I > AHA BEE : n , No. 010 Vnrnnni 8f CcnncllBIufTaOmoc , No 7 Pen I St trcctKcar Broadway. New York OfUcc , Iloom.O5 Tribune ntery rrornluir. , eirr > pt Th Itt ) MW IT MAT. Out Vint . 310.W I ThtoeWont hs . . r. . l 1 One Mouth . 1.00 ret VT k , M Osnia. ttr TK i . Jt.00 1 lime Mctitbe . t M > telfanni . ] .w | Or.o.Month. . . . to A.inrnin S Ttt Omnpiny , Solo Agtntr , Uow8 < ! a1. IT" In RM U A Cfl tBunl Uonfl routine ; ' , Newt and KA'torM tttontfcmMtanddlecteJ to Iho nation OV Tin ursKin trrrEM. All Pmto M Txstsora 'nnd IVinlttweM nhonlJ bt dd reused t'lTrntlrBr. Pontwaisn CtjxrAirr , Q AII * . Ttnttf , ChojlB and rortotfto ordora to lx < waao p y- * ib1 to ttau order ol the company. m BEE PUBLISHING ! CO , , PROFS' ' E. nosn\7ATEr . Editor. A. K. IFitct , Mnna pr Dully Circulation , * ) . Bor188 Chnabn * - ' OT Bor , - , Qx Saturday Inat aovcn coiivicta wcro whlpocd tit Now Castle , Dolmvnro , in the prcoonco of four hundred people , It ia n matter of curpriso that the atato of Delaware continues to maintain the whip ping poot. It ia n rolio of barbarism , nnd should not ho allowed to diagraco that atato nny longer. A Gr.EiT many people nappoao that the Christian name ol Wcllor , the groou- -back congressman of Iowa , is Calamity ! This is a mistake , na it is Dimply n nick- namo. The ICow York JShtr naya ho got the n.imo because ho tried to dodge pay ment of n note by B.iyim ; lia signed it whoa Buffering from a calamity being struck on the head by a alone. IT ia consoling to the people of the United States who have boon deploring the decay of our once glorious nnyy to know that England ia in the aarao boat with un. The Pall Mall Gazette asaorto that the boasted nupromacy of England on the seas ia now a thing of the paat , and to regain it will cause the expendi ture of 59,000,0000 The British navy is declared to bo far inferior to that of Franco , but wo question whether It would require 50,000,000 to put the English nnvy in the lead. Mn , KEELY on Saturday last gave an exhibition of hio mysterious motor in the presence of a largo number of Block- holders in the motor company. The test wau made nt Sandy Hook by moaun of n small cannon , the motor form taking the place of gunpowder , nnd it ia said that it was highly satisfactory. Mr. Kooly n.v aurcd the a&aotnblago that by the lot of December he expected como grand results , and that the present year would BOO the ( motor perfected. Ho proposes to apply it to telegraphy as well as to the move ment of machinery. Sir. Keoly may P not , after nil , bo so much of a crank na some people suppose , lie certainly linn in BOIUO good backers , among the number of po wealthy brokeru and manufacturers being Philadelphia , Now York and Brooklyn. ob "I am not a Monopolist or an Anti- at monopolist : I shall attempt to repres ent our yooplo to the boat of my ability , mi and care lor their interests , if I go to Si Lincoln. " IS Such are the sontimontn of Goo. D. Moiklojohn , Esq. the Kopublican nominee orCi for state senator for Ci nee Boone , Nanco , Morrick and Greoloy counties. Cedar itrci Jtapids Era. rci Thooo who are not with us are against pi us. The man who straddles the lending ho local issue in the present campaign can of not bo Hifoly trusted with a neat in the he state senate nonato. Mr. Moikljohu maybe nc bo competent and honest , but Ell if ho 1ms no clear convictions th on the question of railway regulation , th after all that has boon said nnd written im on that subject , ho is not fit to represent or the farmers of Boone , Nance , Morrluk BlU and Grooloy counties in the next Jcghla nn taro. In our own experience with legis Oil lators , wo have never made n ye mistake in counting n trimmer , bu who is "good lord and good sir devil" on the monopoly oido. Mr. hoOn Meiklojohn may bo an exception , like On "Burnuia'a white elephant but wo would lib advino nobody who desires anti-monopoly sta Ian a passed by the next legislature to tin take any chances on him. fiv Tun iron rule of monopoly is well il. ov > gel lustratod by the condition of allalra in ; wil , the coal regions of Pennsylvania. According on cording to the Philadelphia Jlccord the producers of anthracite coal have agreed ( { 01 tie ; to combine on the out-put and prices. tie The percentages assigned to the different im companies are as follows : Heading , Oran 40 ; Lohigh Valley , 10 ; Delaware , Lacka- ind an wanna and Western , 17 ; Delaware and bo Hudson , 12 ; Pennsylvania Railroad company fal pany , 0 ; Pennsylvania Goal company , -1 ; and Lake Erie and Western , 1 , Thin coal monopoly , while starving the minors , ha levies a tax on all the coal consumerM of nc the country. The consumers , however , out would not object to the tax if the mo ho nopoly would only pay its employes pn living wages. The avcrago wages of the fci , miners of Pennsylvania run coi from CO to 00 cents a day. They ro cannot thomselvu und certainly support fn their families on such pay , If they can ad adE from actual ntarvatlon do- keep they are - E\ lug bettor than one would eupposo they Epa could on euch wages. The condition of pami thceo miners ia indeed deplorable , and ah thcr cough' ' | to bo eomo remedy against of the grasping greed of monopolists who rci heartlt'eoly rob them by all tons of com a When iho of coal binations. eupply go exceeds the demand , thu miners r.ro 8m cither reduced to half time or laid oil' ini until the deuuud picks up again. The ot : millionaire monopolists dp not lote n all rinllxr , Imt it is the operatives who have who to pay the losaet and undergo hardships wJwi of all kinds , whenever there is na over * wi or & decline in priced. th 'COMPETITOR OP AMERICA' OIL. Twenty-five yours ngo the first petroleum troleum discovery WM m&do near Titus ville , Pcnnsvlvanib , and since that Urn the IVitnoylvftJiij oil regions have tup piled the principal mnrkota of the worl with oot l oil. Five hundred millie : gallons were exported last year , and thfa vast quantity Germany took th largos 1 , part , The recent rcporta fret the oil fields on the Apnheron poninsul hi the Ca pian ftcn , twar the town o Baku , nr.tutally cnuwroino ulc.rinnnirn the American oil producers , for the ind citiona are that tlwso oil fields will crc long supply the Etiropo n d mnnd particularly tliAt of Germany. Such I rotul ( wouhl indeed bo Jiarvatroin foe ' lime nt leivit to the American oil indus try , especially in view of tko fact tli : there is now a vait over-production. It hna long been known tlmt potmlotn existed near lUku , which it n city o _ Homo 40,000 or 50,000 people. The Uakti ciil field was for some yoara after | the American discovery controlled by ono man , mid there wan much complaint of Iho monopoly which ho exercised. Ii 1807 n commtislon investigated th matter , and finally in 1872 relief was obtained by th abolishment of the monopoly , The oi ! industry nt Ikhu thereupon began to grow very rnpfdly , llio production , whicl in 1870 amounted to 8,500,000 gallons increased to 2 ! , ( M5,000 gallons in 1875. The trade , however , was ntill oonsidera- bly hampered by n duty which took the blPi place of the monopoly. Tina duty wns abolished in 1878 , and this gnvo a now impetus to the industry. The produo tion ! < jumped to 200,000,000 gallons ii fem years. This abolishment of the monopoly , the removal of the duty , and development of the Baku oil wells are , duo principally to nn enterprising man named Nobel , who was formerly n celebrated Russian engineer. IIo is COnc now the principal owner ot the Baku oil wolla , although there are other operators - orators , who , however , continue to work ° tlio wells in the primitive stylo. The exact - act nrcn of the oil field haa not been as certained. A tract wnly about four COmi miloa eqnnro is being worked , but this ia only n small portion of the oil producing at of : region. There have boon about ' 100 rcjwe wells sunk , none of them being over 7001 , . , foot deep. Nobel , lost year sank a to well which llowod 50,000 bar- rola ! n dny , nnd among his pososiuona ho haa twenty-five others that ro known OB ' fountnina. " While the i transportation from Baku is not fitat- doi , the facilities can bo readily irnprov- ; ed It has a good harbor on the Caspian sea , and is within reach of the European markets by w&y of < ho Volga , nnd the railways ncrosu western llusnia. Five gallonn of oil can bo bought nt Bakn . for ono cent , and it will bo noon tlmt thia ? ptico is euro to bring it into direct com pn petition with the American product in the European markets , especially in those the interior of Europe , the moat im in portant of which ia Germany. am SOJIK few of the country pnpora nro objecting to the permanent location of the nci stnta ) fair at Omaha. They want it moved from town to town like a circus. : Suppose the state fair were hold at 101 Kearney , or Grand Island , or ColumbiiD , St Fremont , or Hastings , or Nebraska lit City , what kind of nn exposition would ; . bo ? It would prove n failure in every iluv rcupuct. Omaha nnd Lincoln are the only places , where the state fair should beheld in hold , nnd of tliouo two locations Omaha , course , is the bettor ono on account of her superior advantages in the way of or accommodations , mid the liboril n support that she can give to ; at the fair. The attendance of iy the citizens of Omaha and the hn immediate 'vicinity ia largo enough , o nearly so , to make the fair n financial tai ( success at least. This cannot bo tiuid of fill my other place in iho atuto. If Omaha Miinoi ! , secure the fnlr for the next live t'can ; < , then the next best place in Lincoln , if the atato board of agriculture do tires to make both ends meet it will un- locate the fair in Omaha. Dttr citizens of course should bo very iberal in their inducemonta , notwith- itandlng the fnct that the manngora of fair could well nllurd to locate it for years in Omahn without demanding vou < ono dollar as a bonus. Should Omahn 1 for the fair for the next five years , she at least havoto spend oomo money in enlarging the grounda nnd adding to the . I general accommodations , as the oxpoai- .avu ion ia yearly increasing in its proper cut tions. However , if wo should fail in thia > matter wo can establish a permanent tin tinT Omahn exposition such as Kansas City T other cities have , nnd which could irm ioj made moro of a success than the atato , to toI1 . I1 ' him HANSCOM park , the pride of thn city , | j o 'j ' for some little time boon shamefully 'jtl neglected. Who over the superintend- -tho may bo the question arises whether has help enough , or Is capable of s properly taking care of the park , Thu : enta yo fences are in a somewhat dilapidated roit olT condition , and should bo immediately T repaired. The walks should bo laid In ot " ' "I gravel , and the drives ou ght to bo mac- IK IKJi vlimized , or otherwise improved. Ji til Everything that is hereafter done in the 'in ' park should bo of n substantial and per nuet manent character. The city has jI'l \ I'l ' already spent u great deal unit tnnnuy ou this public hoC rcojrt , gome § 30,000 or $10,000 , and ilia u C i pity that it should now bo allowed to irnoil to wa&to and ruin. In some cities ' oil 1 millions of dollars huvo been upont tn 'in ' tnako artificial hllle , dales and glens , and > TO 1.0 . other romantic features , while wo have 1 thcjo in a natural atato. Strangers ion have visited the park are delighted 'hat the spot , and pronounce it ono of moat beautiful mid romantic litUo parks in this country , Mid they think Omaha has been very fortunate in tccur- inc ; it for a compiufttivo trifle. Tur. people of Omaha ought to erect more brick buildings. In the first place they are more permanent , and glvo the city RU appearance of stability. Of course , where buildinpa are liable to bo lowered on the hills when the streets are cut down it may bo policy to erect frame boildinga. Kanaoa City , notwithstand ing her hills , is almost entirely built up with brick , St. Joe also has a largo brick area , and has the appearance of n very solid town. The dill'dronco in cost be- twe n brick and wood ia not so great si oomo people nupposo , and the slight difleronco in cost is soon made up in the naving of repairs. A frame building has to bo constantly repaired and painted , while the repairs on a brick structure are comparatively few and inex pensive. Besides , the insurance on brick buildings is much loss than on frame. In the erection of brick buildings wo cer tainly encourage nn Important homo in dustry ' , namely , the manufacture of brick , and this fact ought to bo taken into con sideration. Now that the Farnam street grndo ifl npporaching completion it bccomcn ovi- dunt that a little more cutting should bo done between Fifteenth and Nineteenth Ltrcots. The grade ought to bo reduced at least four feet at the Sixteenth street crossing and correspondingly lowered until . . . til it reaches Nineteenth. Thia would not seriously affect anybody , but on the other , hand would bo a material improve ment. The property ovnora between Fifteenth and Sixteenth could well afford to pay every cent of the expense. Si'ch n cut would alao improve Sixteenth , street. It might for the limo being. leave a steep grade between Farnam and I Ilarney , but that must como down sooner - or or later. THE editor of TJJI : OMAHA BKU , in bin private oflico In the city of Omaha , about eight wooka ago , told the writer of this article that ho would support James Laird for congress , during this campaign. * * * * The best senator that Nebraska over Imd , Hon. 0. n. VauWyck , Is in favor if Mr. Laird's return , and ha knows him his true value. Fairmont Jiuttctin. The man r/ho Bays that the editor of FinBinat : : anytime or place promised support Laird for ro-oloction la an unmitigated liar. It is equally untrue that Senator VauWyck the best senator ihat Nebraska over had ia in favor of | , Mr. Laird's reelection. SonatorjVanWyck Iocs knoTr Liird at hia true value and ho irill not hcsitato to toll the people of the iccond district what Laird's services are iaa Torth. a THU "American politico > C iiavlng its headquarters in Boston , has mt n presidential ticket in the field , and promulgated n platform "as is a plat form. " It knocks the foreigner out ou the first round , without oven giving him my ; show. Thia "political alliance" t the naturalization lawa repealed , inqu qu ind demands the passage of an act mak- CO nj a residence of twenty-ono years pi iccossary to enable foreigners to vote or CO oil mid oflicial position in this country , ox- . Qr opt when tmch foroign-boru citizens ca lorvcd In the army or navy of the United do States ; also the pasaago of an act pro- Vfl of libiting the formation of political organi foi sations composed of foreigners cx- su ilusivoly. This platform la conclusive th jvidcnco : that there are a few idiots still hi mining nt largo in Massachusetts. to clc VIOTOUIA Scholllng , Morosini's dnugh- br , will probably accept Iho offer to alng rei concert for twenty nights at Niblo'a of nnlcn at $500 n night. A little notori- SU C01 , no matter of what character , ia.nll hi. lint is required nowndaya for n person hi.no rocolvo i nn invitation to go upon at the saf ago at n good salary. Mrs. Scholling pn draw n crowd who want to aeo her uat to satisfy their curiosity. ' Kd KdI 1'01'COHN. ivo I cla 1 never miracd n do.ir giunllo . , To plad 1119ltli itu soft blnck eye , t.j lint wlion Itcnino to know mo well ! : , ny Anil love urn , itva.s HUIO to die. Im It is tlio democrats who nre now wa\ing thu qu body Sclmr/ . ind Btumi ] epealcora are in danger of getting wil heir tvoth euubiirnt. qu Wo fltniul corrected , Mnlno didn't po hall out. She wont hoa > on bout , by 1'0,1UD. , pin Bulford , who failed to ( 'i't ro-noinliitUiun ind coiiBri'83 in Colorado , is riinninff "wild. " nol A circiiB man out west Ima boon Bold out for aid ubt. HU'HIX Ruud deal like JJutlor IIO'H got .osliow. [ YoiikcrH sUtosiimu. did not desire the nomination , Imt aiuco I ri'cuivud It. I do w-uit to bo vlco presl- Din awfullybad , tllendricki ) . llondiicUfl UilnlcBlio Is the cork on Clove- dis nil'H iisli linont iircsont. Clovulnnd tldnkn cou n very heavy blnkor. [ SyracuieStaudanl. the The man who wrote the democratic plat- ino Is gald t bo at work on a now style of toi icyclo which will run in euvcutoon directions o once , try Prohibition St. John now fools how ilmrpor sli n thankless tooth It is to Imvo n eorpunt Lliis hlld. Ilia boy In thu land ulllco uwoara that rill will vote for Jllalno. dUtiiictlon Involving a palpable dltTorcnco bogus applicant for campaign club ox- in n torture ; the gouulno n torcher , St. 'f -churgaa nn ndinlaslon foe of 2 rol ' to all his cnmp mootliih-i ) . Jluatncliu COIU09 high , but \vo must Imvo it , [ Uo rep ' Kvonlug Journal , I sol The Oil City Ulizzard thinks Clovclnml "ia dei receiving the wild , hilarious support of the inly proas which charuutorlzed the early atti tngoi of the oiinpulgn , " the U Haid that JIra , liovn Lockwood Iwars u I roll triklng resflinblnncc to tlio Into Mis. l.ydia t * Mnkhani. The Worcester Onzetto tliiulta this ' ° 10 bo n campaign Blunder. As Go\urnor Cluvclaiul poudv'H on the mul- tplymg cooliuiss of the iiulupcndonts how ho ' dwell -If ho known thorn ou these bundling and uxproitivu Hues : polIng Cominlttfloinaii "fhoD , tir , you rafiun to contilbnto to our campaign fuudl" Gov- Ing irninout uerk ! "I do. " "Whom , then , do iz'H iutoml to BuppotlV "Aly fiunlly. " pul The report of the death of lion Duller in pat Jinaha waa cuuted by the doaporuto Blcknom haii ruuilit on by old lluii' nttemiit to swallow sou dtuuocr tie patty. - [ IVoru 'I'latiBctipt , clir Jr ) , I * Fury Widlcor U to have a cabinet pou * tin under the Lockwood ailinlnUtratlon. In the way thing * will go under a fuinnlo flui Tusiduiit. Kvur/thlng ill run to nutiiuio ho rio-a-brac , um Ivcutucky tuny Invu hsr fuulls but the has icnt s.vnarad treed many of th-/m thmv \ rofulnz | to rflnoininato John D. W foj L , ( lft conRrc , . Thi * may bo a .terrible . l > hW ftt the crank p-iitoii In Amorlcn , but.i , como , like ft 8VVCBt rHwiitotboIong-sutrer. , , , , . 1Ilteigent | | peaplo of tlio country. "The funds all /y. r . fijouicj tj,0 depn - lorn , 'Kvory eenVroplNl ( the prwt Jont. i\roiy \ ° 1'wira llllt ( h" hilt nothing ? " cyihK | ' " " thu countryl"-Xcw [ o kS Tlio * , srne of "fiddlers" applied to a now political ! faction In South Carolina , reminds i of tlio dnys of " " " "loco-focn/i" and "Ixirn- bur-nrrs" and the liko. ' 'Uddlm" are a ort of i-ndopctidont , glviufr Iho psotiliar nnmo cauno d 'mn < ratii ray they jihy second h'ddla to the rcpubllcnna. Uolva A. I.ockwood Ii a "vidow , " It h mid tlml Mio pnrnH § 10,000 a year a * n'Mnpart- mcnt lawyn. " Hho always Retstho claim and wlnn her caic. Bolva l nearly CO if n day , bright ns a ni-w dollar , keen wilted , honeit , nnd nit a nhnm. Hho is not anliainrd of the tricycle or the candidacy ; not she. The Oil City UlbMKird Pays : "It Is tr < uifo { how deeply interested many of the candidates are m the salvation of the country. The feel ing ti-em no deep that n person who doecn't know better might bo led to the conchnion that Iho averngo candidate connidcrs his own sahatlon and that of tlio country inioparable , the latter depending mainly on the former. " [ Carter Han-linn plowed his sloorsdown in old Kamtuck when n boy. Wo now know where the story originated about the fellow hitching hlnnelf In the yoke \vllh n calf to break It , and sailing over the plantation yell- intf , "Horn wo come , d n our fool souls ! " Carter mint have boon thu man who gave the calf lossoni. [ 1'ooria Transcript Mr. llutherford B. llnyos , roadmastrrof I'rcmnnt ' township , SunHnsky comity , Ohio , announces In a local paper that he will not ' make any nprechei during the picsent political campaign. It la understood that Mr. 1 [ ayes is now engaged upon Iho greatest effort of hia hffl a rococo hencoop with Queen Anne porches and agothle back door which opens on a South Kensington feed-box. Mr. llayns will aluo bo rcmomboroU as the gentleman who ate Mr. Tlldcn'u Thanksgiving dinner in 1870. VOIOE OF THE STATE PRESS , Ciittlnir the ' .Ticker , lililo Springs Motor ( Hop. ) A great many republicans have stated to ua that to cut n part of the state ticket would injure the success of the i national ticket. "Wo can not see it in that light. Wo can elect 'Shodd lieutenant - " ant governor by twenty thousand ma jority and snow old Dawos under a bank of snow so deep that old Sol's rays will never melt away the political snow bank that will cover his political remains. You can walk up nnd down our busi ness atroot , and ninotcon-twcutioths of iho men you mcot will toll you that they are going to vote ngaiiist Dawes. You cannot find a republican among that number that will cut Blaiuc , Shcdd , or any other good man for the sins of an other. It would bo just as reasonable to kick out of n public school all the teach ers because wo dialiko ono of them , Men , who have the sand to cut n rascal , of have the judgment to select the wheat from the chaff. It ia the sensible read ing public who are going to scratch ; and you can reat assured that they will vote carefully nnd judiciously. yo yo Morton ruul tlioTailfT. il Sidney 1'laindealer-Tolegraph. " * nit The irrepressible J. Sterling Morton again before the people of this state as of candidate i for governor. Morton is a til free trader to the core , a member of the die Cobden ( club , of England , and doubtless diemi many of our Sidney people remembered ab his bombast "Tarifa" speech of two da hiyc dawe years ago. we thi Attorney General. ch Western Celt. an Mr. the democratic scl Montgomery , nominee - inoo for attarnoy general , is a man fully od qualified to fill that important oflico. In fr comparison with his adversary on the re crc publican : ticket there is indeed a striking- thi contrast. If Mr Lease Is elected to this chi oilico this fall instead of Mr. Montgom SOI ery , wo will forever believe the republi can boast that they can elect a yellow dog in Nebraska. Loaao'a nomination was a burlesque on the legal fraternity Te the stato. The mon who forced his nomination cannot ma surely bo his frioilds. It was the greatest Injustice to him to impel po him : to exhibit himself bcforo the pee pai plo. The man has not ono qualification Oh 0 fit him for the oflico. There was a lee clash between Senator Van Wick and tlio IltU brass-collared ; tribe ho has spurned , the IltUMl result was the abortion , the nomination No thia honest but illiterate man. But an surely ! the citizens of this fitato cannot ani soiiBumniato the injustice by electing bal liim. . Fortunately the democrats have nominated a man for whom the people can iiy iafoly vote , and Mr. Montgomery will rove fully worthy of their support. Weaver ou the Tariff. the ; I'dllor Lincoln Journal. Pa Certain I newspapers claiming that I first Fo ' 'oted | against striking out the exacting Th luuso in the Morrinoii bill , and at the ru- goi ; juest of Hon. E. K. Valentino changed a > vote , I desire to say that I voted the boi jrat and only time that I voted ou that boi lucation to strike out the enacting chuso , oar that Mr. Valentino was in Nebraska , cut : . ivith a sick wife , and did not vote on the i jlls juostion. ; I'0.3 1 am in full accord with the republican J01' ! platform on the question of protection , lis ' have never said anything nt any time in accord with the principles there down. A. J. WiiAVint. 1'ark Godwin , ilair Republican. ParkoGodwlnhaiboonro-nominatedfor iistrict attorney by the democrats. They ould not have placed a stronger man on ticket , In our opinion. Somewhat noxporioncod and youthful when elected the difficult position ho now fills , its rying emergencies have boon mot with ignal ability , firmness and diicrotion. does not signify , however , that ho walk away with his onorgotlo com- ictitor , Estollo , as ho did with Mr. 13 urn- mm. The situation is changed iVashington , Burt and Sarpy have an old core to settle with Douglas county , and hey can settle it very satisfactorily by 'oiling up a round majority for a staunch 'opublican instead of allowing thorn- elves to bo represented by an Omaha lemocrat. The Republican entertains kind foolinga for our district ittornoy , but ho is ou the wrong side of fence , In a b.id position to aak for opublican votes which ho must have to elected , A Study of Nolirnuks. Politics , Vi ipoclul to the Chicago Daily News. Crc OMAHA , Nob. , Sept. 10. A study of urn ' tolltics in Nebraska reveals an interest- 'OH atato of afTm-H. Ever since its organ- z'ltion the stuto haa been intensely ro- mblicau. Its fealty to the grand oil I tarty hni boon stronger proportionately Chi that of Kunsas or IOWA , Public ChiDr lontiment , however , haa been quietly Dr. ihaiicing siueo Jay Gould got control of Union Pacific railroad. That nstuto DP ) luaucior was not content with matters as found them , llo wanted over ) thing mdor hia thumb and used All his emi- resources to got the whip-hand cf party politics and to run the legislature m favor of railroad corporations. The republican conventions were packed by railroad fllawyors , agent * , auditors nnr1. others who fnvored tlio grasping ninn < , { corporate "monopolies nnd were filling to manipulnlo the state nomination ? . Sitting Hull nnd Civilization. Chicago Herald. Sitting Bull ia about the lost man on earth ont would expect to discover nny- thing wrong with our civilization. Ho is n aavn ro mul n dull wilted ono nt that. Ho has never been noted ns n philoso pher. It hnn not been suspected that ho had brains enough to look upon any ono fact , nnd say that it was Inconsistent with another. Ho has apponrcd to bo.n wild man who took things about na ho found them nnd naked no questions. In thia ho haa been mijjudj'ert. After spending n few dnya in Now York city ho told nn inquirer that the most surprising thing about civil zation was the fact that little children nro sent on the streets to make money when they ought to bo nt play , White men accustomed to such things would pass troopa of these little money getters nnd wago-winnem daily without n thought. The anvngo from the laud of the buffalo noted it instantly , ana evidently hnd boon reflecting upon it to some extent before his opinion was naked. It required no Caucasian educa tion or civilizition to convince him that such an arrangement could not bo desir able. 'Ilia fact that many states have passed laws forbidding the employment in shops and stores of children of tender years shows that public opinion has not boon unmindful of the evil , nnd proves further that without such restraining legislation thcro would bo much more child labor than wo now soo. All through the man ufacturing districts of the cast little boys and girls find themselves condemned to toil which has no end but the grave. Swarms of them may bo seen going to their work early in the morning , dinner paila in hand , or returning haggard and weary in the evening. In nil Lirgo cities thousands of them nro so engaged in fac tories . , stores nnd offices or ou the streets. At ngcs when the children of the well-to- do , nro preparing to outer school without ar idea ns to the source of food or cloth in ing , or the value of money , these little to are experiencing the full measure of the world's selfishness , and nro finding in the rough contact with thousands of their elders in the struggle for broad the ' stern truth that they must work or starve. That the bivilization which forces these little ones to such cqortioua ia not entirely a success in plain. Education , onwl wholesome food , auitatilo clothing , and proper recreation shsuld bo within the rerch of all ; yet there nro thousands of shildren in America who never have any theao things , rnd whoso power to gain thorn nil through lifo is reduced by the one the very fact that in youth they were with mil out them. Theao boys and girh will , if 1'Ic Jlo. th live , bo fathers and mothers. A en which destroys health in youth , which impairs the vitnltry of the young , cannot fail lo leav lis dotnriorat- iug { imyress upcn the race physically and mentally. In nil thin hard struggle for the poorest food nud clothing , it is not strange V that ! tha Dakota uavago was unr.blo to discover any advantage which civilization might claim over barbarism. In their h aboriginal stito the Sioux had an abun Hat dance to oat and to wear. Their children were tenderly caaed for until of un ago us that warranted their introduction to the tl.U chase , and then in all the barbaric sports tl.UA and pastimes they were given the fullest A schooling. Aa their parents hnd sustain- Addable Jifo so they were taught. They had fresh air , exercise hoaltn and sport. Of creature comfort they had more than these enjoyed by thousands of white able . shildren. Civilization ought to offer A. something bettor than barbarism , not for the few only , but for all. gua acri An Exceedingly Mean 11 cui ark. Texas : Sittings. Dak ) Bob ] Nickolby married a wealthy old add naiu ser her money. She paints hor- Onu BOl up nnd makes quito a handsome ap- aoaranco : , at a distance , at balls and vv iartisa. On the other hand , Sam tlon 3huzzlowit'a wife ia young and good- ooking naturally. Both wore in attend- nice at a ball on Austin Avenue , and ami Mra. Nickolby waa painted like a doll. Soxt morning Nickolby mot Ohuzzlowit ind raid : Ice "Our wives looked beautiful at the jalllast night. " "Yes , " responded Ohuzzlowit , "and tHa wife looks that way yet. " ciiior. The Brilsh scientists are journeying to Hockey Mountains by the Canadian Pacific. At one of the stations , Crow 11 Fee , a big chief , waa on the platform. L'horo was a rush to shako his hand. Ono ontleman purchased hia tobacco pouch , AilJ long buck&kiu article , for ? 3 ; n lady AilJTC nought his necklace for § 1 ; a gentleman TC sought hia wi # for § 2 ; a lady bought his onie arrinR9 fur § 3 ; another gentleman soured - urod his moccasins ( leaving the chief in onieF sock foot ) for § 1.75 ; a man cut off a F oak of hia hulr ; a photographer took his hotograph ' , and a reporter tried to buy F shirt. It was a great day for Crow b'oot. 7 > F F IN THE PASTRY 18Fj IF ' FjFi Fi [ o. ' , Lob strc'i strc'iF F F Kin ; KinF F [ coin coinF [ on ! FFl Fl FlF [ F [ ? Vnnllln.l.rmmi.OrmiBc , i > lc. , flavor CnUn , rcMiui lliiiUlliiui , tciii > ilfllraluly mul nut- rally tbolVuU iVuiu \ \ lilch Iliey lire iiiuilo. F ST11EXGTH AND TKUE FIIU1T 14th TLAVOll THEY STAND ALOXL' . 14thF [ mtHKlO BY THI F Price Baking Powder Co. , ililcago , III. St , Loulo , Mo. F [ MtKCRI or r . Price's ' Cream Baking Pov/dor part Ideil. iNO Mrf . , Price's Lnpulin Yeast Gems , , > licit Dry IIu | > Veil. I. L1 ; znr o-s we luuti uvi ox Qiutnir. * SPECIAL NOTICES TO IOAH-MonS7. loincd on chJttcli. Uilltoad Ticket * and Mid. A. Foreman , 213 S. Ittli 748 tl VfONKY TO LOAN Ia UEH o ? JSCC. nd npwMd 1 > 1 0. F Durli ) nj Co. , Reftl Bttito nl Loft 15 } ! Ftrnum St. SC3-I O MAHA FI.VAXC1AI , kXCHAKOf targe or tmoll Inani a clo on rproved ercmlty , 1C17 flrnt. 812-lm lP WAITTED. A 7AKTKD Stone Cutters , Attention Tlirto thou- M Mtirl men Mantel to work on Iroostonoln Now York city. GeM r y. I'Jjiht IIOHM. Work euro. Cnnio &t mice. Apj.lv at any janl In Iho city , liy onlcr nf the Master Stone C'uttcrs' Association. ; , , 1C7-27 \VANTnD- A pond coat-maker. Steady work at T so * l prices Will riiy fare. Address Iminedl- otrly , J. W. Uo nlckUcalrlco , Neb. 102 27p tccond hand sato , | 2,000 poumli clithtor om. Mint bo clicap. Addrcn "M. " , gltlng 1101119 and description. 10l-22x \\TANTii ; ) A Rood l.iindry itlrl nttho Kminct It House , llth meet , between Karnum nnd IMr- nej. 1ST 7p WANT2D-A plrl for lions * wotk at 1210 J f kson Sti Scandlhaxlanpreferred. 18t-21p | \ ANTCD-Dlnlng room plrl at the ScandlnaUan II lljto' ' , on South lltli bt , 182.3p " \\7"ANTii : ) An architectural draujhtsmnn who II undcretanJsthoroughly oilico work , construc tion , ami detail driHlni ; . Apply personally or by letter , OooV. . I'luld , 022 raniani St. , room 9 , 2 < I Floor. 181-SSi ) EUX goodrl | ! for RCticril house work tn small Umllv. Ailj ] | 420 north ISth St. 3fO aij ) ANTiD : Oiiocncrifctlemantotcllood ( , tt iniploynient. Call 421 oouth 10th St. l" 17ANTEI- Woman cook 1015 Hartley St. I > "HI "IT ANTBD 4 poo.1 slaters at Westoili Cornloo works , 1110 DousrUs Street. ltO-2t ANTKB-A l > oy JO J arn old ftt JmnlrV 100. fctorc , corner lOih nnd Ijca\enworth Ma. Ma.15022p A stronff middle necil1 woman for a rc'pomlblo position at the 1'axton Hotel , Inquire - quire for House-keeper. U3-2p /ANTKU-Aladyoookatnorthcast corner Ittli and Howard street. 133-21p TS/'ANTIID-A good Kill for kitchen work , BOI II Plcrco street , cor. &tli. Good wages. Oerman or Bohemian preferred. 161-22p W ANTKD-A sottlnff girl at 1017 IIownrd. _ 883 2Sp WANTKU Olrl for Roscral house work at ' 39 Con\cntSt. Mrs. 0. E. Jfaycc. 818 tf WANTKD-LADIES OR GENTLnMEN-In city or country , to tnko nlco. light and pleasant work atthclr own homes ; $2 to $5 per day easily and ipilctly made : work lent by mall : no canvassing ; no stamp for reply. 1'Icaso addicss llcllablo Mant'c Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. 03-1m TITANTED Acnt8 ( to nonaio ino Hell Pat'nt I T rt'eathcr t trips. Address or call on Ooo. W. Dell , 1120 Harnoy street , Omaha , Nob. 530-lrap WANTED By a wjdov lady , slouitlnn as house.- . keeper , Addresa A , W. BEE office. Council Jluffs. V ANTED A permanent situation with somn larpo house by nn expert book-keeper and horounh olliceninn.av'o 31. Al St. Louid refer- wh 'nccs fromlmpoitcr , w holcsalo d'ocery , liquors etc. . 2o. security f rcn.uircd. English nnd German , "lease address II. Jones , 1S01 Ohio avo. , St Loul ? , Co.F . 105-22p rX7 ANTED nmiiloymcnt In any Kind of business II by nGcrman man who speaks both lunxua cs Lpplyat "C. 0 " No 7P3 bouth ISth St. 17S-23p I I tTrANTFO Emplojacntbyapood Germanbutch- IF Vl tr. UJInnnwcilcrI337H. ; lUhSt. 103-Slp ton : rXTANTEIJ SCW'IIR In families by a good dress- > maker. Jntiulre 317 N. 17th St. 152'23p F El ) A sltution ng cook , In hotel or rcstau- rant ' > y a colored man , Is competent and can e the boit of reference , Call at or addrrs ? Joseph F laths ! , south 16th St. 114-22p city ; PLANTED A position ns tlcrlc In Hardware or cityF VI Wholesale house , ha\o had ten years experience F proprietor. Ilcferoncca gl\cn. Addroaa 'C. A. " a. liliclllco. _ 003-tf J OUDK married man wants Eltuition as book- F CJL keeper , In wholesale tetabllshmtsnt In Omaha , iddrcai " 0. " cr.ro Bco. Bie-tt nc ! _ . _ - and MJSCKM.AKHOUB WAJT6. - rT7"ANTED To correspond lth a young lady that Fat Vl would tra\cl with npontlcinau , businces profit- \at ble , correspondcnco contideutal. Address "VV. M , wat i " i."caro of Jleo. H3-:3p sold fort WANTKD A single gcutlcman desires room and For board In German family \ \ hero the German Inn- uago ; Is spoken.V1I1 pay reasonable price for treed ForF cronunodatlons. Address 1' . 0. box G2U 100-24 ForF HT'ANTKD Oatcly'a universal educator , CO.OOO F | II ROM since January first. Agon's ' wanted In C akotn , lov\a , and Nebraska. For terra call on or o ddrcsjV. : . D. 1' . Lowry , roam 6,110 north 10th St. Imaha , Nob. _ _ 171-27p F nCTANTED Onelarjeor two smill unfurnished 60 rooms for man ami wife , state pricoand loca- the . Address "E. " this otlico. 170-23p L. v\ ANTED A sm II furnished or unfurnished F rooms by a young man. Addrces , slntbf , ' prlco I ? vvW location. E , 1) . Hcndy , Bee of Ilco 183-22p J. W 'ANTED To boarilagcntloTan nnd his wife for KE the winter. No other boarders. Address "H. " E clllic. 14C-2I lion Icr : oems , furnished or unfurnish- T cd , for light housekcepiuif. Address "X. E. W. " IcrE Haollico. 137-24p E IITANTKD Board man nml w Ho. state terms ami I locrtlon. Addrces "K. " lieo oilico. 122-HZn I r- L1 ANTED Some ono to adopt nboy babe 4 months old. Iiitjulra at 1'ocr housa. 117-23p box boxF IWANTEH Partner In tin nJ liardwaro Inulness F established. Apply "Hardware. " Bee olllce. 120 23p ' VN'IEU Board and two rooms by n family of [ four In n prl\ate family , References oxchingcd. L1 ddrcss ' ! ) . H. " Bcoolllco. 105-21p ' nt/ANTED-SJ.OOO on flrtt-class city sceurity.for B years , at 0 per cent. Address Box 020 1'ost- ' 700-tf L1 I'ou aniiT - . . Uonso-j n.2.3 : . HUNT A small fiirnl-hed house , moderate rent. Inquire 1013 JoneH St. 177-21p P \ 7\01l KENT Furnished front room sultablo fnr man and wife or two gentlemen , 2012 Humor Bt ie 8 0-27p [ 01l KENT rurnlshedrooms 1823 Capitol a\o. L1 iro-tf HENT Three hnuicaol fix roorrseach. ThrooStoiejon Cumlnit eticet- Ihrceiligant i'lit3. : lUfercnces required JOHNL. MtC'AGl'E , T 180-27 Opposite I'ostolllce. U FOU HEM1 Fumlshdl room for onoor two gen tlemen. Inquire at 1710 Ioun1aa ) St. 1GK-24 71011 KENT Two \ery desirable furnished rooms il near street car line , eight minutes nallc from I' , otto nnd convenient for t o orthrco gentlemen , can cbtH obadby apply Ini ; to 8. E. cor , 20th end Chicago irc'cU , or 1' . I' . C. Go's olllce. 181.J7p" TtOlt KENT Newhouio with 3 rooms closets and "LJ ce'llcr on 4tli nnil Walnut St. Inquire at August ndonNeb. . llr and om Fictorv. Chicago St. 167 22p notli OH hhNl A nicely furnibluri room sultaule for rear tu o gcntlemiin , 710 south lOtli St. 169-28p rearTl TlOU : KENT nirnUlicd or unfurnished with or Tl without board , two rooms In n line nelghborlijod hlt omcnluit to Street car , E017 ClrarlcB St. 139-1 Inqu TtOIt HENT THO new Iy furnished suits of room ) ' lor ccntlcucii , at 8.V. \ . coiner 20th and Hurt , 5 20th. 145-27 oT d lee'lylurnlane l room 105 north 18th " 76S-28p TV J r.iOIl lir.NT Afinall cottaco of three rooms. War- ren Sultilcr , 213 noutti 14th St. 133 tf - . . - lint TlOll IlKNT Furnished patlorand bed room at 02 2K3 Harnoy Bt. 1S2-22 ItENT CotUue _ of lhre room , 23d nad ciukktricU. T.'J. Fltzmorrls , Beeottlco O. " ISt-tf trj FTAOIl HENT-rurnUbcd front aud led rooms $10 > / or { 12. iir mouth , 1318 Jones , between 13th and lit. 13I-Z3P * " 7IJK HEM' nirulthcd room 1313 J&cksou. ' 89S-20p _ IT 7\OU KENT In the northt'rn part of the city , n Bit furulihod bed room mlp > rlor with board pro- . Coinmcrelsl tru\elcr uud lj ( prc'cncj. 1'or BitT. artu-ulirn Inquire N. U cornrr 14th and Vaicnport T. tr.et" , littuten 3:30 : and 4 p. m ItO 2p2 . ui * UI'.NT Futnlilied room lor one or two gen- f n-enai2M icyBt. 1BC-22P [ I Ha * 7011 KENT Holies 6 locics mil kitchen 7 2 8 or , ou : 126 2'p ho i , T7IOR R sA house llh B rooms , Inquire cot * JL1 tcr KthanJLoncnworthSt. Joo. I , . Hill. HEXT New tt"re , ulio room A cry cheap. E. 1 Satagc , 13th and Hlckcry. 127-Up 1IE.VT FurnliheJ rooms. Inquire 2W ! north 1 ICthSt. OOO.tf poll HENT A hnu with foiirroonn and kitchen I 1 Inqulio at 20th St , ono block north of St. M.tr't * nvp. 093 S4p < - imall futnlshcU front room , U03 ' Howard ( trcet. D 5-22l | 7IOH HENT House nd brn Sfith and llarnoy. 1 < Win. } , . Monroe , Cth and UotiRlu , tolcphonoSSl , "TTlOH KENT T\vo nicely furnished front rooms. Jl' Will rent single or en-suite , 3. K. 20th nnd Dav enport. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lll-SJp FOlfn'ENT Nicely futnlslicdsulto ol 2 rooms , 310 W. 13th St. 076 2 < Jp F OH HENT Homo | ) FIX iviro rooms , RO.OO. O. 1' . D l3 k Co. , 1503 l-arnatn at. 607-tf 771011 KENT Lirga second story room suitable for JC manufacturing. Applr 1113 Harney St. C5.1-2 ? 7TIOII 11KST IMrnlshiid room U18 DoJgo St. J1 061-22P ipOK lir.NT NlcolyfurnUhcd orun'uinMiodrnoffiS 1 without bo'ird ISM Davenport St. 102-22P I poll 1 UENT-Furnlshcd rooms 1003 Farnaui St. - 7-fl-tf i I poll UENT New tt\o room cott ? o hi excellent lo- 'cation. $20 per moDth. D. H. Goodrich , 1513 Mrnam street SHO-tf Foil UKlrr Nico'y furnished front room milUble- for two gentlemen. 10J3 Dodge St. 000'23p Foil UENT A two etory frnmo bulldlnjr eultab for bmliipM. l.nrgo cellar , upstalra miltiblofor residence. Inquire ou promises , corner 20th and Pittco St. 9 S- FSi ill UENT Nicely furnished front room 161& DoJgo street. 110-tf FOUIIUNT Six roum cottage , flno loc-itlon , hv S. T. Peterson , R. E. cor. 16th nnd Douglas. 617-tI 1 pOlt IIIOT llooms In Crounso'g Block , ( t. 21 Hitchcock. 613-tl FOH HENT Ono g na nquaro piano. Inqulru ofEdholtn nnd Erloltaon. 440-tt "FT'OIl ' KENT Ono coodslx room house 525. per mo. JUO.JL Hitchcock. .M-tf. 1'OK SALE. TnOHSAI.U-Tho Chestnut gelding Clho , lira VJU- ) J' old , sired hv l > oroy'a Sturn , ( record 2:23) : ) . At four yc rs old Cme , tr.ntc'd n full mlicln 2 : 0 at the Nebraska State Fair , ami can row show much faster gait. Is well broken , kind nnd penile. MayboBcen Council IlluuY DrUIiiL' pai-ic. Inquire nt tbo 1'ark of I' . JlcEroy. A. J. Populoton. 183-2p FOll SALK'Stockntnrc ' ° , horse nnd nagon , of first-class grocery store , n bargain. Applv"A. n. U" Boo otlico. IBO-tf n.i SAIiVA Rood , substantial horse power. C Since putting In steam luvc no further tro for It. lire. J. Bauman , at Columbia llroucry. 155-SCp SALE Horse , kind nnd ( fcntle , cheap. Inquire - quire nt Kdholm & iirlckton'd Juwclry Mor * , op- poslto P. 0. 170 23 ' FOll SALE My toil ) , two horsei , wagon anil Iiirnc Trcd Jloehlc , S E. cor. llth and Far- uam EtrectD. ICO tf FOUSAF.E Alargostovo ( aarl n3)for ) sale nt a bargain. Inquire of Itevn , 1103 Douglas Street. Ul-tl FOll SALE Ioo3D hay delivered In large or small quantities. A new line s'de bar top buggy ntida ivliulesilo notion cr peddlers wogon. , U. J. Onani . 175.1m FOlt SATjR A fmo largo carriage rr coa'h hursc. Inquire ntBluo Barn , 10th St. , between Dodge uid Ctij.i'ol avo. 1'Ai-tf .iOll BALE 150,00) btltk. II. T. Clarko. 121-tf tpOK eAljK I'tiiiilture nn.l . uuurufl of a biiirdlnc ; 1 hojsodulnga geol busincin. Best location In onn. H Jlannwillcr , S07 south llth St. 1 0-Kp FOll SALE Flno lot , oa t ( pint. In block Uuce , on Georgia a > euuc , Inquire 1500 Howard strict. 000-22p ! FOHSALB A small , but complete stock ol fresh. groceries , with n good trade , in a good locality la ity. Addrcsa " 6 " Hcu olHse. 100-lp _ FOK SALE A wholostock of clothing , boots anil shoes , buildings nt cost , retiring from business. If. : Petcreon , Ml south Tenth street 113-3m FOR SALE-Chcap Iota , ? 500 down S5.M per- month. and aesUtlni ; worthy pcroons to build lice < little homes. K. C. Patterson & Co. , cor 13th Farnaui. 637-tf FOll SALE 200 acres of land . 1 to acres lmpro > ed , 32 acres hay , 8 acres hog putuie , 7 acres cult- ! atcd ( timber , 3 acres natur ft timber. Good snring ate' goodhouie and other Improvement ? , will bo on very easy tormi , if sold coon. Forotherln- ormatlon Inquire personally or by mail of Win. Clair , 'orcst City , Sarpy County , NeK _ 45Mm. POU SALE Two eeccnct Sand pianos , at Ei'ho'm & Erlclmnn'n Afr.Rln Store on IBth St. Kfn.tt 710U ; SALE Corner 8th nnd Farnam , 00\132 feet now occupied by City Mills. Apply on premises 077-tf ; W. J. WEL&HA.1S. ITICU SALE A water power and stone quarry with ten acres ol land , 45 cubic Inches of water and foot . fall , with easy facilities for fl dam , adjoining- city of riattsmouth , Cass county , Neb. Address n. Case , No , 511 south 13th ( treat , Omaha , Neb. 032-23p _ OIl SALE Furniturennd stoves suitable for boarding ; house. Inquire 16th , 'aiul Jackson St9. Nelson. 048-21p rpOIl SALE Boiler nnd engine. I have nearly now boiler and cngina and ICnowle'a pump , 40 lOrso power , for sale cheap. T. S. Clarkson , Schuy- , Neb. 922-lm FOll SALE Northeast corner 20th and Cumloj ; street O. F. DaUs & Co. , 1535 1'arnam street , 876-tf _ rpOfl , , SALK One half Intoio-it in a good creamery , also nineteen lots , tfor particulars , nddresn lock "Os , Yorl : , Nib. 819-24p rpOR ( SALE Cheap , A nice cottage , full lot , city water 5 blocks from the court house. II. Leo , occr , 22d and Lca\cnwortn. 857-lmo 7011 SATiK A butcher shop and toolaln Bchuylcr- NibrMki , with a llrst clw trade and In a food iratlonobject In selllnz , paor health. Addreitf , 'lastpcr&lIerbrioVtiiliuxler , Neb. 831-23 fT'OK SMiK-Kngtnea new anil nccoriU hand 10 h. p. 15 h. p. And 20 h. p. portable and stationary ; also olli'Mot nny sire and stylo. Hichard & Clarke , U , V Y. bet. 17tn aud 18th Sti. Omaha. WB-tl n\0n SALE A nilntlnv otlico Bilitablo lor a small newspaper or Job oflico. Wil neil for cash or ei- aange for Omaha City property. AddrooiX. . X. O" ollloo. Uf'U TIOR HALK Two open aoconil-nand bUfRlna ud ono delivery wagon , chcip , at 1E1D Hwnoy BJ. S3S-tt rMiaCELLAHEOUa. OST Gold I eo pin lone nr.il slender , between Seaitan'n and 1513 Capitol ave EouarJ nhen. returned to Mrs. Parker , 1613 Capitol luc. 18D-22p iTYn lo ( , Pauline Wecser hnring left my home- without Jmt cause , I hereby warn everybody tiust her nn try nocount , nal will not pay nny contracted by tier , Anton Weeter. maha , Sept , 22d , 1881 , 173-2lp OST WolncsJay,8eptombcr lSthn larie leather Jtallbolnnlley , between Farnam and Hanoy St. . 12th and 13th Ste. , contnlnod a lot of peddlcr'e- Dtlora. $5 no reward will bo Kiron 11 rctuuied to ot llotz & lUeunetclu , Fornam St. 174-2ir- nAKr.NIUP Sept. Bth , 1831 , on the flrat farm Lsouthcf Poorliousen twoyenrold brlndlo eteor , hind leita Owner please call andpiycrmrcej. iqulro for Chria llachinann. 117-S3 THAVliD nul nnd wlilto si > ottcd roan cow three- \taraold.\vasulckandhad roiio on her horna. j. Hobble. Ul-tC \H. H. 1' . Jensen hisrumo\ctl hta oilico and reel * dcnco iotho N , i : . corner 18th anl lA-nciiworth 102-lm TKS. BOIIUOUEH , Mapietlo llealerls now ixatcd lB21Cmastrut. Ulagnoecj UlttnsesIrco. B2T-lm , 3HIVY xaults , tlnlvsunJ cenpooN cleaned wllli 'V iinlttrv cleaner. Hatlifactlon ( tiinr.inteeil by F. A Abcl , ( ucceieorto J. M. Smith , ) box 378. 072.1m \ ? AA Cn h will buy a splendid Blde-b rbu'iry * ) .UU at 1810 raninu atrctt. 068-tl r ffCn \ - > * > will bii ) an excellent rldlnor dri- VD.UUtiKdnubto ( her v. atl31or rnam. 'pd7.tf . \ For prime baled liav nt lowest prlros , ul. TA.For T. S. OLM1KSON , Oia-lm SchUjler , .Neb. _ rMUBHAY lias good pisturtng. Eptlng water. SJfl.t ! ilAnhN il' A three vcnr old heifer , rfil wllb ) white on uid of ( all and b'ltJ In one eye , ' roru arourd her neck Taken up by 0 , P. How. J. Ii , if , 1'atrio'u'd firm , 4 miles vest ot Oma wltj