Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1884, Image 8

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Friday Morninc September 19. .
The counter In the Miliard hotel oliico
linibcon covered with line Tcnnewcp maible.
It is a beautiful coxprirp nml ftdtli proally
lo the nppearanca of the
] ' . 3. linker tprclal
dent , of the S.iu Franolw .l.mrnal of Com
incrce Is In the city. Ho will Ult the nmnu
fncturere In the Interwt of his paper.
The Wlacer Times fays that the bid of A.
L.Str iK , of this cilyof 81,328 for erecting
water works at that point was accepted by the
town board and the work will bo completed l > y
No > ember 10th. >
K. 11. Overall , one of llio prominent col-
oml cltbons of Oinahn , has liccn appointed
commissioner from Nebraska lo look after the
representation of his i ace at the World1 * 1. x-
petition at New Orleans.
Yesterday. Henry McHemon , watchman
forS. P. Mono & Co. , was liken with fit-
while eating Ills dinner at Fullreide's raslnur
nut , on Sixteenth slrcol. Ho was carried to
his room where ho suon revved.
A lad 11 years of ngi > named Win. tJagoi r
Mill bo Bout to the rtfnrin school. H in alleged
that ho amuses himself by Miatilting thu smal1
IMIJ-H who nllcnd the Leaven worth ftreol
i-cliool nnd en Tuesday knocked ono of thorn
inecnslhlo with a brick.
A largo number of Winnologo Indians
passed through thii city yesterday on tbolr
\vay to visit Iho Klkapoo tribo. They had a
large number of ponies and wagons , also a
kettle-drum and other Instruments. They
stopped in the city long enough to make wev-
oral horse-trades.
Mrs. Lnulso Nulto desires to retnru ho
thanks to the Tailors Union of thin city for
their kindness in attondlng the funornl of her
late husband , Charles Nolti' , nnd for their
generous donation of fifty dollars to her.
This was a free will gift ns the Tailors Union
snot a benevolent socloly.
Mr. .T. W. 1 ligginbottom , manager of the
Omaha Pottery Co : , him received samples of
rnajolica'j warn from the Stilfordihlre ( Kng-
land ) potteries with which ho is connected.
The pieces are garden jnidinlers nnd \ ascs of
various shapes. The saam waici will bo
turned out hero noxl Reason.
The old building formerly occupied by llio
llopuhlicnn , nt the corner of Thirteenth and
Dougleti strcDls , Is being lorn down nnd a line
three atory brick will bocrcclod upon Iho silo.
The old building is ono of Iho old landmarks
of Omaha , but like ninny more It has lo yield
IU right lo a more imposing pile.
There will bo a grand republican rally in
the Sixth wanl on Saturday evening next on
Cumrnings slrool near Twenty-second. Able
speakers have boon secured , also the service of
the U. 1 * . Unnd. Blaine and Logan organiza
tions of Iho cily nt largo nro respectfully In
vited lo attend , A booming limo is oxpeclod.
( ! eo. U. llallibun , president ISlaino and
Logan club.
I - IS .
\.1 \ * $ A young man named Oscar T. Linden ,
I1 * * of Council lllulfg , nlle.mpU'1 lo cross tto river
_ iipnun freight train this inoinlng and was
$ slopped by tlio bridge watchman , They bad
floino words and Linden became very much
frightened nnd tonght ollicer Croon at the
depot to nsk his mKico. Green advised him
.g , a , to got aboard tbo dummy train anil goto
ttt $ Council IMulTs , which ho did.
' ' * Mr. C. H , Traver , deputy Bhorllt o
Jirnwn county , arrived In Omaha Wednesday
having In charge three candidates for the pens -
s Itcntiarynt Lincoln. Ho left yesterday fo
the capital. Tlio prisoners were Xach Atlainn ,
and Oren Webb , both couvlcled of murder
nnd sonl tip for ten yearn each , nud AVnlti-r
Lucas , who will look through the bars for two
years for taking a horse which did not belong
to him
Superintendent A. M. Hagor , of the Mln-
Hour ! Pacific railway system , nccnmpaniod by
( ! . C. Knowlton , assistant siipeilnltMidont ,
I , J * and hissocrolarj' , J , H. Mare ; P. Itockwoll ,
' ! road matter ; T. H. Fit/.patrlck , division road
muster ; .Tamos W. Dolby , train majlor ; nml
Henry McLaugldln , of St. JiOiiic , arri\ed In
the city Wednesday , by Bjiouial train from
Kansas City , having duvrlud the day to suo-
cial iiiEpectioii of the lino. They dined at , the
Millnrd and returned by special train at 8:15 :
p. m.
Deles II , HaUIngs , a York countylfarm-
IT , was brought before U. S. Commissioner
Frank Wednesday upon charge of committing
orgory in connection with pension papers. Ho
wnivod oxnminalioii and wnacommitU'd in ih > -
faullof bail , which , nixloiiht , ho will bo nblo
I ' to furnieh. It Is allegtd that ho tool : liboilies
\\itii thu nanio of a necessary witness to obtain
a pension for hlmselfbut had not received any
money njMin it. The case was worked up by
Ihu special agenl from Wa"liinglon , who call
ed thu turn upon Attorney Kingubuty , of Pon-
ca , for exalting exorbitant fees as pcnblou ul-
A NcwOlllulnl.
The following circular has been issued
from the Union Pacific headquarters.
OMAHA , Nub , , September 11 , 18SI.
Mr. Ii. Campbell Is aiipointcd gent'ral agunl
for the company u lib headquartuis nt Port
land , Oregon , Scrvlcou to coiumencu if
ber 16tb , Innt.
Mr. Cuinpbollwlll hivochargoof tlio . . _ . „ . . .
nnd patscuger biitiuess of tha Union 1'ucilio
niilwtiy In Oregon , Washington urul Northern
General ' 1'r.illio Mauuger ,
Mr. Cutnpbull Buccooda Ueorgo J.
Cowan who rosinucd the position aomo
time ago.
KcccljitH nml HhipiiicuKH ul llio Union
Block YurilH ,
Follonring are the recoijils at the Union
Stock yardt'yostordny.
Band Creek Cattle company , L'D rars.
Bwau land nml CaUlu company , II 7 curs ,
G. I1' . Swun k Co. , H curi.
Clay & Vurfibt , 31 tare ,
If. Wnlcott , 'M earn.
Total J ccelptu ut tlio yunls to-day , 138 cam.
Ifollowicporotbo bhiiiiiioutB frnm tbo yarJn
yef1"y ( & Forrest , 10 caw \i 0. M. & St. 1' .
f.waiiCatto ! coinjuny , a3curU
tiand Cnwk Cattle company , 2U cai , via
Toial'tiiijiaunta ltilny. . 0" ) caw ,
'I'oiiii uuiubcr of card htndloJ at ynrua to
day , 201.
So % ' . of Nurth LJjiiiuu tubacco is the
boat ,
M [
One Mai OH it Humlin r-ryau fcr S P.
flt Ji HOLM & tflllOKhOJf'H. 2 JOt
A Paint That Defies mo Elements and
Stands Unrivalled ,
V Stock Company formed In tills City
toAVurk tlm State of Nelirnnkn ,
For years the people of this community
boon looking for something with
ivhich lo cover their roofa , buildings and
'cnccs that would succoaafully roaist the
the ravages of fire nnd water and not suc
cumb lo the influences of ago and mould-
nr and decay. Many things have boon
introduced and have boon claimed to pos-
cess the above qualities , but like the stars
of the morning thi-y have faded away
from the horizon of activity and Itfo , and
are now numbered with the things of the
past , and those who know thorn once will
now know thorn no more forever.
The brain of man Iiaj not boon idle
during all those failures.but rather profit
ing by the failure of others. A composi
tion has at last boon introduced which
will successfully batllo with fire , water
and time , which fact has boon proven by
practical demonstration.
Col. 0. F. 1'arsons , of Adams county ,
Iowa , has patented n material known as
"Eureka lfiro and Water Proof Hoofing
Paint , " Itisn mineral compound and
no oils oracidsnro uaoditi its composition.
It is especially adopted for manufactur
ing now roofs at ono half tlmcost of shin
gles or tin ; also for the purpose of stop
ping leaks and preserving old shingles ,
tin , iron , gravel and felt roofs , rending
tiioni practically fire prorf and itn lasting
qualities surpass thoau of any other paint
known to science. Being strictly mineral -
al it contains nodocompoaablo substances ,
is not all'ectod by hoot , cold , rainorunow.
It will preserve wood or metal nnd arrest
rust or decay already begun. It ia put on
hot in a liquid form and consequently
finds its way into every crevice and
crack. It hardens rapidly and at once
becomes n hard and durable anamol to
look upon and a joy that will Inat for
ever. It will not crack or ecalo oil' and
docs not color water. It is in fact u
veritable mineral when once applied and
is lasting.
An evidence of its goodness is the fact
lhat the government gave Mr. Parsons
the contract for painting the roof of
tlio post oflico in this city with hw pre
paration. The roof of the post oliico is
ana of the most expansive in the western
country and yet it leaked badly. Since
painted with Una paint several very
lioavy rains have fallen upon it but a
single drop has not penetrated the mys
terious coating and found its way into the
rooms below.
Messrs. Boll & Hall , ono of the leading
firms of Council Blulls , had a roof paint
ed and have forwarded , unsolicited , a
recommendation speaking _ in the highest
terms of the material and its good work.
Having soon the workings of this now
paint , nnd being impressed with its mer
its , Messrs. Joseph Barker , George Barker
kor , C. E. Mayno and Augustus Frank
liavo formed themselves into a stock com
pany , with an authorized capital of S.'iO-
000 , of which § 25,000 ia already paid in ,
for the introduction of this "Eureka"
paint. They have bought from Col. Par
sons the solo right for the state of Ne
braska and lire now prepared to put it on
roofa , buildings or fonccu , and are ready
to aivo practical tests and guarantee that
it will In every way perform such things
.13 thny claim tor it.
It is bound to bo a great thing for Ne
braska and will at once spring into popu
lar favor. It cannot do otherwise from
the fact that it haa long boon needed nnd
sought after and nlao bociiuso it it so
cheap that everybody can allbrd lo use it
ind so valuable lhat no ono can allbrd to
1)0 without it. It is bound lo prove a
mascotto to the gentleman who have ex
pressed their faith in it by putting into
it their money and they will no doubl ro-
ali/.a a handsome profit while giving lethe
the people of Nebraska just what they
liavo long sought. The now company
Paint and Hoofing company are prepared
lo put the paint on buildings nnd are at
work on several roofu now. Any ono
Imving n leaking roof either metal or
shlnglocan have it made now by applying
i coat of thia piint. The price ia about
half that charged for common paint. For
particulars &o , call or address Tlio Ne
braska Fire P.nd Water Proof Paint and
Hoofing company , -1'J ' South Thirteenth
street , Omaha.
IELDS COI'USY.- -WedncBday.Sopli'in-
bi'rTth. ' at the Ki t M. K chinch , Ida M.
Shields tu Charles Copley , linth of IhU city.
After the ceremony n number of tlio
friends of the happy couple" repaired t- >
.lie residence of the brklo'a parents , Mr.
and Mra. James Shields , No. HIM Chicago
cage street , where an elegant supper was
served , after which the evening was spent
H an enjoyable manner until quito a late
lour , when the happy couple repaired to
heir now home , 1117 North Nineteenth
treot. The presents received were quito
lumorous. Among the number vrero the
'allowing : .
Harry Copley , brother of thu uioom , hand-
oino elock ; John Tctard and Misx JCIulo
ITaipntcr , cakii basket ; John Tycluiolm , Ice
litclior ; ( ! . W. liuiloy , caril rcceUor ; .Too
'riteliard , glass i > et ; Mlx Kditli Paus and
MHH | iluiiinntto Craeken , not of silver knives ;
J. K. I'ninhuifc , picture. ; John \j. \ Taylor , not
liver upoiiii" ; Harry Jiaekutt , picture ; Air.
and Mil * . Sihumcr , album ; Mm .1. Smith uml
Mrs. ( ) , ( i. Dodge , tabla linen ; MUa Ularit
.Miu tin mill Mlm Xoliio ltmi , banket cant *
chair ; Win .1. Kuox , x\nn \ * Het ; Mamie
Sehrinrr , vasn ; ICatiu Kduiner , pieklo d ! h ;
JamoH Mamiini ; mid wlfo , K\UM \ Butt ; Alia. I ) .
IJomdioo. tlilyj Tuny LHIIKU , calling card * ;
Thomas lincklny. two uti HDOUUU ; the yuimi ;
ladies of s. l > , Murxn and Co.'n ttoro , card iu-
ceivcr ; tistei-8 of thu bilde , t iblo linen.
Gordon ItiMiucli and Olinrlcu
NorilnlV In Omaha lor nn Hour ,
Yostcrda morn .Iainon CiordoiiDonnott
projniutorof the Now York Herald , and
Mr. Charles Nordoll' , the buainoaa man
ager aud Washington uurrcapondunt of
that paper , arrived in Omaha , onrouto to
the J'acilio coast. Tlio two gonllomon
are traveling in YnnJurbilt'fl private car
and nro uiit eiinply on neighl-Booing tour.
They rcmuinod in Omaha about two
hours , iluriiiK which time they looked
around the city. Sir. Uounott WUB in
Omalm nbnut twelve years ngo and went
nut through thu west on n bull'alo hunt
ing expedition y itll aovcnil ( itliur guntlo-
men , undur the guidance of Htill'aio Hill.
SincD ilmt Hum ho ban iiut cuun the
western country , iloras greatly sur
prised at thu growth and prosperity of
Omaha nnd expressed himself in terms ]
of approval.
Mr. NordolT , who is n gontlomnn in
every BOIISO of the word , hns bcon through
Omaha n number of times nnd although
the changes nro not so much marked to
him no to Mr. Bennett , yet ho aid that
nn absence from the place of thrco years
had given it opportunity to grow almost
beyond recognition.
They loft on train No. S over the Un-
nion Pacific for Cheyenne. They will
remain in that place ono dny and will
then proceed on thtir iournoy to the
ciait. They will stay in San Frnncisco
just ono night nnd will then start on their
return trip , taking in the sights both
ways inthoir travnl through the country
in n palnco on wheels.
Mr. Bennett is not a man who would
attract attention except by his peculiar
dross. Ho is nn Englishman in drossbut
a Scotchman by birth. Jlo rroro a suit
of tweed , cut in genuine Knglish style ,
with a round still hnt. Ho is apparently
about ! " ) yoara of ngo , has expressionless
grey eyes nnd roy hair. His manners
nro decidedly Knglish nnd ho puts ono In
mind of n raw Knglinhmaii , who la on his
first visit to America.
Au Ion7a Tanner dilorofomed and
in This City ,
An IiiHiirAnco AKCIII Clmi'KCd wltli
J'clony A Jlonrdlnir House
IMlNtrcfW In Hard
tj\voiiHtcin'H Troubloa.
Last evening about f > o'clock Matt
Goodwin , assistant socrotary'of the No
braaka and Iowa Insurance company ii
this city received a telegram from a man
named Andreas Thompson , who jives in
Bancroft , Cuniing county , in this state.
The sender dcalrod information from the
company as to whether ono B. It. Lowon-
sloln , ils agent in that county , had au
thority to sell n horse and buggy ho had
boon using in his business , and the property
orty of his employers , and stating that
lie had purchased them from him.
Upon receipt of the telegram Mr.
Goodwin wont to the St. Paul depot ex
pecting Lowonslion on the eve-
Ing train. IIo was too late
for the Irain , however , but learned
that the agonc was in the city. IIo at
once instituted n search for the alleged
recreant agent and found him with his
wife in thu B. & M. dopob awaiting tlio
caving of the train for Lincoln. Mr.
Goodwin told him ho could not leave
the city until lie made good the loss
which ho vras charged with having caused
, ho company. Lowonstoin and his wife
were finally induced to come up town to
LO the Metropolitan hotel.
In the meantime Patlomon , the book
icoopor of the company , had gone before
Judge Bonoko and swore out n complaint
against Lowonstoin , charging him with
larceny as bailee. The warrant was
placed in the hands of an officer who
irrcated Lowonstoin in front of the Millard -
lard holol as ho wan out walking with his
wife , The prisoner was lodged In the
city jail and will bo given a hearing this
morning ,
Lowenalcin , who was scon in the city
jail , denies the charge onlorcd against
liim , and says the whole tiling ia gotten
up for a purpose , IIo saya when ho loft
Bancroft yesterday morning ho turned
the company's property over to a livery
man iu that village subject to his own
order. The fnctappoaratobo that ho had
borrowed ? 125 of Thompson , who funr-
ing ho might not bo able to get it back ,
now claims lo have bought the horse and
buggy of the company's agent ,
Lowonstein la a well-to-do farmer in
that county owning 100 acres of land , and
has always boon looked upon by his em
ployer as n trustworthy , reliable man ,
Ilutlcr'H Misfortune.
Yoatorday morning a well-to-do farmer ,
living four miles south of Donniaon ,
Crawford county , Iowa , started from his
homo in search of a couple of ponies
which had boon stolen from his Ht.iblea
the night before , IIo arrived in the
Blull'j thia afternoon , where ho drew
§ 210 out of a bank in that city , II. 0.
Laub , n banker in Denniaon , signing his
note as security , lie went to the chief
of police in that city , who advised htm
to cross the river and search Omaha for
his property.
lie wont to the transfer to take the
dummy fur thiu mdu , and was there met
by three men who asked him if ho
waa not Butler fr'.m Crawford county ,
nnd if he waa not looking for a toum of
stolen ponies. Upon hid reply in the
ufiirmativo , they told him to acsompany
thum and they would find hioalolon
[ irop.'ily.
They .ill crossed the river to the U. P.
di > | x.t at ( i o'clock and getting oil' the
lummy walked down the U. P. track to
Lho Chicago Lumber company's yard.
When they came lo Thirteenth street lie
was asked by ono of his companions if he
was not gottiug warm. Upon his reply
that he waa , t.vo of them took off his
liuavy overcoat , while the third fanned
liim with a handkerchief. Butler says
lie immediately lost all consciousness and
lina not the faintest knowledge of what
liappunod to him afterwards.
About 7 o'clock Mr. W. J. Croaior ,
who works at the Omnha National bank ,
while walking down the track on his
way homo hoard aonio ono among the
lumber piles groaning , and looking about
thu yard found Butler in nn insensible
condition , without hat or neat , apparent
ly Bull'oriiig great pain. Ollicor Moatyn
jnd Mr. Crosier succeeded in getting the
uiiturlunalo man t ) thu city jail , where
10 partially regained consciousness and
told the above atory.
Pawned AH Security.
Mos. Augusta Parks bettor known in
this city us Mrs. Augusta Wright who
some two weeks auo married her present
husband after twenty lourhours acquaintance
tanco was yesterday arrested on the
charge of grand hrceny.
It appears tiu.t this lady kept a board
inghouao in north west Omaha at which u
husband nnd wifewhoso munusfor certain
reasons are suppressed , stopped for some
timo. The husband being _ called away
on buBinesa took hw wife with him leav
ing his board hill unpaid but settling for
hers. The wife's trunk containing valu
ables and clothing waa left at the
boarding house whera it wixs to
remain until their return.
When the huabmd came back tc
Cmaha hia wifo'a trunk was gone from
the boarding home but was found in the
poasoebion of n third party , who claimed
it nn hli property , being nledced to him
for $125 , which ho said Mra. Park owed
liim , A complaint for grand larceny
was B < vorn out before Jhiatieo Brandos
and Mrs. Park was arrested , The us
nminutimi waa aot down for 4 p. in. yea
torduy bnt n change of venue being
taken Ht that time the hearing waa con | I
tii.ued. .
She Prefers liie Driver of a Butcher
Cart to Her Hnsband ,
Mrfl.ilnlin Ycrfjn Deserts linr Jlrmlmml
and GOCH to Meet n IMan In
Now York has been shaken from center
to circuniforenco by several hlghtoned
young ladies doping with coachmen ,
butchers , etc. , and it socmod as if Hint
state Imd a monopoly upon the eloping
business , but such is not thocaao. Omnhn
people are not to booutdono in anything ,
which fact will bo proven by the fol
lowing :
On Monday night Mrs. John Yerga ,
wife of the Farnani straot butcher ,
took her tloparturo from thia city-with
out oven stopping to say good-byo to lusr
husband. She took with her ono Charlie
dates , a driver of her husband's butcher
cart , Julius Volcamp and her son , 10 or
12 yout.H of ago. It ia also thought that
ono or two others accompanied her as a
body guard , bnt their names are not
Several months ago a man named Ed.
ShnfFcr was in Yorg.i'a employ nnd it is
oald that ho and Mrs. Yorga got quito
Bpoonoy upon each other. Tiioy usud to
go out logothor at night and have general -
oral high times. Of course Yorga OD-
jectcd to thia in a very strong manner ,
and ono night followed the pair and iired
a shot at Shallbr , which , however ,
did not tnko ell'cct. and Ycrga
waa arrested by Ollicer Nightingale. A
short titno aftur thia Shall'cr left the city ,
but it socma that tlio lire of love was still
smouldering in the breast of Mrs. Yerga.
She sent the young man Volcamp down
to Parsons , Kansas , to BOO Similar , nnd
an arrangement was made to go to him.
Upon Volcamp's arrival and his story being -
ing told to Mrs. Ycrga , the fire which
had boon smouldering was fanned into a
veritable conllagration which could only
bo quenched byJier seeing Shaflor himself.
Accordingly it was planned to leave Yor
ga and fly at. once to the arms of Shullor
ana by this time she ia doubtless vrith
What will bo done in regard to the
matter is not yet known , but it ia quito
probable that Mr. Yorga will conclude
that ho has got the best end of the bar
gain and lot her go.
Tlio Orders iBsucd Irani llio Hcncl-
qunrtcrH In llc nrd to Target
Practice In tlio Kej.-
ulixr Army.
For the year commencing October 1 ,
the following instructions are published
for the guidance of this command :
During the month of Oclober , when
the weather will permit , there will bo
target practice twice each 'week , with the
view of 'qualifying aa many men as pos
sible as "markumon" and for the "first
class. " The practicing , oxcoptingjfor re
cruits , will bo at 200 , 300 or 500 yards ,
or 200 , 300 or 000 yards ; the range for
each man to bo determined by hia imme
diate commander.
In November and December , weather
permitting , there will bn two drilla every
week of ono hour each , in estimating dis
tances ; if wealher is inclement , inslruc-
lion will bo given instead in principles ol
rillo practice , aiming nnd pointing in the
bayonet exorcise , or in gymnastics.
In January , February and March there
will be for oacli company , troopand band ,
twice each week , gallery practice at tat-
gets 8x12 inches , with 1 and 5-10 inche ;
bulls eyes , with reduced charges and
round ballsat distance of 50 feet.
During January the position will bo
"lying down , " with ( iOO yards sight rais
ed , aiming at an imaginary bulla-oyo
about 12 inches below the true bulla-oyo
of Iho largot. During February the fir
ing will bo "kneeling , " point blank ,
and during March , "oll'-hand , " point
Hccorda on form 30 c of the ten boat
shots ( two scores of five each ) will bo fur-
nishtii these headquarters. On each will
be laited the kind of target usedwhether
p-jjior , wood or iron if the Litterwheth
er tlio bulls eye IB Eolid or cut out.
From Oct > bcr 31 to March "I ,
will bo no pr.-.ctico on the rillu rnner
but it will commence on April 1 , 1383
and continue during Iho remainder of the
target soaaou ( to September 30) ) , in ac
cordance with existing orders.
All ollicora and men who qualified us
marksmen for Iho year ending Soplom-
her 30 , 1831 , will ( on April 1 , 1885) ) begin -
gin practice at 200 yards , till othora al
100 yards , and Iho latter will bo ad
vanced to 200 yards when the company
commander deems it proper that the sol
dier will be able to qualify for the second
clnaa at that range.
After bohiK advanced to the 200 yards
range each man will bo required to prac
tice first at 200 , 3CO nnd DOO yards to
qualify for the 2d class ; then at the
same distincos to qualify for the lal
clnaa ; then at 200 , 300 nnd ( iOO yards to
qualify as a markaman , and having qual
ified aa a marksman , to begin practice for
the purpose of qualifying us a aharp-
While practicing far qualification In the
lirat and second classes all will bo re
quired to iniiko throe qualifying scorca at
200 yards before being advanced to 300
yarda , and at 300 yards before being ad
vanced to 600 yards. After having qual
ified for thu first clues practice with a
view of qualifying aa a marksman and n
sharpshooter , at aueh of the qualifying
rangca aa may bo proscribed by the im
mediate commander.
Markamen only will fire at distances
groalor than ( iOO yards. The prctico nt
' 100 yards will bo discretionary.
Tlio rcquiremrnts of general ordcraNo.
i ) , department of the Pialtt > , 1881 , will
be strictly complied with , and no officer
or enlisted men will ba credited with any
score which has been made under condi
tions other than those proscribed in that
Kitinntiny distances will bo practiced
nt least once in each month.
Men will only bo advanced to first and
second class on making fourteen points in
eight consecutive oatimaloa in the previ
ous classes.
In each company or troop target prno-
lice nnd estimating diatauco practice will
bo always conducted under the super
vision of a commissioned ollicor , who will
bo present during the continuance of the
Pollco Ooiirl.
In police court yoatcrday two dia
turbcra of the peace were fined 55 each
nnd costs.
William Ferguson entered Judge
Wakeley's barn nnd atolo a clock , pair r f
gloves and a hat. In police court this
morning he pleaded guilty , nnd was son.
.oncod to twenty day's imprisonment on
arcad and water.
Phil Stoigor was arrested for boating
lif litllo son , who is a deaf mute. IIo
was sentenced to ono week in the county
jail on bread and water.
Walt. Raymond was arrested for steal
ing a coat from Schlank it Prince , lie
pleaded not guilty to the charge and bis
case was continued.
Iiccturo and Concert.
Prof. W. Philips , lately of Solon Hall
college , N. J. , will lecture in St. Philo-
mena'fl hall , Monday , September 22nd ,
at 3 p.m. , The professor ia considered
by eastern people to bo n very instructive
ami entertaining lecturer. JJii subject
for next Monday evening will bo the
"Modal husband and wifo. " Before and
after 'ho lecture nome very pleasant mu
nical selections will bo rendered by Si.
Philomona'a choir. The entertainment
will bo for the benefit of St. Fhiloniona'a
Altar society. The price of tickuts ia
twenty-five cents each. They may bo
procured at thu parochial residence 01 :
Ninth ntrcot , or nt McCarthy it Burko'n '
Fourteenth , between Farnani and Doug' '
las streets.
Jtcnl KHteto Transfers.
The following transfcra were filed ii
the county clerk's ofiico ycotorday ant
reported for TIIR Br.n by Amco' rea
estate agency September 17 , 1881 :
A. McShane and husband to F. W.
Corliss , w d , parcel sec 28 , Ifi , 10 , $800.
A. Woohr and wife to T. Collins , w d ,
8 lots , block 2t ! , Wilcox'a 2nd add ,
§ 2800
J. C. Donlso and wife to G. 0. Ward ,
w d , lota 20 and 21 , block 1 , Dcniso's
adc' , S123I.
This pander IIOM.T vir.ea. A rannol ol imrencs
str > > n'th ; and wholcsomonces. MOID economical tha
tbo ordinary kfud uiid cannot bo 8 > > ld iu competttlo
ulth the multitude ol low test , ehort weight nlum o
pho3hi ] to powders. Sold nnlw In rani HO
BAKING POWDER CO. , ICO Wall street , N. Y.
unit i
lite scholastic year commences on tno
First Wncsilay in Sejteilier ,
The couno ol Instruction embraces all the Eloincu
tary nml hlRhcr brandies of a finished education
Difference ol llellxlon la no obstacle to the bdmla
slon of youn ; ladlej. I'upll } are receheJ ftt any
time of tfio ) ear ,
Including Board , Washing , Tuition In Kngllsh aud
French , Ube ol books. 1'iino , per session ol
Five Months , SI 50.00
EXTHA CIIAUOKS-Dra-vliiir , Tainting , Ocrma
Harp , Violin , Ouitnr and /ouil Miu'c. '
Kefcroncos are roiiulrod from al ! persona unknow
to the institution. L'or fuitner Information apply
D Pnl i
Otnnh * NeliruVa , In which Is ttusht ilr.ublo an
eliitjlountry Ilook-kcoplnjt , law , Civil
aotornmont , UIUIIKKI I'ric'liw , 1'euma'nlilp , KII.J
lUli Clrainiimr , Arithmetic , Heading Bellini ; , C * > r
regporKhmcc , and iilicrt ll.uul Wrknig.
TKUiru :
Comnloto Cour ti , onu ) cnr , ( elioit li.tml ex
cq'teil ? 0
Coni'ilctuCourse , ono month S IX ]
COIIH letu Coiirsa two months 130(1 (
Coinpltto COUTSO , thruo months , " 0 00
llach month thorcador fi 03
Thirty Ic 3imln rciimnii'lilp fi 00
'Jlio aou \ course , ( tK50k-kciiliiKO\copti'd | ) 0:10
month fi 00
Thonlioiu c'nusu , ( book-Icci ] og ciceptoJ 3
inontln 1200
Send ( or circular. Address
fll-0. U KATIIUUH , Pi n
Sautlincst corner lilli and r.unaiu fits. , Omalm.
llesldcs tlio nd\antaK ota rnllil Kn lUh and Cheat
cal education , tptn.1 care will l > o Ju\utud to tlid
Practical Surveying
BooMecpins , Banking anfl Commercial
I'ho novvprofciscr3h licvn added to the faculty
fcrthdiuri ! | > ot > u.
fjT Vocal Music , German and French , optional , Jfl
NEW RTUIlKNTii limit prcicnt tucnuelvea during
the ucck ending Au unt 31 , butncen U and 12 H. m. ,
nd they must bo ready to stand usaiulnatlou tu dado -
do their rank In the COIUBO
Trot. I.tiubuit will gUe duo notlco forthe resump
n o | the e\cntn < cour.i ) in ChrmUtry. Tuition
o No distinction nn account of ireei.
ouu. ID tu tlinr * sat Ut _
BTTMixer. Rceop ,
Meaiure , Wcisher ,
1 > r e d K e r , J < i c a
\S'aiher , 'i omaro ,
TumpUm , burcii.
Wine aiiJ 1'ruit
Strainer. Twelve
anulcimeue ,
Chs OreitHt C : = H.
Mnro inll than til
ether bittci ami blftvts
cunWncill l.ver > b"J/
tikelinctill We maka
Ur e billef and Miners
( > r hand an I power.
Co. . CmtlnnlU , U
Cinilbt.Nc * Yui
Airf nts wanted for our
D , B. BEEMEE , Agent , OMAHA , NEB
' $ ? .i < wa KC * a a * u&ya m WAS
CVu ?
Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for JUO
less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it.
Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nehraaska
Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track.
Orders for rhe Imlinu Department given for Buflalo Scales ex
clusively. Scale
. * *
1405 Douglas Street , OMAHA. NEBRASKA
Visitors lo the Stale and others in need of Men's , Boys' aud Children's
Clothing , will do well to call on \ .
The StrictlyOne , Price House in the City
And examine their goods aud prices. They carry the largest , stock , and
sell lower than any other house in the city. Merchant Tailors
don't fail to call at * -m
1216. 1216
TSiB largest Stnnk in OmahaamluUes the Lowest Prices ? .
$ K 5 " 'S.
Jnat rocolvsd an nacostrnoat ( ar snrpuaain nuythfujj In thin market , compriilu
tiio tatoat aud most tasty deaigna mRnuf.ictnred ior thta eprlng'n trade aud covatlu
4 tango of prlcoa from tha Ohoupcat to Iho moat Expensive.
Parlor CSoods Draoeries.
Now ready for the inspection of cus Complete ntock of all the ia'.eat
tomers , the newest novel tun in otylorf iu Turcoman , Madras imd
Suits and Odd Pieces. Lace Curtiiins , Etc. , Etc.
Pas3encoj : ? SSlsvator to all floors.
1200,1208 and 1210 Farnani ( street , - - - OMAHA NEB
5s BOLTS ,
Dormer Windows , KiuUls , Window.CupHIron Crestlnzn , M. tmli < Slty-IUhU , &o. Ttn.Ircn und SIiteJRoo -
< EJ 310 Houtn lit ) ' btrrot Omaha tfehraakt.
tflO m s
r tflPi .2
o D1
Pi oo r/J
20TE ST. , OMAHA , NEB ,
" " 5/
j,03 BUADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , C. H. A. Eitabllshed 187 Catarrh , ]
rjifnesa , Lung and Nervous DisussosSpeodUy and V ernaanoiitly Cured. Patlontt
urod nt Homo. Vr'rito for "Tna MBDJOAL-MIHSIONAJIV , " for the People.
louoalUUou nnd Correanondonco Gratia. P. 0. Box 292. Telephone No. 20.
HON. HOWARD UUSSELL , Po 'inwitar , Davenport , BHVS : " Physician of
ly ona Alarkcd Bucce-w. " UUUiRESSMAN P.'UHPny , Davenport , [
An nonorahln MAIL > 'ino Succews. Wonderful Curoo. " Hours 8 to 5.