2 OMAHA DAII BEE MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 22 , Vltnl Qnostlons II ! Of any school , what is thn best thlnj in the world for quieting and alUying all irritation of the nerves , and curing ml forms of nervous complaints , giving nat ural , chlldliko refreshing leep always ? And they will tall you unhosiUtingly "SomtfamnfJf > > i > W C1IAVT1T. I. Askany or all of the mostomincntpny. aicions : 'What is the best and only remedy that can 1)3 relied on to cure all duoMcs of the kidneys and urinary organs ; such ns IJright'a disease , diabetes retenlion.or inability to retain urine , anil nil the dis cuses and nilmonts peculiar to Women" "And they will toll you explicitly and emphatically "Jiuchu . ' . ' . ' " Ask the same physicians "What is the moot reliable nnd uro < it cure for all liver diseases or dyspepsia ; constipation , indigestion , billiouancss , malaria , fever , ague , &c."nnd they wilj toll you : Mamli-alc I or Dandelion I'M" Hcnee , when thfsa rcineiliw nro combine J with other * Cipiall } valuable And oompoundMl li.to Hop lllt'cM , mich n dcrtul and mvrUrlous curnlhu powder Ii developed , wMeh Ii eo varied In Its operationstliit no dlrcaso or 111 hoslth can possible exist or rciist lt power , nnd > ctlll . . , Ilaitnlc < i Icr the moil frail woman , vicakcstlnva lid or smallest child to use. CHAPTinil. "Patients "Almost ileod or nearly dvlnR" For years , and given up by physicians , of Uright'a end ether kidney discnsen , liver complaint ; , ecvcro coughs , called consumption , have brcn cured. Women ijmt nanly ctiy'\ \ From ngony of neuralgia , norvousneei , wakcfulneas , and various digcases peculiar - liar to women. I'oop'oclriwn outof thipo from ! tcruclalln/j > iiis5 ot rhcuniMimi , InCauiatory and chronic , of enlfcnnj ; fromicrrfula. Er ) MIO | II I "Snltrlicuui.Mood polionlnj ; ilgpcp8lafndlgci'tloii nnd , In fact , almost U. diseases trail Nature l/rbclr / to Have been cured hy Hop Illttcrii , proof ol hlrh can bo foucd In ccr } notjhb3rhood In the known vtoild. jrNonogcnilhiovltlioutu bunch of crocn Hopn on tno v\hlto label Shun all the vllo , poisonous stud " " " " In their . with "Hop" or "Hops" name. PRINCIPAL LINE CHICAGO , PEOIUA &ST.LGUIS , uv WAV or . OMAHA AND LINCOLN TO DEHVEB , Oil VI V , EA1TSAS CITY A1ID A.TOHIS01T . to DENVER Connecting In Union DnjKitH ut KnuMisClty , Omulianml Donv 01 vv Itli tluougli trulna lei Ami all points In thu Gnat Went . . ( Jniiul Union Dopotut Chluitto ultli throiiKli tiiitni ( or NEW YOJtK , And nil Kiwm Oltlon. Atl'corla vUtli iluoM tmlni lorlndlanap. olli. Olnclnn ill , Colmfl/ ! ! , nnd nil polntw in tlioboiilh-Kast. At Sf 'jfluls with tliiouull tr.ilna lor till jiolntu Hi i 11. I ! running their own tnilns bcUvieu olilcimo , Lincoln and Denver , anil Chicago , Knimas City nnd Denver. Through cars beturuii Iniilanapolla und Cyuncil Jtitiinj , via IVorla ( iOING AOKTU AND SOUTH. Solid Tmliia nl iio : niit Diy Conlicsnnd JMillnnn IMilncablccpliiK Cars ma run dally to . mul from hi. J.oulsln ; Hannibal , uuiiicy , Kooltul..IluillnKtim , Pular Unplilaiind Allxit Jcatobt. J'anl und SIlnnuipollH , 1'nrloi I'nra vlth Iticilnlnn ( 'IriliH tn ami fiom 8t. I.onN null I'l'orliu Only line cli uiRoot cam lntvv < en hi. 1.0111snnd DuHMiilncH , Jowii , Miicoln , o. Imislm , nml Denver , Cnlumilo H Is nlso tlio only Thiouuli I.lno 1 tvv con ST. LOUIS , 2JINH3ArOLI3 and ST. PAUL. It l Uiiown M the Krent TIIUomjiro\U J.INl. of Ajueilcu , und lu unlvcifilly admit 'fd to ltd the finest Equlppol Hailroad In the World for all classoa of Travel. Tliroiiftli Tlclon ( vl i this line for wile ntni- It. 1C.COUDOU tltUetollltta Intbo UnitcdStntcs MU Ciinudu. T. J. I'OTTKK , VIcp-rri .AUcn..Miiii rrr A victim of early Impnicioncc , crctlne nonfoui tttllltr. pmmaturn droy. oto. hanim tri < i In mcvi'rj known ronu-ily. lit * illn.nvon'd a elniuli iqinn of Buif-curo. which hu will uuael ICI'.IJLJ ( j NEBRASKA ; OP UKATUICE NiniltABICA. The IMonecr Mutual Ilcnellt ABUOchtlou In tlio fit&to of Ncbraskx Itlacooperatltoln Its norUoK and all n-e-rnbcrs havoavoloula the uianagcincut by > oto at the nn- null mecciOKa. Its aim Ii to benefit I Is own inombors , their wljowp , and orphans , In ca < o of death , uccldent , ilcknces nr tola ! pi-rmaucnt dlrablllty of a member , at KCtuul coot with coonomlml nianagimint. Arclliblu homo aisodttlon. Act ho and reliable uen's wanted tocanvais for members In Nebraska , Kaiisai and Colorado. Address , S. MoDOWALL , Secretary and Ooucral Manager , BBA.TRTUE , - - - NEB. HON. II. W. I'AltKKR , B.C. SMITH , rroiidcnt , Treasurer THE BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COL- LEHDER COMPANY , [ SUOOESSOI18 TO THE J. M. 11 , & U , CO. ] 111 TUB WOULD. John IIock tt Mr Otncrtl Auent cr Nebraska and vV'ettcru loua. 6MB. Tenth Btrnetl . . . . OMAHA , NEli Or , I'tlettol lilllaid MI ] fool Tables peel inateri "I iiotrr liollovo n J" rttOM TIIK srAStMt OF VA4QUK7. Tlmt tlis jfmnff widow W * JM nndgin \ \ Qer the Rmvo vv here lier lm b BU Hen , But tint it wtulil not joy renew To vrelcome giro to Xumbsr Two I don't hollevo III Tint Lnuri ( fll * tns only t C n nu her fomlont love rely. I ( K-rcr-iva itj lint ( lift * , ulia ilnp not tMl i * < riMn Tha SAtiio aweet f ilo lo other in n I don't tolteve it ! Tint ionloun liuibancl1 lots nio Iiurtl , And th y nhould ! > ' innm their guard , I ixrcalvo it ; 1 Jut tint Ihflne fools by 1 Iy mon ncotcha , Are WAtclihiK more tiwn th y nra watohod Idon'tlxOlmoit ! SoiiBonnllc , When tlio summer Is departing nnd tlio year in growing old , Whan Uio fofwl * are assuming richust hues of red mul gold , Wnen n roftcr , deeper iwtiro lints tlio clotullo * noonday skies , Anil Iho sutiK'i Rlupm glimpses of Ilia walls of pirriillso , When the HOUR birds Invo departed to a region Ions ntiftoro And tlio melody , moHlluoui , greets no 111010 the longing oar ; When the vvilil geese flying southward of np proachlnt ? winter warns , And tlio earth's rlpn fruitage , Rarnorrd , srfelj lies in Miillond barn * ; When the nnl \ \ > < i nto growing Chilly , nnd moro v\olcomo la the nun- It h then tlio thrifty coalman ixilds n dollar to the I iu. [ Somerville Journal , In llio Olonmlii ; : . 'Twas but a inaiilt n. Rcacrely Itirnod fourlccn , Before 1110 on tlio Imsy tliorouKlifnio ; IJecoiiilnj , ' BarmuitH linf hei pretty form , And down her back In luanstiH hung her hulr. Less gracolul In Iho puiilliur'H slatoly tread Ohio' labyiiiilhian JIIUK'O ' of wild fernti ; Sim Deemed to draw mo lo her as the alccl Unto the maqnotnnrtiHliling turns , \Vitli Blackened pace I lingered cloao behind , Her every mnvotncnt follovvid by my heart ; And all uncoiicliiiu of her womnn'H Hvvay , All innnconc.0 she plied her woman's art. Her dainty foot tripped on with scarce tv Bound ; Her milks dwelled to beauty uurovenled , \wl \ lu a wondrous 111370 cf draping nklrts Ili.it half BURRculod what they imlf con cealed. No tenee , impassioned arm o'er closer hold A dear OIIO'H loving , iinrcBlatlng form , A.nd ntill moro closely las naw raptures thrilled AnJ fiercer fronrles Hurped iu quenchless sumiii , rimn o'er her budding , nearly ripened breast , And nliouldcrH round us i'arib'ri Helone. \Van \ drawn , her jaunty , perfoct-littIncbiBmi ( , A Bplendul tiling of lloeuy , silken uliocn. rhon-midtlcnly thcro cimo n glare of light J' ' oin out n door where Miinury lemoiiaelefi Went trickling down liorco thro.itrt by thirst deranged li.iir wns wool Her faoo nn nco of THE BAROF GOLD , 11Y DAVID I.OWUV. "Look Nodi Look novr. It'u like tliom 3urlocuu things on Mrs. Jones' wall , lin't ill" "So "tie , " said Llod , looking ever hia jidlcr'n ahouldor. "Noll can do any thing" "This ain't no good , " uaid Nollmodoat- y. "I v.iah 1 could do anything , Ned ; I'd paint n nice lot of llowcia to hangover ever your bed. " "Do , Nell ! " Jim oxclaimod. inateri"I tliat for us , Nell , " Nod nddcd , as ho looked admiringly upon tlio drawing on tlio table. At that inntant ho little group nroundtho table wore liloncod by a woman's voico. ' If 1 wore your father , I'd take thorn lotions out of you mighty quick , miss ! " Thogirl looked up turning a frightened ace to tlio speaker. Ilor hpa trembled , ) ut aha inaatorod her omotiona 1x3 ahu ro- tlied : "I wnoliod tlio diahco , ma , and swept ho kitchen " "Aftor 1 told you a do/.on times or more ? " Anybody hearing that voice mid ono would have boon prepared for bad .grammar , and tlio fjrona cxngoration n scold commonly indulges. "Why don't rou hunt up your clothca nnd BOW the niUoim on Uicni , instmul of putting all , ho work on mo ? " "I'll mend them , ma. I didn't think it was itny harm to learn to draw und paint u littlo. " "Learn to paint ! What dope a chit llko you know about drawing ? It'a downriuht la/.incns , and I'm going to BOO if your fathor'n going to encourage it , when you ought to learn to inako your on n clothes. When I was na old aa you " Tlio supposed head of tlio IIOUBO 3ntoriug at that moment , Mrn > Olmpmau .tuned to him wrathfully : ' That girl haa just lind tlio impudence , o talk luck to mo bccauao I spoke to her tbotit tending to her own clothes , in- Htead of frlttorin' away her tlmo in non- " DciiBo on paper. I\lr. \ Chapman , who , after taking to limaolt a bccond wife , discovered ho had voluntarily placed n heavy yoke upon Ina lock , looked nt tlio little group now hud dled together , 11111 to nnd with ticarud 'aces. " 1 toll her , if 1 AN as ho father , I'd take Imt la/inosH und nonaonso out of her. A irl na big aa that ought to Vo at work. You ought lo take hur to tlio factory with raOhapman. . She can carry spoola up ind down ataira , or do something useful , utoad o' sprawlin' nil over paper nnd ilatod , usin' ti | ) ponclla. " "I did'nt think Nell wna bit ; enough to jo to wnrkyot. I'll think about it. " Tlio father's heart plead for tlio girl vhoDO upbraiding oycs forcibly recalled , ho dead , and reminded him of hia obli gation to tlio living. "Well don't bo to long thinking about it said Mrs , Chapman number ; wo aa nho left tlio room. Nell stele to lior father's aide , and ellpped her hand in hia. "Don't mind , pa. If it wasn't for Nod nnd Jim , 1 would'nt ' care , but I'd ' rather bo with you at the factory than at lioino. " "IIuBht" Ho feltiiuhamod of it , but lie waa afraid hia wife would overhear her , "I'll sea about it don't ' fret nnd don't ' talk back. You must bo good children , " This was ( uldroesed to the group collectively. The boy mutineers were pioparing to knuckle their uyeu when ho added harshly , "Nona o1 that nowl" whereupon the boys choked lumps down their throatH , und puahing their fista straight do\vn into their pants pookola , while their father glanced at the naporNoll left lying on the tablo. Ho bout suddenly over it and then turned to Nill ; "You copiud it. " "No inderd 1 didn't ' pi. " "I saw her do It , " emd Jim , coming to hia Dialer's aid manfully. "Sho did it all out of her head , pa , " Nod nillrmod , they both looked nt Nell , uud Null Mushed aa fiho cant her eyes dow. " "J can do over so much bolter than I that pa " Mr. Chapman sighed. Ho wished ho was not so poor. Ho wished ho could send her to school. Ho wished so many things that ho roallxed keenly for Iho thousandth time , ho had inado the inlataSo nf his life in marrying Hannal Cone. It would not do to lot this non Mnso grow to encourage it. Host Uke Nell to the factory. Work would occu py her time keep pwico in the house maylx ) . So it WM settled to thn uatiVaohorA oi Mrs. OhapmMi number two. Nell , nt the ago of fourteen accompanied her father to the factory the following Monday - day- , Hague n factory waa so vast , the crowus of men , women and children who wore shut up In It from early morn till night , were so numerous that a ocoro moro or less were never noticed. It niadoa great difference lo Jim and Ned , however The Btopmolher's breath grow colder now that Nell was out of hearing. They had more surprises in the shape of smart blown , and the stop-mother's voice grow shriller. Trro pillows were bedoncd oflonor with tears , and two trembling , fearful children became afraid of their own nhadnwfl. Meanwhile the great chimneys of Hague's factory projected the smoke of thousands of tons ot coal heavenward , the the looms produced acres upon ncrcs nf beautiful and costly fabrics and Nell Oh'ipuian'fl feet toiled up and down Btair- ways that seemed to lengthen aa the day were on wearily until there scorned to bo no end to them. "It waa easy work" Mm. Chapman number two said. _ "A biby might carry spools. " Mcaiitimo Nell , with dark , heavy lidded oycs , hol low checks , and tired foot dragged her self Tro.irily to and from the great fac tory , until but 1 will not anticipate. The inhabitants of N were stunned ono burning July day with n sound that sinoto their oars llko the crnah of worlds. Doors were burst open ; walla trembled ; the earth vibrated ; every pane ) of glass in the town waa shattered. It was just after the noonday meal. The great engines in llaguo'a carpet factory had made two or three revolutions , -when the workers wcro appalled by n sound accompanied by a blow that threatened thu total destruction of the factory. The towns people running to their doom , looking towards the factory saw a pulf of yellowish mnoko hanging a few momenta ever ono corner of the mill- When the smoke cleared away , a hole ) in the wall na largo as the aide of n small hounu was observed. Around this the workers in the factory , now standing silent alid grim , gathcrad with pnlo faces. Tlio towns people mingling with them bo. hold n few courageous soulu bearing out the dead engineer , nnd half a score nminiod for life. When the authorities collected their trite , nnd investigated the matter , they arrived at the unexpected conclusion that it was a merciful dispon- nation of Providence that BO few were m- juroei , and but ono killed , when , had the "accident" occurred five miuutcs later , or fifty minutes earlier in the day , hun drcds would have been killed and wounded by the explosion of the boilers , As it was the factory would resume operationo in u week , or ten day a nt moat.j , . j jj j j Chapman wai among the wounded. "All Inn own fault , " Mra. Chapman number two aaid. "If ho had boon minding hiu own business in hia own place it wouldn't ' have happened. " Tina in the oars of a man to whom the doctors hinted hia chances for overseeing bky or earth again waa problematical , waa as bitter na anything In Job's experience. To liu up atnirs in a close back room , nnd hoar n ahrowioh stop-inothur scold hia little boys all day was n hell on earth. There was , In these daya of utter wretch edness , n aouud that John Chapman well know ; n sound of hurrying foot and then the ahrow'a tongue lashed the "lazy lump that ought to bo working in n neighbor's kitchen. " Aa there never was any love in the caao at all , on Iho second wife's part , when dire poverty flung the door wide open , nil the windows in the IIOUBO were not largo enough to echo her discontent and ill humor tn the ends of the town. Nell Chapman sat in silent despair in the ono room set apart for herself and her brothers. Although it waa a little past high noon , nnd thu nir was stillling hot , her little brothers were compelled to remain in their room. Nod nnd Jim had been guilty of the enormous oOonco of "litorlng the house" with the trim- mingfl , and pieces of paper they had gathered nt Judge Uannor'a house , whore thu paper hangora were ut work. Such brilliant paper was no\orsoon before The boys swooped dorm upon it as mi- uors might appropriate n gold mine. They woie it around their logs , nrms , nnd bodicn , and waltzed awaynithit homo , wl'cro In due Bcnaon , Airs. Chapman , gave them "such n warming" that'both cried themselves asleep in broad day light in their bod-room. Nod on thu Hour- Jim in Null's shielding nrms.When she laid him down boauloNedgently.und Boated herself ngnin , it was in an atti tude the Almighty never intended youth to tako. llor elbows were planted on her knees ; her lulms clasped her checks and chin , and ahu looked atroight before her into vacancy. As iiho ant there in the darkened room , she recalled a face in which compassion and tendorncea were blended so sweetly that her memory could not grasp nn approach preach ut n frown upon it. It was not possible the dead mother could sou thu living if her dead mother could BOO them now , it would bu lorturo inconceiv able ) . What could n girl like her do ? If her father did not recover his eye-night , her brotheia would bo bound out. It would bo ns much as she could do lo pay her own way. As she snt with stony eyes staring nt the door , the cat pushed its way in , nnd rubbed against her , purring. It hastened to littlu Jim'a sldo it always purred around him when ho cried and curled beaido him , Mra. Chnpmnn number two banged out at the front door , leaving it wide open , and when Nell , recalled to herself by the sound looked down upon the floor , n broad bar of sunlight falling through the door of the room , slanted across the lloor It fell upon the tangled trimmings of "them little wretches " pnpor brought in" around their legs nnd arms , nnd drew with them in u heap aa Ihoy lied from the heavy hand of the atcp-mothor. The HUtirlot tints burned like lire ; the purple shimmered : yellows ahono like gold. As Nell looked at the queer patches of purple and dull brown interlaced with n net work of tangled trimmings , die started. Her nulao quickened. An idea formed itself slowly iu her brain. Then she How fairly flew to her trous- mo in thu cupboard , brought forth her poor Jittlo box of cheap water colors pilhotlo iu their uheapncas , and liar iihubbv ptnoiU , and n piece of paper and bi > gnii to paint , The llloa hummed through the open door , the cat purred loudly boildo little Jim , the air palpitated with n-jat , but Ned was oblivious to nil theio. It was only when Mrs , Chapman number two returned , nnd noisily slammed the door to , that Nail paused in her work. Then aho put her paint box and paper In the ! hiding plnco. * * * * "If you pleiw , indeed sir , 1 did it nl myself. " "Il'm" ' Mr. Hague , the elder , lookoc down upon her through hii glakac' ) in : way that almost made Nell's lienrt slant still , she vfM so overcome with awe by the appointmRiita of Mr. Hague's privnto ollice , nnd by the manner of Messrs llftptic , father and son. "My father did not intimate n doubt ol the truthfulness of your statement ; he simply expressed surprise. Thia is , ] inuat say uhl by the way , what is your natnef' "Nellie " Chapman. Young Mr. Hague looked meaningly til Iho older Hague , the elder H guo aiiil aomething in a low tone to hia eon , then the latter aakod abruptly "How la your father , Miss Chapman ? " It sounded so strange to bo called Miss Chapmnn that she was Hurried , but she managed to say , "The doctor thinks ho may sao again. " "U'ml h'm ! said the older in a pecu liar ; manner. "Very odd unaccount able. " "Notnt nll"imid the son. "I have hoard of cases almost similar. " "Il'm ! rare rnro , 1 should Bay. " Ho wheeled ncound to Nell auddoiily then , "My child this , 1 scarcely know whnl otany of it Boat put it in Boono'a ( lauds and lot him decide. " "Now , that ia precisely what I do not proposq to do , " said llaguo , Jr. "It wont bo fair. Boone muat not know whcro wo obtained the design. I aiig jest I bo permitted , aa usual , to order ilm lo supply any details that may occur , o him , in preparing the design for the frame. " ' "You are right quite right. And you Miss this is the moat extraordinary caao that over came under my notice call on us Bay in n week. " "Makeit Saturday if you wiah , " inter loscd Ilagufj Jr. , kindly aa ho looked nto the wistful eyes , that aooinod to search hia very soul in their anxiety. "I will bo back Saturday , " Nell aaid simply as she slipped out. She thought aho would have fainted if she remained n moment longer , her joy was BO great. * * * * * # Tlio prcBont ownora of Hague's factory , ho foremost in the land , point to an olo- ; nut roatdonco on the summit overlook- ng the town , whore the hobby horses of .ho grand-children nnd children of Hague lenlor and junior ahino under the trees. The Hngucs amassed n competency and retired from active pursuits. The groat- cat ntroko of busincsa the firm of Hague & Son ever did , waa when they put their famous "Bar of Gold" pattern on the market. The series of patterns following yielded them arger prolitu in two years than all the irofita of twenty years lumped together. There is a story current iu the trade that ; ho profits from the original "Bar of jold" pattern amounted to upwards of two hundred thousand dollars. Inci dentally I may mention that the suc ceeding profitable patterns were designed - signed by the came hand the hand that unappropriated by Hague , Jr. , before the firm retired from active buainccs. Noedleaa to add that Noll'a brothora md father shared her good fortune , or ; hat her father thinka to this day that hero never waa a pattern aa handsome aa "Tho Bar of Gold. " in Mind. In the Diamond Dyas niora colorinir ia gi\cn than in any ulcran < l > ci. and they give fasUr and moro bnlliaiit coloiH. 10 at nil drugfnsts. AVolls KIchardson & Co. , Burlington. Vt. Sample Card , 32 colors , nnd book of direction fore stamp. ' DIlOl'S. It is about time for the summer hotels to mil down their blinds. September oyster jokes ha\o been scorched > y thu hot wnvo. It la n doubtful compliment to your irilk- inn to tell him his milk makes your mouth voter. A Wall ptrtet broker , prominent and i ory ve.iltliy previous to the recent panic , has ap il'cd for and accepted n position on the New York police forco. His principal duties uo\\ , ni huiotoforo , will bo "roping thorn in. " I'lvohundred rats undertook to devour n .nxnii ) sleeping in an old ware hoeuo in Nor- ilk ; but th y ddnt ! know their man. lie dlluluvur " 00 with a club nnd melted tlio icnrts nf thn others by tolling how tlio Chi- : ago fire i educed him to poverty. [ Detroit ; 'ieo 1'icm , When Mrs. 1'inaphor read that 'Too Chow lad fallen , " HIO ! B.ud this might liogooil nous o these who liked tlio ntuir , but she wouldn't my the nuxtiirq If it were to fall to tluoo unta n quart. It ia supposed the Rood vvomnn vns thluking of chow-chow. INoriistoun Ioi.ild. Two titizons Iu Ukiah recently etrugploil or the jiosetttHon of nntci _ inolon. The trongor of the twnln was victorious ! , nnd v\a bout tnallc oir with the pnzn w hen lu.s on- .agonist . | iulkU n kmfo nnd btabbod him to the mart. Danger lurks in the uutormaloii from very conteivablo jioint of view. The safest < il.iu ia to cat clams. I Sail I'rancisco Nows- .ottir. A man in Southern Arkansawruta the ollow mg nutlco nnd tacked it on a tire : "Tina it.ru IH to nutlfy inorchaiits not to 'low my vifo tn got iintiilii at tliar stora on credit fur no an' hur Invo plajed miltH fur she'n n t.ui- Ion. i lived with hur us long nsi conld mi'i lou't behuro nho could ctt nlong vuth n saint. tliia in also to notify folku iutoroatcd In the tauso o oddj cation that i nm going to t ko up idiool.it the old ] 5cson plnco nuxt [ ouday. Arkausnw Tr.iv cler , 'J hero Is n young lady who liven next dooi , o lilugg'ii hntibo , mul while lUogg had Lonin.v ly thu otlur ovouinc ; nlio uas hoard In her omlonvorti to ex tint music fron. n iiiano. "Otu lelghbai'H daughter is a very good player , " ro narked lilogg , ntfobly , during a pause In the cinnc'rwitldii. "Her time U n little slow , " was .ho critical respnimo of Ulogg'u caller , \\\w \ uiiienul ] | to 1x3 u connoisseur in music. "Yes , " laid Jllo g , ' 'her young man in there , and very Ikoly she his eot the clock back. [ Lowull CltUin. "I imderntniid that you 1m o stopped jirac- tisiiip , " Raid the secretary of state to nn rmi- nent colored phjgician. "Van , sab , 'clttJcd to gm up do tradu nn' go tor proacliiu' . In dis country dar ain't no mimoy ti bo madn in nractlslu' o'nudtcino. Wysali , tfl had cr vott-d my time u IOKO to ter mithin' else cz I h is tor dls iisluoua I would or been putty uolldlf by dU timo. Utiur two thlrila of my patients iiubcr paid mo , sail. " "Why didn't you situ them ) ; " 'Toulilu' done no good , Vato da wuz ilvad , fnh , I cot du wus' alaiiH o' patients. None o' 'om nuuor had no healthnud constltntio" " Arkanaaa Traveler- If your complaint is want of appetite , try lialf n v\hio-gmsn \ of An OHiuia HltlciH lialf nn hour before dlnnnr , Beware uf couu- torfeiU. Ask your grocer or clnifk'lst fur thu ; enuluo urticlo. mauufacturod by Dr , J , G. 1 ! k Bonn. BlNGUtuVlUXlKS , There ia n forty-livo-joar.old.mulo In Lau reiis comity , H. U , An early lu tory of Normandy , n vellum inaiiudciipt , lately Bold In London for i ? 1,1)00. ThoSutk'j , ivlargo river In Jhltish India , \Mthn dChCout of 1 ,000 feet Iu 1M ) miliu , or tbont tiUty-nevvu foot p'i- mile , U Iho fastest Ion lug liver in tlio u or Id. In the harbor of Toulon may still bo i > oui the Hello Poulo , tliokhlpoinuildi thn remains > ( N.iiioli'on I. u < ro In ought homo fiom St. llolono. Sim holds the post of honor ut the entrance to the uisenal , Vercoilliti boasts of mi oranga tree CGO years > ld , It um pl.uiUiil hi M''L ! by Klcauor of Carlisle , vvifocf Charles 111. , Klug uf Na- variu. o' : lady of tha nobility latily I ur iod hi r favorite cut In n tnow-whitocofhnrov rred with n porgemi whllo Mlk pull , Th inii trc9 nnd n UrRc cnntlug nt of female mourn ITS followed tlir * rsmnlni. Prlc ta clianting solemn litany met the bier Mid escorted It t Ilia KTI\ . A vrry inlorp'tlng ciiriOTlty ia shown In n flrnv window in I'lttolmrK. It it a mi nature working model of the lnifp t utefttn-lmmme in the world the Criiyot hammer In 1'rancf The model is dimply n cluck , nnd tingcai lminm rvhioU in ono ca e weiplis 100 ton * In tha oth * r Is a pendulum tlmt mov en nouo le ! y up nnd down. Not mnglQ dctnil n tha fto\l lummer Is ommitled In the one. one.A A largo tarantula was found In n bunch o Innnnas the ether day by a fmlt dealer in In- ( liruirtnoIU , The spider , with iUnott , A\ai pnl in n pliss jar nnd fill upon fllw and cockroach o . In a very short lima hundreds of jounp tBrantuln bog-in to creep out of the nest , am the parent spider moved to the ether sulo 01 IU prhnn , crouching > nntlnn1c x , as if astoiv islicd nt Iho multituda of Its nlf D lee nro frequently preceded by n Ronno o : weight ( n ho back , loiiu and lower p-vrt of tha abdoinancmiBinff the patlont to suppo n he hna BOino nUfcctlou of the kidneys ur neUUboritif orgiiin , At limoi , nym toina of IndlgoHtioi nro preflont , ns llatuoncy , uno.-uilnesfi of the stomach , etc. A moistcro like perspiration producing a Aory disagreeable Itching partlcu larly nt night after goUIng warm lu bed , its very common attendant. Internal. Uxterua nnd Itching I'ilos jleld nt once to the ninillcn tion of Dr. IJoKanko'sl'llo Itemody , which net directly ur"n the narta ntfoctotl , nboorhinp the tumou , alm > lnRtno intonno Itchlnpr , nud of fueling n permanent euro \\hcro other romu dloR have fallod. Do not doliy until thodriJu DU tha BVfitom jiroducos ponnnnont disability but trv ft und ( HI cured. Schroler & Botht , "Trado nuntiltad bv O. I' * Goodman. ' Amiunillspntelln tbe BROAD CLAIM oIMngue VERY BEST OPERATING , aUIOKEST SELLING AND Kver ufTorpd to Uie public. „ vcrv feu thinly arc KUJ to Kli'go'j ' Foid. Ite- ipis ncrompauj ci-r : mi for l'udfllutB , Cm tards Hlnnc Mnnjck tc , andunliko man\ preparations , tno "lit tie ones' need not bo enicd n hen the doscrl i moH but um cat their fill Hissafonnd ontrat d preparation ofhoit , thoroughly st < uu. i onked ih Its manufac ture. Sold bj iliutisl3 In cans , four Bl7ca 3oCi B'IC , $1 25andfcl 75. o I tha choice for famillo . WOOMtlCII A , 00 on label 10 1 iltuil st , i /a ciMIrol toolo . * & apfftliiif efe2ulilUtlltTor.tiivuea9Tprl&K ] ( tt.l. wnrll cur * . In. ) | It , Dl&rrbx. } cvfr ftbl Afar &nl 11 Jlontmtftti. I ) tt Or/tni Af w drop * iinraTi d H loatfl.rir 0 Klul or t.1 . tue ul | 9 kll pummrr Jrlno Trj It kuOl IWKT. "f rounri- , Ali vnur trtxrr or dn & l tot ll l-b > l.cs ff&lfBtu\ill * u c by Wl 3 U B bli.GFUl AtiDNE ) . J. -urUPPEBMAHH , S3L3 A02S ! ! , SI U'ho reputation ol Hostellers Stmnach HitttrHas a proven- tlvo of epidemics , a btonraclilc , nn in\fr ! orant , a { 'tneral ro Btoratnt , andn ppc cillo for fntr and bu Ious aflections rhfiinnt Ein.ncrv aus ? I dcbilltv , constltll tional wcaknciH , is esljiWished iijion the eound b.iin of moro than t cntj j ears' e\jcrleiieuanil cm no moro lo 8hal.cn b\ the aptrap nofl trinn niiscltntlll prctcndcra , thin the eierlastniK hill bv the \\mds hit IIH lo thrnuvh their di fl u or talu bj all dnigifUtj ind dealers cncrnlh PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF POST OF FORT D. A. RUSSELL , WYOMING. JtrAIXlKTm8 ) 1)21 ARTMfNT OF Till Pi ATTE , ) 'llfK ( . 'I'lIITHIMMTKIl ' hopleinbur Ittb , IhSl. ) Scaled propoHila , In trlpllciti , biibject to the usual ondition , will bo rccolvul at tbu ollleo until 11 a < i t-iitmcl.i ) , October IMh , 1E81 , at nhlihllino and ibcctlii'j niil bo opi in din presenru of blililcrs lor nrnUbiiu thu nmteriiNDiid ronetriKtliig In nccor ancouith phiis , sieiincation un.l Jrivulngs , thn ollonln ileM rlbod bullcllii , viz ; 0 Set ? Non eominlfsloncd Oillccrs < iuarttrs , 1 bets Held Olllccrs ( iinrtcrol 0 betH C.iptallis ( , iuirtirs. 1 Coinmlssarj llnl'ilint. . 1 ( jmrterniaster llulldlne ; . 1 Oil Hoiito. 1 Mnri7lnu. ) \ KiiKlnu Ifoiiso , ami I llako lloiuu. All the alnj\o to bo ot brick , Also , tlio follouinp ; of ooj. 1 llnlhllne ; for Workubops , and 1 Ice Honso The o buildings totio located on fcltcs in l > odcsiciia. cd at Fort I ) A. llu ! K.ll , Wjomliii , ' . Tliovork to le cnmmincc d b > October 25th , or na snnn thcrrnftt r as contracts uro mnipletcd , 'l' u nts IhrracKs , and and two uta Captain * ( jiurtcrs to bu c niitcd | | Ii ) Ice yii-t , IbSt , anil tlio roinalnln , ; lullilluys \ > \ Juno JOth , 1SS5. If practlcilita , rro | > hiU nn ) be nml o for cither or all of the ImlM K . tbo prleo of each tn bu fctak'il scparatol ) Kichproimaal must bo acconipanled \ > j auarant\ | n thu kiuiiol "i.OCO , executed In accordance \\lth 'orni * furnished bj thin olllcc. 1'refcrcnco Khcii (0 articles of doniettlo moductlnu and nmiiufacturu , roiiilltlons ot prieo and > | iialit ) belli ) ; CHiial | , and Midi inference h'lun to artkleuof American production md minuf icturu | > n > iliiccil on the 1'iiclllo coint tu the extent of thu ( .ommnpttun rv < iiilredb ) thupuhllct > ir tin ) there. Iholiotcrninent rmrvis the rljrht to reject nnj or oil bUU or parts thereof. 1'lans and cpvcltlcationa nnv bo bcun and ixninlne 1 at thUiitllcu HUiik proK ] aU und ln > truetlons an to Mddln , . ' . xrmiof ( ontruct , pajmont , andcirculir e-ltlni ; full iifcrmutl MI to bidders , vvlll bu funil hed un .ipjili tlon t < i thU ollld ! Kntclopus cunt.iliiliif propota's to bu niirked 'projiokaU for txn triictlun nt i'ort I ) . A. Ilniwell , ivjnnnii. Ttrrlton. " und uiHIn-neiil to the under l.'iiul. ( i 11 DANDY , Clik I < > uart0rmatcr. sejit SO olt n ) tit ItEPItEUFNTS thttolt Arataue Co. , ol ticndon ; Cub ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' C * tcUMtb 'N.'Y.i'crpUiLI..V"'riC ! ! ! ! _ ! ; oCfiO ' Ctrard yira , ruiidch Uil't.l , . VI fi THE g BEST TONIC , ? Tlili medicine , cnmMnlnir. Irnnvlth pure Vocetablo ton ! , nmoM > Biid tvmiilctcly < urm lj priiln , ItidlKi Minn , \ \ iiiluii'i- , linniiro ltlm > ilHiiliirlti ; , ( hills utieil'uvcTM , und NcMti.ilnln. His an unfnillntr remedy for Dl'cnscs of tlio HMiicjH unit Mvrr. U Is invaluable for Dl'nni peculiar to Women , nnd nil vUio lend rcdciitntv llvci. It duos not Injure the teethcnwohcndndic.or produce ron < .llpitmn oilier Iron Mcttlctnti tto. Iteuriphesand purlliet the bloodstimulates' IhrnppptltP.ntiU the n lmllatlon of food , re lieves Honrtburn nnd licit hiiig , nnd EtrcnglU- ens the inusdes nnd nerves. Tor Intermittent Tcvcri , Ijisiltuue , IJicKoi Energy , ilc , It lias no equal. i fi- The cenuinc 1ms nlmvo trndonmrk nnd crusted red lines on \ \ rnppcr. Tnke no oilier. jiiJccuirbj IIKOU- , ( iti.tiH.u , d ) . , iiu.Tinoiiaii : % Qlcctnnd&yphil ! ' complicated forms , also al diseases of the bkln nnc Flood promrlly relieved ane' ' ' ' . [ rrrmncnttyctTcdtiyreme- , Js / AV"ts Ic fr1 la oifi/Vnir' u"i- ' . ' < ' . ' ? i.4 > 7 > tv' ' < " 'IVir < frr. Scmlna Wi IKII.-SS lxt t I.osrea by Drams , I'lmplea or ho ricelosl Manhood , jitiattlvt It/tin ulnTI > ert isiiucnici niifiiiliiii. Ih : appropriate le.r. av sa arc ; used in each case. Consultations , peru - \u- I or bv letter , sacredly confidential , fled- ' < ru. . ncilt by Mall and Express. No marks on i.ia.ae" to indicate contctitu or tender. Address Jii.lAMES.No. 204Va3hinnon ? Sl.Chicagoll | . IRON AND BLATK UOOnKO. " ? 1 1111 Douglas 81. Omaha , Nob. MANUFACTURER OUT Galvanized Iran Cormrp.i \VI11 ptirlft Iho ELOODTcpii l.totiH LIVCRtimlKlpNCYS and Jd "Toi.i , rill' . nnd VIO Oil of YOUTH. Us-o- pipsln , A.int of Appetite , jn dl i lion , 1 u k oi MrLDRtli , ndlir'unaltsolulclv ' ' ciirc.il. I , , lun'clesaiul Ji Ific ii"l.u mind nnei supi > li'0 fiialn l'nv\e'r. . . PulTi iinf'lioin cumpUliits WD U X , i BU * > JU-C II iurt3 Jl ! r SCXWill find InDIt. rr IITER'SIBOtT 1ONIO n fatn nnd fl'0dy euro , tfllvcs u clear , htfllMi/comple-vlon. rrccfuKiit J > ticnilits at VP ' "Iff li'K nlj udd totliopopnlirltv fiftlioorlpliiM. Do not txpcri- tnciit petthoOiuoiNAi , AM > IU ST. SGIOHGC of Life. Only $1.00 BY MAIL POSTPAID. Eihuuetoil Vitality , Norvona and rhj-slcnl Debltiiy Premature Dccllno In Itan , E ro-3of Youth , an the satold roljorlca esultlne from Indiscretions or ci esBcc. JL book for every man , youif , mlddla cctl , ml old. It contains 126 proscriptions for all acute nd chronic dlsouaoa cnchono of which In Invaluable So found by the Author , whoao oxpoilonco for 3 yc ra IB such r.G probably never bo.'oro IM to tha lot if uny physic en fCO pages , bound In bcitntifn 'rcnch muslin mooaaodcovors , fell gllt.fran t itioi' ! 3 bo ft Encr work n every cense , mechanical , lit- ry and professional , tlnn uny olhor work Eold In bio country for ? 2.tO , or tha money will bo refunded a every Instance. 1'rlcaonly 41 CO by mail , poet- paid. Jlluotratlvo simple 6 centj. Bend now Gold msdaUwardedtho author by tbe Nfttlounl Kodlrnl iwoclr.tlon , to tbo oKIroro nf which ho iolcr3. IhoSclonso of Life should bo road by the yotug or Instruction , nml by the Mlllotcd foi icllof. tbenofll \ \ \ nil. London T.Mior.t. There ! a na member of aoclcty to whom Vho Kd nco of Llfonlllnotbo useful , whctl-ci yocth , pki nt , eiiKidlftn , liistrnctoror cl. < rpym n. ArgonuS. Address the Peabody Mcdta.l Institute , or Dr W rker , No * BulCnrh Street , Ior-ton Haa. , who o consulted on all dUt-uon roqulr'-iK eklll at.d onrc. Ctironloaudab tliiaiodlieat. mtbat hve tha kill ol All cthcs phju-ltra ! ilncU trotted sr. . c ? , . ( > 5U : ( ( illy follnre. T h\l \ Of the FJorthwost , Detroit , Minn country of WOODS AND LAKES , 00 miles west fSt 1'aul. Three trains dally on tlio N P. It. R. , Ith20 Day Excuralon. Ticktta ftl about one-hall rctta. HOTEL MINNESOTA , An clegtnt house with nccommoilatlonn for DOO uosU. Ft. R. COLBURN. Proprietor. XJTMBVU fOU CIKCULAlLSaiVlSU PULL , I'iKllCULARJ ) . ( Faculty 1'rlzo Medical coilcRo of Ohio , Bl'ECIALTY , And ether Diseases of the Anus and Ilcctum , 120 S. 14th St. Cor. Douglas OMAHA , NED. vo od and wtf HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINK TOH ENGLAND , JfRANOK AND GERMANY. Tlio tto.imsb.lps of this well-known line are built of ron.ln watertight compartments , and are furnish ed with every requisite to inako the passage both afo and agre-cable. Tliev carry the United Htnte ud European malls , and lea * e New Yorks Thun- dajaftudaaturdajifor I'll mouth ( LONDON ) Ctor. boarifl'AU18)nndllAMlUMa ( ) ) Hates : First Cabin , & 5 , fOi and J75. BteornL'o.SSO Henry 1'undt , llark lloii en , K U Moorcs.M. Toft , jrentuln Omaha , OronewleiciSchoentgeii , agentsln Council CluiU 0. 1) ) . HICUAI1U It CO , Ocu. rail AKU.Blllruidnai.N Y. Obis. Kozmlunkl & Co- General Wentoiu Ai93te , 107 Wanblab-tou St. , Chlaa McOAKTHY BURKE , 14TIT UT1CBET , BET. AND KOTIOE. DrNvrjt , Col Siptoinlwf. 12 , ISsl. Scaled proioaaU ] ullllx ri cch od at thu oillcu of thin . cjmiMiiv iiji to Oi toner first , li > 3l , far lh < | uarrj iiiK i ami Wiling on b ard of cart too.OOj ctlblo feet ol KtonuMbeilelhircl during the vcar I'-oS , The coiuunj | risen stheri/ht / tc r Jurtanj andallbldt QFor an ) liirttx r Infurnntoni npj Ij to h A Marjutv tico president , Ulllord Murk , liomcr. rilorado 0 : f CLI cc > KL.VM > i ( J > ARM Co. Owing to the increase in our business we'vs admitted to the firm Mr Edwin Davis , who is well and favorably will enable us to han dle an increased list of property. We ask fchose who1 have desi rable property for sale , to place the same us. The new firm 5r7il ! be 713 213 South 14th St.