Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1884, Image 5

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    OMAHA DAILY BKB- SATURDAY SEi noilVRR 20 , 1884 ,
KcEiilalioii , Restriclion aM Proliiiiili&ii &
13dwav < l KoHCWater's AtttH-esB lleloro
tttoljuw anil Order
The postponed meeting of the Citizens
Tnw and Order loapao was held last
night in the Y. M. 0. A. rooms. The
meeting was called to order by President
Labouring aud the minutes of the previous
vious moottuij were read by the naerotary
and approved. Qatto a largo nudleiico
had assembled to the address by
lion. E. llsadwater , who was introduced
by the president and spoke as follows :
Mr. President , Ladies and Gentlemen :
The professional duties of an
editor of n di\ily paper nro
so pressing upon hU time
that it would bo utterly impossible
Fnr him without neglecting his buoinosa ,
to prepare a logical address , especially
during a presidential campaign. T have
come hero to-night simply to ntato my
views concerning the great problem ,
which concerns not only the city of
Omaha and Its citizens , but with which
some of the Ittrgcst cities in the union
have boon wrestling and will undoubted'
ly bo wrestling for many years
to como. The aggregation of their
sands of people in ono community
necessarily brings together elements that
are not pleased with thu execution of the
law. These ulemonls , whether they bo
naturally vicious and criminal or whether
they are drawn into the cesspool of vice
and crime from the desire of gain be
come a dangerous monaco to social or
Now , in Omaha wo have for years
striven to bring about a reform in our
municipal government , but ao far our re
forms hove been mengro and not satis
factory. Wo all know that the politician
gauges [ us conduct almost entirely to the
desire of those who have the majority of
votes at command , and as is commonly
said , the stream very seldom rices above
Ita source. Our government has been
jusb trhat v o have mndo it. It
would have been bettor if the
aggregate of our pcoplo were better.
.Now the question naturally confronts us ,
how is this condition of things to bp bet
tered. Throe years ago 1 was in Lincoln
when t : io legislature was struggling with
two problems , the ono was abso
lute prohibition of the calo of
and the other a law for regulating and
restraining the dealers , by imposing a
high lituiioe , and providing rcstiiclious
upon tlio liquor trsvllis. The latter law
was finr.lly parsed. Its adoption aroused
a storm of indignation for a time among
the liquor dealers , and the municipal
jioverni-ient seemed ballljd with the
questica as to whether or not thev could
enforce this law in the city of Omaha.
As nea. ' as 1 remember there wera at that
time 3ii9 saloons running in the city ,
each of them paying $100 a year , giving
the school fund SJIO.OCO. Our population
ot tlw time wjs between thirty and
thirty-livo thousand. After it protracted
contest the mayor and city
attoru y patched up EOIMO aort of
The law was construed moro or
leas to mil the vendors and put Into ef
fect. The result you all know. There
no doubt that it has boon beneficial in
mnro ways than one. Today with a pop
ulation of ever fifty thousand wo have
104 'saloons , Wo have therefore , un
doubtedly cut down the number of the
saloons at least 50 per cent , perhaps more ,
hocuinc had the increase of the nalooni ;
kept pace with the increase uf popula
tion wo would certainly to-day have 230
saloons. So far no good. The school
fund , instead of baing endowed hilh only
§ 115,000 , la now receiving over § 100,000
per am.urn , and for tlmt wo feel grateful.
But thi ro is another side to this ques
tion. When this luw was enacted the
main c' j ° ct was to decrease ) the number
of talooiui and increase Iho
respectability of the vondora. However
you may view this question , those who
and 1 am ono of these , believe that the
main object of the high licouse law , at
least for this city , vraj to close up the
dives und denn and conliuo the tnitlic to
n ehss of dealers who would conform
f.i the spirit ' of Iho law.
Hut w at has boon the result ? lastead
ot closing thy low dives we otill have a
great uuiiibar in full blast. Thone certain
ly could bo clodisd by the municipal au
thorities if they were disposed to take the
tight course to closu them. The inter-
prolation put down by the law in the bj-
ginning was that the mayor and licensing
board were ol > 'i.ated ; to laauo a license to
uvory applicant upon the payment of the
§ 1,000. I have always main
tained from the outset that
the board waa clothed with the power - a
or to reject every application which wao
not in accordance with the letter of the
law. The luw provides that
NO UOi'.N : < i :
shall bo granted to uny person who keeps [
a disorderly house or who has boon con
victed of keeping a diaurdorlv hoiiio. JFy
opinion in that vioy would bo nuatnintd
by the boat legal authority. The board
is in duty bound t' > exorcise that discre
tion to ascertain through the police
whether the applicant kui-pn an orderly
house and in every canowhuro it is known
that thu pirty kot-ps a vila don it fa their
duty to refuse to grant a license.
You aek what will become of the schools
if we cut down thu revenue. 1 v/ould on-
awcr , our children had better forgo the
jnonuy derived from keeping open mien
hell-holes. K/cr Etnca the Inn- has been
in operation this misconstruction of iu
plain intent Jus been a barrier t.i munic
ipal reform and will H' ) continue until the
orderly [ art of thuconinniuiiyiuarouaiidtu
the nucesity of clontit ; theau
cissrooi.s : OK VICK h
and crimo. They not only il
the ctooks and thu a thut pioy upsti co- 3.
ciety night and duy but dr iw into thuir 3.J 3.n
drag net our young men , who are there J
led upon tha path that leads to the pcni- ( i
tontip.ry and often to the gallows. "
Prohibit on bunt nilVaiira where popu
lar sentiment b not strong enough to mis-
tain it. Four weeks ago to-day I was in
the city of Laavenwortli , in the prohibi ( >
tion state of Kansas , and 1 tool ; particular
pains to inform mysulf how prohibition
worked in tint state. I vvill.od up and
down the principd streets of that city
and 1 w&a amazed to see uvnry third
or fourth fitoro buildi ; . ; ; waa occu.tiiod in
a saluouvith its dvu wide opun , j /
liegs cf beer in front audit ;
decanters of whisky , brandy nndh J
other liquors ever tha bar.
1 made inquiry and found that 160 ta
loom afo doing business openly i <
Lcavenworth iii epitu uf oonetitutionn
proliibiHnn. The only revenue fron
this tratlia is the
of ton dollva per month , j.rnntc : ! by th
city through au ordinance. NVir , Lodveii
worth has only n population < > f 30,001
and maintains leO tiMoons. Omaha vritl
her oO.OOO population can cunuiratnlatt
herself to support only 104 saloons. A vcrj
pnjuhar iinprussion prevails among sonic
of- our ponplo and amen ; ; our city ofll
ccrs that the restrictions imposed up.r (
the aalo of liquor is Bomothin ; ; unroptib
lican and especially very ropulaivo to the
Gorman-Amorioan olement. Thia is a
free country , and when a foreigner laude
on American soil ho im ' 'inc3 lie has the
inallonablo righto to soil liquor when ,
where , and hot ? ho pleases.
1 cannot compreh nd where nnd
they got this idea. 1 hara examined Iho
rccoul of liquor regulations abroad and
find that thorn ia not n country
of Kurojio or the ISritlah lalca
where the sale of liquor in not regulated
and restricted A3 a police regulation and
as 1 Icnrn the laws are rigidly enforced.
No man can soil whisky , wino or any in
toxicant in Germany , England , Franco ,
Austria , Norway , Swollen , Scotland ,
Ireland or Italy without r. proper
permit and obaurving certain rtslrlctiona ,
1 1 is only because our methods have not
always boon rational , going from ono ox-
troino to the ether , that they have prov
ed a failure. In London , for instance ,
the liquor liocmo ia leaned , not to deal
ers , but to the prc.nttecs upon which the
liquor iii sold. That is ono reform I
would like to inaugurate in Nubraska.
The place ia designate 1 and liconcoi , and
if the dealer occupying the promiaoa ,
violates the police roguhttinns the liccneo
ia tovohcd and n valuable franchise ia
lost. No liquor can again bo sold on
these promises for a fixed porlod. What
do wo find in
OUlt I'llBSENT I..V\V ?
Von iasuo a licunao to a party , com
plaint in made and auatainod that ho is
itooplng a disorderly house and violating
; ho law. II o ia convicted , and the
iconso revoked. Ho turns around and
rocures a now liconao in the name of his
jar-tender , wife , cousin , or ether rcla-
ivo , and the dive ia kept opan right
along. If the law would provide that
the liconao ouca revoked , tlio prcmisoa
: ould not again bo unucl for the nalo of
iquor for five years , the ownora7ould
lardly risk running disorderly houaes.
Thpro are ether loop hoUo lu the law
thich muat ba closed to make it efl'ect-
vo.But the main trouble is the lunioncy of
our. .1
The other day 1 waa iu the
police court as the 'principal wit
ness iu a case of incendiarism. The
parties accused of the crime otated under
oath th'tt at quarter r-ast four Sunday
morning they wont down Douglas street
into a saloon where they partook ot some
whisky and boor. Thence they went to
another saloon aud took more whisky
and beer. About that time the fire alarm
rang. That ovidcnco wr.t given in the
j.ohco court showing that a.i hour during
which the law foibids aaloous to bo open
either weekdays cr Sundays
these parties weto drinking liquor.
No notice was taken ot the evidence and
I presume never will bo unless complaint
ia made by a private citizan. J f the olTio
ere were watchful' ' and desirous to
enforce law , such ovidcnco brought into
court would suflico for the marshal to
enter complaint , just as ho has done
against merchants who happen to have
boxes piled on the sidewalk , in violation
of the city ordinancas. [ Loud applause. ]
for the reason that they believe
they are backed up by a largo
majority of the poopln of Omaha , and
that their conduct is approved by A ma
jority of the voters.
Until the people will in some emphatic
manner express their sentiments , either
throu , h the bjliot box or by public do-
monalration , wo c.m look fur no great
reform in our city government. Within
the last few days I had a talk with May
or Murphy on the onforcnmont of the
lawa , as 1 have frequently baforo , and ho
told mo that I could f. > rm p < > idea about
the pressure broiuht on him. againat
enforcing the l wa.Vhcn i 'no apasm of re
form tonshed ouroitj' after the imp-am-
inont of the ex-mayor the new marshal
was ordered to
Within less than a week scores of busi
ness mnn called on the nuyor , protest
ing against the closing of these placet1 ,
nayiiig it was a grout danngo to to tlio
city ing-nor-il and their business inter
ests in particular. wni thia man
to doOf / courao his oath of ollico ro-
iuireshim | t ; > execute the laws but when
some of the bsot citizens como and uay
this is a nucceaary evil \hioh must bo
tolpratod , i'.nd they are reinforced hosts
of wai J bummers and political workers ,
what qhc is to bo expected Kor
myself I can tiuo another remedy.
where it rightly belongs. Wo have
cleaning up ever two or throe years nnd
imagine the now broom will sweep clean
but just as soon as it bus EweiJt one
round it is laid nway. This is simply because -
cause the community is not organized
egiiinat one laws. Ono way of making
reform od'octivo , is to reach the parties
who lot the promises for vile and criminal
purpooss. It appears to mo Mr. Presi
dent , that tha root of the evil is the root
of all evil gold. The desire to got
money , the greed for exorbitant
rents that dceiro thai causes men
to commit all aorta of crimes causes
wealthy properly owners , nome ot them
were church mnmbora and rcspacted ; citi
zens t > runt houses for $1CO par month
for n brothel that would not runt for 825
to a decent mechanic. 1 would institute
proceedings ag-unst the property owner *
that rent the denii and ( liven in the Third
ward , and have thesu houses lot
people , rather than v > oiitlavv.i. Now I
don'c know who routs that palace of uiii
and iniquity known aa
TIII : ni't'Ki.vciMM
which Is advortUod M a novelty in Oma
ha. The place has been ro/iovr.tod , but
is the B.IIIIH old den in which crooks
and pickpockets congregate , in which
men have boon maimed nnd murdered.
picked up a dod or on the street this
livening which invites young men to no
"our pretty girls in blue" and not foigat
the Sunday evening concert. 1 undor-
atund it ia a encrcd concert. | f.i < iii/htcr. ! j
The announcement of the "Bucrod" pro-
rammo will ai'pHiir Hiturday ovoning.
The pljco id by pll odds the worst in the
city no far as public inuralanro concerned
Yica U n mon < t > r uf auuli liiilenui mini.
That t'i lie hste'J iiBi-iN tn lie nciin ;
licit i.ceu tm , nfccn with IIT face ,
Wo ti' ' lauitiiH' , tliun l-Jiy. tin n uinbiace ,
And the embracing pori'j'I is mached ut
the Diickinglinm very e&sily. j Liughtor )
Reporters of ino press inform mo that
I young men of our bat society are enticed
, ' down there ,
The other day , two young men , clerks in
a certain a'ouI decline * to name , worj
taken in mid sn irod into the green room.
Liquor waj poured out for the ladii
and the yonu men worn Hiked lo foe
the bill. Thiy resented the soft im
pmehtnont and declared they hnd not or
doted the liquor , when up jumped
special policeman and says " 1 will ntak
you pay or take you to jU ( ' ! and , fearing
tlipy would bp dragged to the polic
court , they submitted very gracefully
Now , the city council , after nil the pro
testa made time and again against thi
resort , haa given Iho proprietor the right
to employ
A Sl'KClAt , POLlcr.MAN.
The idea of nnthorlxing epooial police
men for a disorderly houto BCCIUS vorj
remarkable. That special policeman I
thcro to protect the proprietors againaf
the inroads of their patrons. Ho is no1
there to protect the patron against pick
pockets , thicvoo aud sirens. Whenever
u plucked victim protests ho ia promptly
kicked out by iho cpccial policeman or
taken to jail for creating n disturbance
It strikes mo aa something singular tha :
such n disorderly rcoort should bo not
only licensed , but a special policeman ap
pointed as a protector aud puardian o :
the roughs that Infest the placo. Thci :
that beautiful procession and drcsa parade
ado that marches up and down the streets
every night , enticing young men wlu
know nothing about thin piaco to wit
ness thia wonderful performance.
There are such places in Chicago , St.
Louis , aud ether cities , but nowhere do
tno police tolerate such brass band ad
vertising through the principal streets
tnd avenues. Now I don't C.YTO about
Mr. Nugent , lie ia a man who does not
comprehend the evil ho is doing , lie is
simply trying to make money in his own
way , but
THI : I'AUTir.s wno TAKP. HUNT
from Mr. Nugent , and the city of Omaha
that liconsoa his place , is really rcspon
siblo for all that happens in that resort.
"iVpplauso. ]
1 have eaid before that 1 am not ono ot
: hose that believe in puritanical laws. J
deut believe iu drawing the line co strict
ly that you leave a largo body uf the com
munity cntirnly outside of the bounds of
ho law. 1 believe in rational recreation
'or the pcoplo on Sunday afternoons.
You may not agree with mo but in al )
argo cities in this country and abroad
ho men and women who labor during
the week are ullowed to seek recreation
n the public parks aud gardens , enjoying
: ho perfumed flowers the shady trees and
; ho fresh air. But that docs not mean
which in Omaha are moro like boar gar
dens The beer gardens of Omaha are
10 more to bo somparod to iho boor gar-
Jens of Germany or England than the
Buckingham theatre ia compared with
IJoyd's opera houao. [ Laughter. ] Over
; here r.t the opera houao they sometimes
"iavo Eomo naughty exhibitions , juat SID
; hey have tonight but they como within
ho bounds of decency. TLsro are no
; > ickpockots , nobody gota hurt or killed
: nd they need no special policemen.
Laughter , ] Now thc. o boor gardens
which nome people insist are neccsuary , J
maintain are not needed unless they
maintain decency and order. Every wcl. '
informed German , Englishman , Iriahmnr
or Scandinavian knows thr.t in Europe
where there is no puritauiam n ccrtaii :
respect is paid to
and duo rcgnrd is paid for their rights
whether ono believou or does not believe.
In these countries public resorts are
closed during the hours of divine service
and the same restriction imposed here
would not bo hardship on any body.
tUter church hctirs , the public gardens
with their magnificent prompindes are
thrown open and thronged by all classes.
Hut no rowdyism is tolerated , there ia
no drunkenness , and people only como
'or reoror.tiou , and , in frtct , very little
iquor ia consumed. Thia i.i a contrast
with our tie called gardens , where men
got beastly drunk a-id people are slugged
and mauled und the police court next
nornlng presents a spectacle of black
eyes and chewed noaea. Asa prime
locossity for municipal reform , 1 would
mpresa upon the community , thr.t
run iinsr CITIXK.NS
should bo induced to servo in the coun
cil. Wont of our trouble arisen from tlio
act that the best citizens refuse to serve
or relegate the eity government to men
vho nro without competency nnd without
clear convictions of right r.nd ptopriety.
Mayor Mnrphy tolls mo tint both hia pre
decessor and himaolf have been powerless
n the choice of policemen. Couticilmen
lictato the police and rcjoct everybody
hat iu not on their date. Thu leaves
ho rnaj'or r. more ligure-hcad. The
mlice u the chief guardian of our citi-
/.ono , both aa to life and property. To
nalto the police olliciunt i would amend
ho charter and create
o consist of nay five of our best citizuna
ippoinicd by the gf/vornnr. Thiu coin-
nission nli mid have solo ] > owur to ap-
) oint p'jli M clliuornandJ would intro-
luco civil aurvluo reform into thin body
iy rtijuuing apjiaintmont to bo made ro-
: ardleHa of p.iluici. If a man proved
limsclf computent , sober and ( .faithful ho
hould bo retained in the service during
good behavior and if ho became a drunk
ird or neglected hia duty ho nhould bu
'cmuved and no councilman in Omuha
ihould have inlluenco enough to prevent
iis removal.
There is no way of making men good
except by precept and example , Vou
Hint organize and you must impress upon
ho pcoplo the advantage ? that result
rom a reform In the municipal govern-
neiit. When business men arc asked
'Why don't you interest youreolf in this
natter1 ? thuy reply what benefit would
t do UB. Tueso people are goud patroim
if nun , they earn their inonoy easily and
pond U very freely , and wo are not in
clined to interfere with them. But if
ou impress upon them that their por-
lonul BHl'cty , the
he safety of property and the imposition
of taxes to keep down thu lav/Icon olo-
mint that dots not keep down they
vill view the matter more favorably. Wo
irj taxed half a million a for county
uid ciiy Dxnoiifljp and u great portion of
his v.iat till m is for inr.intaining thu
luaco in the city of Omaha which ia nov-
r maintained , and for ooatrj of court ox-
iotiK'3 in trying criminals. If tlio mr.r-
ihiint who mokua lar'n { pr lit.i from Siilcs
o bad pcoplo would rulloct that it i.i
nure to hiu inturust to
Imt ho would fct'l Hifer and Jiio taxes
vould bu lighter , every man or woman
nild wall ; the ti'.ituis of Oaialu night or
ny In porfuct sufety , and v/o could hou'it '
Imt this ia the luat govurncd city in
\nicrica , th , ro would ln > no trouble in
ul atini ; hi. . i in tlio cauno of laiv und or-
ur. Ono uf the means fur betloruiij
UP cifj go ornmeiit 1'ca in the ballot
box. 1 woul.l amend our ekct'on ' laws'
so that
NO VOT1NO ri.Aci :
should he located Wlllun three M cks of
any saloon That would 1im > i i ; od
effort on the lesult of tV clcc'.i.'i-n
| Laughter. ] Wo have a law on tl i , p'r.t-
tito bonks that prohibit * tie ! mlo rf
liqnors on election day ait th" hi ; h
liren.'O law contains a o'ansr ' t'nt -ifcit.i f
the 1'censoof ' any dealer tillr : ! , ' btni-.i .
on flection days. Tlio Uw i ' a dead lot
tor. Our city and county iui < ' "iriiiea ant
our republican nd dcniot-iAtic couiitj
committees nearly always l'v.ito their
voting r-tacrm in some saloon. Why d <
they do this I There ia ccrtninly no m.ii
who wiuita to cast an honest vote with i
clear head to haw to fleiht his way
through crowds of drunken men 8lu
rot.-dioa. Another needed reform 13 n
I'lllMAUY ni.KCTlOSs ,
There should bo the same ponaltioa
imposed upon fraud mul brllinry at pri
mary elections an there ii at gouoral
elections. I don't believe that saloon
kcoperu except thoao that enjoy those
opocial privilcgo.iat olectiona , c\n fool
aggrieved at what I any. They know
what the law is and what outrages are
committed at olectioua when the voters
are debauched with boor and whisky ,
and not only t'ao voters nro Incapable of
exercising the franchise intelligently , but
the election board are half the time too
drunk to canvas the returns. These are
; ny views briolly oxprcosed , nndrhllo
there is much to nuggoat for legislation
next winter , 1 will not detain you any
naor. ; [ Applmno. ]
The league tendered n vote of thanks
to the speaker , and after tome further
remarks by members , the meeting ad-
ournod to two weeks from yesterday.
" 1 was all run down , nnd Hood's Sar
saparilla proved just the medicine 1
loedcd , " write hundreds of people. Take
t now.
. 11. Andrew , of flrutul Island , Is .it the
Coo. ! Carter , of Canton , Ohio , is tt the
Metropolitan ,
II. Hill , of Antelope , ia registered at the
C. 11. Weston , of Nebraska City , is at
he Metropolitan.
Oco. ] 5urkL' , of North 1'Jatlo , h Bloppinu
at the Mi'tropolitnn.
W. ! ' . DriiiiBon , of Wayne , is iuirtercd | ; at
, ho Motroiiolitau.
L. 3) . KJJIobluto , of Mindun , is Rlopphif ;
at the Metropolitan.
. 1' . Slaiif-htor nnd wife , of ChicaRU , nro
stopping at llio Metropolitan.
rm W. I'ostRalo , of Washington , ] ) . C. ,
3 eojdiirnhig nt the M'etropolitan ,
Hon. T. Jf. Murquotto caincup from
[ jincoln hst night nnd in at the Mi Haul.
Hon. [ II. Jl. Uttocloy , ono of U
iroiiiiiiont attorneys , is at tlio Millanl.
Charley Koj'crs , who Ins been in the south
'or hh health , returned yoalcrdiy , much im
novcil in condition aim belter than hu Ima
been for yoarj.
.1. 11. BauRH , sherllf of Lincoln couuty , was
in tlic city yesterday nnd left for homo list
ovcinnj ; . Sir. I'atiRS had boon in pursuit of a
111:111 : indicted for here stealing , who was
captured in the capital city and liound over to
tlm nulhoiities of Dawson county , wlmro the
crime wns cniiunitled.
Gi-orfjc W. Karrcll , Lincoln ; M ra.V. . H.
IDickonson find IMIss II. ] ! . Adams , Wnhno ;
W. 1'arrinh , Oakland ; A. I , . Spnignc , H. L.
Cononnd wife and M isa Tiiiico , Stromshnrp ;
.facob WigsiiiH , ] i"nll3 City ; ] ' . A. lliirsim ,
I'ieri'O , and C. Jj. IOOUL ! > , Niobrnrn , were nt
tie ! Millard yesterday.
Dr , II. W. Hyde , who hat been nifiticatiiif ;
about Chataiiqua Lnhu , N. Y. , rotiimod yea-
terdiiy lo Omaha with hia wifo. Dr. llydu ia
noltiii ; ; ' euubtirnt by hi > j sojourn in
the country nnd exprcssua himself CH cxcocd-
ngly pk-asod to ho back in the Onto City ,
vhich ho lliinks hao no equal any whore , nnd
right hand is tired nhaking with hia hoata
of fricmla.
John 15 , tins' , Hollovuo ; ] f. M. ISoncsted ,
Xfobrara ; .1. T. Jlnllcn , Lincoln ; C. 11.
IVavor , Ainswoith ; T. U. IWRoll , Vnlenline ;
I'1. ' M. LaGraiiKO , l''ullcrton ' ; T. If. ( JillgBln ,
Slmberfc ; S. I' . Nuksoll , I'onca ; 13. C. .fiiolc-
onond ifo , lilnir ; .T. KtcrlinR Morton , Ar.
lorLndB' ! H. II. CUIIbivar , WnhooV. . T.
Janiadoll , Columbus ; M. C. Keith , ! ; . W.
Murphy and William Neville , North Plattc ,
nnd Joan Hoylo , ICenrncy , wtro nuc ts at the
'axtou yoitorday.
J\lr. \ II. B. Taylor , tidvnnco ngont of Jfr.
lo c ] < h JclTorHon , the great cornelian , wan in
.ho city yewlordny , ( | iiailciol nt the .Millard.
Mr. Tuylor saya that Mr. .U-lferHou ia > only
niiUint ; a tour of fourteen weulw' duration
, his acnsoii. IIo is ] > laiiiK the old roHitblo
lay of "Jiip Van \Vinklo , " which ho him
ilnyod for twenty-flvo yi-an , and whirh Inn
; iv ( 11 him a wurld-wido repulatiiin. Ho will
ippcar iu Uniaha uoxt , wrak for the flivit liim >
Mr. .leirorrion ii n uilllioim'rc and trnvob in
iis own private car. lln in nl o ncc inpaniivl
n thi. < Huniu car Ly nil uf hiconiji.uiy < , anil
.hey all bleep and eat in the cur and do not iu
.o llio holols. Mr. Juircrnon in now fiS yoar.s
uf HK'O hut in na halo Quit hoazty na OVLT.
Mr. Hnrry I'oiipor , who Ia tlio loading toner
> f the Jiijou Ojiurn company , and the Now
Vorl ; ou'h'liml in hin role In "Orphoim and
Curidycc , " mot not n fiw Omuh.'i frlrniU
yoalcrday who line ! known him Iu Dee Moinux
i few years ago when niinply a local colthrlly ,
mil nt Iho time noted as a line vocalint and
netriiinoiital performer nnd the possessor of
i vrondorlully rich voico. "l > inafora"iiud tlm
jiuliur light operas caino out , and the doiiinnil
or vocal talent hocarnc a whirlpool that drew
into tin ) profosHlnn. ninun the flmt
Jlr. 1'epjier. I'ossccH'd of natural
Iraiuatio poworn ns well an inimical talent , ho
eon Ntiippod to the front , nnil liax ereatcd no
ttln oiithiihiaxm ninon vocal connoiHHeiirH of
Im east , while hiu many old ( IICIIIK | icjoiuo In
ha cvont'i that h.ivo made him both fannms
nil fortiinatii.
"Woiniin anil llor
a the li'ln of ati interesting illustrated
roatisa ( ! Ji ( IH-'U-J ) Htm * , pojt-pai'l for
hroo lettur ntninpn. A'ldrcas ' World't.
Jiaponaary Afediojl AsBuuution , ] Jull'alo ,
X'arliiimoii , the nmu wli > wn tliorjnxl
vith oinlicilemt'rit iu thn jio'leo loiirt by
'rod Uullono ami brought back from OliIu'B" '
n rciiuinltloii , v/n yuUurd. r dNcliurffl { by
ulgo UoncUo The co .U , niiiuimtliifr to ovrr
100 , wcratn.xed ii [ > UKilu t the coinplniimiil.
Wo littvn no hoisiution in rccominorul-
ti the " ( , 'arland Ktovui nnd KUIIKOH. "
'Juir high roptitatiori for durability ,
tconoiny tf fuu ] , convenience and artintio
niuh , tampa them as thu bust in the
orld. It in thu constent aim of the
nanufacttircrfi to make the very best
lovca that can bo produced. They nro
' 'In thn tfwt ' . iitih am . ! ! , in , li d > < , , drc iiukfri fnr a
finebtnml \tl\otoii' , tlurc icrnvi to 1 > i iMiiitoxprvni-il
our nnow lirniul nlilih n ; | > , rs In Oio nmrkit fur thn frit lime
lh ! CMon , tl ? . ; The ANCIUM \ KUKTRKX. It li ft MtnrhcBtcr
( iralucUon , of rxwcdlni ; flncnrii , depth , and ilrlinew < > f texture
end li uueli tvnghl .ifttr for jJiJctts ml fur-tilmiunl mils , for
chtldron'a oiuttiniM and UcllM'dlnncr ilrruoi. lit co. < t l < nhonn
donicnt In lu HPCOJ , ni it can bo | nltrli od at llio i\nio pilcona
onUntry brnmls. "
I'lio V. M , O. A. He.slro to Increase
tlio NiniiliiH- Hiolci In
Shclr Iillirnry.
The YoungMon'a Christian Association
'eel the need of a larger rmd moro com
plete library , and have decided to hold
what they chooao to call a "Hook Hocep-
.ion" on Tuesday evening , September
2.1,1881. They have issued n hrgo num
ber of invitations , aud Iho following cir
cular , which accompanies oachlnvitation ,
oxphtua the nature of Iho work. In ad
dition to other funturoa of the evening
.hero will bo an entertainment , which
will consist of recitations by HI. Ceo. ! li ,
Uondcraon aud Misa Agnea McDonald ;
vocal music by a qunrtotto composed of
Mr. and Mra. 11. D. Kstcrbrook , Mrs.
0. Enquires and Mr. W. 11. Wilkins ;
natrumental muaio by Miss Clara Una-
; in ; dhort addrossca by IJov. J. S. Dot-
wilur and Uov. W. J. llnralm.
Till ! L'lUCULAIt.
The committee in charge of our libra-
y , feeling Iho need of moro attractive
jooka , ask leave to oubmit the following
, o your consideration :
Wo buliovo that both the number of
visitors to our reading room and the
nomborship of our association , would bo
urgoly increased ifwo had a larger li-
jrary of choice works. Wo have there-
'oro decided to hold a book reception ,
loping that through thii novel and pleas-
int method ouv libtary may bo onlargcd
tnd made moro usoful. The plait for
.his reception ia. Dimply , that lach pur-
son accepting the euclopoa invitation
will bring or send ttho association
rooma ono or moro buuka , to bu present
ed to the association.
To avoid having duplicate volumca wo
auggoiit that you Imvo ivri unJurntanding
with y.nir bookseller that an oxcliango
may ho made by the aaai.cinlion. P'rii-nda
mpy join in the purchnoo of n number of
bouk'j to iiialio ii complete sot. You may
not noofssarily bring new books , aa any
Buitablo I'lioa ' from your own library will
bu tltAiil.fully received. It in hnpud that
you inny f.'el epccially intorvetrd iu this
cll'ort for the youuj ; men ot Omaha , ixiicl
do your part townras making the Y. M.
C. A. library a credit to our city.
A. D. SciiciiMniiHon.v ,
Chairman Library Committee.
A Valuable Chill Tonic Komi llil.s
GLASUOW , Kv. , Aug. ISO , 1078.
Mesj. ] { . A. Robinson t Co.
Louisville , Ky.
I certify with ploaauro to thu following
facts : My daughter , ton yearn old , con
traciu'l the chilli Amu ; t 1877 , on the
Ohio lliver. No proscription over if
fected moro Uian n temporary cupproflH-
inn of the disease no tonics kept it oil" .
15ut Iho uuo of two bottles of Ilughen' '
Tonic cured her completely. Nha had
no chili aj'tf r lakiny tin : first dosn. I ulao
recommended the 1'onic in the cane of a
two year old child of a neighbor , which
had the chills for moro than a year. The
Mild ix jM.rfi'iiffy cured byif IIHH of
one batik : . 1 recommend X'Tunic
to all siill'orcr.1 from chills unU t'uvor.
Voura truly ,
( Signed ) IS. 1'
Prepared by U. A. Robinson A ; Co. ,
Wholoiulo Drucgtols , and at retail by
Suhroter & l > uohl , Diujjyiatn , Onmha.
Rotaihi at § 1.00 ] > or bjttlo , six bottles
for § 5.00.
Jclchi-nllnii til llio HUlccnlli Annlvnr-
i llial. Snolcly.
Tlio Sixteenth iinnlvora-iry of thu Con-
uordin Nociuty waa oolubratud at fiorinaniu
i ill last ovi'niiif ; hy a tjranil fcotivnl
I'ho olilo of fiio d'oniiaii population of
his city gathered tu tiku : p.irt , in the
'oslivitien cf the occasion.
Tiio ( irat nuloction wni tlio festival
nntcli , coniposoil for Iho occaaion by
I'rof. Harding. Itv.xs a prolty thiiif {
nd waa fjroatly miprociato'l. Thia wit
followed by the Vinta p chorni , ono of
AIunduhaohn'H ' prultinnt jiiucua , from hin
opera "hivcloi , " bv the eoncordia
Hdciuty , with orchualral accompaniment.
I'his ia the firgt time that any Omaha
nocioty haa iiniijj with an orchontru , and
thu aouiuty hut i\'m\it \ \ ncquittod thum-
HolvuB nobly , and Biirprinud their many
iriondu. Mr. Chriatmn Moyur Hang u
ooautiful little tuner nolo , it waa splend
idly ndiiplod to hin voice , and ho Bung it
in a mannur which elicited hearty ai-
The Musical Union orchoatra , nndor
the loaUerahlp of 1J < tluiiin , rundurud its
ii'jual linu iiiiisio , Thi > y pinycd Huvurnl
Holoutloiio from tho'/'M 'irry War , " which
uuomud lo tuko exceedingly with thu au
dience , HH thm chnrining liht ; ; ojtura > o
bound to plouso uvdryhndy , and uopcciul-
y BO when performed by auuh n line or-
chcalnt UH thu Muiiriil Unidii. After the
concur ) , tlio rai > il inurch toolc place , and
vftur iiidulgiii in n Suw trips < f the light
'untaatiu , thu company sit : down to un
'loijiint ' c'lllution to which they did full
initica. The following ia the programmu
if dunce : ) .
, I'uldnulru ( wait'Scli'iUiu )
a. \ \ ' iu o. - -
r.-ijuttjjiiiit. H. \\'uit/ .
) . Ti.lldi. . 10 Cjnniliill WiilU.
II.Kchottlxvli. . I' ' . Itipplu.
lit Laiiciorn. II. Pollen.
Hi.ValU. . Hi. liiiKiT SuhuttlHcbo. |
It I < i a bold etaluincnt to aay that any
iifdicino WIIB "novor known to fail , " but
t i * sta'cd ' umphiiically by tlm propijo-
era of HI/NT'S ( Kidnuy ami hivor ] Hi M-
KDV. This inodicinuia aopocitlo for din-
aseu of the kidiityB , livur and bladder ,
and has u ropuUtitm of thirty ytiaru
LJ.V/illiaiiis&Soii . /
AN'l )
Visitors ti llio Stale nnd ether * in noml of MenV , Boys' nntl Children' *
"riiifr , will do well to call on
( ' $
The Strictly One Price House in the City
Ami examine their goods and priiva. Th y carry the largest stock , and
sell lower than any oth"r house in Iho city. Merchant Tailors
don't fail lo call at
- - -
a m
BKA.OY KT. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , D. 3. A. Ejtablluhod 1878 Catarrn , gj
5 Dcafnr-'is. Lrngand NorTouoPiaeasne Speedilyand Irortnanontly Cured. Patiimtt
Stir ed r.t Homo. Write for "Tim 3\lEDio..vMi'soNvaY \ ! ' , " for the People ,
- 'onar.ltationand Oorrenpondenco Gratis. P.O. Bex iJ92. Telephone No. 20. E
i RON. EDWAKN RUSSELL , Poctmn-tr.r , Vavorpovt , Hays : " Physician of y
( jiln. Ability uu Marlcnd Sucvoeo. ' CONOR.S'-.MAS ! ' R'UIIPHY , Davcupori , $
" ' , \r. iionnrtbln M. i. Kino Ruconnn. VVot > d ri'tiCurca. \ . " H-\ura8 to
KEisjaffrss'aczcEraEsnraDKtr nESffin :
A $1I,0O ( ) Blcliipcr.
Detective Goodhuo , of Iho Chicago
police force waa in Omuhn- yesterday
looking for a clerk who had boon on-
ploynd in a wholcanlu houao on Wabaah
nvntiuu , in Chicago. It wooina that n
few daya ago the clerk , who , by the
way , was an old and truated employe of
the house , started for the bank t' do-
pontt § 11,000 , fundo ot the houno. lie
did not return aa noon aa aoon as ox-
jicoted r.nd hia employera bccumo tin-
easy and dispatched n messenger to the
hank to uncurtain his whereabouts. IIo
had not been aeon at the bank , and
after n few hours search il dawned upon
the minda of bin cmployora that ho had
decamped with the funds. The matter
waa nlacod in the hnnda of n detective ,
und ho found that the clurk hud taken
with him a prrmtituto , abandoning hia
wife. Ho traced the two to thia city ,
nml'.found that Mioy had pnascd a night
in thia city , neutering under the name
of Lowin. They wont from hero to
K'.innaii City , thcnco ' Mr , ( loodhuo fol
lowed them. Jl'o Biiya that ho will hnvo
Iho clerk behind tlio bara In Chicago
within a week.
"What i-arscH the gn-iit 'niHh r.t Rclirolor &
] ! aclitH Urii Sturo ? " Tlio free distribiiriim
uf piiiipi'lottli'.i ] ] of Dr. JJiwiuilco'H' ' ' < u h mul
Jjiuij ; Hymii , tlio ino l popular rcMiicily fur
C'oiiI'M ( ; Colds , ConmimpliDii and llrouuliiti.i
now market. Ruk'iilur H/.U 50 ci-ntH
mid S 00
CE-TicItolu only 53.
isiafla iitate Lollery Comoanv.
Hchcifb'j entity nnc u * mti > rfe\at ( M
cntti fnr nil the MtntMii and Stmi-Ann
Utr.innyH o/ tlavoiiuiinrt Stale tintleru fcmj/
unit in iiers.m vinnane a.d control tnt Drau
tkrnwfri , mul thai thr anmo are eiiumcledMI
iume3ty/crnecr. anil m your' < < rflouartt ( ttll
tffii > . na autknrttt tkt ci rit > ur.'t la tuu
t-f-Mit , irt'b/ai'itmitti cf cur'jrci 6inltc <
in iit advci'tiJiir. : ; : ' ! : . "
Invirpontcil In IBM [ or tfi yecrn by the ItRltlctnri
I 7cJi : ' tlt/uUuDilcl > llallu purpoeoo wllli t > cvji
U.l olSl. ( too , ( XJ ) to vhlrii a rown'o { ariU ot OT I
iif.C.OOD tt\a t'lnoo boon tuli'oil.
nyin mor hcDilup ! V0)11'3' ) ' votl Hi f'AuohliK
Ruimideaiiailiol thu iirvwnl lltta cimft'iutloc '
Uopicii tiaoaii-.Mi SJ. A. V. 1B7J.
Plo : only Lottery ever voted on and en *
dorwoil by thu jiooplo of any Stato.
It navrrMileior por.panev.
It grand ulnglo natnbor drawings tnki
place monthly ,
A Hplondiil importunity to win n Fortune
Tenth ( iriind hrnwlni ; Qlas.a 1C , In the Acnd-
muy of Muiiio , NowOrluunn , Tuuaday , Oeto-
ht-r 1 Ith , 1881 173d Moathly
100,000 Tickets at Kivo7)ollara Kaih. : Krns-
tloiui , In l''itli.s [ In pruport'uu ,
i ( in do . .
K PIIXK ! OFC ! W . note
B do fiwrj .
10 do icoo . id.coi
10 do tOO . ; . . . , 10OH
leu ( lo sou . x , oc
HW do joe .
{ OT do WJ . S6 IXH
low ( lo 9J.
o Avptoiaau gn pi'irjm ol fno ,
P ( lo diT BCO !
B do do SCO
! S7 i'il l nrjonntlnj ; to
Atiplloatlvn lor r > t9 to otnb nliouiJ bu taAdo call
? Ui'j oWdi ) of tbo Cuiuj'auy lu New Orleaun.
tii r lul'Houiiuiitiw o.iaij ( itiue fun
italof. O. Unnoy Oril u payalla jut
miifiUrc'I tattoo to
Now Otlc ni , EiC.
t'oHKl Kbtci mul or Jlony luittra by lull or tx
ruti ( i.'ljruuu ! VJLU Ufiv-cOn by . .iim- 4ui
i -tntt ) to
ui 'J. A. DAUI'UIH , NowrB
_ 9i7 Bovouth ot . M'aibniKtou u 0.
AiMlhnr n liHnc * to 111 nnnynf rtir nJ ! IrlondsnltliovoM
ati r "lixlnit to our Im > t , nn > l t : n"ni ; tho-n til none li&vo Im-
' * PI ! tlio'h'nt Intrt il I'otwi'cn thf l st Mason nml Ihli to
lof | iutpiv o llian tin1 ARrinr. 1'nr depth of pllo ,
nr < | r nlmep-j of mlor nnd cliiralillily , llm Ar.ctnii VCI.VKT-
. lurr.vpiHl l\v nothing ol UK kind. It 11 fliown t'.li sr.ijoti
lnnll | tin' ' .Tm ( xnd incut liiuiiiiUiil rhudca oml tlnlfl are nil-
\ni \ In the tnctt faphlmmlib I'arl Kii nnvoltlco , ntidn would
ri | ly | ciimmrtiil the pxqulsllo ilM'xni In tlio AIHMIR Dr.nniH
VKtARTCRNH. done In II'.ICK ' and ftll ilmlraMo 5 ilor , which can \ > a
CuinlilncOllli erc.-xt tIToct cither ltli silk or woolen drcsa m.-
tcrlnlj. "
Iho Greatest Medical Triumph of the Ago !
I.OIM ofnpiiptIfc , IJowt-U costive , 1'alu In
tlio bend , with a dull Bcnnntlon In tlio
bncU pnrt , 1'nla niiUcr llio shouldrr-
blndc , I''iilliiens nflor outluc , wlcli it ll -
liicllnntion Co exertion of body ormlnd ,
Irrltnlilllcyartompcr , Iow plrlt , wUU
nfcolliiBofhnvlnir ncclccCdtl Homoduty ,
WcnrlncNB , Il7.7.1nc8i , KluCtcrlnirnt tbo
Ilcitrt , Docs boforotlio eyri , Hanilaclio
ever Clio right eye , ICentlcnmicsii , with
111 lu 1 ilrcainii , Illulily colored Urine , and
TUTT'S i ji rjH are cgpeclnlly adapted
tO SUOll CH50H , OIIO llOSO OlVCt3 BllOll tt.
clianRii of foi-ltiipr i to astonish tlio sulforor.
They Iiirrf nbo the A | > i > ctttonna cnueo tlio
body to 'I'nlm cut riuMli , thin tlm nyntcm U
lloiirlslird.niHl hytlii-lrTonlo Action on
tlio l > K s v * " '
rBI.j' | aiurrnv St..rtf.V.
GltAT IlAiit or WilixKRlts chani'od to a
Gixissr 1II.ACIC l > y 11 suiKlo mu'llcittlon of
tlil.1 Dm. It Imparts u nitturiil color , nets
Instuntunoously. t-nld ) > y DrucBlotB , or
Bnnt by ospress on repolpt of 3 > .
Office , C4 P/lurrny St. , Now York.
cwcfccatorN. V. , OtpI'M .
imiMcMliants. nl Nov/nV , y. ; . , Cijiltnl l.i/C.Wf.O
, n.Usi'o'.jhl , ipifc.1. . . . . "
fund Cat tM
Tlio Kctiolaatlo year ooinincncca on tnci
First Wciiicsflay in SeDtcmlicr ,
Tlio conr o ol Instrncttoii embraced all the Klcnioa
tary nnil'lilKlior brancliou ot a UnUlicd education
Dillorcnco n ( Ilcll loii In no oliuUcIo to tlio idraln-
> lon ol yoiin ; lajlcu ruplld ro ruoutvej at any
time ottiio year.
Incluillui ; Hoard , \Vashliii ; , Tuition In Kngliih aud
t'rcucli , uuo ol bools. J'lauo , ( xirictBlou o (
Five MonlliB , - - § 150.00
KXTKA CHAUai'.3-Irawlni.ralntlns ,
Harp , Violin , ( luitar arcl Vocal Music.
Ituluri'ni'cu uru tonutreil froai all pcnon ? nnknow
to the Inetltutlon. For fuitter Informatinn ipply
ttio LAIJV
Iv Il.tu&u
( Uaion ft flimlta Orrta mJ PI n > i Ow. .
' c Ctr Co. , 4i. )
FINE wonKm
tnHfu nvmU , Iwritt lt < tlr , fairr , ft , wn
Ft' XnMi rVRVlTVRS tr annlfaiu
GLASS , CHINA , Ac. , Ac.
' I IA. ITuHft XiUhttn. ln& * . ! Uj7 '
sT' , jlCTl'litL ) UNLY 11V TIIM
RUSSIA CEMENTCO. , Gloucester , Mi'i