Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1884, Image 1

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TbcHoyemcDts of me Great Contestants
DnriD2 the Day ,
Elaine's ' Splendid Ovation and
Speech at Philadelphia !
The Schedule of His Proposed
Tour of Ohio ,
Logan's ' Warm Greeting in the
Buokoyo State.
New .York Ohio
. , Pennsylvania , ,
Republican States ,
Clot olnmVfl 1'rlviito Tarty at Albany
Congressional anil Stnto Con-
voiittons Other
lllntnn In '
Itw 1'ltlladolpJila1
PlllLAliKU'llJA , boptomber 23. After a
private breakfast this morning Blaine received
callers for three horn * . Among them the
most prominent business men of the city.
Atone o'clock lie went forndiivo in 1'nii-
mount park. A largo crowd w.vs present at
thu hotel and in the sheet in ftont. The
Union League proposes to give him a recep
tion. In the evening ho will review a parAilo
from the Union league club house. After re
view Lo returns to Now Yotk. Senator Cam
eron nnd J. M. Scovel were first to call this
morniug. | " J .
Almost three , Blalne and party returned
from the drive to the park. After luncheon
Blalnc proceeded to the Union League house
for the public recaption. This took place In
the largo assembly room. _ Blaine was attend
ed by u committco of thirty of the younger
members of the league , in pvening dross.
Thousands of people streamed through the
room until half past four when it terminated ,
nnd Blainu drove back to the Continental ho
tel for dinner. Whllo the party were still nt
dinner Don Cameron cauio to bid Blaine good
bye. As soon as it was known in the hotel
that Blaine had returned from the Union
League , tlio guests began to gather in groupes
iu the corridor leading to his room , nnd just
ns dinner onrted somu ladies gently pmhed
the door open far enough to sea the distin
guished guest nnd candidate , and stood there
gazing nt him. When Blaino's attention was
called to this , ho turned from the gentlemen
with whom ho w w talking and shook hands
with the ladios.
At about 7:30 : Blaine , protected on ono siilo
by Klkins nnd on the other by President
Baker , of tha league , made his way through
the usual crowd to his carriacu ; and was driven
to the private untrauce to the club housa ,
where again the police had to hold tlio peojilo
in check whllo ho made his way into the
building. The club housowas relatively mora
crowded than the street , nnd Blaiuo was
again compelled to undergo the handshaking
ordeal , At a few minutes past eight Air.
Benson , first vies president of the league , re
quested all but Blaine and his party to with
draw from the room , which was becoming
very close. The request" was
olowly , nnd while , some of t -
' - " ' "
- , - . _ _ .
in front of the building , where ho reviewed the
parade. As the head of the proc'gnion , led by
General Hartranft , as chief marshal , passed
the stani Blaine xvas enthusiastically ap
plauded. 1'roni the Union League club house
ho could see about a mile and a half down
Broad street. The ptocession filled the whole
of this space , and dining tbo whole time
Blaiuo remained vin the btnnd , the torches ap
pealing in the distance were like a solid mass
of moving lira , and could be seen filing into
Broad street at tha lower ead. All Iho clubs
wore neat uniforms nnd moved in military
order. Kach club as it passed the sland gave
' Three cheers for James G. Blaino" or for
"Jaiiiea G. Blaine , our next president1 and
Mr. Blaine in each instance
lemoral his hat anU bowed. The Young
republicans of I'hiladalphia , a body of quite
young gentlemen , were especially demonstra
tive. Thay eheeied in college biy htylo as
they pissed and weiointurn loudly cheered
by the crowds. 'ihoma > or of the city ex
pressed hisopionion that theio vveio mine than
oO.OOO men matching , and ho believed "half
the population of Philadelphia , were out look
ing at them. " It was iindontiiod theie
would be no speaking BO no demand was made
for a upeedi. At 0:15 : , while tlio piocfsaimi
waa in full blast , Blaine Lowed repeatedly and
left ihettand Upon eiiteiing the club house
ho took some refreshments after which ' 10 pas-
eod out amidst the most enthusiastic cheering ,
entered his carriage and was drivsn rapidly to
the depot , and left for New Yoik at ! ) .0d on a
Ulaiiio's Onnvnei * of Ohio.
Cor.usinup , September 23 The topublic.-iu
hinto committee announces the followingioiitu
for Blaino's tiip through Ohio. Ho outers the
state Ftiday , September 20 , from Ashtabula
and Paincsyillo to Cleveland , thenoatoKIyria ,
Norwalk and Fremont to Toledo : thentn Sa-
oiisky via l-'cstoria ; thence to Dayton via Tif-
Jin , 3'enlon , Bellcfoiitiine , Urbana _ and
Spiinjzlield ; thence to Cincinnati via Hamil
ton ; ttienco via Xen'a ' to Colurnbua : thence lo
Bellaiio via Newark nnd Xinuaville , p.isdng
out ot the slate October , Ho will p IPS one
night in Cleveland , Sunday in Toledo , Mon
day night at Sandusky , Tuesday night at
Dayton , Wednesday and Thuisday at Cincin
nati , 1'riday night ut Columbus , and Satur
day nt Bollaitu.
lii Ohio.
AKROV , Ohio , SeptemberL' ! ! . General John
A. Logan , drew thirty thousand slr.mgeis to
this city to-day for the republican mass meet
ing In McKlncly's interest. At noon a pro-
ceision taking forty minutCH to pass one point
marched by. Sis thousand men in inarching
clubs and thu Akron factories constituted fifty-
five wagims of men at work ot vatioin Indus ,
trial. Speaking tliU ufternoon and toich
light parade and speaking thin evening.
tJlalno Coming ; West.
Special Dbpatch to THK ] Un. :
CHICAGO , Septambsr U. ) . Whim Hlaiuo's
luhnirero in this city road that ho would vUit
f'incmnuti thuy firii'l ' they did riot buliovo ho
would como to far wefct without taking in
Chicago , Kx.Congregmnan 15. V. Marth return -
turn cl from New Yoik this morning and bo
pays that hlaiuo will extend his trip to Uhic.ii-
go and also to Iowa ,
Tito 'i'ritiiHuoiitliionliil ,
Ciuc'AiiO , September " 3. The trans conti
nental association mut to-day , The principal
subject of discussion vvaj tin appoitloiuncnt
if teirltory , among the various linos. The
Not them L'aclfio vva > i concododall thotoirituy
north of 1'mthtml , Oregon , but whether tlie
ro.ul will bu admitted nn a , competitor on Cali
fornia buulnom proper , was not decided , Tito
cutting ufratea by t'lo ' Snneet route wai iw
ferrcd to Iho coinmittua uf jiuscnger
agenti , with leutructionu to teport to-morrow.
The relative position of the parties in
the greatest struggle between the
incinberd w sharply dnlinod to-day by elite-
inaiitn on both eldea , ( loneral Manager jfnb-
1U80I1 of tlio AtcbUon Topok.t & tiaulD l''n
road said lit ) had not clWigad lua | xnltlon ro
gardlng tha tripartite alliance , and will enter
into no agreement regarding tbo Colorado und
Utah busiui-33 no long M the tripartite com-
enforced. Manapor Gabh
says : "The dtrectoru of the Uock Maud bnva
voted Hint the tripartite inu t < t.iud , niul I in
tend to see it carried out. "
A Now I' Ht Mall.
Cmc.Mio , September 2.T. Commencing to
ntglil , a posUl car will be attached to the
American K\ press special Italit leaving Chi-
C.-IRO at 710 a. m. , ovci the Michigan Central
railroad awl connecting with the New Voik
Central nt PulTalo. Tlio arrangement will
glvo two hours Inter to close for the innil hero
nml will ix-Tinit the majority of letters to
roach New York on the motning of the so-
coiil day Instead of tlioaf tot noon. HI * pro-
habla th it the mail will bo ready for distrl-
bntion in the first delivery dully. The plan
likes in wixv points through Michigan , Can
ada , New York tate anil Xnw Kngland.
Hard Times in Frnnuc.
1'AlUH , Soptoinhor 23 , Lord Lyons the
IJrltlsh ombassador to 1'rance , recently innilo
nn appeal to 1'rinio Minister Kerry to open
the ROV eminent ship building yards , In order
to piovido work for starving laborers. 1'Vrry ,
in response to the appeal , Inforniod Lord Ly
ons that ho had uo jurisdiction over the mat
ter , but would refci the matter to Wndleck
Hot cnu , mlimter of the interior. It is staled
that thiiu aiuh of workmen are now out of
employment , and serious rioting ia feared.
National Order of Meulianlcfl ,
I'HlLAnnt.rm.v , September 21 ! . The annual
convention of the national council of the order
of United States Amoricm mechanics opened
to-day. The membership of the order mini-
barn 137 ! ) ! ! , showing a gain ainco last year of
1,583. The national treasurer's report showed
receipts of the year to bo Slt4,251 ! ; dinburno-
munis ( in bpnoiitj and relief money ) , 8(11,2(18 ( ( ;
balance in the treasuries of the various sub
ordinate councils , S3M,23I. )
Temperance ki/\ultntlon.
Niw : YOIIK , September 23. The board of
managers of the national teniperiinco society
to-day unanimously adopted a resolution con
gratulating the citizens of Maine upon the
adoption by their magnificent popular majori
ty of 1.-128 , of the prohibitory constitutional
amendment , forever prohibiting the manufac
ture and sale of intoxicating beverages , and
wo hail this important victory as foreshadow
ing nn assured ultimate prohibition liquor
trallic throughout our national domain.
MnBsacliHHCtto BtuIorlteH.
WoitcKSTEit , Mass. , September 23. The
Peoples' party state convention willl bo huld
hero to morrow. It is expected that M. > T.
McCaiTcrty , of this city , will bo nominated for
governor. A provisional state committo voted
unanimously to recommend to the coin oution
tbatthoro be no fusion witli either republican
or democratic parties on the state ticket ,
, September 23. After prolonged
discussion the "favored nation" clause in the
commercial treaty between America and
Spain was reached question tariffs notwith
standing the general impression that this
point would load to serious dilliculty in its
Austria's Patriotic Subjects.
"VIENNA , September 23. Twenty-ono per
sons have boon arrested charged with com
plicity in Buchanan's anarchist schemes. Gun-
1 j j ! t ( , ptjroat Veinor , JNou-
AtlUNr , N. Y. , Saptembor 23. Over 250
excursionists on their way to Saratoga and
Lake George proceeded to the executive
rhamber in a. body and wore presented to the
governor by Captain C. H. Chase and Adju
tant H. A. Tyler. Governor Cleveland shook
hands with each one.
Cholera In Spain.
MAimil ) , September 23 , Kight fresh cases
of cholera are reported in the province of
Alicante , in Arragon ; in the httcr , four
deaths , the former , ten , The infected towns
in the province of Alicante aio completely i
'Tlio Highway OomiulssloH.
SrmxoriKM ) , September 23. At the pio-
liminary mooting of the potmanent stnt road (
and highway commi'sirmerrt association hold
heio thlsovonimj 112 delegate , representing
ID counties , were present. The convention
to-morrow pionnses to be largely attended.
Tlio Trunk Jjlnca.
Niw : YOUK , September 2I. ! The Trunk line
meeting was htill in session at 1 o'clock.
Nothing is definitely known regarding the ac
tion , but the meeting i * evidently lively.
CIIICAOO , September 23. The south bound
paisenper tram on the Alton toad collided
with n freight going the an mo direction near
1'ontiae this morning , c.mslng a wreck , but it
believed no ono wus seriously injured.
Our Cp.muiian Cousin.
MoNTHi ; : . ; . , September 23. A Dickinson
insurance agent is missing. It is believed ho trono to the sta'es. Ho left numerous
IJutlor at Homo.
LvwnrNUK , Mass. , September 23. The lar
gest nml most unlhimtastic rally ot the cam
paign hero took place this evening. Htitler
WUH greeted by an old tlmo audience.
Government Gold.
WASHINGTON , September 23.Gold reserve
to-day , S129.000.COO , an increase of § 15,000,000
the past few weeks , i
_ - "
Vav CoiiKf-'sH Irani MISHOtirl.
ST. Louis , September 23. The republicans
of IhoHiRhthdiitiict of this city nominated
Henry 1'lnb for congress.
-yf Scrvhtla
Bcralulalsjiioi U'//mor ' > general tlmn any
other UlBO'iw. II fc liisliltous In character ,
niul manifests Itself In ruimlni ; sores , pustular ]
eruptions , bolls , swelling , enlarged Joints ,
abscesses , sere eyes , etc. Hood's B-irsaparllla
expels all trace of scrofula from the blood ,
leaving It pure , enriched , and liealHiy.
"I was severely afflicted \\lth bcrofula ,
and for over a year had two running bores
on my neck. Took flvo bottles of Hood's
Haraaparllla , and consider myself cured. "
C. i : . I.OVIJOY , Lowell , JIass.
C. A. Arnold , Arnold , Mo. , had scrofulous
sores for seven years , spring and fall. Hood's
Saruaparllla cured him.
Salt Rheum
William Spies , Klyrla , O. , suffered greatly
from erysipelas and suit rlieinn , caused by
hamlllng tobacco. At times hU bands would
crack open and bleed , llotrled various prep .
arations v , llhout aid ; finally took Hood's Bar-
bap.irlll.1 , and now sayss ' 1 am entirely well. "
"My ton had salt rlicum on his hands and
on the calves of Ids legs. Ho took Hood's
8ars3arllla ] nml U entirely cured. " J. H.
STAMO.V , Mt. Ycrnou , Ohio.
Hood's . .Sarsaparilla
Sold by all drtirfgUttf. 81 ! fix for $5. Slada
only by C. 1. 1IOOU & CO. , Lowell , Mass.
IOO Doses. Ono
Tlis DBDicralic ; Parly lo a Generous
Public ,
A Touching Appeal for Pecuniary
Accompanied by a Liberal Section
of Self Exhaltation-
Civil Service Clomniissionor Gree-
ory on Political AssossnioutSi
His Studious Reminder of the
Letter of the
Tlio Tyranny of Extortion and nn tlio
Other Jlanu the Liberty of the
Olllcer an n Cltl/.cn.
NKVV VoiiK.'Sopteniler L'3. The following
was sent out by the democratic national
committee. :
To THK 1'r.Ol'I.KOK THBUxiTEIlgTATEs : The
National democratio party of the Putted
States has pledged itself to tmiify the admin
istration of public affairs from corruption ; to
manage the government with economy ; to en
force the execution of the laws , and lo reduce
taxation to the lowest limit consistent with
just protection to American labor and capital ,
and with the preservation of the faith which
the nation linn pledged to Hi creditors and
penslonera. The open record of the man It
has named as its candidate for the presidency
has been'accepted by thou auds of independ
ent republicans In ovoiy stile , ns nn absolute
guarantee that , if ho In elected allthese
pledges will bo exactly fulfilled , and that un
der his _ ndministralou ! good govern
ment will bo asserted. To se
cure these results , all good citiruns
must unite in defeating the republican candi
date for president. His history and political
methods make it certain that his administra
tion would bo stainedby gross abuses , by olli-
clal misconduct , and wanton expenditure of
the public money , and would bo marked by an
iucroaso of taxation which would blight tlio
h meat industry of our people. Against us ,
and against those honest republicans who ,
for the sake of good government , have made
common cause with us , notable combinations
have boon made. They are chiefly made up
of four classes.
L An army of officeholders , vvho , by
choice or compulsion , are now giving to re
publican committee * as part of the campaign
fund of that party moneys paid to such offi
cers out of the public treasury for services diio
to the people ot the United States.
2. Organired bodies of men vvho , having
secured by corrupt moans the imposition of
duties which are in excess of all gums needed
for the wants of the government and for the
protection of American labor and capital , and
having thus gained enormous wealth , are wil
ling to pay largely to the republican campaign
fund for the promise of their contiuincojind
increase of such duties , vhich constitute a
system of bountiesto 'monopolies under the
falsa pretense of protection to American In- '
dttstry. "
by which their wealth has been galnod.
4. porporntions which , having spoiled the
pnblio lands by aid of corrupt atrencics in the
republican party , believe they will bo com-
pollo to give up their ill gotcn gums if that
party is driven fiom power , and will therefore-
willing to keep it in place by giving it a per
centage of their unrighteous profits.
Tina coinmittoo hu ; not troops of otlicehold-
era at its command. It will not ogreo to sell
the future legislation of congress for money
now paid into its party treasury. It will not
piomiso immunity totliioves. It will not con
tract to uphold any corrupt bargain heretofore
made by the republican party with any coipo-
ration for all the wealth winch such corpora
tion can ollor. It appeals to the people
against one and all of these oppononlH thus
contiptly banded top-ether against the friends
of good government. The number of all those
opponents i ii small , but their wealth is gieat ,
and It will he utmctnpulouely used An acltvo
and vigorous campaign must bu made ngahmt
them. Theirp.iidadvoeitesmusthomeland defeated -
foated in dubato upon the platform and in dls-
cuxsion in the newspapers. The orgoni/.ation
of all vvho nro opposed to them must bo per
fected in every state , city , and county in iho
land. Money is needed to do this honest
work. Your committee , jefufing to adopt the
methods by which the iepiibhc.ui party ( ills Its
troasurycals _ ! upon all goodciti/ons for the aid
which it icfpiiros. It invites , and will wt'l-
como contributions from every honest uian
win ; is opposed lo the election of Jnmes ( ! .
lilaino as president. No contribution bo
accounted trosmall. Wlioiever a bank.banker ,
or postal money-order ollice can bo found , the
moans oxlst for placing at the disposal of tlio
treasurer of this enminitleo individual or col-
jcctivo coiitiibutions in aid of the great cause
in which wo aio ougngcd , or money
may bo remitted lo Charles . ) . Conda , troas-
mer , at No. 11 West Twontyfouith ntreot.
When victory is achieved over the unscrupul
ous combination which is now ondoavoi iii ( { to
thrust .famua O. Jilnitio into the pienldontlal
ollice , the recorded lint of mich contiiliilttoiis
will bo n roll of honor such as no other party
in this country lias over possessed. Our op
ponents can not bo Hived from dlsattor by
lorcing the.1 ! unwilling candidate to speak to
assemblages of the people. The man who '
wioto the Fuller letters will never bo the
choice of the people foi the presidency of the
United State * . Annul : 1' . GOIIJUN ,
Chaiiman Democratic National K < cacutivo
New York , September 22 , 1881.
Conocrnliiff Political
WAHIII.VMION , September 3. J'rofe&nor
Gregory , civil service cnmmiasionerj has writ
ten a long letter on tlio subject of politic d at-
sesuncnts. The chief points aio the follow
ing : The grand intentions of tlioio sections
of the civil Bcrvico act vvhiih leluto to contri
butions for political purposes are two fold ,
1'lrst , to prevent thn luo of gjverniuont
iaces ! and funds an forcoj to rontiul nlcctiuiiu ,
Second , to protect government employes
ftoin compulsory contiibutioin to political
funds. The government clerk is employed to
woikfor tlio ] > eo | > lo , not furthupart > . Ills
pay comes from the people and not fiom the
patty. What ho earns Is his own It is
Kiuea tynmuy t ) extort from him any part of
his earnings by a throat of rcmov.d or prom-
iiu of promotion , 'J'lia clerk nulflido of the
ckrkship is ntill a citi/.cn. and ni such lian a
common interest with all giod citizens in the
pnigrces and welfare of his country , a com-
mini right to vota and expire his ( ipiniunii in
aswclHtion with these of like oiinlonu | , and
tin ) iit.0 of money In all lawful vvaya to
liroui tu his oiiniuiiH. ] AH an officer or wit-
pluyoof tingoxeiiini'itt strictly under the
.tuthiirity of iiingruiH in nil hi" official work
and riiliittiios , lie inn t imt violate any of our
piohibitluna of thn civil icrvlco uct , but out-
mdi ) of Inn odielal life and relations , bt-yoml
thu ic.ilin of duty to , and connection with thu
government , ho ijt'cunici n uimplo citi/.en , hav
hit ; tliH duties , interi-btsi and rigliU of his fel
low citi/.oris not In the pnblio employ , The
interpretation of the civil eervlco act , und the
path of duty if < | uirod 'n plain to all vvho will
honuitlv regard its two arms ono , the abao-
lute dufenct ) of the ballot box from corruption
corrupting olliclid Inlluenui ; nocond , the
protection ol the government otlicIaU from
political a o monl . These two great mm-
ot the law must , nnd will bo fully nnd falrlj
Tlio Outlook.
Chicago Tribune , September 1M.
"I've just como from New York,1' said the
Hon. Horace 1'ngc , of California , "and things
look very bright for ] llatnr > and Logan.
fool convinced from what I . vv and heard
that Now York will bd currutt liy a good safe
majority. Of course , thcta an- unknown
< Hiintltie ! * in the fight , which may render KO
liosittvo an opinion fomowhol preniKlitro. N\ro
do not know what the indcicudentoto | will
amount to tint , making nil allowance. It can
not jiussibly offset the Tnmmnnv ilofi tioii
from Cleveland , which will , I think , rondi
10,000 votes. The result In Ohio will have n
great i-ITeck on the rnstorn slites. If it
should go democratic wo will hav o n hard
road to trav ol , but a fonublionnictoiy will bo
equal to HlainoVs olection. "
iMr. 1'nijolwd not boon , in ( California for
some time , but all his ndvlcri Indicated n
sweeping republican victory mid the election
of four republican coogrtssn " n
llx-Congrcssmnti Gcorgo C. llazloton of
Wisconsin said yesterday al the 1'iilmor that
Wisconsin was Miroly frormbllcnu bv 20.000
majority. "Democrats talk about German-
repub'icans ' voting for Cleveland , but it has
no foumlatliin in tact. I can't f'nul these men
hi my part of the state. _ All our Germans
are enthusiastic for Blame and Logan. I
tlniiot bollovo they are going to gain anything
from this quarter , except , pcrlnip * , n few
Votes In Milwivukrr > , nnd their Irish vole Is
badly split up. Wo nro Ruing to got Irish
democratio voles In every county In the state.
Mr , llar.letoneaid Burr iTpnc * , the present
democratic congressman from tlio Madison
distiict , would bo beaten by In I'ollotte , vvho
was 11 good campaigner All the districts lost
In 18S1 ! would bo .ccaqtured.
"I won't nay what majority I expect to
have , " paid the Hon. John A , Martin , rcpub
lican candidate for governor of Kansas , ' 'but
it will bo enough nnd to tpurc. Blaine will
carry the state by 00V000 , nnd I hope not to bo
fur behind. There is no fusion In Kansas ,
The democrats and groonbafclters nro running
hf'ptrnto doctoral tickets , and then wo have n
prohibition electoral ticket , but it will not cut
any figure In the result. It won't got 5,1X10
votes In the state. 1'hu rofmbmiitlon move
ment will not materially affect thestato ticket.
Their fight ia for tha legislature , which has con
trol of that question. Of course , I will lose
some votes from tlilffsourco , but , I trust not
many. Wo will also aond atolld delegation of
republicans back to congress. "
ExGqv. . Goorjro T. Anthony , of Knnsan ,
spoke quite hopefully of republican prospects.
"I to bo n lixod fact , " ho said , ' 'that
Blaine will carry Now Yori. There has boon
some dissatisfaction among the business cle
ment and eotnq disposition to
vole for Cleveland. This giow
largely out of thq failure to nomi-
hate Arthur , who was much liked by these
citizens. But I find th&t thisfocling has been
growing weaker day by. , day ns the election
draws near , nnd they are coming back to the
support of the patty nil the time. I believe
that the movement will have practically died
out by November . Our people expeot to
win a substantial victory In Ohio , and tills will
nut nil tlio boltern back into our raukrj. 1
heard n good deal nbolit the Germans going
ever to Cleveland befot * I left Kansis. Well ,
I can't find nwtravifof It. You will bo told
that in 'cucli-a i ify.y 9 Germans are solid
for the domafculftftiiikV , . You go there and
they sajvltjsirteietMci ) ibut tell you it exists
hvBomoTstnarplBCvi.Vy I hen 3-011 eamotoeift
| fnit. But Ido
_ „ . . . of Taratnany in-
General James B/NbfileV , STTHtsburg , said
Bloine would curry Penn < ylKinla by fiO00 ( !
majority , and that in epitoof tha piojectod
fusion batvvpcn the democrats and green-
backers , which is about lo be clfoctod on
the basis of olght electors for Butler and
twenty-two for Cleveland. The scheme look
ed very pretty on paper , but it wouldn't work.
Ono issue nlimo In 1'cnniylyania was snllicient
to glvo the state to lilaino the turilT. It
would dominate the camp.ilgn in that state ,
and , takou in conjunction with Blalno's per-
honal pnjmlailty , it would svvoep the docks
There was some loss to be anticipated among
the laboring element in the mining' icglonf ,
who , owing to ettikcs , were now Idle and con
sequently in want and diee.itisfied. but it
vvoult not materially alfect the result. It was
from this sourea that the people's party ux-
poclod heavy gains , They had at a past
election under the t'arb of grcenbackors cist
as high ns 28,000 votes , but when they at
tempted to deliver these votes ovnr _ to the
democrats , who alone could bo bauoliciaries effusion
fusion , they were apt to ho sadly deceived.
The prohibition vet would bo tinder 25,000 ,
although the St , John men claimed 60,000.
Altogether ( Joneral Xeglpy felt well satisfied
with the outlook , and said ho hoped that the
republicans of other states would have ns easy
a victory as the republicans of the Keystone
\ii Kntlmslamlo Mcctlnc ol Antl-
and noinocrittH.
Special dispatch to THK Bn : .
SIDNIIV , September 23. The Cleveland and
Hendricki club held a ratificition mooting last
night at Masonic hall. lion. Wrri. Xovllle
and iludgo C. Kseig were the principal oralois.
The stale issues were thoroughly dissected by
iron. Win. Neville , The anti-monopolists and
democrats gave him an enthusiastic reception ,
'Iho Twenty first infantry band discoursed
excellent music.
HrnnilinilTf > rtlb Ia > nUoluU1y pure
I'lnrn a ran lop flown on u liutituvn until hfntod.thoi
I'IIIIIIM thn L avuraii'l HMiiill. A clu inlbt will not bo rv-
to dutuct Uio inuacncu of aiiuiiunU.
us ntiunu'iALsj IUH NEVER an
I ll n million hoirioi far n > | Uni1rr of a centurjr It Ijftl
itvuj ttiu connuniorii1 rotlulifo tc'Hl ,
CO. ,
N < KI'.HI < r
Dr , Price's ' Special Flavoring Exlracls ,
71i lroptftitiuotdtllcl6bu ( Badu ( urilfl > * 6riitonnao4
Dr , Price's Lupulln Yeast Gems
( or I.I.-Ut , llcnllhy lirra < l,1h l ! it Ury Hup
Yrmt tu tiiu V.'orlil.
The LonisTlilc Whisky Failnrcs De-
yelopcs Criminal Cbaraclertstics ,
An Angered Widower Kills His
Dead Wife's ' Paramour ,
A Lae Vegas Bank Undermined
by Burglars ,
A Dostruotivo Railway Accident
in Illinois ,
A British Tourist Killed on the
Mountains !
Ftroa Holler anil 1'owilcr
Mm-ilcrs SuloldoH
Minor MUliupn.
Hovi ro Itnllvvay Aooldont ,
BlooviiNiirox , Illlnolfl , Septcmbor 23. At
two this inornlng a collision occurred on tlio
the Chicago & Alton between Caynga and
1'aducah Junction in damage was
douo to rolling stoclc. The south bound night
express leaving Chicago nt ! ) p. m , , broke n
pieton and haltad on the grade. A freight
train which loit Caotiga goinp suutli just be
hind it , not flagged in
time to stop on the wet , slippery
tiaek and crashed into the rear of the pawn-
ger train , dot-ailing and wiecUlng two sleeper ? ,
the locomotive of the height and fifteen cars
of inerchandUc , all of which vvpro consumed
amidst a torrilio thunder uuil rain storm. All
the pasaonBors' baggage was destroyed. The
los to the comp .ny in at least 810,000. J. ] ' .
Xcubliii , of the Baltimore & Ohio Telegraph
company , had n badly sprained ankle ; Con
ductor Carson , of the nleepcr , was bruised
about the hips ; Itobort Jnckson , pot tor of the
sleeper , cut , mid bruised. Doth of
these men were sent back to Chicago. ( ililford , of thu freight train ,
was hurled from Iho car , and picked up inson
slblo and taken to Bloomlngton for niodical
treatment. Dr. Warren , of J'hiladelphla , and
Dr. Willbank , passengers , cured for the
woundod. A little boy of J ( ! . Jlraudt , of St.
Louis , vvns badly hurt about the hipi while In
the Hloopor. Knplncei- Watts and flrcmiui
Jones , of tlio froJRht. jumped Jrutn their en
gine afthr reversing and apnlymg the bienlcH
anil when but a few feet trom thu paRaougor
train , ui.d vveio badly cut about tlio ho.ul and
The DetailH or tlio fioiiHutlonnl AVIiis-
Ity Failure nt Iidiilsvllle.
LOUSVII.I.B , Ky. , Septombar L'3. Develop
ments this afternoon in the aseigiimrnt of
Nowcomb , Buchanan & Co. were of a. BCIIS.I-
Jonal nature. Heretofore the assignments of
i.ho company were ajiiiidenil as fotmnl peti
tions for extension of time , In which lo tuko
* * > v .l7r'gl' j3SiWJ IP tmi \ i ij
Nwflflrimmod n.aa < lgnteoinaWOTanTOpo |
Bltion of all the property of the cartners for I r
the benefit of the creditors. Very Httlo sou- , v
sation was occasioned , tbo predominant fool
ing being ono of logrot that the litni had gonu
under. George C. und Andiow Buclianim )
left the city on Sunday , leaving no clew to ,
their whereabouts. It was then that the first
suspicion of crookedness was aroused and ru
morn set alioat. Humors now say tlio firm bos
made impiopur ttsoof money Hout them by
customers to pay tax on whisky which they
had sold. Another is that they have lypotho-
cated loceipts for whisky ont.of bond which >
ilid not represent floods deKcribod upon the
face-of thoHO tntuipts. Itmnors first took
tangible form this afternoon when ( loorgp W.
Nbrrls , tlio assignee of thn company , resigned
and turned the entho business ever to the
Fidelity Ttust company. The catino , It is ' '
said , ot HIM stop on tlio part of Is'orris was
tbo finding of affairs In such n complicated
condition as to cause grout
trouble in straightening them out. H is
said that the uscwmlH of the liim are in much
wow condition than Iho most despondent
ciedilors had supposed. The holders of ii"
ceipts immediately titihed to the collector's
oflita to ecu if duplicates had been made , nnd
It is positively stated , but not by the internal if
rovonno dojiartmont , thnt 1,000 bonded wiito-
lioiiHo receipts have been discovoiod which
liavo been duplicated , A gentleman vvho
has hnd intimate business nnd personal rela
tions with both members of the firm , and is in , '
n petition to know what ho positively asserts
to be true , said to an nssucintcd press teporter , - .
"You nmy safely Bay that the indications nto ' . ,
that ( Jeoigo nnd Andrew have joined 1'ayno
and Viley and Htm and tlio rest of thorn
in Canada. Tlio theory of sukido
will not do , for surely both parties did not become -
como ln ano at the same moment , anil ncltlior
is to bo found. Thorn is no index except lethe
the crookedness iud fjight from law , The
ansots of the llncliunuim is iiiimciito , but can
not bo mnilo immodiatcly avadablo. The
first assignment in March , IK ? ' ' , amounted to
only u siiHpnihloii. At that time the liabili
ties vveio *,000. ( The Bu
chanans included in tlio assignment
about h.riOO,000 of pcn < oiial property which
wus oxenipt from mditorH. An exlontiim Q
was granted "nil until 1K8U the company was f
successful in operation und dlHcharged about
ono-fifth of its llabilitios. Another axsl miiuiil
was made , this time UioilobU of tlio linn tig-
gregatod * 1COOUUO , with a total value of as
sets f $ L''tO,000. ( )
Snluiilo JtoKiiltK In Ilur
I'nniinonr'H Murder.
KKOXVIM.I : , Tonn. , Soptombar 211. A
Hpecial lo tha Tribune from Greenville , ! > > :
milcH cast of Knoxville , Hays that .Major (
JMwin Henry was Hhot and imttantlv killed
about eleven this motiilni ; by Captain JI. T.
Johnson at llaysville , ( iiceno county. John-
mm left ( ircenvillo lust night , armed with n
double shot gun , In a hugiy ; in company with
a negro , Tlu.y rode tvvulvo iiiilen Into the
country and Hpimt the remainder uf tin
night in a stable. Learning that Henry wax
in n fctoro near , Johnirin rnihod out ,
took lleniy by Hiiriri | o and "hot him twite
the lirnt Hhot taking effect in the body , the
nocond in the toinplo , killing him instantly.
( JIIicMM who had started In pursuit of John-
mil met him returning , having alioady Mir-
rendoieil lo local ullicor-i. Ciijitidn JolniHon
1ms been In purHidtof .Major Jluury fori > oveial
weeks , but tlf latter lias been fiiding in the
immtitams. Jo nsun Hworn to kill Henry on
night , but lluuiy eluded him till to iluy.
C'upUm .lohiison hold thu olhco of United
KtatcH claims ciiiiimb'BliniFr , mid ho and Ids
ulfu bwudoil ut Iho Hiunohutol In Oiecnvillo
vvliero Henry ulno boarded , Hunry was alioul
lifty yeais old and had a wife and children in
I.MUAVAroi.lH , I.NU. Hoptombor L'3. A
ilmnmil ipeviiil loportstho kllllugof Kdvvln
Henry by Captain Johunon at HayHvIllu Ton-
to-day , This In the second act In the
' which began _ lout _ fall In this cily of
wlidru JuhiKon uiid""liis famlly"then resided.
On N'ov. SO 1883 , Mrs. Johnson committed
suicide. After her I'efUh rumor * \vrro chculc-
It'll to the effect that the cruelty of her bus-
band was tholnspblng cai o of her taking her
life , and Johnson to excnlpato hiniiflf gave
to thn imbbe n number of letters written by
Mrs Johnson In horhnsKind , in onn which shu
admitted that impioiier relations had existed
Itotween liprHelf and Henry. These letters
were written in a style at oucn graphic and
imwrrfiil , nnd their publlcatlnn attracted wide
attention. Johnson l a well known lawyer
and political speaker , but for BOIIIO time | ) ast
hvs held apnoition In the IMJIIMOII service of
the t-iniTinnont , the dntlnn of which ro < | inrod
his presence In Toune eo. Ho tlm-ivtoned
alter the death of his wife that ho would kill
One oftlio TMost KotiHntlnnnl llnrglnr *
ICH nn Kecnnl ,
liKNVEii , Col. , September I1 : } , Yesterday
morning the exshlor of Iho t'irst Xallonal bank
of Lea Yoga' , N. M. , became couvlncad that
robbcrw were tunneli'ug from the adjoining
building lJ the vault in the bank. Guards
were immediately placed in and around the
Imik. Theno Insldo ob erved the masonry of
the vault to bo gradually sinking ; The rob.
berit beneath worked on Ignorant of their dan
ger. At one o'clock n Mexican volunteered to
go down in the collar nnd Investigate. Ho
had taken n low steps on the "lairs , when ho
RIVVV Homo ono coining up. The Mexican fired
without a word , nnd the malt fell , nnd
the bixl.y was brought out. The vvatlin-mu be-
pan tearing up the floor In the bank nnd adjoin
ing building. Them is nn evident intention to
shoot the lubber * on sight. The work H slow ,
the men fearing to got within rxngo of these
below , vho nt tunes niesoon rushing from ono
Miadow to another. Up to this tlmo nothing
more of this hido- and seek gaum has been
done. The tlead robbnr la recognized as otio
of the iiw > .oiis who built the vaults. The o\-
citement Is
intense t
Jnincs 1'turson , thn doid robber , was well
known and iopnctcd. Ho loaves consider
nblo property. Ho died before divulging his
confedoiatcH , A close inspection of the tun
nrl Into this ovonlng by the jiolico failed to
find the other robbers. The Huppoiition is
that tliuy were outside , The ollicorn claim
they have possession of a cine , nnd hnpo to
npprohond thu remainder of the gang A trip
through thu tunnel shows long and patlenl
work on the part of the robbers , the tunnel
being sixty foot In length , and constructed on
scientific principles , containing provision * ,
water , nnd a full outfit of mining tools. It
must have been thruo months in construction.
A British TourlHtH Tragic Knil. , W\o. September 23. A
der Hpecial from Port AIcKinnny Wyoming
Bays : The mangled and lifeless body of Gil
lie'Kh , member of the British parliament ,
was found at thn base of n precipitous clilf in
the Big Horn mountains. Leigh was out herewith
with amilnll Knglisli plcasmo party. Ho left
eami ) on the 1 Ith iiut. for a stroll aii'l ' was
not heard of nftenvards till olght days' Honrch
royenled his dead body. The icmains will bo
shipped to lvmIaml. ;
IiOHt with Flfiy HonlH.
I.ONIION , September 23. Allri'i-Ot ' gunboat
w.i'i wrecked elf Tarry Ii'land on the west
coast of Irolaml to-day. 1'ifty persons were
drowned ,
LONDON , September 211. - Kifty-two pontons
on bond thuVasp were drowned. Among
fifty-eight , all oll'tcorc , only ( tlx persons were
Hiived. ( ) n the rocky count when ) the disaster
occurred it is impossible to usu small boats in
re-ouoBhips' crews , ,
rcmlor nsshtnuco nnd ' obtain details of iho
ivrcek of the gunboat Wasp. The weather
V.1H hazy when she struck. About 3 o'clock
n the inoining the ofllcur of the watch
irdored sail set for the pmposo
f stendylni ; the boat , ns bumpy sea
vas on. His orders were being car-
led out , when the WUPII. which
van gioatly out of bur COUIMO , suddenly nnd
vlthout the slightest warning ; struck upon the
ock. The vesRel rebounded into deep water.
t was found uponexnnilnation llrtt n gaping
Kilo had been made in her bow nnd it would
o impossible for her to keep afloat. Six. of
ho crow who escaped and HO by clinging to
yreckago from which they were picked up by
islilng boats. Tliu wasp founded
ihoiit forty feet from the light house. Her
mists aio visible nlwvo the water. The sur
'ivorH when rescued V.OIQ terribly exhausted.
I'lioy were taken to the fight house , where
liny Htill i emain. The pea botvvoen the light
ioiiso and the main land is very rough. Com-
iiiiulc.ition with the former is almost impoa-
i\'ivv : YOIIK , Soptumbor 2II. The chairman
Iho cnmnnttco on securities at thu stock
ivchiingii unnonncoH that the New York , Chi-
aigo mid St. l.ouin Hallway company has
vlthdravvn n cavlat against nil second mort-
'nk'e bonds in fluid to have been hypothecated
iy Giant > t Ward exci'iiting the past duo con-
ions thoicon. Ulchatd T. Novvcombo and
luinnsit. . .Sinllli were appointed nceivcrs of
lie BankerH and Merchants Tulegrnph com-
i.uiy. The olliclals of the Missouri
I'acifio railroad company state that
Lho application uf the London Stock IX-
Jiaiigo to list the Missouri I'acifio bonds
lins been gianted. Louisville it Naahvlllo
ilitocloiH niter prolonged meeting adjourned
until to-morrow without taking dolinlto ac
Lion on Iho now linaiiclal plan for the rcllof uf
Iho company ,
INIMANAI'OMN , September -Joseph !
Cower , aged 1H , was hanged hero thid morning
for the minder of his father in IKS ! ! .
KliKSHliuiti , , Pa. , Heiitembor S.'l. Michael
Murray was hanged hero this aftanuon at liC : !
o'clock In Iho pieHenuu of 125 persons , for the
murder of John Handcuff in 18M. Ho con-
fesxcd thn murder but said it was duo lo witch
craft of coitiiiu persons.
Holler lOxploBinn.
Kil/.AHKril , N , J , , September at. A boiler
In Wltltr'b brewery exploded tliij uvoning.
l''mgmonls were thrown Ihrungli the roof anil
iOO feet frum tint hiiilding. Tliobievverv Im
modialvly took liio and was consimied with it ) .
oiitentu. l'W. ' . Baurer's ( /rocuiy adjoining
wwi alu ) di'stroyod with nlorlc. Lo-s ! fl'i,000 ! ;
inuiiiancu iibouE ! < 10'X)0. ) Two iiiun are ru
ported Killed.
Fatal U.\i > loHlon ,
12t ; Ui.Ainu' , Wis , Sojitembor 2iTids ) ev
jf ft lire started in u Lidhllng uiied in n
fin powder and other c.xplmires. An
itviofilon | ! occnrrod , killing a man named Sul
livan , nnd Injuring tlueu others , Xo other
Hlfnolc hy Lljrl
Special tolegiam to the BII : : ,
MIHHOLIII VI.LIla. : . , Suiitomber 2.t , To
Jay whllo u heavy storm was in progress , four
men named : Krodt , Kullogtr , Snydcr and one
iiiiknovvii vveio struck by lightning , Uno man
Vollovv \vor ) In nio.xlco.
Cirv or Muxici ) , September 23 , There
worn 'only 2li deaths fiom yellow fever at
Mu/atlan during August , uud not are re
ported uliico.
Iunli ot i1. 1 1 I'.tlltor.
DAVKNTOIIT , Towo , September 23. I'todor
Ick S. Nicholn , editor in chief of the Mem
phis Avalanche died thin morning of p.iralyuis
thu brain , In apparently good he.dth. ile
way 51 yoarauld ,
Tbc BnlliDg Synflicalc on ( he Corn
Market Uaflcr ConlroL
After Monday's ' & andExoito-
nient o lange
" 7 ? "
Corn Appoarosterday / High
but red , "
General Bolaat / the Squeeze
. ' ib _ ast ,
CJattlo and Hogs Overstocked
and Declining ,
Stoclc Speculation In New York Mc-
lircBHCd "NVhcnl Unchanged
ProvlsIotiH Unlntfresting
nnd Slow.
Tito Cat Mound HOR Jtnrkote.
Special t clod ram hrtlio IKI ! : .
ClIlCAdO , September 2M. Then' waa about
0,000 head of Texan and territorial rangers
among the fresh arrivals , leaving only about
2,000 natives on salo. The market was dull
nnd dragging with another drop of 10 to IGo
on common to medium native steers , nnd 10
to 15o on all descriptions of range stock , tnak
ing a decline , ns compared \vith tlio highest
last vveok , equal to dO to 7oJ on common nnd
medium uativo steers , nnd CO to 7Cc on range
stock , The chances nro that unless the 10-
cclpts fallal ! the decline will reach $1.00 per
100 , Native fat cattle were scarce , some ft no
drovers have been marketed during the last
week nt Ii BO to 7 10. Bnt the same class and
samu quality would not sell forever
over 0 7 < i to 0 00 tins week. Young
stock for feeding continued to IMJ
wanted. Orders are hero from all parts , nnd
suitable stock is bold almost on arrival. There
has boon no accumulation and no break in thu
prides for the past fortnight. Nieo young cat
tle , averaging 000 to 700 pounds , arc selling at
it 25 to It 75 ; feeders , averaging SOO to 000 , sell
ing atI 00 to ! fiO. There were six loads of
stock calves on the market to-day at current
quotation ! ! , llnngors are about as follows :
TuxniiH , 3 CO to ( f.O ; Texas bulls. 4 75. A
drove of Montana natives sold for 5 CO , nnd a
drove of half-broods at > l " 5. Bulls and till-
500 toli 15 ; inferior 'to 'fair , 1,000 to 1,200
pounds , 1 75 to f > 80. Kango cattle sales : 23-1
Wyoming , 1,153 pounds 70 ; 1S1 Wyoming ,
1,1(51 ( pounds , 1 20 ; 2aO Texan ? , 'J.'ll pounds ,
I 25 ,
The course of this market continues down
ward , lcceiptx ! nru increasing nnd the outlook
seems llko lower prices for some time. Thu
market is dull and their is a decidedly bearish
fueling nil along thu line. To-day prices
dropped a strong 10. Common niul mixed
selling at 510@5 20 ; good mixed , 5EO@570
nnd bust heavy , 5 S0n ( > 20. Skips nnd gra sore -
ore , -1 C0475 , assorted light , 5 25@5 00 ; light
W ! ) to 22.J pounds , 2 25@2 0.
Ilttlo excitement on Change this morning.
At the opening , there was some tun or tvvelvo
minutes of suspense before a bid for Septem-
Jer corn was recorded , and when first quota
tion was marked , being 70 , exactly the closing
"iguro of last night , there was a feeling of reef -
! of among thu shorts who had apparently
'cared a big bulge nt the utart. October open
ng nt CSjf , advanced immediately to CO. for the satno montl opeued at7 < > 3 , but
mt HOOU dropped off Jc. The early appear-
nnco in corn pit seem to indlcato that Jaiqo
roceiptH were acting as a sort of damper on the
nanlpulators. There were SC5 cars of corn
if good average grades. The action of the
corn markets nnd particularly of thu Soptoin-
10r deal was characterized by ono of the
crowd to-day ns , "tired. " Theto was a good
leal said to the affect that local shorts were
iliotit all filled and also "scared shorts" elso-
vvhorn wherever they had existed. It is now
jollevod by many that the present caru of the
corner managers is to ditect their attention to
Lho crowd of slift necked and obstinate shorts
in Baltimore. No ono is prepared to say ,
liovvovor , how true this is. Locally speaking ,
the manipulators were given a resting spell.
Thu demand was so licht in the early part of
the Hcason that prices dropped front 70
of the opening to 71 Jo. Toward the closu the
| irico was put to 7C o through the purchase of
sir lot" , Low being the principal buyer. As
Lo the identity of the corner managers , epecn-
laliiui is as nctivo and unsatisfied as ever. A
ijood many of Armour's fiiwida nro _ quoted as
laying that Armour is in no way interested.
On the authoiity of a member of thu board ,
whoso statements nro usually listened to with
attention , then ) are reasons to believe thnt
the worst of the corn squeeze is ovor. His
opinion Is slmied by a good many. Their
chief reason for thinking so is the indication
that thu corner crowd are now soiling oil' Octo
ber ns well ns September as much or more
than thuy are buying. By a cluvor manner
of disposing of tha broken H the manipulators
are said to bu nblo to sell a good deal whllo
itppuiotitly running as light a corner ns over.
At the close of the afternoon session the inHaled -
Haled option was quoted at 75c , with October-
atCSJe. Thoho prices seemed togivonddi
Uonal probability to the theory above men
tioned. Wheat cloned butter at 77c , There
was a rumor In circulation about noon that an
injunction hnd boon applied for in the Interest
of corn shorts. It was ulso said that at the
meeting this nftornoon of Iho board of trade
the directors of the marginablo prices would
bu fixed on the present September deal.
Androwa' Joarl D.ilcinc Powder. , 1 ! > *
' 'vd ' > l URE , JldusfndorsCtl.andtcitlmonialJi
Kscolvtxl trom t" ' . \ ciivinlsti asB. IMnu Hay * , lios-
nil ; M. Delifiiutaiiu' , of Chleago ; cuij
iJoile. . Jlllva.nUce. Never fcold iu bulb