Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1884, Image 4

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    IHliJ ( .jV AHA BEE
Om.liA Office , No. OlO KArnr.nt Bu
Cunncll Bluffs O ( Nee , No 7 t'cm ) S
trcct ,
Now York onicc , Uoom 05 Trlbmi
lumiiiivvl iTtry rrornlnff , crfttf * insyi Th
tolj Hem } y MMiilnt ; d.\Hy.
Out Vwt J1P.CO I ITwc * Ifonthi.
llxltatiittt f.rolOn Mouth. . . Ut
TtrTcet , ! 6 Osut .
u TXIKMT MB , rrsuenia r.vt&Tj
ifeT iw . , W.OO I Thrto Months 5 t
.MKltnA * . . 1.00 I Ono Month
Aswr'ww NorcOmnpiny , Sole /.gentr ,
rs tn b * ttalt SSi. ! .
A Ccmtminirat'.orw Minting to Newt and r < Vtot ! <
_ < T > Tt rs thwfWb * ftJUlcmd to tlio Hi/mm at Tn
All Btulow Iiehnrs "and lUtnlttuneM rtionlJ h
* 4rlrc9B ll ? < Tnxntiii. POTimtnxn tt > nrAirr , oHAir
V > taff t , Choskn and Pnetolfoo orders to lx > tJ 3o pv
t\M ; to tr order ot the company.
E. ROSRWATEU , Editor.
A. K. Fitch , Jtnnaijor Daily Oircalftlioi O
' "lor , 4SS Oinaha , 7\cb.
Ox Saturday Inat aovcn convicts wcr
whipped at Now Castle , Dolnvraro
in the preoonco of four hundred peopl
It ia n matter of curprino that the atnto a
Dolnwaro continues to maintain tlio whip
ping poot. It ia a rollc of barbarism
nnd should not ho allowed to diograci
tliat atato nny longer.
many people unppoao that |
the Christian name ol Wcllor , the ( jroon
back congressman of Iowa , is Calamity
Thin ia a mistake , na it ia cimply a nick
name. The Now York Shir nayu ho got
the uamo bccauao ho tried to dodge pay
incut of a note by saj'ini ; ho oiguod it
when suffering from a calamity being
struck on the head by a ntono.
IT is consoling to the people of the
United States who have boon deploring
the decay of our once glorious nayy to
know that England is in tlio same boat
with ua. The Pall Mall Gazette aasorta
that the boasted supremacy of England
on the seas ia now a thing of the past ,
and to regain it will cauao the expendi
ture of 50,000,0000. The British navy
is declared to bo far inferior to that of
Prance , but wo question whether it
would require 50,000,000 to put the
English navy in the lead.
Mn. KEELY on Saturday lasb gave an
exhibition of hio mysterious motor in
the presence of a largo number of stock
holders in the motor company. The test
was made at Sandy Hook by moans of a
email cannon , the motor form taking the
place of gunpowder , and it ia said that it
was highly satisfactory. Mr. Kooly ad
mired the assemblage that by the 1st of
December he expected eomo grand results ,
and thut the present year would sou the
motor perfected. Ho proposes to apply
it to telegraphy as well aa to the movement P
mont of machinery. Mr. Iveoly may P
not , after all , bo so much of a crank us
Berne pcoplo suppose. Uo certainly han in
eoiiio good backers , among the number of
wealthy brokers and manufacturers being
Philadelphia , Now York and Brooklyn.
"I am not n Monopolist or an Anti-
monopolist : I shall attempt to repres
ent our yeoplo to the best of my ability , nn
and care ior their interests , if I go to SiK
Lincoln. " K
Such arc the sontlmontB of Goo. D.
Moiklojohn , Esq. the Republican nomi
nee for atato senator for Boone , Nanco ,
Morrick and Greoloy counties. Cedar it
Rapids Era.
These who are not with us are against
us. The man who straddles the loading
local isino in the present campaign can of
not bo Rifely trusted with a neat in the
Btatosonato oonato. Mr. Moikljolm maybe
bo competent and honest , but
if ho has no clear convictions ,
on the question of railway regulation , ,
after nil that has boon aaid nnd written :
on that subject , ho is not fit to represent or
the farmora of Boone , Nance , Morrlok
and Groaloy counties In the next Icghla ,11 ,
tare. In our own experience with legis IA
lators , wo have never made n C
mistake in counting n trimmer , lut
who is "good lord and good
dovil" on the monopoly nido , Sir.
Llciklojolm may bo an exception , like
"Jlurnum'a white elephant but wo would
udvinu nobody who desires anti-monopoly to
laws passed by the next legislature to the ,
take any chances on him.
THE iron rule of monopoly is well il. 'VI '
jot ;
lustratod by the condition of affairs in
will i
the coal regions of Pennsylvania. Ac
cording to the Philadelphia Jtccortl the no
producers of anthracite coal have agreed
to combine on the out-put and prices. ,
The percentages assigned to the different
companies are as follow : Reading , 111Oi
40 ; Lohigh Valley , 10 ; Delaware , Lackn- and
wanna and Weatorn , 17 } Delaware and
Hudson , 12 ; Pennsylvania Railroad com
pany , 0 ; Pennsylvania Goal company , > 1 ;
and Lake Erlo and Western , 1. This conl
monopoly , while starving the minors , has
levies a tax on all the coal consumer * ) of
the country. The consumers , however , ent
would not object to the tax if the mo ho
nopoly would only pay its employes
living wages. The average wages of the
, minors of Pennsylvania run
from GO to 00 cents a day. They
certainly cannot support themselves and
their families on such pay. If they can
keep from actual otarvation they are do
ing bettor than ono would suppose they
could on such wages. Tlio condition of
tlieeo miners ia indeed deplorable , and
ther cough11 to bo EOIIIO remedy against of
the gracping greed of monopolists wlio
heartlesaly rob them by all torts of com a
binations. When the supply of ocal go ;
exceeds the demand , the miners pro n
cither reduced to half time or laid off in
until the demand piclia up again. The int t
millionaire monopolists dp not lose n all
rlrOUr , l > ut it | a the operatives who have illwl
to pay the losses and undergo hardships wlri
of all kinda , whenever there is an ovtr- ri
uunply of a decline in prices. the
Twcnly.fko yonra ngo the firetio \
trolcum discovery waa made near Titus
ville , Pcnnavlvaiifa , nnd since that Urn
the Pennsylvania oil regions hove eup
piled the principal mnrkoU of the worl'
willi coal oil. Five hundred millie ;
gallons Trcro exported last year , mid
this vast quantity Germany took t
largest , part , Tlio recent rcporte fret
the oil fieldt on the Apihcron poninsul
in the Caspian een , near the town o
Baku , naturally cauao romu ukrm amnn
the American oil producers , for the ind
cttions nro Uiat thoao nil fields r/ill OP
long eupplr the European demand
particularly thnt ot Gormany. Such
retult would indeed bo diaastraiu toe
time r.t len-'jt to the American oil irxlus
try , especially in view of the fact tha
there is now a vtit over-prodoction
It haa long been known that petroleum
existed near lUku , which ir. n city of
norno 40,000 or f.0,000 pooplo. The
Baku oil field was for some yearn afte
the American discovery controlled by on
man , and thcro wa'i much complaint o ;
the monopoly which ho exorcised. Ii
1807 a comniUcion investigated the
matter , and finally in 1872
relief was obtained by th
abolishment of the monopoly , The oi
industry at Baku thereupon began to
grow very rapidly , the production , whicl
in 1870 amounted to 8COO,000 gallons ,
increased to 2,04G,000 ! ) gallona in 1875.
The trade , however , wan ntill oonsidcra-
bly hampered by n duty which took the
place of the monopoly. Thia duty was
abolished in 1878 , and this gave a now |
impetus to the industry. The produc
tion jumped to 200,000,000 gallons in
four years. This abolishment of the
monopoly , the removal of the duty , and
development of the Baku oil wells are
duo principally to an enterprising
man named Nobel , who was formerly n !
celebrated Russian engineer. Ho is
now the principal owner ot the Baku
oil wells , although there are other operators -
orators , who , however , continue to work
the wells in the primitive stylo. The ex
act area of tha oil field has not been as
cortaincd. A tract nnly about four
miloa square is being worked , but this ia
only a small portion of the oil producing
region. There have been about dOO
wollfl eunb , noiio of them being over 700
feet deep. Nobel , lost year oank a
well which flowed 00,000 bar-1
role a day , and among hie > ,
posoaaiona ho haa twonty-fivo others that
nro Iniown an ' 'fountatna. " AVhilo the
tranoportution from Baku ia not fiiat-
, the fuciliticn can bo readily improv
ed. It haa a good harbor on the Caspian
sea , and is within roach of the European I
markets by w&y of tlio Volga , and the
railways across western Russia. Five
gallons of oil can bo bought at Bjkn . for
ono cent , nnd it will bo noon that this
price is sure to bring it into direct com
petition with the American product in
the European markets , especially in these
11 the interior of Europe , the most im
portant of which is Germany.
Sosii ! few of the country papers nro
objecting to the permanent location of the
etoto fair at Omaha. They want it
moved from town to town like a circus.
Suppose the state fair were hold at
Kearney , or Grand Island , or Columbus ,
it Fremont , or Hastings , or Nebraska
City ' , what kind of nn exposition would
bo ? It would prove a failure in every
rcupoct. Omaha nnd Lincoln are the only
plocca where the state fair should beheld
hold , nnd of those two locations Omahn ,
course , h the bettor ono on account of
her superior advantages in the way of
accommodations , mid the liboril in
support that oho can give to
the fair. The attendance of ° '
the citizens of Omaha and the
immediate 'vicinity is largo enough , to
nearly so , to make the fair n financial
success at least. This cannot bo said of
any other place in the ntato. If Omaha
cannot ] aocuro the fair for the next live
yearn , then the next best place in Lincoln ,
U if the state board of agriculture de
sires to make both ends meet it will nn-
liec.itnlingly locate the fair in Omaha.
Our citizens of course should bo very
liberal in their inducements , notwith
standing the fnct that the manngorii of
< fair could well nllurd to locate it for
years in Omahn without demanding
3von ono dollar nn a bonus. Should Omaha
! the fair for the next five years , she
! nt least Imvoto upend 001110 money in
enlarging the grounds and adding to the no
general accommodations , as the exposi
tion is yearly increasing in its proper :
tions. However , if wo should fail in this
matter wo can establish a permanent Idm
Omaha exposition such as Kansas City
other cities have , and which could
made moro of a ouccoss than the state at
HANSCOM park , the pride of tha city , lie
for some little time boon shamefully
neglected. "Who over the superintend tm
may bo the question arises whether . '
lias help enough , or is capable of
properly taking care of the park. The .lyii
fences are in a somewhat dilapidated truit
condition , and should bo immediately
repaired. The walks should bo laid in not
gravel , and the drives ou ght to bo mac-
adiraizod , or otherwise improved.
Everything that is hereafter done in the '
park should bo of n substantial and per
manent character. The city has
already spent a great deal
nionuy ou this public
resort , fiomo § 1(0,000 ( or10,000 , and His to
pity that it ahould now bo allowed to
to waste nnd ruin. In some cities you
million ) ) of dollars have been spent tn
make artiGcial hllla , dales nnd filons , and
other romantic features , while wo have
them iu a nutural state. Strangora tiou
who have visited the park are delighted Tint
with the pot , and pronounce it ono of L1 ,
meat beautiful and romantio little
parka in this country , MK\ \ they think
Omaha has been vcrj * fortunate in cccur-
inq it for a comparative trifla.
Tur. people of Omaha ought to erect
inoro btick buildings. In the first place
they are moro permanent , nnd give the
city an appearance of otability. Of
course , where buildings are liable to bo
lowered on the hills when the streets are
cut down it may bo policy to erect fran > o
bnilding3. Kaunas City , notwithstand
ing her hilla , ia almost entirely built up
with brick. St. Joe nlso has a largo brick
area , and has the nppoaranco of n very
solid town. The dill'jronco in cost be
tween brick and wood in not so great
a1) coma pcoplo uupposo , nnd
the oli'ght difference in cost is Boon made
up in the saving of repairs , A frame
building has to bo constantly repaired
and painted , while the repairs on n brick
structure ara comparatively few and inex
pensive. Besides , the insurance on brick
buildings is much loss than on frame.
Tn the erection of brick
* buildings wo cor-
lalnly encourage an important homo in
dustry , namely , the manufacture of brick ,
and this fact ought to bo taken into con
Now that the Fnrnam street grade i ,
apporaching completion it bocomcn ovi-1
dent that a little moro cutting should bo
done between Fifteenth nnd Nineteenth
Llrcots. The grade ought to bo reduced
at least four feet nt the Sixteenth street
crossing and correspondingly lowered un
til it reaches Nineteenth. This would not
Korionsly affect anybody , but on the
other hand would bo a material improve
ment. The property owners between
Fifteenth and Sixteenth could well
afford to pay every cent of the oxponao.
Such a cut would nlso improve Sixteenth
street. It might for the time being ,
onvo a stoop grade batwocn Farnam and J
Harney , but that must coma down noon-
or or later.
THE editor of Tnu OMAHA BKK , in his
private oflico In the city of Omaha , about
eight weeks ngo , told the writer of this
article that ho would support .Tamos
Laird for congress , during this campaign.
# # * *
The boat senator that Nebraska over
had , Hon. 0. H. VnuWyck , is in favor
of Mr. Laird's ' return , and ho knows him
at his true valuo. Fairmont Jhillctin.
The man r/ho says that the editor of
Tun BEK at nny time or place promised
to support Laird for ro-olection is nn
unmitigated liar. It is equally untrue
that Senator VnuWyck the best senator
that Nebraska over had ia in favor of |
Mr.Laird's reelection. SonnlorjVanWyck
docs knorr Laird at his true value and ho
will not hesitate to toll the people of the
second district what Laird's services nro iaa
worth. a
THE "American politico , > C
having its headquarters in Boston , has
put a presidential ticket in the field , nud
promulgated a platform "aa is a plat
form. " It knocks the foreigner out on
the first round , without oven giving him
any show. Thia "political alliance" t
wauta all the naturalization laws repealed ,
and demands the passage of an net mak CO
ing a residence of twenty-one years Pi
necessary to enable foreigners to vote or . CO
hold oflicial position in this country , except
cept when eucli foreign-born citizens ca
served In the army or navy of the United dcw
States ; also the passage of an act prohibiting w
hibiting the formation of political organi fo
zations composed of foreigners ex BU
clusively. This platform is conclusive th
evidence that there are n few idiots atill hi
running at largo in Massachusetts. I to
ViOTOia.v Scholllng , Morosini'a daugh br
ter , will probably accept the offer to sing roi
concert for twenty nights nt Niblo'a of
garden at § 500 n night. A Jittlo notoriety - . su
oty : , no matter of what character , is .all hi.
that is required nowadays for a person
receive an invitation to go upon at the saf
atago at a good salary. Mm. Scrolling pn
will draw a crowd who want to sea her
just to oatisfy their curiosity.
l'01'COHN. | yo
I clu
I novcr nursed a iloar Razallo I „ „
To plad ma with iU soft black oyn ,
lint \\licn It came to know1110 well ! my
And luvo mo , it wax BUI a to die. tin
It is llio democrats who are now wining the qu
bloojy Hcluir/ . nm
Sliiini > speakers are in danger of getting
Iheir teeth miubimit.
Wostniiil concctoil. Mnlno didn't go lioll
bout , Slio wont hon\on bent , by " 0,1UD , pin [
Belford , who fnlloil to got a ru-liomliiation ind
congress in Coluriido , ia running "wild. " lot
A circus nun out weal liaa boon Hold nut fur aid
debt. Hu'ri n good deal like IJutlor ho'u got
show. [ Yuiilcers statesman.
I did not ilcstro the numliiatlon , but since I
Iwvo received It. I do wxut to bo vlco prcsl- BlaJ
lent nwfullybad. [ Ifendricks.
HeiulricltH thinks lie Is the cork on Cleve dis
land's fish line at present. Cleveland thinks cot :
n voryhCAvy sinker. [ SyractiBoStaudard , the
Tha mini who wrote thu democratic plat ino
form Ia mid to bu at work on a nuw style of to
bicycle which will run in euveutoon directions o
onco. try
Prohibition St. .Toliu now feels how sharper Big
limn a thankless tooth It ia to liavo n Horpuut Th
child. Ilia boy iu thu land ollico swears thit : wil
will vote for Jilidno. pot
A distinction Involving a pitlpablu dllferciico hai
the bogus applicant for camiutgu club ex- haiWe
IXMIBCH in n torture ; thu guuuluo n torcher.
.I'lttsburg Times. SCO
St. John chargas nn ndinlssioii foe of 125 .hoy
cents to all his camp meetings. Muatnchu
comoa high , but wo must huvo it. [ Do- ror
Kvoutug Journal , sol
Thu Oil City lllizzard thinks Cleveland "ia dei
rei-elvlng tlio wild , hilarious Mippoit of thu mly
religious press which charauturlzud 'tho early att
itagei of the campaign. " the
It U said that Mrs. ISuvn Lockwood boars a '
ttriklng reBnuibliiic ( < to tlio late Mrs. Lydia ref
I'inkh.tni. The Worcester C ! azottu thinks this > o
must bu a campaign nlandor.
As Governor Cleveland pnudv" on the mid-
tlplymg coolness of thu iiulvpcndonts how ho Six
mint dwell-If ho laiuvvs tlioni on these
tboudiiDg and uxprojhivu lines ;
Couiinltteoiuan "riieu , sir , you raftum to i ,
contiibutu to our cainpahrn fund ! " Gov-l. { ng
ornmuut clcik " 1 do. " "Whom , then , do Iza
intend to " * . "
suppoitV "AIj family. pul
The report of the dmth of Hun Butler in pai
Omaha WAD caused by the desperate ttckuotii the ;
brought on by old Jion'J attempt to swillow SOI !
deniocr tie party. [ 1'ooria Tiiiusctipt. cli i
Dr. Mnry Walker U to hnvu n cabinet pan- till
under tha Lockwood adnilnlntratlon ,
la tlio way thing * will go under n fumalu till
iruBidetit. ] L'r/ihing ill run to nutiijuu ho
ric-a-bruc. um
Kentucky may ht ; > o licr faults but uho has lent
sxuarntl n treed many of th'm > v , „
rnnomlnato John IWt . 'I11 } , .
( f o
° "
' *
This may be a torrlblo \ L fCS , ? '
f > , tem In Amorist. Vllke'n sw $
"Tho funds all fivMr shouled the depo.I-
livery MiiV , " rpplOd the pw lant.
" iriyrm' \ - to Hlat ho lett nothing ! "
"H l'-f.e > .Uiiiijf but the conntryl"-Xcw [
lorkbiiu ,
Tim name of "fiddlers" npplled to a new
I pohlio-a \ ! faction In South Carolina , reminds
in > I the days of "loco-focoa" and "Ixwn-
burwr " nnd the liko. ' "Fiddlers" nro a fort
of independent , Riviup Iho peculiar name be-
cmuo demof-ralH fay they jil y second liddlo
to the republicans.
IJolv.i A. Lockwood It nldow. . " Il Ii
nid that oho earns 910,000ft , year an a"dnparl-
inent lawyer. " .She always gets the claim and
wins her caie. Uelvrt Is nearly CO If n day ,
bright as a now dollar , keen wilted , honest ,
and not a sliam. She is not ashamed of the
tricycle or the candidacy ; not she.
The Oil City Blizzard fays : "It Is strange
how deeply interested many of tlio candidates
are m the salvation of the country. The feel
ing teem fa deep that n person who doesn't
know better might bo led to the concluiion
that the average candidate considers his own
salvation mid that of the country Inseparable ,
the latter depending mainly nn the former. "
Carter Harrison plowed his stoorsdownin
old Knmtuck when a boy. Wo now know
where the story originated about the fellow
hitching hlmtclf In the yoke with ncalfto
break It , nnd sailing over the plantation yell-
incf , "Hero wo come , d n our fool souls ! "
Carter must have been the man who gave tlio
calf lessons , [ I'eona Transcript
Mr. Rutherford 15. Unyos , ro.idmastcr of
i'remont township , SanSnsky county , Ohio ,
announces in a local paper that he will not
j make , nny speeches during the present political
campaign. 1th understood that Mr. Hayes
IIi now engaged upon the greatest effort of his
lifa a rococo hencoop with Queen Anne ,
porches 1 nnd agotldc back door which opens on
1v 1n South Kensington feed-box. Mr. Hnyns I
will also bo remembered as the gentleman who
ate Mr. Tilden'a Thanksgiving dinner in
Oiittlnir Uio tricltet.
liluo Springs Motor ( Kop. )
A great many republicans have otatcd
to us that to _ cut n part of the atato
ticket would injure the succosa of the i
national ticket. Wo can not see it in
that light. Wo can elect'Shodd liouton-1"1
ant gpvornor by ttronty thousand majority -
jority and snow old Dawcs under a bank
of snow so deep that old Sol's rays will
never molt avray the political snow bank
that will cover his political remains. You
can walk up and _ down our busi
ness street , and ninoteon-twentioths of
the men you meet will toll you that
they nro going to vote against Dawea.
You cannot find a republican among that
number that will cut Elaine , Shodd , or
any ether good man for the sins of an
other. It would bo just as reasonable to
kick out of a public school all the teach-
era because wo dislike one of them ,
Men , who have the sand to cut a raccil , of
have the judgment to select the wheat
from the chaff. It is the sensible read
ing public who are going to scratch ; and
you can roat nsaurcd that they will vote
carefully and judiciously.
Sidney I'laindealer-Tolograph. " *
The irrepressible J. Sterling Morton
again before the people of this otato as of
candidate i for governor. Morton ia a
free trader to the core , n member of the die
Cobden ( club , of England , and doubtless diemi
many of our Sidney people remembered nb
his bombast "Tarifa" spcecli of two da
years ago. dawe
Attorney General. ch
Western Celt. an
Mr. Montgomery , the democratic nominee - scl
inoo for nttarnoy general , ia u man fully ed
qualified to fill that important oflico. In fr
with his the crc
comparison adversary on re
publican ticket there is indeed a striking- thi
contrast. If Mr Lease is elected to this chi
oilico this fall instead of Mr. Montgom 801
ery , wo will forever believe tlio republi th
can boast that they can elect a yellow-
dog in Nebraska. Laano'a nomination
was a burlesque on the legal fraternity Te
the stato. The men who
forced his nomination cannot ma
surely bo his frioiids. It was eel
the greatest Injustica to him to impel po
him to exhibit himself before the people pai
plo , The man has not ono qualification Chloe
Q fit him for the oflico. There was a lee
clash between Senator VanWick and the nix
brass-collared tribe ho has spurned , the MiNe
result was the abortion , the nomination No
thia honest but illiterate man. But am
surely : the citizens of this state cannot ami
consummate the injustice by electing balmy
liim. . Fortunately the democrats have
nominated a man for whom the people can
mfoly vote , and Mr. Montgomery will
prove fully worthy of their support.
Weaver on Iho Tnrlff. the :
IMllor Lincoln Journal , Pn
Certain nowspapara claiming that I first Fo
i-oti'd against striking out the exacting Th
lauso in the Morrison bill , and at the ro goi
piest of lion. E. K. Valentino changed n
vote , I dcsiro to say that I voted the boi
lirat and only time that I voted on that hoi
question to strike out the enacting chuso , oat
nd that Mr. Yalontino was in Nebraska , cut .
ivith n sick wife , and did not vote on the r Jus
niostion. I103
J am in full accord with the republican ; P'1 '
ilatform on the iiuostion of protection , iis
have nuvor said anything at any time
! in accord with the principles tlioro
down. A. J. WKAVIUI.
L'nrlc Godwin.
Hair Republican.
ParkoGodwinhaiboonro-nominatedfor J
listrict attorney by the democrats. They
ould not have placed a stronger man on
ticket , in our opinion. Somewhat
noxporicncod and youthful when elected
the : difficult position ho now fills , its
rying omorgoncioa have boon mot with
ilgnal ! ability , ilrmnosa and diiorotion.
his does not signify , however , that ho
walk away with his onorgotlo com-
lotitor , Estollo , as ho did with Air. Burn-
mm. The situation ia changed
iVasliington , Burl and Sarpy have an old
icoro to settle with Douglas county , and
can settle it very satisfactorily by
oiling up a round majority for a staunch
opublican instead of allowing them-
lolvos to bo represented by an Omaha
lemocrat. The Republican entertains
! kind feelings for our district
ittornoy , but he is ou the wrong side of
fence , hi n bad position to ask for
'opublican votes which ho must have to
A Htiuly ol' Nobrnuka. I'olltlcs ,
Special to the Chicago Daily Xows , Crc
OMAHA , Nob. , Sopt. 19. A study of urn
lollties in Nebraska rovoala on lutiirost- FOl
state of aHairB. Ever siiicu its organ *
zition the state haa been intensely ro-
mbliean. IU fealty to the grand old
mrty hu boon stronger proportionately | ciii !
han that of Kunsna or Iowa. Public
lontiinent , however , has been quietly Dt
ihaneing since Jay Gould got control of
Union Pacilio railroad. _ That nstuto Dr )
iuaucior was not content with matters aa
found them , lie 'wanted over } thing
mdor hia thumb and used nil his omi-
resources to got the wh'p-hand ' if
party F politics and to run the legislature
Il in ] favor cf railroad corporations. The
republican conventions wcro 'packed by
railroad Sawyers , agents , auditors nnd.
others who favored the grasping aimi
corporate 'monopolies and _ were V
to manipulate the stale nominations.
Itull and CIV ,
Chicago llrrnld ,
Sitting Bull ia abont the last man on
earth ono would expect to discover any
thing wrong with our civilization. IIo is
n savage nnd a dull willed ono nt thai.
Uo has never been noted na n philoso
pher. It hna not been suspected that ho
lind brains enough to look upon nny one
fact , nnd say that it was inconsistent
with another. Io has appeared to bo.n
wild man who took things about as ho
found them and asked no questions.
In this ho has boon mUjudtfen. After
spending a few days in Now York city ho
told an Inquirer thnt the most surprising
thing about civil 'zation ' was the fact that
little children are sent on the streets to
make money when they ought to bo nt
play , White men nccustomod to such
things would pass troopn of these little
money gottora nnd wngo-winuora daily
without a thought , The anvrigo from the
laud of the buffalo noted it instantly ,
ana evidently had boon reflecting upon it
to some extent before hia opinion was
asked. It required no Caucasian educa
tion or civilizition to convince him that
such an arrangement could not bo desir
'Iho fact that many states have passed
laws forbidding the employment in shops
and stores of children of tender years
shows that public opinion haa not boon
unmindful J of the evil , and proves further
that without such restraining legislation
thcro would bo much moro child labor
than wo now soo. All through the man
ufacturing districts of the cast little boys
and girls find themselves condemned to
toil which has no end but the grave.
Swarms of thorn may bo seen going to
their work early In the morning , dinner
pails in hand , or returning haggard and
weary in the evening. In aU largo citloa
thousands of thorn are so engaged in fac
tories . , stores and offices or on the streets.
At ages when the children of the well-to-
do nro preparing to enter school without
at idea as to the source of food or cloth "
in ing , or the value of money , these little
to are experiencing the full measure
of the world's selfishness , and are finding
in the rough contact with thousands of
their eldora in the struggle for broad the
stern truth that they must work or
That the bivilization which forces
these little ones to such cqortiona ia not
entirely a success in plain. Education ,
wholesome food , suitaolo clothing , and
proper recreation shauld bo within the
re'rch ; of all ; yet there are thousands of
shildren in America who never have any
these things , rnd whoso power to gain
them all through lifo is reduced by the :
very fnct that iu youth they were with
out them. Those boys and girh will , if MoAn Pic
th live , bo fathers and mothers. A
en which destroys health in
youth , which impairs the vitallry of the An f
young , cannot fail to leav its dornriorat-
iug imyress upcn the race physically and \
In all thin hard struggle for the poorest
food and clothing , it ia not strange
that the Dakota savage was unable to
discover nny advantage which civilization
might claim over barbarism. In their
aboriginal stile the Sioux had an abun :
dance to oat and to wear. Their children
were tenderly c.iaed for until of uu ngo A9 .
that warranted their introduction to the tllli
chase , and then in nil the barbaric sports tllliA
and pastimes they were given the fullest A
schooling. Aa their parents hud sustain-
lifo so they were taught. They had
fresh nir , exorcise healtn nnd sport. Of
roaturo comfort they had more than
thoao enjoyed by thousands of white abU
hildron. Civilization ought to ofl'or
lomothing bettor than barbarism , not for
the ( few only , but for all.
gua ;
An Evcccdingly Mean II em ark.
Texas : Sittings.
Bob ] Nickolby married a wealthy old add ,
naid ser her money . She paints her- Orru
lolf up nnd makes quite a handsome ap- OrruH
car : an co , at n diatauco , at balls and H
larticn. On the ether hand , Sam tloc
3huzzlowit's wife ia young and good-
ooking naturally. Both were in attend- \
nice at & ball on Austin uvenue , and and
Mrs. Nickolby waa painted like a doll.
Soxt morning Nickelby mot Chuzzlowit VV
ind raid : too
"Our wivea looked
beautiful at the
all laat night. "
"Yea " " ttla
, responded Chuzzlewit , "and
wife looks that way yet. " \ >
A 15ic Oliiol' . VlVV
The Britsh scientists uro iournoying to
he Hockey Mountains by the Canadian
Pacific. At one of the stations , Crow
Fee , a big chief , was on the platform.
riiero was u rush to shako his hand. One
jontlenuui purchased his tobacco pouch , Add
long buckskin article , for § 3 ; n lady AddW
jonght his necklaoo for Si ; a gentleman W
lought his wi for $2 ; a lady bought his offlc
larrlngs fur ? 3 ; another gentleman so-
lured hia moccaaina ( leaving the chief in offlcF
sock foot ) for § 1.75 ; a man cut oil'a offlcF [
03k of hin hair ; n photographer took his _
ihotograph ( , nnd n reporter tried tobuy _ F
shirt , It waa n great day for Crow
foot. 1F
F [
F [
F [
F1 > iiOrmiBc , c-loflnvor Cnlcet , F1F
ruititi , l'iiililliiirit-i-li > ilfllcululyuml mil.
rnlly in tlio frull IVum u liluh they are niiulc. F
STllEXUTJI AM ) TltUE P11U1T 14tli
pnt'ixiD BV TNI 14tliI
Price Baking Powder Co. ,
llicag ° f III. Gt. Loulu , Mo. F
utxrns or 1"
, Price's Cream Daklng Powder part \Ue
NO tritt
. Price's Tjiipulin Yeast Gems , MrrF
licit Dry Hup Yeuil.
-ATi-n SETS-
'HTO.VKY loinoJ on chitteK liallroad Tickets
1TJL taught and sold. A. Korcmin , 213 S. Ittli
749 tl
TO tOAN la sunn of KCC. od
O. F Drlo nj Go. , RM ! Kitttt and I/Ok
15)5 r rnnm St.
smnll loan ] nctdo ou ap ) < ro\c < i BPcurl'y. 1517
itrrat. _ 81 Mm
A rAN'TRD StonoCnttPM , Attention Tlirco then-
i Mini men Mantel to work on free stonoln N'ow
York city. OoaJ rny. hlxht lionra. Work sure.
Coino at onrc. Apply at any Jfird 111 Iho c-lty , liy
ordtrol the Miutcr Stone Cutters' Asgoclstlon , ; , ; / ,
"IX'AN'THD A ( rood coat-maker. Steady work nt
t so-d nrlces Will pay fate. Address Immedi
ately , J. W. Hcinick.l.'catrlcc , Nob. 102 27p
\yAXTKU-A tccond liand salc , | 2,000 | io\mdi \
> T cl litorotr. MtHtbochcap. Addrcta"M. "
Cinflcld Iloii'r , Riling 1191113 and description. 10I-22X
\VANTKD A Rood laimliy elrl ftttho Kminct
ii House , IHh street , between r.unum and Hu-
noy. 167 27p
) A girl for housework at 1210 J.irkson
St. Scandin ; l nprcfcrrcil. 181.24p
\ r ANTii-Dlnlna : room Rltl nt the Scandinavian
II 'to' ' ' , on South llth bt I82'V3p
" \ \7'ASTni ) An architectural draughtsman who
M understands thoroughly ollico otk , construc
tion , and detail ilriHlnar. Apply fcraonally or by
loiter , Oco. W. 1'lold , 022 Tamum St. , room 9 , 2d
Floor. 181-3p
Trx7ANTKI ) A goodplrl ( or homo n ork tn
\V smill famllr. Applj 420 north IStli St. l '
"II ANTKD Oiiooiicrjctl&mantOfcllfood ,6t * rty
\ \ tniploynicnt. Call 421 oouth 10th St. l 04\l \
1\7ANTED-Worcnn cook 1015 Hstncy St.
-I poo-1 slaters at Wcstoin Cornlco
works , 1110 Douslaa Street. ltO-2t
TTT'ANTKD A lioy 10tarn . old ( it .Imnb'V 100.
T V ktorc , corner 10.Ii and Lc&\cuworth M .
WANTED A strone middle aged1 woman for a
tcfponslblo position ai the 1'axton Hotel , In.
quire for house-keeper. H3-2p
\T7 'ANTKD Alady cook at northeast corner Kth |
and Howard street. 133-24p
'ANTKD-A ( 'ocil Kill for kitchen work , BOI
1'Jcrco street , cor. 6th. Good wages. German
or Bohemian preferred. 161-22p
KT ANTED-A sowing girl at 1017 Howard
PSO 23p
"VlTANTED-alrl for ( reoeral house work nt
Vt Convent St. lira. O. K. Jtariie. 818 tt
Vi or country , to tnko nice. light and pleasant
work at their ow n homes ; $ J to f 5 per day oslly and
quietly made ; work tent by mall : no canvassing ; no
stnmp forrcplv. 1'lcaso audrcssKcliablo Mauf'ir Co. ,
Philadelphia , I'j. 803-1m
WANTI'.D Agcnta to naiioio inu llcll I'at'lit
\Veathcr Strips. Address or call on Qoo. W.
Ucll ! , 1120 Hamcy street , Omaha , Nob. 630-lmp
V rANMID nya ; > lo-"lady , tNuitlon 03 liouso'
keeper. JVdJrcs. ' A.V. . Dnr. office. Council
VSTANTIU ) A permfttcnt situation with somn
! T largo house hy nn expert book-keeper and
horouli olllcenianairo 3J. Al St. Lould refer wh
ences from Impoitcr , wholesale grocery , liquors etc , , Co.
security f required. English and German. Co.F
Please address H. Jones , 1S01 Ohio a\e. , St Loul ? , F
Ho. 105-22p
T\7"ANTED Kmployiucnt In any Kind of business
! by a German man \slo spenl.a both languagca
Vpplynt "C. Q " No 7 ( < 3 south 13th St. l7S-2.1i >
\T7ANTFD Emplojnicut byapood GermanbutcliJP
tr. It.MAnnucflcr , 307 S. llth St. lOS-SJp ton :
' J Sew'net la families by a good dress- tonF
maker. Inquire 317 N. 17th St. 152-23p F
l\o tlio test ol rclcrencc. Call at or address Joseph F
ath3 , south 16th Bt. 141-2p city :
WANTED A position as dcrk In Hardware or cityF
Wholesale house , have had ten j cars experience F
proprietor. References git en. Address'-C. A. " a.
hliOlllcti. 603-tt
It oung married tncu wants Eltuatlon as Dook. F
rx per , In uholesala tetabllshmcnt In Omaha
" 0."jsiroHeo. 838-tf lice
WAKTTti. -
rT7"ANTiD : To correspond with a young lady that F
VV would travel with A gentleman , business profit- vat
, corrcspondcnco contidehtal. Address "W. M , wat
care of lice. lC3-:3p sold
WANTRD A single geutlcman desires room and For
board In Gorman family where the German Inn-
uago is spoken. Will pay reasonable price for good
iccominouatlons. Address I' . C. box 620 100-24 ForF
V\7"ANriD Qatcly's universal educator , 60,000 F
VV sold since January first. Agcn'a ' wanted In
Jakota , Iowa , and Nebraska. For term call on or
ddrcs3 "W. D. 1' . Lo ry , rosin 6,110 north 18th St. 07F
hnnlia , Neb. 171-27p F [
riTANTUD One largo or two small unfurnNbcd 60
VV looms for man nnd wife , state price and loca- the
Ion. Address "E. " this otlice. 170-23p L.
WANTED \ A stmll furnished or unfurnished OJFi
rooms by a joune man. Address , statl-.i'prlco ;
location. I' , 1) . llcmly , Uee ollico 183-22p J.
IIfA VMU To hoard a gcntloTau and his wife ror KFi
the winter. No other boarders. Address "N. " I ?
cilice. 140-21 lion
rs/ANTKD Three rooms , furnl'hcd or unfurnish-
VV ed , for light housekeeping. Address "X. II. W. "
Is OIRO. | 137-24p E
\\7AN TED-Board man nmlvlfo , state terms and R7
V locrtion. Address "K. " lioo otllco. 122-22p
Vl/ ANTKD Some one to babt
adopt a boy 4 months box
old. Inquire nt 1'ocrhousa , 117 23p
\f ANTIID Partner In tin and hardware business L1 [
V established. Apply "Hardware , " lice ollico.
120 23p
U lloard and two rooms by a family of
T four Inn private family. Hofcrences oxchingcd. L1
iddresa "D. H. " llco ollico. 10i-21p !
fTfANTED-Si.OOO on HKt-rJasj city sccurity.for 6
ye-nre , at 9 per cent. Address Box 820 I'ost- F [
fflco ' 70fl-tf C1
aaST aonHoa aaa Lota. U.
TlOIl UH.VT A small ( urnMicd house , moderate
rent. Inquire 1D13 Jones St. 177-2lp [
TIOU KiSTT-rurnl : hed front room sultibla for
man nd wife or two gentlemen , 2012 Harncy St lee
INT-riirnlshcd rooms 162 } Capitol n c. L *
TIOR ( HUNT Three hnutcsof fix roorrseach.
Ihreo Rtoiejon Cuinlng eticet-
Three eligant 1'Uts. lUforcncos required
180-27 Opposite Poetolltcc. LJ
HENT Furnished room ( or ono or two gen-
tlsmcn. Inquire at 1710 Doun1as St. 108-21
Foil ; ItHNT Two \ery dcelrablo furnished rooms 'M
near street car line , eight minutes walk from I' , not
and convenient for two or three gentlemen , can debt
bad by applying to 8. 11 cor. 20th and Chicago Oina
trcets , or I' , r. C. Co's otllco. 181.7p
71OH KKNT Newliouto with 3 rooms closets and LJ
colter on 4th and Walnut St. Inquire at August
Undnw. Noli. llr Firtorv and \
om , Chicago St. 167 Sip notli
lull J.hNl A nicely luniltliifl room suitable ror rear
two icntlcini-n , 710 south 113th St. 16a-26p
lOIl HENT Furnlslicd or unlurnlthcil with or T.
without board , two rooms in nflno neighborhood whlt-
omenlcntto Street car , 2017 Charles St. 139-1 Inqu
OK IlKNT T onewly furnished suits ol rooms
lor Bentlemcn , at H. W. coiner "Otb and Kurt , )
145 27 , 0.
MeoiyiurJiisncUroom 105 north ibth
roOH II KNT A finall cottage cf three rooms. War-
renSHltilcr , 213 south 14th ( it. 13311 , r
M \
TiOll HEN T Furnished pailorand bed room at 827-
21C3 Harney St. 132-23
OH HHNT-Cottage of thrcu roomj , 23d and
ClttkttruU. TJ. Fltzmorrls , Bee ollico.131tf U. "
FOU Hr.NT-ruinUlied front and Vcd roorrs $10 $7
or 12. i ir mouth , 1318 Jones , between ISth and
St. 13-t3p ! "
null IlKM' fiiaUhed room 1318 Jackson.
7IOU HKNT In the northern rart of tha citj , a ate
1"7IOU bed room nnd ] > > ror ! with board pro.
d. CommcrUtl traieler aud wlfj pro.'ericd. For
irtlculiri * Inquire N , II corner Uth and Datcnport T.
, In'tuicn 3:30 : aad 4 p , m 120-2p2 .
_ _
HEMT KutnUhed loom for one or two gen- rTv !
FOR - en 812 Mai cy St. 12C-22p 1
KENT HOUJB 6IOCDH n4 Kltcliea 7 2 8. croi
tUUUltUit. ICO 2'p ho i ,
UKNA homo 1th S room , Inquire cor *
Foil 17th ndLonenftorthSt. , Hill.
? BKN'T N w tirc. uNoroorai cry cheap. 13.
1OH , 13th and lllekcry. 127-EJp
ItKNT Furnished rooms. Inquire Z0f > notth
1 UthSt. KW-tJ
poll HENT A lnn c nlth four rooim and kitchen
I ' luquiio at 20th St , ono Uock north of St. Mart't *
aic. 093 24p ,
' 11KNT A small fuinlthed front room , U09
Howard etieet. D95-2i <
inoil HKNt House nd h.irn 50th and Ilarnor.
I. Wm. Ii. Monroe , Cth and Uougl.v , teltphona391.
U lllNT : Two nicely furnished front room * .
- Will rent single or en-suite , S. E. 20th and Dav
enport. Il4-2p
FOlflfKNT Nicely luinlshcd suite of 2 rooms , 3UJ
W. 13th St. 076 2flp
FOH KENT Hou-owllh fix largo rooms , JM.OO.
O. F. Da\l3 is Co. , 1603 ( arna-n St. S07-tf
1TIOH Itr.ST I.irgo focond story room tultablo for
_ manufjiclurlntc. Applr 1113 Harncy St. CS3-23
Foil KENT Furnished room laid Dodga St.0612gp
170H nnVT Nicely furnlihoj orun'uinlshcd rooms
J1 without bo-vrd 1814 Davenport St. lC2-22p
I7IOH 1 KENT Furnished rooms 1003 Farnaui St.
I poll KENT New fl\e rcoui cotti o Iu excellent Io
' cation , $20 per month. D. H , Goodrich , 1613
Fnnam street. RM-tf
FOH HKMT Nlco'y furnished front room suitable *
for two gcntloin6n , 10.23 Dodge Jit. 00l-g3i ( |
FOK HKNT-A two story frame building eultab
for business. Largo collar , upstairs nultible for
residence. Inquire on promises , corner 20th rind
WttcoSt. " ' -
HENT Nicely furnished front room 1816
UoJgo street. 110-tf
T710HKCNT Six roum cottage , Dno loaitlon , hv S ,
JL1 T. Peterson , 8. K. cor. 16th and Douglas. 617-tI
F Olt HENT-llooma In Crouuso'a lllock. G. M
Hitchcock. 613-tf
FOH 1IRNT Ono gr ua nquaro piano. Inquire
ofEdheltn nnd Erick Oi. ! 440-tf
7TIOH HENT Ono good six room house 325. per mo.
JDO.jr Hitchcock. ! fii5-tf
FOIlSALlj The Chestnut gelding Cll\a , lira vsirj
old , sired hy Donoy's Sturn , ( record 2V3) : ) . At
four yearn old Cmo , trotted n full uilloln 2.P6attho
Nebraska State Fair , nnd can row- show much faster
gait. Is well broken , kind and Rcnllu. Jlaybouccn
Council IllufiV Uri\lnr parlc. Inquire nt the
1'ark ol P. ! IcE\oy. A. J. 1'opuleton. 18S-2p
FOll SALE1 Stock , fixture ? , horse and wagon ,
ot firit-clas ; grocery store , a bargain. Apply "A.
B. C. " IJoo ollico. 160-tf
T710II SALE A coed , substantial horse power.
J ? Slnco putting In steam hue ni furthe/U'o for It.
Mrs. J. Bauman , at Columbia llrawery. 156-SCp
34LE Horse , kind and gentle , cheap. Inquire -
quire atKdholm & lirlckton'j Juwilrj Stof , op.
poalto 1' . O. 170 23 '
FOll SAlj : My tovD , two horsoi , wagbn ami
Inrno'H Fred Jloehlc , S n. cor. llth ami Far
nam Btrcctd. ICO tf
FOHSAIjU A largo stove ( Garland ) for sale at a
bargain. Inquire of Ilejn , 1103 Douglas Street ,
FOR FALTC Loose hay delivered In large or small
quantities. A new line s'de bar top buggy anda
.vholcaalonotioncr peddlers \togon. . C' . J. Conani
. 176-lm
FOll SALR A fine largo carriage rr coah hurse.
Inquire nt Dluo Barn , ICIli St. , between Dodge
ind Cajii'ol avo. 1'J.i-tf
FiiOll SALi : 150,001 brlok. II. T. Clarko.
triOH 1 e.Vlv ! niinlturo nnd nxturfw uf a bmrdlug ;
hoJ lining a gooJ liusincs . Best location In
onn. II Jlmmwiilcr , S07 south llth St. 1 C-lCp
FOll SAtn-FIno lot , oa t f r nt. In block three , on
Goorgli a\imuc. Inquire 1E09 Howard strict.
900-22J ! )
IjlonSArjE A small , but complete stock ol frculi
groceries , with n good trade , ' in a good locality la
ity. Address "fl " Ucu otllc. 100-lp
FOR SALE A Hliolostockof clothing , boots anil
shoes , buildings at cost , retiring from business.
II. ; 1'etcrton , SOI south Tenth street 113-3m
FOR SALE Cheap lots , ? 5 00 down $5.00 per-
month , and assisting worthy persons to build
little homos. H. C. Patterson & Co. , cor 13th
nd Farnam. 637-tf
FOR SALE 200 acre J of land. UO acres Iinproicd ,
32acres hay , 8 acres hog pisturo.T acres cultl-
atcd timber , 3 acres natur k timber. Good spring
rate- goad house and other Improvements. M 111 bo
\erycasyteraiB , If sold noou. For other in-
ormation : Inquire personally or by mall of'm. . Clair ,
'orcst City , Sarpy County , Neh. 454-lin ,
IjiOR SALE Two second hand pianos , at Edho'm
& KrlchBon'a MiBin Store on 10th St. Wf-tt
FOR : SALE Corner Sth and 1'arrmm , 00x132 feet
now occupied by City Mills. Apply on premises
D77-tf W. J. WEL&HAI.S.
71CR SALE A waterpowar and stone quarry with
ten acrci ol land , 45 cubic inches of water and
feet fall , \vith easy facilities for a dam , adjoining-
city of I'lattsmouth , Cass county , Neb. Address
TI. Case , Mo , 611 south 13th etrcat , Omaha , Neb ,
FOR SALE Furniture and sto\cs suitable for
boarding house. Inqulro 16th "and Jaekson St3.
Kelson. 948-21 p
> OH SALE Holler and engine. I have nearly
new boiler and cngina and Knowlo'd pump , 49
erse power , for sale cheap. T , S. Clarkson , Scliuy-
, Neb. 022-lm
FOR SAIiK Northeast corner 20th and Cumlog
Ftroct O. F. Ua\ls & Co. , 1635 Farnam street ,
SALE Ono half intoiost in n good creamery ,
also nineteen lots , i ! or particulars , address loci ;
? 0s , Yorlr , N < b. 819-24p -
7IOR SALE Cheap , ft nice cottage , full lot , city
water 6 blocks from the court houso. II. Leo ,
occr , 2'-MandLca > cnwortn. E57-luio
rTIOll SALE AbutcUeruhopand tools In Echujler-
Nebraska , with a llrst-clasi trade and In a good
iratlon , object In selling , poor health. Address ,
lastper & Ilcrbrlolf , bLhuilcr , Nob. 831-23
TlOll S\LE-Engl os new and second hand 10 h. p.
15 b. p. and 20 h. p. uortablo and ( stationary ; alju
oIlcM of any size and style. Richard & Clarke , U , F
Y. bet. 17tn nud li-tli ; itj. Omaha. 649-tf
JIOIl SALK A minting oflico suitable lor a small
newspaper or Job ofllco. Wil cell for cash or ej-
3ango for Omaha City property. AddreaaX. . X. Q"
nlllou. _ _ 4C-tt
7IOR HALE Two open eecond-narid bulging Mid
ono dollvcry ngon , chrsp , at IC1S Htrnoy Bt.
OST Gold lace phi long atil slender , between
Seaican's and 1613 Capitol avn Reward given
returned to Mrs. Parker , 1613 Capitol a\o.
tTy lfo , Pauline Wecscr raring left my home-
without Just cause , I hereby warn oorybody
to ! trust her on iny account , as I w HI not pay any
contracted by her. Anton Weeecr.
inaha , Sept. 22d , 1884. 173-2Ip
OST Wednesday .September 18th , a large leather
Jvallso In alloy , between Farnim and Hanoy St. .
M12th and 13th Sts. . contained a lot of peddler's-
Dtlons. $5 OOrownrd will be given if rctuuicd to
of Jlotz k Roponstclu , Fnrnam St. 174-22p-
nAKT.NIUP-Pcpt. tth , ISSt , on the first farm
Houthof Poor house n two yearold brlndle steer ,
- hind leits 0 ncr please call andpay charge j.
iqulro for Chris liachinann. 147-23
TRAYKD lled and hlte | Wtteil roan cow three-
jearsold , was sick nnd had rope on her horns.
. Hobble. 111-tf
\H. H. P , Jensen hisremovcd lila otllco and retl-
dcnco totho N , K. corner lEth enl\enworth
rllfl. RCHROUEH , Magnetlo Hcalcris now ucatcd
at 1821 , Caaa street. Dlagnotca diEuaaeafreo.
827lm ;
HIVY vaults , elnks and cerspooU cleaned with
unitary cleaner. Satlifactlon guaranteed by F.
Abclsucceteorto J. M. Smith , ) box 378. 072-lro
jf ( \ ( \ ta h wlllbuya KiU-ndIdiide-b | ! rlm Ky
) .UU at 1810 FnniMii street. 063 tl
"r- fCaihwlll buy nn excellent rldlnf or drl-
) > . UUlrt ; ( double her c. nt 1310 Faruaui.
AY For prime Laled lav at lowest prices , u. "
diO'B ; T. S. CLAHKSO.V , J
0/S-lm Bchujlcr , Neb. i
rilURHAYIuuigoodii&eiuriEi ; , filling water. '
35 , tf '
_ > _ r
ilAAbN tl1 A three \car old heifer , r l nlib
\\hUecniiidoftall and btlLd In oce cje , ' i
torn arnurd her nuck Taken up by 0.11. Low. t
J , H , H. 1'atrioL'd fuw , 4 inllcs west of Oma i