Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1884, Image 1

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    IA EE.
The Bock-Eye State ViUly Enthusi
astic in RccBiTjg ) : Elaine ,
The Days' ' Tour Through the
Western Keservo ,
At Mentor , the Homo of the
Martyred Q-arfieldi
Tremendous Demonstration of
Weloomo at Cleveland ,
Elaine and Logan Eoooivo Mutual
Ovations ,
Demonstrative Greeting of tlio
Forest City Blnlno tlio Guest
of Mrs. GnrilcUI ,
Bui'KALO , September 20. After breakfast
to-day Dlaino received the Ohio delegation
headed by Governor Foster , nnd one from
Chautaugua county , which had come to escort
cert him on the way. lie was loudly cheered
M ho left the hotel nt 12:30 to take the train.
DUNKIRK , N. Y. , September 20. At 12
o'clock Blaine left Bulffllp on a special
tiain accompanied by the Ohio nnd Chautau-
qua county cele a'-es , the former headed by
lirooksof , Dunkirk and the latter composed of
ex-Governor Foster , Judge Kanikcr and M ,
llauna , of Cleveland , and Jas. I'oindoxtor of
Columbus. The first stop was at Dunklik
where a larpo crowd greeted Blaino. '
EIIIE , Pa. , Sept. 20.-At Wostfiold the people
ple assembled m largo numbers and greeted
Blaine with throe cheers and n _ tiger. Ho
made a few appropriate remarks in response
to a call.
I hope that Ashtabula is aware this year of
the responsibility that rests upon her. ( "Yes"
"yes. " ) I arn plad to bo welcomed within
her borders. I come to this county always
with a fcolitip of affection for her peoplp nud
with a precious memory of the friendships I
have onjoved with its public men. I tnank
you heartily for this kindly welcome and betake -
take mysalt to my farther journey through
your state. ( Katlmsiusttc cheering. ) The
little town of Geneva was all excitement.
The people shouted and cheered and all want
ed to shako hands with thu dlstinguised can
didate as these who were near him , Mr.
Blaine thanked them for their klndnea' .
At 1'aincsvillo the crowd was as largo and
enthusiastic as at any other point. Hero the
Iocl spokesman , in introducing Blaine , ad
verted to the lattcr's close relations to Gar-
Held , and as Blaine stepped forward there was
great nnd prolonged cheering. Similar inci
dents had taken pines at the towns of Con-
neaut and Ashtabula , which nio also in the
congressional district represented by General
Garh'eld. Blaine spolio a few words of thanks
and then introduced lion. B. W. Tenney , of
Brooklyn , who made n brief speech , which was
loudly applauded. Jud o Fmakcr also spoke ,
and so did Kav. Mr 1'oindexter , of Ohio.
As the train approached Mentor , it slowed
up , and finally stopped to give these on board
an opportunity to see the Gailield farm and
catch a glimpao of the house through the
Cleveland was reached at about G p. m.
Thoru was a creat gathering in and around tha
depot , The winding road-way leading from
the railroad level to tlio bluff on which the
city stands was lined with men , women and
children ; and when Blxiuo came out of the de
pot and was driven toward the hotel , ho re
ceived cluer after cheer. The oflica and corridors
riders of the hotel wore crowded , and as at
other places there were policemen present to
clear the way and keep order. ' Blaine went at
once to his room , but was snon c.ilkd out by
the Young Men's Kepuhlican club , who cimo
to pay tluir respects. Ho reviewed them from
the hotel balcony. In response to repeated
demands for a speech , Blaine said : "I thank
you for this cordial welcome to Cleveland , a
n city which I always visit with pleasure and
leava with regret. I thank the young men
who do me the honor to call upon mo so
promptly. I think it a hopeful and encourag
ing sign th win the year ! 81 , the young men
of the United Stated , mure tbnn at any time I
ha\o known , are taking an bctivo and prom
inent part in the national contest. 1 augur
from ic L'ood results. Again I tender you my
thanks for the very kind reception yon have
given mo , and bid you good night [ Cheers. ]
Before 8 o'clock Monumental park opposite
the federal building and the stand from which
Blaine was expected to view the procession was
densely packed and thousands were going
away disappointed because they could not
find ftauding room in bight of the stund. At
! t:30 : Blaine was escorted by the local cjmmitteo
to the federal building , where a considerable
number of ladies and gontluman were present
ed to him while ho wai awaiting the preces
sion. For a faw minutes ho stood surrounded
by friends nnd looked out. Koine one o.ut fide
roeo ni/.cd him and shouted hif name. Im
mediately there were general and urgent cries
"Blaino , BInino , Blaiiio , " and heVM foicod
to withdraw to an inner room until the time
bhould arrive for him to appear I
on the stand. About 1 o'clock , Blaine
and General Logan accompanie I
by Kx-fiovernor FoUcr , Kx-Sonator llamlin n
acd other distinguished gantlnmon went out
to the front of the stand and stood there un
covered while the people cheered and yelled
and made all kinds of enthusiastic domonstia-
tions. By this time not merely the paik , but
all the adjacent stroctn wore lilled with a
surging muss of humanity , aud when the pro
cession began to force its way 'through ,
the seeno bccamo excelling aud alarm
ing , because there wore many Ladies
nnd considerable number of old and young
people in the croud , and it seemed likely
that BOIIIO of them would be tin own down
and crushed , However , nothing of the kind
occurred and the procoision slowly made iti
way through and was still passing and
being reviewed by the candidates at 11:30.
It Is Haid that about 15,01)0 ) people from inter
ior towns came In for this occasion , and some
of the clubs tiiklng part m thu procession ,
came from towns 70 miles distant. Beforu
the review began , Logan spoke briefly at one
of the btsndu , and speeches were mads by
fcoveral other gentlemen. After the review
Blaine and bin son , Walker , wont to the
houof Mm. Garfitdd , whoso guests they nio
to bo up il Monday mut. Tivinwiowr 1)1 i n
nnd , itoaihly , Logan will visit Klyria , which
is forty minutes by rail fiom Cleveland , returning
turning to the city Uta in tlio afternoon.
Kim : , Pa. , September 20. There was n fine
demonstration hero. The crowd at the station
numbered about ! ! ,005 , and wcrp full of en-
tlm-iamn. Bluino was heartily cheeJed and In
rcuponee miul J a graceful allusion to his early
lifu in the Keystone st.ito. Judge Furukor , of
Ohio , then made a few remarks which were
tery favorably received. The reception com
mittee from Cleveland came un board at Kiio ,
nnd also one from Anhtabula.
CMVKLAKI : > . Ohio , September 2i. ( Soon
after tha Irani crossed thu Hue between I'diui-
rylvunla aud Ohio it etopped at the little
Htution of Conopant ( first stop in the
western reserve ) . Owing to some musunder-
ttindfng , the peupla had only about an Imnr'd
notice of Blalnu'd coining , but there wa tt '
largo gathering of men , wuinnn and children , r
forming , jM-rhups , thu moot Intensely Piithmi-
nutlo crortd BCUII so fur on the trip. When the
candidate nppqirod the people cheered wildly ,
BUine said ; ' ! count U nntter of good for-
tuno.a.i It Uiertainly axaurcoof ploaauotomy * :
hulf , tint I enUr thu state of Ohio through the
old county of Ash'.abula. [ Applautel. 1
have never vltltcd this country but with a
warm welcome to which you to-day add an
other , 1 thank you sincerely and bid you )
good by. " At Aahtabula there
wa another large and enthusiastic
crowd and B'aloe ' bud to mount tlio platform
whera all the people cottlJ , tco Mm , and said
ho , " 1 h To olrcady said , upon the Ixmlcr of
yv\\r etato that to me it is n peculiar gratifi.
cation that 1 enter Ohio through the county
of Afhtabutn. [ Choew ] In our political di
versions \vo look to states , nnd ordinarily , the
county h undistlnRiiWicd beyond the limits
of the state of which It is n part. lut ! there
nro n few counties In the Union
like St. Launce In Xow Yoik.
J.ancasler In i'cnnsylvala nnd
Ashtnbula in Ohio , thit by the intensity of
their conUctlons nnd the force of their action ,
Imvo borne thcmsolvct to the fiont so far Ilia
they have become political units lu the on
testa of the nation ; nnd If you got their torn
per stirred nnd their energies called forth , th
consnquenco has generally been that the part
which has dcfiod them has been crushed in th
conflict. [ Cries of "Good ! " ]
Dontli of President Gnrrott.
DKBII I'AitK.Md. , September 20. Jno. W
Garrett , president of the 1 $ : & O. 1 ! . It. Co.
died this morning in his sixty-ninth year. H
was n tutivo of Baltimore , graduated at Li
fayotto college in 1m nineteenth year nnd returned
turned to Baltimore. Ho entered his father' '
counting house nnd remained there till electee
director of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad in
1857. Next year ho was elected president o :
the road. The success of the road since tha
time was through his management and ni
connections of the road west of the Ohio tivei
wcro made by him. His health failed twi
years ago but ho did not withdraw from tha
management of the road until a year ngo. A
that time Mrs. Gat rot t was killed by nccldcn
whili cawed n shock to his system from whlcl
ho never reco\crcd.
15ALTIMOUK , Sept. 20 , A meeting of the
directors of the Baltimore & Ohio liailwny
company wai hold this afternoon. Kcsolu
tions were adopted expressive of tlio sense o ;
loss which this city has sustained. At n
meeting of tha stock exchange resolutions
of condolence with the family of the deceased ,
and of regret , were adopted.
John W. Garrctt was born July 31 , 1820 ,
and is the second son of the late Robert Garrett -
rett , a wealthy merchant nnd banker. His
education wns completad nt Lnfayctto college ,
Pennsylvania , when ho entered his father's
counting room , and was shortly after , nt the
ago of IS ) , madoj a partner in Ids fathers busi
ness. His first connection with tin Baltimore
& Ohio lailroad was in October , 1857 , when
ho was made n director of the company a
time when the embarrassment of the roac
was of a most serious character. In 1858 Mr.
Garrett was elected to the presidency ol
the company , which position ho has since ro
tnined. Tlio practical wisdom of the policy
inaugurated by Mr. Gatrttt was shown at tlio
close of the first year , the aggregate not gains
of tlio company during the tirst year of his ad
ministration being $725,325. In the Eecont
year the improvement in the nlfaira of the
company were oven moro marked than diuiiif
the lust. During the war the geofraphica
position of the road placed its lines in "constanl
jepodry , but the indomitable will nnd energy
nf Mr. Garrotc made the road useful for the
transfer of troops nt all time ;
and the practical utility of the
road was never losti After ho became pro
sidcnt and gave his time so largely to the
duties of hisollice , the directors , by unanimous
vote , increased his salary from 81,000 t (
810,000 per annum. This increase Mr. Garret
rot declined. Ho lopeatedly declined to ac
cept the offers of the presidencies of other
railroad companies , though accompanied , it
one case , by the proposition of a salary o :
830,000 nnd one by n proposal of 850,000 :
year. Mr. Garrett is also the head of the
Tanking house of Robert Garrett & Sons.
Tlio Soldiers Homo Settled.
ST. LouiT , September 20. The board o :
managers of the national homo of disnbloc
volunteer soldiers , with several attaches am
ladies , arrived hero this morning , after n trij
through Iowa , Nebraska and scaicl
nf n cite for the now br.i.ich home.
Examinations weio made at Burlington ,
Dos Moines and Atlantic , Iowa , PlaHsmoutl ) ,
Lincoln and Beatrice , Neb. ; Atchison and
Lcuvcmtorth , Kansas. The board held n
meeting at noon and decided upon l.naven-
worth as the looition , the city to donate G 10 of land nnd 8'0,000 to aid in thoercction
of the buildings.
LiiAVENWOimr,1 Kas. , September 25. A
grand jollification was held hero to-night over
the selection of this city ns the location of tlio
western branch of the sold'eis'home. Within
half an hour after the news was leceived this
afternoon , all this bells in the city were ring-
ingj , all whistles blowing , Hags were hoisted
throughout the business part of the city , nnd
n higo street procession witii bauds and ban.
new \voro foimcd. To-night there is nn ilia
initiation and all campaign club ? Irrespective
of p. ity with militia , civil societies and
United States troops fiom the Fort are par.
adei ing the streets. A largo public meeting
Is ahii held and tlio whole city is rejoiciug.
Tha location chosen for the homo it
ivery beautiful one , on the river bank
with .a commanding \ iew and superior to Sar
atoga aa to water , fuel and drainage. The
land Is to bo turned over to tha government
immediately so that there will bo no delay in
the construction of the building. The homo
will ho built on a full section of land , three
miles below Leavouworth , having a front one
milo on tha Missouri liver. The building is
des'gned to accommodate a thousand men ,
The board of managers adjourned to meet
again nt Washington in December next.
IlalRinir A "Wrcolc.
LivKitroob , September 20. The Steamer
Lake Chnmplain , which rank aloag side the
dock Wednesday night , tlnough leaving open
fcacock , has been raised. A splinter has
ben found jammed in the discharge valve ,
Chicago Chicago 3 , L'rovidonco S ,
Detroit Detroit U , Boston 5.
Buffalo Buffalo 2 , Now York 2. Nine in
nings resulting in n tie on account of dark.
Viinllln.T.cmon.OrnnRe , ( < , , fl/ivor Cntirt ,
freuiii , l'udilltm , l.'c.iiii clellciitelviiiMl mil.
li'Ully HI tllul'nilt from which ( hey arc iiiinle ,
minute BY TMI
Prlco Baking Powder Co. ,
hicoao , in. ot. Uouia , MO.
Hmcm or
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
r. Price's Luiiiilin Yeast Gems ,
Jleit Ilry IIoi > Veii.t.
Disposal of rutilld IiiuulH ,
WAHinxaTO.v , September 23. The nroa of
public lands In the fiscal year 18 1-1 ia very
largely in e.rcefs of the disposals foi nny pro-
\lousycar , The rapid lncrca < o in the disposal
of p.ibllo land" , nnd the enormom extent to
which it ha ? attained , can ba seen from the
totals for the pant five years'
Acre" .
1870-80 ! ! ,1G < ! , SI8
1SSC-31 Ulo7U2 ! (
lhSl-82 i : ,0'J8,780
1S82.83 l ! ,0.0.7Sn
18S3-SI 20,831,011
Total 7ln3867 !
This vast area Is r.tther moiothan twice
the ktatoof Illinois , with Vermont added ,
and U nearly c < ) ual to the whole of Italy.
The total number of acres disposed of in
each state aud territory the past year is as
follows :
State. Acre * . State. Acic' .
Alabama . ' 187,250 Minnesota.ill ( ! , 108
Arizona I'J.CIs Mississippi..2U,208
Arkansas..ill" , I SI Missouri 07U7 :
California. , ,1,112,205 Montana 02,2112
Colorado fiiOr ( , > 37 Nebra ka.i : , 105,831
Dakota..11,08,818 Nevada Sit.UH
Florida. . . . . ,713,818 Xow Mexico..210,171
Idaho Zfi'J.lOO Oregon COI.Ii'JO
Iowa rt.ftWI Utnh l nC)3 :
Kansas l,3f < > t Washington.lOS37i > : i
Lonisana. . .1,5,17,010 WUconiin 3 O.IHO
Michigan. . . . 2Sr > ,19G Wyoming 505,780
There wcro also disposed of 237 acres in ! !
linois , 10 In Indiana , and65in Ohio. Although
the total this year is nearly 7,000,000 acres
greater than last year , the homestead entries
show u falling off of 330,000 acres , but there is
a gain of nearly 1)00,000 ) acios in Umbor-cul *
turo entries. It is worth notiup that 3,200,000
acres of the lands disposed of last yoir were
in live southern states , nnd in the largest
KouVhcrn state the government has no land ,
Nine years ago tlio whole amount of govern
ment lands disposed of in the United States
did not exceed 3,000,000.
a few years ego as the state or territory in
which the largest disposals of public lands are
annually made. The past year , as compared
with the one before it , shows an increase of
joaily 4,000,000acres in the amount of public
ands disposed of in Dako n. In the past
eight years 30,050,043 acres have been disposed
of there , nn area equal to tivo-sixths of Illi
nois , and being very nearly one-third of the
intire area of the empire tenitory. In Ne
braska the acreage disposed of in 1882-3 was
1,327,410 , while last year it jumped to 3,10V
351. In Kansas there was an increase of
more than a quarter of a million acres. Other
states and tenltorios In which moro land was
disposed of in 1883-4 than in 1882-3 , together
with the excess , are : Alabama 40,000 acres ,
California , 100,000 ; Colorado. 110,000 ; Florida ,
202,000 ; Idaho , 35,000 , Minnesota 231,000 ;
Missouri , 168,000 ; Montana , 172,000 ; Nevada ,
l.COO ; Oregon , 100,000 ; Utah , Si,000 ( ; Wash
ington , 3SO.OOJ : Wyoming , 408,000. It is es
timated at the land ollico that the government
has from first to Inst disposed of ti 17,000,000
acres of land. It WHS estimated there a year
ago that it would take 10U,000,000 acres to
satisfy unfilled railway grants , and 80,000,000
to satisfy piivato land claims. The rest of the
public domain was then estimated at. 011,281-
27' ' ) acres , of which only 5,000,000 acres wcro
purely agricultural lands in the west. Lauds
capable of culture by inflation wcro estimat
ed at 23,000,000 acres and the desert lands at
4IOOOp acres ; agricultural mineral end timber
lands in fi\e southern states , 18,000,000 nciea ;
mining lands , G4OuO,000 acres ; coal lands ,
10,000.000 acres ; timber landn , 75C03JOO. (
The government supply of agricultural lands
in the west must therefore bo nearly if not
quite exhausted.
IrlHti Politics.
Ut'nu.v , September 20. Tlio Corporation
of Limerick to-day rejected by a vote of 18 to
2 , the proposition to urovldo for the payment
of a special tax as reduced by the Lord Lieu-
Ion of Ireland. The Mayor announced thftt
L'atric Egan , president of the Irish National
League in America , had cabled his approval
of their action. At n meeting of the corpora
tion of the city of Cork to-day , a motion ox-
irofsinp ; approval of the Mayors action in en-
iertaimng the Duke of Kdiuburgh , gave rise
.o an exciting debate. It was evident that
.ho eontlmcnt of tlio corporation was opposed
, o the motion and fho matter was withdrawn
without beiug put to a voto.
Tlio French Harvest.
WASHl.VfiTON , Sei > tember20. Frank S. Ma-
eon , United States consul at Marseilles , sends
ho department of slate n translation from the
Semaphore newspaper of that city , which sr.ys
'Tho harvest of 1881 has been plentiful. Tlio
itualion is nearly the game as in 18S2 , except
hat now there is a largo available surplus
acceding the crop , wlilili will make the do-
nand for foreign produce less , oven of this
'ear's ' crop is liftoezi or twenty per cent loss
ban in that year. There is no probability
hat prices of ceroaU will rise to the rates of
, wo years ago.
Xlio Kcvolution in Peru.
PANAMA , September 27. Advices from
.ilma state the revolution is apparently draw-
ng to n close The ill success Which attended
General Carceres attack on Lima pervcd to
dampen tbo ardor of the revolutionists and
lengthened Iglesias' government. The
lumber killed on that occasion was about 150
on both sides. A great moral effect was caused
throughout anrwFRM. the country by the government's
Sf. John la Jllioilu Island.
PHOVIDKNOB , September 20. At thn prohl-
jition state convention yesterday , twenty-two
.owns woio represented. Hon. Sidney Bean
> renided , HoBolutlons wore adopted approv
the notion af tha
ug national prohibition con
vention and pledging earnest aud hearty BHIJ.
wit to the national ticket.
Dlaino IH to Vltdr. O il .
Ls'WANArous , September 20. It IH prob.
able that ] iainu'n ! visit to Indiana will bu post-
Killed , A commltio of republicans leave for
31o\cland In the morning to confer with him
and endeavor to arrange his vlnit at a later
late when ho may possibly \ lilt other parts
n the elate.
Murdered and Unhlicd ,
CHAUTADJUA , Tenn , , Soptembnr 20. Sam
laye. cashier of the Cireonwood Coal compa
ly , was found dead this morning on the rail-
oad track. If Is clothes were rilled nnd Ids
watch mbitilng. Two biillot Iioles InhU head
how ho WOH murdered for the purp&so
f iflbbcry.
A Cnll orilnmlw ,
WAWHI.N'OIO.V , September 25. The acting
secretary of the treasury this afternoon issued
call for the redemption nf ten million dollaro
bonde , 3 percent , loin of 1882. The prln.
ipul and accrued intcioit to bu paid by the
ut of Novcmljcr.
Ulilircli mul Hiiiio in Clilll , |
PANAMA , September 20 , The great rmes-
ion in Chili is the definition of the relations l
f church and state. Liberal ideas urum to
irevail aud complete separation of church and
tate irenid probable.
HriKanilatfo 'in (
Ar.H\ANlIHA , September 20 , Jlrigandago
norlously Increasing In tlio Interior of the
ountry. Lord Nor.hbrook , llritinh hieli
has gone to examine into the
natter ,
CAIIIO , Beptcmber 20. It in expected thu
Jgyptian government will elmply make a
ormal acknowledgment of the receipt of the if
roUats gainst the iiwjicniioii of the
The Plcnro-Phciiiiionia Pinto Bclwcc
Stockmen and Veterinarians ,
The Proposition of the Stoo :
to Publicly test the Malncly'
Existence ,
Eofusnl of the Bureau of Anima
Industry ! *
Claims that it's Infootious Pros-
01100 is Proven ,
XlioKiullcss mulHitter Strife of UICHO
Two Knot Ions l < V r from
Giltiuno , Suylombor 20 Soinu daya ngo
the Chicago Live Stoclc KxchntiBO patted icao-
hitlous and forwarded them to Commissioner
Lortng of the department of agriculture , OK-
pressing iloubt as to the truth of the repoits
of the bureau of mutual Industry concerning
the existence of plfinro-phomnoniaMu the west
and proposing as an experiment to bi-ar the
expenses of placing ton head of cattle In a pasture
turo with the alleged ihfoctod korda , to
loam whether they would contract the dis
t Commisslowr LorlnR rofemul thl-i commun
ication to Dr. 1) . S. Salmon , chief of _ the bur
eau of animal industry , for Buch action aa ho
might deem advisable. Dr. SnlmonV ) reply
is furnished the associated proas bylho _ Brood
ers Gn/.otto. Ho traces the existing disease
from its source In n herd of unregistered .Tor-
soys bought by O. K. C. Dye. near Baltimore ,
lost full , and taken to Troy Ohio. Tills shows
how the contagion spread by ttho distribution
of these cattle and by the diatribullon from
herds thus Inflicted , covering in this way all
poinU ut which cattle have died recently of
alleged pleura pneumonia , or have been examined -
aminod by the bureau and been pronounced
nlllicted with tlio lung plaguo. That I. is
Pennine contagious plcnro-pnonmontn , ho as
serts , ss amply proved by the concurrence of
every competent veterinarian who has peon
post-mortems of these cattle mado. Ifo points
out that these involuntary statements by
cittlo owners have boon on n rauch larger
scale than that proposed by tlio stock ex
change ; that six hiindrod head ot catllo Imvo
been exposed , and that while in the largest
herds the effect of tuch contagion is only bo-
chining to bo apparent , no loss than ! )0 ) head
huvo died or been killed ntn result of having
thus contracted the lung plaguo. Ho says it
would take from three to five months to com
plete ) the proposed experiment which has
already beau tried moro thoroughly than thii
would try it , and that to auapcnu the pfiortn
to stamp out this monnco to western herds 11
the meantime would bo criminal , Wo there
fora decline the proposition of the stock ex
change and refer it to these whom'cattlo have
been slaughtered for the facts as U' Uia
in their herd ? . >
T.'io Outlook In Ohio ,
Columbus Special to the Chicago Tribune.
The labor vote in Ohio is i.n uncortah :
ipmntity am ) there nro no statistics or figmci
on which to base calculations , and it is eafo to
Bay that threo-fourths of the workingmen havi
voted the Republican ticket , nnd can generally
ally bo classed as Republicans. There are
20.700 manufacturing establishments in tills
State , which use a capital of $188,0.19,011
Tlicso establishment employ Over 103,000
working people , of which number 31-lliO an
females nnd children. The remaining ode
11)0,000 nro composed of mmi and boys over in
ve.irs of npe. The boya will not exceed 50-
000 , and there are therefore about 100,000
voters. Ninety per cent of the wnrkiiiRmon
nro protectionists , no matter which way they
they vote , but the general fculinir among them
has always been that the republicans nro for
protection nnd the democrats fet free tiade.
On this account th a republican ticket has UH-
ually received 70,000 working , votes. Tliti
democrats are ntlrinptliig to dotlge the turilf
question , and maintain that it Is , not an issue
in the present campaign. They eay they hold
to the "Ohio idea. " nut while they are ova-l
ing the question In this state the republicans
will foico the Issue I'ipon them.
What republican votes are lost
in other ways v , ill bo counterbalanced by it
gain from democratic workingmen , who nro
being made to fully understand'that note
fur the democratic ticlcot means p vote for free
trade. The assertion that the democrats advo
cate frco trade in being hlrongthunod hero by
the fact of the ejection of Carlisle as speaker ,
the democratic congressional vnjo on the Mor <
tiion bill , and the refusal of the democrats ti
rontoro the wool tariff. Thojvoto this fal
willnndoublodly bo the large-stiver polled it.
thofltato. At ( jailicld'H election thoru wnrn
721,1X57 votoH polled. Thisyoar they will
icach as high as 890,000.
The democratic demonstration hero to-day
cannot be considered as an evidence of Bour
bon onlhurilaHin. It has been in preparation
for weeks , and is not a local alf Air , but a utato
effort. A number of democratic politician * ol
notu have gathered here , Sanatnr Bayaid ,
who had jiwt ennui into the f.ato , tuld ho
know little of the iltuatlon , except that ro-
poits in the Kant were favorable to thu demo
crats. Ho considered IhiH tho' ' battle-ground
of the campaign , and believed the democrat *
would cany the state by ft mull majniity ,
although he wan by no mean * uanguln. Hona-
tor I'cndhitun considered the llijuor question
tlio moat important IHHUO in 'the campaign ,
und Maid the Scott law would fiivotho Uernmn
vote to tlio dcmocialH. lie maintained that
the two Congressional districts in Hamilton
county would go democratic , tf
John G. Thompson , who until thin campaign
ling been for yoaru at the head of the demo
crutlpHUU ) Committee , udmiV * that the re
publicans have made largo gains in the Jmt
two woaka
Afojor Hilly Annitrong , of the Cluvolnml
I'laindoalcr , who haa be n a iJumocratio editor
inco 18.14. IH here. MuHuid lnt night that
the republican mtjnrity in the" Wontoni Ho-
corvo will roach 'MMO , but tut ! thu demo-
tr.ilH would fleet thslr'ooiigres. liiaa ( Koran ) .
Which over party wa succf ful the majority
would not IKJ over O.tiOJ or 7.COO ,
Hcnutor John .Sliermnn , whoiiioko hero last
night , while ho did not de inJrto ) bo inter *
viewed , said Im hud tanvafised ilio ( tatopretty
thoroughly , und wa convinUi'l Hint the ru-
iublicjiii ( would bo Buccemful. Any mnjority
would ben large republican Kaluga , . .
.Senator Jiincecumu In to-dny.-ftjHo has
'cn making npooclie in the t'outhernjpart ot
.hostato and givoj u very favorublo repoit.
I'KItlfUIKll J !
In Advpiitiu-oiiH Voung
to Dontli on I'lto' .
DKXVEH , Col. , Hojitamber JOSinw.O. 4 ,
tVelton , a wealthy yimog JadyifJNjijr'York ] (
eri.hed In u HHOW storm la t Tuesday ulalit ,
vhllo do ccmlpf | | Long' * reaIr , f1ui VoUon
iod Ijeen unending the numnJ rjn Colorado
Springs visiting 1'ike'n 1'oak and other points
intercut. Two week * ago t wgat tq I-ito *
, stoj.plng at the h'elLwt Monday
hu walked over toio liouse ot a
guide named Lamb , lixlngat the foot of tli
J'oak.and engaged a son of Mr. I.imb. nine
tron years of ago , to act na guide in nscondln
the peak ncTt morning. At six o'clock Tues
day morning the homo and ascended thu pea
but encountered n tierce * now tnrfii on th
return , during which the ladv bo
wine completely chilled. Youni
Lamb niolsted her in the descent in boU h
could until nbout il o'clock at night , whnn he
tiTiig th entirely failed and ho carried her fo
half a mile , when flndlnc his own stroniHl
falling , ho told her that the only chance fo
aIng cither of their live * was for him t <
leave her and go to Ins father' * house , so\ci
miles distant for a iitanco. Ho left her n
ton o'clock nnd returned with ncitttatico ni
Tour o'clock Wednesday motntng , lindlm ; the
lady frozen to death. The remains won
tnkrn to Ijoiiffiiumt and will ba sent to Now
York. Mlns Welton was highly rellnod , n
jrent lover of nature nnd very self reliant. A
inavy snow etorm prevails In the in untntns
, o-nlght.
A Lincoln I'liupar'a Suicide , ui
Special telegram to the BKK.
ii.viXJi.N' , XobrasVa , Seitomber " (5 ( A mm
named Thos. Malm , about fifty yoara of ngc
and nn inmate of the Lancaster county poor
house died to-day from the effects of womuls
self-inflicted on Wednesday last. On that
day , ho attempted Mlicldo by cutting hi
throat with a piico of window glai" , but was
uotmicceisfulnnd lingeiod in pain until this
morning. The man WAX n laborer and smit to
the farm whtla airk , from thla place , about
four weeks ngo. Xo relations known ,
IJniullTO.V.JJKACll , September M. Three
quarters of n udh ) - maidens all rgcs Uraftlo
won ; Turlis Uc , I'nndango Hd ; time , 1:18 : ,
Three ipiaitctsnf n milo same conditions
Wclliuglon won , Wheatbrcad 3d , l.oonldas
3dttmol:18r. :
Milonnd a furlong tellln l.lllio 15. won :
Dan K. 2d , Alonklld ; time , l-.C-SJ.
Aide nod u quarter all ngo Mattie
Luru won ; Amoricus , I.lgun Mil ; time , '
Sevan furlongs non-wiunpii Lnraininla
won ; Manitoba I'd , Harpoouerlld ; tlmo , 1:111 : } .
Governor Oluvolnntl nt AVorlc.
AMIASY , N. Y , , September 'JO. Go\oruor
Cleveland has not definitely decided what day
\\illlcavo for liulTalo , but probably on
Wednesday or Thumday next. There will bo
no demonstration along the line if the Gov-
vernor's wishes are consulted. The governor
was busy as usual nt his dusk this morning.
Among the visitors wore Jnmos liartlett , of
Toledo , and Joseph Wachtol , of Cincinnati.
" VuarH Hut Old In Sin.
NKW YOUR , September 20.In the court of
sessions in Brooklyn , Ella Laraboll pleaded
jnilty to burglary In the third degree and was
sentenced to the penitentiary for three years
and six months. Sim ii twenty yearn old and
-his 19 her third term. Daniel Schuglcr , hav
ing read of her , presented the persecuting
iudgq nnd district attorney with n petition to
[ > ermit him to marry her nnd take her home
Kiln wns willing to marry him if permitted
iho court declined the olfcr.
Host lilt leu ,
1'AIUC , September W. Lo 1'nrls urges the
powers to inform Kuglnnd that she has gone
too far In prompting Egypt to break the Inter
national law in recant to Egyptian finance !
England , the samu paper i-ayy , cannot to al
lowed to diipofo of Egypt us She llkrs.
The Xnlionalo expreseeH the belief that in
coiiEoquenco of the piotest of tlio powers Eng
land has nlieady resolved to nullify tlio ( innn
cial measures which she expected to onforci
in .
_ _ eja _
Ohio Whisky OeniDOratH.
CINCINNATI , September ' . ' 0. The saloon
kccpeis association has prepared 15,000 circu
lara to bo mailed to all liquor and cigardealers
In Ohio , ad\Ising them to oppose Johnson ,
the republican candidate for judge of the MI
promo court , because ho favors tlio Scott law.
The cliculor does nut dcchuo on any other
candidates. This oNcning the democratic
member * of the committco who are in the
minority roplovined all the circulars.
A Sot Uncle to Snlvntlou ,
GKNKVA. Sapteuiber 20. At n meeting
of the salvation army nt NIcan , they were
attacked to-day. The windows of the building
in wnlcli the EnlvaliomsU iissomblcd were
mnnhod and the dooin and furniture din-
TJio Wont her To-day.
WAHIIINOTON , September 27 , 1 n. in. liuli
cations : ] ' 'or the Upper Mississippi valley
Partly cloudy , local raiim , variable winds , and
stationary followed by lower temperature ,
For the Missouri valley : Partly cloudy , hi
cal ruiiiH , followed by fair weather , variable
winds and lower temperature.
lliirhod AVIro.
ClIICAf.O , September 20. The barbed wiio
manufacturers of the United Stales held
Hcusion hero to-day , for the purpoio of forming
nn association to maintain niton. Without
accomplishing this object they adjourned un
til Tuesday ,
* 1'riiHHla anil tlio Vatican.
HOMK , September 2 ( > Ifer ( von Schlof/.cr ,
I'riutilan minister to tlio Vatican , arrived nt
Homo and will pi profit the papal secretary ol
Htatoix note Indication tin ) basin on which
1'rnsidik is preuaied to runumo negotiation
wltli the Vatican.
Oliolora In Inly ,
UOMI : , Sept. 20. The report of cholera In
Italy for the past 2J liotm In ns follows : -li-
fresh cases , 212 doathi at Naples ; 21 frcnh
ciises , 05 deathi. ngaiiist 212 cw * nnd 105
deaths the prnviouit 21 hours. At fionoo 5
cases , 20 deaths.
Tlio PittHlmn ; l''Jrn. '
i , September 'M. The t < tal loss
by thu Fouth side fiio last night U 8200,000.
Care for the Children
Chllilron feel the liability of HID
.I&OIIH , nven more tlqn iidnlts , and Ihey bu
rome cross , peevish , ami iinrunlrolliiblu.
The blood should bodeansod and the system
Invigorated by the usoof Hood'arl.irHaparlllu.
" Ii : t Hprlni ? my two children were vacci
nated. Boon after , they bioko all out with run.
nlngHoroH , i > dre.nlful I thought 1 should lose
them. Hood's Hanciparllla cured them com-
plctclyj mid thi'y ' lw\o been liiMllhy over
xlncu. I do feel that Ilood'M Hiisnparlllit
K.-iveil my i-lilldirn to me. " .lluu. U , IK
TJIOMPHO.V , West Warren , JJass ,
Purify the Blood
Itood'rt Harsnparllla h charartrrlxcd M
thrco peculiarities ; Jut , the cumblnutlim ut
remcdlnl agciits j 2d , the yrojiortluni Sd , HID
jirotaa of securing thu active iiiedlelna/
ijualltli ! * . Thu result l n mrdlclno of unusiu'
ttrengtli , edcctlni ; cures hitherto unknown
Send fur book containing additional evidence ,
"Hond'H Barsniiarllla IOIICH up my ystciii.
purlllcH my lilnod , uliarpena my iiiipi'tltn , mid
heenm to iiialo ; mo over. " .1. 1 * . TlloMl'rtow ,
iteglbtcr of Dccu.s , Lowell , Iilas.s.
"Hood's fiarsaparllla bents all others , and
Is worth lln weight JiiKolU. " I. llAiutlKurtiN ,
ISO JJauk atrcct , How Yoik City.
Hood's cSarsapar ilia
Sold by alt druggists , ft 5 six for (5. llado
only by 0.1. HOOD It CO. , Lowell , Mass.
CiiirAdO , September
2C.-Tho genera
freight agents of the lines parties to the ttl
paitllo agreement mot to-day , and formally
approved of the rates ngrood upon under th
recently formed pools , which pr.icttcally su
KcprcsontatlveR of the linen in the trans
continental imocmlion hold a session hero to
day , and without tiansncling anybuslno'so
Iniporfance , adjourned to moot in Omaha Oc
tobcr 1.
It has ju t transpired that on the 13th tnst
the 8t I'nlil road gave the icquiml live dayn
nollcootUthdraal from the Missouri rive
Ij-wiMiRor ngioommit. U was , hown\or , in
jlucod to temporarily withdraw it. nnd nimcl
Ing to consider Us grievances will bo held on
the 2 < Jth iust.
llrltlsh Ainorloriii Iiullnnn.
ST. 1 'Air. , Minn , , September 20. A Win
nipeg , ianitoba , upocial to the Dispatch
'ays ' information was reciovcd that the cine
of the South 1'iegati Indians were o\toitlng
money from Canadian Hauclnncn for allouiiif
the latter to drive herds tlirough thu reserve
from Montana to Manitoba. The Indians do
maud ten cents on every head of eittlo , am
if the money Is not p.u'd , they shoot ni many
cattl'i ni they think will piy the duty on tin
number left. It is said thu Indians ate In a
starving condition , which accounts for their
UlmlHtono on Ills Trnvols ,
LONDON , September 2o-Gladstono , on
oa\ing Mldlothlnu , thiukud his constitu
ents for the cutout-aping inception accorded
lim throughout his tour. The many honors
Inwn him were duo to the great cauwo
vhtch wore presented. Ho spoke at Carlisle
o-day. Among the things ho said : ' 'In the
iri'aont crisis the lords ought to Rtudy the
met moans to provide that the house of lords
hall not fall , ft boat be done by their
acting with moderation and prudence.1'
The KjjyiHlim "XVnr.
HUAKIM , Seplemcor 20. Mo.isongurs from
ho friendly tribe at Anmrarn ask for food am
arms to enable them In continue , tliolr sue
ct'safnl campaign against the Hadcndowas.
They say thu rebels there are unable to move
m account of the great number of wounded
fho gioal leader , Osman Dlgna with only twi
mndrod followers , Is at Tatnuil. Thu res !
mo been dispersed on account of want ol
Suloldo ot
September 20. A stranger
.wouty-flvo or thirty years old , miicidod hero
his morning. There is nothing to indicate
lis nauiu or rvstdonco. It in thought ho came
mm Louisville. Hols HX foot high , llghl
lair , blind In thu left eye , a ring on his finger
vlth the iiMiio "Kninia"engr.ivod on the in-
ide , anihor ICIgin watch , dark panU , black
coat and vest. The coroner has the body ,
'I'lio 1'roHBiiro t llnril times.
Sr. LOUIH , Sopto mber 20. The St. Loui
nallcanlo iron company assigned this morn-
ng. Assoats $111,000 ; no stiitamout of liabil"
ties yet mado.
Liabilities ? L'5OOOj cause of failures , rofuen
of baul'.H toneconunoduti ) .
Nltw YOIIK , September 20. The failures o
.ha pant week were 213 against 218 thu previous
vious week.
WAHHINIITON , September 20. The appoint
ronitof Judge Cjrasham as secretary ot th
treasury Is not temporary but permanent. 1
is intimutod that Jiisllcn Urjdloy , of thu PI
premo court , will retire in a fowr months an
the position will bu tendered < lnd o ( ires haul
Tlio Mo.Monu ICiiKlluh Iol > r.
Cnv or MHMCO , September 20. Tlio Ii
nal contract was signed in London on th
. ' 1th by thu Kngliuh band holders and 1'Mwar '
Nootzlin ropreHuntlng the Muxican govern
luont , for funding the English debt ,
Franco Raplilly AciiitlrinK tlio IMowt
Powerful NAvnl Arniniiiont.
( lerman Military Gazette.
England atnnds first vrith twcnty-fivi
modern lino-of-battlo slilpa , fulfilling al
requircmonts of the proacnt tame , and
fourteen obaoloto inon-uf-wnr , nine
modern and nix obaolcto ironclads for
const dcfonso , and three ironclad cruis-
Franco follows willi sixleon modern
and nine obaoloto liiio-of-battlo shipu ,
nid sovcn inodurn und eight obsolete
ronclnds for coast dofuneo.
Next to theao two most important na
val iiowora rank Germany , with nine
Two ironclad frigates , four ironclad cor
vettes ) Hno-bf-buUlo fillips fulfilling all
tcquiremonts of the pu'sont day , and
ihrco obaoloto ironclad shipa , ( the troclaJ
'rigatca Kronprijv and Frederick Karl ,
and thu ironclad corvette lianaa ) , elovci
modern ironclad voasols for coast defense
[ ulovon ironclad gunboata all completed ) ,
nnd ono obaoloto vceaul , the ironclad
Aufitcia takes fourth place , with tbroo
modern mid ooven obaoloto Jino-of-battlo
Italy has two modern and cloven obso
elo ironclad .hips nt liurdiaposil.
Russia hoa only ono firnt-claua lino-of
jattlo aliip , and BOUUII obaoloto ironclads ,
.wo modern and uixtcon obaoleto iron
ilad vesHola for coast dofonno , and four
rodclad cruisuni.
Denmark posses two modern and two
obsolete Jino-of-battlo ships , and two
nodorn and two obsolete ironclad vosselu
'or const dofcneo.
Jlollaiid , ono modotn battle whip ant
aovontoun modern ironclad vcssola for
coast defense.
This shows that Great Britain utill
lolds first place with her iron clad float ,
franco second , Germany third , Italy
onrtli , Ituesia fifth and Auatriu sixth
> laco. Franco , however , is building al
iresont fourtoun vcssuls of the moat pow
erful description , and eight similarly
tuworful iron clad vooselu for coast do-
enaa against uovon-lino of battle ahipn ,
nid five iron clad oruisora building in
front Britain. In a few years , therefore
franco v/ill bo able to dioposo of thirty
latllo ahipe , of which twelve are liref-
claaa fighting power , and Great Britain
if thirty two battle ships , numbering ,
lowovcr , only a ntnglo veseol of
xbout equal strength to the twelve ,
french ohipH. Italy is constructing u'vo
) attlO'ships of lirat-clusa power ; Huaaiu
hrco battle ships and three ironclad
crulscrsj Germany , ono ironclad cruiecr ,
ind two Ironclad gunboata ; Austria ono
jattlu aliip ; Donmnrlc , ouo ironclad for
coast Ucfenao. Great Britain's preeminence -
nonce on thu scan in thoruforo , most do-
lidedly inanaood by Franco , with the
iomplution of the vcssula building by
> oth ttatca. As Gront Britain is obliged to
imploy n great portion of hor.lloot in the
ilcdlturraiieun and at many distant eta-
ions it may bo presumed that from 1887
r J888 a French fleet of forty-two iron- !
lads would bo opposed to an English
eot of at most , thirty-two ironoladit , in-
luding in the latter the veiaols reserved I
For coast defense ,
Merc's ' Qdotalions on Meat , Grain
Proyisions al Chicago ,
The Oattlo Supply Moro Tliaa
the Demand
, is i
\ * * *
Hogs Enjoy a Lonesor and
Neglected Holiday ]
Foreign Reports Bolst CT all
Wheat Futures ,
The Oorn Market Quio
Demoralised ,
OntH Btcudy nnd a Simile Khmer- .
I'ork Easy Imnl Easier nml
Special Telegram to the BKK.
Gmc.viio , September 20. Westerns nnd
Texans made up nbont 220 cat s of the days
itcci. . , nod the quality of Westerns was fill-
ly up tu the average , many droves being j.
enough for any market. There was a fair'pec
cent o ! good Natives among the fresh arrivals ,
for which there an active demand , with
salcH at 030@80 ( ! , for good , 1 400 to 1 COO Ibs.
Steam. Second class Natives were selling a
ihade higher , nt from 01G@G50 , but grasecm
and common Natives wcro slow andunchangcd
it from about -IfiOSiJlSri und thereabouts.
3tnckcra aud feeders wcro in brisk demand
nnd RoUing nt high prices. All the stock
calves have bccu sold out nt strong prices ,
llnngo cattle were quoted nt 10@15 lower , but
the drop wan more on account of the quality ,
which was good nil around , as the current
sales show little or no change. Good to choice
1200 ® I 350 Ibs , GOO@C50 ; common to fair ,
1 OoU ( < il ) 200 , 47fi575. Best ramo
cattle wcro linn. Low grades
dull , Three hundred and thirty-two Texans ,
02 ! ) pounds , 125 ; 217 Montanas , 12G9 pounds ,
5 85 ; 78 Montnnos. 1210 pounds , C 85 ; 105
lialf-brocda , 10SB pounds , -135 ; 123 Toxana ,
978 pounds , 4 30 ; 1-10 Texans. 1023 pounds ,
400 ; 3.VJ WyomlDgB , HID pounds , 4 ! JO ; 201J
Wyoming . 1312 pounds , 5 26. Among thu
rcceiptn of western cattle to-day wcro some
oxconont droves , nnd for purely gi-naa fed
were superior to any natives exhibited in thii
market this season. Ono drove that attracted
particular attention wag from "Tho Montnmt
Cattle Company , " shipped from Billings , M.
T. Adding nlxmt 8000 left over to the fresh
receipts , there wcra about 21COO on sale , a
much greater number than was wanted , es
pecially when it is known that at leant more
than half that number were of coicmon and
medium stock. Market opened nnd ruled
dull , prices gradually ninking until the de
cline reached lU@15c on medium and com
mon and 5@10c on best heavy.
Light sortfi wore entirely neglected. Sales
weio small , within n range ot 4 SO@G 00 for
common to choice light , nnd 4 ! )0@G ) CO for
common mixed , ami 5 C0@0 CO for bent
heavy. Light , ICO end 210 pounds , 510 ©
570 ,
Foreign cables wore all strong this mprnim- .
and an advance was noted in all English and
foreign wheat , which caused a firm Iceling at
the aliening , en change , and this continual
uitb ouo or two slight reverses through both
eefdons of the board. Trading was larger ,
nnd there appeared to be moro inclination 011
tha part of and ouUido parties to tuko
hold. Oil the afternoon board , trading wan
ummially largo , the top prices of the day
were scared , the market closing at 78 for Oc
tober , 9 ' "r November snd 81 j | for Do-
wan unusually quiet during most of the ses
sion. nnd fluctuations wore confined to u
smaller range. In the present condition oE
the market tlivro appear but slight inclinations
tn make nny no.v trades , nnd the market foe
this time being is pretty throughly demorali
zed , September opened at 70 , which
was six cents under the closing figures
of yoaterdny , rose to 73 , fell back , rose acatn ,
and closed at 73 in the latest dealing * of the
day , Moro distant futures ranged somewhat
lirmor than yCBtorday , closing at 57 for Octo
ber , ! ( ! ? for November , 40J for the year , and
for May.
itoady and n nlmdo firmer , closing at 25 } for
September , 252 for October , 255 tor Novem
ber , nnd 25.J for the year.
ruled eaty , but October was tnarkei up to
17 00. The year cloned at 18 85 ; January at
12 10.
I. A It I )
easier ; cloning firm at 7 C5 for September nnj
Dctober , nnd 7 2J& for November.
Killed nt South IMnttc.
Special Telegram to TllK Bus.
SOUTH PLATTB , Neb. , September 20. Ben
ininin Birmingham , a laborer on B. & M.
construction train , was killed on the railroad
at noon to-day. Blimlngham was iimuingin
rent of the onglno to flag an approaching
.rain , nhou lie slipped and fell under the con
struction train engine. Ho was a single man ,
ccently from Now York.
The Imbor Tribunal.
PnTHUUiid , September 20. Application
will bo made next week In th court for the
ippolntinnnt and license of the trade's trl-
mnul to determine the rate of mining In rail
road coal mines for the winter months.
A Kttllroml Dividend ,
WALI , STOKIT , September 20 , The dlrcu.
Lorn of the , Lackawamm and West
ern declared the regular dividend of two per
ecnt , payable ) October 2.
K * v&m * # - faC-v'S '
Ifnluin or any injurious EubfcUnceit'au bu four.Q
il4u rK.J$1.- . - 3aUtiif { Powder. I * JKIS-
llvtly pt | R fc. ) juiiij , ' cndortcit , nnil tckttmoniali
loeohca iroui sucJt cheinlstsasB , Vann Ila\-s.lJo6.
i.'ni M , . UcJafoouiino. of Chicago ; end ua tav 4
Me , iflhvankeo. Neverfcold lit bult.