'nnd trimino is a favoillo autumn wrap for the llttl mMdono , 1'okcH nro going out of style , but n vor pretty little bonnet , Romcwhnt almilar , haB box-plaited rim. ' Waist makes want , " tenderly warbled th yomitf husband when his wlfo asked him tor § 15 pair of corsets. Man proposes , Gnd disposes ; but it taken woman with her hair down to be Indispose when anybody calls. The man who will mlnplaco his wife's ben Rwjtch no that tlio kitten can got to play wit it is a monster of the deepest dye , L'all styles in dress goods and hats nro jus coming to light. Cnmol's hair goods an cljoviota give promise o ] attaining fnvur. A thing of beauty may bo 'a joy forever But no irmn thinks BO when ho sees his wif fUli the picture of a beautiful actress out of hi Intldo pocket. A northern Toxaa editor complains that th number of inarringeH Is lidictilously Binnj when compared with the tlmu squandered ii buggy-riding. | ] ' Alpaca is again in faohion , and the very fie and ( excellent quality of the now brands wil doubtless Insure the material against long-sua tallied unpopularity. Illusion , pain and dotted , U worn about th nock and arranged at the throat in th fern of n butterfly'swings , The pins used in the center nro bugs and butterflies. Now styles in jewelry are in the form o birds and animals for pins and hairpins. J neat brochccis a small silver scroll , with r marine , view oupravcd on it and inlaid will gold , The latest thing in note paper is hem itltched. You would almost take a shoot o t for a fine linen hemstitched handkerchief 5omo have letters in the corner to rcprcscn embroidery. A Cincinnati lady is trying to "cqualixo , ho Boxen. " Wo don't know exactly what hei method is , but pr.'sumo it consists in teaching .ho men how to pull hair and the woman how .o thrown boot. jhHH Jii : . .i. , . tn- * * . . Kmbroidorcd muslin dresses will bo worn > vor colored lininga by young ladles duriup ho winter. Iho nrotticst among dresses ol his nort have wlilto Bilk linings , and are rimmed with white ribbon. Pall liats are very much the eamo shape as hose worn during the summer , and are .rimmed mostly with feathers. The bonnets nro small and neat , with Bivtln , velvet and ilush. Some are made wholly of flowers , "No , " wrote 'a , Mills seminary pupil , "wu lon't sea n man over hero once n month , but hero's u French girl just coma who has a dear Ittlo mustache , and wo nro training her to moko cigarettes nnd swear. " [ San .Francisco Post , Some ono has discovered that the high- louled shous worn by women produce soften- ng of the brain. It was not generally known hat the brain of women who wear such shoes vaslocacod so low ; but it seems plausablo nough. Another now and pretty fashion is an nr- angumont of silk illusion worn at the throat roru like n bird's nest , A broocho of gold or ilver eggs is in the center , or a gayly-colorod rtlQcinl bird. Humming birds look the prot- lent , as they are small. Prossc8i are very simple and plain , mostly rimmed in the eamo goods the dress is com- > osod of , though frequently plain and brocade oodsnro combined , or plain and striped and laid. Black silk and colored brocade are vorn together , Kmbroidery is still used M well asgalloo , nd nil kinds of metal ornaments. As there s as yet little novelty in Autumn fafihicnn orsoys in all colors are worn over skirts. The nest favored among thcso are bteol grays rorkcd with Htcel braid and beads. They orm cuirasHoa over satin mcrvcilloux skirts. Klrst young lady. "Why , Jennie , you dear tlio swootl I've not mot you in a year. Vhero hnvo you been ? " "To Chicago , Laura. " Anil did youllko it out there ? You married , idu't yon ? " "Oh , yes , " Bid yon do wellt" I'rotty well , though not BO well ns I expected , 'ho court only allowed mo ? 150 a month nit- louy. " "Wlmt a Blmmol" They have boon quarrelling about his next mimer'a clothea. She wants him to have w light milt clo.incd up for 1885 , and ho vanted u heavier Bull. "What's the nso of ghtuiR about thisl" ho said iinally. "I mav o in the cemetery next summer. "I think , * ' ! io replied , "you will need your summer lollies wherever you may bo. " A jeweler In St. Louis lian rendnred him. elf an object of Interest by selling garters vith bolls attached. Depending from each niter Is a liny silver boll. "Tho tintimmbu. ition of lids pretty pendant , " Bays the jewel- r'x advertisement , "sounds delightfully mo- odious. Ladles wearing tlicfco carters nio no- ompauicil by n musical tinkle as they glide racofully along , " Many combinations of plain cashcmoio or ergo with skirting will bo worn this autumn , 'ho skirts are of skirting over a Hat lining , 'ho draparles of the tuniquo nro of plain oods. The loose jacket opens o\or a full ilk trlmmiug lu u color to match the stripe of tie eklttliie , Full lilain skirts are to bo worn , 'hoy are very suitable for heavy winters loaks. mull curinss waists will be employed with IIOBO skirls. They have short points back nd front and are cut up over the hips , Tlii'so urloKscs are for dressy purposes. For inoro rdlnaiy wear small plaited violets or tight ttiog jackets are more appropriate , KChovoit will load thls > utumn aa a stylish nntorial for general wear , nnd is already Im- wrttMl in a diversity of pattern ! , In the llnrtt mnUtios the checks arc small , or If wide , falls iniier what is termed Inviiiblo plaids. Indei'd .ho striped and plated materials are likely to : ouio in for no small share of patronage , but .ho now creeds appear iu such uncommon noda of coloring nnil arrangement of design hat they will pass for gouulne novelties. For luy but young ladies , these materials will orm thonklit and tunic only , the jersey bod- co In ouo of the leading and darkest fihados of ihild invariably forming the waist portion of i toilet of this kind. Felt hats and bonnets are to bo much worn his Autumn , Ono ot these of a line brown elt has already been neon. The brim is lined vlth brown velvet. On the outside of the irim , Mirrouuding it nnd less than ou inch ibova the lx > rdcr , Is a bias band of velvet .bout two lingers deep , with gold work on ither aldu. The capo U open. In the center of hobakkund turns up ou either bhlo. The : ape is open in the centra of the back uud urns up on either tlda to form email velvet overs. The front of the crown is very high uul trimmed with a largo brown velvet bow idd thadod pruwn blrd'H w lugs with gold In- ermlxuil. I'KIU'EHMINT DUOl'S It Is an oyiienco | of great prosperity when ihe milk man orders n ( team pump. "I'm going to take the stump. " said the iuda4 the farmer put some dynamite benecth the lice , For the pa l few days the bank cashiers Imvo bo en very quiet. Canadian hotels ar closing in consequence. "It goes pgalnet my grain , ' ' ni the Kancn former observed when n cloud of grasshopper swooped down on his wheat field , A MniflnchiiBctts sowing-machine ngont 1m dropped n few atitchoi in hta accounts am kti | | > cd out. lie was probably hemmed In b ; adversity. A man without hands was charged In Net York a few days ego with stealing n watch The nnmo of the policeman who wns obllgoi to club him , in pelf-defense , Is not given. Four hundred girls In a Now ITnvcn factor ; struck because they were not permitted theist < hoist the windows on n hot day. When : girl in a railroad car hoists the window on : cold day it is the man behind who fee Is Ilk striking. Atnn inquest on the body an nn tinknowi man found dead near n railroad track th > other day it was discovered that his pocket were full of presidents ! ballot * , evidently col loctcd on n passenger train. Verdict , justlfi able homicide. lilsmarck always shaven himnelf. So dooi Dusonbury , "Wo great men , " ho Bays , "can not trust our naked throats beneath the bar bet's glittering steel. " Dusenbury'g onomlci say that the trust troiiblo isn't on Dusonbury'i Bide BO much M it Is on the barber's. [ liostoi Globe. ' Yaa f" said nn old settler , "wo ran hossei In Texas , " "Then you take an interest in thi noble sport ! " asked the stranger , "I wai engaged in a hess raca some years ago in which I took n tight Binnrt Interest. " "Ilun ning race ? " "Hit war. " "Mile or half track ? ' "Hit war a fiftyfivo mlle track. " "I novel heard of such n thing. And did vou win ? ' "You bet. " "How much did you win ? " " ] won the boss , B Iran per. " "You needn't como up hero begging nnj inoro , nr I'll scald you , " said n ladv living in the fifth story of n Now York house to r tramp , who knocked nt the door. "I don'l usually lower myself by soliciting aid from persons living nbovo the second floor , but ] thought you paid BO little rent up hero thai yuu could afford to bo charitable , and I Racrl licod my Bolf-respect to furnish you with the opportunity , retmlt mo to retire , " and re. moving his hat with the grace of a Cheater field , ho withdrew from the canvass , [ Texas Sittings. Atlvlco to the Bonux. Some follows think that nil the bliss Is taken by ono little kiss , And novcrstop to linger when They might na well have nine or ton. Now , take advice , nil you young men , Whene'er you got the chance again , Just take as many as you can , Then she will think you are a man. And if eho Is not BttisQcd , .Tiut draw her closer to your side , KifH her till you raise a blister , Then go and try it on her sister. MUSIOALi AND DRAMATIC. Mine. Kietori leaves October is for hoi American engagements. Calender's mlnistrols sailed from Liverpool for Now York city Tuesrday. Edgar L. Davonpoot has just becoino a member of Kate Claxtoa's company. Snrdou first wrote "Dora , " then "Fedora , " and now ho has named his now drama "Theo dora. " Aimec who queened it so long on the local French opera bpulTo fctago , now picks the bane - | o and dances jigs like any other American citizen. Mine. Albani comes to this country for an extended concert tour in January next , and will bo supported by a strong combination of ; alcnt. Terdi , the composer , Is Boventy-lhreo years of ago. Ho has enow white hair and mus tache. Ho has written and published 125 operas , Tim report is that Verdi will go to Paris th ! winter and conduct the orchestra nt th0 mo hundredth representation of' 'Aida" nt the jlraud Upeta. A delegation of musicians is preparing to fo to Vienna on October 15 , for the fortieth anniversary of the celebration of Strauss' first appearance. "Tho Seven Havens" is enjoying n most irosperons run at Niblo's Garden. It is the ineat show piece over ecn on the boards of .hat . thoatro. II. L. Downing will lenvo Joseph Jefferson's company on January 1 , and star in n play by Joaquln Miller called "Inlly-Ho. " It is of ho western type. Frank GIrard , who has been so many years with Tony Pastor , will , somotlmq in Ostobor or November , start on the road with a combi nation of his own. i It is reported that Minnie Maddern hns net net with success in Boston. She has notified icr company , which is playing in "Coprico , " hot the season will end in two weeks. Milton Nobles has laid nsido his two wlays , 'huinix and A Man of the 1'conle , to appear n a new play written by himself , which on- oys the alliterative title , Love and Law. Mary Anderson hns very eeneibly declined o receive floral offerings on the stago. Mary eservos credit for her courageous example in rylnp to abolish this absurd nuisance. Whoa Patti used to sing at the Tuilerion oncorta eho received $ f 00 each time , Nilsson ecoivcd 1MO. Mmo. Oarvalho and Mr. Fmuo 200 each , Capoul Sl'-'O , and Marie Hose $100 , Miss Lottn has been since 1808 , when she iado her first professional npycarnnco in Sac * amcnto , Gal. , "tolerated" by the American ubllo as the spoiled child among its sou. rcttcs. Berlin lias produced a novelty in the shape : n Lillputian oporn company. The artist ? ango from twenty-two to thirty-sovon years : ago , _ and from twenty-four to thirty-two ichos iu height. Colonel Mopleson has engaged for the corn- ig season In Now York Mini' . Stoiubach , the 'lennoso mozzo-eoprnno ; Miss Adorno , of < rankfort , n light soprano , and Messrs , Can- Idusnnd Arditl. It is stated on good authority that Miss T'nnny Dayenport has ougagou Mr. Henry .co as her leading man for the season , to tnka 10 pln.ro loft vacant by Mr. Mantel ) . This 111 break up the JCUaler-Woxtern-Loo com- Ination. Mr. Loo'sanlary with MissDavcn- ori is to bo § 200. Miss Kmina xhursby's concert tour of Nor- vay wns n complete triumphal progress , yield- ng n Bolondld harvest of plaudits nnd coin , lor great success Is attributed partly to tlio ivnrma of cholera-scared American and Cnglish tourists , who have been unusually umerous in Norway nnd throughout Nor th ru Kuropo this season , Fran Materna , who weighs 250 , is styled 10 songbird by nn enthusiastic admirer , Aa 10 weighs 250 it Is dlUicult to Imagine what ort of a bird the writer had in his thoughts hen ho wrote the sentence. An ostrich omos nearer the matter of avoiduijois , but ion an ostrich never sings , A mocking-bird irolyveifhs aver eieht ounces , They Are Hero. The melancholy days have come , The saddest of the year , When Ice cream signs nro gathered In And falls the ginger-beer , [ Detroit Free Press , IJeii'a ttonnnzn , Give Blaine the forks BO sharp nnd thin , The knives so dull let Cleveland win ; I'll Icavo inch thing's for luckless loons , Hut ns for me , I'll take the spoons. EDUOATIONAIi. Brooklyn will open Its thirteen night schools i October. In the city of St. Louis there are thirty ireo kindergartens. The freshman class of the Kochester nnlver- ty la a little larger than usual. The study of type-writing has been Intro- ucod in Boina of the public ecliooln at Chicago. PeiMijr dinners for school children have been istituteU under the direction of the London chool board. A Kentucky teacher writes to &sk whether t Is Mtha Duty of a teuelir tu vvhimi a pupil ! ard n Null to cut the blud out or Nott. " "Professor Adolph Colin , who ls tbo Amort- an corre8x > ndout of the Jeimbli ! < iuo Fran * else , of Paris , leaves Columbia collrgo. Now rork city , Sentemder " 5. to accept the ap- wintment of French profcasor in Harvard nlverslty , President Hobluson , of Drown university , L'rov idenve , K , I. , alludes in his annual ro- port to the trustees of 'Iho failiira of Hi nchemo for general rfgulatlon cf athletics b the -lltgos jointly , and urge * that th mown nine bo prohibited from playing will other than colic-go nlnoa if requiring nbstnc froin.eollrgo duticp , nnd that Mily two game with any other college in a foason bo ptrmit ted , nnd that no ganes bo played w hero th O1 rcqttiro more than ono day's absence of th Btiidcnti , St. Louis hat led the movement in the d ! rectlon of kindergarten , BO in connection will technical education this city hni determine ! tojirovo that an intellectual training of tin mind , for any career , Is greatly assisted b ; manncl rxerciscs as ft part of n colleglatl course. The workshop practice in the schoo is cqcellent , nnd is sought by nblo instiuctoi in each department. Mining nnd metallurgy nro tnught by the aid of complete laboratoric. and n largo collection of Bpoclmens. A grad nato of the school of mines , Collumbia college is the head of this department. Professoi Woodward , tLo earnest nnd nblo principal o the pcool , lias made Industrial training n epocl al subject of investigation nnd experiment To him is due this excellent snstltntion , tin benefit of which has already been felt in en couraglng the starting of such schools else where. Shall I learn short-hand ? is a question now considered by many thousands of young men and women. And it is a point upon which unbiased advice is extremely rare , either as touching the expediency of learning short. hand at all or the best system or method tc follow If its study bo determined upon. All calculations of the tlmo requisite to learn the art of short-hand arn fallacious , as BO much depends upon natural skill with the pen and so much upon what is meant by "learning" it. As In learning to spenk n janguage , tlmo is a most important clement in learning short hand , and ono hour practice n day for five years Is infinitely better than five houri a day for ono year. It is quite safe to say that the art cannot bo well learned In ono year with any amount of practice , nnd ono must have great natural skill with a pen as well ns proat application , to becoino n fair reporter oven In two years , and oven then his reading will probably fall far short of what it should bo for n lawyer or author. Serene I fold my hands nnd wait , Nor care for wt nd , nor tide nor sea. I have no moro "gainst time or fate. For lol my own shall como to mo. I ptay my haste , I make delays ; For what nvnils this eager pace ? I stand nmld the eternal ways , And what is mlno shall know my face. Asleep , awake , by night or day , The friends I seek are seeking me ; No wind can drive my bnrk astray. Nor change the tide of destiny. What matter if I stand nlonol I wait with joy the coming years ; My heart shall reap where it has sown , And garner up its fiuit of tears. The waters know their own and draw Tlio brooks that Bprlng in yonder heights ; So Hews the peed with equal law Unto the soul of pure delights. The stars como nightly to the sky , The tidal wave unto the sea ; Nor time , nor epace , nor deep , nor high. Can keep my own nwny from me. SINGDuaiUTlES. A 12-ye.ir-old girl in Lewiston , Mo , , has recently become the mother of n child which weighed tlireo pounds nt birth. Mr. Shaw , n Colorado surveyor , claims to have discovered n mountain of solid nlum , n mile fiyuaro nt the base , nbovo the bp.d of the Gila river. A pear tree in Amador county , California , liss on it n quantity of ripe fruit ns largo as a man's fist ; also n second crop about the size of a man's thumb , nnd is likewise in full bloom While the teller of the Uank of Montrea wns fishing In the St. Lawrence river a stur geon four feet eight inches long nnd weighing forty-two nounds jumped into his boat. Ho killed it with an oar. The largest bell in the world is now enid to bo that at Kioto. Japan. It is 21 foot high Mid 10 inches thick at the rim. It Is sounded by a suspended piece of wood , like a battering ram , which strikes it on the outaido , and its booming can bo heard for miles. Cheshire , Mass. , has two largo bald eagles which fly every morniiig over the reservoir to their nest high up on the side of n rocky cliff. rho hunters leave them unmolested , and the : own Is BO proud and patriotic that it will go aard with the man who injures thorn. The microscope reveals that there are moro ; han four thousand muscles in the caterpillar , md that the eye of n drone contains ono .housand mirrors. There nro cpldors ns small is n grain of sand , nnd they spin n thread BO mo that it would require four hundred of .hem . to equal the size of n slnglo hair. A strnngo Insect , which is called the ephor , md is described by n naturalist , lays its eggs n n hole in the ground. It then , flies off nnd inds n spider , which it stings 111 the main icrvo center. This has the effect of paralyz- ng the Bjiider without killing it. The sphox hen carries the now motionless spider to its iiirsery and buries it with the oggs. When lie eggs hatch out the grubs feed on the para- czod prey , which is then still olive and thore- > ro quite fresh , although It has never been bio to move since the tune it was buried. ] Boston Journal : Another Florida lake has isappoared through n subterranean outlet. 'encode ' lake in Suwanoo county , n favorite 3sort for picnics and sportsmen on nccount f its beautiful surroundings nnd the nbund- nee of fine trout has disappeared through a ole in the ground , leaving thousands of dead sh for the buzzards to prey upon and conta- linato the air. Athoiigh heavy rains have dlcn In ho vicinity the lake has been slead- y receding all summer , and has probably ono to swell tlio Suwani'o or some other ad- icont river. There is ft sunken forest of white cedar In few Jeraoy which has been mined for timber vor Boventy years. Tlio industry of digging lie sunken logi is carried on by the poopla of > enmsvill ( > , n village which was brought into xistonp ) through the buried wealth ot lumber i its vicinity. Over the sunken forest trees f large size nro growing , and in many in. tances those are cut nwny to reach tlio moro aluablo timber three or foiir feet below the iirfaco. Tlio sunken trees are of enormous iz,4. Their ago is n matter of curious conjee- nro. It iu probable they were burii'd many i-nturiM ago by the notion of an earthquake KELIGIOUS. The annual Universalist general convention rlu bahcldinPeoiia , 111. , opening October Molt of the clergymen who have been nway uring the summer have returned to their posts f duty. "Tho Lord Mayor of London" Is a Motho- ist , and ho recently preached the sermon at lie opuniug of one jf their churches. The lint of the vacant Congregational burchea in Illinois hat been reduced from ovonty to forty within the pabt few months , wing to the largo numbers of men who have uccntly coma from other states and from En- land , /Die Boston Young Men's Christian Asse rtion held its first business meeting since tune September 4 , Mghty new members . ere reported. The employment bureau hasHed Hod forty three permanent aud twenty BX omporary situations. For the lost thiity-four years the bible soci- ty of Kuropo and America have printed over 0,000 copk'4 for each business day , nnd at nn utlay of obout 50'2,000,0'JO , over 1-15,000,000 opifu of tbo scriptures have been published y the town societies elnco their formation Jin SOI and 1810 , the dates of their respective or- aulzatioiiti , Tin Kvangelical alliance meeting , in the ) aniHh capital , neotm to have been u miccess , qual to if not beyond , expectation , Thu Dcipty , which reptcst'uts n wry largo section f 1'rotestaut Christendom , hat held meetings t Intervals biiccessively In London , Pails , ! orlu ! , Amsterdam , Now York , Basle , and low lu Copenhagen. Miss Louisa S. Baker , who has been tup. lying the pulpit of tbo North Church in I'nntuckut , Mass. , for the past four year * , haa eon installed , Mies Baker could not admin * iter the order of baptism or the Lord's Hup. er , became rho had not bo ju ordained , it be- ig contrary to Conprugatlooal usage. The Imrch at a locent meeting passed n resolution degating the authority to administer theso. icrameutd , and to admit members to the Imrch aud all other other ministerial duties. ( a August 31 one of the deacons gave to Mies laker tlio right hand of fellowthip nnd nfter auto othercxercisea the was ordained . ' I-1-THE BEST TONIC. medicine , combining Iron with pni vcRclnMo tonlci , quickly nml complete ! Currn llyM > rHln | , ImllKriitlnnVriilinr * I ntniiro Ulnnd , ninliirlnChills nml Fci en mill Nnirnlnln. It Is nn unfollimr remedy for Dlscnscs of th Khliicyii nnil I.lvcr. It is Invaluable- Diseases peculiar t Women , nnd nil who lead tcilcntary lives. It docs not Injure the teethcause Jiendnchc.o produce constlpntlon othT Iron medicines di It enriches nnd purifies tlio blood , stimulate Ihonppctlto.nlda the n. = Imllntloii of food , n Ilovcs Heartburn nnd Belching , nnd strengtl cm the musclci nnd nerves. 1'or Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude , tacit c Energy , Ac. , it lias no equal. r JB3- The ponulno hns nbovo trade mnrlt nn crossed red lines on v rnpper. Tnkc no othci ll.J.oi.lf IT IltlOnHCIIF.HICAI. CO , IUI.TillOniC.lM For lien , Qalck. tnr .f ijr * . tlook fri VBGOR ClTlrH Ag "cy , I ftp Fulton St , X w Tor Science of Life , Only $1,01 BY MAIL POSTPAID. A QHBAT MKniOAJJ 'WOKIk Exhanotod Vitality , Nenrons ind Physical Dobllltj Premature Decline In Man , Errors of Youth , an tb untold miseries oaultlng from Indiscretions 01 01 099S60. A book for every man , young , middle-ago and old. It contilns 126 prescriptions for all acut and chronic dlietses each one of which la Invaluob ! Sa found by the Author , whoso experience for E yearn I such as probably never before foil to the o of any physic an BOO pages , bound In boantlfi French muslin maoosedcoveri , full gllt.frnarnntooi t3 bo a flnor work n every sense , moohnnlcal , 111 orary and professional , than any other work sold li thli country for J2.60 , or the money wilt bo refunds In every Instance. Price only 81.UO by moll , post ptld. Illustrative sample 5 cents. Send now. Ooli medal awarded the author by the National Sledlcn Association , to the offlcoro of which he refers. The Sclenso of I/If o should be road by the yoonj for Instruction , and by the aflllcted f01 icllef. It will bcnofll alL London lancat. There Is no member of oocloty to whom The Bel cnco of Llfo will not bo useful , whether youth , pai ont , gutrdlan , Instructor or clergyman. Argonaut. Address the Peabody Hodtol Institute , or Dr. W rkcr , No. 1 Bulflnch Street , Eonton Mans. , wh : o consulted on all dlacaaos rcqulr'-ig skill am ence. GBranlaandobstlnMeduioaijgthat liavi the kill of all other phys- P * I clan oltyi Bnaa Jreatod encocsa-flCfll. fnllj n lnsS nce failure. TUVCCJ C ISummer Of the Northwest , Detroit , Minn li. country of WOODS AND LAKES , 200 miles wes ! > f St. Paul. Thrco trains dally on the N. P. K. R. Uth 30 Day Excursion. Tickets at about onc-hbl ates. HOTEL MINNESOTA , in elegant house with accommodations for 200 meste. R. R. COLBURN. Proprietor. farSEMD FOB CIRCDLAKaalVUIO FULL rABTICnLABa. 9R. HORNE'S ELEGTRKG BELT rill cnro Norvousncgn , Lumbago , Itlionmntlim rnr lyBl , .euralRln . , Bclatlc , Kldnoy , bjilno nml J.lver < ll enki. , lout , A lhmn. Heart ( ll L-HS , OI > m.p > l , rnMktlmtlimJ.r- | Ipclm , Catarrh , 1'llos , Kpllciisy , Inii > tciirr , Dumb AK e. folnpim Uturl. etc. Oiilj' Kcluntlllii Klrclrlc lie-It In Aiucr- : thatmnJslho Klcrlrkllj uud macuetMii IhrnnKli tlio odj , ana caa bt > recharged In an lastaut bjr tbo putlont. Winter Is oomlnff , the season of the year for aches nd pains. In view of this fiot wo say buy one of r. Uorpe's Electric Belts. By so doing you will void Rheumatism , Kldnoy Troubles and other ills mt flesh Is heir to. Do not delay , but call at our fflco nnd examine bolts. No. 142V Douzlas street , c r . F Goodman's , 1110 FarnamSt.Omahtt , Neb. Or- ers filled 0. O. D. REPRESENTS toiulx Asanraooa Co. , ol tiondon , Cash . . . , , . ostohsster.N. Y , , Capital . OOO.OOC.n wMercliants , of Nnwut , N. J. , CpU I 1,276,000. Irard yire , PhlUeelr. hla , ipIW . 1.500 . ( CO. emcn'slnnd DR. E. 0. WKST'S NBRVH AND BRAIN TRUASMSNT , a larantecd enecifla for Hysteria , D zziness , Conral- ) ns , Kits , Nervous Neuralgia , Headache , Nervous ostratlon caused by the use of alcohol or tobbacco , akofulncss , Mental depression. Softening of the aln , resulting In insanity nnd leaping to misery , cay and death , Premature Old ago , Baroness , losa power In cither sex , Iinoluntary Losses and Spcr- Jtorhoracaused by ovoroxcrtlontof the brain , self- use or over Indulgence. Each box , contains one Diith's treatment $1.00 & box.or six bottles for ,00 , tent by mall prepaid on receipt ot prloo. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXEJ i euro > ny case. With each order received by us r six bottles , accompllthed with $5.00 , wo will send o purchaser our written guarantee to refund they cnoy If the treatment does not effect a euro. Ouar- tecs Issued only by JOHN 0 : WEST it CO. , jy 28-mio-ry - 882 Madison St. , Chicago , 111. 617 St. Chnrlcs S * . , St. Louis , Mo , ri ( Ular graduate oM o medical Collftei , bai been longer ifjtgetllu tli kpceiiitreatiiiciit of CHUONIC , > 'taiol. , SKIM iii HLOOD Diftiiii * than iu } cllier I'bj.lclan In Bt. Lobl rltj riper * > > ? and all olJ rrild.nukDovr. Nervous Piostratlon. Debility , Mental and hyslcal Weakness , Mercurial and other Alice. ons of Throat , Skin or Done : , Blood Poisoning , Id Sores and Ulcers , um treated with unp.raiiticd c iioaUUili < lcutlOoi > rluclrU'i. BaVljr. l'rli tllj. Diseases Arising frum Indiscretion , Excess , xposuro or Indulgence , vMtu rrodnte wo or th lluolnc effect , i utrtoniotn , iltl'llllr ' , dlu n of ilstil , Jef ll > e lutmorj. pluiplf. oj ito fioo , rt/ileildoeair , ctiloulolb. lodttj of icnulti , conruijca orldea > , cuu , rniiorlni ; Uarrinaa Improper or unhappy , are rniau < Dtl ; cured , I-.mplilti(5n ( r.gtijcu tlj akore , lent Malod eurele ) , ireolo any addrt- . Ceniultatlonalftf. ie or lij luall free , and luvllid. Wrlla for iueilloDi. i Positive Written Guarantee elvf a In all eonula cam. llrdlclnei lent eicnrwbcn. PamphUti. L'liBllali or Uonnan , 04 pace. , do. irlbiuz above UIea e , In male or fomaU , i'iUJE. MARRIAGE GUDDE ! 0 pag i , floe plaUlllmtrateU In eloib , inoncjrcrfoiUltl nuir. | .i.cr | COIIT , , 2io. TWi t.oi > atala all lae eurloui , dvubtnil or laaalklllra vaut to jow. A tool , of trial Inl-.reil tu all , UcalU. lluulr. are nuujltjj \ Hi Lilvlca. BOTTLES. Irlanger , , . . . JLtavarm ulmbachor , , . . . .Bfivavia ilsnor . .c Bohemian ! aiser > . . . . .Brnmou. DOMESTIC. > Vidwoiser St , Louis. .nhauser St. Louis. lost s. . . . Mihvaulccp , chlitz-Pilflner ililwaukoo. 'rue's Omujin Alo. Porter , Domestic and Rhine 7ine. ED. MA.UKBR , 1813 Vatmva. St Owing to the increase in our business we've admitted to the firm is well and favorably will enable us to han dle an increased list of property. We ask those who1 have desi rable property for sale , to place the same Brians. The new firm be ESTATE South 14th St.