Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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Tii8j ? Hre Without A Rival.
Have been Awarded One Hundred and eighteen Prize
Medals at all the prominent expositions of the
World for the Last Fifty Years. And
ill tiie West Liiii Pianists ,
An examination of thosa magnificent Pinnos is politely requested
before purchasing any other instrument.
General Western Representatives.
P. S.-Also Gen'l Agt's for KNABE , VOSE & SONS ,
NOTICE. Special \crtlsctucnta , BUO M toot ,
Found , To Loin , For Kale , To Kent , Wanto , Hoard-
log , etc. , will bo Inserted In thla column at the law
rate of TKN CENTS PJUl LINE lor thu Drst Icecttiou
and FIVE CENTS 1'EB LINE for each subsequent u-
ecrtlon. Leava advcrtldomonij at our olCco , No.
Pearl Street , coar Brondwav
J ? ' corner Ninth ktrcet. Apply oa premises to
Mrs. C. Ocrtpachcr. _
li- One laundry irl to do plain washing
T nml Ironing. Inquire raciflc Iioiuo , Council
ITIOKSALFOUIIKNT The orvia rackiui ; homo
Ju and machinery , heated In this city. Capacity
ISO hoys po' Pay. Udell & Day. _
Uvcry uouym Council liluUti to tasu
WANTKO . Dollvcrod'by carrier at only twenty
cents a week. _
\ \7"ANTKU UlnliiR room girl immediately. Wages
> ? $10 per month , apply of Steward , 0dcu (
OK SALE My rcsl'loncs ' , coriv.r 7th avenue and
10th Btreet. If taken soon will cell for 92,003
below value. Will nlio sell furniture , carpets , &o. ,
all or in part. II not sold at once will rent premi
ses , with houao furnished or unfurnished , nt
mode'atu rent. Any one thinking of making
their homo In Council Bluffs will do well to invest- !
pita this offer. It la the beet bargain over offered
in the city. _ AI A. UPTON.
"ALE Contents and HMu-ca , BUitablu for
IflOK 1 or candy store. Apply at fc07 Jlsln
stJcet _ _ _
1'AI'KHS For sale at linn otllco , at VS cents
OLD hundred.
A OEN rs LaUIca and gentlemen can make llret
xclasa wasca by soiling the "Champion Bosom
Utrccther and ronlng Board. " Hctaila at 11.00.
Any lady can do up n fine shirt without n nrlnkls
and gloss it as nicely 03 the best bundrica can. Addreso
forpmtlcularaC. B. s. &I. Co. , Bus oflico , Counci
Bluffs. _
Prof Schuoor will introduce the
European tourist dam'cs during the
course. Francaise , Talonalli , Eldo
rado , Villutto , Spanish , Vaudango ,
and American standard dances , and
the latest reverse waitstep. .
Boiler Skating Sink.
Holler skating Wednesdays and
TL i-J. MARTENS , Proprietor.
Council Bluffs ! .
Established 1856
Dealcro In Foreign und omcstlo Kschanga
Hrtoo ( Joruritl
T < a
Practice In State and 1'odcral Courts.
Colloctloua promptly attended to.
Ilooin 1C , Shugait'e liuilding ,
R. Eice M.
or other tumors rcruovod without the
knllocr JriwinRo blood.
Over hlrty years | irr.ctlcil ozitrlence Office Ho.
Tear trcet , Council BliiHd
f > tr'oni'ilUntlon ( Iron _
EV\t M. D.
" * otliirTniiii.r-.ri MM mil mt limit tlio
. . . . , . , , . . .
, ' " -t 01 .1 kuifi..r .I Illuuil.
tliiitturs | < ru'tial : u\iuiu > ( f. UlHi u
jiv.rlli 1'r.iil Mruit , ( jbUiiul Illuirs.
; ( , ; ( 'oiihiiltatKM Trie.
rjnj < "ft e\t 8 n
tfm " iris '
uwnlSi JuU )
Oflico , Mam Street , Homnt 1 ami 2 Hhuart & Mr-
JIaln-n'8 lilock. Willj > raitiulu ( SUtu an < l ( 'iilurai
Commission Merchant
o .89 Pearl Street Ciuiicll Uluflj oiva ,
Mayor Vatican , City Treasurer Clau
sen ani Contractor Reagan BacK Again ,
Shclr Kcccptton nt tlio Depot ,
last evening the bond-nollors returned
from the east , arriving over the 0. 13. &
( J. nbout 7 o'clock. Alderman Mynstcr ,
John Jay Frainoy , Win. Patton and
others of the apodal admirers of "tho
Carter Harrieon of the Missouri slope , "
as they delight to nail the little mayor ,
arranged a reception for him at the
depot. The band was there ready to
play "Return , Yo Wanderers , Return. "
"When Vaughany ComcaMarchinglloino
Again" and other appropriate aira. Bo-
aide : ) the throe named there were Alder
man Keating , C. Wealcy , Aldorinan
Goiao , Mr. Lindor , Thomas Millott , Cap.
Russell , Pete Drury , Jlonry Wagner ,
( leorgo Smith and Jerry Myers.
On the arrival of the train the band
struck up with "Sweol are thoBonds that
Join , " etc. , while a hearty informal
hand shaky greeted the mayor , the city
treasurer , and Mr. Rsagan. These gen
tlemen were escorted to the carriage in
waiting and the procession started up
Main street headed by the band. There
wore two crrriagos and nine buggies in
the lino. Tlio distinguished re
turned onca. wont dirrrtly to their
ronidonccB , Mayor VUUR ! n britlly otated
to Tun Km : man that all the bonds that
it was necessary at present to cell , had
been disposed of except § 35,000 , for
which they already had an oiler. It IB
understood that at an early date a
mnaa meeting will bo ar
ranged for at which Mayor
Yaughan will explain to the dear , but
impatient , faultfinding people , just what
ho has done , and whyjio haa done it , and
will then have an opportunity to got
sweet revenge on those who have said
unsavory things of him during hia mis
sion to tlio east.
Mr. Reagan now that ho haa returned
homo will push the work of paving to
completion as rapidly as possible.
Enough of the bonds have been sold to
pay for the paving done on Main street ,
and to pay for paving Broadway down to
the Opera houso. Mayor Vatighan saya
it will not bo necessary to sell the balance -
anco of the bonds for thirty days or so ,
yet , and as the market is growing bettor
every day it la doomed best to wait.
The paving bonda not yet sold amount to
§ 55,000. Xono of the sewerage bonds
have yet been disposed of.
After reaching homo , the Mayor was
called upon by a number of his neigh-
bora and friends , to whom ho made a
short speech.
Komnn , OliRtnclo , DarlnfJi J ° I'lt ' and
Uiirdlo Itncc.'H mid Ciiriouw An
imal 'CnntiistH ,
Among the features to bo exhibited
ih is year by the Barnum and London
shows will bo the four horao Uoihan
chariot racing , double team Roman
standing racing , exciting male and fn-
male jockey racing , hugh elephant hurdle
racing , camel racins , ' , with real Nubians
aa rideru , dromedary racing , flat rncea ,
foot races , running racea , wheeloarrow
niccD , comical sack racc.i , giralto races ,
moiiKey jockey raco.i , man-horao raced ,
and the most laughable and humorous of
all ia what is known ai thoobslaclo racrn.
In these latter a number of persona will
participate ami the fun will con.iiat in
the cll'urta ot the contestants to nurtaount
the nuinbcrlcns impediments and obsta
cles which have been placed at liucrvalu
en the racing track. These obstacles will
bo cunningly contrived boxes ivith cover * ,
through which the runners will have to
pass first into ono head foremost and
then out the next fset first , then to walk
n polo laid humontally , then ihaough
swinging barrels , whiuh turn and twist
and frequently lay the zminor list on his
back in the wrong direction , then ever
gates , hurdles , greased poles , then
through the meshes of a largo Ihreo-eidcd
pur..ling trap not , which is a very huh
rrous performance , a the runners ar
tlouiuloring around in this net like si
many tlies caught in a epidor's web
After this the runners puss ever the three
rings and other impediments until the
final goal is reached in a state of exhftUa
t ion by the rncers. To stiranlnto the
contestants , Mr. Barmim 1ms ananged ft
series of cash prise * . All those now per-
formancoa are added to the regular ex
hibition , which takes place in three rhi ( 9
and tipiiti a atago , and which is kept complete
pleto and Intact , the eutlro eighty acts
being given , and the truth ia that never
in the history of the circus hanthorobeci
so great and grand an enterprise -
prise aa the ono now presented by the
United Barnum and London uino shows
and which comes hero on Thursday , September
tomber 25 , with the great frc otroot parade
rado in the morning at So'clock. .
M. Knaho was arrested for disturbing
the pcaco last night.
The Homo of the Friendless aasociatioi
propose to issue a small paper , the com
position to bo done at the Homo. The
material haa already arrived.
About eight o'clock last night n three
year old girl of Mr. Marcus * was run
over by a DUS belonging to Jake Ilogers
and driven by n man named Hughton In
front of the child's residence on Broad
way between Scoit and Sixth streets.
Both front and rear wheels went ever the
child who was picked up by Dr. Clonvoi
and taken in the houoe. She received
interim ! injuries which may provo fatal.
A mass mooting will bo hold this even
ing at the opera house , by the republi
cans. The Boya in Blue < \nd the Blalno
and Logan clubs in uniform will moot al
the republican headquarters at BOVOII
o'clock sharp. The republican glee club
will bo in attendance nt the opor.i houao
where the arguments and personal at
tack made by Mr. Pusoy will bo replied
to. Ladica are especially invited.
IVotc From Ncola ,
.NlIOLA , TottA , \
September 15,188 t.J"
To llio Kdltor of THIS BKI :
.Fine weather and prospect of oxcollcnl
corn crop , therefore farmers are wol !
ploascd and merchants amilo bonovolcnt-
Political parties are rushing. Wo
have two clubs. A Blaine and Logan
club was organized Sept. 5. It starts
with a membership of 17. The Olovolani'
and Hendricka club will have n mooting
Sept. 17.
Our school opened on Monday the 8th
inat. , with Mr. F. A. Turner principal.
School began Monday of thia week , in
the Paraona district , with Miaa Joaio M.
Cotter , teacher. Largo attendance ia re
ported in our cchoola and a good corps ol
D. D. Watson , artist , ia creeling n gallery -
lory on Third atroot , adjoining the bank
Mrs. T. M. Thomas , of Council Blull'j ,
was in the city last week visiting her sis
ter , Mrs. .las. Morgan.
Lot "em roll. Skating rink open every
night , music by thonmall boys.
A dance for the benefit of the Noolo
string baud will bo given Saturday evening -
ing , September 20. JOE.
A CARD. To nil who are Buttering from errors
and Indiscretions of youth , ncrou9eaknos3 , carl }
ilecajI"S3 of manhood , cto , I will send n recliio
that will cure you , I-'UKJS OF CltAKOE. Thla jfreat
remedy was dlecoicrod by n mfesloncry In South
America. Bond jetf-addrcssd ! envelope to I'.uv. Jo-
HKPH T. I.VKAX , Station D Now York.
The total enrollment of the Kcokuk
mblic schools ia 1,095.
A covey of uurglara were pulled in
Dreston by the authorities and laiidod on
the stone pilo.
The price of soft coal haa advanced to
ifty cents a buahol at Dea Moinea since
ho minors' strike began.
The synod of the 1'rcshytorian church
n Iowa will moot at Cedar Rapids the
niddlo of next month. About 140 miu-
stors will be present.
Survivors of the Sixth Iowa infantry
ind other soldiers of the late war will
lold a re-union at Albia , Mourou county ,
on the 21th and 25th insto.
There ia norno talk of holding a grand
re-union of Iowa soldiers at the atato fair
; rounds in Dca Moinea some time in Oe-
ober , and If liberal terms can be had of
the railroads the mooting may bo hold.
A suspicioua character was arrested in
Dca Moinea the other day , and on his
> eraon were found fifty knives and ELVOII
revolvers. Ho liiid lioen carrying on an
nggrcssivo campaign.
The supervisors of Polk county have
granted thirty-two permits to sell intox-
ctttiug liquors for "medicinal , culinary , and ncientific UBOS. " Tliis
ooks aa if Dca Moinea were running a
medical college , a cookery school , several
hoological aominariea , bcaldc.s being the
loino of all fho arts and Bcicncco.
Mrs. DoOrvill is the hero of an advon-
uro in DCS Moinea. Finding a pair of
nirglars in her kitchen early ono morn-
ng , aho braced her arms against her
iUea and gave her lunga a twist tliat
woke the echoes for blocks around , and
lashed in among them. The crooks
were paralyzed by the yell and the ap-
mrition , but recovered quickly , gave the
woman a farewell kick and scooted. She
vas not injured.
Dos MoincB Loader : A gentleman of n
) Ugulistic turn was prowling around the
lock Island depot Sunday morning , ap-
mrcully anxious to oat aomo ono. Ho
leclarod lie wnaa high heeled roller ; that
10 could whip his weight in bu > HIUVB ,
and generally painted that locality a livid
crimson. Ho kept thia up until ho came
icrosa a quiet , demure , inufl'ensivo look-
ng little man Ditting on anoxprcan truck.
Jo Ktruck n nnng then. The manikin
cnocked him down , crawled all over his
raino , ntampbd on him and thumped the
; rcat calf until ho howled like a nparlded
mby. Fiuully the fellow got on hix foot ,
ind the way ho made for the adjoining
umber yard would have given Ton
5rock the jim jarnu.
11 icu
Piles sro frcquenltv iirccoiled by n Konno of
vclit ! ( ; in ho buck , luinx mid lower purt of the
ib < l iiioncauwii tlio iintlunt to HUJIIMJBO
B'jiiio affection uf llio hiiliioya or
orgaux. At thnou , fyui tuiua of
ire pruHout , ( u llutuflncy , oiioaalnoHH of the
Htomouh , cite. A molntcro like porhiilrutluti
irbduulii ) . ; n Aery illnriKreoub'.o Ituhliift iii.rtlcu
urly at night after Kuttliifr warm In bed , It.i
very couiiiiuii nttonduiit. Intt'rnat. Kxtonml
ami Iluhlng I'lltM yluld at orico to tliu ajilica- | |
.lull of Dr. JJiwanho's 1'ilo Jteiuody , which iut :
Hrectly ur-n tlio iiurtH alfcctol , nbHorblnp tliu
umuru , ulrayintlio iutonna Itcliltik' , and of-
ectlnt ; u peniiiinoiit euro wharo other roino-
HOH Imvo fulluil , lo nut duluy until tliodruln
in the Hyubom iiroducui ponnnnout disability ,
mt trv It and bo cured. Hchrotcr & Jiecht.
. V Goodman. ' i
Outline of Ills Varleil Cnrcrr on tin
San rrnnclwo conf v n ! enc" "f the StOne
Ono of the I'ccullatittes ol
this coast is the strangr
mingling of all nationalities to bo found
hero and the breaking down of race pre
judices. About tlio only instance of race
hatred Is that of the Caucasian toward
the Chinese , and this is duo mainly ti
dill'erenccs which ngos could never voeon
cilo. This tendency of all nationalities
to drift out to this coast in iiucst of for
tune has resulted in bringing here manj
dccendeuts of famous men. Some
wotthily uphold the historical fami
ly name , but the greater part are reno
gntles who seek , in the western country ,
to.uacapo from the restraints which soolo
ty and civilization impose in older settled
lands. Many of those men have had remarkable
markablo careers , which could bo paral
lolcd nowhere outside of thia country o
sudden vicissitudes in fortune. Ono o
the strangest of thcso careers is that o
the son of the famous Senator Brcckln-
ridge , of Kentucky , who is now living ii
this stnto , who was chosen at the laat
election as n member of the state assom-
blyand who formed the most conspicuous
figure in the California delegation to the
recent democratic national convention a
a oung Brcckonridgo came out to this
atato years nco. Ho received a
warm welcome from the southern colony ,
which is otrong and socially influential in
this city. The Groins , Tm-iscs , Haggins ,
Thorntons , McAllisters , and other lights
of the "chivalry" society received him
with open arms. Ho was n lino-looking
man of the southern typo -tall , slender ,
graceful , with the face and carriage ol
his famous father , and , as the events
have proved , with much of that fathor'a
cast of thought and temperament. Ho
had studied law , na so many well-born
southern men dp , not so much for the
purpose of engaging actively in the prac
tice of the profession aa a good prepara
tion for the career of politics , which ia
just aa much the ambition of young
southern men now na _ It wvs before tin
war. Broekonridgo , _ with the prestige o !
his name and with hia ohiny personal at-
tractiono , enjoyed a Ray life here ii
fashionable society. Ho became engaged
to ono of the daughters of Lloyd Tevis
the brains and executive head of
express firm ot Wells , Fargo & Co
Tovis , ono of whoso nephews
recently committed suicide In St.
Louis is n millionaire who has made his
money unaided except by abilities of n
very high order. There is no nhrcwdor
man nt a bargain on this coast. In con
nection with J.IB. Haggin , anothorjvon
tuckiaurho counts his wealth by the
millions , Tovia has bought up whole
Eqiiaro miles of laud in Kern , Tunaro nnc
Fresno counties , getting it for a more
nominal sum under the dcaort land act.
The land ia good grazing and farming
land if properly irrigated , just like that
in Colorado and Wyoming , which has
been Eoiacdjup in precisely the oamo way
by big land grabbers and speculators. In
this way IJaggin and Tevis have succeed
ed in getting hold of about ono fifth ol
the laud hi this state , and their herds ol
cattle literally feed on a thousand hills.
They have tried all kinds of experiments
in agriculture and irrigation ; they have
bulldozed all the small settlers in the
neighborhood of their vast domains ; they
are na much lords of the countlcn in
which they have secured so great a foot-
dold as were the mediaeval barons ol
It was into ihis family of largo wealth ,
and the influoncis which wealth brings
with it , that Breckinridgo ontorod. Ilo
was abundantly supplied with money ,
and ho had the Kcntuckian's passion for
cards and horseflesh which Is capable of
Dotting away with an unlimited amount
of coin. Ilo went down on some of the
paternal stock ranches in Freano county
ind led the life ot a wealthy southern
planter in the olden timo. Ilo lived a
Free life , became a great favorite with the
men among whom ho mingled , plunged
inoro and moro into disipation and debt ,
until finally his wife returned to her
liomo , in thia city , and a suit for divorce
was soon afterward begun in a quiet way.
The grounds alleged wcro cruelty and in-
temperance. Koanawcrwas made , and ,
Mrs. Brockenridgo , still a young and
very pretty woman , obtained her leijul
liberty. The husband remained about
Froann , nnd ono day when ono of hia
cowboy friends was arrested for oonio in-
[ ringomcnt of the law , Breckenridgo
volunteered to defend him. The knowl
edge of law and the natural eloquence
which ho nliowcd in the little country
court-room made hia reputation among
the hiwlosa comunity. lie secured the
ncquittal of his client , and from that
imo on if any fcstivo cowboy got int"
trouble ho Eteorcd straight for lireckon-
ridgo'a ollico , hia fame aa a lawyer nnd
> ublic speaker became noined throughout
ho country ; the moral foibloa which ho
lad botrnjcd , and which might have
damaged him in n moro otrail-laccd
comunity , rather tendered to help him
lore among men whoso cede of morals
van vury like thoao of Bret Uarto's
So the DOII of n famous father became
ho popular idol of his country , and nt
ho Jaat election wan chosen assemblyman
> y u lane ; vote. Ho went in on the
trictly anti-monopoly isauo , which win
ho wnr cry of the democrats. With
neat of them it meant nothing moro
him n Hop to the public to secure votes ,
ind they joined hands with the railroad
sompany to defeat any legislation aimed
it the abolition of fruight contracts , dis
crimination in pasHcngor and freight
rates , and the evasion of state taxes. But
ivilh Brockinridgo his oxtrutno anti-mono-
lopoly doctrines were evidently n mental
cgacy from hia father. The man with
whom the southern wing of the dcmocra-
: y tried to overthrow Douirlna , and with
vhom they counted on crushing Lincoln ,
md moro extreme views than any other
loliticmn of hia time. Ilia son aootna to
tavo inherited with the fortune uf hia
other much of hia peculiar mental twiat.
lo did good Horvico in the last ntato lei-
slaluro nnd at the extra session in ahow-
ng the niisoundnoos of the railroad puai-
ion , and the urgent nocnisity for uoiuo
emulation which alioutd cutb tlio power
if the big monopolies in thia ntuto. Ho
poke with RO great fouling and conducted
ho fight with GO great ability that ho
{ aincd much reputation throughout thu
Into , und hia name Inn bcon iirquontly
iioiitioned for congri-ei , Ho would no
uubt have run at thii election had it not
> um for hia friendship for .Sum nor , who
esircu ro-cluution. Ho was among tliu
hiof aupportoru of Thurman for the
ircsldcncy , and nt the Chicago convon-
inn aojundud the Ohio man'tt noinlna-
Young Beockcnridgo has recently come
nto notoriety owing to the marriage of
il divorced wife to Fred Sharon , the
nly ton of the ox-Hunator from Nuvada ,
ofendunt in the famous scandal suit. It
com that young Sharon has long been
immured of thu beauty and accomplish-
neats of Mrs. Breckonridgo. Ilia utton-
tMiis tu her having reai'ir.l fhi ear t
her late husVnnd lie swuro a mighty ontl
that ho uould kill any man that had tin
presumption to make her his wife. Tin
result was that Sharon was private ! )
married to llio fair lady , and the pair hai
already left tlu > city for an i'xtendc <
honeymoon in Kuropo when the traU
husband No. 1 , breathing vengeance nut
Roro , arrived on the scone. Ho threaten !
to have the blood of the millionaire1 !
son , but the prospects are tlmt time wil
henl his resentment , nnd , like most Cnli
fornians , ho will tnko another chcnro ii
the matrimonial lottery.
I low the A-totus are irainprrnil
Note fi-i in GiMiPi-nl
To tlio Kililor of llio llwtnti Advctlli or :
Will you kindly lot an Indian agent
apeak for himself t The following ia from
Major John O. Onsmann , in cWgo at
Crow Crook and Lower Brulo , Dakota , of
ever 2,000 Sioux. Speaking of this tor-
mer place ho says :
The school accommodations of this
ngency nro entirely inadequate , there
Doing room provided for only Jiti children
whereas there are hero , at present 1 10 of
school a o. The hope uf tlio Indians is
in the schools ; wo may induce the old
people to work on their claims , build
houses and stables , nnd tnko care of their
cattle. Thia ia nbout all. But their
children will bo what wo shall make
them. 1 nm nwaro thnt gront nnd good
work ia being done for them nt Carlisle ,
Hampton , mm oilier places , but the
great work must bo done nt homo
on tlio reservations. All children
of the proper ago should bo In school
now and should have at least three years
of training at our homo school before before -
fore being aont away. From those
agency schools should bo selected thu
brightest , strongest nnd most promisinu
boys nnd girls for tlio nboyo mentioned
institutions , nnd there bo trained to become -
como teachers in the ngoncy schools nnd
ahopaIt seems to mo n gront waste of
money to take utterly untutored children
from their Indian liomes. Schools for
Indians in thoutatos arogreatlyhnmpered
in their noble work , because of thu un
prepared material tooy have lo work up
on ; ono must prepare and select the ma
terial horo. 1 am simply recommending
carrying out the treaty of 1808 whicl
provides that for every IfO children there
shall bo n school house and teacher pro
I am' greatly diatrenscdat the mcagro-
ness of this year's allowance of funds
being § 2MO ! less than last year , am in
despair at the small progreaa made , am :
must resort to aomo ono who will nt leasl
givu mo n word of comfort in my anx
iety. It seems as if the "powers thai
bo" nro determined to weary the Hindu rl
their faithful servants. 1 trust in Cod'n
just judgment , and believe the time will
como when the people will roali/.o the
macnltudo and aacrcdneas of thia work ,
and make a determined , intelligent ell'orl
for the salvation of those poor people.
Major Gasmann is an ex-Episcopal
minister of great experience among tin
Sioux , and of high character nni nbilitj
ono of llio few lirat-rato Indian ngonta.
Of the Itu.OOO red-mon'n children ol
school ago , not ever 5000 nro likely
to go to school away. The work on the
reservation is great , and vital to the progress -
gross of the Indian. 1 know of no good
Indian agent who is not sadly hampered
in bin work. The Indian department nt
Washington asks for what is necessary ,
but congress rofuaca to give it. Tht
work of reclaiming ovor200,000 rod-akin-
nod savages is trilling compared with the
dillicully of getting moro adequate ap
propriations. Millions for food but n pal
try sum for good management and educa
tion seems to bo the policy.
S. 0. AitM.HTitoxt ; ,
Hampton , Vn. , Aug. 30 , 1881.
Tlio Prnlrlo DiiK-Out.
"Hill Nyiin Now York Mercury.
Tnoro'u no uao talking , roughing it in
plonoant weather with good company nnd
na little civili/.ation ns pn.sjiblo is pleasant
and healthful. Shooting or fishing all
day in the mountains , with plenty of
blankets , a bonfire and a briar pipe nt
night , after a sago chlckon , or trout , or
oik supper , ia not really roughing it after
all , but a ( iiif/.out ia cottainly the abomi
nation of denotation. I can ntancl n grown
porson'ii doao of poverty , 1 believe , nnd
never equcal ; but I will never nlocp iti n
dugout until thia mortal has put on im
mortality. 1'vo slept in n log cabin with
no roof ever it whatever , in logging
campa where I uould count the princi
pal olars of the firmament while
: ho thermometer wait bulow ! ( )
legroes , and have rolled myaolf up in n
i.iir of government blankota anil the /.o-
Jiao at a hlght of ! ) ,000 fool nbovo high-
water mark , with the Uriah Hoop coyote
slinking in the distance , nnd cint'inganon
hut wc'ird atylo of solo that makes the
mart aink ; bill T never nlopt in a 'lug-
int. That ia a joy that 1 never have
experienced. The dobo ia not bad houae ,
rholher it bo the original Mexican dobo
ir Bun-dried brick , or tlio corruption
.hereof , which ia found further north ,
mil which ii nod , Thcso houses are
milt of the tough , equaro block cut from
i graasy lla' , and nome of them nro good
ooking and comfortable , but the di g out
a a hulo in the ground with n dirt roof
uvor it in which you live like n prairie
log and got fresh air on ground
log day , if the Indiana willet
ot you. The rustic dug-out I am
.glad to BOO , is not holding its place in our
nodorn architecture , and lonku now aa
.hough it might ,101110 dny disappear on-
.iroly. It had itn good points and it had
ta disadvantages. In the days when val-
oy tan roamed up and down the land
peeking whom it might devour , the dug
out waa n boon lo many , for the house-
toldor could como at any hour of the
night and fnll into hia houao. But here
ho way was opened for a nerious draw-
jack. The architecture of the
lousQ allowed the vagrant
uulo and tlio high-spirited
1'oxaa fituor to fall into the homo also ,
ind no ono know , when ho sat down lo
Jino , whether it would bo n stray pack
nek or nn absent-minded grimy that
vould f.ill through the roof into the pork
'ravy or fill the Hlum-gullimi with hair
md gravel. Others may like excitement
; t munis , but I do not. It certainly docs
lot nld digestion , nnd a man who hna
nice picked a gm/.ly out of his coll'co
lees not wish to do HO again.
But the deaorted dug-out lu the moat
mcorlcua place 1 know. The drainage of
i dug-out h nuvcr good , nnd nftor the in-
labitanta have gene and there in no ono
o got the water out on bail , the homo-
ike nnd cheerful air thnt should dwell
hero in gone. Dear reader , if you nro
lispnacd to brag on your Hteady nerve ,
ind rpgular pulsolot mo ask you lo spend
ho ni hi in a deaorted dug-out in tliu
) ' Bum of the earth 100 niiluu from food
> r water. If you do not liopo hcfuro the
osy morn that aomo border rullian will
; umo and kill you , you must bo indeed
lardened. I would rather crnwl into the
larconliugus of u total stranger than to
ipond the night in the deserted dug-out
jf my most intimate friend.
Ono of the Boat and largout Stocks in tlio United States
to select from.
Where They Can Enjoy Pure Air & Water !
And nil of tlio good nmi plcasaiii things thatEgo to make up a com.
plelo mid happy existence.
The town o South Omnhn i > tiuinted south of tlio city of Omaha
on the line o the U. P. Railway , nud it is less thnu Si miles froiii the
Onnihn post oflico to the north line c i the towu. site.
South Omnhn is nearly li miles north and' ' south by 2i east and
west , mid covers nn nre.i of nearly four sqnnro miles ,
The stock yards arc at the oxtreiuo southern limit.
Nearly R 50 lots have been sold ftnd the demand is on the increase
The yards are being rapidly pushed to completion.
The 500,000 beef packing house is progressing finely.
The ? ! 50,000 Water Works are finished and furnish an abundant
supply of
The 13. & M. and Bolt Line Railways have a largo foroe of men at
work and will , in connection with thoU. P. Railway , have a union depo1
near the nark at the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will ba
furnished for Church and School purposes.
Now is the time to buy lots in this growing city. They will never
bo cheaper than they are to-day.
357"'Apply at the Company's office , at the Union Stocks Yards.
Assistant Secretary ,
UANI/7AOTUKKK Or OP 31111011.7
IMS n < IlD20jniayHtr / < ! oJ nOJ < * .
i OI lciarfimi'jbe.nic < > uron Dpllc oii
A. L. STRANJ ( & CO. ,
Double and Single Acting Power ana Hand
Kngino Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , HOBO , Brans and Iron Fittings ,
at wholesale and retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHDROH
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
Nos. ai7anil21JS. ) Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS
The Steok is a Durable Piano ,
A victim ol uarly imprudence , cr.r.piiitf nervous
iU'jUlt ; , iiivinatura tlutay. elu. . having JnoJ In
( Inevory known rumixly. fiw UloiuTvroil a ( luipla
nran * ol iwir-oure , ulilcli lie will nusil JfllliK t < J
I u'tl < . " ! ' I '
i 7iU.t"-lv'ui ) & 'ttitre Et. ,
Erlanger , liavariQ ,
Calmbucher , . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bavaria.
Pilouor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bohemian.
Ikuisov Ck .Brrmoii.
Dndweisur St , Louis.
A-iihtmsor St. Louis.
Best o Milwaukee.
Schlifcz-Pilunor Milwaukee.
Ivrue'u Omnbn.
Ale , Porter , Domestic and Kliino
Wiue. ED. MAUKBR ,
l ia Famain St.
Blaln&aionroofitii. , ( JJilcn. "
Wlll > n-ljouthelr
lor 1 w I , U 11W"1"W " ' " > ! ?
onuilruuienUBulu , tt | h l lu
il'oinponi , ' | > ul u , ( .ip-l'nil * . .
KUulJ. Prnra H w" , M m o.t
| | , u , Suu.liU.aa OulllU
li. Uo I