Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1884, Image 4

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fl OAFA :
OmnliA Ofllcc , > 'o. 010 pArnrun St.
Ooitncll BlufTn Ofllco , No 7 1'cnrl
troct , Ncn.r Bro il\v y.
Now York Ofllce , Itoom 05 Trlbu
BnlUllng. , _ _ _ _ _ _
rnbll < licJ every trnrnlnp , eiKpt Sondiy' 1
only Uocdtjr morQlLR d II ) .
tlX * BT HAlt ,
One Tesr. . . . . I Three llonlhs . { H
llxlfomb . f CO I Ono Month . 1
1'tr Week , 26 Cent .
inn Tiuftr Bin ,
DD Te r . ( S.CO I Three Monlh . 9
Sli Months. . l.eo | Onollonlh. . . .
Amcrloin Now Company , Solo Agcntr , Nowidt
ninths United Stales.
A Ccmninnl.-Atlonn rcl.illng to Mont and EdlUi
mitten iibonld bo addtcracd to tbo EDITOU or 1
All Riirtnc ( < t Lotura 'and ncmlttaneci ihould
I Idresrcd to Tnx Ilnn rcmuiinxn OovrAxr , nuAt
Draft ) , ChccVn and I'ostoffico orders to bo made pi
blo to the order of the company.
n.K03EWATER , Editor.
A. If. Pitch , Slanapcr Dally Circulation , i
O ] Box , 488 Oraabn , Neb.
First Ulntrlcf.
Bon. Charles II. Brown was nppointc
to addroaa mootlugn in the First cotigroe
ioual drotrict , at the placon named bolo
ns follows :
1'apillion , Thursday , September 23tli ,
p. m.
m.Vnljiarftisn , I'Vielny ' , Soptemlisr 2fitli,7 ji. n
Wntioo , Satitrdny , Scjitombcr 27th , 1 p. ir
I'lnttsinoutli , Jlondny , September i0t !
7 p. m.
Anhland , Wednesday. October l t , 7 p. rr
Wnvcrly , Thiirsduy , Octolxir nd , " p. in.
n , Kriday , October 'ld , 1 ! j > . in ,
Water , Monday , October Cth ,
Auburn , Tuesday , October 7th , 7 p. in.
Falls City , Thursday , October Dili , 7 p. in
ISrownvlllo , Saturday. October llth , 2 p.m
Tocumsoli , Monday , October 13th , 7 , u , in
Ilumboldt , Wednesday , October Ifilli.
I'awneo City , Prldav , October 17th , 7 p. m
Ueatrico , Monday , October SOth. 7 p. m.
Lincoln , Thursday , October 23rd , 7 n m.
Nebraska City , Saturday , October 2Ctb , ;
p. in.
in.Datoa for Omaha and other places In tin
district will bo duly announce J.
TIio CainpalKU In tlio tJcconcl District
Captain J. II. Stickol'a nppoiiitiiicnts :
September 27 Aurora , Hamilton county , '
o'clock , p. m.
Septomtcr29 York , York county , 2 o'clock ,
p. m ,
September 80 Seward , Seward county , I
o'clock , p , in.
September 30 UJysscBO , llullor county , 7:30 :
o'clock , p. m.
October .1 David City , Butler county , 2
o clock , p. 12.
October 1 Ilismg , Butler county , 7:30 :
o clock , p. m.
October 2 Osceola , Polk county , 2 o'clock ,
y. w.
October 2 Stromaburu , Polk county , 7:30 :
o'clock , p. in ,
October 3 Friend , Saline county , 2 o'clock ,
p , m.
DAVID CITY , Neb. , September 22 , 1881.
To ho cloctiira in the Second congressional
district : Who mo draireiun of assisting In the
election of Capt. .T. H. St'cklo , the Anhi-mo-
nopoly candidate for congrons. You are most
respectfully roeiiestcd | to correspond with 1110
to tlio end , that wo may nrraiiRO thn work
systematically and malto pvory elfort cllcctivo
and harmonious. Ia union nr.d organi/ntion
U strength. I Invite your united amtntaiico.
Very Itonpfctfiilly ,
S , B. KuTNOi.rm.
I Ch m' Anti'Monopoly Coiif , Cent. Com.
C. S. Montomory ( , Ksej. , anti-monopoly
andidato for attorney general , will apoak pur-
Hiiant to appointment , at the following timcx
Nebraska City , Friday , September 2Ctb 7:30 :
ji , m.
Crete , Monday , September 29th , 7 p. in.
Siitton , Tuesday , Snptoinber 30th , 7 p. in.
HastinRs , WcduosJay , October Ist , 7 p. in.
Kearney. Thursday , October 2d , 7:30 : p. m.
North rlatto , Friday , October 3d , 7 p m.
Frcmeml , Saturday , October 4th , 7:30 : p. in.
And at other places to bu annouucod in duo
tune ,
Central Committee Meeting.
A mooting ot the Anti-monopoly Stat
Central committco will bo hold at the Com
inorcial liotol , in Lincoln , at 7:30 p. in. , 01
Monday , October G. A full nttondauco i
earnestly desired , II. M. WKI.LS.
Ch'm State Cen. Com.
Cioto.Neb. , Sept. 21,1881.
Tin : ofliclal dodger haa changed kiti
natuo to "Potcr Punk. "
SANDSTONK OUAIUUV liaa built hii
house on a foundation of sand , nnd h <
will find that it can't stand.
OMAHA faro banks ns money-making
inatitutiona can't hold a candlu to Sand
etono Clmrloy's Band bank. The latter la
a ukin game.
TUB oflicial dodger roinlnda us of the
trade dollar It was never intended for
general circulation , nnd ia at n consider
nblo discount.
# '
JUUQK GiuaiiAM has boon transferred
Irom the postofllco to the treasury department
partmont , where his oxooutivo ability
can have full tcopo.
AFTKH all LIr. Laird was very useful
in congress. Ho voted to increase the
postal compeniationto railroads , ? lODOf.
000. Ho didn't dodge that time.
THE man who writes to the Now York
Times that Iowa is becoming a doubtful
flUte is a little oil his balance. Ho allona
his prejudice to outweigh tacts.
PUOIT-SSOH GitKfloiiv , of the civll'eor
vice oommlBsion , serves notice upon the
country that federal officeholders must
not bo taxed in the present campaign. Is
this a direst blow at Chairman Yost , or is
it merely an excuse of the commissioner
to escape paying his assessment ?
Tin : trade in western dressed beef in
Now York in spreading all ever that city ,
and new stands for ita exclusive Bale are
toing opened olraoat erory day. The in.
sane ravinirs of the New York butchers
agalnak the .Introduction of
this cheap and wholesome food
product is tho" height of absurdity.
They are now attempting to induce the
labor unions to boycott the droisod bci f
but hovr workingiueti can constantly sup *
port the butchers in the face of the fact
that the dressed beef enterprise glv t
them food at a much , chctper jrlce , ia v
ivbat puzzles the men who are hvlnu ; to t
lolvo the problem of lifo nt about 1.50 1
Jtday f
-1. , / . WJ1A VIM
The present member of congress frn
this district is now before thp pcof
challenging criticism and soliciting t
sudrago of oil those irho consider Umt i
lias served hh constituency faithfully ai
well in the XlrVlIlth congress.
Wo btlicvobut ono objection hns bci
urged nguimt him among thono who pr
feta to bo ( llfl'Mislicd with Mr. Weuvoi
course in coimrtfi ? , uixmoly. "Thnl i
hna accomplished nothing. " This is i
( may nssortioti to make , nnd ono \vhii
if the judge wore compelled to rofu
by citing each individual en
in which hu hns served his individu
constituency n good turn , would proba
ly absorb the next ton yearn of liiti lit
However , the complete answer toll :
groundless objection to Judge Woav
lies in the Yankee replica : "Whnt is
you would Imvo had Mr. Weaver do
the forty eigth Congress which ho h
omitted ] " " 1'lcnso rmtno noino of tl
great mcasurc.i you would ha1
had him accomplish ? Can y <
point to a ainqlo vole upon h
part ns your representative which has n
been directly in the Interest of his co :
Btituoncy and the atato at largo ? Can y
point to n single measure of interest '
the people of his district vrhoroho failc
to record himself on the right eido ? " A
answer to theeo , or rumllnr question
would very much simplify the iusuo a
tempted to bo raised ngainst Judge \Vo :
vcr by those who oppose his ro-olcctioi
PlaUsmoMlh Herald.
TUB career of Mr. Weaver In congroi
to those who with us believed that h
would bu a biillinnt and useful mombc
of the national legislature hn
been a disappointment. Ilis failur
to make his mark during his first term n
a member of the democratic house migh
bo condoned , but his failure to vet
right on many important questions
coupled with the fact that ho woo forcci
upon this district , as a candidate for i
jccondtormby the political attorney a of tin
Union Pacific and B. & M. railroads
constitutes uulliulont. ground for hones
apposition among republicans wh (
( rant to bo represented by t
man of ability and independence
from corporate influence. Mr. Woaver't
record in congress is not such as hit
'rionds can afford to boast of. For oov-
) ral years past the platforms of all parties
mvo been emphatic in favor of reserving
ho public domain for actual settlers only.
) no of th3 measures before congress to
'CHorvo the public lands for actual settlers
ras the bill to repeal the pre-emption
, nd timber culture laws , which , as ovory-
tody knows , afford inducement ! ) for
peculation and fraud in public land on-
rica. When thla bill waa on its
laasngo before the house , the
oto stood : yean , JMOj nays , 40.
imong the ' 10 votes against
Ilia bill was that ot A. J. Weaver. On
lie Mississippi river appropriation Mr.
leaver ia recorded as voting no. On
anuary L'lst , 1881 , a rcaolution wan in-
reduced in the house expressing as "tho
niso of that body that all public lands
orotoforo granted to states and corpora-
ions to aid in the construction of rail-
Dads , so far na the same aa are now sub
set to forfeiture by reason of the nou-
illillniont of the conditions on which the
rants were made , ought to bo declared
irfoltod to the public domain. " Thisrcsa-
ition instructed the committco on public
nds to report bills carrying Into effect
10 proposed forfeiture of land grants ,
n those resolution the vote stood two
undrcd and fifty-one yeas , and only
ivontoon nays. Mr. Weaver dodge
10 voto. When the bills came up d
aring forfeited the unearned lands <
10 Union Pacific , B. & M. and Contra
ranch railroads Mr. Weaver dodge
; ain. On the Central Pacific to 1'or
nd , Oregon , forfeiture Mr. Weave
idgod once more. On the Texas Paci
) and Bacltbono land grants forfeiture
Us , in which the railroad magnates
this suction have no interest , Mr ,
'eavor very bravely voted yes. When th
oposition was made to require the post
aster general to furnish reports of spo
11 agents on the star-route dwindles
r. Weaver voted no. When the rcso
lion was before the house loworln
ilroad rates for carrying mail , Mr.
oavor voted no. On the bill for mak
1 the trade dollar equal to the stand
il dollar , Mr. Weaver dodged. On th
Ilroad flHbsidyJto appropriate § 250,001
: fast mails from Philadelphia to tin
Mi Mr. Weaver voted yes. On tin
1 to Increase the compensation of rail
ids for carrying thomails ] byl,050,00 [ ! ;
voted yes. On many bills of inoro 01
s importance , Mr. Weaver wni
( rod with Jim Laird in dodging ,
> w wo ask in all candor whether Mr.
javor , with such a record , Is entitled
a second term ? Can a man who
; CB contrary to the popular interests
so many vital issues bo safely trustcil
another term ? Is it not the plain
ty of every good citizen , regardless of
ty , to resent the efforts of the railroad
isos to force a man upon them for
and term who has failed to do his duty
ring the first tornil
SOUTH BitANcii , Kan. , Sept. 23,1881.
Udltor Omaha BEB : Will you please
to in the BKB when , whore , and by
lat authority the trade dollar
s coined ; also for what purpose it was
ended , and whether it was over a
al tender. K. Q. HuNTiNoroN.
rho trade dollar was authorized to boned
nod by act of congress February 12 ,
' 3. The coinage was Jbegan in 187-1 ,
I was suspended by order of the s cro.
y of the troatiury , February 22 , 1878.
3 total amount coined was
i,950,3GO. The trade dollar
i coined for circulation in foreign
ntrics , principally in China , Japan
the Kiat ladies. It contains -120
Ins of silver , while the standard dol-
contains but -1121. The trade dollar
given this extra quantity of silver in
or to induce its circulation In foreign
ntries for the purposcB of trado. It
never a logul tcndoraB it was not in-
3gd for circulation in this country.
in coins have in Uio COUMO of trade
id their tray buck to thia country , and'cl
are a drug in the market. They are al
discount because they are not a legal to
dcr , although they are of more actual vi
uo in silver than the standard dollr
They were quoted in Now York on tl
20th of September at only SO cents , whi
the standard dollars were quoted at 9fl
An effort is being made to have congrc
provide for the redemption and rctiromc
of the ttado dollar , at the value of a d <
lar. Hankers maintain that ns the go
eminent has put its stamp of a dollar (
this coin it IN in duly bound to redeem
for ono dollar.
Dn. McOir.uctJWiv , wno has charge
the Pine Uidgo Indians , has the rcput
tinn of being an excellent Indian agon
although various charges have been mai
against him. Ho has several times bei
invcsllgatcdandoxonoratcdand sustain )
by the interior department , butnovorth
less charges continue to bo made again
him by ono Dr. Bland , of Washingtoi
who claims to bo a friend of the Indian
This nhifanthroplst publishes a period
dal called The Council 7'Vrc , which
devoted principally to attacks on Mi
Oillicuddy. Bland was recently bounce
elf the Indian reservation by McGillicm
dy for the reason that ho was atirring u
troubloamong the few dissatisfied Indian ,
of vrliDin Hod Cloud , the deposed chio
tain , is the loader. Between Bland an
lied Cloud the present existence of Mi
Gillicudy , is being made very unplcasar
to that gentleman , and for hio sake w
think ho ought to have another invest
gation In order to satisfy those person
who might bo misled by the constati
fire of the Washington philantbropisl
Where there is so much smoke , thor
might bo some firo. The trouble , i
there is any real trouble , all arises fror
the fact that Dr. McGillicudy sat dowi
an RodjOloud nd the old chief refuse
; o remain crushnd.
SOMI : papers in this state are rarapan
inti-monopolista between elections only
3f thtso the Nibruska Signal at Fair
nont is a very conspicuous example. Tw <
roars ago that paper supportnd Laird bo
auso the anti-monopolists nominated i
nan who did not corao up to its standard
if ability. Now that the anti-monopo
Ists have nominated a man who can
natch Mr. Laird on or off the stump ,
hat paper supports Mr. Laird on the
llmsy pretext that Captain Stickel is n
.omogoguo and political conspirator. In
thor worda the Signal supports a rail-
oad lawyer , whoso skirts are soiled with
orruption and jobbery as against an ac-
omplishod farmer whoso character ia
bovo reproach. With the same con-
istoncy that piper opposes the anti-mon-
poly candidate for the state senate who
i represented to us as an honorable and
ompotont man and supports a man by
lie name of Smith , who is notoriously a
ink monopolist and money shark.
TUB Bouth Piogan Indians have an eye
3 business. A largo number of cattle
re purchased in Montana by Canadian
inchmon and are driven across the line
ito the Northwest territory , On bring-
ig thorn into Canada it is necessary to
: osa South Piegan Reserve , and before
10 chiefs allow tint to bo done a demand
I 10 cents per head has to bo paid by
10 ranchmen. If the demand is refused
sufficient number of cattle out of the
ird are shot by the Indiana to pay the
nount claimed. There is some oxcus
r this conduct on the part of the Pi
ins , aa they are in a half starved cond
on. The Canadian authorities wi
obably take some action In the matte
id call upon our government to food it
idians and not allow them to live
o property of Canadians.
A CONFLUENCE of philanthropists , uo\ \
session at Lake Mohawk , N. Y. ,
doftvoring to solve the Indian problem
icso philanthroyisto , among whom ar
moral Clinton Fisk and Ilorbor
olsh , agree with General Greek tha
B Indian should bo made a full citizei
the United States , should bo granted
ids in Bovorally , and afforded facilitio
: education. They nmjaccompllsh semi
od in behalf of the Indian , 1 ut wo ap
ohond that so long as there are men
10 want to bo Indian agents and con
ictora they will find a strong opposition
any movement that will tend to th
ivation of the rod man.
IJunuwK FIKUI , of the Chicago J\V w.
3ps pretty well posted on Nebraska
litics. Hero is what ho says abou
i English of Dr. Miller as compared
h that of John A. Logan :
rt'o observe that the editor of the
laha Ifcntld has a great deal of fault
find with John A. Logan's grammar ,
s true , woboliovo , that General Logan
i never had the benefit of four months
Europe , but wo believe his English is
ly as intolligibln as the English which
i editor of the Omaha Herald raado
i of when ho sent that cipher tolo-
,111 , to Samuel J. Tildon's manacero in
fall of 1870.
f. STEULINCI MOUTON , who parts his
o , if not his politics , in the middle ,
ho fusion nominee for governor of
urasku. THE OMAHA BEE describes
i as a good democrat , who has no real
ipathy with anti-monopoly. This ia
ontradiction In terms , Every intelii-
t , honest democrat must bo an anti-
lopolist. New York Star ,
'hen ' Mr. Morton is not a good domo-
r certainly requires a great deal of
1 for a councilman to play such a
bio game as has been carried on by
.ncilinan . Wood worth , Ho has boon
nx to kill two birds with ono ( Color-
) stone , Before hu gota through ,
over , ho will wish that ho had taken
1 unto the aid adage that a bird in
hand is worth two in the bush.
IIOUT once in two weeks J. 8. Gibson ,
located in Idaho , writes words of
ir and comfort to the young domou-
racy of Douglas county. Uo awum
that his encouragement will have
wonderfully stimulating effect upon tl
democracy in thio neck of the wood
but ho ia mistaken for ho has pasei
from the recollection of five-sixtho i
the population of Omaha.
SOMIJ years ngo Colorado produced
stone man , which some sharpers cndc
vored to pass off aa petrifaction. It is
singular coincidence that Omaha shon
now have a Colorado sandstone counc !
man. It is only a question of time whs
ho will bo petrified.
WITH Jumbo Barnum and "Rip Vr
Winkle" Jofloraon and the Seventh Di
Advcntista in camp meeting , all in Gin
ha in ono day , you can pay your mom
and take your choice.
IT seems to us no moro than fair tin
the numerous pick-pockots , who are fo
lowing Blaine and reaping such a ric
harvest from the pockets of his ropubl
can admirers , should respond liberally t
the domocratie appeals for campaig
GLEN KKNJULI , ought to contribut
very liberally to the republican campaig
fund , as the chief expense is incurred b
the publication and distribution of hi
explanation concerning the school Ian
business. In fact , ho ought to foot th
entire bill of the ctato campaign.
TJIE BEE has always maintained tha
our assessments are to low , but wo mus
admit that the assessment of the republican
can candidates in Nebraska looks a llttli
high. It will probably bo reduced by i
board of equalization , composed of high
NEARLV every time a vote was takoi
on an important resolution or bill , Con
gressman Laird was missing. When tlu
votes are counted next November ho wil
bo found missing , by a largo majority.
WHEUEVEU Mr. Blaine appears ho cro
itcs the greatest enthusiasm. His trip it
t triumphal tour.
JIM LAIKD'H record shows him to bo z
rery artful dodger.
COMB into court , Mr. Woodworth.
Shown Tliolr "Wisdom.
Lrapahoo Mirror , ( Anti-Mono ) ) . )
The democrats of the 2a congressional
iistrict of Nebraska hare shown their
ripdom and loyalty to anti-monopoly
rinciplcfl by refusing to bo made a tool
or as notoriously corrupt a politician
nd immoral man as Jim Laird , as they
roro two yoara ago. When it ia known
hat thio designing corporation attorney ,
nscrupulous oflico-scoker and mass of
niffuity had in his employ as fraud-
ilont dologntos to the nntl-
lonopoly nnd democratic conventions
uch mpn as undertook to "represent"
litchcock , Hayes , Chase nnd Dundy
ounties in the latter , and ns did "ropro-
ant" Ked Willow in the former , besides
ia army of bloar-oyod , bloated strikers
i and nround Hastings , it is not to bo
ondored at that "decent democrats op-
oscd with all their might and main
10 nomination of a third candidate for
ingress , which was the work those tools
: Laird had boon employed by him to
) , and for the defeat of his scheme the
joplo of this district arc indebted to
ich anti-monopoly democrats as Mr.
hompsou of the Adams County Domo-
at , Col. Victor Vifquain , of Saline
mnty , Hon. H. M. Boatty , of Hast-
gs , and others whoso names wo dis
member. It is to the credit of the do-
ocracy of this congressional district
intMr. Laird's bummer cappers were
Hod in their nefarious attempts and
tspicacablo political trickery , uotTvith-
finding by so doing those who took a
irt in the good work will bo Insulted
id sneered nt nt every opportunity by
nt bought-up defender of Jim Laird's
[ holy nnd disreputable record , the
actilicd hypocrit of the Gazotto-Jour-
A Creditable Hlouilimtlon ,
imphroy Independent.
Captain J. II. Stickle , the gentleman
10 stumped the Third district for M. K.
irncr , has received the nomination for
lujrcss by the nntl-raonopolista of thn
cond district and his nomination has
on endorsed by the democrats. There
no moro nblo defender of the principles
sot forth by the anti-monopoly party
the state than Mr. Stickle , and when
u ttiko into consideration the dissatis-
itinn caused by the nomination cf Jim
ird , Ilia election is by no moans uncer-
Army Iloconl ,
tton Register.
Dm lloglstor is a pretty careful reader
Nebraska nowapupors , but it navor
ird of the alleged report derogatory to
ngroasmon Laird's military record till
it gentleman himself alluded to the
ttor at the Hastings convention. Thla
ictlng a man of straw in order to
liovo martyrdom is a rather cheap way
appealing for public sympathy. Mr.
ird'a military service hi the rebellion
9 , BO far aa wo huvo overheard , credit-
o to liis patriotism. There are incus-
Is of other iron in this district of
oni the same may bo truthfully said ,
establish n claim to the suffrages of
people M n congressional candidate ,
9 much moro pertinent to inquire what
d of a citizen a man now fa , rather
n what kind of n soldier ho made
inly years ago.
On HlH Merits Alone ,
fiscB Dispatch.
Ir. Stlcklo's is running solely on his
rlta. and Mr. Laird on the strength of
B. it. railway and the riff-ran' en .
i ! . Added to thcsa objectionable fea-
; s to Mr. Laird's cindaoy , i ) the fact
ning up before the republican voter
t laird's nomination was forced upon
dominant party by the most high ,
dod , unscrupulous and dinmnblo
hods ever perpetrated upon a free
| ) le , brought about by the liberal use
money , whisky and liberal
inisoj of ofliclal crumbs.
no of our readers who
ndod the Republican Butler county
rontlou will attest to the truthfulness
his assertion , which was only ono of
many instances nil over the district of J
shameful manner in whfch ho cap-T |
d his nomination , and btwuaa of tuch i
unrcptiblicfvn methods of receiving
'regular" nomination , he is today stum
inc ; the district asn paragon of virtue ni
asking you for your sufl'racee. That 1
will bo justly buried beneath nn avnlancl
of clean-handed votes as they fall thick at into the ballot box , there can bo i
pojaiblo doubt.
Lone Dog mol > o3 his own special brand
tobacco ,
Sitting ] ! ull spreads his napkin on n chr
and tits on it.
White Hide-whiskers lung on the ends
George William Curtis' pensho smile.
Judga Tourgee lux ? written another boo
In some qur.rtors Inii regarded as n llterc
man ,
llubeiiRtein ii coming to this coiintrv agai
and piano manufacturero are doubly brncit
their full iron frames ,
They call Mrs. Mackoy the duclic i of C
orado , but her brawny and raw-grained hi
baud refines to ba known us the uuke.
I'eoiilo turn to look after Koely , the invt-
tor , when ho appears on tlio streets of 1'hll
dolphin. If they uro atooldiolderii , it' * no wo
Senator Thunnan says that ho wai never :
better lionlth than ha is to-day. Ho wcigl
2,10 pounds and has n , correspondingly laii
John ITay is building a § 100,000 house i
Washington. But ho didn't write "Tho Ikeai
winners" for all that. Ho married the daugl
tor of a rich man ,
It is now assorted that General Bank
daughter , Maud , is not a blonde , is not hum
some , ia not going on the stage and is not lo ;
than ' 10 years old.
Tbo congregationalists of Arlington , Wasl
Inpton county , dedicated their now churc
btijlding last Sunday. A deficit of SHOO wa
auietly made up , and 810J plncod lu the treas
ury for seed.
Sirs , liurlingaiiw of Crete , wife of the mai
who tried to mop the prairlo with Colfuy , li.i
disappeared trom her home , leaing licr 1ms
band and children to rustle in the pantry fo
their grub. Mrs. B. was accused by her hits
band with being a Httlo "ily" with other men
nnd BIO ! took the first opportunity ta Hy wit !
the old man's puno.
The building boom in Crei hton etlll con
tinues. Among the many buildlagj ercctoi
recently Is a largo saloon and billiard hall b ;
T. K. Uruco , and the elegant residences o'
A. D. lloolbrook , L. P. Ash , II. Benner , W
r. March and the Opera house by Hothwel
Brothers ,
Gus. Jacobs , n B. It M. brakeman , wai
: aught rilling cars near Beatrice aud arrested
lie was ordered to make restitution to UK
: ompany and pay a fine of § 5 and costs.
T Lyman Bray of Syracuse , carries a rovolvoi
md as a cansequence , carries one loss finger ot
ils loft hand.
Jolm Tompleton of Lincoln , private socro
ary of John Fitzgerald , will bo married ,
September 30 , to Miss Julia 0'K.cofIo ol
Mrs. Worrell , the mother of the young man
dm was killed in a saloon at Aubtun the Itli
it July by Mart Ilnll , ha * brought suit against
ho saloon keepers and Hall to recover the
urn of $10,000.
A German was seriously injured at Aurora
ecently , while trying to push a oar ia position ,
Iowas _ caught by the cars and dragged quite
distance , breaking a log and otherwise bruis-
: if ? him badly.
/I'ho butchers of Bradshaw have been selling
istasod beef to tlio people of that place , for
rhich they will pay ? 35 and costs , the whole
mounting to about 8150.
The now fall styles of Nock wear , Scarfs
nd Ties , just received nt Ramgo's aGtf
Brnmlj advertised as nbsoliilcly pare
rinco i can top do n liot
on a store until hcntod.thom
mavo i th cover and unell. A clicinM will not is rj-
ilrea todoteot tlia iirosonco of ammonia.
i iv million homrj for a qimrtcr of a c ntnry U b
d thu consumers' Tollable test ,
r , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracls ,
b6ilront > tnioililrllclODiliianitur > lll > iorlinoi < nu < l
' . Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems
lor Lltfht , llcilthy Iin-ad , The Best Ury Hop
Yeunt lu the \Vorld.
& W&ttL ,
.t tlio clil ftanU 1417 Fnnmni Street. Orders by
Kr pli srllcltcil ana promptly fttUndeJ to. Tolo-
lie No. 225.
irspocials will Positively not bo
sorted unless paid In advance.
TO LOAH-Mono ? .
ONKV TO LOAN-On Ural Eetato by IJallou
. Dro'u. 317 south ISth.atrect. 221-20
ONKV loaned on chattels. Uallroud Tickets
.bought uul sold. A , 1'oroman , 213 3. 18th
7 < B tt
0. * oa
0 , F D vig and Co , , Kotl Katatt and
ats 1515 Ftrnini St , 89M
imall loins mailo on appro ) od security , 1517
! \ut \ struct. 812-lm
'ANTiu-aoihlBIrlatl718Cas3.St. :
"ANTKDIlr t-fUM woman cook and dlnliu ;
room girl at Atlantic Hotel. 255-27 | >
'ANTED A German girl ( or ircncrat homework ,
817 H , 18th .street , < th lot bOiithol < .Loa\cn
h. 263 tl
A.N'l i > XclTambcriiuM at 012 tfLw St.
. ' ( XJ-tl
'AN'liD : Cilrl ( or ccmrul homo uork mull ( am
II ) , 2115 CVIfurnU Kt. ! (71-27i |
'ANTKD KxpoilcncrU girl ( or reueral houao-
work , Sril lioutu on Uthttrett , nortLcatt corner
Lca\vnuurtlu L-llelltr. 277 Slip
AN'JT.ll Ajtlrl tiuoKUiiral liou.ouctk , N.W.
ruriicr Haiiilltuii anil 1'itr , north Omaha Good
4 2/B-SCp
A Rood tlrl. cither OurmaD or Scan-
dlna\lan , at IDS corner CapitolAvc. V78-lp
AN1KD An itcliliootutal iiiau hUuian wlio
uiukretanjs Imrou bly otllcu uork , ruutiuo-
auil detail Unwliu Apply icMOna'ly ' or by
' , Uuo , W . Kiel J. Oi ? Karuam St. , room u , id
ANTKD-A eilcsnun at JI. F. iUttln' * Initall-
mtnt llouto,310b. Ulliitrtct. 2:0-11
ANTED lAundiy glr'a HiutcJ at S aim's Hot -
t i , t > . lotu .hut.
ANTED-A ft.h-1 to do geacral homo worV i
2011 llllttHt. 230-2 !
' ) Two ( inwontlcc tlrla for mllllntr
WAN'TKt tint thn > e h vlne n ta'or.t In the rlgi
direction , need apply S. U , Jojce , Jaooln block.
\\ A nuno drl not under IS ) tart of ap
T t Inquire at 3d door north of Cor , Shcrnvm
and Hfoi-yln Memo , lioillfk'fl addltlin. 2332(1 , )
7 AN7Ktl-Olrl for Rcncral hoii'O work. Inqui
W nt 0c south 2Ctti at. near bt. itarj'sftvo.
23 < J-2flp
' \\fAXTF.D Aeood cook and second vM , ( ro (
\ > i > Bi'jnorlh-wcst corner 15th and Cipltolav
\\7AN1Ktl StonoUUtfTJ.Attcritlon Ilireo tno
( ftndir.ciMvanlcl to ork on freoetonoln N'o
York city. Oool nvElsht hours. Work sur
Oomo at onco. Applj at any jard In I ho cltj. 1
ordtrof the Master S noOiUtcrs' Assoclitlon ,
rANTKD A KOO , | coat maker. Steady work i
RO id prices Will tny fire. Address Imtncd
attly , J.v. . Hoanlck.Ueatrlco , Neb. 102 27p
\\7ANlii : > A good la-imlt } trlrl at the Kmtai
\ \ Homo , llth street , betw eeu Faruim Mid Ila
ncj. 137 27p
\\7ANTtiP-ARltl ( or housework at lHOJacliso
IT St. ScAiidlnivhn preferred. 131- ? ;
\\7ANTED A responsible man .is treasurrr ( of
It dramatic couipauy , Apply A , J. Ticloar , clt' '
" \\7ANTEI ) Olrl ( or trcocrixt house work nt < :
IT Coin cut St. Mrs. C. K. Mayne.
or country , to taka nlco , light and ploasar
wori at their own home * ; $2 to $5 per day daily an
quietly made : work tent by mall ; no rimnslMj | ; n
ntanip for replv. 1'lcaso aildrcsj Hcliable .M.iDt'it Co
I'hlbdclphla , I'i. S03-lt
"l"\7ANTIH ) Attcntl to nanoio mo Belt 1'atT
> T \Vcathcr ttrljis. Address or call on Oeo. W
Bell , 1120 llarney street , Omaha , Nob. 530-lmp
A \7ANTr.D Thrco good Rollcrtors , oljhcr gentle
TT man ot ladles , for city and country , In low
and Nebraska. Evccllent pa ) Ing positions to cap ]
bio partlc * . Address B. F. 624 lhrd ! street , Coun
ell Bluffs , Iowa.
VI J ANTrtD Eltuntion as housekeeper , or to di
* V general housework. Address Mrs. "M. B " Wti
ofllcc. 287-i"p
' . ! ) A ( .Ituatlon by a machinist in the re
WANTI' scwingmtciiinci. Hashad tnchi
jear'i-'Xpcrltncc. ltefcrcncesgl > cn. AppljatKar
iner s houfce . 265-27p
\\7"ANTED Situation as cluinbermaid In a holt !
? by ajoung American w 0111.111. Addicss"L. J. '
this ollicc. 263-25p
TS7"ANTii : ) Any kind of olllcc work or would be
V\ bonk keeper or assistant book keeper. Aiidrcs1.
"W. M. " Bee olbce. 270'28p
T7"ANTED A young Scandinavian man who speaks
V > both language ; , wants situation in a store or
ipmato family , can give good refcicncc. Address
"C. 0. " care of Bee. ? 03-26i
Situation as house-keeper by a lady
WATKO thoroughly understands her business ,
: an civo tbo most Batlsfactory references as to
: pabillty &c 1'lcaso adehcss "House-keeper , " Bee
) lllco. 200-2Ep
position to do housework by a
it joungDanisn woman wilhn child 10 months
ild. Address Peter Chrijtaln : , 1320 Saunders Et.
A position as clerk In Hardware or
WANTED hou-c , have had ten ) cars exporlcnco
,1 proprietor. Itcfercnces ghen. AddroiSC. . A. "
hiaolllca. _ 603-tf _
A 1 oung married man wants situauon sa Book-
' i. keeper , In w holcalo establishment lu Omaha.
iddrcsH " 0. " care Bee. S30-tf
) Urcfesmakini'at Mr ? . A llice's 117
16th St. 4 hhirt trimmers , 4 waist makers. 2
ce\o makcrsi , 2machlno hands for White machines ,
tallorctes for work on tailor ma do dresses None
nt llrht-clahshclp need apply. 2.13-lp
, " 17ANTED To rent a furnished or unfurnished
Tt room by gentleman and wife in some private
, mlly with board or near some good boarding place ,
cferences. Address "S. " 1 > . O. box SO. 23i-25p
LTTANTED Oately'a unl\ersal cduoator , 60,003
Tt sold slnco January Hi at. AgcntH wanted In
akota , low& . and Nebraska. Tor term call on or
Idrcss "W. D. 1' . Lowry , roam 6,110 north 16th St.
maha , Nob. 171-27p
HI/ANTED Some ono to adopt a boy babe 4 months
rV old. Ineiulreat 1'oorhoUbO. 117-23p
"ITANTED 82,000 on first-class city eccurity.for 5
r V years , at 0 per cent. Address Box 020 I'ost-
Hce 700-tf
1.01 s.
7bll itENT I > argef nrnished front room einccond
' Hoer buitable for one or tw irciitlemcii 1811 Caas
UhNT For filtccn dollars , ouso of fi\e roams
CO on Johnson bt. Inquire at 2110 llarney St.21320p
poll KENT -Two furnished rooms , bed room and
1 bitting room , 24 , corner l > a\tnport and 13th St.
poll Itl.NT Two rooms handy for otllce in the
1 law brkk block , corner 12th and Capitol uc. .
POll RKNT A four room house W. per month
Inquire at 22d and I'nppctona\c. ! 2402flp
fOll KENT To denlbt of attorney , half cf double
iilllce , located within ono block of l'u\ton Hote.1.
Idrcbs "Itcx. " Bee ollice. . 259 30p
VOII ItKNI'-A furnished front room at 028 South
2ith ht. 300 Ip
Wil HEM'Nicely furnished front room for gen-
tlcnun 4ia South 15tli bt. , oppoiitu Herald olllcc.
1011 KENT Furnished south front rooair1034
Farnam street. 203 29p
\01l \ HUNT Largo liouso in good location /or
boarding houbc. liallou lirus. 317 W. 13th St.
20. ! 27
ill HKNT A house with eight rooitw. Warren
Switzler , 21 ! ) south 14th St. 260-tf
IOU KENT FurnUhfcl ciittngo nfflie rooms to
Viung married eouplo witlmnt Lhildrtn , V-'i per
nth. IiKiuiro8.UHouth24th.St. 27Wf
Oil KENT Neatly furnished rooms at 1201 How.
ard street. 210 25p
OH KENT Handsomely furnished rooms 2einglo
and oiiotultoof two. Brunncr's block , S W.
18thand Dodge. 217-27ii
OH KENT Three rooms , tno small , ono moder
ate si/e. In building N. K. cor. 18th and la\cn-
t street. Call tctwcen3:30 : and 4 p. m. 210-2Sp
OH KENT In the northern part of the city , a
furnlbhcd bed room and parlor with board pro\I.
, Commercial tra\clcr and wife preferred , For
Jculars inquire N , K. corner ICth and Davenport
et > , between 3:30 : and 4 p. in. U'O 28p
311 RENT Furnished rooms at 811 North 17th
ht. 220 28p
311 HKNT Plcasint rooms furnished or unfur
nished , new house , bath room , hot and cold
: r. 'I onus reasonable. References exchanged ,
N. 17th St. , near Burt. 224 28p
) ll BENT An elegant brick boscracnt 8. W.
corner 13th and Dodge Sts. , one block from < it
D ; 825. per mouth. Morse & Brunner , HOI ,
urn tit. 234-20
' furnlehed room 1310 Dodge St.
2 ( I-SOp
111 BENT Nicely furnished suite of 2 rooms , 318
M. 13th St. 876-28p
) R HKNT llouio with 3 rooms , Inquire oil
ircm'ses ' , 1225 south 14th street. 240-28
( B BENT Furnished hea room , with use of sit
ing room. In pleasant faiuil ) of three , forgcntle-
or lady , within two blocks of rad street car , gS
noutii. Apply 1418 King street , ntar Saundera
t. lt)3-25p
111 HKNT I'leasant room * , furnished or unfur- 0.
Uhed , eniuito or single , 1314 Davenport ttrcet.
l-2 u
HIIKNT Two furnlthod front room ) , 617
itli street , between Howard and Jackson.
2 p
H HVNT-Sieely furnished front room iS03 !
oilgo ftrect. 20b-S9 | >
It KENT A furnished loom 1808 FnruamSt.
X07-tf u
It BENT FurnUhcd roonn , modern Improve-
cnt , tbilek block , cor 15th and Capitol ave. s
oxrhargcd , 203-27
H BENT Furnlihe-l front room eultatla for s
uaa cd wife or two gentlemen , 1.0 U lUrr.cySt 0
II BENT Three homes ol lxroousc cli.
hroD M9 > ui on Cumlug atiett
hruitltgaut JrlaU. lUferencea required.
27 Ojvo < lt I'Ottoffloc
OR HUNT Furnished rooms sllli er wllhou
F board > t 415 M 15th , ! 10-&p
i.iun Hl'.NT Two \ery desirable ( urnMitd rooms
JL1 near street car line , tight minutes walk ( rom r
O. , and convenient ( or tno orthrco ccntlcmon , i
bohadliy appljlnft to S K cor. CtIi and t liici
street' , or 1' . I' . O. Co's office 181- ? " p. j
HUNT A nicely lunilfhtd room suttnolo for JT
1 two pcntlcmcn , 710 Wulh 10th St. 159-5 < P /
HK.YIrmnWiwI nr'unfnrnlOicil ufth Or
JiMW Ijoanl , two tninn In a flno ilGlglibnrh.vxl
coiiunlintlo Street car , 2017 Clnrlea St. 130-1
lll'/NT Tnoncwly furnished suits ol rooms
FOH Ktntlcmcn , at 3. * V. coiner SOth &nd Hurt ,
on If til. 145'27g
I7 0ll RKNT-Nlcoly furnished room 105 north 18th
I1 7o5-2flp
TT10H HKNT Cottaee ot three rooms , 23 < ! and
i ? CUrkttrttts. T.J. Fltzmorrls , llcooHlco.
iOU UKNT-Kurulihed room 1313 Jackson.
poll REXT Nowtt rc , also room vcrychoap. K ,
I 1 Saxagc , ISthainl Hickory. li7-6p. !
Foil HINT : Furnlihed rooms. IniUlto | 205 north
ICtli 9U DOO tt
Foil HUNT I.argo second story room Miltablo for
manufacturing. Apiily 1113 llarney St. Ct3-2 ?
1T 011 HUNT Furnished rooms 1903 FarnamRt.
776 U
ITiOll HKNT-A two tor.v frame bulldlnir eultib
J ? forbuilness. I.irija cellar , upstilra sultiblc lor
rcsldcnca. lurjulro on premises , corner 0th aiul
1'lcrce St. 0--tt
17011 UKNT Nlcaly furnished front room 1016
i.1 Dodge street. 119-tl
FOItnn.YT Six room oottao , Hno location , hy S.
T. Peterson , S. K. cor. IStli and Douglas. G17-U
FOH HKNT Booms ui Crounso's Block. O. M
Hitchcock. 513-tl
FOH UKNT OnD Rrtnil square piano. Inqulro
oflMhohn and Eriekson. 4-iO-tf
FOH HUNT One iood six room house 9J5. per mo. * !
FOH SAI.K \ Rood s-iddlo pony joung ami xcry
Kiiitlo. Apply nt 'JIB Doiigbs St. 23o 27p
rOH FIN1J tube ro ci nnd dutch Inilln , KO to J. W.
1 ? & i : . i : . Arnold , No. 1210 north ISthht. 2.'i8-27p
POIt SALE 520 acrci land on Middle Bc.-ner , In
Smith county Ktums , 250 acre under fence ,
ilontj of lUlns water for stock , ( lood frame hou o
OV2ilth > kitchen 12\20. 200 acres in cultlxation ,
irice 81,000. Terms j cisli , halaneo on time to nnlt
lurchascrs.Vlll aho fill 00 head cattle If liurcha cr
tcslre'ddicM Thnmts Jlltclicll , Smith Centre ,
Cansas , or Pulton & Gro\e , Khcrton , Neb. 257-lm
FOH SAL1J A ftock of general nicrchandi c , and
Btoro for relit In a ttirtUns Nebraska town , fcr
' .irtlculais , addri-fea " ( J. U. " lice olllcc , Omaha.247tf
l OH SALINellRh House , brick , thrco storlc"i
only hotel In town , 40rootr8 , toleaio for3 or 6
cirs. The proprietor of the Ntdlxh IIouso wishes to
ell the furnlturo and flsturcn of thl hotel on caey
Imo and terms , and lease the hot l for tli/.o stated
\ > o\o Alsowonld sell hotel outright , if 'agreeable.
'or inrlcul ( ra Inqulro of John J. King , Acent. West
'oint , Nebraska. ! . ' 40-:5 :
FOH S Vt 1A fresh milk cow. Apply toV. . noy-
cr , 1020 Karnam St 204-tt
U -Second hand leUher teat top phaitou ,
I' also four sprliij , ' dclh cry wagon , cheap. W J.
I'cblmns & Co. , City Mills. 274 tf
'fOR SAU-160,00) : b.-lck on cars at Ucllm uc. II.
1 T. Clarko. 2lS-tl
7011 SALE Boarding houtc , 'wltn furniture and
, e\crjttiltiK complete for business , located nt 121C'
apitol a\onue For luithsr information address
II. II. " Ieo ! office. 22J-28p
TIOH SALE lurnlturonnl fixtures of aboardiui ;
? hou odoinzr * 1'oocl busincfli Best location ID
Apply N. W. car. 17th .nd Capitol nciiue. .
T10K SATiK I'rcsh milHi coAa at my } imh In
. North ijmaha , near ItUcr'd lricl.ard. J. W.
'nny. ' uo 20p
j OH SALK A coed restaurant businesj , Kor iiir-
? ticulars , Isnulre 1C16 Harnoy St. 4-tI
7AOU8ALE The Chestnut gelding cm a , tlve vsirs
old , slrcdbyDorfej'sS.turn. ( record 2:113) : ) At
ur years old Cll\ , trotted a ( ull mile In 2 68 at tlio
: braska State Fair , and can r.ow show much faster
it. Is well broken , Kind and ccntlo. liny bo Been
Council BluuV Driving park. Inquire at tbo
irko ! I' . IJcEtoy. A. J. Topploton. 18S-Sp Y
poll SALi : Stock , fixtures , horse and wagon ,
ot first-class grooory store , a bargain. Applv"A.
C."Beo olllco.
1OK 3AIE A ( rood , subatantlil horse po er.
1 Since putting In etcam have na further uea for it.
rs. J. Bauman , at Columbia Uronery. 155-0p
neil SALE My toim , tno horses , wajon and
1 harness Fred Jloehle , S. E. cor. llth and Farm -
m streets. 150 tf
OH SALE Loose hay delivered in largo or small
quantities. A now Bnoalde bar topbuffcy anda
lolesalo notion or peddlers wagon. ' C. J. Canani *
IOU SALE A rtno largo cirrlaijo or coa3hhor8c7
Inquire atBluo Barn , 18th St. , between Lodce
d Capitol avo. 125-tf
011 SALE A small , but complcto stock ol fresh
groceries , with a Rood trade , in a good locahtj In
f. Address " 8 " Bee office. 100-lp
10R SALE A wholostock of clothing , boots and
shoes , buildings at cost , retiring from bu&iiicbs.
II. Peterson , SOI south Tenth street. 113-3m
IOB. SALE-Cheap lots , $500 down ? 5.00 per
month , and assisting worthy porsoui to build
p Ilttlo homos. H. C. Patterson 4 , Co. . cor 13th
I Fornam.
IO11SALE 200aeresofland. UO acres uapro\ed ,
32ocros hay , S acres hog pistuio , ? acres culti-
ed timber , 3 acres natur R timber. Good Wiring
_ er good house and other Improvements , will bo
\eryoasyterxs , If sold soon. For other in-
nation Inquire personally or by mall of Win. Clair.
cstCity. Sarpy Count > . Xeh. 45 Mm.
Oil HALE Two second hand plinos , at Kdholm ,
a F.rlcKEon'ii > tialo stora on ICth St
OH SALE Corner 8th and Firnain , 60 132 feet
now occupied by dty Mills. Applv on premUeii
7' " W. J. WCLallAftS.
Oil SALi : Boiler and engine. I ha\o ncarlv
new boiler and engine and Knonlo'a pumn. 45-
io power , for sale cheai > . T.S. Clarkson , Sclmy-
cb- 022-lm
311 SALE-Northesst corner 20th and Cumiog
rtroot O. F. Da\is & Co. , 16C6 Farnam street ,
311 SALE Cheap , & rdco cottiKO , full lot , city
water 6 blocks from the court house. M. Lee ,
cr , 22dandLca\cmvortn. 857-lmo
pit SALli-Knglnos now and second hand 10 h. p.
15 h. p. and 20 h. p. portable and stationary : also
: rs of any slzo and style , lllchard & Clarke , U r
. btt. 17tn aud 18th Ml. Omaha. eiO-tt
511 SALE A printing office suitable lor a etnal
lonepapcr or Job ollloo. Wil sell for cash or ei-
igo for Omaha City property. Address "X. Z. O"
IB BALK Two open Bpconfl-niuid bu zloH uid
0 delivery W&BOO , cheap , lit 1810 Etrne/ .
1ST Aliook contalnliifr valuable MinrH lie-
turn to I1. M. Hartion , No. 2J4 north 13th St. A
ilrctt.irdwilll > 0rlun. | 273-27p
KKN UP A" black BOW with white ( oca. Will
etch about 200 pounds. On the old I'lckard ( arm
e west ot omaha. J. W.JAIdsn. 272-2.lp
HSONAIl'artloi h\\lns ; abandoned home-
e d ln Noithueit Kaueas , plcato corrtji nd
me by Itt ur at onco. Iwao MulhollanO , Jtcal
0 and Hnanclal agent , Norton , Kansas.
NTKMjI10Sl'lT\I-Oor. 14th and Jones , IB-
chesfcatlonU mffering ( rom any diacaso not
clous. Aho ladica In a delicate condition.
It EN UP Two rod co , ono about twa year ,
'e ' other about 11 jears old. laaac Jackson ,
1 addition. 232-26p
lAYED Hed and white spotted roan cow thrto
ears old , was sick and n.vt rope on her horns.
Hobble. lll-tl
. II. 1' , Jensen InsruT'Mod Ida ollloo and resl-
lenca totho N. E. corner 18th and Leicnwort h
S , SCIU'.ODKU , Magnctlo Healerls now ocittd
t igJl.Cass ttr.ct. Dla uotiCj dlbeabcdreo.
liu _
\ Vaults , links and cempooU cleaned
.i.itaiy ckatiir. Bitl.ftctlon guaranteed b y r.
cl , ( UvOctsor to J. M. Smith , ) bu 072.1m
' Afk Ca h lllbiiya | lendldBlde-b rbuftr-/
J.UU numa Karmm iri .t. 069 u
riA t'aj" will buy in cicvil. . . . i.
' UU lodouble | tore * . atlSlflKi
: l
I' For prime u l i u. , ' " " T"f.
' T. H. I LA'KBuN ,
m Bchujler , Keb ,
U1UUY uw k < XHl pnatanof. gr > iug ! wittr.