e DAILY BluCOUsCiL < HLUFFS SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 20 1884. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Saturday Morning September 20. suijscnirnox UATIS. crc r ! W.nnl2t > trwck lS Mail - - - - 110.00 jrwr ornct : No. 7 rearl BtrtotrKear MINOR MENTION , ROD J. Reitcr'a now fall slock of cloths Senator Allison to-night at Masonic hall. hall.Tho The pavora only got in a half day yes terday. Jndgo Lyman Ja to hold court in Car roll Monday. Republican oratory at the Mnnonic temple this ovcnint ; . Two drunks and a poor vagrant consti tuted yesterday's ' business in the superior court. Tlio funeral of the late Frank Koclino is to take place Sunday afternoon at ii o'clock. Contractor llogan says the paving of Broadway will bo completed in about sixty days. The heavy rain caused several holca in the now laid pavement , which is being repaired. Permit to marry was given yesterday tn 0. W. Blakoly and Kobocca Edwards , both of this city. In the circuit court yesterday , Judge Lyman listened to arguments in the cano of Brix vs McLain and Baylian. Lewis Wohrhorn brightened the table of Tun BKK man yesterday with a beau tiful bouquet. The law offices of Lindt & Hunt are Lelng improved greatly in appearance and convenience , now iloora , fresh paper and paint being among the changes. A man , in trying to drive across tlio street car track on Broadway , near the Pacific house , yesterday , was thrown out of his scat , and had a narrow escape from bolii ? run over. The Boys in Blue , the colored Blaino& Logan club , and the other republican clubs are all expected to moot nt their respective headquarters at 7 o'clock this evening. Two Mrs. Johnson , both colored , will now becoino mother-in-law and daughter- in-law in fact. They were arrested last evening for a row on Pierce street , in which both throw bricks. a S. Noilson , a Swede , was arrested yes. ob torday. Ho tried in several placet ) to b obtain a small loan by offering to leave his collar or aomo other valueless article as security , and not beincr successful , SIul would ask for ton contj to buy a drink. Chief Skinner nays that Mr. Butler , of Donison , an account of whoao robbery in si Omaha , was given in Ycstordoy'n Biu : , was pretty full of Jowa irator when ho is wont from hero across the river , which ti in may account in part for the loss of his inHI money. HICD "A Song of Praise" is the subject to bo til considered at the young men's bible 111of atudy , hold at room No. J2 , North Main of street , this evening at 8 o'clock. Young of"I [ men are heartily invited. To-morrow n afternoon at 4 o'clock , the gospel services "Ini for all , both ladies and gentlemen , will niP bo held. 01 01 There was nothing very now about the 01I mayor , the bonds , paving , etc. , ycntor- tli dny , the whole being as stated in yester teat day's BKK , that the mayor reports all the paving bonds sold except § 52,000 , though at not netting the city . Tlio par. sewerage c.i bonds are not yet executed , much loss of nold , and if oomo stops are not taken all promptly that part of the work will bo in the same sort of a stand still fix ns the so paving was. re reSt The Homo Academy has now boon in 81 operation successfully for two weoko. The number of pupils is gradually in creasing in nil departments , and i oed work is being dono. A Gorman class will bo started next week. The kinder i garten has boon delayed on account of material not being on hand. This has frc now como and tlio kindergarten will open on Wednesday morning nt 9 o'clock. Any ono desiring any further information about this or any ether department of Wll this work is invited to call at the chap el of the Baptist church any morning during next week. W.I The rc-unlon of llio Southwest lo va C.i . and Northwestern Missouri Yutoran .As sociation will take place nt Cruston on the on 30th of September and the 1st and 2d cf yo October. Eminent speakers will bo pres ent , Generals Logan , Coskrcll , Itosccrana tuUi and Butler thuno .hu being among who nro oxpcctod to bo present and address the veterans. Pryor'a military band , of St. UK .hu Joseph , has been engaged and good quar ters , with cooked rations , will bo fur fn [ nished. ' A grand street paradu will take place on the second day of the reunion. To old soldiers the railroad faro will boone ono faro for the round trip ; to others , ono tliu and one-third fare. $ Henry Curtis , the secretary of the Y. M , C. A. , hands the following clipping to Tjiii'Biii : , indicating somewhat thu im portance of a work which enlists the of sympathy and co-operation of such dis tinguished men as these named ; "Tho tenth annual conference of thu Young Mon'a Christian associations of tlio wet Id convened at Burlin , August 20. The opening exercises hated two hours , after which Couut A. Bernetoilf , president of of thu Berlin committee Y. M. C. A. , do- livercd , the tddrcts of tvolcomo. The ! Emperor William ivroto the conference f' ' expressing sympathy with its otijiuti ; re , gretting his health prohibited his meet ' ing with t'ic conferenoj as a delegate , and invoked the divine blessings upo the convention , Count Bernslorll' rc-olectcd president , and W. II , Km gram , of London , secretary. " PUTTING UP THE BARS. Attorneys atust Now .Jump n Iilltl toilet Admitted to 1'rnutlcc , The last legislature passed an impor tout law , concerning the admission of at tornoyslo practice In the courts of th state. Although the now law wns passe months ago. and wont into cll'ect July 1 there scorns to bo few , oven of the members bers of the bar , who are aware of ila ox iatonco. Under the old law any of th courts could admit applicants to practice but under the now law this power I vested exclusively in the supreme court Kvory applicant must no only bo examined , but must prcaon proofs I of vrhoro and how long ho has studied Ii If , and M to his moral characler ago i , residence , olc. Even attorneya wh < have 1 boon admitted in other stales mils 1t 1I file I like proof with the supreme court fn stead of simply being admitted on a cor tlficato t as heretofore. Under this now law the supreme cour has 1 adopted at its session here , rules gov 1f trning 1c the matter in detail , those rules going into ellect at once. The folloyriii ) ; gentlemen vrcro examined and admittcc at this term , they being the first under the norr order of things : J. A , Tnwor of Dunlap , L. T. doming of Hastings , Ifoiiry S. Slaughtcrand U. II. Patrick of Sioux City , Arthur L. Proaton of Grin- noil. ! The following ia the substance of the rules : tB Examinations of applicants for admis alon to the bar shall bo had at the Sop- lumber terms at Council Bluffa , the Octo ber terms at Dubuque , the April term ai Davenport and at all regular torma ul Dca Molncs on the mornings of the firs ! days in which the court iilmll bo iuaottia BUOJIOIl. Each applicant for admission shall bo > fora the first day of the term file a written ton request for examination in his own handwriting , together with proofs of his qualification ll'I as to ago , residence , charae tor and time and place of study , as required quired by the now law. 1r The court la to Appoint a committee ol not loss than three members of the bar to assist in the examination. The justices of the court will prepare not loss than thirty question to bo sub mitted to said applicant which ho shall answer in writing , the applicant having no accoHa to booka or have communica tion with any ono during the cxamina tion. tion.Tho The proofs of the qualifications of the applicant aa to ago , character , place of residence , and lime and place of oludy shall ! bo byaflidavit. The proof of the applicanl'a good moral character , rcai- denco in the atato and ago shall bo by the allidavits of at least two ' witnoascB , and the applicant shall also ! nmko ajlidavit of his ago and place of residence' The proof of his term of atudy shall bo by the ullidavit of the member of thobar > with'j whom ho pursued his studies , and whoru ho hai atuUied at a I.iw school , such fact and his term of study there uhuli bo ahown by the affidavit of ono or more of the professors of such school. ira An attorney admitted to practice in another atato before admission hero , shall furnish proofs of good moral character - actor , that ho is twenty-one years of ago , a resident of thin iilato , and has prau- Used law regularly fornotleasthanoiioyear the state wherein ho waa admitted , by like aflidavits as provided for in other cases. Sucli attorney shall lilo a copy of the record of the court allowing hia ad mission to the bar. The graduates of the law department the ntato university may bo orally ox- tininod at Iowa City by n committee of not < loss than throe members of the bar , appointed by the court. They shall alao iiiswor written or printed questions pre pared : by the justices of Una court. Up- an a certificate of the committee , and up- ii presentation ot the diploma of the ipplicant I , together with his unsworn to the writtun questions , the court ahull de termine the question of admisaon. The proofs of qualification , aa to ago , Rood moral character , residence in the itate ; , being required by the statute in ISIB ; of atudonta of the law department f the atato university , must in all iu- ilanot'B DO presented by them before ap plication for admission. In oslimating the time of study iv school year of Ihirty-alx wo ok a spout , in n eputabln law school in the I'nitcd Jtatoti , ahall bo equivalent to a full year ipont in an ollicu. ' ! Juultcr .S'chontz Ii hick from Chicago and nln nt liii * pjst , f JIiK. M. A. Mooru in hluwly rrcovuiinf ; rom thu fall him had buvcral Jnjs n { , ' < > . : . X. 1 * . llockwoud , Milw.uikoo cigar man , ! vas at the I'uuillu jcBtonJay. . ' W. T.Viltov , the attorney t Oakland , vns at the Pacific ycetgrday. Captain i Ii. It , Hart , tint attoincy , now of tllimo.ipolU , i < hciu for a few iliy ; ' \nit. l.oo .lohuBon linn ntuiiH'il from a tilp ciust- o varil in llio liitciCkt of ISiirnhain , Tulloy ft . ( 'lmrIcH L. I.owo and wife , of Chicago , out their wedding trip , arriuil nt the I'lidl'ic * torday. J lj. 11. Slbley , the butler packer , has 10- iirntil from hutntomloil tilp to IKmtoii anil cant. .MUa , .f. .T. Amvcrila will luavn this morn- fur tlit- cast to buy n tupply uf gooda lor cointii ) ' buaion , A. T. I'liuklnger and family have rnturneil nun IiuloimnU'iicu | , wheru they lm\o btt'ii viaitliiK foi about ton ilayu , Mr , LooiKud , whi ) w a formerly Iho city nlitor of the Xonpaiiol , U now on the titau"of Iowa City Itcpubllean. II. N. Mcllruw , ttho hau rmmgh enlorprlsu aud activity to keep ap.iro with nlinoat any other two iutmi.uiuu inon , uasblmUinp ; Immla with his old fiiendj huro ytbtcrday , i ; B , MiiVt'f , iniccial traveling riirn'nioinleiit | thu Sill I'rnncisco .lonnml of Cuiniucrcp , waa hut ) ytutonluy MtlieiiiiK fii'sh Informa J tion concerning' Cuimi.ll lliiir ! aud lU pros- P"iity. J. T. Hurley , of the pollco forct' , has re tinned widi hi faintly fioni their vattvin \ trip. DinliiK thtlr abivncu they \Ieltotl Clncajo , .lu'.iit , South lieiitlInd.aiideovoral 1' , St. Ji hn , gcucrat ttclal anil passenger nct'iit , autl (1. L. lUioilra , C'hlruii | ; local pan- Hfligfr ngunt f the Itock lalanil , uiiUml In tins city yMtcnliiy morciiiK and loft lost e\t < - ii'Dfj , aft r spending thu day louUins after thu luteiontsof thu It. L PROHIBITION IN OOURT , Two Injunction Onsen Started A ; nlns Saloon Men. Ttvo cases have boon ntartcil bofor < Judge Lyman to lest the prohibitory lav in the Courts. Capt. A. Overtoil ha signed the papers nskini ; for nn injunc lion agaiiifcl Wm. Llthrop , claiming tha by reason of Belling liijuot , ho is main taining n nuisance , the action beinj , brought under flection lol.'l of the code A like case has been brought by tin Karoo party against Kuhn , of the Colora do houso. Wm. Soars appears as attorney noy for the plaintiff and Clco. A. llolmea for the dofondanta. Tlio anjumcnt were made bcforo.Iudpo Lyman yostcr day , mid the decision is looked forward to with Interest. "Warm. The conRrcnaional contest is getting nultry nnd aluahy. When Congressmat I'uaoy got down into the mire in order to throw mud at.Iudgo Lyman , it caused many unfavorable comments oven fron his democratic friends and supporters , The hand-bills which the republicans scattered about yesterday , Indicated , liowovor , their willingness to get down and indulge in elusli nnd slure. The Imnd'billa read as follows : Como and hear the Record ! "It is Public Properly. " The proU-go of the Bill English , W. M , Puaoy , and his democratic friend are especially invited to altand. Colonel Siipp , General McPlioraon and Colonel Scott will hold the mirror HO the non-paying corner banker can BOO liimsolf as uthora oca him. Cloned IIH Jjalior.s. The supreme court closed hero ycstor day , and will moot next in Laronport. The following decisions wore rendered i'cslorday ' : A P Hipp VB B F Cronshaw , appellant , Tom Iowa circuit court , dismissed. John S Wolf & Son vs ThoDoaMoinca it Ft. Dodge Railway company , appol ant , from Polk circuit court , atlirmod. William Jamison , appellant , va Samuel l < \ Miller , from Monroe circuit court , re vorsod. John P. McAllister vs The Burlington t Northwestern Railway company , from Dos Moinca district court , reversed. In the matter of the aottlomcnt of B P Mills , Ruardlan of Ch. Bland , from Appa- loose circuit court , aflirincd. Albert Jloot VB W S Oay , appellant , rom Appanooso circuit court , nllirmcd. COMHKKOIAJj , COUNCIL BLUFFS MARKET. COUNOII. UI.UITH , IOWA , Sept. Id , 188J. V/hoat No. 1 milling , 7o@SO ; No. 3 , C5@ 70 ; lojoctodno. ' Corn Lccnl imrpopM , 40@ l5. ! Onta For local piirponiw , 35@ 10. > liny 810 00@1UOO per ton ; baled , GO@GO ] lye 10@-15o. Corn Mtml 1 .10 par 100 ponntln. NVoocl Good Biipply ; pricoa nt yards , C 00 © 0(1. ( 0(1.Goal Goal Delivered , hnrd , 11 BO per ton ; eoft 00 per ton Lard Kalrbixuk'n , wlmloimling nt 9Jc. Flour City nour , 1 G0@3 30. Brooma 2 UD@3 00 per dor. LIVK BTOOK. Caltlo Itutrhor cowa 3 00@3 23. Butcher too , < 1 OOto 1 20. Slioop Il.no. Hogs ll3@ir,5. ! I'UOHUOK AND KUUITS. Quotations by J. M. St. John & Co. , com- nl.iHion merchant ! ) , 538 linnulwuy. 1'otiltry Live old liens , 7c ; spriiiR chickens , 00@i ! 50 per doz. IVachos fi bus. box , 1 00. homoim I f > 0g5 00 per box. Uuttor Creamery , 18@20c ; cotinlry , Gai > c. c.ICffga 11 per dozen. Vi'fiotabloH 1'otntoen , 30@-10c per bmlii'I ; nloim , 10 ( 'GOc ' | 'r bu ; njiplen , cliricu cooking r catiiic , U nOfi' II 00 ; bnaiip , 1 75fi"2 DO per iiflhol ; awi'Ol DotatoM , ! 00jor 1)1)1. ) Railway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are tbo timed ol tha arrival ami Jo- arttuo ol trains l > y cuiitral btaml'inl time , at i oculilupotH. Tralinlu'wo traniifvr depot ten mln an earlier and arrlvu ton minutes later. ClllCiUO , tUIUUMllDN AND QUINOT , LRAVB. AliKIVB. i:3B : p in Clilcano I'\prc D.oa a in 1:40 : it ui l > 'ivnt Mdll. 7ixpir : ) 16 m J'llall Liid I' prc93 , 7'Jinl : [ 1'M : p m Accommodation. 'J.JU p in At local depot ( inly. K BAfl CITV , HI. Jut AMU L'OU.NOIL CM'VPS. i.05 a in | U.ill and 1'xjuoisa , 7:05 : p ni 1:05 : p lu I'no'.flu ' Kxpri'sn , 6:6U : p m CHICAQO , UlLWtUKICl AND HI. VJLVl. : > p m i.\nt ti , 9:09 : a m 9:16 : n ui Hxprcflfl , B:6& : p in oincjoo , yuicx IHI.ANII AND rAaino. iSO : p in Atlantic nxpruss , B:06 : a in I.2.1 A in Day HxprvBU , 0:51 : p in : ? ( ) a m "Dca llolnca Aocommodatlon,1 ! O.OO p in * At local duput only. WAHA8II , Or. WVl AMI 1-ACiriO. : MBln ll.MI , 4:1.1 : pin lUOpm Accommoilat.on U.OOain At Trantl r "nly CUIOAOO and NORIIIWUBTBBK. iSO : p m I'.xpibuH , 0:60 : p in 0'JS : a m Pucllla Kxproas 9:05 : a in tioui CITT AND rAcmo. JO p m Ht 1'anl Kxpreci , BtO : a m .SO a in Day Kspresa 0GO : p m UNION I'Acmo. : oo p m \l\utcrn Kxprvei , S:35 : n m ; 00 nin 1'aulHa Kxprum , 4JOnn : 'ilOam l.ooal KiprcKS , tfl ) : m 1:10 : a ui Mnoulii iiprv < M , * A t Trauiler only. ' DUMMY T1UIMJ 100UA1IA. Lo ve7cossj0:30lo:3ll:40a. : : : : : . in. 1:30-3:3 : : SO-l:3-680-aSO-lIeS : ( ; : : p , m Huinla ) 9:30-11:40 : : m. l:30..3 : : -fi:3CMlti-iii5 : : : .p. m. An'.vo 10 mln bolero loavlni ; tlmn ' N. SCHURZ , OFFICK OVKK AilKUICAN KXTUKSJ. JOUNC1L BLUFFS. IOWA. DP , W. B. Shorrado DENTIST , Masonic Temple , ounoil Blulia - - Iowa. W.R.VAUGHAft , on Justice of the Peace. Unwha and Oounoll BloHV. leal e t to oollrctlon agency , Odd Fellows Block \cr H vlmri4 llnnk . O. O. DENTIST. 100 MAIN bTUEBT , OUNOlt VIMt t'S - - IOWA is on this linuid onrili no Km.ilh. Trnn f < "ijpnt , ll\ Exhibition siuI I ho f ) COUNCIL BLUFFS THURSDAY , : ENtlAI'STLIiSS CATALOGTK OF FEATURES. ROYAL SACRED WHITE ELEPHANT 10 I'crfotimiifc KlerliaiitP , Two Ainmein Imrii TDaliy Hlophants. Only Flcphanl Couioilitn. - Jloal Hotnan H ccs , run In earnest unil for cash prizes. - Scores o Denn of liaro Wllil JJcaktu.Only IravulliiK .Museum of Curloua Sights. TbeStolnait rhlno'o Olint. - Major Atom the Klfln Man. - Ailinlral Dot , Mid cot , At-Urnwl Dmlo - And 1,000 U&riclloii * Human Curies. UlKantlc Hhnolog leal Congrcta ofaMics ( ( , Heathens aiul Darbarlaua , Nautch D.inclni ; Uhls , Klc. 3 Great s , Mammoth Elevated Stage , Hundreds of Perform ers , and 80 Acts xhihition. iorgeous rilOM THE QUOt NDS DAILY , AT 8:30 : A. M. More Moil , Women , ChlMrcn , Horses Clmrlotn , Lnlr ? , Loose Wild Beasts. Trained Animals , Flno Har ness , JuucllcJ anil Uold Trliiiinod u'ardioljc , Itoinsn ( illut and cilamour , CinmlnjSurprUcs , Hun-lklhislni enaxnlllccnce , D.zzllnifOorseotuiicssnnd Mutchlcss Spltndor than all the other short a in America com hiiicd on product ! , 12 different kinds of Music In thu 1'aradc. Stupendous Menagerie of Loose aud Led Animals In llio street and In the Oriental Kntrco under the Teuls , rtif Hundreds of thcuaiiidi of moral and religions peoploattcnd this exhibition who nc\cr think ofIs - tin ? another. Whntuier it iwhoitlsca it l ajs exhibits No other D.u-nhlH. For tlio cspeclil accoramoditloii of thnto who desire to a\old the crowdj on the ( 'rounds , HESEUVED NU.MI1EBKD OHA1U3 can bo purchased ot ED1IOI.M AJKUICKSON'S JBWELKY STOIU : , 101 and 103 15th street. nt the same prlco ns at the ticket olllco nt the tent" , andpcncral admission tickets at the usual slight ad ancu , the dius of oihlbltlon cny ! , 6.000 Excellent Opera Chairs. Good So.ita for 20,000 people. Admission 50 Cents. Children Under 9 Years , 25 Cents , KiStilVEI : : ) NUMBKIllID CHAIllS EXTUA. TWO EXHIBITIONS DAILY. Doors open at 1 and 7 p. m. Performance commences at 2 and S p. tn. Council I31uUs , Thursday , September 25.Liucoln Liucoln , Sat uidny , September 27 Bluffs , Iowa IMPORTER AND DEALER IN AND Musical Instruments of Every Description ergot 1 claim to have tlm host seeled stock and la-gost variety of any no about hero. I cun duplicate Now York and Chicago prices every me ; and that 1 soil low those wno are and have been my customers wal jear me out. Mvliuo o IMush ! Goods is especially fine , such as Albums , Odor Cas"s , Toilet Sots , Ladies'Arm Ung.s , Purses , etc. I have tlm largest Block and best variety in Cups and Saucers , Vases , Toilet Sets , Tin Toys , Dolls , Doll Carriages , Wagons , Sleds. Carts and so without an end. As my traveling agent may not got around to see you in limeI will allow ou 5 j > or cent on any hill for traveling expanses if you will call at my tore aud make your geleciioiis ? . My samples will bo ready by October st , 18Si. 1 guarantee low prices. Assortments o Toys from 8100 to $5.00 put up ready to ship. WHOLVSALK UK AUK US IN and 311 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS 10 > \ A L | ttrrt. i AW4.1C rfC 5 * V Ay O I"W J WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Wo tnnko ft npncla'ty ' , p.t r.ur EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA r-nd x ATt.V CIOARS. All Oigara sold by us are of our owu manufacture and warranted as roproioiitcd. OPERA IlOUSfS 010AR HOUSE , I 5B2 Broaduay , : H. U. UORNE & CO. , I COUNCIL BLUFFS , . IOWA Keep horses nnd mules conshutly on Imntl whic'i ' we will sell in Retailer or Wholesale lots. _ All stock Warranted ns roprespiilcrt. Whole sale iiid ) retail dealers in grain and baled liny. Price. ? reasonable. Satisfaction uaranteed Corner Fifth Avcmio & Fourth Struct Council Bluff ! { rjjy w > Waves , Switches , Whatnots , Langi y ard Pompadour Frizzes , ALL KINDS OF 29 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFF SM1TU & TOLTjEH , LEADING MERCHANT TAILOHS 7 aud 9 Main atroot , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. A Complete Line of Fall Goods to Select From. LARGEST ANDBEST STOCK OF ALL KLNDS OF In Iowa and Nebraska , aud sold for the least money at 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. MRS , D , A , BENEDICT , MaiiEfactnrer , urtalnB , In I.aco , fl'k , Turcoman , Etc. ou cloths , MaUlnea , Linoleums Etc | hoicest and Best Selected STOCK in the WEST , Jjome and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods In our line , heapeat place to buy CARPETS , Curtains and House Furnishings in the O'ty. Upholstering and Beddim * Supplies. NOB. 5 , 7 and 9 MASONIC TEMPLE COUNCIL BLUFFS Mail Orders Pilled : ) i j\IANDEMAKEKS \ & VI N , STAIR BUILDING A SPECIALTY , 201 Upper Broadway Cor. Stutsmun St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Orders in the city or country solicited. Prompt , ittenti&n and satisfaction Gunranlued. la bettor prepared than ever bnforo to till all demands fnr washing. Wo call your lUention especially to mir capacity for doing family washing. Very ! OTT rates. All kindaof work done in first-clans order. Special piins will bj takou witli llannela. Orders sent lAy mail or otherwise receive prompt attention ALBERT P. JOHNSON , Proprietor. 712 BROADWAY COUNCIL BLUFFS X SVIetaiic Cnskc-ts and V/oaden / Coffins of all Kinds. ELEGRAPIl ORDERS PRO MTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND XIGHT . 3.2 3 > 3" . IWCniaa. lEJt. . CJoirtaioil ,2Etlxs.fl-sj. W. PALYSWORTH. * S"J ratio IIuuvpH mo\cd on tlioLITITKCIANTtrucks an 1 any distance unil o\cr uny kind ol ground KICK HOUHKS raised. All work gn. runteuU , W.SI' . AVLiMOUTn , IPIO Ninth itroot. COU.N'CII , IlLUrTS. NASH . . . BROWCTPJ ; . , , IT M bwr' ; We will give $25 for any horse we cannot cure of interferiog , knee cut ting or forging. All Shoes are Hand Made and NO MAOHI SHOES USED. All Work Guaranteed. 1 ! ) Broadway . . . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS HALLBTT , DAVIS AND COMPANY PIANOS Kndurecd by FRASZ I.isrr. EMERSON PIANOS. Unrivalled or Tone or Flnlehi K1MBALL PIANOS IJeit Modern I'ricu to lluy. The Kimbnll Orcan , no long anil favcirnb'y known In the \vet , rncoinmtudii lUalf. J , L. HTKWAUT , KoloAgeut fur abmuili\e \ Guojj.Varerooins , fi y li ) adway , ouncil Ulutfb , Iowa , CorrejjujuduncvSolicited. . AgenU Wnntod.