Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1884, Image 7

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The Deed of IlieLo's ' For a School Silc
MAGceQieOy the Board !
Tlio AVork on tlio HlRl School
RroutulH to UcKln it Once-
Other Business by the
Hoard ,
A special mooting of the ISotird of 13d
ucalioii was held last evening with vice
president Points in the chair. The roll was
calleJ , members Gibbon , Hall , Parker ,
Live icy , Copel and Connoycr and Pointa
bein ; present.
The blda for the curbing and guttering
on Twentieth street from Dodge to DA
cnport the same being in front of the
High School grounds troro road by the
secretary. The chairman of the committee -
too on building and property Mr. Con
noyor , stated it was the conclusion of the
committee to accept the bid of Charles
O'Connor at the price of $3.J9 ; per lineal
foot , the gutter to bo six feet in width
of Colorado sandstone.
The agreement of Ed. J. Brennan with
the board of education for the erection of
the stone wall in front of tha high achool
grounds was ratified by the board. The
bond for its faithful performance , signed
by R. O'Koofo and John Mulvihill ,
was also approved.
From architects Dufrono and Mendel
sohn , making report to the committee
on buildings and property , giving the
result of their inspection of the Long and
Lcavonworth achool houses , stating that
the sum of $103 should bo deducted from
their contract price for omissions and
deficiencies under the specifications for
their construction. Laid over.
Eroni Benjamin Bates offering to fur
nish bix sets of the People's Cyclopedia
for the school district at § 10 per sot ,
By Copeland , a resolution that the
committee on supplies bo authorized to
expend a sum not to exceed $200 for
supplementary reading books. Adopted.
From James Y. Craig , presenting a
bid for the improvements on the high
school grounds necessitated by the con-
otiuction of the retaining wall in its
front. The bid for the same was81405.40.
The matter of improvement was referred
to have the work done.
liy Connoyor , u resolution that retain
ing walls bu built about the Izard , Dodge
and AYest schools. Adopted.
By ( Jopeland , a resolution that a com
mittee of three bo appointed to examine
the janitor's rooms in the Long and
Laavonworth schools and report at the
next meeting. Adopted. Mnesrs. Copeland -
land , Livesoy and Hall were appointed
the committc.
Fron Alice and Daniel J. O'Donahuo ,
presenting a deed to the school district
of Omiiha of lots ono (1) ( ) and two (2) ( ) in
block ten (10) ( ) In McCormick'a addtion ,
lor tin -mm of S3 , 825.
Mr. Parker arose and asked why the
contttnt had been changed , stating that
ono hud once been entered into with thee
o s by which it was to bo purchased
jor the sum of $4,000 , the lot to bo
brought to grade by them.
Mr. Gibbon stated no contract had
been entered into but that the lots had
boon r Herod for aalo on those terms , but
tlio board had delayed entering Into an
agreement to that effect and when it was
rcayd the owners refused.
Mr. Connoyor stated that when ho
was onb to look for these lots ho did not
find thoni where ho expected and ho was
opposed to paying an enormous price for
Jbliam.Mr. .
Mr. Parker moved to reconsider the
motion by vrhich it was agreed to accept
the last offer , but was informed by the
chair that ho voted on the wrong side to
entitle his motion to consideration by the
Mr. Livesoy then moved that a com
mittee of thrco bo appointed to view the
lots and report to the board.
Mr. Gibbon moved that itbo amended
to incl ido the whole board.
Tlio motion , ao amended , was carried.
Leave was glvon Miss Sweet , of the
High school , to attend the reunion of the
western branch of the almuni of Yasser
college in October.
The board then adjourned.
± -ojt r uiN ATI ; ri'r
A Narrow Kacapofroni Death Under
tlio AVlieols.
Jamoa Fitzgerald , a carpenter living
in this city , had a most narrow escape
from death on Suaday afternoon last ,
' Uo was walking along the track of the
Union Pacific rail way near Seventh street ,
when he noticed an engine approaching
him from behind. When the engine had
come almost upon him ho stopped from
7 fr o Clio track ho was walking upon to another
running parallel , making it just in time
to bo knocked down by a second
engine ho had not soon beoring
down upon him. Fortunately for Jam
bo was thrown to the ground just outside
the rail , in such a manner that the pass
ing engine ran along over the back part
of his loft log horribly lacerating it and
tearing the ilesh from the bono near the
thigh and all the way down to his foot and
cutting oil' his heel.
The wounded man was taken lo St.
Joseph's hospital where ho now is. The
injuries though by no means serious are
of such a nature that ho will bo confined
to his bed for quite a length of timo.
Police 1'olniH.
Nearly all of yesterday afternoon was
j occupied by Judge Beneko in the hearing -
ing of the trial on the complaint of Anna
Nemilz , charging John Groff with assault
i nnd battery. The case was not con
cluded und wont over to October 3rd.
| Ed. Connors , who was charged with
the malicious destruction of property by
( the breaking in of a window in Fleming's
urocory store wan found not guilty as
I X hargod , Dl was fi'led ' a d C
( f disturbance of the peace ,
\\J \ James Tuttle , for a similar
Uf was mulcted in the sum of $10 and costs.
W Both Connors and Tuttle , being unable
T , to pay their finoa were remanded to j.iil.
Morrla Fenan , for fi htin with Nellie
, was asaosssd § 5 and o sts.
E P. llobinson , a clerk in one of the
I leading millinery houses of this city , waa
, arrested on thu complaint of ( leorgo A
Joslyn , his landlord , for "tho larceny ol
an overcoat. It appeared that Robinson
had boconui indebted to the complainunl
in the sum of $40 for hospitalities ex-
' toudcd aud had hypothecated hia ovcr-
' coat to eocuro the amount , taking a chock
I ai evidence ol the eamo. Saturday oven-
ing , nftor tto proprietor had retired
presented the chock and was given ' .ho
coat.ri'ho court ruled ho Imd comml.ttcd
no orjenco and discharged him ,
A Unknown Man Nearly Slpaneleil to
Death by Rowers ,
Josoiih ImiiKor Kicked Insensible
ntul Ucllovcd or $ > 0 niul
tiWatuli ,
Ono of the boldest and most daring
robberies attempted for some time in
this city took place laat evening about
eight o'clock ' , on G.iss street , between
Eighteenth and Nineteenth.
About that time Mr. Milt Barlow , of
the United States National bank , and a
driver named Casa , from the stables of
Charles Motitor , were going to the house
of the former when they heard near St.
Catherine's Academy the moans of someone
ono as if iu distress. Stopping to listen ,
hearda weak of " " ' ' "
they cry "Help ! 'llclpl"
coming out of the dnrkncaa. Going
up to the place from whlc'i the cry
came , they wore startled by two mou
rising to their feet nnd Hoeing from
them in the darknoaa. Shortly after
ward n third arose who said ho had been
sot upon by the two escaping men.
Mr , Barlow and the driver started
after the fugitives , following them at
some distance behind until they reached
tlio alloy between Caos and California , iu
bho rear of the Swedish Lutheran
church , where they distanced their
pursuers and escaped in the
larknoss. They then returned and found
.hc3 unfortunate mat. in the house
of a friend , across the street from where
; ho attempted robbery took placo. The
victim a young man whoso name could
not bo learned had boon subjected to
rough uoago nt the hands of his assail
ants , being nearly strangled.
What is astonishing about the whole
affair is the fact that while these high
waymen were struggling with their in-
.ondcd victim several persons were pass-
ng along the street on the opposite side ,
not oven hearing his cries for help or
irovonting the robbers from there accom-
) llshmontof their purpose.
Last night about nine o'clock Joaoph
Hanger , n Bohemian tailor , was hold up
ay thrco men under the railroad bridge
on Thirteenth street and robbed of fifty
dollars in money and a silver watch and
chain. Mr. Langor had been visit-
; some friends in Bohemian
: own and was strolling loisurly towards
Fritz Wirth's hotel , where ho resides ,
when the attack was mado. Not satis-
led with robbingtho unfortunate man the
robbers gave- him a aovoro beating ren
dering him insensible , evidently
with the Idea ] of preventing him
: rom calling for assistance. It appears ,
according to the statement made by Mr.
Langor that two of the men seized him
by the throat , nearly strangling him ,
while the other man kicked
liim in the stomach and then
robbed him. After committing
the robbery and cruelly chastising their
victim the miscreants flod. Mr. Langor ,
who Is in the employ of Frank Ramgo , ia
highly respectable citizen , and is
liighly esteemed by his national brethren
of Omaha.
The 1'ollco Committee Investigating
tlio Police Complaints ,
Vestordny afternoon the council com
mittee on police consisting oE Messrs.
Boohol , Ford and Thrano resolved itself
into a court of inquiry to investigate the
charges made against certain members of
the police forco.
The first matter taken up was the com
plaint of Charles Fleck who had commu
nicated to the council ihnt ho had received -
coived a severe beating nt the hands of a
drunken prisoner while in the cily jail.
The evidence adduced showed that while
the turnkey Tom Uormick was engaged
in making preparations to put the prison
er iu his cell Fleck came in and was struck
by him bsforo Cormick could'lnterforo.
The cano against Policeman Hyde ,
charged with drunkenness , was the next
case considered. The captain of the
force , the marshal and several other
witnesses gave testimony. Hyde him
self did not seriously contend against the
charge lodged against him , but argued m
mitigation of the od'onsothisdrunkonncai
did not interfere with the proper per
formance of his duties , that it happened
about the time ho wao to leave his boat
nnd that this wai the first time ho had
boon guilty of this infraction of police
The committee adjourned without
coming to a conclusion in any of the
cases. It will meet this morning again
at ! ) o'clock at which time the cases of
Highland and Knight charged with being -
ing drunk on their beats will bo taken
up.Tho witnesses in the examinations are
not Bworu nor are those charged allowed
to confront the witnesses against them.
Presented to fr , S , II. U. Olarlc l > y the
EmployuH or tlio Union I'nclllo
It has over been generally remarked
that the employes of the Union Pacific
road have had u regard for Mr. S , II. II ,
Clark , which any man might bo proud to <
own. They have over trusted Mr. Olark
implicitly , and have always found him to
bo a true friend to them. As a token of
thu great regard which they have for
him they have prepared the following
resolutions and after having them handsomely
somoly engrossed and framed , have uont
them to Mr. Clark. The headquarters
tors ot the executive board of the organ ,
inod employes of the L'nion Pacific road
is at Denver and from there the resolu
tions were received yesterday morning
Following ia a copy :
.MA.NAOiil : t.VIO.V 1'AUI It HAIH > Al 'tOJII'ANV
jJl.KVKli , CuloraJo , Sc'pt. U. , 1881.
WiipnrAH , It liMbec'iinoneceimary , through
tlio mill uubatufuttory iiiothuds of
railway hfi- , that Jlr S. Jl. If , C'lark. ou
oral manager of tha I ulon 1 aclfic , alioiild rn <
tun from n iiobltion which ho haa filleil with
mtisfactiun to the publlu , ploiuuro to the em
ployca nnil c.-alit to himself dming the
otctclitcon yonr ,
WIIKHK-IS Wo fool that by liU rctiremonl
the oinployw will lo o n firm frioml
nnd honwt clininpion , thorpforo bo it
HK OUFH , liy tlio oJEcctitivo boAnl of tlio
orsivtiirotl omployoi of the Union 1'ftcific mil.
nml that In the withdrawn ! of Mr. S. It. H.
Clark wo fliMl nuttaln an almost irrc ) > nraMp
lo < , which ill be felt by nil clns o * of Pin'
ployM nml nil insulin nml cniiimunillpi Inter
i > toil iu tlio suocoo' of the Rwat ,
KKIOI VKH , That otir brut wi lu" < for liii
futtiro wcllfnro niul prixpotUy nml the health
nnd lnipine of Ills family , p" nut ! nliMo
\\itliPiirfrloiu ! hero * or duly mny onll him ,
UFHOI.VFH , That . \ cojiy of tliis ilncumcnt bo
riigrofwod anil in i' i'titoil to Mr. Clnrk , ft * an
huniblo nml { coblo oxprosilon of HIP nobility
of character anil honesty of IIIUIOSP | which
have cvflr ulinwn liriijhtly thi-ouch tlio
administration of the stovt.inNhlp which lie
now Inys n iilp.
The coiuulittop : Thns. Xrclmin , V. , T. Lee ,
( ? co. Stewart , D.uilol Hailliolil , iTninm T.
Klulior , 1P. . Kgrtti. . Win. Morley , A. W.
Coats , prettdont ! J. K , Corbin ,
lor tlio VJ\iioRltlin ,
To-day cx-Govornor Furnas will leave
hia homo in Urownvillc , Nebraska , for
Now Orleans to take stops toward the
representation of this state at the cotton
exposition in that city the coming winter ,
Mr. Furnas haa gene to look the ground
over , and determine in what shape the
exhibit shall bo presented. Mr. ,1. 0.
Bonnoll , of the B. it M. 11. U. , who is
the artist to arrange Nebraska's exhibits ,
will accompany him. They will bo ab
sent about ten days. Mr. Furnas , on
his return , will canvass the state and col-
loot all obtainable material for the
exposition. Iu the meantime all who
will and can furnish articles , are request
ed to collect them fo ? L'10 ' for shipment.
Ml exhibits must bo in place by Novem
ber 15th.
ThoHosilital Knlr.
Mr. W. A. L. Gibbon , treasurer , fur
nishes the following figaros of the rosul
of the recent fair for the benefit of St.
Joseph's hospital :
Not receipts . SI 514 05
Receipts by tables were as follows :
Holy Family Tnblo . SI 373 C.r
Sodolity Table . 1 311 70
Hospital Table . BfilS 65
St Mary MaRilnlino Table . ! ! S7 35
llofioslimcnt Table . fiO'J 43
Wheel of Fortune . 2 10 33
Admission Tickets , etc . USS10
Ur lorH.
Recruit Timothy Callanan , enlisted at
Fort 0maha _ , Nob. , is assigned to troop
M. , Fifth cavalry , and will bo Bout to
the station of his troop ou the first fa
vorable opportunity.
Recruit Thomas H. Rhodes , enlisted
at Fort Douglas , Utah , is assigned to
company A. Sixth infantry.
Private George Montgomery , enlisted
at Fort Omaha , Nob. , is assigned to light
battery D , Fifth artillery.
Judge J. H. Flint , a gentleman wul
known throughout Town and formerly of
Clinton In that Etato has , concluded to become
n citi/.on of Nebraska and has taken up his
residence in this great city.
ThoOtlicr Slile.
ALUIOX , Nob. , September 22 , ' 84.
To the Editor of TIIK BUK.
I notice in your issue of the 10th nit. ,
a communication eianod by ono 0. H.
Roberts , la which the writer attempts to
carry the Impression that the Albion
press is subsidised , and the Albion post
oflico run in a louse nnd careless manner.
As to the first , wo care nothing , but the
public might possibly attach some importance
tanco to the latter charge if allowed to go
unrofutcd. The facts in the case are
these :
1st , C. II. Roberts was so intoxicated
while in Albion that ho could not reason
ably bo expected to know what did actu
ally occur.
occur.After Mr. Roberts had indicted
at least a dozan interviews upon us , and
wo had become reasonably familiar with
hia story , ho Intimated that Rico must
pay him something or "suffer the conso-
quoncus ; " that president Arthur's cabi
net were intimate chums of his ; that ho
controlled the senators , and "had" Rosewater -
water , and that "by the eternal , ho
would bounce Rico. " Wo thereupon
told him in pretty plain language that
hia little bchomo for "blood money"
wouldn't win , nnd advised him eo go
hence without date.
2nd. Mr. Roberts never ofi'orod the
Argus any communication. IIo did
however make a verbal complaint and
wo told him to formulate his grievances ,
put them in writing , and if they amount
ed to anything ho could have all the space
in the Argus desired. IIo never did so ,
but indulged in verbal and rambliugcom-
plaints against postmaster Rico. An near
us wo can learn the important (0 ( postal
card referred to was , by error put in
banker Roberta' box and returned by
him as soon aa ho discovered the mis
take :
Mr. Rico is an efficient postmaster and
gives general satisfaction. JIo has , at
nis own uxponso fitted up ono of the fin
est postcflicea1 west of Omaha , nnd the
lii ! : docs injustice to an honest nnd capable -
able plliciul by giving publicity to such
outrageous charges , unices they are ac
companied by something moro substan
tial than 0. H. Roberta' word.
Respectfully ,
Glove Fl ht.
Sr , Louis , September 2.J. A noffc glove
contest took plnco tonight at the Union liaso
Hall 1'ark between John Kitifj of I'ittRlnii
nml 1'ntsoy Cardiff of 1'eoria. Four rounds
Miirqnla of Quoontibury mien , for the gale
money , The men onti'rctl the ring nbont ten
o'clock , The ercoml round , Cardill foiceil
the fighting and knocked King down. Heavy
exchange ou face nnd body wan then umilo
nml the round ended In Cardilf'u favor. The
third round wax nn exact repetition of the
second. The fourth round King
Hhoweil great woakncHU and
( JurdllF went to lii corner nnd called him
out and King responded but nctod mainly ( in
the dofuniiivu. Cardiff nguln forcad the lighting -
ing and uhowcrcil heavy nml inpid blows mi
liii opponent. Hnlfnmimito before time won
c lled , Tom Kelly , Kmg'n backer , enlcrml the
rlnt ; and uoparatud tlio men and ordered Car-
ililf to lit * corner , Tlio poliuo then interfered
anil the referto decided the fight in favor of
A. Now Gomel.
XASIIMM.K , Toun , September iJ. ! The
comut discuvorwl hy Ur. Wolf ,
of Zurich , wftH olucrvfil t j-ni'ht ( nt
the Vandorbiltunlvernity. The comut din
cuvorod liy 1 ! iinaid July Kith wan also viewti !
to-night. It hai lately uliown n wonderful In
eri'UKO of brillianoy when iicconling tu thtoiy
it uhotihl liavo nlinoid , facial from uow.
.v , Scptemljur 2J---I'jipor 3
Hipjil , pn tty tlottdy , losal ralnn , noutherly
wiudu , higher temperature higher , Inromuter.
MiHUJUli , partly cloudy , local rains fallowed
by fair weather , variable windd licc < iiiliig
nortlisrly uml Ntatlouarv followeil by Jowcr
tompiraturo nnd hlcher liaroinater ,
A Knro HtitcrtRlitmcnt nt ( lint Oft
tlictlrnt Imat Hvcttlnp.
A fine oniortahimont was presented
yesterday evening at SI , riiilomonns Imll
for the bouofit of the Altar aorvlco of the
church. The programme consisted of a
concert by the choir of St. I'hilomonna'
church and a humorous lecture by Prof.
"Tho Model Husband
Phillips , entitled ,
band and Wife. " The profcesor ia a
very pleasant apoakor and kept hia audience -
dienco in good humor for over nn hour
with his descriptions of happy and un
happy homoa , true and faleo ! eve , true
and lalso mnrriogo. JIo has evident
ly boon a very _ cloao ob
server of human unturo , judging by
the accurate way ho depleted courtship ,
marriaRo.andtho mintakca that people are
llnblotoinako in selecting ft lifocoinpiiiiicm.
At the conclusion of the lecture , ho saiil
that ho would gtvo them au Irishman's
blosslima , which was this , "May yor
sowls all bo in heaven a fortnight before
the divll finds out that ye nro dead. "
The musieal part of the entertainment
by the choir of the church was excellent ,
tlio hdios and gentlemen who sang vroro
rcpoitodly applauded , and St. Phllo-
mi'na's may well bo ptoud of its choir , gj
Father O'Connor , pastor in chnrgo , and
his assistant , Father McCarthy , acted as
masters of the ceremonies. Tlioro were
fully live hundred people present , and
the entertainment was in nil respects a
success ,
It-lull lloiiovolonuo.
DurtUN' , Soptontbor 2'A fund v , ill shortly
bo started nt the suggestion of tlio United Ire
land newspaper in bolintf of the families of the
liiimliighanulynainUcrfi. Daly and Kgati.
Fnro ntul Unlnlr.
Burlington Free Press.
"Your faro , young lady , " said the
ntago driver , as a pretty mfss stopped
from his vehicle nud wan about tripping
"Oh , thank youl" responded the nb-
sont-mindod little beauty ; " 1 think your
nustuclio becomes you real wall , too. "
She got her ride froo.
ASoii8llt1oSolicmo | to Protect tlioTown
Fro | nnd Help tlio
Thirsty ,
3orrcHi > omlenco of Tin : Hun.
isxEit , September 19. Few small
; owns in the western country are assum
ing metropolitan appcar.incca so rapidly
as Wianor. For several years the place
lias shown little or no improvomont.until
the progressive firm of Graham & Mo-
Nish orostnd , last season , a few two story
brick blocks. This seemed to start the
ball rolling and the heretofore dormant as.
piratlons of public spirited citizens have
become fully aroused , and to-day prepa
rations are compiled and the specifica
tions completed for
to bo put In operation ou or before the
tenth of November noxt. This ia the
most practical scheme I have heard of for
any town , as the entire espouse docs not
exceed that of supplying wells for the
culinary and other purposes demanded by
a young city ,
The proposed plan is to make a largo
well on the bottom land near the depot ,
there erect a big windmill which pumps
the water into two largo rosorvors of 1500
barrels each. These tanks are fitted with
filters and nro located upon the hill east
of town , thus giving 113 foot fall.
From those tanks the contractors are
to lay 0,000 feet of mains thrdftgh the
principal streets , with hydrants located
at convenient places for use incase of
fire , the fall being uufllcont to glvo iorco
to throw a two inch stream far above
the tallest buildings. The mains nro to
bo tapped by individual pipes for domes
tic uso.
Is the inaugurator and solo owner of th
project. The whole thiug is contracted
for $1,000.00 and Sir. A. L. Strang , of
Omaha is the contractor. Work
will bo commenced at onco.
It is estimated that a supply of 1,000
gallons per hour will sallico.
In looking over the town I notice many
now residence buildings and many more
are contemplated. The business part of
the city has boon greatly improved by the
grading of the streets , laying of now and
substantial sidewalks , planting of useful
and ornamental shade trees , etc. , etc. It
is safe to aay that business under the nus
nlccs of thn wido-nwako , go-ahead busi
ness men and citizens generally which It
contains , will in no distant day bo uni
versally acknowledged ai the "Quqon
City" of the sUt. "F.1' '
A Hotel Olork GoHHlpn About I'coplu
" \VIio Vornct ,
Washington Blur.
"Can you ah or- can you toll mo
the number of my room ? "
"Yes , sir 95 , "
"Ahi thank you guess ah I'll go
and got ready for dinner , " and the absent
minded man lounged awny towards the
olovator. The hotel clerk looked after
the slowly vanishing guest , and then
turning to a Star reporter who was stand
ing near , said :
"That man is a holy terror. I've neon
all kinds of men since I've boon in this
business , but ho is the great original for
getter. Jlo has been hero now for three
days , and I have to watch him like a
baby. I'll bet ho'll either forgot hia way
to his room , or when ho gets there ho
won't know why ho wont there. "
"What is he , a genius ? " asked the re
"I suppose BO ; ho's an inventor and ho
dent know anything but cogs and wheels.
11 o ate two breakfasts this morning ; ho
ordered his lunch sent to his room yes
terday , forgot about it , came down to
the odico , bought a Now York paporv
and road until fi p. in. JIo then came up
to my desk and Inquired calmly of mu
what it was ho had asked for a little
whila boforo. I didn't know and ho
could give mo no ideasol was in hot
water until I questioned the waiters and
found out about the lunch. It's laugh
able to you , but it's not BO funny far mu ,
because if 1 don't take caru of him lie
will surely attack the reputation of the
houao as soon as ho gotunwuy. "
"Do you have many of those charac
ters to look after/ / " inquired the listener.
"Never had one like him , " said the
clerk , "llo'o the worst ; but vro have a
great many guests who exhibit signs of
preoccupation. Perhaps the commonest
example of abucnt-mindednosswhich 1 uuo
ia ia rugate ! to door k < jyu. In the winter ,
when business ia rushing , a dozen or more
keys will huvo to bu replaced every two
days , A gui-nt going nwny will frequently
forgot to leave the key in the door of his
room or at the desk , and will put it in
his pocket , BO wo will have to replace it.
The house carpenter ia about as good a
locksmith as any in the city ; ho hai had
no many locks to pick and locks to make.
Then people leave articles of wearing ap
parel , books , memoranda , all sorts of
things , in their rnnnis when thor vacnto.
Writ , if tlipy are registered correctly
there is no dltlicully In returning them
thuir property , even tf they forget to
write for it ; but where a man rogintors
inaccurately or indefinitely it may sotno
times bo Imrd work t- > find him. "
A POUiltmri. V.O.UMIMAN.
"Tlioro was an Kupjlishmiui here last
winter , " continued the clerk , "who deposited -
posited nearly { . ' ' .1,000 in Hank of Kitglnml
notes with mu. The next day ho was
called to New York by a tolcgtam , and
having plenty of American money in his
wallet , ho hurried to the cars without
paying hia hotel bill , and never thought
about his money or anything but his dU-
patch until ho reached Now York. 1
have often soon careful people going over
n written list and chucking the articles
on" as they pack them away preparatory
to continuing their journey. Wo have
more or lots amusement with nnwly-niar-
riod couples , as frequently the bridegroom
forgets to vrito 'and wife' after hia name.
When ho has to correct hia error ho nl-
ways looks sheepish and hH explanations
are very liuno. "
"A laughable incident happened here
about a year ago , " continued the clerk ,
"Ono day , In the early winter , n tall ,
Una-looking gentleman registered as Dr.
.John so and so and wife , from C - .
The doctor was on hia bridal tour. Ho
was about to turn away from the dour
when ho felt a slap on his back , and.look-
ing up , ho saw the face of a college
friend , 'Hollo , Jack' 'How are you
Saml' and they began a rapid conversa
tion , when suddenly Sam saw the regis
ter and exclaimed 'Been
: getting mar
ried , have you ? Well , here _ are my con-
jratulatloua ; what's your wife's name I'
" 'Jennie , ' responded the bridegroom.
" , No , no ; I moan who was shol' ex
claimed his friend.
"Why , her name was Jennie Joiinio
Oh , itl" shouted the perplexed
" 'What , Jennie O. Damit ? ' was the
aughing rejoinder.
' "I'vo forgotten , ' as last exclaimed
.ho bridegroom , In despair. 'Como np
n the parlor and I'll ask her what it
"Forgetting his wife's namo1 resumed
.ha clerk , "cost him n number of bottles
of champagne. "
"Oh , Lord , here ho is again 1" ho
; roanod , and the absent-minded man
: amo up to inquire- what time tlio train
oft for "for that place in Virginia , you
know , " which the clerk Interpreted to
mean Richmond.
1'nckliif * lliiolc tlio I'uupors.
riltsburg Times.
The United States Treasury deport
ment hns just now taken the pauper
emigration bull by the tail ; two years ago
when impositions of this character vroru
[ loiuted out vigorously the department
might hr.vo taken the animal by the
jiorns. However , lot 113 bo thankful it
isn't n mule , and that the government is
big enough to swing the other animal by
the CiUidnl end. Collector Robertson , of
Now York ha- received instructions that
really show symptoms of shutting oil tlio
American dumping ground for foreign
refuse. Heretofore the most energetic
action of Federal and local authorities
has boon no moro effective than the
customary sign-board on vacant lots
"Placo no rubbish hero under penalty oi
the law. " Like this description of indofi.
nito threat the sign on Castjo Garden has
accomplished little or nothing. Now it
really looks as though the customs au
thorities nndthojboardof commissioners of
emigration meant business. The one
will have every vessel boarded mid exam
ined for paupers , and'tho other will do-
maud a bond from each steamship com
pany in guarantee that paupers shall bo.
fed while in Castle Garden and returned
whence they came.
It is intended to enforce the same rules
n other sea sports , so that the Board of
Guardians of the poor in inland cities and
counties may look forward to the time
when n largo percentage of poor house
paupers and applicants fur outdoor relief
will not bo recent arrivals from abroad ,
as has been the case in a marked degree
in the last three years. When it became
known positively that local poor societies
and boards in Europe , were systematical
ly shipping the halt , lame and blind to
Americaiitid that in numberless instances
persons in fair circumstances wore send
ing hither their dependent relatives , it
was the duty of the government to
adopt prompt and efficient measures
against the imposition. When it ia seen
at the beginning of an evil that it will
probably grow beyond endurance the
proper action is to squelch it at onco.
This country is willing to receive al
comers from abroad who emigrate logiti
m&loly , but it is not n "dump , " nor yet
a cess pool , into which Europe may de
posit its garbage and mistiness. Local
nuthoritk'H bhould -
co-operate energeti
cally with th'i seaport officials in return
ing all piu M. ThU city could afford
to pay the passage of such undesirable
persons rather than be at the expense of
their maintenance for half a your.
Tlio ImrucHt KstahllMliiiioiit of tlio
Kind In tlio World.
Wnnhinglon Star ,
In so extensive a building as the gov
ernment printing office the largest es
tablishment of the kind in thu world
filled with valuable material , and con
taining within its walls every day over
two thousand operatives , the necessity of
extraordinary precautions for the safety
of lifo and property from destruction by
fire is apparent , particularly ns the build-
iug is not a fire proof structure. The
present head of the odico , Mr. Sterling
P. Rounds , who is n practical business
man with great executive ability and who
has had experience in the west as a fire
man , when ho took charge of the govern
ment printing a few years ago recognised
this fact ; and at the present time there is
probably no butter equipped building ia
the country for preventing loss of lifo
or properly by a conflagration , Before
Mr. Roundu took churgo the principal
moann of oscnpo provided for thu inmates
of the iirmoimo building wore from stair
ways in a couple of towers in addition to
the ordinary Btairnaya ,
Now a plentiful Hupply of water can bo
turned on rnch Hoer at n monient'ii notice
from the six stand pipes , which run ii |
near the Udders , and sections of lioauaro
kept nt hand , fitted with discharge pipoj ,
and to tr.lta cliurgu of each outlet or BIIO-
tlon of hoeo in an emoigency there la nn
organized force consisting of a captain
and lieutenants , with a suitable number
of men , all selected from the < < mployt > a
There is nluo on each lluor a fire t'xth.
guishor , in charge of a c-tptum and lieu
tenant , und on the occasion of the burn
ing of the stable on the promises some
months ago , these wcro found to work
There la an iron tramway running en
tirely around the building , with iron
cagoa secured rcith wire ropes , to aid in
convoying from the upper windows any
person , who might In case of a fire below -
low , have the means of their escape cut
< 11. This tramway was designed by Oon
Meifrs , and the experiments mndo with It
luvo been entirely satisfactory. In nddl-
to the ordinary fire iMc.tpos there are two
canvra escapes , reaching from the upper
floor to the { round , andas 13 well known
thov have been satisfactorily teatcd sev
eral times.
In hia last report Mr. Rounds nnya :
lions and arrowa arc also provided ,
which would cnablo lifo liuca to bo shot
sr thrown through the upper windows.
Up to the time these changes were made
ihe entire ollice was supplied with only
a three-inch connection with the water
mains , which barely gave aulllcloiit wa-
lor for daily use , and was wholly inado-
junto for the purposes. Hut by the kindly
co-operation of Mr. Kilwnnl Clark , ar
chitect of the capitol , the ollico haa now
moro than double the former supply , and
luito ample to render the now lire appa
ratus in every way clliciont. All the
outside doom were originally hung uo as
to open toward the inside of the building
and in eiso ; of a panic , with the pressure
ngatnat them , it would have been im-
[ losslblu to have opened them. The
rea have been changed BO as to open
either way , and egress cannot thereby bo
Besides oil thodo ample facilities for
the safe egress of employes in cnao of
sudden alarm of fire , the entire force of
Females hns been divided up Into com
panion of forty each , and each company
In charge of a captain , with several aids ,
and in cose of alarm the companies are
taken out by designated fire-escapes ,
under the charge and aid of.tho men ap
pointed for the purpose. Tlio first trial
of the system demonstrated the fact that
the bindery , containing about five hun
dred women mid nearly one hundred
trnn , was emptied In loss than ono min
ute ; and it is believed that after moro
trials the entire ollico can bo cleared in
less than two n.inulcs. It , therefore ,
may bo falriy stated that for the first
time in the history of the ollico It ia
reasonably safe from fire , and its em
ployes from danger of loss of life or limb
caused by a stampede or want of sullicl
out ogress.
RThoro have boon test alarms rung since
the present system was adopted , and it
was found that every man or woman
know his or her place. By a test once
made in the bindery it was found that
the folding-room , containing over five
liuudrod operatives , wa * cleared insldo of
ono mltmto. The female operativeshow
ever , found that in going down the fire
there " Toms"
escapes were some "Pooping
on the ground , and in subsequent tests
asked that canvas bo placed on the ladder
before they would make the descant.
In each room there is a captain with
three lieutenants , and theao direct the
pthora in case of an alarm , but the work
ing force consists of about forty men to a
section. Probably no bolter trial of the
system was over given than that of last
month , when a partition on which oil
from the bindery had dropped took firo.
The tlnmcs were extinguished when
Chief Engineer Cronin was within a few
yardn of the BCOIIC , and neither ho nor
Mr. Rounds know of it until it was all
ovorno general alarm having boon given ,
For some years it has boon though
that the old portion ot the building was
unsafe in consequence of the great wolghi
on it , but by exercising duo care and ro'
moving the surplus material to The Con
gressional Glebe building , there has no !
been for no mo time pant any danger , the
oflicors keeping in this portion of the
structure at any ono time the smallosl
possible amount of material necessary for
the work in hand.
Supt. Rounds' ollico is connected by
telephone with every part of the build
ing , and in case of fire ho would bo in
formed of it at onco.
Iho Greatest Medical Triumph of the Ago !
i IlnweU cnnllvo , 1'iilti In
the licnil , witli u ( lull Brnnatlaii In tlio
lincU purl , I'lilu nmlor Ilio nlionldor-
lilmlii , J < 'ullncnH after oiitlnir , wlllt n < IU-
liicllnnlinn lo cxrrllon of body nr nil nil ,
Irrltulilllty of Iiiiiippr , Lownplrltii , wlili
u fruliiiu ofliuvlnir ni'ulecteil HOIIIU ilul y ,
WrnrlurxH , Dl/yliiem , IMuttcrlimnl Ilio
limit , DIIIH licliirutill ) cyi-H , lli'iiiliu'lio
nviir Iliu rlu-lit nrc. Kc-HlleHNiirin , wild
llllultlrciiiiin , HlKlilycoIoruiI l.'rlno , uinl
TDTT'S l'ir.rB nro oHiiuclally adapted
to Bucli cnscH , onn dnuo olfoctB such n
lliuy Ijirrrano thn A Uliedle.nml catuo ttio
limly to TnUu ou l > 'lnli , HUM tlin nystom In
iKiiirlnlicil.nixl hylhi IrTonlr/Irilou on
Iliu llucsll\BOru-nimltriuliirHI < ii > Unro
iiriiiliK-i'il rrlrnsinr. ! I ninrriiv M..IV.Y.
. _ _ - IB
OKAY llAiit or WinsKi'.UH chauijoil lo tv
(1U)3HV J1I.ACIC by 11 sliil | ) tippllciitlon of
thlHDri : . U liniuirtAiinutiiriil color.notu
liiulantiuirniiHly. bold by Dnigh'iatH , or
flontliy .xiroHaon | rocolptof 91.
Otnco.44 Murray St. , Now York.
OMUIA , Km. , Kuplunilicr litli , 1881 ,
BcalcilpropuHfilrf , In triplicate , subject to tliu iiitm
condition * , will lie i l lit tliMjutlico until u n
m. Balurilay. OLtolrtir IStli , 18SI , atulilih tltnu am
placothuy will liu opciiul In pruijin nl Mkilt'ru fo
InrnUlilii ) , ' tlio mutorluN ami I'ucbtnictlnt , ' In accur
ilani.-uuitliiil.inii , mici'lllcatloiH iui.1 ilraulngs , , thu
follimhik'iliMrllial luillilliib'Nlf
0 Coiii'inj ? | IhrincKs ,
U Hit Nun e/iiiniilnsloncil Olllcvrs QimrU'D.
1 hctn ritlil OHIarx l/uartcra
0 huts UuptaliiH Qiiirtin * . lluVilliini ; . .
lOil llou.o.
1 Maxii/lnu.
1 KiiKlnu HuiiRii , anil
1 lUku lloiuutu lie of lirlcli. Alan , tliu ( olloulii ) ,
1 lliiilnliii ; ( or Workshop * * , nnJ
1 III ) llllllHl ) .
Iliiino liululnvii toliu locatvil on kltua hi Im . . .
toil ntl'iirt l > . A , Himmll , \V.\lining. Thoucnk „ tu
by liy Oitobcr lMh ! , or ax HIIIIII thorcaltu Tun itatu Hirr.iiKa , HIM
tw.i ritu ( ' .iiitalni Oiurti'm tu liu ciniiilitiil | liy
lieu IIW , IhSI , anil tlio iuinilnlnn' ; lnilMIn l > y Juni
M , liti'i if pr.ii tliMlilv.
rropnbiU m D bumadu forcitliuror nil ol tlio tullJ
III K tliuprlul Of lIUll to liu htiltlll 8uptlutLlj.
Diiihpropiiml mint liu iiiT < iiiiiiiiiluil lij nguatantv
In thu niiinof yD,0',0 , iincutui In iKTonljmuull
forum fiiiiililiml lij Him ullli-u. 1'rifi.ruu'ii h n t
crtli-'iH ' of iloinuhtlo pioiliK-tlnii unil ni.uiiif.ictiir
i-innlitluiM of ] 'ilbO anil ipulit ) I.tlii0uiul | , .inilnui.1
pridiLiuu xlu-n to intiiki ul Aniurliun pruiliietiui
unil iiiuniifiiLtiirupriiilncuil on Iliu 1'iii-illc i ua t tu thu
uxluit of Iliu < juii iiiiiitlini | rMiuiruil Ii ) tliupuliliiiH.r
MM tllLK.
'Iho Imi riinunt riwrviu tlio rlr'M to ujirt liny 01
nil linl > ur juitu tliiiuof. I'liinn ami bjiLillliiitluiu
ma ) liu n.c ii anil c\uniliiuiJ lit thinutllcv.
Illaiil. inopiiialu iiinl lnr.tiuctluiu .n to lilclillui ;
tirniinl c intiuut , jujiiiUiit , unilI' i hin fill
ml 'rniulioii tu Inililirnill buliunUliuil un iiiipllcu
llun ! ' tiii ulllixi.
I .in , - toutnnlii | iroiii .i's to lie nurkui
" | iuiiu-iiN | fur i Hintrin tiun nl 1 iirt 1 > . A lunsdl
\ \ I'liiiin , Uintorj , nml uililuml tu tliu iiinUr
' * " '
il'I t0 t lH ) 111 6i
M Uoilsunlcil in ite D ROAD CLAIM oi teinguia
K-ver ofTercrt to Uic public.
'KJilnoy-Wort ' 1 Uio mont BueocimftU remedy
lovcruuoil. " Dr. 1 * . C. B llouMonktonVt.
"Kiilney.Wort 1 always reliable. "
Dr. n. N. Clark , 80. Hero. Vt.
"Kl Jncy-Wort haa cummy wlfo after two yetrn
nutterlnc. " V * . O. U. Biunmcrlln , Ban mil , Qa.
It hna cured where all clue liiul failed. It In mild ,
biitofnclcnt , cr.KTAl.N I.V 1T8 ACTION , but
hnrmlcna In all canes.
ITrlt clrnn oi < tlio Itloml nml Rtrencthcni
Itltrn New Lire to all the important organs of
the body. Tbo natural Action of the RJdncya ia
restored. The Liver ia olcinaod of all disease ,
and the Bowcli ) move freely and healthfully.
In thin way the worut dloooaca are eradicated
from the system. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3
rurs , $1.00 uqrm on nnr , SOLD nt Dncacisrs.
Dry can bo sent by mall.
Ohemica Dyeing
C. T. PAIT.S'W , 1'roprktor.
fieiitloiri-ns' Clottfnir Cleaned , Pjcil ami HepilroJ.
Drcsxci Uioancil and Dyed , uitliaut ipping.
Cliancd r Colored any nliide , to eauiple.
SllkN , Velvets nnu L.IMJ Clc&ticJ , D cil ami Ho-lii-
Wic.l. .
1212Dougl.i3 Sftrcot , - OMAHA , NEB.
, j-rw
Chartered by theStnteofllU .
7 nois lor thccxprcssriurpoEe
IiS ' - * ! ? oflvlnglmmedlatarcllellc all | ; chronic , urimc" ana prl-
t 3
i-v * Gleet nndSyphills in nil their
- , * complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
Ulood promptly rellevedsnJ
permanently cured by reme-
Seminal ! ! . . Nu'ht Losses liy Dreams , Pimples on
. , '
fiTm > "ri > fr/mrii n ; . Ths appropriate tij.r.edy
u at once used in each case. Consultations , per-
luiial or by letter , iacrcdly confidential. Mec ! >
cJiicsi sint bv Mall und Express. Ho marku on
BCKPCC to Indicate content * or sender. Address
o. 204WashinglonSl.Chlcaaoll ! ,
O / & HW BKa O UUaUVBii U
( Faculty 1'rlto uollcgo of Ohio.
Anil nthor Dlncajcg ol the Anna anil 1 tec turn.
120 S. 14th St , Cor , Douglas
eve oil ami wtf
\VI1I jmrlfv Uio BLOOD.'wra.
l.ito tlio LIVER nncl KIDNEYS.
ami in Himii : TUB jiKAl/rit
mill VIQOH of VOUT1L ! ) > *
liepsla , WanlorApprttlo , in-
illui'KlIrm , l.uck nl Mri'iifUh ,
Binl'J lr- ' " UIIK absolutely
iireil. 1'or , luiifcli'sami
IHTVCS lovulvo nowrorei ; .
. jcnilvunt the iiilnil nuil
S SiiHuWiiKuoiu coinpValhW
ja cV2 ixiuiillnrto tliclr BuX will
find InDH. XI ! TITEU'HIKOH TON10 n raid and
; p idy ! uiro. ( tll\t s a I'leiir , lieiillliy complexion.
Preijuniii hHcmptK at co" ' < riiiiK ; ! ; uiilyuilil
In HID popularity nt llmorlitliml. louutozicrl- |
( Illilll-WllluOIIIUIKAI.ANItllKBT. , . . .
/rtTOiljoiiriiililri" ; lo'Ili l > r. IliirterMeil co.X "j
li. Moor our"DHEAM liOOlC. " B I
ttmniw uuil UBtlul.lfltoruiuUon.treo./
Tlio etcumBlilin ol this well-known line are built of
Iron , In water-Unfit cotnriaittnonti , anil are ( urnlsh-
cJ with every ro < | uisito to nmko tbo iiaaange both
eulu mill agreeable ) . Tlioy carry the United .Htatce
anil European nmlla , anil leavu Now Yorka Thurs
days anil Maturdays ( or Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cher-
bouw , (1'AIIIH ( ) anil HAHllUMO.
KatCH : FJrut Cabin , 65 , J 5 and $76. Steerage. 820
Henry I'uiidt , Uark lUnucn , K .11. Moorcs.ll. Tolt ,
iKOiitsIn Onmlia , Orouowlcir It Bclioentgon , amenta In
Council UluHa. 0. 1) ) : 1UCI1AI11) U CO. , Gen. I'taa
AKt % , 01 llroailway , N. Y. Cbaa. KoztnliiKkl ft Co-
U oner al Wutcau Agguta , 107 Waehlnxtou Ht. , Cbloa
Tlio Stcck is B Durable Piano.
OS01 A'lN AU
l > KrK , Col. September. 12 , 1S9J.
Swiluil rropowla ullltu rrnhuJ nt the olllcu c < thU
coiiijuny up to Ottuuvr llrnt , 18hl , Jor thu iiuaroiiiK
mill IfuiJIii mi buiril cl cam 60U,00 | cubio ( at of
utoiii tol'iiloll\iriil ' ) iliirliid tlio ji'ar ISkS , 'I'lio
cum > .iny u CTU' < the rljrht tori Joctuny anil nil Mil ) .
Koran } iintlicr lufuriiution ajijly to T.A. Marlow
Uctj'H i'cit , Ultrnril Miicl. . Ik-niir , fwloniilo.
M VI , CiLI M.UK Ii AMI & < I.AKIY | ! 0.