MATERNAL INDIGNATION An IntorcstltiR Story nl Youtlifu aoelcty (3os ; li ) A Solcntn Pnct. They were pretty enough to attract a least poising attention as they occupiet the faro-box corner in a Saundora ant Twentieth street car. Hoth were at tha charming where skivt-at-the-shoo-top age for a season , tha altouiate pleasures o youth and social maturity can bo , with prop.-loty , enjoyed. Both were model of maiden grace and both were , oh , so &iddy. Each pnir of oyen , brown nut blue respectively , utidor crests o cho3'-nnt and golden frizzoa , flashed in roguish sympathy. Aa the ropjrior entered Iho car and took the ppp isito seat "Brown Kycs" was chok jug m a vain attempt to toll her compan ion something funny and their bond ol sympathy was again betrayed in the lat- tor's convnisivo giggles at the anticipated humor. "Oh , its just too funny" gaspnd 'Ha- zol Optics , ' ns she made a valiant ofTort to Cjiitrel horaolf , " but you must promise never , never to Rive it away. You know \Villio , my Willio. Well , last Wed noaday night , Ma made mo RO to prayer mooting with hor. Well , as wo were coming out , there stood Willie on the cidowalk. My , 1 was just paralyzed , but I didn't lot on and didu't ' look at him. Willie never calls on mo fit homo and'don't know Ma , 'sides she had her veil down. Well , Willie , foolish thing , followed us. Wo liad walked about two blocks , when Ma noticed him and guessed what it meant. Goodness she was mad. Ma is awful spunky anyway. While wo were crossing a street oho picked a big rook and hid it under her shawl. About half Tray down the block , Willie caught up with us , and walking up by us ho took off his hat and says 'good evening , ladies' . I drov.up to Ma's side kind a haughty like , but Ma she just banged away with the rock and hit Willie right in the mouth. Mercy mo , ho jumped about six foot straight up and then ran away just like a atroalc. I felt kind of sony when I saw Willie next day with hia mustaehoshaved off and a big piece of plaster on his lip and the gold lillinc ; knocked out ot his front tooth. But it was just to awfully funny after all. And trhat do you think , Willie don't know it was Ma and blames ino for going out nights with a circus fo- inalo Sampson. " Have you aeon the Campaign Whips , at Moore's , where the lion roars for the cheapr-it nnd best goods in the west. Come iind see them , it will do you good. aOtf. PROVIDING IDE ONE AS- SESSOE , Mr. Bahm Framing nil Orclinanco Looking Toivnrtl u Mr. Uehm , councilman from the second ward , Las boon at work for some time past framing an ordinance by which it is intended to do away with , if possible , Fj/cao of the diflicultiea that have arisen rom tlio assessment of city property in Omaha. This ordinance provides for the creation of the oflico of city assessor tak ing the place of the six now elected an nually. It further defines the powers and duties of the incumbent and pro vides for the appointment of deputies , who are to bo appointed by him as ho ahull doam best. Itjs feared however by the frarncr that the ptito statutes may interfere with the ; ality of this ordinance and prevent it coming the law of the city. If this should ho the case measures .will proba bly bs taken at the next session of the legislature to induce the Douglas county legislators to secure the passage of a law prnvidiii" for the creation of such an tiUoa and laws governing the same. The ordinance will probably bo intro duced tj the city council at an early date. date.Tho The President of the Cambridge , Mass. , Fire Ins. Co. , recommends Hood's Sarsaparilla as a building up and strength ening remedy. A Meeting of tlio Uonrd , A Meeting of the board of public works was hold Saturday ovoniug at which all membtra were present. The ordinances passed by the city council at its last meeting authorizing the yi.vine of Ninth street in paving district No 23 , and Sixteenth street between Izard and Nicholas , and St. Mary's avenue - _ nue betrt-oon Twentieth and Forest , were 4) ) read by the clerk. It was decided by the i board that the paving on those parts of streets should , bo laid upon a broken stone foundation one half foot in thick ness covered with a layer of sand to the depth of two inches. After taking stops to comply with the , j _ " . irection of the council in several matters ol minor importance the board ad journed. CoiiHiiiuptlon. Notwithstanding the great number who yearly succumb to this terrible nnd fatal disease which Is daily winding its fatal coils around thousands who are un conscious of its deadly prosanco , Dr. Piorco'a "Golden Medical Discovery" will cleanse and purify the blood of scrofulous impurities , and euro turborcu- lar consumption ( which is only scrofulous dijonao of the lungs. ) Send throe letter stamps and got Dr. Pierco's complete trcitiso on consumption nnd kindred nf- A fections , with numerous testimonials of ' cures. Address , World's Dispensary A Medical Association , Buffalo , N. Y. Orders , A board of oflicors consisting of Lieu tenant Colonel Onus , E. Compton , 5th cavahy. Captain Emil Adam , 5th cav alry and First Lieutenant \yilliam P. Hull , 11. < 2. M. 5th cavalry will meet nt Port McKinney , AVyoming , September 29th , 1884 , to examine into the qualifi- cations.of Q. M. Soargt. John 0. Mar shall nnd others. ffiiconsuting of Major loaao D. / 'joy , 4th infantry , Captain Jacob . ' /es , 5th nrlillery , and Firat Lieuten ant llonry E. Robinson , 11. Q. M. , 4th infantry , iu appointed to meet nt Fort Omaha , Neb. , on Monday , the 2'Jth dny of September , 1881 , to examine into nnd report upon ( ho qualifications of y. M. S. Frahk C. Ingraham , 4th infantry , end Sergeant Major Thomas J , Wigging , 4th infantry , nnd others. Ditlo consisting of Major Djingerh'old Parker , Oih infantry , Capt. Geo. M. Downey. 21 infunlry , and 1st Lieut , Jas. Ilogan , It Q. M. , 9th infantry is appoint ed to moot at Fort D. A. KuBsoll , Wyo. , Iho 20h day of September , 1884 , to ex- amino into and report upon the qualifica tions of Ohaa. 1'fahlor , lUh Infantry ( fuainv IV Ling" , 7th infantry , Horace K. Myrick , ! > th infantry , and .lames Howater , 21at infantry , and Sargean Majors Charles llemi , ! ) th infantiy , KIU' Kdvrard O'She , 21st. infantry , and oth era. era.Tlio commanders of the different posts are required to order the men named to the localities. THIEVES FALL OUT , Qimrrol Over .1 Division of tlio "Sway" nntl Ij.iiul In < 1nll. On Thursday night Ofllcsr Mostyn picked up James Thomas near Thirteen ! ] and Jackjon streets , in an intoxicatet condition. Ilo cluimod to have boon rob bad and showed n cut on his wrist thai lie claimed to have received from the robber who attacked him on that corner. The ollicor thinking ho was a suspicious character , a-3 ho know there had boon no Tight therearrested him , but no evidence being forthcoming ho was released next morning. These facts coming to the notice of Mr. Joseph Nagl , who Imd boon robbed by two burglars of clothing , wlno and other valuables , at once v.ui o < .l him to suspect that Thomas was otio o' the par ties , and that the cat on his wrht was : ausod by his breaking the glass of a col ar window In his house , lie at once had i warrant issued by Judge Bonoko for iis roarrost , which was served by Ollicor Uuckloy. The oflicars say that the fight Unit Phouias spoke of occurred between him- elf and his pall over a division of ho swag , but at a different corner from Iho ono where ho was first irrestod. The officers have albo arrested lia pal and think that they have sufficient evidence to convict them. THE GERMArT THEATEE. Great Success of "DIo Kolilcnsour/'n" \ Last Nl lit. Last ovoniug the German theatre was rowdod with an enthusiastic audience lo witness the representation of Michaolis' 'Dlo Kohlonachurz'n. " Old Sir. Grosst man appeared aa Baron Von Baeronklan , nd many of the frequenters of the heatro were delighted to aoo the old gon- leman on the stage again. MM. Lindemann as Iduua enacted her > art excellently , and Mr. Molchin as icatram olicitcd much applause. The harming Miss Spahn personated the role f Anna .very cfluclivoly , nnd Mr. Von i'iolitz showed up well aa Von Berg. \Ita. \ Bucfiser as Loontino schulze was well received , and Mis ? 'cchtol as Lottio was a great success. Mr. Pechtel represented the character of Scharnwobor splendidly and was vocifer ously applauded. Mrs. 1'iils-Ahl showed up in immense hapo as Batty , and I > Ir. Puls aa Jean , eceivod quito an ovation. All the minor parts were well received and the manner in which the pioce'was put on the boards , collects great credit on the management. The musical union orchos- , ra rendered some valuable aervices dur- ng the evening. Thing * ) AVorth KiiowinK- There nro a great many such things. Olio is , that there is no use in having dyspepsia unless you really like it and vant to have it. It is an established fact , hat Brown's Iron Bitters will conquer liis disease in short order and complete- y. _ Mr. Daniel L. Nlckam , Springfield , ( Ohio , says , "Brown's Iron Bitters cured mo of dyspepsia , nervousness and vrako- Ulll033. " _ _ _ Council of Three , The county commissioners mot on Sat- rday and appointed Thomas Nolan uporintendent of the south road district n Douglas preccont. Julius Schroedor's bond to sell liquor n Millard was approved. The following claims were allowed : HOAI ) IT.VIl Icnry Kusar 857 DO P. J. Nolan 7GO Jetlif Kar , ' ! li 00 X P. liedman L'O . )0 ) Vra. Doolinc (57 ( 00 Vugiist Nelson 30 CO Tainos J3roa & Co 1000 lonry Tent/ 28 CO 0. D. Thomas - - 335 \ 1. M. Simon 3 < ! 0 " 055 OKNK1IAI , 1'L'ND. V. ni.Ci.iinos ( as clurk of commission of ' intanity S30.1 00 T.JI. Watt 50500 I. M. Stouo 1000 Icnry Ditzeu 2 50 ! liss& Isaacs 2100 S M. fillbort 12-10 P. K. Moore * 710 Mrs. S. How-oil S 00 ainea W. Havugo ( as jiresidunt of 110 commission of insanity ) 2000 W. Preston WHO I. C. Creighton 200 f. G. Clarke & Co fi 85 i'lireo witnesses ! ! 00 / Six jurors li (10 ( Seven \vltii9a8os 7 00 iiuinoi : i'f.N'1) ) . Adam Strlnglino 8100 57 A CAKD. To all who are suffering from errors nd Indiscretions of youth , nervous weakness , early ccay , loss of manhood , cto , I will send a recipe K [ hat will euro you , FUKB 01' CJIAHOK. This L-rcat eruody won dUcorcred by a inlasloiicry In South , it America. Send iclf-addrcuiisd onvelojio to Iw. Jo- Ki'ii T. iNilAX , Station D Now York. ' ? . The It may not bo generally known , but , nevertheless , it is a fact , that quite nn intelligent gathering nssomblos ovoiy Sunday morning nt St. Coorgo'a hall to discuss questions of more or less import ance to the entire community. Yester day the subject was "Tho Tariff , " in \ the discussion of which some able speak [ ers took part , and among them were Mr , Potter , Gen. O'Brien , J. J. Points , and Messrs. Emery , Quinn and Bartlett , . The question was vo ry exhaustively handled and great interest was evinced on the subject. These so cial talks do more good than h common ly supposed , and a morning spent at ono of the liibera. meetings is calculated to benefit thoao who attend in more ways S' than ono. il The finest inayouiidu dressing for nl [ kinds of salads , cold nienti , raw toma toes , pickled snlmon , cabbage , etc , , is Durkoo'H Baled Dressing. It is besides , moru economical than home-mado. Mr. Henry U. Jlichter , Iho well-known fur.iiT , celebrated hia fortieth birthday yea- Imhiy ami entertained a number of Jiiu fricmla , Mr. Itiehtcr has n Jiont if frionJs in the went whu are not confined to any c or nationality , M waioviucod yaHorday byjfr Iho numerous tokens of friendship ho received I c ; from our citizens of every kind , I fr THROWN FEOM EIS BUGGY Vnvrowly Hovcro Yesterday afternoon Luoins Stotaoi and James Uinghura , two yoxnig men we ! known in Omahn , wont out riding I Kort Omaha. After viewing tlio sight they slotted for the city. It appears Urn a couple of other "citizens" whoso uamo could not be learned , from this city , ha < nlso been visiting the post. These Ins two men hnci become embroiled in i qnnrrol with soldiers tit the barnvsks , ntu left the post T.-ith n Hying start , the nn tion'a protectors in hot pursuit. The soldiers getting close on the pur sued ono of thorn pulled out n pistol am fired It nt his pursuers , but failed to hit nny ono of them. Tlio ttvo lleoing mei being hard pressed turned out to pass Stetson and Hingham. The wheel of tlio buggy containing the two men was struck by the passing vehicle , frighten ing their horse and throwing IHntjham out upon the ground breaking thrco ribs upon his left side. The injured man was hero sot upot by n lot of noldiora who supposed him tt bo the party who did Iho shooting nm : handled him cpiito roughly. After lho > hud satisfied lliomnolvea that ho wan nol the man they allowed him to bo placed in a carriage and ho was brought to hia room in the city. A surgeon was called in who pronounced his injuries not of r jerloua nature. Stetson was not injured in the least. D. I' . Temple , of York , is quartered at the Metropolitan. William M. Willis , of Hastings , is at the Metropolitan. , T , J. Cox , of Lincoln , is registered at the Metropolitan , Michael 1 > \ McHrido of Wood Hiuor , is it the Metropolitan. J. T. Corknecs , of West Cheater , I'd. , is \t the Metropolitan , Frank Kingaloy , of Montreal , 13 quartered it the Metropolitan. N. 1' . Ifockwood , of Milwaukee , is stopping it the Metropolitan. T. V , Martin came in from Albion , and is topping t at the Metropolitan lid. ] ' . ] < 'llintt of Auburn is in the city , and 3 sojourning at the Metropolitan. E. 13. Coons , private secretary of D , K. Thompson , superintendent of the B. & M. pout yestordavith friends in Omaha. II. D. Jones and wife of the Metropolitan lotel , left for Minneapolis , Minn , , on a visit o friends , and will bo gone about a week. Mr. J. ] ' . I" . Drowsier , a prominent banker f Boston , will arrive in this city thU mom- ng and stop over for a day with D. 0. Hull Csq. Mr , llrewstcr has been in the west ooking after his extensive cattle interest in Vyoming. Tnvf. i.ouisvn.i.K JOCKKV CLUB HACKS. LOUISVILLE , September " 0. Threo-quar- ors of a milo heat Conkling won ; Kovoko eoond , Best time , 1:15. Cash handicap mile and a quarter. Mati- 100 won , Taxgathoier second , Long It night bird. Time , 2:12. : Mile and a half handicap : Lewis won , Lat in pucond , Loiiian third ; Time , 2:41J. : , Three-quarters of a milo 2-year-olds Anna Voodcock won , Mary Hamilton second , Ida lope third. Time , 1:17J. BHEW'SHEAl ) 11AV HACKS. SiiKKrsiiKAnlUv , September 20. Tin's was ho closing day. _ Tlio attendance was very arge. A sensation was created by Miss Voodford in the second heat for the Long stand states making the fastest tinio over . corded in two mile heats. .Tames Howe , " Jwyer Brothers' trainer , refused to start lies Woodford , claiming she was not fit to un so soon after her two and a half milo race 'hursday. 1'hil Dwycr oidered her out , owover , and Prank McCabe , the assistant miner , took charge of the mare. The result f this may bo that Itowo will leave the Jwyers. Handicap sweepstakes , two-hoar olds , ono nile. Kliz ibeth won , Havefoot second ; time rf3j ( . Non-winnerj' handicap milo and three fur- ones Hica won , Chanticler second , Jiuono- ny third ; timu , 2Uj' : ! . Great J eng Island stakes two milo heats staitors , Drake Carter , Modesty and Miss Woodford. The latter waited until tho. trotch was reached in each heat , and then wont ahead and won as hho pleased , Carter ocond in both caaes and Modesty thiid. M iss Voodford won the second heat in a canter by hrae lengths , Drake Carter twenty lengths ihead of Modesty ; tiinu , 3:3 : , 3:31. } . Handicap sweepstakes milo and a quarter T Duplex won , Perpf Kyle second J loyal \rcli third ; time , 2:0'J. : iookK tlio Happy Hiiinin Ground. BHOOICLVN , Iowa , Kcjiteinboz 20 Standing 'Ik , a war chief of the Sioux tride , who was ngagud in the Cuiler masjaero and has binco een the loader to a band of Indian i in a cir- us , dhd near this city this morning. Ho wnod two teams and wagoin and had consid- rable other property. At I'eora in faw weeks go ho left the circm and wont to Iowa City. lololt thorn \Vednoday morning with his earn and driver ? for Omaha , where ho uxpcct- d to join hii wife and members of his tribe , hey camped about six mlles enss of Brooklyn nst night , and this morning ha died about 8 /clock. Ho was over sixty years of ago. Major Nowall , the India urgent , tolegraplis to iiavu him buried hero and the ronmini will bo interred to-morrow. JGStruutivo ST. Louia , Hoptomber 50. The Golden 'agio clothing store owned by Browning , King , & Co. , Now York , was destroyed by fire 3:10 : this morning. Loss in slock about 150,000 , insured for 110,000 ; loss on building ilight , fully insured , . ( KKI-KIWONVILLK , 111. , September 20. At mo this morning the church of the Holy lihost an d Nchool liouso burned , The fcliool was not quiU ( joniploled. Knpposod to have been the work of an incendiary. An Un/oumled Kumor. . CHICAGO , September 20. Inquiries from Detroit and other lake ports as to Iho where \bouts of the Bteatner 1'eotless and intimating that bho has boon wrecked near Dnliith , a tel- gram from the latter city to the associated press states there is no foundation for tlio rumor. .She left Duliith after the rumor started and is now on hur way to thin city. llnynlty'H NiKlitnmrn. VIIIS.VA , Snptembur 20. The nnurch'st ' inurdiTor Kammc-rcer , was hanged there thU ' morning , a cordini ; to tlio Hentonco of the military court. It is olllvi.illy stated ho con- ' ' d to have been in colliHiun with Stlllum- , her in all the liittor' * eiimon. It is stated line that ho made a dUchmiro of unaichiet AIl'airH in I0 ypl. CAIUO , September 20 , Conflicting rumors roach here of ovonta in Soudan , nccordlng to llio latent of which brought to Dongula thU morning by nioMioiixer , ( j'oii. Gordon ha ivltliin the punt fmv day valued two victorieri , mil the solgo of Khartourn had Ijeen raUod , Tlio Oliiilcru. MAIWKII.LEH , Sejitomber 20. No doatlm From cholera heio yonturduy. But three frorfh case * developed on board tliQ ship Lwcsoln from MOROSINI MADNESS , Victoria's ' Leap Causes the Kolhcr t Attfiiimt Suicide , TtioConclininu'rt Urltlo to Goon tin 8tn o AVlillo t ho Kiuiilly ( Jo to Special Dispatch to TitK 15 K. NKW YORK , September 20. It hiw Irani pirod UiAt the lllti of Mm. Mor < ' ini , whirl \VM for several tlnyii expected t" tonnluato fa Ul.y , wns the rcsnllof Ihroontlei.iptM. . . com mlt stticido by Inkltifj laudanum. On Uu night of ThursJuy , September llth , tlia dn > after the elopement of lior dtu.Rht'r Victoiia she swallowed .1 tlrniight froinn torn mmco vin uonrly oinilyilig it. She win dolpctod In the net by her son Atillis , who look the \ lid from hrr nnd summoned n , physician nt onco. The draught proved nn overdoao and Ihn lady w s soon out of danger. On Friday , mul ng.iin on on S.ilimlay , Mio renewed her ntlomi > U lokil ! herself , dospila the wntchfnlnes * , , f her family ntul servant * . The prompt u o of ftuoiic * nnil n stomach pump , lion-over , pre vented fatal results , and the phyMi'nmi ro * inained with her until ( ho hocanv oiimahs edit mid her mental condition wa * KMtnrod. H is now known Unit Mrs. Morositii , with her two rmiiniiiiiiB daughters mid two norvnnl * , ( Itilotly embarked on an ocean strainer oil Wednesday last fur ICnropp , their , to < tinntion lining Vloioiuo , Italy , and it is wild tli.a Mr. Mot-mini nndhis two sons will follow thrm as noon an the former can dispose of lin Imsinois inleresls here , never to tetutii. Mrs. Schol- ling said to a reporter last night that if her father does not relent within n weak iho will accept the oiler mndo her by Toul A. tlil- moro , the lessees of JSiblos garden , to ( tins in concert for twenty nights at S.'iOl ) per night. This she will Probably do aa < die oxpro ! < od to a ropoilpr her boliet that her athor has fully determined not to racptvo her > aek or recogiiuo her in any way unlcii ho ibandonoi her husband , which eho declaim she will not under any circumstances do. It s behoved that Mrs. Scholling's intention of going upon the stapo is induced by a toalizv .ion of her husband's inability to support her. Schollntg drew SSOO from the bank to-day , all the money ho has , and with this sum the eon- ilo went to homokeopini ? for the winter , in a lat on West Twolftli slroot. THE IlllSll NATION A.IJ liE.VGUK. President KKHH Kuslics Into 1'rlnt "With Another Political Ciml. LINCOLN , Neb. , September 20. The slato- meiit having boon widely published that llitr- teoii members of the Fort Dodgobinnch of the National league had withdrawn , I'ntrieU Kgnn lo-day sent the following letter to the Btalo Democrat , i dative to the matter : To the Editor of the Daily State Democrat. Sin-ln : your issue last evening you give prominence to n letter signed by lliirleen Irishmen who dosciibo themselves an mem bers of Iho Fort Dodee ( Iowa ) branch of the Irish National loaRiie , .and who fire so trou bled about the personal opinions of Jov. ! Father O'Ueillv , f Detroit , Mr. Alexander Sullivan nnd myself , that they have taken the extreme of withdawinp from the league. I5y reference to tin books I Iind that the interest taken in the cnuso of Ireland during the past year by the oiltiro Foil Dodge branch of which no doubt thirleou Rcnllonin ave honored members , was just four dollars and ninety ivnla , Ilia amount transmitted to the _ geneial treasurer for le.ii-uo purposes. I'ormit mo to reasauro these gentlemen regarding the safely of their investment uud to inform them in Ilio must positive torma that tbero is not the moat remote danger of the lor uo nellinu out to either ono or the other of the polilical par- tics. I remain , sir , yours truly , I'ATIHCK I QAN. Stcnmbonts Burned , OINCIXXATI , September 20. A fire started in the panlry ot the Bte.imer "AEorn- ing Mail" shortly before U o'clock this morn ing and communicated to the steamer "Bonanza" nnd United States Lighlhouso Lender ' "Lily , " lying alongside. All were burned to tlio water's edge except the''Lily" which escaped with the losi of her upper works. The boatu were lying at the upper landing in i'lilton , where a number of oilier ntoamera were lied up during Iho low wator. The steamers Gall' and Skinklo were cut loose and lloatod out of danger. No ono in able to tell how the lire started. Tlio Jjonanza and the Morning Mail were owned by the Cm- climati , I'orlsmouth and Uig Sandy 1'acknt comiany ] , the former was built in 1S70 , nnd was worth SIJ.OOO. ! The Morning Mail was built two years ago , valued at yiiO.OOO , in sured in Cincinnati companies SHO.OOO each. The Lily's damage i ? 810.000. No lives lost. Til rnl > ulI'M In ru Now. CniOAtiO , September 20. The published tatoinont is made hero that Mis' JCtta Turn- lull , tlio only daughter of N , S. 1' . Tnnubull , wealthy jiork jiacker , li.ii eloped with AIox- mdor Norvon , employed in Tininhiill'g pork lacking ostablishmcnl for a number of yoarx is a slaughterer. Sha is described as a liind- oino member of the south siilo J'Ipiscopal church choir. Nervon is declared to luvo ac- jiiired suino moans of his own and in a man of mo'physical nppearanco. The alf.iir beuamo mblictiiroiih ! Mr. TnrnbuH's' piwuring the lervicos of detectives for thoostonslllniiurO80 | ) > f ascci tabling Iho whereabouts of his daugh or. NKAVS NOTES. DOMKHTIO. The domocratH of the Fourth Illinois dis- rict nominatuil John I * . Altgulilt for con- ; recs. The reimblican campaign at DIM Moines viw formally o ] > etied Saturday night > vith a , oich. light procession of . ' ( ,609 men. Colonel Dudley , commissioner of pensions , las resigned and will enter the banking firm if ] ! aleman& Co. , \Vunhingtun. . In J'ittsburg Saturday , throe fraino dwell- ugs and four stables burned , Three liorsca vcro cremated. Inuondiary. LossSi9,000. ( A boiler In Kmorson k , Collondcr'n mill , at VinconnoH , Jnd , , oxiilodnd Saturday , iiring ho building and fatally injuring Collcndcr'H on , The Merchants' woolen mill , of lioston , mrnod Saturday morning. Loss ยง 715,000. ' ' hundrccl employes ore thrown out of vork. Tlio mill will not bo rebuilt. No in surance. Seven convicts wpro whipped at Now Cns- .Io , Delaware , Saturday morninir , in the pres ence of four hundred people. Kclward Itod- Ion ( white ) was pilloried for an lumr in ad dition to twenty lashes. Saturday morning Commodore < I. K. Jow- ott , United Stiitos navy , proceeded t- > the ( lag ihip "TenneHjoo , " Nowiiurt harbor , and m- Icvod Admiral Lucu of the commund of the ' , 'ortli Atlantic squadron , The prohlbitionistH of Seward c uiity , Nn- inmka , met in convi'tition Satuidny and nominritcd a full county ticket. Delegate * vero iilso selected for the congros.ilonal con- 'cntlon at Iln-Htingu , Suptombcr ! ! 0. At Davwipoit , Iowa , Saturday night , W. f. Foster , ii'iiiililioaii candidatQ for prcsldcn- lal aevtfir ] , and M. V , ( Jannon , iloinucmtio aindidiita fur attorney fontral ; , engaged In olrit debate , Tlio ( rand Trunk car wnrka at London , ) nUrio , biirm.'il Saturday. Perhaps four linn- Ircd nun will be thrown out of employment , Must of the men lust their toaN. J. ' tj ( uhtj. natod ) SIOO.OOU ; lusiirancoiinl known , The fuhcdjilo in alignment of ( lovcinr.iir 'aulding , Uovfrnuur Jvcmble , . .lamesV. . 'auldlnii tn .1. NouiKii Jr. , v/liich wa * lileil n Now York Saturday blimvn : liabilititM , WOU',000 : mitm'ual aswots , 3,000 ; actual Tlio ioublicnn | campaign in tlio Mulionlng alley , the crrat iron and coal diitrlctof Ohio , ras opened Saturday by the preBcnco-jf General 1 } joffan , Jlon. U'la , D. Kollcy , ( imiend NoycHl/ md other { Tuiniueiit apeakeid , Tlio di-uion-'c ' sir il" > n u.H the l.iifro t ur witni.i > l In ( Mil.- . . Mil.Tha Tha inftjoiity of tin.upm'ie mnri of 1X.U < ula liW ! ili-cidcd In fium of the loRntlty of Hit o.ipltol roimnl l ut net and not * a-ido thet'md IIIR of Ihn dialrict cavrt , ,1ii tVui' Kilcorwot diwmto. Thig i < tse en i ) Involving tha ro movtvlnf.jlin capital of UikoU from Vanktoi lo Dutnnrck , The ono hundred hour walk nt Ken Cily wliieli rlo ed at midnight Snttmlny , wnsvoi by O'l > nry , Who in8 < le JSO milni nwl om lap. Millw of St. 1xmis , slid Water * of 1 > on vat , walking nltcrnntely , making atai nnlcw O'l ijiiy WM InaHlnlto walk (00 ( mile * UK well M bout hi * opponent * . An ftltotnpt t ar on In ft 1inii o full of prr plr > w * dl ow mrd in Now York Snlnrlay i.tit one prrKon wn ; kl'led ' , the wlf-i of UK man whom Iho police arfwted oharp'-d ' will the olTeiKO , Tito police olFiears < li roero.l tin lire , nml aftflr ivna i ( exlltlRiii'Oif'il Coal nil found ovcrywlii'i-o * iul nil tlio R.II ttirnod on. The court of linuity | A ) > p > lntid t < > lnrp tl . . 'Alo Iho collision between Iho "Tftllapooon' and Ihn Italtlmoro scluwner liutls lhal llr "Tallapoos.V did all In her \ wcto nxoid a onlli'iou , complied with the luw In all re spfetfl and that the blame n t with th. schooner. Tha depnrlment approves the find * if ? of the court. llileliman llros , , clnthtom , of Ciueinna' ! , slcned Saturday aftonioon. 1'roloren S200.COO. The firm lini boon Mlobll. for twanly yonw , nnd succeeded KimNkopf & ro. , of Now Vork , who failed a few days ago. It'iphaol lU-iclunaii ia niaii.iRDr for UiiuUkopr Co. at New Vork. Lii biltie ! < , ( ottimatoil ) ? IOOOOOj assota mainly nbaorlH'il by prefer 'UCCM ' At I'O : Saturday morning' n c > lii < uiii of ,1 treight and p.isiimgor Irain occurretl eleven milrs .south of Albiuiuerque , N. M. , on the Atchisou , Topeka it Sautn I'o rallroml , ro- suiting in Iho death of Iho paisougor engineer , W. K. KWier , the fireman , Itobort lUvter , and n freight , brakeman , namn not learned. The paiJongerH were Ihorouphly 'shaken up but eswped Injury , The Vntuunn Canal eompanv has signed a contract with Iho New York Dredpiiig com pany for cutting the last section of the canal. The work lo bo finished in l.SS" . Tito pov | In token of Im Direction for the Honmns , hai grunted S'JOO.OOO In oilnlilinh a. hospital near the Vatican. If cholera bleaks mil in Homo ho promisen toiatt Iho hospital personally. The French havo' added lo Ihetr provlou compllciitions by destroying the polieo junks In the Mln river , which noted for the sup pression of piracy. lleoln nro now compelled lo suppress the pirntei. Timolhy HitiTlnglon , member of parlia ment , has written it loiter lo the Farmer's ilournal In which ho pays Iho evidence upon : which Joyce anil four othoiH were convicted was fabrlcaled wilh the connivance of the mi- IhiiiilloH and lhat the men were innocent , Austria , Franco and ( "iermaiiy have inslruclcd : their repnwentativos at Cairo to pru > out n col lective nolo lo Nubar I'mliii , Kgyptian prime miniilot' , proloatiiiR ngaiiiBt the suspension of the biukinp fund which wan ordered. M. Mer rier , French diplomatic agent , prolralod per sonally to-day against tlio Stealing tlio Wldou-'M Mlto. iKU ) , IMiiiii. , Heplonibcr 'JO. The Vidow Gntt was Rapged anil robboil In her wn honto at Heath last nii ht. The robbers blained a largo snin ol inonoy. No clue lo lie burglars. Cil.vnnov , Ohio , S.iplcnibor 20. I'mx-iit rt's aio niRinp ; Iwo miles from thin city. 'housantJs of dollars' ( UmaRe has bem done Irondy. tOH SALE. 7\DU PAtl' Sto.-.k , IKturos , liorso riul wnKoiii 1 ( it Hr t-claH ) Ktoeeti tftoru , n bargain. Apilr"A. | . U. " llua ulllcu. 160-tt ' ' TKMT'BA'lJs - A Rooil , Biilistnntial I'orso porter. > * Kliici' putting In * tuim have IKI furtliur u o fnr it. : r . J . Iluunnn , a' Culuulbln llrawory. lon-tCii OK SAL1' Hv tovn , two linrbos , \\aj-oii nml J lurnum trca JliiehloS. 12. cor. llth iunl I'.ir- am Blructa. IbOtt fT < OIlSAIK Alatgo Hlovo ( Onrhii 1) ) for nalo at n i ? li.trKaiu. Inuulru ot Huyn , Itun Uoimlaa Street. Kl-tt 7101. SAW ; Wall p.iicr | liuslncsa ami ktoro for I rent , I'M nml 111 N. ISlh St. 14l-20 ) | > [ 71011 fi.VLK A line larRo c.irrliifo "r con'h liume. L1 InqulroriCUiuu llnrn , lOUi St. , Lotucun Indiu ml Cailtola\o. | 1'JJ-tl InOK SAMS At Jcirerncm 8.Utto : barn , n trooil top * . ' ImggitartXi. llO-'JOp * 01t SAM-16B,00'Jbrick. : II. T. Olarlio. 1 121-tf J OIt SAljK rninltiirii niut lixturus of n h ' 1 liouxndnln ; ; ntiooJ liuslnc' ) ) . Host locatlnn In own II Mitiumeliur , SOThimth llth Ht. 1 0 2'2p 7 ' < OI18AT.U rino lot , ( .ast ( rout , In Mock Uuce , oil OoorRli avenue. IniMiliulDOD llowanl street. 00fl.22i | 'T'OUSAI.K ' Amnnll , lint coinpletu stock ol Irosh ,1 grocurlci , with ft ifmnl trajo , inn Kooil locality In ity. Aililrcsa " 0 " lieu olllju. 100-li | 'TTOll SALIC A whnlublock of clothlui ; , Imotn nnd i1 uliofi , biillilliiKH ut. ciist , rutlrliw from liinlnem. . II. I'utcraon , Nil south Tenth treet. 113-3ni \j SAI.K OH TUAI > B-IIarilwaro toro for Neb , jL I 170lt . W. K. SpurrierVlotn lo a. o w4tn F 17011 SALK Cornur 8th and l > 'ariiniii , 00 < 132 fool 1 ? now cccuiilod by C'lty illlls. Anplv on preniNns 077-tf W. J. WKLhIIAtiS. Z 171011 NAM-Sixty : lilvci ) of lUllan Hco < In Roml I ) conlltloMury rhoai > , cnrnur wiulli ICtli and lartha. 'Ihu owner leaving Nutiraiku , UhO iMp 1TIC118ALIS A water power unil i-tono ( | iiarry with d. ten acreH ot land , -ir , cnlilo Inchuft of wntcr nuil > 0 feet fall , with easy ( acllltlcH for ailani. aJJolnliif , ' ho city of I'UttHinuuth , CHHS county , Neb. Ad > lrii i j. II. UaM > , No , fill u nitli l th struot , Omaliii , Noli , J \ SALK KuriiltuiM nnd ttovoH miltabla for 1 liinrdliii'limitfii. Inijulru 16th fauil JaakHon Htt ) . . Nelson. HIM Sip IMll HAM : -Holler and DIIIIIU. ; | I have i.carly i1 now holler ami etiKlna and Knowlu'ii iuniii > , 49 lorsopiiwor , for oalo cheap. T. H. C'larkson , Sdiuy- cr , Neb 922-1111 SALK No-tlioiBt oorner 'Jntli ami FOIl . 0. 1' . luls : & Co. , 1500 l''nrnani mrmt , 875 tf , 'Oll HALK Ono half Intoiost In nifnoilcreamery , F al ' > nineteen lain , ror ] > iirticulir.iuclJrueK lock bjx Wi , Vork , Nrb , 8IO-2lp J7IOH 8AI.K Cheap , a nlcu csottmo. full lot , city ' water 6 MocUa from thu court liouso. .M. Lou , racer , 'J'2'l anil I.cnvcnwortn. 8fi7-lina \ HALK Aliutchcr eliop anil t'lalalii Hchn > | cr 1r\OK , with u tru.lo . nml In n oo < ] locationnbji'Lt In Boiling , pour lioultn. AildriHn , Vranticr& | Hurlirlolr , iicliujlur , Nub. B31-2U HAUC-KntliluH iiuw anil Beooiul liaml 10 li , p. I7IOH 15 h , p. ami W h , p. inirtaMo anil stationary ; algo Iiollcrn ol any blzo and fttylo. lllclianl & C'larko , U. 1' It. Y. bet. 17tn and Iblli Ms. Umalm. tlS-tl TlOlt HALK A iiilntlnK ulllco mntalila lor a tmal J 1 nowspnpor or job otllco. Wll ull fur cauh or ox. . clmiiKofor Oinalii. City property. Adilrumi ' 'X. 'i. Q' Ilco ulllou. < SALE Two oiieii Htcond-nand hu gioii uid one delivery Ma ou , clieup , at 1810 Ilirnuy Ut. IiDD-tf United Statoa Depository n OIT OSIAUA Oor. IStli and Farnam Sts. 77/0 Olilost Banking Establishment in Omaha , 0HI HIit TO KOUNTZK iiitoiuiinir. " ' in 18BC. Or unltod HS a National Bank in nu " OAI'ITAfj S.200,000 SinPZ.UH AND FKOFIT3 . 915OUOO OtflOKO MUICnOEl po UiBiU'4 Ko'jRn * . I'rwldor.t. i ! Jouji A. UitmuJioN , Vim I'ritulilont. ti A uiwri'D KUVKIH , 2d Vlco Yioetdtcl , A. i. t'ofruion. F. K. PIVH , CubUi IT n , Uiu vim , Aw'stint ' C thlcr. Tinnm.Kif ifiiural luiiKlni , ' blulncn , ItBit.ia time rcitllln .ki ) bt rln ; { luU'iu'.t. Pruwn ditttd < > Han- Jl Knnclno ud iirluHiftl | iui.ti > 9 In lliu United HUtm. & " ) Mn Ion , Iliinl'.t ) . i'jlnj'ir | | ii mil tilt ii.iicl'B | ' 11-1 tl-c continvut uud Kuropu. 2 Iho Orealol | jn _ jiral Triumph of tha Ago' SYMPTO'MS OF A vr , I'ntnln tlio limit , nltli 11 dull Hon.nllnn In thi , Illicit imvt , I'nIu ntiitnt1 tlio xliouhlrr- lilitili' , KulliiruM iiltrr rnfliig , wlllinilU- Inrllimiloii in cvrrllnn of linily nrmlnil , Irrlliililllty oftptuiirr. Low [ > li llvllh It rrrlliianCli.-.vlnRtirKlrdiMl noindiliilj- , UVarliint i Il77liiiHuttii Intr nt Iho Itenrl , Item lirPnrp tlic oyc , llcniluchn over tlio rlnlit ryille < llr < ne , ulth litI'nl ilrcnitin , lllKlily colnrril I'rlnc , iind CONSTIPATfON. TTTT'S I'lLr.S are especially adapted to siii-li rasri , ono itfiso oil'ecu such a clmiw of roelinijaslrt astonish tlio sull'oror. Tlipy iKrrrnnn tlin A Itcllltiiiiii1 r.iiiAcvltio txvly li > 'I'n111' on Vli'ili.tltin ttin nivtrm ti ii iirintirilinnil l > yihrirTnnlr Arilnii on tlio l l r lMrrgniiflIti-iiili\r.HIil nri irmliKVil. TrlcnaSr. < l I . Inrrnv SI..IV.V. ( JUAV 11 in : or \ \ tinunm clmojjeil to n. iJuitsv lu.u'K liv ti MIIKIO iipiilieiitlon of this UVi : . It Imparts < x natural oolor , nrta Innttltltnuroilily. Sol.l liy l > nigKl.1t8 , or font liy uxpre."u on nu-nlpi of 01. pfnco.tia IViurrny St. , Now York. THE MERCHANTS tVuthorixoa Capital. - $1,000,000 Paid-up Capital , - - 100,000 Surplus Fund , - - - 70,0M ( ) HANKING OFFIOK I V. If. Cor , Farnam ana 12th Sts omcirnoi . I Hin'tit. Uoomig , V-P U .N. II. WOOD , Cishlcr. | I.UTIIIH Duim , A D1UKOTOHSI Frank Unrphy.Giinmol K. llogcro , Don. D. Wood Chitrloi 0. llmiHol , A. U. JOUOB , Luther Ht lo. Tran . .ct K Ociioul llMiklng Uuslncas. All nhi linvouny llAiikln ? buslnoe * t ? transact are liultcj 11. No matter how Urco or amull the tramwotloa It will rooclvo our careful kttontlon , und no piorulsi tluaya oouiteous treatiuont. I'n.VH particular attention to business for ] iMtt < rosldlnx outaldo the city. Kxilmngo on all the prln lpal oltloi of the United States at very lowest r ioi Aoounts ot l ) nku and Ilmkora received on fivoi iblo terms. limioonCertlflcata of Dcj'oalt bearing 8 pel cot Interval. llujunml eollj Foreign Exchange , County , Cll nd CJofOrnn.nnt soctultlcn QNITED STATES OMAHA. S' , W , Cor , Farnam and 12th Sis , - - 3100,000.00 , . 3. W. HAN.ll.TOr , , Proo't. S. . CALDWELL. V. Pros't. Pfl. T. BARLOW. Gnahlor DIKKOTORS : . S. OAMWEM , , C. F. Suisn , 3. W. HAMILTON , M. T. BAULOW , 0. WILL HAMILTOK. Accounts nollcltur * . and kept ouh octto eight chock. Sort.flcntoBof Dopoolt laouoii pnv able In 3 O nnd ISmonthn bourlnp ntoror.t , or on domnncl without In- toroot. Acivnncoo nr.ndoto cuototnoro on approvoc ! socurltlosat rnnrkot r tc sf Intoroot. The Intorooto of Cuntomors arc j'ouoly guarded and every fncllltv jompntlblo with principles of lound banking freely oxtondod. Draw olght drafto on Kngland.lro and , Scotland , nnd all [ jnrtcofEu- 'OPC , Quit Curooonn lsnnon o Tickets 30LLKOTIONS PROMPTLY MADIt. OSW3AIHIA Cor. Itfth nntl Douglas Sts. Dnpitnl Stoclc , - - - 8150,000 , ability of Stockholders , 300,000 F.TC Per Ccnl Interest Paid on Deposits LOANS MADE ON JREAL HSTA2 OiUcoartsd t IAM1M B. IIOVD I'lo 111 . M. DEHNKTT Vloo I'rcMdonl VV. A. I'AXTON Man KliiK Director IOHNB.WlU.Ull Cnnliloi 31IAS. 1 * . HANDKHSON , TIIOH. I. . KIM11ALI , , W. OANNK'IT , MAX MHXKIS , IlKNlty I'lINIIT. K Ii. STONK. SCROFULOUS. INHERITED. OONTAGIQUS. IN 1870 H'rofiilous Ulcers brnko out on my body until tny lircrmt win onu inaix ol corruption Homo ot tlii'so iiccr ; wcru not lean than < ino and onu bi.ll Inclioi In illaimitcr , tlio nd u ruti'li ) > ra'K ( d , am ' ' ' ileail tbu . tbu lionv Hi'L'iiiliiK'ly , f.ivlty open to nin : tilled with oiruimUo matter. Kvcrythl'iK ' known to tliu mudlcal faculty wan tried In tain. ( Jrvilually tlio bono ItBeUjliiirjiiiiu iilaeaHC'1 , nml thu BiilTcriiiKlicKan Ilono Ulc-cru U'k'uu to talio the placu nl Iliotu blllurto un thu mitfucii. I btcnmo a mere wrerli. I'our montln at n tlmo conl.l not urct my htiidit to my lioul busausu of ustrumu ttomiobu. Uould not turn In bed. Knuw not what It was to bean an hour iivcn free from pain. Had reason to look njion llfultvclf nu aciirru. In thu tuininer of 1880 , alter ten yenmnf thin wretched oxUtciico , I bet'ai : iibo Cutlciira Itemrdlotf , and niter two tcaru * per- tMont iiho ol thorn thu laot ulcer IHH liuiluJ. 'Ilio dread ill ua o hax miccunibcil. All over tlio bruniit , wheru oiieo unxn mam nloofiiijiUoii ID now u health ) > ln. My uuiilit lian Increaned from nnu hundret ami twunty-tbreo tn oiiu hundred nndllfty-sU poiindi and the t0l work in Btlll olni ; on. 1 feel inyuelf n now nmn , and nil through C'litlcnra Komo ile . JA1IK3K. niCllAHDSON , Uustom I lull 50 , Now Orleans. .Swornto before Unltcil HtatoH Couunlitioner , J. U. CllAVVHlllll. TO OtEANBE THE BLOOD , fiurofuloilij , Inherited nud C'ontai'luii4 IlutnorD , mid thin roinuvo tno iiioet prollllu run u of hiinini milTurliiir , to clear Ihu tkln of dMlpinn ; , ' hlotehen , ltchliiK'1'ortureii , llnmlliitthi ) . ' Kriiialuniiuiid l.oatli Honin Nort'H cnti od by Inherits ! MrroluU , tu purlf ) mid t/ejutlf ) thuHkln , and rmtoru ll.u hiilr uu that tr&coot i lienita reiniliiH , ( Jiulriira lleaoheut , the nru Illoinl I'linllur.anil Cutlcuri aiidJiitli urn Soap , thu great Nkln i uri'8 ami Ikuuliilcru , nru Inlalllblo. Croat Blood Moclloinon. Thu hiilf haj not buen told as to thu Kruat curr.tlve urn i'l the Cutlcuia Iti'iin'cllcn. I linopahl him- drodii ol il'illaru fur itioilirluea tu turi ; illtiiuiuui of tin blood and Hkln , ami inn IT fuund niijthlni ; jut to uqual tl.o Culk'ura Itumedlea.CIIAS. CIIAS. A. W1I.UAUS. 1'rovldeiico , H.I 1'rlcool C'utlriira , ( null hoioi , f.0ci largv boxca ; t'uliciiru Ituwilient , . ' 1 jwr bottle ; Outlcura fioup , &c t'litiuuru Hlnuliii ' , Hoaji , 15c. Sold byalldrujf 'intt. F0rri.l ( DUUQ ANDfHEMICAl. CO. , BOSTON. 1404 Farnam St.OMAHA I'AllTIAb LIST OF SPECIATi UAIHIAKS' PEOFERTY , b'armint ? Lands , Improved Farms and Stock Farms in Douglas , Ca s , Cedar Nanco , Thnyor , nnd lloward ( Jountioa. BUSINESS PROPERTY , For Sixlo BSxdfl foot on ISth ntroot , near Hu ncy , room for a brick Mock , of fourgtorcahlch would rent readily. If not noli ) wltliln 30 days It will bo withdrawn mul built upon. South 4 1 ft. , corner alloy fJ.SOO. Insida 4 1 ft. , ? .r50. 143 Kor Halo A liaivaln , 83x132 ft on 14th St. , near Jones St. Call ftiul sea tia in regard to this prop. city u o have a bargain for you , 111- For Hale -'Good business lot on Cnmlng St. , 0(1 ( v 132 feet JO.OOO. 101 For Sale InijirovcJ Farnatu strcotpropcrtyncar ISlli street , 17COO. 117 Per Snlo-40Jxl32 feet , splendid brick Improve ment , ai good luishicss an la In the city 1 10,000. 123 Kor SnloKlcitant corner on atreot car line , 33x ( Wetoto , two story , and basement ! Si40. Good location , $0,009. US Fur Halo Hplcudld Imslnona corner on 13th St. , lot 00x125 , Bloro liulUllnir and barn bargain , . 7 For Sale A buslnesi property fet ? 4S,500 yield * Ing n rich Income of 16 per cent , net on Invest ment. 153 For Sale On California , cloeo to licit line loti 84x132 , Iwo ntory housaand barn , (3.500. RESIDENCE PROPERTY For Sale withiBIilo n Halfof PostoH'ico No. 315 Homo and lot . 9 0,000 383 - Housoand lot. . . . , . 3,600 332\-lIOU90 \ and lot . 2,800 .132 } Hm o and lot . 2,600 300Homo and lot . 2,000 2S9 Ilotiao and lot . . 8,200 202 Housoand lot . , 12,000 501 Two Uanici . . 12,000 103 Housoand Int . 3,603 1S > -House and lot . 2,200 -lloiipoaml lot . 4.000 172House and lot . 3800 llouBoand lot . , 4,500 103 Ilousoaml lot . 2,500 IM ) llousonnd lot . 0,600 157 Houscand lot . 0,500 1(13 ( Hoimiand lot . 4.EOO 335 HntHOiuid lot . 0,000 ii-Ilouaoniiil lot . ' 3,600 155 Housoand lot . , 6,000 1551 HOUBO ami lo ; . 3,000 , 140 Housoaml lol . 12,000 133 Iloubonml lot . 0,500 Residences for sale within a mile circloof PostoHieo and outside of Half Mile. No. 350 IIouso nnd lot . $2,800 107 House and 3 lots . 0,000 133 HOIIBO and lot . 3,500 ? M lliniTO ami lot . 3,000 33i ! IloiiBoamllot . 2,500 J31 House and lot . 2,000 3U9 IIouso and lot . 2,100 323 Houjoamllot . 1,700 115 IloUHoamilot . 2,250 170 IIOU30 and lot . . . . 3,510 SOS House anil lot . 1,550 300 IIouso and lot . 3,009 30CJ 1 louse and lot . 2,000 176 llousu and lot . 2,800 130 IIouso and lot . 3.300 203 House and 2 letH . 3,000 201 Housoaml lot . 1.700 273 Homo ami lot . 2,500 i > 3 IIouso ami lot . 4,000 ! S1 Homo ami lot . Z.COO fJTltcsidcnco lota In all parts of the city and all addltioiifl. Acre property near tha city. Trices ami orniBtDBult. . .no WITH i Mr ( UoonApHror TMH rout- ( StfFMS tTZrtK. & & - a A BOCK ISIAHDS PACIFIC R'Y By ilooniral poalttou of ita line , connects Iliu sast itnrt inj Wcjt ijy the Lhortcot route , nnd car- r-H i , , i i , nirtTS , ivitliout clnusro of cirn. between 'in .111,0 nrt KIIUB.IH Ctlf , Lc'imcll lliullu. IiQnvcn- v rtli.tchiaou. . ltllnuo.ipciliB unil Ut. Paul. It 01 i. > u iu Uulaii Dfi > oi with nil the principal im u of t otwecn tlio Atlantic nnu thu Paciltu Uce.u.3. Ita i-ijiuimient m uurlvnlca nnrt mnKllUl- 'uiit , LpinK coinii'jGutl ol Llout Comlnrlablo nua llcnt'iliil Day ( /oaUiai. TJa nillceiit Horton lie- Ului.iiii Cliuir C.iru , 1'ullman'd Vrcttlcit I'alnco Bl.'OliniF' O'iri , nn.1 tlio llcut 'a "o nt lllnlnK Cant mho \.cr' < . TlirroTiniut x < : d , iec sna } 'UIIltfl. TW ' u nuuil MiiinoniioJlL' r.uJUl. Vr , < iv ; , ; . "ALBERT LEA iSOVYC. " A No'.v niid Direct Iiine. vlu tlcucca and Kanka- . KPC , Iniu ivi.ciitly bocn oponrd between JUcliraouJ , Norloilt.Ni wnort owu.ClmttanooiTa , Atlauta , Au- itiHitn , i.'aolivillo , I.oiilivlIU' , Iicilnxto-.i , Cincinnati , liidiunnpLliH mid liufaycttc. and Omatia , Mlnneai > olia nnil Hi. I'aul and Intermediate point.1 , All 'J'liroucli rauooutcro Travel uu i'aat Biprcn Trunia. Ti. k..a for nile nt all principal Ticket Olnoea in Ilio United IJtaleu and Canada , llnclMCn checked IhrouRli and rntea of fare ai- wayu iu lov ; uu oompctllora that oiler lc advan- llor detailed lnforuiatloncct the Maps and ITold- of tha GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE M t your nearest Tiokct Oilicc. or uddrena .7. R. RABLR , E. ST. JOHN , ' ' ' UmlTlt. Woodwork ! New Attachments Warranted 5 Years. l/LD ON.KASY PAYMKNTH. K . LOVFIOV iJtli Omnli Street ,