Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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k"JT" Thunjecl th term" She
B S t.ln " In connection with Ih
U conveys Mi Idol of u t hlt
required hv the travilln pnb
Hea Short Une , Quirk Tlmi
and the be t < -f ncwmmoda
. , „ _ aS Urns 11 or which art fore
Ihcd by Ihft ( freatctt t Uv .v In America
And St. Paul.
Ilowni Mil op J lrs 0" ' * 'f00 mli"C
orthtrn IHlnoUVI e i nln , Mlnnwot * ,
akotu : anil * H main linn , bnticbes a
tonj r M-b ll the ( front li , ln * wnlr
Northwtaml r > r " t , " " ' " " % " * "
dwetlrtlun of Short Mne. ml DeH Koula between
Chicken , XlllMTOilvW , f-l. Paul and MlmiMpolll.
CliloftBn.Mlln-ankr-f , I. froKX ) anil Winnnit.
ChlMCO , Milwaukee , Aberdeen Mid Kllondala
Chloago , Milwaukee , Eau Clulto anil atlll < r Ur
ChlottSo , Xlilwiukco , Wnuwi and Merrill.
Chicago , Mtlmukco , Ito-tvcr ttam Mil O hko h.
Chlmeo. Slll aukce , W Uk irrt ami Oconompwps.
Chleaco , Milwaukee , Mad loon and I'rMrledu Chltn
ChleiRO , Sllla-vikeo , Owatonniv and FMrlbftnlt ,
Chicago , Iklolt Janoari'lo ' and Mineral 1'olnk.
Chicago , Klein , Ilockford and Diibuqtio.
Chloieo , Clinton , Ilock Island and Codtr lUtpldt ,
Chicago , Council ItluITu and OmMia.
Chlcnco , Rlouv City , Rloux Kalleand Tankton
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell indChtmhcrlaln.
Hook liUnil. Uubuque , St. Paul and MlnneapoHl.
Raronpoil almar , St Paul and Mlnnoamlli. |
Pullman 9 rcrwro and the Finest Dlnlni Cap In
the w : rid arc run on the miln lines of IhotilllOAOO ,
attention la paid to passengers bj oourtoousctnplojoa
ot the Company ,
6. S. SinUIUt.T. , Ocnl Manvrcr.
A. V II OAUPKNTKtt , Ocn' Vam. AK
J.T. CLAIIK , Ocn'ISipt
OKO. II HKAKFOnn. AM't Herri. Fa Act
n v WAI or
cut VIA
Connect liiir In Union Depots at Hnn-us Clly ,
Oiiiiiliaanil Donvt'i uilh tluoiijjli trains lui
And all points In tlii't.mitVist
Connecting In ( .mini 1'nlon Depot lit
\\ltli tliiiiiiijh tniliis lor
XE W Y O It It , It ( > , S fr O jY ,
Ami nil Ki > rn t'illc'f.
Atrcorll with llnoi- -linlns lor .inlliiDuji.
oils , Cliicliiniitl , ColiiUp , r.i , niul nil iiolnli In
tliuSontli-I.'iml. At , " \ - with thiuiin'li
tntliiH lur all iiolnlM sry1 V
DijCiinlim , I'm lor Can , wllli He.
i llnliij ; Chilli's ( " 0'itH lire ) . Sinolcln. ' , CIITHllh
Huvolvlii ; ; ClialiH , I'lillinun I'al.tru slii > pln ) ;
( 'un and tlio ! minus ( ! . It. .V ( > . Dlnluu CIIIH
j mi daily lomiilfiom Chicago mill Kiui3im'llv ( ,
OhlciiKOanil Council jilnllrt C1il < > : i | , ' < > anil Dfx
Molnus , Chicago , St Josrjili , AU'liHon and
ToiuUii | without rlMiiuu. Only lliioiiKh Hue
miming tluil ; * nun tralnM liclNMcn L'lilciiKO ,
Iilncoln and Drnvci , anil ClilraKO , KIUIHIH :
Cllv and lU'iivci. 'I'liKinirli cai-i lictui'ini
liiiU.UKiMillM | anil Council lllnllH , via 1'coila KOUTII ANI > SOUTH.
Solid ' 1'mlim ot l.luKiint Day Couvhi'i nnd
I'nllmun I'nliicnSleeping ! UIIIHUIU inn dully to
mill limn M. I.mils ; via Hannibal , Qnlncy ,
Kcokulc , Iliulliif-ilon , Cedar Ilapldsnnd Albeit
I.r.'iliiS ! . I'atil nnil AllnnoapollH ; I'nilorCary
with Jfccilniur ; Clialr.s to and lioni hi. l.nuH
and 1'i'oila. onlj ono c'lian oof eaiti liet i'en
St. I.onls anil DCS Molnrs , Io o , Lincoln , No.
linisl.ii , anil Denver , Columdo.
IL H alw ) tlio only Tliiongli Ilno htl cen
His known in tlio Krciit TllUOIUill OAK
l.IS'i : of Anurlca , nail Is uulveis.illy admit
' "d to bo tlio
linost Equippci Railroad Jn the World for
nil clacsoa of Travel.
TliroiiRh TleUr-is via thin line for wile uttti'-
U. It. coupon ticket olMcca In tlio UnitcdStutes
< uid Uanuda.
vict-l'm. ijrn. Maimrer Of n'1.11
Tlio Pioneer Mutual ISi'ncU Association In the
State i'f Nebraska.
Ithroojieratlialn Its orl > ln and alt T embers
hate a voice In the iiianaguiiiijiit bjvutoatthu an
nual inecciiiKi ) .
Its aim Into benefit It * own inemberH , their ulilmin ,
and orphani ) , In ca'onf drnth , accident , tlcktienH nr
total piriinncnt dltabllity of u nieaiber , at actual
coot ultlieeoaoiLlcal iiianaifcinsnt
Arcliible homo asaoclitlonctho and reliable
agents uaiitcd to rnuvatii for tnembcrD In Ncbrial.a ,
Kaavas and Colorado.
Becrctar } and Ocncrnl Manager ,
BEA/HlluE , - - - NEB
President. Triasuror
The nuxt extenulve maoufacturerl ol
John Hoikitramr Oincral Aitent or Ncbrankaaiiil
Wtttcrn low a.
103 8. Tenth Street } . . . . OMAHA , NE11
C2T l'rlc i of IllllaTd and Puol TaMei and nuterla
Juii'shcd on applcatlon.
Eoyal Havana Lottery I
Dra\Yii at llavann , fJuba , Every 11
to 11 Days.
T1CKCT8.J2.00 , JIALVK8.J1.M
HuMott to no manluuUtloD , not contrutlid by th
Intcrutt , U li tliu filrost thtcg lu tb
uiture ol Uiaticc In cxltttnco.
Forlnlormttionuud partloulart apply toSHISEV ,
CO.Oen. AttenU , 1 1C llroauwar , " dty.
K. KAUII&CO. , < 17W > lDUt * tjottfit. IxjuU' M
or Frank Lobrano , L. I ) , , 20 Wyaodotte , Km
jy 21die It H lr.
' . LIv
HO of
AI.I. JtKMEDV , the atom-
oh nnil llowoln
BIHEABBB epoodlly rcKili their
OP ntrf-nf tli , and the
lj , THK blood In purlPcd. - 1
It in pronounced bv
[ \ MVE11 liunilred * of the bout
r rtoctont lolio llio O1T-
I , Y 0 U It I ) for all
Linda ol Kldnoy Din-
cuncn. <
onoAirn It In Tinrely VCRC-
table , and eurm when
OIlAVEt , otlirr sncdlclncg fall *
niAiiirrm It Is prepared ri.
prewly for thenocllfl *
iuri ) , nnd hmi norri *
been I'nown to full ,
Ono trill will oon-
vlnco you. I'or nalo
rnicE i : B.
Hcml for
on r/iraphlct I
of Tostly
urrnvono '
rnonlnln. / )
uoN-ttETKirnoN CO. ,
OP [ 'roflilpiieo ,
i : . i.
thriven on llnrlliL'M roml , " v-rltii liuiulriili ! nf
irratiful i ntln m Mnlh'rii * null. inntnliiH no
i.tuitli llOKI.ICKS'lOdliroUlNl AN'ISfno
IrnniMiirilDiiniilrmiiornolliiir 'I' ' " l"t t fi nl In
In illhorrii linivm fnrIM'AJ < IH 1 hi'lK tillrtfor
I 1NVAI II'H ' HUhl } l i IUIt'-
Ilo ! ionlhi' tnntnimtofrlillilien.fria ,
I In I Tin till IIMI " tl ' .vinrinn' 31 " V" ' l r *
llriuatk. I ' M Ilirn't St ! ' , lllltilM
On i > I iv : li 'l nili'Miiii , Tor i .Ml' r milk '
/ / i ; / .oftm. Ja jitMiii t , i
VIII lmn > nt 11 jnnll on n nipt of pilii" In ( .lumps.
IIOiri.M' ; ) 'S 1 ( tOI > ) r { ) . , Mudnc. \ \ N.
Ho.m'Jli . -I\ . . , ri 01 ilil.l'ua
ya KD ii > iiuit ! < u' * " ! ! ' < Ci'B
liar * lot oile 100,000 acrca caiotolly tcluoted laodi
n Kantorn Nobraakt , at low prlco and on ouiy tcirai
laiproveu larina lor gala In UouglM , Ucdgo , ColfM
i'latto , Hurt , LinnlnK' , Harpy , Wanbln tou , ilorlck
fauiulcia ; , and Duller Jountlon.
Taxoa paid In all parta ol tlio SUte.
Uonoy loaned on Improved farina.
Notary fulillo alwaj 9 In oQlco Corrcupondonco
ACIJlli : ALL , hut M a tonto and hoilth roaouor ,
and for lllood and bkln DIHCHOI , nail trmilik'H
lcioiiilint ] on Impure ur linpo\urishud blood , MullL'd
ipccllTc la without a rival.
"Mylinbyalx nmathi old lirnko nut \\lth anmo
ilnd nf Bliln liiiinor , nnd ultor liiiln truatod Ihu
nonthi hy my family | > hiilchn , ai ijli un up to illo.
Iliu ilriiKKlxt rccoiiiiiiundcil Hullt'H Hpcclllc , and Iliu
reiultM M KralfliiK ( ai U uai iiiiracabiH , M >
hlld HoDiiKCtoll , all t'aiudoT tlio dUoi olH icoiiu ,
nuil liu la ua fat as n pie " .1. J. HlltKliANl ) ,
n , Husk C'ouat > , Tu\ad.
I imo.l . Bnllt'H Hpcclllann my little ihtltlitiT , who
* * atlllt ted \\lth HDIIIO lllood IHOII ! uliloh hail ru *
dlstod nil uoitH of truutiiitiit. 'Iliu Hptclllu ruhovu !
litr pt-riiiaiicnil ) , nnil I hlmll UHO it In in ) pr.titlcu. "
W. K. IlllOMi : , 51. 1) . , 'jiri | ) HllliVc. Ark.
Our Tmtlio en lllood and Skin DUeasto milled live
apilltanta | to
. Diuwur U , Atlanta , Oa
N. Y. Odlco , H9 W. 22d Ht , Iwtwoin Oil. and 711
AMIMIKJ < I'lilltilchiliK ulllco 10(1 ( ( 'lii'itniit t
Da. K. 0. WKST'H NKIHK AND IlitAis THKiuwKNt , a
guaranteed upvrlOo for ll nturla , Dz lncui , Coin ill
ilous , nt , Nurtuni Nuural la , Iloidacho , Nmmi
i'routratloii cau < ud by the use utalcnhul or tohliatoo ,
IVakefuIuuM , Mental ilctrcBalon. | Koltt'nliiK of the
irala , rosuUlin ; In Insinlty nnd foaiilni ; tn niisor } ,
lecay and death , I'mnatiirn Old apt , llaronr , lot *
olpowerln tltlurHux , Iiuuliintnry Io8m. and hpor
natorhoracaused hy cneroxrrtiiintof the hraln , uulf
biiHo urottr liidulciico. | Kioli Imv , cnnt.diiH nut
ionth'Htiiatnioiit , fl 00 a liox.or nix bottle * fur
f&.OO , icat by inallpreptld on riculpt uf prliu.
To euro inr case. With each order recehed by in
'or ' nix bottli'H , ai'ComplUhtuI ltli S500 , He ulll eeml
iliopnrchiiicroiir untten Kiiarintuii to rulund tin
ncnuy It the trcatinentdotid not eftVt a cure. Ouar
anteenlnsiUHl onlj by JOHN 0VT.ST : k CO. ,
Jy 2S in o-ry. li W2 Sladlaon St. , UhlcuKO , 111 ,
Cor. IClh and Capitol Avenue , treats all caies Crip
pkdor IHfornud , aluodUiasca of the
Nervous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organs ,
All cases of Curvature ol thoHplne , Crniked Tect
UK * ami Arum , AUoL'hrnnloatltUloiuoftlie Uver
llliuumatliin , l'aral > l ) , 1'iUn , Ulrt-rj , Cutartb , A nth
niaandllionchltli aru ail trratid by non and auc-
ceMful mcthodi. All dUvimsol tne llluml and I ilu
ry Orifanii , Including thong rtniiltliik' from liu l re
tlon.or cs | > o ure , ro c 'i'l ' ) and nim.nsfiilh treated
and acuiuKu > rantiud OIIIIK men , uilmllu aged ,
and all mm iiiOeilnu' from \Viul > ni' * and htrvoui
vxhauitloa , | irodiiclni ; ImllnutloM , I'olpltatioiiof Ihu
lliart , IHvpundcuoy \ > ht\n \ i , I/om of Jliinorj.I.uel ,
of Kuurtry uii'l Amblttnn , ran be n stored to health
and vluor , II t iu U not too lonf nevlevtid
The Hurxron In cbartru ! u Kraduatv rf Jiller
oil Medical Colk'n-u ( Ib55) mil lia flmlled lilt
prnfc * : on In London , Purls and llirlln It allllUil
call or rlto full duttlptluii of v our cone , and inedl.
clnu may bo tuit } ou , ( Joinuftatloii frte , Addiut *
Omaha IJlujoniury , Crouiibo'i lllock. Omaha , Nob.
Olllco tiouiK 10-14 a. m. , 1-8 and 7-8 Ji lu .buudav i
BIO a m.
/irdt'diii Hoiue , Ccuudl llull , Saturdp > * i to 7
p. in
1'nto < tl a Fast
t curiini , iin'tlt , Hilly , . . , .
Thf rhnft ' thnt twelve mnntlii may wlng7
out yrir : 1 w at
! wn raking In pooh on the tncpn ,
And fn Ing the wnitors with "ten , '
\nd ripping iriint Julip * I
And twJixy 1 > n h - in the "jie.
'What ' l"d me to il It" " What nlwsyi
I < -ti4 * mi-n to ilwtruttion imd crime- ?
I'lm 1'riKliciil S n , whom Vnn' riul of.
llii nlt rf'l imnipttliat in his tlmr- !
lie utiomlg hU tulmUnce f reply
Anthnl.lblical . follow of olrl |
lint wh n it is ( Mio Infsnciwi
The hunks will turn into H < 3.
Ohampngne , n IKIX nt tlio opara ,
IHrth Dlepii whilf fortune u fliwh.
The iufiiiinnalo 1 < 1 of women
Whrwo nhnekH havn fnrgotlsti to Umu
'J'lm olij , lil iitory , llllly ,
( if pli-ixiires that end in team ,
Tim Imtli tlmt fonnn for nn hour ,
'Jlie ( lroK that are Uatcd for ycaw ,
.Rxt ni ht M I oat here nnd pondered
On the end nf my evil vmyn ,
Tlipro aroio like ft phantom licfnro mo
The vlflon of boyhood ilajf.
I thutiRht of my old homo , Hilly ,
Of tlin m.hoolhnu o that stood on UiO hill ,
( ) f tlio brook that llowed through the menu-
I can o'tn hoar its imuic alill. [ ow
n I IhotiRhtof my mother ,
Of the mother who taught mo 1 ° l' 0'J
Whofn love wn a precious trcnsuto
That I necdlcsily ciRt n\r.iy.
J xnw nRaln in my usioiis
The liotli-liiipcd , carolc'B liny
To whom the fiituro was houmllMfl ,
iVnd the i-nt ) but n mighty toy.
I thoiiKhl of all this a I nit hereOf
Of my ruined and wn led life
And the patiRs of rrmorso wore bitter
They plcrei'd my heart like a lailfc.
[ t takes porno cutirneo , Hilly ,
To lauRh In the faua of fnto ,
\Vhun the yoarninff nmbitioiis of manhood
Are blnitod nt Uvonty-oiRlit.
[ Written in the Illinois Btalo 1'rison.
Hili | ; phouldern are going out of fashion.
are not.ln vogue for young
hands of velvet are worn at Mind the
Tor light weight woolen dresses the alba
nss cloths are in great favor ,
Uithor full waists with ] iainti d velvet hells
are seen on street costumes.
Peacock feathers are handsome applique or
onibroidi rod on black silk diessos.
Whlto vtlniM will ho ii"cd extensively on fall
hats , especially those of hlack straw.
. . 's are arranged in loose ringlets nnd
re.nil within an inch of the elbovva.
A'elvit ribbons aie no longer worn around
the throat with walking costumes ,
gold and Hlver bcad-llko lirace'ets that
lap on the iinn lira very fashionable.
heather hells nro again much used with
simple dresses of llannol and wash fabric * .
are very narrow. They are worn
with small titud buttons of Immmcml silver.
Mori- trained evening dresses aio woin tins
apon than hnvo appeared in novoral years
I nek.
WMo pointed collars of plain linen mo worn
by young ladies , nnd fasten at the throat with
a liar-pin ,
Itibboii ombioidory in wild roses and caiua-
nis M fashionable , especially on table and
chair scarfs.
] > argo hlack and whjto plaid" , intnpled with
plain black , ninlto nlylish afternoon costumes
for young ladiex ,
With the- polonaise habit there an-no pan
niers. They nro replaced by long loops of silk
lined with velvet.
Now traveling Hulls hive Iho tucks of Iho
shlrlaudof the Norfolk jackets protected by
cordiiigH of alligator nkin.
Washing brown hair every night in soda and
walei will keep it Unify unit giyo that ii'dilish
blood Hint M to sought alter.
_ Now gloves aio to have embossed gauntlets.
The gauntlet is hound to got up beauty
eunuch to ii'inalii in fashion.
Woith is now making costumes with double
hleovof. oiiiof which icprnseuta a puffed
under sleeve with a waist baud ,
Tlir hair is now nrrangfd by young ladles
in n coil on the crown of the head , with little
cnh'N at Iho neck ami n curled bang.
Cauvam bolls come in white , ied. brown or
lilni1 to match the coloi of u flannel diessor [
that of n In nid used foi trimming.
The onio fashionable muall waist of 18 and
20 Inchon IH out of vogue. ] "rom 22 to ll !
inches is the l/.o for motlium llgurcs.
lilaclv lace Chantilly lloiinces are just now
Iho cui'/o , ov-r white silk. The lapoto is
white snK and Chantilly , parasol ditto , while
crimson ciushcd loses may trim everywhere.
The nowist handki-rcliiefrt have a piece cut
nit of eai-h cornet as i'cep as the hem and a
ittlo hldo pli ating inserted , which rounds the
cornirs prettily.
iiriinmontcd by a how oriibbon
1110 i-ftrilort on thn in in and hold tlio purse and
liocLi t handkerchief. They grnoraily match
.liu dieas in color.
3Mits IlattiiHrnwnii clerk of the blanch
illico of the I 'nitod States court at Toledo ,
: ) . , which pmition cho has acceptably filled
foi the last thieo years. |
lilrntal nnd I'onipadour laces aiociy
- , and tiim many of the house drcfei-s.
Tlu-y wa-.Ii nicely nnd como in an infinite v.i-
liuty of pii-tty designs.
J'.ji'browd ai > > made narrow by dravying to
gether with the thumb and forefinger , or bet
tor htlll , with a wi t cloth , on which n veiy
little soap haj boon applied.
. . thn now faiicun in mllllnciy are
honin tsiind hats of In mil felt , .Sonii'timi's
the foil biaiding is mingled with gold or uilv-
r braid or with imnovv vilvct 01 choiiilllo ,
Ituin water Is far the bout for lollot pnrpo-
01 , It keeps the rUin soft and IIMIIOVCS diit
n ithout tlir aid of map , A tub of it limy he
caught and kept in the janl or on tlio loof ,
Young E'adies ' T ho wish to Imvo small
niouthx mo udvlsi'd to thin at f'fl < piont
inteiviiU dining the day. J'-iuiy Finch fried
lluuudi-iing frogs for Kianiis 1'owkr'n fathci.
Sunbuin is vtry faxionablo , but nnlo-w the
, in has tinned n good brown it had
lii-t bo removed by a nightly application of
cucumbers and nilllc or cold cu-atii , Tlu- form
i-l Is best.
Wlntn cashinorii vvrjppois triiumod with
Orli'iitul luci' ' and bows of white Hatm ribbon
are worn for the house , both mornings and
rvmingH. Minimi for morning we r aio bright
rued by clustorH of pink or blue ribbon v el
hi a totcca-U'to , n wiimiin fpoalis in a loud
tone to the man nliu Is iudlirerentto , in n low
tone to the ono who htgins t ) love and korps
hili'iit with the one xho loves , ThU rnlo un
fortunately does not hold good after mar
Itanglcs , earrings , lace , b.iia and riiiga arn
all put out of eight , except when the tpllet
woin is appioprinto , Hilvoi juwolry is veiy
fni < liinniiblo , and the Ithino or iimrti | pebbh-s
are now cit in diver in diamond xoUlng , anil
vi-ry fanhioiuilily woin.
llut little jewelry Is worn this reasonexcept
in full dirjs , hndlea traveling wt-ar tin- collar
button , the nh-ovii buttons , mid wr.tili with
the merest pendant or guard , pushing through
tlio buttonhole to keep the watch from sliding
through , Tlio iiondauU are oddly pretty , but
so oppobod aio ImliOH to jouolry tlmtottou tin
is tucked iiimdc the front of the waltt.
QTucki * and plaitings hivi by no mraus ab
< llt ttfil their lengthy itgion , but on the con
tiary , have this wensou multiplied Indefinitely
Cluttura of tiny tucks are teen upon the
llouiu-ej of ilium's of evciy di-iii'ilptlon , from
Iho mltwt miiilin to the heaviest Lyons nilU
'inl the latent dovlco in iiun'H vollingand cash'
mere ,
Wo are piomiHod u gitut c ango inl fashion
thutfall. .Manifohl dnipcrios 1110 t-J I'O ' tiv
Imoed ; all pulfed diaplngs iiiuat go. The
priuceMi is to bu brought Into favoi , nnil as , a
novelty , the bacl > in to bi- carried down where
the plulta ran be folium ! , aud tliu * carried
ni-urly ti the foot , and if n draped h.iitn | < thn
dkirt is to lie llmslu'd all around in deep hollow
Surahs nro a tin ful , reliable and Jjtipcuor
fubiic , and eeiorlally | the Ameilcun uurah ,
which has come to bo r > o tmntworthy in point
of wear aa to bo exported in immune iiianti |
lien , tlii'uir.uunt ti'iit out IncieaaliiR almost
treble ovi-iy Boason for the labt four vrars
Merchants in this ilt > claim tlmt it will out-
wwi i-ftihmeii' , m-igeor nlK worp Honriitta
slotli , and ha\e recoimnpnili d It tthi yr ar fur
Ktli trAVellnit drei pn mid traveling wrap * , BI
A tnMerlrd which ruin will nut harm n < > r du t
idhtte to , U it uxt niin ly HUM ! for lining * ,
from ll lifjinR o oxcc * > dlngly "rtn yet light
even In the chwip crude ! ) .
Trench lidim hnve r\M < nly token In Ital
ian ntylw in drew , lilth havp proveil re
markably Incoming and efffrtive. Hod in
every tune and combination is madn n § of ,
nnd I f , n Ims always bepn said by ratifinn ,
\vootoju.itii jear behind them in fanniuii ,
tiont Mimlrief wj > will no uur fnOnonnhle re-
oglonm with led tollntr of n\ery
lion , from darktmt Riirnft to brilliant , fiery
Pharaoh red , and the < rrat'c ' young lady of
fflnhlon's own who gc < t" tlin last ONtrolnc
nnd dotis an entire tuilot made n | > of the lat-
tnr idiaile , will hiuo to be luokod nt and ad *
Inired through a piece of eniuked clann.
XllO GlllllPhO I'tl/Zle ! .
0 , bring mo n map of the neat t f war ,
T hoar tlu ; gimg cm the nvrr MIn ,
1 want to ecu wherw tha iniwilM torr
Through far 1'oo-chuvv with a dcvil'a ( lib.
Just Miow me Ivo-liing and Sinnn-choo ,
And whord , O where is Kln-le-clnnp.
Chow-choo , Ghoiig'cliow , and where Oho-oo
Is lling-uha far from old Yon-ping.
J yc.irn to know of lllr-rhio-chin ;
1 yearn to son thn hiRh Nan-ling ;
However will the riencli Ret In ?
To Klang-si orviow Toong-ting.
So , bring men 1110)1 ) of the seat of war ,
1 want to loam whilothe light is young ,
And \vhllo I'm looking for ono name more ,
J'll pray for the ladies of the ( treat ( Juting
PEPl'BIiailNT DllOl'S.
It is about titno for the summer hotels to
pull down their blinds ,
September oyster jokes have been scotched
by the hot wnvo.
It h n doubtful compliment to your milk
man to toll him hi fc'nlll : makoj your mouth
A Wall attcet broken , piominent and \ory
wealthy pro v ions to the recent panic , lias up
pl'i-d foi and accepted aposltlon on tlio New
york police force. Ills principal dutma now ,
as heiotofore , will bo "ropiug them in. "
1'ivo hundred rats undertook to devour .1
tramp sleeping In an old ware hosuo in Nor
folk ; but th y didnt know their man. Jle
killedover liOOwith n club and molted the
hearts of the otheia by telling how the Chicago
cage fire reduced him to poverty. [ Detroit
Krco Tress.
When Mrs. Pinnphor read that "Poo Chow
had fallen , "BIO ! said this might bo good novvs
to thee who liked the atulF , hut fiho wouldn't
buy Iho mixttiro If it were to fall to thioo
cents a itiart. | It Is suppoicd the good woman
was thinking of chow-chow. [ Noriistown
Two citizens in Ukiah recently struggled
for the poscssson of iv watermelon. The
Htronger of the twain was victorious , and was
about to wallc off with the prio when his an
tagonist pulled n knife and fclabbod him to the
hoait. Uaiiger lurks in tlio watermelon from
ever conceivable point ot view. The safest
plan is to cat clams. [ Ban 1'rancisco News-
Jettc r.
A man in Southern Ark.iusaw wrote the
following notjco aud tacked it on n tree : "I'lua
hi rt ; in tu notify merchants not to 'low my
wife to got iiothin at thar stoiH on ciedit fur
me an' hur have plujod fpiits fur nhe'h n ta\-
tiou. i lived with her as long as i could an' i
don't bulii-vo she could ret along with , v saint ,
this 11 also to notify folks interested in the
cause of oddycatlon that i am going to tike up
school at the old J'.CHOJI place next Monday.
[ Arkansaw Traveler.
There is n young lady who liven next door
to Hlogg't ) house , and while
Ulopg had i oin.i.
ny thn other ovciiincr the was hoaid in Jier
cndeaxori to o\tort mii-ic froi. . n piano. "Our
neighboi 'a daughter ia a v cry good player , " ro
maiKeil J'/logg , alFubly , during a pause in the
conversation. "Her time i.i littlefilow , " wcs
the critical response of hlogg's c.dlor , who
happened to bo acimnoisscm in music. "Yes , "
said JJloi-g , "her joung man i . tlioie , and very
likely she baa set the clock back. [ Lowell
"I underslaiid that you have stopped prac
"lising , " said the scci clary of state to an emi
neut colored pliyslciju. "Yas , sah , "elude
to gin up do trade an' go tor preacliin' . In
dis country dar nin't no miinoy to be madn in
practislu' o'niediciiie. Wy cab , ef I had or
voted my time a close to ter suthin'
else ez I has ter dis business I would LT been
putty well off by dia timo. Oher two thirds
of my patients neber paid me , sab , " "Why
didn't you sue them1' "Touldu1 done no
good , 'ca o da wiu dead , fab . ] got do wits'
class o' patients. None o" 'om neber had no
health and constitution. " Arkansas Traveler- '
Ho 1/endn UH On ,
Ho leads us on
By jiatliH wo do not know.
Upward he lends us , though our steps bo slow ,
Though nft wo faint and falter on the way ,
Thoiu'h storms and darkness oft obscmo the
Yet when the clouds are gone
We know ho loads us on.
Ho leads us on
Through all tha unimct | years ;
1'ast all our dreamland hopes and doubts and
Ho guides our steps. Through all the tangled
Of gin , of soriow. and o'er clouded dajs
WH know his will is done
And still ho leads us on ,
And Ho , at last ,
Aftoi tlio weary strife ,
Aftei tli3 restkss fovur wo call life.
After tlio droaiiues' , the aching pain ,
The wayward btrugsles which have proved in
vain ,
After nur tolU aio past.
Will give us rust at last.
CJoldeu Hour.
libra will oat Thanksgiving dinner with Detroit -
troit fiieiids.
Mi. .Inlin McCulliich will open hi
in "Vlrjjnus"nt ! Milwaukee.
MagL'ie MiUholl will shortly appear in
l-'ied Willinuih' now four ait play , "Midpit. "
Mr. ( ins Williams will play "Captain MWi-
lei" this vvctk at the People's Tluntro , Ciucin-
MissXelda Heguiii Wallace v111 sing vMth
thu Kuril ( > | > eru company dining the curieat
ttcasou ,
ICato Cahtleton has revived "All at Siia , "
aid is plnj Ing her company ttnvaid New
York from California.
Mr. l''rank Mayo has made a decided sue-
cesaut the Walnut Kquaio Theatre , I'liiladel.
phla , with Ida now play 'NV.rdcck. "
Jlolon Willlanm , n young Now York lady ,
has made her appearance it the 1'olica Drain-
ntuitio , Paris , under the Btajo ; name of.Holenc
Din r.i ) ,
Mr. Wilson Harrott's much oxi > ectod np
pearance as llamlct will bo made at the 1'rin
cobs' Theatre , London , in the course of the
niitumn , with Mlaa llastlako. is Ophelia.
Miss lillie I'llldlcr , Mr. Frank Weston and
Hairy Leo are meeting with ft fair degu > o ot
BIICCII.S in their western tour They appear
In "Culled Uack" III Han rraucico ne\t
Aicording to a lain loltor from London Iiv.
iiig'n Anieilcan coiniany | fi r the present pea-
sou is imt to bo cnmiurul to the lint company
\ \ < \ brought. Till * time ho is coming to make
"Ha/el Klrko" will be given at the Park
TliouUu. Iloiton , on the VM Innt. , with Miss
Aniiio Uuisell , Miss Sidney Cowell , Mr.
Couldoik , Mi , ilu Wolf Hopper and Mi ,
( ii'iiitfe Clarke in the nut
Mine. PattI muiln her brut apin-arancn at
Mrj , Itiuughnm'a Jloudoir , on liiu.uluay. No-
veinl 'r ill , 18.V.I , and she proMi | es to celebrate
the twenty hfth anni\cr.uiy uf that ovcnt by
roi'ppcatmg ' at the Academy on the MUIIH data
next I\ov ember In "Lucia" with the vetoian
iliignoll an the fascinating hero.
Surdou'H now play , written fin Sarah I'em
bin dt , will lie produicd fur the tilt.1 , tlmn in
1'aiU in S' v ember. Mil , e. ISouihault will
apLcar a Theodora , u dii80i > e , who after
wards iivinioa Iier lover , ihutuilan the (
Tlio play , it will bo obddrvcd , is founded up
on an Idciik'iit III Jloman history.
( Jenoial W , S Hancock a wlfi hnacoinpofcd
n Pli'co arranged for an orrliostrj. t' ) lu tlodl
cated to Sir MomMontcnorti , in honor of his
coir | n < centennial birthday , Ottobei W , vvlon
aleotho entire Misonlc fraternity , of which
Sir Miars is nn In nirid numbu , wi.ltak
Aprrnprl tt < itLtinn Conitnemorative of the > U\ .
In Mnv r\t th e Mill npcu Jn Tjondnu an
Intcrnn'ional exhibition of mnical Inventions
nd instrtiments , The dl'play , which Is un-
iler Ilia putroimtfs uf the qneun an I prinin of
Wnlis , will beheld in tl.8 c\hihitinn b-uld-
Inpi In thi r iyal hnrtio iltntnl giiJerii , at
South Konnlnfitou. The first div s | . n of t'e
exhlhlllan will include the apparntu * , np
plication , prurc p und prodtitts Invented ur
put In me mr.ce 1702 , and tha * eci < nd inxtru.
me.itsuf music of tha present century ,
fjr-rniin up rn , or open mng tn ( ternvin , at
tha Ni wr uik ojirrft IIOIIKP Is n ettlod in is-
ter. Dr. liainrusco e'nb'e < i that h IIM < n
ffffrntl n full company , inclirlini' 1'rrn Mit-
eriifi , rraulein Lll'i SehmMin , 1'raii RehrocJ-
or Hniifntflr.pel , Fanlein Atarinna Jtrandt ,
Herr Anton Soott. II err BHy , Dr. Ktansi ,
and Herr Adolph Kobinnon. Herr Hock , tha
best stflgo mnnftRer In ( Jermany , is also on-
pied. Tlio p.eason at the Moliopulltan will
open the I.'lh ol November next , and CM !
Monday , February 10 ,
Anton Kiilmtrilein Is jwi now engaged npnn
the completion of Iho scon1 of n now opera i n-
tltled "Der PopaRi'i" ( The Parrot ) . The
ibretto is from the pen of ] ferr 1 tugu Witt-
mann , nnd is founded upon u humorous stoiy
of Oriental origin. The opera will , it is
ptateil , be first bioiight out In November next
by Director Polllni , of the IlambiiwrRt.idt
'Ihoatre , where the same composer's Ulbhoal
drama "Sul imith" waa also produced for the
first time last year under the personal direc
tion of Huhinstein. llnth at Antwerp and nt
Ghent Knnensteiti'a opera "Nero ' is bolng
prepared for the first perfoinianco during the
coming sensui.
A Cincinnati girl married her bflst
mnn last week after ciiito | iv time of it , .Sho
broke the engagement , and was engaged to
thrco separate fellow * , ono after the othtiand
ended by going back to her first lovo.
Tha heimtion of the hour in social circles at
Ottivva is the elopement of n hon of , Iohn
Carling , postmaster-general , with Kva Pattoo ,
daughter of a wealthy lumberman , Yonnjj
Curling is only eighteen years of age , and Miss
Kva is a moro child ,
Cuiious wedding cards appealed at Cumin-
lajarn , Mo\ico , recently. They load : "Tho
rector of the Catholic Sagrario , lov. ! Dr. liar-
bo'a , acting under nuthoilty of the archbishop
has 11 fused to marry mo to Iiano Morono. 1
have manipd her acoording to the civil code ,
nnd now have to honor to oiler you an invita
tion to our hou ° o on Callo Carmen , No , , ' ! ! .
Uiegorio iiaavodra. "
( iustavo Lcvick , the actor , was married to
Miss Ada Hnitling , daughter of e\-Mayor
Unrtling , of Topeka , Kansai , in .Teuey Citj- ,
two or thrco days ago. The cer'inony was a
uiet one , and was performed by Kov. Dr.
Voatfield at bin own resid-nca. Chailos L.
ISurnham , of the Now York stock \change. .
was the gloom's "best man. " Mi's Uartling
was formerly n member of the theatrical pro
fession aud had appeared tn various plays
with Mi. Li'vick.
Various influences nro at work to change
the fasluonablo time for getting married fioin
the spring to the autumn , writes Clara ] 5ollc.
New Yorkers have boon accustomed to mate
just after faster , aud _ in the circles of our
acutest culture nnd biggest wealth theio are
moio weddings in n few weeks of thn early
xpiiiigtiino than during the icst uf the yoai
Thesi- matches vvoro eoinetimon the icsultof
the winter oea on of dancing aud festivities
nkiu to Ilirtatiun in town , but init usually.
AHA rule , they were Iho climaxes of cngajo
incuts made in the pieceding summer.
The establishment of n "matrimonial ox
chaui' " is a late I'pilin movement. Its ob
ject is the promotion of msuriago * , for tin
patriotic puiposo of incicnsincr the German
people. In the marriage chamber of cum
ineice , i.inglo people of all ages , ami loth
MACS met t , nnd these who fancy cac-li olhei
talk matrimonial matters ov or in couples , mil
agree or disagree as the case may lie , and no
body huit. It is a practical proceeding , with
uo manner of sentiment in it , bat such
parties are generally in earnest , nnd
business. No time is fooled awaj in moon
shine. The object is wedlock , and cunver
cations nro directly to the purpote , and
sometimes couples join theii fortunes upon
mutual f.iith , sometimes references me given
and rerpiued , and neaily always , if the earn
est man or woman sticks to it , the result is a
match moro or less eligible. Tno entrance
fee to the chamber ib M.fiO for liprlinosu , and
SJ L'5 for provincials , which entitles them to
admission until their object is attained , or all
hope ! , abandoned. All parties contract in
case of their marriage through the agency of
the chamber to pay the association uno per
cent of thp'uauniial income diuinp their wed
ded lives. This novel chamber of coiiinn rce
seems to woik well in Cierni'iuy , and may
seivo the patriotic purpose , while it adds to
the general happiness of mankind.
A cleigyman named Hoylowas so indi--
cieet as to legisler his nanio at ono onr of the
Boston hotels. Within half an hour aftei ward
no fi-wor than forty-nino anxious inquirers
nont up theii caiJs to hlsioom begging to bo
informed if a Hush royal couldn't get .iway
with four aceu.
rt J''opg "Our dear minister is back
again , and it is perfectly splendid to lieai him
talk abinit the places ho ban visited in Kuruiii ,
His sermons aio ijuite ns interesting as a fur-
tigntonr. " Kogg "Yes I suppom * so : it
was in the agreement , " Mis. Fojig ' What
do you ineany ' Fogg "Why > om deal min
ister paying up. supposed you know ho
got a pass through Kuropo on condition that
he should pri'.ich the old country up after ho
got home. " lioaton Transcript.
It had been a time of long drought , and the
people of the chinch at Wa > back h.vldecided
to meet together to pray for rain. 11vat a
notable assembly , and several fervent peti
tions wein put up , when Deocon ( irowler
took the floor. Aftun lengthy piajvr the
deacon con-hided n follows :
"JJow Loid , don't ro to overdoing it aud
nd u big shower iinil tout np all our tattif ,
and cut don n all 1111- corn ; but Fend us n
kinder sorter ei//.lv sox/.ly rain , that'll ilu lots
or good and no harm. Boston ( I lube.
Brudder Saii'bo "Biuddei Moso , you
knov\Hiii h 'bunt oberting ; will > ou Hiiluin
to do biedren what maKcs do Bound ub do
wind ? " Brudder Mo o "Well , my bieilien ,
do itippiud cri | > torsdouo tole us O''d ' an'
lli < angeU are ebeivwhar ; roi/I 'low dat do
noun" ol ) do wind is done made by deir wings. '
Young Builder Pete "Mint bo a pow'ful
bird w hut fanned up dat cviluno , " Biudder
Mo > o ( with gioit dignity ) "Jo nemis -
chrlxtluii , unorthobiiv. remark like jext perfo-
trated by Bruddor Pi to , will totodo 0110 what
makes it outer dis vero Bible class. '
"My dear , did you hear that Deacon S. fell
asleep during the hornum last Sunday and
tumbird out of his pew ? "
" 1 did not , " NIO ! said ,
"Yes , it's fait. 'Jho deacon is n very lucky
"SVhyT" nho asked.
"Because when ho fell out of his pow he
btruckaisle , you know. "
Then eho looked at him , and the inorr nlio
looked the moro uncomfortable ho got. Final
ly he could btand It mi longer.
"My dear , " he said , humbly , "I beg your
pinion , A religious matter of that nature Is
not n lit subject for jesting , " [ Now York
Hun ,
The Salvation Army Is now waging u ware-
fain in lloiton against grammer and cultuie.
The circulars announcing the meetings read
as follows :
HILI.O : ! iinun WKCUMI : :
wno ?
uiiv , 'im :
What will they do ? Why , pulldown the
Dovil'ti kingdom anil lift tipJeauu to a
Dying Woild.
At I'odeihen hall , North llusiel street ,
every opening dining the week , till ( iabiii-l
blows hU tiuinphet , when all will have to ai
count for the dicils dona in the body.
i.\ Kin IIODV IOHB tvi >
Capt. Anne Hi-irley. the goipel tiiinit.het ;
Cupt. Happy > lnek , Lieut. Ilallelnjnh Fjith ,
Singing Alice , and u hmt of bluodw.'fched
wanuM ,
Last Sunday an uptown laily appeal oil
itaily lur ihmeli in a magnifiiaiit now eilU
dre. "Wuu'ty > iu fisal uinomfortililo m thit
dress t chinch ? " asked lu r luuband. ' Tha
WJathor Is warm and it seems to lit > uu veiy
bmily ( , " "J think nut , " she eatil. "
vvomiiii ni found n n w silk drots uiico
fortablo in ilmrch. " [ Kxch.itujt.
Naomi was 5"8 ycnrB old befoie
married Tlio a-ii-croam business mint kave
had a good start dining .Nnumid inaldDU-
mcdlolno , combining Iron \vlth pure
\rndalilo tnnle , ouli'Iv ' nnil rnnitilelcly
( ore" l ) ripeilti < liiilluesllnii , \ \ eiiluie- " ,
IiiiMirelloiil\liiliirluthlllNHiiill"evfr.- | \ < ,
nnil NriiriilKlu.
It Is \mlallinj ( rcmcily for Dl eaecioftho
Klcluejs nnil I.lvir.
It Is invnlunhlo for ll ca < M prpitllnr to
XVoinen , ami nil who lend rcilcntary llvrs.
It does not Injure the teeth , cau e hcailnphc.ot
pruluro constlpitlon otliT Trnn nctllclnrttlo.
Heiirli'hcsnnil purifies theblootl , stimulates
Ihe appetite , alils .the n - Imllatlon of food , re-
llcves llenrtbiirn nnd llclchiiiB , and strength-
His the nnrrles nnd nerves.
Tor Intermittent I overs , Lassitude , Lack Of
KnergAr. . , It has no equal.
> 5S The crmilnc has nbov o trmlo mnrk nnd
crossed red Unison wrapper. Take no other.
iu.iof iijir i.iuin.MIIInuAL ( o. , uu.TiJioiu , iin.
ta iui
hartered by thcEtatcof till.
oii lorthcixprc-ispurpoRO
all chronic , urinary a
.Jvatc d.s , . . . C'v " % vthfrn
Gleet cndbyplnlb In ull their
complicated fornib , also all
diseases of the Sltln and
L'lood prompt.y tchevcdand
pcnnnnent'ycurrd by reme
dies , tcst'dm a J Vn-Jj/lVrtr *
. bjnclall'rictlc 't Seminal
* - ff. t * * >
Wial . . I..0"caby Dreams , Pimples on
n io'rjvr/me/.cfm/ appropriate n..r.r < ly
aaiorcc ULed in inch case. Consultations , per- or by letter , oacredly conlidcntlal. Med-
; ln9 sent bv Mt-11 and Express. No marks on
vu.tase to indicate contents or sin Jer. Address
Uf..jAMES.Mo.g04Wa3hIngIonSi.ClicaQOli. ? |
1111 Douzlu 81. Omaha , Neb.
Salvanizea iron Cornices
li'i HiLIVE1 ? mil KIDNEYS ,
nil Ji ! 101 , . Tin ltEAl/n
1 o ,
" - r - . \ o in" lone.
t ) titlnil mill
- ! ? . " " ?
m * , m peuii i-tii -"lr si twill
llmllnDK. Zi' HIKK'S IROW TOV.O n mfo ami
rpf-cdvciiru. icUfcsiiil < .aill.ialili | coniili\liin.
Fri inioiit. rnpti at c--i-- T.liV oiilj aihl
In thcpopiil.irltvot t'looilisliui. iJyiiotcxpirl-
UlCIlt ( Tl'ttllU OIIIOIN AI. AJil ) llf 'T.
h'mlsourMdilreBatolhuDr. llnrlnrAIoil Co.
St.Joills , Mo , for onr-DRIlAM BOOK. "
' fitrunm and useful lufurmuUoa.fnxi.
Science of Life , Only $ ! , QO
E-.h notcJ Vitality , Nervous and Plijelett ! Debility
Pteiaatiuo Decline In Man , Enoruof Yor.tli , nil the
antola miseries oiultliiR trom Iridlscratlona or ex
oepfi83. A hook f t * every man , youn , raluillo.ft ed ,
and old. It cnnttlns 123 prescriptions / all ocnte
and fhronlc dho ties each ono ol which la Invaluable
SD found by the Author , v.hoso eiperlciico for C3
yo > rj la cucb nsprolmby ! nev.r before fell to the lot
ol tiiv physic fcn SCO l Kr3 , bound In bwutlln
F'rpucnmuslin mjoeaodrovorR , ( ell K'it.KUirRntco '
to bo a fliuvvok i ! ovcry ocneomcchr.nlrjl , liter
or y am' profajolonal , than iny other work sold In
this country tr > r 52.60. or the money will bu rcfanikd
In ovcry lurtanw. Pries $1.00 by mail , pot
paid. IllastratlvjBiiuplo Counts. Bond now. ( ] clJ
medal rwari/idthoMithor by the Kntlonc.1 lloillcnl
Ai8oclaton ! , to ILo off.ccn ol which ho tcliua.
Too Sclctifio of Llfoshould bo rend bv 'ho vouc ;
for inotrucMon , nnj by tha all'lotod ( cr relief.
It will bfinffll fJL fiondon r.oncot.
There 19 no incmbor of sriJeiy t" whom The Sri-
cnco uf Lllo nlil not bo useful , nbt-thcr youth , par
ent , K0 rdlan , Inbtructor or clortfvaJtn.Argomiut. .
AddrfcothoPcihody Medical JnsMtuto , or Dr V
rkcr , Mo 4 Dulflncli btrcot , Boston Maea. , whc
o coaBUlted on all dlecvcs requlr'ne pklll aud
CTlui Mil"of ) ' . | / | cKoi
altyi ynch ( i9d MoijMa-jlJ.Mlull ! )
eu iDiUnco failure. "
Of the Morthwoot , Uotroit , Minn
A country of WOODS AND LAKHS , 200 miles west
of nt I'uul. Thrco trams iHIIy on tha N 1 * . 11. U. ,
Ith 30 Day Excursion. Tickets &t about cue-half
An elegant hnuoo with aecoinmodatlons for ZOO
guouta. R. R. COLBUrtM , Proprietor.
( Faculty 1'rtzo Modlcal Vollego of Ohio.
And other Diseases ot the Anua and Iloctum.
120 S , 14th St , Cor. Douglas
ere ed and wtf
The tteaniBhlpa of thla Hell-known line aru built of
Iron , In water-tight compartmcnta , and are furnish.
ednith every requisite to make the passage both
ufe and agreeable. Thev carry the L'nltLd Rtatca
> nd European luailj , and leave New Vorka Ihurs-
J.IJB and ttaturda ) e for I'l > mouth ( LONDON ) Cher
bourg ( PAU1S ) and II AMUUSIO.
Hatea : First Cabin , Sft6 , ? 05 and J76. Etcer gef20
Ilcnr > Pundt , Mark llaiiscn , K 1 ! . llonrtd.M. Toft ,
ik'tntsln Omaba , Qroncwltf ; & Schucntcn | , aROnte In
Council niuOa. 0. II : ItlCIIAKU A 00 , den. I'UM
Ajtd. , C1 llrovlway , N. Y. Cba.4. KozinirjKki ! Co-
Qeiural ttcetiuu Audits , \Vanblngton \ Bt. , Wile a
The Leading Agricultural and Live Stools
J.Drnal of the Y/ost.
20 PagCS { raiKENTinKAnlSOCOlniDflS
H. S. SMITH & CO. ,
HON K011T. W rUHNAS , Secretary SU Hoard
bl Arlcultuic ; , Associate Hilltor.
6UBSCUIITION 1'UICE , 11.00 per ) ear lu oUv ancc.
cd c 1C ? S.uth Street. - . OMAHA , NEB
{ inb
in onr business we've
admitted to the firm
Edwin Daviswho
is well and favorably
willenable us to h an-
dle an increased list
of property. We ask
those who' ' have desi
rable property for
sale , to place the same
with us , The new firm
will be
213 eouth 14th St.