E FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , SATURDAY MORNINGSKPTEMP.KR 20 , 183-1. NO. 77 IN STATU QUO , The Wes'crn ' Railway Managers Fail Utterly to Agree. "Wo Have Fought Ourselves to a Standstill , " The Tripartite , a Bar to all Sot tlement. A Ninety Day Compact of Mutu al Ooufidonco- Organized With Joseph F. Tuoko as General Eoforee- Tlio only Itcsult of tlio Cnnl'crcnco i tlicIMaliitonnnco ot tlio now Cal- ICornliv i > i ( . 'il tc M.o , September 19 , The v\eatorn tail uay in in igers held another long session toda ; and filially decided , after five d.iya of consul tatmn , th it auy joint agroeiuent with u viov of th > formation of pools on Colorado , Utal and Xebraika business was not possible in tin pnent temper of the roads. As ono of tin I maiHgoM tonight expressed it , "We havi fought ourselves to . i standstill. " As it via tliuiifht probibloat the outset the tripaitlt iignement has proven A HAH TO ANY COMPACT vvh. 'i ' would be satisfactory to the Burling ton and Northwestern roads and tlio Mil vv.mkoo.iud St. 1'aul and Hock Island road holding out for its continuance , prevented tin foi million of any new combinations. Thi was conceded on all aides at the secret boasioi of tha general managers to day and the reso lutinii of yesterday to adjourn aud leavi nutters in statti quo , was a ain brought for vard and carried. It was decided by nmmlnous vote to leave matters as they now me tor ninety days , but in the mo. ultimo U STUIOTLV. MAINTAIN TAUIKl' 11ATKS. Another ' -ession will to held tomoirovv ili-clde upon a tariff , The meeting also de cidul to appoint Joseph V. Tucker as join representative of nil the lines , lo sea that tin taulf rates are maintained. An agreament to nuUiu the rates carries with it no penalty The matter being loft lo the integrity of th saieial lines. In the msautimo , it any furtho : itti > mpt is inndu at aibitration it will uecessa rilv to bo at the suggestion of one or inure o the toads hereafter , as no time h.is been named for any further negotiations. As : itsult of the conference , however , it is ex pected that tha newly formed l VI II OKNI V. TOOLS \MI.I. UK \INTAINKI ) , the details of which are now being perfected The line- , interested in the trans uontmenta juisiicution held another iOSiou today perfect- in , ilit. ula of that orgain/.ttion. HIE S\NTK I K fO W1T1IDHAVV. diicsi.o , 111. , Sentember 1'J. The Atehi son , Topi ku & Saute Fe road gav o Commi ioijbi Daniels notica today Unit ituuli withdraw from thu Colorado and IHah pool1 September 30. _ _ _ YOIIK , September 19. Rindskop 15io-&Co. , clothicu , ( i8 Uroadivay , assign c-d to Jacob \V. Mack. The crime for which .lacobiou was hung1 , oc cturod April 27,1881. At 7 o'clock on the morning of that day ho stopped quickly up lo > iieurfte Jiedell , liU former employo and diaiV' ing a revolver hhot him in llie held. His vie. tun died llie follow my d iy , Itedoll waa pie I in i tot of a carpet beating establishment and ilajiih-on was in his employbut was discharg ed on account of drunkenness. When liedoli p.ud him elf there was a dispute as to the amount due , < l acubion claiming > ! iu addition to ibe amount paid him. Ho went away , I mi jluscel a revolver'reappeared ne\t mom- ing and committed tha deed vuthotit any warning , iwhatavcr Jacobjon was formerly a anloi and inco bin conv ictmn he clinics ho had been drinking heavily und vh.it waa on- in Iv leipjimble for his acts. NKVV YoiiK.Septembi r 1 ! ) Kailuicthrough - uiit t'.e country foi the last HOVCII d.ijlilH.as c nnii ired with L'O lust vioek. Among tin ) ineferred c'oditors are the fin- p i tors' and Tr.ideia' Xati nml bank , & 111OUO filth AvonuabanU , 110,0)0 ( ) ; Max X.itl MOJ.OOO ; total amount of piefeicnceH , V UUO. UUO.Morib Morib Rmdakopf , of the firmin willknoun foi his chant iblo bequi = U to the pour of this city. Hois treasmei of Iho Umcod Hebrew Chanties aid alnj of tlio Hcbieiv Orphan Asvlnm. Siinoii Itiudsuopf in also highly lonnoctid and well known. R ipluel liuck- man U director of tlm Importers'and Trndira ISitiimul Dunk , and beus a goi.d reputation. The assignee , Muckiii seen t.iry and tieabiirer uf the Nalioual ManiifActunng cumpiny. SU.AILSI , N. Y. , September 111. The v\h ilesale diy Roods linn of I'erers & Co. , late Chadwick. l'eti-18 , & Co , failed lo-d iy. hia- luliliiK , fel'Jd.UOO , mostly In New York. IhnMollio Mii nlreH Again. I'jTT iiLiii. , I'a. , September 19. A Locust dap i I'a ) special naj > : In tha districts of Le- Ingh , Schuylkill , Iiii/orne , Northumberland , C'aibon , Wyomiiiff and Lackawaua theio have been di > co\crod unmtstakablo ovideneo of the existence of lodgei of a notonous brotherhood an oath-bound organisation. Jtegnlai meet ings aio sacretly held. The feeling agiinst the Hungarian lab irers is extensive. Yes tor- day tlu body ut ono Hungarian was found lieu Cloufield creek , with tiiiiblo Htibs and KUiinliut wounds upon it , Ho win probably a 9 id-mated. A Ifungatiiu named M ugloi. mitish husalbo been fat illy shot at Contralni. C.ipt. Williams of dcliuyJklll and Capt. K . ) , l.lndon , sup'rintcmlent of the I'enn. , mgi IHV of 1'iukuton s buroue , says the state- mi lit * relating to rein/aul/itiiin of the fain- on * MolliaMaxtilrOhOLic'ty IH trm > A mini lier l piomiuent citi/eiiK , railroid opeiators and mine bosses hivii Leon threatened , and their names Dlaead upon the Mollie Mugufre dt.itli list , and their annihilation set iluun for the Hi ai tiituro. While there is no direct evl- duice to connect the Mollle M iguuos with lecoiit murders , cert nn elrcumstancei ccrt.iin- U dim C miiicinn | toward them , aud recent lujhtoiiotis incendiary burnings of olllery projurty in different eec'imis of the coal count ly4 \ nttribuled to the brotheihood. l rnnco anil Oliliin. I'AIIISoptomber 19. Voltaire eays China isindiiLctly trjmg toretumonigotiatioiiHvitli I rdiice , M. I'atanoutre , French inlninter to China ha asked I'rimn .Mininister Kerry what attitude to assume in c.uo Chlim adopts a iiioio direct courfo and has baan informed tliat Chlnoio overtures should bo reseiyed with ov treine caution , i > s it M not believed they are e irniot , but only munn uvors fur the sake of gaining time , and Iiiilnui Grain Kami' , \S vnlllNi ro.N , KeUniber | 19. The September ber icport of the dcpaitimrit of agriculture , jiiot out , devotee cotisidoriblo | uco to the nubjcct of "wheat in India. " and H.IJS among otmi ihlui ; * , "as regud fuiglit charges , uo h ive a Bi.lwtantl.il advantage over India , not oul > in this comparative piotlnnty of our At laiitlc pnrt > to IJurujiean markets but alau in the i mipirativo cho.tpnc * < of our trnn porti tiun by rail. Itvdnrliig Indian weight * anil nionoy lo American equlv alenls the rates on wheat by rail on lending Indian rnilwajs in March , lSs.a | § n liltlo lejs than ono e'out n mile per ton as against ICM than two Ihirdj ol a emit nil lines uetivecn Chicigo and Now York In orher winds the average of Indian rates is fully lifly per e-ent higher than the rales on American wheat botwci n thi"c two ciliSK , while the advant'Ko ' on the Mile of tlu United States la much greater ilill. Indian rules ate compared with our rates by like atul canal , or oven by lake or rail. The former brings but little more than ono thlid of a cent and the latter lesj than oue half per cent per mile. THE HIlOr-OUN 1'OMOY. Tlio Onl.V Thorough ? le-tliiil ( or I2n llcf > icct for iho In Sp-cial Dispatch to TlIK HKV. ATLANTA , CJa. , September 19. 1'or sevotal days Mr. Thomas M. ilackson , proprietor ol the Atlanta box factory , has imagined that hi could detect a hindkercliief Ilirtatioj between his vvifo and Mr. Will McDonald , a saloon keeper across the street. 1'or fourteen years ho has lived in bliss with his wife and live interesting children hid been bom to them. He tiled to repress the suspicion , but in con tinned to grow upon him. Ho determined yesterday to sot a trap , aud announced to his vvifo that ho was gjing north i the evening train. Ho secreted him. self dining daylight aud arming himself with a shot gun and roudvei ho awaited tuxht's developement. No sooner had Mr. Jackson departed that the following note was hastily i-nt across the street by the vuwiaii. "Mr. Willie McDonald : Sir : If you wish yon can call to-night. My husband will bo gone. Call at IU o'clock. . Conio the back way. Let mo know if you are coming. Yours truly , M J. J. Hastily diving his place of bustncis tit o'clock , JIcDonald prepared to meet the wo man. Ha jumped the back fence and a dark object followed slowly nftor him. At the door McDcotmtd was met by Mrs. Jackson who foil into his arms. The door was closed and the guilty ( iair were on Iho inside , while the avenger won peeping through the chamber blinds. Soon the revelations were sufhciont to confirm his worst suspicious and raising his shot gun , a charge of buck- hot told the couple he was nt hand. With a scream they jumped out of bed and McDonald wildly fired bis pistol in the direction of the window. Ho attempted tntescapo but found the doors burred and locked. In the mean time Jackson hid rim to the front to give McDonald a parting khot as bo emerged , and us a while figure came out ho bla/od away. Hib wife , whom it pioved to bo , sank down on the step > moitilly w untied. Mc Donald came directly after , firing his revolver wildly in his i right , when Jackson vuugcd him again with a miiidcrouu volley. 15y this Umo half a do/en police and fully five bundled people , who had been awukenid by the fiisilade of musketry , had t'.itheioil. The wounded vvomau in hei death agony was taken to hoii'-e acrosj the street , while the two men wcio taken to the station bonce. Inside .l.iekson's lesidenco a fiightful scene was piesented. The bed was covered with tlio blood of the guilty pair. l'i\e little childien who h 11 been put avN.ay in the i cribs for the night by their mother , were run ning mound the room in then night clothes , all unacoii'Llouu of Iho disgraci of thpir dving moth'r .mil the deed committed by their des I crate father. The wounded couple cannot live. Mrs. Jnckeon was a member of the Jiipti t church , is highly connected , and her family has always moved in llie best circles. 1'urJt. IMLIiMMI.lOChM I I LlfllACIN. Loc'Isvm.K , September 19 Trackf.iir , all ages , selling allowances , mile and five hundred yaiils Sihia won , Adams 2d , time , 2.20. One and an eigth miles , Helling allowances Whisperme won , Knos 2d , Yirgio lid ; time , 2.00 i. Walnut hill stakes Two yeai oldi , winning penalties , maiden allowances , ono mile 1'e- g.i-us won , Jim Client 2d , Thistle 'M ; time , Ono anil one sixteenth miles , winning al- Ic-wanco Malaria won , Madison 2d , Admiral 3d : time. 1 r > 3 ! , . Five eights mile Hill Owens won , Leonard 2d , lleluke.'W ; time , 108. w > nr r\iik IIAI h- > . MVMIO PvilK , September 19. 230 and 21" weio unfinished , owing to darkness. In the J25 race Young Wolfe ( favorite ) ruptured .1 iloiKi vessel and ho dropped dead on the lome stretch The her o was valued at 810- OU Li//in M. won , ( Jeoige A 2d , Dickard id , llroe/e Medium Ith ; best time , 2 2JJ. Kreo : or all piling , Jewett won , Woatmout 2d. IJillySJdbiwUiiiio ; , 2-lli Oni ! THuiilorer IIPHB. Cllii AI.O , Scplembor 1' ) . .Isaac Jacobson was hanged in the county jail hero to day at ; hreo minutes after the noon bout. The ; ) rinonor pissed a quiet night , letlrmgal ono 'clock and Bleeping until five , viln n lie arose mil ata a light breikfast Ho walkelcom [ losedlyle the scaffold No hitch occurred in my of tha Hiuritf's arratiRoments. The con demned man's neck was bioken in the fall. Kiflecn hundred puiple , nriii'ip.ally social- > ts , held a IIIRHS tt\fi \ ting in Mai kot xquaro to night and g.aiu vtnt to n number of fiery speeches and losolutioris icgarding tlm execu tion of Jacobgon , whom it vias asserted would novel h ivo been hung had he not been utleily inor and fnendless A poslnioitom oxami ialioniif Jacobsons br.ainis demanded in new ) f his alleged ti mporary im-atiity. to uncertain whethu a judicul nmidji has not been com- mlted. IN THE PASTRY EF TJSEID. Vonlllfi.I.i-niiin.Oriiiufo . , nnvorfnllri , ffiiin < , I > iiililliiir < , .l.i-ii. ili-iiciilil ) unit init ially in Ilialrult I nun \\lili h ( In \ mi mi' ile. OU STKKNOTII AM ) TUn ; J'KLIT TLAYOJt THiV : STAM ) ALOM : . PRCPiRCD ElTH | Price Baking Powder Co. , Chicago , III. 6t. Louie , MO. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder -1KB ) r. I'rico's Liiiiilin | Yon.st Gems , licit Jrj ! Iii | > Yi-iiit. r-ora 0 .3103 33- - vvt MAM ; UIT USB cuiLiii. TERRANEOUS TREMORS , A scries of Earllmnakcs ThroiiEli Ceuiral Stales , Michigan lufliotod With Shocks and Forest Fires. Ohio Shaken From the Lake to the Eivor , The Hoosier State Visited With Violent Shocks , A SlichtKipplo Extends to Dtr buque , Iowa , A General Slinking up Throughout IlilH District , Fortunately Without l''ntnlltleH or Urcut An K\teiiRlvo DKTIIOIT , Septc-mbc'i 111.At 2 : 15 this forenoon - noon nn anrtlniuuko shock was felt wry forci bly in jmrts of tlu < city. Tlio Western Union building , Huhl block and Collision bltiuk vvoro nil xhakun np , driving ninny to the street from fright. There was no damage reported. It lasted ten ve-eoiuK CIIKLSKV , Mich. , September 1U. A bhock of an earthquake was felt this nftornoon , HLHillTIl MILT IK INDIANA. Four WAV..NS , Intl. , September 10. ! A slight shock of earthquake was felt hero al II p. in. this ntteinoon , lusting but a minute. JIllKAKIV ; 11' .SCHOOL. Oiuss LAKK , Mich. , September 19. An cartlinualiu was felt here thin afternoon. School children fainted and school hnd to bo dismissed. | HHKE.V MINUTES IN OHIO. TOLEDO , O. , September 111. A shock tf c-irtliipiako wua distinctly felt at " . " 0 o'clock tlm afternoon , lasling fifteen ininutoj. 1'lm noise resembled that of n distant blast. ito- poi ts from surrounding towns in o\ cry direc tion uro to the effect Unit the shock was plainly felt , in some places rocking buildings and displacing their contents. TUB I'lll NOMhNON NKAU TOLEDO. TOI.KDO , Ohio , September 19. Reports fioin various i > oints in thin viciuity showthut tha shock of euithqn.iko which occurred this afternoon has boon quite general through out noillivveatorn Ohio and southern Micln gan. Thi' duration of the shock was from ten 10 thiity seconds mid Hi eouraa waaappai- ently from south'veit to northeast. It wua most \inlout at Defiance , Ohio , where the sw.iyniRof buildings coined much constoini tiun , and the psoplo hastily ub.iudouod their houses , and tht < Methodist conference in sen- Mull alouu of the churcheri nnmoiliately ad journed to the utreet. The meeting of the lj lilies' Missionary society in progress at the tune was also quickly dismissed. GheH w.us broken in 11 iiumbLr of buildings , bill nt > serious damage vwig dona , At Cecil , Ohio , the goods in a store were thrown from the shelves , and pissongi'rs ai the r.ulway station inn out , thinking the trail had -.truck . the building. At Napoleon , Clyde liryau , Archibald , J'oxtoii.i and mtermedi ik point * , the shock was distinctly felt , lattlinc , wimlouH and crockery , but as fji a * reported , duiug no niiteri.il damage. iv roi.Ho In this city a largo building , occupied bj theMilburnVftffon eninpiny , was perceptibly shaken , the employes HiipposniK it to have been caused by thy moving of heavy nmchin- eiy. A ii' ibo similar to tli.it produced by a ( li-tant explo-iou in tnid lo h.ivo been heard in tome paits of Hie city , while in other poi- tions thu shock was miiioticed. A IHhMOIl 11 IOWA. Drat IJDK , lown , September 19. An oaith- quake was felt hero at ! i.O ) a. m. by the printers in tiniippei Htory of tlm lierhl ofhco. Tin- building was felt to tiemblo .mil VN nv 1 1 . .SHOCKS r , OHIO. Cl mi AND , September I ! ) . Tluoo distinct but not uiy heavy phockw of earthquake were felt hero lit - ' 17 this nftoinoon. 'llie largest buildings ruilci'd slightly. The motion was felt plainest In the upper stone'iho tele- ( 'raph and other wires ( juiveieil HO i\s to at- traet attention , anil many persons felt the Hen sntion of di7/incss pceulmrto mich terrestrial commotions. The vibratlonn extended nver.i period uf ton to fifteen necondn. No noise was noticed and no damage done. Tins si ems Lo hiuo been ncir the ojHteiu bo uder of tHe oaitliinuhi' , UK it extended vvejt an fur an into 2iiiiti.il Jndiana , at least , and north into Michigan. Report * this oiining say that Akron , Jenna , J'nrt Recovery , Kavennn , Louuno , Sidney , Marion. Saudusky , 1'ibaiia. Konton. Creitlmp , Cold Watar , and Upper Handmky , Ohio , Union City mid Muncie , Indian i felt tlio earthquake slightly. At Alliance , not at ill ; htiong in Uillefiuilaino mill l.mia it shook the Jargent buildings in tha town. At Ottawa it rattled the table ware and almost canned a panic nt the reunion being hold in the court liou-e. At Dupont the shock was lelt plainly , knocking down crockurv. At Kindlay then- vias a sevensliock. . At llolgata it was felt plainly and it stopped clocks. At Norwalk it guvo a good shake. At Clyde it rattled the window Blind scii cd women. At Itiwsontho sliock was plainly felt , accompanied by a rum bling iiniHi ) . It IH all the talk of the town. At Jlliiffton , it was plainly full. It shook house * , making windows and doom rattle. The people woio I iidly frightened. There was a H mm ! hko dlitint tlmndci. At Ar tadm the HBIIIC experience was fi It. At FOB- toiluitfclioolcotuytlmig , eamtlnggieal i xelto mint. .Jan In ding stores were knocked from slit l\es. Itl I'OIITH mo M INDIANA HIWNs. At I'orOuni ] , slight shock ; at Itod Key , -light shock , and njM'inl biifiiusH mon HIM into the streets to si e If the buildings were falling and to a ° cirtain Ilia cause ; tliero win gie.it oscitunent for a few moments. At Albany , it shook Inigo buck buHillngi < , MI that the Inhabit uiU thoiiidit they wirn going to fall to the eaith. At JJeavor Dam there vt an it very feviiofhock , and everything w.n omiiidi rnbly Nlinkou uji. ( Juat oxcltomeut iiravailed ; no damage t\cept to glasswaio and Kindred rutu li s. 1IOBP MltllKlAV lil AVKI1S. YIMANTIMich. . , Septeinboi I'l. A Htrong ulii/ck ( if earthquake was pi rcelveil luiutliU ikttirnouii. Jt liihtul abolition secondr. I'eo- ran for the streets. Ai'itiAS ' , Mich. , Soittcniber ! ! . At half- pant two ii clock tliU alteriKion a Ntiong shock of ntitliiiiaka | w.-n felt hen , which lant < d nearly a minute , and was succeeded by n nun'illng ' unite. Itouua fiirmturo was moiled uljout mi i tinware tattled , and dirhcs wi ro elulu n. 1'ooplo riiHhcd into the Htrtnti and MIIIIO fcaicd that the linal rackd had come. Kic m the icjioitH , tlm checks was geneial In linn neighborhood. A lOlll.orol ! > HIIUKIi. CisiisNAiif O , Sepleniher I'l. A vnry ighthhock ul Oiiitluiiitko wan ohiuivod heie 11 tun n 'i and , l o'clock thuafteiiioon , which 'ubtod ' fcjrcely more thun a second , and was lot perceived at all exccjitbv peiions in high jtillduigH , noosun ISIHAKVIOIIH , Seiitemhar lit. At L'.lf ) this aft > moon uviry pruceptlhlr nhock of oarth- Hiuke wu f' It m thin city , ClmndelierH wui fofki n by thu ojcllhitiynj/f / the building , The ihock wai moon i' < perinlly n it cd hy per Min in the upper slotto of lilsh bidldinr-i. Tin dlnuk was not nwto ononrli t d inv ilim nee , but created coii'lden'iln ' il irm ouniiig the children of the public ix h ilTole rinn indleitK thit similar i-h ks wore felt throughout the northern nn 1 i isti rn poitions of the state. C\VAt V < 1L VM . l.OM'OV , Out , , Kontombor I'lA shock of eirthquiVo w s felt In thl iil > thii nftornnon about , i' ' " ) . At Desdon the hock was dltlinct like n distnnt nvploiton w huh repined to fol low the rivel nnd vary In firco m soinn In stances canning qntto n rntthtn ; of didi&i and tHsiiu ; of furniture. A HVXTITRY .101 T. hoi isv H.I v , September 111.Au'lght shock from onrthqunko W.T ? felt here thii afternoon about 2 15 o'clock. No thmngo. A WIIVKLINO Wvi. . WIIVH.IVU , W. Vn. , Reptunher 111. A ollRlit sliock of earthonako vvna felt hero at ' . ' 10 this afteinoon. The motion was south w est to northeast. A M\lKIIIOtN DliTI ItllVNT. CKDAuKvriiis. lo. , Septoiulier 19. About _ ' this inoriutig tlio door of tlio lie-publican composing room nunjr violently upon. The building In milled , and tha p.ipors on the e\ changi ) table tumbled to the Moor. Theio was no appiront causo. Miolncau ForcHt l''lrcH , A TOWS SUKliOt SHU ) . I\ST : T\\\AS , Mich , , Hopli'inbcr 19. The town is surrounded by forest drew , and the air is hot and sulfocatUg , A bri < l. uiiul ppte.ula the flames rapidly. n\IIA\U IMIOrKHTV liKHIIUMKP. I'VST SvoijfAW , Mich , , September 19. The Michigan Central railroad bridge at White Feather was bnrnod In the forest fires , Work men ate now rebuilding it. Kjjyptlnu FlimnecH CAIRO , September 19. In accordnnco with the decision Monday of the conference icgard- incr Tg > pti m finances iu which Loid North' brook , Sir Uvolyn Baring , Nubar 1'aslm and otliors took ji.irt the ministry of Franco has given orders Hint the revomiDR assigned to the Caisio DoM \ Dotto Piibllquo for the redemption of the nniflod debt by purchases in open market , should bo temporal lly paid into the 1'gyptian ticasury. The purpose of this action is to enAble - Able the treasury to pay tlio current expenses of the government and the tribute to Turkey. Such payment is HCJJV Impossible owing to the heavy deficit. The members of the Cnie o protest aguinst this action of the finance min istry. They any that tlioy vrill hold the gov ernors of the prov incoa answerable for payment made without receipts from thoCaisse. HIK.NCH INDIfiNATION. PAIIIS , September 1'J. The action of the Kgyptian lin-xnco ministry in diverting the revenues assigned by the Caisso to the lgyi- ) | tian treasury cieated n profound sensition in Paris. The newsp pcra vigorously denounce the policy of Kngland , Lo Paris sunrnons the povvCMS to protest against such audacious violation of inter-national law and liquidation. VOUNQ MEN , UtiA.1) THIS" " . THIS Voi TAIO BILT : COMPANY , < jf M'nrshnll , Michigan , offer to send their celnbratod Kl.KO THO-VOLTAio UhLT and other ] iiKCTino Al1- rtlANCis on trial for thirty days , to men ( young or old ) allllctod with jenotn debility. Ions oi vitahty and uvinhooa , and all kindled troubles. Also for rheumatism , nouralKia , paralysis , and nianyotherldiic'xse8. Complelo rCHtoration t j health , vigor and manhood guar anteed. No lisk incurred , a3 thirty dayo' trial is allowed. Write t 'rm ntonco for illus trated pamphlet , hen. 4 Unprovolreil Pliinlcr. l vciliiuifJra , S'-ptenilxi 19. ( < re.it ox- citi'inout exists in Anihoits county , over the unprovoked minder last night of Samuel Mitchell. A sixteen year old hey in BO.uch of COWH. Jfe arrived at a huntor'a camp in the woods occupied by three mon. Gooigu For tune , one of tha men , ordered Mitchell to earry a fjeei keg. The boy refused and 1 or- limu shot him dead , Civil Sorvluo IJMimlnatloiiH , WASIIINIIION , September VI. The civil ser\ ice commission toport.a deficiency in the list of males in Illinois agd Wisconsin for up pomtmont to depirtmonUl work. Examina tions will bo In Id in thoie st lies prior to the middle of October , of the candidates foi posi tions in tlio various departments. Flour Mill Iturncd. NEW YOIIK , Spploiuber 19. Tha big flour mill of Win. I1. Payne , 129th street , wa des- trojed by fire this morning Loss , siO,000. ( On the H ° cond floor of the null weta the of- hi os of threa locil newspapBrs , all of which with then contents were desti oyed. Co-nporativo Covi. CEMIIK , J'n. , Seiitemboi 19 The suits against the miners' wivoi fet conspiiaey II.IH boon withdrawn , on the condition that the women will kiep tin peace and not interfeio with the non-ii oiomsts , Kiltlsli Gold Inr LONDON , September I' ) . It is asseitod that Kiigland is going to send to Kgypt , i'H.oqDOOO topiy the lloatimr debt and th > ) Ale\andrii > in- lomnity. Tlio bahnce will bo used in the construction of iiriguthm works , CONVINUING. The iiroof of the puddlpg h not in chewing thoBtiing , but in having , an opportunity to list the article dliont. Mclirotor & liocht , the Druggists , have a free tind boltlo of Dr. ] ! < > eanko's Cough imd I. ting .Syrup lor each and every one who is ullltctcd with Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Consumption or any Limy Affection CKDMI Jl\nns , Sojiteinbor 19. ,1. It. Mar- son's 1'ggs huii'H was pirtlally binned this af- Leinoon. Loss s 1 5.000 , ' Catarrh Cured C.atnrrh Is a ury prevalent disease , with distressing and tillt'tiiivu hjiiiptoins. IIooil'i hnsiparlll.i gives le.idy lellef and Hpeidy cure , { join tin ) f.ntt It a < ts through the hlooil , and Ihtis i e.iehes ovi ry parl of the BJ stem. " 1 niiireriilwltlic.itarrhfitleenjears. Took llood'H hari > ai.ti | Ilia anil 1 am not li ouliled tiny ullli catarrh , nml my gemial heallli Ismiicli In Her. " 1.V. . I.IM.IH , Postal Clerk Chlc.igu ( S , hi. Louis It.illlond. " I .snlTeridlthr.itnrrhOor8 years ; tried UKiny wuiiili'rfnl cures , Inhalers , ete. , tipeiiil- lui ; iie.n Ij one hundred dollars Ithout benefit. 1 tried Hood's Hirsup.iilll.i , und was greatly Improved , " AI. A. AliHIiV , Worcester , Mass. Hood's Birsrii.'irlll.a | H cliaraotnrl/ed ) J tliri o peciillailllLM i 1st , the comMniittim ol leincillal agents ; lid , tlio jirnpnrtloni 3d , the jiroceii of Deeming the acllvi ) mcilli In J in illtles. The result luaineillclno of imusiii' xtroiiKlli , t'lfi cling cures hllhcrto iiiiknonn Hend for book containing itdilltlonal rvldenux "Hood's HirH.iparllli ( ones up my Kysliiu. pin files my lilom ) , Hhirpi'iisiiiy , IIIH | llti , .mil M i IMS to m iko mo ovi i " J. 1' . 'i'lioiirnoN , jein-til ( of DmlH , I.uivi II , Mass. "Hooil's Hirs-ipaillla beats all others , anil Is worth us weight In pilil " I 1I.VJIUIM.1ON , \ . Hank Htrccl , JS'uw V'ork Cltj , Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all drugKlsts. $1 ; six for 85. Maiij ( inly by 0.1.110O1) ft CO. , l.owt-11 , Mass. lOO'Dosoa Ono , Dollar. THE THREAD OF TRUTH , " Glaiic's ' Lifo Hislory iu a Lctlcr lo William Walter A Glorious Oominentary on his Nohilityof Oharaotor , The Ahsoluto Purity of his Mar ital Relations , Questioning the Validity of His First Marriaco , Ho Honorahly Seouros its Formal Hopotion , The I'roof ofKnutH Whluli Vindicate Uliu niul AVII1 Win lilit Ijlliol Suir. lllnliio'n I jet tor. NKW YOIIK , September 111. Hon. Wllliim Walter I'helps takes the responsibility of giving to the public the fulliming piivnto letteiaddressed to him nearly Iwo week's ngn. "At e.l SPA , Mo. , Soplember li , 1HS | . My dear Mi. 1'iielps : 1 have jour favor of the 4th , advising me thnt 'Iho continuous Inven tion and wide clrcul.ilion of evil u polls ren der it adiisiblo ( inour juilgmeut ) not to wait the sloiv piocess of the law , buttoiipiaU directly lo the public in my own vindication. ' In tills opinion many other * , on whoso juilg mont I rely , concur. I shrink instinclivoly from the Mipgostiim , although 1 fool uie I could Btrengthon the confidence of all w ho fool friendly to mo by bringing to view the simple tlnoad of Until , which is concealed in thin udless tissue of falsehood. You can nn igme how inexpressibly painful t must bo to diBcuss one's domestic life in the presa , although I think vulh you , Hint under the circumstances I could count upon the generosity of tlio public. To justify a statement - mont which othoi wisn might HI om objection able' , I can m any e-veut safely commit the facts to you for personal cominttinuitiiiii to thine friend * who have Iiki'tt no delicate and no eomdder.ito an mtoro t in my affairs , The leisure houirt of to ehiy , when oiireimpaigii in ended and wo wait only for the oloclloii , gives mo the opportunity for this prompt reply , and foi the follow ing usaentinl details , inMM.'ri i n i. sioiu. Al Georgetown , IContucky , in llie Bpringof ISIS , when 1 wns but eighteou years of age I ln t met the liuly who lor mgro tliun tliiity- fonr > curs ban been my wife. Our acquaint ance losiilted , ut the end of B ! < C month * , in an engigemout , which , vi ithout thu pi aspect of a specify marriage , wo naturally sought to keep to om selves. Two yours hiti r , m the spring of 1850 , whin 1 was inntuinig plan * to lo vo my profession in Kentucky and cst.iblUh mjHelf ulsewlioiu , I was suddenly Hitmmimod to I'onnsylvaniii by the death of my futhui. It being1 very eloubtful if 1 cjuld letiirn to Ken tucky , I wan threatened with an Indofinjto separation fiomlher who possessed my entire devotion. m.\ijfr-'s MAiiituiii : . My ono wuli was to tocuro lier to myself by an indlnBolublo tie agniiiHt every ponsiblo con tlngenev. in life , und on Iho IlOth day of June , Ife'i I , just pnoi tinny deputuro fiom Km lucky , \\o were1 , in thi ) presence ot 'lumenanil liuslod friends , milled by what 1 know vuis , in my nutivo state of I'tniisylvanla. a peifoct- ly legal form of marrliige On reacliing homo 1 found that my family and especially my be leaved mother , Btiongly discountenanced my business plans ai invdhing too long a separa tion from homo mid kmdioil. 1 compiled witli her icqucst that I chimld resume' , at leant for a tinio , my occnjiation in Kenttuky , whither I lotmnod in thu lattei part of August. Dining the ensuing wintoi , in duced by misgivings which WIIH incroaiod by le-gal conutillatioiiH , 1 became alarmed lent a doubt might bo tlnown upon the validity of our mariijge by reason of the HOP compliance with the lawn of tlio stito wlii-io It hail oc ciirred. I liaJ li-arned that the luvis of Ken- lucky niAilo a llei HUD coi tilled by the clcil. of tlio county court an mdinpoinablo n qmnlte of alcgd iiiama i' . Aftui much dollbeuilion , and with an anxious ileBiio lo gunrd in the mostelfectual ni.mnrr , against any I'lnb masH- mi nt resulting from our position , for which I ulonn VMIB roiipoii ihle' , we decided that tin Hiinpleil , and i.t the fame time Iho xiircht way wan to lepiii to 1'eniiHylvaniii and hiivei A.Mirill II M VIIIIIM.H I KlirMONl I'Klll OIIMKI' . 'J'his wan done m thi ) priMOiico of witnesm s in thi ) city of I'ltlslmrg , in Iho month of Match , 1JC)1 , but wus not otheiwixo made public for obvious leiHiitin. It was KOI | mm/oil only to Htcmo an indiHputablo yalnlily , Iho first mar- rliige being , us my vvifo und m > nolf always hold , Hacrod. At the mature ngo of fifty-four , 1 do not defend the wisdom 01 prudence ( if u M'Ciot marrtiigo suggested by tlio aiilor and Lho Innxperlencn of jouth , but its honor and iu pmity WOIK inviulatoim f believe in the Mi lil of ( iod anil ennnot bo made to appnnr otheiwihe by the wicked dovicm of men , II brought to niu a ( innpitiiiotmiilp vihigh ban iCcn mv chief happme'ss fr mi boyhood'it yearn Lo thin lionr , and bun crowned mo wKh wlnil ever of auccert4 1 have attained m life. in n iiuir cm in , a HUH , was bum in his grandmothers house on Ihulsth day of .lime , IHM.w tlm city of Au gusta Muino , nnd died iu h'r arum tlucu yuuiH littur. HIH ashes rrposo in Iho cemetoiy of bin nativocily , boncatb a nton which ro- conloil Ids name und Die hunts of htx innocent life. Tlmtslono , whieh him stood for almost agfliieiutinn , Inn boon iccmlly defaced by Inuta ! and MicrllegioiiH hiinds. An a candidate Tor the pioitiiJency , I knew 1 nhoulil uiesiuntor many fornm of c iliimny and peiHomd dufama tiun , hut I coufnsH I did not expect to Iwcalleid tipon to di fniid tlm nmno of a holovad and lionon d vvifo , who U a inothoi and a grand- muther. Nor did I expect that the grave of ny litllo child winild be 11 nelly deneciuled Against Hiich gr.isa foiiiiH of wrong , the l'iw { ivcs no adiqiiatu ledreBS , and I know that in the i ml my most tlfeitiiu appeal against the niispoakalilo outiiigcH , whlih 1 texlst , must lie to the ) nohlo manhood and uobln woman IOIH ] of Amoiica. Vour filuinlory unicoie ly. .IAVIKK ( j. Hi VIM " THI ; Her < i > ii < ; iS' HOMIO. A. Hliovv of Iiounl Vanity Ncliruwlcu'is 1'riiHpeolH , ] J\tfos , Ohio , KeplomlKr 19. Tno boird of jwinniii mnf Iho iivtlonil homex foi dUabled MolellLinliit uol ( to-day to the nigiimentl of thn Lommitti an for th CHtublUhinent of the vehtiin branch liomc. Half .in hour wus given to each utiitit nml tin mlnutis to ouch city. Nebi.iaka , Iowa , Arkansas , jMlKHouri , und Kansas presented claims , Kiith deli im- tiun duiinod tha fiiu t health , ugniulluial , mining , nimend ' piinri-l ; fuel , and building nmtoiiid in Ann nca , All wi ro cintrnlly loeated and furnished the groatidt proportion of mildiciri to tlu wai. All tha day wus occupii d in llttimn lo tin HO tlainiH The boaid mot to night lo decide tin linlui. lx-iovoinor ! ( Anthony ] ire -nted thu claimof Kuii-iiw. Hou'iuortji ! ji | irui nt * od Iowa A rlnlni Senator \lrttidorson spoke In Iwhnlf of N.lirukn. Conpn smati I'oiln o ntodrkiiHnsclalins , le ! > tilrice. Nib. ixonwiirtli Ks , Hot Springs Arkiumi. . , Spnitlskn , llutlmglnn , CoitMll Ululfs ana 'i vcral I'thci iltii'i olforid great indiiremoitU llioh > Miii > will pinbal-ly locatitlRt Hoittic" , l.i > a\enwortli , or in low.a.rkauis has lnt little ho | - . but Nobrn ha and Kansas ate lonndent , Tlio hoard loaves SUntil.ly morning - ing vMlh tinInllcr stale's deVration , I'Ol.lilUAli. In Oliln. " \OUVI.STOWS , September I'l. Iog.an ar- riled hrrrt this ovemiig fiom Kocheslcr , N. Y. , by a special Irani bearing lngnn and his e ncorl. A commiti-oo from Yeuiugslovvn loft Krlo a 11-30. At Oiraid , C'onntautville , l.imesville , Jamcsville , ( trocnavillo and Sh.arpsvllle Logan undo spcei'hes to large eiowds , At Shiiion , I'a. , l.ogan cpoko for thitty minulos to 12,000on Iho fairgrounds. iU Wast Middlesex and 1'ulasit i there were imiueim' crowds. At Nowcastlp , ( ionoral Logan aud oseort lelt the tiiun and weiocnu- veel l In carriages to the public tquato by f > 00 members of tlm Hlniiie and Logan elulu. . fivethousiitid iH-oplowpro addressed by Logan , tludge King and C. II. Andrews , of Youngs , town , At Lowellville station , the ovation tendered l.e'gati was luagnllicont. At Youngstown - town 10,000 people had ns-i mblod and escorted liim to the residence of C. A. Andrmvs , who'c Riiosl Logan l while in the city. To-moirow nfternoon Logan , Kelly , of Pennsylvania , 1'owell CJlaj ton , of Aarkmisas , ( Joneraf Nojes , of Cinciun itand ! 1'rivato Dul/sll will address llie people em llie fair gioundi , The Tnll to ItoIvVn Kite. NKW YOIIK , September 19 Mrs C. S. Lo- rle'r , M. D , , chairman of the Now York stale ) the woman suffrage pat ty , to-day Issued the lowing caul : "Tho wornnng suf Irago party of New York state h ul no ulniro in nominating , the woman's rights ticket foi the presidency , and the use of the iiatuo of the undersigned us a candidate foi vico-pri'vldent la vi ithout authority. While the wrller ap preciates the kind intenlioiis of the friends who have made this use of her imtno , nho sees no need of a special woman'rt sulfr.igo ticket , when nil the candidates for proaideut are friendly to woman's sngr.u'o. ( Signed ) Cl KMKM'K S. LO/IKII , M. 1) . Illolnn in Now York. NKW Yoiik , September 19. (5rant ( called mi Ithdno to lUy and a lung conversation en sued. Afterward , lllniiio drove through Central - tral pirkwlth William Walter 1'helps. Vholps lined with lllaino on their return. To-tnor- low ISlaine will visit the nitional republican liondquarlurs and tlien receive a o mpliment- iiiy serenade. Arthur is oxpccttnd to-monow. Monday , lUnuin will go lo I'lnladelphia and will loitnii lo Now \ ink , TueHilay , mid Wed- nesduy leave foi tlio wont , via llultaln. I'lillutlclpliln i'l-e'parliu ; Cor Uliiinc. I'lill Mil.li'lMK , I'a. Septomboi 19. Chilr- iiKin Coopei , ot 1'ennnyhanla state eom- mitti'e has completed anangeiuoiits foi IMainc to visit Philadelphia Tuesday next , and to bo leccivcd by tha I'nion Leagini Ho Is c\ rci led also to laviow a loich light parade of all Iho republican clubii of I'hiladolphi i and neighboinif ; towns in Now Jersey , Maryland and I'ouiisylvunfa. I'Xcursion trains will bo inn inlo tlin city at loiiuced rates foi thu night parade. 1 ( Jjimllclnlo'ri Calamitous CuiivnHH. CllAltionK , N. C. , September 19. ( loneui Scales , the democratic cauilidvlo for gincmor while canvassing vio-tein North Caiolina hid horse lan away in ciossing the Cowoo moun tain , Jackson county The hoi so fell down a pieeipico n hundred feet hurh and was killed. Tlio buugy was um ished to atoms. Scales caught in a tree mid barely escaped with his dfe. Ho reached his home at ( iteeunboio this moi ning , badly biulsod , and 19 now In bed. Ultll' , I'a. , Soplembcr 19. A committee rf republicans met General Logan at Dunkirk this morning and upon rea < hing this city nt 9 oMock wan Kirrteil by the plumed knjghts and other lopuhlicin clubs anil escorted li ) Iho Kecd housu whole thu party breikfiistod. Meanwhile n ciowd of 11,000 n-emlilccl in fiont of the hotol. In response to calls the general U.H inlroduced by Coiigressiiiau liiai- nard and made a brief addieas. "i'mvorlilnl HoHjiltnlliy" to Clovoliinel. AIIIVNI , Septcmbei 19. Mayor Jacobs liidgollokoaud I . Dlnkelupiel , nil of Louis- villa , Ky. , called on ( inventor Cleveland lids ifloi noon and cut diaUy invited him lo attend .ho LouiHvilln uxiOHitiim | now in [ impress in that city Tlio governor , while expressing loHiroto neo the seuth , could not give Iho 'ommilteo miieh I'licoiiiiigement at piesont. The duties of hix executive ofhcn are too tiexamg , Itcttor , Ism vsAi'Oim , Ind. , Suplcmbi r 19 , Kx voi nor Hendiicks ictiirnod lo this city from 111 now to da } ' . Ho is somewhat bruised and stilf from llie shaking nxpononccd in the iad- , uiy wrpck of Wodnundity , but will go to Ham- lion , Ohio , to-moriow , and deliver an ml ilrcss. Ho goes lo 1'lonHunt Luke , Stuubi n county , on the 2.IJ , and Shrlbyvillo on the jr.tb. ( Jlirlloil'H I'OHltlllll. CAIIIO , Ke | > tomber 19. Two moro telegrams lave been received from General ( lOidon. Ho complaiim of the slowness of the authorities in sending the lollof expedition , ami states that tlm number of rebels begetting Khartoum in llicieahing. TIJMOOK/VIMI / NOTKS. A | ralo in Yabnhniim , Japan , yesterday , canned coiiKlilerabh * loss of life , The prufceU of fifteen differentdopartmonls of 1'iance have org.im/ed io > al committees ( jcneiid Wolseley htiuts to aKcond the Nile Octohi r 1I > , foi the n lief of Gordon , at Ivliur- toiim , The I'oiinsylv'ania coke i nmiianies ab olute- ly refiiHU to riduee llio price of coke to 4 1,10 pei Ion , The slakes of the western rai Ing cnciiit , which were to eloBii today , have ) been e\ Itnded until Octobei Iht. Thorn IH Saxton retires from pirllament us .1 ieni < < seiitallvo of Sllgo , and will -.onteat an- olliei rent. An immi'iiiio temperance mooting In liohton last iiighl wus addiesfiil by l.oid Aicll-ltliihoi ] of Rrichoitei. Kngland , and liUhoi ) 1'addock. A mob ychtordny In the Ntrentn of Warsaw , I'nlnnJ , uttaokod a party of pdiceiiion nrntt ing HOIIIO iiihilUlN , The police used their bay- oiietn and lapulsad the erowd A Itiiinorcit Treasury Tlioll , W\HIIIM.IOV , Seplumbei 19. There was a lunioi thin niorningtli.it > lfiCOO was stolen from the treasury yesterday. All olllcialu omplmllcally deny It and asafinlhei mldonco of falsity Tioasurci Wjniun went tu Mount Vernon this morning , which ho would not hat o done hud then been any trouble in Ins dipAitmvnt , Till ) \Vunllior To-ila. ) . WAHIIIM.TOS , September 19. Uppei Mis- hlnBlpjii fair with variable winds und lowot li inji latuie Missouri fair , noith to taut wincU with lower tvni | > eraturtf , CAPRICIOUS CEREALS. A Day o [ Intense Excitement and Ac tivity on The Wheat Market Frisky and Irregular , A Wild and Panicky Day in the Corn Pit , 3ach Corn Forced up Almost to Wheat Prices ! Dattlo and Hogs at the Stook Yards , llnnorltt on Ontn. Pork , and Lard txnil Other I'rj 3 nml 3pcci.il o Deo. 3cr - AN ( IK. Cmr.M.o , Sept ( D 19. The day was ono of almost llurco ) ' f on "change to-day , caused by the ( } ongth in wheat and heavy advance ill AT. The aggregate I i In wheat was large. The market opetr . . .ong fit j@lc { highei. iamxl off n trifle , rallied rfc , lint about thii line ropoiUof two largo mcrc.intlo ! failures n the east cnmo in and nndor increased of- erings to rcall ? ! * , prices fell elf a cent , ruled [ iiiet for n while , but ng.iiu drsiro wai shown to realize tnd prices dropped elf jc , rallied ic and closed on the regular board at about j : nnder yesterday. On the afternoon board ii icon wi te firmer , the m irket closing at 7 "IP " 7So for October , 79Jc for November , 80 lor [ December. tons. The market was ono of the wildest witnessed n many months. Cash corn was pushed to > vithm ton rents of the price current for No. 2 sming wheat , and apparently without any pocial clfort could have been hoUtad to 70 cents. ThophoitR were badly alarmed and at aines apparently panic Btricken. September rose to u7 > but foil again to 03 , rose again to 'ilj and closed at that figure on the regular > oaid ; October and November also outfit S to over yesterdiy , while more distant futures were a shade t.iMor. On the afternoon board noaily the best figures of tha day continued to rule ; closing imtatlona being 05 for September ; 6lf for Octobei ; l"l for November ; 3 < J\ \ for the year. IATTIK KecelpU of Texans were light , including only about lilScais of all sorts through , and these from Kan as City. There were but few westerns mixed in with the Texans. The gen eral market was fairly active , with a better demand for medium natives on account of thu seal city of Texivns and west am. I'rices , however , underwent little or no ehango. dinner's stock , either natives or Texans , sold a shade higher. TUero were few load * of choice natives Tlio market generally closed steady. Corn fed natives , 0 80 to 'I 50. Knnge cattle are selling at about the following : Texans - ans of 7M t J Kx > , ! t 7fi to I 2fi ; of 900 to 1,000 , at I 10 to 1 61) ) ; Wyomingx , IMontan.as and Nchraskas , I " , > to b .10 ; r.inga tailings , includ ing CO\VH and bulls 2 CO to 3 fiO ; peed to choice , 1,1'CO to 1,350 poundu , ( i 09 to ( > 60 ; common to fair , 1,000 to l.'OO poundu , I 75 to 5 90 ; ranpo cattle linn , Wyoming * . J M to C 50. Sales , 710 Texans , 92 ! ) pounds , I S5 ; 22 Texans , 870 pounds 10. HOOf , Thu general market was rather slow , and must of the salesmen reported a decline of 10 to ] fic on common and mixed packing grades , and also on assorted light , but the range ot sales on tha best assorted heavy shows about os strong pi ici s ns yesterday. The shipping demand was light. I'nekerH were limited bnjerH , and speculators hnd no faith in tlm future of the day. Skips mid grosser * sold at 150 to 5 25 ; H8801 toil light at 5 CO to Ii 20 ; common and mixed packing , 5 10 to fi CO ; , fi 25 to 5 75 ; and best heavy , tOO to ( i 35 ; light , 100 to i 10 Ibi , 500 to ( i20. i . OA rs ruled dull but steady , closing at 20 for Sep- Lenibe and October , 21 ! for November. roiik showed little change , clo'ing at Hi 75 for Sap- ( unhc ! , 17 00 for October , 11 35 for the yo. r. I Aim film , closing at " 20 foi September and Octo ber , 7 01 for Novemboi. Ueul Ksratn Xraiislars. The following transfer. ! were filed in , ho county clork'a ollico yesterday and reported for TUB BKU by Amoa' real catato agency September 18 , 1881 : Auj. ( Droato. otal to Aug. Woi , w lot 121 block ! ) , Kouutea and lluth'a addition , S2-1UO. 0. 13. Davis to N. 0. Davis w d , west half lot 2 Kigali's addition , § 500. E 1) . Titua and vvifo to 1' ] . Aniacow , w lota in Florence , $100. I'liOHplintO KJU WOMKN AND OHIMIltKN' . Dr. Jos. lloi.T , Now OrloanB , Ala. , Bays : "I linvo frcqnontly found it of os.- collont aorvico in cuaoa of debility , loaa of oppotito , and in convaluaconoo from ex- huuutivu illness , and particularly of ser vice in ( ho treatment of women and chil- dron. " ARSNOUs MINOTOHCIDDOVIN ARLBAKINOPDWOCR , ITAMBOUHDTORISi/ lfalumorimyinJurloiiHtuh . umccac' n \ > o foniA uii : JI. Dilufontnmo , of Chicaijo ; uil Uoile,31ll iukcv. NevcrbolilIubulV