Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1884, Image 10

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TuosdavMorninc September 23
fog wa noticeable to carl
Aeiy heavy
iloon thii morning. It mmlo the situ lee
like a alhorv moon behind nell of mlit.
Dioxcl ft Maul hft\o just received n vcrj
fine while licntw. Itfo kept nl.T. H. Me
Slisno's b rn , nod is M nice ft ono M can b
fotrml anywlioie.
The man vlio stole the cent from Schlan
& I'/inco n few tlnys since was yMtordn
found guilty in police court mul nontencod I
fifteen ilaysln the county jail on bread an
Tha Rntno of lull pl.iyod Sunday \ > o
twcen tlio printers nnd cigar milkers , for tli
Ix-ntfit of tlio cigar nwkcn locked out ntCIn
cinnnti , resulted In \lctory for the printer
by n score of 13 to 15 ,
M. S. Martlnovlch , of the ] ) i palch , 1 re
joking In tlio advent of a bouncing bov baby
uhlch rml In nn appearance at his IIOURO Sun
day morning. WoiRht , eleven pound *
Mother and clilld ore both doliiR well.
A party of three Swo3c , employed In
paintMiopnt tlio corner of Sixteenth nni
Cass ttrccU. put In n part of j-cilcrdny In buj
iriR IKIT nnd carrj inn It to Uio f liop , Thej
finally got full nnd began fiflitliiR. The po
hcc were notified nnd went up and urrostoi
The bids for the furnlluia for the now cour
hoiiso were opened yc lerday afternoon b
the county commUsioneri. Tlicro were enl
three bida in nit , as follows ! lllmcr Fcizo
i : 8t Saginaw Michigan , SlS.SiTi ; Dewey k
Stone , Umnlin , § 25,318.20 ; John V. Cools
Oinnhn , $20,031.00. The hid of Hozo wtx
accepted by Iho cniiiinifilonorn. Ho will b
required to enter Into n hoiul not exceeding
$ , 1,000 for the faithful performance of hla con
yesterday afternoon about 3 o'clock ( in W.I'
Morrow wns standing upon Karnam Btroct ho
was approached by two email boys nnd one n
them asked him If ho wai n pollcoman. Ho
answered in the negative nnil asked what was
the matter. Thollttlo spokesman Bald tha
his companion had been playing upon BOUIO
freight cars nnil fell oil4 and broke his arm
The little fellow was taken to Dr Wilkinson's
office wborchis aim was set nnd it was also
discovered that ho wns hurt about the head
He is n hon of .T. I * . Caldwell , No. 1310 Nortl
Nineteenth Btreot nnd Is nbout cloven years o
age. He was taken to his homo after Ills am
and head wcro dressed.
Senator Van Wyckis nt thol'nxton.
A. Dovrak , of Schulyor , Ia nt the Metro
"itTjJTBock , of Lincoln , ti nt the Metro
politan ,
} ; M. I'ylc , ol Nebraska City , is at the Metro
politnn ,
J. 1M3abler , of Stromsburg , Is nl the Mot-
ronolilan ,
Geo. A. Mngnoy , of Papillion , Irt quartered
nt the Metropolitan.
H. P. . Faulkner , of Plum Crock , is reals-
lered nt the Metropolitan.
If. S. BoWers nud witu , of Lincoln , nro
Stopping nt tha Metropolitan.
1 * . WIcTts nnd wife , of Harlan , la. , nro Iho
guests of the Mutropolitau.
Mrs. C , II. Taylor will leave to-day fern
n six weeks visit to friends in Qnincy , 111.
Mias May C. Gorman Icftyestcrdiy forls'or-
folk , Nebraska , to visit liomiitcr , Mrs. George
'IF. Walker. She will bo absent for BOX end
Ir. ) Al. Van Camp , formerly of Omaha ,
Imt now practicing nt Wisnor , Neb. , paid
Omaha a visit last week. Ho is looking extremely -
tremoly well.
llobert Wtlilensall , western Bccretary Y. M.
O. A. paused through Omaha yesterday from
Loavcmvorth. Kansas , wlioro iio has boon do
ing olliciont financial work for n week past.
Harry Hill , ono of the old time , Omoha fa
vorites , was in the city last week on business.
Hnny ia now running n fine horso-ranch near
Oakdalo nnd looks hoaltliiur and happier than
Itov. H. JQ. ISarnitz , wc.stoin secretary of
Lutheran homo missions , was at the Milliard
yesterday onrouto to Clear Creek , Nebraukn ,
to dedicate Iho new Lulhornn church al that
placo. Ho reports the Lutheran work rapidly
advancing in Nebraska.
Hon. Charles O. Whodon , I. N. Pickott ,
Fllloy ; W. L. Stone , Hastings ; N. S. Ctow ,
Kearney ; 7 , 8. Itbuo , Sshuyler ; 8. 1) . Kiile-
pntrick , Beatrice ; 1) . If. Mercer , Diowiivillo
and Hon. John H. Jtcgnn ; Joseph ScottJ
Kearney , icglstorcd yesterday nt the 1'nxton.
I sham Ilea vis , Fall j City ; Hon. G. W. U
Dorpey , Fremont ; rntrick' l-'aliy , O'Nuill ; I/ ;
1' . Young mid Hon .T. L. Caldwell , Lincoln.
C. N. lolsoiii and David Dean , Ashland ; . )
0. lioDsfliild nnd It. Elliott , Ilrownvillo , and
Alexander Schlegel , I'lnttamoutli , were r.t
the Millard yesterday.
rOVljK-l'IlIKST-Mr. Goo.W. Stover and
AUn8 Mary Priest were inurricd on Saturday
afternoon , September liOth. at the First M.
K. church , by the pastor , Itov. 0. Vf. Snv-
lIcOALLpM-AOKLKy-lJobort H. McCal-
lorn nnd Mies Lillian Acltloy , on Haturda >
nfteriiiMin , Sontombor l0th ! , nt the Flrat
M. h. church , by the pastor , Itov. 0.V. .
A GanK of uoti
Abroad In
Oorre poudonco of Tin :
) , OlnyCo. , Nob. , September
20. There io a sot of men representing n
lightning rod company , traveling throu-h
this part of Nebraska , awiudling the hard
vrorkuu , ' farmer in thia way. The first
man cornea around aud takes orders , to
put up a .rod ns n sampb job , Bay for § 10 ,
to introduce their work. They will nmko
false statements and get the farmer to
nSlln M1- iAlo"K comca otl !
flSg.ptl"Jr ° d-t After oomplottaK
the .
job makes
out a uoto for ? 5a , aud
aokaynu to sign | t , Bang , , | that thcro
will be a robjt * made when the injector
comes around , of § 20. I write thi from
personal experience as the uwindlors have
Herm me up , AVhilo J wan out on "ho
gnn ; to my work th-y induced
rny wlf to iign the nut. . . I warn nil
fcniwfl to bo nn lh irKunnlnaIpro'
nounoolhtm a .luhoncsC wmdHiiKMt
of miin , and furmors Bbould ( rva r t a
dofo of huebshot any man who IMki
litthlnlna rod J would clra a good ncro
of corn fai a five minute * interview with
the swaiing n . Tborw would bo a
funeral as euro as my natuo In
J. H , LYO.V.
The Bnsiuess Sitnation at the Union
Siock Yards ,
A CliartnliiK Spol nnil n Uuslneftfl
Anioiic the mnny evidences of Omaha's
projont nnd prospective importance as the
loading business center between Chicago
and San Francisco , the greatest of all wns
the investment of several millions of dollars
lars of foreign capital in the Union Stock
There was wisdom used in selecting the
location in every respect. The grounds
not only occupy n site of surpassing love
liness , but nro traversed by the two great
railways , the Union Pacific and IJ. & M ,
which nro to the western country what
the arteries are to the human system. In
addition to these the 15olt Railway passes
through the very center of Iho tract pur-
chneod by the Syndicate , and the facili
ties for transportation are unequalled. If
any of our readers have failed IM yet to
they will do well to remedy their Inult
by going out before the first frJst has
tinged with nutunm colors the rich
verdure of hill nnd vnlo nbout the little
villngo that has grown up BO quickly in
the suburbs of the city. The
tract devoted to this greatest
enterprise that 1ms of late years helped
to bnom the Oato Oily comprises several
of the finest farms of Douglas county and
stretches for n milo nnd < \ hnlf nlong the
Union Pacific in tbo most fertile spot
nbout the city. A stream of water runs
through the midst of the tract nnd the
gently undulating hills which rise on cither
aide nro crowned with evidences of the
industry of those who tilled the soil for
years. In addition to this natural supply
a complete not of water works
furnishes the town and grounds
with an abundant supply of
i-uiii : WATER
which this city would bo fortunate to
possess. About a milo and a half this
side of the yards , down deep among the
"emerald breasted hills" Is a body tof wa
ter , clear as crystal nnd cold ns Ice , con
stantly fed from fifty springs. It is fif
teen foot deep In the center and the pump
liouso on its banks Bonds it coursing
away over the hills to quench the thirst
of man nnd boast , nt the ynrds. This is
called "SwanV lake nnd It supplies 300
gallons per minute.
The water is pumped by powerful en
gines into n huge tank or "ataiid-pipo , "
28 by 25 foot in nineon the aummit of
the hill , where there is a storage capa
city of 88,128 gallons , and thcnco is sent
to tho-yards , which linvo the advantage of
either reservoir or direct pressure.
has already sprung up about the old
Drcxol mansion , which is the center of
business nt the yards. The railway
company has put in n depot building on
their line nt which nil trains stop , and
besides that Gourgo Caufiold has put on
n hack line , so that communication be
tween the yards and city may bo had at
nay time. The following will show the
leaving time of the stock yard trains and
of the wagon :
Stock YurdH Ilmo Tablu.
Train G : ! ! ! ) a. in.
Wnpon 8:00 : "
Tinin 8:05 : "
Train 11:40 "
Wagon 1:00 : p. m.
Wagon -1:00 : "
Train 5:30 : "
Train ' 7l&n. : in.
Wagon UiO : : "
Train 12l : > 0 p. m.
Wagon 2:80 : "
Tram 0(0 ; ( "
Wngon ( i55 ; '
Wagon loaves Onnfiold Ilouan at 7Ii5 : a.
m. , Millard 7-10 : , Paxton 70 : a. m , , and
Thirteenth street bridge at 8 o'clock a. in.
At the yards a good ts'md hotel build
ing has boon put up , Mr. 0\nfiold being
the proprietor and they sot up a royal
meal to the hungry drover or chance
visitor. The hotel faces the Drexel
house and n broad drive way loads up to
the door. The company's ofiices are in
the farm house the basement of w hlch is
occupied by n saloon. The cattle pens ,
barns , etc. , lie directly south and are
quito extensive. There are 125 puns ,
with a-capacity of ono to four carloads ,
and each planked and supplied with water
troughs and every convenience for feeding -
ing caltlo well. Tlio first instalment
of cattle was received on
August l.'Hh , since which tiiuo about 2-
000 cars have boon handled. It may bo
well to any right here that the stock yards
nt Council Blull'i have ninco the opening
of those boon practically useless , but K vo
carloads having boon cent there within
the time mentioned. On Sunday sovornl
twins came in from the west , bringing
fourteen to twenty cars of cattle each ,
nnd nt noon there were
m the pens , half their present capacity.
The carload this year averages 211 to
213 in previous years. Tlio cattle aro'un-
loaded on the north side of the track , fed
and watered and driven by n natural path ,
fenced in for the purpose , to the south
oido for re-loading. Throe switches or
Bpura nro run in from the U. 1' . main
ino and back through the center of tin ,
, -ardo , being built , owned mid managed
by the company. Hay barna , winter
sheds and sc.ilo
, pens barn are
right these tracks
on and a
nero convenient arrangement could
Kcurculy bo conceived , The latter IB sup-
) ! icd with n act of scales that will weigh
"ijuuratoly anything from u pounu w
100,000 pounds.
of thojo yards is n great fenturo and there
are two Boivors , ono
open , loading to
ho creek and having drainage from each
s located on the main ulo , nud is a hugo
building 210 by 120 foot in sizo. It is
.tted . out with the finest modern
onmcry for slaughtering , rondorliiir
melting , oto. Tlio cost of'thiVbuild ' m
vas S80.000 and it will bo ready or &
ies3 about the 15th of next mouth. It U
uniihod with n flo , , engine , two pow ,
ul boilcrr , MX immense rendering tank
plentiful watr ; sup py ] nrd ipJmd
rotoction from firo. On the completion
f this houio the yards willbo ready to L-O
o work in lull blast ma , , , , ,
pirsonul inspection of tbo
uatiy _ improvements made here
would give any adequate idea of the im.
ortttticoof Iho cntcrpmo or the amount
f money expended , Ou Sunday nftor-
onnn twin load of cotllo wai sent out
ud to 6how the rapidity with which
uuncMcaiibD transacted it may bo
aid that sixteen cars wcro loaded in
eighteen minutes nnd twenty cars can bo
loaded in thirty minutes at any time
without extra exertion.
Mill JOIIK r , BOYD.
IB the general manager of the yatds nnc
is n most excellent official. Ho was formerly -
morly in charge of the stock yards al
Council Dlutfa but throw the first shovel
full of dirt for the syndicate yards and
has been in charge over since. Ho is
is business all over nnd civos satisfaction
to every shipper as well as the company
ho represents.
The town that has grown up about the
business center 13 n thriving ono and
there is already talkof starting a Drover s
Journal or enmo newspaper to chronicle
its doings. Business ia lively on both
side * of the track and it will bo but. n
short time until the place will become n
most important suburb of Omaha nnd require -
quire considerable attention from our
citizens. ,
In the mean time it Is a ploasant.rcsort
for evening or Siblnth drives nnd when
Syndicate park ia old enough to mature
its shade trees and the hills that environ
Swan's lake are terraced and sodded , no
prettier spot can bo found by the plea-
suro-sookor in all Nebraska.
AlIvlH.ilIHty of DlBlnloctiiiK Onro.ll
WIiloli Stock Ifl
The recent outbreak of Texas fever it
Iowa has attracted considerable nttontioi
although the trouble is now nbout over
During fair week Dr. S. J. Chambers
our well known veterinary Burgeon , was
called to Atlantic Iowa , to examine some
cattle belonging to Mr. Phillips , whlcl
had suddenly boon taken sick. Ho fount
six dead nnd twenty moro nulToring fron
Texas fever , Of those throe have since
died and the rest are in n fnir way to recover
cover , a remarkable percentage to bo
saved from what is usually considered n
fntnl disease.
Those cattle were shipped in from the
west some weeks ago nnd it is supposed ,
contracted the diaoaso on the road , being
inocculatod in the cars.
About the same time , the doctor was
called to Mindou , Iowa , to examine cattle
tlo in n similar condition ; to Noola , nl
Foloy'a rnnoh , where some wcro found
dead and others sick , aud to Linn Grove ,
where there were five herds , all moro or
less affected , Homo dead nnd quite n num
ber sick. AH these cattle were among n
shipment of nbout 400 hond from Ilaw-
ilns , Wyo. The doctor during his absence -
sonco saw nbout forty cattle men and
they united in the opinion that the
disease was contracted nt the stocK yards
nt various points nlong the road. Dr.
Chambers , however , thinks that the dis
ease was incurred in the cars , whllo the
stock was on route from the west and tha1
thorallroad companies ohonldbocoinpolloc
after using cars for ono shipment , to
cleanse thorn thoroughly and diainfcc
them , which would do away with al
chances for incurring danger. The
trouble is that cars nro never cleaned un
til it becomes absolutely necessary , bu
are used for ono ono shipment nftor an
other and spread the contagion just n
rags carry the small pox or yellow fever
The railroad company that is first to reform
form in this respect and furnish pure
clean cars for transporting each nov
shipment of cattle , will find groatea
favor among cattle men generally.
1'ollce Court.
Monday morning found the usual uum
bor of criminals before JudgolJonoko nnc
the usual number of spectators to eec
them tried.
John Quinn was charged with having
boon drunk. Ho was fined § 5 and coats
Uo was an old man and looked ns if he
hnd boon severely dealt with. Ho saic
that ho put up nt the Slavon hotel and
had gotten full and boon robbed of § 14
Ho was arrested and put in a cell in the
jail with uuothor prisonnr wno jlimped
on him nnd poundrd his facobadly before
the ofliccrs could open the cell door anc
separata them.
Sam Sutherland was the follow whe
had pounded the old man BO unmerciful
ly , and ho was lined § 10 and costs nnd
live dnyo imprisonment in the county
Chas. Wells , for niAkint ; a loud noiae
and fighting , wns fined § 5 nnd costs.
Maurice Finnu nud Nellie Fuller were
both chnrged with making loud noises
nnd fighting. Thuy both jileadod not
guilty and their cases were continued ,
James Tuttle nnd Ed. Connors wore
charged with intoxication. They
both pleaded not guilty and their cnsos
wore continued.
Jnmos Shannon for discharging fire
arms in the street wns fined § 5 and
John Grinor was arroa'ed ' Saturday
night for disturbing the political mooting
nt Iho corner of Twenty-second and'Cum-
ing streets. Ho said that ho got full nnd
lost all control of his mouth. Ho was
lined § u nnd costs.
James Dovino entered a house of
prostitution on Ninth street and assault
ed ono of the inmatoB. Ho was fined $5
and costs.
A Jtuu for Kun.
On Saturday night a fire alarm was
turned in froni No. 1 engine house , cor
ner of Twentieth and Jzard streets , and
away clashed the fire department to find
upon their arrival that the lire wns in the
republicans who had nssemblod nonr
there to have a Blaine and Logan rally.
It has been eaid by oomo of the nuti-
Blaine men that the alarm was turned in
on purpose by the Bluino men , to got n
crowd to their mooting , but this is libel-
lous , for the tvlarm was n mistake , and
the central telephone ollico is accountable
for the error. A lamp exploded in n res-
laurant near Stophenson'a barn , und n
telephone nlnrni was sent in but the cen
tral ollico got the ularm to Wo. 1 instead
of No. 2 , na they should have dono. No
liarin done , but it did help out the meeting -
ing to a considerable extent.
Ilc-nl Knt to Trnnarora.
Tlio following transfers were filed In
ho county clerk's ollico yesterday and
cportod for THE BEI : by Amos' real
state agency September 20 , 1881 :
G. P. Ilnrnis and wife to U. Godke ,
c 0 | 1 > rosluot )
1) . L. Thomas and wife to J. F. Ran-
| om , wd , lot 7 , block 112 , Florence ,
' -li.
* -
M. Spojkhaid nnd wife to F. M.
1 w d | Iot 73' Nel'ou'a add
G. P. Beuiia am\ wife to A. B
jroW'i ' lot 3 ( block L' , Pnoapect Placa.
A Itovlcw of Hio PntkB * Ctiao by
A scrloa of articles have recently np.
poarcd in the Omaha city papers reflect
ing in Bovero nnd general terms upon my
wife , Mrs. Augusta 1'arks , late Mra.
Augusta Wright , nnd charging her with
various ofibnseB , among othora , that of
: ; r.ind larceny. The Btatomonts nnd
charges ao made , I wish to correct and refute -
futo publicly M made , and 1 hereby
characterize them as absolutely groundless -
less nnd maliciously false.
The fncta are as follows : List February ,
Win. Chick nnd wife , Dolly Chick , ap
plied for nnd obtained board and lodging
with my wife , then Lira. Wright. They
remained with her until Juno , becoming
moro nnd moro indebted to her na ap
pears to bo their custom. Fearing olio
would not bo paid , my wife requested
thuin to leave , when they begged to
stay nnd pledged with her the trunk in
controversy to cccuro the accruing debt.
In Juno , wlmn they loft , on account of
difllculty between thoniBplvos , tlioy wcro
Indebted to my wife in the sum of
seventy dollars or moro which is yet
wholly unpaid. After they had t ono
Mr. Chick tried to obtain the trunk by
force nnd stands to-day bound over to
the district court for that oll'onco. Mrn.
Chick next tried to obtain possession of
the trunk by replevin nnd employedfor
hat purposu an attorney , 0. W. Kyle
tbd constable 0. W. Edgortou. Two ru-
avinauita wcro begunby tbcsogcntlonien
dut bocauao improperly brought were
iamissed. Meanwhile my wife expect-
ng another forcible attempt to dispoaseen
her of her security , had it convoyed els-
where for nnfo keeping , being foiled in
their efforts , dishonestly to obtain the
trunk , n chnrgo of fjriuid larceny is pre
ferred against my wife , und under cover
of that charge n dcsporato nnd unprofes
sional attempt is made by Mr. MoKylo
to induce my wife to deliver up the
property. This she refused to do , nnd
an examination being had before Judge
llorka on the charge of larceny , yesterday
morning ho discharged her , finding no
evidence against her. It is sufliciont to
all public attention to the fact , that in
ho accounts heretofore inserted of this
nffair , the names of Mr. and Mrs. Chick
have boon carefully suppressed , showing
conclusively from what source the re
ports emanated. Messrs. Edgorton nnd
Kyle , nnd Mrs. Dolly Chick
have now tried almost every method to
obtain this proporlysavo the only honor
able way , of paying the debt duo. If the
gentlemen named have not the ability to
enforce the rights of Mr. Chick by civil
process it is disgraceful nnd unmanly to
abuse criminnl process to effect their dis
honorable purpose.
I myself have been referred to in th
public press , as an adventurer. For over
four years I have boon a resident of Ar
nold , Ouster county , Nebraska , where 1
have secured at least a competence. Pre
vious to that t\mo \ I resided near Cedar
Rapids , Iowa , for thirty-two years. I
have always paid my debts and lived up
rightly nnd honestly , moro than can bo
uaid for the cowardly slanderers of my
wife , and can do , perhaps , what they can
not do , point with confidence to my past
Were it not that these parties are irro-
sponsibH as well as contemptible , ! would
make tnom responsible in substantial
damages , for the injuries done mo nnd
raino' _ JMoiUMK S , PARKS ) ,
A practical printer , with several years'
experience ns publisher , desires a good
location for a ropublicauycounty weekly.
Have n good-outfit. Address immediate-
Box 300 , Omaha , 20-2t
Some Good Clmrcli Blusic.
Sunday was celebrated at Sr. Barn
abas church , Nineteenth and California
streets , the festival of "Harvest Homo , "
which is on occasion of thanksgiving to
the Creator for bountiful harvests. It
was instituted by the late Bishop Clark-
son. In addition to the usual impress
ive services now music was introduced.
The choir is a surplicod one of twenty
men and boys , They chanted the poalma ,
which is not usually done horo. Jnoxpn
ricncod ponions cannot fully dpprcelut
the difllculty of teachir.g bujK to chant
The choir t f St. Barnabas church did
credit to i'ailf ' nnd choir master ycntor-
day. Their singing uhonrs.caroful and
thorough training and it is improving
steadily. There was n chorus of ladies
and gentlemen who also sang well. Af tor
the services at 4 p. m. , the organist and
choir master , Mr. Arthur East , gave n
recital of classic church inuaic on the or
gan. His programme was it varied one
in style , and ho aimed to plonso many
tastes. A remarkably good performance
was a diflicult fugue , the nir being "Je
rusalem the Golden. " Mr. East showed
himself an excellent performer and it
would bo pleasant to hear him again. The
music ia becoming quito n feature of the
services at St. Barnabas.
Beauty , that transitory flower , C5n
only bo had by using PCZBOIU'O medicated
complexion powdor.
Gone Jrom Our SiKht.
Ho lias gone from us. Ilis absonci
may bo for years and it may bo forever
No moro will the allvory ripple of hi
nerry laugh fall upon our ear. No moro
vill his soft and bird like voice bo hcarc
n the land as ho extols the A. B. 0
oop to the skies and speaks in tones o :
vithoring scorn of what ho calls Inferior
minds.Vo \ rofcr to Mr. 0. M. Buttles ,
ho A. B. 0. neap man of Milwaukee , who
ma been among the merchants of Omaha
or several weeks , nnd has succeeded
n selling to thorn over twelve hundred
> oxus of soap. Ho left this morning for
-cdor Rapida , Iowa , where ho will write
blood curdling stories for the daily pa
pers na ho has ai this city. Success to
him , and may his voice never lese its
weotncas and m y ho never forgot his
Not 80 IJIliul Aftur All.
Several days last week a blind man ( at
least it wai supposed that ho was blind )
with an accordoou wai worKlng the dum
my train. While ho was taking up a col.
lection a hdy by mistake dropped a § 5
gold piuco into hU hat. The fellow
tiuickly put it into his pookot , A short
limu nftonvards the lady discovered her
mistnko and naked the blind man for the
gold piecB. At first ho denied having it ,
but upon being cornered closely ho put
his baud into his pocket and yielded up
It then turned out Mint ho wns not s
blind bnt that ho could detect the differ
ence between n $5 gold piece and a
Absolutely Pure.
this powder ne\er v rle . A nmvel ol nurenca
strength anil wliolcflatnciirss. MOJO economical tli
the ordinary klmln.andcuinntbo M In competltla
ulth the multitude ol low test , thott weight id urn o
photrohito powder * Hold nnl In cnns I1OYAL
1) ) A KINO I > 0 < ? U > R CO. , ICO Wall street. . N. Y.
v. it.uiut's COD uvru on AND MMR rertons
wliotiaiobrcn tftVlnR I'oJ U\cr Oil will bo plca'cd
loam tl t IJr. AMllmrhiM tmcctodcd , from directions
of eournl prnfcssi nal ijontlcmcn , In combining the
l > uro Oil and I Imo In Hi li a mimicr that It Is iilcas-
ftiit to Ilia ta'to , nnd 111 effects In Lunjf complaints
nro truly wonJcrliil. Very luany persons whoso cases
wcro pronounced hopclcs ) , and uho lud ttlion the
clear Oil for a lone times ithout mi rfce 1 cdcct , hao
been entirely cured by uslni ; thla preparation. Do
Burn and get the ecnulno. Manufactured only by A.
a Wllbor. Chemist , Boston. So'd by all druggists.
Besides the ndrantag of a solid English and Classi
cal cducatlou , epccl care will bo devoted to the
io. o
Practical Surveying
Boot-Keeping , Banking ana Oomiercial
Five nowprofctscrshavo boon added to the faculty
for this purpose.
fiT Vocal Music , German nnd French , optional. JEJ
NKW STUDENTS must present themselves timing
the neck cmllni ; August 31 , between 9 and 12 a. in. ,
and they roust bo reidy to eland examination to de
cide their rank In the course
Prof. Lambert will glvo duo notice for the rcsump
tlon of the cicnlnic course In Chemistry. Tuition
frco. No clisttuc-tion en account of creed.
HUR. 1 j tu-thim ) eat Ot
The Bchohstlo year commences on too
rirst Wnestlay in Seutemlier ,
The course ol Instruction embraces all the Elemcn
taryund higher branches of a llnUhcd cducatiot
Difference of Kclltrlon la no obstacle to the cdinla
elon of youn : ladles. I'uplU are rccchod at an
limo ol tlio ,
Including Board , Washing , Tuition ! n Kngllsh u
French , use ol bookr. 1'bno , jwr session of
Five Months , - - 150.00
EXTRA crTAUailS Drawinif , I'alntlnj , Oormi
Harp , Violin , Guitar and Vo < , il Music.
JUslorenooa are reiiulrod from all persons unknow
to the Institution. For furtner information apply
the LADY SUl'ZUlOll
Jv ll.mfcn
Omah NobrasVa , hihicli Is taught iloublonn
dingle entry Uoolkcc , > lnKi Commercial law , Civl
( eminent , UusmoiJ 1'racUco , PunmaiiMiip , Kni ;
Hsh arnmmar , Atltliuicti , : , Heading , "polling , O'Jr
respouiKincv , and Short I Und Wrlung ,
TK1UI8 :
Complo'o Course , one year , ( ahort hand ex
ceplcd . fjo o
Complclo Course , on month . 8X (
Conn leto Course two months . ISO
Complete Course , three months . 20 00
Kscli month thereafter . 60
Thirty Lemons In remnanthlp . 50
Tlio couroo , ( book-keeping exccptoJ ) one
month . , . . , . . . , go
Thonhavo course , ( look-keep iirf oieeptod 3
niouUii . . . 1200
KonJ for circular. Address
OEO. U UATIinUN , Pr n
corner 10'h ' and Farnim Sla. , Omaha
KTTMUtr. Kctop ,
Measure , Vv'etRhcr ,
Dredger , K i c c
Washer , Tomato ,
Pumpkin , Starch ,
Wine and IViiit
Strainer. Twelve
articles in one ,
Ths OrMtMt Cn .
Mor * lot i than nil
oilier blevcs nnd Sifters
rombinetll 1'veritKxly
IU.cs Ihemt Wo mike
largo bitters ami Miieri
for tian.l ml | xjvvcr ,
Wide for catalogue.
ThellunlerSlftcrMf ;
Co. , Cincinnati. O. , 4.
Auentswanted for our
Klulicil S | > cclalllek an 1
* lluntctSiIicfCebltlh '
J , F , ARMSTONG , M. D.
Practice Limited to Diseases of the
Eye and Ear.
1003 FAUNAXl ST. , - OMAHA.
t'iMfy triM l.vory. . Z aJUr. r < * tr 4 . *
PIANOS. onOANS , li.n. CAfIS , &C.
/V KnnAj l'i'n\TTCUS tr CMMK'IU
CLASS , CHINA , do. , io.
RCSSL\ CEMENT CO. , Gloucester , Mast
" 53V7-3EXOZ.3BIEIja.3j2i ; :
D , B , BEEMER , Agent , - - OMAHA , NEB
Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for
less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it.
Semi for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Neuraaska
Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track ,
Orders for Hie Indian Department given for Buffalo Scales ex
clusively. Scale
1405 Douglas Street , OMAHA. NEBRASKA
© BflB y yuuu&i
Visitors to the State and othera in need of Men's , Boys' and Children
Clothing , will do well to call on
The Strictly One Price House in the City
And examine tliel'r goods and prices. Th y carry the largest stock , and
sell lower than"any * other house in the city. Merchant Tailors
tlon't fail to call at
L216 , 1216
Thu Largest Stool ; in Omaha : aiHlaJMes Hie Lowes , Prto *
I&B J&ttsxSle A
Juet resolved an tsiortmont far r.nipaaalug anytlu'uj ; lu tiila market , ooiuprlj'.c '
: tie Isloefc end moat tasty dsslgnn manufaotured for tills sprliig'n trade and
s range of prices from the Ohoapoat'to the most Expensive.
Wow ready for the inspection of CUE- Uorapleio stock o all tko 1 \ est
tomers , the newest noveltii n in sly lea mTureomnn , Madras ar.i
Suits and Odd Pieces , LtK-e Curtains , "Ktc.j Etc.
5jV < nH.i& y li A FA&tj
rwr. - - - OJi/AHA / NEB
or o ? eraicrtT rmrr.
1S3 ! j I0ll
il * 1B 0 ilfctudy fitf A9t H1w v |
Catalcsue luio'ibcd ' Irfe vice orpllcithr. 1 Omaha. B9ob %
* - f r - rt-- * * * * v otf jb > - -tj M ta is x p fjM via tj |
103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , D. a. A. Hotr.blished 1678-CatarriL
Doifnreo , Lang and NommBDiocaeoHSpewlU' and 1 ormanontly Ourrd. Patient *
ar cd 8t Home. Write for "TiiK iV'fiojif./l.ssiONj.uY , " for the People.
n-ntn1atlon ] and Oorrcopondenco Oracw. P. 0. Box l92. ! Toleuhono Nr ) ' >
HON. EDVVAHDRtfsSELL Davciijort Mn-n
, Poaticuter. , S VB - r
KM. Ability ana Markpd SnocesB. ' OONQ11F.SSMAI ? A'jllPflV , ! ; , r ? : i
" ' L * " " '
" " Snccoaa. T/onderful Oures. " Hr ara h . . . f < U
: AVJir. .fT7Tr < T csg rrr7 ' .TT-T > rrr < V.TV |