Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1884, Page 6, Image 8

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Tuesday Morning September 23
HyC rrlcr . . . . . . ? . * ' *
- - - . . $10.00 l > cr J
ornoE :
Hi. 7 r ftrt Stroot.tNoar Broadway ,
Boo J. Roltor'a now fall stock of cloth * .
The United States court is expected to
open business to-day.
Charles Austin , a tinted young man ,
was arrested yesterday for thumping his
The now Homo of the Friondlos
bailding will bo ready for occupancy this
John Nicholson will open the saloon
on Broadway next to the Union avenue
Nick Webber , arrested for boating hia
wife , was yesterday lot oflf with a fmo as
a plain drunk.
The land league have a dance at the
rink this evening. Supper will bo fur-
ulahcd there also.
Justice Sclmrz is said to bo perfecting
what promises to bo a profitable invention
tion a noiseless automatic break.
The "X. Y. 'A" club ia to give a recep
tion and supper -at the Congregational
church Friday evening. Admission free.
One of the policemen brought In n
drunken prisoner on a wheelbarrow Sun
day night. "Dandy" calls it "tho ono-
wheeled control wagon. "
Miss Harris , the well-known pianisto ,
who has many friends and acquaintances
hero , is giving a 'aorios * of recitals in the
college chapel at Tabor , the last to bo
this evening.
The Semi-annual mooting of the Coun
cil Bluffs association of Congregational
churches all will bo hold in Tabor com
mencing to-day , and continuing three
Arrangements are being made to have
a night gang of workman put onto the
work of paving Broadway , oloctrio lights
to bo used. The object IB to hurry up
the work.
The improvements being made on Mr.
Hancock's residencecorner Third avenue
and Eighth street , make it ono of the
most pleasing residences in the city in
Michael Boyle was before Justice Ab
bott yostordry on a charge of threatening
io shoot Patrick Linnoy , but the justice
did not doom the evidence sufficient , and
discharged him.
Yesterday afternoon there was a lively
f row In Bokompor's saloon , on Main
etreot , in which Still Bates and Bill Oulp
I were the participants. A billiard cue
and fiats proved oil'octivo weapons.
Mrs. H. A. Miller , the aged mother
II of the late Mrs. Dr. Lice , yesterday suf
fered a paralytic stroke and it is feared
I flho will not recover. She is eighty-two
years of ago , and has boon In poor health
for aomo time , but lately has socmod
much bettor , until yesterday morning
when aho received this stroke. :
, ! There was a lively racket at Mollie
Wallace's house yesterday , the land-lady
being absent and the girls having their
own way. They gave a lively chatro to
two white men , who had como "foolln"
'round and excited them. They chased
the follows clear to Broadway threaten
ing them with bottles and bricks.
Hiram Blaok was yesterday put under
bonds by Justice Schurz to keep the
peace. A. 0. Brazoo was the complain
ant who claimed that Black had threatened
onod to kill him. It appears that Brazoo
has lately boon getting a divorce from
his wife , and claimed that Black had talc-
on some part in destroying the family fe
licity. This has caused some 111-fooliii
between the two.
Tlicro is a patrol wagon being built
for the city by H. F. Ualtonhauor. \ A
patrol wagon would prove quite a conven
ience , but will bo qulto expensive if an
additional horse and driver is needed ,
and just now it is said that the city
iioeds a now hoao wagon oven more than
they do a patrol wagon. The lioso wag
on driven by Chas. Nicholson is almost
ready to tumble down , and a now ono is
needed there.
A mooting of the city council ia to bo
called for Wednesday evening , and
Mayor Yaughau will present his report
of Bales of bonds then , It was supposed
that the purpose of calling the citizens
together Saturday night was to state
those facts , but it appears that his olllc'ml
report ia to bo made to the council , and 8
% vill then bo made public.
"it matters not whether the republicans
turn out ono hundred or flvo hundred
men with torches , the democratic globule
always follows it up with its storootypot
ntatomont that there were "only CO , ant
thoao were bought up at fifty cents
each , and the parade consisted of a few
men , darkoys , and boys. " If the demo
cratic glimmer must toll some sort of
lie , lot it tell a now ono occasionally , jutl
for a change.
It seomn n g od dotl of a puzzle as to
what ran bo done with Dayliss park ,
The sidewalks about the park have boon
raised by filling , BO that the whole park
is loft below grade , making a largo basin
for standing water in mi ay times. It
will cost a great deal uf money to fill the
entire park and raise it to grade , buaidos
destroying the present sod , The city of
ficials do not weem to know ti hat to do
about it. In ruing weatnor the walkaj {
are bo muddy and the couthwcat part of Jt j
the park eo flooded that 1'coplo cannot
past t''rough. '
fc A wild steer ycttcrdcy did its beat to
stir up sensations on Broadway. Whore
the stcor came from or where it finally
wont to , or to whom it belonged ia net
known. The first noticed of it was on
upper Broadway , where it came running
al6ng , and made for a boy who was on
the sidewalk. Then at the corner ol
Main and Broadway , the steer made for
two ladies , and run ono of them , Mrs.
Win. Hardin up ngalnat Oflicor it PC
soy's bank , but strangely enough oho escaped
capod serious injury , although she waa
pressed against the wall and between the
horns of the beast. The steer them con
Untied its wild career , and as ho made for
ono of the workmen on the pavln ; ; , ho
having a heavy lover uplifted in his
hands , dropped it on the animals heat
and skipped out. The ulcer did not
scorn to bo affected by the blow , but con
tinned a gallop down Broadway towarc
the better lands.
Seine of Mic Fourth Avenue 1'ropor
ly Owncru Knjoln I Mo Collecting
oi Special ABHCsttmcnts ,
A petition has boon filed in the circuit
court signed by Samuel Underwood , II.
H. Motcalf , E. E. Woodbury , J. J.
Dickey , James Patterson , George Mar
shall , A. T. FHckincor , Thomas Oflicor ,
and others , setting forth that they are
owners of Iota in Baylias' addition , and
that the city in 1883 passed an ordinance
ordering Fourth avenue filled to grade ,
and that the coat of the same to bo
charged up to to the respective" lots
abutting on that street. The filling was
dcno in November and Dccombor , 1883 ,
and in January , 1881 , and plalntifls
claim that at that time there
was no law authorizing said prodocdinga ,
and hence it was illegal. They fur the
state that the city Issued notlco to the
property owners to appear at a mooting
of the council and show cause , if any ,
irhy such cost of filling should not be
; axed up to their property. They did
thus appear , and filed written objections ,
which were disregarded , and the taxes
were certified up to the board of super
visors. The petitioners asked that a
omporary writ of injunction bo isauod ,
restraining the collection of these amounts
until the legality of the proceedings
: ould bo passed upon in court. Judge
dyman has granted the temporary writ.
Another injunction case concerning
improvements came up yesterday. It
yaa Josao M. Smith vs. James and 0. P.
Wickhara. Mr. Smith sots forth that ho
a the owner of a lot on North Main
street , and that ho has now on hand
ntono for crushing as required by the city
ordinance and that ho has boon ready to
iut it in place tor two months past , but
Jiat owing to the city tilling trenches
and doing other work , ho has boon pre
vented , and now the Wickhama who are
.ho contractors , are getting ready to put
n the curbing. Horrants to put in his
own , and claims that the only interest
of the Wickhama is to put in their own
curbing and obtain an oxhorbitant price
.horofor , and have the aamo taxed up to
its property. On this showing Judge
Aylosworth yesterday granted a tompo-
ary writ of injunction rcstrahiing the
iVickhams from putting in the curbing.
% Vhoroln Itanium Dld'orH.
The Chicago Tribune in a lengthy ar-
iclojiralslng Barnum's show which ia , to
> o hero Thursday , says :
Barnumisa smarter man than the
cing of Siaui , who is said to bo the lord
of many elephants , for , though it costs as
nuch to food and clothe an elephant in
> iam an in America , the great American
bowman makes his atablea of these ox-
) onsivo boasts pay him a profit. It pays
> otter to have the genuine ar' ' iclo. For
nstanco , there are those Nubian
Arabs. Nobody doubts they
are genuine. Speaking of olo-
ihnnh , it seems that Jumbo has had hia
nose or trunk put out of joint by the
white elephant. Though since last sea
son the old favorite has aoominuly added
some inches to his height , the crowd
seems to gather inoatly about the lingo
animal whoso color is that of a bright
stone-front house.
There seems to bo something about
Itanium's show that brings out the better
tor class of people. Yesterday in the
chairs could bo soon the same faces that
ono is familiar with at Herahcy hall , at
Dontral Musio hall , or at the theatre.
The great canvas , itself a curiosty , is
capable of sheltering 15,000. The saw
dust is the cleanest , the tan-bark the
froahest. There are throe rings and a
argo stage , and performances going on
n each at the same time , so that the
eyes aVe almost wearied with the constant
juccosslon of nets. Two or three mat-
era common to the old-timo circua have
joon removed. The clown with hia vul
gar joke has boon suppressed in hia lo
quacity , though something llko a dozen
woarora of the motly are permitted to
Lumblo about for the amusement of those
who like it. The vendors of peanuts ,
iomonado , etc. , are forbidden to outer the
Xlcul Kstnto
The following transfers were filed in
the county clerk's oillco Yesterday and re
ported for Tun BKB by 1 * . J. McMahon ,
September 25 , ISS'l :
Isabella D. Sherwood to Horace Ever
ett , E Jif N E qr and N E qr S E qr Sec.
, tr/p 'ID , range -12. Consideration
§ 3,000.
County treasurer to Perry Reel , lot1
in sect I ) , twp 70 , rg11. . § 81.88.
Loudon Multin lo Thomas 0. Jollorla ,
It 220 , original plot Council Bluffs. 50.
Pptor Hanson ot al to Mordl Pcdor
Christnscn , part sect 21) ) , twp 77 , rg 4U ,
Harry S. CJroon to Lewis 0. Green
8 hf S W qr nnd N YV qr S W cir S
twp 77 , rg a'J. ' § 100.
Total saloa U251.88 !
Stnolc SlilpmoniH ,
Chaa. A. Lainpur , 1 car hogs. G2 head ,
ObiciyoviaU. I.
John Wiyaina , 1 cur hogs < ! 2 head ,
CliiciiL'O via 11. 1.
0. BOWCB , 1 cur oattlo GO head Bavaria ,
Neb , , viaK. 0.
L. C , Baldwin , 0 oara cattle 100 head ,
Chiuago via Northwcatorn.
Oil in. Hcinior. 1 car cattle COO head ,
llndOik via 0. U. ifcQ ,
11 , W. Noble , 1 car cattle 2(5 ( head ,
Dillon. Mont. , via L1. P.
0. F. Blita 1 car hogs GO head , Oblca
< o via H 1.
Chamberlain & Daly M cars cattle 205
law ) , Chicago via Milwaukoo.
M. Mclaughlin 1 car horeca U bead ,
R'ubmond ' , liid , via 11. I ,
Chief of 1'ollco Skinner gone to
on n brief % isit.
Mm. McCllntoek has returned from aisit
to Crowd ) , Neb.
, T. U. Hume , of Oconlo , Wls. , was at the
1'acifio yo lerday.
H. I * Miller loft yesterday for a trip
throiifih Nebraska. '
Capl. A. Overtoil slntli to-day on a trip lo
Arkansas looking after his lumber interests.
A. 15. Tliornoll , of .Sidney , the republic
candldnto for district attorney , was at the
I'ncific yeiterday ,
Col. II. J. Abbott loa\cs to-day f r Chicnfjo
to gft treolmont for ncrvoin troubles , liii
hcnlth bcliii ? rather poor of Intc.
0. Q. Kico has been confined to his house
now for nbont tlirci ; weeks with illness , of the
malarial type , and seems to bo gaining but
Mrs. T. A. Clark and daughter muo re
turned from an onjoynblo trip through the
wont , with Mr. Clark , who is civil engineer
for the Union 1'nclfic train.
COUNCIL 13LWF3 , IOWA , Sept. 22 , 1884
Whcmt-No , 1 milling , C0@03 ; No. 3 , E0@
CO : rejected I C.
Corn Local purposes , 35(5) ( ) 40.
Outs For local purposes , 3o@40 ,
Hny 810 00@lioO per ton ; baled , CO@CO
Kyo I0@16o.
Corn 1 30 per 100 pounds.
Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 0 00 ©
Coal Dollvorod , hard , 11 CO per ton ; soft
C 00 per ton
Lnrd Falrbnnk's , wholesaling ftt OJc.
IHour-City flour , 1 G0@3 30 ,
Brooms 2 95@3 00 per doz.
Cattle Butcher cowa 3 00@3 23. Butcher
ulcers , -1 OOto I 23.
Bhoop 3.GO.
Hogs 123 ® 1 C3.
rnonucE AND raons.
Quotations by J. M , St. John & Co. , com-
mlsnion merchants , C38 Broadway.
Poullry Llvo old hens , 7c ; spring chickens ,
2 23@1 ! CO per doz.
1'oaclios J bus. box , 100.
Lemons ! 50 @ 5 00 per box.
Butter Creamery , 18@20c ; choice country
He.Kggs 1 ( ! per dozen.
Vegetables Potatoes , 30 ® lOc per bushel ;
onloiia , < IO@COc per bu ; apples , chcico cooking
or eating , 2 50 ; boane , 1 T5@2 00 per
juahol ; Sweet uotntooa 00 uer bbl.
Sliot "While Hunting.
A young man named Hans Petersen
while hunting with some others near
Crescent City Sunday afternoon got separ
ated from the party , and not returning
was searched for and found lying on the
; ronnd with a terrible wound In his aide ,
lia gun having evidently gone off accl-
dontly. It is said that no hope was en-
ortaincd of hia recovery.
There will bo an important ) business
nooting at the Congregational church to
morrow evening. Members of the con-
; rogalion and all interested are requested
o attend.
F.'cnch mul Gorman.
Mrs. Wostcott , a competent instructor
at 00-1 Main street , ia prepared to give
> rlvato lessons in French and Gorman ,
jho uses the latest and best methods , by
rhich ono can readily master these Ian-
[ uagos. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' Jls * do AVnyWict do Democrats. "
Colored Orator in Texas.
"Do dimocrata , gonlmon , doy blows ,
an' doy blows , on" doy blows ; doy re-
min'a mo ob a nigger dat wont fishin'
ncot , an' ho caught n great big catfish.
Vn' ho run a airing three hia gill , an' ho
icd him to a tree an * wont on down
lo stream a fishin' . , Presently anodder
n'ggor came along , an' ho caught a little
) it or catfish , an' ho tied htm to a tree an *
vent on up do crook a fishin' . After a
vhilo do last man ho como back an' ho
mil In his siring an' dar was a great big
ish. 'My , how you've growodl" ho said ,
but I'll take you homo. ' 'An' don do
iddor man ho como back , an * ho pull his
tring in , an dar wan a little bit or Call.
My , how you is svvunkl' ' ho nays. An'
lal's jis do way wid do dimocruts bofo'
lo 'lections ' , but after hcarin' from doao
tatoa way up yonder , how doy huvo
wuuk. "
TIIK VOLTAIO Uyr.T COMPANY , of Maritlmll ,
ilicliignn , otfer to BUIU ! their celnbr.itotl KLKO'
uo-Yoi/iAio JJKtr and other HLKUTIUO Ai1-
LIANCKI on trial fur thirty days , to inon
young or old ) alllictud with iervoun debility ,
ons \itiillty and lunnlmuil , and allklnihcu
roubli'H. Almi for rlinumatium , noinnleln ,
mrnlyaix , and many other diseases. Complete
estorntlun la health , > Igor ami manhood ( 'iiar-
intood. No risk Incurred , ixa thirty days'
.rial . is allowed.Vrito them atoiico for illus-
ruled pumphlut , free.
AVIuil It Slioivf.
b'lom the Jioston Ulobe ,
Because a public man utters a valuable
rillam and ia applauded it does not fol-
ow ho IB a great man. It often shows
10 posses a line library.
S4TA. Tlilnjr of IJpinity. The most bril-
hint shades possible , on'all fabrics are made
> y the Diamond Dyes. Um-mwllcd for bril-
Inncy nnd durability. lOa at dniKglsta , Send
! o for 3U Satnplo colors. Wells , llicliarilson fc
L'o. , Burlington , Yt ,
Justice oi the Peace ,
Omaha and Connell Blnffc.
[ teal cvtate collection ngeiicy , Odd Fellows Block
. O. O.
Prof Sclnioor will introduce the
European tourist duticoa during the
course. Fruncuiso , Talonulli , Eldo-
nulo , Yillulto , Simuish , Vandnugo ,
and American standard dances , nnd
tlie latest reverse waltz step.
Bollor Skating Eink.
Roller Bleating Wednesdays nud
II. il. MARTEN.S , Proprietor.
There is on th's broad earth no loyally , Trnmccndentally Mngnificcnt
Exhibition save the
Council Bluffs ,
MARYSVILLE , Wednesday , Sept. 21. OMAHA , Friday Sept. 20.
* t > Performing Elcnhtntr , Two Amorlcin-born JDaby Elephants. Only Elephant
ComedlMi. Heal lloinau < n ces , ruu In earnest and for cash ptlzcs. bcorcs of
jjons of liaro Wild JJcasta. Only Tra\cllng Sluseum ol Curloua Sights.
Tlio Stalwart Chinese dlant. Major Atom the Ellin Man. Admiral Dot , Hid-
get , Actor and Dtulo. And 1,000 Mar\elloti3 Human Curios. Gigantic Ethnolog
ical Congress ol Sa\agc9 , Heathens and Barbarians , Kautch Dancing Girls , Etc.
3 Great Rings , Mammoth Elevated Stage , Hundreds of Perform
ers , and 80 Acts Evary Exhibition.
Bewildering & Oorgeous Procession
More. Ifon , ViVincn , Children , Horses Charlolo , Lalre , Loose Wild Beasts , Trained Animals , Fine Har-
. . .s , Joncllod and Cold Trimmed Wardrobe , Ilomin Glint and Glamour , Cunning Surprises , Sun-Eclipsing
nagnlflccnco , Dazzling Gorircousncw nnd Matchless Splendor than all the other showa In America com-
lined can produce. 12 dlHoreut kinds ot Music in the Parade.
Stupendous Menagerie of Loose and Led animals
In the street anil In the Oriental Entrco under the Tents.
rtarllundrods of thomamls ol moral and religious people attend this exhibition * ho no\cr think ol vis-
Una : another. Whatovcrit advertises It nlwaja exhibits No other this.
For the espcclil accommoditlon of these ho detlro to avoid the crowd ] on the grounds , nCSEU\ED
NUMBEBED CIIA1U3 can bo purchased at
EDIIOUI & ERICKSON'S JEWELUY STORE , 101 end 103 IMh street.
_ t thosamo prlco asut thoticlotofflco nt the tent ? , and rcneril admission tickets at the usual Blight ad-
\anco , the daj-a of oihibltlon only. 6,000 Excellent Opera Chairs. Good Saats for 20,000 people.
Admission 50 Cents. Children Under 9 Years , 25 Cents.
TWO EXHIBITIONS DAILY. Doors open at 1 and 7 p. m. Performance
commences at 2 nnd 8 p. m. <
Council Bluffs , Thursday , September 25.Lincoln
Lincoln , Saturday , September 27.
Council Bluffs , Iowa
Musical Instruments of Every Description
1 claim to havn the best selected slock and la-gost variety o any
no about bora I can duplicate No\v York nnd Cbicago prices every
hue ; and tbat Isoll low these vrao nro and have beeu my customers will
bear me out.
Mr HUG oE Plush'Goods is especially fine , such as Albums , Odor
, Toilet Sots , Ladies' Arm Bogs , Purses , etc.
I have thn largest stock and best variety in Cups nnd Saucers , Vases ,
Toilet Sets , Tin Toys , Dolls , Doll CNrriagesVnpfons , Sleds. Carts and so
on without nn end.
As my traveling agent may not got around to see yon in timeI will allow
on 5 per cent on any bill for traveling expanses if you will call at my
toro and make your selections. My samples will ba ready by October
1st , 1881. I guarantee low prices.
Assortments of Toys from 8100 to5.00 put up.rendy to ship.
H.H , HORNS & 00.5
Wo make a npnclally , at our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA md
YA11A 010AHS. All Cigara sold by ua are of onr own manufacture nnd warranted
aa roprosontcd.
OPERA HOUSE CIGAR HOUSE , | 652 Broadvay , "
Keep horses and mules constantly on hand which we will sell in Retailer
or Wholesale lots. All stock Warranted as reprcsnnteti. Whole
sale and retail dealers in grain and baled hay. Prices
reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed
Corner Fifth Avenue ifc Fourth Street Council Blu IT
Waves , Switches , Whatnots , Langt 'y ard Pompadour
Frizzes ,
SMtin & TOLLEK , ARts ,
7 nnd 0 Main street ,
A Complete Line of Fall Goods to Select From.
In Iowa and Nebraska , and aold for the least money at 337 Broadway , Council
Bluffs , Iowa.
MRS , D , A , BENEDICT , Maifactnrer ,
urtalns , la lace , Him , Turcoman , Etc. oil cloths , Mattlnga , Linoleums Etc
hoicest and Best Selected STOCK in the WEST ,
jomo and bo convinced thai 170 are headquarters for all Roods In our line ,
hoapoat place to buy CARPETS , Curtains and Honso Furnishings In the
Cty. ; Upholatoring and Bedding Supplies.
Mail Orders Filled PromptlyCardaue
201 Upper Broadway Cor. Stutsmau St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS.
Orders in the city or country solicited. Prompt attentioa and satisfaction
Is bettor prepared than over before lo fill all demands for washing. Wo call your
attention enpecially to our capacity for doing family washing. Very low ratea. All
kindaof work done in firstclasorder. . Special paing will ba taken with llannela.
Ordcra sent by mail or othcrwiao receive prompt attention.
ALBERT P. JOHNSON , Proprietor.
ftletalic Caskets and Wooden Coffins of all Kinds.
. 3.S 3ST , 3VZT.M.i33L f3t. , C3oxi.a3.oil
Frame Houses mo > cd on the UTTLK GIANT trucks lud any distance and Over any kind ol grouml
imiCK HOUSES raieoJ. All uork guirantood.
W.i > . ATMWOBTII , IWOgJgft Vp
* = J
We give $25 for any horse we cannot
cure of interfering , knee cut
ting or forging.
All Shoes are Hand Made and NO MAOHI
SHOES USED. All Work Guaranteed.
719 Broadway - COUNCIL BLUFFS
Endorsed by FRAM Uizr ,
Unrhilled or Tone or Klnlihi
Btft Modern 1'ru-ctoIJuy ,
Tha Kiinb.iH Orean , > o long and favorably known In the west , rncoimncnda Itaclt
J. L. BTEWAKT , BolaAgeut for above Ilnca of Goods. Wararooma , S39 Ik
Council Bluffd , Iowa. Oorrudpoudence Solicited. Agents Wanted ,