Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1884, Image 8

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Monday Mornine September 22 ,
Chlet Uuller , of the fire department , has
returned from Cliloago , where lie hai.boon at-
lending a two weeks' xsMion of tlio fire chiefs
Of the United Statw.
The povernmeut ti nbonl to rebuild the
ixrtte nt Cheyenne and Furl Uusell , and Gen-
er.ilHsndy lett for thc-so iwliils on Satuiday
evening on that bu'Iiias * .
The sale of Crelghton homo furnltiiro hrn
been postponed until Thursdaytho l5lli ! , nt 10
mm , Tliosalowill tnkolplaco In the" "
Creary block , Douglas between Twelfth nnd
Thittecnth streets.
The bonrJ of oducnlion will hold a special
meeting this evening to act upon the purchase
of n school nite on Twenty-eighth and J'ar
nam street ? and tipon thn bids for the stour
wall to be erected in front of the high
In the police court Saturday five persons
for having been dimik wuie lined $5 each and
coats. Two Swedes who had indulged in a
goodiialurcd figbt wcro fined S3 each and
ctwtn. A % ngrimt was Bent tip to tlio county
jail , for 15 days on broad and water.
Saturday last Constable l dgorlon went
out near tlio fairground to levy an attachment
upon Homo property and loft his howe standing
by tlio roadside while ho executed the writ.
When ho returned homo and buggy were both
gone and nothing 1ms been seen or heard from
them since.
Salurdaymorniiigabout 10 o'clock n man em
ployed M a teamster in moving Oarrabrant A
Colef's stock from Karnam street to their now
location on Douglas struct , full through nn ele
vator hatchway ami suffered n so\ero scalp
wound , Dr. Hnnelioll was called ami dressed
the wound , which Is not a dangerous one.
Sometime during Saturday night last
thluvcs broke into the stable of Nols Ifcrron ,
in Northwest Omaha und stole two horsey a
valuabln team belonging to Mr. Herron. The
thc\ei ! left no clue behind them , but several
men have scoured the country in soaich of
the team , but failed to find the stolen proper
Ono of Callaban'a teamsters , who name
could not Do learned , wan taken with a fit tills
morning and fell from his wagon near tlio
corner of Tenth and Douglas streets. His
head struck on a paving stone and was fear
fully lacerated. Hu was picked up In an un
conscious condition and carried to his homo on
Ninth strret.
' . The funeral of the late A. IJorgondahl
took place yesterday afternoon and was large
ly attended. The procession was headed by
the Union Pacific band followed by thu tail
ors' Union of Omaha , of which the deceased
was a member. Thu remains were intoi red in
Prospect Hill cemetery.
Late last night , and engine going from
the city to Council 131ulfc , ran into a largo
Hock of sheep Ij ing on the track between the
bridge and the junction switch on the Iowa
fido. 1'ully one hundred of the uhuep were
killed outright and many wcro crippled. The
locomotive although running under fair head
I'S : way , fortunately held the rails.
Thu order of priesthood will bo oouforred
upon the deacons of the Episcopal church in
this city by the lllght Kov. Bishop Hobrrt-
sqii , of St. Louis , Thu final examination will
take place today and the ordination VOWH will
n bo administered during morning derv icu at
9i Trinity culhcdial on Wednesday at 11 o'clock.
f , I Thoccremony is very solemn mid iinpiosslvo.
"i ! , ' Thcro will bo a grand emancipation pro
clamation entertainment given at hall ofion
Baptist church , Lytlu's block , 1110 Fnrnum
street , Omaha , on this evening , Septem
ber , for the benefit of the church. This is
the twenty-second anniversary of the issuance
of this proclamation , The address will be
delivered by Ilov. G. W. Woodboy. All are
Invited to attend , and lm\o a good time. All
the dollcacios of tlio season served ,
About thrco hundred people , persons or
spectators. whichever yon please , more or
loss , assembled congregated U better nt
St. Mary'o Avenue park yesterday to wit
ness , xcoor behold the game , as advertised ,
between the Union Pacifies and the combined ,
conjoined or co-operating forces of the Hcd
to Hocks and Sherman AVOHUCH , The former dc-
faulted failed to appear ami not to disap
11 * point the audience , two scrub nines were made
up , organized from these on the field end holly
contested contest of fivu innings was indulged
in , resulting inn victory for the winning
nine ,
Satuiday Lewis Kennedy , book keep
er for Cay it Pitch , met with n sorloni nud
nearly fatal accident. Hu had driven his
horse to tlio Tenth street crossing and tlioro
the animal bocairu ' ( lightened at an engine )
which was switching HOIJIO car , and turned
suddenly around , capsizing tlio buggy an
throwing Mr. Kennedy out upon the plank
ing. Ho struck upon the back of hl head
and tinned completely over , fie was picket !
up in an unconscious condition and it was
thought fora time that hit neck was biokeii.
Ho was carried to his homo and the extent of
his Injuries are not yet known and may result
A practical printer , with several yonra'
experience as publisher , desires n good
location for a ropublican'county weekly.
Have n good outfit. Addrosa immediate-
Box UGO , Omaha. "fl.'Jt
Bplrltunlimii ,
Mrs. S. E. Bishops inspirational lec
tures on Spiritualism , Sciences , politics
end Woman Suffrage , ut St. George's
hall , corner of Fourteenth and Farnain
streets , Sunday afternoons and oveningu
uro largely attended end grout interest in
being manifested by her uudiuncca , Her
lectures , whothur they nro inspired or
not , are very practical , instructive and
well delivered. At tlio cloiu of her leu-
turo hut evening aao improvised a poem
taken from u remark nmdo during thu
evening ontitleil. "A Government with
hnlf a Head. " The poum was both witty
und pointed ,
Oscrola'H Opinion or Onmlia. I
' The following la from the Ojcoola
Record of Last Week :
L t week while William Courtney
vrau in attundnucu at thu Omaha a hi to
fair , ho was act upon by a few of
Omaha's rough * , who sought to relieve
him of a portion of lib wealth. Thuto
rough * nro in partnership \rith the po.
lice ( if Omaha , and William was arrested
and cast into prieon for r'arinn ' to dufund
hininolf. By the timely assistance of J.
U. Mickey , who wiw iin sint. Mr. Courtney
noy wan relesued , When * will thii viloj
city of Ojjiahu , this woJnrn Sodom , lie
wliovcd of ita cor/up ofliciala , .tiid ro.
pfteUbls people bo itlluwcd protection
on the Btrcela ?
A Number of Omaha Printers Declare
Themselves Free from Unionism ,
Ami Korin Oinalm Tyno rnplilca
Fraternity , No , 1 ,
Tor some limo past there hni beet
considerable talk among printers am
other attaches of Omaha newspaper am
job ofllcoa ns to the advisability of form
ing a separate organisation and cuttint
loose entirely from Omaha printers
union , which of late years has com
under the domination of a rccldcsi ant
improvident class of roughs , sluggers
assassins of person and character ant
cheap small-fry would-be politicians. Th
fnct that the trade in other cities nota
bly Kansas City , St. Louis , Leaven
worth , Chicago , UNovv Vork and Pitts
burg presented much the same state o
nir.tirs , resulting in numerous strike
and a consequent depreciation of wages
led to the hope that not merely a Inca
organization could bo formed but _ tha' '
organizations clsowhoro were possible
and in time a national body created , The
demand for the movement Miecamo so
great , voiced as it was also by prosonl
members of0maha | printers' union , _ thal
the following call was printed and circu
latcd last week :
A meeting o ! the printers of thu .Boo ollico
nnd other non-union men , 'n hereby called for
Hatmday , September 20 , nt 7 p. in , fur the
mirpnso of ( iiganii'iiig Umnhn Typographical
Fraternity No , 1 , for the election of ollicors ,
Lho appointment of committees to draft con
stitution nnd by laws , nud the taking of stops
for the formation of fraternities in other cities
and the creation of a IVnternity ,
etc. This action la becoming dally moro iin-
jicritivo on account of thu reckless and Inwlouc
fiction of piintrr.V unions in Oiniihn anil
throughout the country , which have by ro
[ > entud strikes on qulbblon increased thu sup
| ) ly and decreased thu wages of typos all over
the United States. Lot UK put ourselves in a
l > osition to wrest from the control of unions
the ollicoH now under their control , to rmso the
wagon to thu prices now paid in non-union
olliccs , nnd rescue the trade from the domina
tion of the desperadoes nnd demagogues who
nio fast limning It to rum. 1'cr orcier
In accordance with this call a number
of printers and other newspaper attaches
assembled Saturday evening , and pro
ceeded to nn election of ollicors , which
resulted as follows :
1'residont D. 0. O'Hegan.
Vico-Prosidcnt 0. 0. Carloton.
Vico-rresidont-W. ; A. Craudcll.
Secretary of Minnies T. S. Lewis.
Secretary of Correspondence J. 1) . 1'ortor.
Socictaryof Funds S. W. Tungarden.
Treasurer W. J5. Stem us.
Door Guaid 0. I. Hoblu.
lionnl of Reference Carroll Lindsleycbnir
man ; [ John Douglni , AVm. 1' , llanun , U.
Ivmn. W. G. JJ.ivis.
On motion , the president nnd two
vico-prosidonts were constituted a com
mittee to draft a constitution and by-laws
to bo submitted at a future mooting.
It wai : suggested that the organization
bo denominated Omaha Typographical
Fraternity No. 1.
The nocrotary of correspondence was
instructed to correspond with non-union
men , or former union mon in Kansas
City , Loavonworth , St. Louis , Chicago ,
Piltsburg , Now York and other cities
whore printers' unions have wrecked and
demoralized the business , with a view
to the organizttion of fraternities , and
the placing of tlio trade on a better foot
ing , and the raising of wagou to a livin
The scale of prices now paid by THI :
Bin : 31 contn per thouiiand ems for
night work and ! ll cents for day work
was adopted ns thu Frntornity'a ' scale ,
but it was understood that this would
not prevent Its members from working
in the Republican , Herald and Dispatch
oIlici'H , where the scale , undorv the demoralizing -
moralizing influence of unionism , is at
present lower.
The mooting was enthusiastic and well
attended , and it looks now as if the
decant element among printers which
really is the largo majority were on the
way to throw oil' the acalawoga who have
so long disgraced it , not only in Omaha
but in other cities. It would be quite
a feather in the cap of the King City of
thu west should thii movement , so modestly
ostly but earnestly begun , lead to r
strong und powerful national organic
A Farewell Tendered Kcv. J. M
Tlio niombors nnd friends of the M. E.
church , of South Omaha , arranged to
give a reception of welcome or of farewell ,
ns the cnso might bo , to their pastor , on
his return from conference ) nt Itlair. To
their regret and bitter disappointment it
piovod to bo a furewoll , aa ho was not
only to leave them but this conference ,
being by request transferod to the South
Nebraska conference.
It was with feelings of sadness they as
sembled en masse at the parsonage on
last Thursday ovotilng to give expression
to their high appreciation of their be
loved pastor and family , who lind labored
DO faithfully and olliciontly with them
for the last two years.
The ladies with warm hearts and wil
ling hands came loaded witli good things
to spread upon the table , where all could
cat nnd bo merry. The most interesting
part of thu entertainment was tlio presen
tation of a silk crazy quilt from thu la-
diea to Mrs , Stewart. N. W. Merrill was
chosen to miiko thu prcecntntion speech , o
which ho did in a fou wull chosen woids , n
expressive of thu highest rog.ird and ap
preciation for her earnest Christian work
and example among them , to which the
recipient responded in a way that uiovud
ou-ry heart and brought tenra to many
eyes. It is said that'1 * thing of beauty is
a joy for over ; " what then must bo this
quilt , us , for oxquisitu beauty and nrtiatio
kill , it is rarely equalled , and It witnesses -
es to the fact , in spite of iU name. , that
level heads and deft lingers
designed and executed the work ,
But it will over bo appreciated moro for
ho nntivu that prompted the gift than
for its own intrinsic worth.
A strong tiu of friendship binda o-
0 her thu ho. rts of pastor and people ,
ttestii ) the union of purpose and liar-
uuiny of fueling existing between them
which accords with the true spirit of
Christianity and is thu pm ii of success.
Ilov , Stuart leaves his flock invoking
hoavcn'a benediction upon them , while
they fiivo him and his family hearty God
Speed to the now fluid of labor awaiting
IMAUKini ) .
The marriage of Mr. I. M. Ajipol , of
the firm of Appel & Co , Denver , Colorado
rado , and Miss Uaciiel Goldsmith , daugK
I tor of M. Goldsmith , ot this city , took
place nt tbo now synagogue corner o' ' ,
Twenty-third nnd IJarnoy atreoU at
o'clock on Wonnesdny evening Soptenv
bor 17th. The Ilov. Goo. llnrfiold , of
Cincinnati , performing the ceremony no
cording to the rites of the Hebrew
church. The party then adjourned to
Falconer's hall where the newly married
oouplo held reception until 0 p. m
This was followed by n banquet after
which all joined in the merry dance un
til early in the morning. The hall was
beautifully decorated with flowera nut
pliintnby that well-known llorist. M.
foiling , the music was furnished by the
iMuaical Union. Mr. 1. SchifT acted as
host innti. Messrs. Simon Oborfcldor ,
Julius Meyer , S. J. Firhor , 11. Gain
were ushers.
The presonto were very beautiful ,
numerous and costly. The toileta of the
ladles were rich nnd olcgint.
The following nro the names of the
guests from abroad ,
Mr , Simon Appol , D'-nver. Col. , father o
the Broom ; Mr. ami Mrs. .1. M. 1'ostloy , N w
York ; Mrs. A. Knhn , Mils Carrie Schlnsi ,
Mi. Hrnry Knhn , Mr. Ja . Goldsmith , Ht
Joseph. Mo.j Miss Radio Hcli'i * * , Itnltiinoro
Md.j Miss Now. Chicago. Ill , Miss Bird ,
I wn. Those present of this city were , Mr.
and Mrs , Aaron Kahu , Mr. ami Mrs. 15 ,
Nowmnn , Mr. and Mm. Andtow Jto owaler ,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kennedy , Judge Geo.
and Mrs. Lake , Mr. and Mr . M. Hellmnn ,
Mi. and Mis. Obcrfolder ; Mr. nnd Mrs A.
Heller , Mr. and Mrs. 1'ovino , Mr. and Mrs
finest 1'nyclco , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Calm ,
Mr. and MM. I1' . Adler , Mr. nnd Mrs. Simon
lilnswnngor , Mr. and Mrs. Sol 1'rlnco , Mr.
and Mrs. Jfattman , Mr. nud Mrs. 1'nrvii.
Mrs. rishor , Mra. S. II. H. Clark , Mrs ,
i vnnn. MM. Meyer , Mrs. Meredith , Dr.
Morrell , Mr. and Mrs , Muiioll , Mr. and Mrs.
Sloman , Mr. and Airs. K. Ilosowntor , M ; . ant !
Mrs , lirandies , Mr. and Mrs. Huyn ,
Mr. and MIH. Mandelborg , Mr. and lrfl.
Mendelsohn. Dr. and Mr. Dcnlso , Dr. nnd
Mrs. , O. Hoffman , Mr. nml Mrs. Kothschlld ,
Mr. and Mrs , Mandolborg , Mi , and Mrs.
Itiusecll , Mr. and Mrs. Jtoyfoldt , Mr. and
Mrs. KlRiittor , Mr. and Mis Al. Jncolmon.
MisscH Rachel and Tilllu Newman , Kail.
Mary Lake , Suslo Van Uorrles ,
I'hlllofMorgnn , Grace 1'crlno , Dally lloson-
olosk. Hchleslnger , Annie and Minnie
llolhaehlld , Itosevvntcr and Ilramliss ; Messrs.
Moritz Mover , Adolph Meyer , Martin Ober-
feldcr , Martin Calm , Miner , Charles Deuol ,
Will Dickey. Max HulUholmer , J. Kaufman ,
Sickles , Nedol , Now , lhas. ! J'.Iguttor ' , John
I'royhnn , Brandies , Schlosingor and many
About ono hundted telegrams were received
from New York , Denver , St. Joseph , Haiti-
moro and ether places In this country , anil ono
from Mrs. Sehill , grandmother of the bride ,
and one from Max Meyer and wife , Marlon-
bad , Germany.
W , o , T , u ,
KB Annual Election of Ofllccrs Tlio
BuslnosH Done hy Thta Or anl/.ti
lion During tlio Past Vcnr ,
The annual oloctiou of officers In the
Woman's Chriatian Tompornnco Union
wna concluded at the Thursday mooting ,
resulting as follows :
Mra.SO. S. Soulo , president , ro-olcctcd
Mra. G.r. . Olark , first vica-prosidcnt
Mrs. G. W. Eastman , treasurer , ( ro
olootod ) ; Mrs. J. T. Hull , recording BO >
rotary ; Miss L. Dodge , corresponding
secretary , ( ro-oloctod ) .
Vico-presidenta from the churches :
1'Mrat ' Presbyterian , Mra. Gratton.
Sec end Presbyterian , Miss Eddy
Third Presbyterian , Mrs. niggons.
United Prcabytorinn , Mrs. Oharlton.
Itaptist , Mra. Writer.
Ifjrat Methodist , Vre. Tato.
First Congregational , Mra. IJalta.
Unitarian , Mrs. Walker.
Catholic , Mrs. S dialler.
The board of managers express thorn
solves well plonsod with the management
of the lunch room , under the paper vision
of the oflicient treasurer , Mra. U. W.
The receipts for the year from dona
tions , entertainment ! ) and lunch room
were S222.)2. | ! )
The object of the rooma has boon ac
complished viz , the OBtablishmont of a
temperance reading room md n cheap
lunch room , though the expenses are
necessarily great , as half prlco wna the
standard and often charity given.
The establishment of a thriving child
ren's work called "Iho Band of Hope" ;
furnishing the room , donation to ntato
ollicors , current expounes , supplying
temperance literature and other clainm
lias taxed our receipts , but wu are out
of debt with a mitiaf.ictory deposit in the
Wo thank uiir friends who have helped
by their presence and donations and
think our plans for the coining year will
secure your patronage.
The state temperance convention will
inout in Omaha October ! ) th. Mrs.
Francis Willard nnd other distinguished
speakers will bo here aud delegates from
til parts of the Hlato.
Friends of the cause who will help on-
.ortuin delegates will please Bond their
mines and address to Mrs. C. S. Soulo ,
111 ! ! Wheaten stoot or Mrs. JohnT. Jioll
iOO Park avenue ,
Keul Estate ) TraimCora.
The following transfers were filed in
the county clerk's oIKco yesterday and
reported for THIS Biu ; by Amos' real
estate agency September 1 ! ) , 1881 :
J , A. llorbach and wife to J. G. John
son , w d , B A lot 11 , block 1 , llorbach's '
Sdndd , § 150.
Jos. Barker ot nl to n. Jensen , w d ,
lot 1 ? Barker's sub-div , § 200.
J. I. Iludick otnl to W. J. Council , q
d1 parcel sec 2 , M , 11. § 200.
J. I. Kudiuk nt al to W. J. Connell , q
( J , Into 2 und II , black 1 , lot 5 , block 4 ,
Jrtku's add , ? 500.
Aug. Pratt ut nl to K. Banner , w d ,
lot 1. block 10 , Prntt'u sub-div , $100.
City of Omaha to K. Thompson , q o d ,
181 foot BB loll 1 , block 7 , Kouutzo it
lluth's add , § 28 DO.
The Irish organization in this city so
well and favorably known as the Kmmott
Monument Association , proposes giving a
grand ball , at Crmuiao'a hull , Friday eve ,
October Itlat , This announcement no '
doubt , will bo very pleasing to the young
and old of this city who are in the habit of
going to balls hero , as many of them have
uaid that thuy never nnjoyud themselves
until they go to an Eminett ball. The
couimittue nave determined to make the
coming ball no exception to thoao so
highly complimented in the past.
Tine VOI.TAIO UKLT CosirANV , of Jfar liaU ,
kllcUKan , niter to xund tliolr culobruteil ICl.KU-
TiioOMAIO IH.LT and otlior llLKrriuo Ar-
UANUKii (111 tilul for tliltty days , to mou
yoiutf , ' or uhl ) utlllctod uitli acrvoin dobihty ,
UH3 \itnlltv ami mimhoua , ituil all kindred a
rutibUn , Alro for ilu'immtliim , iiour.ilala ,
uialyt > ia , ai d many other dinean-n , Cunipleto o
cstorntloii to hultli , Ugor nudmuulioodKuar-
iiutoed , Nn > i k IncuireJ , m thirty iloyi'
rial U Bllowul. Wiito '
Uiom at ouco for ilhu *
rated paiuiililut , frro , )
A FeeliD2 of Alarm About Us Safely in
this Part of the State ,
A Dlscnso Tlioiifilit l > y Seine o b
Cliolctn Making its Appearance1.
The farmers and pork raisera in this
section of Nobraika hnvo become consid
erably nlnrmod within the last few days
over the ravages of a peculiar and soino-
what futnl disease which haa appeared
among their swine herd ,
The nature of this disease in nol well
understood and IB thought by some to bo
the veritable cholera , while othcrasay it
has scarcely the drat symptoms of this
disorder. By those who protpnd to
knotv tlio hiatory it 13 aaid that it first
appeared in Washington county last
winter and has been gradually extend
ing its ravages southward sometimes al
most entirely disappearing and reappear
ing again in certain localities.
Sir. q. U. Williams , of Klkhorn Val
ley precinct , who runs a creamery in that
part of the country reports it as having
mndo great inroads in many hcrda near
hia placo. Mr. Lutx and BIr. Wilson ,
next neighbors , have lost about 100 head
within the In'jt ten daya. Mr. Blaynoy
of the same precinct lias lost his whole
herd of nearly a hundred. Mr. 1'nrshatl
and Mr. Harrington , of Waterloo , have
within u shore time lost nbout the name
number. Mr. Williams says , with a
slnglo exception , everyone of his neigh
bors have lost more or less by this dis
ease. This gentleman , says this distem
per has not oven made its appearance
among his herd whoso troughs lip keeps
constantly disinfected by clulions of
carbolic acid , and with whoao food con
centrated lye , in considerable quantities
Is mixed. Ho reports hia hoga as being
in good condition and ho has but small
fears j of Its appearance among them.
The oymptoms of this disease are a
weakness through the kidneys and want
of appotito. The anrs bccumo swollen ,
pvon to bursting in somu cues , a blood
ing at the noao and after lingering for
from ilvo to ton days r\lcs , In a lan > o percentage -
contago of cases.
A Mr. 0. D. Parrish , who haa boon
traveling ostensibly through the eastern
counties of this stttto , reports It as boluo
the great topic of conversation at the ho
tels and street corners. Ilo tolls of ono
man who , laat Saturday , was oil'erod § 000
for his herd , and on Saturday had not
a single head loft from the ravages of thg
disease. In and about Wahoo its fatalilo
has boon so great that many of vho catty
men have about given up the idea of
feeding stock there.
Mr. Gulp , a United States deputy mar
shal , who cnmo up from the southeastern
part of the state , says it has lately made
its appearance in Otoo county , and has
caused considerable alarm in that vicin
PAIGtf ,
Tlio Dcniocrntic Stnto Ccntrnl Com
mittee In Session with Closed
IJoors ,
The state democratic central commit
tee mot in IhePaxton hotel b'ridayovening
The mooting was quite largely attended
and was called for the purpose of perfect
in organization to carry on tlio fall cam
paign. Considerable interest was mani
fested by the committee , but the meeting
oat with close doors nearly the whole of
the session.
lion. Charles II. Brown was appointed
to address meetings in the First congress
ional district , nt the places named below
ns folio we :
I'apilliou , Thursday , September 25th , 1
l > , in.
Valparaiso , Friday , September 2Ctli,7 p. m.
Waiioo , Siturdfiy , September 27th , 1 j > . m.
I'lattsmouth , Monday , September 29th
7 p. in.
AfililanJ , WednoBtUy , October 1st , 7 p. m.
WnM-rly , Thursday , October lind , U p. m ,
1'almyrn , Friday , October ltd , 2 p. in ,
Weeping Water , Monday , October Cth , 2
p. m. i
Auburn , Tuesday , October 7tli , 7 p. m.
3'alU City , Thursday , October Dili , 7 p. m.
liiownvlllu , Saturday , October llih , li p.m
Tecumseh , Monday , October IDth , 7. D. m.
llnmboldt , Wcdnesdiij , October Ifith.
1'iiwiic'o City , Friday , October 17th , 7 p. m.
Jieatiice , AloniUy , October iOtli 7 p. in.
Lincoln , Thurnchiy , October 'JJnl , 7 I ) in.
Xebraaku I'lty , bnturilny , October ' . ' 5th , 7
p. m.
JatoH for Omaha ami other places In thu
lUtrict will bo duly anmmmoJ.
Alninnt a Caliimlty.
About O o'clock Saturda morning OPOO
M r Lohman's painlora was at work on the
top of the elevator in the Hotel Da
Gooa when ono of hia brother workmen
asked him how ho liked it up there , and
pulled the rope , which sent the elevator
to the roof in double quick orddr. The
aerial tourist beetuno alarmed nnd
screamed Ipudly as Ilia space between
liim and the roof \vai becoming too nnr-
row for comfort. Some thirty people
came to his assistance nnd relieved him
From his perilous position. Ho com-
plnincd of being Imdly squeezed but was
iblo to go to work again during the day.
riio llrcent FiiroluiBa onVcHt Far-
nniu Htrcot l \i > lnmcd hy a
Member of tlio Board.
I'o tlio ICilitor of Tin : BKK.
Jn Thursday's issue of your paper t
hero are in your editorial nnd local col- [
itmis Boino rather aevoro strictures on
ho board of education for the purchase
f n li)2 ) feet equnro on the corner of
L'wouty.oighth nnd Faninm for n echool
ito. The one-sided information eot
ortli bearing the oar-marka of ono of
he members of the board , Dr. Parker.
'ho doctor IB a very active member of
ho board , tnid to bo a good physician [
md an excellent citizen. It is strange , '
lovrevcr , in this caao , that ho docs not
jive the public "tho truth , the whole >
ruth nud nothing but the truth. " The )
acU are as follows ; The board have fur > !
lOino time been seeking a suitable site
'or a school building to accommodate the
ihildren in Hoggs & Hill's addition , ly-
ng between Tvreuty-Hixth and Thirty-
irst nnd Farnatn end Dodge otrcols.
fhla part r > l town is very broken , nnd it
impossible to find lots that uro not
litliur nuxny feet ubovo or many fent be-
r { { rftdi' . To begin with Dr. P.vrkor
iaj nmdo an unooinpromuing tight to
'jcato the Bchoolhouso on Dcdgo utroot.
o not know why unkaa i
it is that , ho is the owner of properly on |
Dodge street. It requires no argument to
prove that Dodpo Btreot west of Twenty-
fifth is not suitable for n school house nt
present , street not graded , no sidewalks
and at nearly all times in nn impassable
condition. At the time the prcsont site
was agreed upon Dr. Parker brought in
n proposition to buv corner of Twenty-
eighth nnd Dodge HoxlfiO for $5,200.
The lots on Ffirnam corner of Twenty-
oifhthiirol.2xia2purchiiicd { ! ! for $ .1,8115 ,
street on two aides brought to gride ,
sidewalks nnd street corner ordered to
ground "ns a business proposition , the
lots purchased when graded nro worth nt
east 50 per cent more than the lots on
Do'lgo. ( Wo appeal to tjood disinterest
ed judges of real uttnio ) This will mnko
the Farnam 3lroet U'tn graded worth
7,800. Now us to the gr.ido the owners
of certain low lotu in the nmghborhoo
hod agreed to remove the onrth without
cost to the owner , Mr. O'Donoghuo , but
since the purchase by the board they
hod hold clF expecting to d" better. The
lots nro not thirty-two feet high nnd will
not cost $3.JOO ( or $3,000 to grade. Two
bids have already been made , ono to
grade for § 2,000 nnd the other for fifteen
cents per yard. Several owneia of prop
erty stand rondy to take the cllor at ton
cents per ynrd and butter figures can bo
had wlion open to competing huyort who
are numerous in that neighborhood. The
board without doubt will get the lots
graded at a figuto that vrili mnko the
cost of lots less than 55,000 ; If taxpayers
will visit the ground nnd compnro the
lota on Twenty-eighth nnd Dodge nt § 5- ,
200 and the lots nt Twonty-olghth nnd
Farnnm for gay § 5,000 will think "as n
business ( proposition , " they well nay
the board of education have acted wisely.
Ada 1'linsplinta
Dr. Jos. lIor.T , Now Orleans , Ala. ,
say a : " 1 hove frequently found it of excellent
collont service in c.iaos of debility , loss o ;
appetite , nnd iu convalescence from exhaustive
haustivo illnos" , nui particularly of eor _
vice in the treatment of women i.nd chit
dron. "
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
September 20th , 1881 J
A mooting will be hold nt Cunning
ham's hall on the 30th of September , a
2 o'clock p. m. , to transact business o
importance. All the members are respectfully
poctfully invitnd to attend.
SUMB WALSH .Secretary.
powder never virlea. A marvel 01 rmrone
strength and wholca.'inoness. Moro economical tha
the ordinary klnd9ando.innotbo eold In comjiotltlo
with the multltiido of lew test , short weight alum a
nlionplnto pondern. Sold onlv In cunn BOYA1
11AKINO VOWDIR CO. , 106 Wall street. N. Y.
Cor. 18th nml Capitol Avenue , treats nil caaca Crtj )
plulur Deformed , aUodUcascu of the
Nervous System , i ;
Blood , and
Urinary Organs.
All rises of CurvAture of the Spine , Crookcil Feet
T < egtanilAniiN. Alto Chronlo directions of the Liver ,
Hhounmtlam , I'lkralv * ! * , 1'il s , Ulcers , Untartti , AEtli )
ma anil liionchitU ma All treated by new awl BUO
coatful inetl.od < . All dlieascsof ( no Blood ami Uiln-
cry Orfauc , Includingthnsa rc.iultlu from Inclscru-
tlon , or cxxsure | , are eafi'l ' ) And Buccesfcfiilly ticatod
andacuroKUnrantciHl. young inun , tnlinllo anoil ,
nnd all men euOurln/ from \\'eiikiios nnd Nenous
exliaustloiiprooii > .lii < r IndlKestioii.l'iiliiltitloiiot the
IK-att , Ucs | or.donc } Ol/ziiu-ss , Lota of MeinorjLack
of Knercj an i AiiiMtlon , can bo r < stored to lioaltli
and ilgcir , If cafu U not tco lone nesjlcctcd.
Iho HurgLOn In charge l n irraduato of JUTer-
ion Mealcnl Uollifu (1S85) ( ) aid had ft in lied his
lirt.fcdtilc n In London , 1'urls and Uerlln , If allllctuil ,
call or urito full dcsuljitlon of your case , nud mcill-
clue umj foteiitjon. C'ciisuftatioii frm. Address
Oinnh * UispeiiBiiry , Crounso's Jiloclt , Omaha , Neb.
Olllce hours 10-12 a. m. , 1-8 and 7-S11. m .Sundays.
B-lOa in.
HTQftlen House , Counrll Kuftf , baturd > 4 to 7
p. ID
isuccrasoiis TO JOUN a. JACOBS )
At the old ptand'lll"r'arnom Street Orders by V-
< 'liKr | 'h ' elicited am promntly attended to. Tclu-
ihono Ko. 226.
226.H \
111 Horth Uth KtrnM llmana
Health is Wealth !
uaranteed inecllla for HjtverU , IJzzlntxw , Consul-
ilouD , l-'ltx , .NcrMiin Neuraltfla , lluadacbu , Ncr > ouj
1'rontratiou cau od b ) the uio n ! alouliol or tobbacoo ,
iVakefului'sa , Mental deprefslon. .SollenliiK ul the
mln , roultlne In Insanity and Ii-Aplni ; tu lul.try ,
lixu ) and death , I'romaturc Old ago , liivonc'sa , leas
fK | ) erlu either rex , Im oluntary Lo ea and Hjier-
iiatorhorn cimixl by oor oxcrtlontol the brain , m.11-
> U8o uriner liidulo'tiico. Fach bui. ooutalni one
iionth'stieatmoiit. 81 00 a hox.or . Blx bottles ( ot
15.00 , lent by maU | > jealJ | on recoli't ot prluu.
euro MIV ca o. With each order received by ui
or ilx bottle * , nccoinpH.lnd ulth $5 00 , no will xnd
liopurohiBir our writteu iruarintuo to refund the
udio } II thutrintininidouunot rdoita cure. Ouar-
mtcta Iwnod only by JOHN U\VKST&CO. ,
Jy S8 iii.Vn.rv MI2 M ci | on St. . Chicago. 111.
iLlsr , Uv3 1'iuth attoot , tetuotu Ptrniui and Har.
iew'U ' with the Ul of iuardi.n ! * [ lilta , obtaining
my ono glance In thu | * t and incitnt , md on
irlaln ooudltlou * Iu tbo 'uture. lixU and tuo t
ado to ocdn. t'orf cct intitUctlou cua rautstd.
D. B. BEEMER , Agent , OMAHA , NEB
Buy | your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for
less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it.
Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraaska
Counter , Hay , Stock and Eailroad Track ,
Orders for Hie lucliau Department given for Buffalo Scales ex
clusively. Scale
1405 Douglas Street , OMAHA. NEBRASKA
ITS' '
Visitors to the State mid others in need of MenV , Boys' and Children's
Clothing , will clowoU to call on
The Strictly One Price House in the City
And examine their goods and prices. Th y carry the largest stock , end
sett lower thrui any other house in the city. Merchant Tailora
don't fail to call at
1216. rja 1216
The largest Slock in OmahaantfcfMes the lowest Prices5
* .4
s& < Btei ssa w <
/ \
K < '
. *
fi. f
J XM&i : & \g/
Just leceived e.n uesortment far surpassing anything in this market , compwsln
he latoat and moat tasty designs manufactured for this sprlng'a trade r.iid oovothv
range of prices froai the Cheapest to the most Expensive.
Parlor Goods
few ready for the inspection of cus Complete .atock of all the In'.esfc
tomers , the newest novoltifs i/i tityles in Turcoman , Madras and
Suits and Odd Pieces. Lace Cm-tains , Etc. , Etc.
Elevator to all Floors.
lSOB,1808niuMa o Kinm - OJ1AHA NBB
UH f nd IKO lUtuay Slreul nOJ f. '
Catabjue ( uio'ihtd ' lit * utcn acptlritbr. 'Omaha.
103 BllADY ST. , DAVKNP011T , IOWA , U. 8. A. E tabUnhad 1878 Catanh ,
Doiifnoia , Luuy nnd Nervous Disuusoa Speedily and Vonnnnontly Oared. Patlouit
ar cd at Home. Write for "TnB MKDIOAL-MIHMONABY , " for the Pooplo.
; ' 'Annonorahln Man. Flna fclnecoaa. Wonderful Outoi. " HonnH : ' - .
T | * ' BBMBBJMiih > * * ' ' " ' " " * a 5acaH jirra