Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1884, Image 5

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The Followers of this Religion Preparing
paring for Gamp Life ,
A Touted Village Insldo the Spccc
, lliUK at the l'nhOrottiulu ,
The state fair grounds which since a
week ago last Monday have appeared so
deserted are again teeming with lifo am
activity. The Seventh-Day Adventists ,
whoso coming to this city haa beet
heralded by the press of Omaha , arrivei
yesterday and began the holding of their
services which will continue for the noxl
two vrooks.
All dny yesterday teams and wagons
were busily engaged in transporting to
these grounds the tonla and all Iho ncc-
i 3ario3 of camp mooting lifo , while many
were at work preparing for their fort
night's aojourii.
The tents nudjplncos for holding their
.public services are all put up on the plal
of ground within Ihe race course arranged
in atrcots and alleys , and presenting the
appearance of a touted village. The
streets running east and west are named
A , 13 , C , D , itc. , while thoao oxtondiug
north and south are numbered 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ,
. &c. , and oncomposing all ia a sort of
grand thoroughfare called Circle atroot.
Yesterday afternoon 120 tcnta hnd already
been erected , together with the pavilhon
nnd the largo reading room where books ,
nowspapora and periodicals may bo road.
The pavillion on the north aide of the
ground will bo used for holding services
in the English language , and has n sent
Ing capacity of 1,200 , being 90 by 120
foot upon the ground-
The rending room or tent is alao very
spacious and will furnish accommodations
to all. Sorvicoa will also bo hold in
-Gorman and the Scandinavian languages.
The place for holding these last named
services however has not been erected ,
bul will bo pul up to-day. The remaind
er of their tents , numbering about 180 ,
making nearly 300 in all , will also bo
erected soon. Besides the pavillions for
church services and the reading room ,
there ia alao a store in the plal of ground ,
whore these who kcop house can buy
their provisions. The Art Hall haa boon
transformed into a dining room nnd fruit
store , while Fornl Hall and Max Meyer
& Co's. building will bo used for lodging
This meeting is the annual camp moot
ing of the followers of this religion in
western Iowa and Nobaaska. It ia ex
pected however that it will bo attended
by many from Dakota , Minnecota , Kan
sas and Colorado , a few will bo presonl
from the eastern states and some are
looked for from the coast. It is difficult
al present lo predicl the number that
will bo in attendance but arrangements
have boon made tor all.
The mooting will bo under the super
vision of Elder A. J. Cudnoy. In addi
tion to the ministers of Nebraska the
following from abroad
Elder George I Butler , prosidenl of
general conference , just returned from
Elder 0. A' Olson presidon Missoaota
Elder E. "W. Farnsworth , of Iowa.
Mrs. E. G.Vhito , whoso oarnesl la
bors in behalf of religion and tompor-
atice , have extended from Maine to Cali
Prof. J. E. White , of Kansas City ,
-will take charge of the Sabbath schoolwork
-work , and will apeak on the subject of
Elder Rosquist , ( Swedish ) lalo from
Elder wllson , ( DanJah ) late from
The following is
Tlio bolls for rising at p o'clock a. m.
Prayer and social mooting In the taber
nacle at 5:30. :
Breakfast at 7 o'clock.
Family prayer in the tents at 8 o'clock.
Business meeting at i ) o'clock.
Preaching at 10:30. :
Dinner at 1 p. m.
Bible reading or preaching at 2:30. :
Business mooting at 5 o'clock.
Preaching at 7:30. :
The boll will ring for rotiromonl at 9
Everybody on the grounds perfectly
quiet at 0:30. :
Hloro Strictness to be Olisorvcd In
CourtE-mnrt lal ,
A general court-martial is appointed to
meet at Fort D. A. Russell , Wyoming
on the first day of October 1884 , or as
aoon thereafter as practicable , for the
trial of such persons as may bo brought
up bofor ° U'
Colonel Ilarry A. Morrow , 21st infan
try ; Lieutenant-Colonel ThomasIM. An
derson , ! Hh infantry ; Capt. Win. II.
Boyle , 21st infantry ; Oapt. Jesse M.
Lee , Oth infantry ; Capt. Alphous II.
Bowman , Oth infantry ; 1st Lieutenant
"Wm. E. Hoffman , Cth infantry ; 1st
Lieutenant Edward B. Rhoom , 21st in
fantry ; 1st Lieutenant Chas. M. llock-
fellow , ilth infantry ; 1st Lieutenant >
Tlmrrms S. McCalob , Oth infantry ; 1st
Lieutenant George Palmer , Oth infantry ;
1st Lieutenant liarry J , Bally , 21st in
fantry ; L'd Lieutenant John Baxter Jr. ,
Oth iutantry ; 2d Lieutenant Clina. II.
Koyofi , Oth infantry ; 1st Lieutenant
Frederick II. E..Ebstoin , 21st infantry ,
judge advocate.
A greater number of ofilcors than thoflo
named cannot be assembled without man
ifest injury to the service.
| | Dy direction of the secretary of war the
following order is published to the army.
The frcquont failure in proceedings of
general court-martial to show , in cases
of mou tried for desertion , the intention
os tha accused , by which alone it can bo
determined whether the man is guilty of >
the crime of desertion ( not of the absence
without leave merely ) , deprives the re
viewing authority , and those to whom ap
plication is made to extend clemency , of
a proper and intelligent understanding of
the caao.
The attention of officers composing
general courts-martial is therefore called
to the necessity for more careful and
soirching inquiry into the cases of enlist
ed m on brought before them for trial under
dor charges of desertion , That crinu bo briefly defined us an unauthom
cd ahsfjucti accompanied by an intent 01
not returning. Both rloinenta must t
proved , but tlio second is the gist of thi
offense ; and It follows that , in order t >
determine the question of intent , all Uht
C'rcums'ancea ' connected with the absence
of Iho prisoner must bo ciinsidorcd to
gothor. The entry on the descriptive
Hat of n soldier that ho hna do
sotted is not proof of the crime
but merely evidences thnt ho hns bcci
charged with Us commission. Merion
tiecd Into dissipation , fliuUni ; on recover
ing from its olFocta tlmt they have beoi
absent loni ? enough to bo reported deserters
ors , prolong their absence throuijh fear
of being brought to trial for desertion ,
although they hnd from the first no Intention
tontion to desert. Their olTonso deserves
and should receive proper punishment
but It is not desertion. It should appear
of record that the plea of "guilty" to i
charge of desertion is understood by the
prisoncrns nn acknowledgment of his Intention -
tontion to desert , and not merely of un
authorized absence ; and it should not bo
accepted when the prisoner innkot )
statement at variance with hii ple.i ,
Inquiry into applications for clemency
shows that some judge advocates of couri
martial have a.hablt of recommending en
listed men charged with desertion to
plead guilty and submit their case to the
merciful consideration of the court , when
n careful examination of all the facts
would have developed , at least , n fair
line of defense against the charge. This
practice is reprehensible in itself and in
dicates n failure on the part of an ofliccr
resorting to it to appreciate the true func
tions of his oflico , and depart mont ami
subordinate commanders should not only
discourage It , but in every proper way
secure protection to the prisoner froir
such ill-advised counsel.
A copy of this order will bo furnishoc
by the appointing power to every genera !
court-martial convened for the trial of
enlisted men or before which they may
bo brought.
Central Commlttco Mooting.
A mooting of the Anti-monopoly Stnto
Central committee will bo hold at the Coiu- hotel , in Lincoln , nt 7:30 p. in. , on
"Mondnv , October 0 , A full attendance
earnestly desired" . II. M. WKLUJ.
Ch'm State Con. Com.
Crete , Neb. , Sept. 21 , 1881.
Tlicy IloUl a Mnos McotliiR on Pour-
tcontli and llarnoy ,
The Third Ward Cleveland and lion
dricks club hold a mooting in the rooms
of the county club , corner of Fourteenth
and Harncy streets last evening. The
rooms were well filled , all the scats bo
ng taken. The meeting was presided
over by Joe Teahon , president of the
The mooting was addressed at length
> y YA. . Stow Esq. who made a ring-
ng democratic speech , was attentively
istond to by his audience and loudly
applauded by the same.
lie was followed by Michael
Donahoo Esq. who proclaimed
limsolf as having become tired of follow-
ng Iho republican parly in its cranky
ways and erratic prohibition and had loft
J.T. Moriarity was next called out and
responded in a short but tolling speech.
J. E. Riley Iwas then called for but
excused himself for the reason thai Iho
msiness lo bo done by Iho club would
nol warrant his taking up their time.
Kd. Badger , charged with complicity in
, ho robbery of a conductor named Manning
it the Millard hotel , Tueiday , was arrested at
ho Palace saloon , last night.
Concerning tlio Nebraska Ho ; ; ,
To the Editor of THE BKE.
BATTLE CKEEK , Neb. , September 23.
Dear Sir : I saw In your daily of Sop-
ember 22d an account of a disease in
logs thai cannel bo accounted for , and
filling Iho hogs off by hundreds. I had
ix nice shoals ; they were taken sick ,
would not oat , weak across the kidneys ,
vould go staggering around the pen , and
at last all died ; and I found by examina-
ion their head and throat to bo full of
rorius. I took sixteen from ono pig ,
rom six to eight inches long. I first
aw some of these worms coming from
ho nostrils of ono of my pigs. Would it
not bo well for stockmen to examine their
logs and see if this is not what Is the
aiiso of hogs dying ; and , if so , what
ausos these worms and what will drive
hem from the hogs.
Orcllnntioii Services at Trinity ClinpcJ.
These services have boon several times
lostponod , but will take place this morn-
ngal 10:30. : The Right Rev. 0. F.
lobortson , P. D. Bishop of Missouri ,
arrived yesterday evening and preaohod
o the congregation. It was doomed ox-
icdiont to hold the ordination services
his moming , when the Rov. Thomas
Stafford , of Ashland , Deacon , jmd the
lev. N. S. Do Mattes , of Schuylor , Dea
con , will receive the order of the priest-
How Ho liost liiH Farm.
'ittsbnrg Chroniclo-Telegraph ,
"I'm do tramp , mum , " said the indi
vidual , who looked like Iho breaking up
of a hard winlor , as ho solicited somo-
hing to cat , not having oaten a morsel cf
oed for the past fourteen days. "No ,
num , don't class mo them shiftless vaga-
> onds. I've ' mot with great misfortunes ,
hov. "
"What were their nature ? " sympathol-
cally asked Iho good housewife , as she
alhorod together all the cold victuals in
"I , but a short lime ago , mum , twnod
ono of the finest farms in Minnesota. "
"What became of it ? "
"Ono of thorn dreadful cyclones , of
vhich you have no doubt roadmumblow
hat beautiful farm in five minutes en-
iroly upon the land of another man'and
oft mo poaniloss. "
"But had you Lot slill the land left ? "
asked the lady.
"No , mum , the cyclone carried it allen
on to a 'jining farm , and the man that
owned it refused to give it up , "
"But the land your farm was located
n surely it was still loft. "
"Oh , yes , it was there ; but you sco it
olongod to a man who owned it afore
my land was blowod on top of it , and
when mitio blowed oil' ho come and
lahncd the property. Thorn cyclones is
orrlblo. Thankee , murn. No cold pota-
ocs I don't roliah them when I g ) t to
hinking on my mufortunos. "
1'ostiiKo HtampH
\ro now to bo sold at many regularly ap-
lointed places in each of the lar o cities.
\ wonderful convenience this will bo to
ho public. As they will bo generally at
lie drug stores the people who call for
tfimp'j can oleo call for Brown's Iron
Sitters , the greal family tonic , Wioaon
V Leonard , druggislc , at Willimoutic ,
Conn. , say : "Wo sell no tonic , invigor-
otor or blood purifier that gives auch
atisfaction as Brown's Iron Hittera , "
Two llnnflrcd Yisiliug Knights of the
Throttle in the City
On Tlicir 1Vy to Atlontl tlio ( Jrnut
nt tlio Golden GAIC ,
The Milliard hotel was filled to over
( lowing lust evening by delegates of flu
various lodges of the llrothorhood of Locomotive
comotivo onginocra on their way to Sni
Frnucisco. The rcgtilnr train on thoao
Chicago it Rock Island brought into
Omaha four special c.ita filled by their
delegates who loft Chicago the ovonlng
previous at ! l o'clock , arriving in this city
ono hour behind time , They were mot
at Koola , IOWA , by n committee consul
ing of T. C. Livingston , A. L. Johnson ,
E. H. Mathis , ,1. J. Mackokdo , 1 > .
15. llines and 31. Farrell ap
pointed by ledge No. 183 , ol
the 13. of L. M. of this
city to escort them to Omaha. Thcso
gentlemen are on their way to San Francisco -
cisco to attend the annual Grand Interna
tional Division of this brotherhood [ which
moots in that city beginning October 1st.
Besides the dologatoa arriving last even
ing about forty from the states of Ala
bama , Georgia and Tennessee came in in
the morning who were shown about the
city by their Omaha brethren yoitorday.
Another special car from Now York will
arrive thin morning containing the remainder
maindor of the eastern dclegatod.
Thoao gentlemen , nviny of whom are
accompanied by their wives , will remain
in the city to-day and will leave by n
special train over the Union Pacific road
at 10 o'clock this evening. This train
will start from Omahn , made up of seven
sloopora , five of which will bo filled by
the dologatoa arriving from the cast last
night and this morning , aud the remain
ing two by these coming to this city from
the north aud south , and one baggage
car. At Cheyenne another Blooper will
bo attached , and thus made up the train
will roach its destination. With the exception -
coption of ono day spout In running
down to Salt Lake from Ogden the party
will make its journey to the coast without
stops of any great length.
The visiting delegates were mot by
.hpir Omaha brethren , at the
Millwd last evening and many were es
corted by them to their ledge rooms
vhero a sort of informal reception was
endercd the visitors. This afternoon at
2 o'clock a special mooting of the Omahn
edge will bo hold at its rooms , north
west corner Douglas and Fourteenth.
L'hp session will bo with closed doora , the
visiting dolegatoa attending. At 4 p. in. ,
i reception and banquet will bo tendered
ho visiting dolegatoa and their wives at
. ' 'alconor'a hall. During the day they
vill bo allowed about the city by their
Omaha brethren.
Tlio annual Grand Division which those
delegates will attend ia made up of ono
nombor from each ledge throughout the
Jnitod Statca and the Canadaa. The
delegate from Omaha ledge is John F.
Staloy , who will atari with his brethren
on the special train this evening.
The object of these Grand Divisions is
, o promote fraternal fooling among the
Brotherhood , elevate the profession and
become bolter acquainted. The mooting
will bo for a week or ten days duration ,
the delegates expecting to bo absent
from their labors about six wooks.
Among the notables of this brother
hood who arrived last night were : P. M.
Arthur , grand chief , and T. S. Ingraham ,
first grand engineer , both of Cleveland ,
Dhio , and G.V. . Tyer'grand chaplain , of
N"ow York.
AppointmentR lor George W. Dorsoy
andJ. G , Tntc.
Slanton Monday evening , September 2'J ,
Wayne Tuesday evenhifr , September I0. !
Haitlngton Wednesday evening , Octo-
> 2r 1.
1'onca Thursday evening , October 2.
Norfolk Friday evening , October : ! .
O'Neill Mond.iy evening , October 0.
Ainsworth Tuesday evening , October 7.
NellRh Wednesday , October 8.
I'lerco Thursday , October U. . .
Creiglitou Friday , October 10 ,
Old Monday evening , October 3 ! ! ,
Broken How -Tuesday evening , October 11.
Loup City Wednesday evening , October
0.St. . Paul Thursday evening , October 1C.
Scotia Friday afternoon , October 17.
Grand Inland Friday evening , October 17.
Central . City Saturday evening , October
Ji'tillorlon Monday evening , October 20.
Columbus Tuesday ovenine , October 21.
North 1'latte Wednesday evening , October
1'lum Creek Tlmisday evening , October
> * *
Kearney Friday ovenintr , October 2) ) .
Sclmyler Saturday evening , October 25 ,
Albion Monday evening , October 27 ,
Ulair Tuesday evening , October 28.
Dakota City Wednesday evening , Octo-
> er i ! ! ) .
Tukamah Thursday evening , October 39 ,
West Point Kridav ovonlng , October 31.
Mr. Doriiay will bo accompanied by camli-
tales for state olliccs. 0. K. Yosr ,
J. W. LOVK , Ch'n State Con. Coin.
Ch'n Cong , Com.
How the MonatcrH nro Cauulic and
the I'sca toAVhluli They
are Applied ,
hlladelphiaj Press.
A now industry which has boon proso-
utcd with a fair measure of BUCCOOS du-
ing tno BUinmor , and gives great protnlso
of developing into a largo and prosperous
) U8inoHs in the near futuao la the catch-
ng of porpoises In the Delaware bay.
L'ho idea wait conceived by a number of
iVilmington fishermen.
A aeino is need , which ia necessarily
very large , extensive nnd cumboraoino ,
t is about 1OGO yurda long , and ia con-
tructed in thrco ocjionito auctionswfiich ,
vlion in the nator , form the acction of a
circle , the shore making the connecting
cord. The nut ia deep enough to
almost roach the tea bottom. The
whole structure ionna a bag , the limits
of which are contracted us the haul ia
The school ia Burroundod by the pond-
croua Huinu , and men thun grasp it ut
each end and drag it iiohoro , alowly and
cautioimly. The fish fouling themselves
being drawn to the beach , atrugglo fran
tically and desperately for freedom.
They pluugo with violence into the
meshes of their nutted pen , and in
water enough to admit of their Jnvunming
strongly , they usually break their way
ihruugh tha heavy ropun und go hollow-
itto : tlio deep water.
The scare among them and the ex
citement in inteiiBO. Thcv laoli the
vyntur into a foam , and gavagoly plunge
at the notor aim to leap over ita corku.
sncrt , blow and bolo ilo mad crontnrr
When excited and ar ii9cd the In/.y sleep )
creatures nro uossesiul . > f wonderful
strength and animation. Perhaps om
haul twenty fish may ba netted , but it i
infrequent that more than i.'o per cent o
the haul ia landed.
However powerful in the water , the
fish nro nbsolutoly helpless , and practic
cally dead , Iho instant they arc landoi
on the bench. As soon as they are nshoro
the "sticker , " with his largo , slrnrj
butcher-knife , appears upon the scene
nnd inllicta a deep woiinn in the per
poiao'a neck , much in the same manner it
which n pig would bo butchered. Tlio
carcasses nro tnkon directly to the boiling
house , whore they are suspended bj
block nnd tackle niul skinned. The
blubber , which is the most valuable part
of the fish , coinos from the carcnsa witli
Iho okin. U ia , in the average , about ar
inch In thioknoss. This icrapod from the
skin into tubs , is dried out into oil. Kacl
fish , in condition , will yield from 12 to
M gallons of excellent oil , for whicl
there is alwaya n ready market at from
85 cents to SI per gallon , A very valua
bio and fine oi [ , which is used on wntchci
nnd dollcnto machinery , is extracted frou
the head of the fish. It ia worth abou
$8 per gallon , and each head yield a abou1
two ounces.
The skin , nftor being cleansed of the
blubber , ia ready for _ Iho tanner , nut'
they readily bring $5 each. Out of a
porpoise hide very fine leather ia made ,
n quality that takes color nicely , dresses
beautifully and if employed in making
some of the finest novelties. The oar-
cnssos are not put to any use as yet , they
simply boint ; prepared ns n fertilizer.
Experiments with the llcsh of the porpoise
poise go to show thai it Is very good for
Food , being both tender and palatable.
In seine rospocta it resembles beef , and
aomo who ate heartily of it this summer
aver that it ia quito as onjpyablo as n
alice of rib roust. It hns a light gnmoy
llavor , something like venison , and there
is nn ontiru absence of the fishy taste.
Two cents per pound has already boon
all'orcd for nil carcasses of the catch by
by Now York parties , who intend pro-
faring it for mince meat , which will di
rest milieu pica of their repulsive mystery.
Occasional orders have been filled for
; oed cuta of the fish from Philadelphia
and Now York roatauratcurs , ami il ia
irobablo that in a short titno tlioro will bo
i demand for the fiah caught.
Each porpoise ia catimatcd to bo worth
§ 20. The aggregate value of the five
weeks'result ia $0,7-10. The outlay in
cluding all the expanses for the same
imo , wna less than § 1,000.
IIO L'lHlOrHtOOtl the ItllHlllCSB.
A determined looding man , with n
lese like the beak of a hawk , a bad eye ,
and built all the wny up from the ground
ike n bank safe , applied for a position on
ho Novr York police force.
"Do you think you can mnko nrrosla
and guard prisoners so that they will not
escape ] "
The applicant smiled n smile that made
ho toughest policeman feel uncomfort
able a aort of a combined lUchard the
Third and Othello smile.
"If you had six prisoners and ono was
o escape , would you leave the ftvo and
ollow up the fugutivo ? "
"Of course not. I'd club the five to-
death who didn't try to escape , BO that
"d know whor to look for them when I
; ot back with the remain of the other
ono. "
"You can't fool ua. You have boon
on the police force before , " said the inspector
specter , aa ho made out a captain's com
mission for the applicant.
A "Useful Animal ,
Sow York Graphic.
"I road in a paper to-day there waa anew
now animal discovered that has 11,000
eyes , " said Jonoa to a friend.
' Well , " returned the other , "what of
"What useful brute it would bo to
lunt up a candidates record. "
"I don't think it's oyoa wouM bo very
valuable. "
"Why not ? "
"It ought to have 11,000 hands. "
"Yes , to throw mud. "
Up to the Pistol Ilackct.
Pittsbnrg Chronicle-Tok'grapli.
"Jennie , I aak you again will you
marry mo ? Yes or nof"
"Alfred , dearest , it ia so auddon. "
Chen winding a snowy arm about his
lock , the young girl dropped her blush-
ng cheek upon his shoulder and mur-
nurcd : "Won't you give mo just one
moment to think'/ / ' '
"No. my soul's idol ? " ho impetuously
replied. "I can no longer endure
suspense. Your answer must come
now. "
"Just a moment , " pho'fpleaded In shy
accents , as her lily hand cai'ossod his
arm and wandered ooftly , with the
electric touch ot love , toward his hip
"Not n momonl , " lie sternly replied.
'Will you bo my wife ? "
iSwift aa n break in oil her hand jerked
ho deadly , solf-cocking bull-dog pititol
rom Ills pocket , and jamming ita muzzle
igainst his left oar aho murmured ; "No ,
you Ice cream wreck ; emphatically no ?
And if you ain't out of sight in two DOC
onda I'll make a milk strainer out of
rou. " Then , as his heels glanced around
ho corner of the next block , oho mur
mured : "This now-pistol love don't catch
no with my hair down. "
5 boxes yard wide bleached )
g con H '
muslin. )
ft DalcH yard wide extra * | 0 cents ,
icavy unbleached muslin. ! worth
) 10 cts.
10 Piocca heavy lied Twilled \
2rJ (
'lunnel. /
25 dozen Heavy Ladies' merino i n
vosta. J '
Ginghams in choice styles , 'lie.
f > Bales largo ni/.o lied comforts , 80o.
10-t Jh'lrd ftcnvy White Blankets ,
$ : J7fij worth ? 5.
10-1 Extra heavy White Ulankota ,
? : j.)0j ! ) worth $5 HO.
10 dozen ladies scarlet ! $1,75
Merino Veal nnd Pants , J per uul t
JOOOyarda Shirting }
Popporoll Unbleached " ) 7..jii0i
Sheetings , one of the best I a\ \ , e- ,
nakcB , und odor thorn at \ < ] " [ IB ° ! '
CHI than manufacturers l6. < i-0ctfl
iriccB , J '
Don't fail to attend the aalo to-mor-
on , the above bargains will positively
novu lively , nnd wo advise nil to bo on
land curly.CRUNEJUUM
I'M' ) Furtmm Street.
The novelty , the ( [ utility , the quantity
vnd the value , in drygonda at
Sixteenth and Douglas atrcuts.
STK7h0.v' Soft llatj in great variety ni
Snxo's , rawftf
Slnn t
Australia just now is full of people
without imploymont who have been com
ing from Kngland by lho alilp-load for
the post yenr. The cities , towns am'
country nre overrun wilh poor people in
a most dcdlllulo condilion. The under
standing made wilh the homo govt rnmoni
by the Australian was lhat cmploymenl
would bo found for each and every uno ol
the Knglish working class lhat wonlt' '
emigrate to the colonioa. The experi
ment was started with lho first shipment
of 80,000 souls , consisting of young
nnd old , married and single. The con
tract stipulated thnt all should bo nblo
people and in n Healthy stale ; lhat on
arrival they should bo taken hold of by
the Immigration Agency andprovidcd for
until d'istributud'lhroughout the country ,
where labor was in demand. Tlio alFuir
hns proved a failure , and what with bad
times and other ohstlcals the people ol
the antipodes have arrived at the conclu
sion that their country is not ouHiciuntly
advanced or prepared lo gives homes or
employment to the stranger. At onetime
time it appeared as though the all'air
would result in n sorions controversy between -
twoon the governments of the difl'oront
colonies , owing lo the fnct that some of
ihem wore reshipping the ( migrants sent
to their porls lt > lho other colonies.
Xow South wales has mill'ured the most ,
i Sydney the streets , parka ami public
{ rounds , termed domains , are full of the
unemployed , the majority being in a
nest destitute condition. Hundreds
andod without sulliciont money to buy a
oaf of broad or n night's lodging , and ,
tlioro being no accommodation provided ,
were compelled to aleop in the parks and
domains In rainy weather ns well as fine ,
most of them having but nature's blanket
for a covering. Tlio government
began to supply them with blankets and
places. The result Is deplorable. These
girls who cannot retain their posiUonn
lose their employment and are thrown
on their own ronorcoa. Many of the attractive -
tractive young women tlmt immigrate
obtain positions as barmaids , and if vir
tuous on entering this employment it ia
not long before the surroundings demor
alise them.
Wore hold dally in Sidney by the un
employed immigrants to consult as to the
best course to pursue to obtain redress
for their troubles and grievances.
On ovcry public plot ol ground or
open thoroughfare were found crowds as
sembled , listening to the apoochcs con
demning their treatment by the govern
ment. For the citizens , an"iiira looked
serious. They were afraid riolo would
ensue if something was not done to recti
fy the unfortunate state of things. When
the government found that the drouth
did not break up until too late to do any
good for the country this season , and
the hospitals becoming full of rheumatics ,
the jails lull of thieves , and vagrancy
reigning supreme , then they cabled to
lho homo government to stay the ship
ment of moro immigrants until these that
had arrived were troll distributed
throughout the colony and employment
found them. They also charged the
agent with having misrepresented affairs
to these that were leaving their homos
for Australia.
The reply camp back , "No such thing
misunderstanding in cable passages ;
cannot stop shipment of people imme
diately ; several hundred already on ronlo ;
other ships chartered to take more , but
will bo able to draw it mild the following
month ; will ship the balance so many
thousand at intervals , say two lo three
months. "
And still they come , and the only sat
isfaction thoao poor people have is to grin
and boar it. They have already chris
tened the country the Sqattors' Heaven
and the Now Chum's Doll. These that
name out with the intention of farming
call it
"Tho land of opposition nnd kaiiKorno ,
The laughing jaclciwH and cockatoo. "
They have certainly arrived when
everything looked Us bluest ; the coun
try dried up , and oven the cockatoo and
kailgorco , like the grasshopper , a'tcr deTouring -
Touring all vcgotation , have been compelled -
polled to live on the fences.
1'rotcctlnjj 1'laiitH laIntuiuu. .
Some plants are very sensitive to cold
and wet , and have to bo taken in jjtho
greenhouse or window as lho cool autumn
nights approach. Of this class nro colons ,
begonias , heliotropes and similar plants.
If young plants have been propogalod , of
course the old ones need not betaken , up.
Ten days or more of very lino' pleasant
weather often follow a heavy frost , and
if n litllo protection bo given tender
plants for two or three nights often
only ono , the season of llowora may bo
prolonged. If there Is no wind , as usual
just before the thermometer marks freez
ing during the night , a uhoot or two of
paper is sullicicnt to guard against dan
ger , but anything at hand may bo em
ployed that will cll'ticb the purpose. As
our Hummers are short at host , it in woith
while to attempt this continuance of
bloom. Such things us dahlius , vorbo-
nina , awoot alysium , etc. , are at their
best in the cool wo.Uhcr of autumn , und
aa they are rjuito sensitive to frost , a
little protection foa r night ia frequently
followed by nearly a month of extreme
beauty of ( lowers during the end of Sep
tember and beginning of October.
IlllKO Hllll.
At Toledo-Toledo ' . . Viiglnia 0 ,
At I'itUlmruh HaUlimiro ! ' , AlloKiiuny 0.
At Jlnfiiild Hnmiln ( i , Nnw York 0.
At NVanliIiiton | Union NntiotmlH 7 , Cin
cinnati ' ! .
The Oreatcat Medical Triumph of the Ago I
I.OHHiil'npprdtr , Huivi'U cnxlvn , 1'uln In
llm licuil , ullli u dull Hiuiiiilliin In thu
liuvU pnrt , I'nlu iiuilrr I lie Hliouldrr-
liluili ) , J'ullnrHH lifter riitlnii , with iidln-
Inclliiiilliiii in rxurtlon of boily ornilnil ,
Irrlliibllllv ol'luuiinir , nplrllHrllli
u I'diillnifol liuvlnir nnuh'cliifl mi in n duty ,
IVrnrlnrna , ll/.7lniinii , I'liitlurlnir nlllii )
11 curl , | ) | H licriirnlliii ivc ( llfiidiicbi )
ociIliu rliflit eye , JCoNlIiNHiu'anlth
IItl'uI ilri-iiinii , Hlulily cnlarnil l/'rinu , niul
THTT'S J'lljf.Huroospeulally uilaplcd
to Bllull Cll3rt , OHO lIllHII ( IllliCtU Hllull II
cluiiKoorfi'tliif'iin | | Illusion lull tlio HilM'L'ror.
Iliuyliirrriuii lh Aiuutlldnnilcauxitliu
liudy In 'I'dIt" fill rll : llIUlH thu Hiktl'lll l
iioiuloheil.itii'I ' liy thelr'l'onlr.Ion ( on
( ! HAV ll.uit \VniHKKitB ( ihniiKoil to u
(2MH1V JIl.ACK I/ II Ultimo UPIlllCUtlOII ( if
till * Drii. It imparts u natural color , nets
lantimtiinooiiKly. holil by DniUKlat't , < > i'
flit liy uxiirrm on nicolptof 81 ,
Oinoo,44 Murray St. , Now York.
U'MHIIIKA1' , t. Joint re . . : . . ! ! -m wn adopted t > y the
Lpirl'lntnri' t the State el Nebraska , fit the
hlchttei th scMloti tl proof , uno Approval Febnnry
! i til , A. I > . iwl.rirnvonliiff i\n Aynmulrnont to SrrtlMi
rnnrHnf ( An Mr 'ihrTO(3) ( ) of'tho Uan < ) lntlan ( ol
MldSlitc and th.ft.rMll wcllon M amended shall
Iwid n < follow * , to-Hit :
"SectionThe trrnnof olllr.0 el mr-ntton of tlio
iRihtiitriitiAllliatnn > f"ir . anrt they ( hall eirh
trcnta ft wtarj nf tlirre hundred drllius for their
Mt\ln tiliirini ; MM I * rm , nnd ten rents l r o ery
mile thin shall IrnM-l In ( rolni ; to and returning from
Iho plure cf iiirrtltiR f the Ixuls'.ttiire , on the rnott
iKiinl mite. Pnmiimn iimm . In * ! neither mem-
hrMct thn trBi lMuro nnr I'liiploycii slmll rtcflve
any p y < > r pcrquMlM other thin Ilicl.Mlary and
inllcftk-c. VM h c lori , except special m-Mlonf , shall
ho not loin thin mtilajs. . Alter Iho expiration ot
Inrlj of thofc lon nnMds nor Joint resolutions
i'f the luturo t Mll Khali \ < a Introduced , untcs * the
( lo\frti"r shall , htpcetal uuiiviKC , call the alien-
tlon of tlicU-cUlntiirc to the ncconlty ol posting ol
alaw on thoiiilijert matter embraced In thomi'mge ,
niul tin' intriHliictlon ol bills shall ho mtrktcil
thereto. '
The ballots at the < lectlon at which Kthl Amend *
nirnt slmll Im submitted shall ho In the following
form. "For proposed Amendment to the Comtltn
tlon rrlatliiKiolitl : 1Mlio Dcparttrcnl. " "Airalnst
propowl Amendment to the Oonstlttillon rclatlmt
tol.rrj | lttltolciiattiiittit. "
iiRRrtu , n Joint resolution was adopted by Iho
Mntiiro of the Ftnto of Nebraska At the High-
UcnthSo'wlon appnned February 2Sth ,
A. U ls4)ironoslnit | AII Amendment to Section One
( Oof Article Hip ( M of the Constitution of Mid
stale , and t'.iat saldsci tlon as amended shall rend M
follow , tn-ult.
"Section 1.lho KxreiitUo Department shall con
tilt < > f a ( linernor , I.linteimnt ( Imcrnor , fecietnry
ol Htnlc , AuJllor ol I'nUlo Ani.nnts , Triasurcr ,
Hupotlntonilentitf I'nMlo Imtrurtion , Attorney Gen
eral , Commlinloner ol Piib.lo Lands Ani1 IHillJlni : ,
mid llnnnloM ltn y imnlwlnncr > ilio otllrvrr1
minodln this pectin n shall tnoh hold hlsulllco for
Iholorm of twoyiaritfrom ttio first Th > irftl v After
; ho llrst TitonUy In Jnniury ticvt alter htoolfctl n
nd until hlK piicccaior Is oU'Ctc.l . and iiuallfled. I'RU
Mimu lion KKII , tlmt the lltut elcetlon ol naUl olhrern
nhnll 1m held on the tint Tuc inccceillnetho ( U t
Monilny In November of IKSO , nnd each succeeillnt (
tlouHliill l > o held At the mme tclnthc time In
ii o\im ) eAr thetealtcr. All other oillccra tlmt
na > bo proililed lot by l w , under Iho luminous of
hii fi'ctlon , nhall I' " eho on In unch iniuinrr niul nt
nrli tlinci > , and lOiall holdthelr olliof ) fomuch leiiRtn
> f ; tlmo ns Iniay bo ftm Idcd hylan , niuUliall per-
oimnneli ilutlt'innilrrrvho mich oonipensntlon i i
HA ) lie pro\IJed for hj U . The ( ) o\ernor , Secro-
arj of State , Auditor of 1'iihllo Accounts , Treasurer ,
Amunlwoiuro ! 1'ubllo L.Tiidnnnd llulMlnK , end At-
ornoj ( lenoralshall re ldoat thotvatof iosornincnt
luring their trrniH of otllco , and hr"i > the pulvllo ro
rent , linoVmxnd pajiers there , and the olllcom herein
named Mull | H'rlonu such ilutk'3 M limy to required
by law , "
Iho hallota attho elrctlon ftthlch n > ld Amend-
ineiit shall lie submitted shall be In In thu followliiK
form : "For proposoil Amendment to Section Ono
( lol Artlclo ClM < ( not ) the Uoiutllutlon , entitled ,
'Kieculhol > ep rtmcnt , ' " "AKAlnntpioiicHcdAinend-
mcnt to Section Ono (1) ( ) ol Artltlo I'he (5) ) of the Con-
Itullon , enlltleJ , 'Kxcruthe Uepattmcnt. ' "
Thcrelore , I , Jamoa . llawin , UONirnor cf th *
State ol Nebraska , do hereby K\\a \ noticeIn accor-
ilaneolthSeetlon Ono ( I ) Attlclo nttccn ( ir.oltho . )
Constitution , mid the ) rj\Ulon of an net entitled ,
"An Act In prmldo the manner of proposing Amend-
inontH to thu Constitution niul submitting thosamo
to tin ) Klectonnf thin Stale"nppro\ed February 13th
A , I ) . 1ST7 , til it slid prnmsod Amendment < * \tlll bo
Bubmltted to the iuallledoteniol | ! thta Stito for
ratification or rejection t the Concrnl Klettlon to beheld
held on the -Itli day of Nincmbor , A. I ) 1SS4.
. f N . Initnc8i uhnreof , 1 lm > o hereunto sot
\ HRU , . \ mylmnil nnd CAIISCI ! to bo atllxcil the
( * - , - ; > i.ioat Sent of thu State of Nebratika ,
Done nt Lincoln , this ISth day ol July. A , 1) . 16il ,
the KlKlitcenth > ear ( if the State , ami of the Imlc-
iiomlcnroof the United Htatoj , the Ono Hundred and
ll'y the CJovcrnor : .1AMK SV. . DAWK
SD-ino 3m 1-ow tiecrctnry ol State.
At the old Bland' 1417 Knrnnm Street Orders by
telegraph eullcltud ana promptly attended to. Tolo-
[ ihono No. 226. _ -
The moot the term " Sbo
Lino" In connection with th
corporate name of a , xroatroad
convoys an Idea of u t nhal
required by the traveling pub
lic a Short Line , Quick flmi
and the best of nccomniodv
tlons all of which are fain
ihed by thj proatcol ; railway In America.
And St. Paul.
II ownt and operates over 1,600 miles of
orthcrn Illinois , Wisconsin , lllnnc"C
akotaandM ; U main lines , ! ' h " " '
Ion. reach all the < rreat % omCss ccnlie , of the
Northwest and A mr oali lt n tnr Jly ntwr , | h <
Chloai illjHftukoo , St ! Pavl nd. MlnneapoU * .
OhlcaKO , Milwaukee , La Crosoo And Wlnona.
OhloaKO , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and KltdndaU
Chicago , Milwaukee , Kau Claire and Stlllwatef'
Chicago , Milwaukee , Watlsau and Merrill.
OhlcaKO , Mllnaukoo , lloavor Dam and Oshkosh.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Wauknsha and Oconomowoa
Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and Prairie du Colon
Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Kalrlbaull.
Chicago , llelolt Janes * Hie and Mineral Point.
Chicago , Klgln , Hockford and Dubuqud.
UhlcaK'o , Clinton , Hock leland and Cedar Rapldl.
Ohlcao | , Council UlulTs and Omaha ,
Chicago , Hloux City , Hloux Kallsand Tankton
OhlcaL'O , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain ,
llook Islund , Dulmque , Bt. Paul and Mlnncapollg.
IJavenporl. almar , ( it. Paul and Minneapolis.
Pullman H eepers nnd the Klnmt Dlnlnir Cars In
the w rid are run on the malnllnosof IhoOIIIUAGO ,
attention Is paid to pau onKor8by courteousemployei
of the Company.
b. B. MKRHIIX , Gcn'l Manager.
A. V II. OAUPKMTKIl , Qon1 Pass. AR
I * . CLAUK , Oun'l Hiipt.
QKO. U. IIKAKKOIlf ) , Asb't. Omi'l. Pu AK >
Ghemic Jyeing
C. T. PAULSON , Proprietor ,
neiit'errerm' ( Jloth'nc ' Cleaned , Dyed anil llep > lr l.
l.iullim' Dresses Cleaned and Dyed , without Hipping.
Pinnies ( 'liantil or Colored any Hliade , to cample.
Hllkn , YthotHane Isicen Cleaned , l icd and Ko-llD-
1212 Douglas Street , - OMAHA , NEB.
The btuamnhlpa of this well-known line are built Of
Iron , In water-tlKht compartments , nnd nro furnish
ed with every requisite to make the navxago both
lafo and agreeable. 1'liuv rarry the united Htateg
nd Kuropcan malls , ttid have Now Yorka Thura-
Jays and M tiirdaB for I'lymouth ( LONDON ) Cher-
bourn , (1'AltlH ( ) and lIAMIIUMd.
lUteui First Culiln , f/)5 , < ( )5 ) and 876. Btoerage$20
Henry 1'unilt , Mark llanscii , K , K. Moore9M , Toft
iKentalu Omaha , OrnnuuIeK' It Schocntgun. agents In
L'ouncll lllulTs. O. II : ItlOllAllU & CO , , Ueu. Pass
Agta. , 61 llroikdway , N. Y. Chan. Kozmlimkl & Co-
Oeneral Wtutoiu Aiciuta , 107 WaablriKtou 8t , Chloa
In imn3)iitrs ) , Knch number the i. ] Inl rri > -
M'rlptlon of nn ntnlni'iit pt sii'liin llm only
hliiiiili'.HnfViimlHiiroMi'l * t'lnerurlhui | oplu
I. l' " ' rrK. CiniKc'stlonInllnniiitloiii. 'A
' IVoriiin , Worm 1 mur , Worm Kiln- . - ' . '
: ' . CrvllU I'lilli1 , or'li'itlilniscf InfuiilniH
I. lllnrrlirnurnill'lriiinr ' Ailulu .V *
ft. lh--nn.rV. < ! rll' " ' * . > . ! ' ' ' ' " ' " ' . ? ;
I. MiimnriHi'il or I'nlii ill I'rrn
IV. U hi It" , too I'roniKO Pi i loili ,
II ( 'rniiii. < "iiuli , IMllleiilt llrwiililiiiT. .
II Hull llhriiin , I'rialpi'liiH , I nil iluns , ' . ' %
IA llhciiiiliilN'ii , llhi'iiiimtlo I'ulim. . .V.1
Hi l' ririiiiltfili' . < hill , H-ter. ASUV o"1
17 I'llm , llllinlorllifiilliiK. . OIK
lit Cni/irrli. uvuiuortliionlr ! liilliicnut n <
an \\liuiiiilim 'niiili , ylultjiitooiirfi 1 _ nil
- T * > r ii § i Hi 4 i Ilk
t * 4 rU'rvniH Di'Mlltti ( " * '
: i ( > . IlrliiMrV < 'niiiON4 ) * Uoitln lho boil ft ! )
'At I ) ( jiMCil ilin Ilimrl , 1 uliiliailon , i.OU
ulilliy ilrdKKl t-1 < " ' ' t * > y flio t usi.oralu
MAY men "Polwnpdrtth PotA"h , " Thli l Iho
raso nlth htindroil whn hive Iicnn unoltd
tnongh to take S r pllrl a 1 Polish mixtures , etc. ,
ntilll dlsestlon H atinmit fatally Imptreil , Sirlfta
Specino 19 .t tncctablo remedy , find rostoroi tlio sys
tem to hcilth and buIUs up the waste miula by thcso
"I wmufTerlng with Ilboil Pol on , and trcatcil
o cral monthi with Mercury and PotMh , only to
mike mo worse. The Potiih tookaway myappetlto
and Ra n mo dyapepsln , and both travcma rhcitmi-
tlsm. I then took Sarniimrllh , etc. All thcco rnNlo
mo tlll nor c , anltdrove tlio'jioHnn farther Into my
) stem. A friend ln l tcil I ohonld take Swift's Spccf *
tic , nmllt cured rno of the Dlooil Poison , drove the J
.Mercury and Potfuh out of my lystem , anil to-day I
am as well as I otorwai. " Oio. : O. WKU.MAN , Jr ,
SAlcm , MOM ,
John A , Smith , the lAr c't In Otlncsvlllc.
Oa.siijs : " 1 sCITcrod for jcars from the combined
effects of KrynlpclM an.I Kczcmix. I continued to
Ktow run under tncdlcnt treatment and by taking
niodiclno roritnlnlnjt Potftih , S. S. S cured rno thor
oughly and nlwuliitoly. My appetite , strcnfrth and
llesh returned I wag cur oil with It. "
Our Trentlco on Dlood and Skin Diseases malted fro *
applicants to
Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Da.
N. Y. Office , UB W. ! 2d St. , between 6th and 7th
Avenues. Philadelphia office 100 Chestnut t.
Bolglnn llojrn.1 nnd U.S. M ll Btoamor *
rht Ilhine , Germany , Italy , Holland and f ranee
8t orioOutwi\rilg20 ; Prepaid Irom Antwerp , | lg ;
excursion , ? 3 [ > , Including hoildlnir , etc , 2il Cabin , . " > 0 ;
Kmiml Trip , } 00.00 ; Excursion , iJlOOj HMoon from 60
to ( DO ; Excursion 110 to 8190.
UTI'otcr Wright & Song , Don , AijonU. U Broad.
way N. V.
Hamilton A Co. , Omitha. 1 P. K. F1o < l
< n n&Co. , SuSN. IflthStreot , Cinaha ; D. E. Kim
all , OniAh \ onts. od-ljr
Tlio Loading Agricultural and Llvo Stock
Jl arnal of the West.
20 Pages { nprKKNTiMEAujflo Colinnns
H. S. SMITH & CO. ,
DON UOI1T. W. FUUNAS , Secretary 8U Board
ol Agriculture , Asaochte Editor.
8UUSCKUT10N PHICK , 1.M per year In ftUvanco.
nnd K9 S.iUh ; Street. - > OMAHA , NEB
0. F. DAVIS & 8S. ,
Qoncra Etalctt In
Have for sale 100,000 acres caiernlly telcoied Undi
n Kastorn Nebraska , at low price and on oty tonrn.
Improved taruit lor ualo In Douglas , Dodge , Colfax
Platte , Uurt , Luralnif , Sarpy , Waehlngton , ifcvlok
sunders , nnd lUitlor Bounties.
Taxes paid In all parts of the State ,
Honey loaned on Improved ! rms.
Notary lublla always In offloo' Correspondence
. . . . .
( faculty Prize Modlcal College ol Ohio.
And other Dlecaoeg ol the Anug and Rectum.
120 S. 14th St. Cor. Douglas
eve od and wtt
Cor , 18th and Capitol Avcnuo , troaU nil cases Crip.
| il l or Deformed , also diseases ot the
Nervous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organs.
All O.IBIW of Curvature of the Rpliio , Crooked Foot
IJCKH AiiilArniB , AUoClirnnlo affections of the Liter ,
Hliuinrmtlnm , I'aralyels , 1'ilcu , Ulccra , Catarrh , Asth
ma and Ilronchltla nro all treated Ijy now and HUC-
coHntiil intthoda. All dlxcanc ) of tno IllooJ and Urin
ary Urbane , Including tlioso rcBUltlnt- from Im Iscro-
tlcm.or exposure , are eafoti and Huccesefully treated
and acuruiu < ranteeil. YOIIIIK men , mladlo aged ,
anil all num sunerliiL' from Weakness anil Nervous
exhaustion , prodmliiir ImllKiatlon , Palpitation of the
Huart , Despondency Dizziness , Ixisa of Ifemory.Lack
of Knerj'y and Ambition , can lie restored to health
and \\KOI \ , It COEO Is not too lone neglected.
Thu HurKion In charge I' a ) ; raduato ol Jcllor-
BIIII Mudlcal Oolli'uo (1806) ( ) and haa itudtod hla
jirofeHKlun In London , Paris and llorlln. II atllltcd ,
call or write full description of your case , and medi
cine may l > o sent jou. Uonsultatlou free. Address
Omaha Dispensary , Crounse's Block , Omaha , Neb.
Olllcohours 10-12 a. m.l-B and 7-8 n. m .Sundayi.
fl.10 a in.
TOKdcn House , Council Illuffg , Saturdavi i to 7
p , m
(117 ( St. Clinrlos S M St. Lonlq , Mo.
t rcfiilar graduate of i oi 'Jlf l Coll. ? fi , li liten longer
mvbKfil lu lli ipeciAitr.tlmtutf > r CMHONIC , NiMtolf , SKIM
nnU IIUMIU lnimiMllian mi ullitr I'll jilclialu til. UulJ ,
M eltjr | > | > iri vliow ninl nil 1)1 J | i.4ltlenU kuow.
Nervous Piostratloii , Debility. Mental and
Physical Weakness , Mercurial and other Alice-
lions ol Throat , Skin or Uoncs , Blood Poisoning ,
Old SorCS and Ulcers , MU ircilol * llli uoptralleUJ
wirrrii , lull " ' ! ' " " " ° l > rlucli ' . i. M Vlr. l'rh l l/ .
Diseases Arlslmj ( rum Indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , iMtti iroJuco iimg or th
iRtrlii lunuiiiiiiffl , lUMIlljr , dlu of llstll
nJ Jcfcctliu miuinrr. I hunlri 4 Ilio f M , 1 tiytleil Jecaj ,
urilvtl lolhe koflfly u ( reuiftlri , cuufutU * of Ideal ,
rendering Marrluio Improper or unhappy , are
jii > rinuuvLiiyrurt J. I'liuplilrti.-ii i gt ) ou Ibu auu\e , icnl
( o lie Uil iliulcpe , frre la nay aJ < lririi. Cuoiultutlonalef-
ticour l/iuulUne buJliirltot. V rlt for qucjilooi.
A Positive Written Guarantee
glrfi lu illcurtleeiic . IMlclDes mni ccry here.
I'aniplilDta , Enalluli or Oerman , (14 pacoi , d * .
criblue above UI oa eii , la tualo or female , i'iiEK.
W ) jingcf , UDP r'"tei ' , JlluitrnttJ In cloth nj ( lit tlajlor *
rVio , luunufcr i > u tii | ; i Buviutr COUT * . 25c. TM * took
ceutalu * * H ibt curloui , dout/iful tr UiiuUltlr M
kuow. A tuok of tircut | utcrci ( to nil ,
i t/
Plnttoniouth , . . . . . Neo.
f or ealo C'orroDpondnico ( ollcltod
bllily , I'ri'inaluro lecu > . oiul alldloord ta hroufhl. < in
liy liidlMTutlon ori'XfiifAUlll l rn of
V , , b-aJdrc ) > iil > ; 'J , 11. ltrr.VI' '