Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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Oil VIA.
Connect InK In Union lp ) > oU nt Kniions City ,
Ouiiiha nnd Denver with tluoughtmlna fur
And nil points In the Urcnt West
G-OIOXTG- .A. 5 0 ? .
Connecting in Grand Union Io ] > ot nl Chicago
with through trains for
And nil KjwA rn CltlOT.
AtPeorln with tliruuitmlnslorTmllanar > .
oils , Ulnctnniitl , ColuitftJjp , Illul " points in
t lie South. iast. : At Sft"Vjul8 with
trains for nil points 80171.
s , 1'nrlor Cara , with He.
dining Chairs ( scats Ireo ) , .SinokliiK Cars \ \ IIM
ClmlrH I'tilltnnn 1'nlnro
Itavolvlng , Hlecplni ;
Cnrs nnd tliu fumoiH U. 11. A.Q. Dlnlnu Car-4
inindnlly tonndf rein Clilcngo nnd Knnsnt ( Jlly ,
OhlcnRonnd Council lllnlli : Clilcn o and Dcf
Jlolncjs , ClilrnRO , St. % Iosch | , Atclilson nnd
Topckn. without chatiKC. Only tlirouuli llnu
running thnlr own t nil us between Clilcn o ,
Lincoln nnd Denver , and Chicago , Kansas
Cltv nnd Dcnvi'r. Tliioiujli cni-s hutwi'on
Inulnnupolls nnd Council Hlull'd , via 1'uorla.
Solid Truing of J.'k' nnt Day Conches nnd
Pullman rnlncoSlcnpInc Cars arc run dally to
nnd from St. Lonln ; via lluniilljnl ; ( Jnlney ,
Kcokuk , lliiHIngton , Cudur llnpldstind Albeit
l.cntoSt. 1'anl and -
Mlnncaixills- , Parlor Cars
with Itfcllnlng Clmlrs to and Mom HI. Louis
nnd I'eorla. OnlyonochatiKOOf cars hctwi-on
St , Louis unil Den Mollies , Iowa , Jjlncoln , No.
bmskn , and Denver , Rolonuln.
It Is nlso the only ThroiiKh Line liGiwecn
It Is known ns the frrcat THIIOURI ! OAlt
| IINi ; of America , and IH univcrwilly adinlt-
* ed to ho the
Finest Iqaippoi Eallroad In the World for
all clacsoa of Travel.
Through Tickets via thin line lor nalo ntni
It. It. C.OUDOU ticket olllcua In the UnllodStatoa
< uul Canada ,
, J. I'OTTnit , PERCEVAL I.OU'KM , ,
The Pioneer Mutual Benefit Association In the
State of Nebraska.
It IB Co-operative In Its working ami all members
have nvolco in tbo management byotoat the an-
' Its aim Is to benefit Ita own momljorn , their widows ,
and orphans , In cvo of death , accident , eicknosn or
total permanent dlrability of a member , at actual
coot with economical inanacomint.
ArclUblo homo association. Actlvo and reliable
wjcnifl antcil to canvafa tor members In Nebraska ,
Kansas and Colorado. Address ,
Secretary and Ocnoral Manager ,
, - - - .
IIOH. II. VT. VAllKKn , B. 0Blimi. .
' ' Xteasurcr
[ SUOOESSORS TO THE J. II. V , & n. 00. ]
The moet extensive manufacturers ot
' .
John Hockstrasser General Airont or Nebraska and
Western Iowa.
603 B. Tenth Street ; . . . . OlfAHA , NKIJ
jUrl'rlces of llllllanl and Pool Tables and materials
furnished on application.
1111 DonjlM Bt. Otoaha , Neb.
Galvanized iron Cornices
tarDormer Windows , Tintali , Tin , Iron and Slate ,
Itooflni ; . Bpcc/it'H Patent lletul.Io Uk > Iltlt ; , Patent
ftdJusUd llochejt liar an J llraokctShchlnir. I am
tliu K'U'ral * Keat for the above llnu of L'ooils. Iron
Orottlngi , reuclnK.Ilahistradci , Veiandas , Iron IJar.
OMAHA , Nr.u. , September Ibth , ISil. )
Scaled proposals lo triplicate , subject to I ho utual
conditloni , will bt > ri'Ct'U ed at tuis Joillco until 11 u ;
in. Saturday. October Ibth , 1831 , at which tlmo onj
Iilacvthey will beopvncd in pruscnro of blkdcrs for
lurnUblnir the materials and construct ! ) ! ) ; In accnr.
dance with plans , spoclflcatlons and dra-ulncs , , tbo
following deucrlt < vd bulldlu ( ; , Nlz :
0 Company llarracks.
0 ScU Kern iiiniI IonoJ Olllcers Quarters.
1 KcU Hold Olllcers Quarters eJ
0 KeU CipUlns Quartern.
1 CominUiiary liiiVdinnt , ' . .
1 ( JuarUrniiiter IlullJiui ;
1011 HoubC.
1 llujiarlnu.
1 KiiKlno HOUM , and
i 1 Jlakollouketobuol brick. Aliu , tlio lolloulcf
of wocil.
1 UullaliiK for Workibopv , and
1 lev House.
Tbiuo bullulu ; . to bo located on bites to bo designs
ted as Fort D. A , Itunnell , W j omliif , ' , Tliu work tu
be conjiiicnccd by October 25th , nr as soun tburualle
as contracts uroumiplctixl. TuubcU llarrucka , uuil
two r t Cuptalnt Quarters to bu cuinpli'tul by
Du > . : tlkt , ml , and the rcuialiilni ; bulldlu | ; by June
30 , U85 if practicable.
J'rtipoi > auiinaybumadofurcitberorall of tliu build'
law. the prlco of ( uci to bu utatcd jarutely ,
h chprojxwal iniut IH ) Dccumtunlcd by a ) ; uarantv
In tliu HUinof J5OCO , executed In accordance with
forms f nrnUhed liy thbi olllto. Preference fhcn tu
artlccnf ! Uomebtlo piuduclr | < n and inannfuturv
coudltlons of price and iiuahty belli ) ; wmal , and nuch
preference irjvvn to artfuis of Amirlun ) iruductlon
audiuaiiufactureprodurcd on the Paclflc tuatt to the
tJilfot ol the calumniation rwuirtd | by tliopuUlcKr.
llnu theru.
The ( lovcrnnicnt ri cr > us tlie right to reject any or
all lil.b . ur parts tbirfof , Plans and kpi-Uflcatlons
inty be MII and vxamlnod at tblsolllco ,
lilauk ] > rai > oul and Inbtructlons us to bidding ,
U'rmiof ountratt , pa. * incut , and circular git lug full
Inforiuatlon t < > blddeit , will bu ( urulihuil on upjillca-
tonUlnliiK proposa'a to bv marked
"i > for tonbtructluii at I'urt D. A. liuutll ,
\VarnlngTcrriU'ry , " uud tuldrcuicd lo the under-
Clilvl ( juarUruutter. j
Sept " 0-elt HI It
.TIckets only 85. Bhnres In Proportion" * *
Louisiana State Lottery ( hm ,
" H-'e Ac hereby certify not ut wpaviie ths ni
raryttatntt for all the Monthly and Seml-Annuu
Dtatnngt o/ the Louttiana State lattery Compa
and n ftnon manage and ttmtrol the Dtau
themttlixi , and that tht tame ate conducted inlA
hcneiti//airntn. and in gooJ/aith toward all far
tin , and IM aii/Xoriic the company to ute tMt eer-
ti/leate , vith/at-timilei of cur tignaturtl ottacket
< n tti advtrtuementi. "
Inaorpouted In 1883 for IS yetrt by the l
far educational ted chirlUbla pnrpo o with o p
IliU of $1.000,000 to which rewrro fund of or *
(560,000 hoi Bine * been Klded.
By n overwhelming popular Tola Itt frinehlM
WM mute part of tha present itfct * oonilltallon
ftdopt d December Sd , A. I ) . 167B.
The only Lottery over voted on nnd on
darned by the people of any Stnto.
II never ic lei or postpone ! ,
Ita gnvnd slnglo number drawings tak
place monthly.
A iiplondid opportunity to win n Fortune
Tenth Grand lrawlng Clans K , In tlio A end
omy of I Mimic , Now Orleans , Tuesday , Octo
bcr Ittli , 1881 173d Monthly drawing.
100,000 Tickets nt J'lvo Dollars Kach. Fruo
lion * , In FifthIn / proportion ,
CAPITAL rr.lZK . _ _ . . . . tTB.OOl
1 do Jo . IB.OM
1 do do . 10.00C
i PRIZES OF wooo . M.OOC
I do 000 . 10.00C
10 do 1000 . 10.00C
SO do COO . 10,000
100 do 200 . 20OOC
COO do ICO . 20.00C
COO do 60 . 25 OOC
1000 do 25 . 25OCC
Arr-ROHUATiON rnuui. <
B Approilmatlon prlzoa of 0760 . 0,7(1
B do do COO . ,60 (
B do do SCO . . . 2S5 <
1(07 PrlMI amonnllnK to . I705.5W
Application for r tan to clubs should bo nukdo on ) ;
to too offloo of the Company In Now Oiloum.
Tor further Information write clearly Riving fnl
iddroiiB. M ko P. 0. Money Orders paj blo Ui
ftddroes Iloglatorod Letters to
Now Orleans , t .
ronlil Kotos and ordinary letter * by Mall or Kx
prose ( all eurns of tfi aud upwards by Kxprcoa at oui
ozponea ) to
M A. DATJl'niK ,
OllT. A , DAUPHIN , Now Oilcans L .
007 Savcnth St. , Washington V. 0. 1
ini ! Mistnbl in He BROAD CLAIM ol telneim
JSver offered to tlio public.
James Medical institute
( Chartered by theStatcofllll.
jnoia far tlieexprcispurpoca
fof clylnnlmmediate reliclln
VVenkiTcsi. MulhTLosn'cn liy Drerfrnrn
the 1'acsLost MnnhoodiiiiMrnirr ( ( < f
siiuc.cprr/iiiriih'ni/ npproprlnte rt.r.edv
taut once used In each case. Consultations , per- K
Jonal or by letter , nacrcdly confidential. Med- 1)wi
.clnca cent bv Mall un J Express. No inarka on wi
paCKaue to Indicate contcnU or sender. Address 1
Uh. JAMES.No. Z04Wa3hlnolon Sl.Chcnaolll. ? CX
. . . . - ( X
\Vllt purify Mm nLOOD.Tcpi.
Lite > the LIVERnna KIDNEYS ,
ma viaon or VOUTII. Di - In
pepsin , WaniorAppvlllo , in- Inh
illKi'illon , Inek in HlreiiKth ,
nnrrirc'-nKiUisohilcly ! ! ms
cni'uil. DOIII : ! ! , iiiiitoleiaiul ino inl
ncrvi'irocilvo iM'wfurcu ' , .
JCiillvoiu thu inlnil ami o
1 supplies llr.iln I'IIWIT. \ inn
BullurlMKlroin i'iUiillllH3
) | :
pociilliu-In ilmlr will
sex nno
Had In DIU CC JITKK'il IKOtt TONIO nif.i uail o ,
rpncdy euro. i.'llvc 11 i-lcur , healthy complexion. in
Frequent trloniplB ut eo'irti-jfl > ilnK ! only mid
the popnlarlly iiflliu orliniinl. lu nut tiiiurl- ittt
UlOllt ( H'tlhuOllKIINAI , AN1II1K8T. tt
XH mlrnurnililti > fitoTlinllr. lliitliirMrn - . ttli tto
gMUIx > iil . Mo. , for our"DllKAM HOOK. "
' Ai ullof btrimt'u and uwJulualotuiuUon , frva , li
CO :
'O '
Tlie steamship * of thli well-known Una are built of n
Iron , In water-Unlit oomjiartmonts , and are furnish' ; r i
with every rwjuisito to inako the Ji n ano both ill
tafo and Krii ablc , llioy carry the United Htatea illh
and Kurojioan malls , and lea > i > New Yorki Thurs
days and Uaturda ) for I'l ) mouth ( LONDON ) Cher h
bourg , ( I'AIUS ) and IIAUIIUMO. o
llatcs : First Cabin , 846 , MB and 176. Steerage , flM II
Henry Puudt , Uark Ilansen , V .K , Moor en , M , Toll , . ' \
Kcutslu Omaha , UroneulrK&BchocntKcn.aKeotsIn
Council UluOs. 0. II : HIOIIAKI ) 6 CO. , Utm. Past aIn
AifU. , 01 llrotdway , N. Y. C'baa. Konulimkl & Uo- hu
Ocueral WwtuJn Au uti , 107 Wuhlugton Bt , Cliloa
The Stock is a Durable Piano , /
OBO'l A'lHa
01UUA NEB. ov
The nwpoccd valuation of ll'enninglon coun
lyis $1,001,021.
Itpporls from tnc lllack III1I tin mines ar
more ami moio encouraging.
IJrulo county ha * n population of 0,000
which In ft'idouhlliig-iip In ono year.
Certain death nwaili the fire bug who i
terrorising Mitchell , If ho can bo f | x > ttpd.
So far this year 1'iikwana has invostec
nVitit 525,000 in substantial improvement * .
The colored jasper atonn found nt Del
Hapids is in largo demand for fine polishec
Dakota will njthiblt turnips and cabagcs a
Now.Orleans weighing from thirty to fifty
De.-idwood Times denies the roper
that the Toias fovcr has tiroknn out amen ;
IJlack Hills cattle.
During the past year eleven Cpngregatlona
church societies were organized in the nouth
crn part of the territory ,
Tlio Congregational college at Yankton w
dedicated last week , Prof. Tucker , of And
over college , conducting the ceremonies.
A Methodist church building will bo orccUx
in Contervlllo this fall. The new Hanlls
church in . .tho name place will bo ready U
dedicate In about three weeks
The Indian freighters have opened "n net
road between Pine llldiro agency and Ilnru
City. The distance is much shorter than by
tlio old road , being only ninety miles.
The first snow of the teaflon fell at Ilnwlln
on the 1 Ith ,
Buffalo expects lo eocuro a go\crnmcnt lane
Laraiuio county boasts of n potatoc weigh
ing IflJ ounces.
I Chovonno , October 11 , in the place nnc.
tlmo of thu republican territorial convention
The democratic terrltorialconvontlnn | will b
held at Carbon , but the date has not beet
Ex-Marshal Clark S. Dovoo , of Cheyenne
has been arrested and jailed for cattle ntca !
Ing acd mutilating the brands lo cover hi
The liothwell railroad surveyors nro run
ning a piellmlnary line to Medicine I5ow. Th
line crosses the I'latto river iiear the mouth o
Sand creolc.
" The kaolino and gypsum mines , near Lara
itiio city , are already beginning tu he worked
two carloads of thcHO substances haung jus
been cotton out for shipment ,
W. F. Vlctcher , Ulll Lewis , Lou Gra\e
and two other men whoso names could not , be
ascertained , nnd also a soldier , had a very
narrow escape from death nr serious injury
nenr Camp Carlin , during1 the prevalence o
the tcrrihlo thunder storm of the 1-lth. Th
night wns pitch dark nn 1 in driving to th
camp they wtiro unahlo to keep the main
oletl road. Suddenly they plunged ovf r a preci
pice from fifteen to eighteen feet high int <
UioW crefk , piling up men. seats , wagon nut
mules at tbo bottom , and all of them but on
icging up in the water , which wai _ by tha
tlmo mailing madly along in u ronring , raging
stream. All escaped serious injury , but ] * 'lotch
er , who collided with the "business end" of
the mules and had tuvcral ribs broken.
Senator Morgan , ol Alabama , who Is in
vcsUgatlng the condition of the Indian tiibos
in tiio went , is also gathering statistics of thu
iron and steel tusOurces of the mountains. Hu
told the Cheyenne Leadorreporter _ that Wyo-
ould probably furnish the crude mate
rial for the 1'ncilio coast navy which the gov
eminent proposed to build at an early tiny
"Yon have nn Immense ( supply of coal , Iror
ind petroleum. " continued the senator , ' 'am
can't understand why moro nctivo measures
110 not taken to develop thorn. The time is
not far diHtant when the cntiro I'acitic cons
will look to this tcmory for their supply
This tenitory is bound to bocoino n ECCOIU
Pennsylvania. All it needs is development
nnd that in only n question of time. I was
surprised nt tliu extent nnd value of the min
era ! resources which this territory possesses
\Vliy , It is ono of the richest in this icupect o
any in the nation. "
The Now Westminster Presbyterian churcl
nt Denver , wna dodjcatodkon.tho 14Ui. . . . . . .
Thomas I * . ' "Scbroclr ; ono of the oldest pincers
ncors of Colorado , died recently nt Denver.
A rich strike has been mndo in the Main
mine , in Sherman mountain. The vein la 'i
Inches thick nnd asaaja CU2 ounces of silver tc
the ton.
11. A. Day , n well known Loadvillo miner
fell clown the shaft of the Vnndorbjlt mine ,
distance of 1GO foot , on Payer hill , on tlio
llith , and was Instantly killed ,
Tiio Denver exposition has entered upon the
fourth week , nnd the tmbscribers to the guar-
nutco fund have boon called upon to givu uj
to meet the expenses of the show , the patronage -
ago not bolnt ; sufficient.
The Knights of Pythias of the stnto are
financially well fixed. The amount of money
receUcd by the order during the year was
Sltr,8r > uV12 , and the amount on hand per last
ronort wan 810,001.29 , making A total of § 35-
117.71. The expenses for the year aggiegntod
Phil McCourt , a brother-in-law of ex-
Senator Tabor , pounced upon O. II.
Ivothacker , editor of Opinion , iu
Donvtir n beer hall ono day last
iveek and cent him si rawling on the tloor with
slug ! in the nock. The row grow out of Ta-
or's defeat for governor in the republican
convention. )
Bntto has organi/.od a gas company with a
aplliil of 3100,000.
] ) , 1) . Holland and .Ininos liallapher , ml-
lera at I'lillliimburg , Montana , woio killed by
premature blast in the tjranito Mountain
nlno.iii few dajH ngo.
The iwofsinont roll of Silver How comity
dready foots up * r > ,7CO,000 , an J by the time
.hu wink Is completed thu amount will reach
onaitlornlily ever S7OOUOCO , This shows
ho very eroditablo liieroaso of somothlug
iko yl.000,000 ever the last Hat.
County ComniisslonorH ropii'sentlngall the
Miuntlcs through which the Northern I'.iciflc
lasses in Montana , convened at Helena , on
lie 1 Mil to take uniform action concerning
ho < taxation of the road which the company
stubbornly opposed. ICiijht couuties weru
cproeentod l and n law firm employed to in- I.
oatlgatu the Igajlty of asuesslng' ami taxing
ho proportyof railroadcorpoiations.proHcnled (
opinion alliriuinc ; the right of the counties
impose taxes upon nll _ unsurvoyed lands
mil town ellrs. A i esohition In favor of tax-
ttlon was paused , there belm ; but two oppo-
iliigotes. . It wa > agreed , ns the company to
ofuBCs to pay the taxoa ( on the landjaxseasou ,
Jiat it case bo mndo out between .loircraoti
ounty and tlio rail toad corporation , thu
utilities interested except Je ) r Lodge , to
jear a poition of the expoiiHO. is
The Oregon ehoitlluu carries fifty tons of
ligh gradu ere from Wood river per day.
2JTho grading on the narrow gauge railroad
'roiu Ilalloy to Hiillion , up Croy gulth , is | iro-
easing , nearly three inili'K of It being com-
The I datu fur the completion tif the Oregon
hort llnu is now fixed at November 1 , Tlio
lompletion : of thu road U expected to materl
illy Incre.iBit the re\onue > i of thu company ,
L'wo paiisof thu new biiclgo at llnrnt river
anyounru compleU'd , and trains will croai on 10
( hut of October.
Sarah Wlnnoinucca , thu I'lutu I'rlncoas , is
ecturiug In thu Novndu towns on "People 1
luvu met in the Luut. "
The nsschsor'n vnlualion of Ihu taxable
iropeity In Humboldt enmity , foots up & ) ,
ri'.OSl * , an IIICIVUBU of 10 ( ' > , UOOo\er hut year. o
The local train botwecn Novnda City nnd
Jirass Valley lias been ilUcontliuieJ , nut pay
oxiH'iikes. The icceipt fur fared did not .
iverngu bl n day. "
iirou City U so dull uowu-days that the
/iiginiit ( Muoniclo .iy a Ontlui ) , ' gun could
tired Ihroujjh any of thu htimti without
lilting even adog.
PAb thu funeral of n wealthy Chinaman in
Nation thu other day thu chief mourneni >
hrew Hiiiull imrct'lo , ilonu up in lice jiapor ,
lomthu waguti as they jasbixl along tha
trcotn. No ono paid any attention to this
irocurding , until a fclieot Arab jnckud up ono
thu pniccls and found that It contaliuil a
limu. lu n moment the btroot was thick
vith bnye , picking up tlu-littlo tieamirea , and A
ver PHO aiu knuwu to have bean obtained In
.u.This tf Iittl
oni.i > .u.- , . cti tom casting
plcws I of money along the mad to the cemo
tcry It t has long boon comiimn in China when th
do < eased was wealthy.
Congressman Heed , who hi'i just boon reelected
elected In Maine , tauuht school In Slockton
in 185 ! . ' , and afterward lied in San Joso.
The gold yield of Trinity county will ap
proabh very nearly to ? i,000,000 for the .yea
188) ) . Much moro has been taken from
quartz this year than o\cr before.
It ii said that on the ostrich farm near Ana
heim , there nro now tome tixty chicks tliatar
doing finely , while the plumage of the import
ed birds Is coning out handsomely , nnd prom
iiesj to bo \ cry remunerative.
Speaking of the big Santa Cruz sunflowers
a corrc i > ondcnt writes that on Xhvight way-
just btlow the dent nnd dumb n'sylum , Her
kcloy , can bo icon some sunflowers , one
measuring -I1J nnd another 47J inches In cir
A doimsit of genuine pent , -180 acres in ex
tent , and existing for nt least sixty feet below
the surface , has been discovered at Gospe
Swamp , n few miles from Santa Ana , Lo
Angeles county. It is said to bo equal to the
best Irish ,
ASanta Cruz lady has A vine growing in
her garden which produces gourds of the ex
act shape , size nnd color of nn egg. It boarc
profusely and the ground about it looks as i'
somebody's basket of eggs had been spll
without any breakages ,
For some months during the spring nnc
summer the Lureka and Palisade railroad rut
trains only on rdtcrnnte days over the road
and the postoffico department lot n contrac
for carrying the mail on the days when train
did not run to n stage company. Trains nri
now running dally , but the contract with thi
stage men i * still in force , and the strang
spectacle is presented of the mails being car
rtcd on buckboardo right alongside n rail roa '
As Boon ns it becnmo known that the duttc
on opium imports were to bo increased fron
SO to 810 n pound.tho dealers of San Fraucisci
brought in several million dollars worth of th
drug , and ns the supply exceeded the dcmani
it had to bo stored away in various banks ant
warehouses. Hcccntly , that which came li
under the old rate was nearly exhausted , anc
the first shipment under the new , consisting
of 8 cases of100 pounds , came over on tin
last trip of the steamer New York. The FCC
end lot wns by the steamer Xealandla , wind
amounted to 123 cases. The two lots netted
the go\ eminent , in tha way of duties , SG. > ,500
This may plvo the public some Idea of the ox
lout the habit of eating nnd smoking thi
deadly drug haa gained over the people of thi
The receipts of bullion In Salt L lco City
for the eight months ending August 31
The residents of Camas Prairie , Oregon ,
complain bitterly of the trespasses of the
Umatilla Indians nnd give notice that the i > il
foring red man must keep out of that vicinity
The results of the efforts of Mr. William T.
Holt , who is now nporaliDg between Ifoswol
and Seven Itiver , M. , west of the Pccoi
river , to socurowater by means of aitcsinn
wells , is being awaited with great inteieat.
For miles on either sida of the Pecoa aud il
many other portions of Now MOM'CO there nro
millions of acres of splendid grazing lane
which can only bo utilized during the rainy
season when surface water can bo had.
A heavy bet on the presidential election has
boon J made in Silver City , New Mexico , be
tween V. C. Place , general mannger of the
Piuos Altos gold and silver mining company
ana Charles M. Shannon of the Sentinel. Mr.
Place bets the now mill recently put up at a
cost of 510,000 , nnd all the company's mines
nnd property at Pines Altos , including the
mercantile establishment against the Hughes
tic tiS Shannon copper property at Clifton. The
necessary papers have been made out an <
placed in escrow pending the result of th
A. Valuable Chill Tonic Head thisC
NEW ALBANY , MIsH. , Juno 9,1881.
Mess. R , A. Robinson & Co.
Gentlemen Out of several gross o
'here , two years n < joj not a failure ha
boon reported. The demand is incrons
ing daily. The people have learned tha
it is as represented a certain , safe an <
speedy euro for Chills nnd fever an <
wilt have no other remedy. This is the
almost universal statement of my cus
tomers in this section. Its advantage
ever Quinine nnd other anti-poriodics
have boon thoroughly demonstrated. Besides
sides the efficiency of this Tonic , the
safety and comfort attending its use
speak highly in its favor. Small children
take it readily. In my drug store , a pop
ular Physician has his office. " ou know
the regular "M. D's" dislike to recom
mend Patent Medicines. HitgJics
Toino is the only ono of which ho has
cvcrajw/cen favorably. After exhaust
ing the Matcria Jlfcdica , ineffectually ,
ho wits cured of a case of chronic Chills ,
of long standing , by the use of half a
bottle of Ilitr/hcx' Tonic. Really it Is a
pleasure to handle such a remedy for it
never disappoints. If you should wish (
any testimonials , I can furnish yau with
hundreds from reliable persons. The
last lot ordered Is nearly out , nnd I will
have to replenish soon. It is one of my
staples. Respectfully ,
( Signed ) R. W. WALTON.
Prepared by R. A. Robinson t Co. ,
Wholesale Druggists , and nt retail by
Sehrotor it Bocht , Druggists , Omnha. of
Itotnils at § 1.00 per bottle , nix bottles
For § 5 00. _
_ _
Horne Notes.
Dan Mace has been suffering from
neuralgia. K
D. S. Quinton , of Trenton , N. J. , has Kwi
purchased the pacer , Gossip , Jr. , for wie
fl.OOO e
The Preston brothers , Groonpoint , L , it
, hove sold to II. V.Bomis , of Chicago , D > r
the Muccssful circuit trotter Onward
(2:20ifor8,000. : ) IIo is by Knicker N"
becker , dnm by lleservo.
Blaylock , tl.o well known jockey , has
been engaged by Mr. George L.Lorillard
ride tor the in
Wostbook stable next sea-
son. t
son.Robert Stool has sold to Western par Tl
lies the ( i-year-old mare Atalanta. She
a full sister to the stallion Piedmont ;
record , L':17J. :
Jarnna Gilbert , the driver , says : "Mr.
Rockefeller has more fast polo-horao3 in
his stable than any other gentleman. I've
driven five of them in 2:21i : or bolter ,
and only a U-yoar-old. They are Cloora ,
Independence , Day Dream , Enchanlross ,
and Foinme Solo. "
The fall meoliug of the Kentucky Trotting - H
ting Horse Breeders' '
Association will 'or
como oirat Loxinglon , on October 13 , M , 0D
and Hi. There is u special for the i
great pacer Johnston. Two of the horses , h
which appeared there last yonr Harry t
Wilkcs mid Maud
Messenger now en i
joy national fame.
AVIitmtlio Swallow * llummviml Fly. ) f
At the approach of autumn it is the proper
caper to cmiiidor OHO'H liDuncea nnd to resolve
innru iclohely ub > ur > u tliu dates appointed
or , and to bo coiiitautly represented moro or
ess In o\uryii ; aud monthly drawing tif The
.ouuiana State Lottery , which next ( thu
"Ildj will tale plnco October 1-lth , 1S81 , of
vhtch all iiiformatlou can be bad of M. A.
J-niplun , Nu\v ( ) rh'ars. La. , on application. :
IllHinuruk Cnllson Courcol
Septcmber23 , lilatnarck has gone &
ack to Vnnlii , lieforo leaving Uerlln ho
iaitcd U.ITOU do Courcol , French minlnter.
"Worltcrt to Dentil.
ViTCiinuun , Mais. , September L'3. T , J. lot
iiown , lending merchant , cut his throat with
razor to-day. Overwork it said to bo the
ausu ,
ATlinc-l'loco thnt llcllccta
of IIB Owner.
merican ,
A young lady who toachoa school in
thia city has n delicately inado llttlo
Swlsa watch sot in a bracelet. The face
of it in nbont the size of a dime , nnd the
works nro protected by a thin disc of
glass nbout the same size , on the under
side of the bracelet next to the arm. In
fact , it seta right ever the young lady's
pulap nnd the watch is the wonder nnd
admiration of nil her friends , But the
little watch never did keep time , though
it coat 500 francs in Pnria. The jowolora
to whom it was carried told the lady that
aho ought not to expect n rratch the size
of n peanut to keep time , nnd ono work
man said such email watches had to bo
bought on the principle of n chnnco in n
grab-bag , ns they sometimes proved good
time pieces , nnd at others wore wholly
unreliable. The young lady noticed ,
however , that when aho loaned her 500
franc bracelet to her sister , the watch
kept much better time , and when she
kept It locked up in her jewel case it
kept the time almost ns well as nn ordi
nary time piece.
A well-known physician of this city
had hia attention called to this matter , a
few days njjoby the young hdy'a mother ,
nnd explained It in n minute , from a
physiological standpoint. IIo said the
springs nnd enginery of the watch were
so delicate that they were nfloctcd by
change of temperature nnd feeling in the
young lady's body. When she bocnmo
excited the watch , doubtless , went fast ,
nnd in her calmer moments went slower.
Upon invcatigatiou this hypothesis was
verified , nnd the phenomena have excited -
cited so much curiosity that , last night ,
the young lady gave nn exhibition to n
few frionda of the manner in which the
watch waa compelled to answer to the
effect of the changes iti her various
moods ,
A gentleman who has a very fine gold
watch visited the ongino-room of nn olec-
trio light company on Saturday , and told
an American reporter yesterday that hia
watch had not run steadily since. Ho
took it to a jeweler , who told him it vna
magnetized , nnd , would have lo bo de
magnetized j before it would ran w 1
again. The gentleman said that his
watch would run for an hour nnd n ha
and then stop for n half hour and then
run fro an hour and a half ngaiu , nnd
kept the system up ever ainco it wns mag
Tliu OlUTuriiiont ,
Although dyspepsia has Its chief seat
in the stomach , yet It affects the whole
digestive apparatus. The liver , pan
creas , and intestinal glands share in the
general iroublo. The whole machinery
needs renovating. Brown'a Iron Bitters
ia the article with which to do the happy
work. Mr. SV. W. Eokhart , Marion , O. ,
wrilea , "I used Browns Iron Biltora for
indigestion with most excellent results. '
Feeding Chicks.
The Poultry Keeper.
A young chick is subject to certain
conditions that do not adject , adult fowls.
The moat critical period ia when they nro
about to push out feathers. The demands
of a young chick are much greater In pro
portion to ago and size than nro these of
their parents. A oinglo neglect at times
may so check thorn as to cause them to
remain at a stand in growth , nnd hence ,
In order to keep them growing , the sjgict-
est regularity must bo observed in
Ing thomj. hoHiMWiin JnJtfad
to feed them early , and on soft warm
food. The reason is that a long interval
occurs between the last meal at night and
the first ono in the morning , and it may
bo remarked that they should bo fed at
the latest possible time at night also.
Feed at least four times n day on n clean
surface , which may bo flat pieces of boarder
or little troughs , and as soon as they
pcom to bo satisfied remove (
the surplus. This applies to '
soft food. Wheat screenings ,
cracked corn or ground oats may bo left
whore they can have access to them at all
times , but not on the ground. The pro av
cess of feathering and the rapid growth tin
of body demanded food suitable for bone , oil .
muscle and fat. And in thus feeding
regularly , bear in mind that bono is niado
of limo and phosphoric acid , procured
from the phosphates. Muscle comes from
the nitrogenous matter of Iho food and
the eubstanco ( nitrogen ) is richest in lean
moat , clover , white of eggs and milk
which also contains phosphate. ) The
carbonaceous or heat producing elements
are corn , potatoes , or other matter rich
in starch or oil. Of
course , nearly all
kinds of food contain , more or leas , cer
tain proportions of all these substances ,
but some contain more of one than of the
other , and hcnco the importance of food-
variety , or the chicks will droop and die oil
starvation in the midst of plonty. CO :
Always keep line gravel , prounded ( fine ) K.or !
oyster shells and n few soda of grass for orv
them to pick when possible. | v
Kupturu Cured.
permanently or no pay. Our nuw nnd
mro euro method of treating rupture ,
ivithout Iho knife , enables us to guaran
tee a euro. Trusses can bo Ihrcmn nwoy
last. Send two letter stamps , for ref-
jrpnonco , pamphlet and terms. World's
Dispensary Medical Association , Buffalo , ph.
" . Y. *
A. Ciuur U'Alono Town ,
From nn article by Eugene V. Smnlloy
i the October Century , on the rise nnd
decline of the recent mining craze : "A
nero unattractive place than Murray I
iav < seldom soon. The trees have been
jloared away , leaving a bare gulch into
which the sun pours for sixteen hours a
lay with a fervor which seems to bo do.
lignod by nature to make up for'tho cool'
less of the short July nights , when fires ' '
ire needed. Stumps and half-charred
ogs encumber the streets , and servo as f
icats for the inhabitants. Chairs can
inly bo found in the principal Rambling
isUblishmcnta. Every nocond building ,
n drinking saloon. Newspapers sell
'two-bits' ( twentyvu ! ! cents ) apiece. '
Descending tlio hill into the town , wo 01
muountcrcd : n procoaaion of perhaps ho
hreo hundred men , marching after
long broad box. It was the funeral of
printer who had boon shot by hia em
ployer , the editor of thn local journal ,
demanding his pay. The propriety
lynching thu editor was discussed after
the funeral , but as the judge of the dis
trict was expected next day to hold court ,
itwnadccidodtolotthelaw tnko ila course ,
rhe touii was full of men out of employ B
ment and out of money , who hung about CiPi
the saloons and curaetl the can p in all PiK
itylcs of profanity known to minors' yo- K
abulury. Nevertheless gold waa being
shipped out every day by Wells , Fargu
Co.'a express , md now diacovoriu ) B
wore constantly reported. All the fuels A
pointed lo a rich auriferous region. The 13
men who wore making money kept < | uiot 13S 13K
ivniked early and late on their eliiiui8and
Iho talking < f the town bo done by K
thosu who had neither the means to open
claims nor lo live on while holding
them. "
pfjglBESTTQNIC = ,
Th5 < rncdlclno , combining Iron with T > uro
VcKctat.lo toulr , nulrkly anil completely
Cured l vM > enlii | , JmllKrMlon , \ \ rnKtimn ,
Iiiiinrcllonil.lIiilnrluClilllnniiilreMTN | ) ,
nnil NniratKln. . . _ . . . .
it Is nn unmillnc remedy for Diseases of the
KMneyn nnil l.lvi-r. .
It Is Invaluable for Dlswcn peculiar to
Women , and all who lend sedentary lives.
11 iloc ? not injure the teotti , cause licauaclic.or
produce constipation O//IT / Iron mcalcinei no.
It enriches and purifies tholilood , stimulates
the appetite , aids the n slmllatlon of fooil , re
lieves Heartburn and llelclilng , and strength-
cus the muselcs and nerves. . . . .
1'or Intermittent Fevers , Ijxssltudo , Lack of
EnerBj' , Ac. , It has no equal. ' i.
JIS * Tlioccnulno hns above trndo mark nnd
crossed red lines on rapper. Take no other.
Tor Men. Q lc . inr , iir . nook frw.
Cl"ln Anne ; . IIM Fulton St. , N w Tort.
Science ot Life , Only $1.00
KxhMittod Vitality , Kcrvona and Fhysloal Debility
Prorcaturo Docllno In Man , Ktrorsof Yonth , nn the
tmtold mleorlcs oaultlng from Indiscretions or ox
093009. A book for every man , young , ulddlo-niced ,
and old. It contains 125 proscriptions for all acute
and chronic diseases each ouo of which la Invaluable
So found by the Author , whoso cipcrlenco for 3
years Is euch nsproluibly noror bcforo foil to the let
ot any phyc'.can 03 pi es , bound In boantifn
Fronchmnslln md0830loovcri > , fall plltp'usr tc < ii'
to bo a Oner work n every scnoo , mcchanlculi liter -
er y and professional , than uny other work scld In
this country [ or ? , or the money will bo refunded
In crory Instiiico. Prlco only tl.oa by mall , poet-
p&d. ! lllustratlvo sample 5 cents. Bond uow. Gold
medal awarded the author by the National MoJIcul
Aanoolitlon , to tbo olCcorn nl which ho rofon.
The SC'.OLSO of Life should bo rend bv the young
tor Instruction , and by the aSllctod for relief.
It will benofll Ml. London I/Micot.
Tharo Is no mcmbor of Bocloty to Trhom Tha Sol-
enco of Llfo will cot bo usofnl , whether youth , p r-
cnt , cuardlan , Instructor or clorgvm n. Argonaut.
Addr 89 the Pcubody Medical Inatltuto , or Dr. W
rkor , No. i Buldnch Street , Boston Mesa. , who
o consulted on Ml dlacaccs ri'qulr'iK.iklll nd
cuco. Oaronloandobatlna'.odlsoai iothath5vc
tha kill of All other phys-ll Cfl I clAna
altvi nah Irottoil uncocts-UCl-i ! . fullj
tJlnsisnco fallaro. TUVCpj C
Of the Northwest , Detroit , Minn
A country of WOODS AND LAKES , 200 miles west
of St. Paul. Thrco trains dally on the K. P. R. B. ,
with SO Day Excursion. Tickets at about one-half
An elegant housa with accommodations for 200
guests. R. R. COLBURN , Proprietor.
'llorllok'i ' F < xxl for Tot nti hm
r llvri , " wrlui
all drueslita. i'rlco
and 7 cents. St nt
_ mill lor amount In
IIorlltt'.looilCo intloe.Mli.
WIU cure NoirotisncHs , Lumbago , Itlietimntlttm P
NoiiralKln , t-clntlcn , Khlm'j , . plnc nn.l I.heriiisos , t
iout , AHthnnt , Hi-tirtillfteHho , DUpetmli , ( 'niittlimtlnn. Ki >
iliralai , Cntarrh , J'llcs , Kpllep-.j , Iiupmcni'Iiumb Apm' .
1'roHptittf Uteri , etc. Only tfclfntlllc Kltclilc lit It In Aincr
kit tlutt ttfliuls the Klcctilflty uitd ninmietlhiii thiniiKh tbo
uodj , uud cuu to rocliargoU In un Instuut by tbu pulloat.
Winter Is coming , the season of the year for aches
indpalus. InIewof this factwosay buy one of
Dr. Horao'a Electric Belts. By BO doing you will
ivold llhcumatlsm , Kidney Troubles and other ills
.hat flesh Is heir to. Do not delay , but call at our S
Jtllco nnd examine belts , No. 142'J
F Goodman's , 1110 Faruam St. , Omata , Neb. Or-
Icrs : filled C. O. D.
Royal Havana Lottery I
Drawn at Havana , fluba , Every Ig
to 14 : Days.
ICK17T3 , ? 2.00. HALVES. 81,00
Bubjoet to no rnanlimlatlon , not controlled by tli
urtieuIn Interest. It Is the fairest thing lu tli
lattire of chance In existence.
Forlnformatlonacd particulars apply toSIIISEY ,
O.Oen. Auunta , 1212 liroauway , N Y. city.
KAUB & CO. , 417Wanut ! street , St. Louis' , Mo
Frank Lobrauo , L. D , , 0 Wjamlottc , Kan
? l-mB & w ] v
'hnnts . ' Amraaoo Co. , ol iiODdon ,
Aneto . J5nitCl.ll
rostctiuter , N. T. . Civltil . ,300,03 ? . 4
jukloronintH , of Kownt. N. J. , Capital l , 72,00a.
Unrtyiro , Plilladtlfhla , pltd . 1,500,000.
Ircraen'B Jund Cap.Ml
kali ! ] is Wealth !
uaranteed Hjicclllo for Hysteria. D zzlness , Conrul.
Ions , Fits , Nervoua Neuralgia , Headache , Nervous
'roatratlon caused by the use of alcohol or tobbacoo ,
t'akefulDCtm , UenUl deprotslon , SoltonlnK of the
rain , resulting In Insanity and leiplni ; to mleery ,
cca > knd death , Premature Old I gj , llaronoua , losi
power In cither ox , Involuntaiy Liiicsand Hpcr.
jatorlioraoaujcil by oter exertli titof the brain , self.
buso or overindulgence. Kach box , contains one
nonth's treatment. 91.00 a boxer six bottles for
5,00 , lent by mall prepaid on receipt of prlco.
'ocurosny case. With each order received by us
six bottles , accoinpllthcd with 35.UO , HO will send
purohwr our written guarantee to refund the
ncncy It the treatment does not eOect a cure. Quar-
ntccs Issuwl only by JOHN C : WKST & CO. ,
jy 2S-U1&0 rr Bd2 Madison Bt. , CblcaKO , 111.
Srlnngor , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JLJnvaim
3ulmbaoher , . . . Havana
Pilrmor . Bohemian.
iiniser . , , .
Budweiser . St. Louis.
uhnuser . _ . St. Louis.
LJost a . . . . > _ . . . . . . . . . Mil < vnulcef > .
Sohlitz-Pilsnor . Milwaukee.
ruc's ; . Omaha
Ale , Porter. Domestic and Rhino
Wino. ED. MAU11ER ,
121S 1'aruaiu St
Owing to the increase
in oui % business we've
admitted to the firm
Mr Edwin Daviswho
is well and favorably
known in Omaha.This \
die an increased list
of property. We ask
those who' have desi
rable property for
sale , to place the same
with us. The new firm
il ! be
H3 South 14th St ,