Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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Oinnlia Office , No. 1)10 Vnrnsm Sf.
Council ninffoOflluo , No 7 I'enrl tK
Direct , Near Brontlway.
Now York Onlcc , Itontu 05 Trlbtini
etwpt 8iindy' Th
enl ) Mmd j-raoralRKdAU ) .
KM < ft MAIU
One Y * t . 810.00 1 TJiren Months . 8
M > i | Ore Month . ) ,0
Per W k , ! 5 Onta.
Ono Vent . ? 10fl I Thrte Months . t t
SlxUontbs. . 1.00 | One Month . 1
Arnrcn ! fjiwn Ootnmny , Solo ARentr , Konsi'enl
III In the Uuttvd BtAU-s.
A rhtlnR to Noim and Kdllorli
nn to the Koiroi or Til
Dt > .
Tirttor * "nntl r.cinlltincw ) thonlil hi
kddrfMuri to Tim Ilni rnnMBinso COVPAMT , OMAHA
Drtlte , ClMckn ami roftnlllcaorilcrg to ba made pay
ble to tbo order ot the company.
n. nOSBWATBR , Editor.
A. II. 1'ilcli , Mnnncor Dully Circulation , 1
O. U x188 Oinahn , Neb.
I'rolilliltlon Convcn <
The electors of tlio Second
tlla'rltt , vi ho intend to vote for Ihn noinilicct
of the Prohibition pntty arc roqucntcd to Fund
representative * ro mci-t in tlolcg.ito convention
in Iho city of Hnstii'H ] ( , Tutwlny , Scploinlior
! ! 0th. 1SSI , nt 7tO : ! p. in , for the | > urpo > u f
roininntlnfj n candidate for roiiffreflK tind for
the transaction of unch other limitless na may
como before tlio coiuontion.
Kncli county uill lie ciitltlril to ono dclpRtln
for every ( ImiiMund pniiil.itton. ] Central LOIII-
mittcfincn from the MirloiiicoiintlFHnrourrcd
to call convention1) for tlio election of dt-lo-
Uavld City , Sept 15 , 18 l.
W > | . WOOI.MAK. A. O. Woi.KKKiiARriit. :
J. 0. JiKiniow. UEN.I. SKYMODII.
11.W.J.OWK ,
Committee on Call.
Tlio GninpnlRn In tlto Mccond DlHtrict.
Captain J. II. Stlckol'g appointments :
September Uf Aurora , Hamilton county , 2
o'clock , p. in.
Soptomfcer29 York , Yorkcotinty , 2 o'clock ,
p. m.
September BO Howard , Scwnrd county , 2
o'clock , p. m.
September 30 Ulysscse , IJtitlor county , 7:30 :
o'clock , p. m.
October 1 David City , llutler county , Ii
o'clock , p. r.
October 1 KiBinp , Uutler county , 7:30 :
o'clock , p. in.
October 2 0 ccola , 1'olk county , 1 ! o'clork ,
p. m.
October 2 Stroinaburcr , 1'olk county , 710 : !
o'clock , p. m.
October a I'riund , Sallno county , 2 o'clock ,
p. m.
ILAUA'.S favorite poet is now in Naples ,
and since his arrival the deaths from
cholera hnvo prcatly diminished. It maybe
bo that poetry after all is the most efli-
ciont safe-guard against cholera.
JIM IEII-OUH proposes to run for con-f
gross as an indepandcnt democrat in oppo
sition to Iho republican nominee of Cole
rado. Thio shows lhat a rooster with
his head caoppod oil' will keep on run
ning. _
IT is n very dull day when the city of
Atlanta and the atato of Georgia do not
furnish a startling ecnsation cither of a
blood-curdling or mysterious character.
It ia auspocted that some of those sensa
tions are manufactured to ordor.
AT the Saline county fair the grand
stand collapsed and precipitated several
hundred to the ground amid the wreck.
Although there \\as but ono person injur
ed , the accident was n repetition of the
grand standdioastor at Fremont. Some ono
ought to bo hold responsible for the con
struction of these stands , which are put
up in the most flimsy manner , nnd are n
constant danger to lifo and limb.
A ronriox of Capicol nvonuo has boon
temporarily loft without sidewalks , nud
in rainy weather it is almost Impassable
for the hundreds of children who go up
this street to the high school. The grad
ing has boon completed nndtho&idowalks
should bo immediately rolaid. The board
of education should sue that this work is
done , as it is an outrage to leave the
street in its present condition another
day. Cross walks should nlso ba laid
across Tvrontioth ntroot , and steps
should bo built at the abrupt embank
ment at the head of Capitol avenue
without delay.
Mu. I'ATHIOK KUAN , president of the
Irish national loaguu , in being severely
criticised on account of his ollbrta to make
the organization a factor in American pol
itics. Prominent members of the league
hold that it is in no way a political body ,
and protests nro being made against Mr.
Kgan's conduct. Ho is a strong Blaine
man , and is doing all ho can for him , but
wore ho n Cleveland man the principle
would bo the aamo , nnd the republican
members of the league would protest just
ns vigorously ns the democratic members
are now doing. Any attempt on the part
of any of its officers to drag the league
into politics will only result in trouble
and dissension. '
Tin : Now York Star ia sadly deficient
in its geography. By locating Atchison
in Nebraska it has cast nn undeserved
but unintentional rellnction upon No-
brnska justice in the publication of the
following :
Tlio Nebraska idea of justice has al
ways been an imprcmivo , not to nay re
markable , institution , nnd nn incident re
ported the other day shows it has lost
none of its primitive freshness nnd origin
ality. Some Atchiaon boys robbed u no-
fjro a melon-patch and the negro arrested
them. The boys were releatod and the
costs of $20 amossud aguinut the negro.
As that unfortunate man had no money
1m was sent to jail to work out the uostu.
Wheu the stipend of juetico wnj paid thu
authorities discovered that the prisoner
had been criminally careless enough to
got liia par bitten off and fined him $1
Ho didn't have the dollar , und it cost
him 23.76 to stuvo oil' the collector
Then ho committed eincido and his body
was sent to the dimectitig table tosava the
costs of burial Nebraska is n wtato in
which only bloated bondholders are tnmt-
od ju tly. Nebraska is reserved for the
jK > or&ud
In tliis era of civil mtvico tofonn it
rather rcmarkntle tlmi the ropub
limit state ceubrnl committee should I'.vj
upon federal ofllce-holdera nud state
ORtididatos an nwo Mn nt bryand all fen-
nble estimates of legitimate oitnpaign fx
penaw. Of couno it ii taken for granted
that every campaign involved more 01
lets expense which candidates and ofllcfi-
holden nro generally expected to pay ,
A frw years ago the sum of $1,200 01
$ 1,000 was regarded as more than nnfll-
ciont to cover nil ttato campaign exponaot
of a legitimate character , find wu have
been informed that within - \ comparative
ly recent period cimpaignn have boon
conducted for loss than $500. Hut now
the no < 7 committee , under the
chairmanship of Mr. Yost , has
become impressed with the idea that the
ntatc must bo Hooded with greenbacks in
stead of campaign documents. The com
mittee 1m accord incly assessed congress
men § 1,000 each , United S tat en senator/ / ;
500 each , the collector of internal revenue
nuo $500 , minor federal olliciala from
$250 down to $50 , state ollicora from
§ 1,000 to $250. But how much the rail-
roadn have been Anaesnod haa not yet buon
ascertained by Tun MF.I : .
This h what wo call blooding the can
didates with a vengeance , and wo ques
tion whether they will submit to it. The
state ollicora roeeivo rather slim pay. and
if they * nro obliged to give up half of
their salary ( in a bonus for their
offices , they will bo noroly tempted
to steal more than enough to it make up
after they are elected. If all the iternH
assessed by the committee worn collected
they would amount to about SiO,000. !
If only one-half of the amount bo secur
ed , Mr. . Hascall , the treasurer , will have
the disbursement of about $15,000. The
question naturally arises , What does all
this moanl Are wo to have a "bar'l"
campaign ? This might all bo well enough
if it were in Ohio , but in Nebraska it is
not necessary. It is presumed thut con
gressmen will light their own battles in
their own districts , and if compelled to
spend n thousand dollara each they
would naturally prefer to disburse the
money themselves , and see that it is put
where it will do the moat good.
So far as the national ticket
is concerned , there is not the remotest
danger of ita defeat in Nebraska. The
only question is on state , congressional
and local candidates , and nearly every
candidate , besides paying n reasonable
assessment for legitimate expenses , is
bound to spend considerable money be
sides. What , then , docs the cnmmilteo
propose to do trith all this money , if it
gets it ? Does it intend to ( jotup a grand
donation party for the professional ward
politicians and bummers ao that they maybe
bo comfortably provided for through a
hard winter ! If nuch assessments are to
bo enforced in Nebraska , uono but mil
lionaires can afford to run for ollico.
El ) .
Although wo have nominated the
[ > rcmdontial , congressional and otate can-
liclatcs , a larqo portion of the people of
Nebraska have yet to perform the most
important work of the campaign. Wo
refer to the nomination of legislative
: andidatcs. The people demand that
: hey shall bo represented in the state
ogislaturo by men who will servo their
ntcrcsts rather than those of corporate
nonopolles , and yet the people , when
lie nomiimtiono come up , nro too apt to
iccopt a candidate without thoroughly in-
' hid record and
-'oatigating - ascertaining
lis views. They are lee apt to take
ivorything for granted. If the people
voro as careful in noleoling their
landi'latca and exacting pledges
rom them as the railroads are
n choosing their political too's.and ' can-
lidatos , there would bn no fear that ,
rhon the people did win , they would be
old out by their chosen representative ! ! .
tut the anti-monopoly question in not
ho only thing to bo considered in the
hoico of legislative candidates. Theru
ro always uomo mercenary wretches
, 'ho , by intrigue and false protoneos ,
lanipulnto primaries and conventions
nd seek an election to the legislature
3r no other purpose than to sell out
t the first opportunity. The people of
laucaster county have boon compelled
t every session of the legislature to sub-
tit to blackmailing schemes on the partof
ich scoundrels who continually threaten
lorn with "capital removal. " The roault
thattho Lancaster delegation isforcod to
iako the most corrupt combinations with
> bbors and thieves for the eako of occur-
ig appropriations which the people of
loir county deserve and are entitled to.
'ndor the circumstances wo cannot
lame Lancaster county. Every mumbor
om that county , however , becomes an
bjocl wretch , as ho is forced to do every-
liing against his own honest convictions
i order to please his constituents. What
o want is honest and capable men in the
gislaturo , and it rests with the people
) elect such representatives.
IN October ttioio are tbroo states that
ill hold ( tate elections. They are Ohio ,
feat Virginia and Georgia. Tlio prin-
pal intoroat of courao centers in Ohio ,
hero the contest is being carried on
ith the greatest vigor. U would bo a
isastrone blow to the ropublicana lese
so Ohio in October , as the chiuco- .
ould bu in thut event that it would
so go democratic in November , nnd have
very depressing effect among the re-
iblicans of other ctates where the vote
nt all close , It is oJ the utmoat un-
ittanco thattho republicans capture
liio in October in
order to make lure
it in November. They have not vary 81tl :
uch of n margin to woil ; on as will bo tc
eri by the figurei. At the recent state at
ijction Iho democrats have boon vioton-
s , but it is claimed by the republican j * °
makers that Ohio will
iiiuulvheol into the republioat
line at the presidential ulcclion
In 18S2 the vole for secretary of gtati
resulted as follow * : Republican , 29 , TSO
democratic , 310,87-1 ; grernlwclc , 5JIO !
and prohibition , 12,202. lia t yenr thi
democratic plurality , in a total vote o
718,268 , was I'2,02 ! , and the maj > ri'y
1U8. : The average republican im.joi-ilj
at presidential elootinna in Ohio , begin
ning with 1800 , has been about .10,000
The smallest majority , 2,7-17 , was fo :
tlayos in 1870 ; Iho largest , 50,580 , foi
Lincoln in 1801. These ecem largi
figures , but four ycara ago , for example
a change of about 2 per cent would hav <
wiped out Garflold'n majority. There ii
some prospect of West Virginia going republican
publican in October , aa the democrat ! *
party party in that state is divided inli
billcr factions , while the republicans ant
greonbackora have fused nnd nro working
in perfect harmony. In 1808 nnd 187i
this otato gave ita electoral vote to tin
republicans , and in 1870 nnd 1880 to tht
democrats. Tildon's majority In 1870 ,
was 12,71-1 , nnd JIancock carried tht
state in 1830 by 2,00i. ! In the
ntnto election two years ngo tht
democratic candidate for eupromo judge
had y,2iil , majority over the republican
nnd greenback vote combined , nnd the
aggregate congressional vote gave the
domocrnta a plurnlity of . ' 1,8-H. Two
years before that the democratic major
ity on the congressional vote was 3,1)37. )
In 1878 the democratic majority on con-
greasman was ( ! , -l50. !
The muoting of the emperors of Ger
many , Husnia nnd Austria , accompanied
by the bends of their respective cabinols ,
nt Slciornvicce , ia an event that nan natur
ally caused much speculation in the po
litical circles of Europe. Tlio main ob
ject of the imperial convocation will re
main a profund secret for some timo. [ Os
tensibly nlhillom in ita various phases
was nn object of solicitude nnd its sup
pression one of the principnl subjects
under consideration. Empororo vnluo
their lives na much as other men , nnd
naturally dcairo the extermination of
the dcspcrato and deadly fee to whom no
lifo is oncrod , who consider lie price too
high to pay for successful tyrannicide ,
nnd against whom armies and navies , dl-
vine und human laws are nsolosB. Nihil-
itim in its most fatal form is
moro plentiful in I'uasia than clso-
where , but the elements of which it is
composed , the secret forcea which it cro
nies and utilizes , : ire present in f iormnnj
and Austria , waiting an opportunity to
crjstnlli/.o in cll'ect.tvo ahnpo und do their
appointed work. So Iho three emperors
Inivo a common and personal interest in
Lho waja nnd manna of suppression , nnd
ire likely lo iua. < o oll'enaivo and dofon-
jive ullinnco against the common enemy.
Dnu of Iho results of that alliance- will
DO a demand upon Switzerland to expel
the Nihilhta within her jurisdiction , and
pledge herself to admit no more. England
may bo requested to do thosnmothininnd
itlsnot impoosiblo that the I'nitcd States
may bo asked to join the league , at least
to the extent ot extraditing notorious
: oiispirators.
There is no doubt'that Egyptian affairs
ivero not entirely ignored. Neither Gor-
nnny , Russia nor Austria is directly con-
icrncd in the final adjustment of tl
Egyptian question , but neither is satisfic
vith the Inmo and impotent conclusion o
ho London conference , and all nro din
) osod to make England pay nomcthin
or the privilege of stealing Egypt. En <
nnd has no fricndn in Europe , and th
irino she is appropriating in not ralci
atcd to insroaso her popularity with th
; rcat poworo. She is liable to hoar fron
ho triangular council nt Skiernovieco
nd so may Franco in regard to Chines
The Journal < lc fit. JV t < rtJmury
rhich apcnkH with Eomoollicinl authority
ays : "Tho o von to nt Skiorniwico
"initiating the whnlo political situation
'ho mooting of three closely unitui
ovoroigns , accompanied by confidcntia
lato.smon , indicates n policy of peace
'ho ia no question norof formal alii
ncoa or of spucial agreements , but thi
moling w > ll confirm the undoratni.dinrr
Irc.idy hr.ppily existing on nil grea
ucdtiong , in order that every qucstioi
utsido Iho present t-leititx ' / " " may lini
lie inouurclu acting conjointly wlien
lieir intercslo coincide , t Hucting liar
itiny where they dill'or , employing their
ulidaiity to preserve order , law am
once , and reapeotitif ; the rights of nil
lit keeping : i watchtul eye on these Trlu
istnrb the existing order of things tin
iwrchiRts who prowl about In the dnrk
nd aim to destroy nil institutions.
The latest dispatches from China are
ot the official reports of Admiral Cour
ut to Minister Ferry , and therefore
ley lot in good deal moro light on the
; tunl situation. Instead of destroying
considnwblo portion of thu Chinese
uot at Fee Chow , the French sunk two
ar vessels only. Instead of dismantling
10 fortresses on the river Ming below
lat city , and blowing up their nuns
ith dynamite , they inllicted only slight
id reparable injuriou on these fortresses
id dcsiroyed a very limited number of
ins. It now appears that Fee Chow
as not seized because the French were
: itatroni ; enough to ntlompt that ex
, oit , and indeed were very glad to got
it of the Ming with whole skins. Ac-
iral Oourbot lies oil' the China coast ro-
liring hla ohipa and awaiting reinforce.
nntfl , before ho attacks another fortified
i'ho French and Chinese are both still
trouble over the exact atnto of their
latinnu. Every ono can BCO at a glance
at they are not nt peace , but they both
injjtlmt they nro nt war. Tlio French
my it bccaiiBo they want to circum-
ribo tlio ara of hostilities , and wish to
old rnisim ; ( ] tiostions of neutral rights ,
d the Chinese bucauau they do not
ink thiMiisolvoa yet ready for n general
lit. Thi ) French publicista are con-
jucntly arguing laboriously that they
) in a "sUto of reprisal , " that is , a
ito of limited wur , luvinj ; for iln ob
it the obtaining of eatisfuction on
o point of minor imjiortaneo
0 cite aa u prcco-lont for tin-
onch position a Hni/.uro of Nmnuhtan
ding vesaela made by xho Hiltim 'n
10 , ns roniianl for wrong dune soinu
gliih subjects by the infringement f
no conces.aions previously made to aj
phur mining oumpauy , the blockadu of
1 fi'reok ports by I'almoraton in 1850
nvongo the wrongs of Don Pocifico ;
1 the seizure of tlio isUml of San Juan
the United K'ates in 185 ! ) , pending a
Moment of a dispute na to the bt undn-
lino. No 10 of these things were
atcd as acts of war. Ono writer oos
BO far M to mnintem that pitched battle <
may be fought by Powers who are nol
actually nt war. The battle
rf Navorino , for iiutunce , was foiuhl
and the Turkish fleet deatiwod in 1827 ,
without putting the victor * , France , En -
laud , and Uusaia. in aslatoof war with
Turkey. In 18-10 , France fought the
army of Morocoociinmnuded by Abdol
Kianr at Isly , and bombarded Tanpl r
without goinij to war with Morocco. In
fact , according to this view , there it
hardly any amount of damage which may
not bo done to an enemy without g'/inj
to war , as long as no fmmal declaration
of war la made ,
It is probable that fifty years from now
any ono reviawingtho progress of Ireland
would fasten upon the present ns ono ol
the porioda marked by unusually favor
nblo influences. In spite of all that it
hastily said in political discussion , the
Irian-American of intnllinonco , who fol
lows closely tlio drift of nll'airs across tht
npn , known perfectly well that Ireland it
gradually being freed from the shackles
which hive oneumbarod her people for
ages. Ho sooa , better than any one else ,
that the d y is near r t hand when the
youth , ambition nnd talent of Ireland
will have as fair a clmnco of success at
homo as in America. Already there are
Irish-American patriots who do not
hoaitato to advise thsir kinsmen to
romnin in the land of their birth , that
they may labor faithfully with these who
nro struggling to multiply Iho number of
nalivo landowners and native manufac
turers. In their eyes the day of the non
resident proprietor seems to bo drawing
to its close , nnd the dawn of Irish pros
perity to bo visible in the east.
Ireland , in 1881 , had a population of
5,17-1,830 , a loss of a quarter of a million
slnco 1871. In the three yeara that have
elnpacd nlnco 1881 the Iriah emigration
to Amoica has boon over u quarter of a
million , thin rendering it prob-
nvlo that the present population
excecda five milliona by little ,
if at nil. To say that thia is lees than
half the population which the island could
comforlably aupport under favorable cir
cumstances , is staling a strong fact very
mildly. In 1741 the inhabitants num
bered 8,175,124. Were n census in 1801
to show a rate of increase which in
thirty yearn from to-day would give Ire
land ton milliona of people , there would
bo every reason lo rejoice ; for , if Iho ton
milliona were busy , thrifty nnd well
divided between fnrmlng and manufac
turing pursuits , they could live for less
per head in proportion to their advan
tages than the five milliouu to-day.
The embarrassment of the Gladstone
ministry orriaing from the Egyptian ques
tion in accentuated by the outspoken op
position of Iho commercial and financial
interests of Great Britain , not only to
any surrender ot English influence in the
country , but to anything in the shape of
a dual or multplo control thereof. The
journals representing these interests
have from the lirat boon outspoken in
favor of a positive and indeed nggrosaivo
Egyptian policy. Now that Lord North-
t > rook and Gen Wokeloy have been dis
patched to the Nile delta , the jt uruals
in question nay that it ia impossible to
consider the dispatch of Wolseloy
lo take aupromo military control as amore
moro coup for tflect , but that it means
that Egypt must bo rendered secure from
invasion from any quarter , while any
other result would bo totally unworthy
"of the special mission which circum
stance have marked out for England in
ISsyptAn to the growing impatience
of Germany and Austria on the subject
of Britiah occupation , theoo trade jour
nals declare nnd believe it menns nothing
moro than n desire on the part of thuso
powers , and of Prince Bismarck , that
there should bo constituted in Egypt a
strong government of some sort , bringing
with it the security that always attaches
to strength.
Ilocont English papers containing let
ters from residents in Madagascar give a
ilearor idea of the existing etato of af
fairs in that persecuted island than can
lo gained from occaaionnl dispatches.
Tito natives have boon driven out of the
inoat important seaport towns , which are
jithor burned to the ground or occupied
ly French forces. Fifteen French war
ihipa surround the island , and moro
iroops are to como , their purpose being
; o pen up the natives in the
nterior and render their condition
itill moro miserable than it now ia , after
> vor a year ol wor. Much sickness pro-
Mils among the Hova forces , andasunar-
y the whole able-bodied male population
a either under nrms ordrivcn from work ,
ho euirbrings of these dependent upon
humincrenaesdoybyday. The French de-
nnnda are § 000,000. indemnity , payment
'f ' nil foreign claims , and the nbaoluto
cuaion of the northern part of the Is-
ind. Rather than yield this , the llovas
, 'ill die lighting.
The troubles of Peru did not ceaan
itl tlio establishment of pcaco with
'hili. General Iglosina , the now presi-
enl of the republic , has been obliged to
: iaintnin himself by force of nrma against
lonernl Cacoraa , ono of the partisan
anders in the roci-nt war. Thus far \ic-
ory sooma to rest with the rccogni/ed
ovox-nmcnt , and there ia reason to hope
lint ita authority will bo established
liroughout the whole country. Such
istnrbiuces aa this insurrection must bo
xpccted to follow upon the desolations
nd disorganisation of n great nnd dia-
jlroua war. The decade after tlio over
i row of the British government in our
ivn country , was the moat troubled in
ur hiatory.
No appointment yet made by the Glad-
ono administration has been so cordial-
approved by all shades of political
miionasthatofLordDiiflerin to thovico-
iynlty of India. Toricaaa well aa Liberals
; reo in pronouncing it the very beat which
to existing material in either party will
ormit , nnd the only regret expressed ia
mt it must create a vacancy in the
urkish mission which U will bo exceed
igly dillicult to lilr with anything like
iml nbtlity. Lord Dull'orinia , by com-
on consent , the foromoat British iliplo-
atist novr living ,
Lord Duffdrin will , however , huvo n
iculinrly dillicult task ii < hU now ollice.
side from thu Inbor , care , and iiimun-
able cmbarrassmonla connected with
0 government of 220,000COO people ,
iono in blood , religion nnd social uaago ,
1 must moot and overcome tha diasat-
'action and dcmorali/.ition produced by tin
n Oprcdocessor. Though 127 years have n :
ascd since Clivo'u victory nt Plassoy ai
itoncd the English grip on India , the inai
nquerod are not reconciled to the con- aim
orors , and never will bo. The gulf bo- m
eon them is us wide and deupita ever. 03oi
10 English are re ir.luil by the mass- oi
aa beings of diabolical power and pur- oiE
sea , whom nn inscrutable providence E
a allowed to torment the faithful for a Bt
non ; but who , sooner or later , will bo .
term natad or driven from the country. * ' *
. tin
Hie i union tint Franco has ollorod cr
i Ia and of Coroa to Japan , as a comm
uaation for her assistance should war P
oppnly declared , are asauming such ln
hape that many of the French journal !
awert that they have eomo foundation ir
truth. JJut this event is extremely iin-
probable , us it is known that llu aia hw
alrendv notified Iho French government
that nho objoftn to any intsrfurenco with
existing allegiances in Chinese waters ,
and that an attempt to paicel out terri
tory MR ii toward fof armed assistance will
not bo tolerated.
China has called out 05,000 men to de
fend Pckiua ; jvnd irar > tcd the minister ol
war 12,000,000 francs for the purchase
of material to carry on the struggle with
the French. It b nlno icported thai
Chinnse agenta in Glasgow , Liverpool
and London are endeavoring to arrange
privateer commUiions with the object ol
preying on the commerce ol Franco All
this looks like business , but , nt the name
timo. it ia quite apparent that China
will bo out much more than the nmnunl
of the French indemnity before cho ia
Interest ( o Umploycro ami
Kinployctl ,
There ia no apparent diminution in the
number of strikca nor in the number of
workmen cngngcd in them. Intomo bit-
tornesa exists in several ssctiona , and
both employers nnd workmen nro resolved
upon their course. It is strange that as
much as nrbitration has been talked of it
has not been resorted to. The employ
ers nro afraid of it , and the workingmou
nro afraid to risk arbitration in the hands
of poraons who sympathiea might bo
against them , na is usually the caso.
The bricklayora nnd Btono-mnaons of
Bullalo failed after n savontccn-wecka
alrlko lo establish wages at $3 CO per day
through the importation of "ecaba" from
Canada. Largo numbers of workinrmen
nro being attracted to BuIUlo to work
on the Canadian Pacific Railroad. Wn-
jfea nro extremely low.
A great many daily papers were in er
ror in nnonncing , by the authority of the
Aaaoctatcd Press , that a considerable
number of Cincinnati ! moulders had re
nounced their allegiance to the union.
The printers at Evansvillu , Ind. , hold
n meeting last Sunday nt which they ob
jected to the borrowing of mntter be
tween morning nnd evening papers print
ed in the snmo establishment , and de
manded pay for both uses. They alao
condemned the use of "patent" plates ;
demanded that seven hours should con-
aliluto n day's work , and Ihat standing
time should bo paid for at the rate of
1000 cms per hour. Three papers acced
ed to the demand and ono refused.
The spirit of unionism is abroad in
Louisville , but the lending paper there
stands out boldly against union control.
Neaily all cf the manufacturing estab
lishments nro run by union labor. Ono
hundred convicto have been sent from
the state prison to v/oric in iho mines at
Central City , and the miners are threat
ening to make trouble.
The Baltimore unionists arc canvassing
all ot the industrial establishments ol
that city in which con-union labor ia em
ployed , in an endeavor lo altr < u > f the la
borers into the union. The building con
tractors hnvo an aasociation , nnd an o-
Fort ia being made lo cripple the union.
I'ho atnnp cutters recently struck againat
those builders who were employing non
union labor. The master atone cutters'
association has made nn ngrcoment with
: iuarrymcn in Nova Scotia , Conneticut
nd Ohio , -whereby no atone can bo fur
nished to any poroon out side of the na
jocii.tion , Fivu of the Baltimore papers
jmploy non-union labor
'ino salary ot tlio grand master work-
nan of the Knighta of Labor ia fixed nt
il.SOO per year and ho ia expected to do-
I'olo his whole limo lo the interests o
Lho order.
The epvcnth annual session of the
grand divialons of railway conductors
irill moot in Boston October 21. The
issociation is extending rapidly all
jvcrtho United States ; fifty divisions
invo been established within a year ; the
nauranco feature is recognized and over
000 members are safely insured.
All the window glass factories in the
Jnited States are running except four.
) nly two grcon glasa factories are run-
ling ; the rest start up October 1. The
o-opor.tivo flint glass works at Beaver
' 'alls nro crowded with orders. The do-
iiand for all kinda of glass is steadily
In Boston one-fourth of the compost-
ura are wunon , and they are paid about
no-thiid less than men. The union
rinters there nro quietly endeavoring to
ot at this troublo.
A largo number of manufacturing os-
iiblishmonta nro working nine hours a
ny ; railroad shopa particularly are run-
ing leaa than full timo.
Attiparudo of the labor unioni of
Itimborlnnd , Md. , the other day , tiio
osscs were all in line and were union
Tlio Monongnhola valley miners profess
j have confidence that they will win
icir strike. Only 250 out of 5,000 are
t work. Coal is uelling now at the price
J when Via was paid , and stocks are
wing rapidly used up In tlio lower river
A call has been issued for Iho St to
abor Congn m of Now Jersey , to meet
. Newark October 0. Eleven subjects
ill como np for discussion nnd logiala-
on will bo nfked for embodying the
oiiaures demanded , being compulsory
Incation for children under 15 ycnra ole
; o ; an employer's liability law against
o.o accounts as nn ofiaot for wages ;
) ilor inspection ; morofactory legislation ,
lymont of wages weekly , nnd power to
impel employers to nnawor labor quea-
A now use for iron and stool id to be
und in the construclion of forts. The
ly of earthworks and masonry fortificn-
3ns have gene by. Iron turrets are bog -
g introduced into English forts , nnd
luy can ba built nt n cost of $10,000 n
in. AH the European governments nro
to their fortifications
oparing modify i
id Imvo iion forts built , which hnvo J
ion found to bo practically impregnable.
It may bo of interest to manufacturers i
know that ono-fourth of the ConnsllaJ
110 coke output goes lo Chicago , one- " -
urth to eastern furnaces , ami the bal- ]
co to the neighboring valleys. Forty -
rcont of the capacity is idle , but the T
mand is improving , nnd it now aooms :
obablo thut in a few wooUs the 10,000 J
ens will all bo at work. -
Generally upeakiiig , trade and indusJ J
111 conditions are improving. The
iniifactiiriiig interests of this countrj t
! following the good old nnlilnry maxal
, "In limo of pi ace prepare for war. "
: i fcr munttiH pa t have born spending T
inoy very liberally in increasing and I'
lending capacity und in reducing coat ' "
Dho Italians have for yearn been amoijg i
gland's best customers fur iron and
ol , The Vuiutiun luduetrial Cjiupa-
liaj recently nndortnken the nhiiui-
turo of nrnior plates for the govern-
nt with the intention of furnishing ev-
thing that the government will want _ .
iron and stool. The Russian govern1 <
nt has of late been following the satno [
opendont policy , '
mil rorltiTmynot
tiniei-u pr.lil lu
rfnrix > AN"Elabt hnndrod rtrtlmV nrn \ mnt
.1 g f . A. j. iorrtETo.v.
078-18 ?
ONHY tanned nn chattel" , liillroad Ticket
M boi.ght and * ohl. A. Foreman , 113 8. in
740 tt
IO T.O.O Inraon ot 4100. tad ntumi
. . n f I ? MJ ffnJ CD. , Pl Ifeitut * &s l Lo
Acnu 1ST rueunst. ttt
nm.tll loam icmlo on sr.prooil . etcurlty. 1M7
' ' etrctt. 8IMin
'ANTED Nursogttl , at 2211 DoURksKt. , tica
\irANtBU-\Vnltir gtil it hoarding liomo 131
> \ J.ino . IM.lOji
WANTED A strictly teaipcrato m\n * n pattnn
In A restvuraiit. Apply nt once. "A. 1) . / ,
liccoflke. IsS-SOp
\ A7ANTKDCloecHeiuMocook at Uo Cnry Hous
T > rt. W. cor. IHh anil Davenport ttrcct.
ANTKI ) Ijinmlrcs' , S. W. corner Ihinoy an
w IBtliSta WnRoa fl.OJ pcrwtck. lo7-20t >
YTTASTKI ) A OHHB trill of 14 to 10carr , 610 Wai-
rt imtst. , lictuci.ii eth ami Blh. 103 llp )
. \K oed Rirl for noicral house orl
l good waic10 0 rarnamht. 112-SO
\\7AKTEll A competent wonun to cook nml il
> ticncral liouso-work for fainlly of two. _ . ,
TOO eoiitti 10th St. OJ3-fp
? .n Thrco clr'a at the Sa\cn ! Jtomc , 8.
10th street , Omnha. lii(1.10i ( |
\\7ANTI3D Ocnnan > omin cook , at the Kami-
11 irV House , cor. 14lli ami llarncy. 035-13JI
fM ANTED A tculng Rlrl at 1U17 Howard.
\e > > pj dii' ' . i IT . ' 0'iTal houv-
? oi ! . a-iJ to I lit i ciiiri.'j of ( uruijli.J rimiu
sciith witt corner l.t i nnil I'jpltol uxe. UJJ-'A
An experienced Bohemian dry poods
T > f nlo jinan or sultslndy Mu t cornc ell recom
trc-idfd nnd speak Kiifill'li fluently. Apply at NOH
York iJiy Goods store , 1310 la I'arnamot. BI7-19
" \A7ANTICD Coat rroVcrs. flrod workmo only
nccdtnily. ( ! . Kramer , Kea-noy , Ncli ,
ANTKD Two good nolicitora for Art 1'ubUcv
lions , Isstnjilln parts. Address I' . O box 1211
Council IJIufI * , Iowa. U17-20
r/.VTiU : Six table boardcra nt 010N. Ifltli St.
_ 023-200 _ _ _
ED Qlil lo douercral housa work. Ap-
| ly tl MM Janics t'ottir , 1C21 bhtrnm avc , 3
doors north ot Oiftco St. 88-tt
V T or country , to t.iko nice 11 ' 1't ami plcasanl
worh atthcir o n homeK' S * to ? j per cay ! eaully nnd
quietly made ; \\oik rent by mall no camasdnir ; no
Knmp fnrrcplv. rieas.0 address Jteliabloilanl'ir Co. ,
riiilmkli-iin , | 'j. _ SOT-lni
WANTED-At Mra. t-ii'Ilp'd | ' 210Uodira St. To
Rood jrirla , Drst to coo'nnd nesist In laundry ,
HIP socoml ti r np olairs and 1 lumlrj v.ork In Umlly
ofthrco. Crroian nrefcncJ. 707 tf
ll ANTKD-Cirl for uorcru l.ouso work at * S
* I'onxviitSt JIis. r. r. Mai re. 81(1 ( tf
ll'AMKli Amnta to nt-iiuiu me Hill l-at'tit
) f \Vcallicr ttriju. A or call en Ceo.V. .
tkll , 1120 llainey btrcrt , Oriaha , Nob. C30-lirp
TX AVIKD Sltnxtlon by a Uiaii of fiinilj as
VV n tr oNtalionarv ci Inoor nj ( > rcMtr.n. ) n-
b05l.oa\en orlh St. Cli. la\is 11S2CV
1XTANTKDituitlon by a firft-clnrH iadv cook , In
i * n rc3j.citablu laiu'ly. ' Inquire at Oil north lith
itrctt. 11010p
\ > ,7N"Tl U A poiltlon as tlerk In Hirdwarnor
\Vliuljsn'e hnii'c , have hail ten j ears experience
is pmi rlitor. Kcfctuncedgl\cn. AdtlrcSB' I" . A. "
hl rllli- . . . C03-tt
A \ouis Uixrilsdnuui wants wtuuon : ai book
Lkcc ] .r , in viclera.'o ) cctabllsSirjicst In Omaha
Vddrcsa "C1. " cara Deo. F 8-tf
Board man andwitc , Rtuto ttrmiand
location. Address "K. " leo ! ollica. 122-22p
WANTUD Some ono to adopt a boj babe linnnths
lil. Impiire at I'Dcrhou-ia. 117-23p
\1TJ > KTKI > 1'artncr In tin and Imdwa'o lni lnc
IT Cbtabluhcil. Apply "Hardware , " lloo otllce.
129 23p
rTTANTHD An unfurnished room and bord for
Vt ladj rndbal'V , defircatf find place whcrolho
ompammiiiliipMcuM bean obicpt , ( nldovr lady or
mall fam'lj. ' ) Addrcsa "C. B. " r. O. bov 003.
117ANTCD Hoard and two rooms by a family of
i four In n prhato family , lieferencea exrhtnccil.
iddrcts "D. U. " liuootlico. 105 2lp
l"\TAM'CD-A home for a pocil boy , tyetl 11 > ears
V to do crranda and attendbchcol , Address Mrs.
' . K. H. , lice ollico. 104-lOp
IVTANTED S2,000on nrst-claej city security .for
f V j cars , &t 0 per cent. Address 1'ox 020 I'ost
TOE nuns KoBcoa p.ira isia.
nENT rurn'ahod ' front rorm snltablo fo
FO man iml wife or tKOgentlcmon , 20121fariioySt
.1011 IU'VP A Finall cottBioof thrto rooms. Wnr
J nn S ltzler , ais south 14tli St. 133 tf
'NT PurnisheJ parlor and bad room a
2Kt : Ilarncy St. 132 2
7 < Ol ! lir.NT Cottv'o of Ilirua room23cl am
? tl kbtrcit3. T. J. Fitzmorrls , Uconlllon.
131 tf
7IOU ItKNT rurnisl od front anil 'o < l romrs Ji
or $12. I'cr ' mouth , 1518 Jotica , bttiucn MI
Ith bt. 131-2C1
7A Oil KKNT Furnished room 1313 Jackscu.
1 03 20 |
T nn HKXT In tlio northern pnrtot the cij ! , a
furnithcd b d room nnd p r'or ith beard pro
I'cd. < omuiprclnl lra\clcranil wlfo pre'uru-d. For
irtii-uhr : ! ! i.iHlni | X. K cornir lith and Davcnporl
TI ct-i , bitv/ten 3 30 and I p , m 120 22 ] '
"Mlt 11KXT Furtiltlicil iooa for ono or twoue
1 t'on-LiiOlS yhaey St. 120-2.'p
> H M'.NT llousi. B looiaa and Kitchen Tl' < S.
Si.ttintliSt. l 022
OIl HrNT A IIOUFO with ( i roont ! ) , Inquire cor
ner 17lb ami I.L&veimoith St. Juo. L. JIIH
poll nilNl' Nowft' ' rc-also room \crycheaji.
' tia\aKt .13h ! ami llickry. 127-5p
011 llr.NT nirntihcil jailor Inntrlctlv prirato
1 faii'ily , Ibth ttreet , ( " 15.00. Addrcaa "D " ] ! < .u
Ice. OlllOp
POll HUNT Furnished rooms. Jnijulro 205 nurtli ODOtf
1011 UE.NT A furnhhod room710 19th St.
1 097 20p
1011 HKKT A house with four rooms and kitchen
Inquire atOtli bt , ono bloolc north of bt. Mart 'H
P. 003 Zip
WU UK.NT-Oni ) lurnlshod ream 1011 Ucdc-
103 20p
10KIIENT A small furnished front room. If.CD
Howard Bticot. 09. ' > -2''p
1011 Ht'.NT HoiiDu and tarn JiHIi and llarney
Win. L. Monroe , 6th and Douglas , tcliphoneSOl.
US 24p
UIllir.NT-T o nleel > ( urnUlicil fiont ruiniH.
Will ruit tingle oren-Biiitv , S. K. 20th und D.n-
"irt 1U-22i |
ton KENT KurnlBhtd room or suite of rooms at
north 17th etnit. U71-20p
[ Oil l < r..vr IwounftirnUhcU rooss ut Iill6.hi
casoht. _ Q7MOp
1011 I'KNT ' Mcily luinUhcdtiuto ol 2 rooir/57310
lOlt ItUNf House Hllh six Ivito rooms , iJO.OO.
O F. Datli LU , 1503ri.ambt. . 6o.t |
OH Kll sT-Kito loura houieon > outnluli utrcu1 ,
2d home south r ( C\-ntru , $13 per month. lt -
p a lukity i.vxt door , or 15W DousUi Bluet.
re ip
ulMIK.NT i-'uru hid rn > u ) iuoUi.rii Improve
mm t , bn . b ( , k , aoinur 10.U and Catluil a > o
eruLctii i\ci nrod. f'.i' Jo
OR IlKS'T l.iren , ( nd Btcr > r.iom uitilt \ lo
. Ai > ilc H13IUr. < ej St. u W
Ml HEM' KiunUhfil rujai l-13DjJ'e hi
) li lltCMInciu ruriiiAliix ) or in. u nl.i e < l iuuu
without buaril l H Ban-nport St. lOi - ! }
Kr > icvl > furui4uetl ruom lee north rr
- [ fill
Jit HKNr rurnlshed rooms IOC ) Jr" rnamt < c
776I ( I
nif ) tEASB-10Mr ef Und , letinJ for ffordcn
J. putpc * f , three inllMS. W of I1. 0. Inquire F. P.
, 613 S ISth Hi eel. M2-II
' Sew five t < wm toltMre In excellent la-
j. , T.IUU. ? 201 er mo < th. U. 11. Ooodtlch , IMS
Mrnoii ntfcft sw-if X
ljUirTtl.JnYwotiHiij fiirri'uhen Milts ffiionii jf
J.1 for gintU turn , t S W. coi nor 101 h rd rinrt , /
on Sfilh. f)7 ! ) I'fp
T on HUNT Nlro y fain shod front room miltablo
j/ for t n gentlemen. 1678 rindeo St. Difl ' 8p
ITWIl tiENT Si * room honjo In ifpod rrpiln.n . n il
1 oar line Inqulru at grocery store , corner 2 : li
KnU Cumin g Sin _ _ h'-l-tf
17MitrTNl-FlMtchsahouw by BcJforT. mi'JT
.I1 * tiavM. 812 tf
r Furnlihfd room In Ueoncr < Mock ,
.r corner Eighth nnd HovrardSt , SM-lf
17011 * 11EKT Twofurnlshcil rooms fo lleh hoiine
JL1 Vtcplnsj "IJeewrt'a Illock"cor. 8th audltmwd.
4 ! > 1 t
) ; OR ItCNT Atvio ttory It tno bulldlupt nitib
for business. Inrjo cellar , upstairs Bitlfible for
Inqulro ou jirumljes , corner 0tt anil
I'lereoSt. n < s-lf
iron KENT Nicely furnished frotit room 1616
JL ? Uodiro strrct. I10-tf
"JTOllHUNT Six oem cpttMif , fine location , hS. .
JJ T. 1'ctar jon , S. K , cor. 16th and Douglas. M.-U
InOIl llKNT-Hooms In Crounso'g Mock. 0. M
1 Hitchcock.
OOIl I'.KNT Ono er ni B < | imo piano. Tnqnlrf
JJ ofFMhotm nud Ktlokjim. 440 tf
ITlOti KENT Ono oed six rosin hotuo * 2S. rur mo.
JL1 iss-ti
"JT'Oll PAI.R A line lartto carrli u ot coah her c.
I1 Inqulro ntlJluolUru.lfllh St. , tttwccn Dodnt
and Ca ] ito1a\o. I'-j-tl
SAliK At JctTcison s uatc larn , a ir.nm1 top
- for $2S. 110 20p
] , c : SAUI-lEO.OOJhilck. II. T. Chike.
121 tf
I j O.t HAT.E Vnrnlturp onj flxturcn of a boarilintf
JL' hovso iiolrnacooj lm lncsi. I'ott locitlon In
town H Matmwilicr , t)7south ( ) IHh St. 1 tl 2tp
JT'Oll SAW : fine lot. rvt frm.t. liiblu-li llmo.on
Orori U avctmc. ImiuirolfiOO llounnl street.
! iao-22p
} 7l01lSALU-ABmall , Ii it cimplttj i-tock ot frc h
1 KrcCLilo , lth n irooil t nJc , in a goo.l local tj In
city. AOttrcsJ " 0 " Iko onu. ! ICO-lp
FOll SAt.K A Mholo tnfk of rlnthlnpr , liooti ami
Hhucs building at Ctt , rttirlny iroin l inlru-i" .
C II. 1'utciion , S04 south 'IVnth - > triut. ; ll.i.'iin
< OU SALE OU TIlAnnIfinltBra store lor Xob.
Ir ' hndj VK. . bpurrlcr , M lo'.i\Io * .
H'0-sat : o w4tp
71011SALK Corner 8th sn'l ' IVnam , CB\132 feet
j. ' nowcccuplod by City MiH : Apply on premises
077-t ( W. J \
| 7\01l \ AM-8'\ty ' hhcsof Uilian Hec3 In coed
I1 nimlltlmcry cheacirncr toith Ktli and
Martha. The owner IcaUn.Nebraska. ; OsOSOp
FOH SVLE Her e , KFndard Rentl ? , chcip. In-
iU | < re nt Edhclm & hrtcVcua'd Jev-.tlrj htorf , op-
> otitu I' . O. Oai 1 ! )
FCK SALE A water fowi r and Hone quirrj with
ton acres of hud , 45 cubic Inchc * of water nmJ
> 0 feel fill , with easy tacilMia for a , nujolnuij ;
ho eit.v cf I'littfmouth , l'8 s county , Neb Aildr'vi
i. n uvo , I'fo , Gil south 13th ttreat , Oamlii , Nt-b.
SALU riirnl'nro and ftovrs rtiltjb't for
boarnii s liousc. Imjuiio l'th jjnJ Jao ! son Sts.
I. huison. 843 21p
Ii Lll H\I.K Holler ami engine. I have ntirlv
i new loi'.or nnd cnil"o a U Knrralc'a | < i'in49
lorsi-p w = r , fur sale cluap. T. a. Clarlcsou , > IHIJ-
tr , Neb 'J2-lm
571OP. SILK ortllesn ; oorn " S"th and Ciinilni ;
1 street. O. F. Uaxia 4 , Co. , ljC5 i'arnaci arn.t ,
876 If
FOll SALE O..O half inteie-t Mi a ( 'ncd en itnc-r\ ,
also nineteen lots. I ur ] ' . ' .rticularsadd < e-8 ICK.-K
iox i'Oi , oia , Hib. blO-'Jlp
fjlOIl SALE Cl.eap , a nice cottnce. full lot , city
P water 5 blocln Ironi the couit houte. M. Lee ,
roccr , 22d and Lcavcunortn. SS7-lmo
SAI.K A butcher shop and tools in Pclmjlcr
br ki , vith a lirit clasjtiadu and In a vrorj
scatioa.nbjett In bulling , pier hPaltb. Addrnj ,
'iastpcr : llerbrioi'clunler , Nob. i > 3t-S3
7\01l SALU A ne nail's Safe , a bargain for anr
one wanting It. IP'S llarnn\ > r 7nn.
7 011 SAIjE A reataurau u a goo location , 220
? noitti lath street 71-inj ! ) >
710U SALE-Cheap lots , ? 5 CO down C5.1W per
J month , and aasUting worthy persona to build
ice litllo houica. R. C. Patterson &Co. , tor 13th
nd Karnam. ( i37-tf
j 200 acroirf land HOacrealmpr.neil . , '
. S2 acres hay , 8 acres hoi ; pvjtuto , 7 acres cu'ti- ' _ /
ated timber , 3 acres natur a timber. Good curing f
atcr ( roodhoii o and other iniproi emeriti , will bu
Id \cryeanyter ne , If si Id noon. Forotlur in-
rmation lniuiro [ \ e on.illr or b } mail of Wm. Clair ,
orcst fit ) , barpy Count } , Xch. 454-1 1 ,
TiOli SALE We offer forsalo-fj
I ? 150 Choice 3-jcar old Fetdlnjr Steers.
150 rholco 2-jcar old letdiug Steerj.
100 Yearling Steers.
Abo\o ill good Ion a Cattle
jiOH " SAt.E Two second Send piinoa , ai
& rrlcksnn'a Vntln Rtnro mi Irith St. n'W-tf
jiOIl SALK-EnRlnca new and second hand 10 h. p.
15 h. p. and 0 h p. portable and etatlonjr : : also
Jileri of nny size and ulylc. Hlchard & Clarke , U , l
. Y. bet. 17tn and ISth btJ. Omaha. 619-tf
71011 SAIjR A prli tins olllte euitablo lor a emnl
nontparcr ; or Jnb olllcj. Wil sell for cisli or ei-
tarsofor Omaha City property. AddrosjX. . / . B"
eo Hllieu _ _ _ < n .tf
710U HATK Two open ntcoiiu-nr.ijrt bu/u'jj cud
one delivery on , chep , at 13ia H.rrje" B { .
OS I' L'oat , West part city. ] .ca e w Ith Morgan
- / A. Son , r.oa bouth 13tl > . 110-10i
; TUAElllied and white * potted roan row tlirio
, , . ' . ' ! " ! , ' | " * ' " < I rope on her horn- .
C. JIubble. jj ] [ |
) " ; " ' l > : 't ° aen h.iiru-r ( vei hs | ( , llco ! and icTu
Ucnco to the N. K , o-jrner itth and LCUICHH irth
M2- 1 n
R.s ; fJjUllODKH. MGB-rttin ; HcalcrU now ucittd
t 1821 , Caw ttr.a. Iiun-no.e3 diboiHsfrcu.
. ' . ' " 08'1 ' 'I't.lOth. ' adark biy
mire , with wh'tu faro , about 0 Mian old. Any
orniii'icn leadlnt ; in her rccoiuy can ba left ut o.
nkoubuiBB , i-t-rih - 10th stria 97010
OST-OII the way friin , the SjnaeoL-tia , 23,1 and
tKnC t\ > Itaaf ° } 1-'lo < " ' ' ; a Hull , one 1'eaH and
MiiKin. \ Howard th n. MaxMojerfcCo.
JKIVY Mililta , klhksaiiil cd > siwN { clean d with"
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