Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1884, Image 8

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Friday Mornine Sopt. 26-
Uatnuin's circus will bo localwl on Slier-
rn.\n nvenuc , opposite llio nthlotlo park ,
A couple of prostitutes wcro arrested yes-
leroay atternoon for disttitliiiif tbo pcaco on
I'lsvcnth street.
Councilman Wooilworlh lias been released
leased under $500 bonds to appaar for examin
ation on Jtonday at 11 o'clock a , in ,
Tlio auction sale of the Crolgliton lioune
furnittiro will conlinuo todny , coinmonclnir at
10a.m. There wcro bij ? bargalni given yes
tcrday ,
Tlio Ogden part of train No. 2 , on the
Union Pacific road , did not arrive yesterday
logon account of the fulling of a anew shed
iiiormmt on tin ro.\il ,
Ninety-fivo prostitutes have paid a month
ly tax during this month. Thirty-five delin
quent ones are still upon ilia list , and nn order
has been IsMicd for their nrrcst.
Wednesday night sneak thiot Btnlo n cxmt
valued at.$15 from the atoro of M. J Qutntgard.
He would HUe the person Ibat look It to call
and get the pants and vet > t to match it.
Calberlno A , I'lynn , sister of Ofliccr Win.
1'lynn , of the police force , arrived In the city
yesterday from lioslon , and will henceforth
iiialo her homo in the family of her brother.
The excellent weather which wo mo now
enjoying is helping the pavers out In great
nhapo. A few weeks mow of this kind and
IT r all the contracts now lot will bo completed in
godd shape ,
The remains of 13. W. Morgan will or-
live thli morninjr nt 8 o'clock. The fu
neral procession will form at the depot , and
from thence move to lloly Family church. >
Interment at Holy Sepulcher cemetery , Sep
tember 25,1881.
Mr. 1M. W. Morgan , son of Mr. 0. Mor
gan , mot with n \ iolent death at Lafayette ,
Indiana , on Monday night latt. Ho fell from
I * * a winc-ow In the third ttory of a building nnd
fctruck upon his head in such n manner an to
break his neck , and causing instant death ,
A sloowng car at the B. & M. depot * was
"kicked" down yesterday .toward the plat
form and the brake bains ° f m ) ncccunt the
brakeman was unable to hold It and the car
anmhcd into the platform badly demoralizing
the platform and wrecking the car Nomowhat.
At MisBOini Vnlloy yesterday morning n
man uamod .Tohn Garner died very
suddenly of heart diaoaso. Ho was
n resident of Calhoun and had just ro do Into
town on horuo back. Ho waa talking with
nome friends when ho suddenly fell to the }
sidewalk and expired in a very few minutes.
Ho was about twenty-five years of ago.
Mr. Sam King , in company with ono of
thi' member * of the Western Dctoctivo agency ,
who is thoroughly acquainted with all the
joints and dives of the city , called at Tint BEK
lost night to deny the Imputations by n
morning paper on the character of the Ralooii
at the corner of Klovonth and Capitol avenue.
Mr. King , who appears to ba n very gentle
manly young man , hrs recently purchased Iho
saloon and has been ( ( training every effort to
redeem It from the bad niputaln ! it earned
under llio proprietorship of Oiii Schultz , nnd
\ < whereas ho hn couttud the pnlronajo of the
noighborgood , ho seriously regrota the icurrll-
oin rcllectloDS of the aforesaid morning pnpor.
Jlr. King invites Investigation from the authorities -
thoritios into the management of his place.
'I'ho Grnntl Council of the Northwest *
crn fiction of Honor , Convenes
liithlH City.
The annual session of the Grand Coun
cil of the Northwcatern Legion of Honor
was ticld at the Paxton liotel. Wednesday
afternoon. The following oflicora wcro
elected for the ensuing year :
Grand Commander K. D. Titus ; Onmlia.
Vlco-Comuiauder 0.V. . Smith , Mn ca-
line , Iowa.
Grand 1'nst Comnuindcr F. J. McShnnc ,
Grand Secretary D. M. liowlnnd , Jilaren-
. Iowa.
ModicalKxaminor in Chief ] ' . 8 , Loleen-
Gmnd Troniuror 3' ' . K. Alvvnynii ila-
Gnmd Orator -Sol 1'rlncc , Onmln.
Grnnd Cha laln llov. G. II. 1'owcr , Alcin ,
luwa ,
Gnmd GuIdo-S , MoKnir , Mimionpnllii ,
Grand Wnrdou S. W. Lewis , Burlington ,
Trustees M. Toft , Omaha ; G. G. Curatcni ,
DAVcnjiort , lown ; S. JMcNalr , MlnnujpulU ,
! ' * .Minnesota.
Kinancu Committeu J. S. naon8Marcnio.
Iowa ; AI. Toft. Omaha ; H. W. Lewis , liur-
lltiRtun , lotvn. t
The N.V..L. . of II in bocomluR ono
of the moat popular inatitutionn in the
northwest , Thin hi duo to the fact thnt they
Imvo incorporated into their institution
many improvements over other kindred
aociotics. Amont ; others they uonfino
their territory to Nebraska , Kansaa , r
Iowa , Minnesota and Daicota , which iu
comparatively frco from epidemics , such r
AS yullotr fever , cholera , ote. They nlso ?
have catabltshuda roaorvo fund to gnar *
antco the payment of ull death leases }
in cneo the order ohould over run down.
A local council now being organized in
ihia city have now aomo eii-hty-tliroo bl
charter members enrolled upon their list
with a prospect of 150 or moro within u r
torr daye.
At the mooting Wednesday reprcnenta-
lives from Ifunsaa City ( Kan. ) Minneap }
olis , Bt. Paul , Oeclar lUpidn , Muscatine , .
aad Marengo wuro preaont.
r. Rbcrl'a ncHdlonou InKoiitu Onia-
lin i'arllnlljrDi'ijU'dycd byFIro ,
. ' 'Yesterday nftcrnoou about 4 o'clock an
alarm of liru was turned iu from box 8 ,
It trua found to bo in the reaidonoo of
Mr. Andrew Ebort on Kourtounth Direct
betwcon K11U and Pierce. Owing to ita
long diatancQ from the engine house the
department Man aouo time in reaching
tlio burning building , whoeo roof was
wrapt in fUmen wluui it arrived. The
liru vrg * EOOII eztin uUhvd but not until
the roof waa entirely diatroycd end also
contidtirablo furnlturo ,
Tlio origin of the fire ia unVnown , but
ti > L vo Jriinatod ( ; in tbob d-
ul-ra ) ( lg ; flsinco iruro firnt dineov.
' 1'tio loss tu Sir. Ebort ) ' * not
n , butliophctii it ct imaily 3300.
ImlMlucr BM ! furjiituro wcfo iwurud
Jlr , J. E. ShevelHck , whoio grocery
hmxldoor uori'n of MiIJbrrkV
o. euITored n cinr.ll lot-B ficni the
gondu fxmi liis ctr-ro , nud the
of fcje utcck rciDainitij ; in the
Mrs. Clilok TolU Her Slrto of th
AVrlRlit-Clilclc Story.
To the Editor of TMK BKB.
In your estimable [ iapor of the 22n
Inst , , nppoara n distorted nnd hifjhly co !
ored pnn pieluro of ono Mrs. August
Parka uco Auguatfl Wright , In connoo
tion with n caao of inino. The faeta an
that in early spring my husband nnd
wont to board with .Augusta Wrighf
When wo loft In Juno aho waa nnd all
is owing mo for services rendered her , n
runount largely in excess of the boar
bill claimed by her. She refused to pay ,
or allow my claim , nnd to void a fai
mid legal investigation in the merits
the caao , she takoa my trunk nnd by th
Assistance of aomo ot her hangora-on , ah <
aoorotoa It , BO thnt nri ofHcnr by writ
replevin cnnnot find it. The first roplov
in case spoken of wns voluntnrlly dla
mUsed rather than go on nnd take i
worthless judgment , ns ono against ho
would bo. The nocond case was hold to bi
beyond the jurisdiction oi the justice , bj
reason of the fact that the ctuo first
started had not boon diaaiifiaed at the
tlnlo of ieaning aummona in the second
caaoin which other partina had boon added
od na dcfondnnta.
It moybohonorablotoaloal a trunk and
run it elF beyond the reach of an ollicor ,
nnd thus prevent n fair trial on the merits -
its of the caao , and ngain it may not. If
her claim to the trunk la just why haa
aho not Bold it to piy the debt ? She
knows her claim will bo moro than ofiaot
by mine in n fair trial , nnd this ah-3
I hnvo boon trying to got hold of the
trunk slnco Juno last , and propose to
cocp up the hunt until fuond and my
rights fully vindicated.
It may not bo inappropriate to cay that
part of my nervicca rendered Mrs.
Wright wnafor nttondauco nt Iho birth of
A child and the burial thereof for her.
Mrs. Wright's last act caps the climnx.
It was heralded by the widow to all her
numerous creditors that now ftho had n
huaband who would pay all her claims , a
yaliant protector nnd the valiant knight
rushca into print to defend hia gnashing
bride , and then , nftor hla braggadocio ro-
yarding hia honesty and the brilliancy of
his record ho takes hia bride in the early
gloaming of Tuesday ovoningnnd with bag
gage nnd clap-trap they cook to akip the
town , and leave numcroua creditors in
the lurch , but the aanio so-called "Irro-
jpoiiBlblo" hotter designated aa the irrc-
prctwiblc constable appeared and attached
Lhoir eflbcta. The now bridegroom , so
tro are told relieved hla mind with mighty
.itha nnd B were no that the honey moon
irlll doubtlcaa bo totally oelipsud.
Mils. D. Cinuv.
Tlio Uarnum tilroot 1'iirnclo.
No ahow hna over nttompod to equal
ho glorioaund brilliant iimovatlona of the
amoua Barnum and London Sliows'
aatchlesa procession , ono of which will
ccur here thla morning.
Like the porfornmiico itself , which
larks the moot conaplcuoua orn in nronio )
musomonta , it ia without a rival. The
Ihlcsgo Diily Mail of September 1 aayo
f the pngoant.
The Barnum-London Show excited
ligh admlrntiou by its ntroot para Jo in
Jldcago to-duy. It was the opening of a
ruok'fl ncaaon on the lakp front. Tliu '
larndo was uniqua nnd curious in beauty
nd oztrnvnganco , nnd attracted great
rowds of people in the otroota through
rhich the march wan made. The
harlots , gilded cages wherein living ,
icaata were exposed , and elaborate band
ragons were nil aa attractive na they
ould poeaibly bo. The ethnological >
ongroos and otrango people were perched .
n conspicuous eight of nil , nnd their
lalivity wna plainly discerned. The
lord of elephants , the hnrnesuod drama-
Inrios. the nlegorical necosaoricH , the
ubilou oingurs , the boll chimes , the
nnmmoth orcheatrou , the bands , the
anguificont etccd of Porchcrona , the
aoing chariots , the cavalcade of lady
idors , the mountain men , nnd , in fact ,
ivcrything waa riven na advertised , and
ran quite ( successful. Uarnum'a season .
lore promises to bo very profitable. IIo
ma niwaya been well patronized in this
ity , nnd ho boaata that hia ontortain-
nunt ia now better than over before.
Imong the prominent features of the
how , nsido from the colossal Jumbo , the
iaby elephant , and mother , and other :
are animnla , may bo named the nacrcd
lcphautpurohaBed from King TJiobawof
iuriimh , for ? 200,000 , nnd the Burmeao ,
ubiana , AfhanB ) , Qindooa , Todna poo-
ilo , Nautch dancing girla , images nnd
irouen. :
ileiil lOntuto {
The following transfora wrro filed in
lie county clerk's olllco yesterday and
oportod for Tin : Dm : by Amen' rail ca
nto agency , September t-4 :
II. O. Jones and wife to E Gihuoy ,
d , lot ( I , block U , Elkhorn , § 75.
J. E. Johnson ot nl to J , A. Uorbaoh ,
d , el of lota 11 nnd 12 , 1'arkor'a ndd ,
J. Malony ot nl to M. Ooady , w d ,
ta in MoEuatus add , $75.
Eighteenth Street M. E. church to %
Swedish M. . E. church , w d , part lot 4 ,
ilock 22 , & )000. )
A. McCatfroy ot nl to J. L. McCaguo ,
d , lota in block 10 , E. V. Smith's add ,
U. P. Railway company to A. Mo
lcnegan , vr d , parcel civo15 , 10 , U , >
E. 0. Oochran to W. Cochran , w d ,
mrculccc21 , 10 , IU , $2050.
0. Appiutun and wifu to I > . Lindblod , 1
vd , part lot ia , block 4 , Improvement
\iauciations' ndd , $250 ,
Men Tulco Notloe.
Young man eligible to vote desiring
to join the Republican DIatno and Logan
military company will bo present nt the
nuit meeting , Saturday , nt 7(0 : ! ( p. in , nt
lllaino nnd Logon club roomr , 1310
Douglas atrpflt.
Informatiun can bn obteinod nt club
rooms or from the olllcinls at any tlmo.
Clinton Powell President ; 0. O.
Dow nrd tccrotary and troueurer ; J. C
Howard vico-proiidcnt ; U. 0. Walker
ass'aUnt ' r.tcrotury nnd Ireaaurer ,
OrdlnAtlou lo iho 1'rlcHtlinoil ,
The right Ilovorend 0 , F. Ilobertion ,
D. D , , blihop of the dloccso of Miaaouri ,
nfliciatcd yuftornay nt Trinity cotho-
drnl lu tliu ordination of two deacons to
the pricathood.
Tlutro wtru prceciit oicht
from this dincose. Morning prayer hav
ing hern raid nt 0 o'clock , the ordination
services began with a hymn , nftortrardi
tlu biahop uclivi-rcd a moat pertinent ad <
dross to the candidates in regard to th
duties of Iho pastoral ollico , ending wit !
a special nddrcas to the candidates tha
they take great hood to .bo wholesom
pilrona to their flock and tha
they neither offend nor bo the occasion
that others offend. They have need t (
pray earnestly for Ilia holy spirit
seeing that they cannot in any othp
way accomplish the end they have in
T..o norvico proceeded with the litany ,
in which there ij a ( ipocial auffraRO for
tuoso who nro dmittod to the priesthood
and after the singing of another hymn by
the cathedral choir , who volunteered fo
the occasion , the holy communion waa
proceeded with. The candidates who
were advanced to the prieathood were
the llov. Thomaa Stafford , of Ashland
Nob. , a graduate of Soabuty divinity
school , in F/urlbault , Minn , , and the
Rev. N. S. DeMatoB , of Schuylnr , Nob.
both of which gentlemen have done cfli
oion work In Ashland and Schuylor ro
During Iho ceremony the bishop and
all the ministcra laid their Imnils upon
tha hcnda of the candidates , nnd nt the
conclusion the bishop presented each o
them with n copy of the holy bible nnd
invested them with the Stole , nlso gnvo
them authority to go forth and minister
lo the people , BO framing their lives
that their works might prove acceptable
unto God.
A. Sncnic Tlitcf Nnbucil.
Ynstcrday forcnoonn man named Ed Or-
l.lnd sneaked into the Buckingham sa
loon , while the bartender was snoozing
In his chair and stole § 15 from behind
the bar. The bartender , Russell by
name , and Bill Armour gave chaao to the
follow and after capturing him run him
into the city jail. Do admitted having
taken the money but said ho had to have
it aa his coat and vest wcro both in
"soak" nnd had to bo redeemed. Do
had boon playing faro bank and had losl
hia all and had panned his coat and vest
for another atako.
A Oaril ,
Kditor LUii.T DKI : :
Forbearance , once in a great while ,
ceases to bo n virtue. This is trno in my
case at this moment. For three days I
have withstood a running fire of newspa
per articles very malignant in their nature
turo , and very devoid of truth.
Flrat , the Dispatch devotes the greater
part of a column of its valuable spacn to
my humble lifo , an ingenious mesa of
falsehoods from beginning to end , insti
gated in n great immsuro by n party who
has ono foot in the penitentiary and the
other headed that tray , and parly by the
fertile imagination of a youthful but
probably well-meaning scribe. The
Republican and BEE follow in succession
with articles written by the same person ,
evidently , as they nro the same , word
for word , which led mo at first to
mpposo that the two papers had become
iconomicn land only had ono hired man
otwoon thorn , and to sum up the entire
ncna I find that I nm guilty firat , of nt-
aching some property of ono Mollie
Jibson for rent duo mo : second , I rent n
largo number of houses for purposes o
nroetitutlon ; third , I extort exorbitant
rout from the tenants of said houses ;
'ourth , I have boon fleecing these tenants
ivherovor opportunity oilers , and fifth , I
im n hard man generally.
In answer , I say firat , I did rent a
louse to ono Mollie Gibson und after
wo weeks or moro of occupancy of the
louao rented by her , I was compelled for
rarious reasons to eject her by law. She
ras to pay ninety dollars per month for
.ho house and furniture a largo 10-
ooin , finely furnished dwelling which
vould bring iu any other than the
td ward , $125 per month.
Creditors seldom consult debtor na to
what they ehall luvy on when n writ of
ittaohmont la issued , BO in this caao the
ifllcer simply performed hia duty nnd
nviod on what wna in sight , unfortu
nately in this case it proved to bo a lot
tit drossca , parasola , lace curtains itc. ,
.to. , nnd hereby haiija n tale too lung to
relate but which mny end disnstoroualy
for the heroine thuruof and her legal
champion. Sulllca to say the courts
Imvo sustained mo throughout in the
various trials growing out of this .attach
ment. Second , if your reporter will on-
) uiro among real u.itato dealers of this
pity ho will learn how utterly impossible
it is to keep disropuUblo ch tractors out
of houses for rant. Every device is used
Lo hoodwink the agent or landlord es
pecially in the third where
this class of people moat do con-
regate. Nearly every man that owns or
is agent for homes to let in this city can
Imvo the aamo charges preferred against
liim thnt are now made ngninst mo.
Uiuk at it in this light for instance :
Suppose n man knowingly should rout n
louse to n tenant for those purposes ,
lie only places himself on a par with the
whole city of'Omaha ' which supports Its
ichonls from the industry of these sport-
tig womcm. You send your child to
school on this money , nnd the landlord
buys n pair of shoes for his. Whore's
Iho diUoronco ) Is it ndilTerouco without
distinction , or u distinction without n
Third. Every house I own in the third
ward would bring from five to ton dollars
per month more than 1 am now getting
lor it if it were in n moro respectable
neighborhood. This I con easily prove
> y almost any ono engaged in the house
rcrititig bualness.
Ji'uurth. All tha ileccing I have done
In connection with these houecs , is thin :
hnvu put out Bomu four or livu tenants
iu the last six or eight months for non
payment of rent , nnd ono or two for
keeping disorderly houses , and after
wards obtained judgement for rent duo
mo. In not u alnglo cato haa ono of
these judgements boon paid ,
Fifth , 1 draw the curtain. I may
not answer the description.
In conclusion would it not exhibit n
better spirit on the part of the newspap
ers of this city to once in a while hoar
both sides of a dtory before the united
press jumps in a body on the victim and
lays him out BO cold that it
would Inko nn awful early spring
to save him from petrifac
tion. It would olio look n little moro
metropolitan if each reporter would in-
vostigatu every report for hlmiolf and (
write out the facts for hia own paper , and
not depend on hla scissors and pitato pot
for hia uows. Aa it ia now , nnd 1 road
ull the papers published iu Encllsh in
this city , nearly every item of interest
passes in succession through each of the
papers and in nearly every cuso haa tliu
nr mnrVa of the first reporter who
bunted it up , Hwpo.otfully
Iloul Morna & Brunucr'a new card ,
- - -
A. Meeting of the Ulnlno nnil Log *
Military Oluli Imst Broiling.
The firet mooting of the ropublica
Blftino nnd Logan military company wa
hold Wctlncfldevening at Blnino nnd Log
club rooms , and the following oflicor
were elected :
Clinton Powell , president ; J. 0. How
nrd , vice president,1 0. 0. lloward , ace
rotary and treasurer ; 11. 0. Walker , as
a'utant eccrotary and treasurer.
The following mom bora were appoints
by the preildont to rccriiiting ofli
cora to enlist members for the nbovo coin
puny ; David Lowe , J. B. Crawford , J. 0
Howard , I. M. Knott , U. 0. Walker , 0
U. Howard , Wni , Stokcn and Saniuo
The next mooting will bo hold at 7:3 :
p. m. , Saturday , September 27 , at th
Uliiino and Logan club rooma , 1311
Douglas atrcot.
Any young man eligible to vote ,
desires to join the organization can applj
to any of the above committee or bi
present nt the next mooting , The objee
of thin company will bo to form a wcl
drilled organization , intending to intro
duce novel features in the line of march
ing in the republican parade.
A sums ounr JTOUND AT I.ASTI
NO ONI ; NKK tjtjpnni.
A Btiro euro for Blind , Hlccillng , Itching nm
Ulcerated 1'Ilcn lion been tlijcoverod by Dr
Wlllinmn ( nn ludinn Hemedy , ) called Dr.
William's Indian Tile Ointment A single
box has cured the worst chronic canes of 25 or
30 years standing. No ono need sutler five
inlmitos ftor applying thin wonderful sooth
ing moJicinc. LutloDK , instruments nnd I'loc
tuarioa do muro harm tlmn good. William's
Indian Pile Ointment absorbs the turners , nl
Inyo the Intense itoliiiiff , ( particularly nt nlelil
after ifettinR warm In lisd , ) acts as n poultice ,
lives instant relief , nnd Is prepared only for
i'iles , itching of the private parts , and for
noUiino else.
Head what the Hon. .T. M. Opfl'mbcrry. of
Clovelnnd , says about Dr , William's Indian
L'ilo Oolntmcnt : "I have used tcoroi of Pile
3urcs , and it affords mo pleasure to say that I
mvo never found anything which gave such
mined In to and permanent iclicf as Dr. Wil
iaiu's Indian Ointment. For sale by all drug
rials and mailed on receipt of price , GOc and
? 1. Sold at retail by Kuhn & Co.
C. F. C300DMAN ,
Wholesale Agent.
Absolutely Pure.
big powder never varies. A raurel ol puroao
trenail and wholeuoineuoiu. MOID economical
ho ordinary Undoanil council bo auld In oompat
irlth tbo multitude of Ion- teat , short weight alum n
hoaphato powdorp. Sold nnlv In cans. TIOYAL
UAKINO VOWDfll CO. , 100 Wall street , N. Y.
The Pioneer , and Still Ahead.
100,000 NOW IN USE.
Kwt mporecdlnj the lantest old faihloncd ta\u
nd ratijtm. It his tbo diiiplrbt n'd ) most ctliclunt
( otoburnemln the world , and "llli low lmpro\o
icutfl the I'.utcet to oicrito | Abaulutoly nafjltb
H patent ruserv Ir , now In u o tbo tocond dooaoo
lllimit n rlniile arclilunt.
jWSend lor faUiloiruo. I'rlce Wet , Kto
m&o oed CLIVKMSU , OHIO.
The sclioliwHo j-oir ovuiuicnccs on tne
Firsl Wcflccsflay in Scutcmlier ,
lie courtHi ol ln trucllnn emlirooci all the EJemen
ary and blKber bmnihna ol a Uulslied education
lucronce o ( llcllplon la no otietvJ * to the bilmli-
an ol youne bdlca. IMjilln are tocvlrnl rt any
nianltno rntr
ncludlug ISoarU , Wathlny , Tuition In Knil ! b and
'rcucli , uta ol book ) , llauo , p < r U'ejlou olive
? ivo Months , - - ? 150.00
EXTIU CHAIIOKS-Dra tnff , r.-dntlnir , Oornu
larpi Violin , Quit r and Vooal Muelo.
rielerunooi are ic < iulrod Irotu til pornoni unlcuow
a the tiutltutlou. 1'or ( urtncr Information npply
Omaha KebruVa , lu which U Uusrtit doubto nn
llugleentry Unok-Lcrplnx , Commoidal law , Civil
lu.erunicnt , llasluiu I'rac'lcw , t'oainanMilp , Eni { >
lUh Oumuitr , Ailthuiollo. ltca.1 n , t | < clllug , U r >
ic9iooauuou , and bhort llaud Wriuuj.
TKUMS :'o Course , ono year , ( iboit baud ex
cci > t i ] , , . . , . ( to 0
CoiuiiletoUnnne , one month , 8 ( XI
Com kUCourwi two montlu , IS OQ
CompUte Courtti , three nioutln , , , . .2000
Kaili month tburfaltcru. . . . . 601
Thirl } Liw on In I'enuumhlp. . , . . . . . . . ( 00
The abutUOui ltiook-kt ( < i > liivxc | ptodoQe )
mouth , - . 600
Tbuabote vcurtu , ( c c jit J 3
ir.omhi 18 M
BtiU lor circular. Aildrowi
Bouthneit corner 15th and t'aruiiu 81 * . , OmaiiV
MAY men "Poisoned with PoUh. " Thl ) I * th
cana with hundred * viho have been unwlj.
enough to take StrwptrlllM , I'otMh mlxturct , eta
until digestion li almo t fatally Iropircd. Swift L
Spcclflo I ) a vegetable remedy , and restore * the } -
( em to health and bullJj up tbo wisto made by thcji
"I Bid BiifTtrlps with Dhod Polwn , and treated
several tnonth * with Mercury Mid Potash , only I
make mo wont. The I'otaih tookanny my npipctlt
and gavame Jjinicpsln , end both c&iomo rhcutnv
tlsm. I then look saroparllla , etc. All thcw mad
me etlll WOMC , lultilroio tlio'polvn faithcrlniom' '
iTBtcm. A friend ln l ted I should Uko hwlt' ( Spec !
lie , nnd It cured roool the Bloml I'olson , dro\o th
Mercury end Potash out of mysjgtrm , rwdto-dfty.
am as well M I ovcrwas. " OKO , U.WKLLMANiJr. ,
Salem , Maes
John A , Smith , tlio larKC In Oilncsvillc
Ox , j ! " 1 KtlTcrod lor jears from the comblnet
cilecU ol Krj ilptlas anJ Kczeuin. I continued t
triow wrso under medical treatment and by taklnt
medicine contjittdne l'otft 'i , 3. H H cured mo tlior
niiehly nnd alxolutcly. My nppetlto , etrcngth nn
flcih returned I vtat cur cd with It. "
Our Treatise on Hlood and Skin Diseases mailed Ire
applicants to
Drawer B , Atlanta , G.i.
W. Y. Offlce , ISO W. ESd St. , Utwccn Oth and 7th
jLrenuea 1'hllvlrluhla oflloo ICid Cl-.rntnut t.
Soiled proposals vlll bo received up to 12 o'clock
noon , Tlmrnlay , September 2Mb , 1S , for furnl h
liirb ( rd and soil ooal for the use of city oftlcci , jail
and are department for tbo year ending July 1st ,
18S5.Propoea'n shall state price and kind nt coal , to be
delivered wlion ordered , without regard to any doll
nlla amount.
llio rlifht | j reserved to rrjoct any and alt bids.
Km elopes containing Raid proposals ehill bo mark'
cd "Trope-ails for Coal , " ami demoted to the under
signed no later than tlmoaboro tpccinod.
J. J. L. 0. JEWKTT ,
Osiiha , Nob. , Sept. 1881-lw llty Clerk.
8 , F. DAVIS & 08 , ,
Hire tat ( tie IW.c-m ftoroi MHt-ollr oolsftcd li
n KiUtjn Kcbrutta. at low prlco ana on 0107 1 srm.1
Itnprowa mrtug tor BJlo In Doup.Us , Dodio , OoH.n
ritto , Bart , Cumin ? , Bcrpy , VfMhlnKton , rforloi
oumlera , and Bntlor Jouollcs.
Tazwjpatil In nil tmtj o ! the StMj
Honor loaned oil Improved ftmu.
Notary 1'ubIIo always \a \ offloo Corrcspondenoo
The itoamehlpa of this well-known line nre built of
ron , lu water-tight compartments , &nd are furnish
ed with every rcquielto to make the punsigo both
tfJa and Agreeable. Tliov carry the Unltod States
nJ European malls , and Icavo Now Yorke Thura-
ays and Baturdays for PU mouth ( LONDON ) Cher-
cure , ( I'AIllS ) and ITAM11U11O.
Eatce : First Cabin , * 55 , $0fi and $75. Bfeor go$20
Henry IMindt , Mark HMSCM , F .E. Mo or us , II. Toft ,
Sin tain Omaha , Qroncwlcz&Schoentgen.agcntaln
ouncll Bluffs. C. BUICllAnD : tCO. , Gen. 1'nsa
ifta. , 01 Broidvray , N. Y. Cbaa. Uoxmlnsbl & Co-
General Wcstoin AgintD , 107 Washington St. , Chios
1617 Dodgs , St. , - Omaha
tfl - , ta § ! fSilid iMfe
MI CliattercdbylneStatecfini.
v ; : - - - * & $ nols fur thccxprcsapurpose
diseases of the Skin and
Hlood promptly rellevcdand
rcrmaneiitlycured by reme-
% fZb tipefloll'rarttcc. Seminal
Vcsnew. ! N 1. ' lit Loascnljy Dreams , Pimples on
lu Face. Los ; Manhood , i > rjaltti'etiicttriilTltrr6
RnorxnertnteiiHti'h Ths appropriate rt.r.Fd } '
act once udln eochcass. Consultations , per-
wnal or by letter , sacredly confidential , r.ied-
clne ? uent by Mall and Express. No marka oil
> auagc to indicate contenta or sender. Address
> ! > JAMESHo. U4Wa3liingbn SJ
BROAD CLAIM cl lrztio
liver ollcrcd to the public.
C. T. PAULSON , Troyrletor.
GcntetEoob' ! Cloth < nz Cleaned , Djed and Itcpilred.
.ulloa' Dri-Bics Uleatuil and Dyed , without Hipping.
lumeaClioutdor Colored ny uliado , to sample.
Ik ) , VehuUauC lac n Clcino.1 , Dyed and Ko-tlL-
1212 Douglas Street , OMAHA , NEB.
Will purify tlm nLOOD-rcpl
Ute tfio LIVERuiA ICIpNCYb ,
unit VIOOr. of VOUTJf. Ujr -
iieniln. WantorApju'Ule , jn-
ulittMtlun. I.HCk of btruimtli ,
V Biiil'llr-1 * " " alispliilelii
curoil. lion . muscles anil
iii'rvesrcivoiicwiorce. .
> JL : > llvi-ni itia jiilnd aim
- : polks l.raiii 1'owrr.
" " illnrto Ilnlr sex will
, -f Soua jour ndilrm tel h I'r.J lirt j
Hm.Io.Ui. Ma. lor our "JpitEAM . .
Vd"uUo ( etiuatu uad uSJui. j. J
-ua.3xrx > -
BM HBimGCMB * * i gi
i ef T I SLstll.
toM , vL S tfJibMn tMu *
230 3130
Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for
less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it.
Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraaska
Oounteri Hay , Stock and Railroad Track.
Orders for Hio Indian Department given for Buffalo Scales ex
clusively. Scale
1405 Douglas Street , OMAHA. NEBRASKA
Visitors to tlie State nnd others in need of Men's , Boys' and Children's
Clothing , will do well to call on
The Strictly One Price House in the City
ind examine their goods and prices. Tli ° y carry the largest stock , and
sell lower than any other house in the city. Merchant Tailors
don't fail to call at
1216. 1216
teest Stock in Omaha aRQ'Hlakos tfca J.OWBSI Price
Jntt rocolved nn ausortmont ( nr Barpaaoliig anything in thl.i market , compriuhi
tlie latest end most ; tastv dee.S na minufauturod tor this npring'u trnda fciid covoriu-
mn go of prlcoa from the Cheapest to the most Expensive ,
New ready for the inspection of CUB- , Completn stock of nil the la eat
toiners , the nowent novcltira in styles iu Turcciu nn , M dinsjanr
Suits and Odd Pieces. Lnco Curtains , Etc. , Etc.
Sllecrazifc 3a8SonKe Slovater all floors.
1S06 , JH08 and l'J > Kurnarn Stn-ft. OMAHA Ni ! 15
1113 tad IBM llirny rUrwJ tnt ) , Itjuritot ! ' \
CaUltcc * fwr'tbid ' firr crco [ pl'cillr. ' 'Omaha.
'r '
, at usflr' isF H 'sa TO sa v y * % iyj u a H WF a B i
103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. 8. A. lUtnbllshod 1878-Cat.wrh ,
Dsafnc-ss , Lcng r.iid Nervous DJRCRsen Speedily nnd 1 oruuiiontljCured. . Pntientt II
ir ed at Homo. Write for "TUB MEinoAX-I-UwaoifAJiY , " fcr the PooplH. 'ii '
end Oorreipondeueo Gr < : < te , X' . O. Box HU2. Tolcphono No. 'JO.