PA1LY JBEESiSATrRDAY , bRPTEMBKR 20 1884. NEBRASKA OMAHA , NEBRASKA. PAID UP CAI'ITAL $2 ,000 SUIU'LUS MAY 1 , 1SSJ I .20,000 mECTOIlS' U. W VATF.S. A. H TOfZAMX , rroxhlcnt. Vloo I'rraMcnt . V. MOOIU : , JNO. S. COt.TTXS , T.KWI9 S. IlKKD. Kent K. Ilaydcn , AstlstAiit oml ActluR Cashier. BASKixa omen : The llron Bank. OOE , 12TH ANDFAMAM STS A OKNKiwvn HANKINd 11USINKS3 TllANSAOTKU. INTKUEST pllowod on tlmo doponlts npon { aTorAblo torina nnd upon nosountj of bnulc- nnd bjnkorn. KOKKIGN BXOHANaK Oovornmon. Bonds nnd County and City securities bought nnd gold. lu its treatment of customers the most lib. oral policy is nuroued consistent with e.-jfotu1 and Bound btxukiiiR , nnd wo invite correnponcs enco or porsonnl inquiry in conuoctiou there witli FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Nw YOHK , Sept. 10 , Money Kasy nt 1 @li. Prime paper t > i@GJ. Starling bills Sluruly1 821 ; dematu : 1S1J. Governments Quiet. .Stocks Opened weak for Jeiwy Coulral , J'eailiiiR , Nortliwostorn nutl Lake Shore. Vrie declined 1 to 1 | per cent. Compared witli last night , c'.osini ? , price * are i to CJ per cent higher. OOUFOSH C't ' . . ICO" " , dl'flOjupona . . llli U. 3. now , l' . . . . . . . 120i S ? cltio 6 'a ot ' 95. . . . . M 1-7 BTOOBB AND BQNDE. Central Pacific . 8fl } CblcBgo & Alton . ISO do do pfd . 1-15 Oh ! , , ttarl. & Qnlncy . . 1-0 , ' Del. , Lack. & Western . 107 Denver &K.G 10 Erie 131 do pfu , . . . . . . . . * . * * . * Illinois OontrM 128M. Ind. , Bloom. & Woatern M. Kansivf & Toxna IT Lain ) Shore Michigan So "Louisville & Xasli Michigan Control 05 r\fli. nnrlPaclfin 92U Norlhorn Pacific 20 do do pld . - , . * . . . . ' 18 Northwestern ! do pJd 12r > 4 Naw York Omtral ! > 'J.t Oregon TranS'Con 1'ucitic Mail -I'JJJ PullmauP. C . 113 Rock Island . 108 St. lj uU&San Fran . i ! < 4 do do pfd . -10S Chicago , Jtllwauioo A St. Paul . SO ? do do do pfd . . 1074 St. ranlft Omaha . 30j do do pfd . O-'A Texsa Pacific . 10' , ' Union Pacific . . . . . . l ! > 3 VY nbnah , St. L. & Pacific . fi,1 , do do do pfd . 12 Win torn TTolon Tolnffrapb. . C5 , ' O.K. & N . fS GKA.1N AND I'KOVISIONS , OHICACIO PBODUCff. CHICAGO , September 19 , Flour Quiet ; and unsettled. Wheat Unsettled and fair ; business opened (5/ic / higher ; declined a trillo , rallied jc | , do- lined Ic , rallied ic , and closed 4c nder yesterday ; 70S@7l > cash ; " 03 ; Septoin- bar 77(277J ( ; October ; 7l@ ' . ) November ; SOift EOi Decembor. turn ! Unsettled and nervous ; October and November opened J@/c / higher , advanced Ic , closed g' ' J over yesterday ; September opened l ( < f 1J higher and advanced to 'lo over yester day' highest figure ; the year and May closed K''J under yesterday ; ( i3i@3 ( ! cash ; OIJ@liiy { September ; D2ii@5j Octobar17 ; November ; o'.lj year and May ; rejected -lsro5 lUJ. Oats tjniet ; neglected ; li.r > ; J cash ; 25J September and Ocotber ; 2 l November ; I'd ? year ; 12'Ji May. Jlye StPiuly ; 51. Barley Firm ; CS. Timothy Quiet ; prime 1 t G ( 1 27. Flax Fair demand at 1 33al HI. i'ork Mess pork quiet and firm ; 10 75 cash and September ; 17 00 October ; 11 30 year ; 11 iJO January. hard Fairly active ; 7171 ( 7 20 cash , September and October ; 7 O''i@7 07.J Novem ber ; 7 10gj7 ( 12J January. Bulk Meats Shouldei-H 0 75@J ( 80 ; hliort clear 10 05@10 12J ; ehort ribs steady i ) E0@ ! . . " . " > , Whisky I Hi. Uuttor Firm and quiet ; choice to fancy creameiyH@l7 ! ; choice to fancy dairies Wa' ' ; ) . C'hecfc Firm ; active ; full cream chsddar . ' > Y < f\0 \ ; hkiimnoil cheddais , 2@ 1. Kirg.- . Firm ; IS. Hides ( " 'inner ; green salted bull at G ; damaped 0 } ; light 8J ; heavy 8 ; calf 12@r.'i. Tallow No. 1 country at ( i. Keceipts aud bliipmenlH Ilooolrrte. Uhlp't * . Flonr , bbl lit.OOO 10,000 Wheftt , bushels 1 5,000 2iCSO ( Corn , buohsU 215,000 33,000 ! ) Oats , bushels 181.000 171,000 3\yu , bushels 23,000 13,000 TBirJay. bunhols fil.OOO 11,000 ArTKitxooN BOAIID Wheat ] c higher. ( 'HIM if' " ! higher. Oats Unchanged to Jo higer , I'.irkno higher. l-ard 2ic higiior. ST. LOUIS VKOUVOK. Sr. L.OUIH , September 1 ! ) . Wheat Opened hiphrr : declined and closed nt ij@lc aliove yo tiTI ( y ; No. 2 red , 77.J ( 78io for caHh ; 77le bid for September ; 7tiu ! closing at 7Uj ; for October ; 81J81J closing Si | for Nuvein- b r. Corn Higher l > uf slow ; f)0@51 for ciuli : Mi nr September ; K<ilc for October ; 3Stf fur November. O.its Iliglierand iuactivo. 27ifi27i ! for nh ; 27 for Ninember and December 2'JJ May. Itye-QiiiotatlWc. J'utter Unchaiivcil , ICgHHigher ; IDc , Flax Seed Higher ; 1 " 0. linyUnchanged. . Iran-lmer ! ( ; C2. Cnrmneal Higher ; 21C , Whisky -Steady ; 1 12. AFTKII.VOON lioAlin Wheat Kxcitod and higher ,80 ; Octobor.S''i ; November 8lf ; Dec ember 'J.U ; nominal May. Corn Higher ; ' 1SJJ October ; IKU November ; ; \W \ < t'.ll year ; 30V May. O.tts Dull and nominal , HALTIMOIIK. liALTlMonx , Soiitqmbcr 11)Vlieat ) V est ern , steady and active ; western winter No , 2 red spot , 81i@81j. | Coin Western entirely nominal. Oats Firm ; western white , 33ft 31 llyi 68 ® 0. KKK Higher at WaW. Pork ( uiet but steady ; old , 17 23 ; new IS 23. Lard Refined , 8 00. Hulk Meats-Weaker ; shouldunt , ( i 37J ; khort rib-s , 8 25. Jiutter Steady ; western packed , 10)20 ( ) creamery , 25ij,3S ( > . Whisky Steaily at 118S,1 ( 19. NEW YORK rilOHCOK. Nitw YOKK , September 1 ! ) Whnat-Hpot A.Ic ( lower ; options closed firm at o fractional : ul\anM. Itucciptu , 15'JlOO ( busln-ls ; oxp'irtx , 113009 , No , 2 | > riiiKKltuiiraJod retl.lWa ! Mdo ; crop In field. 87i K8JNo. ; 3 rod , K2ii ( VJJ ; Iso , 2 red , b'JfeMl ; .November , closing at SIi ? , Corn Spot i@lc lilglier , cluslng weak ; oijtionsoponedlftJlifhighor. lo t the advance ; clj-ed with a recovery of 4fc. / . Iteceipti ' inchi ' ; CNjiort * . 43,000 lni hels : unpradrd WnfiJ ; No.2 , Oll-rffil ; Noveml-rr , Clj. ! iMtl , i ( me ; wcntrrn mixpd , 80(331vhilo ( ; , U rstcn ) frpuli firmj Rmxl dmnnnJ. Pork Steady slid modetalivcly active : m w mi" 17 7 . Ii'itd I'lrmi western * t < nm spot , 7 'V ' > ( < 4 ' 70. 70.Uutter Fair dpinnnd ; very firm ) 02tl. KKW OHL1UKS , NEW Ont.KAK3 , Srptetnbcr 10. Corn Dull ; mixed nt04f < ? 0ri. O ) t - Wr-U-rn fair drnmml at SS. ( ' . .rn . MtalQuiet ! 8 35A215. ( . Pork-QuVt ; stpdyt 1700. hanl - Sttivly ! tlarw toflnotl , 7 78) ) keg , S 00 Whiiky-Stt-ady ; wrotcrn rectified , 1 0. @l 2.\ KpgWcslsrn fresh , dainaQd ftnd the market fit in , lltittor Demand fair ftud prict1 * from 20 21. Hulk Moati Tn fair dcmntid ; shoulder bicked lower at 7 37A. 01NC1NHATI. Kpptomhor I ! ' . Wheat ( tend demand ; No. 2 red , 77@7'- ' . Corn Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 61. O.its Firm and gonil demand ; S'Jl ? " . ! * , ' . Hyu Firmer ; No. afRB/ri ( / ? . Harley U nod demand ; uxtra No. ! 1 spring < " V.I , Pork t > uirl nt Ifi r > 0. linrd Moady at 7 IW. Hulk Moats Dull ; unchanged ; shoulders 025 ; short libal ) 70. Whisky Steady at 1 11. M1LWADKUK. MII.WAUKHH , September 11) ) . Flour Un < changed. Wheat Weak : No. 2 Milwaukee 7 If ; Sep tember , 7Ii ; October , 7oi ; November. 7S. Corn Quiet ; and linn , No 2 II ; rejected H50. ) Oats FirmeijNo. 2 while , S.'JJSO. Hyu 1 'inner No. 2 , 52. Hurley I'lrmor ; No. 2 spring")0j. ( ) KANSAS C1TV. KANSAS CITT , September ! ! > . Wheat Higher ; u7Je cash ; 6SJJ for Octobar ; COJ bid November. Corn-Higher ; 4n@l5Jca ! > hI2J : September - ber ; 37-i for October ; 2Sg bid November ; 28J bid May. Oats Dull and nominal ; 22 bid , 22.J aakctl. rnonuoB. PKOIIIA , September ! ! > . Corn < Vctivo ami higher ; higli mixed , 52@VJi ; No. 2 mlxoil , Oats Active and strong ; No. 2 white , 28fi 28J ; No. 2 mixed , 25Kfcttl5. ! ilyo Dull and e.iat ; No. 2 51@51.J. Whisky-1 10. TOI.KDO. TOLEDO , Sept. ! ! . Wheat Quiet and steady ; No. 2 red , 781 bid. Com Firm ; No. 2. cash 55bid. . OatH Dull and nominal ; No. 2 , cash 20 ? bid. bid.Clover Clover Cash ! 05. LIVEItl'OOIi. LIVERPOOL , Sopteinber 1 ! ) . Wheat Win ter , ( is Sdrdlis lid ; spring Ca GdJ@03 Sd , Corn Firm ; Id. Hreadstulis Steadier. KANSAS CITY. KANSAS CITV , September 111. Cattle Itoceipta , 2,000 ; nativ us steady ; exports ( ! 00 ( ? ( i 30 ; common to cholcu shipping D 00@ 5 SO ; cows 3 00 ® 3 50. Hogs Heccipts 3,200 ; weaker , lOo lower ; lieavy jiacking 5 ( ! 3@5 75 ; light 5 70 ( < " 5 SO ; mixed fi JOCajS ( iO. Sheep Receipts 18S ; ( piiot ; natives 3 50. ST. LOUI3. St Louis , Sopteinber 1U. Cattle rteceipts 0(10 ( ; scarce , wanted ; demand exceeding the supply ; prices linn , exports 0 100 75 ; com mon to choice shipping , ! 50@G 30. Sheep Receipts 500 ; scarce and Hrm ; infer- iorto good , 2 25fa13 50 ; choice to extra , 3 CO ® 100 ; lamb3 00 © 1 25. Hogs Koceipts 2,300 ; active and strong ; Yorkers 5 DOfeC 10 ; packing , 5 50@0 00 ; butchers' ( i lOfeO 10. CHICAGO LIVK STOCK , CHICAGO , .September 19. The Drovers' Journal reports : Hogs Receipts , 10,000 head ; dull ; 10@15 lower ; rough packing , -10655 SO ; packing and shipping , 5 ! > 00 35 ; light , 5 00@0 2J ; skips and grassers 4 OU@510. Cattle Receipts 5,200 ; native ! weak ; experts - ports , 0 G0tf ( > 0 ! IJ ; common to choice , -I 7J" > ( < " li 00 ; cows 250 1 25 ; htockers 3 25 ® 1 10 ; feeders 3 ! )0 ) ( I SO ; Wyoming 255 0. Sheep Receipts. liJO ( ( head ; steady ; in ferior to fair 2 50ft3 00 ; medium to Rood , 3 00 ® t 25 ; lambs per head 1 00@3 00. OMA11A. MAIIKITCS "Wholesale 1'rioo * . " " OKKICKOKTHK OMAHA BEE , ! Friday Evening , September ID. J The following prices are charged retailers by jobbers , wholesalers and commission merchants L chants with the exception of grain , which is quoted at the prisoa fxraiihed by tie obvators and othorjocal buyers ; Whsat-Ciwh No. 2 , & ! Ko > 50'.c. ' 1 Barley Cash No. -ISlguOc" . Rve Owih , No. 3 , lOi. Cora No. 2,3 ! ) 10/c. / 0 ts No. 2. 2U@25r. 2 The following arc the receipt * and Hhip- wonts at theiiniiiu stock yards today ; HKCKIIT-S. Tifty tars. HIIU'MUNTS. Via. 1 { . I. , seventy-eight earn. Via , Mihvaukeo , thirty-four cars. > VAT Cowl - 2 7fif3 SO Hoas-5 OOftD 25 BHKEP a OOft.350' OOft.350'CO. CO. Flour nml MlllHtuITH. > quality , .patent"nt 300@35 : ! SKCOND QUAUTVSuS \ CO. Si'iUNO WHUAT Ueut quality , pitt-nt , 3 00 © SKCONO ( Ja.\L-rr-2 ] Ra to , UBAN rii'om \ cwt. : CHOITKII J 'KKI > Per 100 lb . , 90s , COKN MKA& 1 00@l 10 per cwt. SCUEKSINQ O.75o per cwt. li Wool , Light fine \ ) Ifnuvy line 10(5t ( ? , Modinm 1-1E)17. ( ) i Conr o 7@10. ] < Burry 2 to 8V ( Mntket firm , V ) Qonoral I'rodnoo , 6 Arpi.KS Dull and receipts contlnuo heavy ; 6K only cliulcu stock saleable , at Si.WfeU.fiO , t . : < JUANB HoctiiptA HKIH auu deiiiitmt K ° od. i Hjfd ticked unvy , per bu , 82 Wj medium , a r HKKSWAX In Rood demnnd. Choice bright 1 paMb , 'Ji528c ( ! : coiauiun to Kood dark ] nor , Ib L LI I \ UnclmnpoU ; denmnd pooU , mainly for the butt r gradra. Cliolco tablii , lC@10c : fair to Rood , SffilJc ; cruamory , ' < 2o. C'.niSH'mhl0" ? lb' } ' . 7.00'York ; ' Btate ner bbl , $8 00 ; per * bbl , 81 75 ; condensed per U , 8sc. Crab apple , per ( jnl. 3flc. ; Uiiirai JCull cream , western , 11 1 Wla- ooriHin new 12 ; yount ? American 12fifl3o. ] J'.iOH-Hc-ccltn . | iluriiiK Htnto fair week 87.00 ® l JiLLT-ln 20 1 and 30 Ib n ll , C@7j ; In 2 Ib an. , per doz , 81 fiO ; M oNo twnblora , dot. $1 20 ; schrxiners , per doaen , 83 00. llAPLK SfOAH-l-iira. In brlrka , , wr Jb 10c , ? Ohio , 13c : Binr.ll caVfi * . lajc. ( JALIVOII.SIA FIIDITH I'cnro , CO-lb. bojtoi S4 OOj J'eachos , 20-11) bores , ? S 00 ; I'luinn , 10. Ib boxes 8225 , Grapo.1 per crata ( I boxes 5" * " * ONIONS Chulcom \ . o ( g o. POPOOIIN- ' pooij ( lomond ut 2@2Ho per Ib. J'OctTiiy-Jii llburnl Huppl/niid priec-H weak ; Oc'"ckun ' i esaiGsajToj old chlckwu , O \tf'O W , PROVISIONS Ham , lie ; U. Itacon , 1'JJcj I\ S. Sides n ; CS. % Huron , ll-'i ; Mioulders , Oroorra tilst. OAXWBU ( Joons Ur tern ( HtAnd.\Tilj ) r ovf. . S OOj KtrnwhMTlM , 2 Tb , per tvwn. 2 iN tMpltSrrlM , 2 Ib , \ < tr ont. 3 70j i < tUct' IWOM , ji r PAW , B 80 ; whoittenenlw , i > rr onno 3 10 ; OfTS pluttn , i ! 1 ! ' \ < - < r vaan , 2 S'O : jfroei . a Ib , per CMC , : ' . 1W ) pluo nptilw , 2 U e , > 8 WS f.O. --Sicul 4 inch onJ lii or , t > , S Inch o ; Inch , VV CANPI.WI BOIPJ , 40 lb , 15i , Hj | 89 , 1 lo , iiv 40 It1C ot. , Gi , 1 Ic. MAVOIIKK I'cr onddle , S5j { rcnad , 2 6T. ; nqiiwe CIYUM , 1 70. HIOAKS Powdftrod , 8yo | cnt b f. fttnuulntod , 7Jci coulectloiiers' A , 7c ! fiUnd Attrn 0 , OJc ; extrn U , 0o ) tncJiiunil low , , " > Jnj dark jvllow , c. Rood , He ; prime , lfi@lfilo ! choice fnncyfcrnon nnd yoUow.lti ( < ilGJooli ) ; : Rovnrnmont Jnvn , 20@20c : Leverlnu's roaflted 17cj iVrbueklo's ro.ited , 16Jc ; XXXX ro-Mtod , li > ? L'j mllMlou Jam , 1C' ' gjljlc ; CUrku Atttorn , 1'Jo. El Ijonleiuiin pnme to choice , 7@7Jo f lr fljo ; I'.itmn , CJc , FISH Wo. 1 mftckurcl h\lf brlt. , 7 COi No , L C ; fniiilly mnckonl , kits , l'iOc > No. white fiah , hull hrln. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits. 05. STBVP Standard Com. P2c , bole ; Stnudntd do1J Knllon kcfa ; 1 H5 ; Stnudnrd do , kors 1 60. Soil * In Vb papcrn , S SO per cnao ) keg per lb : a Modinm , In bnrreln , 8 00 ; do In hnlf hnrra's , 4 M ; cmnll , In bnrrols , 0 00 ; do In half barrels , ft 00 ; gherkin lu bsrrcli , 10 00 ; do lu hnlf bnrrelx. 5 M. TKAU Gunpowder , Rood , 455Sc | choice GO f < Ji75c ; Rood Impovlnl , 'lOOlSc : choice , 60G5o Younp llysou , gmid , SiHW ( ( Oc ; choice , 05cl 00 ; .lupnn , nnturnl lonf , Sf'C ) Japan , choice , GO@7Cc ; OolonR , Rood.aSO'lOc olonR , choice , 40fi5c ) Bouchung , K001 ! ! SC < & < Oc choice , 3r.c3-ir ( > c. WoonKNWAtiK Two hoop palln , 1 85 three hooii pnile. 2 10. Tuba , No. 1 , 9 00 ; I'lo- noor wnshbonrd ; , 1 85) ) Double Orowu 2 90 ; Wcllbuckota. S S5. BOAUS Kirk a Savon Imperial , S 4 ! > | Kfrfc'i Bntluat , 3 CO ; Kirk's standard , 8 7Pj Klrk'e white RtiMlnn , fi " 5 ; Kirk n ontocn , 2 1C ; Kirk's 1'rnlrio Quscu , (100 ( CAkv , ) 40cj Klrk'e mn nolln , doz. PoTAail l'onnarlvanla onns , 4 oaia , In c 3 , { Si ; UabWtt'o ball ? doz. In case , 1 90 ; Andior 3all , 2 doz. In cmo , 1 50. OANPT Mixed , 1213c > stick , llc | twist stick , lOJo. ViNEaAK Now York apple 16o | Otlo p- pie. 13c , SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 70 ; Aehton , In sacks , S 50 ; bills dairy 60 , 6s , 3 30. STABOII 1'aarl , 4Jc ; Sliver Gloss , Ec | Corn 3tarth , So ; KxjuMor Gloss 7 : Corn , Tie. SPIOKS 1'oppor , 17oj Spice , 15o { olovos , 25c ) OASsla IBo. Tjtir Amorlcan , 8 40) ) G twnwlch , 8 40 Western , 2 75 ; North Stnr 2 00 | Lowli' lye 4 65 : Jewell lye . . 2 , DVT oooflr. Baawu hniicriNas Atlantic A , 7io ; Atlan lo P , Go ; Atlantic LL ; 5Jc ; Urnuswlok , 7ic ; 3oavor Dam LL , Go ; Lawronno LL , 6Jo ; Paci fic II , 7Jc ; lloynl StandarU , 71c ; Indian Head A , 8c ; Wauchusbtt A , 7Jo. FINK Buow.v SiiKKTiNas Argyle , 7io ; Top- ) oroll U , 7c ; Salisbury K , GJo. liLKACHBi ) COTTONS llallon 4-4. 6ici Ba , on 7-8 , Dfo Cumberland 4-4 , 8c ; Davoll DD ! Jc ; Kairmount , 44c ; Fruit of the Loom 4- Jc ; Glory oftho WoBt , 81u Gold on ; Gate , 8J Mil 7-8 , b'c ; Hill 4-1 , "i'c ; Lonadalo 8icNow Verk Milin. lljc ; Wamautta , lOJc. DUCKS ( Colored ) ] Joiton , 8 oz. , lljc ; Bos ton. 10 oi. . , MJc ; Uosten , 0 oz. , lie ; Full lliv- or , 8Jc. DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , S oz , lie ; Wont Point , oz , 14c ; Point Bear , 8 oz. , lie. lie.TlOltlKOH Amoikoapr , I4o ; Contltifmtal Tancy , Oi'c ; OoTdii , lOJo ; ? OM < 'i [ fork , 1-Jc ; llnmleton Awnlnps , 1 DENIMS Amo < ikoag , 14c ; Beaver Crook A A , 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , lie ; -'caver Creek CO. 10 ; Haymakers 8c ; Jaffrey D & T. 12Jc ; Jallrey XXX. 12Jc ; ? oirl Kivor , 13c ; Warren AXA ( Drown ) , 2c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , lie ; Warren CO brown ) , lOc. OAMBIUCH Fifth avenue glove fiuhh , 5o ; Koystouo glove finish , fijc. Coitiiicr JKANB Amory , 7io ; lluncock , 80 ; Koaranyer , 8 0 ; Kockport , 7c PKINTS Alions,5Jc ; American , 5Jo ; Arnolds 60 ; Coeheco , Go ; Harmony , 4J ; Indigo 1\a Indigo 7-3. njcIuaigo ; 1-1 , 12ioStci'l ; : Kivor jjc ; Charter Oak , -IJc. PIIIHTS SHIRTINGS Amorfc a , 5c ; Cocheoo lie ; GloucostorucSouthbrldg ; 4tc ; Wnvorlye , life ; Kiwodalo , 4 Jo. GINOIAMB | Amoflkoag staples SJo ; Hates staples , 8 0 ; Lnnc.-vjtor Htnplos , 8c ; Plnnlcot plaids , 9c ; Hudson chocks , 8o ; Amoakoag L'orelftiiB , OJc. DliEsa GOODS Atlantic alpacca , 9 c ; Per- lift no caahinor , 23 c ; llamloton cftshmoro 15jc ; Hnmloton Fancua , llio ; Hnmlcton bro- iadoa , 15o ; Arlington brocade , 18c , UanorB. ALOOnoi188 proof alcohol , 2 20 per vrlne fallen extra California eplrltff , 188 proof , 17 per proof gallon ; triple refined splrlta 187 proof , 1 10 nor proof gallon ; ro-dlhtillod whiskies 1 00@L 50 ; line blended , 1 50@2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7CO ; Kentucky md Pennsylvania ryes , 2 007 00. BBANDlKa Imported , 600@1600 ( domoatlo 40@4 00. GINO Imported , 4 606 00 ; doraostle , 1 40 ® 3 00. KDMH Imported , 4 C0@6 00 ; Now England , 00@4 00 ; domodtlc , 1 C'J@3 50. PEACH AN ArrtE BHANDY I 754 00 , OUAMPAaHKS Imported rat case , 28 00 ® 54 00 ; American , pur caao , 12 uOfgilO 00 , 7n auco l.'too TOBAOOO OHmnx 4fic ; Bullion 45a ; tlorowhoe , 413lar , < 1o ( ! ; It'idy , 'I5n [ Hor- "ly'H. 40c ; Black , S-frdlOc ; Spearhead , -IGc ; 3ur Iloie | , 4Sc ; Piper HimUieck , flic. FINE Cor Common. 2lfgauo ) ; K" ° d , 4B@ 0o ; HOHO Loaf , 70c ; Premium , 65o ; Dlauioud 3rown , 5Ec ; Sweet Slxteou , 50o. SMOKINQ 0. S. , 22c ; Moorachanm , SOo ; Dnr lam , 8 oz , , D5c ; Durham oz. . 57c ; Durhntr ioz. , CO : ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz.IS' , 3oal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , 0 : ; Seal uf tforth Carolina , 2 oz. , 52c ; 0. 1C Durham , 4 r. , , 28c ; O. K. Durham , 2 oz. , SOo ; Uncle Soil , I'a ' 25o ; Tom and Jerry 23o , fMluta Olla and Varninhni. OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , lMoj ! ! 150 ° leadllaht , pnr gallon , l , 'c ; 175 ° hnadliKftt , > er gftllon , Kijc ; 150 ° water white I'-ili ; lln- oml , raw , ; r.i Ktillon.r > 5c ; Unseed boilo.i , per rallon , fiHuLarcl , winter olr'd , ] r gallon , 70o : Xo. lGOcNo. ; 2 , SOo cawtor , JSiJs , pur al on , 1 CO ; No , B , 1 40 ; sweet , per fralloa 1 00 iperin W.B. , per gallon , 1 BO ; linh VV. B. , orgallon. ii'i ; neatafoot extra , j > er Kallon , f ) r ! Sf'i , 1 , 7oo ; liibrlcatlnff , zero , per gallon , 30o ; ninincr , 15o ; golden machine , No , 1 , per galen - on , 85c ; No. 2 , 28c ; fl | > orm , nlgnil , per gallon Oc ; turpantlno , per gallon , 48c ; naptlia 74 ° )0r fiillon , Kio. PAINIS IK Uu White lead , Omaha P. P. , ic ; white load , St. Louis , pure , file ; Mmuuillm freon 1 to 0 Ib can * , 20c ; French zlno. green : oul , 12c ; French zin : , red seal , lie ; French , ) In varnish iui t , 2flc | French r.ino. In oil t , 15c ; raw and burnt nmber , 1 Ib C IIB , lOo ; aw nnd burnt Slunna , lOc ; vnudvkn brown , i3c ; refined lampblo k , 12o ; ooacb block , and very black , 16c ; drop black , Klo : Pruralan iluo , tKz ; ultramarine blue , 18o ; chrome green \i. til , k D , , IGc ; blind and shutter green , L M , & D. , ICe ; Paris peon , 18o ; Iniilaii rod , L5o ; Venetian rod , 9 Tuncan rod. 22c ; Amerl. an Vermllllon , I. & P. , I8c ; yellow ochre lie Li. M. , O , & D. O. , Ibc ; yellow octirii , 0 : , ohlen ochre , IGo , patent drynr , Hi ) jolore. light oak , dark oak , walnut , kud ash 16o. DanOB AND CIIEMIOALH Add , Carbolic , 05o icid , tartarlo , 5c / ; balKain capabla , per lit ) , irclmrkHiHHnraj ; ( ( , per Ib , 12c ; calomel , porlb r5c ; cliiohonldla , pnr oz. , SO.C5 ; chloroform. > or Ib. , 81 10 ; Dovura powder , per Ib. , 81.25 ; opaom Halts , per Hi. , Kc ; glycoriuo , pure , per Ib. , Ufa ; load acetate , jmr Ib. , 22u ; oil , uustor , No 1 rir gal , , 31. Ml ; oil , CHUtor , NCI , 15 per al. , 81.40 ; oil , olivo.nnr gal. , gUO ; ( ,1 | ori ganum , 5Qc ; opium , & 1.50 ; ( lulriluo , P. tr. V/ ; and It. & H. . per o/ . , 81. ' . ' 0 ; potanslnin , . Iodine per Ib. , 81.50 ; nallcln , ) * or oz , , 40c ; nul. phatoof morphine , per oz , , 83l0 ! ; sulphur flour , per lb.-c ! ; utryclinlno , per oz , , 81,35 , HOATT Iron , ratOK , 2 iif ) ; nlow &teol Bjioclnl cast , 5o rruciblo , r.o ; opoclal or Gorman , 4c ; cwt too ; d > , 15 < is20 | wftKon npikoa , eat , 2 26Ca l 00 ; hubs p r net , 1 25 ; fo'Joea ' sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongnou , uach , 70@85c ; ailoa each , 75c ; cinare nut per Hi , 7@llc ; wftshow or Ib , Ra)18c ) ; rlveti , pt Ib , lie ; C"ll olwlu , per Il > , < kl2o ; ; nrnllatbla , c Iron wlf < M , tie : crowbars , fie ; burrow teeth io ; i-ptlnp irtcl , 7C dc : Uiuden'i horgthoc * 4 7 Unriicn d iin'lortmw 5 70. ItAnrcn Wtr.n tn CM lo > , I i ( t 103 NAIM--U I > , 10 to GO , 2 : to PHOT Plw.t , 1 85 ; buck nhot , 2 10 ; ortontn povnliv , ki > : . 010 ; do. , b l ( k ft , 3 4S ; do. VJRrtor Ircpa , 1 J > 8 ; blftltlnft , kepi , H { * | fuse ! > JD ) fret M > o. IiKAli r , 1 Mi. COAT.Cumborlnnd bIncV mlth , 1000 ; Jtor rs run 151iwburg , 10 00 ; Whltebrosal luani 00 ; Whltnbrnivit nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lnm | > , f ! U ( Iowa nut , fi 0 ; Hock Hprln7 "Ot Anthr.t fllt , 11 26 ) t : .0j OAnon City , 7 ( K ) , ; pet. toi Wo quota lumber , tath And nhinglu on OK nninhn nt the following pricM : JOIST ANII SOASTUSO 18 ft 2-J 00. TiMUBRn 10 foot nnd nnihr , 20 00. TiMiiBii AND Jomr 20 It , as 0) ) ; 24ft oo. FtNCiNO No , 1 , 4 Mid 6 In. , 2 1 00 , ' No. 2 , 2000. SltEKTlNfl No. I (2drcnramou ( boards ) , 20 00 N'o. 2 , 18 OP. STOCK UOAIUM A , 45 00 ; 11 , It ) 00 ; 0 , 35 00. yroouiNei No. 1 , 40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No. , 2500 Snnxo , clear 27 00 ; No. 2 25 00 ; No. S , 2000. OmiNd37 ; ! 00 ; g , 25 MlttNfH.vs , I 50 ; sUudnrd , 3 0 , LATH 3 25 per M , LlMK Per bftrrol , 1 25 ; bulk pur btuhcl , 85o ; oomnnt , bbl , 2 25 ; lown plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hair per bt > . Wc ) ; T rtod felt , 100 Its , B 50 ; t trsw board 3 ( < C. Iio ttior. Oftb ole , S8c@I2o ; hemlock nolo 28c ( < 4S3ai hemlock kid , SOo ; runner Me to 7."c ; hum- Ic sk oalf . 8Bc to 1 00 ; hemlock upper , 22c to2le OAK nnpor , 2lo ; ftlllpaUir. 4 ( HI to 5 BO ; calf kid , 3285 ; Grotson ! uu. 2 W Jo 2 75 ; oak kip , SOo to 1 00 ; oak o.ilf , 1 'JO to 1 30 ; French kip , 1 10 to 1 56 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus- notx , G f 0 to 7 60 ; ' .Jlr.Rs , C CO to 8 f > 0 top- piiiffs , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B L. Morocco , 0o to AV- . pebble O. D. Jforccco. 3.1cMniou. 2 r > 0iflH ( (10 HAHVKSS. No. 1 atnr oak , 3nr ; Xo. 2 3lc ; .S5o : No. I Ohio oak , die ; wo , a no , 2oi No. I Milwaukee * 8-loj No 2 do ! Uo. ! No. 1 Pitts oak bar , 37c ; No. B Pitts ] naV har , 35o. Drr 1'alnts. White leal , 8c ; French zinc , 10a ; Paris whiting , 2Jo ; whiting gllilors , IJfct whiting 'lom'l ' IJo ; lampblack , Gormintown , He ; lampblack , ordinary , L0c | 1'ruwUn blue , f5c ; untrainnriuu,18c ; Vandyke , br.iwi , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; rlonn * , burat , 4c ; alonn.'s rK < * , 4o ; Paris green , genuine , 25c ; Paris grooru common , 20c ; chrome ( Jitcn N , V , , 2Co ; ohioroo green , 1C , , 12ct vermillion , Kug. , 70c ; vormillion. Amerlcnn , ISc ; Indian , rod , lOc ; rose pink , 14c ; Vonotlau rod , Cookiion's , 2c ; Venetian rod , Amorlcan , Ijfc ; rod load , 7jo ; chromo yellow , genuine , l0c ! ; chrome yel low , K. , 12cochra ; rochelle , Re ; ochro. French , 2o ; ochre , American , 2c : Wlntor'a mineral , 2lc ; lohigh brown , 2ioj Spaiilah brown , 2io ; Prince's mineral , 3c. VAUNISIUCS BarrolB. pw gallon ! Furnl tnro , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 : conch , extra , ? 1 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar extra , $1 75 ; Japan , 70oa.srh ; ltmn , extra , 85o ; ehollac , 3 tiO : hard oil finish 81 60 , DENVEK MAIIKKT. LIVK STOCK Boot Cattle , grass , 100 Ib. 3 75 @ 4 00 ; sheep , live , 2 00@2 50 ; dressed 5 00@ 0 00 ; hogs , live , ( i 50@G 75 ; droaaod 8 BO@'J 00. Hide , ? . Dry Fllnt,101@12c. ; groou 4i@64o. green calf 8(5)10 ( ) ; ; alioopskins , dry , 8@lUo. Tallow. @Gc. Wixil. Colorado l-l@15c. ; Colorado heavy , 12(5)13c ) ; Now Mexican 7@10c. FLOOB Colorado. 100 Ibn , 1 75@1 00 ; pat ent , 100 IbB. , 2 50@2 75 ; Urahinn , 100 Ibs , 1 75ffl2 OOj rye , 100 lbs.,2 35ffl2 50bnckwhoat ; , 100 Ibn , ( i OOffiG 50 , bran , ton , 10 00@12 00 ; corn meal , 100 Ibs. 1 05(5)1 ( ) 7o. GRAIN Wheat , 100 Ibs , 1 00 1 03 ; corn , In Hacks 100 11)8 , 1 © l 20 ; oatn , 100 Ibs , 1 25 @ 1 30 ; barley , 100 Ibs , 1 30@1 40. HAY Baled , upland. 14 OOffiUfi 00 ; bottom tom 12 00@13 00 ; etra7. 9 00 ® 10 00. BrjTTHii Finest , 30@31c ; Nebraska dairy 14(5U5c ; common , Gi )8c. ) Eaaa Freah , 18@l'Jc ; ranch , doz , froah 23@24c. CHEESE Full cream , I2 13o ; Llmburgor , 18c ; Swiss , imported , 32c. PODLTBT Live , cliickons old , dor,5 50@G 00 ; turkey , jier Ib. , 11'tgKic : spring cliickons , 3 r.OC l 50 ; drossodlbiya20c. ( POTATOES 100 Ibn , now , 1 C0@l GO ; sweet , rer Ib. , . | © Pe. VKOKTAIILES Onions , now , 100 Ibs , 2 25 ; cabbage , now , 100 Ibs , 100 ; now beets , 1 25. FIIDITS Lemons , choice Mosnina , G Oil ® 710 ; npplos , bbl , 4 OUS/U 50 ; poaches per box. 2 00@ 2 25 ; watermelons , per doz , 3 00 pu.irn , per box , 350 ; pliiniB , pur box , 1 50o2 ( ; 00 ; California grapen , 2 00@2 25.per box. box.MKATS MKATS Hams , Ib , 15J@lGc ; bacon , break fast , 14S)141c ( ) ; lard , in three , Ib , 1 ; dry Halt Hides , njSjllc. ( FIHII Mackerel , No.l , 150 , kit. mefls , 1 75@2 25 ; California salmon , half bbl , 10 50 ; Holland herring , koir , 1 G0@l 7B ; trout , per Ib. 17(2)18n ( ) ALONO Till : LINK 0 ? THE Ciiicap , Si , Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA HAJLWAY. Thu now eitoriblon ol thlallno fiom Wakoflold uji Ihu BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the QAN through Concord and CooiHio ! ; . h n lioat portion ot the Ktato , Hpoclal ci ouriilon raUm fnr laml ( uckora over thl * line t \Vuyno , Norfolk nnd HnitliiKtua , and via lilalr to a ll , In on llio SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAILROAD Tr ln oror tht 0. , til. V. M. & O. Kullwav to Coy ngton , Bloux Ulty , I'onca , lUttington , W yuo and Norfolk , 0 ( Ff'juiant , OakiU.o , KolU'fi , nd tbrou h to Vul nitlia- . OTKor r t n mid alllnformatlnn call on P I * . WlllTNIiy , Ooncr * Aeent TIMKEN CPRINC VEHJCLE8 ! Riilrit riding SJSZE75C3OVclilrln mailp , rtldui n ea y it ZP1iGr' qnllli 0110 IMT- iuukiwlllitvoV - ; 7"- i < iiionprlnii rinillien anililiurtnntrfonlinelolhn rlilililirr : irry , K'limlly well nCii > t < "J to rough country roitclMiinrtlliioilrlveiolcltlHS. . . . . . ftlnnnrnrlurrdnud .i.i i.u .11 ' " - " --TlmfnlliilMrrin/iJ / lira- l * > itntf < t , Nt. bonU , JntBBUTmUBGV CO. : BOTTLES , Brhtngnr , JJavaria Culmlmcher , Bavuna I'ilHiior t Bohominn [ Caisor . Brwrnen. DOMESTIC. BudwoiHer St , Louifl Anhauser. . . . „ „ . , St. LOIHH. ByfitH _ , Mibvaukef. Hchlitx-Pilbnor Milwaukee. Kru-j'H Omaha Ale , Porter , Domestic and It him Wine. ED. MAUltHK. iai Karnamfit. Or , ftmelia . Burroughs OVVIOK AND RK3IDKNOK' 1617 Dodge , St , , - Omaha , KLEl'lIONK NO , lit Kaiiwa > Time Table , 111 The t'.Mitlon nf linf Ilin fuot thnt thli l < tlio ot.ramitlutn ! ( k-i. i > lutn ly porrcct tlmp ul.lo | iul < lih < > it In thr clt\ . All tfumnnrrhn M ami dn < Mi inn on-ii- n Ccrtt l Slnd r. | Tlrrw , which lo it tntmilm f.w.f , thftn 1111 il'nc , t IUc | > t ! feluTitajr , Kteejit Sutiiluy , J Kxrcvt If on ITiilu.i Depot ; f ; I' . U. . , MAIN LINK. . ' . MAlUdil r.ip. . . . 11:10 : Mn Attuntln Ki | > ? -o t m P ciHo B v . 8 : 6V" < I1'1' ' nJK v. . . . Win IHIly. HRl'tinUOAN VALLP.Y DIVISION. 1NAVH. I AHKIVX , Lincoln lUp. . . . 11:55 : ti tn | I.lnmln KML. n\in n in DUMMY TIIAINI * BK1DOK D1VIHION. > vc Oi.vilm : 8:10 : , 8:00 : , fl.jO , tuW : , 11:10 : > n i-oo J : 0 , 5:00 : , 4:00 : , 5:00 : , 8tX : , 10:3.H : p. m. 011 , , , , , ! , , S.10t > : 0 , 11:15 : . m j l.-t < o , 3:00 : , ,00 , 6'00 , IO-8S 11 in Art Uo IS itilni.tvii Utcr ; liroaJn * ) Joiwt.Oiuurl ! l\\Htt \ \ , W mlnuli's l leir. l * v i Council Illuffii , Uri' il - y depot , 7:10 : , R 30 , 9.80,10:80 : , 11:10 : .nu ; 1:30 : , S.tO. : RSO. : 4:50,5JWll- : : , 81:06 p. in On Sundays : 7:40,8:80,1 : : ISO , in. , 1:80 : , 1:50 : , 4:30 : , P:85 : , 11OS : nin. Airlvo > t Tr n lei 7 mln- Utrr. IA < - O Coniioll Blurts Transfer Jcrot : 7:5 : , RS7 ; , Psr : , 10:57 : , 11:17 : a in : 1S7 : , 8:57 : , 3:37 : , : 0 , 6:37 : , tlt : > , 11:15 11 . m. Artlvo Onrnn * is mlnutot Utor. L.HV1. I'IM. No. I ! 8:15 : am V.VH. No. M..R:45 : m " 0 f:63am : mm " S2 10:06 : am tn " d IM : pm tnm " 8 f:10pm : " 10 C:56 : pmDal Dal v. MIHSOUlll' LClVf. 4RBIVI. Mall- 10:85am : Onuha HIJI _ C20 ; am St , Louis Kii..SS5 | : pm Mill * . 8. to jim a. o. i. u. it. tIAVI. I itRIVI. U ll 8:40 : k m Hi I1 'Ktji. . OM5am St I'aul : . . . . . ; p m Mall. . . 7:3i : ji m Pally. a , 11. i 6 K u LIAVl. I ABRIV . IoiMolncaAiJC1.ltOaln ( ( : KijircssnJ 9M8 a m Mall * 8:16 : a m I DonUolnoi Ano',8:50 : p m Kipierit 4i5 : ! p m | Hair , 7:35 p4m 0. b N. W. II. II. LIAVI. AR1V . lull1 8:16am : Kxprmn ) F:46am : t 4:25iim : Mall" 786.ptn ; 0. , it. U St. 1' . H. K. LtAVB. | Afc i Kxjil 0:4am : Km * , 7:3Jpm : SUNDAY TIUIXS „ , . . .mlii-r , S.itunl.iy mi'iiltix Smiil.iy tnoriihiKtnliH lllileurt | IromOinah.x ( or ChliMiii. ainl SiitnUy ou-nhii ; ftiul Monci.i ) morning ti.Una n III itrrl\un.i ( ullous : Siuiil.iy morning tnilm will k < a\onnd .Snnd.iy c\en- Ilii ; IniliiH nrriu1. Sejituinhor 7 and JS , x U Hock Iil.iml. Hi'ptiMiilier 21 , \ \ \ tlui Milv\nuki'ot ' St. l\\ul. SoptoimVr ll.tliv tlu < Uhlrngit , t NortliHustcrn , K.itnnlay O\L'IIHH | tntlns uill IO.IMI : fitHoiitcmhor lit , \l.i. ( ho Hock Nl.iinl. Bt'ptualicr 0 nnd 27 , Nliu the Mll nlro k St ran ) . Scptomlit'r'JO ! , tli C'hlcairn& Northwi'tti'rn. Arrhuln thowimo order thu.Mond.iy l"ll.i\\inn. 0 li. & 0. trahiH run uvcry il.iy In thu uiu-k. 0. , 11 * Q 11. K. > la Council lllnlTr. ) LIAVl. I ARBIVI. Utll 8:16 : k in I Kiiirras 0:46 : k m ! . . . . . . . , . : p m | Uall 7:86pm : Dallv. ( Koto. ) The 0:00 : Mil nnd 6:00 p m iliimmy trains atra connect wltheant-lionnil trains on the Hock-Inland , UuiUtirfton , Nurth-Wc'torn and Milwaukee roaili. WAllAail.HT. LOUIS it 1'ACIKIC. I.HAVI , I Anmvr. Cannon llall 1:00 : pm | Camion Uall 5:60p : m Dully. K.'O. , HT , JOK ft 0. 0. ( via Council Muffs. ) LBAVK. I AHHIVS. Mill _ _ . . . . 8:00am : Kimnwt 7:60am : Kiproaot 0:65pm : I Mall 7:36pm : AKUAMIKMKhTOI1 HUNUAYTIlAINa From 15. & M. Depot : Tenth Htroot. B. b U. UAILUOAD-MAIN LINK. DHNVItU I V T FOUND. lABlS&OURD , LIAVl. ARRIVX. Omaha. . . . 8:10pm : 7:80 : am . T:00pm : 10:05 : am Anhland. . . 8:27 : pm 10:08 : am 4:62 : inn 8:12 : am Lincoln. . . 10:00 : pm 12:00 : m 1:10 : j > m 7:26 : am Crotu 11:17 : pm 12:640pra : ! : > ! pm 8:04 : ain " " 6:16 : am 4:16 : pra 11:55 : nm 10:60 : pin Hod C'louJ. SCO : am 8:03 : pm 10:26 : RIII 8:25 pm McCook. . . 10:65 am 9lh ; jim 8:16 : am 4:10 : jim Akron . . . . 8:46 : pin 2:10 : am 12:60 : am 11:06 : am Denver. . . . 7:25 : pm 0:15 : am B:26 : jim 7:110 : am Dallv.l 'S OMAHA AND PLATITMOUTH TUA1NS ! Lv. Oinahit at 7:60 : , and 8:45 : a m ; 4 ; [ > 0 , nlo : , 7:4.1 : p m Ar. Omaha 10:26,8:10 : : and 10:05 : a m ; 7:00 : , 7:80 : p m Dully. C. H. & ( j U. H-\lu I'lattsmouth. ) I.BAVII. I Auaivil FAntorn Kxp..8:46 : a m I OmahaKxji BiOa : m Chicago Kip. . . . 4:60 : ji in | Wvutcrn Kip. . . .7:80 : p in Dally. K. C. , ST. J. & 0. U. ( via riattimnuth. ) LSAVH. I AIIKIVK. t Mall 8:45 : ft m I Rinrcsnt 05 : a Kxpraist 7:45 : pm I Mull- . 7:30 : p li'rotu O. St. P. M. & O. nepor , 14th nntl "WolJBtor Htruotri , 10. , Ut. I' . II. It 0. MIAVI. AHDIVX. No 2 ra.8nciiKor..PSO : am I No 8 Jllic.l loCO : a m No i KlicJ 8Mimi : | No 1 l'nn oisur. ] 5:30 : p m bundavH Kxreutuil. Opening en a Oloaliig or Mails. ROini orin. OLOBI. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m , 0 J N. W.,0.,11.1. * I' . , & O. M. k St. I' . 10:80 : 8:00 : 6:80 : 8:20 : C. II. k Q. Sco : 8:00 : 5:30 : 8 : ! C. II. ti ifKi Mall S. C. k I' . In Iowa 8:00 : 5:30 : Waliaeh local _ , 4:80 : 12:15 : K. C. , St. Joo0. a. . . . BUB 8:00 : 6:30 : disc SIlBumnt 1'Acino 7oo : C.St. 1' . M. kO flee : 0:00 : Union 1'aolflc , 8:80 : lilO 7:60 : O. & Hopiilillcan Vallny lafi : II , k M. Loral 7oo : Txo : 11. b M. Kx. Mall. 10:30 : 6:16 : Olllco open Huudaya from 12:00 : m. t 1:00 : p. m , O K COIITANT I'mitinaatnr' ' WITD- And your work is done for all time to come. WEgCHALLENGE ,0 , produce n nioro durnblu mntcrial for street pavement tnuii e Sioux Fulls G rani to. I'OK ANY AMOUNT Off OR filled promptly. Samples Bent and oH given upon application. WM.MolJAIN&CO. , DREXEL ( SUCXJKHSOHH TO J01JN 0. JACOI18) ) UNDERTAKERS ! AttliooM stand Ml. Karnoiu Mn-ct OrUcrx byj tvlfii | | > i ncliciliil auu | irouiitl | ) attvudiil tu. Ttluj j Nu , ! ! 25 , 8PKOIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others , WK CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO It M the Ixinl Mi < l choAjiol loot tor stooii nt any klnd.QOnoiinundlgeqnM to thros noting ol DOT tix-k to,1yith ( Inniinl Ol C.ihn In tlio b'All find Winter , InotO'iJ of runulnfr down , will lucrmjo In nelgbt tnl l-o In Rw.1 matkoUble norid.tlon In the fptlnir. Dilrymen , m rfoll m otlicro , who 1190 It o\n t4iilyl ! Its morlti. TIJ I ) nJ Ja.'no lor younohri. Vrlca 815.0U iwr ton : no eimeo ( or sicks. Ail.lro-n WOODMAN I.tNSKKD Olt , 0 OSIl'ANY , Onuha Nsb. DEALERS IN FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF 3.OSJO II. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Dnipor ) Chicacjo , Men- ngor o the Ton , Cignr nnd Tolncco Departments. A full line of all grades of nbovo ; nlao pipes nnd smoker ' articles carried in stock. Prices nnd samples furnished on application. Open orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGENTS FOR BEN WOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & * RAND POWDER CO 0 , F. OMAHA , NEBRASKA. JOBBER OF EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED ] me FARNAMSTRKET ; , . - - OMAHA , NEB 0. M. LKIGBTON. H. T. OLARKE. 'I ' cuccK-saoita TO KENNAUD nnos. t co. ) DEALERS IN Birusshes. OMAITA , NEBRASKA Milwaukee , Wis. QUNTHER &HGO , , Sole Bottlers 1301 AND 1303 FARM AM ST/JEEJ COR. 13TH ] MADA RKCENTLYFROM FREMONT , NEB. SADDLERY HARDWARE , PELTS FURS TALLOW , , , , [ 'or Hides , Wool , Peltn , Etc. , aiid cpnsignraonta made to ua will receive prompt attention , for which immediate returns will be made. 13th Street , Bet.DDodgo and CaiiitoUve. OMAHA , NEB KSUGCESSOR TO FOSTER & GRAY. ) [ LIME AMD GEWEWT. ice and Yard Bth and Douglas ts : Plfil )