NEBRASKA OJLV.UA , NEBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL . 5250,000 SURPLUS MAY 1 , 188 1 . 20,000 IRKCTOIlSl It. W YATK3 , A. I' TOUZAUN , 1'rMlilcnl. VIM Trcslilont. . V. HOOUE , JNO. S. COM.IN-8 , 1.KWI3S. KKKU Kent K. llayilcn , Asslitant ami Acting Cashlor. orncxi The Sron Bank. OOE , 12TH ANDFAENAM STS , A GENEiv/vu JIANKINU 13US1NUS3 TRANSAOTED. INTKIIEST allowed on time doposlls npon ( nvornblo torina and upon nooounti of banks tnd bankers. FOREIGN KXCHANQE Oovcrnmont llonds nud County and City eocarltloa bought nod eold. In itn treatment of ciutomora the most libv prnl policy ia pursued consistent with entotil- nud Bound banking , and wo invite corr-'spoucs enco or porBonal inquiry in connection there with FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Niw YOBK , Sept. 23. Monojr Kasy nt @ 1J , closed nt 1. I'clino rmper 5i@Gi. Starling bills Firm , 4 82'j ; dorannd t 84 f , Govornmonta Finn. 1 fcvlhvaya S tcady. Stocks After irregular opening becanio weak. Various unfavorable rimiora woio ctr- ulateil. One was that the mooting of the Trunk line had broken up In a row. Another that the Northoin 1'acilic had loat control of the Oiogou Hail vay and Navigation line uiul tillnnothor that the plan for the relief of the Louisville and Nashville had failed. All \voro denied , but the market showed a ser ious decline. The final saloi were nt n recov ery of one prr cent for Louisvlllu & Nashville , nnd at J@i for the remalndor of the list. caorona B'I , ' 100J 44' Oonpono . . - 112 $ Ui S. 11017 , 4 o. . 120 $ Iadfia6'fl of ' 95 121 BTOOS3 AND BOHD3 , Central Pacific . ' . . 381 Obi cage ft Alton . ] 2'J do do pfd. 145 Ohl.nurl. frOnlncr 120 Del , Lack. & Western 107 Denver & 11. G 01 Kris 12J do pfd 20 IlHnola Oontr l. . . . Ind , , Bloom , k Western. . . Kansas & Tesan Lakp Shbro & , Michigan 80. Louisville & Nash Michigan Central Missouri Pacific Northern Pacific do do pfd Northwestern do pfd New York Central Oregon Trans-Con Pacific Mail Pullman P.O. Kocte Inland 112 $ St. Louis & San Fran 19 do do pfd 40 Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Pan ! 775 do do do pfd 10ii ( Bt. Paul & Omaha -3V do do pfd. . . . . . . . 01 Texas Pacific 103 Union PacIBa 49 Wsbnsh , St. L. & Pacific 4 do do do pfd Ill WoalernTTnloaTelosraph. . . . 62) ) : O.K. & N C3i Ex-div. GUA.IN AND PROVISIONS. CHIOACIO PRODUCE. CHICAGO , September 23. Flour Quiet and unchanged. Wheat Unsettled nnd firm , opened strong ui , ( ° nv iU | v/iibuuui ; 1 03 @ 78J November ; 7'Jl@60 December ; No. a red. 78 ; No. 3 red , G3J ; rejected red , 4 . Corn Oporatois anxious , less excitement , unsettled , irregular advancing and declining frequently. Opened tabier , declined Sentom- ber ( i. October 3 , November ljyoar 1 , May \ ; rallied G for September , 2J for October , 1 No- ember , closed September a , October 1 , No vember S , under yesterday ; 70 cash Septem ber ; 5S@OSJ October ; 47i@474 November ; I ! ! ) May ; 48 rejected. Oats Weak , } @jj.j lower ; 25Z cash and Sep tember ; 25f October ; 2G 2G1 November ; 25 J yeai : 29 ? May. Kyo Firm and Je higher , C5J. Barley Dull an.3 3c lower ; Gli. Timothy Easy ; pnino 1 2 5ai 21. Flax Kasy clover No. 1 , 132. Pork Quiet at 10 70 cash , Septemb and October ; 11 9. ) year ; 12 15@12 174lamia Lard Active and strong ; 7 35@7 37i sh and September and October ; 720 © 2J November 7 17J@7 20 ; December ; 7 2i . u- ary. ary.Bulk Meats Shoulders fi 7fi@G 80 clear 10 00@10 25 ; short ribs 10 87 * . Whisky Steady at 1 13. Butter Finn ; higher choice to fancy creamery 1H@28 ; good to cholcu dairies 1C20. Chouse Firm ; mood demand ; full cream chnddar OJ@10 ; skimmed Cheddars , 2@Gi. 1 lilies Steady ; green salted bull at G ; damaged fi | ; light 8Jj heavy 8 ; calf 12@12i. Fair inquiry. Tallow Steady ; No , 1 country at 0. lleccipts and shipments KooaluU. Kloar , bbl 10,000 10,000 Wheat , bushels 129,000 75,000 Oorn , biuholn 220,000 65,000 Data , bushalo 251,000 137,000 Hyo , brumols HO.OOO 22.01X ) Barley , buehalu 14,000 31,000 ArmtN'oo.y BCAUD Wheat gc higher. Corn ifii'jl ' higher. Oats Unchanged to Jo higer , I'orlc Unchanged to Ghlgiier. Lard Unchanged lo Co higher. NEW YOIIK FBOnUCB. NEW YORK , September 23 , Wheat Spot J@lje highenclosing , steadynearbost ; ligmes ; roi-eiptH . ' 111,000 , expoits GO.oOO ; uupradpl ( red (15OINo. ( ! ; roil 81i82 ; No. 2 it-d b0588 ( ; November doting 08 . Corn. Spot and Suptembor , 1@3J lower ; closing heavy ; later months opened ili lower ; rallied i@.J.c ; closing steady ; receipts , 12I.OUO biwhelsexports , 0,000 : ungraded 5 © 03 ; No , 2 , 03 01 ; Nnveiiib r closing OUJ. Oats I'Elo lower ; moderately active ; ro celpts , 107,000 bualicln ; osport , 210,000 ; miked , wcntern , 31@3t : ; white , 32J@IO. KRRHV estorn freali , higher and linn , nt 1'ork Quiet ; firm ; new ineis , 17 OJ. L. rd Jiarely steady ; western t > team spot , 7 70 )7 ) 1)0. ) Nutter Fair demand ; firm ! > @ 28. TOLino. TOLEDO , Snpt. 23 Wheat Active ; firm ; No. 2 rod. cash und Sopteinber 77. Corn Searioj firm ; No. 2 , cash 02 , Oat - < Jiiiet ; No. 2 , 20J. tlVKIU'OOL. LIVEHTOOI. , Sejitember 23. Wheat ISrea'htulf * . steady ; fair demand ! wheat , win ter , ! ij'.idf 7s ; spring Gs Dd&Gs 8d. Corn 5s Id. DALTniOIlK , UAI.TIMOBK , [ September 23. Wheat V * eat- ern , lower and Inactive ; No. 2 winter , re < : spot und Heptimber 8282g , C'orn Western nomiiml , OaU I'lrnicr ; western white , 35@38 mixed 31 33. Itye-Quiet C8@CO EgKs Firm at 18@1U , Pork Quiet but steady ; old , 17 25 : new 18 25. Lard-lU'finpd , SOO. Hulk MeAtaYoakor ; shoulders , 15371 : short rib * . 8 25 lluttcrSteady : western packed , 10fe20 croimery , 2Jn-33. ( Whisky Sloaily at 11 (81 ( 10. MUWAtKKS. MILWAUKEE , September 23. Flour Un changed. Wheat-Firmer : No. 2 Milwaukee 7-IJ : Sep tember , 71 } : October , " . " } ; November. 77 | . Corn limcthc ; re-jrctsil , f > 0@ol , Oata Kiwier : No. i ! , 2 < ( < 2l ) . Kyo-Hlphor , scareo ; No. 2 , 53. Uirley-Stronjrer ; No. 2 sprinp , fair do- maud , (10SH ( ( ( J. NUr ORLVAX8. Nw OBLKAKS , September 23. Corn - - ( uiot and tM ier ; mixed at 151. Oats Western quiet ; choice 35. Corn Meal Higher ; hold at 2 70 ; some fal s at 2 f > 0. 1'orkfood demand ; higher at 17 25. . | Iard-Steady ; tierce reHuod , 7 70 ; keg , 8 Q\ Whisky-Steady ; western rectified , 1 03 @ 1 25. ] .vRWestorn freah , demand and the market firm. . . . Uuttor Demand fair nud prices from 20 df21. df21.Hulk Moats In fair demand ; shoulder sacked lower nt 7 37 . H1NC1KNAT1. OTNCINNATJ , September ' ! 3 'Wheat Active pnd linn ; No. 2 nil , 7S@80. Corn Uomand fair ; No. 2 mixed GCJ. Oats-lOisior ; No. 2 inixod 2727 ? . Hyc llatior ; No. 2 6t57. . Barley-Good demand ; : oxtraNo. 3 fall , ! ) . 1'ork Qriet and linn : 17 00. Lurd-Firni ; 7 IS. Whisky Steady at 1 11. KAX3A3 OtTT. KANSAS OITT , September 23 , Wheat- Lower ; 50 501 uasli ; 57 October ; D ! ) Isovcm' ber. ber.Corn Unsettled ; opened at 43J asked ; clos- inc Bales at ISJcash ; 13&II & September ; 37J bid and 3'a4Kod ) October ; 2SJ bid November and May. Oats Dull and nominal , ST. LOUIS rnouuoi : . ST. LOHIH , September 23. Wheat-Opened fit in , declined , reacted , nnd closed jj@ic o\er yesterday ; No. 2 rod , 77J78 for cnsh ; 78i @ 7l ! ; closing at 7SJ for October ; 8081J. } clos ing at 813 for November ; S28g83g ( , closing nt 83J for December. Corn Cash higher ; September lo off ; other options better ; OtigD8 ( for cash ; 58@r } > S3 for the year. Oats Steady ; Blow ; 2G2 < > 1 for cash ; 2f 3 for Novumbor , 2GJ for December ; 2iJ ( for the year. year.KyeDull ; -I' ) . Darley Qulot ; G0@7r ) . Butter Firmer. EgsLower ( ; 18. Flax Seed Firm ; 1 30. Hay Unchanged ; prairie U 00 ; timothy 10 00@13 00. Bran Higher ; 55@50. Corn Meal Firm ; 2 00@2 55. Whisky Steady ; 112. CAI.I , BOAIID Wheat highorJ7J ; ! ) October ; 81fj November ; 83if December ; 78jf llio year ; 03)'J3J ) May. Corn tirmly held above buyers' \iows ; no Bales. Oata firm ; very slow ; 2G1 October. MTOUK. KANSAS crrr. KANSAS CITY , September 23. Cattle- Receipts , 4,700 ; exports G 00 @ 0 30 ; com- non to choice shipping 4 25@G SO ; cows 3 00@3 GO. Hogs-lloceipts 4,700 ; steady : assorted ight G GO@G 70 ; heavy packing1 G GO@G 7G ; nixed G G05 (10. ( Sheep Receipts 8GO ; good natives steady average 3 50 , BT. 'tOOIB. St Louis , September 23. Cattle Receipts 1,900 ; corn fed natives firm nnd wanted ; exerts - > orts G 40(5,0 ( 75 ; common to choice shipping 1 00@G 30. Sheep Receipts 3,700 ; steady ; inferior to air , 225@2 75 ; common to medium , 300 ® 3 50 ; choice to extra , S 00 © 4 00 ; lambs , 3 00 @ 1 GO. Hogs Receipts 2.900 ; active ; Yorkers 5 80@5 90 ; packing , G 40@G 05 ; butchers' G 00@0 25. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK , CHICAGO , September 23. The Drovers' Journal reports : Hogs Receipts , 14,000 head ; good , steady ; inferior to fair lOc lower ; rough packing , 5 25@0 70 ; packingand shipping , 5 70@G 20 ; ieht , G 23@jG 00 ; skips and grassers 4 00 © G 50. 50.Cattlo Cattle Receipts 7,030 ; slow , good , scarce 75 Veals 4 50@7 2"l ; "atociters , 325 ( 4 50 ; "feodera 'I 2o@150 ; dairy c.ilves 8 00@17 00 per head ; range lOc lower ; Wyoming CO ® I 70. Sheep lleceiptH , 2.0UO head ; firm ; good grades stronger ; inferior to fair 3 00 © 3 BO ; medium to choice , 3GO@1 00. Lambs per head 1 003 CO. OMA11A IULARKISIS Wliolooalo I'rlcos. OmcK OK THE OMAHA BEE , I Tuesday Kvenlnp , September 23. J The following prices are charged retailers jy Jobbers , wholesalers and commission mer chants with the exception of grain , which is quoted at the prioas furnished by tie elevators and other local buyers : urnin ; Whoat-Oaah No. 2 , Barley Gash No. 2 , GOC5G23. Kvo Oanh , No. 3. 40o. Corn No. 2 , Gli 024o ; on street , 40c. Oatfl-No. 2 , 2l.i@2dc. St ofc The following nro the receipts nnd [ ship ments at thounion stock yards today : Ogalalla Land k Cattle Co. , 18 cars , S1IIWIKNTS. Ogalalla Land & Cattle Co , , IS cars , via B. & M. Swan Bros. & Frank , 19 cars , via R. I. bTMBfe 3fO@17f' ' . VAT Cowl- 75r5,3EO Hous-5 OO&G 2G Hnsr-p 8 003GO" " Oii.VJfi-5 OU < ? ,7 00. Flour * iil Mlllstuff * . WINTKH WHEAT Best quality , .patent , nt 3 00@3 2G SKCOND QUALITY 2 IG3 00. SrniNQ WJIKAT Best quality , patent , 31G. SECOND ( ioAiTY-2 15@a 0 , BHAN Gl'c ' per cwt. CHOITKD KKED Per 100 Iba , , 90a. COBN MKAL 1 00@110 SCKKKNINQ G5@7Go per cwt Wool , Light fmo 140(17 ( Heavy iino 10@K ) , Medium 1J 17. Ooarro 7@10. Burry 2 to 60 ofllMarket Market firm. Produce. AITLKH Dull and receipts continue heavy ; only chuicu stock paloahlo , nt $2.25@2.GO , bEAWH Koculpto Hunt ana dsmunU good. * id picked navy , per bu , 32 GO ; uifdium , 200@225. BEKBWAX In good demand. Choloo bright per Ib , 2623c ; common to good dark per Ib BUTTKH Unchanged : demand good , mainly for the better grades. Choice table , lfi@10c ; fair ta good. 811c ( ; creamery , 2 c. EEH OIDKB "Ohio" per bbl. 7.00"Vorlc ; mate per bbl.OS 00 ; per 4 bbl , ( > i 7G ; condeusad per la , BGc. Cr l > [ ' ! > 'c ' , per gul , UHKKSC Fnll cream , western , Hi WIs cousin new 12 ; young American 121 So , Knew Firm at JGc : receipts 'nodcrato. ( iAMK 1'ralrio chickens slow at 8'J.tOfe2GO ; snliK.- . ? 1.00@1.25 lluy lldlod , 7.00@8.00 ; ( loose , (5CO@ $000 , JKLLT In 20 and SO Ib nail * , C@7i ; In 2 Ib nra , per do81 GO ; asaoNo tumblers , dot. 81 20 ; schooners , per dozen , 33 00. MAPLB HCOAK Pure. In brlrka , par Ib 16c , Ohio , 13c ; small cakes , lUJc. SUALL Fin ITH Michigan ixjacheu per crate ? 3.00@I.OO. Fncrra Pcare , W-lb , boxes , $ 00 ; 20-lb boxes $2 25. G 2 ac * i > cr crat (4loxei ( ! ' § 250 ONIONS Choice ) x r bbl. S 00. PoroohN- eoovl demand ot 2@\o \ ptr Ib PotLruY- liberal tupplv and prices weak spring chickens , S2'JQi27ui old chickens $3 00 ® 3 50. Pnovwoxs Ham , 14e : B. Bacon , 12JO ; O S. Sides llf : O. S. IJacon , 12J : Shoulders 8J : MOM Votk. S20 00 : Larti. OCmlOn. PoTATOKN InllU'ral supply at 30if.3. ( " > a per bu hcl , Grncorn Lint. S 90t sltnwborrlM , 2 Ib , par case , 2 21 raopbcrrios , 2 Ib , iwr c-vio. 2 70) ) DarMett pears , per ciwo , 5 80 ; whortlouorrlos , t > or CASO , 3 10 ; egg tiluws , 2 Ib , per owe , } Wj grceu gue , 2 lli , par CMO , i W } 1'lno npplw , 2 IHT CMO , 4 SO < a6 60. Horn Steal i inch and larger , 9c , i Inch , 91cj 1 Inch , lOc. OANDLES Itoxoi , 40 Ibc , 1G , 14c | 8 , 14a ; boiOR 40 Ibs , 10 or. , fe , 1 Ic , MATCUC9 Per oaddlo , MJJ ronml , ttuc * , 1 65 ; square CMM , 1 70. ScoAna Powilerod , SJoi ctit loftf , 8Ja ; frrnnulntcd. "ic | confoctloucrs' A,7cj ijtaud- rd extra 0 , GJc ; exits , 0 , GJo ) mauInnA yel- 'ow ' , Gjfe ; dorlc yellow , o. OOFFKsa Ordinary praties , 12c)121a ( ( InlrlS © 13Jc | peed , 14c ; prlmo , 15154oj choice lC@17c ; fancy groan nndyoHowlCC5l ( > Jcold ; Rovcmmcnt .lava , 20(3l26c ( : I jvering's roasted. 17pj Aibucklo's roatod , IG c ; McLnughllnV XXXX ro.vtod , IGJct mltatlon Java , 15i ® Uk ; Chsttu Aurora , I'Js. Eis. Loulaltinn rnma to choice , 7@7Jo ) f lr CJo ; Patron , GJc. PISH No. 1 innckcral hill brK , 7 tO > No. 1 , C ; family mnckoni , kits , GOc ; No. 1 white fi h , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits. 93. SrBur Standard Com. S2o , bula ; atandnrd do , 4J gallon ko s 1 85 ; Standard do , ' 1 gallon kcra 160. SODA In R ) papers , 3 CO per case ; Icog per Ib , 2&c & , PIOSLIM Medlnm , In barrels , 8 00 | do In half barra's , 4 PO ; small , In barrels , 9 00 ; do In half barrels , G 00 ; ghoklM\ \ bands , 10 00 ; do in half barrels. 6 60. Tuo Gunpowder , Rood , 45@55c ; choice GO ( ? ,75c ; good Imperial , 40 ® JSc ; choice , 60@G5o Young Uysou , good , SG@50c ( choico. 65c@l 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , Si'.c ) Japan , choice , GO@7Gc ; Oolong , good , S6ICc ; Oolong , choice , 40@55cj Souchong , good , 8640c ; choice , S545c. WOOHEN WARD Two hoop pallu , 1 85 > three hoop nails. 2 10. Tubs , No , 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer neer w.-uhboards , 1 85) ) Double down 2 90 ; WollbucketB , 3 15. SOATO Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45j Kirk's nntlnot , 3 GO ; Klrk'n Btnndiud , 3 75 ; Kirk's white Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk R ontocn , 2 15 ; Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakoa , ) 40o ( Klrk'a mngnolla , doi. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 coae , In case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's ball 2 doz. In case , 1 90) ) Anchor boll , 2 doz. In case , 1 GO. CANDY Mixed , 12@13c ; stick , lie ; twht stick , lOJo , VINEO AB New Tfork npplo IGo ) Ohio ap ple , ISo. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 170 ; Ashton , In sacks , 3 GO ; bbls dairy GO , Ga , S SO. STABOH Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , 801 Corn Jtarcli , So ; Kxjolslor Gloss 7 ; Corn , 7Ja SPICKS Popper , 17cj Spice , 15o ; cloves , 25o ; cassia IGo. LYK American , 8 40 | Greenwich , 8 40 iVcstorn , 2 76 ; North Star- OOj Lowlo' Jyo 105 : Jewell lye . . , Orr Qooae. Bs37N bHEiiiNas Auautto A , 7o ; Allan Ho P , Go ; Atlantic LL ; GJc ; Brunawick , 7io ; Beaver Dam LL. Go ; Lnwronoo LL , Gf o ; Paci fic H , 7fe ; Royal Standard , "is ; Indian Head A,8c ; Wauchusott A , 7Jo. FINE BKOWN SHEETINQS Argyle , 7io ; Pop- p6roll R , 7c ; Salisbury II , CJo. BLEACHED COTTONS Ballon 4.4 , 6Jo ! Bn , Ion 7-8 , GJc Cumberland 4-4. 80 ; Davoll DD BJc ; Fainnount , 4ic ; Fniit of the Loom 4- 9c : Glory oftho West , 8io Gold en ; Gate , 8J Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4 , 7o ; Lonsdalo 8Jc ; Now Vsrk Mills. Hie ; Wamsntta , lOic. DCCKB ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , ll c : Bon- ton. 10 oz. . , llic ; Bosten , 9 oz. , 14c ; Fall Riv er. 8Jc , DucKS-Gray ( ) West Point , 8 oz , lie ; West Point , or , lie ; Point Bear , 8 oz. , lie. lie.TIOKIHQS AmoskosR. Ho ; Coatlaontal Fancy , 9Jo ; Ooidii , Icjo ; 7aal 'Xhet , i3Ji ; York , 12jo ; Jlnmloton Awnings , 12 0. DENIMQ Amoakoaff , 14c ; Beaver Creek AA , 12o ; Beaver Oroelt BB , lie ; Beaver Oraak 00. 10 : nnymakora 8c ; JaOroy D & T. 12c ; Joffray XXX. 122c ; Pearl River , 13c ; Wnrron AXA ( Drown ) , 12c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , He ; Wftrron CO [ brown ) , lOc. OAMBiuca Filth nvsnne glove finish , Be ; Keystone glove finish , G c. ConaET JKANB Amory , 74o ; Hancock , 80 ; Koarsayor , 8Jc ; Rockport , 7p PniNra Alions.Glc ; American , GJo ; Arnolds 5c ; Cocheco , Go ; Harmony , 4J ; Indigo. 7Jo [ ndgo7-8 ! , lUc ; Indigo 1.1 , 12)o Steel River 5Jc ; Charter Oak , 4 c , PRINTS SniMiNaB Amor/c / a , Gc ; Ooohsao Go ; Gloucastorr > oSouthbrldga : 4tc ; Wavorlya , 4Jcj Rosodalo , 4Jo. GINQHAMBunoskeng ataples 8Jo : Bates staples , 8 c : Lancnstor staples , 8c ; Plnnlcet ilalds , 9c ; Hudsou checks , 8Jc ; Amoskoag foralans , 9Jo. DKHSS GOODS Atlantlo nlpaccn , Ofco ; Per- slano eashmor , 23ic ; Hamloton esishmora 151c ; Hamleton Fnncus , HJc ; Hamloton bro- oados , 15o ; Arllnptou brocade , 18o , Ijlunora. AlConoL 188 prool alcohol , 2 20 per irlno gallon extra Oalifoniln nplrlta , 188 proof , [ 17 per proof gallon ; triple refined splritn 187 proof , 1 10 per proof gallon ; ro-dlstillnd whiskies 1 00@1 60 ; fine blended , 1 fX2 ) 60 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Kentucky nnd Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00. BRANDIES Imported , 6 00@16 00 ; domestls 1 40@4 00. GINH Imported , 4 50G 00 ; domestic , 1 40 @ 300. Roil3 Imported , 4 B00 " 00 ; Now England , 2 00 ® 1 00 ; domestic , 1 fO"3 CO. PEACH AND Arpj.K BBANIJY 1 75@4 00. CUAHPAONES Imported per cauo , 28 00 © 84 00 ; American , per case , 12 00(310 ( 00. PLCQ TOBACCO Climax 45c ; Bullion 4Gc ; Horsaahoo , 41Star , 4Go ; Kudy , 4fini Hnr- Boy'B , 40e ; Black , S8foJ40c ; Spearhead , 40c ; Our Rope , 48c ; Piper Heidaieck , Glc. FINK Cor Common. L'Odgauu ; good , 45 © GOc ; Rose Loaf , 70c ; Promlnm , Coc ; Diamond Crown , G5c ; Sweet Slxtaon , GOo , SMOKING O. S. , 22c ; Meerschaum , SOs ; Dnr bam , 8 oz. , 55c ; Durham , 4 oz. , 67c ; Durhair 2oz. , COo : Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , I8j 3oal of North Carolina , 4 or. . fiO : ; Seal i.f North Carolina , 2 oz. , G2o ; O , K Durham , 4 oz , , 28c ; O. K Dutham , 2 oz. , SOo ; Undo Nod , i' 25o | Tom and Jerry ? -3a. Pnlnta Olln .nd Vnrniiho * . Olia 110 carbon , per pi.'lon ' , 12@14o ; 1GO ° headlight , pnr eallon. 15 J o ; 17G0 headlight , l r gftllon , lOlc ; 150 ° water white 10 $ : ; lln- peed , raw , ; ri gallon , 65c ; linaoad boilud.por ! > idlon , GSoLard , winter str'd , par gallon , 70ct No , 1 , GOcNo. ; 2 , GOo cantor , A2 , , \r \ ( fa ) Ion , 1 CO : No. 3 , 1 40 ; Bwoot , per gallon 1 00 sperm W.B. , per gallon , 100 ; fish VY. B. , nargnllon , 05 ; noitsfootoitra , per gallon , UOc ; Nn , 1 , 7Gc ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30c ; jammer , 15c ; golden machine , No.'l , per gal lon , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; npcrm , signal , per gallon SOcj turpentine , per gallou , 48c ; naptha 71 ° per pallon , IGc. PAIHTS W OIL White load , Omaha P. P. , 6c ; will to lend , St. Louts , pure , file ; Maroeillo4 green 1 to 6 Ib cans , 20c ; French .Inc , green , 12cFionch ; zlno. rod eoal , Ho ; French : lno , In varnlnh wit , 20c ; French zinc. In oil asflt , 15c ; raw and burnt nmbor , 1 Hi CIUIH , lOoj raw and burnt Hionnu , lOa ; vandyku brown , 13c ; reunod lampblack , 12c ; coach black , imd Ivory black , lOc ; drop black , ICc : 1'nwnlan blue , 4Cj ; nltramarlno blue , 18o ; chrome gioon L. M. & D , , 16c ; blind and shutter frroen , L M. & D. , ICc ; Paris poou , 18c ; Indian rod , IGo ; Venetian red , 9 Twain red , 22n : Amorl. c n Vermilllon , I. & P. , 18c ; yellow ocluu 9c L. M. , O , &D. 0. , l 0j yellow oturu , Os ; golden ochre , 10 ? , patent dryer , 8t ; grulninx colors , light oak , dork oak , vp'ont ' , chntnut snd &nh IGo , Dnuos AND CHEMIOALH Add , Carbolic , G5o add , tartario , GGc ; capabla , per llli. GGc ; bark sassafras , perlb , l"o ; culomol , porlu 7Gc ; clnohonldla , per nz. , $0,06 ; chloroform , per Ib. , gl 10 ; Dovora powder , [ > or 11) . , 91.2G ; epeom salts , per Ib. , 3&u & ; glycerine , pure , per Ib. , 2F > c ; lead acetate , per Ib , , 22c ; oil , caster , No 1 per gal. , $1.00 ; oil , caster , No. 3 per gaL , 81.40 ; oil , olive , per gal. , $1.40 ; oil ori ganum , GOc ; opium , 84.GO ; nululno , P. It W ; and R , & B. , per oz. , 81.20 ; potassium , . lodiue , per Ib , , 81,60 ; salicln , per or , , 40o ; aul- thf | Xnrmorphlno , JIM cz. , ? 3.GO ; milphn atooUt or lb.,4c ; strychnine , j > or oz. , 81.35. tf Iron , rnten , 1 ! 3D ; nlow stool pncIM eivit , 5s rtnclblo , tc ; special or Germim , 4cj cnt tm > do , 16@20 ; wngon upoko * , jot , 2 2TK33 00 ; hub * t > or ot , 1 35 ; felloes sawed dry , 1 40 : tongwvi each , 70@85c ; ftxloa onoh , 7.\st nquare nuts Hi , 7@llo ; wnahon or Ib. f lSo ; rlvcU , Ib , He ; cell clialn , per Ib , 0@l''c ; mallmblo , Pa Iron wodgos. Go ; crowbarn , Gc ; harrow teeth 4c ; spring tool , 78o ; Burden's her ohoos 4 70 Bnnion'n mulonhowi 670. BABRRD Wiim In ear lol , 4 p 100 NAiLO-Ratcn , 10 to CO , 2 ,10 HIIOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck chot , 2 10 | oriental powder , kegs , G 40 ; do. , hall kpgn , 3 4Sj do. , quarter kos , 1 88 ; blMtlrg , kegs , 3 85 ; Itiso , per 100 foot Wo. L An-Bar , 1 f-6. COAL Cumberland bmckntnlth , 10 00 ; Mor rla run Blosiburg , 10 00 ; Whitobro-wt lum : G 00 ; WhltobroMt nut , 5 00 ; IOWA lump , 5 00 lowft nut , fi 00 ; Rock Sprliw 7 00 ; Anthrn cite , 11 2SWH 60 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton Ijntnnor. WIIOLISALK. Wa quote lumber , ntli ndriUn l > j on care t Omaha nt the following pncost JOIST AND SOASTLINO J6 ( t And under S ! 00. TiMnsiw 10 foot nd nndor , 20 00. TIMJIXK AND JOIUT 20 II , IS OJ { 21ft , 25 00. FtNCiNO No , 1 , 4 'Snd Ola. , 24 00 ; No. ? , SirtfTtRfl No , 1 (2droomraon ( boards ) , 20 00) ) StcWlJoAnra A , 45 00 ; 15 , 10 00 ; C , 35 00. FtooniSQ-No. 1 , 40 00 ; No , 2 , 35 00 ; No. 1 , 2500 SIDINO , oloar-27 00 ; No. 2 25 00 ; No. S , 2000. OmiNa-I , 37 CO ; B. 25 BJIINOLKJ , best J 50 ; standard , 3 50 , LATH 8 25 per M. LIMS Per bnrrol , 1 25 ; bulk per buihol , 85o ; oraent , bbl , 2 Uo ; lown plaster , bbl , 2 60 ; hnlr > or bn.60c ; Toned felt , 100 fos , 850ilraw ; > o d 3CC , . Iiuntlicr. Oak eolo , 3So@42o ; homIocVi < ol 2Ro J3jt iflmlock Wd , 80o ; nmuer 65o te 75a ; hem- ctk calf , 85o to 100 ; hemlock upper , 22o o2ls o k upper , 24o ; nlligator. 4 00 to 6 DO ; calf kid , 32@G : ! ; Grolson Uti. 2 00 o 2 76 ; oak kip , SOo to 1 00 : oak wilf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip , 1 10 to 1 65 : French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; nis- * ' _ _ „ . _ B A . _ t _ rt \ . _ r * - / \ * _ HAUNK83. No. 1 utar oak , 3Gc ; No. 2 Sic ; 5oi No. 1 Ohio oak , die ; ixo. 3 uo , 2c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 34o : No 2 do aSo. No. 1 Pitts oak bar , 37o ; No. B Pitta ] oak mr , 85o. rT I'aluta. White lead , Set KronoU tine , 10o ; ParlB whiting , 2Jc ; whlUnR Rildora , IJcj whiting com'l Ho ; lampblack , Gonnantown , I4c ; ampblack , ordinary , I Oo ; Prussian blue , B5c ; intramarino,18e ; Vandyke , brjwi , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4o ; plena * , burst , 4o ; ionna , rk < * , 4o ; Paris frroon , genuine , 25c ; Paris pioen , common , 20cchrome : fteen N.V. , Co ; ohrorao preen. K. , 12o ; vennillum , Eng. , Cc ; lonsllllon. American. 18c ; Indian , rod , Oc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian rod , Ooolceou'o , Jc ; Venetian rod , Amoricnn , IJc ; rod load , Jc ; ohromo yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yol- ow , K. , 12oochro ; roohollo , 80ochro. ; Trench , Jo ; ochre , American , 2o ; Winter's mineral , Jc ; lohlgh brown , 21cj Spanish brown , 2Jc ; .rluco'a minornl , 3c. VABNiBHKa Borrola. poi gallon : Fuml ore , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , Slrcoach , xtru , 81 40 : coach , No. 1 , 91 20 ; Damar xtra , 81 75 ; Japan , 70eiwpbalt'.im ; , extra , BGo ; hoUac , S3 GO ; hard oil finish. 8160. DENVEU MAKKET. LIVB STOCK Beef Cattle , gram , 100 Ib. 3 00 @ ! 5 76 ; sheep , sheard , live , 2 00@2 GO ; drcaaod 00@0 00 ; calves C G0@7 GO ; hogs , live , .0 50 @ 0 7G ; dressed 8 G0@0 00. Hides. Dry Flint , 10@12o. : Rroon 4@5o. grooncalf 8@10e ; aheopsklnB , dry , 8@10c. Tallow. G@0c. Wool. Colorado 14@lCc. ; Colorado heavy , 2@13c ; Now Mexican 7@10c. FLOUB-Colorado , 100 Ibs , H 7G@2 CO ; pat- nt , lOOlbs. , 275@300 ; Graham , 100 Ibn , 76 ; rye , S100 Ibs. , 2 25 ; buckwheat , bbl. 0 0010 GO ; bran , ton , L ° 00@13 00 ; corn meal , 100 Ibs. 1 GStcV 75. - CHAIN Wheat , 100 Ibs , f)0c ) ; corn , In Backs 00 lb , 1 3G120 ; onts , Neb. , mixed , 100 ha. 1 20S1 ( 25 ; barley 100 Ibs , 1 S0@l 35. HAT Balod. upland. 14 00 10 00 ; bot- om 11 00@13 00 ; straw. 900@11 00. BUTTKII Finest , 20@30 ; Nebraska dairy 14 QllGc ; common , GS)8c. ( ) Eaas Fresh , 20@21 ; ranch , iloz , fresh 21 02.- . 02.OlinKSK Full cream , 12(5)1 ( ) la ; Llmburgor , 8c ; Swiss , imported , S2c. PonLTHT Live , chickens old , dozG GO@C 00 ; urkoy , per Ib. , lllic ( ; spring cluckons , 60 ® J 50 ; droE8odlb,19@20o. PoTAToica 100 Iba , now , 135gl ) 40 ; sweet , , cr Ib. , 4i. VBQETABLKQ Onions , now , 100 Ibs , 00 ; cabbage , now , 100 Ibo , 00 ; new ootfl , 1 00. Fliniia Lemons , choice Messina , 0 00@ 40 ; applet , bbl , 4 Oi@l ) GO ; poaches per ) ox. 2 25@ 2 76 ; watermelons , per doz , 3 00 ; wars , per box , 3 00@360 ; plums , per box , 60S225 ( ; California grapes , 2 00@225 per ) OX. OX.&IKATS Hams , Ib , 15@101 : bacon , break- aet. 14i@14c : lord , in throe , Ib , 104 ; inuked Bides , l'Ji@K ! . FISH Mackerel , No.l , 1 10 , kit. mesa , 75@2 25 } California Bahnon , half bbl , 10 GO ; lolland herring , koir , 1 CO1 76 ; trout , per b. AtiOKO TUB UNK OF TI1E Chicago , St. . Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. Tlio now extension ot tula line Irom Wakoflold up the BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the QAN through Gonoonl and Coleridge . . leaches the best portion o ! the Bt'.to , HpcclM ex curabn ratee far land tookora over thin Him t Wayne , Norfolk anil IlarttriKton , and via lilfclr to A irlnclpal pod.tu on the SIOUX OITY & PAOIFIO RAIL110AD Trains ovur tht 0. , fit , V , M. Si 0. Hallway to Cov nRton , Hloiu City , I'onca , llsrtliik'ton , Wayne nd Norfolk , < Ooaa.30.oot ti t 01 Frumont , Oakda.o , Nell li , and through to V l entlno. tiff 01 I UB an J all Information call on I' P. WIIITNKV , Oouera Agon ! TIMKEN GPKFNC VEHICLE3 ! K tlfit riding \rblelamtlt , . .lut-i & e 7 * - uuu ona nltUtwo Thn Hprlnti riiiillieii uiiUniurflnaeMrnioiowueilliey rarry. Equally vrull utiapU-J to ro e > i cauntry ruadHHndilnailrlVHiof oltlei. Mnnufaciiirrdniid Id by nlllliulradliigC'arrlainlliilldmaiid ! ) / , rri. llfnrr TluiU u. I' t ntrf. Bt. iMnla , U uil nrcliuivulr by bDrt'TT (1IICRV Pfl \JOUIVAUO \ , uuu _ AooU 1 1 uUpuir 10 CTTMixer , Sccop , Mcaturc , Weigher , Jrcdjcr ; , K n , e Waiher , ' ! 'a in a In , ] 'nni | > Un , St rcli , Wine and 1'ruit Biramcr. Twelve ariiclckiaone , ? ho Citttect C : = t- ! citlta EaiTB. Mori , loll Hi in til other blevef anil hlflert like * them I Wo links large biftetf and Mliert ( or hint au l powcc. Wills ( or catalogue. Co , Cmcinnall , O. . 44 K ntl wf ntetl fur cur SptililUci Railway Time Tablo. In KffoctSoptfinbor M , ISf I , The Attention ol ho tr.veltl.ig pnhllo If palled to the fuel thill thl * li the only complete ami abjoluto- ly correct time Wile published In the city. All tnln * arrive at and dfjwrt Irom Omalu on Central Standard Time , which \t \ U minute ) Inter th\n nm time. I Kicvr-t Saturday , Kiccpt Sunday , t Kirept Mon 1-Yoiii Uiilini I'Aolllo Depot ; f ; I1 , n. (1. ( , MAIN K i11:40 : m AUnntlo Ktii. . . .7M : K m l' clflc Kip . 8i6 : pin I Mull iul Kip..4rO : | > i Dallr. HKrUUI.lCAN VAI.I.KV DIVISION. tuvn. I ARXIVH , Unjoin Ktp..K 5t < m | Lincoln K . . , . : ! pm nUHMT TllAINS 1IHIDOK DIVIRION Lmm Omthk : O. < 0 , 8:00,0:00 : : , 10M : ( , U:1A : * in. , 1CO : , SCO : , 8 0 , 4:00 : , 6.00 , fl:00 : , 10SS : p.m. OnSttmlMf o:40,9.-00. : 11:16 . in , 1:00 : , S'Ol , 6,00 , 8.00 , 10SS : p ro Atllto ttrnnnlcr depot 18 inluntos lAter ; llrunlw j depot , Council HHidi ) , 10 minute * IM r. fx > i vo Counoll Illuda , llroailnity depot , I'M , 83 : , 6.SO , 10:30 , 11:40 : .m. ; 1-80. ! : SO , S.80. : , . :5 , 01:05 : P. in On Sundays : 7-JO , 0JO : , 11:43 : . lu. ; 1:8,1 : , 1SO : , ino : , fl.35 , 11:05 pin. Atrlro t li u ( ct 7 mto. utej Inter. I/i \o Conncll Blutts Trin Ier tlonell 78 : , 8S7 ; , DS7 : , 10:37 : , 11:47 : K in : 1:57 : , 5:87 : , Js : : , 4:40 : , f:87 : , , 11:16 : p . 10. Artlvo Om-xriA 13 minutes liter. . Pass. No. S 8:16 : am PRIM. No. M..PI6 : m 11 o 8:63 : am " B..11:16 : * ra " 62 10.03 n m 9..1U : P m " 4 4 : 6 nm 7:3 : ! . p m " G 9:10 pm " 10 8:55 : pm pmDM V. UISEOUHI V.PA LIATI. I ARUIV1. Mull" 10:85 : am Oman * Kxp..0 ; 0 m St.UmlKil > . . . .S:35 : pm Mall * 0.60 p u o. o. * r. it. it. Mill . (1:40 ( : A mist. V 'l-.ip. ' . 0:45 : m SU 1'nulKip . 0:65 : p m Mill.- , , . . . . . . .7:35 : p m Dally. 0. , It. I ft K R LliVI. | ARRIVI. ) c itolnc8AooI..fl' < 0 ura I Kiprciwl . 0:49 : n m Kill' . 8:15 : it m I DoiMolnca AM' , . 8:60 : p m < : JimlHiU' . 7:55 : p n 0. to N. W. H. IU lliVI. I ARRIVI. SIS : m R 4:55 : pin U U" . 7E6 : 11 m 0. , M. fe St. P. 11. 11. Lilvrn. I 11R1V1. ' . 8:15 : ra Paclfio Kipt. . . . 0:15. : m i ! mlo ! Kit..4:16 : inn I UM1 * Kxu * . 7:35 : pm SUNDAY Tlt.MNfl Bnrlnc Septomlier , Saturday oienlnRnnil Sunday loriilnctralnttt III depart from Oinaln for OhUuco , nd Sunday iMcnlnj ; and .Monuty morning trains will rrlvoiw tidloun : Sunday morning trains Mill Iciwoaml Sunjay o\cn- iit ( tr.ilnsarrhc. Meptomlier 7 anil SS , \ la Hock Island. September 21 , \l' tlio Milwaukee fc St. Taul. Seiitombcr 14\lv : the Chlroijii & Northwestern. Ritunlay oxenlnu : truhmlll lea\i' : Soptombcr 13la. . the Hock Inland. SeptoaberOand 27 , \ la. the Jlllnntikco fcS ScptuinbcrM , > la , the Chlraffii.V Northuen . Arrhcln thommo order the Monday lolli 0. H. & < i. trulna run c\ cry day In the w ook. O. , B IJ U. 11. via Council llluffa. ) LIAVI. I ARRIVI. Htll . 8:1B : k m Kxprcu . 0:45 : ru Kxprcoa . 4:26 : p m | M ll . 7:85pm Dallv. Note. ) Th 0:00 : m and 6:00 : 1 > m dummy trains also onnoct with caat-liound tralnn on the llook-Ieland , UurllDKton , North-Wostern and lUllwaukoo ro il8. , WAUAH1I , ST. LOUIS ft 1'ACIFIO. LKAVH , I ARRIVI. Cannon Ball . 1:00 : pm Cannon Hull . 1:10 : pm Dally. K.'O. , ST. JOE ft 0. B. ( vU Council Blufls. ) LHAVB. I AHH1VX. { all . 0:00 : a m Rxprrsa ) . , , . . . . . TiCOam CipreoBt . 0:56 : p m I Uall . 7B6pm : K SUNDAY T1UINH From B , & M. Iiopnt ; Toutli Street 0. b U. UAITnOAlltAlN LIKE. DINVIB niraias. WEST HOUND. LIAVB. iUutV * . Om < ha. . . . 6:10pm : 7:60am : Ice : pm 10:05 : am Aghland. . . 8:27 : pro 10:03 : am 4:52 : pm 8:12 : m Unooln. . . 10:00 : inn 12:00 : m 8:60 : pm 7M ; am Crete 11:17 : pin lZ:540pm : Sil : pm 8:01 : am 6:16 : nm 4:16 : pm 11:65 : am 10t : > 0 1'in led Cloud. 8:00 : am 8:03 : pm 10Sam : 8:25 : pin IcCook..10:55 : am B16 ; pm 9:1G : am 4:10 : pin Akron . . . . 3:45 : pin 2:10 : am 12:60 : am 11:05 : am Demur. . . . 7:25 : pm 0:16 : am 0:25 : pm . 7:80 : am DallV.I ST2 OSIAIIA AND PtATTTMODTII TUAINBi " Lv. Omahn at 7:60 : , and Bi5 : a m ; 4:60,0:10 : , TM p Ml Ar. Omaha tO:26 : , 8:10 : nnd 10:06 : a m ; 7:00,7:80 : : p m Uvllv. 0. B. & Q R. K- ( via Dattamonth. ) LHAVB. I ARUIVK ) EoBtorn txii..B:46 : a m I OrnahnKx ) ) RtOa : m ChlcasoExn..4:5ap : m | WcuternKip..7SOp : m DaUy. K. 0. , BT. J. & 0. B. ( via Flattanouth. ) LBAVI. I ARRIVI. I Mall 8:46 : a m Kxproeal 8:2fi : a Kiprcsat 7:46 : p m | Mall. . „ 7:3J : p From O. Bf. P. M. * O. Dojot , 14th anil Webster Strcctu , 10. , St. P. U. & o. LIAVI. AKUIV1. Ho S Passenger..8RO : am I No 3 Mixed 10:30 : t m No 4 Mixed 8:00pm : | No 1 1'annciinor. 6:30 : p m Bundava Kxcoutod. wrrn- A.nd your work is done for nil time to come. lo produce a ttioro duniblo matoria for Htreot pavomcut fcann o Siour FallH Grnuito. IfOU ANY AMOUNT Otf I OR filled promptly. Samples Bent am H given upon application. VVM.MolJAIN & CO. , Sioux Falls. Dakota. UbULloI J , F , ARMSTONG , M , D , Prnctico Limited to Disease.s of the Eye and Enr. 1503 FAKNAM ST. . OMAHA SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others , WK GALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Itlitho NIB ! and ehei\i s fooil tot teak ol ny klnd.UIOno poncd Is qu l to thrao ponnili of 'eo tocklol vritliUroumlOMCnUoltithi ) FAllnnJ Winter , In-.cart of running down , will Iu3roi5i In welithl Mill bo In good rai\ik tttilg oonil.Uoo In the tptln ? . Diltymcn , na won nj othorj , who ujo It can tdtltyu ti meilto. Try It nail JuJ | ; f ji yomjclrc * . Trloo $1100 per ton : no oh rc * fet Bickn. Aildre WOOUifAK LIN3KKD Olti 0 OIU'ANY , Om ha Seb. DEALERS IN FIEE AND BUEQLAB PEOOF ff H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper ) Chicntro , Man- ngor of the Ten , Cignr nnd Tobacco Departmouts. A full line of nil grades o above ; nlso pipes nnd smokers' articles carried in stock. Prices nnd samples furnished on application. Open orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIH * & * RAND POWDER CO C. F. GOODMAN , ,0118 , raisli OMAHA , NEBRASKA. I K1 JOBBER OF i lei EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED ] 1118 FA11NAM.STREET , - ORTAHA , NEB QUNTHER & 100 , . Sole Bottlers 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 COR. 737V/ ] MAHA RECENTLY FROM FREMONT , NEB. U SADDLERY HARDWARE , ES , PELTS , FURS , TALLOW , For ITidos , Wool , PoltH , Etc. , and consignments made to UB will receive prompi ; attention , for which immediate returns will bo made. 13th Street , BetlDodge and GaoitorAve. ' ; OMAHA , NEB ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & QUAY. ) 9 AND Offic.1 and Yard Qth and Douglas ts W C/I bo S CID n ra O O | H a . M " S d * - " -i ( D O 2 ja c3 O H & ri W I w O. g " . M S " AiM o . . 0 ] VraGS AND 20TE ST. , OMAHA , NEB , |