DAILY BJ&iS-COUlsCiL BLUFFS MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 22 1884. THE DAILA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Monday Morning SeptomberJ22 suttscRirriox BATHS. - - - - - - - W < - . J10.00 OFFICE : No , 7 Pearl Btreot.iNear Broadway. MINOR MENTION , See J. Roitor'a ' now fall stock of cloths. The United States court moota hero this week. The kindergarten commences to-day instead of Wednesday. There was 110 preaching at the Congre gational church yesterday. Cal Koatloy and 0. W. Cullison speak fit Ncola to-morrow evening , Senator Allison speaks in Rod O.\k to night and in Crcaton lo-morrow night. It is understood that a meeting of the city council will bo called for this oven ing. The McAnly company appeared at the opera house Saturday evening in "Tho Jeraoyman. " The Episcopal ladies are lo give anoth er of their pleasant social balls at the Masonic temple next Thursday. Norman Green is building a now livery - ory feed and sale stable at the corner of Broadway and Union strcota. The daughters of Robokah are plan , ning for an entertainment during the sea < aioD of the grand lodge in October. The board of registration cloaos its sea aion at No. 503 First avenue at 5 o'clock this afternoon. See that you are rogia tcrcd. The Presbylery of Council Bluffs is to meet in Missouri Valley to-morrow evening ing and continue its session for two or thrcn days. The two dusky females , mother-in-law , who amused themselves by throwing brick bats at each other were each fined § ! ) , GO Saturday. A draw game. Owing to the torn up condition of the corner of Broadway and Pearl street , the Main atroot car now runs only from 1'oarl street , in front of Tin : Bin : ollico. A man named Nick Weber was arrest' od ycstotday on complaint of his wife , who oays that ho tried to solllo a family misunderstanding by thumping her. A change was made in the police force yesterday by which Oilicors Brooks and Cusio go off day duty and on night duty , while Oilicors O'Brien and Smullor go on on dayn with Officer Kirk. a The funeral of Frank Koolino was hold yesterday afternoon and was largely at tended. Rov. Mr. Mackay officiated. There Tvoro a hundred carriages filled with friends , who followed the remains to the cemetery. A citizen's meeting was hold in Missou rl Valley last Thurday evening to take stops for the enforcement of the prohibi tory law in that place. A committee was appointed lo visit Iho salogn-koopcrs and request them lo close , and if they did not comply with the request the committee was to call on Iho citizens for financial aid and prosecute them. Dopuly United States Marshall Me- Crarv arrested J. 0. Goratonborg at Manning , Friday night for passing a apiel-inark upon Henry Runto , of Caas county. The prisoner was taken before Iho United States commissioner , who placed him under $300 bonds to await the action of the United Ltatca grand jury. Not baing able to give bonds , ho wont to jail. There were no religious services at the jail yesterday , and the prisoners amused themselves by holding court. Johnson , the confidence man , served as judge , and the ono-armod darkey , caught pick ing pockets at a circus , uorvcd as prosecuting - cuting attorney. A prisoner was charged with spitting on the iloor , and after the jury of four had found him guilty , ho be was given his choice to take either ton ! > slaps with a board where it would do the m in most good , or clear off the table and deB ov B weeping for a week. Ho decided to 1C take to housekeeping , and seizing the 1Csi V broom , went at it. gr 1 ! The little mayor is evidently right in qt ( laying that ho had many obstacles to ov an ercome in order to sell any bond ? , any although P LI [ % , though it may bo true that ho has done in i well , considering the obstacles , yet there in is a lingering ousplcion in the minds of an many that many of the obstacles were Iho result of Iho unbusincBS like way inwhich the bond selling was commenced. There JO are many who still remained inconvinccd JOn that il was boat to send n commlttuo east .h to peddle thorn out , rather than Imvo the 0 bankers and brokers of Council Bluff * ef fect the aalcs through the legitimate and A.N usual method. bi UnlUd State * Minimi llooth ut the Off- 01wl lit 11 , wl fr. United Stites Attorney Itnnkin in nt the OgJeu. a Will WUtmanan of Lhicolu , Himdaycd nt the 1'flclfjc. .7. K. ] , ewU of Amboy , 111 , was nt the LV wiW ciGc yciturday. W J , A. 15edo. of the Tabor Union , was n of BtchU-ld's ytbteiday. ono Mrs. John Kjn'ticttrliusgonooii n > itt ! to wi th frlwiJj In Mllwaiikua and Chicago , th Jairoa f ! , Ilrookn , the C'X-iJolIcciiiDii , ii still CO 1) In ? veiy law from tie ! clfcuts of iiijurien ro- The TlWJ ceivwl4c\cr4l wtvlcu g < i. WAR c , Killli , Hie gcnornl ; goiit of tin ) C , li. & Q , huy nitiuiird to hit i oit , from which liu - ' in liu lioin nbmtt about a week. J | the ha ' Ilwuer CaudJiBy ttiUHw ot the roiidoticoj of IIM lirnthvHii'Iaiv , L , A. Caspar , in u u-ry I i i > h low oordltiun , iwl featt are foil tint lie will I Y , uot rvtovtr. I ' f ! BUILDING BABELS , ttcv , Jlr. Mcckny Points Out Borne 1'rnctlcnl Truths Ilia to People , Yesterday morning Uav. Mr. Mackoy raclor ol St. Paul's church , preached at excellent sermon on "Tlio Tower of Un bol , " choosing na his text Genesis 11 : ) Ho gave in his opening n vivid doacrip lion of llio attempt of that ancient people to build a tower whoao lop should read to heaven , and. the confusion nnd over their ambitions. Ho said thn almost every nation had some tradition which wan n. coun counterpart of the Biblidal account , nnc ho gave interesting outlines of Bovor.il o those tmditionfl. .It had generally boon considered byliiblic.il uludentn that the effort to build the tower of Babel wwi to bo condemned , but nover.il now theories had sprung up in recent years. Ono advanced vancod by Archbishop Whatoly wao thai they were trying to build n great toinplo of worship and that they foil into dis pules ns to the form of worship to bo fol lowed , and that dividing up into factions Iho great TTork failed. Ilowpvor the traditions and theories varied in detail , they all agreed in this that the enterprise was a great one , ami as that the further progress was aloppot by a lack of unity. The work itnolf wa not a sin. It was no violation of G'od'i law to orcct a great monument of brick and atone. Whatever ein there was musl bo in Iho motive of urging on the work. Among the ninny lessons to bo draw from the account or the lower of Babel , ho pointed out Iho necosaily of having right motives in order to puah any work to n successful completion. On all sidca were men building towers of D.ibel. They were attempting to build up fortunes - tunes by selfishness , by disregard of oth ers rights. Such towers while often greatly admired by Ihoso watching the progress of the workmust fall must on < 3 in confusion. Men sought to make for themselves a great name sought to climb to positions which hey had no right to occupy , their ambition crushing tlio characters and treading upon the righta of others in order to step higher. Confusion , ruin , discord musl follow. In the financial world there had been many illustrations of this of Lite , disgrace , flight , imprisonment , suicide resulting as the legitimate fruit of unho ly ambition. MOM should build towers. They should emulate the zeal of the builders of Babel , they should build up fortunes , but they should do so from right motives and with just moans. They should got money and fame hon estly , with a doairo lo use them for the bettering of themselves and the world. Their lowers should bo built upon a foundation of God's eternal virtues , and every brick and slono should bo cemen ted by love for God nnd love for man. The necessity of unity was apparcnl also , as troll as the necessity of a right motive. AH a Christian family the church should rcmomhor this in its work as an organization for the bettering ol mankind. This church was building nol tower of Babel but a temple in which Iho worship of God , and the practice of the virtues of lifo should reign supremo. In this work of building there was need of zeal and unity. Everyone should have a work to do , and all nhouk work together. The speaker opoko earnestly to hi people concerning this , and in closing an nounccd that ho had arranged for i mooting next Wednesday evening of al Ihoso interested in the building of the now church , that they might moot in Iho spirit of zeal and unity , and plan lor the successful progress of the work. The foundations of the church would bo completed plotod Ibis week and it was necessary for each ono to take up his nharu of the burden don and do his share of the work. Al this coming meeting ho would indicate several different channels of work , am ho wanted every ono to cheese voluntar ily ono or inoro of those. The proprietor of Siloixm Springs wil enter into a written contract to euro your catarrh or forfeit all claim to pay for treatment. Write Rov. M.-M. Thomp son , Albany , Gentry county , Mo. omt Tlint Ilnrdmait Prl/.o 11 n no. Mr. J. Mueller , the well known music dealer , has received the following letter from the young lady who won the § 1,000 prize , offered by him as a premium at the Nebraska stnto fair. His answer lo tno letter will appear In next Monday's Bin : . COI.UMIIUH , Nob. , Sept. 18 , 1881 2 M. J. Muolor , Council Bluffs , Iowa. iJiiAU Sin : Thinking thai you would bp interested in the fate of your premium piano ' , 1 write to fell you that it couched mo in excellent condition , and is the , ul- miration of all my friends , as well as my own especial delight. 1 cannot toll you or tow much 1 prize it , , and shall over cher ish toward you , feelings of Iho deepest gratitude nnd respect. I think tlio instrument is perfectly ox- qtiinilo , both In tone and workmanship , and 1 expect to spend some of the hap- J ilost houro of my lifo in its society. loping that the sofa pillow reached you Biifety , and that it mayprovoa slight nomonto of Iho respect 1 Imvo for you , I Very Gratefully lours , Louisi : B.KII. . Hundreds of grateful puoplo who have icon cured of rheumatism , sny that Silo- Springs. Mo. , is ahead as a specific for .hat , disease. onitf _ _ _ OnlnlaiiH | ol the Now York I'ITHS on Ilnrmmi , ixmmiON : I\TUA : v. II V i\TUYHODY. : The Barnum and London shows nine big shows combined in ono will bo hero Thursday , September 25 , and to show what is thought of it in Now York City , from . where sthcao united shows como , few proas extracts from the morning journals of city are given : The entertainment la certainly n > wonderfully varied and interesting ono. What with a stugo and three rings , in all which the exhibitions are going on at and the BUIIIO lime , tlu-re win n bo- wilduritig embarrassment of riches , and observer foft that something moro than nornul allowance of uyos was no * coewiry in ordur not to miss anything. hippodrome nicua after ilia circus nver weru eurpurb [ N. Y. Herald. -o The performance shown yoatord.iy was its complotonoiH undoubtedly the best indomitable and youthful Barnum uivnn to the public. [ N , V , Star. Mr. Dinmmgavo the most interesting nj how ho has over Kivon in this city. N. 'il ' Kun. There was no dissenting yotco in thu I / opinion that tlio show was the bcotwhich Itarnum has cucrKivcn.N. . Y. Tribune The show wai pronounced bettor thor ever by the crowds , and great improve ment wan shown in the ring performances N. Y , Timee. The exhibition Rivon Inst year by Ear ntim waa bettor than the year prevjon > nnd this year in bettor than last. N. Y Dramatic Nowo. The most aolid looking and imposing porgonagea imaginable thronged 'Ihi place , and children chirped and acreamei with delight ai novelty after npvclt ; Heated before their enraptured vision.- N. Y. Telegram. The pirade of these shnwa will taKO place at 8 .10 o'clock on the morning o their arrival hero. All forma of blond diseases cured a Siloain Springs. Kidney and liver dis cases speedily rcliovnd and cured. Ad drraa ' ! llov. M. M. Thompson , manager Albany , Mo. _ _ omt , THE EEPUBLIGAW EALLY Senator Alllmm JJovolcn Jlls Kl tlio i'nlltlcnl Question , The republican rally nt the Mnaoni temple Saturday evening was a great BUG COBS. A procession was formed of th member of the Bhiino and Logan club uniformed and with torches , and hcadci by Wall McFadden'a ' martial band , mad a short atroot parade , nnd escorted Son alor Alliaon from the Ogden hoiiso to th hall , which wai packed to its utmost wit ! cai > or and enthusiastic listeners , Mr. Jnaon Sima called the mooing to order , nnd George F. Wright wag chosot chairman. The Blaina and Logan Gloi club furnished vocal music , and Senate Alliaon was then introduced amidst ap plause. Ho devoted much of his tinio to fncti and figures of finance , yet made over thcso statistics interesting by thoi ; thrilling and tolling points. IIo handled well the question of the revenue , niu made oomo clinching arguments ii reply to the democratic cry nboul there being such n great aurplua ii the treasury. Up compared the rocordt of the two parties in regard to lane grants nnd civil service reform , ant pointed out thodemocraticlnconsistoncos , IIo showed the evasions and hypoc rlcicsof the doinocratio tariff plank , ant the inconsistency of Iowa democrats in voting for six Butler olcctors. In clos ing ho compared the records of the proal dontinl candidates. Feeble ladies grown strong an < apply nt Siloain Springs , Albany , Gontr ; county , Mo. onitf Jlcal EHtato TriuiHlbrs. The following transfers rroro filed ii the county clerk's ollico Yestordayand reported ported for TUB Bnu by P. J. MoMahon September 19 , 1881 : 0. R I. it P. , Railway company to E L. Nowlaud , n w . \ n w 1 , 2 77 42 , § 100 0. R. I. it P. Railway company to E L. Nowland , a w } n w } , 2 7712 , $ 'MQ Cornelius Lynch to Johanna Lynch lot 2 block 23 , Ncoln ? 075. Total aalos § 1,439. Can You Sjicnlc German ? Anyone desiring to master the Gorman language can got instruction by the boa methods and under a moat compoten teacher by calling on or addressing Mrs Weucott , 501 Main ntroot. Private lessens sons also given in French. The saloons were closed pretty tigl ycstordy. These who were very thirst could get drinks on the sly , but the sa loon Troro closed moro snugly for an Sunday in years. COMMKUOIAJj , OODNOIt , DLDfFS lIAKlirr. COUNCIL ULUKKS , IOWA , Soi > t. 23 , 1881. Whont-No. 1 milling , 75@80 ; No. 3 , G5@ 70rojoctoilCO. ; Com hocnl imrpoaoB , 40@in. Data For local purposes , ir > @ 10. Hny 810 00@1 00 per ton ; baled , 50@CO Ilyo 10@15o. Corn Meal 1 30 per 100 ponndu. Wood Good supply ; prlcod at ynrds. C CO ® 700. 700.Coal Coal Delivered , hard , 11 CO per ton ; aof 5 00 per ton Imrd i'ulrbank'a , Aylioloflaltnfj nt OJc. Flour City Hour , 1 003 Sl > . llroonia 21)5@3 ) 00 per dor. LIVE BTOCK. Cattln Uutclier COWM 3 OOGU 23. Uutclio atoors OO'a I L'j. Sheep Jt.fiO. HORS 125 ® 105. ritouuoc AKD Quotatloiia by .T. M. St. Jolin & Co. , com inlanion inorclmiitw , 53S lroad\ray. ) Poultry 1.1 vu old hem , 7c ; apring clilckonp 00@1S M per doz. IVaclion ft 1)11Bboy , 1 00. I < oinon8 I 50 5 00 jior box. liuttor Creamery , 18@20c ; countiy , C ( 15u. 15u.Kpgs 11 per do/on. Vogotnblna 1'otatocfl , 30@ ICc per bushel. onloiiBlOG'tfiOo ] > or bu ; npploH , chcico cooknic eatiiiL' , 2 fiOr/iJ ) 00 ; bo.ms , 1 75 2 50 per bunlial ; Swot uotaloeH , 1 00 uur bbl. N. SCHUEZ. ice of Hie Peace. , OKKIOK OVEll A5IKKIOAN ICXl'UKSS. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. Dr , W. H. Shorraden DENTIST , Masonic Temple , " > Jouncil ISlulls Iowa. W.R.VAUCHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Ululfr. teal onUto colliictlan igoncy , OJJ Follows Clock iur Knlnu'H U-inlc . C. O. 100 MAIN STREET , -OUNOIf , VMirpa - - - IOWA E. Rice M. B. or utbor ttimon removed without kb knll orUr wtnKo blood. CnBONIC DISEASES " > ' r. Oter Idity yrara iiratli > nl nircrkaoa OTo Ko , nd I'wr tr c1 , tMuudl hluKi * firCoacuttatlou Iroo A tiakst akst Customers Should Not Neglect the Present Opportunity for i Securing Bargains I3ST Fresh , New Goods Almost Daily Arriving and Inviting Examination. On Monday , Sept. 8 , we Degin to make a large reduction in the prices of HOSIERY and LADIES' UNDERWEAR. A Full Line of NOTIONS always on Hand J. J. AU\7EEDA & CO. , 317 Broadway. COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA jEPx-ojor-ioto EVERYTHING /IRSTCLASS.- Nos. 317 and 219 S. Main St. COUNCILBLUFFS DR. JUBB'S ELECTRIC BELT. 3,000 Klcctrlo Bells f od ! lit the Month of June by U3. ® ' © Blt u References /ny ol the Inittnm housed In Council Bluffs. JUD3 & SMITH Proprietors. Salesrooms " 10 , Ilrnadwny. aTa iufnctory 30 , Fourth St. COUNCIL BLUFFS Has Enlarged find Re-ftlted His Store , and Oilers Extra Inducements to Purolinsors of DRY GOODS , FANCY GOODS , LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. 734 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs. MRS. S. J. NOERIS , It Having opened in a now store I invite the inspection of hdio.i. MUH. , fi. , T. NOltUI . iiU ! > Tlrnailw y. - - - < 'oun NORENE &J , LANDSTROM , ' Fall Goods Ready. Rails Nndo to Order in Latest Style on Short Notice and a Kuasonulo Prices. 10 Mnin Stroot. Council Bluffs. WHOLESALE DKALKUS IN * tid 344 Prnndwnv. OOTJNOirRLUFFS TO\VA BTJBMP1WG Ss BOLTB , -MANUFAOTUUER8 OF- 10 Dotmer Wlcdowi , Flalali , Window Ci | * , lion Croatian , Metallic Sky-Uxhtl , to. Tin , Ircn and SlatrlRoo ir S10bomlim > < Btruel Omih * N liruk OFFER F0 SALE BE&ARDLESS COST Light HoAil Wvcoui , riauo Box Tup and 0 | > iU IlUKClo * , llrcwttor Top and 0 | < en BujndiM , Wtudior Top OH.'ii | UiK'gUi , 1'liattont ol all klcdiand two Boatuj CtirUffH. All ottlie abotc me ol my avui manu rtur asd LTi uUod tholrtt ol stock , mil llrcl.cjjo In c\try j articular. Hi nil lor do ciii < Uve circular , ttTFactoir aal OiHets 7 , 9 and SI Fquith fitra't , Oouiull Ulullj. C .H , HORNE & GO. . WHOLESALE DEALEUS IN 83 Wo make n specialty , nt our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA unrt YARA 010AllS. All Cigars sold by us are of our own manufneturo and warranted na represented , OPERA DOUSJ5 CIGAR HOUSE , 552 Broadway , 11. H. HORNE A CO. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA KIEL'S SALE STABLES. Keep horses mid mules constantly on hand which wo will sell in Retailer or Wholesale lots. All stock \Varrnnlpd \ as represented. Whole sale and retail dealers in grain nnd baled hay. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed SCHLTJTEE , cSc BO3LE33T Corner Fifth Avcnuo & Fourth Struct . . . . Council ttiuff Waves , Switches , Whatnots , Langi y aacl Pompadour Frizzes , ALL KINDS OF 20 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFF SMITH t TOMjEK , Ajta , LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS 7 and 9 Main atroot , COUNCIL BLUFFS , A Complete Line of Fall Goods to Select From. LARGEST ANDBEST STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF In Iowa and Nebraska , and sold for the loasfc money at 337 Broadway , Council Bluffa , Iowa. MRS , D , A , BENEDICT , Manufacturer , urtalua , In lace , Fit , Turcoman , Etc. oil cloths , Mattings , tlnolouma Eto boicest and Best Selected STOCK in the WEST , omo and bo convinced thai wo are headquarters for all gooda In our line , heapost place to buy CARPETS , Curtains and Houao Furnishinga In the C'ty. Uphohtoring and Bedding Supplies. NOB. f > , 7 and 9 MASONIC TEMPLE - - COUNCIL BLUFFS Mail Orders Filled PromptlyCnrdaue MANDEMAKEK8 & VI N , STAIR BUILDING A SPECIALTY , 201 Upper Broadway Cor. Stutsmau St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Orders in the ciby or country solicited. Prompt -itfcentioa and satisfaction Guaranteed. THE MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY Is better prepared than ever before lo fill all demands for washing. Wo call your attention especially to our capacity for doing family washing. Very low rates. All kinds of work done in firet-cLiBS order. Special ptius will ba taken with llannels. Orders aenfc by mail or otherwises receive prompt attention ALBERT P. JOHNSON. Proprietor. 712 BROADWAY COUNCIL I3LUFFS Metalic Caste and Wooden Coffins of al ! Kinfls. ELEGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT OKTo. 3.2 3NT. 3NT.W. W. R ALYSWORTH. 'rarro Hoiisns mot cil on tlio UlTtK GIANT trucks ail I any dlitanco und Ovir any klnil ol ( jround UHICIC JIOUaKd raleod. All work K"trautccJ. Wi' . AYIiSWOHTW , KioNinth etreot. COUNCIL .IILUFFS We will give $25 for any horse we cannot cure of interfering , knee cut ting or forging. All Shoes are Hand Made and NO MACHI SHOES USED. All Work Guaranteed. I Broadway . . . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS HALLETT , DAVIS AND COMPANY PIANOS Endorsed by FRANZ I.IHZT. EMERSON PIANOS. Unrliallod or Tone or Hni hi KfMBALL PIANOS Ilcst ilodi'rn I'riro to Buy , The Kimball Orjan. BO lung and finorably knoun In the we t , rncoinmends HusK , J. L. STKWAUT , Solo Agunt fur above linen of GooUa. wnrenmiuii , 829 UroaJway jimcil UlulfB , Iowa. Corru3i > ondoucu Solicited , Agents Wniiti ) 1 , '