Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1884, Image 1

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Contiutiation of Blaiue's ' Tour of Tri-
ninpli Throngli New York" ,
At Auburn , the Lovely Homo oi
Seward ,
At Geneva , Still Mourning for
her Distinguish ? I Son ,
At Pioohestor , Where Words Fail
to Describe ,
"Tho Stupendous Pageantry oftho
Eeoeption ,
At Uuir.ilo , Cleveland's Home , Hiui-
drcdB and Tlionsiimls Shout
In AVclnonto Aulnlin
lilalno'n AVordH or
Illnlno'i } Stnnlni ; Tour ,
.Slcuai : , Septcmb8r2fl. llaim } > loft heio
at.i30 to attend the Oanego Falls agricul
tural fair. A committee from the association
c-.cnit"d the paity to the grounds w hero ho
he'd ' an Informal reception. Ho was made to
exhibit himself upon the stand which was
clean d for the purpose. The president of the
fair association , Mcniam , introiincoJ him.
lilniuo made some appropriate rormiks which
wort i nthuMhstically cheered.
Sir.\CUSK , September25 Uliinostarted for
Auburn at twelve. The depot and track
wore filled with people ca er to see and cheer
Blaino. As the tram left the depot ho stood
on tlio back platform and was loudly cheered.
Ism \NAI-OLIS , September 25 Blaine will
visit Itidianapoli' , Thursday October 2 , com
ing from Cincinnati. Butler and St. John
will also bo hero that dny , and willppcak from
the same platform at night ,
] Jx Oov. lleudricks , accompanied by a del
egation of democrats and a few personal
friends , left for Columbus this morning.
AtliDliN , N. Y , Sop'.ember25. Tlio Blaine
train was silutcd with camion and torpedoes ,
and about 10,001) ) people were at the dopot.
John S. Tow lor introduced Blaine , who made
a fewappropriBta remarks , referring to AH
bum as the birth place of William II. Sow-
bi-NTCA 3'ALi.s , N. Y. , Soptembcr 25. A
crowd greeted lUainu with choora. lie was
intioduced by General Murr.iy , and mule a
fhort ppecch complimenting this section of
New York upon ita growth und fortility.
( . " MVA , N. Y. , September 25. The next
stop \ as Waterloo , wheio Blaine loft the
tiainto vibit the Seneca county agrlcultmal
fin He was e-cortuil to the groundby the
"I'lumcd Knightb' ' of Watoiloo , and by a
great crowd. Tha agricultural associ ition had
arr..ngod t'l ehorgo 25 cents a head for admis
sion , but after the Blaine eaui go had enter
ed the grounds , the people followed in a
body , ' .mil for cd their way in , regardtas of
tha i-lfort * of the pate kopper. M any ladies
were in the .wornl/ly. B'aintj'i ' ) presoncoarous
od g eatcntliubiasm. When called upon foi a
-punch , Blame stood up m his
carriage and slid , jocosely that ho
did not feel qualified tomakoa suitable speech
at an agricultural fair but he hud the good
fortune to travel with a practical farmer ,
Martin I. Townsend , whoii ho would intro
duce instead. [ Laughter. ] Tovvnsend and
Tenney having spoken , the "I'lumed KnighU"
escorted Blaine back to tha tr.iin. 'Ihero
ere repeated calls for " 131 due , Ulaine , " bo-
foie he left the grounds but hu responded only
by bowing. A13.30 the train arnv od at Geu-
eva. Hero a salute was hred as the _ train
\ c vmo into the i-t-ition ami in a few minutes
so\eml thousand people were gathered at the
rear of the train among the enthusiastic body
of Plumed Knights " Blaine was introduced
by his irimesako , M. F. Bl duo of Geneva ,
and the people cheered vociferously. When
ordu was re-tored , Blaine briellly thanked
the pooplu foi their kind re
ception and then slid : "I could
not in justice to my feelings , pa = s thumgh
youi beautiful town without paying a tribute
ot respect to tlio late eminent citi/en whom
you have lost. It was my good fortune to
know Judge Folger personally aud officially ,
to know him well , and I feel bound to beat
testimony that ho was one among the public
meu of'ho Uuitid State ) who shortened hi
bfo by Ins unselfish devotion to public duty.
I un auro that in paying.this testimony I urn
Mint.iinud by you vvno kiww him BO well and
foi oo many jeirs enjoyed his friendship
lllencvvod applaused J Senator 1 apham
joiard the party at Gcnovi. At
Canandaigiia there w as a large and e-nthusiastic
fiovvd who chcerud Blaine votiforomly when
hu appeared on the platform. Sen itor Ijip
liam called thu p onlo tu order aud said , as thu
tram latu he hid only time tointrnducj
without comment thuniin who would bo the
ne-ct pioside'nt. ( cheering. ) lllaino
saidI am greatly obliged _ to my old friend ,
Jvdgo Lapham , for his kind words. Iain
still nnro obliged to this vast nticmMugu foi
the compliment they piy me. No one
who journeys through your beautiful
oouiitry .u I have jouriioyt > d to-day , can fail
to be iinpren ed with the sploudid results
worked out by hands of intelligent pcoplu on-
] oiug the blefbings of frcu government. If
tl.eie bu on the footstool of Uod , u
people moro blps < od in basket and store than
you are , I know not wheio to locate them.
| Prolonged cheering ]
ILOUHKHTKII , N. Y. September 25. It i ? al
most impoFBiblu to do ju.stico , by description
to thu ovati n winch lilaino re'ciived hero. Its
magnitude and enlhusiatm seemid to astonish
the Kciitlenien who had taken part in the prep
arations for it. Uniformed clubs , Homo
mounted , extended m line for thno-quarterj
of a milo from the depot along the way to llio
xtand erected on tha court house steps. Ihe
cluhi saluted lUiine as ho jiiesod and hu re-
tin no J the falutitiond , Tno streets vvero
filled 'v 1th a dense mass of men and women
nnd eveiy door nnd window was occupied.
1'oituuately arrangements had been made for
tha lilaino party to r < a'h the ttaii'l ' via the
rear of the court house , for it vyould have been
nearly iniposfiblo to make a passageway
through the dense ciowd in front. As soon as
Blame reached the stand the colored jubilee
singers of Fink University , of Ton-
noiee , sang with gnat effect
one-of their ktirnrg SOIIRB. BlainR wai ru-
ceivfd wl'h treini ndous cheering. When or
der was restored , Bhiine , sjie-akiiicr slowly and
impiesjlvely , GO tlmt his voicu rcuched Clearly
evety nioinbor of tha great audience , said :
" 1 am euro tlmt no dctiro to offer a personal
compliment to any living man couldIhavo )
brought this vast audience together , und I
h.tvu not the vanity to accept it ai offered to
miHolf individually. 11 H rather thu expres
sion by thin great asaoiriblj-gu of the people of
Ae.tiirn New York , of their confldouco in
tho-iQ piir.ciples winch have brought prosjuilty
to our country and have bullded your
on n beautiful city as ono of the examples
nnd illustrations of that piosperity. [ Ap
plause. ' ) The republic-ill party embodied In ita
erted four distinct and Important doctrines.
1-irnt , peace witli tha whole world. | Ap-
plauie. ) Second , commercial expansion in
every practicable direction , [ AppUtiHt ]
Third , enrouraRemont to every American in
dintry. [ 1'nthiHiusticapplauae ] I'ourth. p < o
tection tooveiy citizen , n-ilivo or naturalized ,
at homo or abroul. fKcnoued applause ]
Lrder these policies tlio republican party
stilvAH to conduct the government under thiuu
punciplce , Thn rcpuhll-an party submitt
iliu'f ' t > i thy jii'jgmeut of th' ) Amer cm people
On thorfO priniin'ei ' wo couquor or on then
uoaru conquered. I thank von , gditlenun , I
think > oii from the bottom of my heart for
whatever in this splendid ovation U
pertoual to myself. But I ask your
attention with especial emphasis to the Impur
lament Ihcwo po'ilioiisto which
lit icily adverted. To the late-it hour of inj
life I nov < r can forget lhl < brilliitit HCOIIO ; i
c-vn I iui tike iti wide iguifii-inci' . tKnthu
ia tc aud prolonged chc rltig. ]
IHn-Aio , Si-ptember 2"i.At BaUvm , a
delfgatiou of 12) gcnlloiii n from BufTalo
can o on board llio train. When tlio party r
ti\Oil in the Buffalo depot at 8 o'clock , then
wai already a great crowd. Blaine oscortc '
by Chiilrmaii Warren and thu loc J committee1 ,
onlcii d a cvtringo and pii cd up betvvcei
rows of uniformed Plumed Knights and other
political club' " , bearing torches and for thu ensuing
suing three limn < , how as driven through the
principal ttrreti of the city and icceivod ai
ovation which it would take-column * to do
pcrilio. The people , inon , women ism !
children , wonn don cly picked togrthei
in the otreota tbat the police ) hud id
they could do to m iko way for the can nges ,
lln wildest enthusiasm prevailed. At few
points along thu route tliero were isolated
ehe-ia foi Cleveland and shout * of "Cli-vr-laui1
is the man , " but nearly all these demoiistra
lions vvero made by boys , and eveiywliero the
greatest ( iiimor ptovai od. At n few
minutes tirstjvon tlio proce-siion pasioJ the
TifH hnu'O.1 ad Blaine and hu party wont
in by a roar ontrauce , the
crowd in fiont being too gre-at.
Almost imtuedntoly Blaine had show himself -
self on lliobdcony and their for tlio LOX !
hour he stood icceiviug tliu processisn and
bow ing his nsknow lodgements to the enthus
iastic demonstrations m.ado by the people in
the stre-et' . There were moro than tun thous
and men in line and tha local e-stlmito H at
least 70,000 people were in the streets. The
di phy of llruworks was rciy tiuc. tt was
very near midnight when the end of thu pro-
cc f ion pas od the hotel and Blaine steppail
into thu hotel from the balcony.
Tlio Unimtnral Aotn of n AVcnlthy
Boston Mrrchnnt.
Boston Spcci d to the Globe Domocnt.
Thu infatuation of a rich Medford mcr
chant for a common Irish woman , once em
ploj od in his homo as a domestic , has led to
thu institution uf a suit which will occupy tlio
supreme court for several days. The nlfair
has cieatod great scandal m Boston society ,
where the parties to it are well known.
Thatchei Magoun , n retired Boston
u ( .rebuilt , living In Medford , early in
1800 employed as u sarvant Margaret
O'llara , au Irish woman , then thirty six
years old , and of the most ordinal } ' personal
appearance , intellect and education. For
Homo time boforu this Mrs. Mag-niti had shown
figns of impending insanity , and the O'llara
woman was engaged to net as her nurse. Af-
tui her engagement Mrs. Magoun rapidly became -
came worse , and iu liu'l pho was removed to
the McLean Asylum , After eho went the
O'llara woman < itill staid in the housa as a
servant. Before long , however , Magoun ba
gan to pay her marked attention. Ills first
net was to insist that eho should sit at the
table at meal Umo w ith himself , his eon and
liis daughter , rnd tint she should bo ttcited
by them its an equal. They complied with
( us rcquust , though probably they thought , it
strange. Soon after ho in KO thu woman his
liouukeepsr , giving her entire charge of the
family ntfairj. This act , which made a great
deal of talk , resulted in making the woman
irrogant and disagreeable- . The children
were obliged to swallow thu vvomaii'd inenlts
ns best the ) could treat hpr with n show of
r spect Margaiet had now become the
ickn v , leilgeil quLon of the old man's heart
ind mind , vvoru his wife's most valiublo
Ircasea and jewelry , and took her afteiuoon
driving m the finest carnages. So fondly the
> ld in ui's affections bucamo that in the win-
teis of ISd ) aud IbG ? ho established n magnifi
cent residence upon Beacon street , and here
10 took Margaitt to enoy | the delights of the
lomo. Ho soon found , however , that his old
isEuciates in high bfo would not countenance
us now affiliation , and obliged to Bender
or his children to visit him , which they did.
The relations between fath'r and _ children
vero becoming 111010 and moro ( trained , the
old man taking Murgaritu's word against
, heits. In April 187.3 ho severed all conncc-
ion with thorn , asseitinp that they were try-
ng to lob him. In thuMiiumcrof 1875 the old
nan attempted to adopt the defendant , but
encountering some dilliculty in law , not
able to accomplish this until the next joar ,
vhcutho adoption took place. No means
vere spared to render Marg.uut ns happy ex
.he enjoyment of all that money would afford
could make her , aud presents of the most
cojtly character wore constantly boine given
ier by her fond parent. In 187U Mia. Magoun
lied ht the insane asylum vshoroeho had been
lept , aud after that all inteicourse between
.ho . father aud children ceased until the for
tier's illness and death , which occurred in
188J. By the terms of his will his estate of
'SlSlljCOO is divided iibjut equally between
Maigarett and Mrs. Magoun'ti two children ,
in aildition , n Bum of about0,000 ! wliich hod
Jolongid ti Mrs Alagoun was paid over to
Mrs. U'llara. Thei-o sums the children now
feck to recover on thu ground of undue in
laence. The CASO excites much iiitereBt.
A Youni ; "Woman Tortured to Death
l > ) l < 'oiir Inliuniuii Fie ml s.
Special telegram to the BKK.
Con MUCH , Neb. , Soptemboi 25. This lit-
.lo city lias been considerably excited for the
last four days over thn disclosure of a hicken-
ng case of moral di pi avity and the death of
.ho victim , Miss NellfoQiuckenbinh , a youne
ady aged 2.J years. Sunday oveiiing , the 1th
she came to town in a buggy from her homo
save'ral miles in the country , accompanied by
, wo young monnamed Frank Smith and Gco
Uiutho AH , clerks m tha dry goods house of
Friedhoff < fc Co. The facts , as elicited by the
coroner's inquest , which lasted four da > f.
ahow that thu girl was allowed to accompiny
ho young men on their ifromising their
to take her to the homo of
a matricd bister , Mr ? . W. S.
Wolb , residing hero. Instead of this however ,
she wits taken to the room of Mutthovvs , over
, he storu , and there detained until about ( I
o'clock , Tucnduy evening , when eho was tak
en by Smith and another party to her Bister' *
tome in a feeble , half stupefied condition , from
\hi.u ho iccoverudsuffcring , but died , narly
hn ne'\t morning. Matlhovis and Smith Im-
nediatefy left homo on leaining of the girl's
leath , and as jot their whereabouts aio 1111-
mown. The post mortem maJo by leading
ihyslclans showed the inhuman tieatmont she '
tad been subjected to , and thu interne suffer-
ngfclio must havu onditrud , The voidict of
ha coroners jury chaigeH "death from vio-
ciicu at the hands of .Smith , Matthown and v
others. " Who the others are your correspond
out is unable to ttccrtain , but tholr names are
aid to ho in the hands of District Attjrtioy '
Marshall , and there IH a determination on the
i.irt of the better class of citizens to bring thu
lerpotratois of this outrage to justice ,
BUBO Itall.
At Chicago Chicago , 5 ; 1'iovidonco , C.
At Pittsburgh Allegheny , 16j Indmdupo-
la , 1.
At Washington Unions Nationals loj
3oston , 2.
At Uetroit Detroit , 5j Boston , 3.
At Buffalo-Buffalo 2 , New York II.
A Stramur Itiimud ,
1'OIM Au I'a , Quebec , Soptcmbir 25.
Plio steamer Saqnonay , cm the way to Quebec
with a numlx r of British Bclcnti ts and otlu r
lassengerH caught fire and burned to the
valer'd e-dgu last night. No one killed.
Gurrult'ri Condition.
NKW YORK , Heptsmber 25.--A dispatch to
Kiernau agency t > ay < John W , Garrutt of the
Haltlmoro & , Ohio , died this morning , Bulle
tins received In Baltimore * luwever , Kay tliuro
a no chungo tinco 1:30 : thli morn ing.
Ohnlnrn IIICIOHHO at Gonoa.
OthOA , Septombit 2V- Cholera Is moroas
nx to an alarming extent in this city , HUt )
4ght new cahoi are repjned toJay.
A Clear and Impartial HcYiour of Ilie
OnllooK in Ohio ,
Despite Deiuooratio Bluster and
Base Intrigue ,
Her Vote is Assured for Elaine
and Losraiu
Some RomiuisoGiises of the Blaine
Slander *
Suppressed at Its Origin It is Re
vived by Ghouls-
llccolIectloiiH of n Once Itovoltln/ / -
tempt to Trmluco tno Vnir
Niitno oftho Grout Mart -
t } r President ,
Tlio Outlook In Ohio.
Columbus ( O ) to Chicago Tribune.
Ono of thu most important factnra in the
coining Ohio state election is llio liquor inios-
lion , and although it is asserted by many tlnl
it w ill not exit so prominent n figure as it did
lost j ear , it is certain tlmt thu democrats in
tend to nuke the most of it during the pits
ent campaign. It constitutes nonily thitr
w hole stock in tr dot mid on ha possible ro <
suits they base the r prospects of victory ,
Time are two sides to the question that the
democratic mnnngora horu are attempting to
nrater. Wlnlu the B.iloon olcmout clamors fur
the abolishment of the Scott law , there IB .1
conscivatjvo faction among the democrats in
the niral districts tliat is neil satisfied
with the law as it is , and among whom an
idverso decision would create gieat dissat
isfaction. The democrats aio endeavoring to
ippei o the tno factions and carry water on
joth shoulders. A prominent Cincinnati poll
; ician s.ud eomo weeks ho hid positive knol.
edge that certain demociatic ollicials wc-io
attempting to inlluonco the supreme com tin
a decision on the Scott law uhich would bo
idvantagoous to the democratic party.
Tlueo out of the live judges are
lemocrals. Trom all nppcaranco it is
ipp.aicnt that the court is to bu used in the in
crest of the democratic campaign. In its
regular order the liquor casu would not come
ip until aftei the October election , but it Is
irettyvoll understood tint it will bo taken out
if its order and on early decision made. This
learly shows the partisan use to which the
ouit is to bo put. Tiio democrats , however ,
laio not ha\o the Scott law decided uncon.sti-
utional at this tiino foi fear of displeasing the
ountry vote . They have two sots of agents
uniK through tlio state. In the country the
leoplohavo boon tohl that the Scott law would
ja ilccliued constitulionni , and in tlio cities
v hero the saloon ulc-mont his its strcngtli the
pposito has been given out. This has been
, ( inoeiy < iuietly. Having thus prepared the
vay thoduinocrilientatp coinnnttc-o hus o-
olved a plan by which it hopes to retain the
khicky faction and delude tlio country vote-is.
tm the intention to h.i\o the supreme court
teelaio the law unconstitutional early thu
n iruing of the election , October 11. The
lows will at once bo telegraphed to the agents
n the cities , and the Ealoou-koe-psri and their
riends will bo immediately notified. On tin
tlier hand , the country district * will ionium
u blissful ignoianco of the fact that the law
us been declared unconstitutional until the
ay after election.
The democrats are counting a great deil on
disaffection among the Oermuns , but it is
vident that their calculations hive not boon
veil made. There are 10,000 baleens in Ohio
shen the Scott law went into operation
'his reduced the number to about 12,000. The
j ( .nil. inotu in thu Btato is about I.S.UOO. Thu
opubllcana ha J the majouty of tlim vote in
Cincinnati and Cleveland until 18SJ .aid in
1'olcdo until 1SSO. There is no doubt tlmt thu
oss of this vote was tlio c uiso of republican
efoat in Ohio in the last tno joaia. lint the
sane then and atthe ] ) rL'-cnt time can .sc.uccly
jo placed on the Bamo footing. Then the
ioniKiiis were actuated by ruvengo to vote
ho democratic ticket , but they liavo ! ncu
omo to look upon the law in a moru liberal
lulit , and ngirtat many regniditas loasoii.i-
jloaudjust On the other hand , they look
titliB si iclon on thu democrats , uho piomiscd
o rei c-ivl thu law at the last cession of thu
tgislature- , which promise was not fiilldlod.
t is tiler , fore piobablo tint the republic. ma
till regain the grootei part of tlio German
rotolojt inLSS'Jand IhS.f.
The Irish votes in Ohio on which the demo-
rats are laying so much stress was never
laimod lv " there-publicans , mid it was eafo to
.iy out "of the 1'j.OOJ or Ki.OOO Irish
otcrs in the state from 12,000 to
8,000 ahvays hive always voted the demo
ratic ticket. The republicans will got
he votes of all Irishmen who have identified
hemsolvos with thu Blaine aud Logan clubs.
'hiu number will roach about " ,0011. I'roini-
lout Irishmen say that there is a great many
f their ( Oiintrympnwho do not desire to join orgunl/itions , and of this number the
epubhuui party will piobably receive 2,000.
The colored voter will number about 111,000 ,
early all of whom mo republicans. Of thnsu
ho republicans lost dome " ,000 last fall , but
vill regain most of them , Thu piohibitionistH
Ialm25,0 0 votes in tlio Btato , but thuy will
utget aiiwhoro nc-ar that figure. Nearly
11 tlio prohibitionists will return to
heir original parties tliia year. St. John
nay get l/.OOO 01 115,000 votes , but * not
ion1. Butler's vota in Ohio Is HC.ircely worth
onsidcrlng. Jenkins , thu groenbauk candi
ate for governor in 1883 , received neatly
,000 votes ; ButlcrN ticket hanappaiuntly been
trengthuned to about 5,000 , which is duo to
htt troublu in tlio I locking valluy coal mines.
V pi oat , many of the miners In tlmt legiun are
-onbackirs , and thu number has boon in
leased by thu recent Btriko. The democrats
nvo an agent In the valley by the namoof
UcCoi thj , who was Bunt thuo by K. 1) . Coxo ,
wealthy coal operator of Pennsylvania. Thu
nly icsult that the liutlor campaign can Imvu
n Ohio may bo to lese tlio republicans n urn-
'robmnaii down in the Hocking valloy. I'rop-
sltions have been made by thu jjioonbackerH
o unlto with the demociats in thu Athens
[ strict end dffoat General Grosvenor , thu re- nominee for congifxu. If thin
n brought about It vull mean the with.
Irawal of ttio democratic candidate. Thciu
ins Luen a wonderful changu for the bot-
, er among the roiublicans [ during thu lait
wo weeks , and the ininagLiii at the etato
ic.idquarters fay that outside of a few local
ights in Homo ot the coiigrcsilonal dibtncts thu
inspects ara brighter than thuy vvirtt In 1880
flio policy of thu dt mocratiu sUto uommlttLU
H to purntiu it ntdl hunt , and it is using tlio
noit dixr ( pnt.iblo intans to carry thu Htato ( if
Jhio , The thaiimau of the do nocratiu com
nittto said to day that the slcrlu * about their
laving largo ruma of inonuy wen- false , but it
van faid fully thruo wioks ago oven at
tint ( arly day Mfi.OOO had bern null-
cribed to thu camjiaifii fund by ( iovernor
' Inrdloy , btuatjr I'ayne , and John It. Me-
< ean. *
Smut ,
AMI Tin : in MM : KC\M > M. .
Washington special to th < - I'loneor Vtcxa-
) ( com no thu rovolatioiiii of Mr. lilulnu
concuming his mvulugo have boon the mu
tation cif the camjifin in NYashliigton , whoio
he and Mi family are known bo well ; but to
IIMntiniAto friends it WAR not n surprise
Vk 'y know there wn n niystf ry of KUIIO tor
ciniiicttod with hlslinatrinpo but ptoplo d
nnt a k < nie < tions on Mich n tmlijoi t , and I u
for tin- now fonn of lntruilming introduce !
by the tndianapolii Sentinel the facts woult
never have coiiio out. Tha origiml story a
publiidiid by that paper wa n ii'Pc of th
i-impugn of 1 70 Some indent Kcntuckj
friends nf Iionjnmin H , Hristnw worked uj
the cmo , got stitatncnts from people win
lived at Miller burg , mid from tnuuo o
HI mine's old pupils , mid prcpuod thorn fo
1 ubllcition on the o\o of the Cincinnati con
vcMitinn. when thu scaiuHl w > * i-xpcctcd t (
tiniih Air , lllaino's pro idontinl rnco. lint thn
story VN as not published It waj supptp'fri
by liristoiv'a onlir. , and thclV are several i > \ '
| iliuation of his motives in issuing them.
One is tint
Mil * , liu
ho-mug * < f lie matter , went. 10 Slrii. llristovv
and secured her iiillnonco to tint olid , An
other is that tome of Mr , HI vino's friemh
went to Mr. llnstou- and wnrntd htm thai
such n publication would nnko him in-
faitous iK.foro nil the _ world ; but the mcil
ronoonahlo o\pla ntion is that Mr , Hlalno
sunstri-ko unite it useless for his enpiiiios
strike at his domestic peace. At any rate the
litanies give the Itristous no credit for the
suppression of the story , and ttheu Uristow
oiled at the family rcsl lonco during Hlatno's
illnexs in IS'O Mrs. lilnino uxclaimrd : "Thin
is your work , sir , " and fhovved him the
door. Since that time the Ulninos and Btiv
town have been strangers , and It was loft to a
democratic hyena to reel up the acindal which
Dilstow's mmi prepared 'Ihcro is nothing
but pjmpatliy hero for tin lllatnes , oven
among demociatic partisans , for everybody
knows tlmt Mrs. Blalnoliasbuon n loving and
duyotcd wife , n good mother , nnd n noble and
pure woman , and that her homo has alvvajs
been as hippy as mi ideal homo could bo. Shu
has lost no i aspect but hai gimcd friends
from this revelation , aud vul return to Wash <
ington , the mistress of thu white house , as pop
ulur as ever. ,
This attack upon IMalno Bdpgests llio story
that Ward LMUOII introduced Into his famous
"Ufo of Abraham Lincoln , " in which ho
throw doubt upon the legitimacy of the mar
tyred president , and claimed tint Mr. Lin
coln's father aud mother nurriod them-
sohca by jumping over a broomstick to
.tother. Mr. Lincoln's friends know very lit-
Jo of his ancostrv , but at once commenced to
investigate it. They had scarcely started in
their work , however , when n voluntary wit
noes appeal I'd , in thu person of the father-in *
law of Conprussmau IJIackburn of Kentucky ,
who testified that ho had attended thu
wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln ,
xnd gave. the mines of others who wcro
ircsont , and of the clergyman uho per-
'ormcd thu corcmony. A ehort search dis
closed lernl evidence In the foim of a license
nnd a mariiago certificate , both of wliich
v ere on file at the ollice of the clerk of the
: ounty , which Mr. Lamon might have eteu
lad ho asked for them boforu no wrote the
lasty stoiy. Secretary Lincoln has framed
nd hanging in his library certified copies of
loth documents. All the presidential as-
lirants , and there in the usilia qurta hero ,
nro looking up tlio lecords of tholr marriugiH
o as to bu fortified in case this sort of biui-
ices is to enter the ) olitical campaigns that
ire to como hereafter , A lawyer who hai
iracticod in Kentucky , and who 13 familiar
\itli the codu of tli t Btato , says that under
ho decision of the courts there is no question
bout the legality of Mr. Dlaiuo'a original
n.uiiage , _
lopu bliciuiB Ijoiifj on Nclirnakn , Kan
sas ancljlovv.'i , aiul IIoi
[ pocial Dispatch to Tim IJrr.
CIIIOAGO , Saptombci i0. ! 1' . ' G. Dunnoll
nissioiiary of the Now York Times , sent
vest to feel the political piilco and chronicle
ho prospect on this side of the Allcglianoyn ,
rrivod at the Leland hotel today. After a
arcful BUI vey of the field iu Iowa , Kansas ,
Nebraska nnd Wisconsin , lia unhesitatingly
nukes thu following assertion : "Kansas and
Xebraska will glvo thoii electoral votes for
Maine. No well informed pofson has over
otibtod tiiat ( hey would , though I notice tlmt
omo man in Nuw Yoik was taking odds of
no to tuu tlmt Ulaine would r.ot gut the clcu-
ror.d votu of Kansas. loua is reasonably nine
or Bj.imo , but the condition iu that stale in
ncli that by a fusion between the democrats
ml the greenback llutler following , it is
) i rely possible that the stito would go against
ilnuiH. Wisconsin I regard as uxticmely
oubtful. The lesult them cannot bu prophir
iid , beciuso Iheru are so many Influences at
vnrk. Von don't have to look there for ( lor-
1111 republicans who will votu for Cleveland ,
H yuti h iv o to Hcaich In all the other states 1
lavunitod foi Irish don.ocratl who will vote
or Ulaiiiu. "
A Crucial Toar.
The oovoro chemical tests to which tlio
vnrioua baking powdora have from time
, o time bean placed have demon-
tratcd clearly to the publio the relative
merits of the different brjnda from an
analytical Government Ohomist , in his
nnalyacB , niatlo the comparative strength
aa followa ;
Oublo Ino/iCR
Cfta evolved
'Hoyal" ( cream of tartar powder , " . . . 127.01
'Charm" ( alum powder ) . . . . , . llli.'J
'Dr. I'ricoV . 102. 0i (
'Snow Make" ( G roll's ) . 101. bH
Poarl" . U3.'J
' 0. IX AndrowH i , Co" alum powder ) 78.17
Tlio Royal Baking Powder was found ,
icsidcs boint' of nbaoluto purity , to
volvo the highest amount of lenvoninp
, as of any of the powders touted , and
lunco it was placed at the head of the
1st and rocomondod for Government
lint the crucial test of the kitchen is ,
ftor all , the most satisfactory to thu
lousokoopor. A haking powder that
never fails to make liijht , sweet , whole-
nmo and pulatablo bread , biscuit , cnko ,
to , , upon all occasions , is the ono that
will bo placed at the head ot the Hat by
ho practical houiowifo , and rcooivod in-
o her kitchen for continuous us > j. This
cut the lloynl ISaking i'owdor has stood
or over ttvonty years vathout a single
ailuro , and honed its reputation us thu
lost baking powder inaflo has spread
ram house to Jioueo , until its uro lias
) ucomo as univornal aa its murita are un-
In Oiiuncll ,
n it , III. , tScptomber 25. The Mis-
issippi Valley Medical tocitty a'ljoiirnod ' to-
ay to mtet at Kvnnivlllo , Indiana , Juno 1C ,
) fficors were elected for thu ensuing year as
ollowu : I'rcHident , K. W. Board , of Indiana ;
irst vico-proBiJent , A. I ! . Miller , of Mitaonti ;
ocond vice president , J. A. Hutclilfo , of In-
liana ; third vice president , 1 { . 11 Tucker , of
Centucky ; try , ( i. W. lluiton , of liuli-
ftiiaj assistant sfticUry , If .f , U , Wiiwht , of
Ilinois ; troouurei , A. M. Owen , of Indiana ,
TJio AVi-iillinr To-Oay.
, September ' . ' 0 , 1 a. in. Indi
cations . For the Vpper Mluisiippi Valleys
[ ' 'air in thu southern part , partly cloudy and
ocal ruins in tlio northern Dart , southerly
windd , stationary followed by loucr tompcra
, uro , and lower followed by higher baromo
; tr.
tr.For thu Mudoml valluy Knlr in the tiouth
orn part , partly cloudy and local nhowurH litho
the noi thorn part , varlabla wlndn , louir torn-
| x.rattue , and lower followed by highorbarom
The Past Day's ' Eyeuts of the Y/orl /
Abroad ,
Hugland , the Ptnvora , and the
Quostiou of Egyptian Finances
Alarming Inoroaso of Oholora in
Northern Italyt
The Soourgo Abating Elsewhere
in the Kingdom ,
Franco-Gorman Kelations in the
Vnrloun InoUIontnl niul 1'dlltlcal
ItouiH I'Voin Ciuiadn Othur lin-
linrlnnt Foreign NCAVH ,
A "Warning to E
Sr. Petersburg , September 25. The Journal
do St. I'cteriburg , atato that UuIaha joitioii
tlio other powers in objecting to thu euspcn
sion of tlio Ifcyptinti sinking fund , itussliv
.o uglntid her re-grot that Kngland
( ltd nut consult the othei pjwers before Uocid
ing to anthiii I/O such a stop.
I'AUIS , September 2.1. The Galois says that
Baton do Courcol , French aiuhnnsador to Be-i
liu , informed Piinio Minister Ferry tlmt Germany
many , Auntrla und Itustia had decided to
warn the khcdivd eif I'gypt that Ids throiiu
will bo cndaiigori-d If ho continues to endorse
Knglaiid'H tiiiiinciil action. If lie docs thu
powers luJRht Biipport the restoration of ox-
kliedivo lnhmat-1 1'iislm to thu head of the
Egyptian government.
AOlinnco Cor SoullorH-
TOUONHO , , , September 25. Ulchard 1C.
' "ox of Now York , signifies liU w illingnoaa to
; ivo a purto of $5,000 for a single tcnll race ,
iiniloawith turn between Hanlan , Doach
reemer and also the championship tiuphy
allied at $2,500 ti bo known as the 1'ollco
larotto LhampioiiHliip cup , which will bo thu
einb'em for the scull
nly single champion-
hip of the world. The trophy will bo the
torsonal pioporty of any O.IIHIUIUI who shall
win it thieo times in succession , lluwill
nal.o nrrangmt'iitu for the race on receiving
avorablo replies from the oil smuu named.
Ijalior GrlovancoH In Gnimdn.
IfAMiMON , Seittombor 'J."i. A great labor
omonstifttion will bo hold hero October lirat.
Vorkiiigmon fiom all pat I * of the jiiovmce
vill take p irt. Resolutions will bo olFoiod ,
cmandii.f ; immcdiato Hto ] > page of tlio Clii-
icsn immigration , expulsion of all ChincBO
vho refuse to accept civili/atlon and recall of
11 immigrant iigunts in Kuropu or olmnvh'jiu
and the expenditure of maney thus Htvod on
mbllc works , HO as to give Canadians omploy-
nont in their own country.
CJi.VHtlOVV , September 25 , Tho''lcoiiscivln-
Ivo ns'ocialion of thi city received letters
containing1 threats against the marquis of
Salisbury , who IB about to visit Glasgow. 1're-
antii in will bo taken to prevent any pudHiblo
oltei of violence' .
Franco-Gorman Knlntlonn.
I.OMIOV , September 23. Thu Tall Mall
Gazette says it is bollovud in official circloa in
million , that the attitude of Germany toward
' 'ranco in thuCluno"0 difficulty IH exorcising n
leipneting inlluenco upon the French i Cabi-
Oholorn inltiily.
KOMT , September 25. The icport of cholera
lirotiflhout Italy tholaht21 liours shows 128
rosh cases , 11)8 ) doaths. At Naplcn2112 frei-h
urn-s , 121 death' , as iigainst i ! ( ! 1 cases and 7"
eatha thu pruvious 21 lioiirc.
I'romol ion ,
WAHHINOTO.V , ScptemLoi 25 Thu proiiiiont
ma appointed I'oxtmaster Guneral ( ! re liam
ccietary < if llio trcMsmy. .ludgo Gn'sham ,
lostmnstor general , rucelvi'd n telegram from
'rojldent Arthur uftor tun o'clock last night ,
n forming him of liU iippolntinont to the K'O-
otnryfihlp of the treasury , Hx imnudiatolv
out hirt iiHigiiation IIH pontmastur general.
Vt ton this inomiug Greslmm went to thu
luasurywith Stciolary Chandler. Hin iles >
nation from thu president was given him by
) , li I'rudon , aslant 1'rivato Kicntarv of
ho prnMdoiit , hUcommisHlun by the third as-
utant Hiciotary of otutu , A. A. Ades. The
wo assistant nocrotaiieH of the troaomy ,
' 'rinch nnd Cooa , woru present and tendurod
lioir congratuluticins. Tlio now nccritaiy
c ivos thm afternoon to consult wit with thu
WANiiiNc.roN , 1) . C. , September 25. The
ilur Hays : " ( Jiusham accepted the sociotary-
lup of the tiuanury as n matter of actommo
ation to tlio proHidont. I IIH intinuta fi lands
ays it IH only n Unmiorary appomtmont thn
uration of which will extend to the firnt of
October when it is bohovud ho will reeigii to
ccnpt the judguthip of the IllinoiH circuit ,
It is behoved either McCillloch or liuiitwoll
will take the nccri'taryshlp on Rnwhiim's res-
{ iiatliin. Acting I'outmaator Gonurul Hut-
, on will moat llkuly bo placed at thu head of
ho postolhcu department permanently ,
Colorado DemouralH.
DtMUlt , HppUmlwr 25 , The democratic
( invention assembled at 11 thin morning and
doplul resolutions indorsing the National
Junocralio platform adopted at Chicago ;
avoi frto and unlimited coinage of silver and
eclares that by nomination of J , G. IShuno
u avowed ( iieiny of silverinlerufitx thu rupub-
lean paity ban arrayed itxelf In opm hostility
o the vital intaroilH of this tt'ito ; nppoxui <
; rants < if publiolunils to railroads or other
rinnopuliitt und denounces thos > stem of did-
losing of laigu tructH of state school lands to
: orporatioiiH and individuals ; favnis inact-
nents of lawn to provoit the introduction of
cont'igioUH animal dlucasu insists on the utrict
ust law rujulating thu liquor tradic , but op-
lono.i prohibition as unwise ; Illogical , uncoil
titutlonal and impracticable ! denounces thu
> olloy of the general gixxl in keeping tribes nf
ndlunH on the agricultuud landH of southern
Jjlorailo and demands legislation uitlnguibh-
ng alt Indian reservations in the Htato und
mvo them thrown open to the actual set.
'Jho convention nominated Andrew Devil-
son of Denver , for lieutenant governor und
Charles S. Th mas , of Loadvillo , forcongrosH.
Adjourned till two this afternoon.
At tlio afternoon session the convention
completed thu ticket at follows. 0. C. Uiifug
for nccrotary of state ; Thomas Maloney ( for
.reasuierj Hurley li , Morse for atto noy gen-
sral ; Ansel Watrous for auditor , CaMncro
liartla , Governer .lumen I ) , ( iiaiitand Joseph
IJuylo pruiidi nl'al ' ultctors. Adjourned ,
l.oi IHMI.IK , Ky. , September 25 , Tiacl
lioil. Mlle and a quartui , allage-ij , Vanguard
won , ilohn Davii ) second , Ilimim Miinloy
third ; Umo , 2:10. :
l.ruco slfllpn , milo ami nil pightli , three
v-ar olN ( , Hob Miles vum , Mnlaiin fccondi
hrm llnrdi liliw ! , S.OJJ
MiIapiiMn LVoiilmlow won. Vauller HOC-
HIHI , lilivliinn third ; time , 1WJ
niicoiniartitsinllc , tun > cu old * . Tan-
irnm won DlAinotuI locond , 'Hollo l' lo third ;
tiiiir. 1 2IJ
Mlle > mid a h If , all rgri. Tax Gathoaer
mi , I .J , Jlittli M eaiul , Mmlhon third ; time ,
ItiiKiurov Mirvoir. fcptembor 55.-Hovci !
lurlong" , maiileiiK , nil ngos-l.-vdy of Lyona
DuiUik'0"80colu ( | . Kl f ? tl'lnl ' ! time
.Soven-clghtln of a mile , maidens , all ages
n , liully nccoiid , Leroy third ; time ,
Milo and . furlong , sollinp-I.iUloDan won ,
l-augha Hallngh su-ond , Bliiu Iti-bel third ;
tliuis 1-5' ' )
Mile , all atres-Littlo Fred won , hutwittiiig
serond , 11aloilon third ; time , 1:11 : }
I hreo qilnrters nf T > ilex -
ox won , 1'crlolcs nccciul , l.atnnilnta third ;
limp 1-17.
, _ _ _ _ _ _
Ho Will AHk Clio I'poplo to Itotiirn
Jllni tn Siuto or llio
Oiualn Special to tlio Chicago Novvs.
I am told that n v igorous effort will bo made
tooust Van Wyck from the United StatCH
sonato. 1 lo lias still two j ears to son o. Ilia
COUIBO in congress has IH-OII mtisfactory to thu
iinsi of the people , but ho lus gro\ioiisly of
emlod old Umo Kiiiubllcnus and railroad ino-
lupobstH. VanWyckvvus elected to do juxt
what ho has boon doing to pitch into giabs
andste-aU of every clmraotor. His oiionucs
vvlll not bu ublo to bring about his political
hmnfall. Tliero is a peculiar provision
n the constitution of this stutu
which Rivoi the people a ihauco
if expressing their preference for thu in in who
s tn HI i MI them in thu United States neimtu.
1 ho constitution naj s
The legislature may provide that at thogon-
oral election immediately preceding the expi
ration of the term of the United Status sen-
\tor from tins stuto the electors may by billet
express tlioir piofironco for MOIUO jieman for
thu ollico of United Stutcs ci-nator. The v otes
cast for the candidates h ill bo canvassed and
re-turned in the HOIIIO way as for state ollicorn.
An ict to uirry out thu intention of the con
stitution In this rospuct was passed several
, earn ngo. No one , how ov er , has felt inclined
to tint tlio popular v oico in rcgaitl to his c in-
lldatiiiu foi the United States senate The
> ogn nro being arranged to defeat Van Wjck ,
lint ho docs nut intend to lot his fooa have it
ill their own way. Whe-n the time comes ho
vill take advantage of the l.iw and seek in-
lorsemont at the polls. Thoru is no doubt of
ds getting the popular vote , and the leglsln-
tutu will nut dare to reject him. Ittakusa
Iron ; _ man lo adopt thn COIUBO , and Arnii
\Vjclc _ is not only strong w ith thu maHifs , but
10 is courageous enough to adopt any me.n-
lies to uniphiuizo his antagonism to the
chemes of the monopoliHts. Van Wyck
l > ealM idmost d dly in uilCuront parts of the
tale. Hi- bitterly denounces tlio school-land
rands , and may do seine damage to thu le
mblir.ui Htuto tfeket. Thin , liowover , will
tot afflict his own ca"o , slncu ilia people pen-
rally abhor the frauih , und would certimlv
ivi DavvcH the go by if the ( ipposltlon liad
nit up n in in lito from the taint , of monopoly
nil lalboad aggrandi/umeiit. .1. W. I * .
iS'AHliv n I.K , Q'e-nn. , Suptcmber 25. The
ntl-jrorirton crusade has broken out afresh.
ilxtecn miles south nf Lebanon , which is
bitty nuluH from Nashville , Mormon cldirs
nado tholr appeaianco elic yoam ngo and bo-
tan to innulcate their doctrlnun into the
nlnda of mi ignorant chins of people llvliuj in
vhut is known as the Didiinon scttlenfunt.
U.iny inainbe-rH of othci churuhos soon em-
jrucul thu bolluffl of the Morinon dmrch and
ho laboi uf various miniati-rn of other ilonoml-
ations proveil nnavaillng. Ji'or m < years
In so MormoiiH have been unmolustod , but
ho inmder of lUiIurs Gibbs and lioriy. in
jovvis county , greatly alarmud them. This
tollng has been intonslfied by the posting of
oticcs warning thoin to laavu Wilson county.
Bve-rtoiaturn , on pain of death. Itisntvtcil
hut the conduct of thu Mormon adheruitH IL.-WI
moil such th it some step was necessary to
iiiiipol them to emigrate * , and It IH understood
iat , should tlio warning bo disie-gaulud , tlio
neat will bo eairli-d into effect Interi-stlRg
ovulopomontH nio nlso expected in howls aud
licliinan conn tii H , where similar notices have
H on posted. Mott of thu Mormon converts
re very pool nnd will hud it dllhcult to ob-
am enough monuyto take them beyond thu
Hnnlli Carolina K-piiblloann.
Cor.UMlilA , S. 0 , September 'J.J. The ru-
inbllcun convention , after u stormy all night
cssion , iiiljoiirnod lit half-past bovon. A fico
ight unlivenud the prouetidii'gs towards the
lose , and a colored spectator foil in a lit iu
10 excitement. Tlionomination of the i loc-
oral ticket wim delegated to the executive
munittcu. The following nominations wcro
iiudo for Htnta ofliiern : ( jovcinur , 1) . T. Cor-
) ln ; lioutumiut-govuriior , 1) . U. Strukcr
toliircd ) ; adjutant and inspector ( enaial , C ,
. Stulbriiuu ; truusurur , C. C. Mcl'oy ; HOCIO-
.aryof state , It. 1 ; Smith ( caloiol ) : siiiienn-
endcut of education , llov. Joshua K , Wilson
colored ) ! attorney general , J ! , J. Sawkur. llu-
ililtmim omlommg lilalne and hogau were
ntruducud and tulerred tiiLommltUo on plat-
oini and rcsoliilioiis. 'I Ins committee , how-
vii , failoiHo complete its work , und all mat-
OIH iiurtaining to a phtfoim iiml policy were
irdercd to bodupoHCil of by the stito oxecn-
Ivo eommittiu , which in to make its action
nown in ton days. K M. llraylon , internal
ivenno collector , was elected chairman of thu
-ato executive committeo.
Ccpiibllonn Itully at Nohruolca OHy.
pocial Tulegram to THK Bin .
Ni'iuusKA Cir.Septumbur 25. A largo
nd outhusiaitic meeting of the lilaino and
jogan club WIM held at the court lionto this
voning , The court Iiousit was filled , lion , ( i ,
I. Lnmbertisoii and ,1. U. Strode wcro the
mtorn und made the most tolling and effective
pc eclies tlmt have be-on nude in this city
iirmg the eanvassH.
For Coonrc-HH I'Voin Illlnoln.
FiiEuroiiT , 111. , Soptembur 5. The demo-
rain of thu ' Sixth Illinois congroa
lonal dlstilct fxi-ilay nominated Thomas
luttoi worth , of Ricl : Island on the hfty-mxth
mllot. Thu Krocnbackorii nominated T. I ) .
ileaclnun , < > f l''icoioit. |
A Out In KatrH
ST. LOUIH , Sonteinberffi } . U i * alleged hero
.hat passongdr tickets to Nuw York aru being
old as low as ? 15. Krvlglit ratu * nlso are un
toady , HohatcH and concedoioim are easily
'llio Grunil Trunk AVitliilrnvvH.
NEW YOIIK , Septombei U5. Cominlationer
'iuk personally Htate'fl the Orand Trunk has
tot withdrawn from the east bound tralllo
atsoclation an reported In the west.
RoultlcdJIlH Tliroat.
NKW YOIIK , Hoptember i5. ! Isaao Novvton ,
chief eugiuiei of the Cioton water depot , sui
-Ided to day by cutting Ids throat. Ho in sale
to have boon drinking houvily of late ,
A Itlu/.liiK Fire.
UoHro.V , Sui tomber ' . ' 5 , It Iu feared that
A. T. Stuarns & CO.'H lumber yaida will bo
totally destroyed by thu tire which is now
Imniing ,
A Imko ( ilioro Dlvy
WAI.I. SlIlKKl , Sjptembir 15 ! , Thu Like
.Shurodlrnctors declared a ( juarlerly divldeiu
of one half pci cent , payablu November 1st ;
* books closed HepU-mber UOj open November 6 ,
Yestcnlaf's ' PrcccciliDgs at tlio Stoclc
Yardsauflou'Change ' ,
Brighter Outlook for the Flabby
Oattlo Market ,
Hogs and Provisions Take a Mu
tual Bisoi
Wheat , After a few Bostless
Turns , Olosos Weaker ,
A Spaomodio Resumption of the
Corn Squeeze ,
OntH niul 1'ork Uoth a Stmdo Knsler
ItulcH Quito Stroner ,
Special Telegram to TIIK IJKtf.
CIUOAOO , September " 5. Among the fieali
receipt ] wcro about 300 cars of westerns and
L'oxaiu. The general market vvas rather slow
Imt prices on all ports ruled steady at the de
cline noted for the pact three days , llut native
steers of 1 100 to 1COO , may bo quoted at 0 10 to
( ! 1)0 ) aud good second class steers nf 1250 to
11150 , f > DO tj 0 2.j common steers of 1100 or
thereabouts , i 7f > to 5 'Jfi. There is an un
abated demand foi young cattle for feeding
and grazing , All arrivals are quickly dis
posed of each day nnd prices remain firm.
Thrifty young stockers nro tolling at 3 50 to
I 00 per cwt and suitable feeders at t 50 to
I 70. The supply Is limited nnd thu indica
tions favor high pricoi iu tlio near
future as it ap | > uara the aourcu
of supply , especially Wisconsin nnd
Minnesota and purt of Iowa , has been closely
drawn iixm to till the demand for the far
wuat. Heceipta of stock cnlvoi aru 700 ; L',800
leas than last week. So far the demand con
tinues UcAdy. with little or no change in
prico' . A lot of fancy Now York steer
calves sold as high ai 17 pti head and a lot
of Uluosatll. Uood Michigan calves may
bo quoted at W 00 to 1U CO per head.
cattle may bo quoted an follows : Toxanf , 'I 75
to 4 " 15. A drove of Indian territory stock ,
averaging 1,257. sold ot 1 85 ; Wyoming , 4 i5 !
to 5 00 ; Colorado * , 1 10 lo 1 50 ; Montanas ,
I 25 to I 50 ; covva aud tailings , 3 50 to I 00 :
good to choice cattle , 1,200 to l.SftO Ibs , 5 CO
in t > 50.
The market was lather slow und prices
somewhat uneven , and fur a short time during
the early morning prlios wcro 5 to lOc lowe-r
in _ common , but 1 itur there was
in improved demand , word having como from
ilou'n town that thu provii-ion market
vasfitrongor , so the market closed steady ,
with thu loss of thu morning regained. Sales
iveroatl 50 ® 175 tor gra < ser . 55 25 for
ilciiw , 5 50@i ( II ) foriiHinrled light , 5 'J5@5 7C
or common to goud , mixed. 5 ! I3@G10 for thu
best heavy. li jht , 1 ( ij@2 10 Ibs , 520@'J5.
foreign c-ibloa we'ru stronger in tone this mor-
uing than for tome time nait Tlio wheat
narljyt ope-ned with ra thora rliarp advance ,
NovMber soiling. H high as 8 ' , fell back
iflalfi,1 tlien rose but toward the close foil of !
igain and u.u again weak on the afternoon
) oard , closing at 8 under latest figures ji-ste-r-
lay. There la no largo movement from first
irnds indicated xilnyin the northweht and
ho question of the inmiodiato supply appear ! *
o determine llio COUIHO of the market. Latest
imitations wcro 7i'i5 to 77 for October " ! Sj for
S'ovi-mbcr , SOi for December.
The corn crowd appeared to bu at cca in the
arly trading , and until the noun hour tint
narkot tilled quiet , when the market suddenly
/out whisking upivnul again , cash and Sep-
unber udyancing to 7c. ( ! which ligurogwero
cry steadily maintaineiL up to the clobu of
radlng. Oetobor and November nlso advanc-
3 < l , closing higher than yesterday at 5S for
JaoberiSlforNovciiibor , l\\ \ \ 'for the year ,
IUJ for May.
iilod a nhado evlor , closing at 5 ; ) for Se-p-
ember , 25i for Octobui , 25J for November ,
van a sh.ido o wier at 10 OO'for October , 11 00
01 the yeai.
ulcd ( luitQ strong , closing at 7 00 for Soptom-
iei nnd October , 27i for Novemuoi , anet 22J
01 Decumbur.
Dimioir , September 25. .1. A. M'cLain ,
ivmg nix miles north cf Coopcrsville1 , Ottawa
ounty , wan ehut dead by a tramp at his own
lousu last night , Thu tramp had previously
jceu ejected from thu premises. The assassin
s at laige , with a posuu of Uti/ona in vigorous
pursuit , _
* " *
Protection anil 111 ; ;
HoiuiuvHliuiici , September 23. Noticen
vvero posted in the furnaces of the Cambria-
Iron and Coal company announcing a'roduc-
.ion of ton per cent after October 1. Some
employes will then receive but eighty-one cents
ler day.
Another Cut at French.
WASHINGTON , September 25. The Presi-
lent to day designated Assistant Secretary
Coon to act an Secretary of Tioasury during
to the absence of aicknesi at any time of Sec
retary Groalmm. Assistant Secretary 1'rench
alvvnya acted In this capacity heretofore.
PUKE JJ3HEAWI T/\f8 f&R" *
-&n -
ini run ) injurious itibtia.aciiu.u IAS fou
ihowViM 3n1ilniPowJoy. l i
Hveh PURE1. Di.iDt.iinli.rtcU.fti .
hxolvi'il I rum s'i'.ti clicinlU an B , Di\nn llr.j h , Doa-
Ijlli M. IklufouUuno , 01 ChtuuKC ; i'l'i ' '
llotio , itllw iiukco. Nev cr arid m 1ml' . .