Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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lijr trio ser.tral jirii n ef in lln" , "rr.nrrfe tha
i t nrt tun Wcit l.y til' ' rii.u. .
nei , vltho'it ihnnKs of c\r , 1'Otvr.n
cnioa'o iiirt Kami * Cry , Cuniell Bliiifn , I.r in
\ortTi .icnlonn , Kinninpolit orcl lit. J'AU ! , It
t > nn. , tin Union lcpo'i with nil the principal
t road Ltttvccn in Atlantic nnct the 1'ftcitla
,1 \t fnuipinrnt nnrlvnltil nd mnpnllN
sent , bdlnjr tombMcd ot Molt Comfortable aud
SMt uul ly Ooarhcf. Moxntnr1t Hotton jto-
cJin.oc Clinir C.rc. I'lirmnn1 * Vr'tilMt I'alaoo
BiWptnir ( 'in , nnd tbo Urfi < no of Jiinlnc Can
In tlio Wrrlc1. T'lrcoTmlnt . ? „ fl. Ht.rJ'iI
WlMovirl Xn-er I'olntr. 7'w- " ' - - ' - " " cm.
coco aurt MiQiieapolic nnd St. . . d ; , , M . . . I'A IJUJ
"AI.GEHT LKA. ff&V'f . "
A JJew n < l Cirrct ll"c. via Ooneci n1 Xinkn.
kee , tiau recently boeu upniied botvvccii Hjcnmond.
- - rtHew > , < " ! iittan < iozaAtlanHAn-
envlll .l.ouHvillp , Lc..iH ion.Cinr-lnn.itl.
Dl.i anil LM.rr. . nnd Omnha , Mlnucip-
luniiflfli. j * , ! ul ami 1 1 lannnllaie pnintn.
All Tluauzti rntrccijcn Travel on i'nit EiprCTi
TicX-'a ( or n.ilo nt & ! l principal Ticket Olllcca In
the Ucr. a 21aK no ) Cauactv
IJftffpaFo checU : i1 thrcufth and rfltra cf faro !
trjj-B na low nil ( .oapctltura tliatoflcr leu udvui-
I'or'drtalltd lolorniatlon , cot tlio ilapi and Fold-
ri cf the
At ycurrrartot Ticket Otnsc.ormldrcai
' '
iiv WAV or
Connecting In Union Depots nt KiinsixqClty ,
Oniahannd tcuvorirllh ) through uulns lor
And all points In the Great \frnt.
C'C'iincutliiK In Grnnd Union Depot at Chlciujo
with throuuli tnilim for
w rojtJt , ji o a TON ,
.And nil JJpiifpi Oltlci.
AtPcorln with tlin trains tor Indlannp.
oils , Cincinnati , Col f.rV mid nil jmliita In
thoSoutli.Kaat. At ' illa with tliroucli
trains for nil ] > olnta
Ulceant Day Coar.hcs , 1'arlor Cars , -with Ho.
cllnlmrClmlrs ( McatH iico ) , Snioklni ? Cars with
Jlevolvlnii Chnlni , I'nllinan 1'nlaco Sleonlnu
Cars nnd thu liunotm C. Jl. Ao. Dlnlnir Cm *
rtnidallytouiHlfroni Chicago andUiinsasCJIty ,
CIilcnRunnil Council JIlulls : Ohlcnud nnd ii-s
Molnes , UlilcaRU , St. Joseph , AtehlBoii and
'lopckii witliont ohaiiKo. Only tliroiiKh llnu
running tliolr own trains between ( Jhlcauo ,
J'lncoln mill Denver , and OhlcitKo , KUIIBUS
Olty nml Denver. Throni-li cars liutweua
Indianapolis nnd Council Itlnira , via 1'corlu.
Solid Tmlna of Klo ant Day Coaches mid
rullinan I'alacoSleoplni' Curs HI o rim dally to
nnd from St. J.onls ; vfn llminlbal ; Onlncy ,
Keoknlf , lluilliiKtOti , Cedar Hiipids mid Albert
Lcatobt. I'mil mid Minneapolis ; IMrlorCais
with liccllnlni ; Chairs to mid liom fit. I.ouH
niul 1'corln. Onlyonu cluuiKUofrnni l > otwui > n
St. Louis mid DCH Jlolncs , Iowa , Llnculn , Nu.
JjmsUa , and Denver. Colomdo.
It Isidso tlio only Tin uiiHh Line lifctween
It Is Imown as tlioreal ( THUOUGII OAK
H.NU of America , und la uulvvnuilly iidinlt-
ted to bo the
finest Equlptioi Railroad In the Weria for
all clascos cf Travel.
Through Tickets via thin llito far naln ntnj :
U.K. coupon ticket olllces in tha UnUedStiitos
and Canuda.
Gen 1
A Tlctlru of early Imprudence , cwiTng nervoiu
CtJjllltT. premature tlucay. cto. hivinir trit-J fn
tain every known ronii'dy. ho < illmomri'd - - -
mratMor olf-uurc. which lie will L ; l < o
I' * *
aw ,
The Pioneer Mutual EciicOt Association lu the
State cf Nebraska.
It U co-oricrath o In It ) working and all rrcmbera
have a\olco In thu mauagouieut byutoat the anIta -
Ita aim late benefit Its own membersthtlr vtlilowi ,
and orphani , In ca > a of death , accident , elckncBa or
total primaiicnt dltablllty ot n rnomber , at actual
coot with oconomlcal manaKoiuint.
Arelliblo liomo asgoclttlon , Active and reliable
aKcnti H MI ted to cauvam ( or mcmbiri ill Nebraika ,
Kiusas ami Colorado. Address ,
Secretary and General Manager ,
. , - - - .
1'reildcut. Trcaiurtr
[ 8UOCKSS011S TO Til E J. M. 11. k D. CO.J
The moet retentive m&oufacturcn of
t Pool Tallies
Jchn Ilockttiasser General Aisent ur KebraikaanO
Wtttcru Ion a.
U. Tenth Street ! . . Oil All A , NE11
, P < lc i cf Ulllaid inJ I'ool TiUei will m > te .
.Kidney & Liver '
Troubles , the Back , I/olns ]
'Bladder , Urinary , orBidw.lUitenj
find J.lvcr Dl > oae , /Uon or Non- ,
Dropsy , O ravel and
lUrlno. '
DlabctCD ,
It cures DlllouancM , neadacho , Jaundleo , Oonr <
Btomach , Dygpor * ! " , ConaUpatlon andrUoa.//
and , 'euros Intemperance , Nervous DlicoaCB ,
General Doblllty , Eiccsnon and
, Female WcakncBfl *
It restored the KIDNBYS , LrVCTt nnd HOW-
Elfl , to n healthy netlon and CTJnEB when all
other jncdlelncsfnll , Itundroda have been caved
who have been given up to dlo by friends and ,
physicians , * *
1'rlrr fl.CS. Condforllhistrnlcdrumplilctto ,
HUM'S IiniKhV CO. , rrovldrncr- . I.
; or , 10th and Capitol Avenue , trcata nil canca Crippled
plod or Deformed , also disunion of the
ITorvous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organs.
Allcieea of Cur\r > lure of the Bplnc , CrmKed I'ect
-CK'8 anil Anna. Also Chronic affections of thu Lh or ,
heuuiatlsm , I'aralyiils , Plica , Ulcers , Catarrh , A th-
a and llronohltla are all treated by now anil HUO-
OBSful methods. All illicttfto ot tna Blood and Urln-
y Or 'aiiH , including thoflo resulting from Inclscro-
onor exposure , are eafolj and successfully treated
id a euro guaranteed. Younf ; men , middle aged ,
id all men nuflorlni ; from Wcakncen and Nervous
xhaustlon , produtlriif IndlKcstlonJ'alpltatlonof the
cart , Despondency Dl/zlncgu , Ixiss of MemoryLnclt
Kner y ami Ambition , can bo restored to huilth
nditor , if caeo Is not too loni ; neglected.
10 aur ion in charge \ > a prailuato of Jc0op
in Collc o (1895) ( ) and has rltullcd bin
rofcsalon In London , 1'arla nnd Berlin. H alllltcil ,
ill or wrlto full description ol your cnso , and modi-
no may l-o pent j on. Consultation frco. Addioag
maht DlstMinBary , Crounso'a Block , Omaha , Neb.
llllco hours 10-12 a. in.,1-3 and 7-811 , m Sundays.
10 a m.
tfarOtcdcn House , Council Blufll , Saturdavi 4 to 7
i. nt
17 St. Chnrlps S . , St. Louis , Mo.
regular Rrn lunto nf t n loillcnt Colkfoii , lia liecn longer
nc KPil lu tlio ipfCimtrpntmcnt of CNUONIC , NiEvnuii. HKIH
i4 HIJ > OU I > iivtHittiaa tn ; other rbj.leUn lu Bul uH
rlly j Mt'Ti iliow iinil n > l U irkli ] nt * kDow.
Nervous Piostratlon. Debility , Menial and
'liyslcal Weakness , Mercurial and other Alice-
ons ol Throat , Skin or Uoncs , Dlood Poisoning ,
Id SorCS and Ulcers , MI > lnnt l llli uni rnlclu4 !
cccil , un Inlut itlrnllllo | .rhiclj . ' . , . tolrly , I'rlvntrly.
Diseases Arising trum Indlscrcllon , Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , vi.ieii iro.inco nmt at iho
llo lnj cllwli ! urtxjuiuc. , , iliWlily , dlv M of light
nj.lervtlho niminrr. llnii.Ir- , o.i | | ,0 , r n , I /ilril decoy ,
icrllontollia > rl < l ; o [ ( cinnlci , d.iifu.U of Mi' iU < x ,
onuorlni ; Marrlncn Improper or unliauny , ro
Mirinnlj otlycurcil , I'amplilttOU | ngtomnljo > loteicnl
n letlrd cturlopo , frcoto finjr Kt ] < tnm. CoBultiillnoator >
so or by iaallrrt4 , uitdlnvllcJ. Wrllo foriucitloui.
A Positive Written Guarantee
Rlvo In > ll cur Meta c , Jirjlclnt < cnl ovcrj litro.
rnmphloti , Ennllili or Oorman , ! iiaeoi , < \ * -
crlblue nbovo clucauou , In umlo or Couialo , i'UEE.
Mri | , llnf ( 'lain , llluilrilvl la-clolti omlilltlilaJInK ,
Clrli.i > ii jcrl > i l > I l uuM * | > rr tour. , S5e , Tlili t.ok
ouului U tlio curloiii , duubiful ur laiiuuittro vanl u
now. Jl Iwoli ofinul Ihl icil to nil , UiiUUl. Ileullly.
Ul'i'lQcu utit 1'roai.ii.J tli idilcc.
bo LoadluK Agricultural anil Llvo Otooli
Jmrnal of the West.
AlUSO COlflfflllS
B. S. SMITH & CO. ,
| i ilORS AND rUOMSNItllH.
ON IIOHT. W. FUH.VAS , Secretary Bta Hoard
t < f AK'lcultute , Asaoclatu Kultor.
UBSOKIITION I'HICi : , tl.OO per year lu mlviuico ,
ndni& 1C8 B..Uth Street. - . OMAHA , NEB
0. F.
? 0 la bV61VHW > 'Wi WVj'Bf '
IUv lot ule 100,000 aorti oardnlly ickotod landj
D Kaatern Nobranka , at low price and un owy loruvi
Impiovea iariu > lei iala In DougUii Doileo , Oolfai
latte.llurt , LurolnR , Hariiy , WaUiloctoo , atorlck
aunderu , nnd llutlor Oountloi.
T ttt8 paid In all iiatta ot the Btati.
tlouey loaned onlinpraved lartni.
Notary lublloalwai la oSca * Coneipondenoc
' : AM- , but as a tonlo nnd health rcncvvor ,
AC'IIIU for IlltfOil and Bkln Dlnraen , and tnmblet
i | > endciit vu linjmro or ln)0\erl > Iii-U blood , Bnlft'i
Sp clllol without arhal.
"Xly baby six tnoutht old broke out with > emi
kind u ( skin humor , and alter Iwlnit treated 11 u
nonthi by my family | iby lchn , a < Kit en up to die
ho druKKltt roODiiiiuoiulvd HuIll's bpeclflc , an ' tin
enult win ai gratlfylnjf a It ua * miraculius. JIj
chllj eon ( jot well , all focujof the dliua e In
aud ho I ) 03 ( at ftaa phr " J , J. Klllia
IjllliiJcn , llutk Cuuuty ,
"lutedHulft'a Hpoclflo on my llttlo daughter , wui
wai allllctod ltli omolllood I'otson which hud ru
Utod all sorts of treatment , 'ihe Hptclflo rellevci
ieriwrniiiieiitly , and I lioll use H In my inactlco , '
W. K. IIUONTK , U. D. , Ul > rett llldrfv , Ark.
Our TrcatUo on Dlood aud tiktn DlMaaci mailed frei
Drawer S , Atlauta , Oa.
N. Y. OQ1 . 159 W. 2J fit. , between Dill and 711
J'ldlKlclyhh offlco IMChcittcut I.
Novel MM for Measurement by i
Male Dressmaker ,
Two GlnrliiR InJuBtlccs Under AVhlol
Xow York Correspondence of the Cincinnati
Knnillrer. ,
As theatrical things nro just now in
thin city , there ia no use \n \ n fashion
writer looking to the actresses for points.
L linvo boon nccustomod to find on tfio
tflfjo Bomo of the boat expositions of now
nlyles , worn na n rule becomingly , and
awny nhcad of the adoption of the aiunc
.hinga by prlvnto drceiscrs. They may
come true again later in the season , for
stars returned from Etiropo have brought
roploniahod wardrobua. But I warn you
lot to believe all you read about the
splcndora of thia apparel. It isn't that
ho reporters llo , but that they are Hod
o. What do men know as to the actual
jimlltioa of female finery ? The average
reporter haa had hia head stuffed in the
> rdinary way at college , but hia atudlca
mven't included a course in dry goods ,
and ho ia as likely as not to think
hat calico ia satin if only it haa a shiny
surface. 1 wont to see the wonders of
ono foreign actress' clothca , after reading
a glowing account of them , and , deary
no , how that wicked woman had led the
ournalist ostray. Tha real laces of hia
irticlo wore weak and cheap imitations ;
the flashing gems not in the adornments
were colored glass ; the fabrics were aw
fully fraudulent ; and in every way the
reporter had been taken in. It is quite
inssibla that ho could beat mo in a murder
dor case , or outdo mo in interviewing r
politician , but in suing up an actrcsn
wardrobe I could forgot all ho known ant
sitdown on him. There was the chap tc
whom Theo , the opora-bouflbr. showed
i fanciful corset which she vraa to wcai
n the undressing scene of "Tho Prottj
Perfumer. " She told him all coy and
shythatits measure was eighteen inchoi
adding innocently that she could not lace
any because it would interfere with hoi
singing. Bah I Thpo couldn't any mon
wear an eighteen inch corset , unless il
; aped six inches at the back , than Sambo
could got into a boa's skin.
I was saying that nothing to bo utll-
zed for the instruction of dressers in
irivato lifo can just now bo soon on the
tfo'w York Htago. Six of the theaters are
lossosscd by the devil of nudity in tne
orm of burlesque , spectacle or comic
opera. These uro the inevitable armies
of Amazons , with their stomachs pro-
octod by tin armor , but all the rest of
horn exposed. There are the fairies of
ho other immortals , whoso skirts , if they
lave any at all , are cut oil at ono side or
ho other , so us to give sectional views of
ho interior machinery , like drawings of
machinery for the ( patent ollico. It
oonied to mo , indeed , while lazily ,
woltoringly gazing at a girl whono petti-
oats had a disclosing split from hotn to
girdle , that there ought to bo letters at
ho various points of her anatomy , with
dotted lines running to the explanatory
words in the margin : "Ankles , '
'calves , " "shin-bones , " and so on. By
hat plan the dear mon in the front seats
these just out of childhood and those
chimed to it the second time might
ombino instruction with amusement.
The furthest and utmost departure from
kirta that I have seen , by the way , is in
ho burlesque , "Adonis , " at the BIjOu
" " ' ' ' ' ' "
opora-housb7"wh"br'o' th'b" chorda at ono
uncturo appear in tights from nock to
lools , with not so much as a equaro inch
f relieving fullness at any intermediate
point. But the color ia n dead black ,
ind so the effect is not what it would bo
' the hue was that of flesh.
The now method of a man dressmaker
md ono of the most fashionable in town
s based , I suspect , on that of the hatter
vho forces an apparatus down on his
ustomor's head , thus pricking a reduced
utlino Into a card , or that of the shoo-
naker , who traces the exact shape of the
oot on pnpor. This artist makes his fair
atron divest herself of her falsity. I
on't moan false tooth , or glass eyes or
tainted complexion , but of what may bo
ailed upholstery. Then , by moans of
m apparatus like a camera , ho draws the
Inos of the real figure aide view and
rontviow onapago in ft vjry , very
irivato book. Thus ho can BOO at n
; lance whore the imperfections of form
ire , and whether artificial improvement
3 possible ; also , just what garments will
> o most becoming. Uf course , the sub-
cct retains an enveloped amount of
slothing when thus pictured , so that
hero is impropriety in it ; and besides ,
as the faces are not included in ttio por-
ralluro , recognition is not probable
in some discs , alack ! quite
mpossiblo , There is something similar
n principle oll'iirod for amateur uso. Cor-
aqo linings are now in the market which
mvo the patterns cut with the grain of
ho web , and the waists will not fray at
he seams , as the whole strain is on the
inings and not on the outside of the ma-
.orial. thereby making the waist troar
onger and still retain its original shape
until the lining itself bo worn out. By
aklng up the shoulder seams , a perfect
mat and shoulder fit is said to bo the n
ult ; by taking in the seams under the
inn a graceful waist and hip is produced.
? ho reason these seams are used is bo-
auso whenever an imperfection is in the
igure , it is caused by too high or too
loping shoulders , too long or too short
waists , or ono shoulder being higher than
ho other , aua it is well known that
all figures have some kind of im-
lorfoctiono , moreor leas. They
tro easily put together and sized
> y the bust measure , so that any woman
noasuring her bust in the usual way , or
mowing her bust-measure , can obtain a
lattoni which will Hit her perfectly.
This now method threatens to do away
with paper patterns. To return to the
dressmaking man , a glance at his book of
outlines was/i good deulliko oxaminin the
ctanlal record of the hatter's machine.
fust as few heads are symmetrical as to
one side matching the other , so the op.
losito sides of the human figure are often
vidoly unequal. It doesn't so much
natter to a man that ono shoulder ia an
noli or two lower than its mate , or that
ono hip is out of level with the other , but
ho coraago of n woman is so revelatory
hat such discrepancies have to bo romod-
od as far as possible.
Uowovor , it is not in respect to these
hlngj that I think a man 1ms an undue
advantage over women , I will specify.
f you plcano. First and foremost , I fuel
iggriovod about the moustache. Not that
L care for ono myself , but that I want tha
arrogant other sex to comprehend its
I'aluo as an improver of their faces.
Mantel ) , the actor , illustrates my mean-
tig. IIo played with Fanny Diivonpoit
n "Fedora" last toauon , with a delicious
jloiidu covering his upper lip , and wo
were enraptured with him. Now ho ia
acting in "Galled Back" without any liir-
Huto tlutch for his mouth , and wo are
disenchanted , It was the moustache
irinclpally that made him beauteous. At
east ho iju't BO much M pretty without It.
Now , a girl has to do without that softening
oning appendage altogether , and to depend
pend on her bare fao for good looks
Therefore , to put the axcs on an cquali
ty , I want a law pasand abolishing moua
tachos. My second proposition is that r
feminized system of swearing ought to be
legalized as polite. I aoo that tlin shoo
on which 1 am writing ia spattered witli
perspiration from my labored brow.
Neither us.igo nor conscience will allow
mo to say anything stronger than thai
the weather 13 awfully hot. It ia a ven
ture into ungentle manners oven to do-
ecribo it as ciucod or darned hot. Yes
there should bo a way provided for a girl
to damn the torridity when aha chooses
A Cockronuti line UOO Toctli ,
This scorns a great many ; but wo must
remember that the cockroach eats n little
of every ho picks up , and has need of a
tremendous digestive apparatus. Our
digestive apparatua ia altogether different.
First wo chow our food with the tooth ;
then send it to the stomach to bo dis
posed of. If the ntomach is not in per-
Foot working order , take Brown's Iron
Bitters and make it do its work properly ,
Mra. Sophia Torbort , Georgetown , Del. ,
says , " 1 uspd Brown's Iron Blttors for
dyspepsia , it greatly Improved my diges
tion. "
Jonea came homo in a dilapitatod con
dition night before last and undertook to
hang himself up on the hat rack in the
front hall , his wlfo stood at the head of
the stairs watching him. First ho wonld
put his hat on the bottom stair and then
taking himself by the coat collar ho
would make a lunge for a hook just out
of his reach. Then ho tried to hong up
his umbrella by the point. After it had
fallen down several times ho sat down on
his hat and soliloquized :
"Most 'strorlnary campaign. Never
saw 'nothor like it. Party's all bro1 kup ,
Mon running aft' slrango gods. Nobody
knows whore ho atan's. Blamed 'f J
know where I am any moro , All the
boys goin' noli" . Wonder where ola
woman stall's. Shouldn't bo a'priaod t' '
find ( hie ) liora bolter s" well's rest. "
Juat then she grabbed him by the
nock and observed : John Henry , ain't
you ashamed of yourself staying out till
o'clock in the morning when you know
I'm all alone hero and sick a ? that ? You'll
break my heart with your dissolute com
panions , I know -
' "T ishn't nash'nal 'tall. Loo'l jshuo.
Pro'bishun's loo'l ishu and 'or ain't no
usho tryin' 't make uash.nal ishu out 'f '
loe'l ishu. Boysh shay it. Barnes B.
Jaino saysh it and I know it an' ju
know it.
It is a local issue in that house now
whether the mother-in-law will bo sent
for or not. The wife says that Just ono
moro break of that kind will settle i
"A Perfect Flood of Sunshine"
will fill the heart of every suffering wo
man if she will only persist in the use of
Dr. Piorco'a "Favorito Proscription. "
It will euro the moat oxcruciatiug period
ical pains , and relieve- you of all irregu
larities and glvp healthy action. It will
positively euro internal inflammation and
ulccration , misplacnmont and all kindred -
rod disorders. Price reduced to ono del
lar. By druggist.
Providence Saved Him.
A drummer rushed into the McClollan
liotol the other day , throw his valise
down , and in a trembling voice besought
Lho clerk to register his name.
"Don't ' mind " said ho "I'm
mo , : ex
cited. " ' . . . /iffe..i
WiiyTwTiSPB trvcTm&tter ? " . * inquired
the clprk , as ho proceeded to write the
: ravplingman's name , while several of the
; ourist's fraternity drew near to hoar
what was said.
"Matter ? Matter enough. Why , sir ,
mly the grace of God saved mo from
milling a man a little while ago ; " and , the
drummer took ofT his hat and fanned
[ limsolf vigorously.
"How was that ? " blandly queried the
. "Woll I was coming in on the narrow-
; ngo and wont into the smoker to smoke
i cigar , and when I returned there was a
man in my seat. That made mo mad.
3o I went to him and told him if ho
didn't got out in quick order I would
mvo his heart's gore. I guess ho must
mvo soon blood in my oyo. "
"Well , did ho got up ? "
"No , ho didn't. Ho told mo to go and
soak my head , and it was only provi
dence that kept mo from killing him. "
" 0 , then ho didn't got up ? "
"No , I toll you ho didn't do anything
> f the kind. I took another seat. "
Texas Lantern.
A Country "Wltoro We're All Climbers
Stamford Herald.
"Yea , 1 know Tom Waller when wo
were both 'wharf rats' and used often to
sleep on the dock in a fish box , and ho
jonorally gave mo the softest side the
ido that nad the most feathers in , " said
Colm Dyer , a well known obese and
; oed naturcd salesman at the Fulton
itroet fish market , to a Herald reporter
, ho other day. "Yos , I know him well
hen ; and now he's governor of Connec-
icut , and I am 'chucking fish. ' That
sn't his name though , and John Dyer
en't my name ; wo don't cither of us
enow our names. But that doesn't mat
er ; this is a great country , and gives th > ,
) oorost boy a chance if ho is only smart , "
md the fat John tossed another fish into
ho scales.
Won't You Do It.
Don't suffer any longer with the pains
and aches of Rheumatism , which make
ifo a burden to you. lloliof , speedy and
lormanont can bo procured at the nearest
Irug store , In the form of Kidney-Wort.
Elbridgo Malcolm , of West Bath , Maine ,
says : I was completely prostrated with
Ihounifttism and Kidney troubles and
lot expected to recover. The first dose
of KidneyWort helped mo. Six doses
put mo on my foot , it now entirely cured
no and I have had no trouble sinco. "
Tlio Pluco to Iilve.
From the Kansas City Times.
It will pay bettor to bo on Ohio voter
han an Ohio oflico-holdor this year.
The latter will have to submit to inordl-
nato assessments. The former can dic
tate his terms.
Why They Fl
Chicago Her aid ,
"What'a the biggest family record you-
'vo got hero ? " asked a long-haired and
big-whiskered man at republican headquarters -
quarters last evening.
"J hirty-Bovon , " was the reply.
"All republicans ? "
"Every ono. Not a democrat or a
bolter in the family. "
"Well , mister , I can just boat that.
I'm a representative of a family of forty-
nine. There's the old man and his auv-
pu sons that's eight. Then the seven
sons between them have forty SOUR ,
every one of them voters this your. It's
a magnificent family , and all solid. Then
there's mo. making forty-uino , If you
don't think I'm ' a voter , smell of my
wreath. How much are you giving for
records of this kind ? They look well In
campaign papers and they embellish the
orator s best efforts. "
yOh , wo don't pay anything for these
things. They are interesting that's all
What relation do you hold to the fam
ily ? "
} t'Tma son-in-law the only ono , We
always vote together , and many'a the
county and congressional election we've
decided. Ain't paying anythlnp
for families of forty-nine , oh ? . Al
right , mister man. Next winter , when
you'ro trying to find out what hit you ,
just look at the returns from Pine Grove ,
Macoupin ctunty. There's going to be
the d cat flop in that township that you
over sec. "
Remaining in the Omaha postolllco for the
week ending September 20.
Allen r Anderson F
Anderson G A\ery J A
Alexander S A Armstrong N O
Butcher It II Baldwin KB 0
Bel worth H W Buled S
Bumbiiy C Baker O W
Burroughs B Barber 0
Buchcr F Bartholomew C
Barton Bat ton A II
Bruilcn K Burns E
Brigga K K Blerwlth II G
Bunch .T , T Boer B
Bircli B JI Barry IJ
Bnlloy , T II Black K
Builoy S F Black B J
Beoho W Blank W
BHvon .T F Christcnscn O W
Clmau , T 2 Cutreo li
Cnhon II Curtis O
Cocamer C TJ Conaly J
Clmmbon F Carter II
Carroll II Crossctt U
Carter AC Crimijan W
Clotworthy W Clarke W A
CnmoronV D Ctisbing T
Coylo T Corcoran J B
Christiansen J Uuhomo 10
Cunn 3 J Dolllncr S
Uonohuo S W Dowcy C B
Darker C IJolan .1
Denison L Kckis E S
Kills O W Kyforth L
Kmmct 1'ino Co lily A
JCgim I' Ea termnn P
Killing N O Each W
Forshery .1 Foote U
Franklin 11 J Ford P T
Froeiuan A Fleming M
Fitzgerald , T Fish J
Farrcn J FrancH J
GrayT Gitbons C I ) 2
Granlund Y Gulcenno F
Grceu L Golf G W
Garegus II Gilbortson W
Gilford MF Gallagher J
Howcroft F Higinbothaii R W
Haves S K Hlckj A
HortonJ 2 Harris G
Hughes G Hubbard A
Hogan C M Hagoni L S
1 loughownnt J Hade J
Hoi comb \i Hunter 11
Helsol M L Haddox M D
Htwtls P II Hedta O
Hcdom II Halhnan J
Howard K Hanna E A
Jon 03 lj .Toffery AV
Jorguuson .T Johnson C
Johnson .T W Johnson A 2
Tolmsoa J A Jordan J B
Jonhaon J In yell L
TelforHin W W Kaymirsky U
Kuqpor S lyerr O 11
Koll C Katymaier D JI
Killer II Kendall O
Laheity G II Lewis J II
l.ydick II Ijjnbar L
Ijimter 1' 11 Lincoln F L
Luther F Lars.on A F Lowiy G W 2
Nauo M L Lovulun O
Lembrtister W Lowla W
McKonrzio li Murray E
Monroe M Muller C
Moran J McCarty D
McDougal J W McManis T
Muhllmn W Mahony S
Morohouso S D McCormicIc F L
Mnggenbuy 0 Mathaws C
Mnnthor II May Mr
Mania S Monk F
McGibbon G Manafiold G M
Mnbon 1 > N Mener 1' ' II
Morrow O Miller , O M
Marciis &TBlanh
Murphy O II Noris A
Nugent D Naismith .T 2
OVVeil T J Nelson FP
Xelron W J Niklrck C 2
O'Donolmo J 2 Olson W
Onslow G T Parshall B
1'etere-onO F Palonk J
L'haell W P Puterbaugh S
L'otcrson G Peabody G II
I'arkar G W 1'helps T E 2
Phillips F Pfanneriaticbl C
1'addock F Hupp 15 F
Richardson B llasmussen B F
Lowe F U lliley J J
ilotmda .T ICeland J
lingers W C lloyer F II
tlchnrUa II Iting C
liisene , T lleven G C
lay II II Ptnssell G T
fogen G W Kico F
Huron C W II ItochW
Have A Sohanh A
sawyer F F Smith B
jagcr A Shields J A
Schoentgen ,7 Schroder J
Slaughter W Smith W
Senett W Smith T II
Show M Sahlo M W
Sehfflu P II Sachs C
iheuley G Soylor F I *
Stranhe II Q Stelfens II
Sloghlolll ) Sich G
Scott G C Smith F M
JchulUCH Smith 0 L
Sheelcr II II Sullivan W
Tims E S
'ilinan Tyner .1 N
1'olbcrt.IIl ThomanWH
? hompsSn W Thompson J IE
WalHn A 2 Wdda F
\Vouluy \ .T ' ! : Wagner F C
Wntson 11 2 Will W F
\Vluatley W Wilaon W II
U'md W Whitney C
William * O B WHhmaii C
Vaigler W G
Yudernon Mias A Allen Mrs J W
Vvury Mrs A AmloJjim Miss E
liooker S Becier Miss E
Blity MM F II liernard Mi s B
Butler Mrs 11 Barry Mrs B
linechner ha E 1 Brown J
Imtorrield Miss Byrns Mlsj L
linrr Miss K Carlson MBH ! C
Cronln Miss J Carpenter Miss A
Coylo Mis S Cook Mrs H II
Churchill Mrs C M Conroy M M
Cell Mrs F Carlotou Mrs M H
Cronan .Mrs K Dlngtnan 1
Dcuel J Davis M
li\i > Q Mvs M Enrico Miss S
Eden Mrs H Kckor Miss O
1'ogg Mrs J E Field Mra J T
FumerMiesll Glhnoro Miss A
Grouths Mra M J Hulbnt Mias B
Howard Miss F Hood Miss E
Hunaon Mies J Halo Mrs C
Hickock Mrs D Hopkins F
Johnson Men MA Jacobs Mrs J
Jackiuim Mra M A Keeler M rs A
Kells C Kayho Miss M :
Kilts Mifta I Looker Alls N
Leach Miss E Lorno Miss O
Limiett Mian M Mitchell Mrs S
Mason Mra J Moore MUs L
Martin MrHJ Morgan Mrs L
Montagh Mies II Meechar Miss M
Moritowu Mibs J Fichclsnn Miss K
Ninger F Neoloy M rs T G
O'Loary Miss I ) Owens Miss M
I'almer Mrs M S Pettoraon Mtsa G
I'oncher Mra E Patterson L
1'ayton Mrj 0 0 I'atti Ir II
Parson Mrs A PaiiBlin MM A
Kidu'irJti Mrs A Itoilmau Miss N
KicliarJs Mlaj M llochrigMraO A
Itiggo Mra U A JtoL'ars iMUs B
Iligley T IHuter A
ItuA'mond Misi Haweon Mrs L
ilmmons Mlna L 2 Sheori'3 MUa M
Slielloy MiaaM HkanMUsl )
iluIvor Mlat ! < Smith Mrs M
svanson Mrs A Scluirur Mra K
StuferMlsuP StClair Mrs M
Slnumx Mra K Htark Miss
Sporii ) Mrs li Schlndk-r Mia E
Banborn Mils N F Tlrrntoii MM V M
I'alty Miss M Taber MM F
Vooihecs Miaj L Wii htMraO
Wlllianu Mra J S
Whitu Mrs .1 15 Watt * Miss M
Drury L U Worsley Mrt 0 A
McOurthy T Lehman B J- .
m > & BEST TQH.C. ?
TMi medicine , combining Iron tilth
VP < ? clab1o tonlM , quickly nnd rnmplctely
I'nrrn llvi > | iri | < iltt , IiiillKf llnn , AV 'nI nri i
Intinirr illnnil , niulnrlitl lillln iniiU'o rrgt
niul NriiriilKln. . . _ . . . . .
Ills an tinfttllinu remedy for Discuses of the
KIilnrjH mill l.lvrr. , , ,
It li Invaltinblo for Plpcntci prcnllar to
Wotnrn , and all who IrniUcilcntary llic ? .
Hdocs not Injure the teeth , cau o hcadnchc.or
tiroduco constipation O//IT Iron tnctttclnn tlo.
the nppctttc. nMs the n lmllatlon of food , re
lieves Heartburn find llclrlilng , nnd strength
ens the mu Hcs and norvc .
Tor Intermittent Tcvcrs , Lassitude , I ickof
Energy , Ac. , It 1ms no equal. .
jfJSi ho pcnulnc has nbovo trndo mark nnd
crossed red lines on wrnpicr. | Tnko no other. o.ii j 1.7 iiuoii.v tiitaic.iL ( o. , muwoiit , ar ,
For Hen. Qolc * . inrf , life. Book frt *
Clri-lj Attfc , IM Kullou St. , N t Yort.
Science of Life , Only $1.00
' ? -1" ! W Ti : v F ? * , f. , & -tf
dihMntcd VII/vllty.Ncrvou.l d FhvilcaJ Doblllly
Fromitaro Docllno In Man , Kir ore of Youth , an the
untold nJaorlca faulting Irom luill'crctlnns or ez
03 5o" . A book lor every mrtn , younj ? , tnlildlo-kgod
Mid old. H contalna 125 pio.iorlptlona for all acnta
ud chronic dleoucs nuchotio of which la Invaluable
So found by the Author , whose eiporlonce for !
yo 9 la anoh as probably never bolero fell to the 1o
ot ny physic n 800 pagon , bound In boantlfa
French muslin maoasodcovcre , full ( rllt.gnaranteeit
to bo finer work n every ecneo , mechanical , lit
ottry and prolesalonal , than any other work sold In
this country for J2.60 , or the money will uo rotundei
In every Inatanco. Pilcoonly Cl.OO by mall , poet
pild. Illuntratlve eample S cents. Send now. dole
modal awarded the author by the National Medlca
tsgoclntlou , to the officers o ! which he refers.
The Sclonso of Lifo should bo read by the young
for Instruction , and by the afflicted for relief.
It will benefit all London Lancet.
There In no member of society la whom Tlio Sol
cnco of Life will not bo uecful , whether youth , par
cnt , guardian , Instructor or clergyman. Argonaut.
Address the Tc&body Mcdtral Institute , or Dr. W
rlccr , No. i BulQnch Street , Boston Htea. , wl'i
o oantnltcd on all discard roqulr'i ' ) ; skill uid
ence. Cnrcnlo nndobetln.-.tadlsoi ! , 19that have
the kill cf ill other phja-lira I olins
Altyi Buoh Irotted cncrasB-n LML full ]
n Instance failure.
Of the Northwest , Detroit , r/JInn
A country ol WOODS AND LAKES , 200 miles wcs
of St. I'aul. Three trains ilally on the N. 1' . K. K.
with 30 Day Excursion. Tickets ut about one-hal
An elegant house with accommodations for SIX )
Kueets. R. R. COLBUHN , Proprietor.
r-3"8xso roa FULL rAnncuLARS.
Horllck 7oo 1 for Infanta hi *
, vci luaor UTPS , ' wrttci
/.V.JooStr.J/.K ,
Ckuago.lll. goij by
all < lru2ltt8. lrl > ; e
4lan ( < 175 ctntl. Sent
tj u. il for amount In
Will cnro JfervomncBa , Lumbago , Ithoumatlsm
S'uuralgln , Hclatlca , Kidney * Splno antl I.\ir !
( tout , Atjttimn , llimrt illvciixH. DlopopsU , ronstlpatton , ] .r )
felpclus , Cutjifh , I'lles , hpllepNjr , Inipoictu * Inunb Agruo ,
i'rolapBiii Uteri , utc. Onl > hrlontUlr hlictrlc llttt In Atnor
en that sends the Klectrklty untl mncneUMii ttirnn ; : ! ! the
toilft aud tail bu recharged la un Instaut by the patloat.
Winter lacomlnp , tlio acajon of the year for ache ?
.ml pains. \lewof tills Uctwosay buy one of
Tr. lloroe'a Electric Bella. By so cloliifr you will
avoid Kheumatlsrn.KklncyTroublea and other ills
hat flesh Is heir to. Do not delay , but call at our
olllce and examiuo belts , No. 142 : ! Douglas street , rr
U. F Goodman's , 1110 Faruam St. , Omaha , Neb. Or
dcrs filled C. O. D.
Royal Havana Lottery J
Drawn at Havana , fiuba , Every 18
to 14 Days.
TICKETS , ? 2.00 , HALVES , 1.00
Subject to no manipulation , not controlled by th
artlcaln interest. It ia the Ulrost thing in th
ature of chance In existence.
For Information ami particulars apply toSHISHY ,
CO.Gen. Agents , 1212 HroaUway , N Y. city.
E. KAUH & CO. , 4irWftInut atrcct.St. Louis' , llo
r Frank Lobrauo , L. D , , 20 Wyandotte , Kan ,
v 21-mSio & w Iv.
Phmnli Aswrtcjo Co. , ot Condon , Ctsh
Atieta I5M1JC < . C
weatchsitor.N. Y. , Capital OOO.DOf.o
InoMerolitnts , of NowiiV. N. I. , Capital 1,276,000.0
dlrant yiro , Phlladelfhla , ivi < U 1,100,009.0
c cden'a Innd Cacil'l lJi , : i6.
Health Is Wealth !
iruarantocd incciflo for Hysteria , 1) zzlnosa , Convul
sions , Flta , Nervous Nouralfla , Headache , Nervous
I'rostratlou caused by the uio of alcohol or tobbacco ,
U'akefulueBS , Mental doprcsslon. Softonlni ; ot the
brain , reauHlnjr In Insanity and loajilm ; to misery ,
decay and death , Premature Old age , liaroncu , losi
of power In cither eei , Involuntary Losses aud Sper-
matorhora caused by over eicrtlontof the brain , self-
abuse or over indulgence. Kadi bux. contains ono
month's treatment. fl.OO r , box.or six bottlca ( or
85.00 , lent by mallprepald oa receipt of price.
To cure any case. With each order received by user
[ or elx bottles , acoompllihvd with $5.00 , we will send
the imrchtaer our written guarantee to refund the
uicney It the treatment does not effect a cure. Ouar-
autoes Issued only by JOHN C : WI ST & CO. ,
jy 2S-m&e ry 802 MadUon St. , Chicago , HI.
Imported Beer
Calinbacher , . Bnvana
Pilsuor . lioliGniian.
Kniser . . .Brnmeu.
Budweiaer . Sfc , Louis.
Anliauser . Sfc. Louis ,
Boat a . . . . _ . Mibvaukep ,
PilBiior . Slilwnukoe.
. Omuhn
Ale. Porter , Domestic and lihiiic
Owing to the increase
in our business we'vs
admitted to the firm
Mr Edwin Davis , who
is well and favorably
known in OmahaThie
will enable us to han
dle an increased list
of property. We ask
those who1 have desi
rable property for
sale , to place the same
with us , The new firm
213 South 14th St